Coating - Installation Guide

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Installation Guide

TBK-PP Multi-Layer Directional Drilling Kit for Polypropylene Coated Pipelines

Product Description Storage & Safety Guidelines Equipment List
1 GTS-PP P Primer
2 3
Wrapid Sleeve™ To ensure maximum performance, store Canusa
products in a dry, ventilated area. Keep products
sealed in original cartons and avoid exposure to
direct sunlight, rain, snow, dust or other adverse

environmental elements. Avoid prolonged storage
at temperatures above 50°C (122°F) or below -
20°C (-4°F). Product installation should be done in
accordance with local health and safety
Base regulations.

Canusa's Polypropylene Directional Drilling Kit, TBK-PP, is composed of a GTS-PP These installation instructions are intended as a guide for standard products. Propane tank, hose, torch & regulator
polypropylene Wrapid Sleeve, a sacrificial sleeve and epoxy kit(s). The epoxy Consult your Canusa representative for specific projects or unique applications. Appropriately sized induction coil, stop watch
kit(s) includes: application accessories, latex gloves and pre-measured quantities Tools for surface abrasion, power grinder,
of Canusa's epoxy primer. Digital thermometer with suitable probe
Knife, pencil, roller, rags & approved solvent cleanser
Epoxy applicator pad, wet film thickness gauge
Surface Preparation Standard safety equipment; gloves, goggles, hard hat, etc.

4 5 atin
g 6
l co

be 15° idt
to eW
S lee

SIS Sa 2½
near white metal
Clean any exposed steel and adjacent pipe coating with a solvent cleanser to Ensure that the pipe dry before cleaning. Thoroughly clean the weld area with a Wipe clean or air blast the steel and pipe coating to remove foreign contaminants.
remove the presence of oil, grease, and other contaminants. sand or grit blaster to “near white metal” SIS Sa 2½ or equivalent. Immediately
prior to installation, lightly abrade or grit blast the pipe coating adjacent to the weld
area to a distance of 25mm (1”) beyond each end of the sleeve width. Maximum
total cutback length is 300mm (12”). Using the grinder, ensure that the PP
mainline coating edges are beveled to 15° from the horizontal.

Positional Markings Pre-Warm Epoxy Primer

7 8 9 Epoxy BP

h th
dt wid
v e coil
sle ction Base
Measure and mark the sleeve width of the Wrapid Sleeve™ GTS-PP sleeve Using the appropriate sized induction coil or propane torch, pre-warm the joint Follow the Preparation, Mixing and Application instructions provided with the
across the joint. Also, measure and mark the induction coil so it is centered over area to 50-65°C (122-149°F). Using a temperature measuring device, ensure supplied Canusa Epoxy Pack. For partial kit quantities: mix the P Primer Cure with
the joint and sleeve. that the correct temperature is reached on the steel. the P Primer Base (4 parts base to 1 part cure by volume). Mix for a minimum of
1 minute to assure uniform mixture.

Epoxy Primer Application Epoxy Curing and Pre-Heat Sleeve Installation

10 11 12 Use moderate flame
190-210°C intensity for sleeve
374-410°F shrinking.
Minimum Torch Size: 150,000 BTU/hr.

Apply mixed epoxy to a thickness of 150-230 µm (6-9 mils) on all exposed bare Carefully, move the induction coil into place and pre-heat the steel cutback to 190- Gently heat the underlap approximately 150 mm (6") from the edge.
metal. 210°C (374-410°F) within a time of 2-3 minutes. Remove the coil.

CANUSA-CPS is registered to ISO 9001:2008. Part No. 99060-146

13 10 2
14 15


Place the underlap of the sleeve onto the joint, centering the sleeve such that the Wrap the sleeve loosely around the pipe, ensuring the appropriate overlap. Before Press the closure and overlap firmly into place.
sleeve overlap is positioned at either the 10 or 2 o'clock position. Press the finishing wrapping the sleeve: (1) heat the backing side of the underlap until the
underlap firmly into place. backing starts to recover (2) heat the adhesive side of the overlap until the
adhesive appears glossy (3) heat the adhesive side of the closure until the
adhesive appears glossy.

16A B 17 18


Gently heat the closure and pat it down with a gloved hand. Repeating this Using the torch, begin heating at the centre of the sleeve and heat Continue heating from the centre toward one end of the sleeve until recovery is
procedure, move from one side to the other. Smooth any wrinkles by gently circumferentially around the pipe. If the backing becomes shiny or gives off complete. In a similar manner, heat and shrink the remaining side.
working them outward from the centre of the closure with a roller. smoke, move the torch away from that area.

Quality Check - Adhesion Test

19 20 21 tio
ec 100°C (212°F)
e Dir
Bo 75 m
75 m m

Initial shrinking has been completed when the sleeve fully conforms to the entire Test sleeve adhesion by gently pressing the sleeve edge with a gloved finger. Ensure that the front 100mm (4") of the first sleeve and 100mm (4") onto the coating is
pipe profile. Finish shrinking the sleeve with long circumferential strokes over the The sleeve is well bonded when the adhesive and coating remain intimately at the required temperature. Completely remove any release liners from the 150mm
coating overlap surface to ensure a uniform bond. Adhesive should begin to ooze contacted. If required to improve bonding, additional heat should be applied to (6") sacrificial sleeve. Wrap the 150mm (6") sacrificial sleeve so that half of the sleeve
at the sleeve edges all around the circumference. the sleeve. overlaps the first sleeve and half of the sleeve extends onto the coating. Position the
closure on the opposite side of the pipe relative to the first sleeve closure. Recover the
sleeve as in steps 10 through 17.

22 Epoxy BP 23 24
t ion
B ore


ire 25 m


50 m 25 m m

0 m
15 m m
50 m

Follow the Preparation, Mixing and Application instructions provided with the Apply epoxy to trailing edge of first sleeve; 25mm (1") onto sleeve, 25mm (1") onto Visually inspect the installed system to ensure that:
supplied Canusa Epoxy Pack. When the sleeve is between 15 - 40°C, apply epoxy adjacent coating. Epoxy applied should thoroughly cover the edge of the sleeves. It • Sleeve is in full contact with the steel joint.
over the sacrificial sleeve to form a wear cone; covering 50mm (2") onto the pipe is best to allow the epoxy to cure at ambient temperature. If necessary, use a low flame
coating, the entire sacrificial sleeve and 50mm (2") onto the first sleeve. • Adhesive flows beyond all sleeves edges.
to cure epoxy. Cover the entire sleeve with any left-over epoxy.
Epoxy applied should thoroughly cover the edge of the sleeves. • No cracks or holes in sleeve backing.
• Complete epoxy coverage for the areas mentioned in step 20 & 21.

The sleeve system must be left to completely cool and epoxy fully cured before pipe is pulled through.

Canada U.S.A./Latin America Europe/Middle East Asia/Pacific

a division of SHAWCOR LTD. a division of SHAWCOR INC. a division of Canusa Systems Ltd. a division of SHAWCOR LTD.
Tel: +1 (416) 743-7111 Tel: +1 (281) 367-8866 Tel: +44 (1293) 541254 Tel: +65-6749-8918
Fax: +1 (416) 743-5927 Fax: +1 (281) 367-4304 Fax: +44 (1293) 541777 Fax: +65-6749-8919
Canusa warrants that the product conforms to its chemical and physical description and is appropriate for the use stated on the installation guide when used in compliance with Canusa’s written instructions. Since many installation factors are beyond our
control, the user shall determine the suitability of the products for the intended use and assume all risks and liabilities in connection therewith. Canusa’s liability is stated in the standard terms and conditions of sale. Canusa makes no other warranty either
expressed or implied. All information contained in this installation guide is to be used as a guide and is subject to change without notice. This installation guide supersedes all previous installation guides on this product. E&OE
Printed on recycled paper. Recyclable. IG-NA-TBKPP-Rev012

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