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S4C Lincoln DeviceNet

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S4Cplus / Powerwave DeviceNet Weld Interface

ABB, Inc.
Version 2.0


ABB Part # 2024578

ABB, Inc.
Table of Contents
Communication Setup .......................................................................................1
Cable connections .........................................................................................1
Setup of the Power Wave for DeviceNet connections ...................................2
Setup of the Robot Controller for DeviceNet connections..............................3
Power Up sequence ......................................................................................6
Power Down sequence..................................................................................7
Theory of Operation--Power Wave .......................................................................1
Control Parameters ...........................................................................................1
Power Wave Weld Modes .................................................................................1
Weld Sequence States......................................................................................1
Sequence Timer Enabled States ...................................................................2
Produced I/O data by the Robot Controller ....................................................2
Consumed I/O data by the Robot Controller ..................................................3
Bit 0............................................................................................................3
Fan Out..........................................................................................................3
Welding .............................................................................................................3
Schedule Selection: .......................................................................................3
Weld Timing...................................................................................................4
Faults: ............................................................................................................4
Theory of Operation—S4Cplus Controller ............................................................1
Cold Start Boot up Modules and Packages .......................................................1
ErrHand.sys ...................................................................................................1
LincArcMod.sys .............................................................................................1
WeldModeData.mod ......................................................................................1
Definition of stwm455.................................................................................2
Obtaining the information to populate the WeldModeData program
module: ......................................................................................................3
Editing the WeldModeData module:.........................................................14
Starting the background task Lin_bk1 ......................................................16
Loading the Program Modules After a Cold Start ............................................19
Main program...............................................................................................19
Setting up the Power Wave prior to Welding ...................................................20
Screen Viewer .............................................................................................20
Weld Instructions ..................................................................................................1
ArcLinL Arc Welding with Linear Motion .......................................................1
Arguments .....................................................................................................1
Program execution.........................................................................................3
Execution in stepwise mode ..........................................................................3

ABB, Inc. Table of Contents-1

Table of Contents
Error management.........................................................................................4
Error constant ( the ERRNO value) Description ....................................4
Syntax ........................................................................................................5
Related information Described in: ..............................................................5
ArcLinC Arc Welding with Circular Motion.....................................................1
Arguments .....................................................................................................1
Program execution.........................................................................................3
Execution in stepwise mode ..........................................................................3
Error management.........................................................................................4
Error constant ( the ERRNO value) Description ..........................4
Syntax ........................................................................................................5
Related information Described in: .............................................................5
Seam and Weld Data Arguments..........................................................................1
Seam Data ........................................................................................................1
Weld Data .........................................................................................................4
General Welding Trouble Shooting Guide ............................................................1

ABB, Inc. Table of Contents-2


Communication Setup
Cable connections

Cable configurations must conform to all DeviceNet standard configurations. Do not run or
bundle the DeviceNet control cables next to the welding power cables of the power supply.

Connect a DeviceNet tee with a 120-ohm resistor plug to the Power Wave male mini
connector located on the front of the machine behind the swing out cover. Take the female
end of the DeviceNet cable and connect it to the remaining connection on the DeviceNet
tee. Connect the male end of the DeviceNet cable to the female XS29 mini connector
(CAN2) located on the left side of robot controller.

Follow the instructions in the The Lincoln Power Wave Operator Manual for connections of
the input power, wire feeder, welding power cables and voltage sense cable, if used.

ABB, Inc. Installation-1


Setup of the Power Wave for DeviceNet connections

Open the front cover of the Power Wave by removing the 7 screws.

Inside the cover on the left side is the devicenet communication module.

ABB, Inc. Installation-2

Locate switch bank 1 and set switches 1-8 off.

Switch Switch Switch Switch Switch Switch Switch Switch

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Off Off Off Off Off Off Off Off

Locate switch bank 2. This switch bank selects the devicenet MAC ID and baud rate for the
devicenet communication between the Power Wave and robot controller. The robot
controller expects to see the Power Wave with a MAC ID of 62 and a baud rate of 500K on
the CAN2 bus. Set switch bank 2 as follows:

Switch Switch Switch Switch Switch Switch Switch Switch

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Off On Off On On On On On
Baud rate 500K MAC ID 62

Close the cover and replace the screws. Cycle power to the Power Wave to set the switch
bank settings.

For the set up of the wire feed module, the control module or other MAC ID and baud rate
configurations, please refer to the Lincoln Power Wave Operator Manual and Lincoln
Power Wave Observer User Manual.

Setup of the Robot Controller for DeviceNet connections

The robot controller’s DeviceNet connections are configured by software parameters at

power up or a restart. These parameters are bundled into configuration files that contain
the information necessary to define:

• Input/Output configurations (EIO.cfg):

o The bus used to connect to the Power Wave (CAN2).

o The bus MACID (3) and baud rate (500K) of the master (S4C controller)
located in the can2_cfg.txt file.

o The unit type of the Power Wave-contains information needed to connect

to the Power Wave as a slave

o The unit name for the slave device (L455) and its MAC ID (62), size of
I/O allocated and polling rate (10ms).

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o Correlation of the controller user signals to the polled I/O assembly of the
Power Wave

o The explicit messages to configure the Power Wave weld controller and

ABB, Inc. Installation-4


• ArcWare configurations (PROC.cfg):

o The parameters necessary for the controller to control the welding
process during robot movement.

ABB, Inc. Installation-5


Power Up sequence

The robot controller is the master of the CAN2 bus and it expects to see all devices ready
to be allocated and active at power up, therefore the Power Wave should always be
powered up prior to powering up the robot controller. Failure to do so will result in an
“Access I/O Failure” message from the robot controller. The background task Lin_bk1 will
stop and must be started to run the welder.

WARNING! Once the Devicenet interface has configured and enters the established state,
all produced and consumed I/O for the connection become active; the welding output will
energize if the proper I/O signals are asserted.

Once the robot is turned on, the system will need to be booted with the current operating
system software for the robot. In addition to this, configuration files, system and program

ABB, Inc. Installation-6

modules; and screen viewer packages have to be loaded to configure the controller to
communicate and control the Power Wave. This is done by adding an external key disk
which enables the loading of the external program directory containing these files.
RobInstall is a PC-tool used to install the software in the robot control system. With
RobInstall you can start, pack, and download software for the S4Cplus robot system. This
application is supplied in the CD that contains the operating system software for the robot
control system. RobInstall installs automatically on the PC, if it has not been installed
previously and has a help application for its use.

Once the booting process is finished, the robot control system is ready to weld. If any of the
system parameters (eio.cfg, proc.cfg, etc.) are changed from the teach pendant or changed
offline and added, a restart will be required. This can be done without powering down the
controller. A warm restart can also be accomplished cycling power to the robot controller.

Power Down sequence

The S4C controller should always be powered down prior to powering down the Power
Wave. Again, failure to do so will result in an “Access I/O Failure” message from the robot
controller and the background task Lin_bk1 will stop.

Trouble Shooting the connection

If upon power up of both systems the DeviceNet connection is not made, check the

• Check that the Devicenet cable is connected properly to the CAN2 bus of the robot
controller. The weld power leads should not be routed with the DeviceNet cable.
Check to make certain that the shield pin 3 is properly connected at both ends of
the cable.
• Check the 24VDC DeviceNet power using a DVM between pins 1 and 5. Check
LED1 on the DeviceNet communication module. See the Lincoln PowerWave
Operator Manual.
• Check the DeviceNet status LEDs on the DeviceNet communication module. See
the Lincoln PowerWave Operator Manual.
• Check that the terminating resistor is attached at both ends of the DeviceNet trunk
cable. With the power off, the resistance should be 60 ohms between pins 2 and 5
with the cable connected at both ends.
• Check the Power Wave input power.
• Check that the Baud Rate is set at 500K—Use Power Wave Observer.
• Check that the MACID is set at 62—Use Power Wave Observer.
• Check that the background task Lin_bk1 is executing by entering the program
screen, pressing the View menu and selecting Select current task… If it is not
executing and in the Stopped state, then highlight the Lin_bk1 task and press OK.
Once in the teach mode, press the enabling device and push Start. The run
window will appear. Select the View menu at the top of the screen and select
Select current task… Highlight the MAIN task task and press OK to return to the
main program

ABB, Inc. Installation-7

Theory of Operation--Power Wave

Theory of Operation--Power Wave

The DeviceNet interface provides the same capabilities and functionality as a conventional
parallel interface connection. The data for the analog and digital channels to control the
weld process and setup parameters for the welder sequencer are passed over a five-wire
DeviceNet cable. Since both signal types are digital on DeviceNet interface, the hardware
needed to support the interface is less. Data is sent using two supported connection
types—Polled I/O and Explicit Messages:

• Polled data is sent and received on a regular basis determined by the poll rate
set up by the robot controller. It controls the weld process parameters.

• Explicit messaging is used by the robot controller to set up the connection of the
DeviceNet interface at start up and after interruption of the connection between
the robot controller and Power Wave. It is also used to set up weld modes in the
welder schedule memory, get information on errors and other services that don’t
require regular updates.

Control Parameters

The robot controller uses polled data to start/stop and control the process parameters such
as wire feeder speed, trim and inductance. The welder uses a synergic design that maintains
an arc characteristic using one control parameter, wire feed speed. The second control
parameter trims the arc voltage in the constant voltage (CV) process or arc length in the
pulse process or background current in the surface tension transfer process. The third control
parameter trims the apparent inductance in (CV), ration of background to peak current in
pulse and peak current level in (STT).

Power Wave Weld Modes

Resident in the welder is a library of welding procedures. These weld modes are programs
that determine how the power supply will create output welding waveforms by controlling
voltage, peak current, background current, ramps, wire feeder speed, etc. A weld mode can
be generic, or be tuned to wire size, type, gas or application. These weld modes are put into
the schedule memory using explicit messages.

Weld Sequence States

Below is a figure representing a typical weld sequence generated by the welding sequencer
of the Power Wave. The welding sequencer controls time and event related sequences of
the welding process.

ABB, Inc. Theory of Operation--Power Wave-1

Theory of Operation--Power Wave

Set Pre Up Repeat Down Burn Post

Idle Strike Start Weld 1 Weld 2 Weld 1 Weld 2 Crater
Up Flow Slope Cycle Slope Back Flow

The robot at power up enables the following states in the weld sequencer engine:

• Idle
• Setup
• Strike--non synergic, requires explicit message to set up speed.
• Start
• Weld1
• Burn back—time is sent by an explicit message.
• Restrike--non synergic, requires explicit message to set up speed.
• STT TailOut—non synergic, requires explicit message to set up tailout.
• Fault

The welder controls these states and the sequence of events. Upslope, weld2, repeat cycle
and down slope are not enabled and therefore, not controlled by the welder or robot

Preflow and crater fill states are controlled by the robot controller.

Sequence Timer Enabled States

The robot controller enables the timers for the idle and burn back states. The time for the
idle state is set up explicitly at power up or restart of the robot controller. The time for the
burn back is set up explicitly via the teach pendant of the robot controller.

Produced I/O data by the Robot Controller

The table below shows the polled data that is output to the welder from the robot

Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4

Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
0 Weld ColdCold Touch Gas Trigger
Output InchInch Sense Purge
Disable Fwd Rev Cmd
1 Process Schedule Schedule Schedule
Select Select Select Select
Ready (Bit 2) (Bit 1) (Bit 0)
2 Analog Reference 1† Low Byte (Welding Work point)
3 Analog Reference 1† High Byte (Welding Work point)
4 Analog Reference 2† Low Byte (Welding Trim)
5 Analog Reference 2† High Byte (Welding Trim)
6 Analog Reference 3† Low Byte (Welding Wave Control 1)

ABB, Inc. Theory of Operation--Power Wave-2

Theory of Operation--Power Wave
7 Analog Reference 3† High Byte (Welding Wave Control 1)

Represents typical mapping- actual I/O mapping is schedule and configuration dependent and
may vary accordingly.

Consumed I/O data by the Robot Controller

The table below shows the polled data that is output from the welder to the robot

Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0

0 DN Wire Inverter Water Wire Gas Fault Touch Arc
Fault Stick Fault Fault Fault Sensed Detect
1 Active Gas Busy Weld Limit Process
Feed Purge Response Complete Error Select
Head On Ack.
2 Analog Feedback 1† Low Byte (Actual Voltage)
3 Analog Feedback 1† High Byte (Actual Voltage)
4 Analog Feedback 2† Low Byte (Actual Current)
5 Analog Feedback 2† High Byte (Actual Current)
6 Analog Feedback 3† Low Byte (Actual WFS)
7 Analog Feedback 3† High Byte (Actual WFS)

Represents typical mapping- actual I/O mapping is schedule and configuration
dependent and may vary accordingly

Fan Out

Fan out provides a way for the robot controller to adjust the analog references for multiple
enabled welding states using polled data. The robot controller configures the welder to
fan out the analog references to the Weld1and Burn back states.


Before the robot control can trigger the weld process, the following must be true:

• The CAN2 bus connection must be established

• The active schedule must be configured
• No faults on the polled I/O connection
• The analog values must be with limits of the weld mode process

Schedule Selection:

• There are two schedules to choose from in the welder for the weld process. These
schedules have to be configured with the Weld mode data prior to triggering the
welder using explicit messaging. This is done by the operator using the teach
pendant of the robot controller. See Setting up the Power Wave prior to Welding—
Sreen Viewer.

ABB, Inc. Theory of Operation--Power Wave-3

Theory of Operation--Power Wave
• Activation the schedule is done by handshaking between the robot controller and the
welder prior or during the weld sequence. The weld instruction of the robot controller
(ArcLinL or ArcLinC) initiates a schedule change based on the port schedule
component of the seam data contained in the instruction. See Instructions-ArcLinL
and ArcLinC and Seamdata in the ABB, Inc. ArcWare Reference Manual.

Weld Timing

The timing diagram for the welding process is shown below:

Wire Stick Disable True (64,1,26)

Strike, Weld, BurnBack, Restrike (Idle, Setup, Fault) States Enabled (65,1,7) = 344B
Pre/Post Flow Handled Externally (not shown)

T1 T2 T3 T4 T5

Trigger Cmd

Touch Sense Cmd (3)

Arc Detected

Weld Complete

Touch Sensed (2)

Wire Stick (1)

(1) PowerSource's Auto Wire Stick Disabled T1=Ready to Weld

(2) This example indicates that wire is stuck. T2 = OCV
Normmally, when not stuck, this line remains low. T3=Welding
(3) Touch Sense should only be asserted while T4=Burnback
Weld Complete. T5=Wire Stick Check


• If any of these faults occur, the Power Wave will turn the output off and will not weld
until the problem is corrected and the fault is cleared:

o DN Fault-True value indicates that there is and error in the DeviceNet I/O;
the robot controller will stop program execution and display one or more of
the following:

“Schedule Select Error”-- error in the handshaking sequence

“Time out Selecting Schedule”-- the welder or robot controller did not
acknowledge the handshake within a pre determined time period.

“Devicenet Connection timed out”-- no response from one or both systems.

Usually due to the cable being disconnected.

ABB, Inc. Theory of Operation--Power Wave-4

Theory of Operation--Power Wave
“DN Poll Connection required but not est.” – Indicates a startup
communcation error. The robot controller had not established communication
with the welder after the welder has powered up.

o Inverter Fault--True value indicates a power source fault. Refer the Lincoln
Power Wave Operator Manual.

o Water Fault-True value indicates a wire feeder error. See the Lincoln Power
Wave Operator Manual.

o Wire Fault-True when Shutdown 1 input is open on the external I/O

connector. Refer to Power Wave/Power Feed Wire Interconnection in the
Lincoln Power Wave Operator Manual.

o Gas Fault-True when there is a fault in the gas controller. Reserved for future

• If the Limit Error input is true, it indicates that one or more of the Analog reference
values are out of range. This will not stop the weld process and the welder will not
use the out of limit values. It will revert to the last scanned values that were within the
limits. Once the values come back into the limits for the weld mode, then the limit
error will reset at the next trigger. The robot control will, during welding, display which
limits are exceeded. These will be logged in the service user log.

• Using the Lincoln Observer utility program, information on the devicenet connection
can be monitored for any of the faults listed above. Please see the PowerWave
Observer User Manual on its use.

ABB, Inc. Theory of Operation--Power Wave-5

Theory of Operation—S4Cplus Controller

Theory of Operation—S4Cplus Controller

Cold Start Boot up Modules and Packages
During the boot up process of the robot controller, besides loading configuration files to
configure and allocate the DeviceNet interface, several system and program modules, as well
as a screen viewer package are loaded into the ram disk space of the controller. These files
are used to setup, control and monitor the welding process. The following is a brief
description of these files:


This system module contains data that is shared by all tasks and task routines. It is hidden
and cannot be deleted or edited via the teach pendant. This data module contains the Weld
Mode variable array stwm455r {100,18} of data type string. The routine WeldModeInit
copies application dependant weld mode data from the stwm455 array into this array when
it is called. It is this data that the screen viewer package uses when sending explicit
messages to and from the welder.


This system module contains routines and data necessary to monitor and recover from
faults from the welder and welding process.


The ArcMod.sys module contains the encapsulated ArcL and ArcC instructions ArcLinL and
ArcLinC. These instructions synchronize the robot movement with the welding process
using ArcWare seam, weld and weave data. This module also contains traps and routines
necessary to change schedules prior to the start of, and during, the weld process.


The WeldModeData.mod program module contains the operator defined weld modes for
the particular application of the robot and welder. These weld modes are stored in a data
array called stwm455.

Weld Mode Array stwm455

The Power Wave can hold up to 255 weld modes in its library. The robot controller
currently does not have the capability to query the welder for the weld modes that are
resident in its library over the DeviceNet Interface. Therefore a string array (stwm455)
of type constant has been defined to hold up to 50 weld modes and its attribute
elements, in the robot controller. This array can be defined and edited off line and then
loaded into system memory by an initialization routine called WeldMdInit. WeldMdInit
copies the operator defined array stwm455 into the system array. The system array is
used by the Screen viewer application to display the available weld modes and their
attribute elements. Once the initialization routine is run, it will not have to be run again
• The application changes such that the weld modes in the stwm455r data array
are no longer valid or additional weld modes are needed.

ABB, Inc. Theory of Operation—S4Cplus Contoller-1

Theory of Operation—S4Cplus Controller
• A cold boot of the system is done.
• A P-start is done.

The weld mode array stwm455 should contain the weld modes that are necessary for the
robot’s welding application.

Definition of stwm455

The array stwm455 is a two dimensional persistant array of type string. This array can
be edited to change the weld modes that will be seen by the operator in the screen
viewer package. The first dimension determines the number of weld modes. In the
following example it is set at 18 by the constant nWLDMDS. The second dimension
size of the array is fixed by nFIELDS and contains all the attributes of the weld mode
i.e. the process and limit information. The following is an example of what the
WeldModeData.mod program module could look like:

The sixteenth record of this array is for weld mode 110, which contains the following 18

Description Example Field Length

1. Weld mode 110 3

2. Process Name STTNS 6
3. Wire type STEEL 5
4. Wire size .035 4
5. Gas type NS 5
6. Lower Limit Wire Feed Speed (ipm) 50 4
7. Upper Limit Wire Feed Speed (ipm) 500 4
8. Lower Limit Voltage/Trim/Peak 0.0 5
9. Upper Limit Voltage/Trim/Peak 550.0 5
10. # of decimal places for Voltage/Trim/Peak 1 1
11. Lower Limit Wave Control -10.0 5
12. Upper Limit Wave Control +10.0 5
13. Lower Limit Burn back time (ms) 0 4

ABB, Inc. Theory of Operation—S4Cplus Contoller-2

Theory of Operation—S4Cplus Controller
14. Upper Limit Burn back time (ms) 9999 4
15. Wave Control Description BCKGRND_A 9
16. # of decimal places for Wave Control 1 1
17. Lower Limit Tailout 0 3
18. Upper Limit Tailout 100 3


Each element of the record is enclosed by parentheses and each element is

separated by a coma. Every record is enclosed by square brackets, each of
which is separated by a comma. The array records are enclosed by square
brackets. It is important to keep the number of elements to 18.If this is not
followed, then upon loading this data array an error will be generated to the user
log indicating that the array element length needs to be corrected before it can be
loaded into memory of the robot controller. The field length limits must be
followed in order to display properly on the screen viewer package screens.

Obtaining the information to populate the WeldModeData program module:

Lincoln Electirc provides a utility program called Observer. This program is run
on a PC and allows the user to communicate serially with the Power Wave series
of welding power supplies. With this ulility, information on the weld modes
resident in the Power Wave’s library can be accessed. The typical connection
between the PC and the PoweWave requires a 9 pin female to 25 pin male
adapter cable (Radio Shack catalog number 26-269). Launch Obsever.exe and
press the Browse pushbutton to look at the weld modes by numbers:

ABB, Inc. Theory of Operation—S4Cplus Contoller-3

Theory of Operation—S4Cplus Controller

To look at the weld modes based on Process Type, press its bullet:

Open up the Process Type in the left panel and select the weld mode number to
display it properties.

ABB, Inc. Theory of Operation—S4Cplus Contoller-4

Theory of Operation—S4Cplus Controller

The information the right panel is used to populate the WeldModeData array
stwm455 above. The following shows the information needed for the first 5
elements of the record for the weld mode 110:

Element 2 of the record has naming restrictions for two of the process

• For any process descriptor that has “Synergic CV” as all or part of its
name requires that the element name be “SYN CV” (in capital letters and
there must be a space between SYN and CV) in the WeldModeData
array stwm455. For examples, see weld modes 10, 11, 20 and 21.

• For any process descriptor that has “STT” as all or part of its name
requires that the element name be “STTNS” (in capital letters) in the
WeldModeData array stwm455. For examples, see weld modes 109,
110, 125 and 126.

ABB, Inc. Theory of Operation—S4Cplus Contoller-5

Theory of Operation—S4Cplus Controller
Located in the right panel there will be up to four control parameters, depending
on the process. The control parameters used for the process selected have a +
symbol next to the parameter:

1. The first control parameter is routed to the Analog Reference 1 of the

consumed polled data of the welder—Workpoint. Work point is usually
wirefeeder speed (elements 6 & 7), but can be Volts in MIG CV
(elements 8, 9 & 10).
2. The second control parameter is routed to the Analog Reference 2 of the
consumed polled data of the welder—Arc length Trim or Wave Control 1
(elements 8, 9 & 10).
3. The third control parameter is routed to the Analog Reference 3 of the
consumed polled data of the welder—Wave Control 1 or Wave Control 2
(elements 11, 12 & 16).
4. The fourth control parameter is routed to the weld squencer of the welder
using explicit messages at power up, restart and the screen viewer
package of the control—Wave Control 3 (elements 17 & 18). This
parameter is used only for the STT non-synergic processes.
In the right panel, press the + symbol to open the lower and upper limits for the
Analog Reference 1, Workpoint elements, 6 and 7.

ABB, Inc. Theory of Operation—S4Cplus Contoller-6

Theory of Operation—S4Cplus Controller

The following shows the information needed for the elements 8, 9 & 10 of the
record for the weld mode 110. These parameters are used to limit the Analog
Reference 2 of the consumed data of the welder. Please note that for this weld
mode type of process STT, Wave Control 1 uses elements 8 thru 10 for peak
current parameters.

If the record used was weld mode 5 or 6, then elements 8-10 would be
Workpoint—parameter in volts:

ABB, Inc. Theory of Operation—S4Cplus Contoller-7

Theory of Operation—S4Cplus Controller

If the record used was a weld mode of Synergic CV process description type,
then elements 8-10 would be Arc Length Trim--parameters are volts:

If the record used was a weld mode of Synergic Pulse process description type,
then elements 8-10 would be Arc Length Trim--parameters are Trim, which are

ABB, Inc. Theory of Operation—S4Cplus Contoller-8

Theory of Operation—S4Cplus Controller

The following shows the information needed for the elements 11, 12, and 16 of
the record for the weld mode 110. Please note that for this weld mode type of
process STT, Wave Control 2 uses elements 11, 12 and 16 for peak current
parameters. This parameter is routed to the Analog Reference 3 of the
consumed data of the welder.

If the record used was weld mode 5 or 6, then elements 11, 12 and 16 would be
Wave Control 1—Pinch, parameters are unitless.

ABB, Inc. Theory of Operation—S4Cplus Contoller-9

Theory of Operation—S4Cplus Controller

If the record used was a weld mode of Synergic CV process description type,
then elements 11, 12 & 16 would be Wave Control 1—Pinch; parameters are

If the record used was a weld mode of Synergic Pulse process description type,
then elements 11, 12 & 16 would be Wave Control 1—Wave Control; parameters
are unitless:

ABB, Inc. Theory of Operation—S4Cplus Contoller-10

Theory of Operation—S4Cplus Controller

If the record used was a weld mode of Pulse on Pulse process description type,
then elements 11, 12 & 16 would be Wave Control 1—Modulation Freq;
parameters are unitless:

Element 15—Analog Reference 3 description allows the operator to see what

units are being used for this input to the welder. This description depends on the
weld mode that is being used. The following shows where to get this information
for STT description processes:

ABB, Inc. Theory of Operation—S4Cplus Contoller-11

Theory of Operation—S4Cplus Controller

The following shows where to get this information for element 15 for weld modes
5 & 6:

The following shows where to get this information for element 15 for Synergic CV
process descriptions:

ABB, Inc. Theory of Operation—S4Cplus Contoller-12

Theory of Operation—S4Cplus Controller

The following shows where to get this information for element 15 for Synergic
Pulse process descriptions:

The following shows where to get this information for element 15 for Pulse on
Pulse process descriptions:

ABB, Inc. Theory of Operation—S4Cplus Contoller-13

Theory of Operation—S4Cplus Controller

The STT description processes use another control parameter—Wave Control 3,

which is called TailOut. Its limits are unitless, but range from 0 to 10.0 with 1
decimal place. Elements 17 & 18 are the lower and upper limits, respectively.
Element 17 must be entered as 0 for the low limit. Element 18 must be entered
as 100 for the high limit. They can be found in observer as shown below:

Elements 13 & 14 are the lower and upper limits for burnback. Its unit is
milliseconds. The range shown in the array is from 0 to 9999 milliseconds (0-
9.999 seconds).

Editing the WeldModeData module:

Offline, using an editor such as Program Maker or Code Write, copy the current
WeldModeData.mod program module from: hd0a\RAPID\. Open the new file and
it should look similar to the one above.

ABB, Inc. Theory of Operation—S4Cplus Contoller-14

Theory of Operation—S4Cplus Controller
If the number of weld modes does not change from the assigned value to the
right of the constant num nWLDMDS, then edit the records that need to be
changed to match the information given by Observer for the different elements of
the record.

If the number of weld modes in the array decrease, then put the new number of
weld modes in the assignment location to the right of nWLDMDS. Then delete
any of weld mode records in the array, except the last row, to make the number
of records equal to the value in nWLDMDS. Edit the records that need to be
changed to match the information given by Observer for the different elements of
the record.

If the number of weld modes in the array increase, then put the new number of
the weld modes in the assignment location to the right of nWLDMDS. Then high
light any row, except the last row, copy it and paste it into the array anywhere but
after the last row. Continue this technique until the number of records equal the
value supplied in nWLDMDS. Edit the records that were added. Save the file.

Delete the old WeldModeData.mod module from the program controller memory
as described below:

• In the program screen, press View 6, to view the modules in the system
• Scroll to the WeldModeData module, until highlighted, then press the
delete key.
• The system will ask if you want to delete the module, then press Yes.

Delete the old WeldModeData.sys module from :hd0a\RAPID directory using the
file manager of the robot controller or using an ftp client, such as Voyager or
WS__FTP over the Ethernet connection. Then save the new version of this
module in this directory by floppy or an ftp client.

Loading the revised WeldModeData module into the program controller memory:

• In the program window, press the menu File and Open, then select and open
the directory that the new weld module was stored.

ABB, Inc. Theory of Operation—S4Cplus Contoller-15

Theory of Operation—S4Cplus Controller
• Select the module and press OK. The new system module will be loaded into
the program controller memory.

Initializing the system memory stwm455r array:

• In the program window, select the Special menu and press 4—Move PP to

• Scroll down the list of procedures and select the routine with the procedure
call WldMdInit. See Loading the Program Modules After a Cold Start:
Main program: Steps 5 – 9 to create this routine.

• Press the enabling device and press Start. This will initialize the system
array stwm455r with the new weld modes in the array stwm455
WeldModeData for the screen viewer package.


WeldInit.mod module contains two nostepin readonly routines called InitWdMd and

• InitWdMd initializes the system array stwm455r with null string elements in
preparation for new weld mode data.

• WldMdInit copies the weld mode data from the operator edited constant array
stwm455 to the system array stwm455r.


This program module contains routines and data necessary to send polled analog
reference data to the welder and receive from the welder the analog feedback data. It also
contains trap routines necessary to drive the screen viewer package. This program module
is run in the back ground as Lin_bk1 and is semi-static. This means that the program will
start at the beginning of the program each time the power is turned on. If a fault occurs that
is not handled by its error handler, then the program will stop. This occurs when:

• An invalid parameter in the Lincoln 455 is accessed by the robot, during an explicit
message transfer at startup, restart, or by the operator using the screen viewer
• The DeviceNet connection is interrupted.
• The cable connection is broken.
• The Lincoln 455 power supply is turned off prior to the robot controller.

Starting the background task Lin_bk1

If for any reason the background task should stop, look at the system error logs to help
find and correct the problem. To restart the background task, press the View menu key
and select Select current task… at the bottom of the menu. The task list will be displayed:

ABB, Inc. Theory of Operation—S4Cplus Contoller-16

Theory of Operation—S4Cplus Controller

Select the Lin_bk1 task and Press the OK function key:

Press the enabling device on the teach pendant and press the Start function key to start
the background task. If it starts correctly, then the run screen will appear: Press the View
menu key and select Select current task… at the bottom of the menu.

ABB, Inc. Theory of Operation—S4Cplus Contoller-17

Theory of Operation—S4Cplus Controller

Scroll up to the MAIN task and select it. This will return to the program that was running at
the time of the fault:


Lincoln.cfo contains the screen viewer package. This is the operator’s interface to the
welder. This man machine interface allows the operator to configure the welder’s two
schedules with weld mode data that will be used during welding. It also configures the burn
back time; strike and restirke wire feed speeds and STT Tailout, if applicable, for each
schedule. The active weld mode process information and limits are shown on each

ABB, Inc. Theory of Operation—S4Cplus Contoller-18

Theory of Operation—S4Cplus Controller
schedule’s screen. This information is used to set up the ArcWare seam and weld data
parameters for the welding instructions.

Loading the Program Modules After a Cold Start

After boot up, the display on the teach pendant should have no errors and display the
software version, the robot serial number and the ABB logo. This indicates that the
background task is running properly and all rountines loaded correctly:

Main program

Once the system modules are loaded at boot up, the Main program must be loaded. This
program can be included in a module with supporting routines. This module can be
grouped with other modules that are necessary to run the cell or system and loaded as a
module. However, in order to create or run a routine, the program Main must reside in the
program controller’s memory.

Press the program window key on the left of the display, press the File key on the menu
bar and Open to display the controller’s file structure and press Up to get to the root
directory. Scroll down to find the RAPID directory and press the enter arrow key. Enter the
following in the order given:

1. First, scroll to the EasyArc.prg file (This file has the MAIN program in it) and
select it to load. You will get reference errors to data type errnum

2. Load the MIG_LINC.mod module from the same directory.

3. Next, load the WeldModeData.mod module.

ABB, Inc. Theory of Operation—S4Cplus Contoller-19

Theory of Operation—S4Cplus Controller
4. Then load the WeldInit.mod module.

5. In the program window, select the View menu and press 6—Modules.

6. Scroll down the list of modules and select the PrgSide1 program module by
pressing Enter.

7. Press the New… function key and rename the rountinex to WdMdInit_run

8. If not already highlighted, highlight WdMdInit_run and press Enter to enter the
routine into the RAPID editor.

9. Press the 4—ProcCall and page down and select the WeldMdInit procedure
by pressing OK.

10. Press the TEST function key to bring the Easyarc program into view. Select the
Special menu and press 4—Move PP to routine…

11. Page down to the WdMdInit_run rountine and select it by pressing OK.

12. Press in the enabling device on the teach pendant and press Start. This will
copy the operator defined array stwm455 to the st455r system array. The
system is now ready to set up the Power wave for welding.

Setting up the Power Wave prior to Welding

Screen Viewer

The screen viewer package allows the operator to access status, feedback, and weld mode
information from the PowerWave as well as send welding parameters prior to welding.The
screen viewer can be accessed two different ways:

• Select the Miscellaneous Window.

ABB, Inc. Theory of Operation—S4Cplus Contoller-20

Theory of Operation—S4Cplus Controller
• Scroll down to Screen Viewer and select it by pressing the Enter key.

• Or press the P3 function key.

The screen viewer package monitors the power source welding statistics during welding
and displays the following:

• The active schedule.

ABB, Inc. Theory of Operation—S4Cplus Contoller-21

Theory of Operation—S4Cplus Controller
• Commanded Wave Control, Voltage/Trim/Peak and Wire Feed Speed. These
correspond to Analog References 3, 2 and 1, respecitively.

• Analog Feed back for Voltage, Current and Wire Feed Speed.

• Discrete I/O states for the Contactor, Gas, Jogging and Arc Detect.

• The last error that occurred just prior to, or during the welding process.

It also allows the operator to set up the welder prior to welding using explicit messages
over the DeviceNet interface. By pressing the Process menu key while in the Welding
Power Source Statistics page and selecting one of the schedule pages, the selected
schedule page is displayed. Either of the two pages will:

• Display the active weld mode in the Lincoln 455 and its attributes for the schedule.

• Allow the operator to scroll thru the available weld modes in the system weld mode
data array stmd455r.

• Populate the welder’s schedule (0 or 1) with the desired weld mode.

• Set up the burn back time for the schedule.

• Set up the strike/restrike wire feeder speeds for the schedule.

• Set up the STT TailOut (depending on weld mode) for the schedule.

ABB, Inc. Theory of Operation—S4Cplus Contoller-22

Theory of Operation—S4Cplus Controller

Upon entry into the Schedule screen, the active weld mode value for the schedule in the Lincoln
455 will be displayed under the Sched. 0 Input. The process type, wire type, wire size, gas and
limits for the process All of these Sched. 0 limits at the top of the screen come from the array
stwm455 in the WeldModeData module. The elements of this array are shown below:

To look at the different weld modes in the controller system memory, press the down
direction key.

ABB, Inc. Theory of Operation—S4Cplus Contoller-23

Theory of Operation—S4Cplus Controller

The function key menu at the bottom of the screen will change, indicating that entry in this
field requires pushing one of the function keys, Plus or Minus. These keys allow the
operator to scroll up and down thru the controller system’s weld mode array for weld mode
data. Once the desired weld mode is found, then press the down direction key to look at its

The cursor will move to the STT TailOut input field and display the Lincoln 455 schedule’s
current data for burn back time, strike/restrike wire feed speed and STT TailOut. Note that
the function menu at the bottom of the screen changed, indicating that the input is now
done by the numeric keypad. Enter the change for the STT TailOut. Note that its limits are

ABB, Inc. Theory of Operation—S4Cplus Contoller-24

Theory of Operation—S4Cplus Controller
in the lower part of the screen and only need to be entered when an STTNS process is
being used.

Press the down arrow key to access the burn backtime. Enter its value. And press the
down direction key.

Press the down arrow key to access the Strike/Restrike Wirefeeder Speed. Enter its value.
And press the down direction key to go into the entrance field. In order to save the data of a
field to the welder, you must exit the field that you have edited. Note: if you have changed a
value but not exited the field, it will not be sent to the welder!

ABB, Inc. Theory of Operation—S4Cplus Contoller-25

Theory of Operation—S4Cplus Controller

Once these three (four if STTNS) values have been entered, they can be sent to the welder
by pressing the OK function key. This action will send the new data to the welder and the
welder’s schedule will be updated accordingly. (This information is also sent to the EIO.cfg
file and an internal permanent storage buffer so that the new information will not be lost at
power up or loss of communication between the S4Cplus and the Lincoln PowerWave.)

the Welding Power Source Statistics page will be displayed.

ABB, Inc. Theory of Operation—S4Cplus Contoller-26

Theory of Operation—S4Cplus Controller

At anytime, you can leave the schedule page without upating the welder schedule by
pressing the Cancel function key. This will leave the schedule in the welder as it is and exit
to the Welding Power Source Statistics page.

Upper and lower limits for the entries for burn back, strike/restrike speed and STT TailOut
are evaluated after the down direction arrow is pressed to exit the field. If the value entered

ABB, Inc. Theory of Operation—S4Cplus Contoller-27

Theory of Operation—S4Cplus Controller
is less than the lower limit, or higher than the upper limit, the system will clamp it to the
respective limit.

Exiting from the screen view package can be done from the Welding Power Source
Statistics page by pressing the Close function key. This will display the last window the
operator was in prior to entering the screen viewer package.

ABB, Inc. Theory of Operation—S4Cplus Contoller-28

Instructions ArcLinL

Weld Instructions
ArcLinL Arc Welding with Linear Motion

ArcLinL is an encapsulated ArcL instruction used to weld along a linear path using the
Lincoln Powerwave power supply. Weld interface signals are turned on at the appropriate
time to trigger the welder when the robot is in position.


MoveJ p1,v1000,z20,tWeldGun;
MoveJ p1,v1000,z30,tWeldGun;

In this example, the robot moves to the approach point p1 using a joint move. The robot
moves to position p2 and the trigger signal to the welder is turned on (ArcLinL\On) and the
robot starts a linear movement to the point p3, if the arc established signal from the welder
occurs within the equipment functions of the process data. The start of the weld uses
smTIMP seamdata to ignite and heat, then transfers to wdTIMP1 welddata, which controls
the weld portion of the ArcLinL\Off instruction. At the end of the weld, smTIMP1 seamdata is
used for carter fill and burnback parameters. The ArcLinL\Off instruction turns off the trigger
to the welder then the next instruction is executed.


ArcLinL [\On] | [\Off], ToPoint, Speed [\T], Seam, Weld, Weave, Zone [\Z], Tool
[\Wobj] [\Seamname];

\On Data type: switch

On is a switch that is used at the beginning of the weld. This initiates the weld
sequence by starting gas flow prior to triggering the welder at ToPoint. This is
also called a flying start since it reduces cycle time. If the On switch is not used,
then arc ignition would start at p1.

\Off Data type: switch

Off is a switch that is used at the end of the weld. This stops the welding process
by turning off the trigger to the welder at ToPoint (p3).

ToPoint Data type: robtarget

ToPoint is the destination position of the TCP for this instruction. Movement of
the TCP from the current position to the destination point is made with linear

Speed Data type: speeddata

ABB, Inc. Instructions ArcLinL-1

Instructions ArcLinL
The Speed argument sets the speed of the TCP when the movement to the
programmed endpoint is executed. It is overridden if welddata has the speed
component entered.

[\T] (Time) Data type: num

The time argument \T is used to specify the total time of movement in

seconds, directly in the instruction. Time is substituted for the speed
specified in the seam, weld and weave arguments.

Seam Data type: seamdata

The Seam argument is used to control the process parameters at the start and at
end of the weld. Seam is also used if the process has been restarted after the
welding operation has been interrupted. Note that seam and weld data must
contain the same schedule data in the same instruction. See seamdata in the
ArcWare Reference Manual.

Weld Data type: welddata

The Weld argument is used to control the process parameters during the weld
phase, that is, from arc established until the weld is completed. Note that seam
and weld data must contain the same schedule data in the same instruction. See
welddata in the ArcWare Reference Manual.

Weave Data type: welddata

The Weave argument is used to define any weaving done during the weld
process. Weavedata can be used during the heat and weld phase. See
weavedata in the ArcWare Reference Manual.

Zone Data type: zonedata

Zone describes how close the axes must be to the endpoint before the move to
the next point begins. See zonedata in the RAPID Reference Manual.

[\Z] (Zone) Data type: num

This argument \T is used to specify the positional accuracy of the robot’s

TCP directly in the instruction. The size of the zone is specified in mm
and is substituted for the zone data specified in the instruction. It is
useful for trimming individual corner paths.

Tool Data type: tooldata

Tool describes the tool or TCP used in the robot movement. See tooldata in the
RAPID Reference Manual.

[\Wobj] (Work Object) Data type: wobjdata

ABB, Inc. Instructions ArcLinL-2

Instructions ArcLinL
Wobj is the work object or coordinate system that the robot’s movements are
referenced to. See wobjdata in the RAPID Reference Manual.

[\Seamname] (Seam Name) Data type: string

The seam name is a string that is added to the error log if an error occurs during
the welding sequence. \Seamname is only applicable in the first instruction of a
sequence of weld instructions i.e. together with the \On argument.

Program execution


• Starts preflow and changes active schedule in the welder to that given in the
seamdata at weld start.
• Purges gas according to active seamdata time component.
• Checks the weld mode for the active schedule so that correct polled data can be
transferred during the weld process.
• Initiates the weld trigger.
• If a flying start is used, gas and water and arc established are checked after
passing p2. If these are not seen within the process equipment function travel
distance, then a restart is initiated with smTIMP seamdata and wv1 weavedata.
• Moves the robot with respect to the TCP (tWeldgun) to the endpoint p3 with a
speed of 1000 mm/sec (if weld speed is not specified in welddata) and the work
object WobRobot using wdTIMP1 welddata.
• At endpoint p3, carter fill is started using smTIMP1seamdata.
• At the end of carter fill, the trigger is turned off.
• Burnback is initiated using weld voltage from smTIMP1 seamdata and the
burnback time in the welder’s active schedule.
• Postflow gas is turned off.
• Moves the robot to exit point p1 using a joint move.

Execution in stepwise mode


The robot moves with linear motion to the end point. The Welder interface signals
are not turned on.


The robot moves backward along the path with linear motion to the start point.
The welder interface signals are not turned on.


When weaving, the distance between the programmed positions should be longer than
the periodic time of weaving. If the distance is shorter and if there is a significant change
of angle in the path, the weaving pattern will be distorted.

ABB, Inc. Instructions ArcLinL-3

Instructions ArcLinL
Error management

An error handler should be programmed in all routines that call the ArcLinL instruction.

The ArcLinL instruction checks the schedule change routines WeldSchSel for proper
handshaking. The Process Schedule Select signal is reset. If the Process Select
Ready signal from the welder does not reset within the designated time, the
WeldSchSel routine will:

• enter its error handler and set the Process Schedule Select signal
• wait for the Process select Ready signal to go high
• turn the Process Schedule Select signal low and wait for the Process select Ready
signal to go high again

The robot will retry the Schedule change sequence 2 times. If the schedule change
request is still denied, then an error message will be written to the user log.

When the Process select Ready signal goes low, the S4C will set up the group output
with the schedule change number and raise the Process schedule Select signal. If the
Process Select Ready signal from the welder does not go high within the designated
time, the WeldSchSel routine will set the Process Schedule Select signal; activate the
last schedule used in the welder and write an error message to the log.

The process is supervised by a number of input signals. If anything abnormal is detected,

program execution will stop. If however, an error handler has been programmed, then the
following errors below can be handled without stopping production:

Error constant ( the ERRNO value) Description

AW_START_ERR Start condition; gas, water, wire feeder


AW_IGNI_ERR Ignition error; arc supervision

AW_WELD_ERR Weld error; arc supervision

AW_EQIP_ERR Weld Equipment error; gas, water, wire feeder

supervision during welding

AW_STOP_ERR Welding interrupted using the stop process input.

Devicenet and inverter fault supervision

At the start of the process, the robot checks that the following preconditions are satisfied:

No process stop inputs--Devicenet or Inverter faults

Gas is ok
Water is ok

If, after the trigger command is given to the welder, the arc established signal is not seen within a
time period in the process file, the process start will be interrupted.

When the process has started, all supervision inputs will be monitored continuously:

ABB, Inc. Instructions ArcLinL-4

Instructions ArcLinL
Process stop inputs--Devicenet or Inverter faults
Gas is ok
Water is ok

If analog outputs from the robot exceed the weld mode limits for the active schedule, then a
message will be written to the user log indicating which analog signal is out of limits. This will not
stop the process.


[‘\’On’,’] | [‘\’Off’,’]
[ToPoint ’:=’] < expression (IN) of robtarget > ’,’
[Speed ’:=’ ] < expression (IN) of speeddata >
[(‘\’T ’:=’ < expression (IN) of num >)] ’,’
[ Seam ’:=’ ] < expression (PERS) of seamdata> ’,’
[ Weld ’:=’ ] < expression (PERS) of welddata> ’,’
[ Weave ’:=’ ] < expression (PERS) of weavedata> ’,’
[ Zone ’:=’ ] < expression (IN) of zonedata >
[(‘\’Z ’:=’ < expression (IN) of num >)] ’,’
[ Tool ’:=’ ] < expression (PERS) of tooldata >
[ ‘\’ Wobj ’:=’ < persistent (PERS) of wobjdata > ]
[ ‘\’ Seamname ’:=’ < expression (IN) of string > ]‘;’

Related information Described in:

Performing a circular weld ABB S4C/Lincoln Power Wave

Manual Instructions – ArcLinC

Performing a linear weld ArcWare/Plus Manual – Arc Welding with linear motion-
non encapsulated

Other positioning instructions RAPID Summary – Motion

Definition of speed Data Types – speeddata

Definition of zone data Data Types – zonedata

Definition of tools Data Types – tooldata

Definition of work objects Data Types – wobjdata

Definition of seam data Data Types – seamdata, ArcWare

Definition of weld data Data Types – welddata, ArcWare

Definition of weave data Data Types – weavedata, ArcWare

Installation parameters for System Parameters – Arc Welding Functions

Movements in general Motion Principles

Coordinate systems Motion Principles – Coordinate Systems

ABB, Inc. Instructions ArcLinL-5

Instructions ArcLinL
Process phases and RAPID Summary – Arc Welding

ABB, Inc. Instructions ArcLinL-6

Instructions ArcLinC

ArcLinC Arc Welding with Circular Motion

ArcLinC is an encapsulated ArcC instruction used to weld along a circular path using the Lincoln
Powerwave power supply. Weld interface signals are turned on at the appropriate time to trigger
the welder when the robot is in position.

MoveJ p1, v1000, z20, tWeldGun;
MoveJ p1,v1000,z30,tWeldGun;

In this example, the robot moves to the approach point p1 using a joint move. The
robot moves to position p2 and the trigger signal to the welder is turned on
(ArcLinC\On) and the robot starts a circular movement to the point p4 thru the point p3
on the circle, if the arc established signal from the welder occurs within the equipment
functions of the process data. The start of the weld uses smTIMP seamdata to ignite
and heat, then transfers to wdTIMP1 welddata, which controls the weld portion of the
ArcLinC\Off instruction. At the end of the weld, smTIMP1 seamdata is used for carter fill
and burnback parameters. The ArcLinC\Off instruction turns off the trigger to the welder
then the next instruction is executed.


ArcLinC [\On] | [\Off], CirPoint, ToPoint, Speed [\T], Seam, Weld, Weave, Zone [\Z],
Tool [\Wobj] [\Seamname];

\On Data type: switch

On is a switch that is used at the beginning of the weld. This initiates the weld
sequence by starting gas flow prior to triggering the welder at ToPoint. This is
also called a flying start since it reduces cycle time. If the On switch is not used,
then arc ignition would start at p1.

\Off Data type: switch

Off is a switch that is used at the end of the weld. This stops the welding process
by turning off the trigger to the welder at ToPoint (p4).

CirPoint Data type: robtarget

The circle point of the robot is a position on the circle between the start point and
the destination point. To obtain the best accuracy, it should be placed about
halfway between the start and destination points. If it is placed too close to the
start or destination point, the robot may give a warning.

ToPoint Data type: robtarget

ABB, Inc. Instructions ArcLinC -1

Instructions ArcLinC
ToPoint is the destination position of the TCP for this instruction. Movement of
the TCP from the current position to the destination point is made with circular
motion defined by the circle point.

Speed Data type: speeddata

The Speed argument sets the speed of the TCP when the movement to the
programmed endpoint is executed. It is overridden if welddata has the speed
component entered.

[\T] (Time) Data type: num

The time argument \T is used to specify the total time of movement in

seconds, directly in the instruction. Time is substituted for the speed
specified in the seam, weld and weave arguments.

Seam Data type: seamdata

The Seam argument is used to control the process parameters at the start and at
end of the weld. Seam is also used if the process has been restarted after the
welding operation has been interrupted. Note that seam and weld data must
contain the same schedule data in the same instruction. See seamdata in the
ArcWare Reference Manual.

Weld Data type: welddata

The Weld argument is used to control the process parameters during the weld
phase, that is, from arc established until the weld is completed. Note that seam
and weld data must contain the same schedule data in the same instruction. See
welddata in the ArcWare Reference Manual.

Weave Data type: welddata

The Weave argument is used to define any weaving done during the weld
process. Weavedata can be used during the heat and weld phase. See
weavedata in the ArcWare Reference Manual.

Zone Data type: zonedata

Zone describes how close the axes must be to the endpoint before the move to
the next point begins. See zonedata in the RAPID Reference Manual.

[\Z] (Zone) Data type: num

This argument \T is used to specify the positional accuracy of the robot’s

TCP directly in the instruction. The size of the zone is specified in mm
and is substituted for the zone data specified in the instruction. It is
useful for trimming individual corner paths.

Tool Data type: tooldata

Tool describes the tool or TCP used in the robot movement. See tooldata in the
RAPID Reference Manual.

ABB, Inc. Instructions ArcLinC -2

Instructions ArcLinC
[\Wobj] (Work Object) Data type: wobjdata

Wobj is the work object or coordinate system that the robot’s movements are
referenced to. See wobjdata in the RAPID Reference Manual.

[\Seamname] (Seam Name) Data type: string

The seam name is a string that is added to the error log if an error occurs during
the welding sequence. \Seamname is only applicable in the first instruction of a
sequence of weld instructions i.e. together with the \On argument.

Program execution


• Changes active schedule in the welder to that given in the seamdata at weld start
• Starts preflow and purge gas according to active seamdata
• Checks the weld mode for the active schedule so that correct polled data can be
transferred during the weld process.
• Initiates the weld trigger
• If a flying start is used, gas and water and arc established are checked after
passing p2. If these are not seen within the process equipment function travel
distance, then a restart is initiated with smTIMP seamdata and wv1 weavedata.
• Moves the robot with respect to the TCP (tWeldgun) to the endpoint p4 thru circle
point p3 with a speed of 1000 mm/sec (if weld speed is not specified in welddata)
and the work object WobRobot using wdTIMP1 welddata.
• At endpoint p4, carter fill is started using smTIMP1seamdata
• At the end of carter fill, the trigger is turned off.
• Burnback is initiated using weld voltage from smTIMP1 seamdata and burnback
time in the welders active schedule
• Postflow gas is turned off
• Moves the robot to exit point p1 using a joint move

Execution in stepwise mode


The robot moves with circular motion thru the circle point to the end point. The
Welder interface signals are not turned on.


The robot moves backward along the path with circular motion to the start point
thru the circle point. The welder interface signals are not turned on.

ABB, Inc. Instructions ArcLinC -3

Instructions ArcLinC

When weaving, the distance between the programmed positions should be longer than
the periodic time of weaving. If the distance is shorter and if there is a significant change
of angle in the path, the weaving pattern will be distorted.

The instruction ArcLinC should never be restarted after the circle point has been passed.
Otherwise the robot will not take the programmed path (positioning around the circular
path in another direction compared with that programmed).

Error management

An error handler should be programmed in all routines that call the ArcLinC instruction.

• The ArcLinC instruction checks the schedule change routines WeldSchSel for proper
handshaking. The Process Schedule Select signal is reset. If the Process Select Ready
signal from the welder does not reset within the designated time, the WeldSchSel routine

o enter its error handler and set the Process Schedule Select signal
o wait for the Process select Ready signal to go high
o turn the Process Schedule Select signal low and wait for the Process select
Ready signal to go high again

The robot will retry the Schedule change sequence 2 times. If the schedule change
request is still denied, then an error message will be written to the user log.

When the Process select Ready signal goes low, the S4C will set up the group output
with the schedule change number and raise the Process schedule Select signal. If the
Process Select Ready signal from the welder does not go high within the designated
time, the WeldSchSel routine will set the Process Schedule Select signal; activate the
last schedule used in the welder and write an error message to the log.

The process is supervised by a number of input signals. If anything abnormal is detected,

program execution will stop. If however, an error handler has been programmed, then the
following errors below can be handled without stopping production:

Error constant ( the ERRNO value) Description

AW_START_ERR Start condition; gas, water, wire feeder


AW_IGNI_ERR Ignition error; arc supervision

AW_WELD_ERR Weld error; arc supervision

AW_EQIP_ERR Weld Equipment error; gas, water, wirefeeder

supervision during welding

AW_STOP_ERR Welding interrupted using the stop process

input. Devicenet and inverter fault supervision

ABB, Inc. Instructions ArcLinC -4

Instructions ArcLinC
At the start of the process, the robot checks that the following preconditions are satisfied:

• No process stop inputs--Devicenet or Inverter faults

• Gas is ok
• Water is ok

If, after the trigger command is given to the welder, the arc established signal is not seen within a
time period in the process file, the process start will be interrupted.

When the process has started, all supervision inputs will be monitored continuously:

• Process stop inputs--Devicenet or Inverter faults

• Gas is ok
• Water is ok

If analog outputs from the robot exceed the weld mode limits for the active schedule, then a
message will be written to the user log indicating which analog signal is out of limits. This will not
stop the process.


[‘\’On’,’] | [‘\’Off’,’]
[CirPoint ’:=’] < expression (IN) of robtarget > ’,’
[ToPoint ’:=’] < expression (IN) of robtarget > ’,’
[Speed ’:=’ ] < expression (IN) of speeddata >
[(‘\’T ’:=’ < expression (IN) of num >)] ’,’
[ Seam ’:=’ ] < expression (PERS) of seamdata> ’,’
[ Weld ’:=’ ] < expression (PERS) of welddata> ’,’
[ Weave ’:=’ ] < expression (PERS) of weavedata> ’,’
[ Zone ’:=’ ] < expression (IN) of zonedata >
[(‘\’Z ’:=’ < expression (IN) of num >)] ’,’
[ Tool ’:=’ ] < expression (PERS) of tooldata >
[ ‘\’ Wobj ’:=’ < persistent (PERS) of wobjdata > ]
[ ‘\’ Seamname ’:=’ < expression (IN) of string > ] ‘;’

Related information Described in:

Performing a linear weld ABB S4C/Lincoln PowerWave Manual

Instructions - ArcLinL

Other positioning instructions RAPID Summary – Motion

Definition of speed Data Types – speeddata

Definition of zone data Data Types – zonedata

Definition of tools Data Types – tooldata

Definition of work objects Data Types – wobjdata

Definition of seam data Data Types – seamdata, ArcWare

ABB, Inc. Instructions ArcLinC -5

Instructions ArcLinC
Definition of weld data Data Types – welddata, ArcWare

Definition of weave data Data Types – weavedata, ArcWare

Installation parameters for System Parameters – Arc Welding

welding equipment and
welding functions

Movements in general Motion Principles

Coordinate systems Motion Principles – Coordinate Systems

Process phases and RAPID Summary – Arc Welding


ABB, Inc. Instructions ArcLinC -6

Seam and Weld Data Arguments

Seam and Weld Data Arguments

The ArcLinL and ArcLinC weld instructions are structured the same as linear motion instructions
for the robot, except for the arguments seam, weld and weave. Seam and Weld data types are
used to to supply information to ArcWare for the schedule and discrete and analog reference data
for the process. This information is presented on the polled data during the execution of the
instruction. The weave data argument superimposes weave motion on the linear or circular path,
but does not supply information on the process parameters to the welder. The weave data type
will not be discussed in this document. For information on weave data see the RAPID
ProcessWare ArcWare Manual.

Seam Data

The seam data argument controls the process during start and the end of the weld
process. The AW_Functions record of the process configuration file called Proc_Linc.cfg
determines the number of arguments. There can be any number of seam datas defined in
the robot system. This allows flexibilty in handling different types of weld joints, fitups,
processes, positions, etc. A typical seam data type is shown below for the following
program example:

MoveJ p1, v1000, z20, tWeldGun;

MoveJ p1,v1000,z30,tWeldGun;

This seam data smTIMP shown above uses the first 7 components for initiating the
weld process during the ArcLinL\On instruction. The following components belong to
the ignition component group of the seam data:

ABB, Inc. Seam and Weld Data Arguments -1

Seam and Weld Data Arguments
Purge_time: The time the gas is turned on prior to reaching the start
point of the weld (p2). It is used to purge the hoses of
air. The changing of schedules is done during this time.
Therefore, it is recommended that this time be set to .5
seconds minimum. This does not increase cycle time
because ArcWare starts this purge flow at whatever time
is given here, prior to moving to the start point of the
weld (p2).

Preflow_time: The time of gas flow when the robot is at (p2) before
triggering the weld contactor.

Ign_sched: The active schedule used during the beginning or end of

the weld instruction. This data selects which schedule is
going to be run in the welder.

NOTE! This value must be 0 or 1. Whatever value is

used, it must also be used in the fill_sched component.

Ign_voltage: This component is the voltage for CV or Trim for

synergic, or Peak Current for STT processes during the
ignition portion of the weld. The unit description depends
on the weld process resident in the schedule data of the
welder. The limits must be within those specified by the
weld mode. To check the limits, enter the screen viewer
package and select the schedule screen (elements 8, 9
& 10).

Ign_wirefeed: This component is wirefeed speed for the process during

the ignition portion of the weld. The limits must be within
those specified by the weld mode. To check the limits,
enter the screen viewer package and select the
schedule screen for the active weld mode parameters
(elements 6 & 7).
Units are in inches per minute.

Ign_current: This component is the wave control parameter (see

Theory of Operation—Power Wave: Control Parameters
on definition) for the process during the ignition portion
of the weld. The limits must be within those specified by
the weld mode. To check the limits, enter the screen
viewer package and select the schedule screen for the
active weld mode parameters (elements 11, 12 & 16).

scrape_start: This component derermines the type of scrape at the

start of the weld. At restrike, the type of scrape will
always be weave. It is an numeric value where:

• 0 is no scrape
• 1 is a weaving start, defined by the Linc_proc.sys
configuration file.
• 2 Fast scrape—The robot doesn’t wait for the
Arc_Ok signal at the start point. However, the
ignition will be incorrect, if ignition does not occur
berfore ignition timeout.

ABB, Inc. Seam and Weld Data Arguments -2

Seam and Weld Data Arguments

The following components belong to the end component group of the seam data:

cool_time: This component determines the amount of time the weld

contactor will turn off before doing a crater fill. If this is
set to 0, then the process will go directly into carter fill.
Units are in seconds.

fill_time: This component determines the amount of time the

crater fill will occur. If this is set to 0, then the process
will go directly into post flow. Units are in seconds.

Bback_time: This component is not used and should always be set to

0. The burn back is set up in the schedule data and sent
explicitly to the welder via the sreen viewer package.

Bback_voltage: This component is the voltage for CV or Trim for

synergic or for STT processes this is Peak current during
the burn back portion of the weld. The unit description
depends on the weld process resident in the schedule
data of the welder. The limits must be within those
specified by the weld mode. To check the limits, enter
the screen viewer package and select the schedule
screen (elements 8, 9 & 10).

Postflow_time: This component determines the amount time of gas flow

at the end of the weld before leaving the end point (p3).
Units are in seconds.

Fill_sched: This component should always match the ign_sched


ABB, Inc. Seam and Weld Data Arguments -3

Seam and Weld Data Arguments
Fill_voltage: This component is the voltage for CV or Trim for
synergic processes, including STT during crater fill
portion of the weld. The unit description depends on the
weld process resident in the schedule data of the welder.
The limits must be within those specified by the weld
mode. To check the limits, enter the screen viewer
package and select the schedule screen (elements 8, 9
& 10).

fill_wirefeed: This component is wirefeed speed for the process during

the fill portion of the weld. The limits must be within
those specified by the weld mode. To check the limits,
enter the screen viewer package and select the
schedule screen for the active weld mode parameters
(elements 6 & 7). Units are in inches per minute.

fill_current: This component is the wave control parameter (see

Theory of Operation—Power Wave: Control Parameters
on definition) for the process during the fill portion of the
weld. The limits must be within those specified by the
weld mode. To check the limits, enter the screen viewer
package and select the schedule screen for the active
weld mode parameters (elements 11, 12 & 16).

Weld Data

The weld data argument controls the process during the main body of the weld process.
There can be any number of weld datas defined in the robot system. This allows flexibilty
in handling different types of weld joints, fitups, processes, positions, etc. A typical weld
data type is shown below for the following program example:

MoveJ p1, v1000, z20, tWeldGun;

MoveJ p1,v1000,z30,tWeldGun;

ABB, Inc. Seam and Weld Data Arguments -4

Seam and Weld Data Arguments

weld_sched: The active schedule used during the weld portion of the
instruction. This data selects which schedule is going to
be run in the welder.

NOTE! This value must be 0 or 1. Whatever value is

used, it must also be used in the in the seam data
component ign_sched.

weld_speed: This component is the speed of the TCP of the tool

during the weld instruction This speed overrides the
speed argument of the weld instruction during welding.
If the program is stepped through using step FWD or
BWD the speed comonent of the instruction.

weld_voltage: This component is the voltage for CV or Trim for

synergic, or Peak current for STT processes, used
during the weld portion of the weld. The unit description
depends on the weld process resident in the schedule
data of the welder. The limits must be within those
specified by the weld mode. To check the limits, enter
the screen viewer package and select the schedule
screen (elements 8, 9 & 10).

weld_wirefeed: This component is wirefeed speed for the process used

during the weld portion of the weld. The limits must be
within those specified by the weld mode. To check the
limits, enter the screen viewer package and select the
schedule screen for the active weld mode parameters
(elements 6 & 7).
Units are in inches per minute.

ABB, Inc. Seam and Weld Data Arguments -5

Seam and Weld Data Arguments
weld_current: This component is the wave control parameter (see
Theory of Operation—Power Wave: Control Parameters
on definition) for the process used during the weld
portion of the weld. The limits must be within those
specified by the weld mode. To check the limits, enter
the screen viewer package and select the schedule
screen for the active weld mode parameters (elements
11, 12 & 16).

org_weld_speed: This component is the original speed of the TCP

of the tool used during the weld instruction. This is used
internally during tuning of the weld parameters. Units are
in inches per minute.

org_weld_voltage: This component is the original voltage for CV or

Trim for synergic, or Peak Current for STT processes
used during the weld portion of the weld. The unit
description depends on the weld process resident in the
schedule data of the welder. The limits must be within
those specified by the weld mode. To check the limits,
enter the screen viewer package and select the
schedule screen (elements 8, 9 & 10). This is used
internally during tuning of the weld parameters.

org_weld_wfeed: This component is the original wirefeed speed

for the process used during the weld portion of the weld.
The limits must be within those specified by the weld
mode. To check the limits, enter the screen viewer
package and select the schedule screen for the active
weld mode parameters. This is used internally during
tuning of the weld parameters(elements 6 & 7). Units are
in inches per minute.

ABB, Inc. Seam and Weld Data Arguments -6

General Welding Trouble Shooting Guide

General Welding Trouble Shooting Guide

Lincoln Electirc provides a utility program called PowerWave Observer. This program is run
on a PC and allows the user to communicate serially with the Power Wave series of
welding power supplies. It allows the user to setup the welder configuration and monitor its
status. The typical connection between the PC and the PoweWave requires a 9 pin female
to 25 pin male adapter cable (Radio Shack catalog number 26-269). Upon launching the
Observer.exe software package, the following screen with be displayed:

To check the configuration of the PowerWave, click on the Devicenet Menu and select
Configuration… The following window will appear:

ABB, Inc. General Welding Trouble Shooting Guide -1

General Welding Trouble Shooting Guide
To check the monitor the status of the PowerWave, click on the Devicenet Menu and
select Monitor… The following window will appear:

Use this application when troubleshooting the devicenet interface for the following:

If the wire feeder cannot be controlled:

• Is the welder is passive mode?

• Is the trigger and/or wire inch being asserted properly?
• Are there any faults with the wire feeder (check the consumed I/O data)?
• Check that the cold inch wire feed speed and/or the strike wire feed speed for the
active schedule is not set to zero.
• Check to make certain that the wire is not out.
• Check that the cable from the welder to the wire feeder is hooked up, the tension of
the drive rolls, and that the proper sized drive rolls are being used for the wire.

If the Weld output contactor does not come on, check the following using Power Wave

• Is the welder is passive mode.

• Is the trigger asserted properly?
• Is the Touch sense command asserted?
• Are there any faults (check the consumed I/O data)?
• Check that the welding cables are hooked up correctly.

If bad starts are occurring frequently, check the following using Power Wave Observer:

• Is the strike wire feeder speed set to 0?

• Check that the voltage sense leads are hooked up correctly, if used.

ABB, Inc. General Welding Trouble Shooting Guide -2

General Welding Trouble Shooting Guide
• Is the correct schedule selected for the analog references being used?
• Check the strike work point and trims.
• Check for limit errors on the I/O connection.

If bad welds are occurring frequently, check the following using Power Wave Observer:

• Check that the voltage sense leads are hooked up correctly, if used.
• Is the correct schedule selected for the analog references being used?
o Is the schedule being changed during welding?
• Check for limit errors on the I/O connection?
• Is Gas on prior to and after the trigger to weld?

If bad ends are occurring frequently, check the following using Power Wave Observer:

• Is the burn back time set to 0?

• Is the correct schedule selected for the analog references being used?
• Check for limit errors on the I/O connection.
• Is Gas on until burn back complete?

If the S4Cplus control displays error “71139 Access error from IO” and “80001 Trap-DN IO
Domain 7”

• Check that the devicenet cable between the S4Cplus control and Lincoln Power
Wave is connected.
• Check that the Lincoln Power Wave’s power is on.
• Check for Devicenet faults.

Once the cable or power connection is re-established, the background task must be
restarted in order to weld. See L455BACK1.prg: Starting the background task Lin_bk1.

If the weld data does not change from seam data to weld data:

• Make certain that the seam and weld data in the weld instruction are correct for the
weld mode of the schedule that is being used by looking at the screen viewer
package for the active schedule selected by the weld instruction.

• Check that the background task is executing. See L455BACK1.prg: Starting the
background task Lin_bk1.

• If new EIO or PROC parameters have been loaded into the S4Cplus control, then
do a power down/power up sequence for both the Lincoln Power Wave and
S4Cplus control. See Installation: Communication Setup: Power Down
Sequence, then Power Up Sequence.

ABB, Inc. General Welding Trouble Shooting Guide -3

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