CIS Policies and Procedures 2023

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Certified IPC Specialist

Policies and Procedures Version: 7.3

Effective Date: January 1, 2023

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Table of Contents
1. About IPC .............................................................................................................................................................. 5
Mission Statement .................................................................................................................................................... 5
IPC Certification Programs ........................................................................................................................................ 5
2. About the Policies and Procedures ....................................................................................................................... 5
Effective Date ............................................................................................................................................................ 5
Governance and Revisions ........................................................................................................................................ 5
Questions .................................................................................................................................................................. 6
Interpretation of Policies and Procedures ................................................................................................................ 6
Non-Discrimination Statement ................................................................................................................................. 6
Impartiality Statement .............................................................................................................................................. 6
Code of Impartiality .................................................................................................................................................. 6
Accessibility of Certifications .................................................................................................................................... 7
Scope of Certification ................................................................................................................................................ 7
3. Terms and Definitions ........................................................................................................................................... 7
4. Related Documents .............................................................................................................................................10
5. Roles and Responsibilities ...................................................................................................................................11
IPC ...........................................................................................................................................................................11
IPC Volunteer Committees ......................................................................................................................................11
6. Prerequisites and Fees ........................................................................................................................................14
Eligibility for the Certified IPC Specialist Examination ............................................................................................14
Application and Testing Fee Schedule ....................................................................................................................14
Criteria for Initial Certification ................................................................................................................................15
7. Certification Exam Overview ...............................................................................................................................17
Mandatory Certification Requirements ..................................................................................................................17
Certified IPC Specialist Endorsement Module and Workmanship Requirements ..................................................18
8. Assessment Methods and Policies ......................................................................................................................22
Online Exams...........................................................................................................................................................22
Paper & Pencil Exams ..............................................................................................................................................23
Remote Proctoring Exams...........................................................................................................................................23
Workmanship ..........................................................................................................................................................24
Certification Exam Proctoring .................................................................................................................................24

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Testing Accommodations........................................................................................................................................26
What should candidates bring to their exam?........................................................................................................26
Exam Language .......................................................................................................................................................27
Exam Results and Certificates .................................................................................................................................27
Certificate Issuance .................................................................................................................................................27
Certificate Information & Ownership .....................................................................................................................28
Failure .....................................................................................................................................................................28
Cool Down Period ...................................................................................................................................................28
Certification Exam Security .....................................................................................................................................29
Cheating and Irregularities......................................................................................................................................29
9. Certification Term ...............................................................................................................................................30
Certification Renewal Period ..................................................................................................................................30
Certification Renewal Requirements and Process ..................................................................................................30
Recertification Compliance .....................................................................................................................................31
10. Verification of Certification Status ......................................................................................................................31
11. Grievance, Appeal, Change of Scope, Suspension, and Revocation Policies ......................................................32
Grievances ...............................................................................................................................................................32
Appeals Policy and Procedures ...............................................................................................................................33
12. Additional Policies ...............................................................................................................................................34
Regional Restrictions...............................................................................................................................................34
Use of Certificates, Logos, and Marks .....................................................................................................................35
Data Management and Privacy Policy ....................................................................................................................36
Limitation of Liability ..............................................................................................................................................37
Copyright of Materials ............................................................................................................................................37

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1. About IPC

Mission Statement
IPC is a global trade association dedicated to furthering the competitive excellence and financial
success of its members in every sector of the electronics industry. In pursuit of these objectives,
IPC devotes resources to management improvement and technology enhancement programs,
the creation of relevant standards, protection of the environment, and pertinent government
relations. IPC encourages the active participation of all its members in these activities and
commits to full cooperation with all related organizations.

IPC Certification Programs

IPC Certification Programs are offered to promote professional development and
recognize that an individual has demonstrated the level of competence specified in a
given criterion. IPC Certifications are recognized globally as the international standard for
credentialing in the electronics manufacturing industry.

2. About the Policies and Procedures

Effective Date
The effective date of a Policies and Procedures document is the official implementation date for
the document. As of the effective date, the new guidelines outlined in the Policies and
Procedures document immediately supersede any prior version and are applied to all
applicants, candidates, certificants, and IPC Licensed Training Centers.

Any existing contracts, waivers, or other agreements referencing the Policies and Procedures
document must comply with the latest revision as of the effective date of that document. The
effective date of the Policies and Procedures document is indicated in the cover page of this

Governance and Revisions

As the sole governing authority for all IPC certification programs, IPC has the right and
responsibility for maintaining, updating, and administering the IPC certification programs.
Therefore, IPC reserves the right to make changes to the Policies and Procedures as
necessary. This Policies and Procedures document is reviewed periodically and is subject to
change without prior warning. All subsequent revisions to the Policies and Procedures
document will be announced publicly by IPC and will be made available for complimentary
download at least 30 calendar days prior to the effective date. It is the responsibility of the
Applicant, Candidate, and Certificant to remain aware of updates to the Policies and

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Questions regarding the policies and procedures document and its application shall be
submitted to the IPC Help Desk at

Interpretation of Policies and Procedures

All interpretations of these Policies and Procedures will be at IPC’s sole discretion. Any
individual may formally request an interpretation of the Policies and Procedures from the IPC
Certification Program Office at

The request shall identify the subject content within the document to be reviewed, the current
understanding by the requestor and supporting information regarding the request.IPC will make every
effort to respond to these requests with in 2-3 weeks, however depending on the nature of the request
more time may be required. All formal interpretations of the Policies and Procedures provided by IPC
are final.

Non-Discrimination Statement
IPC actively integrates the principle of equal opportunity into its policies, procedures, and
practices. The eligibility and certification requirements for all individuals seeking an IPC
certification are applied equally regardless of age, race, religion, gender, national origin, veteran
status, disability or any other basis prohibited by applicable law.

Impartiality Statement
IPC is committed to maintaining the impartiality of its certification programs and activities.
IPC policies and procedures are designed to address potential conflicts of interests and ensure
objectivity in its dealings with all parties involved in the IPC certification process, including IPC
staff members, training centers, Certificants, Candidates, and Applicants. IPC Policies and
Procedures are published publicly to ensure that all parties involved in the IPC certification
process have equal access to accurate information concerning IPC certification programs.

Code of Impartiality
IPC staff and volunteers will avoid all professional conflicts of interests and make any potential
conflict of interest known to their immediate supervisor. IPC staff and volunteers will avoid any
activity, relationship, or circumstance that may compromise their impartiality including, but not
limited to, granting preferential treatment to any person involved in the IPC certification process
or using their position for financial, professional, or personal gain.

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Accessibility of Certifications
Participation in any IPC Certification program is voluntary and open to any individual that meets
the program’s qualification requirements. IPC membership is not required to participate in any
IPC Certification Education program. However, IPC member companies may enjoy discounts
not offered to non-members.

Scope of Certification
IPC Certification programs are developed by and through consensus of the electronics industry,
including, but not limited to, members of IPC and representatives from academia, government agencies,
original equipment manufacturers (OEM), electronic manufacturing service companies (EMS) and circuit
board manufacturing companies.

CIS Certificants demonstrate, through the certification process, that they possess a minimum level of
knowledge (as determined by IPC) with regard to their ability to read, navigate, interpret, and apply the
respective standards to which they are certified. Certificants are certified in two-year cycles after
satisfying specific prerequisites outlined in this document, including the completion of one or more
written examinations on specific IPC standards. These certification assessments are based on a body of
knowledge that encompasses various best practices, requirements, and guidelines specified within the
respective IPC Standard.

All IPC Certification assessments are developed with the input of subject matter experts
from across the electronics manufacturing industry (including a variety of industry
verticals such as aerospace, defense, automobile, medical, and consumer electronics),
to ensure that exam accuracy reflects the needs of those verticals.

3. Terms and Definitions

Active Certification
A Certification is considered active between the dates that a certificant earns the
certification and the expiration date, as listed on their certificate.

A formal request by any individual or organization for IPC to reconsider a decision it has
made regarding the certification process or an IPC certified person.

An individual that has applied for an IPC certification program but has not yet been
granted approval to participate in the program or attempt any certification

An individual that has applied and been approved to sit for an IPC certification exam but
has yet to complete the certification requirements outlined in the IPC Policies and
Procedures document and therefore is not yet certified by IPC.

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An individual that has met all the requirements for certification outlined in the IPC
Policies and Procedures document, and currently holds an active IPC certification in
good standing.

The process by which an organization verifies and provides written assurance that an
individual has demonstrated the level of competence specified in a given standard or set
of criteria,

Certification Advisory Committee (CAC)

The Certification Advisory Committee (CAC) is a group of industry subject matter
experts responsible for advising IPC on credentialing programs and oversight of
the certification subcommittees.

Certification in Good Standing

A Certification in Good Standing is active and without sanction.

Certification Program Office (CPO)

The Certification Program Office oversees the development and operations of IPC
certification programs and liaisons with the various volunteer industry committees
supporting these programs. The Certification Program Office is managed through the IPC
Global Headquarters and is overseen by the IPC Director of Certification Programs and
the IPC Director of Education Operations.

Certified IPC Specialist (CIS)

A certificant holding an active Certified IPC Specialist certification.

Certified IPC Trainer (CIT)

A certificant holding an active Certified IPC Trainer certification.

Certified Standards Expert (CSE)

A certificant holding an active Certified Standards Expert certification.

The demonstrated ability to apply the knowledge and skills, required to successfully
undertake roles or perform tasks as defined in a given standard or set of criteria.

An area of specialization in which a certificant has demonstrated proficiency.
Endorsements are added to an existing certification.

Enhanced Policies and Procedures Exam

Assessment that measures the comprehension of the content found in the IPC
Certification Policies and Procedures document.

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An expression of dissatisfaction by any individual or organization regarding the activities
of IPC, or IPC applicants, candidates, or certificants.

IPC EDGE Learning Management System (LMS)

The IPC Education and Certification portal, through which online training is
delivered, certification testing is administered, certificates are issued, and
records are stored.

IPC Education Executive Advisory Committee (EEAC)

The IPC Education Executive Advisory Committee oversees and supports the
Certification Advisory Committee, Training Program Advisory Committee, and Job Task
Analysis Committee.

IPC Licensed Training Center

Any training center licensed by IPC pursuant to the IPC Certification Center Master
License Agreement or the IPC Private Certification Center Master License Agreement.
There are two types of Licensed Training Centers: Private Training Centers and Public
Training Centers.

Job Task Analysis

The formal process of identifying the duties required to perform a job, describing the
tasks required to perform those duties, and defining the knowledge, skills, and
abilities required to successfully perform those tasks.

Job Task Analysis Committee (JTAC)

The IPC Job Task Analysis Committee (JTAC) is a group of industry subject matter
experts responsible for defining a competency model (collection of competencies that
jointly define successful job performance) for the electronics industry.

Master IPC Trainer (MIT)

A designation that may be assigned to certificants holding a Certified IPC Trainer
Certification if they meet the relevant criteria outlined in the Policies and Procedures.

Policies and Procedures (P&P)

The codified rules and guidelines governing an IPC certification program. This
document is periodically reviewed and updated.

Private Training Center

A Licensed Training Center which employs or contracts MITs to conduct training courses
within a company or corporation.

An individual authorized by IPC to conduct certification testing on its behalf.

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Public Training Center
A Licensed Training Center which employs or contracts MITs to conduct publicly
available training courses.

The process by which a certificant renews their certification prior to its expiration.

Revocation of Certification
The official cancelation of a certification by IPC. Upon revocation of a certification, an individual is no
longer considered certified by IPC, losing all rights and privileges. The individual shall no longer claim to
be certified by IPC.

In this document, the word “shall” denotes a requirement.

In this document, the word “should” denotes a strong recommendation that is not required.

Standard Specific Exam

Assessment that measures the comprehension of the content found in a specific IPC standard.

A certification suspended by IPC is considered invalid from the date of suspension, until the
date in which the suspension is lifted. A suspended certification is not considered in good
standing or active.

Training Program Advisory Committee (TPAC)

The Training Program Advisory Committee (TPAC) is a group of industry subject matter
experts responsible for advising IPC on training programs and providing oversight over
the training subcommittee work.

4. Related Documents

IPC-A-610 – Acceptability of Electronic Assemblies

IPC-6012 – Qualification and Performance Specification for Rigid Printed Boards

IPC J-STD-001 – Requirements for Soldered Electrical and Electronic Assemblies

IPC-A-600 – Acceptability of Printed Boards

IPC/WHMA-A-620 – Requirements and Acceptance for Cable and Wire Harness Assemblies

IPC-7711/7721 – Rework, Modification, and Repair of Electronic Assemblies

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5. Roles and Responsibilities

IPC Certification Program Office

The IPC Certification Program Office consists of employees of IPC, including but not limited to,
the members of the IPC Certification Department. The IPC Certification Program Office shall:
a. Oversee the operation of the CIS Program in accordance with this document.
b. Establish, implement, and maintain the policies and procedures that govern certification
decisions, including the granting, maintaining, recertifying, altering of scope, suspension,
and withdrawing of a certification.
c. Schedule, facilitate, and provide support for the IPC Certification Committee and
d. Approve and provide administrative oversight of IPC Licensed Training Center licenses
and Program riders.
e. Maintain certification records and validate the authenticity and accuracy of IPC
f. Maintain ultimate responsibility for the CIS Program.
g. Periodically audit Licensed Training Centers, MITs, CITs, and CIS to ensure
compliance with IPC Policies and Procedures.
h. Interpret IPC policies and resolve issues relating to the IPC Certification System.

IPC Volunteer Committees

Organization of Committees
The IPC Education Executive Advisory Committee oversees and supports the Certification
Advisory Committee, Training Program Advisory Committee, and Job Task Analysis Committee.
The Certification Advisory Committee and Training Advisory Committee oversee and support
Certification and Training subcommittees. There is a Certification Subcommittee and a Training
Subcommittee for each IPC program. The Job Task Analysis committee oversees and supports
one subcommittee for each electronics industry job role.

Certification Advisory Committee (CAC)

The CAC is composed of the chair and vice-chair of each Certification Advisory Subcommittee.
The IPC liaison to the Certification Advisory Committee is the Director of IPC Certification
Programs or a representative thereof. The committee’s scope and responsibilities are:
a. Advise and support IPC on the development, maintenance, and implementation of
certification policies and procedures.
b. Review proposals for new certification programs and advise IPC on their scope,
feasibility, development, and implementation.

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c. Advise and support IPC to ensure that IPC certification programs meet national and
international standards and comply with relevant accreditation requirements.

Certification Advisory Subcommittees (CAS-XXX)

Each CAS is chaired and composed of representatives from the companies, training centers,
and other institutions that use, deliver, or rely on IPC Certification Programs. The IPC liaison to
each Certification Advisory Subcommittee is the Director of IPC Certification Programs or a
representative thereof. Each subcommittee’s scope and responsibilities are:
a. Employ the most recent Job Task Analysis to develop the exam blueprint (subject areas
to be covered on the certification exam).
b. Evaluate certification exam questions submitted by SMEs for technical accuracy.
c. Collaborate with the IPC psychometrician to ensure that each certification exam question
meets IPC Item Writing Guidelines
d. Develop and maintain program specific policies and procedures when applicable.

Training Program Advisory Committee (TPAC)

The TPAC is composed of the chair and vice-chair of each Training Program Advisory
Subcommittee. The IPC liaison to the Training Program Advisory Committee is the Director of
IPC Education Programs or a representative thereof. The committee’s scope and
responsibilities are:
a. Advise and support IPC in the development, maintenance, and implementation of IPC
training programs.
b. Review proposals for new training programs and advise IPC on their scope, feasibility,
development, and implementation.
c. Advise and support IPC to ensure that IPC training programs meet
national and international standards and comply with relevant
accreditation requirements.

Training Program Advisory Subcommittees (TPAS-XXX)

Each IPC credential program is supported by a corresponding Training Program Advisory
Subcommittee (TPAS-XXX). Each TPAS subcommittee is chaired and composed of
representatives from the companies, training centers, and other institutions that use, deliver, or
rely on IPC Certification Programs. The IPC liaison to each Training Program Advisory
Subcommittee is the IPC Director of Education or a designated representative thereof. The
committee’s scope and responsibilities are:
a. Employ the most recent Job Task Analysis to develop training program learning
objectives and assessment questions.
b. Evaluate training program assessment questions submitted by SMEs for technical

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c. Collaborate with the IPC psychometrician to ensure that each training program
assessment question meets IPC Item Writing Guidelines.
d. Develop and maintain program specific policies and procedures when applicable.

Job Task Analysis Committee (JTAC)

The IPC Job Task Analysis Committee (JTAC) is a group of industry subject matter experts
responsible for defining a competency model (collection of competencies that jointly define
successful job performance) for the electronics industry. The IPC liaison to the JTA Committee
is the Senior Director of Learning and Professional Development or a designated representative
thereof. The committee’s scope and responsibilities are:
a. Identify and define key roles (job, position, or task) in the electronics industry and
perform an industry driven job task analysis for each role.

Job Task Analysis Subcommittees (JTAS)

The committee’s scope and responsibilities are:
a. Define and periodically review the knowledge, skills, and abilities required to
successfully perform each industry job, position, or task.

Roles of CITs and MITs in the CIS program - Certified IPC Trainer (CIT)
The Certified IPC Trainer (CIT) is an IPC certification for trainers and educators.

A Certified IPC Trainer (CIT) certificant may:

a. Proctor IPC certification exams for Certified IPC Specialist candidates. The CIT must be
certified to the endorsement that he or she is proctoring. For example, only a CIT that is
certified to IPC 610 and remains in good standing may proctor CIS candidates
attempting the IPC 610 certification exam.
b. Proctor IPC certification exams for the Certified IPC Specialist candidates in an
endorsement module such as a Space Addendum or a Workmanship Module. The CIT
must be certified to those same endorsement modules. For example, only a CIT that is
certified to the IPC 620 Space Addendum may proctor CIS candidates attempting the
IPC 620 Space exam.
c. Conduct CIS training utilizing the IPC authorized training materials for the programs to
which the CIT is certified.

Master IPC Trainer (MIT) Designation

The Master IPC Trainer (MIT) is an optional designation that may be obtained by a Certified IPC
Trainer (CIT). The Master IPC Trainer (MIT) is not an independent certification. A CIT certificant,
with the MIT designation, shall only act in the role of an MIT when engaging in the business of
the sponsoring IPC Licensed Training Center.

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A Certified IPC Trainer (CIT) certificant, with the Master IPC Trainer (MIT) designation may:
a. Proctor IPC certification exams for the Certified IPC Specialist (CIS), Certified IPC
Trainer (CIT), and Certified Standards Expert (CSE) candidates. The MIT must be
certified to the endorsement that he or she is proctoring. For example, only a MIT that is
certified to IPC 610 and remains in good standing may proctor CIS and CIT candidates
attempting the IPC 610 certification exam.
b. Proctor IPC certification exams for the Certified IPC Specialist and Certified IPC Trainer
candidates in an endorsement module such as a Space Addendum or Workmanship
Module. The MIT must be certified to those same endorsement modules. For example,
only a MIT that is certified to the IPC 620 Space Addendum and remains in good
standing may proctor CIS or CIT candidates attempting the IPC 620 Space exam.
c. Conduct CIS and CIT training utilizing the IPC authorized training materials for the
programs to which the MIT is certified.
d. Provide the first level of technical and administrative support to CITs and CISs they have
trained. This includes assistance with understanding of the Policies and Procedures and
criteria of the standard(s) or courses.

6. Prerequisites and Fees

Eligibility for the Certified IPC Specialist Examination

The applicant shall agree to abide by the IPC Certified Specialist Program code of ethics.

When applying to sit for an IPC certification exam, the applicant shall submit all personal information
requested, including, but not limited to,any education and experience requirements established by the
program’s eligibility requirements.

All respective fees must be paid to IPC prior to the beginning of any IPC Certification
assessment. Failure to remit the required fees will result in revocation of status, which may limit
the certificant’s access to IPC certification materials and privileges.

Application and Testing Fee Schedule

CIS Computer-Based Exams

The registration costs for a CIS computer-based exam are:
IPC Members - $80
IPC Non-Members - $105

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CIS Paper and Pencil Exams
The registration costs for a CIS Paper and Pencil exam are:
IPC Members - $110
IPC Non-Members - $130

CIS Computer-Based Retest Fees

The registration costs for a CIS retest using a computer-based exam are:
IPC Members - $80
IPC Non-Members - $105

CIS Paper and Pencil Retest Fees

The registration costs for a CIS retest using a Paper and Pencil exam are:
IPC Members - $110
IPC Non-Members -$130

CIS Computer-Based Exams (Remote Proctoring)

The registration costs for a CIS computer-based exam are:
IPC Members - $110
IPC Non-Members - $135

CIS Computer-Based Retest Fees (Remote Proctoring)

The registration costs for a CIS retest using a computer-based exam are:
IPC Members - $110
IPC Non-Members - $135

Criteria for Initial Certification

Certified IPC Specialist (CIS)

All candidates in good standing that meet the minimum Prerequisites shall be allowed to schedule an
exam with one of IPC’s Certification centers.

To qualify for Certified IPC Specialist certification, a candidate shall fulfill the following

Personal Identifying Information

IPC requires that all candidates complete a Certification Profile, that includes, but is not
limited to, their legal name, home address, and date of birth. This information is utilized
by IPC to confirm the identity of Candidates and Certificants. IPC does not sell or share
e-mail addresses with other organizations without the express permission of the user.
IPC does not sell contact information from the database. Please see the IPC Privacy
Policy for additional information:

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Candidates shall complete their Certification Profile on the IPC EDGE Learning Management
System, regardless of assessment method.

Candidates can access their Certification Profile from their IPC EDGE user dashboard or from
any certification program hosted on the IPC EDGE Learning Management System.

Please ensure that all personal profile information provided is accurate prior to
submission to IPC. IPC is responsible, as an International Certifying Body with the
proper identification of all certificants. These policies and procedures are established to
ensure accuracy and eliminate potential fraud. Providing fraudulent profile information is
a violation of the IPC Certification Policies and Procedures and Code of Ethics and may
be remedied through the revocation of certification status and restrictions of future

Certificant’s Name

The security and integrity of IPC Certification programs is contingent upon IPC’s ability
to properly and accurately identify certificants. Therefore, a certificant shall only list their
legal name on their IPC profile to ensure that this is reflected on their certification.
Certificants seeking to change their name with IPC shall submit such requests in writing, and provide
legal documentations supporting the name change, including a detailed explanation explaining why the
name change is necessary. Documentation submitted through trainers will not be accepted. The
requested name change shall match the supporting documentation. If an individual legally changed their
name, they shall provide a copy of legal documentation related to the name change, such as a marriage
certificate or a court order.

Mandatory Certification Exam(s)

CIS training is modular. Each IPC Certification Committee determines the mandatory and
optional course module(s) for the program it oversees. Candidates obtain certification upon
successful completion of the mandatory modules and all relevant prerequisites.

Optional Certification Exam(s)

After earning a certification, a certificant may opt to attempt the program’s optional modules.
Once all the prerequisites and assessments for the optional modules are completed, the
Certificant’s certificate will be updated to include the optional modules. In some cases, an
additional certificate may be granted. All optional modules must be taken within 90 days of
completetion of the mandatory module.

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7. Certification Exam Overview

Mandatory Certification Requirements

A CIS may choose to test to any of the following standard-specific endorsement exams. The
required exams for each endorsement are listed below. Each exam will have a different
number of questions.

J-STD-001 Endorsement
Prerequisite: None
Requirement: Module 1 Introduction and Basic Requirements –Endorsement Exam

IPC-A-600 Endorsement
Prerequisite: None
Requirement: Module 1 Introduction and Cleanliness Testing –Endorsement Exam

IPC-A-610 Endorsement
Prerequisite: None
Requirement: Module 1 Intro, Acceptability, Applicable Documents and Handling
–Endorsement Exam

IPC-6012 Endorsement
Prerequisite: None
Requirement: Endorsement Exam

IPC/WHMA-A-620 Endorsement
Prerequisite: None
Requirement: Module 1 - Intro, General, Applicable Documents, Preparation, Measuring and Testing
Endorsement Exam

IPC-7711/7721 Endorsement
Prerequisite: None
Requirement: Module 1 Common Procedures –Endorsement Exam

Certified Interconnect Designer Basic Endorsement (CID)

Prerequisite: None
Requirement: - Endorsement Exam

Certified Interconnect Designer Advanced Endorsement (CID+)

Prerequisite: None
Requirement: - Endorsement Exam

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Certified IPC Specialist Endorsement
Module and Workmanship Requirements
A candidate may add optional modules, if a candidate chooses to pursue an additional
optional module they will have 90 days from when initial certification or recertification is
awarded to complete the additional optional module. Space Addendum exams must also
be completed in 90 days. These exams are revision specific and must be completed with
the corresponding Endorsement exam revision. Optional modules will have mandatory
prerequisites. Below are the requirements for the respective endorsements at the time of
publication. Previous revisions may have course specific requirements.

J-STD-001 Optional Modules

Module 2 Wires & Terminals

Prerequisite: Module 1
• Module 2 Wire & Terminal Workmanship Assessment
• Endorsement Exam

Module 3 PCB, Coating, Encapsulation and Staking

Prerequisite: Module 1
• Module 3 PCB, Coating, Encapsulation and Staking Assessment
• Endorsement Exam

Module 4 Through Hole Technology

Prerequisite: Module 1
• Module 4 Component Prep/Mounting, PTH Workmanship Assessment
• Endorsement Exam

Module 5 Surface Mount Technology

Prerequisite: Module 1
• Module 5 SMT Workmanship Assessment
• Endorsement Exam

Module 6 Inspection Criteria

Prerequisite: Module 1
• Module 6 Inspection Workmanship Assessment
• Certification Exam (If a Certificant successfully completes J-STD-001 Modules 1, 2, 3,
4 and 5, the Inspection Criteria Certification Exam is not required to complete the
Module 6 Inspection Criteria Optional Module. In this case the Inspection
Workmanship Assessment must still be completed.)

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J-STD-001 Space Endorsement
Prerequisite: The successful completion of J-STD-001 Module 1 plus at least one J-STD-001
optional module.
• Endorsement Exam of the same Revision

IPC-A-600 Optional Modules

Module 2 Externally Observable Characteristics

Prerequisite: Module 1
Requirement: Endorsement Exam

Module 3 Internally Observable Characteristics

Prerequisite: Module 1
Requirement: Endorsement Exam

Module 4 Miscellaneous
Prerequisite: Module 1
Requirement: Endorsement Exam

IPC-A-610 Optional Modules

Module 2 Soldering and High Voltage

Prerequisite: Module 1
Requirement: Endorsement Exam

Module 3 Component Damage, Printed Boards and Assemblies

Prerequisite: Module 1
Requirement: Endorsement Exam

Module 4 Terminal Connections

Prerequisite: The successful completion of IPC-A-610 Modules 1 and 2
Requirement: Endorsement Exam

Module 5 Through-Hole Technology and Jumper Wires

Prerequisite: The successful completion of IPC-A-610 Modules 1, 2, and 3
Requirement: Endorsement Exam

Module 6 Surface Mount Technology and Jumper Wires

Prerequisite: The successful completion of IPC-A-610 Modules 1, 2, and 3
Requirement: Endorsement Exam

Module 7 Hardware
Prerequisite: Module 1
Requirement: Endorsement Exam

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IPC-6012 Space Endorsement
Prerequisite: Requires the successful completion of the IPC-6012 Certification Exam
Requirement: Endorsement Exam of the same Revision

IPC/WHMA-A-620 Optional Modules

Module 2 – Crimp Terminations and Insulation Displacement Connection

Prerequisite: Module 1
Requirement: Endorsement Exam

Module 3 – Soldered Terminations and High Voltage Applications

Prerequisite: Module 1
Requirement: Endorsement Exam

Module 4 – Connectorization, Over-Molding/Potting

Prerequisite: Module 1
Requirement: Endorsement Exam

Module 5 – Ultrasonic Welding and Splices

Prerequisite: Module 1
Requirement: Endorsement Exam

Module 6 – Marking/Labeling, Securing and Finished Assembly Installation

Prerequisite: Module 1
Requirement: Endorsement Exam

Module 7 – Coaxial and Biaxial Cable Assemblies

Prerequisite: Module 1
Requirement: Endorsement Exam

Module 8 – Harness/Cable Electrical Shielding and Cable/Wire Protective Coverings

Prerequisite: Module 1
Requirement: Endorsement Exam

IPC/WHMA-A-620 Space Endorsement

Prerequisite: The successful completion of all IPC/WHMA-A-620 CIS mandatory and optional
• Endorsement Exam of the same Revision
• IPC/WHMA-A-620 Space Workmanship Assessment

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IPC/WHMA-A-620 Workmanship Assessments

Workmanship Module 1 (H1)

• IPC/WHMA-A-620 Module 1
Requirement: IPC/WHMA-A-620 Workmanship Assessment (H1)

Workmanship Module 2 (H2)

• IPC/WHMA-A-620 Workmanship Module 1 (H1)
• IPC/WHMA-A-620 Module 1, Module 2
Requirement: IPC/WHMA-A-620 Workmanship Assessment Module 2 (H2)

Workmanship Module 3 (H3)

• IPC/WHMA-A-620 Workmanship Module 1 (H1)
• IPC/WHMA-A-620 Module 1, Module 3
• Requirement: IPC/WHMA-A-620 Workmanship Assessment Module 3 (H3)

Workmanship Module 4 (H4)

• IPC/WHMA-A-620 Workmanship Module 1 (H1) and Module 2 (H2)
• IPC/WHMA-A-620 Module 1, Module 2, Module 4
Requirement: IPC/WHMA-A-620 Workmanship Assessment Module 4 (H4)

Workmanship Module 5 (H5)

• IPC/WHMA-A-620 Workmanship Module 1 (H1)
• IPC/WHMA-A-620 Module 1, Module 5
Requirement: IPC/WHMA-A-620 Workmanship Assessment Module 5 (H5)

IPC-7711/7721 Optional Modules

Module 2 Wire Splicing

Prerequisite: Module 1
Requirement: Module 2 Workmanship Assessment

Module 3 Conformal Coating

Prerequisite: Module 1
Requirement: Module 3 Workmanship Assessment

Module 4 Through Hole Components

Prerequisite: Module 1
Requirement: Module 4 Workmanship Assessment

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Module 5 Chip & MELF Components
Prerequisite: Module 1
Requirement: Module 5 Workmanship Assessment

Module 6 Gull Wing Lead components

Prerequisite: Module 1
Requirement: Module 6 Workmanship Assessment

Module 7 J-Lead Components

Prerequisite: Module 1
Requirement: Module 7 Workmanship Assessment

Module 8a - Optional
Prerequisite: Module 1
Requirement: Module 8 Company Specific Workmanship Assessment

Module 9 Laminate Repair

Prerequisite: Module 1
Requirement: Module 9 Workmanship Assessment

Module 10 Circuit Repair

Prerequisite: Module 1
Requirement: Module 10 Workmanship Assessment

8. Assessment Methods and Policies

IPC Certification exams generally offered in three modalities: Online Proctored Exams, Remote
Proctored Exams, and Paper & Pencil Proctored Exams. In order to ensure the integrity of the
examination process, candidates may not change modalities after beginning the assessment process for
an IPC Certification. All exams associated with that certification shall be completed using the same

Online Exams
IPC Certification Exams are online exams offered through the IPC EDGE Learning
Management System. Candidates complete their certification assessments via online
testing while actively monitored by a live proctor. The Online Exam format is to be used
as the default mechanism for all certification exams.

Minimum system requirements: IPC’s EDGE platform has been tested on a variety of
operating systems, while many are compatible, IPC recommends having hardware and
software conducive to online examinations.

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To ensure better quality, IPC recommends using at least a 15” monitor and a computer
running the latest operating system. IPC also recommends utilizing one of the latest
version of the following browsers:


Running additional programs even in the background during testing may directly
affect the performance of the exam administration and is prohibited. Any attempt to
screen capture or record a candidate’s screen during the certification assessment
process is considered a violation of these policies and procedures and may
potentially result in the suspension of the candidate’s and proctor’s certifications, as
well as other legal penalties.

Paper & Pencil Exams

IPC Certification exams are also offered in a paper and pencil format. Candidates
complete their Paper and Pencil assessments using a printed exam and answer sheet
while monitored by a live proctor.

The use of pencil and paper exams may only be utilized in specific cases where the use of
the online exam format is not possible due to the lack of local infrastructure, ITAR
compliance, or other legal restrictions. All efforts will be made to ensure examination integrity
when provided in this format.

Remote Proctoring Exams

Select IPC Certification exams are also offered in a remote proctored format.
Candidates complete these online assessments through the IPC EDGE Learning
Management System and are monitored by a combination of Artificial Intelligence, live
proctors, and video/audio recording and analysis to monitor candidates as they sit for
the certification exams. Unlike the Online Exams modality, Remote Proctoring Exams
do not require a proctor physically present while testing.
Candidates choosing to sit for their examination via this method will have to pay an
additional fee.
Candidates shall adhere to the system requirements listed under remote proctoring.
The Remote Proctoring system requirements below are in addition to those required for

• Windows: 10, 8, or 7 - Mac: OS X 10.10 or higher

• Web camera (internal or external) & microphone
• A broadband internet connection

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These requirements may change as technology improves and evolves. Please
reference the Remote Proctoring Guide on IPC EDGE for the latest system

If using a company issued device, you may need to work with your IT department to download the
required software. Please note you must have administrator rights that allow you to download software
to the computer on which you wish to take the certification exam.
Remote proctoring is not available for workmanship assessments at this time.

All workmanship projects shall be viewed and evaluated, in-person by a Certified IPC Trainer
(CIT) or Master IPC Trainer (MIT).

No remote proctoring, demonstrations, or evaluations of workmanship projects is authorized.

Certification Exam Proctoring

Exam Proctor
The certification exam proctor shall:
a) Make certain the area where the candidate takes the exam is quiet and free from
distractions on the arranged day and time of the exam (e.g., the area will not also be in
use by others whose activities might disrupt the candidate).
b) Read the exam instructions included in the exam packet to all candidates before
beginning the exam.
c) Verify the candidate’s identification by requesting to see a photo identification.
Acceptable forms of photo identification include:
a. Valid government issued driver’s license
b. Valid government identification
c. Military identification
d. Valid passport
e. Other government issued photo identification
d) Maintain secure and proper test administration procedures, including relocation of
e) Ensure that candidates are seated for maximum separation (depending on available
space). If necessary, the proctor will move desks prior to the beginning of the exam to
achieve maximum separation.
f) Ensure that candidates are spaced in a manner that prevents them from seeing the
computer screen or papers of another candidate.
g) Ensure that candidates place all personal items that are not pre-approved by the Policies
and Procedures for use during the exam in a secure location until the end of the exam

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h) Ensure that there is no speaking amongst candidates during the exam process.
i) Ensure that no testing materials are taken out of the examination room.
j) Never leave the candidates unsupervised during the certification exam. The proctor may
assign a temporary relief person in the case of an emergency. This individual is
responsible for enforcing the proctoring rules in the absence of the proctor.
k) Ensure that exams are completed in a single block of time. The proctor may allow short
breaks of less than 20 minutes in duration if they do not compromise the integrity of the
l) Ensure that each certification exam is administered in the time specified by the standard
or set of criteria that governs that certification program.
m) Ensure that exams are scheduled in a time frame that allows candidates ample time to
complete the assessment.
n) Ensure that candidates may not continue exams beyond the cut off time, unless an
accommodation based on the candidate’s special needs have been approved by IPC in
o) Terminate any exam if the proctoring or testing procedures are compromised by a
Candidate’s improper conduct. The proctor shall notify IPC immediately when a
certification exam is terminated.
p) Ensure that guests are not allowed in the examination room during testing.
q) Ensure that the certification exams are only scheduled during a period of time when the
candidates can be actively monitored by a proctor.
r) Only commence the exam once all student verifications and room set up is completed.

Certification Candidate
Certification candidates shall:
a) Review the proctoring rules for certification exams as outlined in this document.
b) Establish their identity prior to the beginning of the certification exam by providing their
proctor a government issued identification with a name that matches the name used
during the registration process.
c) Ensure that all electronic devices not used to deliver the online exams are shut off (not
just silenced or put to sleep) and secured outside of the reach of candidates along with
all other personal items that are not pre-approved by the Policies and Procedures for
use during the exam.
d) Not use their cell phones during the exam. If a calculator is required for the exam, the
candidate may not use their cell phone as a calculator.
e) Not communicate with any other candidate, in any manner, for any reason, during the

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f) Submit their exam booklet and answer sheet directly to their proctor upon completion of
their exam.

Testing Accommodations
IPC has based it’s accommodations process in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act
(ADA) and IPC will ensure that no individual is deprived of the opportunity to take the certification
examination solely by reason of a disability as defined by the ADA. Reasonable accommodations for
testing shall be provided at no additional cost to candidates with diagnosed and documented special
medical needs.
In order to request special accommodations for a certification exam, a candidate must submit a
Certification Exam Accommodations Form six weeks prior to the date of the exam.

Along with the form the candidate must submit the following records:

For individuals with a learning disability:

In addition to the Certification Exam Accommodations Form, please submit relevant diagnostic
test results detailing the specifics of the learning disability as they relate to the requested

For individuals with a medical issue:

Certification Exam Accommodations Form, please have the appropriate medical professional
submit a letter detailing the nature of the medical disability and the reasons for requesting the

Documentation submitted with the Certification Exam Accommodations Form must be written on
the professional’s letterhead and must have an original signature. The date of this letter may not
exceed 5 years prior to the date of the request.

No applicant shall be offered an accommodation that would compromise the candidate’s ability to test
accurately the skills and knowledge it purports to measure. Also, no additional aid or service will be
provided that would fundamentally alter the examination or security of IPC’s content.

What should candidates bring to their exam?

Candidates shall bring the following with them to their certification exam:

a) Any materials (such as calculators, tools, etc.) specified in the certification program’s
Policies and Procedures as permissible for use during the exam.

b) A government issued identification. Examples of acceptable photo IDs include:

a. Valid government issued driver’s license
b. Valid government identification
c. Military identification
d. Valid passport
e. Other government issued photo identification

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Each candidate shall have access to either an electronic or printed standard for use
during a standards-based certification exam. Candidates may be provided access to
electronic or printed standard by their proctor. Standards used for certification
assessments shall be free of any writing, highlighting, or other marks. Only original,
legally purchased copies of standards shall be used for certification testing. Candidates
may not share documents or standards during the certification exam. Candidates may not
write in their standard during the certification assessment process.

Exam Language
IPC certification exams are initially developed in the English language. Foreign language
translations of certification exams may become available on a case by case basis.

Exam Results and Certificates

Exam Results
All IPC exams are pass/fail assessments designed to measure a minimum level of competence.
The time frame and method of obtaining exam results will vary based on the type of assessment

Online Exams
The results of any exam taken on the IPC EDGE Learning Management System are available
as soon as the candidate submits the exam, or the exam time expires.

Paper & Pencil Exams

Exam results may require several days to score and validate. Proctors shall enter the results for
paper and pencil exams in the IPC EDGE Learning Management System within one calendar
week of the exam date.

Certificate Issuance
Candidates that successfully complete the requirements of an IPC certification program
will receive a certificate verifying completion of that program. IPC certificates are issued
directly to the candidate via their IPC EDGE Learning Management System account.
The process of downloading of the candidate’s certification from EDGE is the
final step in the certification process. The effective date of the certification is based
off the date of successful completion of the mandatory module; however, Certifications
are not considered valid until it has been downloaded at least once.

Certifications are only available for download from IPC EDGE for a period of 180 days after completion
of the program. Only a candidate may download their certification. Instructors and proctors are not
granted access to candidate certificates on the IPC EDGE Learning Management System; but may be
granted access to completion information on the portal.

Instructors, proctors, and any other third party may request and obtain copies of certificates
directly from the certificant. IPC will only verify the authenticity of certificates and provide

Certified IPC Specialist Policies and Procedures Version: 7.3 P a g e | 27

summary reports for instructor record keeping. IPC does not provide copies of certificates to any
individual other than the certificant.

Certificate Information & Ownership

A candidate’s certificate will bear the candidate’s name, certification number, certification
expiration date, optional modules or endorsements completed, the name of the candidate’s
instructor, and the instructor’s employer.

Candidates may print copies of their certificate for personal and professional use, in compliance
with this document.

All certificates are issued to the candidate, however they remain the property of IPC, which may
withdraw, cancel, revoke, change the scope of, or otherwise annul the certification for cause.

Candidates that fail to pass a certification exam may attempt to retake the exam after the cool
down period specified in the certification program’s Policies and Procedures. The method
utilized for the retake attempt must be the same method of the initial attempt. For example; if
a candidate’s initial attempt utilized the online examination method and the candidate fails,
the retake attempt must also utilize the online examination method as well.

Cool Down Period

The certification exam cool down period is used to protect the integrity of certification exam
items and to ensure that candidates are afforded the opportunity to obtain additional training as
necessary. Candidates are afforded one complimentary retest of the failed portions of their
certification written exam. Any subsequent attempts are subject to the retest fee.

First Failure
In the event that a candidate fails his or her first attempt to pass a certification exam, the
candidate shall wait a minimum of 1 calendar day before attempting a retest.

Second Failure
In the event that a candidate fails his or her second attempt to pass a certification exam, the
candidate shall wait a minimum of 2 calendar days before attempting a retest.

Third Failure
In the event that a candidate fails his or her third or subsequent attempt to pass a certification exam,
the candidate shall wait a minimum of 7 calendar days prior to attempting a retest.

Candidates may opt to retest only the failed portion(s) of the certification written examination or the
workmanship project, if completed within 90 calendar days following the initial failed exam. If the
candidate waits longer than 90 calendar days they must retake all required modules as if they were a
new candidate.

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Certification Exam Security
All certification exam materials are confidential, proprietary, and the exclusive property of IPC.
IPC exam materials are made available to candidates for the sole purpose of assessing
competency. All candidates are expressly forbidden from recording, copying, disclosing,
publishing, reproducing, or transmitting the examination, in whole or in part, in any form or by
any means, verbal or written, for any purpose, without the prior written consent of the IPC
Certification Office. Non-compliance with this policy may lead to suspension or revocation of a
certificant’s certification, along with possible legal action.

Cheating and Irregularities

Cheating, inappropriate exam administration, environmental disruptions that affect testing, or
any other irregularity shall be immediately reported to the IPC Certification Office. All such
incidents shall be investigated and acted upon in accordance with the latest version of the IPC
Policies and Procedures. IPC reserves the right to take any action deemed appropriate,
including revocation of certification and legal action.

Individuals who engage in any of the following misconduct or exhibit any of the following behaviors
during their examination may be subject to one or more of the actions listed in the subsection below.

 Attempting to take the examination for someone else or taking the examination for someone else.

 Attempting to have someone else take the examination for you or having someone else take the
examination for you

 Attempting to aid an individual or receive aid to complete the examination.

 Bringing any materials, devices, or items to the examination appointment session that may
compromise the security or validity of the administration.

 Falsification of the certification application.

If IPC obtains information that an individual engaged in any misconduct, as defined in the Policies and
Procedures, IPC, in its sole discretion, may take one or more actions, including but not limited to:

 Placing a hold on the individual’s ability to schedule an examination appointment.

 Placing a hold on the individual’s ability to register for an examination.

 Suspension of the test administration.

Certified IPC Specialist Policies and Procedures Version: 7.3 P a g e | 29

 Forfeiture of all testing fees.

 Termination of the test administration.

 Withholding the reporting of the examination score or invalidation or cancellation of an

examination score

 Disqualification from IPC’s Certification Programs or revocation of your IPC credential.

9. Certification Term

The certification term for the CIS program is 2 years. The certification term begins on the date a
candidate successfully completes all the program’s minimum certification requirements.

Certifications only reflect the expiration month and year. Certifications expire the last day of the
expiration month, regardless of the day of the month the certification was granted.

Certification Renewal Period

The IPC recertification program helps to ensure the continued competence of certificants as
tools, processes, and technologies evolve. Prior to the conclusion of the certification term,
certificants shall demonstrate they have successfully met the requirements of one of the
renewal methods listed in this section.

All certification renewals may only occur within six calendar months prior to the expiration of
an existing certification. When a Certificant renews their certification within 6 months of the
certification expiration date, the renewed certification will be valid for an additional 2 years
from the expiration date of their currently held certification.

Certification Renewal Requirements and Process

Renewal through Testing

Certified IPC Specialist (CIS)

A CIS may renew his or her certification by completing the IPC training and certification program
for that certification or by successful completion of that program’s certification exams and/or
assessments only. Though not required for renewal of certification, training is strongly
encouraged due to the rapid evolution of technology, standards and best practices.

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General Renewal through Retesting Policies
To renew their certification through testing only, Certificants shall follow all of the certification
program’s application procedures and schedule the recertification exam with an active IPC CIT
or MIT.

All retests follow the same policies and procedures as initial certification testing, including the
cool down period after failures.

Certificants are responsible for all recertification testing fees.

Recertification Compliance
Failure to comply with recertification requirements will result in the expiration of certification,
removal of the Certificant’s credential, and a revocation of the rights afforded program
10. Verification of Certification Status

Employers and other third parties may enter an IPC Certification Serial Number into the IPC
Credential Verification System to verify the certificate’s authenticity.

The IPC Credential Verification System may be accessed at the following URL:

Upon entering a valid Certification Serial Number, the system will present, at minimum, the
following information for validation:
a. The Certificant’s name.
b. The IPC program completed by the Certificant.
c. The date the Certificant became certified.

Upon entering an invalid Certification Serial Number, the system will present a message stating
that the credential could not be validated.

No information classified as confidential is disclosed through the IPC Credential Verification


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11. Grievance, Appeal, Change of Scope, Suspension,
and Revocation Policies

Individuals that encounter a problem with IPC certification assessments, personnel, training
centers, certificants, or other elements of an IPC certification program may use the grievance

The purpose of the grievance procedure is to ensure that:

a. Individuals that participate in the IPC certification process have a suitable method to
communicate any complaint or concern about the process.
b. Ensure that any issues with the IPC Training or Certification Programs are identified and
addressed by the IPC Certification Program Office.
This procedure is the only method of resolving complaints, disputes, and irregularities involving
the IPC certification system and IPC certified persons. The procedure does not constitute a
legal proceeding or a contract between IPC and the party lodging a grievance and/or appeal.

Grievance Policies
a. Grievances may not be filed anonymously.
b. An IPC Director will ensure that the grievance is investigated and handled at the proper
level of authorization and if necessary seek the aid of impartial and independent
technical experts.
c. An IPC Director will ensure that the staff member assigned to investigate and resolve the
grievance does not have a conflict of interest and remains impartial during the grievance
resolution process.
d. All information obtained during the grievance resolution process is confidential to the
extent allowed by law.
e. Information obtained in the course of investigating the issue will not be disclosed to any
third party except as required by law.
f. Individuals named or referenced in the grievance may be informed about relevant
aspects of the grievance.

Grievance Procedure
The party lodging the grievance shall complete and submit the IPC Grievance
Form located on IPC’s website ( within
10 business days of the date on which the issue that generated the grievance
occurred, OR a maximum of 10 business days following the date on which the
individual or group representative could have been reasonably expected to
become aware of the issue that led to the grievance.

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The party that submitted the grievance will receive an email acknowledging receipt of the IPC
Certification Grievance Form within 5 business days of receipt.

An IPC representative(s) may contact the party who submitted the grievance form to obtain
additional information.

An IPC representative(s) will investigate the grievance and issue an official finding via email to
the party who submitted the grievance form within 30 days from the date on which the form was

The Right to Appeal

Candidates and Certificants have the right to file an appeal on matters relating to their
application, examination, certification, recertification or other matters affecting their status as a
candidate or certificant.

Appeals Policy and Procedures

The appeals process outlined in this document is designed to ensure fairness for all certification
applicants, candidates, and certificants. There are currently three types of appeals: Eligibility
Appeals, Certification Appeals, and Grievance Appeals.

Eligibility Appeals Policy

Applicants that are denied eligibility to sit for a certification exam may request a reconsideration
of the denial by filing an appeal with the Certification Program Office at

Certification Appeals Policy

Candidates that are denied initial certification or recertification may file an appeal in a situation
a. The candidate believes that an error in the scoring of the certification exam occurred.
b. The candidate is challenging the technical contents of the certification exam.
c. The candidate’s ability to successfully complete the certification exam was hindered by
administrative issues or extreme environmental factors while testing.
d. The IPC EDGE System experienced a system-wide error preventing students from
completing their exam. This does not include localized errors occurring at the point of
e. The candidate believes that an error occurred when evaluating their recertification

Certified IPC Specialist Policies and Procedures Version: 7.3 P a g e | 33

Grievance Appeals Policy
Grievances are considered closed upon the issuance of an official finding. The original grievant
in the official finding may appeal the decision by IPC if any of the following apply:

a. Additional information or evidence not considered in the original investigation is identified

or collected.
b. The party believes that IPC erred during the investigation or in the application of the
most recent version of the IPC Policies and Procedures document.

Appeals Procedure
1. Individuals shall complete and submit the IPC Certification Appeal Form to initiate the
Appeals process.
2. Appeals shall be submitted within 10 calendar days from the date on which IPC issues
an official finding after investigating a grievance, or 10 calendar days from the date on
which IPC denies an Applicant’s eligibility for certification, initial certification, or
3. The party that submitted the Appeal will receive an email acknowledging receipt of the
IPC Appeal Form within 2 business days of receipt.
4. The IPC Director of Certification or other IPC representative may contact the party who
submitted the IPC Certification Appeals Form to obtain more information.
5. An IPC representative(s) will review the original documentation, the reasoning behind
the Appeal, and any new evidence presented through the Appeal. Only the information
leading up to the appeal, the documentation submitted through the appeal process, and
information gathered through any investigation will be considered as part of the appeal.
The appeal shall not include a hearing or similar trial-type proceeding.
6. IPC will issue a final decision via email to the party who submitted the IPC Certification
Appeal Form within 30 days from the date on which the form was submitted.
7. The determination of appeals made by IPC shall be final.

12. Additional Policies

Regional Restrictions
The following modifications to the IPC Policies and Procedures apply in Greater China,
Thailand, Vietnam, and India.

Certification Proctoring Restriction

Any Licensed Training Center, CIT, or MIT that desires to conduct a certification exam in
Greater China, Thailand, Vietnam, and India shall obtain written permission from IPC before
scheduling or conducting the exam.

Certified IPC Specialist Policies and Procedures Version: 7.3 P a g e | 34

Additional CIT Restrictions
CITs operating within Greater China, Thailand, Vietnam, and India shall also abide by the
following restrictions:
a. A CIT may only train individuals employed by their organization. This restriction does not
apply to faculty members of academic institutions, such as technical schools or
community colleges that conduct CIS training for their students.

Use of Certificates, Logos, and Marks

IPC certificants are granted the right to use designated IPC certificates, marks, and logos to
demonstrate achievements and competencies. IPC certificates, marks, and logos are the
property of IPC and shall be used in strict accordance with the guidelines listed in this document
as well as local, state, federal, and international laws and regulations. Use of IPC certificates,
marks, or logos by individuals that do not hold a valid certification at the time of use is expressly
prohibited. IPC will take legal action and/or publication of misconduct to protect against the
misuse of IPC certificates, logos, and marks.

a. Permission to use an IPC certificate, mark, or logo is limited to IPC Certificants who
satisfy all certification requirements established by IPC, and shall not be transferred to,
assigned to, or otherwise used by any other individual, organization, or entity.

b. Certificants shall not make any misleading statement regarding the status of their IPC
c. Certificants shall not suggest that IPC certification relates to persons, activities,
processes, products etc. that are not included in the scope of certification.
d. After suspension, withdrawal, resignation, or expiration of IPC certification, Certificants
shall not continue to use IPC certificates, logos, or other expressions that suggest the
certification is still valid.
e. Incorrect, unlawful, or misleading use of IPC certificates and certification marks is
considered a critical non-conformity with IPC certification requirements and will result in
immediate suspension of certification.
f. IPC certificates shall not be altered in any way and shall be represented in their entirety.
g. Use of IPC certificates do not exonerate Certificants from any liability imposed by law
regarding the performance of their services.
h. IPC will take action to deal with incorrect, unlawful or misleading references to
certification or use of certificates and certification marks. IPC reserves the right to take
any action deemed appropriate, including revocation of certification and legal action.

Certified IPC Specialist Policies and Procedures Version: 7.3 P a g e | 35

Logos and marks
a. Certificants may only use IPC logos and marks legally obtained directly from IPC.
b. Certificants shall not use IPC logos and marks on test reports, certificates, or other
compliance documents.
c. Certificants cannot authorize a third party to use IPC logos or marks.
d. Certificants shall not use IPC logos or marks in any way that disparages IPC or its
services, infringes on IPC’s intellectual property or other rights, contains any
objectionable content, or violates any local, state, federal, or international laws or
e. Certificants are responsible for any misuse, unauthorized use, or damage caused to any
party as a result of their use of IPC logos or marks.
f. IPC has the right to revoke its permission to use IPC logos and marks at any time, by
providing notice to the Certificant.
g. Certificants shall not translate the text of any IPC logos or marks.
h. IPC logos and marks shall be represented in their entirety.
i. IPC logos and marks can be enlarged or reduced as long as the scale is not distorted,
and any text remains legible.
j. Nothing shall be added, removed, or placed in close proximity to any IPC logos or
k. IPC logos may only be represented in their intended colors or in black and white.
l. IPC will take action to deal with incorrect, unlawful, or misleading use of IPC logos or
marks. IPC reserves the right to take any action deemed appropriate, including
revocation of certification and legal action.

Data Management and Privacy Policy

a. IPC observes strict legal and ethical guidelines to preserve the confidentiality of
candidates, certificates, score results, and all certification related materials.
b. IPC is the sole owner of the information collected as part of IPC training and certification
processes, including the data on the IPC EDGE Learning Management System.
c. The information collected as part of IPC training and certification processes is used by
IPC for identification and verification purposes only and is considered confidential.
d. IPC does not share or sell contact information collected as part of IPC training and
certification processes to third parties.
e. IPC will not share or sell email addresses collected as part of IPC training and
certification processes without the express permission of its owner.
f. IPC allows third parties to use the IPC EDGE Learning Management System to verify an
individual’s certification status.

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a. All personally identifiable information collected as part of IPC training and certification
processes is stored in restricted and secured databases.
b. IPC employees that require access to information collected as part of IPC training and
certification processes to perform a specific function are granted access on a case by
case basis.
c. Servers that store personally identifiable information are secured in a locked facility.

a. IPC may use personal information collected as part of IPC training and certification
processes for identification and communication purposes.
b. IPC may use personal information collected as part of IPC training and certification
processes to notify users about their certification, grievances, disciplinary actions, or any
other matter related to IPC training and certification processes.
c. All written communication from IPC will be delivered via email or postal delivery.

Information Disclosure
Though every effort is made to preserve user privacy, it may be necessary to disclose personal
information when required by law, including, but not limited to, circumstances where there is a
good-faith belief that such disclosure is necessary to comply with a judicial proceeding, a court
order, or legal process.

Additional Information
Additional information concerning the IPC privacy policy can be found at:

Limitation of Liability
In no event shall IPC be liable for any indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages,
including lost profits of any kind regardless of the form of action, whether in contract, tort
(including negligence), strict liability, or otherwise, even if IPC has been advised of the
possibility of such damages. This limitation will apply notwithstanding any failure of essential
purpose of any limited remedy provided herein. IPC’s maximum liability under its certification
programs shall not exceed the exam fee paid to IPC for the most recent exam.

Copyright of Materials
Unless otherwise noted on the material or permitted by IPC in writing, any reproduction of IPC
materials is strictly forbidden.

Training materials provided by IPC shall only be utilized by Certified IPC Trainers (CIT), or
Master IPC Trainers (MIT) to conduct training that leads to issuance of an Official IPC Serialized

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IPC training and exam materials may not be copied, studied, or otherwise used by anyone other
than authorized Certified IPC Trainers (CIT), or Master IPC Trainers (MIT).

The training and examination materials in IPC’s Certification programs are the confidential, copyrighted
property of IPC. If you copy, reproduce, and/or distribute any training or examination materials, by any
means, including by memorizing and reconstructing them, you are violating the legal rights of IPC’s
Certification program. IPC will use every legal means available to protect the copyrighted materials and
secure redress against those who violate copyright law.

In addition to being a copyright violation any reproduction of the training and/or examination materials by
candidate or certificant will result in disqualification from IPC’s Certification Programs and revocation of
your IPC credential.

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