Object Oriented Programming With C++ LAB FILE

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Harsh Chandravanshi 27 2019/CTAE/145

S.NO. Programs Date
1. Write a Program to design a class having a static member function 11/08/20
named showcount () which has the property of displaying the
number of objects created of the class.
2. Write a program using class to process Shopping List for a 11/08/20
Departmental Store. The list includes details such as the Code No and
Price of each item and performs the operations like Adding, Deleting
Items to the list, and Printing the Total value of an Order.
3. Write a Program which creates & uses array of object of a class. (for 13/08/20
e.g. implementing the list of Managers of a Company having details
such as Name, Age, etc..).
4. Write a Program to find Maximum out of Two Numbers using friend 13/08/20
function. Note: Here one number is a member of one class and the
other number is member of some other class.
5. Write a Program to swap private data members of classes named as 18/08/20
class_1, class_2 using friend function.
6. Write a Program to design a class complex to represent complex 18/08/20
numbers. The complex class should use an external function (use it
as a friend function) to add two complex no. the functions should
return an object of type complex representing the sum of two
complex no.
7. Write a Program using copy constructor to copy data of an object to 20/08/20
another object.
8. Write a Program to allocate memory dynamically for an object of a 20/08/20
given class using class’s constructor.
9. Write a Program to design a class to represent a matrix. The class 25/08/20
should have the functionality to insert and retrieve the elements of
the matrix.
10. Write a program to design a class representing complex no. and 25/08/20
having the functionality of performing addition & multiplication of
two complex numbers using operator overloading
11. Write a Program to overload operators like *, <<, >> using friend 27/08/20
function. The following overloaded operators should work for a class
12. Write a program for developing a matrix class which can handle 3/09/20
integer matrices of different dimensions. Also overload the operator
for addition, multiplication & comparison of matrices.
13. Write a program to overload new / delete operators in a class. 8/12/20
14. Write a program in C++ to highlight the difference between the 3/09/20
overloaded assignment operator and copy constructor.
15. Write a Program illustrating how the constructors are implemented 10/09/20
and the order in which they are called when the classes are

Harsh Chandravanshi 27 2019/CTAE/145

inherited. Use three classes named alpha, beta, gamma such that
alpha, beta are base class and gamma is derived class inheriting
alpha &beta.
16. Write a Program to design a student class representing student roll 8/09/20
no. and a test class (derived class of student) representing the
scores of the student in various subjects and sports class
representing the score in sports. The sports and test class should be
inherited by a result class having the functionality to add the scores
and display the final result for a student.
17. Write a program to maintain the records of person with details 10/09/20
(Name and Age) and find the eldest among them. The program must
use this pointer to return the result. Header file for standard input
and output file.
18. Write a Program to illustrate the use of pointers to objects which 15/09/20
are related by inheritance.
19. Write a program illustrating the use of virtual functions in class. 15/09/20

20. Write a program to design a class representing the information 17/09/20

regarding digital library (books, tape: book & tape should be
separate classes having the base class as media ). The class should
have the functionality for adding new item, issuing, deposit etc. The
program should use the runtime polymorphism.
21. Write a program to show conversion from string to int and vice- 24/09/20
22. Write a program showing data conversion between objects of 29/09/20
different classes.
23. Write a program showing data conversion between objects of 29/09/20
different classes and conversion routine should reside in destination
24. Write a program implementing basic operation of class ios i.e. setf, 1/10/20
unsetf, precision etc.
25. Write a program to implement I/O operations on characters. I/O 6/10/20
operations includes input a string, length of string, store it in a file,
fetching the stored characters from it, etc.
26. Write a program to copy the contents of one file to another. 8/10/20

27. Write a program to perform read/write binary I/O operation on a 8/10/20

file (i.e. write the object of a structure/class to file).
28. Write a program to maintain a elementary database of employees 13/10/20
using files.
29. Write a program for reading and writing data to and from the file 15/10/20
using command line arguments.
30. Write a program showing implementation of stack class having the 20/10/20
functionality of push, pop operations.

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31. Write program to implement a queue class with required 22/10/20
operations/ functions
32. Write a program to implement circular queue class with required 27/10/20
operations/ functions.
33. Write a program implementing linked list as a class. Also Perform 29/10/20
some required operations like inserting, deleting nodes & display
the contents of entire linked list.
34. Write a program dynamic memory implementing stack & its 12/11/20
operations using memory allocation.
35. Write a program implementing Queue stack &its operations using 26/11/20
dynamic memory allocation.
36. Write a program to implement the exception handling with multiple 8/12/20
catch statements.
37. Write a program to implement the exception handling with 8/12/20
rethrowing in exception.
38. Write a program to implement the exception handling with the 8/12/20
functionality of testing the throw restrictions.

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1. Write a Program to design a class having a static member function named showcount ()
which has the property of displaying the number of objects created of the class.

//Header files
using namespace std;
// Declares a user defined data type test
class test
int code;
static int count;
//Access specifier
//setcode function declaration for count
void setcode(void)
code = ++count;
//showcode function declaration to show object code
void showcode(void)
cout<<"object number:"<<code<<"\n";
//showcount function declaration to show count
static void showcount(void)
int test::count;
int main()
{ //declare object t1,t2 for class test
test t1, t2;
//calling function setcode to increase the count
//calling function showcount
test t3;
//calling function setcode to increase the count

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//calling function showcount
//calling function showcode to show code of each object
return 0;


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2.Write a program using class to process Shopping List for a Departmental Store. The list
includes details such as the Code No and Price of each item and performs the operations like
Adding, Deleting Items to the list, and Printing the Total value of an Order.

//Header files
using namespace std;
//declaring const m for number of items
const int m=50;
class ITEMS
{ //declaring variable itemCode,itemPrice and count
int itemCode[m];
float itemPrice[m];
int count;
// Access specifier
//declaring/define CNT function for count
void CNT(void) {
//declaring/define all function for different operations
void getitem(void);
void displaySum(void);
void remove(void);
void displayItems(void);
//Function to enter items in the shopping list
void ITEMS::getitem(void)

cout<<"Enter item code:"<<endl;

cout<<"Enter Item cost"<<endl;
//Function to display total amount of items
void ITEMS::displaySum(void)

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float sum=0;
for (int i=0;i<count;i++)
cout<<"\nTotal Value:"<<sum<<"\n";
//Function to delete items
void ITEMS::remove(void)

int a;
cout<<"Enter Item Code:"<<endl;
for (int i=0;i<count;i++)
if (itemCode[i] == a)
//Function to display items
void ITEMS::displayItems(void)

cout<<"\nCode Price\n";
for (int i=0;i<count;i++)
cout<<" "<<itemPrice[i];
int main()
{ // Declares a user defined data type ITEMS
ITEMS order;
int x;
cout<<"\nYou can do the following:"<<" "
<<"Enter appropriate number\n";
cout<<"\n1 : Add an Item";
cout<<"\n2 : Display Total Value";
cout<<"\n3 : Delete an Item";
cout<<"\n4 : Display all items";

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cout<<"\n5 : Quit";
cout<<"\n\nWhat is your option?"<<endl;
switch (x)
//calling function to add items
case 1: order.getitem();
//calling function to display total value of items
case 2: order.displaySum();
//calling function to delete item
case 3: order.remove();
//calling function to display items
case 4: order.displayItems();
default: cout<<"Error in input"<<endl;
} while (x!=5);
return 0;

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Harsh Chandravanshi 27 2019/CTAE/145

3. Write a Program which creates & uses array of object of a class. (for e.g. implementing
the list of Managers of a Company having details such as Name, Age, etc..).

//Header Files
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
// Declares a user defined data type employee
class employee
{ //Declare name and age variable
char name[30];
float age;
//Define function getdata and putdata for operations
void getdata(void);
void putdata(void);
//Function to get values from user
void employee::getdata(void)
cout<<" Enter Name"<<" ";
cout<<" Enter Age"<<" ";
//Function to show entered value
void employee::putdata(void)
cout<<" Name:"<<" "<<name<<"\n";
cout<<" Age: "<<" "<<age<<"\n";
//Assign a const size to take value of only three manager
const int size=3;
int main()
{ //Define array of object size for class employee
employee manager[size];
for (int i=0; i<size; i++)
cout<<"\n Details of manager"<<i+1<<"\n";
//calling function getdata to get value from user

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for (int i=0; i<size; i++)
cout<<"\n Manager"<<i+1<<"\n";
//calling function to show output entered by user
return 0;


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4. Write a Program to find Maximum out of Two Numbers using friend function.
Note: Here one number is a member of one class and the other number is member of some
other class.

//Header File
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
//Declares a user defined data type ABC
class ABC;
//Declares a user defined data type XYZ
class XYZ
int x;
//Function to take value and set it to variable
void setvalue(int i)
friend void max(XYZ, ABC);
class ABC
int a;
//Function to take value and set it to variable
void setvalue(int i)
friend void max(XYZ, ABC);
//Define function max
void max(XYZ m, ABC n)
if (m.x>=n.a)
int main()

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{ //Declare object abc for class abc
ABC abc;
//Calling function to take value
//Declare object abc for class xyz
XYZ xyz;
//Calling function to take value
//Calling function to pass value to function max
max(xyz, abc);
return 0;


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5. Write a Program to swap private data members of classes named as class_1, class_2 using
friend function.

//Header File mainly for standard input output
#include <iostream>
#include <conio.h>
using namespace std;
//Define class_2 to use in class_1
class class_2;
//Declaration of class_1
class class_1
{ //value1 variable defined in private member
int value1;
//access specifier
//indata function declaration to take value_1 from user
void indata(int a)
value1 = a;
//display function declaration to show inputted value_1 to user
void display(void)
cout << value1 << "\n";
//Friend function declaration to use private members variable of class

friend void exchange(class_1 &, class_2 &);

//Declaration of class_2
class class_2
{ //value2 variable defined in private member
int value2;
//access specifier
//indata function declaration to take value_2 from user
void indata(int a)
value2 = a;

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//display function declaration to show inputted value_1 to user
void display(void)
cout << value2 << "\n";
//Friend function declaration to use private members variable of class
friend void exchange(class_1 &, class_2 &);
//Exchange function declaration with prior way to swap value1 to value2
void exchange(class_1 &x, class_2 &y)
int temp = x.value1;
x.value1 = y.value2;
y.value2 =
int main()
{ //object C1 declaration of class_1

class_1 C1;
//object C2 declaration of class_2
class_2 C2;
//input value to class_1
//input value to class_2
cout << "Values before exchange"
<< "\n";
//function call of class_1 to display value before swapping
//function call of class_2 to display value before swapping
//exchange function call to swap values
exchange(C1, C2);
cout << "Values after exchange"
<< "\n";
//function call of class_1 to display value after swapping
//function call of class_2 to display value after swapping
return 0;

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Harsh Chandravanshi 27 2019/CTAE/145

6. Write a Program to design a class complex to represent complex numbers. The
complex class should use an external function (use it as a friend function) to
add two complex no. the functions should return an object of type complex
representing the sum of two complex no.

//Header File mainly for standard input output
#include <iostream>
#include <conio.h>
using namespace std;
//Complex class definition
class complex
{ //variable x,y declaration under private member
float x;
float y;
//Access Specifier
//Input function definition to take real and imaginary value of complex number from user
void input(float real, float img)
x = real;
y = img;
//Friend function declaration to use x, y private member variable
friend complex sum(complex, complex);
//Show function declaration with complex data type
void show(complex);
//sum function definition to do the sum
complex sum(complex c1, complex c2)
{ //variable C3 declaration with complex data type to store sum of two complex number
complex c3;
//Sum of real value of two complex number
c3.x = c1.x + c2.x;
//Sum of imaginary value of two complex number
c3.y = c1.y + c2.y;
//returning value c3
return (c3);
//show function definition to show complex value in following format
void complex ::show(complex c)

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cout << c.x << "+j" << c.y << "\n";
int main()
{ //object A,B,C declaration of class complex
complex A, B, C;
//inputting data through object A
A.input(3.1, 5.65);
//inputting data through object B
B.input(2.75, 1.2);
//Calling function sum and store the value of sum in object C
C = sum(A, B);
cout << "A=";
//Calling function show to print value in object A
cout << "B=";
//Calling function show to print value in object B
cout << "C=";
//Calling function show to print value in object C
return 0;


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7. Write a Program using copy constructor to copy data of an object to another

//Header file for standard input and output and necessary files
#include <iostream>
#include <conio.h>
using namespace std;
//Code Class definition
class code
{ //id variable defined in default private class
int id;
//Access specifier
//default constructor code declaration
code() {}
//Paramaterised constructor code definition with int 'a' as an argument
code(int a)
id = a;
//constructor code definition with code '&x' as an argument
code(code &x)
id = x.id;
//function display to show the value of id
void display(void)
cout << id;
int main()
{ //Constructor call
code A(100);
code B(A)
code C = A;
code D;
//initialise D with A
D = A;
//Displaying value of ids of all four objects
cout << "\n id of A:";
cout << "\n id of B:";
cout << "\n id of C:";

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cout << "\n id of D:";
return 0;


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8. Write a Program to allocate memory dynamically for an object of a given
class using class’s constructor.


//Header file for standard input and output and necessary files
#include <iostream>
#include <conio.h>
//Header file to include all string properties
#include <string.h>
using namespace std;
//Defining Class String
class String
//Variable defined in dafault private member
char *name;
int length;
//access specifier
//String constructor definition with no argument
length = 0;
name = new char[length + 1];
//String constructor definition with char pointer as argument
String(char *s)
//strlen "stl" to calculate length of string
length = strlen(s);
name = new char[length + 1];
//strcpy "stl" to copy s value to name
strcpy(name, s);
//display function to show value of name char pointer
void display(void)
cout << name << "\n";
//join function declaration
void join(String &a, String &b);
//definition of function join using constructor string
void String ::join(String &a, String &b)
length = a.length + b.length;
delete name;

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name = new char[length + 1];
strcpy(name, a.name);
strcat(name, b.name);
int main()
//initialisation of first pointer
char *first = "Joseph ";
//initialisation of string class objects
String name1(first), name2("Louis "), name3("Lagrange"), s1, s2;
//calling join function with string class object s1 and s2
s1.join(name1, name2);
s2.join(s1, name3);
//calling display function to show values using string different objects
return 0;


Harsh Chandravanshi 27 2019/CTAE/145

9. Write a Program to design a class to represent a matrix. The class should have the
functionality to insert and retrieve the elements of the matrix.

//Header file to include standard or user-defined files
#include <iostream>
//namespace to use same name variable in different namespace and scopes
using namespace std;
//Matrix class definition
class matrix
{ //default private member
//pointer of pointer p
int **p;
//d1 and d2 variable
int d1, d2;

//access specifier
//declaration of paramatarized constructor with two int type argument x and y
matrix(int x, int y);
//get_element function definition to take values from user
void get_element(int i, int j, int value)
p[i][j] = value;
//put_element function definition to show desired output
int put_element(int i, int j)
return p[i][j];
//definition of matrix constructor
matrix ::matrix(int x, int y)
{ //assign value of x in d1
d1 = x;
//assign value of y in d2
d2 = y;
p = new int *[d1];
for (int i = 0; i < d1; i++)
p[i] = new int[d2];
int main()

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{ //m and n variable
int m, n;
cout << "Enter size of matrix" << endl;
//Enter value greater than 2 as we use 1 and 2 index in out output function call
cin >> m >> n;
//implicit call of matrix constructor
matrix A(m, n);
cout << "Enter Matrix Element row by row:" << endl;
int i, j, value;
for (i = 0; i < m; i++)
for (j = 0; j < n; j++)
cin >> value;
//called get_element function to get input from user
A.get_element(i, j, value);
cout << "\n";
//called put_element function to show output
cout << A.put_element(1, 2);
return 0;


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10. Write a program to design a class representing complex no. and having the functionality
of performing addition & multiplication of two complex numbers using operator

//Header file to include standard or user-defined files
#include <iostream>
//namespace to use same name variable in different namespace and scopes
using namespace std;
//complex class definition
class complex
//private access specifier
//definition of float variable real and imag
float real, imag;
//public access specifier
//default complex constructor
//Parameterized Constructors with argument of float type r and i
complex(float r, float i)
{ //assign value of r in real
real = r;
//assign value of i in imag
imag = i;
//getdata function definition to get real and imaginary values from user
void getdata()
float r, i;

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cout << endl
<< "Enter real and imaginary part ";
cin >> r >> i;
real = r;
imag = i;
//alternative way of passing value,setdata function definition to set r and i value to real
and imag respectively
void setdata(float r, float i)
//assign value of r in real
real = r;
//assign value of i in imag
imag = i;
//displaydata function definition to display required output
void displaydata()

cout << endl

<< "real = " << real;
cout << endl
<< "Imaginary = " << imag << "\n";
//'+' operator overloading
complex operator+(complex c)
complex t;
//add real value of complex number
t.real = real + c.real;
//add imaginary value of complex number
t.imag = imag + c.imag;

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return t;
//'*' operator overloading
complex operator*(complex c)
complex t;
//multiplying real value of complex number
t.real = real * c.real - imag * c.imag;
//multiplying imaginary value of complex number
t.imag = real * c.imag + c.real * imag;
return t;
int main()
{ //c1,c3,c4 object declaration and implicit constructor call using c2 object
complex c1, c2(1.2, -2.5), c3, c4;
//implicit setdata constructor call using c1 object
c1.setdata(2.0, 2.0);
//adding c1 and c2 using overloaded '+' operator and assign them to object c3
c3 = c1 + c2;
cout << "\n"
<< "c3 = c1 + c2"
<< "\n";
//diplaydata function call to show output using c1,c2,c3 object
// real = 2
// Imaginary = 2
// real = 1.2
// Imaginary = -2.5
// real = 3.2

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// Imaginary = -0.5
//getdata function call using c4 object
//implicit call to complex constructor using c5 object and c6 object declaration
complex c5(2.5, 3.0), c6;
//multiply c4 and c5 using overloaded '*' operator and assign them to object c6
c6 = c4 * c5;
cout << "\n"
<< "c6 = c4 * c5"
<< "\n";
//display data function call using c4,c5,c6 object
//value given by user
// real = 1
// Imaginary = 1
// real = 2.5
// Imaginary = 3
// real = -0.5
// Imaginary = 5.5
//c7 object declaration
complex c7;
//both adding and multiplying using both '+' and '*' overloaded operator and assign them
to c7 object
c7 = c1 + c2 * c3;
cout << "\n"
<< "c7 = c1 + c2 *c3"
<< "\n";
//displaydata function call using c1,c2,c3, and c7 objects
// real = 2

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// Imaginary = 2
// real = 1.2
// Imaginary = -2.5
// real = 3.2
// Imaginary = -0.5
// real = 4.59
// Imaginary = -6.6
return 0;

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11. Write a Program to overload operators like *, <<, >> using friend function. The following
overloaded operators should work for a class vector.

//Header files
#include <iostream>
#include <conio.h>
using namespace std;
//coonst variable size
const int size = 3;
//Vector class definition
class vector
{ //integer array v defined in default private mode
int v[size];
//access specifier
//default constructor
//parameterized constructor with pointer argument
vector(int *x);
//friend function to overload operators '*' '<<' '>>'
friend vector operator*(int a, vector b);
friend vector operator*(vector b, int a);
friend istream &operator>>(istream &, vector &);
friend ostream &operator<<(ostream &, vector &);
//constructor definition to initialise values of vectors to zero
vector ::vector()
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
v[i] = 0;
//constructor definition to initialise values of vectors to pointer y
vector ::vector(int *y)
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
v[i] = y[i];
//operator overloading definition for '*' operator
vector operator*(int a, vector b)
vector c;
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
c.v[i] = a * b.v[i];
return c;
//operator overloading definition for '*' operator

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vector operator*(vector b, int a) {
vector c;
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
c.v[i] = b.v[i] * a;
return c;
//operator overloading definition for '>>' operator
istream &operator>>(istream &din, vector &b)
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
din >> b.v[i];
return (din);
//operator overloading definition for '<<' operator
ostream &operator<<(ostream &dout, vector &b)
dout << "(" << b.v[0];
for (int i = 1; i < size; i++)
dout << "," << b.v[i];
dout << ")";
return (dout);
//initialising values in array x
int x[size] = {2, 4, 6};
int main()
{ //object 'm' of class vector
vector m;
vector n = x; //constructor
cout << "Enter Elements of vector m"
<< "\n";
cin >> m;
cout << "\n";
cout << "m=" << m << "\n";
//object 'p', 'q' of class vector m
vector p, q;
//called operator when first argument is int and second argument is vector
p = 2 * m;
//called operator when first argument is vector and second argument is int
q = n * 2;
cout << "\n";
cout << "p=" << p << "\n";
cout << "q=" << q << "\n";
return 0;

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12. Write a program for developing a matrix class which can handle integer matrices of
different dimensions. Also overload the operator for addition, multiplication & comparison
of matrices.


#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip> //It defines the manipulator functions
using namespace std;
//Matrix class definition
class matrix
{ //variable maxcol,maxrow defined in default private mode
int maxrow, maxcol;
//pointer variable defined in default private mode
int *ptr;
//access specifier
//paramaterized constructor definition
matrix(int r, int c)
{ //value of r assigned to maxrow
maxrow = r;
//value of r assigned to maxcol
maxcol = c;
ptr = new int[r * c];
//getmat function declaration to get value in matrix
void getmat(void);
//printmat function declaration to print value of matrix
void printmat();
//delmat function declaration to find determinant value of matrix
int delmat();
//'+' operator overloading function declaration
matrix operator+(matrix b);

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//'*' operator overloading function declaration
matrix operator*(matrix b);
//'==' operator overloading function declaration
int operator==(matrix b);
//getmat function definition
void matrix ::getmat(void)
int i, j, mat_off, temp;
cout << endl
<< "enter elements matrix:" << endl;
for (i = 0; i < maxrow; i++)
for (j = 0; j < maxcol; j++)
{ //assigning consecutive integer values to mat_off variable
mat_off = i * maxcol + j;
cin >> ptr[mat_off];
//printmat function declaration
void matrix ::printmat()
int i, j, mat_off;
for (i = 0; i < maxrow; i++)

cout << endl;
for (j = 0; j < maxcol; j++)
{ //assigning consecutive integer values to mat_off variable
mat_off = i * maxcol + j;
//printing output in a matrix form using setw manipulator

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cout << setw(3) << ptr[mat_off];
//delmat function declaration
int matrix ::delmat()
{ //constructor call
matrix q(maxrow - 1, maxcol - 1);
//assigning and decalaring variables
int sign = 1, sum = 0, i, j, k, count;
int newsize, newpos, pos, order;
//assigning maxrow value to order
order = maxrow;
if (order == 1)
{ //return single value if there is only one element in matrix
return (ptr[0]);
for (i = 0; i < order; i++, sign *= -1)
for (j = 1; j < order; j++)
for (k = 0, count = 0; k < order; k++)
if (k == i)
pos = j * order + k;
newpos = (j - 1) * (order - 1) + count;
q.ptr[newpos] = ptr[pos];
//calculating sum of elements of matrix

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sum = sum + ptr[i] * sign * q.delmat();
//returning sum of all elements
return (sum);
//'+' operator overloading definition
matrix matrix ::operator+(matrix b)
{ //constructor call
matrix c(maxrow, maxcol);

int i, j, mat_off;
for (i = 0; i < maxrow; i++)
for (j = 0; j < maxcol; j++)
{ //assigning consecutive integer values to mat_off variable
mat_off = i * maxcol + j;
//adding values of two matrix and assign it to third matrix c
c.ptr[mat_off] = ptr[mat_off] + b.ptr[mat_off];
return (c);
//'*' operator overloading definition
matrix matrix ::operator*(matrix b)
{ //constructor call
matrix c(b.maxcol, maxrow);
int i, j, k, mat_off1, mat_off2, mat_off3;
for (i = 0; i < c.maxrow; i++)
for (j = 0; j < c.maxcol; j++)
{ //assigning consecutive integer values to mat_off variable
mat_off3 = i * c.maxcol + j;

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//assigning zero to all values of object c's pointer ptr
c.ptr[mat_off3] = 0;
for (k = 0; k < b.maxrow; k++)
{ //assigning values of index
mat_off2 = k * b.maxcol + j;
mat_off1 = i * maxcol + k;
//multiplying matrix's element according to their index as per rule in matrix
c.ptr[mat_off3] += ptr[mat_off1] * b.ptr[mat_off2];
return (c);
//'==' operator overloading definition
int matrix ::operator==(matrix b)
int i, j, mat_off;
//checking value of row and column of a and b
if (maxrow != b.maxrow || maxcol != b.maxcol)
return (0);
for (i = 0; i < maxrow; i++)
for (j = 0; j < maxcol; j++)
{ //assigning consecutive integer values to mat_off variable
mat_off = i * maxcol + j;
//checking condition for equality
if (ptr[mat_off] != b.ptr[mat_off])
return (0);
return (1);

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int main()
{ //decalaring vriable to take value of row and column of a and b
int rowa, cola, rowb, colb;
cout << endl
<< "Enter dimensions of matrix A ";
cin >> rowa >> cola;
//constructor call with object a
matrix a(rowa, cola);
//getmat function call to assign inputted value using object a
cout << endl
<< "Enter dimensions of matrix B";
cin >> rowb >> colb;
//constructor call with object b
matrix b(rowb, colb);
//getmat function call to assign inputted value using object b
//constructor call
matrix c(rowa, cola);
//adding matrices using '+' overloaded operator
c = a + b;
cout << endl
<< "The sum of two matrices = ";
//calling printmat function to print matrix c(constitutes addition of two matrix)
//constructor call
matrix d(rowa, colb);
//multipling matrix using '*' overloaded operator
d = a * b;
cout << endl

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<< "The product of two matrices = ";
//calling printmat function to print matrix d(constitutes multipliction of two matrix)
cout << endl
<< "Determinant of matrix a =" << a.delmat(); //calling delmat function to cal.
determinant of matrix
//comparing matrix using '==' overloaded operator
if (a == b)
cout << endl
<< "a & b are equal";
cout << endl
<< "a & b are not equal";
return 0;


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13. Write a program to overload new / delete operators in a class.
//header file for standard input and output
#include <iostream>
//header file mainly for dynamic memory and general functions
#include <stdlib.h>
using namespace std;

//student class definition

class student
//variables defined in private
string name;
int age;
//access specifier public
//default constructor
cout << "Constructor is called\n";
//parameterized constructor with parameter name and age
student(string name, int age)
//assigning name and age variable using this pointer as the name is same
this->name = name;
this->age = age;
//display function definition

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void display()

cout << "Name:" << name << endl;

cout << "Age:" << age << endl;
//overloading new operator
void *operator new(size_t size)
cout << "Overloading new operator with size: " << size << endl;
void *p = ::new student();
//void * p = malloc(size); will also work fine
return p;
//overloading delete operator
void operator delete(void *p)
cout << "Overloading delete operator " << endl;
int main()
//using new operator
student *p = new student("Yash", 24);
//printing output
//deleting output
delete p;

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return 0;


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14. Write a program in C++ to highlight the difference between the overloaded assignment
operator and copy constructor.


#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
//CIRCLE class definition
class circle
//private access specifier
//declaring variables
int radius;
float x, y;
//public access specifier
//default constructor declaration
//paramaterized constructor declaration
circle(int rr, float xx, float yy)
{ //assigning value of rr to radius
radius = rr;
//assigning value of xx to x
x = xx;
//assigning value of yy to y
y = yy;
cout << endl
<< "simple constuctor called";
//'=' Assignment operator overloading definition

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circle operator=(const circle &c)
cout << endl
<< "Assignment operator invoked";
radius = c.radius;
x = c.x;
y = c.y;
return circle(radius, x, y);
//copy constructor definition
circle(const circle &c)
cout << endl
<< "copy constructor invoked";
radius = c.radius;
x = c.x;

y = c.y;
//showdata function definition to print output
void showdata()
cout << endl
<< "Radius = " << radius;
cout << endl
<< "X-Coordinate=" << x;
cout << endl
<< "Y-Coordinate=" << y;
int main()

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circle c1(10, 2.5, 2.5); //parametrized constructor called
circle c2, c4; // null constructor
c4 = c2 = c1; //assignment,function,assignment,function
circle c3 = c1; //copy contructor
//calling showdat function to print output
return 0;


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15. Write a Program illustrating how the constructors are implemented and the order in
which they are called when the classes are inherited. Use three classes named alpha, beta,
gamma such that alpha, beta are base class and gamma is derived class inheriting alpha

//Header file for standard input and output
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
//base alpha class definition
class alpha
{ //variable x defined in default private mode
int x;
//public access specifier
//paramaterized constructor
alpha(int i)
x = i;
cout << "alpha initialized\n";
//show_x function definition
void show_x(void)
cout << "x=" << x << "\n";
//base beta class definition
class beta
//variable y defined in private default mode
float y;
//public access specifier
//parameterized constructor
beta(float j)
y = j;
cout << "beta initialized\n";
// //show_y function definition

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void show_y(void)
cout << "y= " << y << "\n";
//derived gamma class definition
class gamma : public beta, public alpha
int m, n;
//public access specifier
//parametarized constructor
gamma(int a, float b, int c, int d) : alpha(a), beta(b)
m = c;
n = d;
cout << "gamma initialized\n";
//show_mn function definition
void show_mn(void)

cout << "m=" << m << "\n";

cout << "n=" << n << "\n";
int main()
{ //constructor called
gamma g(5, 10.75, 20, 30);
//show_x function call
//show_y function call
//show_mn function call
return 0;

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16.Write a Program to design a student class representing
student roll no. and a test class (derived class of student) representing the scores of
the student in various subjects and sports class representing the score in sports. The
sports and test class should be inherited by a result class having the functionality to
add the scores and display the final result for a student.
//Header file for standard input and output function
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
//Base student class
class student
//protected access specifier
//int variable roll_number
int roll_number;
//public access specifier
//get_number function definition to take value of roll_no. from user
void get_number(int a)
{ //value of 'a' assigned to roll_number
roll_number = a;
//put_number function definition to print output of roll no.
void put_number(void)
cout << "Roll No:" << roll_number << "\n";
//Derived test Class publicly from student class
class test : public student

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//protected access specifier
float part1, part2;
//public access specifier
//get_marks function definition to take two subject's marks from user
void get_marks(float x, float y)
{ //assigning value of marks in part1 and part2
part1 = x;
part2 = y;
//put_marks function definition to print values/marks of two subjects
void put_marks(void)
cout << "Marks obtained"
<< "\n"
<< "part1 =" << part1 << "\n"
<< "part2 =" << part2 << "\n";
//Base sports class
class sports
//protected access specifier
float score;
//public access specifier

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//get_score function definition to take sports subject marks from user
void get_score(float s)
{ //assigning sports marks 's' to score
score = s;
//put_score function definition to print the marks of sport subject
void put_score(void)
cout << "Sports wt:" << score << "\n\n";
//Derived result class publicly from test and sports class
class result : public test, public sports
//total variable defined in default private mode
float total;
//public access specifier
//display function declaration
void display(void);
//display function definition
void result ::display(void)
{ //suming up marks of all subject and assigned it to total variable
//we are able to use part1,part2 and score variable as derived class can access all
the non - private members of its base class
total = part1 + part2 + score;
//calling put_number function of 'test's' base class 'student'

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//calling put_marks function of 'result's' base class 'test'
//calling put_score function of 'sports' base class
//print total of all subjects
cout << "Total Score:" << total << "\n";
int main()
{ //student_1 object declaration of class result
result student_1;
//functions to assign value
//calling get_number funtion
//calling get_marks funtion
student_1.get_marks(27.5, 33.0);
//calling get_score funtion
//function to print values
//calling display funtion to diplay all the output
return 0;

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17. Write a program to maintain the records of person with details (Name and Age) and find
the eldest among them. The program must use this pointer to return the result. Header file
for standard input and output file

#include <iostream>
//Header file to include string
#include <string.h>
using namespace std;
//person class definiton
class person
char name[20];
float age;
//public access specifier
person(const char *s, float a) //const before char*-in C the type is array of char and in C++
it is constant array of char
strcpy(name, s);
age = a;
//greater function definition
person &greater(person &x)
if (x.age >= age)
return x;
return *this;
//display function definition
void display(void)
cout << "Name:" << name << "\n"
<< "Age: " << age << "\n";
int main()
{ //constructor call
person p1("John", 37.50), p2("Ahmed", 29.0), p3("Hebber", 40.5);
person p = p1.greater(p3);

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cout << "Elder Person is:\n";
//display function call
//greater function call
p = p1.greater(p2);

cout << "Elder Person is:\n";

//display function call
return 0;


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18. Write a Program to illustrate the use of pointers to objects which are related by

//Header file for standard input output
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
//Base class BC definition
class BC
//access specifier
//variale b declaration in public mode
int b;
//show function definition
void show()
cout << "b=" << b << "\n";
//Derived class DC definition
class DC : public BC
//access specifier
//variable d declaration in public mode
int d;
//show function definition
void show()
cout << "b=" << b << "\n"
<< "d=" << d << "\n";
int main()
BC *bptr; //base class pointer
BC base; //base class object
//case 1:Using base class pointer to assign base class object
bptr = &base; // base object’s address assigned to base pointer

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bptr->b = 100; //base pointer access base variable in base object
cout << "bptr points to base object\n";
bptr->show(); //show of base class

//case 2:Using base class pointer to assign derived class object

DC derived; // derived class object
bptr = &derived; // derived object’s address assigned to base pointer
bptr->b = 200; //base pointer access base variable in derived object
cout << "bptr now points to derived object\n";
bptr->show(); // base pointer access base member function in derived object

//case 3: Using derived class pointer to assign derived class object

DC *dptr; //derived class pointer
dptr = &derived; // derived object’s address assigned to derived pointer
dptr->d = 300; //derived pointer access derived object personal member variable
cout << "dptr is derived type pointer\n";
dptr->show(); //derived pointer access derived personal member function

//case4: //Using base class pointer to assign derived class object with the help of
cout << "Using ((DC *)bptr)\n";
((DC *)bptr)->d = 400; //using base pointer to call derived member variable
((DC *)bptr)->show(); // using base pointer to call derived member function
return 0;


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19. Write a program illustrating the use of virtual functions in class.

//Header file for standard input and output
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
//Base class definition
class Base
//access specifier
//Display function definition
void display()
cout << "\n Display Base";
//show function definition derived as virtual
virtual void show() // base class member function derived as virtual
cout << "\n Show Base:";
//Derived class definition derived publicly from base class
class Derived : public Base
//access specifier
//display function definition
void display()
cout << "\n Display Derived";
//show function definition
void show()
cout << "\n Show Derived";
int main()
{ //base class object declaration

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Base B;
//derived class object declaration
Derived D;
//Base class pointer declaration
Base *bptr;
cout << "\n bptr points to Base\n";
// base class object’s address assigned to base pointer
bptr = &B;
//display function calling of base class
//show function calling of base class
cout << "\n\n bptr points to derived\n";
// derived class object’s address assigned to base pointer
bptr = &D;
bptr->display(); // base class member function is called by base class pointer
bptr->show(); //derived class member function is called by base class pointer
return 0;


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20.Write a program to design a class representing the information regarding digital library
(books, tape: book & tape should be separate classes having the base class as media ). The
class should have the functionality for adding new item, issuing, deposit etc. The program
should use the runtime polymorphism.


#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;

class media
char title[50];
float price;

media(char *s, float a)
strcpy(title, s);
price = a;
virtual void display() {}
class book : public media
int pages;

book(char *s, float a, int p) : media(s, a)
pages = p;
void display();
class tape : public media
float time;

tape(char *s, float a, float t) : media(s, a)

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time = t;
void display();
void book::display()
cout << "Title:" << title << "\n";
cout << "Pages:" << pages << "\n";
cout << "Price:" << price << "\n"
<< "\n";
void tape::display()
cout << "Title:" << title << "\n";
cout << "Play Time:" << time << " "
<< "mins"
<< "\n";
cout << "Price:" << price << "\n"
<< "\n";
int main()

char *title = new char[30];

float price, time;
int pages;

cout << "Enter Book Details"

<< "\n";
cout << "Title:";
cin >> title;
cout << "Price:";
cin >> price;
cout << "Pages:";
cin >> pages;

book book1(title, price, pages);

cout << "Enter Tape Details"

<< "\n";

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cout << "Title:";
cin >> title;
cout << "Price:";
cin >> price;
cout << "Play Time in mins:";
cin >> time;

tape tape1(title, price, time);

media *list[2];
list[0] = &book1;
list[1] = &tape1;
cout << "\n";
cout << "Media Details"
<< "\n"
<< "\n";
cout << "<-Book->"
<< "\n"
<< "\n";
cout << "<-Tape->"
<< "\n"
<< "\n";

return 0;

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21. Write a program to show conversion from string to int and vice-versa.

#include <iostream>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
using namespace std;
//String Class definition
class String
//private access specifier
char str[20];
//public access specifier
//Default Constructor definition
str[0] = '\0';
//Parameterized Constructor's definition
//copy character array into string
String(const char *s)
strcpy(str, s);
//Parameterized Constructor's definition
//converts integer to string
String(int a)
itoa(a, str, 10);
//converts string into integer
operator int() //conversion operator,Conversion operator doesn’t have any return type
not even void.
int i = 0, l, ss = 0, k = 1;
l = strlen(str) - 1;
while (l >= 0)
ss = ss + (str[l] - 48) * k;

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k *= 10;
return (ss);
//display data function definition
//prints the output string
void displaydata()
cout << str;
int main()
{ //constructor call
String s1 = 123; //iota function, conversion from int to "String"

cout << endl

<< "s1=";
//displaydata function call
//constructor call
s1 = 150; //iota function, operand type are "String" and int
cout << endl
<< "s1=";
//displaydata function call
String s2("123"); // parametrize constructor
int i = int(s2); //converting "String" to int, excplicit call to String::operator int()
cout << endl
<< "i=" << i;
String s3("456"); // parametrize constructor
i = s3; //converting "String" to int, this will implicitly call String::operator int()
cout << endl
<< "i=" << i;
return 0;

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22. Write a program showing data conversion between objects of different classes.

//Header file for standard input and output
#include <iostream>
//Header file for "itoa" function
#include <stdlib.h>
//Header file for strings functions
#include <string.h>
using namespace std;
//date class definition
//to store str into dt array
class date
//private access specifier
//dt array to store date in "/" format
char dt[9];
//public access specifier
//default constructor
dt[0] = '\0';
//parameterized constructor
date(char *s)
strcpy(dt, s);
//displaydata function to print output
void displaydata()
cout << dt;
//dmy class definition
//to convert separate date,month,year into "/" format
class dmy
//private access specifier

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//variables to store date,month,year respectively
int day, mth, yr;
//public access specifier
//default constructor
day = mth = yr = 0;
//parameterized constructor
dmy(int d, int m, int y)

day = d;
mth = m;
yr = y;
//casting contructor operator functionto change data type
operator date()
char temp[3], str[9];
itoa(day, str, 10);
//concatinating “/” in char array
strcat(str, "/");
itoa(mth, temp, 10);
//concatinating temp value in char array
strcat(str, temp);
//concatinating “/” in char array
strcat(str, "/");
itoa(yr, temp, 10);
//concatinating temp value in char array
strcat(str, temp);
return (date(str));
//displaydata function to print output
void displaydata()
cout << day << "\t" << mth << "\t" << yr;

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int main()
{ //Object creation of date
// Default constructor called automatically
date d1;
// Constructor called of dmy
dmy d2(17, 11, 94);
//Assigning value of d2 into d1
d1 = d2; // or we can write d1=date(d2), but we have not written dmy(reverse) conversion
cout << endl
<< "d1=";
//displaydata function call for date
cout << endl
<< "d2=";
//displaydata function call for dmy
return 0;


Harsh Chandravanshi 27 2019/CTAE/145

23. Write a program showing data conversion between objects of different classes and
conversion routine should reside in destination class.

//Header file for standard input and output
#include <iostream>
//Header file for string functions
#include <string.h>
//Header file for itoa function
#include <stdlib.h>
using namespace std;
//dmy class function(source class)
class dmy
//variable to store date,month and year respectively in default private mode
int day, mth, yr;

//default constructor
day = mth, yr = 0;
//parameterized constructor
dmy(int d, int m, int y)
day = d;
mth = m;
yr = y;
//getday function definition to return day
int getday()
return (day);
//getmth function definition to return month
int getmth()
return (mth);
//getyr function definition to return year

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int getyr()
return (yr);
//displaydata function definition to print output
void displaydata()
cout << day << "\t" << mth << "\t" << yr;
//date class function(destination class)
class date
//private access specifier
char dt[9];
//public access specifier
//default constructor
dt[0] = '\0';
//parameterized constructor
date(char *s)
strcpy(dt, s);
//displaydata function definition to print output
void displaydata()
cout << dt;
//casting operator function
date(dmy t)
{ //assigning value of date,month and year in respective variables
int d = t.getday();
int m = t.getmth();
int y = t.getyr();
char temp[3];
//calling itoa function

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itoa(d, dt, 10);
//concatinating "/" in char array
strcat(dt, "/");
//calling itoa function
itoa(m, temp, 10);
//concatinating temp value in char array
strcat(dt, temp);
//concatinating "/" in char array
strcat(dt, "/");
//calling itoa function
itoa(y, temp, 10);
//concatinating temp value in char array
strcat(dt, temp);
int main()
//Object creation of date
// Default constructor called automatically
date d1;
// Constructor called of dmy
dmy d2(17, 11, 94);
//Assigning value of d2 into d1
d1 = d2;
cout << endl
<< "d1=";
//displaydata function call for date
cout << endl
<< "d2=";
//displaydata function call for dmy

return 0;

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24. Write a program implementing basic operation of class ios i.e. setf, unsetf, precision etc.

//Header file for standard input and output
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
{ //varibale declaration
int i = 52;
float a = 425.0;
float b = 123.500328;
char str[] = "Dream. Then make it happend!";

cout.setf(ios::unitbuf); //When the unitbuf flag is set, the associated buffer is flushed after
each insertion operation.
//cout.setf( ios::stdio );
cout.setf(ios::showpos); //When the showpos format flag is set, a plus sign (+)
precedes every non - negative numerical value inserted into the stream(including zeros)
cout << i << endl; //output-+52
cout.setf(ios::showbase); //When the showbase format flag is set, numerical integer
values inserted into output streams are prefixed with the same prefixes used by C++ literal
constants :
cout.setf(ios::uppercase); //uppercase (capital) letters are used instead of lowercase
cout.setf(ios::hex, ios::basefield); //0x for hexadecimal values
cout << i << endl; //output-0X34
cout.setf(ios::oct, ios::basefield); //0 for octal values and no prefix for decimal-base values
cout << i << endl; //output-064
cout.setf(ios::dec, ios::basefield); // no prefix for decimal-base values
cout << i << endl; //output-+52

cout.fill('0'); // sets 0 as the new fill character and returns the fill
character used before the call. The fill character is the character used by output insertion
functions to fill spaces when padding results to the field width
cout << "Fill character " << cout.fill() << endl; // output - Fill Character 0 //cout.fill( ) here
returns the fill character.

cout.width(10); //sets a new field width for the stream

cout << i << endl; //output-0000000+52
cout.setf(ios::left, ios::adjustfield); //Sets the adjustfield format flag for the str stream to
left.The adjustfield format flag can take any of the following values-internal, left, right

Harsh Chandravanshi 27 2019/CTAE/145

cout << i << endl; //+520000000
cout.setf(ios::internal, ios::adjustfield); // magnitude to right, sign to left
cout.width(10); // set width again otherwise print in default width
cout << i << endl; ////+000000052
cout << endl; //newline
cout << endl; //newline
cout << str << endl; //Dream. Then make it happend!
cout.setf(ios::left, ios::adjustfield);
cout << str << endl; // Dream. Then make it happend!000000000000
cout.precision(6); // sets it to a new value
cout << "Precision" << cout.precision(); //output-Precision+6 //cout.precision( ) returns
the value of the current floating-point precision field for the stream
cout.setf(ios::showpoint); // the decimal point is always written for floating point
values inserted into the stream (even for those whose decimal part is zero)
cout.unsetf(ios::showpos); //remove the +sign from non egative number
cout << endl
<< a; //425.000
cout << endl
<< a; //425
cout.setf(ios::fixed, ios::floatfield); // floatfield is set to fixed, floating-point values are
written using fixed-point notation
cout << endl
<< b; //123.500328
cout.setf(ios::scientific, ios::floatfield); //write floating-point values in scientific notation.
cout << endl
<< b; //1.235003E+002
b = 5.375;
cout.setf(ios::fixed, ios::floatfield);

cout << endl

<< b; //5.37500000000000
cout.setf(ios::scientific, ios::floatfield);
cout << endl
<< b; //5.37500000000000E+000
// cout.unsetf( ios::stdio );

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return 0;

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25. Write a program to implement I/O operations on characters. I/O operations includes
input a string, length of string, store it in a file, fetching the stored characters from it, etc.


//Header file to include standard input and output function

#include <iostream>
//Header file to include function to do file handling
#include <fstream>
//Header file to include string functions
#include <string.h>
using namespace std;
int main()
{ //variable declaration
char String[80];
char ch;
cout << "Enter a String \n";
cin >> String;
//storing size of inputted string in variable "len"
int len = strlen(String);
//input and output file object declaration
fstream file;
//opening file
file.open("check.txt", ios::in | ios::out); // u can give whole path to file name but add ‘/’
with every other ‘/’

for (int i = 0; i <= len; i++)

//writing/putting value in file

//change cursor position to 0th/starting position using seekg

while (!file.eof())
{ //retreiving data from file using get
cout << ch;
//closing file

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return 0;


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26. Write a program to copy the contents of one file to another.


//Header file to include function to create and write on file

#include <fstream>
//Header file to include standard input and output functions
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
//Declaring char variable to store file name and use it
char source[67], target[67];
//declaring ch variable to write and get chracters in file
char ch;
cout << endl
<< "Enter source filename" << endl;
cin >> source;
cout << endl
<< "Enter target filename" << endl;
cin >> target;
//object declaration infile to take input from source file
ifstream infile(source);
//object declaration outfile to write something or put in output file
ofstream outfile(target);
while (infile)
{ //getting from source file
//putting in output file
return 0;

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27. Write a program to perform read/write binary I/O operation on a file (i.e. write the
object of a structure/class to file).


//Header file to include function to create and write on file

#include <fstream>
//Header file to include standard input and output functions
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
{ //declaring structure named employee
struct employee
{ //declaring variables
char name[20];
int age;
float basic;
float gross;
//declaring variable e using employee data type
employee e;
//storing "Y" in ch for conditioning
char ch = 'Y';
//decalaring object "outfile" to put data in file
ofstream outfile;
//opening file
outfile.open("EMPLOYEE.txt", ios::out | ios::binary);
while (ch == 'Y')
cout << endl
<< "Enter a record - name, age, basic salary, gross salary -";
cin >> e.name >> e.age >> e.basic >> e.gross;
//writing into file
outfile.write((char *)&e, sizeof(e));
cout << endl
<< "Add Another Y/N" << endl;
cin >> ch;
//closing file
//decalaring object "outfile" to take data from file

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ifstream infile;
//opening file
infile.open("EMPLOYEE.txt", ios::in | ios::binary);
cout << endl
<< "Name"
<< "\t"
<< "Age"
<< "\t"
<< "Basic"
<< "\t"
<< "Gross";
//reading data from file
while (infile.read((char *)&e, sizeof(e)))
cout << endl
<< e.name << "\t" << e.age << "\t" << e.basic << "\t" << e.gross;
return 0;


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28. Write a program to maintain a elementary database of employees using files.


//Header file to include specified functions in program

#include <windows.h>
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <conio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
//Class group definition
class group
//private access specifier
//Person struct definition
struct person
char flag;
char empcode[5];
char name[40];
int age;
float sal;
} p; //object creation
//file stream "file" object declaration
fstream file;
//public access specifier
//constructor declaration
//all functions declaration
void addrec();
void listrec();
void modirec();
void delrec();
void exit();

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int main()

char choice;
group g;


cout << "1. Add records" << endl;

cout << "2. List records" << endl;
cout << "3. Modify records" << endl;
cout << "4. Delete records" << endl;
cout << "0. Exit" << endl;
cout << "Your Choice ? " << endl;
cin >> choice;
//Switching between cases to create menu options
switch (choice)
case '1':
case '2':
case '3':
case '4':
case '0':
} while (choice != '0');
return 0;

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//constructor definition

{ //opening file
file.open("file.txt", ios::out | ios::binary | ios::in); // first out then binary then in, other
wise file wont open
//checking availability of file
if (!file)
cout << endl
<< "Unable to open file";
//add record function definition
void group::addrec()
char ch;
//moving pointer to end to add new record at the end
file.seekp(0L, ios::end);
cout << endl
<< "Enter emp code, name, age & salary" << endl;
cin >> p.empcode >> p.name >> p.age >> p.sal;
p.flag = ' ';
//inputting/writing data in the file
file.write((char *)&p, sizeof(p));
cout << "Add another record? (Y/N)";
cin >> ch;
} while (ch == 'Y' || ch == 'Y');
//list record function definition
void group::listrec()
int j = 0, a;
//brings the pointer to beginning
file.seekg(0L, ios::beg);
//reading data to its size
while (file.read((char *)&p, sizeof(p)))

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if (p.flag != '*')
cout << endl
<< "Record#" << j++ << setw(6) << p.empcode << setw(20) << p.name << setw(4)
<< p.age << setw(9) << p.sal;
cout << endl
<< "Press any key......";

//modify record function definition
void group::modirec()
char code[5];
int count = 0;
long int pos;
cout << "Enter employee code: ";
cin >> code;
file.seekg(0L, ios::beg);
while (file.read((char *)&p, sizeof(p)))
{ //if entered code is equal to present data then modify
if (strcmp(p.empcode, code) == 0)
cout << endl
<< "Enter new record" << endl;
cin >> p.empcode >> p.name >> p.age;
p.flag = ' ';
pos = count * sizeof(p);
file.seekp(pos, ios::beg);
file.write((char *)&p, sizeof(p));
cout << endl
<< "No employee in file with code = " << code;
cout << endl
<< "Press any key .....";

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void group::delrec()
char code[5];
long int pos;
int count = 0;
cout << "Enter employee code : ";
cin >> code;
file.seekg(0L, ios::beg);

while (file.read((char *)&p, sizeof(p)))

if (strcmp(p.empcode, code) == 0)
p.flag = '*';
pos = count * sizeof(p);
//moving pointer at the beginning
file.seekp(pos, ios::beg);
//writing in the filw
file.write((char *)&p, sizeof(p));
cout << endl
<< "No employee in file with code = " << code;
cout << endl
<< "Press any key ....";
//close function definition
void group::exit()

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OUTPUT: (Removing system("cls") to just print the output on one screen)

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29. Write a Program for reading and writing data to and from the file using command line


//Header file to include standard input and output file/functions

#include <iostream>
//Header file to include files functions
#include <fstream>
#include <stdlib.h>
using namespace std;
//Main function with command line arguments
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
{ //Pre=defined array
int number[9] = {11, 22, 33, 44, 55, 66, 77, 88, 99};
int i;
//condition to check less arguments input
if (argc != 3)
cout << "argc=" << argc << "\n";
cout << "Error in arguments\n";
//output stream object declaration
ofstream fout1, fout2;
//opening argument1 file
//checking error in file opening
if (fout1.fail())
cout << "Could not open the file:"
<< argv[1] << "\n";
//opening argument2 file
//checking error in file opening
if (fout2.fail())
cout << "Could not open the file:"
<< argv[2] << "\n";

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for (i = 0; i < 9; i++)
{ //If the number is even put it in argument1 file
if (number[i] % 2 == 0)
fout2 << number[i] << " ";
else //else in argument2 file

fout1 << number[i] << " ";

//closing files
//input stream object declaration
ifstream fin;
char ch;
//Printing the output
for (i = 1; i < argc; i++)
cout << "Contents of " << argv[i] << "\n";
cout << ch;
} while (fin);
cout << "\n\n";
return 0;


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30. Write a program showing implementation of stack class having the functionality of push,
pop operations.


//Header file to include standard input output function

#include <iostream>
//defining value 10 to Max
#define MAX 10
using namespace std;
//Stack class definition
class stack
//private access specifier
int arr[MAX], top;
//public access specifier
//default constructor definition
top = -1;
//push function definition to push elements in stack
void push(int item)
{ //condition to check whether the stack is full or not
if (top == MAX - 1)
cout << endl
<< "Stack is full";
//counting the number of element get pushed in stack
//pushing element on top
arr[top] = item;
//pop function to delete elements in the stack
int pop()
{ //condition to check whether the stack is empty or not
if (top == -1)

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cout << endl
<< "Stack is empty";
return 0;
//storing top element in data
int data = arr[top];
//decrementing stack index value
return data;
int main()
stack s;
//pushing element in stack
//call push function

//this 21 item will not get pushed as the limit 10 of stack has reached
//storing top value of stack in i variable
int i = s.pop();
//printing popped item
cout << endl
<< "Item popped=" << i;
i = s.pop();
cout << endl
<< "Item popped=" << i;
i = s.pop();
cout << endl
<< "Item popped=" << i;

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i = s.pop();
cout << endl
<< "Item popped=" << i;
return 0;


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31. Write program to implement a queue class with required operations functions.


//Header file to include standard input and output

#include <iostream>

//Defining 10 to MAX

#define MAX 10

using namespace std;

//queue class definition

class queue

//private access specifier


//decalaring array and front and rear index

int arr[MAX];

int front,


//public access specifier


//default constructor


front = -1;

rear = -1;

//addq function definition

void addq(int item)

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//condition to check queue is full or not

if (rear == MAX - 1)

cout << endl

<< "Queue is full";



//adding item in array or queue

arr[rear] = item;

//fixing front index at 0

if (front == -1)

front = 0;

//delq function definition

int delq()

int data;

//condition to check queue is empty or not

if (front == -1)

cout << endl

<< "Queue is empty";

return 0;

//storing deleting element in data variable

data = arr[front];

//to check element is last or not

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if (front == rear)

front = rear = -1;



return data;


int main()

{ //object creation

queue a;

//adding element in queue











//cannot be added because queue is full


//deleting element

int i = a.delq();

cout << endl

<< "Item deleted=" << i;

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//deleting element

i = a.delq();

cout << endl

<< "Item deleted=" << i;

//deleting element

i = a.delq();

cout << endl

<< "Item deleted=" << i;

return 0;


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32. Write a program to implement circular queue class with required operations/ functions.


//Header file to include standard input and output file

#include <iostream>

//defining MAX to be 10

#define MAX 10

using namespace std;

//queue class definition

class queue

//private access specifier


int arr[MAX];

int front, rear;

//public access specifier


//default constructor


front = -1;

rear = -1;

//addq function definition

void addq(int item)

{ //condition to check whether the queue is full or not

if ((rear == MAX - 1 && front == 0) || (rear + 1 == front))

cout << endl

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<< "Queue is full";


//condition to make it circular

if (rear == MAX - 1)

rear = 0;


rear = rear + 1; //increasing index

arr[rear] = item; //adding element in queue

if (front == -1)

front = 0;

//delq function definition

int delq()

int data;

//condition to check whether the queue is empty or not

if (front == -1)

cout << endl

<< "Queue is empty";

return 0;


{ //storing deleting element in data

data = arr[front];

if (front == rear)

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front = -1;

rear = -1;


if (front == MAX - 1)

front = 0;


front = front + 1;

return data;


int main()

queue a;











//21 can not be added as queue gets full

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//deleting elements

int i = a.delq();

cout << endl

<< "Item deleted=" << i;

a.addq(21); // data is saved at 0 location as its a circular Q

//deleting elements

i = a.delq();

cout << endl

<< "Item deleted=" << i;

//deleting elements

i = a.delq();

cout << endl

<< "Item deleted=" << i;

return 0;


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33. Write a program implanting linked list as a class.Also perform some required operation
like inserting,deleting nodes &display the contents of entire linked list.
//Header file for standard input and output
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
//linklist class definition
class linklist
{ //structure node definition
struct node
{ //pointer and variable declaration
int data;
node *link;
} * p; //pointer object declaration
//public access specifier
//default constructor declaration
//functions declaration for different purposes
void append(int num);
void addatbeg(int num);
void addafter(int c, int num);
void del(int num);
void display();
int count();
//destructor declaration
//default constructor definition

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p = NULL;
//append function definition
void linklist::append(int num)
{ //declaring pointer with node as datatype
node *q,
//for first input
if (p == NULL)
{ //creating new node with the help of "new"
p = new node;
//inserting inputted value in linklist
p->data = num;
//converting link to null
p->link = NULL;
q = p;
while (q->link != NULL)
q = q->link;

t = new node;
t->data = num;
t->link = NULL;
q->link = t;

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//addatbeg function definition
void linklist::addatbeg(int num)
node *q;
q = new node;
q->data = num;
q->link = p;
p = q;
//addafter function definition
void linklist::addafter(int c, int num)
node *q, *t;
int i;
for (i = 0, q = p; i < c; i++)
q = q->link;
if (q == NULL)
cout << endl
<< "There are less than " << c << "element";
t = new node;
t->data = num;
t->link = q->link;
q->link = t;

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//del function definition
void linklist::del(int num)
node *q, *r;
q = p;
if (q->data == num)
p = q->link;
delete q;
r = q;
while (q != NULL)
if (q->data == num)
r->link = q->link;
delete q;
r = q;
q = q->link;
cout << endl
<< "Element" << num << "not found";
//display function definition
void linklist::display()

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node *q;
cout << endl;
for (q = p; q->link != NULL; q = q->link)
cout << endl
<< q->data;
//count function definition
int linklist::count()
node *q;
int c = 0;
for (q = p; q != NULL; q = q->link)
return (c);
//destructor definition
node *q;
if (p == NULL)
while (p != NULL)
q = p->link;
delete p;
p = q;

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int main()
{ //object declaration
linklist ll;
cout << endl
<< "No. of elements in linked list= " << ll.count();//calling count
//calling append function
//calling addatbeg function
//calling addafter function
ll.addafter(3, 333);
ll.addafter(6, 444);
//calling display function
cout << endl
<< "No. of element in linked list =" << ll.count();//calling count
//calling del function
//calling display function

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cout << endl
<< "No. of element in linked list =" << ll.count();//calling count
return 0;


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34. Write a program implementing stack & its operations using dynamic memory allocation.

#include <iostream> // To include header file

using namespace std;

struct node // Structure of node

int data;
node *link; // Node type pointer link

class stack // To create class stack

private: // Private member top of node type pointer
node *top;

stack() // Constructor initializes top to NULL
top = NULL;
void push(int item) // push function take one integer argument
node *temp; // Pointer declare of node type name temp
temp = new node; // To allocate memory in heap
if (temp == NULL) // It happens when Ram is full
cout << endl
<< "Stack is full";
temp->data = item; // To assign value of item in data part of temp

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temp->link = top; // To assign address of top in link part of temp
top = temp; // To assign temp value in top
pop() // pop function, return integer argument
if (top == NULL)
cout << endl
<< "Stack is empty";
return 0;
node *temp; // node type pointer temp declare
int item; // To declare item
temp = top; // To initialize temp with top
item = temp->data; // To initialize item with data part of temp
top = top->link; // To initialize top with link part of top
delete temp; // To delete temp node
return item; // To return the value of item
~stack() // Destructor, destroy total memory
if (top == NULL) // If there is no element then return
node *temp;
while (top != NULL) // If there is element then delete it
temp = top;
top = top->link;

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delete temp;
int main()
stack s; // Object of class stack, s
s.push(11); // push function call by s
int i = s.pop(); // To Initialize i with return value of pop functioon
cout << endl
<< "item popped=" << i; // To print value of i
i = s.pop();
cout << endl
<< "item popped=" << i;
i = s.pop();
cout << endl
<< "item popped=" << i;
return 0;

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35.Write a program implementing Queue stack &its operations using dynamic memory
//Header file for standard input output
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

//define structure node

struct node
{ //declaring variable and pointer for data and link
int data;
node *link;

//define class queue

class queue
node *front,

//default constructor
front = rear = NULL;
//addq function definition to add element
void addq(int item)

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node *temp;
temp = new node;
//condition to check whether the queue is full or not
if (temp == NULL)
cout << endl
<< "Queue is full";
//inputting data in queue
temp->data = item;
temp->link = NULL;
if (front == NULL)
rear = front = temp;
//switching node position for addition
rear->link = temp;
rear = rear->link;
//delq function definition to delete element
int delq()
{ //condition to check whether the queue is empty or not
if (front == NULL)

cout << endl

<< "queue is empty";
return 0;
node *temp;

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int item;
item = front->data;
temp = front;
front = front->link;
delete temp;
return item;
//Destructor definition
if (front == NULL)
node *temp;
while (front != NULL)
temp = front;
front = front->link;
delete temp;
int main()
{ //object creation
queue a;
//adding element in queue

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//deleting elements from queue
int i = a.delq();
cout << endl
<< "Item extracted=" << i;
i = a.delq();
cout << endl
<< "Item extracted=" << i;

i = a.delq();
cout << endl
<< "Item extracted=" << i;
return 0;

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36.Write a program to implement the exception handling with multiple catch statements.
//Header file for standard input and output
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

//test function definition

void test(int x)
//try block of code starts
//if the input is 1 then throw x i.e. integer 1
if (x == 1)
throw x;
//else if the input is 0 then throw x i.e. character x
else if (x == 0)
throw 'x';
//else if the input is -1 then throw x i.e. double 1.0
else if (x == -1)
throw 1.0;
cout << "End of try-black\n";
//catch block starts
catch (char c) //for char
cout << "Caught a Character\n";
catch (int c) //for int

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cout << "Caught an Integer\n";
catch (double c) //for double
cout << "Caught a Double\n";
cout << "End of try-catch system\n";
int main()
cout << "Testing Multiple Catches\n";
cout << "x==1\n";
//calling test function with input 1
cout << "x==0\n";
//calling test function with input 0

cout << "x==2\n";

//calling test function with input 2
return 0;

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37.Write a program to implement the exception handling with rethrowing in exception.
//Header file for standard input and output
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

//divide function definition with params x and y of type double

void divide(double x, double y)

cout << "Inside Function\n";

//try block starts
{ //if the input y is 0.0 then throw the y
if (y == 0.0)
throw y;
//else print output of division
cout << "Division =" << x / y << "\n";
//catch block starts
catch (double)
cout << "Caught double inside function\n";
//throwing the double to main
cout << "End of Function\n";

Harsh Chandravanshi 27 2019/CTAE/145

int main()
cout << "Inside Main\n";
//try block starts

//calling divide function

divide(10.5, 2.0);
//calling divide function
divide(20.0, 0.0);
//catch block starts
catch (double)
{ //printing output
cout << "Caught double inside main\n";
cout << "End of Main\n";
return 0;

Harsh Chandravanshi 27 2019/CTAE/145

38. Write a program to implement the exception handling with the functionality of testing t
he throw restrictions.
//Header file for standard input and output
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

//test function definition with restriction of any other argument type instead of int and dou
void test(int x) throw(int, double)
//if input x=0 then throw character x
if (x == 0)
throw 'x';
//else if input x==1 throw integer x
else if (x == 1)
throw x;
//else if input x==-1 throw double 1.0
else if (x == -1)
throw 1.0;
cout << "End of Function Block\n";
int main()
//try block starts
cout << "Testing Throw Restrictions\n";
cout << "x == 0\n";
//calling test for value 0

Harsh Chandravanshi 27 2019/CTAE/145

cout << "x == 1\n";
//calling test for value 1
cout << "x == -1\n";
//calling test for value -1
cout << "x == 2\n";
//calling test for value 2
//catch block starts
catch (char c) //for character
cout << "Caught a Character\n";
catch (int m) //for integer
cout << "Caught an Integer\n";

catch (double d) //for double

cout << "Caught a Double\n";
cout << "End of Try-catch system\n";
return 0;

Harsh Chandravanshi 27 2019/CTAE/145


Harsh Chandravanshi 27 2019/CTAE/145

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