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The Scheduling, Costing and Importance of Metallurgical

Testwork Programs in Process Plant Feasibility Studies

W Anderson1

ABSTRACT resource estimation. During the geological drilling program the

core should be stored and extracted for metallurgical purposes,
The metallurgical testwork program is generally the most important
critical path item for the completion of a bankable feasibility study and which reduces costs and time. Diamond drill core, of which there
hence can become the critical parameter for financing of potential mining are numerous types, is the preferred material for geological
projects. This paper presents generic detailed testwork programs suitable interpretation and metallurgical testing. Generally there are five
for bankable feasibility studies for a gold leaching and polymetallic main sizes of diamond core used for BFS as described below:
flotation study. The design of the metallurgical testwork program for • AQ core which is 25 mm - with total costs (including labour,
each of the two differing processes is discussed and the critical factors
consumables, capping of hole, environmental requirements)
that effect the selection of the testwork programs are highlighted. The
importance of the metallurgical testwork results in predicting the metal of approximately $80 – 120/metre;
recoveries and cash flow prediction for the project is presented. The • BQ core which is 36.5 mm - with total costs similar to the
detail of the testwork programs costing is broken into activity based AQ core;
methods based on the laboratory and management hours/costs, such that • NQ core which is 48 mm - with total costs (including labour,
generic rule of thumb costing guidelines can be generated. The
scheduling, costing and importance of the metallurgical testwork
consumables, capping of hole, environmental requirements)
program to process feasibility studies are discussed in this paper. of approximately $110 – 150/metre;
• HQ core which is 64 mm – with total costs (including labour,
INTRODUCTION consumables, capping of hole, environmental requirements)
of approximately $130 – 180/metre; and
Generally before a bankable feasibility study (BFS) commences • PQ core which is 85 mm – with total costs (including labour,
there is some preliminary metallurgical information available consumables, capping of hole, environmental requirements)
that provides guidance to the ore mineralogy, process treatment of approximately $160 – 300/metre.
routes and the direction for future testwork. A metallurgical The maximum costs for each diamond core can be much
testwork program for a BFS is normally developed from the higher than indicated here for difficult terrain and conditions.
recommendations and conclusions of the preliminary testwork The drilling costs per meter are average costs quoted in
investigations. 2000-dollar terms.
The metallurgical testwork associated with the BFS represents Reverse Circulation drilling can be used for sighter tests at the
one of the most important phases of the overall project beginning of the project. For a feasibility study, the standard size
development. Three of the important objectives of the feasibility
of diamond core required for an accuracy of ±10 per cent, is
metallurgical testwork program are to:
generally NQ to PQ core. For comminution testwork such as
• develop the optimum process economics through the SAG/AG milling, the minimum requirement is PQ core, however
optimum revenue generation based on capital and operating for all other testwork HQ and finer core is adequate. In most
costs; feasibility studies NQ is preferred if PQ core is not required.
• reduce the technical risks to the project; and The time taken for the drilling program and extraction of core
• keep the investors interested. can vary depending on the size of the orebody, diamond core size
Planning the metallurgical testwork program requires careful required, geological team and previous information. For example
consideration to providing bankable standard data and should on a recent site the extraction and compositing of PQ core
provide the necessary data for the generation of reliable process samples for a pilot plant run and SAG/AG comminution testwork
and environmental design criteria. took approximately six weeks for completion (excluding the
mobilisation of the drill team). This is broken down into the
WITH THE BFS • mobilisation of the drill team on site can be anywhere from
three to eight weeks, depending on the location, drill and
The allocated time schedule and sequence of events of the team availability within Australia. This includes setting up of
metallurgical testwork are often underestimated during the temporary messing and accommodation facilities;
preliminary execution plan of a BFS, specifically to sample
• drilling – six to 12 days (with an experienced crew and rig
extraction and environmental testwork. The metallurgical
mobilised on-site);
testwork program is often the critical path to producing the BFS
and needs to be managed correctly. The following lists the • geological mapping – one day;
sequence of events and the expected timing for each phase of the • core splitting, logged and bagged - two days;
program: • freight to testwork facility and unloading – domestically one
week; and
Sample collection • compositing at testwork facility – five to eight days.
The geological drilling and definition of the orebody, is expected In some cases more material is extracted than just core, such as
to be completed to the JORC standard for measured mineral a bulk sample for pilot plant testing, which can be at the site or at
a proposed testing facility. Bulk samples require either trenching
or accessing the underground resource and can be expensive and
1. MAusIMM, Ausenco Limited, 24 Morley Street, Toowong Qld time consuming (anywhere from six to 12 months). The use of
4066. bulk sampling is required due to a number of factors:

MINPREX 2000 Melbourne, Vic, 11 - 13 September 2000 79


• the mineralisation could be disseminated and a drilling Gold BFS

program would not accurately predict the metallurgical
performance; • for 1.5 Mtpa plant, life of eight years, allow 20 to 24 weeks;
• in some cases the ore is easily accessible and the sample can • sample collection six weeks;
be easily extracted. In some circumstances it may be cheaper • sample preparation two weeks;
than a drilling program; and • variable/economic grinding size/leach testwork three to six
• if an on-site pilot plant is required due to a new process weeks;
treatment route that is required, a bulk sample is required for • SAG Amenability Testwork;
feeding the plant. - sample preparation of ore and waste one to two weeks;
- testwork, eg Advance Media Competency (AMC) up to
Metallurgical testwork program schedule four to six weeks;
The process design criteria and mass balances form the basis of • bulk testwork for leach, carbon adsorption four weeks;
the engineering design of the process plant. The process design • tailings characterisation for tailings dam four weeks; and
criteria and mass balances are based on the metallurgical
• tailings characterisation for environmental kinetic three to
testwork. Hence the metallurgical testwork is normally the
five months.
critical path for a BFS.
For a 1 to 1.5 Mtpa gold/flotation plant with a seven to ten
Flotation BFS
year life, the draft bankable feasibility study report would be
completed within six to eight months. A general estimate of the • for 1.5 Mtpa plant, life of eight years, allow 21 to 26 weeks;
time it takes to complete a feasibility study can be estimated • sample collection six weeks;
from the scheduled time of the metallurgical testwork. The draft • sample preparation two weeks;
BFS report is generally completed within six to eight weeks after
• mineralogy three weeks;
the metallurgical testwork results are completed. The final BFS
report is then completed within two to three weeks after the draft • variable/economic grinding size/ flotation testwork,
report has been issued. The reason why the BFS schedule is including locked cycle eight to 12 weeks;
dependent on the metallurgical testwork results, is that the • pilot plant run for bulk tails and concentrate three weeks of
information from the metallurgical testwork program needs to be approximately 150 to 300 kg/h for 12 hours;
included into the design criteria. The design criteria forms the • SAG Amenability Testwork;
basis by which the equipment for the plant is selected. The BFS - sample preparation of ore and waste one to two weeks;
schedule is then driven by the capital estimate, which is - testwork, eg Advance Media Competency (AMC) up to
generated from enquiries sent out to vendors and the site layout four to six weeks;
and elevation drawings. The procedure of the capital estimate, • tailings characterisation for tailings dam four weeks;
including the site layout drawings, takes between four to eight
weeks. • tailings characterisation for environmental kinetic three to
five months; and
The design criteria can be concurrently developed with the
testwork and hence minimise the BFS schedule. However,
• concentrate filtration and thickening testwork two to three
completing a preliminary design criteria without testwork can
lead to overruns in engineering costs. The grinding testwork data An example of a typical gold metallurgical schedule for an
is generally completed at the beginning of the metallurgical uncomplicated orebody with two ore types, a laterite and an
testwork program, hence the crushing and grinding circuit can be oxide type, is shown in Appendix 2.
developed as the data becomes available. The site layout of the The important drivers to the metallurgical testwork schedule
crushing and grinding can also be completed, which are and hence the BFS are:
generally 30 to 40 per cent of the drafting required for a simple
gold/flotation plant of 1 Mtpa. By managing the study Gold BFS
appropriately, the impact of the metallurgical testwork program
• sample collection;
on the BFS schedule can be reduced.
• initial tests for size/leach flowsheet optimisation; and
Where a gold/flotation plant has further complexities with ore
treatment or final product handling, these expected dates could • tailings bulk sample for thickening, tailings dam and
be doubled. The timing also depends on the amount and degree environmental testwork.
of complexity of the number of process options that have to be
evaluated. Flotation BFS
A typical BFS schedule is shown in Appendix 1. The schedule • sample collection;
shows the starting point of the process plant engineering as the • head mineralogy/assay;
preliminary metallurgical testwork results. • initial tests for size/circuit flowsheet optimisation;
In completing a BFS there are a number of functional areas • concentrate bulk sample for filtration/thickening testwork;
that are also addressed by specialised subconsultants such as and
geology, mining, site geotechnical, mining and surface
hydrology, infrastructure, financial, legal/regulatory, marketing,
• tailings bulk sample for thickening, tailings dam and
environmental testwork.
tailings and environmental. Most of these subconsultants would
have started, by up to two months, their respective sections of the There are a number of management actions that can be used to
feasibility study prior to the expected finish time of the reduce the metallurgical testwork program and increase the
metallurgical testwork program. In some cases some of the accuracy of the BFS. Three of these actions are presented below:
subconsultants could have their respective sections 70 per cent • The compositing of the metallurgical sample should be
complete, before the metallurgical testwork progam is finished. collated in close liaison with the geological, mining and
metallurgical consultants so that the sample represents the
The following testwork schedules are typical estimates based
mine production schedule, including the percentage of waste
on the specified tonnages:

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material. The status of the mine production schedule is very • Waste and dilution from mining
important. Using a preliminary mine plan that is likely to The inclusion of an appropriate percentage of dilution
change, as a basis for the composite sample preparation can material is important to the development of the physical and
lead to poor correlations between the mine and metallurgical chemical testwork program. Particular types of waste
testwork head grades or ore, which can reduce the accuracy material can have deleterious effects on the metallurgical
of the BFS. response of ore types, for example the content of a graphitic
• Use of specialised consultants for some sections of the component in a gold or flotation plant. The inclusion of
testwork program, eg filtration and thickening. waste should be representative of the mining plan, eg if the
• Factorial designed metallurgical testwork can significantly physical testwork is carried out on 30 per cent dilution, yet
reduce the timing of metallurgical testwork programs due to the mining plan has only 15 per cent dilution, then the
a number of factors: testwork can lead to an oversized comminution circuit.
- reduce the amount of sample required per test; Alternatively the inclusion of waste into the program can
indicate that from particular ore zones no more than X per
- reduce the amount of time per test; cent of the hanging or footwall can be delivered to the
- statistically verify a circuit or reagent regime with a process plant. This can then set key performance indicators
higher level of confidence; and for the project design for the mine as well as the process
- simple to set up. plant.
The level of detail required for the metallurgical testwork The selection of the amount of waste/ore ratio that should be
program governs the BFS. Generally the data presented above is included in the sizing of the comminution circuit must be
a good starting point for considering deadlines for the BFS and carefully scrutinised. Grinding circuits are generally the
important points to consider with the schedule of the highest power user and the highest capital cost item of the
metallurgical testwork program. plant. In using a too high or low number for the waste/ore
ratio in sizing the grinding circuit can result in either an
oversized or undersized grinding circuit.
• Composite samples should represent the orebody as mined.
The number of composite samples selected should be based
Planning of a metallurgical testwork program requires careful on the number of different ore types and aim to represent the
consideration of a number of factors to ensure that the data mining production schedule. One of the important outcomes
produced meets that required for a BFS. The metallurgical from the metallurgical testwork program is the predicted
testwork should also generate sufficient information for the cash flow forecast based on the mining production schedule.
optimisation of the process economics and reliable data to be Hence the metallurgical testwork must represent the expected
used in the process plant design. ore feed grades from the mining schedule for an accurate
The initial plan for the testwork will be most likely based on performance prediction of the metal grade and tonnage
the previous testwork. The following are points that should also produced. Different ore types affect the cash flow generated
be raised at this stage: from the project due to the metal tonnes produced and the
• what other orebodies of this type are globally mined? operating costs. Hence if different ore types react quite
differently and are mined in different periods, the effect of
• what is the process used for extraction? this must be included in the financial model.
• who are the experts in this field? The composite samples should represent the orebody as
• can operations with similar process unit operations and ore relevant treatment periods, including any deleterious material
types be contacted to understand their experiences? that will be expected during the production period.
In developing the metallurgical testwork program the • Testwork schedule in reference to the BFS requirement
following should be considered: There are a number of key milestones that need to be met to
• Geological and mineralogical features of the orebody. finish the BFS on time. This becomes very important if a
The mineralogical assessment of the orebody is an important presentation to the decision-makers is required at a set date
initial phase and money invested correctly initially can and the BFS schedule is aimed at this date. This sets the
significantly improve the process economics of the orebody. focus on the testwork program output and can define the
This is especially the case for flotation studies and the use of project success.
diagnostic leaching for gold. There are cases where the same • Selection of an appropriate laboratory facility
orebody has been proven uneconomical for some companies There are a number of laboratory facilities with differing
and proven economical by others due to the mineralogical capabilities and this can be important in optimising the
information. This includes the assessment of the different ore testwork program data. The criteria for laboratory selection
types, grain size of valuable mineral, association of valuable should involve some of the following; delivery of reports, the
mineral to contaminants and liberation characteristics. The quality control practices in use, experience with similar types
mineralogical program should be compiled to highlight of material, examples of testwork programs being completed
differing ore types and be combined with the geological on schedule and budget, how often does the company review
structure of the ore horizon. testwork or brain storm ideas throughout a program. A
The geological structures can provide hints to the behaviour laboratory can be effective with a gold testwork program but
of the ore types. For example a drilling program may find not so with flotation.
that the ore was competent to drill in some sections and drill • Consideration for tailings disposal
bits were worn frequently, giving an indication to the
hardness/abrasiveness of certain ore zones. Major faults can This is an area that needs special consideration, depending
provide the basis for differing ore types and certain on the location of the project and the environmental
geological zones can contain excessive states of oxidation, considerations. The timing of this type of testwork is also an
which highlights mine to mill planning issues during ore important factor due to the length of time required for the
extraction. This can lead to a specific metallurgical testwork environmental and backfill testwork, if required. For an
program that confirms these preliminary inferences. underground operation the advantage of storing tailings
underground can be very attractive and can improve the

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mining production schedule and environmental factors. The • a record of which samples were in each drum was displayed
testwork required for the potential of the sulphide flotation on the side of each drum.
tailings to be acid producing and the detoxification of a These samples arrived at the metallurgical laboratory with no
cyanide gold tail is very important and needs special oxidation evident.
The tailings treatment can add significant costs to the project, Detail of the metallurgical testwork program
depending on the size, storage requirement, type of tailings
and environmental considerations and hence is an important Common to both gold and flotation testwork programs are the
section of any BFS metallurgical program. The curing times following:
for the backfill strength determination can be in the order of • size by size head assaying and mineralogical or diagnostic
30 to 60 days and this then becomes a critical path item for leaching for gold on composite samples and intermediate
the testwork program. Hence if backfill testwork is required products;
then a tailings sample may need to be produced as a priority. • specific gravity determination and bulk density of the
composites; and
Example of a composite sample preparation • physical testwork.
On a recent feasibility study, before commencing composite Following the initial leach/float tests the final grind size is
sample preparation, all the drill hole intercepts from the drilling determined and from this the Bond Ball Mill Work Indices
program were listed and those for which samples were available (BBMWI) can be determined for the various composites. In
for metallurgical testwork identified. The available intercepts conjunction with the leach tests other grinding testwork can
were then reviewed to assess whether they would fall within a be started. If SAG milling is to be part of the treatment route
mineable zone. This was done in conjunction with the consultant than the SAG Mill determination could be carried out, such
mining engineers. as the JKTECH Drop Weight Test or Advance Media
Competency Test (AMC). If no SAG milling testwork is to
To meet the mineable criteria an intercept had to: be completed then Impact Crushing Work Indices,
• include a minimum of 0.5 m hanging wall waste and 0.5 m of Unconfined Compression Tests (UCS) and Bond Rod Mill
foot wall waste to allow for mining dilution; Work Indices (BRMWI) should be determined. For the UCS
• have a minimum mining width of 4 m, if necessary by the data it is the type of breakage, axial or cleavage that is
inclusion of more hanging wall and foot wall dilution; important, as well as the number generated. Abrasion Indices
• after inclusion of the above dilution, exceed a cut-off grade (AI) do provide a guide to the type of material, however the
of one per cent Cu; and method of AI determination results in a wide variation of
• fall within an area that would be mined. results.
Each 1 m interval was assayed for copper and sulphur and then • Scoping tests based on previous results.
composite samples of each drill hole were made up from the 1m It is generally a good idea to reproduce the previous test
intervals and included the required percentages of the hanging results such that a statistical base line can be developed and
wall and footwall dilution. subsequently use this for the optimisation tests.
• Optimisation testwork and grade/recovery.
Sample handling - use of factorial design; and
Delivering the sample in the best condition to the laboratory - reagent screening – completed to a level of detail that
reduces the risks and optimises the project economics.
facility requires a number of controlling factors:
• the need for a well defined procedure for sample collection, • Tailings testwork.
bagging and delivery to the laboratory; - backfill testwork, tailings dam and environmental tests
can all take considerable time and hence the schedule
• a disciplined field team that understands the importance of
should highlight these as key milestones.
sample preservation and procedure;
For a typical Gold BFS the following tests are carried out:
• minimising the amount of times the sample is handled; and
• minimising the movement of the sample in and out of a • Leach tests on variable grind size, cyanide or alternative
extraction levels, leach times.
The storage and transportation of the core is very important
- economic evaluation of the optimum grind size;
when dealing with sulphidic ores that are subject to oxidation. - determines what the grind size for BBMWI
Not only does the metallurgical testwork program aim to determination should be;
measure the oxidative effect but the program also requires fresh - can compare resin vs carbon;
unoxidised sample. A recent procedure below was used - predict the leaching kinetic behaviour of the ore for plant
successfully on a highly oxidative ore: predictions; and
• PQ core extraction and frozen at approximately minus19°C; - determine level of, for example, kerosene required.
• removed from the freezer; • Leach tests with variable degrees of dissolved oxygen levels.
• geological logged; - determine if supplied oxygen is a requirement.
• samples were then cut for metallurgical testwork; • Diagnostic leaching to determine gold deportment with size
• each cut metallurgical sample was wrapped in a foil bag, by size analysis.
which was purged with nitrogen and then wrapped in cloth. • Rheology of slurry.
A nametag describing each sample was placed inside the The rheology of the slurry is important in the design of the
cloth bag. layout of the leach tanks due to head losses. The maximum
• the cloth bag was then placed in a drum, and a document feed density can often be set by the slurry rheology and
placed on top of all the samples in the drum describing what hence can have a tremendous impact on the volume of cells
was in the drum; required. The slurry rheology is also a critical parameter for
• the drum was then purged with nitrogen and sealed; and the design of mixers and interstage screens.

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• Carbon adsorption kinetics. - the final per cent moisture is important in determining
Determine the amount of carbon per leach tank that is concentrate transport operating costs and self-heating
required to produce a targeted final solution gold and/or properties.
silver grade. • Bulk density of filtered concentrate.
Loading of the precious metal onto carbon determines the This information is used for the sizing of the concentrate
size of the desorption circuit and the rate of change that this storage area, which can be a significant cost in some cases.
occurs is an important design number. In most studies benchmark numbers are used.
• Carry out cyanide detoxification testwork on tailings. • Regrind of intermediate concentrates.
- Determine the amount of reagents and retention time - fine grinding testwork can require up to 20 kg of sample
required to reduce the total cyanide to the accepted level. for a BFS standard and hence a pilot plant is required.
• Residence Time Distribution techniques • Full suite of assays for concentrate analysis.
Aids in determining the retention time required in the leach Normally an ICP analysis is completed for marketing and
system and combined with the leach kinetic data can aid in evaluating the impact the penalty elements and/or minor
predicting plant behaviour and thus improve the level of payable elements on the sale of concentrate. An accurate
confidence of the BFS. picture of the concentrate metal and gangue content is useful
For a typical flotation BFS the following tests are carried out: as base line assays.
• Mineralogical examination of the selected composites • Use of site and aged water tests.
This is an important phase that can determine the The determining of the likely effect of recycling process
dissemination of minerals and classification of the various water is very important to deciding on maximum or
ore types. For larger corporations with a technical base, the minimum water recovery. Recycling of water from tailings
mineralogical information can be compared with an internal and concentrate thickeners can be very important for some
database, which can be very valuable to understanding the operations. If water cannot be recycled or requires alternative
ore treatment options. The information is helpful in treatment before being used, this can add a significant cost to
understanding the association of the valuable mineral with the process design.
penalty elements and defining these zones within the • Aged ore tests
Determine the expected oxidation rate of the ore, which can
• Factorial design to select optimum conditions produce a guide to the type of reagent regime required, if
- only requires 500 grams per test and produces results for pre-aeration is required and what the live crushed ore
reagent screening, pH conditions and grind size stockpile retention times should be. In some cases the size of
determination in a timely manner. the ore feed can be defined as a way of trying to reduce the
• Batch flotation tests on the selected flowsheets. oxidation rate. A highly reactive ore, that is relatively soft,
The flowsheet selection is based on the grade/recovery would be best left as coarse as possible until it was ready for
required to achieve a targeted NSR value for the project. For processing.
example a 55 per cent Zn grade @ 80 per cent recovery may
be good enough but by adding a regrind and cleaning a COSTS OF METALLURGICAL TESTWORK
higher recovery can be achieved, however the cost of the
extra installation must be considered. Sometime achieving
the highest recovery may be at the detriment of grade and The metallurgical testwork program costs are dependent on the
actually result in lower cash flows due to higher treatment type and number of tests and the required consultants time. The
and refinery charges. The opposite can occur, when the costs, exclusive of GST inclusive of sample preparation, for
highest recovery may be lower cash value of the valuable typical metallurgical testwork are presented in Table 1.
mineral, but higher precious metal recovery and result in Supervision of the testwork program by the metallurgical
higher cash flows. consultant requires about 24 to 32 hours per week for a BFS of 1
• Lock cycle tests on the selected flowsheet option. to 1.5 Mtpa. In addition, the engineer would also be required on
Correctly balanced locked cycle tests, based on density and a full time basis at beginning of the program for two weeks and
mass flow, can correlate well to the full production plant and towards the end for two weeks.
produces a guide to the type of recirculating loads expected. For a simple gold or flotation orebody (1 to 1.5 Mtpa) where
The densities in the cycle tests should aim to mimic those the testwork requirement is standard, with four composites and a
expected in the plant, sometimes this is difficult due to the bulk composite, the testwork expenditure can be of the order of
low mass recovery and maintaining balances. $A 160 000 to $A 180 000. Some simple gold or flotation
• Specific gravity of concentrate and tails samples. testwork programs can be of the order of $A 40 000 to
• Size by size data of concentrate and tailings sample. $A 70 000 for smaller orebodies or where the study may be an
The size-by-size analysis by assay, provides an invaluable expansion of an existing facility.
guide to the valuable mineral and gangue deportment which For a complex gold orebody (1 to 1.5 Mtpa) where the
can lead to the selection of reagents, determining the testwork requirement includes various process option
optimum grind size and flowsheet. assessments, such as gravity, flotation, bioleaching, pressure
• Concentrate/tailing filtration and thickening testwork. oxidation on four composites the testwork expenditure can vary
- this generally requires a pilot plant to generate enough from $A 180 000 for gravity/flotation option, up to $A 350 000
sample for concentrate testing. In some cases it could be for pressure oxidation.
cheaper to run a pilot plant to generate the quantity of For a complex flotation orebody (1 to 1.5 Mtpa) where the
sample required than from batch tests; testwork requirement includes various process option
- in some cases the concentrate sample is required for assessments, such as fine grinding on four composites the
potential buyers to test and analyse; testwork expenditure can vary from $A200 000 to $A300 000.
- the Transportable Moisture Limit needs to be determined The detail of the costs for completion of one composite for a
during this testwork and then either pressure or vacuum flotation and gold metallurgical testwork program are shown in
filtration should be decided upon; and Appendix 3. To use these numbers for the prediction of a

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• The project financing arrangement can also determine the

level of testwork required. If a high level of debt will be used
TABLE 1 to fund the project then lowering the risk may be a priority to
Summary of metallurgical costs per test. the financier and hence a higher testwork program to reduce
Test Cost per test ($A) assumptions. If the company is financing the project or
Advanced Media Competency Test 5400 expansion from existing cash flows and there is a technical
familiarity of ore treatment, then the testwork requirement
JKTECH Drop Weight Test 4500
may be reduced.
Autogenous Media Competency Test 650- 750
• The complexity of a mineralogical orebody can have a
UCS 590 number of ore types and gangue mineralisation that are
Impact Crushing Work Index 400 - 500 difficult to treat. These different ore types may require
Abrasion Index 200 - 250
different treatment routes or blending requirement and thus
more testwork is required to test these blends or treatment
BRMWI 1000 - 1200 routes.
BBMWI 1000 - 1200
Specific Gravity 25 CONCLUSION
Thickening 750 - 1000 The purpose of carrying out a metallurgical testwork program on
Pressure Filtration 800 - 1200 an orebody is to develop the process treatment route that
Vacuum Leaf Filtration test 300 - 500 provides the owners with the optimum economic return and to
develop a process that manages the technical risks.
Single CIL leach test, including assays for Au 380 - 450
and Ag in solution, carbon and residue The timing of the testwork program and the influence on the
BFS schedule is important in meeting the dates set by the
Gravity Test 310 - 400 decision-makers for the financing of the project. The setting of
Rougher Flotation Test, includes four assays 450 - 550 key timing milestones for certain testwork is required to ensure
Single Cleaner Test, includes four assays 500 - 600 that the BFS deadline to be met. The BFS schedule can be
determined from the extent of the metallurgical schedule, which
Pilot Plant Run, single run including assays 30 000 - 50 000
provides a relative time baseline for the length of the BFS
based on 100 - 300 kg/h for a 12 hour run
required. For a standard gold BFS, the expected time of the
Full ICP analysis of Concentrate 150 - 250 metallurgical schedule is in the region of 20 to 24 weeks, hence
the BFS completion would be of the order of 27 to 32 weeks. For
a standard flotation BFS, the expected time of the metallurgical
schedule is in the region of 21 to 26 weeks, hence the BFS would
be of the order of 30 to 35 weeks. The standard gold and
metallurgical testwork program, simply multiply the number of flotation BFS is based on a 1 to 2 Mtpa project over a seven to
composites required for testing. These costs are actual costs from ten year life.
recent studies and reflect recent prices exclusive of GST. The data produced from the metallurgical testwork for a
Some further factors that determine the level of testwork bankable feasibility study must meet the accuracy requirements
required and hence the costs are: for the plant design, which is generally within a level of
• The corporate company policy on risk management for confidence of ±10 per cent. The following points summarise the
projects can determine the level of testwork. If the company important points raised in this paper that will ensure that accurate
is conservative and aims to reduce risk then the metallurgical data from the metallurgical testwork is produced:
program will most likely be more detailed and hence higher • ensure that the sample collection method and delivery to the
costs. If however the company is prepared to take calculated test facility is appropriate for the orebody;
risks then the costs will be reduced. • ensure that the metallurgical composite samples correlate to
• The size of the company and the funding available to carry the mine production plan head grades and ore types;
out a BFS, influences the extent of the testwork program. A • ensure an appropriate amount of dilution material is included
small junior exploration company would be prepared to carry with the composites; and
out less testwork and rely on ‘rule of thumb’ numbers for the
process design when compared to a major. • ensure that the experimental plan is developed with the aim
of using the data for the development of a process design
• Previous experience with this type of ore or treatment route. criteria.
Hence if the process is relatively new or parts of the
equipment are new then further testing may be required to The cost of the metallurgical testwork program is influenced
increase the level of confidence in selecting the flowsheet by a number of key factors, which are either set by the client or
by the process treatment route required. By applying some of the
and equipment sizes.
key points raised in this paper there are ways that the costing to
• Determine if PQ core is required, how many PQ holes, the the metallurgical testwork program can be reduced. Some of the
depth required and the optimum positions. In any core average cost for carrying out the metallurgical testwork and
extraction, the dilution or waste material that would be detail of the costing for certain types of testwork are presented
expected in the mining phase needs to be included, eg typical and these can be used as guidelines for estimating testwork. As a
underground base metal mining can range from 12 per cent general rule, multiplying the number of tests by $A500 to $A600
to 25 per cent dilution. provides an approximate estimate of the cost of the metallurgical
testwork program.

84 Melbourne, Vic, 11 - 13 September 2000 MINPREX 2000


Metallurgical schedule and BFS schedule.

MINPREX 2000 Melbourne, Vic, 11 - 13 September 2000 85


Detailed metallurgical schedule for a gold BFS.

86 Melbourne, Vic, 11 - 13 September 2000 MINPREX 2000


Detailed costs for a gold and flotation testwork program.

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Detailed costs for a gold and flotation testwork program.

88 Melbourne, Vic, 11 - 13 September 2000 MINPREX 2000


Detailed costs for a gold and flotation testwork program.

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