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The increase of data traffic, a demand for high-speed reliable mobile networks and con-
gested frequency bands raised both technological and regulatory challenges. Therefore,
the fifth-generation mobile network (5G) is being developed. Recently, researchers have
focused on a very promising terahertz (THz) band (frequencies from 100 GHz to 30 THz),
which will allow fast transmission of huge amounts of data. However, transmission
distance is limited due to atmospheric attenuation, as THz waves undergo significant
absorption by water vapor and oxygen molecules in the atmosphere. Moreover, THz
waves are very vulnerable by precipitation. Furthermore, the path of the propagating
waves changes due to variations of the atmospheric refractive index. Nevertheless, the
THz networks could be perfect candidates for fiber-to-THz bridges in difficult-to-access
areas. The aim of this chapter is to present the possibilities and challenges of the THz
networks from a point of view of atmospheric attenuation. The results show that simula-
tions of the atmospheric attenuation using real-time data are a powerful tool that should
complement technological basis, as it will help to foresee possible failures, extend trans-
mission distance and improve reliability of the THz and other high-frequency broadband
wireless networks.
1. Introduction
Data traffic in wireless communications has been increasing rapidly over recent decades.
Edholm’s law (resembling the well-known Moore’s law for transistors) states that wire-
less data rates have doubled every 18 months over the last three decades and are quickly
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144 Broadband Communications Networks - Recent Advances and Lessons from Practice
approaching the capacity of wired communication systems [1]. Furthermore, the Internet
traffic is expected to reach over 130 exabytes per month by 2018 [2]. The speed limits are
based on the Shannon theorem [3], which states that, for a given average signal power, the
channel bandwidth limits the maximum data rate that can be attained with a sufficiently low
error rate.
The most desirable spectrum to satisfy the wireless needs is the frequency band of
1–10 GHz, whereas propagation losses due to atmospheric absorption and precipitation
play a secondary role, and in many cases may generally be neglected1 [4]. However, the
band up to 10 GHz is highly congested. Despite the efforts to improve its efficiency, it is
difficult to locate a sufficient amount of free bandwidth. Since current networks are no lon-
ger able to cope with the forthcoming load (i.e., Internet of Things (IoT), self-driving cars
and so on), recent research has focused on the THz technology, which has a lot of potential
owing to a large bandwidth capability, highly directive beams, obtained with relatively
small antennas, and, consequently, low transmitter power requirement. Although trans-
mission distance will be limited due to severe effects in the atmosphere, the THz networks
are perfect candidates for short-distance communications, such as fiber-to-THz bridges in
difficult-to-access areas.
The aim of this chapter is to present the possibilities and challenges of the THz networks from
a point of view of atmospheric attenuation. The chapter consists of three parts. The first part
is dedicated to the review of the possible applications and basic concepts of the THz wireless
networks. In the second part, the main mechanisms of the atmospheric attenuation are pre-
sented. This part also includes a brief overview of the basic principles of radio system design
and recommendations of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU-R). The third part
is based on real-time measurements and simulations using meteorological data.
The terahertz (THz) band (also often called the T-rays or „terahertz gap”) consists of electro-
magnetic waves in the frequency region of 100 GHz–30 THz.2 One terahertz (1 THz = 1012 Hz)
corresponds to a vacuum wavelength of 0.3 mm. As terahertz radiation begins at a wave-
length of 1 mm and proceeds into shorter wavelengths, it is sometimes called the submillime-
ter band. The THz band is also called the “terahertz gap,” as it divides the microwaves and
infrared waves or, in other words, the electronics and optics (Figure 1). Both electronics and
optics contributed to the development of the THz technology, as photonics has led the way
to the realization of many important THz devices, such as the development of the quantum
cascade laser (QCL), while electronics contributed with solid-state electronic devices, such as
resonant tunneling diodes (RTD) [5].
However, the application cannot be so straightforward. In order to ensure a reliable connection, the attenuation of the
atmosphere should be evaluated starting from 1 GHz or even lower frequency.
100 GHz corresponds to 0.1 THz. Perspectives for telecommunications are expected in the region up to 10 THz.
Atmospheric Attenuation of the Terahertz Wireless Networks 145
Figure 1. The terahertz (THz) gap. Both electronics and photonics contributed to the development of the THz technology.
The THz band, combined with recent technological innovations, offers wide application pos-
sibilities from nondestructive medical imaging, quality control, security issues (i.e., detection
of weapons, explosives and narcotic substances, as every material has a distinct signature in
its THz spectra [6]), communications and many more. The communication sector can benefit
from THz technology in many ways, starting from wireless communications and high-speed
data processing, to satellite communications.
According to [7], there are several reasons that motivate the use of the THz band for ultrabroad-
band communication networks. First of all, wireless technologies below 0.1 THz (100 GHz)
are not able to support terabit per second (Tbps) links, as available bandwidth limits the
achievable data rates (however, compact wireless technologies above 10 THz are not able
to support Tbps links). Furthermore, the THz band offers a much larger bandwidth, which
ranges from tens of GHz up to several THz, depending on the transmission distance, and it
opens the door for the variety of applications that demand ultrahigh data rates. In 2012, a
group of researchers have smashed the record for wireless data transmission in the terahertz
band. The data rate was 20 times higher than the best commonly used Wi-Fi standard [8].
However, due to technological limitations, the best performance of the THz wireless network
is shown under indoor conditions. One of the main challenges is a very high path loss at THz
band frequencies, which limits the communication distances3 [7]. The appropriate frequency
band should be determined by the application [9], as the higher the operational frequency,
In addition to all the challenges, the THz Band is not yet regulated. However, the beginning development is accom-
panied by standardization activities addressing the lower THz range. According to the proposal of the IEEE 802.15.3
group, the frequency range 252–325 GHz is defined as the Thz PHY, and the links using Thz PHY are called THz links.
146 Broadband Communications Networks - Recent Advances and Lessons from Practice
Figure 2. The concept of fiber-to-THz radio bridges for connection between a fiber-optic link and a THz link.
the shorter the distance (~100–150 GHz for long distance (~1–10 km), <350 GHz for medium
distance (~100 m–1 km) and <500 GHz for indoor (~10–100 m) communications) which THz
wave can travel without crucial distortions. Bearing in mind the distance problem, THz com-
munications could benefit from the well-developed fiber-optic links. The wireless-over-fiber
technology was introduced in [10]. In fact, owing to low losses in the optical fiber cables for
long-haul transmission, wireless-over-fiber is a very promising technology for the difficult-to-
access areas (Figure 2). In addition, the basic principles of the 5G technology can be adapted,
such as the massive Multiple Input, Multiple Output (MIMO) antennas integrated into base
stations [11] and densely deployed small cells [12] that are able to maintain a decent level of
signal quality in areas with high density of mobile users [13]. Other solutions are also pos-
sible. For example, in [14], a concept of mirror-assisted wireless coverage system is suggested.
The smart antennas are utilized with a number of moveable dielectric mirrors that act as
reflectors for the THz waves, creating a virtual line of sight.
However, as was concluded in [15], the transmission capacity of a system with a given trans-
mission power depends critically on channel properties like path losses, antenna misalign-
ment and interference due to reflection and scattering.
The design techniques of the new telecommunication links take into account a series of
various factors that are comprehensively explained by Freeman [4] and regulated by the
International Telecommunication Union (ITU-R). If a beam would propagate in free space
Atmospheric Attenuation of the Terahertz Wireless Networks 147
without atmosphere, the path would be a straight line. However, the atmosphere is always
present. In this chapter, the atmospheric effects on propagation are briefly overviewed in
terms of the THz communications. A more detailed description of the atmospheric effects is
provided in [16].
A free-space path loss (FSPL) is inevitable attenuation in the line-of-sight path through free
space. In general case, the free-space loss rises with the square of the carrier frequency and
link distance (i.e., 100 dB for a 10-m THz link at a carrier frequency of 300 GHz [17]). In actual
atmosphere, there are additional sources of atmospheric loss that affects the amplitude, phase
and polarization of electromagnetic waves. Generally, these effects could be predicted. The
prediction procedures consist of few steps, and the meteorological data (rain rate, tempera-
ture, humidity, etc.) are required.
Due to the presence of gas and water molecules in the atmosphere, electromagnetic wave trav-
els more slowly, and part of its energy is scattered or absorbed. Some molecules present in a
standard atmosphere are excited by the specific frequencies in the THz band. An excited mol-
ecule internally vibrates, and as a result of this vibration, part of the energy of the propagating
wave is converted into kinetic energy and is simply lost. The necessary parameters to charac-
terize the different resonances for different molecules are collected, contrasted with real mea-
surements, and compiled into HITRAN database [18]. Considering the standard atmospheric
composition (mostly molecular oxygen and nitrogen), the gaseous attenuation, γg (in dB/km),
up to 0.350 THz (accurate model) and 1 THz (general model) can be evaluated using procedure
described in [19]. For distances below 1 m, molecular absorption loss is considered to be almost
negligible. When transmission distance exceeds 1 m, molecular resonances become significant.
More than any other region of the electromagnetic spectrum THz region is very vulnerable
by water molecules. Being a polar molecule with a nonlinear molecular orientation, water dis-
plays a strong absorption line for nearly all of its rotational modes [20]. Therefore, it is worth
to mention water vapor, which, being minor constituent of the atmosphere, together with
oxygen, is the main contributor to gaseous attenuation. Hence, the gaseous attenuation, γg, is
a sum of attenuation due to water vapor and oxygen, and the path loss due to atmospheric
absorption is estimated as multiplication of gaseous attenuation and path length, d,
AG = γg d. (1)
In the molecular absorption spectrum, there are several regions of relative transparency
between the absorption peaks. Those regions are called transmission windows. Under stan-
dard atmospheric conditions, transmission windows are present at about <0.300, 0.330–0.370,
0.390–0.440, 0.625–0.725, and 0.780–0.910 THz (Figure 3). When the frequency exceeds 1 THz,
the radio wave undergoes significant absorption by water vapor and oxygen molecules in the
148 Broadband Communications Networks - Recent Advances and Lessons from Practice
Figure 3. Transmission distance in the THz band is limited by the atmospheric attenuation. Water vapor absorption
spectra indicate several transmission windows (the regions of relative transparency between the resonance peaks); when
the frequency exceeds 1 THz, the radio wave undergoes significant absorption.
3.3. Precipitation
3.3.1. Rainfall
The effect due to hydrometeors, especially rain, is the most severe. The main mechanisms of
the attenuation due to rainfall are absorption and scattering. When an incident electromag-
netic wave passes over an object that has dielectric properties different from the surrounding
medium, some energy is absorbed (this energy heats the absorbing material) and some is
scattered (the smaller the scatterer, the more isotropic it is in direction with respect to the
wavelength of the incident energy) [4]. It is a common practice to express the excess attenua-
tion due to rainfall as a function of precipitation rate, which depends on liquid water content
and the fall velocity of the raindrops, which in turn depends on drop size distribution (DSD).
There are various raindrop size distributions; the most popular is the Laws and Parsons dis-
tribution. However, dealing with raindrop size distribution is a complex task, because the
Atmospheric Attenuation of the Terahertz Wireless Networks 149
shapes of actual raindrops are far from the usually depicted spherical or tear-drop shapes, as
larger drops become flattened and eventually break into smaller droplets [22].
One of the most accepted methods of dealing with excess path attenuation due to rainfall is
an empirical procedure based on the approximate relation between excess path attenuation A
(in dB) and the rain rate R (in mm/h) [23]:
AdB = a R b, (2)
where a and b are functions of frequency. Horizontally polarized waves suffer greater attenu-
ation than vertically polarized waves, so there are different a and b values for vertical and
horizontal polarization. The values of a and b can be found in [23].
For frequencies above 100 GHz, the attenuation is considered to be about 10 dB/km in the case
of heavy-rain conditions (R = 25 mm/h). However, empirical methods must be applied with
caution. Most often, the rain rate of the rainfall is calculated using averaged hourly, daily or
even annual data. For path design above 10 GHz, where the path availability better than 99.9%
is required, such averaged statistics are not sufficient, as several weeks of light drizzle will affect
the overall long-term path availability much less than several good short-lived downpours [4].
In fact, such downpours are cellular in nature and appear in so-called rain cells. To trace such
downpours, “one-minute” rain rate values, R(1 min) (in mm/h), are required. Since data with such
accuracy are rarely collected, the “one-minute” rain rate values (integration time is 1 min) can
be estimated from various models [16]. However, those models are also based on averaged
data; therefore, in territories of varying climate conditions, it is suggested to specify the con-
version formula in accordance with the peculiarities of the climate. As the practice shown, the
actual “one-minute” rain rate values tend to be higher than the ITU-R suggested values, and it
is the main reason for the unexpected telecommunication failures during downpours.
There are other meteorological phenomena. In example, hail causes only a small attenuation
due to rain. The effect of snow depends on temperature, flake size, and water content. Fog and
clouds can be treated as very light rains (small droplets or/and ice crystals). In this chapter,
other precipitation sources will not be discussed. More information can be found in [4, 16].
In the atmosphere, the propagating radio beam encounters variations of the atmospheric
refractive index. Due to these variations, the ray-path becomes curved, and the fading occurs.
The radio refractive index is defined as the ratio of the velocity of propagation of a radio wave
in free space to the velocity in a specified medium. At standard atmosphere conditions near
the Earth’s surface, the radio refractive index has a value of approximately 1.0003. The atmo-
spheric refractive index, n, can be calculated by the following formula:
n = 1 + N × 10 −6, (3)
According to the procedure described in [4], the atmospheric refractivity is expressed by:
77.6 e
N = ____
P + 4810 __
( T
, ) (4)
where P is atmospheric pressure (in hPa), e is water vapor pressure (in hPa) and T is absolute
temperature (in K). This expression may be used for all radio frequencies (with the error less
than 0.5% for frequencies up to 100 GHz).
The water vapor pressure is given by
e = ___
, (5)
( )
t+c ,
es = a exp ___ (6)
where H is relative humidity (in %), t is temperature (in °C), e s is saturation vapor pressure
(in hPa) at the temperature t (in °C), and the coefficients a, b, c are a = 6.1121, b = 17.502,
c = 240.97 (for water, valid between −20°C and +50°C, with an accuracy of ±0.20%) and
a = 6.1115, b = 22.452, c = 272.55 (for ice, valid between −50°C and 0°C, with an accuracy of
The main challenge of the radio system design is the reliable source of data. When dealing
with atmospheric attenuation, it is very important to gather as reliable as possible metrologi-
cal data. Unfortunately, data of such accuracy are rarely available. In this part, simulations
based on real-time data are presented.
As mentioned above, the mostly available meteorological data are not sufficient for the
radio system design, as averaged meteorological data suppress the peak values of sig-
nificant events, such as downpours. Therefore, 1-min integration time should be used if
In Figure 4, the data of the heavy-rain event are presented. During 6-h lapse, the rain intensity
differed from light to heavy rain, and 37 mm of rain was accumulated until midnight (marked
as Precip. Accum.). At the same time, the rain intensity was measured (R-value (10 min)). For
technical reasons, the measurements were carried out in 10-min intervals. In addition, 1-min
rain rate value, R (1 min), was calculated, using the Moupfouma and Martin method [24]:
where R(τ ) is the rain rate value (in mm/h) measured in lapse of time τ (in minutes).
Atmospheric Attenuation of the Terahertz Wireless Networks 151
Figure 4. Heavy-rain event. The peak values of the rain rate at the different aggregation times are presented. According
to measurements, the maximum R-value was R = 59.4 mm/h at 20:49; the maximum calculated 1-min R-value was almost
double, R (1 min)=103.45 mm/h. Both of these values are higher than the ITU-R suggested value R = 35 mm/h.
According to measurements, the maximum R-value was R = 59.4 mm/h at 20:49. However,
calculated 1-min R-value was almost double, R(1min) = 103.45 mm/h. Both of these values are
higher than the ITU-R suggested value R = 35 mm/h [25].
In Figure 5, calculated values of rain attenuation at 0.1 THz (or 100 GHz; the minima of the
THz range) electromagnetic waves are presented. As can be seen, the results are different
for 1- and 10-min integration times. One-minute rain rate value reveals the peak attenuation
being 32.27 dB/km for horizontally polarized electromagnetic waves and 31.55 dB/km for
vertically polarized ones. The values calculated using 10-min integration time are lower (22.11
and 21.02 dB/km, respectively). However, when the rain rate starts to fall, the integration time
and polarization become less important, as the results in all cases are nearly similar.
In Figure 6, the same rain event is presented. The difference is that the R-values were calcu-
lated using more widely accessible averaged rainfall data with integration time of 1 h and
6 h (standard). In these cases, the downpours are suppressed and delayed (R = 24.6 mm/h at
21:19 according to hourly data; R = 6.56 mm/h at 23:18 according to 6-h average data).
As can be seen in Figure 7, the impact of the suppressed and delayed R-values on the attenu-
ation of the propagating 0.1 THz electromagnetic waves is significant and the results are dis-
torted in comparison with the Figure 5. The low attenuation values become higher, and the
peak values are lower (12.13 dB/km for horizontally polarized waves in comparison with
32.27 dB/km in Figure 5). The 6-h (standard) R-values (see inset in Figure 7) determine very
low and delayed attenuation values.
The same calculations were performed for electromagnetic waves with operating frequency
of 0.3 THz (or 300 GHz; in many cases, this frequency is considered as a realistic candidate
152 Broadband Communications Networks - Recent Advances and Lessons from Practice
Figure 5. The calculated values of rain attenuation at 0.1 THz using real-time R-values. The results differ with inte-
gration time. One-minute rain rate value reveals the peak attenuation being 32.27 dB/km for horizontally polarized
electromagnetic waves and 31.55 dB/km for vertically polarized ones when the rain rate is 103.45 mm/h.
Figure 6. The R-values calculated using averaged hourly meteorological data. The downpours are suppressed and
delayed in comparison with Figure 4.
for the THz communications). The results are presented in Figure 8. As can be seen, the
tendencies are the same as for 0.1 THz. However, for 0.3 THz, the calculated attenuation val-
ues are smaller than for 0.1 THz (according to model, for frequencies higher than 0.1 THz, the
rain attenuation slightly decreases) (Figure 9).
Atmospheric Attenuation of the Terahertz Wireless Networks 153
Figure 7. The calculated values of rain attenuation at 0.1 THz using averaged R-values. The results are distorted, as the
low attenuation values are higher and the peak values are lower.
Figure 8. The calculated values of rain attenuation at 0.3 THz. For 0.3 THz, the attenuation values are smaller than for 0.1
THz, but the tendencies are the same.
The atmospheric refractivity, N, defines the curvature of the ray path due to which the fading
occurs. Since the N-value is frequency independent (see formula (4)), the main peculiarities
154 Broadband Communications Networks - Recent Advances and Lessons from Practice
Figure 9. The calculated values of rain attenuation at 0.3 THz using averaged R-values. The results are distorted, as the
low attenuation values are higher and the peak values are lower.
Figure 10. Variations of radio refractivity compared to measured signal strength. Changes of the signal strength occurred
at same time as the variations of the radio refractivity. Since the N-value is frequency independent (see formula (4)), the
main peculiarities can be identified using measurements performed for lower operating frequencies.
Atmospheric Attenuation of the Terahertz Wireless Networks 155
can be identified using measurements performed at lower operating frequencies. In Figure 10,
the actual measurements of the signal (working frequency 3.5 GHz) are presented. The mea-
surements were carried out in the area of weak radio coverage. The measurements are com-
pared to the N-values, calculated using (4) formula and real-time meteorological data, which
was measured at the same place. As can be seen, changes of the signal strength occur at same
time as the variations of the radio refractivity (please note that the scale is chosen for the con-
venience of viewing the regularities).
5. Conclusions
In this chapter, the challenges of the very promising ultrabroadband terahertz (THz) wireless
networks in terms of the atmospheric attenuation and atmospheric refractivity are presented. The
main mechanisms of the atmospheric attenuation are briefly discussed. The simulations, based on
the real-time measurements and reliable meteorological data, are presented as well. As most of the
atmospheric attenuation mechanisms are quite well predictable or can generally be neglected, the
causes of the hardest-to-predict failures are the events of heavy rain (the THz waves are vulner-
able by the water molecules) and variations of atmospheric radio refractivity. These simulations
are focused on the lower THz band, but could also be applicable for other operating frequencies.
Simulations show that in the events of heavy rain the actual peak values of the rain rate can
be twice as high as the peak values calculated using meteorological data, collected with the
10-min integration time. As a result, averaged meteorological data gives inaccurate and dis-
torted results, as the peak values are suppressed and delayed.
The curvature of the ray-path is determined by the atmospheric refractivity. Since the formula
of atmospheric refractivity is frequency independent (for frequencies up to 0.1 THz, the error
is less than 0.5%), the main peculiarities can be identified using measurements performed
for lower operating frequencies. Some initial measurements are presented. The results show
that the changes of the signal strength occur at same time as the variations of the atmospheric
radio refractivity. Those variations might be very influential in the areas of the weak coverage.
Simulations of the atmospheric attenuation using real-time data are a powerful tool that
should complement technological basis, as it will help to foresee possible failures, extend
transmission distance and improve reliability of the THz and other high-frequency broad-
band wireless networks.
Author details
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