Adush Research

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ID No: RBE/432/07




JUNE, 2017

It is certified that this research project titled “working environment and its impact on employee
motivation” is based on original research work carried out by Melaku Beshaw under our
supervision and that it has not been submitted for the award of any degree in this or any other

1. _____________________________ ____________ ________________

Advisor Signature Date

2. ___________________________ _____________ _________________

Examiner 1 Signature Date

3. ___________________________ ______________ _________________

Examiner 2 Signature Date

I hereby declare that the research entitled on “working environment and its impact on employee
motivation" is my own work, that it has not been submitted for any degree or examination at any
other institution of higher learning, and that all references have, to the best of my knowledge,
been correctly reported. It is being submitted for BA degree in management at Arba Minch




_________________________ ____________________________

Advisor Name Signature and Date

I would like to express my deep gratitude from the core of my heart to God, who has given me
the strength to carry on in my hard times and for his invaluable gift being with me throughout in
my study as the research comes to end with his will. I feel the deepest sense of gratitude to my
Advisor Getasew Yaregal (MBA), a man with true respect for learning, for his proper guidance
and encouragement for this study upon the completion of this study. I would also like to
acknowledge to participants and contributors of the study who forwards their idea, believes,
agreements and disagreements through questionnaire, interview and discussion. Finally, my
special thanks go to my family (Yeshiye, Beshaw, Kidste, Gizachew, Esubalew and Bereket) and
all my friends and relatives for the generous support in case of doing my paper and contribution
of by letting the researcher to discuss and sharing idea.

Table of Contents
List of figures.............................................................................................................................................VI
List of tables..............................................................................................................................................VII
LIST OF ACRONOMY...........................................................................................................................VIII
CHAPTER ONE..........................................................................................................................................1
1. Introduction.............................................................................................................................................1
1.1 Back ground of the study...................................................................................................................1
1.2. Statements of the problem...............................................................................................................2
1.3 Objectives of the study......................................................................................................................2
1.3.1 General objective........................................................................................................................2
1.3.2 Specific objectives......................................................................................................................3
1.4 Significance of the study....................................................................................................................3
1.5 Scope of the study.............................................................................................................................3
1.6 Limitation of the study......................................................................................................................4
1.7 Organization of study........................................................................................................................4
CHAPTER TWO.............................................................................................................................................5
2. LITERATURE REVIEW................................................................................................................................5
2.1 Working environment........................................................................................................................5
2.2 Motivation and learning environment.............................................................................................5
2.2.1 Meaning of motivation...............................................................................................................5
2.2.2 Work place motivation...............................................................................................................6
2.2.3. The Importance of studying motivation.....................................................................................6
2.3. Learning Environment......................................................................................................................7
2.4 Working environment and teacher’s motivation....................................................................................8

2.5 working environment factors that affect employee motivation........................................................8
2.7 Conceptual Frame Work..................................................................................................................10
CHAPTER THREE........................................................................................................................................11
3. The Research Methodology...................................................................................................................11
3.1 Research Design...............................................................................................................................11
3.2 Study Area.......................................................................................................................................11
3.3 Population of the Study, Sample Size and Sampling Techniques.....................................................11
3.3.1. Population of the Study...........................................................................................................11
3.3.2. Sample Size..............................................................................................................................11
3.3.3 Sampling Techniques................................................................................................................12
3.4 Sources of Data................................................................................................................................12
3.5 Data Collection Methods (Tools).....................................................................................................12
3.5.1. Questionnaire..........................................................................................................................12
3.5.2 Interview...................................................................................................................................12
3.6 Data analysis and presentation........................................................................................................13
CHAPTER FOUR..........................................................................................................................................14
4. DATA PRESENTATION, ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION......................................................................14
4.1 Demographic status of the college..................................................................................................14
4.2. Work place environment factor that affect motivation..................................................................17
4.3. Effects of unsuitable working environment....................................................................................25
4.4. Analysis for interview question.......................................................................................................26
CHAPTER FIVE............................................................................................................................................28
5. Summery, Conclusion and Recommendations......................................................................................28
5.1 Summary of Major Findings.............................................................................................................28
5.2 Conclusion.......................................................................................................................................29
5.3 Recommendation............................................................................................................................29
Appendices 1...............................................................................................................................................ii

List of figures
Figures pages

Figure 4.1 supervisor rating on communication…………………………………………..20

Figure 4.2 supervisor rating on planning and organizing………………………………….21

Figure 4.3 supervisor rating on directing and coordinating………………………………..21

Figure 4.4 supervisor rating on job or technical knowledge……………………………….22

Figure 4.5 supervisor rating on interpersonal relationship………………………………….23

Figure 4.6 the effects of unsuitable working environment………………………………….25

List of tables
Table’s pages

Table 3.1 sample size determination…………………………………………………12

Table 4.1 academic staff profiles…………………………………………………….14

Table 4.2 physical work places environment………………………………………...16

Table 4.3 incentive and benefits provided by the university…………………………17

Table 4.4 performance feedback……………………………………………………..18

Table 4.5 supervisor support…………………………………………………………19

Table 4.6 job aids…………………………………………………………………….23

Table 4.7 the effects of work place environment on motivation……………………..24


CBE …............................................................College of Business and Economics

AMU………………………………………………………………….Arba Minch University

Organization must step outside their traditional role and comfort zone to look at new ways of
working. They have to create a work environment where people enjoy what they do, feel like they
have a purposes, have pride in what they do, and can motivate them to reach in their potential.
The main objectives of this study was to assess working environment and its impacts on
employee motivation in academic staff of CBE, Arba Minch university ,To meet this objective
the researcher was used descriptive type of research design because the researcher try to
investigate the factor that have impact on employee motivation. The total population of CBE is
94 but the researcher was used 48 employee as a sample using statistically formula. The
researcher was used proportionate stratified random sampling to give equal chance of being
selected in each stratum. The researcher used primary sources of data that were collected using
semi-structured questionnaire from academic staff of the college and using interview from
college dean. After the necessary data collected the researcher was analyze the data using
descriptive statistics that include frequencies, percentage, tables, graphs and pie charts. From
the result described the main problems of the college that affect the motivations of the staff these
are their work place provides disturbed environment with noise that does not allow a time to
perform their job, shortage of class and enough offices for teaching learning process. In order to
solve these problems the university and concerned bodies should provide the necessary solution
for the problem listed by built additional class to student and teachers separately to minimize the
destructive sounds and make the work place looks attractive to the staff by update current
furniture, poster, flower, and different photos in their offices and try to make the transport and
different related services flexible.


1. Introduction
1.1 Back ground of the study
Working environment is allocation where a task is completed or it can be identities as the place
that one works when pertaining to a place of employment. The work environment involves the
physical geographical location ,as well as the immediate surrounding at the work place such
as construction site or office building ,typically involves other factors relating to the place of
employment such as the quality of the air noise level, additional perks and benefit of
employment such as adequate perking medical service, transportation, accommodation
insurance, cafeteria service ,educational programs, Child care facilities and others
On the other hands motivation is the acts of stimulating someone or oneself to take a desired
course of action it is the acts or process of furnishing with an incentive or inducement to
action (Bantie Workie, 2004) .And employees motivation means reflection at the level or
energy commitments and creative that a accompany workers bring to their lobs or it is
psychologically a force that determine the direction of person’s behavior in an organization a
person s level of effort and a person’s level of persistence (G,jones and Jennifer, 2009).
Working environment means those processes, system, structure, tools or condition in the work
place that impact favorably or unfavorably individual performances and its motivation. The
working also include polices, rule, culture, resources, working relationship, work location,
internal and external environmental factor all of which influence, all of which influence the way
that employee motivation their job (Opperman, 2002)
Working environment is a major factor in the motivation a given situation. Social relationships,
Creative freedom, Incentive programs and originations pressure all play a role in a workplace
motivation. Because motivation is an essential ingredient in the work place understanding the
way these element affects each individual is a great way to boost motivation and improve
accompany moral. It means that as the suitability of working environment is improved
employees motivation towards their job is also increase (

There are different types of working environment factor that affect employee motivation like job
aid, supervisor support, physical work environment, work incentive and performance feedback
(Heath, 2006). In general achieving organizational objectives without employee contribution is
unthinkable so the organization should create conducive working environment.
So the researcher was focused mainly on the impacts working environment on employee
motivation and tried to see the impacts of those working environment factors on academic staff
motivation of CBE.

1.2. Statements of the problem

The work place environment in a majority of industry is unsafe and unhealthy. These include
poor work station design, unsuitable furniture, lack of ventilation, in appropriate lighting,
excessive noise, insufficient safety measure in emergency and lack of personal Protective
equipment’s and People in working environment are prone to occupational disease and it
impacts on employees motivation while leads to less organizational productivity and employee
performance and motivation (Chandrasekhar, 2011).
It is the quality of employee work place environment that most impacts on their level of
motivation (Chandrasekhar, 2011). Working environment is one of motivational factors of
employee. As suitability of working environment increase employee motivation and satisfaction
on their Job also increase (Banti Workie, 2006).
The main purpose of this research was tried to identify working environment factor that affect
academics staff motivation in college of business and economics Arba Minch University.
The researcher tried to address the following basic research question:-
1. What are the working environment factors that can affect staff motivation in CBE?
2. What are the effects of working environment on academic staff motivation of
3. What are the measurements of suitable working environment in the academic staff
of CBE?
4. What are the tools to improve the working condition for increasing academic staff
motivation in CBE?

1.3 Objectives of the study

1.3.1 General objective

The general objective of this study was to assess working environment and its impacts
motivation in academic staff of CBE.

1.3.2 Specific objectives
In addition to the above general objectives the researcher had the following specific
1) To identify the factor of working environment that affect staff motivation in CBE.
2) To examine the effect of working environment on staff motivation in CBE.
3) To identify the measurement of suitable working environment in teaching and learning
4) To point out the mechanism to improve working condition for improving staff
motivation in CBE.

1.4 Significance of the study

Generally, identifying and analysis the working environment and factor that affect
employee motivation of college of business and economics ,Arba Minch university
concern decision makers to though understanding the problems and give corrective
action , and also this study will try to provide a possible ways to improve working
condition to maximize employee motivation toward their job that leads to accomplish the
objectives ,mission and vision of the university.
In addition, the study will have significance for various individual and groups:-
1 For the researcher the primary significance will be to full filing an academic
requirement for degree in management program.
2 The study will provide relevant information for interesting individual and research
groups as the guideline for further related research.
3 The study will give to the researcher a chance to gain experience and knowledge in
conducting research.
4 The study is also useful for college of business and economics as inputs to reduce
negative factor that affect employee motivation.
5 For the government the study will be used to establish the institution in
comfortable ways.

1.5 Scope of the study

Working environment has a direct impact on every activity of individual or groups of
employee. The researcher used descriptive types of research design. There are so many

factors that affects employee motivation but the researcher limited on the some factor that
affect employee motivation like physical work environment, performance feedback,
supervisor support, job aid and work place incentive. The scope of the study geographically
limited to AMU college of business and economics and the study was try to assess
particularly on academic staff likes instructors, college dean, department head of CBE.

1.6 Limitation of the study

The following were some of the limitation of the study.

 The research design in which the researcher used i.e. the study used descriptive design
but if it’s made in cause and effect design is best.
 Lack of experience to conduct research work.
 Lack of having enough data related to the research area.
 The research area in which the study is conducted is small.

1.7 Organization of study

This study has five chapters .The first Chapter contains back ground of the study,
statements of the problem, Objectives of the study, significance of the study, scope of the
study and limitation of the study. The second Chapter shows review of related literature.
The third chapter concern research design and methodology such as research study
area ,sample size, sample techniques , Types of data and source of data collection ,data
presentation method and data analysis and interpretation. The fourth chapter deals with
data presentation, analysis and interpretation .Finally, at the last chapter five summaries of
major finding, conclusion and recommendation held.


2.1 Working environment.
Work is the sum total of life. based on, Rao (2007).Work environment is a palace where work is
done or it is a location where task is completed , work environment and work condition have a
related meanings .The early one refers to the condition in which an individual or staff
works .But not limited to such things such as physical environment stress and noise
level ,degree of safety danger and like.
Work environment is a location where task is completed can be Identified as a place where work
is done. The working environment involves as a physical, geographical location .as well as
immediate surroundings of the work place including as construction site ,or office
building .Typically involves other factors related to the place of employment such as quality
of the air, noise level and benefits of employment such as adequate perking medical service,
transportations accommodation insurance, Cafeteria educational program child care facilities,
home and others (http//dictionary .beat. com./definition /working environment).

2.2 Motivation and learning environment

2.2.1 Meaning of motivation

Motivation can be defined in variety of ways depend up on whom you ask .As far as the
formal definition, motivation can be defined as a force within an individual that account for
the level of direction and persistence of effect expanded at work (Schermerhome 1984).
On other hand motivation is the acts of stimulating of one or oneself to take a desire course of
action .It is the approves or act of on incentive to action .The creation and maintenance of
common objectives an environment in which individuals words together in group toward
common objective .The manager’s job is not to manipulate people rather than motivate them
(Bantie Workie 2006).
Employee motivation means reflection of the level of energy commitment and creativity that

accompany works bring to their job .It is psychologically force to determine the direction n of
adperson .behavior in an organization a person level of effort and persistence (G.jones and
George 2009).

2.2.2 Work place motivation

No one or person will make great business who wants to it all himself or get all the credit and
drew Carnegie motivation is present in every life function. Common place that we see the
need to play d motivation is in the work place in the work place in the work place we can see
motivation play a key role in leader (Chandrasekar, 2011)
The most obvious incentives for increasing employee productivity is often to be based on
salary and promotion this not always the case in fact recently on the true nature of optimal
human resource management has conclude in a large number of cases .salary has to done
with motivation than other important factor (Ibid).
In addition a motivation work place must be one in which employee are treated fairly .No matter
level of input a particular d worker has in a relation to business process as whole .It is essesstial
for a manager to give each employee a sense of playing a dynamic integrate role in
something such as much larger induced .Loyalty is one element of motivating workers and
increase the overall productivity of operation (Ibid).

2.2.3. The Importance of studying motivation

Motivation is one or the most important element in the directing process works will tends to be
an efficient as possible by moving up on their skill and knowledge tor performing any tasks two
things are necessary such as;
- Ability to work
-Willingness to work
The ability to work is no use .without willingness to work willingness to work to is created by
only by motivation In other work organization. To be effective it must come to groups with the
motivational problem, of stimulating by the directing by the decision to participant and the
decision to product of work (Sadik, 2010).
Motivation as a concept present a multiple of factors in the organization set up .The
compressive motivation is thus essential in order to comprehensive more fully effectives of
variation in factor such as leader ship, job redesign and salary system to

performance ,satisfaction (Ibid).
Finally organizations are used to see their financial and physical resource from a long term
perspectives. Much organization now beginning to pay increase attention to developing their
employee as future resource up on, which can drew as they grew
In addition toward stimulating employee to enlarge they job skill through training job
designing and job rotation and on at both the blue color and white color crucial I non efforts to
ensure continuous reservoir. The topic of predication has been going increase attention by both
manager and organization be Honiara (Ibid).

2.3. Learning Environment

Learning environment is palace where teacher and students are meeting in order to their in
knowledge experience and skill and so on. For the permanent change in be heavier. To make
learning environment favorable the motivation of teaches are essential element (Rao Np.2007).
Teacher motivation is a pivot to discipline and quality of teaching in an intuition .punctual
affordance to the conduct of special coaching classes and guiding students in co-curriculum
activities and going beyond satisfying the hunger for knowledge higher degree of
involvement ,commitment and dedication are essential on the development of the student
intellectual and personality ,The motivated teacher is capable to the best of the best of the
above opportunity (Rao,N,P2007).
A higher motivated teacher contribute a lot to the development of the student personality
The motivated teacher is capable of making the best of the above opportunity (Rao, N.P,2007).
If it turns out same employees do less than their share on a consistent basis. Other employees
recognize this and have some intense feeling about the situation .Intervention is necessary .If
the problem is lack of skill ,make sure the poorly performing employees get the training
needed .There are penalty of classes available .In these those skills make sure them and strong
urge the employee to attend (Chandrasekar, 2011). If the conflict becomes serious enough to
threaten, the harmony and efficiency of the work place you may need to require mediation for
the parties involves. Some may run very smoothly most of the time while other seems to be in a
constant conflict. You may need to take a good look at the management of the poor functions
department. Your department head may have management style that invites conflict rather than
serving to resolve it (Ibid).

2.4 Working environment and teacher’s motivation
Money acts a power full motivator not only because of its ability to satisfy physiological need
but also. It’s ability to satisfy higher level need such as need for status power recognition,
achievement money is offend conceded as measure of success when a multi-Million and
continues to engage in money –marking activities (Sadik.2010).
According to Rao N.P(2007).If has been recognize that money is not the only motivating factor
.There are other factors that Identify by social and psychological also play a field of
motivation .The possibility to get the best from the teacher motivating through providing
appropriate environment conducive to academic work with the minimum needed motivating.
Additionally According to Ruben (2004).employee can be motivated through the prevalence
of social commitments In rasthacture development and work safety, Beyond this according to
Rao N.P(2007).Teachers can be Motivated by cost effective education.

2.5 working environment factors that affect employee motivation

Many managers and supervisors under the mistaken, impression, the level of employee
performances on the job is proportional to the site of employee pay packet this may be true in
majority of cases .In fact salary increase and bonuses for performances in many instance,
have Avery limited short term effect .The extra money comes to be not as an incentive but as
on entitlement . It is the quality of employee work place environment in most impact on the level
of motivation and subsequent performance how well they engage with the organization,
especially with their environment. This Influence in a great extent their error rate level of
innovation and collaboration with other employee, absenteeism and ultimately how long they
stay in the job. Many Studies have relived of that most employee leave their organization
because of the relationship with their immediate supervisor or manager (Chandrasekhar, 2011).
An attractive and supportive working environment provides condition that enables the employee
to increase their level of motivation.

1. Coaching /Mentoring

Respected and skilled people are available to employee to help them perform better in their
current role and to assist them to develop for their future roles (Chandrasekhar, 2011).

2. Defined process

The organization constraints variability of how work is actually performed through dominated
process and communicating such expectation to employee (Chandrasekhar, 2011).

3. Opportunely to apply

Individual work load and organizational system and process do not hinder employees from
applying establishing skills or from practicing new learned skills (Chandrasekhar, 2011).

4. Role congruity

The role that the employee is required to perform is consistent with their expectation on joining
the organization and any subsequent training .The organization role expectation, are consistent
with task allocated by the employee is immediate supervisor (Chandrasekhar, 2011).

5. Physical work environment

Physical working environment can results a person to fit or misfit to the environment of the work
place. physical factors in the work place such as poor lay outer crowding leads to common
types of accident such as tripping against objects a physical work environment can also be
known as an ergonomics work place. Research on the work place environment need to be done
order to get an ergonomics work place for every each of the employees by having thus
ergonomics physical work place at their work place, it will help employee from not getting the
injury (Cooper and Dewe, 2004)
6. Work place incentives
The organization determines what motivates employees and set up formal and informal
structures for rewarding employee be heavier in the way required. Rewards may consist of a mix
of internal reward, such as challenging assignment and external rewards such as higher
compensation and peer recognition (Chandrasekhar, 2011). Significant changes in promotion,
compensation and benefit helps in keeping employees motivated and in turn increase productions
7. Supervisor support
A supervisor is also known as a person with an experiences leader, a person who can solve
problem and also role model at the first level of organizational management (Adair, 1988;
Nijman, 2004). Supervisor acts as advocator for employee ,gathering and distributing the
resource needed by the employee for them to be able to do a good job and provide positive
encouragement for a job well done.
8. Performance feed back
Performance feedback is an information exchange and conflict resolution process between the
employee and supervisor. How the employee is performing a feedback regular to employees.
This consists at both positive feedbacks on what the employee is doing right as wells feedback

on what requires improvement (Chandrasekhar, 2011).
9. job aid
Rosset and Gauier (1991) stated that, the purpose of job aid is to direct and guide as to enlighten
the employee motivation. Work is to be made easier and help to minimize error rate and
customer dissatisfaction by supplying job aids. These can be include template guides models and

2.7 Conceptual Frame Work

Even if the above factors are listed the researcher develop its own conceptual frame work which
used to study

Working environment factor

Job aid

Supervisor support

Employee motivation
Physical work

Work incentives

Performance feedback

Independent variables dependent variables


3. The Research Methodology

3.1 Research Design
Research design refers to plan which shows the strategy of an inquiry thought appropriate to the
research (Kothari, 2004). For the purpose of this study descriptive type of research design was
used. The descriptive design describes the phenomena as they exist.

3.2 Study Area

College of business and economics is situated at chamo campus of Arba Minch University which
is located in southern part of Ethiopia. CBE starts as faculty in 2011 it began teaching-learning
process with 3 department with only 10 instructors and 400 students now a day the college has
94 instructor and more than 1000 students with four key departments.

3.3 Population of the Study, Sample Size and Sampling Techniques

3.3.1. Population of the Study

A population is any group of individual that has one or more characteristics a in common and
that are of interest to the researcher (Creswell, 2005). Therefore, the target population of this
study includes instructors’, department heads, college dean of the college. The total population
size in the college of business and economics is 94.

3.3.2. Sample Size

The total population of CBE is 94 but the researcher used 48 academic staff as a sample using
scientific formula of Tayro Yamen (1967) formula.
n=N/1+N (e) 2 where
n=94/1+94(0.1)2 n= sample size
n=48 N=total population
e= margin of error (10%)

Table 3.1 sample size determination methods
Sources; chamo campus HRM

Strata No of employee Proportionate Sample from each

allocation of formula department
Management 26 48(26/94) 13
Accounting and 19 48(19/94) 10
Economics 31 48(31/94) 16
Tourism and hotel 18 48(18/94) 9

3.3.3 Sampling Techniques

To collect the necessary data the researcher used proportionate stratified random sampling the
reason for the researcher to use this technique is to give equal chance of being selected in

3.4 Sources of Data

In this study the researcher used primary sources of data. Primary data is original and collected
for the first time by the researcher. It is gathered through questionnaire, interview and
observation (Kothari, 2004). In this study the data were gathered through questionnaire and
interviewing the academic staff and dean of the college.

3.5 Data Collection Methods (Tools)

According to Creswell (2005) no single techniques or instruments may be considered to be
adequate in itself in collecting valid and reliable data. Therefore the researcher was used two
major collection instruments those are questionnaire and interview methods.

3.5.1. Questionnaire
According to Kothari (2004), a questionnaire is a method of collecting data. In this method data
are collected with the help of questions. Questionnaires’ were prepared in which to assess
working environment and its impact on employee motivation and the question includes both
open and close end questions that are arranged to academic staff of the college.

3.5.2 Interview
The interview method of data collection involves presentation of oral verbal stimuli and replying
in terms of oral- verbal responses. This method is used through personal interview and if possible
telephone interview (Kothari, 2004). In this study the researcher used personal interview which
required face to face contacts with the dean of CBE.

3.6 Data analysis and presentation
The study were used both qualitative as well as quantitative method of data analysis the
analyzing parts were done based on the source of data. All the relevant data for the study was
edited, coded and summarized the data by using descriptive technique. The summarized data
were checked for consistency and then frequencies and percentage used to show responses of the
distribution. The results presented in table, pie charts, bar graph and simple percentage



This chapter deals with data presentation and interpretation of the collected data from the
questionnaire distributed for academic staff in college of business and economics Arba Minch
University. 48 questionnaire distributed to academic staff of college and 45 (93.75%) were filled
and successfully returned while the remaining 3(6.25%) were not returned due to certain
problems of respondents inanity (refusal) to return some of the questions. Accordingly, the
collected data presented and analyzed as follows

4.1 Demographic status of the college

Table 4.1 academic staff profile

1 Sex frequency Percentage

Male 40 89%

Female 5 11%
Total 45 100%

2 Age range frequency Percentage

20-29 years 30 67%
30-39 years 8 18%
40-49 years 4 9%
>50 years 3 6%

Total 45 100%
3 Education level
Degree 5 11%
Master degree 33 74%
PHD 7 15%

Total 45 100%
4 Current job position
Instructor 40 89%
Department head 2 4%
college dean 0 0%
Other like vice college dean 3 7%
Total 45% 100%

5 Year of service

0-1 year 8 18%

2-5 year 22 49%
6-10 year 9 20%
11 year and above 6 13%
Total 45 100%

Source: questionnaire, 2017

In the above table 4.1 item1, the sex category of the academic staff 40(89%) of were male while
the remaining 5(11%) of them were female. This implies that majority of the academic staff were
male. The organization is more dominated by male and it shows sex distribution is not
proportional in the college because more is greater than that of female.

As shown in table 4.1 item 2, 30(67%) of academic staff were between the age of 20-29 years,
8(18%) of them were between 30-39 years, 4(9%) were between age of 40- 49 years and the rest

3(6%) are above 50 years. This implies that majority of the academic staff were in between age
20-29 years and it shows that most of the academic staff are young and productive.

While table 4.1 item 3, 5(11%) of them were first degree holder 33(74%) were master degree
holder. While the remaining 7(15%) were (PHD) holders. This implies that majority of the
academic staff were master degree holders and this shows that academic staff of the college have
skilled man power.

According to table 4.1 item 4, shows the academic staff 40(89%) were instructors. 2(4%) were
department head while the remaining 3(7%) were other like vice college dean. This implies that
majority of the academic staff were instructor so most of the position in the college are engaged
in teaching learning process.

In the same table 4.1 item 5, shows 8(18%) 0f the academic staff have from 0-1 year job
experience 22(49%) of them have from 2-5 years job experiences, 9(20%) of them have from 6-
10 year experiences, While the remaining 6(13%) of them have 11 years and above. This implied
that most of the academic staff has from 2-5 years of job experience on the current job position
and this shows that the college has experienced workers.

4.2. Work place environment factor that affect motivation

Table 4.2 Physical work place environment

No Items Variables Frequency Percentage

1 The furniture provided from Strongly agree 3 7%
the college is comfortable
Agree 19 42%

enough for me to do my Neutral 8 18%
job without get tired
Disagree 11 24%
Strongly disagree 4 9%
Total 45 100%
2 My college provides me with not Strongly agree 2 4%
disturbing environment where I Agree 14 32%
can perform my duties without Neutral 2 4%
any noises Disagree 19 42%
Strongly disagree 8 18%
Total 45 100%
3 A better work environment Strongly agree 14 32%
(office space, enough lighting, Agree 22 49%
furniture……..) will make you Neutral 2 4%
motivate to perform better job? Disagree 5 11%
Strongly disagree 2 4%
Total 45 100%
Source; questionnaires, 2017

In the above table 4.2, item 1 shows that 3(7%) of the academic staff strongly agree with the
furniture provided from the college was comfortable to perform jobs without getting tired,
19(42%) of the academic staff were agree with the furniture comfort, 8(18%) of the academic
staff were neutral, 11(24%) of the academic staff were disagree with the furniture conformances
and the rest of them 4(9%) were strongly disagree this shows that almost 49% of the academic
staff fall under range of agreement. This implies majority of the academic staff agreed with the
furniture were comfortable to perform their job without getting tired this shows that the college
have comfortable furniture that can help the academic staff to perform their jobs without getting
tired and if the furniture is comfortable it contributes for employee motivation.

In the same table item 2 shows that 2(4%) of the academic staff were strongly agree about their
work place provide undisturbed work environment without any noise to perform jobs, 14(32%)
of the academic staff were agree, 2(4%) of the academic staff were neutral in this idea, 19(42%)
of the academic staff were disagree and the rest of the academic staff 8(18%) were strongly

disagree this shows that around 60 % of the respondents were disagreed. This implies that
majority of the academic staff were disagreed with their work place provides undisturbed
environment without any noise that allow a time to perform their job this shows that the college
do have disturbed environment due to teachers office and student class are in one block so this
affects employee motivation negatively This is happen around the class room when teaching-
learning process held and when academic staff wants to work in their offices those sounds are
like student noise when they leave and enter in to class and uses WIFI services and different
sounds come from these leads to employee dissatisfied because they can interrupt different
activities from performing and the academic staff not to put for a long time in the offices if this
happen it create less motivation of the staff to their job.

As indicated in the above table item 3 shows that 14(32%) of the academic staff were strongly
agree about better work environment (spacious offices, lighting) provided from the college
motivate to work, 22(49%) of the academic staff were agree, 2(4%) of the academic staff were
neutral, 5(11%) of the academic staff were disagree and the rest 2(4%) of the academic staff
were strongly disagree this shows that around 81% of the academic staff were agreed. This
implies that better work environment (spacious offices and lighting) provided from the college
motivate them to work this shows that CBE have better work environment and this can
contribute to motivate academic staff of the college.

Table 4.3 Incentives and benefits provided by the university

No Item Variables Frequency Percentage

1 The monetary Strongly agree 16 36%
compensation or Agree 18 40%
salary I get from Neutral 2 4%
my university Disagree 2 4%

motivates me Strongly disagree 7 16%
Sources; questionnaires, 2017

As indicated in the above table 4.3 about incentives and benefits provided by the university
16(36%) of the academic staff were strongly agree with the monetary compensation or salary
they get from the university motivates them, 18(40%) of the academic staff were agree, 2(4%) of
the academic staff were neutral and the rest 2(4%) of the academic staff were strongly disagree
so this shows around 76 % of the academic staff were agreed. This implies that the university
salary or compensation that gives to academic staff motivate them. According to Chandrasekhar
(2011) compensation is important and helps in keeping the motivation and increases their level
of motivation to their works.

Table 4.4 performances feedback

No Items Variables Frequency Percentage

1 The level of Very good 13 29%
feedback staffs get Good 21 47%
from supervisors Moderate 7 15%

(department head Bad 4 9%
or college dean) Very bad 0 0%
Total 45 100%
2 Performance Strongly agree 17 38%
feedback that is Agree 21 47%
given from your Neutral 2 4%
supervisor has Disagree 4 9%
an impact on Strongly disagree 1 2%
your motivation Total 45 100%
Sources; questionnaires, 2017

As indicated in the above table 4.4 item 1 shows the level of feedback accordingly 13(29%) of
Academic staffs gets very good feedback 21(47%) of the respondents were good level of
feedback transmission, 7(15%) of the academic staff were moderate level feedback while other
responds they had bad level of feedback with their supervisors. This implies that there were good
level of feedback with staff members and their immediate supervisors this shows that if there is
good level of feedback there is good communication in turn it contributes to their motivation
because academic staff problem easily identified and solved easily.

In the same table item 2 shows that 17(38%) of the academic staff were strongly agree with
performance feedback that is given from the their supervisor has an impact on their level of
motivation, 21(47%) of the academic staff were agree, 2(4%) of the academic staff were neutral
in this view, 4(9%) of the academic staff were disagree the rest 2% were strongly disagree this
shows that almost 85% of the respondents agreed. This implies that performance feedback they
receive from their supervisors has an impact on staff member of the college and good feedback
can contributes to increase motivation this shows that if there is good performance feedback
between the academic staff and immediate supervisor this can every things easily applied and
easily practicable and this in turn contributes for a good motivation.

Table 4.5 supervisor support

No Items Variables Frequency Percentage

1 The relationship of Very strong 8 18%

staffs with their Strong 17 38%
supervisor at Fair 20 44%
workplace No at all 0 0%
Total 45 100%
Source: questionnaire, 2017

According to table 4.5, item 1 shows that 8 (18%) of respondents argued that there is very strong
relationship. 17 (38%) of respondents beloved that there is strong relationship, while 44% of
academic staffs had fair relationship with their supervisor. Generally there is strong relationship
between staff and their supervisor which can increase the motivation of the staff highly.
Immediate supervisor is best on all the task he administer to motivate their staff highly.

The following were the response from academic staff of the college on rating their
supervisor on different levels.

Figure 4. 1: Supervisor’s rating on communication

8% 6%
18% average
28% good
very good


Sources; questionnaires, 2017

The figure 4.1 described that, 40% of the employees rated their supervisor’s communication
skills as been good towards their job while 28% rated their supervisor as very good in terms of
communication. 18% of employees said their supervisor’s communication towards their job is
average and 8% of employees rated their supervisor as excellent in terms of communication. The
last 6% of employees said they are poor with their communication skills. This implies that
majority of the academic staff rate their supervisor as have a good communication so this helps
to increase staff motivation because the need they want can be easily accomplished if there is
good communication so In order to gain the employees motivation, both employees and

supervisor needs to play their part of good relationship through communication and this leads to
positive result.

Figure 4.2: Supervisor’s rating on planning and organizing

planing and organizing

9% average
31% excelent


Source; questionnaire, 2017

As shown from the figure 4.2, 33% of employees rated their supervisor being good in terms of
planning and organizing at their workplace towards their jobs whereas 22% academic staff rate
their supervisor is average in planning and organizing towards their jobs. 31% said that their
supervisor contribution towards their job is very good in planning and organizing while 9% rated
their supervisor as excellent when it comes to planning and organizing. Lastly is 5% of
employees who rated their supervisor are poor. Supervisor’s ability on planning and organizing
helps in getting their job done by motivating employees on their jobs because if the supervisor is
best in terms of planning and organizing this leads to increased motivation of the staff

Figure 4.3: Supervisor’s rating on directing and coordinating

directing and coordinating
10% poor
20% good

Source; questionnaires, 2017

Majority of employees from the figure 4.3 represent 40% rated average to their supervisor when
it comes to directing and coordinating towards their job performance. 20% of employees
responded by saying their supervisor are very good in directing and coordinating activities and as
such they feel very much comfortable working with them while 30% of the employees who
responded said their supervisor are good with directing and coordinating while the remaining
10% rated poor. Supervisor’s competence on directing and coordinating contribute on
employees’ motivation if the supervisor is having a very good skill on directing and
coordinating, the employees will probably increase their motivation to work.

Figure 4.4: Supervisor’s rating on job/technical knowledge

job or technical knowledge

9% poor


Source; questionnaires, 2017

The figure 4.4 described that, 36% of employees responded by saying their supervisor are very
good in job/technical knowledge towards their job. 26% of employees also responded by saying
their supervisor have good job/technical knowledge towards their jobs whereas 11% said their
supervisor are excellent with their job, 18% of employees rated their supervisor being average in
terms of job/technical knowledge in the work place and the rest of 9%. This implies that
supervisor have good technical/job knowledge this contribute to staff motivation because a
supervisor is regarded as an experience leader who can solve employee ambiguity by
establishing objectives, selecting program method and techniques which leads to positive result
to the motivation of staff.

Figure 4.5: Supervisor’s rating on interpersonal relationship

interpersonal relation ship

17% 9% average

Source; questionnaires, 2017

From the figure 4.5, 42% of employees responded by rating their supervisor’s interpersonal
relationship is good at the working place. 28% of employees rated their supervisor being very
good in terms of their interpersonal relationship while 17% rated their supervisor as excellent in
interpersonal relationship. Some of the employees replied their supervisor interpersonal
relationship is poor at the working which represent 4% of employees whereas 9% said their
supervisor’s interpersonal relationship is average towards job performance. This implies that
majority of the academic staff replied that Supervisor’s interpersonal relationship is good so this
contributes to employees’ motivation in terms of delivering the information or process on the job
to the employees at the work place.

Table 4.6 job aid

No Item Variables Frequency Percentage
1 Job-aid or Strongly agree 7 16%
(facilities, that Agree 21 46%
use for teaching Neutral 10 22%
learning process) Disagree 3 7%
provides from Strongly disagree 4 9%
the college Total 45 100%
motivate you to
Sources; questionnaires, 2017

As indicated in the above table 4.6 item 1 shows that 7(16%) were strongly agree with the job
aid that provides from the college motivate them to work, 21(46%) were agree, 3(7%) were
neutral, 3(7%) were disagree and the remaining 9% were strongly disagree this shows that
around 62% agreed. This implies that job aid provided from the college motivate employees of
the college to work effectively because of that the job aids like LCD, PCs and other aid can
contribute a lot to accomplish their tasks effectively and in a timely manner and this leads that
good motivation.

4.3. Effects of unsuitable working environment

Table 4.7 the effect work place environment on motivation

No Item Variables Frequency Percentage

1 workplace Strongly agree 17 38%
environment has Agree 17 38%
an effect on my Neutral 5 11%
motivation Disagree 2 4%
Strongly disagree 4 9%
Total 45 100%
Sources; questionnaires, 2017

According to table 4.7 item 1, shows 17(38%) of the academic staff are strongly agree that work
place has an effect on motivation. 17(38%) of the academic staff were agree, while the remaining

5(11%) 0f the academic staff were neutral, 2(4%) were disagree, 4(9%) were strongly disagree.
This implies that majority of fall under range of agreement this show all the elements of the work
place like the listed factors above have an effect on motivation because their presences can help
to increase the motivation of the staff and their absences can results less motivation and the
researcher wants to show about the effects of unsuitable working environment on the academic

Figure 4.6 the effect of unsuitable working environment











turnover increase reduces performances create health disorder less motivation and

4.4. Analysis for interview question

In order to gather more additional information interview was conducted to CBE dean.

1. The first question was retarding the major problem of working environment in the

According to the interviewee the major problems are

 Hot environment condition

 Imbalance of the ration between teachers to students and also student to class room.
 Transportation problem.
 Poor arrangement of class room materials and also class room layout.
 Shortage of dormitories for teachers in the campus.
 Separate office for teachers
 Weak cafeteria services and lack of ventilation
 Teacher works in excess of their capacity due to the shortage of teacher in their

2. Regarding the measurement of suitable working environment in teaching and

learning process the CBE dean said that in order to conclude the working environment is
suitable for teaching and learning process different facilities for academic staff.
 Infrastructure and class room get up,
 Teaching and learning aid materials must be fulfilled,
 Enough Office and different facilities should be fulfilled And
 The factor that have effect for motivation also be fulfilled
3. Work place environment improvement mechanism in which the college uses to
make more suitable and solve the existing problems:-
 Encourage teacher in research and development to gain other additional profits
 Giving a chance for advance education like scholarship.
 Make transport and other related services more flexible.
 Providing a best incentive programs for their best performance’s
 Adequate infrastructure must be provided like water facility, internet facility and soon.
 Motivation, recognition, apprising and acknowledgment mechanism for teachers must be
 Expand (build) additional houses in the campus and improves their quality to reduces the
shortage of dormitory.


5. Summary, Conclusion and Recommendations

5.1 Summary of Major Findings
Based on the result of the analysis and interpretation made in chapter four, the researcher
summarizes the major findings of the study as follows.

 Majority of the academic staff were male.

 Majority of the academic staff were in between age 20-29 years and younger’s.
 Majority of the academic staff were master degree holders.
 Most of the academic staff has from 2-5 years of job experience on the current job
 Majority of the academic staff agreed with the furniture were comfortable to perform
their job without getting tired.
 Majority of the academic staff were disagreed with their work place provides undisturbed
environment without any noise that allow a time to perform their job.
 Better work environment (spacious offices, lighting) provided from the college motivate
the academic staff them to work.
 Majority of the academic staff agreed that the compensation/salary they got from the the
university motivate them.
 There were good level of feedback with staff members and their immediate supervisors.
 Performance feedback they receive from their supervisors has an impact on staff member
of the college and good feedback can contributes to increase motivation.
 Majority of the Academic staffs have good relationship with their supervisor and majority
of the academic staff rate their supervisor as good in case communication, planning,
organizing and in different and technical/job knowledge and other.
 Majority of the academic staff agreed that Job aids provided from the college motivate
them to work effectively.
 Majority of the academic staff replied that un suitable working environment create less
motivation towards their job
Generally Working environment has a major impact on employee’s motivation. In orders to
come up with solution for the negative impact of working environment on employees motivation
there should be improvement mechanism by university and government.

5.2 Conclusion
The study indicate that the impact of working environment on employee motivation in case
college of business and economics, Arba Minch University. Under the general objectives the
study tries to assess the working environment and identifies its impact on employee’s motivation.
The specific objectives are to identity the factors of working environment that affect the
employees motivation and to investigate the factors that can play a role in shaping the work place
and the researcher concluded that CBE have a suitable furniture’s, staff offices and lighting and
the college provide good performances feedback, supervisor support and job aid to their
academic staff that can motivate them to work. Even if there is a good work place environment
some of the respondents disagree with suitability of work place environment and they need
improvement. Under the second objective the researcher shows the effect of unsuitable working
environment in Arba Minch University and it concludes that if these conditions happen it leads
to less motivation in their jobs. Finally the researcher concluded from the finding the way or
improvement mechanisms for more staff motivation of the college like built separate building for
teacher and student another alternative. Generally working environment play a vital role in
motivating employee to perform their jobs since money is not only sufficient motivator in
encouraging employee in this competitive business environment rather by attract, keeps, and
motivate by providing suitable working environment.

5.3 Recommendation
Based on the findings and available literature and in line with the forgoing conclusion the
following recommendations are forwarded.

 The college should built additional houses immediately and the make transport and other
related services flexible, provide friendly working environment and find way to make life
of the staff member more pleasant by offering flexible schedules.
 The college should built additional class to student and teachers separately to minimize
the destructive sounds.
 College should incorporate employees in decision making doing so will allow staff
members feel comfortable to voice their opinion and make suggestion to improve
condition and works.

 Make the work place looks attractive to the staff by update current furniture, poster,
flower, and different photos in their offices.
 Adequate teaching material like, white board, chalk and etc. must be fulfilled and hire
additional instructor’s to minimize the work loads of existing staff
 Well established office system must exist and secretarial service must be established to
support the teaching and learning process.
 There should be periodical and formal meeting in order to evocate strength and weakness
of college and to strength the relationship between superiors with employees.
 Lastly as a researcher I would like to recommend to other researcher to works this study
on the other factor of motivation and try to show in the impacts on larger sample size.

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Appendices 1

Arba Minch University

College of business and economics
Department of management
This questionnaire is concerned with the impacts of working environment on employee
motivation in the college of business and economics Arba Minch University.
The main objectives this research will be to identify the impacts of working environment on
employee motivation on teaching and learning process and develop as well as provide necessary
solution to the problem .Therefore, your participation with giving reliable information has a very
much to contribution for the success of this study .I thank all of you in advance for your
contribute to fill this questionnaire.
Writing name is not important
To show your answer, “√” on the box provide for choice question
. A questionnaire for instructor and department heads
Part one- personal information
1) Sex A) Male B) female

2) Age A) 20-29 B) 30-39 C) 40-49

D) 50 years and above

3) Educational level A. degree B. Master Degree C.PHD

4) Current job position A. instructor B. department head

C. college dean D .others like assistants professor and vice college dean

5) Year of service .A 0-1 years B.2-5year c.6-10 years

D. 11-15 years E. above 16 year

Part two main questions

i. Factors affecting employee motivation

7. My Furniture is enough comfortable to enable me perform job without getting tired.

a) Strongly disagree d) Agree

b) Disagree e) Strongly agree

c) Neutral
8. My work place provides undisturbed environment without any noise that allows me a time to perform

a) Strongly disagree d) Agree

b) Disagree e) Strongly agree

c) Neutral
9. A better work environment (spacious space, enough lighting, etc……..) will make me motivate to
perform better job?

a) Strongly disagree d) Agree

b) Disagree e) Strongly agree

c) Neutral
10. The monetary compensation or salary structure of the university motivates me?

a) Strongly disagree d) Agree

b) Disagree e) Strongly agree

c) Neutral
11. What is the level of feedback that you receive from your supervisor (department head and
dean of the college)?

a) Very bad d) good

b) Bad e) very good

c) Moderate

12. The performance feedback that you receive from your supervisor has an impact on your

a) Strongly disagree d) Agree

b) Disagree e) Strongly agree

c) Neutral
13. What is your relationship with your supervisor at the work place?

a. Very strong relationship

b. Strong relationship

c. Fair relationship

d. No relationship
14. How would you rate supervisor in each of the following area?

Areas Very Poor poor Average Good Very good

Planning and
Directing and
Job or technical

15. Job aid made works to be easier and motivate me to work.

a) Strongly disagree d) Agree

b) Disagree e) Strongly agree

c) Neutral
ii. Effects on working environment
17. To what extent do you agree that working environment has impact on motivation?

a) Strongly disagree d) Agree

b) Disagree e) Strongly agree

c) Neutral
18. What are the effects of unsuitable working environment? (select one than one option is possible)

a) Turnover increase

b) Reduces performances

c) Create Health disorder

d) Less motivation and commitment

Appendices 2

1. What is the major problem of working environment in the college?

2. What is the measurement of suitable working environment in teaching and learning
3. The final questions were, what should the college do to adjust the existing working
environment problems?


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