IOT EXAM Suggestion
IOT EXAM Suggestion
IOT EXAM Suggestion
1. Introduction
2.1 Flexibility
2.2 Compatibility
We have already had many legacy IoT solutions and IoT standardization activities in
many business fields.
Functional WoT architecture should provide bridge between legacy IoT solutions and
Web technology based on WoT concepts. And it should guarantee to be upper compatible
to legacy IoT solutions and current standards.
Functional WoT architecture should have the room for providing safety and security
In the IoT solutions, once cyber security barrier is hacked, it is more easily led to safety
issues than conventional web solutions. That is because hacked IoT devices often treat
heal cycle such as central heating systems, physical moving devices such as cars.
3. Mapping variations
In real world, there are many variations for mapping logical WoT servient to physical
devices structure.
This chapter tries to list up informative mapping samples.
Fig.2 shows very simple use case such that a browser accessed WoT Servient to get some
information of legacy device and/or put some parameters to control legacy device.
In this use case, browser’s App Script refers Things Description of WoT servient and get
information of who it is, what kind of APIs it provides.
Then App Script calls client API and through resource management processes and
protocol mapping process, the request is mapped on internet protocol such as HTTP,
CoAP and so on.
The protocol accesses Web Server block of WoT servient. After that the request is
transferred to App Script in WoT servient through protocol mapping process and
resource management process.
App Script understands what kind of request comes from browser and according to the
request, App Script controls legacy device through physical APIs.
The first example is WoT servient on device itself. This is referred as “WoT Device”.
The right most WoT servient in Fig.3 shows an air conditioner which has rich CPU and
large memory and provides web server functionality connected directly to internet.
Then the leftmost browser and/or another application on internet can access the air
conditioner through internet directly.
Fig.4 WoT servient on Smartphone (A)
Fig.5 shows another example of WoT servient mapped on smartphone.
In this mapping case, a browser is expanded to include WoT servient functionality. Then
there is no need for an app script to call web server block. Instead the client API should
be called directly inside.
Client Apps can control devices at home through WoT servient on a Smart Home Hub.
But the location of client Apps is restricted within home because physical
communication path “WiFi” and/or wired Ethernet between smart home hub and client
apps such as browser is limited inside home.
So, controlling devices at home from outside the house, WoT servient from a smart home
hub should be mapped to a globally accessible cloud.
c) Privacy filter which substitutes real image and/or speech, and logs data at home to
d) Autonomous WoT Servient which provides house inside the server, even if the
connection is shut down between internet and the smart home hub;
e) Emergency Apps running in a local environment when the fire alarm and similar
event occur.
In Web of Things (WoT), functional virtual device is named “WoT Servient” which
provides the access to, control and get the status and values from IoT physical devices.
The role and functionality of each module is as follows;
Web Server
Web server accepts requests from networked clients through internet and sends
responses to clients.
Examples of protocols between WoT servient and clients include HTTP, CoAP, MQTT
and so on.
REST style API can be defined in front of the Web Server module. This API is named
“WoT API”. WoT API is the subject of the standardization activity. .
Web Client
WoT Servient can access other web servers and/or WoT servients through internet.
In these cases a web client module communicates with other servers via protocols such
as HTTP.
When web client modules calls other WoT servients not legacy web servers, the API is
Legacy Communication
As described before, currently, there are many IoT services and standards proposed by
many organizations.
In order to communicate such legacy devices, WoT servient includes legacy
communication module for such protocols as Echonet Lite, QNX, ONVIF, DLNA and so
Protocol Mapping
Protocol Mapping block maps API and parameters to communication protocols such as
HTTP, CoAP, MQTT and so on.
And in Protocol Mapping block, there is a block named Adapter which translates web
based API to legacy communication such as Echonet Lite, QNX, ONVIF, DLNA and so
Resource Manager
As things controller, WoT servient manages the inside status of thing and so on.
Things Description
Other clients refer WoT servient’s “Things Description” to understand the ability of the
WoT Servient.
Sever API is the API for creating server functions. Server API Provider provides utilizes
resource management, protocol mapping and son and provides Server APIs.
Client API is the API for creating client functions. Client API Provider provides utilizes
resource management, protocol mapping and son and provides Client APIs.
Physical API is the API for creating physical things controlling functions such as GPIB,
I2C and so on. Physical API Provider provides utilizes resource management, protocol
mapping and son and provides Physical APIs.
App Script
Calling Server API, Client API and Physical API, application script is created.
5. Conclusion
As the next stage of the standardization, we should standardize the following 3 items.
1) WoT API mapped to protocols that enable communication between a client and WoT
2) Things Description to declare properties and capabilities of WoT Servient to the
3) Server API, Client API and Physical API to enable App scripts.
ISSN No. 0976-5697
Volume 10, No. 3, May-June 2019
International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science
Available Online at
Abstract: The IoT has primarily focused on establishing connectivity in a diversify of constrained networking environments, and the next
logical aim is to build on top of network connectivity by focusing on the application layer. In the Web of Things (WoT), we are thinking
about smart things as first class citizens of the Web. We position the Web of Things as a purification of the Internet of Things by integrating
smart things not only into the Internet, for instance the network, but into the Web (the application layer). The Web of Things is a
computing concept that describes a future where day-to-day objects are fully integrated with the Web. The WoT is very homogeneous to the IoT
in some ways and in others it is drastically different. The stipulation for WoT is for the "things" to have embedded computer systems that enable
communication with the Web. This type of smart devices would then be able to communicate with each other using current Web standards. For
instance, renowned Web languages PHP, HTML, Python, and JavaScript can be used to easily build applications involving smart things and
users can leverage well-known Web mechanisms such as caching, browsing, searching, and bookmarking to communicate and share these
devices. In this paper, aim to demonstrate a close-up view about Web of Things, including Web of things architecture, Open platform in Web of
Thing, Web-enabling devices, Web of Thing security, use cases of Web of Things. The WoT concept, smart things and their services are fully
integrated in the Web by reusing and conforming technologies and patterns commonly used for conventional Web content.
Keywords: Web of Things (WoT); Information Retrieval; Semantic Web; Web Search Engines; Web APIs; Internet of Things (IoT).
simplifies the access to physical objects, assent them to be used In these surveys, WoTSE either receives a [20] concise
in web applications and merged with current web resources [8]. discussion as a potential research topic or a short introduction
presenting some representative works [21]. They either focus
II. THE WEB OF THINGS (WOT) on one type of WoTSE or listing potential research issue
without bearing in mind the state of the field. In these surveys
If you take a moment and think about how we, humankind, [22], analyzes seven prototypes on nine dimensions that focus
function you will quest that we have a five senses, which are on the ability to handle real-time, local sensor queries. In these
felt by corresponding organs, then the stimuli are sent to the approaches [23], WoTSE from perspective of EPC worldwide
brain via the nerves, finally the brain processes these stimuli. discovery service. They analyze five works on nine
The outcome is most often knowledge and perhaps also dimensions. Finally, evaluates the including both WoT-
actions can be triggered the brain, then transmits commands specific prototypes and outcome from other fields that are
via the nerves to the muscles which then trigger moving hands, expected to be applicable to WoT [24].
legs, talking, etc. In this context, it is to see “things” as organs
which detect the stimuli. These are then sent via wireless or IV. THE WEB OF THINGS ARCHITECTURE
wired technology, usually on an IP/HTTP network to
processing and storage engines and these engines then crunch Today scenario, web technology is ubiquitous and it has
the obtained information and generate knowledge. become part of our day-to-day lives and, moreover, many
Occasionally they can also trigger an action like as sending a tech-savvy human beings without explicit training are able to
tweet. The Web of Things, as a concept, [9] is discovery its create their own web applications [25]. Consequently, the Web
way to day to day life and is gaining prominence with the of Things initiative goals for applying the well-known and
development of the internet towards a network of proven patterns from the web to the demanding IoT domain
interconnected objects, ranging from cars and transportation [5].
cargos to electrical appliances [5]. This development will
endure new services and will enable new directions for
communication and new types of agents involved in this
process. The Web of Things offers to counter this
fragmentation via metadata. That enables convenient
integration across IoT platforms, and which make easy for
application development via a common interaction model that
is independent of the underlying protocols [7]. This is
expected to drive down the costs and risks involved in
developing services, and assistance realize the full potential
for the IoT [2]. The WoT confer economical and rapid services
with high-speed connectivity integrating miscellaneous
wireless network technologies. The Web of Things is a
refinement of the IoT [10] by integrating smart things not only
into the Internet (network), but into the web architecture (an
application). The Web of Things permits interoperability
between devices from dissimilar manufacturers and fosters
cross-device applications. It also makes it possible for a huge
group of amateurs to buy all sorts of devices, build
expeditiously their smart home systems [5], and especially
reuse and customize these systems effortlessly for their
peerless needs and incline. Figure 1. The Web of Things Architecture
This accessibility layer is accountable for turning any Thing D. Composition Layer
into a web thing that can be interacted with using HTTP
requests just like any other resource on the Web. In other At huge, the Web of Things materializes into an open
words, a web thing is a REST API that permits to ecosystem of digitally enlarge objects on top of which
communicate with something in the real world [24]. The applications can be created using standard web languages and
accessibility layer in the WoT is built around two main tools. The earlier layers, we allowed developers to access and
patterns firstly all things should be exposing their services via search for web enabled smart things and owners to have a
a RESTful API, either directly or via a gateway. REST is an straightforward and scalable mechanism to share them. In this
architectural style at the root of the programmable web thanks endmost layer, [26] we would like to push further the
to its implementation in HTTP 1.1. As an outcome, if things boundaries of the WoT so that from getting close to
offer RESTful APIs over HTTP, they get a URL and become developers, it also gets closer to end-users and enables them to
seamlessly integrated with the World Wide Web and its tools create straightforward composite applications on top of smart
like as browsers, hyperlinked HTML pages and JavaScript things. The role of the endmost layer is to integrate the
applications. In this context, various designs describing how services and data offered by things into higher level web,
the services offered by things can be accessed via REST have making it even simpler to create applications include things
been proposed. Secondly, the entreaty response nature of and virtual web services.
HTTP is often cited as one of the limitations for IoT use-cases
as it does not match the event-driven nature of applications V. OPEN PLATFORM IN WEB OF THING
that are common in the wireless sensor networks. To get the
better of this shortcoming while keeping a focus on fostering The impenitent internet will confer a wide range of real
integration with the web, various authors have suggested the world services supported by networked smart things setting up
use of HTML5 web sockets either natively or via the use of complex smart spaces on a worldwide scale. An open platform
translation brokers for instance translating from MQTT [3] or to provide developers with swift and convenient prototyping
CoAP to web sockets. tools to plug smart things into the web [6]. This is called the
Web of Things Open Platform (WoToP) and this model is
B. Findability Layer many design principles. Firstly, the management of massive
amounts of data generated by huge ecosystems of smart
The web faced homogeneous challenges, when it moved objects. Secondly, support for various communication modes
from a hypertext of several thousands of documents to an to deliver information to clients according to their information
application platform interconnecting an unprecedented number consumption needs and most typical communication modes
of documents, multimedia content and services. The are supported on-demand and event-driven. Thirdly, usage of
concentrate of this layer is to provide a way to explore and an information model and standardized protocol based on the
locate things on the web and hence is strongly impression of representational state transfer (REST) in order to propose a
the semantic web. This layer makes sure that your Thing can public API accessible to as several clients as possible.
not only be easily used by other HTTP clients, but can also be Fourthly, finding, configuration and management [7] of
findable and automatically usable by other WoT applications miscellaneous ecosystems of smart things, i.e. Things
[25]. The approach here is to reuse web semantic standards to equipped with sets of sensors and actuators as well as
describe things and their services. This enables finding for processing capabilities that are competent in performing
things via search engines and other web indexes as well as the inferences from its own contextual information. Fifthly, the
automatic generation of user interfaces or tools to integration process is supported by a set of synchronized smart
communicate with Things. This enables finding for things via gateways which implements both IP/TCP stack and particular
search engines and other web indexes as well as enabling protocols depending on the embedded devices plugged into it.
machine to machine communicate based on a small set of
well-defined standards and formats.
C. Sharing Layer THINGS
This accountable for the share layer, which specifies how the The Web of Things search engines (WoTSE) is librarians
data generated by Things can be shared in an efficient and of WoT. They explore and gather WoT resources in a specific
secure manner over the web. At this level, another batch of scope and permit users to “search” on these resources. For
web protocols assists. Firstly, TLS, the protocol that makes succinctness and consistency, we use the term WoTSE for
transactions on the web securely. Then, techniques like as both systems designed specifically for WoT and IoT that can
delegated web authentication mechanisms like an oath which be adapted to WoT.
can be integrated with our Things’ APIs. The most basic needs
for a WoT sharing platform is to be secure in order to make 1. Detect Physical Objects: The WoTSE are commonly used
sure that access to smart things is not allowed to attackers. A to detect physical objects, which are tagged with passive
WoT sharing platform should be uncomplicated and easy to RFID tags [29] or sensor nodes [30].
use. Sharing the platform should also react mental models
users are already familiar with [28]. In special, it should as 2. Sensor Explore: The use of WoTSE [31] for retrieving
much as possible react the existing faith and social models of sensors based on their stable meta-data and contexts, like
users. A WoT sharing platform should also support advertising as the cost and trustworthiness.
the shared things directly on the web. In order to decrease the
load of users and ameliorate security, sharing a smart thing 3. Discovery Entity with Dynamic State: A WoTSE that
and advertising the fact that it was shared should occur on the discovery for [32] demonstrates physical objects, for
same channel without explicitly make known credentials. instance meeting room, based on their real-time status for
instance “empty” derived from their sensor readings.
4. Discovery Actuation Services: The use of WoTSE [33] as B. The WoT Middleware Layer
a middleware for retrieving services offered by physical
objects for instance changing lamp intensity. The functionalities of this layer permit designers and
developers of WoT services to model, implement and deploy
5. Retrieving Data Records: The use of WoTSE [34] to complicated smart spaces and disclose them according to the
retrieve data records compatible to an individual physical WoT model. In the IoT ecosystem monitor component
object. objectives at listening data from the adapters deployed on the
IoT ecosystem layer. Principally, it registers every device
VII. OPEN PLATFORM ARCHITECTURE IN WEB connected to the WoToP as well as its own context
OF THING information and events generated by them. The information
temporally stored in that cache is periodically dumped into a
The open platform architecture [35] in Web of Thing is knowledge base, which handle its persistency. In the event
based on a layered architecture composed of three layers management subsystem was designed to enable WoToP to
interconnected among them via well-defined interfaces shown handle asynchronous communications for those clients that
in figure 2. In this architecture, every layer contains need to consume context information according to particular
subsystems and components that fulfill particular aims. needs. This subsystem contains differing mechanisms to send
notifications or events to the clients [35]. In the middleware
configuration subsystem objectives in preparing and
configuring the execution environment of the Web of Things
middleware. An optimized configuration depends on the
features of the device that is going to run the middleware. The
standard parameters that can be configured via this subsystem
are associated with the location and credentials to access the
knowledge base, maximum number of clients that can access
to WoToP services at the same time or maximum number of
subscriptions that can be established in the subscription table.
In the middleware core is to disclose the interfaces of the
components, building the WoToP architecture, in order to
facilitate the essential communication among them. This kind
of communication is based on OSGI services.
behind a RESTful service. From the web subscriber viewpoint, protocols makes the collection, storage, and analysis of data
the real web enabling process is fully transparent, as from miscellaneous sensors much simpler. In fact, integrating
interactions are HTTP in both matters. data across several cloud services is much faster thanks to the
straightforwardness and the ubiquity of REST APIs.
B. The Web of Things and Marketing
Usually, openness and sharing in any ecosystem [10] come
always with security and privacy problem, same applies to the The mobile applications can retrieve data about CPG and
WoT. Things’ shared resources and data need to be secure FMCG products communicate with them to attach digital
against vulnerabilities raised from malicious intervention and content, and share information about them on social networks
inadvertent errors. In the last few decades, many web services much rapidly and more comfortably over the web. If every
based solutions have been proposed to address those privacy product in the world had its own URL and web API, it would
and security problem. Despite the fact that, those solutions in be comfortably in any application to recognize a product and
most of the time are not relevant to the constrained access its data without much integration effort. At
environment such as the WoT. Besides, it does introduce new EVRYTHNG4 firm, we used our Web of Thing platform to
dimensions of risk due to its miscellaneous nature. The connect products to the web and deliver such Marketing 2.0
controlling subscriber identity is a vital process in any applications. As an instance, Diageo in Brazil printed
application and system [43]. Such control contains distinctive QR codes on its whiskey bottles so that their
authenticating users, identifying them and life cycle of such customers could attach a personalized message to each bottle
identities. This process is also applied on the subscriber data in that case, it was a video created on the customer’s
inside an ecosystem, since personal information like as smartphone for Father’s Day [45].
identity, credentials, social security, etc., must be protected
against unauthorized access. Securing the communication C. The Web of Things and Wearable
between the various components of the Web of Thing
environment is compulsory, in order to preserve data Integrating wearable and quantified self devices on the
confidentiality and integrity and to prevent a third party from web, so that the data is directly accessible by other devices and
eavesdropping and intercepting information exchanged applications will make it much easier to develop new classes
between the various entities of the system. Conventional of extensible applications for elder care, health and fitness, or
access control focuses on the protection of data based on the fun and sports.
identity and attributes of the users [44]. Normally the access
control is used to protect front-end and back-end data and D. The Web of Things and Industry
system resources by adding restrictions on who can access the
data, what users can do, which resource they have access to Using web standards to interconnect all the elements in a
and what operations are allowed to be performed on the data. business process, such as the shop-floor machinery, enterprise
Ideally, access control prevents unauthorized users from software, employees in various departments, products,
viewing, copying or alteration the data. customer, and suppliers, will represent a significant change in
how companies do business. Turning all the elements in a
XI. USE CASES OF WEB OF THINGS factory into easy-to-combine LEGO-like bricks will make it
much easier and faster for companies to adapt to changing
The WoT extends the IoT in order to enable access and environments, get their products to market more quickly,
control of physical objects using web standards. The objects optimize their business and manufacturing processes, and so
are expected to show up logical interfaces via web services, to on. When all the actors in those processes are able to
describe web contents and services using semantic web automatically decide how best to perform their duty based on
languages and annotations, and to communicate together via real-time data, there’s no doubt that the way we design,
standard protocols in order to provide software interoperability manufacture, and distribute physical products will be
between objects. Such a WoT marketplace should permit profoundly changed.
developers and industrial companies to distribute their
software applications and components, and should endue end- E. The Web of Things and Smart Homes
users with software pieces, allowing them to implement
various functionalities into their objects in order to perform The smart home environment is probably symptomatic of
dissimilar tasks. There are several potential application the (too) vast number of standards and protocols that exist for
domains for the Web of Things, stretching across many connecting things to networks. Although all devices in your
industry sectors. In this section, we are attempting to structure home should talk to each other, they can’t because those
these domains and link to further details for the associated use protocols are incompatible and you end up with more apps and
cases of WoT. remote controls than ever before. The Web of Things offers an
alternative approach where web languages are the baseline, the
A. The WSNS and the Web of Things minimal API that devices should offer either directly or
indirectly through gateways. In our own company
It’s understandable that the majority of WSN devices “EVRYTHNG19” we used the Web of Things approach to
weren’t designed for the public. Those platforms were connect, at scale, a number of home automation devices from
intended to be mainly programmed by experts. Despite the fact different manufacturers. The Web of Things allows
that, web protocols are heavier than the optimized protocols interoperability between devices from different manufacturers
used in embedded devices, there has been a lot of progress in and fosters cross-device applications. It also makes it possible
optimized HTTP libraries that run on constrained devices. for a larger group of amateurs to buy all sorts of devices, build
Besides, devices are becoming increasingly stronger and many rapidly their smart home systems, and especially reuse and
come with Wi-Fi connectivity on board. The ability to
communicate with embedded sensors using standard web
customize these systems easily for their unique needs and location. In contrast, there are always new devices and
desires. protocols in the IoT world, and each time one of the many
protocols change, all the other pieces of the puzzle that use the
F. The Web of Things and Smart Logistics device need to be updated.
Imagine a web-enabled supply chain that knows in real time E. Validating the Discovered Web of Things Content
the temperature of your strawberries and can send alerts as
soon as the conditions change or even regulate automatically As real-world information in WoT is provided by exposing
the temperature of trucks, ships, and warehouses according to electronic tags and sensors that can be breached and forged, a
the type of the products being stored and transported all of that malicious party can inject false information into WoT, which
information accessible over web APIs. Sharing historical data would be distributed by WoT Search Engines. A potential
about devices using web standards will make it much easier solution for this issue is validating the information received
for multiple applications to work together across the whole from sensors against past patterns and readings of their
lifecycle of products. This means much lower integration costs neighboring sensors. Another potential solution is building the
and high data integrity across the different systems that will audit-ability into WoTSE. Ensuring that one would be held
process and handle those products. accountable for his malicious activities is a powerful
preventive mechanism.
G. The Web of Things and Smart Cities
F. Slack Coupling between Elements Web of Things
Using web standards in the context of smart cities is
particularly interesting because they make it much easier to The HTTP is loosely coupled by design because the contract
share sensor data with the public and make it easy for (API specification) between actors on the web is both simple
developers to consume real-time data about traffic, pollution, and well defined, which leaves little room for ambiguity. This
or public transportation in their own urban applications. allows any actor to change and evolve independently from
each other (as long as the contract doesn’t change). That’s why
XII. BENEFIT OF WEB OF THINGS you can still visit a web page that hasn’t been updated since
the early ’90s (we’ll skip any comments about its visual
In this section, we are discussing the benefit of Web of Things. design). The ability for devices on the Internet of Things to
talk to new devices as they get added without requiring any
A. Convenient to Program Web of Things firmware updates is essential for a global Web of Things.
The web protocols can easily be used to read and write data G. Storing and Disinfect the Collected Data Web of Things
from to the devices, and are especially much simpler to use
and faster to learn than the complex IoT protocols. In addition, A WoT Search Engine must find a balance between the
if all devices could offer a Web API, developers could use the number of old readings stored for resolving historical queries
same programming model to interact with any of them. Once and building prediction models, and the scale, the resources
you get the basic skills needed to build simple web that it manages, because each set of past measurements
applications, you can rapidly talk to new devices with minimal duplicates the whole resource collection. As a result,
effort. mechanisms for ensuring the scalability of the data storage
such as distribution, deployment and purging strategies must
B. Supporting Scalability Web of Things be investigated.
The WoTSE must fit the search activity in local scale XIII. CONCLUSION
naturally, and at the same time, they must also be able to scale
up to reach billion devices in the world. Scaling up a The Web of Things is an evolution of the Internet of Things
centralized search engine is not a preferable solution, because that refers to the adoption of a technology that will enable
these systems are too far from the physical world, making this sort of global functionality among smart devices. The
them insensitive to changes. WoT makes them naturally fit for WoT was inspired by the IoT as in common day-to-day
local search activity, while linking them together provides the devices are connected to the Web and can communicate via
coverage to address the upper ends of WoT scale. different systems. The Web of Things is about the use of the
web technology for building communication competence for
C. Open and Extensible Standards Web of Things smart objects. The WoT mainly focuses on software
standards and frameworks like as HTTP, REST and URIs to
The reason web standards have reached such popularity is create applications and services that integrate and interact
that they’re entirely open and free, so there’s virtually zero with heterogeneity of network devices. So, you could think
risk that they would change overnight. They ensure that data of the WoT as day-to-day objects being able to access Web
can be rapidly and easily moved across systems, hence HTTP services. The Web of Things is not just another vertical IoT
and REST is an obvious choice when one wants to offer public technology stack to compete with current platforms. It is
access to some data. intended as integrate horizontal application layer to bridge
together multiple underlying IoT protocols. The key point is
D. Rapidly and Effortless to Deploy, Maintain, and Integrate that this doesn't involve the reinvention of the means of
Web of Things communication because current standards are used. The
WoT is dissimilar because it doesn’t care about underlying
There’s no risk that the web will suddenly stop working networking protocols or standards, only about how to weave
and require an upgrade. Yet, the limits of what can be done on different isolated systems and devices into a single, web-
the web have not ceased to be redefined in a decade, such as based ecosystem.
the ability to capture images from a camera or share one’s
© 2015-19, IJARCS All Rights Reserved 7
Firoj Parwej et al, International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science, 10 (3), May-June 2019,
Increasingly, organizations in a variety of industries are using IoT to operate more efficiently,
deliver enhanced customer service, improve decision-making and increase the value of the
With IoT, data is transferable over a network without requiring human-to-human or human-
to-computer interactions.
A thing in the internet of things can be a person with a heart monitor implant, a farm animal
with a biochip transponder, an automobile that has built-in sensors to alert the driver when tire
pressure is low, or any other natural or man-made object that can be assigned an Internet
Protocol address and is able to transfer data over a network.
How does IoT work?
An IoT ecosystem consists of web-enabled smart devices that use embedded systems -- such
as processors, sensors and communication hardware -- to collect, send and act on data they
acquire from their environments.
IoT devices share the sensor data they collect by connecting to an IoT gateway, which acts as
a central hub where IoT devices can send data. Before the data is shared, it can also be sent to
an edge device where that data is analyzed locally. Analyzing data locally reduces the volume
of data sent to the cloud, which minimizes bandwidth consumption.
Sometimes, these devices communicate with other related devices and act on the information
they get from one another. The devices do most of the work without human intervention,
although people can interact with the devices -- for example, to set them up, give them
instructions or access the data.
The connectivity, networking and communication protocols used with these web-enabled
devices largely depend on the specific IoT applications deployed.
IoT can also use artificial intelligence and machine learning to aid in making data collection
processes easier and more dynamic.
IoT technologies as a driver for business model innovation and digital transformation in industrial
I was recently advising a large company in the human and health and
nutrition business. It is an interesting case study to identify the promises and
challenges when your company is changing its business model to capture
the value from advanced IoT applications. This company has a leading
position in the market with highly functional products for large client firms in
mills and other nutrition business. The current business model – selling the
product at a premium price supported with some free IoT services based on
data from sensors in clients’ storage and production facilities – was no
longer sustainable: As the IoT services were generating increasingly more
value for clients, it was no longer an option to offer them for free to
customers. New business models were required, and this, in turn, compelled
management to transform the company’s structure, processes and culture.
· The awareness that the company’s business model had to change was
growing as the IoT applications became more advanced. However, this
awareness was unequally distributed in the company: the digital service
development team was well aware of the potential while sales and marketing
managers in the business were still clinging to the existing business model.
This divergence in view is typical for companies that move fast to apply IoT
technologies, and it is one of the major challenges during digital
transformation processes.
· IoT enabled business models imply not only new revenue models, but
also the transition from one to the other business and revenue model. As the
company was progressing steadily with more audacious IoT enabled
business models, it set up a roadmap to adopt a set of consecutive business
models over time. The roadmap showed a stepwise process with increasing
levels of customer value creation over time. The first stage was based on
simple services such as automatic refilling and reducing downtime. The next
stage would assist customers in developing new process insights improving
their productivity. The last stage would have a transformational impact
maximizing quality, safety, productivity and profitability of industrial
customers through integrated solutions.
· Along these shifts in value creation, new ways to capture value had to
be developed. For the first two stages the company chose for a tiered
subscription model. Subscription models have the advantage that they are
easy to implement compared to outcome-based revenue models. A tiered
subscription model was advisable given the differences between the
company’s customers and the diversity of systems that the company offers
to them. The tiered subscription model also incorporated a pay-as-you go
model for the use of the products. The company didn’t choose for an
outcome based revenue model for it requires access to customers’ data,
performance metrics to agree upon, sufficient control of the
production environment, and a detailed understanding of the customers’
business. A subscription model was much easier to deal with even though
the company may, by choosing this revenue model, leave some money on
the table.
· For the last stage , the company could introduce consultancy services
(monetization of IoT data) as an additional business model. Those
consultancy services are customized to the needs of the customers, but once
developed economies of scale can be reached by applying similar services to
different customers and application areas.
Lack of standardization
For example, if two IoT devices cannot communicate with each other
because they use different protocols or data formats, they cannot work
together to achieve a common goal.
IEEE 802.15.4e:
802.15.4e for industrial applications and 802.15.4g for the smart utility networks (SUN)
The 802.15.4e improves the old standard by introducing mechanisms such as time
slotted access, multichannel communication and channel hopping.
IEEE 802.15.4e introduces the following general functional enhancements:
1. Low Energy (LE): This mechanism is intended for applications that can trade
latency for energy efficiency. It allows a node to operate with a very low duty cycle.
2. Information Elements (IE) It is an extensible mechanism to exchange information at
the MAC sublayer.
3. Enhanced Beacons (EB): Enhanced Beacons are an extension of the 802.15.4
beacon frames and provide a greater flexibility. They allow to create application-
specific frames.
4. Multipurpose Frame: This mechanism provides a flexible frame format that can
address a number of MAC operations. It is based on IEs.
5. MAC Performance Metric: It is a mechanism to provide appropriate feedback on the
channel quality to the networking and upper layers, so that appropriate decision can be
6. Fast Association (FastA) The 802.15.4 association procedure introduces a
significant delay in order to save energy. For time-critical application latency has
priority over energy efficiency.
IEEE 802.15.4e defines five new MAC behavior modes.
1. Time Slotted Channel Hopping (TSCH): It targets application domains such as
industrial automation and process control, providing support for multi-hop and
multichannel communications, through a TDMA approach.
2. Deterministic and Synchronous Multi-channel Extension (DSME): It is aimed to
support both industrial and commercial applications.
3. Low Latency Deterministic Network (LLDN): Designed for single-hop and single
channel networks
4. Radio Frequency Identification Blink (BLINK): It is intended for application domains
such as item/people identification, location and tracking.
5. Asynchronous multi-channel adaptation (AMCA): It is targeted to application
domains where large deployments are required, such as smart utility networks,
infrastructure monitoring networks, and process control networks.
1. Standardization and alliances: It specifies low-data-rate PHY and MAC layer
requirements for wireless personal area networks (WPAN).
IEEE 802.15. Protocol Stacks include:
ZigBee: ZigBee is a Personal Area Network task group with a low rate task group 4.
It is a technology of home networking. ZigBee is a technological standard created
for controlling and sensing the network. As we know that ZigBee is the Personal
Area network of task group 4 so it is based on IEEE 802.15.4 and is created by
Zigbee Alliance.
6LoWPAN: The 6LoWPAN system is used for a variety of applications including
wireless sensor networks. This form of wireless sensor network sends data as
packets and uses IPv6 – providing the basis for the name – IPv6 over Low power
Wireless Personal Area Networks.
ZigBee IP: Zigbee is a standards-based wireless technology that was developed for
low-cost and low-power wireless machine-to-machine (M2M) and internet of things
(IoT) networks.
ISA100.11a: It is a mesh network that provides secure wireless communication to
process control.
Wireless HART: It is also a wireless sensor network technology, that makes use of
time-synchronized and self-organizing architecture.
Thread: Thread is an IPv6-based networking protocol for low-power Internet of
Things devices in IEEE 802.15. 4-2006 wireless mesh network. Thread is
2. Physical Layer: This standard enables a wide range of PHY options in ISM bands,
ranging from 2.4 GHz to sub-GHz frequencies. IEEE 802.15.4 enables data
transmission speeds of 20 kilobits per second, 40 kilobits per second, 100 kilobits per
second, and 250 kilobits per second. The fundamental structure assumes a 10-meter
range and a data rate of 250 kilobits per second. To further reduce power usage, even
lower data rates are possible. IEEE 802.15.4 regulates the RF transceiver and channel
selection, and even some energy and signal management features, at the physical
layer. Based on the frequency range and data performance needed, there are now six
PHYs specified. Four of them employ frequency hopping techniques known as Direct
Sequence Spread Spectrum (DSSS). Both PHY data service and management service
share a single packet structure so that they can maintain a common simple interface
with MAC.
3. MAC layer: The MAC layer provides links to the PHY channel by determining that
devices in the same region will share the assigned frequencies. The scheduling and
routing of data packets are also managed at this layer. The 802.15.4 MAC layer is
responsible for a number of functions like:
Beaconing for devices that operate as controllers in a network.
used to associate and dissociate PANs with the help of devices.
The safety of the device.
Consistent communication between two MAC devices that are in a peer-to-peer
Several established frame types are used by the MAC layer to accomplish these
functions. In 802.15.4, there are four different types of MAC frames:
frame of data
Frame for a beacon
Frame of acknowledgement
Frame for MAC commands
4. Topology: Networks based on IEEE 802.15.4 can be developed in a star, peer-to-
peer, or mesh topology. Mesh networks connect a large number of nodes. This
enables nodes that would otherwise be out of range to interact with each other to use
intermediate nodes to relay data.
5. Security: For data security, the IEEE 802.15.4 standard employs the Advanced
Encryption Standard (AES) with a 128-bit key length as the basic encryption technique.
Activating such security measures for 802.15.4 significantly alters the frame format and
uses a few of the payloads. The very first phase in activating AES encryption is to use
the Security Enabled field in the Frame Control part of the 802.15.4 header. For safety,
this field is a single bit which is assigned to 1. When this bit is set, by taking certain
bytes from its Payload field, a field known as the Auxiliary Security Header is formed
following the Source Address field.
6. Competitive Technologies: The IEEE 802.15.4 PHY and MAC layers serve as a
basis for a variety of networking profiles that operate in different IoT access scenarios.
DASH7 is a competing radio technology with distinct PHY and MAC layers.
IEEE 802.15.4
Integration: This is the core part of the Oracle Integration Cloud, which
allows you to create integrations between your different applications. It uses
adapters to connect to various cloud and on-premises applications.
Visual Builder: This is a development tool for creating and hosting web,
mobile, and progressive web interfaces. It uses a visual development
experience to create apps.
These components are hosted in the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI), which
provides the necessary computing resources. Moreover, all the components
are underpinned by shared services such as security, notifications, identity
management, etc.
In terms of connectivity, the OIC can connect to both cloud-based and on-
premises applications using its extensive range of adapters. It can also use
REST and SOAP APIs to interact with external systems.
What Is The Difference Between The "Internet Of Things" And The "Web Of Things"?
Devices can be connected with any form of WoT is made to handle and use the potential of
internet IoT
It deals with actuators, sensors, computation, It deals with web servers and Protocols. WoT is
communication Interfaces. Digitally Augmented made up of the applications that are made for Io
objects make IoT Devices.
Every IoT devices have a different Protocol A single protocol is used for multiple/various IoT
Programing is difficult because of multiple Programming is easy so it doesn’t have multiple
protocols protocols.
All the protocols and standard are private and it WoT can be accessed freely by anyone, anytime.
cannot be accessed publicly
Arduino Tutorial
Arduino is a project, open-source hardware, and software platform used to design and build
electronic devices. It designs and manufactures microcontroller kits and single-board interfaces
for building electronics projects.
The Arduino boards were initially created to help the students with the non-technical background.
The Arduino board consists of sets of analog and digital I/O (Input / Output) pins, which are
further interfaced to breadboard, expansion boards, and other circuits. Such boards feature the
model, Universal Serial Bus (USB), and serial communication interfaces, which are used for
loading programs from the computers.
It also provides an IDE (Integrated Development Environment) project, which is based on the
Processing Language to upload the code to the physical board.
The projects are authorized under the GPL and LGPL. The GPL is named as GNU General Public
License. The licensed LGPL is named as GNU Lesser General Public License. It allows the use of
Arduino boards, it's software distribution, and can be manufactured by anyone.
What is Arduino?
Arduino is a software as well as hardware platform that helps in making electronic projects. It is
an open source platform and has a variety of controllers and microprocessors. There are various
types of Arduino boards used for various purposes.
The Arduino is a single circuit board, which consists of different interfaces or parts. The board
consists of the set of digital and analog pins that are used to connect various devices and
components, which we want to use for the functioning of the electronic devices.
The analog pins in Arduino are mostly useful for fine-grained control. The pins in the Arduino
board are arranged in a specific pattern. The other devices on the Arduino board are USB port,
small components (voltage regulator or oscillator), microcontroller, power connector, etc.
The features of Arduino are listed below:
o Arduino programming is a simplified version of C++, which makes the learning process easy.
o The Arduino IDE is used to control the functions of boards. It further sends the set of specifications
to the microcontroller.
o Arduino does not need an extra board or piece to load new code.
o Arduino can read analog and digital input signals.
o The hardware and software platform is easy to use and implement.
The project began in the Interaction Design Institute in Ivrea, Italy. Under the supervision of Casey
Reas and Massimo Banzi, the Hernando Bar in 2003 created the Wiring (a development platform).
It was considered as the master thesis project at IDII. The Wiring platform includes the PCB (Printed
Circuit Board). The PCB is operated with the ATmega168 Microcontroller.
The ATmega168 Microcontroller was an IDE. It was based on the library and processing functions,
which are used to easily program the microcontroller.
In 2005, Massimo Banzi, David Cuartielles, David Mellis, and another IDII student supported the
ATmega168 to the Wiring platform. They further named the project as Arduino.
The project of Arduino was started in 2005 for students in Ivrea, Italy. It aimed to provide an easy
and low-cost method for hobbyists and professionals to interact with the environment using the
actuators and the sensors. The beginner devices were simple motion detectors, robots, and
In mid-2011, the estimated production of Arduino commercially was 300,000. In 2013, the Arduino
boards in use were about 700,000.
Around April 2017, Massimo Banzi introduced the foundation of Arduino as the "new beginning
for Arduino". In July 2017, Musto continued to pull many Open Source licenses and the code from
the websites of the Arduino. In October 2017, Arduino introduced its collaboration with the ARM
Holdings. The Arduino continues to work with architectures and technology vendors.
The most essential part of the Arduino is the Microcontroller, which is shown below:
o Microcontroller is small and low power computer. Most of the microcontrollers have a RAM
(Random Access Memory), CPU (Central Processing Unit), and a memory storage like other
computer systems.
o It has very small memory of 2KB (two Kilobytes). Due to less memory, some microcontrollers are
capable of running only one program at a time.
o It is a single chip that includes memory, Input/Output (I/O) peripherals, and a processor.
o The GPIO (General Purpose Input Output) pins present on the chip help us to control other
electronics or circuitry from the program.
Let's consider a simple project of LED blink.
We need a software to install our sketch or code to the Arduino board. The LED will blink after the
successful uploading of code. The software is called as Arduino IDE (Integrated Development
There are various projects created with the help of the Arduino. Some of the projects are listed
o Home Automation System using IOT (Internet of Things).
o Solar Power water trash collector.
o Fire Detector, etc.
Some projects require a list of components. So, for easy convenience and hands-on projects, the
Arduino kits are available easily in market.
Arduino Kits
We can easily start with our electronics projects using the complete kit. It also helps us to create
hand-on and engaging projects.
Arduino IDE
The IDE makes the traditional projects even easier and simpler. The USB cable is used to load the
program or sketch on the specific Arduino board.
The IDE application is suitable for Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux. It supports the programming
language C and C++. We need to connect the Genuino and Arduino board with the IDE to upload
the sketch written in the Arduino IDE software.
Many other companies including Sparkfun Electronics, also make their own boards that are
compatible with Arduino IDE.
Arduino Boards
There are variety of Arduino board used for different purposes. The board varies in I/O pins, size,
etc. The various components present on the Arduino boards are Microcontroller, Digital
Input/Output pins, USB Interface and Connector, Analog Pins, Reset Button, Power button, LED's,
Crystal Oscillator, and Voltage Regulator. Some components may differ depending on the type of
o Shields are defined as the hardware device that can be mounted over the board to increase the
capabilities of the projects.
o The shield is shown below:
o The shield together with Arduino can make the projects even smarter and simpler. For example,
Ethernet shields are used to connect the Arduino board to the Internet.
o The shields can be easily attached and detached from the Arduino board. It does not require any
Connected Factories
Connected Factory concept is an effective solution for improvements in all areas of
operation. Major components such as machines, tools and sensors will be connected
to a network for easier management and access. Overview of process flow, monitor
down time, status checking of inventory, shipment, schedule maintenance and
stop/pause a particular process for further analysis etc… can be done remotely using
industrial IoT solutions.
2. Smart Robotics
Many companies are developing intelligent robotics system for IoT-enabled factories.
Smart robotics ensures smooth handling of tools and materials in the manufacturing
line with precise accuracy and efficiency. Predefined specifications can be set for
maximum precision (up to few nanometers scale for some applications) using
intelligent robotic arms.
Man machine interface design concept will reduce the complexity of operation and it
will reflect in future IoT enabled manufacturing as improved productivity.
Robots can be programmed to perform complex tasks with high end embedded
sensors for real-time analysis. These robotics networks are connected to a secure
cloud for monitoring and controlling. Engineering team can access and analyze this
data to take quick actions for product improvements or preventing an unexpected
failure due to machine fault.
3. Predictive Maintenance
Modern industrial machines equipped with smart sensors continuously monitoring
the status of each major components and it can detect any critical issues before the
system is completely down. Smart sensors will trigger maintenance warning to the
centralized system and the alert messages will be delivered to responsible
Maintenance engineers can analyze the data and plan for schedules maintenance
effectively without affecting routine task.
Predictive maintenance is an effective solution to avoid unnecessary downtime in the
production line. Unexpected failure of machines could cause damage to products,
delay in delivery and business loss for manufacturers.
Status of each machines are stored to a cloud system in a real-time basis. History of
each machines, performance, and next scheduled maintenance are easily accessible
remotely (on PCs, via web interface or via smartphone applications). Performance
improvements can be calculated and implemented for each machines and process
stages of products using collected data analysis.
4. Integration of Smart Tools / Wearables
Integration of smart sensors to tools and machines enables the workforce to perform
the task with improved accuracy and efficiency. Specially designed wearables
and smart glass helps employees to reduce error and improve safety at the working
Smart wearables can trigger instant warning messages to employees during
emergency situations like gas leak or fire. Wearables can monitor health condition of
individuals continuously and feedback if not fit for particular task.
5. Smart Logistics Management
Image source:
Logistics is one of the important areas in many industries, which needs continuous
improvements to support increasing demands. Smart sensor technology is a perfect
fit to solve many of the complex logistics operations and manage goods efficiently.
Retail giants like Amazon using drones to deliver goods to their customers. Advanced
technologies like drones offer better efficiency; accessibility, speed and it require less
manpower. However, initials investments are huge compared to conventional
methods and implementation has limitations.
Airline is another major industry, which uses IoT for its daily operations at the
production and predictive maintenance of airplanes in service. At the manufacturing
plant, airline companies use IoT solutions to track thousands of components required
for every single day at work. Centralised management of inventories helps to manage
its supplies effortlessly.
Suppliers will be automatically informed if any items are required to top up. Without
much human action, inventory management can be effectively implemented using
Smart sensors continuously monitor airplane’s machineries, the data is collected real-
time and send to the airplane manufacturer. Maintenance of any part of an airplane
will be triggered, concerned team will be informed and maintenance will be carried
out once the plane is landed without any delay. Manufacturers can plan and deliver
spare parts efficiently based on the data shared by the system.
6. Software integration for product optimization
Smart analytics solution is one of most important component of any IoT system
which further enhances the possibilities of the system for improvement and
Major companies are implementing customized software for deep analysis of huge
amount of data collected from large sensor networks and machines. Detailed analysis
of data and understanding the behavior over time gives much better overview of
process improvement strategies for product optimization.
Improvement ideas could be directly related to product recipe or optimization of
particular machinery for better performance and output. Cost effective solutions can
be achieved using analysis of data and its behavior patterns over a period of time.
Analysis of huge amount of data was a hard, inaccurate and time consuming task
before introduction of these software tools.
7. Smart Package Management
Package management using IoT technology gives lot of convenience and efficiency
for manufacturing units. Smart sensors can monitor each stages of packing and
update status in real-time manner. Embedded sensors can detect vibrations,
atmospheric conditions like temperature and humidity etc… and feedback if
something goes wrong during transit or storage.
8. Enhanced Quality and Security
Introduction of IoT technology in to manufacturing offers enhanced product quality.
Continuous monitoring and analysis of each stages ensure better quality by
improving process steps for optimum quality.
Integration of smart tools and software assisted procedures offer higher level of
security. Software controlled automation and data collection from huge sensor
network is connected to a highly secure gateway and cloud server platform.
Complex encryption techniques are used in IIoT platform for enhanced security.
9. Autonomous vehicles
Image source:
Automotive industries are using IoT enables self driving vehicles to supply goods and
logistics management within their company premises. Smart vehicles can detect
traffic congestions along its path and make deviation to reach its destination is
shortest time. These vehicles are equipped with many smart sensors continuously
detect location data using GPS and wireless technologies for communication with the
control station.
10. Power Management
IoT can offer better solutions for power management in industries. Specific sensors
can detect environment and trigger to turn on/off control of lights, air conditioners,
humidity controls, liquid flow etc… for efficient power management.
Improved accuracy
Product and process optimization
Predictive maintenance and analysis
Higher efficiency
Remote accessibility and monitoring
Enhanced security
Scalability of network
Reduced down time for machines and process
Power savings
Cost effectiveness
e. What are some of the main differences between arduino and raspberry Pi ?
Arduino Raspberry Pi
1. Control unit of Arduino is from Control unit of Raspberry Pi is from ARM family.
Atmega family.
6. It uses very less RAM, 2 kB. Raspberry Pi requires more RAM, 1 GB.
a. TDMA divides the entire channel bandwidth into equal time slots that are then
organized into a synchronous frame, as shown in Fig.
Explain MAC protocol survey
b. Each slot represents one channel with a capacity equal to the total channel
c. Each node is subsequently given one (or more) time slots to use exclusively.
d. As a result, packet transmission in a TDMA system proceeds serially, with
each node accessing the channel in turn.
a. CDMA allows many transmissions to use the same channel without interfering.
b. Collisions are prevented by employing unique coding techniques that enable
information to be extracted from the combined signal.
c. CDMA operates by effectively spreading information bits across a channel that
has been artificially expanded.
d. This enhances the frequency variety of each transmission, making it less
vulnerable to fading and lowering the level of interference that other systems
running in the same spectrum may experience.
e. It also simplifies system design and deployment because all nodes operate in
the same frequency spectrum.
Ans. HTTP :
The protocol that is used to transfer hypertext between two computers is known
as HyperText Transfer Protocol.
A client-server protocol, the restricted application protocol. The COAP packet can
be exchanged between different client nodes that are commanded by the COAP
server using this protocol. The server is responsible for sharing information
based on its logic but is not required to acknowledge. This is utilised in apps that
implement the state transfer concept.
1. Satellite :
a. Satellite communications enable cell phone communication from a phone to
the next antenna of about 10 to 15 miles.
b. They are called GSM, GPRS, CDMA, GPRS, 2G / GSM, 3G, 4G/LTE, EDGE
and others based on connectivity speed.
c. This type of communication is commonly referred to as “M2M”
(Machine-to-Machine) in Internet of Things terminology since it allows devices
such as phones to transmit and receive data via the cell network.
2. Wi-Fi :
a. Wi-Fi isa Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) that utilizes the IEEE 802.11
standard through 2.4 GHz UHF and 5 GHz ISM frequencies.
b. Wi-Fi provides Internet access to devices that are within the range (about 66
feet from access point).
3. Radio Frequency (RF) :
a. Radio frequency communications are probably the easiest form of
communications between devices.
b. Protocols like ZigBee or ZWave use a low-power RF radio embedded into
electronic devices and systems.
4. RFID :
a. RFID stands for Radio Frequency Identification.
b. RFID refers to small electronic devices that consist of a small chip and an
c. The chip typically is capable of carrying 2,000 bytes of data or less.
d. The RFID device serves the same purpose as a bar code or a magnetic strip
on the back of a credit card or ATM card.
5. Bluetooth :
a. Bluetooth is a wireless technology standard that allows data to be exchanged
over short distances.
b. Bluetooth is found in a wide range of products, including phones, tablets,
media players, and robotics systems.
c. In low-bandwidth settings, the technique is highly useful for sending
information between two or more devices that are close to one other.
2) Explain Raspberry Pi
Raspberry Pi is a computer which is capable of doing all the operations like a
conventional computer. It has other features such as onboard WiFi, GPIO pins,
and Bluetooth in order to communicate with external things.
The full form of IoT is the The full form of IIoT is the Industrial
Internet of Things. Internet of Things.
8) Define Arduino
Arduino is a free electronics platform having easy to use hardware
and software. It has a microcontroller capable of reading input from
sensors to control the motors programmatically.
17) What are the functions used to read analog and digital data from a sensor in Arduino?
Functions used to read analog and digital data from a sensor in Arduino are: digitalRead() and digitalWrite().
Raspberry Pi 1 Model B
Raspberry Pi 1 Model B+
Raspberry Pi 1 Model A
Raspberry Pi Zero
Raspberry Pi 3 Model B
Raspberry Pi 1model A+
Raspberry Pi Zero W
Raspberry Pi 2
21) What are the challenges of IoT?
Important challenges of IoT are:
Turbidity sensor
Total organic carbon sensor
pH sensor
Conductivity sensor
It can execute one program at a Users can run more than one
time. program at a time.
Very Simple Control Protocol (VSCP)
Data Distribution Service (DDS)
MQTT protocol
Simple Text Oriented Messaging Protocol(STOMP)
73) What are the risks associated with the IOE Internet of Everything?
Risks associated with IOE are 1) Privacy, 2) Security, 3) Network congestion, and
4) Electricity consumption at the peaks.
Usability Testing: There are so many devices of different shape and form factors
are used by the users. Moreover, the perception also varies from one user to
others. That’s why checking the usability of the system is very important in IoT
Compatibility Testing: There are lots of devices that can be connected through
the IoT system. These devices have varied software and hardware configuration.
Therefore, a possible combination is huge. As a result, checking the compatibility
in the IoT system is important.
Reliability and Scalability Testing: Reliability and Scalability is important for
building an IoT test environment which involves a simulation of sensors by
utilizing virtualization tools and technologies.
Data Integrity Testing: It’s important to check the Data integrity in IoT testing as it
requires a large amount of data and its application.
Security testing: In the IoT environment, many users are accessing a massive
amount of data. Thus, it is important to validate user via authentication, have
data privacy controls as part of security testing.
Performance Testing: Performance testing is important to create a strategic
approach for developing and implementing an IoT testing plan.