DLL - Science 5 - Q2 - W1

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GRADES 1 to 12 School: SCHOOL Grade Level: V

Teaching Dates and 2ND QUARTER
Time: NOV. 6-10, 2023 Quarter: WEEK 1


A.Content Standards The learners demonstrate understanding on how the parts of the human
reproductive system work
B.Performance Standards The learners should be able to practice proper hygiene to care of the
reproductive system
C.Learning Describe the parts of the reproductive system and their functions
III.LEARNING RESOURCES Male Reproduction Organ and their Functions Female Reproduction Organ Changes that Occur During Puberty
and their Functions
A.References K TO 12 MELC 2020 K TO 12 MELC 2020 K TO 12 MELC 2020 K TO 12 MELC 2020
1.Teacher’s Guide pages
2.Learners’s Materials pages MODULE 1 MODULE 1 MODULE 1 MODULE 1
3.Textbook pages
4.Additional materials from
learning resource (LR) portal
B.Other Learning Resource Picture,Video Video of a , activity sheet, chart, pictures Boys and girls in the Quiz
reproductive organs class
Pictures of boys and
Manila paper, pentel

A.Reviewing previous lesson or Using the jumbled Ask: What is the most important
presenting the new lesson letters of the parts of the What are the parts part of a male reproductive Direction: Describe
reproductive system of a human male system? the female
form the word by reproductive organs? reproductive organ
matching the part to its

presented in each

B.Establishing a purpose for the You know already that Now ,I will discuss to In this lesson, you will learn
lesson male have specific the functions of each about the parts and functions
reproductive parts. part of the male of the human female
reproductive organ. reproductive organs, how they
But how do each special work, how to take care of
structures work? them, and why maintaining
reproductive health is
C.Presenting Examples/ instances Present a Video of a Male Reproductive Organs Present a Video of a Female
of the new lesson Reproductive Organs Bring some photos of
your mother and father
or older brother and
sister when they are
Study their photos and
answer the following

1. Do they look the

same from the time
when they were
2. Record the changes
that you have
observed from their
appearance when they
are very
young to their
appearance now.
D.Discussing new concepts and Like other living things, The male reproductive The female reproductive
practicing new skills #1 human beings system includes a system is made up of several Puberty is a stage
reproduce. It's what group of organs that organs which include the characterized by rapid
keeps the make up a man’s ovaries, fallopian tubes, uterus developmental
population going. In reproductive and and vagina. It is specifically changes. Changes start
humans, the male and urinary system. These responsible for producing egg to
female reproductive organs do the cells and supporting a happen to young boys
systems work following jobs within developing baby inside a whose age ranges
together to form a new your body: mother’s womb. The egg cell from 12 t 14 years old.
life of another human is only one-tenth of a Girls, on the other
being.  They produce, millimeter, about the size of hand, start
maintain and the diameter of a hair strand. A to experience puberty
A. The Male transport woman’s reproductive system earlier. They begin to
Reproductive System sperm (the makes it possible for her to get observe changes when
The illustration below male pregnant and give birth. The they are 10 to 12 years
shows the major parts of reproductive major organs of the female old. These changes are
the male reproductive cells) and reproductive system include caused by sex
system. semen (the the vagina, cervix, uterus, hormones from their
protective ovaries, and fallopian tube. ovaries and testes.
fluid around Puberty occurs
sperm). during adolescence.
 They Girls start to grow into
discharge women and boys into
sperm into the men. PUBERTY is the
female period when the
reproductive reproductive organs
tract. begin to mature.
 They produce Menstruation in girls
and secrete and sperm

⚫ Vagina: The vagina is a canal

male sex production in boys
hormones. starts during this
that joins the cervix (the lower Many of the changes
The male reproductive
part of the uterus) to the that occur in your
system is made up of
outside of the body. It is also body during puberty
internal (inside your
known as the birth canal.

⚫ Cervix: The cervix is located

body) and external are due to certain
(outside your body) hormones that are
parts. Together, these released by your
organs help you at the lower part of the uterus. Pituitary gland. One of
urinate (rid your body It is a narrow opening between these hormones is the
of liquid waste the uterus and the vagina. growth
During childbirth, it expands hormone. The growth
materials), have sexual to allow the passage of the hormone influences an
intercourse and make baby. adolescent’s body to

⚫ Uterus (womb): The uterus is

children. suddenly grow very
rapidly within one or
a hollow, muscular organ two years. This period
located at the lower abdomen. of rapid growth called
It has a soft, smooth inner growth spurt often
lining called the uterine lining causes
or endometrium. This lining an adolescent to feel
becomes thicker as it tired and
accumulates blood and uncoordinated.
nutrients to accommodate the Other pituitary
unborn baby as it develops. It hormones cause the
is also the site where the reproductive organs to
fertilized egg is implanted. If release sex hormones.
the egg cell is not fertilized it, These newly released
together with the uterine pituitary and sex
lining, it will breakdown and is hormones bring about
discharged during the physical changes
menstruation. in our

E.Discussing new concepts and Activity 2: A. Know Me Better Compare and contrast
practicing new skills #2 Directions: Decode the the changes that
following words about the happen to boys and
female reproductive system. girls during puberty
1. Cexvri __ __ __ __ __ __ using a Venn diagram
neck-like portion of the uterus
where baby passes through at
2. Vryoa __ __ __ __ __
female organ
3. Geg __ __ __ cell produced
by the ovary
4. Doiuvct __ __ __ __ __ __
__ tube that leads the egg cell
to the uterus
5. Anigav __ __ __ __ __ __
serves as the birth canal during

1. What are the

functions of the parts
of the male
reproductive organ?
2. What is the most
important part of the
male reproductive
system and why?
3. What is the male
reproductive system’s
role in producing new
F.Developing Mastery Directions: Identify the Read the information
parts of the human Directions: Label the Directions: Match the below. If you
reproductive system parts of the male functions in Column A with experience the change
using the reproductive system. the parts of female at your age now, put
words found in the box reproductive system in check under the
below. Column B. appropriate column.
Then identify which
among these changes
may happen to both
male and female.

G.Finding Parctical application of Why do you think it is important to use the right Do you think it is possible for Which of the
concepts and skills in daily living terms in referring to the male reproductive parts? females to be pregnant even if secondary sex
one of their ovaries is characteristics do you
removed? Why do you say so? have now?
Which have not yet
H.Making generalization and Some males do not have The different parts of The female reproductive During puberty, a
abstraction about the lesson descended testes. the Male Reproductive system is composed of the girl’s body begins to
Ideally, during the System have their following organs: ovaries, develop and take the
seventh and the eighth specific functions. uterus, fallopian tubes, and form of a woman.
month of fetal Testes produce the vagina. Its function is to Girls grow taller, their
development or in some sperm and the male produce eggs, receive sperm, breasts grow fuller,
cases shortly after birth hormone called nourish a fertilized egg and and their hips wider.
the testes descend. testosterone. Scrotum give birth. The major sex At this stage, pubic
However, in some cases protects the testes. hormone in females are hair appears and
the testes fail to descend Epididymis serves as estrogen and progesterone. menstruation starts.
into the scrotal sac in a the storage organ for ➢ The ovaries are the female The ovaries start to
condition called sperm cells. Vas reproductive organ produce egg cells.
cryptorchidism. It results deferens is the ➢ Fallopian tubes are the thin, Boys grow slower
to sterility because of the passageway of the soft tubes extending from the than girls but attain
inhibiting effect of sperm cells released uterus to the ovaries. more height because
normal body from the testes. their longer stage of
➢ Uterus is a hollow, pear-
temperature on sperm Urethra is the passage puberty than girls.
shaped organ with a muscular
cell development. way of urine and  They
wall and lining.
 Some healthy male semen to pass out of develo
the body. Penis is the ➢ Cervix is located in the p low
testes can produce
male external organ lower portion of the uterus that pitched
around 500 million
that transport sperm opens into the vagina. -voice,
sperm cells daily and
can also release up to 75 cells into the female’s ➢ Vagina is the outside broad
to 200 million sperms vagina.. passageway of the baby which should
during an ejaculation. is called as the birth canal. ers,
and a

I.Evaluating learning Directions: Match the Multiple Choice. Directions: Complete an A. Multiple choice.
functions in Column A Encircle the letter of anticipation guide about the Encircle the letter of
with its major parts of the best answer. female reproductive system. your answer.
the human reproductive Work through a list of agree
system in Column B. 1. What is the function and disagree statements. Put a 1. Reproductive
of the reproductive check ( ✓ ) on the proper organs develop rapidly
system? blanks. during . a. adulthood
A. To supply the body c. infancy b. childhood
with energy. d. Puberty
B. To produce a living
things like itself. 2. Which is NOT a
C. To help the bones change observed in a
and muscles move. girl’s body during
D. To throw out body puberty?
wastes. a. broadening of hips.
b. development of
2. Which of these breasts c. development
organs has an end part of muscles d.
covered by a lose flap occurrence of
of skin and maybe menstruation.
removed by
circumcision? 3. Which of the
A. testes changes in puberty
B. vas deferens does not occur in
C. urethra males?
D. penis a. enlargement of sex
organs b. growth
3. If females’ sex cells spurts c. pubic hair
and sex hormones growth d.
produced in the menstruation
ovaries, where do
males’ sex cells and
hormones produce? A.
B. urethra
C. penis
D. vas deferens
J.additional activities for Directions: Copy and Continuing the Directions: Try to find all 5 Draw and label the
application or remediation complete the word sperm’s journey, write words from the letter board. parts of the male
puzzle based on the two to three sentences They may go downward, reproductive system
clues given below. Write about what could upward, or from left to right.
the answers in your possibly happen to the
Science activity sperm once it is
released from the
urethra. You can use
other books or internet
for references.

Fallopian tube



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