Biology Set-2 Key
Biology Set-2 Key
Biology Set-2 Key
2.Match following columns according to their age group and amount of sexually transmitted
Column-I Column-II
(P) 15-19 (i) medium/moderate
(Q) 20-24 (ii) less
(R) 25-29 (iii) very less
(S) 30-34 (iv) more
(a) P-iii, Q-iv, R-i, S-ii
(b) P-ii, Q-iv, R-i, S-iii
(c) P-ii, Q-iv, R-i,S-iii
(d) P-ii, Q-iii, R-iv, S-i
(c) P-ii, Q-iv, R-i,S-iii
6.The cells proliferate in malignant tumours, grow rapidly and move to other parts of the body to
form new tumours. What is this stage of the disease known as?
(a) metagenesis
(b) metastasis
(c) teratogenesis
(d) mitosis
(a) metastasis
7.What is normally given to a patient with myocardial infarction when they arrive at the hospital?
(a) Penicillin
(b) Streptokinase
(c) Cyclosporin-A
(d) Statins
(a) Streptokinase
(i) Name the stage of the human embryo the figure represents.
Blastocyst (Blastula).½
(iii) Mention the fate of the inner cell mass after implantation in the uterus,
Inner cell mass gets differentiated as embryo after implantation.1
18. Explain the mechanism of ‘sex determination’ in birds. How does it differ from that of
human beings?
Sex determination is of ZW-ZZ type in birds./
In this type, the males are homogametic and have ZZ sex chromosomes, /and females are
heterogametic with ZW pair of sex chromosomes.
In human beings, the chromosomal mechanism of sex determination is of XX- XY type. /The
human male is heterogametic and has XY sex chromosomes, whereas the human female is XX.
- ½+ ½+½+ ½
19.How does a vaccine for a particular disease immunise the human body against that
Ans.During vaccination for a particular disease, an antigen or antigenic protein or pathogen
which is in inactive form is introduced into the body which induces mild immuneresponse./
The vaccine generates antibodies that neutralises the toxin/pathogen and produces memory B or
T-cells, which recognise the pathogen in the subsequent encounters and produce antibodies.
20.Why is making cells competent essential for biotechnology experiments?
List any one ways by which this can be achieved.
Ans. Since, DNA molecules are hydrophillic, they cannot pass through cell
membranes./ For recombinant DNA to be integrated into vector or host genome it
is necessary for the DNA to be inserted in the cell.1
- Therefore, making the host cells competent is necessary in
The two ways by which cells can be made competent to take up DNA
(i) Chemical action By increasing concentration of divalent
cation, calcium, thereby increasing the efficiency of DNA entering
through pores in cell, wall./
21.Differentiate between two different types of pyramids of biomass with the help of an example.
Pyramid of biomass refers to the relationship between producers and consumers in terms of
biomass. It can be upright, e.g. in grasslands ecosystem or inverted, e.g. in pond ecosystem.1
Pyramid of biomass.1
Fishes- C
Phytoplankton- P
Draw the pyramids of biomass in a sea and in a forest,why are the two pyramids different.
Answe:(ii) (a) The pyramid of biomass in a sea ecosystem is inverted. Because, the sum total of
the weight of phytoplankton (producer) is far less than a few fishes feeding at higher trophic
(b) Pyramid of biomass in a forest ecosystem is upright because producers are more in biomass
than primary consumers.
Primary consumers are more than secondary consumers and secondary consumers are more than
tertiary consumers (top).//
Section C
Placenta produces several hormones like human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG),/ human
placental lactogen (hPL),/ estrogens, /progesterons that are essential to maintain
pregnancy. This way placenta acts as an endocrine tissue.(½+ ½+ ½)
24.Human insulin when synthesised in the body needs to be processed before it can act.
Explain giving reasons.
Ans. Human insulin when initially synthesised in human body consists of three peptide chains-
A, B and C. 1
The C-peptide is an extra stretch of amino acids joining the A and B-chains. This is called
proinsulin or prohormone. 1
It undergoes processing or splicing to release the functional mature insulin that can carry out its
normal functions. During processing, the C-peptide is removed. Only A and B-chains contribute
to form the functional insulin.1
25. With the help of an algebraic equation, how did Hardy-Weinberg explain that in a given
population the frequency of occurrence of alleles of a gene is supposed to remain the same
through generations ?
Hardy-Weinberg’s principle states that allele frequencies in a population are stable. They remain
constant from generation to generation. The gene pool also remains constant. This is called
genetic equilibrium./
Thus, according to this principle, the sum total of all the allelic frequencies in a population is
always 1. Suppose in a diploid individual, p and q represent the frequency of allele A and allele
a, respectively./ The probability that an allele A with a frequency of P appears on both the
chromosomes of a diploid organism in the p². Similarly of aa is q², of Aa is 2pq. Hence, p² + 2pq
+ q² = 1.
The difference measured in the expected values of frequencies, indicates the extent of
evolutionary change. (1+1+1)
Immune responses are of two types
Primary response The reaction of the body’s immune system to the first attack of
microbe (antigen) is called primary immune response. It is slow and less intense.1
Secondary response The reaction of the body’s immune system to any subsequent
infection of the same microbe is termed as secondary immune response. It is fast
and intense.1
The two major types of immunity are innate or natural and acquired or adaptive.
Innate immunity is inherited by the organism from the parents and protects it from
birth throughout life. It is also known as non-defensive mechanism. It includes
physical barrier like skin, chemicals in blood etc.
The immunity that an individual acquires after the birth is called acquired or
adaptive immunity. T cells and B cells are the major immune cells. The T cells
provide cell mediated immunity while the B-cells provide humoral immunity.
Name the two special types of lymphocytes in humans. How do they differ in their roles in
immune response?
Two special types of lymphocytes in humans are
B-lymphocytes or B-cells
T-lymphocytes or T-cells(½+ ½)
B-lymphocytes T-lymphocytes
They produce antibodies against antigen. They stimulate B-cells to produce antibodies.
28.Write the percentage of land area that was covered by forests by the end of the last
(b) Describe any two practices that led to deforestation.
(c) State the consequences of deforestation.
Ans (a) 19.4% = ½
b)-Trees are axed for timber / firewood / land for industrial requirement
-Slash and burn agriculture
- habitat loss and fragmentation- clearing of forest land into grass land
for raising cattle(Any two) = ½+½
(c) -Deterioration of our environment in terms of air - water and soil quality.
-causes loss of bio diversity
- disturbance in hydrological cycle / biogeochemical cycle(Any two) =
½+ ½
Section D
29.Study the diagram showing the entry of HIV into the human body and the
processes that are followed:
(i) Name the human cell 'A' HIV enters into.
(ii) Mention the genetic material 'B' HIV releases into the cell.
(iii) Identify enzyme 'C'
(iv) Name the infection and its causative if a patient is prescribed the Anti
Retroviral therapy.
Ans.Interferons produced by virus-infected cells protects the non-infected
cells from viral infection by inhibiting its replication and making cells
resistant to viral infection. 1
Que. 1) What the above picture depicts. How this disease can transmit to a healthy
If a person is having dry and scaly lesions on various parts of the body, then the
person is infected by…………………. Disease.
Que. 2) A healthy person can have infection of Ascaris
through ………………………………………………….
Que. 3) If a person is having dry and scaly lesions on various parts of the body, then
the person is infected by…………………. Disease.
Que. 4) Name any two genera of the fungi which are responsible for causing
Give an example of filarial worm and round worm.
Answer Key
Que. 1) Elephatiasis,Through female mosquito bite.1
Que. 2) Contaminated food and water.1
Que. 3) Ringworm.1
Que. 4) Answer: Epidermophyton and Microsporum are the two genera of fungi which
are responsible for causing ringworms.
Answer: Example of filarial worm is Wuchereria and an example of round worm is
Section E
31. (a) Explain the steps involved in in vitro fertilisation popularly known as test tube baby
(b) State the importance of this programme.
Ans (a) i) Ova from wife / donor and sperms from husband / donor are collected
ii) They are induced to form zygote under simulated conditions ( in the labortory )
iii) The zygote or early embryos upto 8 blastomeres could then be transferred to fallopian tube
iv) Embryos more than 8 blastomeres, into the uterus / IUT/ Intra uterin transfer = 1× 4
(b) Allows couples to bear children who were unable to do so naturally = 1
[4+1=5 ]
(a) State one difference and one similarity between geitonogamy and xenogamy.
(b) Explain any three devices developed in flowering plants to discourage self
pollination and encourage cross pollination.
Ans (a) Difference- In geitonogamy pollen grains from one flower are transferred to the
stigma of another flower on the same plant whereas in xenogamy the pollen grains
are transferred to the stigma of a flower on another plant(of the same species)
genetically similar , genetically different
Similarity -In both types of pollination pollen grains from the anther are transferred to
the stigma of another flower of the same species =1
(b) - Pollen release & stigma receptivity not synchronised / hence the maturity of stigma
and pollen are different /Protandry / Protogyny
- Anther and Stigma are placed at different positions so that pollen cannot come in
contactwith stigma of the same flower.
- Self incompatibility/ Self sterility.
- Production of unisexual flowers (Any three) = 1 × 3
For prokaryotic transcription, both the process of transcription occurs continuously and
simultaneously in the cytoplasm. But this process does not occur continuously and
simultaneously in Eukaryotic Transcription.
The translation and transcription of prokaryotic transcription occur in the cytoplasm.
However, in Eukaryotic Transcription, the transcription occurs in the cytoplasm and takes
place in the nucleus.
Different types of RNA: In prokaryotic transcription, there is only one type of RNA
polymerase enzyme. This polymerase enzyme helps to synthesize all the other types of
RNA, for example, tRNA, mRNA, and rRNA. On the other hand, eukaryotic transcription
involves three types of RNA. These three types of RNAs are RNA Polymerase II for
mRNA, rRNA synthesis, and RNA Polymerase III to aid the synthesis of 5SrRNA and
hnRNA, intron and exon removal of intron
Skin colour in humans does not have distinct alternate forms but shows a whole range of
possible variations in skin colour. Explain the pattern of inheritance of such a trait. What is
this type of inheritance known as ? Provide another example of exhibiting such an
inheritance pattern.
Skin colour is controlled by three genes; A,B,C dominant genes and a,b,c the recessive
genes ; the effect of each type of allele is addictive ; more the dominant allele, darker the
skin colour; more the recessive allele lighter the skin colour ; when three dominant alleles
and three recessive alleles are present in an individual the skin colour is intermediate = ½
- Polygenic inheritance =1
- Human Height /or any other correct example =1
b)Name the most commonly used bioreactor and describe its working.
Ans. (a) Larger biomass / large volume of culture can be processed leading to higher
yields of desired specific products (protein / enzymes) , under controlled condition = ½ +
- ds RNA is formed
[½ × 6 = 3 marks]
b.Name the organism from which the ‘cry’ genes are isolated. Mention with the help of
suitable example why and how bio-technologists have made use of ‘cry’ genes. Ans
Bacillus thuringiensis = 1
- Source of insecticidal ( crystal) protein that control the cotton bollworms / corn
borer = 1
- Specific Bt toxin genes were isolated from Bacillus thuringiensis , incorporated
into several crop plants such as cotton = ½ × 2
[5 Marks]