Entity Metaphors About Water in Cerita Rakyat: Jawa Timur

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Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 461

1st International Conference on Language, Literature, and Arts Education (ICLLAE 2019)

Entity Metaphors About Water in Cerita Rakyat

Jawa Timur
Yi Ma* Suhardi
Indonesian Language and Literature Education of Graduate Indonesian Language and Literature Education
School Faculty of Language and Art
Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
Yogyakarta, Indonesia Yogyakarta, Indonesia
[email protected] [email protected]

Abstract--This research used entity metaphor theory to (Magliocco, 1992), so the collection folklores book is chosen
analyze data of entity metaphors about water. Models and the as the object of this research.
characters of entity metaphors about water in the concept of
Eastern Javanese have been found. The object of this research In addition, the essence of metaphor is helping people to
was the words or the phrases which use entity metaphors and understand and experience one kind of thing in terms of
have connection with water in the sentences of Cerita Rakyat another, so metaphor is used to describe experiences in daily
Jawa Timur. This research used systematic metaphor analysis life. In general, the process of human minding is
method to collect and analyze data. By using the extra lingual metaphorical, and this type of metaphor is metaphorical
comparison method and similarity comparison technique, this concept or conceptual metaphor (Lakoff & Johnson, 1980:
research found four kinds of entity metaphorical models about 5). Metaphorical concept can be classified into three main
water and four kinds of the characters of entity metaphors sections, namely structural metaphors that use one’s structure
about water. Those four kinds of entity metaphorical model of concept to contribute another one’s concept to find the
about water are that obstacle or dangerous thing is water; the similarity of two things in the concept; orientational
vital thing is water; the situation which is difficult to change is metaphors that use nature of orientation to describe our
water; and the mind is water. The characters of entity experience; ontological metaphors can also be divided into
metaphors about water are that water is hindering and two kinds, those are entity and substance metaphors and
dangerous; water has vitality; water has bearing capacity,
container metaphors. The difference between the two kinds
because water can determine the success or failure of an event;
of metaphors in ontological metaphors is that the first one
and water is dynamic.
assumes an abstract as an existing which is easy to
Keywords--metaphors, ontological, entity of water, entity understand, and the second one assumes an abstract as a
metaphorical models about water container. The difference between entity metaphors and
substance metaphors is entity metaphors use an entity to
I. INTRODUCTION describe an abstract thing; however substance metaphors use
a material to explain an abstract thing.
“习得任何语言都要习得其语用规则和文化 (Runqing
Lin, 1999).” (Learning pragmatic rules and culture is a In these three kinds of metaphors, ontological metaphors
method to study all kinds of language.) This sentence are always thought as self-evident, direct descriptions of
indicates that language or rules of language have a close mental phenomena. The reason why we can explain these
relationship with the culture of the place in where people use types of metaphors seem perfectly natural is an integral part
that language. Based on the analyzing of vocabulary and the of models of the mind that we have in this culture, and we
skills to use language, we can find the best way to learn a always use this model to think and operate things (Lakoff &
kind of foreign language is learning from vocabularies Johnson, 1980: 25). But for foreign learners, if they want to
(Nattinger & Decarrico, 2000). Except for asking students to understand and use these types of metaphors they should
memorize and use the vocabularies to make correct know the culture. And those kinds of metaphors are
sentences, foreign learners are also asked to have the concept influenced by the experiences of local people from
of metaphorical competence. This kind of competence is generation to generation. Because water is an entity which is
same with the metaphorical concept (Yi Sun, 2013: 301). an important and common thing in our daily life, but the
Because of metaphor1 is pervasive in everyday life, not just concept of entity metaphors about water has influenced by
in language, but in thought and action (Lakoff & Johnson, experience of local person, so we can use entity metaphors’
1980: 4). Metaphor is a kind of language form which is the theory to find three important things, those are source
most natural and can show the culture of the country domain, target domain and a set of mapping relation or
(Cheyfitz, 1991: 121); so foreign learners can learn the correspondences. Source of domain is an origin of
metaphorical concept from reading the contexts which is conceptual metaphors and is also a clear thing that is water;
easy to understand. Folklores are the collection of fantasy target of domain is the goal of conceptual metaphor and is
communities which show the concepts of the most people. also an abstract thing; mapping is classified into two parts,
Except that, folklores can be spread from one generation to those are ontological mapping which contains entities in two
another generation (Dundes, 1976). Folklores are also one kinds of domains, and epistemic mapping which contains the
kind of literary works which can be found simply cognition of entities (Cruse, 2004: 201). This research used
the second one of the mapping that is epistemic mapping.

1 Metaphor in this research is the metaphorical concept.

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Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 461

Therefore, this research used entity metaphor theory to and have found four kinds of models and characters of entity
analyze the sentences which contain abstract words. Those metaphors about water. The results have gathered in TABLE
abstract words have been thought as different kinds of I. as follows.
entities in those sentences. And then this research found the
mapping between those entities and the entity about water in TABLE I. THE RESEARCH RESULTS
the collection book of folklores which is titled as Cerita
Rakyat Jawa Timur. This research aimed to increase the The models The The characters
attentions of the metaphorical models and the characters of of entity entity of entity The number and code of
metaphors about metaphors the sentences
entity metaphors about water and aimed to make an example about water water about water
to help foreign learners recognize the concept and the entity
metaphorical models about water in folklore. 3 (SGS: 18), 4 (SGS:
Obstacle or Rain,
floods Water is 18),
hindering and 6 (SGS: 20),
II. RESEARCH METHODS thing is (lake) dangerous 7 (BMDRK: 36),
9 (BMDRK: 57)
This research used collection book of folklores which is
titled as Cerita Rakyat Jawa Timur as data sources. This
Water, 8 (BMDRK: 42),
book was published by the Cultural Media Development The vital
well, Water has 11 (ABAUSG: 135),
project in Jakarta's Department of Education and Culture in thing is
sea vitality 12 (ABAUSG: 135),
1977. Cerita Rakyat Jawa Timur collected the folklore which 13 (AMNGG: 149)
used to be spoken orally. This research used this book as data The
Water has
resources and used the systematic metaphor analysis as a bearing
capacity, which 1 (SGS: 14), 2 (SGS:
qualitative research method to collect and analysis the which is River can determine 14),
difficult to
objects of this research. Objects of this research are the change is
the success or 5 (SGS: 19)
sentences which contain the entity metaphors about water in failure of an
that book. This method’s produce of this research is
identifying the topic, collecting data, systematic analyzing The mind is Sea Water is
10 (SMPB: 61)
water breeze dynamic
data, making synthesis of metaphorical models, and
reconstructing the metaphorical concept (Schmitt, 2005). By
using the comparative external language method and
similarity comparison technique, this research summary the B. Discussion
similarities between the target domains and compare the There are some researches have analyzed Indonesian
similarities between a source domain and a target domain. proverbs to find the conceptual metaphor about water
One of the ways to evaluate the metaphorical concepts’ (Yolanda, 2018) and Chinese idioms to find the models of
research is comparing the results with non-metaphorical entity metaphors (Wenmei Li, 2011). However, there are not
finds (Schmitt, 2005). So researcher read and analyzed data having enough researchers analyzed context to find the entity
many times and also analyzed the cultural and geographic metaphorical models about water. So entity about water in
aspect to compare with the results to improve the validity this research is the kinds of the water, which can be found in
and reliability of this research. the natural, such as water, well, river, sea, rain and floods.
This research found the models and the characters of entity
III. RESULT AND DISCUSSION metaphors about water in folklore. The models of entity
metaphors about water in Cerita Rakyat Jawa Timur can be
A. Result divided into four sections those are obstacle or dangerous
This research has found 13 sentences which contain thing is water, such as the 3rd, 4th, 6th, 7th, 9th sentence; vital
entity metaphors about water in Cerita Rakyat Jawa Timur2
When the Ranu Klindungan people heard the voice of Kyai
2 Syekh Begawan Nyampo did them realized that they are in danger.
Quotations of 13 sentences as follows. But it's too late. Floods have swept through.
1. Dan ia merasa kasihan melihat nasib kapal itu.(SGS: 14) 10. Angin laut selat Bali masuk ke ruang persidangan. Angin
And he felt sorry for seeing the ship's fate. kebebasan. Angin kemerdekaan. (SMPB: 61)
2. Ia berdoa untuk keselamatan kapal itu. (SGS: 14) Sea breeze from the Paris Strait blew into the conference room.
He prayed for the safety of the ship. Wind of freedom. Wind of independence.
3. Apakah anak ini bukanya anak Danyang bengawan? (SGS:18) 11. He, dengarlah, sumur ini, sumur yang telah memberi semangat
Does this child is the child of achelous? baru kepada kita, kunamakan sumur Gumuling. (ABAUSG: 135)
4. Ia tidak peduli apakah bayi itu anak Danyang bengawan, anak Hey, listen, this well, the well which had given us new
setan gunung Lawu, atau anak manusia. (SGS: 18) strength, now is named the well of Gumuling by me.
It does not care about whether the baby is the child of achelous, 12. Dan sumur ini kelak akan memberi berkat juga kepada siapa
the child of devil in Lawu Mountain, or the child of human. saja yang suka minum airnya. (ABAUSG: 135)
5. Moga-moga saja kesulitan itu dapat segera teratasi. (SGS: 19) And this well will also give blessings also to those who like to
Let's hope that trouble can be resolved soon. drink the water of it.
6. Dia anak setan. (SGS: 20) 13. Kuning keemasan berombak ditiup oleh angin senja hari.
He is the son of devil. (AMNGG: 149)
7. Hujan dan panas bukan pula menjadi rintangan. (BMDRK:36) Golden yellow waves were blown by wind in the dusk of the
Raining and heating are not obstacles as well. day.
8. Bagi Endang Sukarni suara Ki Wongsopati bagaikan air sejuk Interpretation of the code: all the abbreviations mentioned above are titles
menyiram kerongkongan yang kering. (BMDRK: 42)
For Endang Sukarni, the voice of Ki Wongsopati like the cool of folktales in Cerita Rakyat Jawa Timur. SGS is the Si Gembala Sakti,
water flowing through the dry throat. BMDRK is Banjir Melanda Desa Ranu Klindungan, SMPB is Sedah
9. Rakyat Ranu Klindungan waktu mendengar suara Kyai Syekh Merah Putri Blambangan, ABAUSG is Aryo Blater Asal Usul Sumur
Begawan Nyampo baru sadar bahwa mereka dalam bahaya. Tapi Gumuling di desa Sumberrejo, AMNGG is Asal Mula Nama Gunung
sudah terlambat. Banjir sudah datang melanda. (BMDRK: 57) Grobogan.

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 461

thing is water, such as 8th, 11th, 12th, 13th sentence; the According to the book Geografi Budaya Daerah Jawa
situation which is difficult to change is water, such as 1st, 2nd, Timur (Geographical Culture of East Java), in the past, most
5th sentence; and the mind is also water, such as 10th populations of Eastern Javanese are farmers. So for farmers,
sentence. water is an important thing which can influence the harvest
of crops. There are 80 rivers in East Java. There are two
Those four models of entity metaphors about water can kinds of seasons in Indonesia, those are rainy season and the
be found as follows. dry season. Although there are many rivers in East Java, East
Obstacle or dangerous thing is water. Source domain is Java also easily happens natural disasters such as floods and
water. Target domain is obstacle and or dangerous. The mudslides in the rainy season and drought in the dry season.
mapping is the same characters between water and obstacle Except that, East Java also has two natural lakes those are
or dangerous thing. In the contexts, water can make people Sarangan lake and Kelud lake. And the location of East Java
feel fear about it; water can barricade ship walk ahead; is also close with the Madura Strait, Bali Sea, and Javanese
raining make people are forced to avoid it; flooding makes Sea, so after farming, fishing is second major kind of
that place change into a lake. Those things show that water occupations in East Java in the past. Climate changing and
can make people feel fear and stop their steps; while waves become the great challenges in their daily life
obstacles and or something which is dangerous, such as (Suwondo, 1978: 55). So the water can make Eastern
Danyang (achelous), setan (devil), rintangan (obstacles), Javanese have a prosperous life because of the growth of
and bahaya (danger) which has used in folklore, can also crops, fishing of marine products and using for daily life and
stop steps and make people feel fear. So the first kind of the can also make them feel afraid about the water which can
characters of entity metaphors about water is hindering and bring about some natural disasters such as floods and
dangerous. mudslides and so on. Those things about water are natural
conditions which can’t be changed by human strength. Those
The vital thing is water. Source domain is water. Target are the experiments of Eastern Javanese in the past time.
domain is the vital thing. The mapping is the same characters Those thoughts have also been found in Cerita Rakyat Jawa
between water and the vital thing. In the contexts enough Timur, those are obstacle or dangerous thing is water, vital
water can nourishing vegetations; water can relieve the thing is water, and the situation which is difficult to change
feeling of dry in throat and feel fresh and cool; mature is water.
paddies were blown by wind as wave; water can give people
strength; while something which is vitality can give things All kinds of experiments about water are also influencing
vitality, such as suara (voice), semangat baru (new the concepts and behavior of Eastern Javanese. There are two
strength), berkat (blessings), and kuning keemasan (golden kinds of asceticism of self-control commending for the
yellow) that is the paddies were blown by wind) which has believer of Javanese culture. Those are ngambang asceticism
used in folklore, can also show that water is the source of (tapa ngambang) that is staying underwater for a certain time
life. So the second kind of the characters of entity metaphors and ngeli asceticism (tapa ngeli) that is concentrating his
about water is having vitality. mind, sitting on a raft and flowing with the current. They
think those two kinds of asceticism can make people close
The situation which is difficult to change is water. Source with God. Except that, in the past, Javanese also practiced
domain is water. Target domain is the situation which is not meditation (concentrate on something to achieve the aim).
clear. The mapping is the same characters between water and The method of this activity is focused on raindrops. They
the situation which is difficult to change. In the contexts, thought this kind of activity will help them to do the things
river can make the ship run aground or not run aground. This which are difficultly to do (Yana, 2010: 33-35). From those
kind of thing will make a situation which is difficultly to explaining can be found that water is a thing which can help
change. While situation such as nasib (fate), keselamatan people control their mind and behavior in the concept of
(safety) and kesulitan (trouble) which has used in folklore, Eastern Javanese. Water can make people clam down to
can also show the situation which is difficult to change. So perceive the dynamic and static changes of everything
the third of the characters of entity metaphors about water around them. Those activities using the dynamic water and
has bearing capacity, which can determine the success or the remaining relatively static between people and water
failure of an event. make people feel they are close with God. Those asceticism
The mind is also water. Source domain is water. Target and practice of Eastern Javanese are also can be found that in
domain is mind. The mapping is the same characters between their mind the character of water is dynamic.
water and the mind. Sea breeze which is different with the There is an activity which is named as mitoni in Java. In
other kinds of breeze, because the sea breeze contain this activity, pregnant women who are the first time has a
moisture, which can influence the weather of one place; child of the seventh month will take a bath with water to
those things are same like the kebebasan (freedom) and make her have the holy flesh and soul. Javanese thing this
kemerdekaan (independence) which has been used in activity can make pregnant successful birth a baby (Yana,
folklore, while the mind is also contain the different ideas 2010: 50-51). This activity shows that in their mind water is
which can influence people’s action. So the fourth of the holy and clean. Water can help pregnant give birth
characters of entity metaphors about water is dynamic. successfully. So water is also has the character of vitality.
Because of metaphors are used as describing the Some researchers also used the different methods to find
experiment of people’s daily life, so those models and the the concept of water. People have the concept use water to
characters of entity metaphors about water can also be found irrigate and conserve water. Those actions were influenced
the evidence of the experiments or activities in Javanese. by the concept in the past. They think water is a portion of
human life and then they know the importance of water in

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