ECISGROUP-Quality Manual

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—— ee oy ee = —__L—> — SOLUTIONS FOR O1LRGAS, POWER AND PETROCHEMICAL INDUSTRY QUALI WIANUAVE ISSUE:-APRIL 2010 © checked copy O(non-checked copy ECISGROUP S.p.A. Administrative Headquarters: Via Pavia, 21 - 20835 Muggid (MB), Italy Tel. +39 039 2788.1 - Fax +39 039 2781353 Registered Ottice: Via Giulini, 12-22100 Como (CO), aly Companies Reg, Office of Come N* 09086260133 REA N°CO-292997 -CF. Pl 09046260133 Share Capital Euro ECISGROUP Sp.A. 2008 Allrighs are reserved. The lolol oF partial reproduction is forbidden without \waiten authorisation of ine copyright owner. MQ Rev.“3” "QUALITY, Ri 2 L = ba ol fae ne ee caramtemeagaast se et + | svownoie [aun Garp Pestioe ee) Updating of registered office and_modified layout. — o 08/08/2008 First issue ‘QHSE ‘QHSE IR = Sc ee ere =a QUAL Zowecucnrmvomenccom MANUAL Ail INDEX 0 Introduction 1. Target. 1.1. Implementation of Quality Management System 2. References 2.1 Prescriptive References.. 2.2 Law and technical references: 3. Terms and definitions .. 4. Company Quality Management System 4.1 General Requirements. 4.2. Approach per process.. 4.3 Liability. 4.4 Management per process... 4.6 Documents contol... 4.7. Registrations control 5 Liability. 5.1 Management comitment 5.2. Customer care. 5.3. Quality Policy 5.4 Planning. 5.4.1 Quality objective: 5.4.2 Planning of Quality Management System .. 5.5. Liability, authority and communicatior 5.5.1 Liability and authority ... 5.5.2 Management Representative. 5.5.3 Internal communication... 5.6 Review by Management 5.6.1 Introduction 5.6.2 Input data for Review. 5.6.3 Output data from review.. 6 Human Resources Management. 6.1 Availability of Human Resources . 6.2 Human Resources... 6.3. Infrastructures. 6.4 Working environme 7. Product realisatior 7.1 Supply planning 7.2 Processes relevant to Customer 7.3. Design and development... om ets ut neon me 2.6700 pues =—_S> QUA —_ counsroroucsronenornocmwcanom MANUAL 7.3.1 Planning of design and developmen 7.3.2 — Design input data. 7.3.3 Design output data 7.3.4 — Design review 7.3.5 — Design verification. 7.36 — Design validation. 7.3.7 — Management of changes 7.4 Procurement.. 7.4.1 Evaluation of suppliers 7.4.2 Procurement information 7.4.3 — Verification of purchased product. 7.5 Production and supply of services 7.5.1 Monitoring of production activities and supply of services 7.5.2 Validation of the processes for the production and supply of services. 7.5.3 Identification and traceabilty.. 7.5.4 — Customer's property. 7.5.5 Management of Finished Products... 7.6 Control of monitoring and measuring device: 8 — Measurings, analyses, improvement 8.1. Introduetion: 8.2. Monitorings and measurings. 8.2.1 Measuring and control of Customer satisfaction 8.2.2. Internal Audits. 8.2.3 Processes monitoring and measuring, 8.2.4 Product Monitoring and Measuring .. 8.3. Monitoring of non conforming products. 8.4 Improvement objectives. 8.4.1 Continuous improvemer 8.5 Corrective and preventive actions 8.5.1 Corrective Actions. 8.5.2 Preventive actions. Attachments...

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