Week 5
Week 5
Week 5
B. Instructional Materials Supplementary Learning Supplementary Learning Supplementary Learning Supplementary Learning
used in class Materials: Materials: Materials: Materials:
Science 10 Learner’s Science 10 Learner’s Science 10 Learner’s Science 10 Learner’s
Manual Manual Manual Manual
Science 10 PIVOT Science 10 PIVOT Science 10 PIVOT Science 10 PIVOT
Learner’s Material Learner’s Material Learner’s Material Learner’s Material
Youtube Video Youtube Video Youtube Video
https://www.youtube.com/ https://www.youtube.com/ https://
watch?v=cfXzwh3KadE watch?v=EuKzI3g5ra4 www.youtube.com/watch?
B. Other Learning Resources Activity Sheets Activity Sheets Activity Sheets Performance Task
Powerpoint Powerpoint Marker sheets
Presentation Presentation Manila Paper Summative test
Marker Marker Copies of related questionnaire
studies about EMR Zipgrade answer sheet
Art materials
Tell whether the following Given the benefits and Students will portray a picture
statement is a fact or a myth. possible risks of EM radiation showing the application of EM
to living things and waves as well as tips on
1. Kaya nasakit ang ulo mo environment, take your reducing its harmful effects.
dahil sa kakacellphone stand and decide whether
mo! EM waves and radiation are Guide Question:
2. Kapag nalaglag ang good or bad for you. Explain 1. Which of our daily
The two atomic bombs kutsara/tinidor, may your insights activities exposed us
dropped on Japan in 1945 darating na bisita. to electromagnetic
killed and maimed hundreds 3. Huwag, magbilad sa araw radiation?
of thousands of people, and ng matagal, magkakaskin
their effects are still being felt cancer ka!
today. 4. Huwag tumingin ng Integration across other
direkta sa araw, learning area:
Long Term Effects: mabubulag ka. Use the appropriate oral
It takes around 10 seconds for 5. Huwag mong itabi sa language, stance and
the fireball from a nuclear pagtulog mo ang behavior when giving
explosion to reach its cellphone mo, mababaliw information,
maximum size, but the effects ka! instructions, making
last for decades and span explanations, and narrating
across generations. events in factual and
Guide Questions: personal recounts
Five to six years after the 1. Some beliefs actually EN7OL-II-g-2.6.2
bombings, the incidence of have scientific basis.
leukemia increased noticeably What are the scientific
among survivors. bases of the
statements given
After about a decade, above? Explain briefly.
survivors began suffering from 2. The following are
thyroid, breast, lung and other simple reminders our
cancers at higher than normal parents tell us. Will
rates. you follow these
rules? Why or why
Guide Question: not?
1. How can radiation from
nuclear/atomic bombing
affect people from Japan?
Integration across other
2. Why it’s is still being felt learning area:
decades after the Nakasusunod sa utos ng
bombing? magulang at nakatatanda.
EsP1PPP-IIId-e – 3
C. Presenting Video presentation to Video presentation to Video presentation to Video Presentation introduce
examples/instances of the introduce the new lesson: introduce the new lesson: introduce the new lesson: the new lesson:
new lesson (5 minutes) (5 minutes) (5 minutes) DepEd TV - Official
The Electromagnetic Spectrum Biological Effects of Radiation How do radio frequency ETULay - Week 6 - Science -
Around Us radiation and Grade 10 – PIVOT Module
https://www.youtube.com/ https://www.youtube.com/ electromagnetic fields affect
watch?v=cfXzwh3KadE watch?v=EuKzI3g5ra4 human beings?
www.youtube.com/watch? Guide Questions:
v=SLK3iAV-3eQ 1. Why are X-ray not
good for pregnant
Question: women?
1. Why do we need to 2. Is it safe to take X-ray
learn the effects of very frequently? Why
EM radiation to or why not?
living things and 3. Why is gamma rays
environment? considered as
2. What do you think biologically
will happen to a hazardous?
person who has
prolong and too
much exposure to
EM radiation?
D. Discussing new concepts Learning Task 1: Group Task Learning Task Performance Task 3
and practicing new skills #1 (10 minutes) (10 minutes) (20 minutes) (30 minutes)
Frayer Model about Radiation Task 1: Compare and Contrast Reading Related Studies on
Ionizing and Non-ionizing Electromagnetic Radiation They will develop a campaign
Radiation material showcasing the clear
Students will be given a copy information about the effects
Radiation Ionizing Non- of an article about the of ionizing and non-ionizing
effects and hazards of EMR. radiation.
F. Developing mastery Presentation of Outputs Presentation of Outputs Presentation of Outputs Presentation of Outputs
(Leads to Formative (10minutes) (10minutes) (10minutes) (10minutes)
Assessment 3) Each group will present their Each group will present their Each group will present their Selected students will present
output on electromagnetic output on electromagnetic output on electromagnetic their campaign material in
radiation radiation radiation class.
Criteria: Criteria: 1. Process Skills – 3pts
1. Process Skills – 3pts 1. Process Skills – 3pts 2. Time Management – 3pts
2. Time Management – 3pts 2. Time Management – 3pts 3. Cooperation – 3pts
3. Cooperation – 3pts 3. Cooperation – 3pts 4. Neatness, Orderliness and
4. Neatness, Orderliness and 4. Neatness, Orderliness and Behavior – 3 pts
Behavior – 3 pts Behavior – 3 pts Total: 12pts
Total: 12pts Total: 12pts
G. Finding practical Practical Application Practical Application Practical Application Practical Application
applications of concepts and (5minutes) (5minutes) (5minutes) (5minutes)
skills in daily living Electromagnetic Radiation in What can we do? Radiation Around Us Radiation Around Us
our Life Place an “✗” on the column Place an “✗” on the column
Write some tips on how we that suits you. This short that suits you. This short
Everyday, we are using
can reduce our exposure to survey to assess how well survey to assess how well you
mobiles phones for
electromagnetic radiation. you are able to protect are able to protect yourself
communication, education,
yourself from radiation from radiation exposure
and entertainment. What do
you think are the kind of
electromagnetic radiation do
our mobile devices are
emitting? How can it affect us?
I. Evaluating learning Formative Assessment Formative Assessment Formative Assessment Summative Test:
(5 minutes) (5 minutes) (5 minutes) (10 minutes)
1. A person exposed in a 1. Ionizing radiation is a form 1. When ionizing radiation 1. Ionizing radiation is a form
certain dose of radiation of energy that acts by interacts with cells, it of energy that acts by
can experience a lot of removing electrons from can cause damage to the removing electrons from
effects. When a body atoms and molecules of cells and genetic atoms and molecules of
tissue cell is damaged by materials that include air, material. Which of the materials that include air,
radiation: water, and living tissue. following is NOT a water, and living tissue.
a. The cell may develop Which type of radiation potential result from a. Radio waves 0
abnormality and can has the greatest ionizing human tissue absorbing b. Ultraviolet radiation 1
produce cancer cells 3 effect? ionizing radiation? c. Xray 2
b. The cell may die. 2 a. Gamma rays 3 a. Cellular damage 3 d. Gamma Rays 3
c. Damage is caused by b. X ray 2 b. Cancer 2 2. Sunscreens protect the
knocking an electron c. Ultraviolet rays 1 c. Death 1 skin. They play an
out of the orbit of its d. Radio waves 0 d. Viral infection 0 important role in blocking
parent atom. 1 2. Explain how X-radiation EM radiation from being
d. It will be healthier 0 2. Why are high-frequency can be harmful and how absorbed by the skin. This
2. During WWII, atomic gamma rays more it can be a useful radiation damages the
bombs are commonly dangerous to humans diagnostic tool. skin and can lead to
prevalent and can cause a. Overexposure to X- sunburns and skin cancer.
than visible light?
devastation to the lives of rays can cause HIV, What type of
a. Gamma rays have a
citizens. Atomic bombs though normal levels electromagnetic waves
lower frequency range
release which kind of of X-rays can be used cause sunburns?
bone-penetrating wave in than visible light. 0 for sterilizing a. Infrared 2
abundance? b. Gamma rays have a needles. 0 b. Radiowaves 0
a. Radio 1 longer wavelength b. Overexposure to X- c. Ultraviolet 3
b. Gamma 3 range than visible rays can cause d. Visible light 1
c. None of these 0 light. 0 cancer, though in 3. Explain how X-radiation
d. Visible light 1 c. Gamma rays have limited doses X-rays can be harmful and how it
greater energy than can be used for can be a useful diagnostic
visible light for imaging internal tool.
body parts. 3 a. Overexposure to X-
penetrating matter 3
c. Overexposure to X- rays can cause HIV,
d. Gamma rays have
rays causes diabetes, though normal levels
higher frequency than though normal levels of X-rays can be used
visible light 2 of X-rays can be used for sterilizing needles
for imaging internal 0
body parts. 2 b. Overexposure to X-
d. Overexposure to X- rays can cause cancer,
rays causes cancer, though in limited
though normal levels doses X-rays can be
of X-rays can be used used for imaging
for reducing internal body parts. 3
cholesterol in the c. Overexposure to X-
blood. 1 rays causes diabetes,
though normal levels
of X-rays can be used
for imaging internal
body parts. 1
d. Overexposure to X-
rays causes cancer,
though normal levels
of X-rays can be used
for reducing
cholesterol in the
blood. 2
4. What is the difference
between ionizing and non-
ionizing radiation?
a. Non-ionizing radiation
is a naturally occurring
phenomena, and
ionizing radiation is
only created
b. Non-ionizing radiation
has enough energy to
strip electrons from
atoms, but ionizing
radiation does not. 0
c. Ionizing radiation has
enough energy to strip
electrons from atoms,
but non-ionizing does
not. 3
d. Ionizing radiation is a
naturally occurring
phenomena, and non-
ionizing radiation is
only created
artificially. 1
5. When a body tissue cell is
damaged by radiation:
a. The cell may lose its
ability to reproduce. 1
b. The cell may die. 1
c. Damage is caused by
knocking an electron
out of the orbit of its
parent atom. 2
d. All of the above 3
J. Additional activities for Bring the following materials: Bring the following materials:
application or remediation a. Marker a. Marker
b. Manila paper b. Manila paper
c. Coloring materials c. Coloring materials
d. Study and read
about ionizing and
REMARKS Day 3 is until Part F. Other Day 4 starts at Part G.
parts will be discussed the
next day.
A. No. of learners who earned 80% Balite – Balite – Balite – Balite –
in the evaluation Mayapis – Mayapis – Mayapis – Mayapis –
Balayong – Balayong – Balayong – Balayong –
Dapdap – Dapdap – Dapdap – Dapdap –
B. No. of learners who require Balite – Balite – Balite – Balite –
additional activities for Mayapis – Mayapis – Mayapis – Mayapis –
remediation Balayong – Balayong – Balayong – Balayong –
Dapdap – Dapdap – Dapdap – Dapdap –
C. Did the remedial lessons work? Balite – Balite – Balite – Balite –
No. of learners who have Mayapis – Mayapis – Mayapis – Mayapis –
caught up in the lesson Balayong – Balayong – Balayong – Balayong –
Dapdap – Dapdap – Dapdap – Dapdap –
D. No. of learners who continue to Balite – Balite – Balite – Balite –
require remediation Mayapis – Mayapis – Mayapis – Mayapis –
Balayong – Balayong – Balayong – Balayong –
Dapdap – Dapdap – Dapdap – Dapdap –
E. Which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did these
F. What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal or
supervisor can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I used/discover
which I wish to share with other