Effects of Ultraviolet Radiation On Aquatic Bryophytes
Effects of Ultraviolet Radiation On Aquatic Bryophytes
Effects of Ultraviolet Radiation On Aquatic Bryophytes
Universidad de La Rioja. Complejo Científico-Tecnológico, Madre de Dios 51, 26006 Logroño (La Rioja), Spain
*Corresponding author: [email protected]
The depletion of the stratospheric ozone layer as a result of anthropogenic activities increases the ultraviolet-B (UV-B) irra-
diance at ground level. This may lead to harmful biological consequences affecting photosynthetic organisms. Mountain stre-
ams are especially exposed to a UV-B increase, and bryophytes play a key ecological role in them. In this paper, the effects of
enhanced UV-B radiation on photosynthetic organisms in general and on bryophytes in particular are described. Hereafter,
some results obtained by our group on the effects of UV-B on bryophytes from mountain streams are presented. Laboratory
and field experiments show that these effects depend on the species, the environmental factors (such as temperature), and the
origin of the samples (sun or shade conditions, low or high altitude). Among the variables measured, the maximum quantum
yield of photosystem II (Fv/Fm) and the level of UV-absorbing compounds seem to be the most responsive to enhanced UV-B,
but no variable responded in the same manner in every species. The potential use of aquatic bryophytes as bio-indicators of
changes in ambient UV-B radiation would require an adequate selection of both variables and species. Promising variables are
Fv/Fm, the concentration of UV-absorbing compounds (especially if they are analyzed individually) and DNA damage, where-
as the liverwort Jungermannia exsertifolia subsp. cordifolia has been revealed to be a good bio-indicator species. Globally, the
responses of aquatic bryophytes to UV-B radiation and their protecting systems are still poorly characterized, and thus further
study is required under both controlled and field conditions.
Keywords: aquatic bryophytes, mosses, liverworts, ultraviolet-B (UV-B) radiation, mountain streams, bio-indicators.
La degradación antropogénica de la capa de ozono estratosférico provoca un aumento de la radiación ultravioleta-B (UV-B)
en la superficie de La Tierra. Esto puede causar consecuencias biológicas nocivas en los organismos fotosintéticos. Los arro-
yos de montaña están especialmente expuestos al aumento de UV-B, y los briófitos desempeñan un papel ecológico crucial en
estos ecosistemas. En el presente artículo, se describen los efectos de un aumento de radiación UV-B sobre los organismos
fotosintéticos en general y sobre los briófitos en particular. A continuación, se presentan algunos resultados obtenidos por
nuestro grupo de investigación sobre los efectos de la radiación UV-B en briófitos de arroyos de montaña. Los experimentos
realizados tanto en campo como en laboratorio muestran que dichos efectos dependen de la especie considerada, de los facto-
res ambientales (como la temperatura) y de la procedencia de las muestras (aclimatadas a condiciones de sol o sombra, pro-
venientes de baja o elevada altitud). Entre las variables analizadas, el rendimiento cuántico máximo del fotosistema II (Fv /Fm)
y el nivel de compuestos absorbentes de radiación UV parecen ser las que mejor responden a un aumento de UV-B, pero nin-
guna variable responde de la misma manera en todas las especies. El uso potencial de los briófitos acuáticos como bioindica-
dores de cambios en los niveles naturales de radiación UV-B requiere una selección adecuada tanto de las variables analiza-
das como de las especies empleadas. Fv /Fm y la concentración de compuestos absorbentes de radiación UV (en especial si
éstos son analizados individualmente), junto con los daños en el ADN, parecen ser las variables más prometedoras en este
campo, mientras que la hepática Jungermannia exsertifolia subsp. cordifolia podría resultar una buena especie bioindicadora.
Desde un punto de vista global, las respuestas de los briófitos acuáticos a la radiación UV-B, y los mecanismos protectores
que utilizan para hacerle frente, están todavía poco caracterizados, y en consecuencia se necesita una mayor investigación en
condiciones controladas y en campo.
Palabras clave: briófitos acuáticos, musgos, hepáticas, radiación ultravioleta-B (UV-B), arroyos de montaña, bioindicadores.
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the mechanisms have hardly been tested regard- ing systems are still poorly characterized, and
ing UV-B radiation. Globally, the responses of thus further study is required both under con-
bryophytes to UV-B radiation and their protect- trolled and field conditions.
Table 1. Original papers on the effects of UV radiation on bryophytes. Key for “Used Species”: L, liverwort; M, moss. Key for “Ambient”:
T, terrestrial; P, peatlands; A, aquatic; R, rivers or streams; L, lakes. Key for “Type of Experiment”: F, Field; G, greenhouse; L, laboratory;
E, exclusion of UV-B radiation; S, supplement of UV-B radiation; N, samples exposed to natural levels of solar radiation; VSh, very short
duration (less than 1 day); Sh, short duration (1-30 days); M, medium duration (longer than one month and shorter than 6 months); Lo, long
duration (6 months - 1 year); VLo, very long duration (longer than 1 year); ?, undetermined duration; H, historical study (comparison of
samples over a prolonged period). Key for “Variables used”: A, alterations in DNA; Fl, chlorophyll fluorescence; FlS, fluorescence spectra;
G, growth; H, hydric relations; M, morphology; Mt1, primary metabolites (glucids, proteins, lipids); Mt2, secondary metabolites, including
UV-absorbing compounds; N, mineral nutrients; Ox, variables of oxidative stress (peroxide content, lipid peroxidation, ascorbate, superoxi-
de dismutase, peroxidase, catalase); P, photosynthesis; Ph, phenology; PP, photosynthetic pigments; PS1 and PS2, activity of photosystems I
and II, respectively; R, respiration; Rf, reflectance indices; Sc, sclerophylly; U, ultrastructure. Artículos originales relacionados con los
efectos de la radiación UV sobre los briófitos. Clave para “Especies utilizadas”: L, hepática; M, musgo. Clave para “Ambiente”: T, terres-
tre; P, turberas; A, acuático; R, ríos o arroyos; L, lagos. Clave para “Tipo de experimento”: F, campo; G, invernadero; L, laboratorio; E,
exclusión de radiación UV-B; S, suplemento de radiación UV-B; N, muestras expuestas a niveles naturales de radiación solar; VSh, dura-
ción muy corta (menos de 1 día); Sh, duración corta (1-30 días); M, duración media (mayor de 1 mes y menor de 6 meses); Lo, duración
larga (6 meses - 1 año); VLo, duración muy larga (mayor de 1 año); ?, duración indeterminada; H, estudio histórico (comparación de
muestras a lo largo de un periodo prolongado). Clave para “Variables utilizadas”: A, alteraciones en el ADN; Fl, fluorescencia de clorofi-
la; FlS, espectros de fluorescencia; G, crecimiento; H, relaciones hídricas; M, morfología; Mt1, metabolitos primarios (glúcidos, proteínas,
lípidos); Mt2, metabolitos secundarios, incluyendo compuestos absorbentes de UV; N, nutrientes minerales; Ox, variables de estrés oxidati-
vo (contenido de peróxido, peroxidación de lípidos, ascorbato, superóxido dismutasa, peroxidasa, catalasa); P, fotosíntesis; Ph, fenología;
PP, pigmentos fotosintéticos; PS1 y PS2, actividad de los fotosistemas I y II, respectivamente; R, respiración; Rf, índices de reflectancia;
Sc, esclerofilia; U, ultrastructura.
Huttunen et al. (2005a) Dicranum scoparium (M), Funaria hygrometrica (M), T, P N, H M, Mt2
Hylocomium splendens (M), Pleurozium schreberi (M),
Polytrichum commune (M), Polytrichastrum alpinum (M),
Sphagnum angustifolium (M), S. capillifolium (M),
S. fuscum (M), S. warnstorfi (M)
Huttunen et al. (2005b) Hylocomium splendens (M), Pleurozium schreberi (M) T N, H M, Mt2
Ihle (1997) Conocephalum conicum (L) T L, S, VSh Mt1
Ihle & Laasch (1996) Conocephalum conicum (L) T L, S, VSh-Sh Fl, Mt1, Mt2, P
Johanson et al. (1995) Hylocomium splendens (M) T G, S, ? G, Ph
Lewis Smith (1999) Bryum argenteum (M), Bryum pseudotriquetrum (M), T F, E, M G
Ceratodon purpureus (M)
Lovelock & Robinson Bryum pseudotriquetrum (M), Ceratodon purpureus (M), T F, N, ? Mt2, PP, Rf
(2002) Grimmia antarctici (M)
Lud et al. (2002) Sanionia uncinata (M) T F, L, E, S, VSh-VLo A, G, Fl, M,
P, Mt2, PP
Lud et al. (2003) Sanionia uncinata (M) T F, E, S, VSh-Sh A, Fl, Mt2, P, PP, R
Markham et al. (1990) Bryum argenteum (M) T N, H Mt2
Markham et al. (1998) Marchantia polymorpha (L) T G, S, M G, M, Mt2, Ph
Martínez-Abaigar et al.Jungermannia exsertifolia subsp. cordifolia (L), A (R) L, S, M Fl, Mt2, P, PP, R, Sc
(2003a) Fontinalis antipyretica (M)
Martínez-Abaigar et al.Jungermannia exsertifolia subsp. cordifolia (L), A (R) L, S, M G, M
(2003b) Fontinalis antipyretica (M)
Montiel et al. (1999) Sanionia uncinata (M) T F, S, ? Fl
Newsham (2003) Andreaea regularis (M) T F, N, M Mt2, PP
Newsham et al. (2002) Sanionia uncinata (M), Cephaloziella varians (L) T F, N, Sh-M Fl, Mt2, PP
Newsham et al. (2005) Cephaloziella varians (L) T F, N, E, M Mt2, PP
Niemi et al. (2002a) Sphagnum angustifolium (M), S. papillosum (M), P F, S, M G, Mt2, PP
S. magellanicum (M)
Niemi et al. (2002b) Sphagnum balticum (M), Sphagnum papillosum (M) P F, S, M G, Mt2, PP
Núñez-Olivera et al. Jungermannia exsertifolia subsp. cordifolia (L), A (R) L, S, M Fl, G, Mt1, Mt2,
(2004) Fontinalis antipyretica (M) P, PP, R, Sc
Núñez-Olivera et al. Jungermannia exsertifolia subsp. cordifolia (L), A (R) L, S, Sh Fl, Mt1, Mt2, P,
(2005) Fontinalis antipyretica (M) PP, R, Sc
Phoenix et al. (2001) Hylocomium splendens (M) T F, S, VLo G, H
Post & Vesk (1992) Cephaloziella exiliflora (L) T F, N, Sh M, Mt2, P, PP, U
Prasad et al. (2004) Riccia sp. (L) T L, S, VSh Ox, PP, PS1, PS2
Rader & Belish (1997a) Fontinalis neomexicana (M) A (R) F, E-S, M G
Robinson et al. (2005) Grimmia antarctici (M) T F, E, VLo Fl, H, M, Mt2,
P, PP, Rf
Robson et al. (2003) Sphagnum magellanicum (M) P F, E, VLo G, M
Robson et al. (2004) Sphagnum magellanicum (M) P F, E, VLo G, M
Rozema et al. (2002) Tortula ruralis (M) T F, E, ? G, Mt2
Schipperges & Gehrke Hylocomium splendens (M), Sphagnum fuscum (M) T, P F-L, S, M- VLo G, H, P
Searles et al. (1999) Sphagnum magellanicum (M) P F, E, Lo G, Mt2, PP
Searles et al. (2001b) Sphagnum magellanicum (M) P F, E, VLo G, M, Mt2
Searles et al. (2002) Sphagnum magellanicum (M) P F, E, VLo G, M, Mt2, PP
Sonesson et al. (1996) Hylocomium splendens (M) T L, S, M G, P
Sonesson et al. (2002) Dicranum elongatum (M), Sphagnum fuscum (M) P F, S, VLo G, H
Taipale & Huttunen Hylocomium splendens (M), Pleurozium schreberi (M) T F, S, M Mt2
Takács et al. (1999) Dicranum scoparium (M), Leucobryum glaucum (M), T G, S, Sh-M Fl
Mnium hornum (M), Pellia epiphylla (L),
Plagiothecium undulatum (M), Polytrichum formosum (M),
Tortula ruralis (M)
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ULTRAVIOLET RADIATION AND any treatment condition, and there was a loss of
AQUATIC BRYOPHYTES FROM material in all samples from the beginning to the
MOUNTAIN STREAMS conclusion of the experiment, which casts doubt
on the significance of the results.
Before our studies, only two other ones had been For several reasons, we circumscribe our rese-
conducted on the effects of UV radiation on arch interest to the effects of UV-B radiation on
truly aquatic bryophytes (see Table 1), despite aquatic bryophytes from mountain streams.
the interest of how diverse organisms from diffe- Firstly, these ecosystems might be particularly
rent habitats respond to this environmental fac- exposed to the effects of UV-B radiation, since
tor. In Conde-Álvarez et al. (2002), samples of 1) the biologically active UV-B radiation increa-
the thalloid liverwort Riella helicophylla from a ses between 5 % and 20 % per 1000 m altitudi-
saline lake were cultivated throughout a natural nal increase (Björn et al., 1998); 2) UV-B radia-
daily light cycle under two radiation treatments: tion can easily reach the organisms because they
solar radiation (UV + photosynthetically active live at relatively low depths or even emersed, and
radiation or PAR) and solar radiation deprived of UV-B radiation can penetrate into the oligotro-
UV (PAR treatment). There were significant dif- phic waters typically occurring in mountain stre-
ferences between the two treatments in the ams; and 3) the low temperatures which prevail
maximum quantum yield of photo-system II during most of the year may limit the develop-
(Fv/Fm), the effective quantum yield of photo- ment of protection and repairing mechanisms
synthetic energy conversion of PSII (ΦPSII), the against UV-B radiation. Secondly, bryophytes
electron transport rate (ETR) and the initial are the most abundant primary producers in
slope of ETR vs. irradiance curve (all higher in mountain streams and are also important in
PAR plants than in UV+PAR plants throughout nutrient cycles and food webs (Bowden et al.,
the day), photosynthetic capacity (higher in PAR 1999; Núñez-Olivera et al., 2001). This domina-
plants only at noon), chlorophyll a (lower in tion suggests that they can withstand present
UV+PAR only at 11.00), and phenolic com- levels of UV-B radiation, but the underlying
pounds (higher in UV+PAR only at 13.30). No physiological mechanisms are unknown and the
differences between treatments were found in structural protections against UV-B are lacking
dark respiration, photochemical quenching, and (as it was mentioned above for bryophytes as a
carotenoid concentration, and only slight ones in group). Thirdly, bryophytes have an outstanding
non-photochemical quenching (higher in bio-indication ability in a number of pollution
UV+PAR only in the morning). Thus, UV radia- processes and environmental changes (see a
tion (particularly UV-B) caused some damage to recent review in Ah-Peng & Rausch de
the photosynthetic apparatus. Recovery of inhi- Traubenberg, 2004), which could suggest their
bited photosynthesis took place in the afternoon, potential use as bio-indicators of changes in UV-
therefore solar UV radiation did not cause irre- B levels. And finally, the scarcity of studies
versible damage in the short term. Rader & existing on this particular topic recommends
Belish (1997a) carried out a ten-week field increasing our knowledge on it, especially consi-
experiment in which samples of the moss dering the present social interest on the causes
Fontinalis neomexicana were transplanted from and consequences of global climate change.
a reference site to both a shaded and an open In our work, we have conducted both labora-
section of a mountain stream and were irradiated tory and field studies. In the laboratory, we have
with enhanced levels of UV-B radiation. The cultivated bryophytes under enhanced UV-B
transplants from the open site showed an impor- simulating a 20 % ozone depletion, with the aim
tant, although non-significant, reduction in dry to characterize bryophyte responses to higher
biomass with respect to those growing under than present UV-B levels. The applied biologi-
ambient conditions. However, the moss in this cally effective UV-B (UV-BBE) was 0.67 W m-2,
experiment failed to grow in any site and under equivalent to an exposure of 9.6 kJ m-2 d-1,
Limnetica 25(1-2)01 12/6/06 13:54 Página 87
which was calculated using the generalized plant moss against UV-B radiation, at least under the
damage action spectrum of Caldwell (1971). We specific experimental conditions used. Also,
established three general radiation regimes the increment of UV-absorbing compounds
(PAR, PAR + UV-A, and PAR + UV-A + UV-B) in the liverwort might be a useful ecophysiologi-
to distinguish the effects of UV-A and UV-B cal tool in the bioindication of UV-B.
radiations separately. Bryophyte responses were The different response of the two studied spe-
analyzed in terms of sclerophylly, the photo- cies to UV-B radiation was also evident in their
synthetic pigment composition, the rates of net morphological features (Martínez-Abaigar et
photosynthesis and dark respiration, some varia- al., 2003b). When exposed to enhanced UV-B,
bles of chlorophyll fluorescence, and the UV- the moss showed brown colour, depressed
absorbing compounds. In addition, we occasio- growth, development of the central fibrilar body
nally measured DNA damage (through the in the cells, chloroplast disappearance and pre-
appearance of thymine dimers), protein concen- sence of protoplasts progressively vesiculose,
tration, length growth and morphological vacuolized and finally hyaline. These symptoms
symptoms (both macro- and microscopic). The are little specific and have been described in
duration of the experiments was diverse, from several pleurocarpous mosses as a response to
3 days to 4 months. We have concentrated our diverse processes of senescence and stress (both
studies on two species, the moss Fontinalis natural and anthropogenic). The uniquely speci-
antipyretica and the foliose liverwort Junger- fic response of the moss to enhanced UV-B was
mannia exsertifolia subsp. cordifolia (hereafter a colour change in the cell walls, from yellow to
J. cordifolia), which were always collected from orange-brown. In contrast, the exposed samples
streams between 1300 and 2000 m altitude. of the liverwort looked healthy and their macro-
The two bryophytes mentioned above res- and microscopic appearances were quite similar
ponded differently to the enhancement in UV-B to those of control samples.
radiation under controlled conditions, while UV- In the laboratory, we also examined the
A radiation had a scarce biological effect influence of temperature (2 ºC vs. 10 ºC) on
(Martínez-Abaigar et al., 2003a), as it occurred the physiological and morphological responses
in other experiments using bryophytes (Niemi et of Fontinalis antipyretica and Jungermannia cor-
al., 2002a, 2002b). The samples of the moss difolia to enhanced UV-B (Martínez-Abaigar et
which were irradiated with UV-B showed, with al., 2003b; Núñez-Olivera et al., 2004). The
respect to the control, decreases in the chlo- influence of temperature on the effects of UV-B
rophyll and carotenoid concentration, the chlo- radiation depended on the species: the higher the
rophyll a/b quotient, the chlorophylls/phaeopig- UV-B tolerance, the lower the influence of tem-
ments ratios, the net photosynthesis rates, the perature. Also, different morphological and
light saturation point, Fv/Fm and ETR. They also physiological variables showed varied responses
showed increases in the sclerophylly index to this influence. Particularly, the lower tempera-
(“leaf ” mass per area) and the dark respiration ture used in our study enhanced the adverse
rates. The majority of these changes were indica- effects of UV-B radiation on several important
tive of plant stress and some of them had been physiological variables (Fv/Fm, growth and chlo-
previously found in bryophytes exposed to rophylls/phaeopigments ratios) in the UV-B-sen-
enhanced UV-B radiation. However, the UV-B- sitive F. antipyretica, but not in the more UV-B-
irradiated samples of the liverwort only showed a tolerant J. cordifolia. Thus, the adverse effects of
decrease in Fv/Fm, which might be the most sen- cold and UV-B radiation were apparently additi-
sitive physiological variable to UV-B, together ve in the moss (probably because the develop-
with a 20 % increase in the concentration of UV- ment of protection mechanisms was limited by
absorbing compounds. This defense mechanism, cold), whereas this additiveness was lacking in
rarely described in bryophytes, would enable the the liverwort. We conducted a Principal Com-
liverwort to have a higher tolerance than the ponents Analysis (PCA) for both species using
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88 Martínez-Abaigar et al.
the physiological data obtained in the experi- (MEUVAC) and also different forms in their
ments and confirmed their different response to absorbance spectra in the UV band. The high
the concomitant action of UV-B and cold. levels of MEUVAC and the clearly hump-sha-
Another environmental factor that can in- ped spectra in the UV-B and UV-A wavelengths
fluence the response of different species to UV-B (280-400 nm), which were found in the liver-
radiation is their previous field acclimation to worts, contrasted with the low levels and non
sun or shade conditions (Núñez-Olivera et al., hump-shaped spectra generally found in the
2005). Shade samples of Fontinalis antipyretica mosses (except for Polytrichum commune).
were more sensitive to the UV-B treatment than Thus, the accumulation of MEUVAC might
sun samples, and Fv/Fm was the physiological represent a frequent and constitutive a protect-
variable which better discriminated both types of ing mechanism against UV-B radiation in liver-
samples, since it decreased 42 % in the shade worts, but not in mosses.
samples and only 27 % in the sun samples at the In another field experiment, we tested the
end of the culture period. In Jungermannia cor- effects of a natural altitudinal gradient of ultra-
difolia, controls and UV-B-treated samples were violet-B (UV-B) radiation, from 1140 to 1816 m
not significantly different in either the sun or the altitude, on the physiology of 11 populations of
shade samples. PCAs for each species, ranking Jungermannia cordifolia (Arróniz-Crespo,
the physiological results along the culture 2005). Several physiological variables showed
period, strongly supported these points. In con- significant linear relationships with altitude:
clusion, the shade samples were more sensitive global MEUVAC levels, the concentrations of
to UV-B than the sun samples, but only in the two phenolic derivatives, ETRmax and NPQmax
more UV-B-sensitive species. increased with altitude, whereas photoinhibition
We also determined that the sensitivity of percentage and respiration rates decreased. This
bryophyte species to artificially enhanced UV-B was also confirmed by a PCA, since most of
could be tested without having to cultivate the these variables represented significant loading
samples for a long period. A continuous UV-B factors ordinating populations by altitude. The
exposure of 78 h reproduced the differences in characteristics shown by high-altitude popula-
the responses of Fontinalis antipyretica and tions may confer tolerance to high UV-B levels,
Jungermannia cordifolia, which had been pre- and the specific response to UV-B of the two
viously found in longer experiments lasting 36- phenolic derivatives suggests that they could be
82 days (Núñez-Olivera et al., 2005). For this used as indicators of the spatial changes in UV-
short-term test, several culture conditions, B radiation. In addition, the concentrations of
which were known to accelerate the appearance these two phenolic derivatives increased specifi-
of damage, were imposed: high ratio UV- cally under artificially enhanced UV-B radiation
B/PAR, continuous UV-B exposure, and cold (unpublished results). An interesting question
temperature. This type of fast test may therefore remains to be solved: could these compounds be
be used instead of long-duration tests to evalua- used as indicators of temporal changes in UV-B,
te the UV-B tolerance of bryophytes. which could be related to ozone depletion?
The different nature of the protection mecha-
nisms between mosses and liverworts, which
had been previously pointed out for Fontinalis CONCLUSIONS AND PERSPECTIVES
antipyretica and Jungermannia cordifolia under
laboratory conditions, was tested in a field sur- 1. Our results demonstrate that the effects of
vey conducted for 14 aquatic bryophytes from UV-B radiation on aquatic bryophytes depend
mountain streams, 10 mosses and 4 liverworts primarily on the species, and thus they do not
(Arróniz-Crespo et al., 2004). The diverse spe- constitute a single functional group in this
cies showed significantly different levels of respect. The different responses to UV-B are
methanol-extractable UV-absorbing compounds revealed not only by changes in colour or in
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key physiological variables, such as growth, 6. The use of aquatic bryophytes as bio-indica-
chlorophyll concentration, photosynthesis tors of changes in UV-B radiation requires an
rates or chlorophyll fluorescence parameters, adequate selection of both variables and spe-
but also by variables responsible for protect- cies. Promising variables regarding this point
ing mechanisms, such as the concentration of are Fv/Fm, because of its sensitivity to UV-B,
UV-absorbing compounds. In particular, the and the concentration of UV-absorbing com-
constitutive presence and/or inducible enhan- pounds, due to its remarkable specificity of
cement of UV-absorbing compounds depend response. The analysis of individual UV-
strongly on the species and, outstandingly, on absorbing compounds may have a stronger
the type of bryophyte (moss or liverwort) ecological and physiological relevance than
considered. the usual global analysis of these compounds,
2. It is recommendable to evaluate UV-B sensi- since each one may respond in a different
tivity in sufficiently prolonged experiments, manner to UV-B. Thus, a previous identifica-
however short-term (72 h) tests may render tion of the compounds occurring in the diffe-
comparable results. rent species is clearly needed. A third variable
3. The responses of aquatic bryophytes to UV-B potentially useful for bio-indication purposes
radiation depend not only on specific genetic could be the evaluation of DNA damage cau-
factors, but also on environmental factors (such sed specifically by UV-B radiation. Regard-
as temperature) and the origin of the samples ing the species selection, our results point at
(sun or shade conditions, low or high altitude). Jungermannia cordifolia because of its good
The effects of these factors depend on the spe- responsiveness to UV-B, availability of
cies: in the UV-B sensitive ones, both cold and healthy biomass throughout the year (if popu-
previous shade acclimation may exacerbate the lations are selected properly), and wide distri-
harmful effects of enhanced UV-B. bution range over mountain streams of the
4. Among the variables measured under labora- northern hemisphere.
tory conditions, the maximum quantum yield 7. Two phenolic derivatives from Jungermannia
of photo-system II (Fv/Fm) and the level of cordifolia which absorb UV radiation have
UV-absorbing compounds seem to be the shown their ability to increase in response to
most responsive ones to enhanced UV-B. a field spatial gradient of UV-B. The future
However, no variable responds in the same combination of laboratory and field works
manner in every species, which still limits studying the behaviour of these compounds
our global comprehension on the effects of under different UV treatments, and particu-
UV-B on bryophytes. The positive thing here larly the field assessment of their seasonal
is that a “UV-B syndrome” may be identified and inter-annual variations in response to
by the treatment of physiological data of con- temporal changes in ambient UV-B, could
trol and UV-B-exposed samples through mul- allow for the development of a protocol of
tivariant analyses (such as PCA), since both bio-indication of the potential increase in UV-
types of samples usually appear clearly sepa- B radiation due to ozone depletion.
rated in the generated plots.
5. The noteworthy variability of the results
reported in the literature on the effects of UV ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
radiation on bryophytes may be due to the
above-mentioned diversity of species, envi- We are grateful to the Ministerio de Educación
ronmental factors, variables and experimental y Ciencia of Spain and the Fondo Europeo de
conditions used in the different studies. Thus, Desarrollo Regional (FEDER), and to the
it is necessary to take into account the metho- Government of La Rioja (Consejería de
dological approaches to appropriately inter- Educación, Cultura, Juventud y Deportes), for
pret the results obtained. their financial support through the Projects
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