Imx53smdhug 1
Imx53smdhug 1
Imx53smdhug 1
Rev. 0
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2. List of Acronyms
The acronyms used in this document are listed in Table 2-1.
Acronym Used For
AC97 Audio Codec ‘97
CMC Common Mode Choke
CODEC Compression/Decompression
DDR Double Data Rate
DNP Do Not Populate
HDMI High Definition Multimedia Interface
I2C Inter-Integrated Circuit
I2S Integrated Interchip Sound
IC Integrated Circuit
IDE Integrated Debug Environment
LAN Local Area Network
QSB Quick Start Board
LCD Liquid Crystal Display
LPDDR2 Low Power DDR2
MMC Multi Media Card
PMIC Power Management Companion IC
RMII Reduced Media Independent Interface
RTC Real-Time Clock
SDRAM Synchronous Dynamic Random Access Memory
SD Secure Digital
SPI Serial Peripheral Interface
SSI Synchronous Serial Interface
ULPI UTMI Low Pin Interface
USB Universal Serial Bus
UTMI Universal Transceiver Macrocell Interface
WDOG Watch Dog
WLAN Wireless LAN
Table 2-1. List of Acronyms
SD Connector (J13)
SD Connector (J13)
SD Connector (J13)
SD Connector (J13)
SD Connector (J13)
4.3. Headphone
SD Connector (J13) Output Connector (J130)
Any set of ear buds or headphones with a standard 3.5 mm stereo jack can be connected to the Audio Output
jack at the point shown in Figure 4-3. Ear buds are not supplied with the MCIMX53SMD board kit.
5.2.4. Miscellaneous
It will automatically charge using the programmed charging settings whenever wall power is supplied to the
MCIMX53SMD board. When the battery voltage reaches the programmed level, charging will stop. Battery
discharge will not begin until wall power is removed from the board and, if a Li-ION battery is attached, the
main battery discharges to the battery cut off level.
There are two port ID traces connected from the Expansion Port header to two of the ADC pins of the PMIC.
Each unique Daughter Card designed by Freescale has a different resistor value attached to the two ID traces
on the Daughter Card. It is possible to use this voltage divider identification system to determine at boot time
if a daughter card is attached, and if so, which specific daughter card it is.
Over-Voltage protection is sensed by the DCIN (B4) pin of the PMIC. The voltage sensed by this pin must be
between 4.5V and 5.5V. If the voltage meets this threshold value, the voltage seen at DCIN is blocked from the
The MCIMX53SMD board has a number of unpopulated pull-up resistors. This is a result of the initial design
being conservative, and the addition of external pull-up resistors to supplement internal i.MX53 pull-up supply
voltage. Subsequent MCIMX53SMD board usage has shown these pull-ups to be unnecessary, so they are
For each of the bootable source selections, the remaining BOOT_CFG pins have different meanings. The pins
are meant to choose initialization settings required for each specific boot source. The following paragraphs
will specify those choices based on bootable source:
SW26, SW28
3 3
For skilled designers wishing to double the amount of DDR3 SDRAM available for being used with the i.MX53
processor using eight x8 width DDR3 chips, the following considerations should be weighed carefully before
proceeding: Four DDR3 chips on a chip select line will exceed the current supply capability of the VBUCKMEM
power source. An additional 1.5V power source would need to be added. Also, attaching the address lines to
eight DDR3 chips is a great amount of loading. Premium PCB materials would be required to reduce losses.
Using eight DDR3 SDRAM chips in this manner has not been tried by Freescale, and is not formally
5.7. HDMI
The MCIMX53SMD board has a mini-HDMI that can playback 1080p. The MCIMX53SMD board uses SiI9022
from Silicon Image as HDMI bridge on board. The i.MX53 processor controls SiI9022 through the I2C port. IPU
parallel interface and SPDIF are connected with SiI9022.
The SiI9022 HDMI transmitter supports the High Definition Multimedia Interface (HDMI) Specification on a
wide range of mobile products. High definition camcorders, digital still cameras, and personal mobile devices
connect directly to a large installed base of HDMI TVs and DVI PC monitors, by using the flexible audio and
video interfaces provided by this ultra-low-power solution. S/PDIF or I2S inputs enable a pure digital audio
connection to virtually any system audio processor or codec. This transmitter is the next generation of its
family and is an enhanced replacement for the SiI9022/SiI9022 device, with lower power and enhanced
features. The SiI9022 transmitter supports High-bandwidth Digital Content Protection (HDCP) for devices that
require secure content delivery.
5.11. Audio
The main Audio CODEC used on the MCIMX53SMD board is the Freescale SGTL5000 Low Power Stereo Codec
with Headphone Amp. The i.MX53 processor provides digital sound information from the AUDMUX module
5.14. SATA
The internal SATA PHY of the i.MX53 processor provides the two differential pair data signals necessary for
SATA operations. No external transceiver is required. Each of the four data lines pass through a 0.01 µF
capacitor for decoupling. These capacitors are placed as close to the SATA connector as possible. The
Processor SATA module receives 2.5V power from VBUCKPERI for the PHY portion of the module and 1.3V
power from VLDO5_1V3 for the controller portion of the module. A 191Ω 1% resistor must be connected to
the SATA_REXT pin (C13). This resistor received a small, constant current at the initialization of the SATA
module to allow cable impedance calibration. This resistor is not required after module initialization.
The i.MX53 processor provides two pins to receive an external differential pair clock input to be used by the
SATA module. Testing of the i.MX53 processor confirms that the internally generated clock signal is working
properly. Therefore, the external clock components are not populated and the eFUSEs for the processor are
configured for internal clock operation.
The SATA connector is suitable to be used with all SATA capable storage media devices, including Hard Drives
and Optical Media storage devices (DVD/CD). We use SSD SATA on the MCIMX53SMD board, by default. It is
possible to configure the MCIMX53SMD board to boot directly from a SATA device. To enable the
MCIMX53SMD board to boot from SATA, the developer needs to set SW26 to 01010000.
5.18. Sensors
The MCIMX53SMD board has four sensors: Accelerometer (MMA8452), eCOMPASS (MAG3112), CAP Touch
Sensor (MRP121), and Light Sensor (ISL29023). These four sensors are connected with three i.MX53 I2C ports:
Accelerometer is connected with I2C1 port, eCOMPASS and CAP Touch Sensor are connected with I2C2 port,
and Light Sensor is connected with I2C3 port.
6.18.1. Accelerometer
Accelerometer, MMA8452, is an intelligent low power and lower noise, 3 x 3 x 1 mm capacitive micro-
machined accelerometer having 12 bits of resolution. This accelerometer is packed with many flexible user
programmable embedded functions that are available with two configurable interrupt pins. MMA8452 has
user selectable full scales of ±2g/±4g/±8g and it is capable of measuring accelerations with an Output Data
Rate (ODR) of 400 Hz, 200 Hz, 100 Hz, 50 Hz, 12.5 Hz, and 1.563 Hz. These output data rates correspond to
sample intervals from 2.5 ms to 640 ms. The device can be configured to generate inertial wake-up interrupt
signals, when a programmable acceleration threshold is crossed on any of the three sensed axes. Acceleration
and time thresholds of interrupt generators are programmable by the end user.
6.18.2. eCOMPASS
eCOMPASS, MAG3112, is a small, low-power, 3-axis digital magnetometer. It works by measuring the strength
of a magnetic field, which is a combination of earth’s magnetic field and the magnetic fields of the nearby
objects, including distortions. The device can be used in conjunction with a 3-axis accelerometer to produce
orientation-independent, accurate compass heading information. It features a standard I2C serial interface
output and smart embedded functions.
5.19. 3G Modem
The MCIMX53SMD board has a mini-PCIe interface that can be used by 3G modem. The developer can use
USB port to communicate with 3G modem. No A/D audio interface is reserved for 3G modem. The developer
needs to have a 3G modem, no 3G modem is provided with the MCIMX53SMD board kit.
5.22. ZigBee
The MCIMX53SMD board uses MC1323x as ZigBee function. The MC1323x family is Freescale’s low cost SoC
platform for the IEEE® 802.15.4 standard. It incorporates a complete, low power, 2.4 GHz radio frequency
transceiver with transmit/receive switch, an 8-bit HCS08 CPU, and a functional set of MCU peripherals into a
48-pin LGA package. This family of products is targeted for wireless RF remote control and other cost-sensitive
6. Connector Pin-Outs
This section describes the signals going to each of the 14 types of connectors used on the MCIMX53SMD
board. Although this information is available on the schematic, the footprint used in manufacturing the PCB is
also included to provide a map to the actual signals on the board. The image of the footprint provides its top
view. In addition to the pin tables and footprints, there is also a pin-mux table provided for the Expansion Port
so that the developer can readily see the possible signals brought out through the Expansion Port. These
details are included in the following tables and figures:
Table 6-1. Power Jack (J35) Figure 6-1. Power Jack (J35)
Table 6-2. Micro-B USB Connector (J34) Figure 6-2. Micro-B USB Connector (J34)
Table 6-3. USB HOST Connector (J31, J32) Figure 6-3. USB HOST Connector (J31, J32)
Table 6-4. Headphone Connector (J130) Figure 6-4. Headphone Connector (J130)
Table 6-5. CMOS Camera Connector (J12) Figure 6-5. CMOS Camera Connector (J12)
Table 6-6. HDMI Mini Connector (J25) Figure 6-6. HDMI Mini Connector (J25)
Table 6-7. SATA Connector (J5) Figure 6-7. SATA Connector (J5)
Table 6-8. LVDS Connector (J28, J29) Figure 6-8. LVDS Connector (J28, J29)
Table 6-9. SD Card Connector (J13) Figure 6-9. SD Card Connector (J13)
Table 6-10. Mini-PCIe for WiFi/BT Connector (J15) Figure 6-10. Mini-PCIe for WiFi/BT Connector (J15)
Table 6-11. Mini-PCIe for 3G Connector (J18) Figure 6-11. Mini-PCIe for 3G (J18)
Table 6-12. Debug Connector (J127) Figure 6-12. Debug Connector (J127)
Table 6-13. VGA Dock (J131) Figure 6-13. VGA Dock (J131)
Table 6-14. Expansion Port (J78) Figure 6-14. Expansion Port (J78)
Table 6-15. Expansion Port Pin-Mux Table
USB 5V Power A1
USB Data Negative A2
USB Data Positive A3
USB Ground A4
Shield Ground S1
Shield Ground S2
Right channel 1
Left Channel (Tip) 4
Analog Ground (Ring) 5
Plug Sense 6
Trace Width
Trace Width
Copper Oz.
Diff Pairs
0.70 Mask
1.20 Plating
1 0.60 Signal 0.50 8.50 50.32 50 2 4.75 5.25 10 100.82 100 2
3.25 73.94 75 2 6.25 4.75 11 89.51 90 2
5.00 Prepreg
2 0.60 GND 0.50
4.00 Core
3 0.44 Signal 0.37 3.75 6.25 10 89.69 90 2,4
3.25 49.60 50 2,4 3.00 6.00 9 99.88 100 2,4
3.00 Prepreg
4 0.60 Power 0.50
30.00 Core
5 0.60 Power 0.50
3.00 Prepreg
6 0.44 Signal 0.37 3.75 6.25 10 89.69 90 5,7
3.25 49.60 50 5,7 3.00 6.00 9 99.88 100 5,7
4.00 Core
7 0.60 GND 0.50
5.00 Prepreg
8 0.60 Signal 0.50 8.50 50.32 50 7 4.75 5.25 10 100.82 100 7
3.25 73.94 75 7 6.25 4.75 11 89.51 90 7
1.20 Plating
0.70 Mask
62.28 = Total Thickness
Table 8-1. Board Stack Up Information
9. Board Verification
The On Board Diagnostic Scan (OBDS) tool used by the factory acceptance test tools can be downloaded from
the Web page.
To access the OBDS tool, a serial cable and a host PC running a terminal program (such as, TerraTerminal or
HyperTerminal) will be required. After connecting the host terminal to the MCIMX53SMD board, press the
power button on the board. Before U-BOOT completes the Autoboot countdown (within 3 seconds of pressing
the power button), press any key on the host computer. This will stop the Ubuntu Kernel from continuing the
boot process and allow the developer to access the code on the SD card. On the host computer terminal
window, type the following two lines:
This will begin the OBDS diagnostic tool. The tool has 15 tests that it can perform. They are as follows:
1. MAC Address confirmation
2. Debug UART Test
3. DDR3 Test
4. USBH1 Enumeration Test (Upper Host Port)
5. Secure Real Time Clock Test
6. Dialog PMIC ID Test
7. SATA Test
8. I2C Device Test
9. GPIO Test
10. Ethernet Test
11. I2S Audio Test
12. LVDS Display Test
13. VGA Video Test
14. HDMI Daughter Card Test
15. MMC/SD Card Test
The tests are straight forward, and if a supporting piece of equipment is required, the test will prompt you for
it. In order to complete all the tests, you would need to have the following equipments:
SATA Test: Attached SATA device required.
Ethernet Test: The Ethernet loopback test plug as described below is required.
Headphone Test: A set of earphones or speakers are required.
LVDS Test: The optional LVDS display kit is required.
VGA Video Test: Connection to a VGA monitor is required.
HDMI Test: The optional HDMI card is required.
MMC/SD Card Test: A full-size SD card is required in card slot J5.
If the developer does not have one or more of the above items, the test can easily be skipped when asked if
the user would like to perform the test. A complete cycle of tests covers 16 different aspects of the board.
When the last test is run, the OBDS tool will print out a summary of the test results. A failure in any one
particular area would indicate that there is a hardware fault with the MCIMX53SMD board that should be
addressed. If the developer code does not function correctly even after successfully performing all the tests,
the problem is most likely with the code. A more detailed description of the tests is as follows:
1) MAC Address confirmation: The i.MX53 processor reads the MAC address programmed into the
processor eFUSEs and prints it out on the terminal window. The outputted address should match the
MAC address label on the MCIMX53SMD board. If they match, the test was successful.
2) UART Test: When the test is running, the test expects different characters to be inputted from the
keyboard of the host computer. When a character is inputted, the i.MX53 processor takes the
character and transmits it to the terminal window, and then asks the user to verify if the character is
correct by pressing the ‘y’ key. The user can exit the test by pressing the ‘x’ key.
3) DDR Test: The test writes predetermined data onto the DDR3 memory, reads those memory blocks
back out, and then compares the two values for errors. If the values match, the test was successful.
5) Secure Real Time Clock Test: The i.MX53 processor checks to make sure the RTC clock is counting. If
the clock is counting, the test passes.
6) PMIC Device ID Test: The i.MX53 processor attempts to communicate with the PMIC using the
attached I2C channel. If the two devices communicate, the test passes.
7) SATA Test: The processor attempts to communicate with an attached SATA device. If the processor
detects the internal 50 MHz clock signal and is able to communicate with the attached SATA device,
the test passes.
8) I2C Test: The processor attempts to communicate with one of the I2C devices on the MCIMX53SMD
board. If communications is done successfully, the test passes.
9) GPIO Test: The processor drives the USER LED light controlled by PATA_DA_1 (pin L3) alternately to
high and low. If the user light is blinking, the test passes.
10) FEC Ethernet Test: The processor drives a data packet out of the Ethernet Jack into the loopback
cable, and then receives the test packet back. If the received packet matches the sent packet, the test
11) I2S Audio Test: The processor gives a tone to the Audio CODEC. If the tone can be heard through both
speakers of the attached headphones, the test passes. After the user requests the test to be run, the
user is prompted to insert a headphone set into jack (J18). When the headphones are connected, the
user presses the ‘y’ key to confirm the headphones are attached. A sound is played. The test will then
prompt you to replay the tone if needed. If the tone is no longer needed, the test will ask the user if
the tone was heard.
12) LVDS Display Test: If this test is selected, an image will be displayed on the attached LVDS panel. Once
the image is displayed, the test will prompt the user to confirm whether or not the image is seen. If
the image is seen, the test passes.
13) VGA Video Test: If this test is selected, a video will be displayed on the attached video monitor. Once
the video is displayed, the test will prompt the user to confirm whether or not the video is seen. If the
video is seen, the test passes.
14) HDMI Test: If this test is selected, an image will be displayed on the attached video monitor. Once the
image is displayed, the test will prompt the user to confirm whether or not the image is seen. If the
image is seen, the test passes.
15) MMC/SD Card Test: If the user selects this test to be run, the user will be prompted to insert an
MMC/SD card into the full-size SD card slot (J5). When the user confirms that the card is present, the
processor will attempt to read the current SD card settings and manufacturing information on the SD
card. If the processor can read this information, the test passes.
10. Troubleshooting
The MCIMX53SMD board does not have specific troubleshooting features designed into the board. The board
has proven robust during the initial test and development periods and should provide years of good service to
the developer if treated with due caution. The test pads that are included on the schematic and on the board
were not specifically designed for testing, but were placed on the board for developers who wanted to make
wire connections to specific pins that might not be available without the test pads. One basic troubleshooting
technique available to developers is to measure the voltage rail outputs on all the rails coming from the PMIC.
The subsection on PMIC voltage rails presents a diagram with points that can be used by the developer take
measurements. A second basic troubleshooting technique would be to measure the clock frequencies to
ensure that the clock is running correctly. The crystals and oscillators are located in the design section under
the i.MX53 processor.
Aside from actual hardware difficulties, Table 10-1 presents some other issues that may help the developer
solve technical difficulties:
U1 2 20 U80
U1 20
U U33
2 U
U1 WiFi+BT
4 3G Modem 20
U6 U33
With SIM Slot U 1
U1 2
7 WiFi+BT 4 U
3G Modem 20 1
U With SIM Slot U U6
WiFi+BT2 20
U2 i.MX53 Application Processor
3G Modem 20U20 Dialog DA9053
U3 WiFi+BT2
MMA8452QT Accelerometer
With SIM Slot U
U5 DDR3 SDRAM 4 20U24 RS232 UART Transceiver
U17 LAN8720 FEC U61 MAX17085B
1 DCDC&Charger
AT97SC3203S TPM (DNP)3G Modem
With SIM Slot U6
Figure 11-1. Major Component Highlights
1 Top
3G Modem 1
WiFi+BT U6
3G Modem
Freescale Semiconductor MCIMX53SMD Board Hardware User’s Guide, Rev. 0 77
With SIM Slot
U9 U6 U4 U
U9 U6 U4
U6 U4 18
U6 U4 63U
U9 18
U6 U4 U
U19U9 63U
U6 U4 18
U19U9 UU
U6 U4
U19 U6 U4
OV5642 UU
Camera U19 61
U 18
OV5642 U19 63
Camera 61
U19 18
OV5642 U32 61
Camera U19
U9 SGTL5000 Audio Codec U63 SiI9022 HDMI U
U4 OV5642
DDR3 SDRAM U19 U18 USB2514 USB 1-to-461
U6 Camera
GM22 GPS Module
U19 eMMC U60 MC1323X ZigBee 61
OV5642 U32
Camera Figure 11-2. Major Component Highlights Bottom U
U32 61
Camera 61
OV5642 U
Camera 61