Family Law - 1
Family Law - 1
Family Law - 1
(a) Who
hol applyis? Hindu and to whom Hindu
How far it is true to PPeAlso state
P. No.
(h) Is it true to "asay,
""Hindu Law is not )Lex Loci
is born nol
made te whom it does
say, ?"
but a law of status 7""
What are the main sources of 3
Hindu Law ? Dhscuss.
What are the Ancient or Or
What are the Modern or Original sources of Hindu Law ? Discuss.
Discus the Secondary sources of Hindu Law ? Or
various sources
decisions discuss the role of of Hindu, Law. Or
judicial decisions as Referring
to some imporfant
source of Hindu Law.
Discuss the various sources gf Hindu Law and dwellthe role of
Legislation 7
Define Customand explain its various kinds. What are the
Cuslonm under Hindu Law essentials of a Valid
Explain the importance of Custom as a source of Hindu
Clearproof of usage will outweigh the written Law. Or
Stale the decline text of law " Explain.
of law creative ilicacy of custom in modern
(a What are the main sçhools of
What are main points of distinction Hindu Law and how did they originate ?
Origin and development of Hindu betweenLaw arethem ?
one even then different Or
developed. Discuss. schools
Schools the Law
Hindu essential
? differences between the Mitakshara and Dayabhag
5. What is Hindu 16
Marriage ? Explain its nature.
"Hindu marriage is a sacrament
and not a contract" Discuss with reference to O
old and modern Hindu Law.
How far Findu
of Hindu Marriage Act, 1955 has undermined the sacramental character
Marriage Or
(a) What are the essentials of a valid Hindu 20
Marriage Act, 1955 ? Marriage according to Hindu
b) What are Void and Voidable
hem. Marriages ? Explain the distinction between
7. What according to Manu, were the eight 23
Law ? Also state the essential condiionsforms of marriage
for the valid under Old Hindu
Hindu Law. marriage under Old
What and
are the inmportant changes brought 28
1955, subseqúent Amendmënt Act, 1976. about by the Hindu Marriage Ac 31
Write a critical note on the Restitution of
Marriage Act, 1955, Is violative of the right ofConjugal Rights under Hindu
21 of the Constitution ?it What the
defences may. be takeñpersonal
in answeriberty under ArL
the restitution of Conjugal toa petion for
Rights ?
What do you mean by the Restitution of Conjugal Or
been made by the Amendment Act, 1976 ? What Rights ? What changes have
remedy may the court provide
10. 33
On what
in grounds, of divorce and iudicial separation as provided to a
specific grounds under the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955 a wife Or
petition for divorce, but the husband cannot? may ile a
b) Distinguish between judicial separation and divorce.
(c) Can the marriage be dissolved, on the basis of mutual consent ?
ihe provisions of Hfndu Law in this regard. If yes, slate
11. (a) What adoption ? What are the
is 35
indu Adoption Maintenance reguirements of a valid adoption under
Act 1956?
Discuss thé capacity of a nmale and female Hindu to
take a son or daughter in
(b) Who are capable to give a child in adoption ? Also state
that who can be
adopted ?
(c)What are the legal effects of a valid adoption? 44
12. Discuss the validily of the following adoptions-
(a) A's
father and niother are dead but B
(b) wife has, gone lo her falher and has
A's adopted him.
ls not able to joiF the
giving and aking he boy in
adoptlon, can A adopt B under physiçal açt of
Conlingency ? the above
(c) B, a stranger, has been adopted by A.
d A's lather is dead and nmólher has renounced the
world, B's brother has
given in adoption.
A's age at the time of ndoption is 16 years and has not married, B takes him
in adoption.
13. 49
(a) Can a valid adoption be subsequently cancelled1?
(6) Explain the doctrine of the Relation Back Theory on the basis of decided
cases. How far they are prevalent at present ? .