General Handling Skill Test Prompts v2 - 231010 - 131907
General Handling Skill Test Prompts v2 - 231010 - 131907
General Handling Skill Test Prompts v2 - 231010 - 131907
10b(d) Stalling – recover from a fully developed stall in clean configuration with power
Try to stall into wind if you can. In the approach to the stall, keep in balance preferably
looking at bonnet as it will yaw right when closing the throttle. Roughly pitch for 70kts
and then remove the power with carb heat on. At this point say out loud
“I am now going to mishandle”
Maintain altitude with elevator ending up with control column fully back.
When nose drops Standard Stall recovery
PITCH, (control column centrally and neutrally forward)
FULL POWER (carb heat cold)
SPEED SAFE ( well into green arc 55) Climb away to normal climb speed.
Haffenden Aviation – PPL Skills Test General Handling prompts
NB if a wing drops but nose does not significantly drop below horizon, leave it where it
is during the recovery then when speed safe roll wings level in balance for the climb
10b(f) Stalling – Incipient stall recovery in the approach configuration (full flap) Robin
20 degrees in Cessna
HELL check
Set up base leg configuration as soon as you can with minimum height loss.
i.e. Carb heat on, reduce power initially 1700, maintain altitude, white arc flaps 20, pitch
65kt and trim, then check RPM remains at least 1600 in a descent but keeping above
min 3000 altitude.
At the first sign of the stall agreed by examiner (normally the stall warner sounding)
Standard Stall recovery NB the aircraft has not stalled and does not need as much pitch
down as the fully stalled recovery
PITCH, (control column centrally and neutrally forward, relaxing the back
pressure is usually enough)
FULL POWER (carb heat cold)
SPEED SAFE? ( in green arc 55) Climb away to normal climb speed and go around,
PAUSE – check and call out – “positive ROC and safe speed” retract one flap
PAUSE – check and call out – “positive ROC and safe speed” and > 300’ retract last
Note if the nose drops significantly below the horizon with or without wing drop treat
as an incipient spin (Exercise 11b):
CLOSE the throttle
CENTRALISE control column and rudder and when rotation has stopped
LEVEL the WINGS with aileron
EASE OUT of the dive, pitch up to the climb attitude, pause till climb speed
Haffenden Aviation – PPL Skills Test General Handling prompts
10b(e) Stalling - Incipient stall recovery in turn from base to final in the intermediate
approach configuration (full flap on Robin) 20 degrees on Cessna
HELL check
Set up base leg configuration as soon as you can with minimum height loss.
i.e. Carb heat on, reduce power initially 1700, maintain altitude, white arc flaps 20, pitch
65kt and trim, then check RPM remains at least 1600 in a descent but keeping above
min 3000 altitude. Check left turn is clear and bank to approx. 10 degrees only and don’t
allow this to increase and keep in balance.
ASAP during turn say “I am now going to mishandle” and hold bank angle and
altitude with elevator.
At the first sign of the stall (stall warner) Standard Stall Recovery
PITCH, - release the back pressure but do not push forward too much
FULL POWER (carb heat cold)
STOP YAW leave wings where they are
PAUSE check Speed safe ( well into white arc 55)
Roll out to wings level with ailerons and significant right rudder to keep in
CLIMB AWAY to a go around.
PAUSE – check and call out – “positive ROC and safe speed” retract one flap
PAUSE – check and call out – “positive ROC and safe speed” and > 300’
retract last flap.
NB the aircraft has not stalled and does not need as much pitch down as the fully stalled
Haffenden Aviation – PPL Skills Test General Handling prompts
Haffenden Aviation – PPL Skills Test General Handling prompts
change tanks, fuel pump on, primer locked etc …. aiming point!
MAYDAY – x3 A/C type, position, no of souls on board, what you are going to do
aiming point!
CRASH DRILL – SAY “BRACE, BRACE, BRACE” straps secure, open doors, short final
Haffenden Aviation – PPL Skills Test General Handling prompts
12b Engine Failure after Take Off (EFATO)
SPEED – pitch best glide speed trim once and done, NB quickly set mixture
set fully rich, carb heat on,
FIELD – pick a field within 30 degrees of the nose into wind as best you can
and an aiming point. If time call a short ‘Mayday x3 engine failure’
SHUTDOWN – leave master on until short final and flaps and intercom
CRASH DRILL – SAY “BRACE, BRACE, BRACE” straps secure, open door, short
final master switch off and try to use as much flap as possible for the
landing once assured of making the aiming point. If in any doubt about
making the field leave flaps up.
During landing Roll - flaps zero, use hard cadence breaking with stick back,
if necessary, aim for softest impact point (between trees, in hedge etc) or
use full rudder and break on that side to ‘ground loop away’ from hazard.
Vacate aircraft, walk away into wind.
However, dependant on the emergency fields available you could use any
residual useful RPM to move to the next guaranteed field along route to a
safer landing area/airfield where help could be available. Juggling rpm may
find a smoother lower setting which can give some maintained energy. BUT
always assume that this can fail or suddenly surge unreliably.
Lack of any alternative fields means you must land as per your initial
emergency plan. Once guaranteed of making the aiming point make sure to
shut the engine down fully to stop unwanted power surges which could
compromise your only possible approach.
Haffenden Aviation – PPL Skills Test General Handling prompts