ME Sci 11 - 12 Q4 1001 WS2

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Worksheet 2

Physical Science • Grade 11/12

10.1. The Spherical Earth

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Grade/Section: Rating:

Instructions: Answer the following questions. Specific instructions are indicated on each
A. Create a timeline on the history of the spherical earth using the following philosophers.
a. Aristotle
b. Early Egyptians/Mesopotamians/Homer
c. Anaxagoras
d. Eratosthenes
e. Pythagoras

Worksheet 2
Physical Science • Grade 11/12

10.1. The Spherical Earth

B. Fill in the table below. Briefly describe what can be perceived when the phenomena is
observed using the flat earth model and spherical earth model.

Flat Earth Model Spherical Earth Model

1. Ships sailing over the


2. Airplanes flying at a long

period of time

3. Time zones

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