Presentation 3
Presentation 3
Presentation 3
Waqas Ahmed
Tb X
R1 = lim ak ak+1
T →∞ T
1 X
R1 = lim ak ak+1
N→∞ N
R1 = a^k ak+1 ,
Rn = a^k ak+n
Generally, the sample values obtained from the analog signals are not
Rather than encoding each sample as an independent value, a
significant reduction can be achieved by using the degree of
redundancy present in the successive samples.
A simple example is one in which we can transmit the difference
between the successive samples. If m[k] is the k th sample, instead of
transmitting m[k], we transmit the difference d[k] = m[k] − m[k − 1].
At the receiver knowing d[k] and previous value m[k − 1], we can
construct m[k] iteratively at the receiver.
Since the d[k] will be generally smaller, the peak value of the
transmitted signals will be reduced significantly, as ∆υ = mp /L, this
reduces the quantization interval thus quantization noise.
Meaning for a given SNR requirement we can reduce L(or n).
Ts2 .. T 2 ...
m(t + Ts ) =m(t) + Ts ṁ(t) + m(t) + s m(t) + . . . (1)
2! 3!
≈m(t) + Ts ṁ(t) for small Ts
If mp and dp are the peak amplitudes of m(t) and d(t), and same no
of quantization level L are used, then step size ∆υ is reduced by
factor mp /dp
Since noise power is (∆υ)2 /2, the quantization noise reduces by a
factor (mp /dp )2
SNR improvement
Gp =
SNR improvement can be as high as 24dB in short-term.
The bit rate of DPCM could be lower than that of PCM by 3-4 bits
dq [k] = mq [k] − mq [k − 1]
mq [k] = mq [k − 1] + dq [k]
Assuming mq [0] = 0
mq [k − 1] = mq [k − 2] + dq [k − 1]
mq [k] = dq [m]
Demodulator is an Accumulator
Threshold of Coding- Variation in m(t) smaller than the step size are
lost in DM. Granular noise similar to that of quantization noise
Overloading- If m(t) changes too fast ṁ(t) is too high, m̂q (t) cannot
follow m(t) and overloading (slope-overload) occurs. One of the basic
limiting factors in DM.
The slope overload noise can be reduced by increasing step size σ (E
in the previous block diagram). This increases granular noise
(threshold of coding effect). There is an optimum value of σ, which
gives the best compromise giving the minimal overall noise.
During sampling interval Ts , m̂q (t) is capable of changing σ (step
|ṁ(t)| < σfs
Example: m(t) = A cos(ωt)
|ṁ(t)|max = ωA < σfs , Amax =
Waqas Ahmed (PIEAS) Short title December 15, 2014 37 / 41
Delta Modulation(6)