Hypothesis Testing Numericals

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y 55

s 63 -8 64
9 62 72 100
10-:~~-- ;;;;~;;-~;:---J L_ _J5~0~_ j__ __:!-12!___ _J__~144 ~_ __J
-10 Id - 72 Li2= 856
-_E!.==-E =-1.2 s = lu1 -n<ii>2 /8s6-10(-1. 2>2
d- n 10 V n-1 -v
10-1 =6.125
s 6.125 _ 6.125
a-= -r=- == 11n10 - 3.162 = 1•937
d ~n "V l.U

ii ----3.7
,--= -1.2 -
- a- 1.937
'!he C.R. witb 9 d.f. at S% level of significance is t s; -1.833. The calculated value of
:~-tic falls in _the C.R. Ho may be rejected and we can conclude that the score from test 1
~iest 4 show an unproveme nt.

- [I ti 8;tA ~iti UIJ;I~---- ---- ----

students were given intensive coaching for a month in statistics. The score
Y ;~ed in tests I and 5 are given below:
Serial No. of Student 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Marks in 1st Test 50 52 53 60 65 67 48 69 72 80
82 74 86
Marks in sth Test 65 55 65 65
60 67 49
Does the score from 1st to 5th test show an unproveme nt? Test at 5% level of
significance. [Table value is 1.833). . .
Am. [t -2.573; H0 rejected]
., -~~:;~ accountants were given intensive coaching and 4 t~sts were conducted
The scores of test 1 and 4 are given below:
Serial no. of accountants 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Marks in first test 50 42 51 42 60 41 70 55 62 38
Marks in fourth test 62 40 61 52 68 51 64 63 72 50
Show that the scores from test 1 to test 4 show an improveme nt? Test at 5% level of

Ho: µ1 - µ2 0 Ha: µ1 - µ2 < 0
Marks I
Marks II
d - (xi-x:J
3 51 61 -10 100
4 42 I

52 -10 100
5 60
68 -8 64 I
6 41
51 -10 100 I
70 64 36 I
+ 6-
;-Jn IQ te~t ~as- admhlistered to_5_ ;;;~~~~-before and after they were trained Th
;;:r ~;;ults are given below: • e
Candidate: I II m IV V
IQ before training: 110 120 123 132 125
IQ after training: 120 118 125 136 121
Test whether there is any change in IQ after the training programme.
(DU M Com 1998)
Ans. [t =- 0.817; H0 accepted]
. Q. 9._,.Kh.ealth agen~y has advertised a weight-reducing programme and has claimed that
V the average participant in the programme _loses more th_an 17 pounds. The agency
selects a record of 10 participants and records their weights before and after the
177 193· 202 208 233

Before: 189 202 220 207 194

192 172 161 174 ,187 186 204
After: 170 179 203
The overweight executive wants to test_ at 5% significance level the claimed average
weight loss of more than 17 pounds. . (DU MHR.OD Dec 99)

Ans. [t = (d -D) =(19.7-17)/1.39 =·1.942; H, accepted]

,1 . ,, _ ·~1,_~,.· sse blv line at Winchester
~ - y ~u are given the marks obtained by 11 students in statistics in two tests - one befor
V~· . and the other after special coaching: e
First test Before coaching 23 20 19 21 18 20 18 17 23 16 19-
~cond test After coaching 24 19 22 18 20 22 20 20 23 20 17
Do the marks mdicate that special coaching has benefited the students? (One tail
table value oft for 5% with 10 d.f. 1.812).
Ans. [t = -1.48, H0 accepted]
~ - ien perso~s ~ere a~pointed in an office. Their perfor mance was recorded at the time
J --· of entry by a test with scores out of 100. After 3 month s trainin g they were assessed
again. Given below are scores out of 100. Have they gained from the training? Use 5%
level of significance:
Emplo yee A B C D E F G H I J
Before 80 76 92 60 70 56 74 56 70 56
After 84 70 96 80 70 52 84 72 72 50
(DU M Com 2009)
Ans. [t =- 1.414; H 0 accepted; no gain from trainin g]

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