Development of Cardiovascular System PDF
Development of Cardiovascular System PDF
Development of Cardiovascular System PDF
Circulatory System
Descriptive terms of position,
direction, and planes of the body.
A - Lateral view of an adult in the
anatomical position.
B - Lateral view of a 5-week embryo.
C and D - Ventral views of a 6-week embryo; E - Lateral view of a 7-week embryo.
Embryonic disk
Embryonic phase
Fetal phase
Scanning electron micrographs of A
uncompacted and B compacted eight-cell
mouse embryos. In the uncompacted state,
outlines of each blastomere are distinct,
whereas after compaction, cell–cell contacts
are maximized, and cellular outlines are
B. Section at the end of the fourth week. Parietal mesoderm and overlying ectoderm
form the ventral and lateral body wall. Note the peritoneal (serous) membrane.
The ectodermal germ layer gives rise to the organs and structures that
maintain contact with the outside world:
● Central nervous system;
● Peripheral nervous system;
● Sensory epithelium of ear, nose, and eye;
● Skin, including hair and nails; and
● Pituitary, mammary, and sweat glands and enamel of the teeth.
The endodermal germ layer provides the epithelial lining of the gastrointestinal
tract, respiratory tract, and urinary bladder. It also forms the parenchyma of
the thyroid, parathyroids, liver, and pancreas. Finally, the epithelial lining of
the tympanic cavity and auditory tube originates in the endodermal germ layer.
Important components of the mesodermal germ layer are paraxial,
intermediate, and lateral plate mesoderm. Paraxial mesoderm forms
somitomeres, which give rise to mesenchyme of the head and organize into somites
in occipital and caudal segments. Somites give rise to the myotome (muscle
tissue), sclerotome (cartilage and bone), and dermatome (dermis of the skin),
which are all supporting tissues of the body.
Mesoderm also gives rise to the vascular system (i.e., the heart, arteries, veins,
lymph vessels, and all blood and lymph cells).
Furthermore, it gives rise to the urogenital system: kidneys, gonads, and their
ducts (but not the bladder). Finally, the spleen and cortex of the suprarenal glands
are mesodermal derivatives.
A. Lateral view of a 14-somite embryo (approximately 25 days). Note the bulging
pericardial area and the first and second pharyngeal arches.
B. The left side of a 25-somite embryo approximately 28 days old. The first three
pharyngeal arches and lens and otic placodes are visible.
Pharyngeal arches are rod-like thickenings of mesoderm present in the wall
of the foregut.
• At first there are six arches. The fifth arch disappears and only five remain.
• The ventral ends of the arches of the right and left sides meet in the
middle line in the floor of the pharynx.
• In the interval between any two arches, the endoderm (lining the pharynx) is
pushed outwards to form a series of pouches. These are called endodermal,
or pharyngeal pouches.
Fertilization of the ovum takes place in the ampulla of the uterine tube.
The fertilized ovum is a large cell. It undergoes a series of divisions
Formation of blastocyst.
At first the walls of the amniotic cavity and yolk sac are in contact with
They are soon separated from the latter by extra-embryonic mesoderm.
Formation of extra-embryonic mesoderm and extra-embryonic coelom.
Note carefully, the composition of the amnion, and of the chorion.
The outer layer of the heart is formed by the epicardium that originally arises from the
extracardial anlage, the proepicardial serosa cells. These grow over the myocardium and issue
from a collection of cells in the septum transversum that lie ventrally to the liver bud near the
sinus venosus.
Presumably, the subepicardial mesenchymal cells also come from the epicardial layer. Besides the
epicardial layer, it appears that the proepicardial serosal cells also form the endothelium and the
smooth muscle cells of the coronary arteries. Moreover they play a modulating role in the
development of the myocardium.
The early processes of cardiac formation, in
particular the forming of the loop, are very
interesting from many points of view. A long, closed
tube arises out of the endocardial plexus.
This tubular heart largely represents the anlage for
the trabeculated part of the future right and left
ventricles .
In the early part of stage 9 the embryo
is shaped like a foot sole and consists
of ectoderm, mesoderm and endoderm
cell layers. In the extraembryonic region
the lateral plate mesoderm becomes
split. The visceral layer, covering the
umbilical vesicle, forms the splanchnopleura
together with the adjacent endoderm.
The parietal layer covers the amniotic cavity
and together with the adjacent ectoderm
is named somatopleura. In the lateral
plate mesoderm itself, probably as a result
of uneven growth, dehiscences (splits open),
thereby creating small, fluid-filled cleavages.
These spaces fuse in the area of the head and form the pericardial cavity that corresponds to the
cranial part of the U-shaped intraembryonic coelom. During the course of stages 9 and 10 the
formation of the head fold occurs via the cranial flexion. Thereby, the future outflow
tract (arterial pole), which at the start of the cardiac formation 9 lies caudally to the inflow
tract (venous pole), comes to lie cranially due to this cranial flexion of the embryo through a 180
degree rotation and the relative shrinking of the umbilical vesicle.
The pericardial cavity expands on both sides of
the cardiac anlage and invaginates the
myocardiac mantle with the cardiac loop. This
results in the mesocardium being transiently
formed on the dorsal side of the cardiac loop.
In the beginning of the early embryonic
stages (stages 8, ca. the 23rd day 8), the
heart forms outside the embryonic disk.
It is only with the flexion of the embryo
that the heart comes to lie within and
ventral to the embryo.
Through the growth of the brain the embryo
bends forward progressively and in stage
14. It attains its maximum flexion.
However, the heart continues to descend
further and, at the end of the embryonic
period, comes to lie in the thoracic region.
With ca. the 28th day the heart of the embryo
begins to beat. Initially this only causes a back
and forth movement of the blood to occur, but
very soon a directional flow of the blood
begins from the inflow tract over the atrium
and ventricle part in the conus cordis and the
pair of aortic arches. The inflow tract contains
oxygen-rich blood from the umbilical veins and
a contribution from the omphalomesenteric
With the formation of the cardiac loop the inflow tract
migrates with the sinus venosus and the two sinus horns up
and to the rear.
In addition, the vein opening that is originally located
symmetrically is also shifted towards the right, together
with its various branches.
In the beginning, the sinus venosus contains only blood
from the two umbilical veins (oxygen- and nutrient-rich
from the placenta), the omphalomesenteric veins and finally
the common cardinal veins, which receive the blood from
the embryonic somatic circulation proper.
In summary it can be said that for the transformation from a
serial to a parallel flow both outer as well as inner
transformation processes are responsible. At the atrium level
these are:
The relocation of the sinus venosus to the right
The relocation of the av level into the middle
The septation of the common atrium
The septum formation at the av level
Very early in cardiac development the atria,
which have formed in the rear upper part, are
separated from the ventricles by the sulcus
In the interior of the heart, endocardial cushions
form that grow first both dorsally and ventrally
into the lumen.
Somewhat later, these two cushions fuse in the
middle of the lumen and thereby divide the av-
canal into right and left openings.
The first morphologically visible differentiation of the
conduction system in human embryos is the
sinu-atrial node. It is located in the wall of the right
sinus horn near its opening in the right atrium, i.e., in
the sulcus terminalis.
The atrioventricular conduction system, the av-node
or Aschoff-Tawara's node, becomes discernible
somewhat later. It lies at the dorsal circumference of
the av-canal in the inner layer of the myocardium at
the beginning of the dorsal av-septum.
From it derives the His' bundle, which extends over
the dorsal av-septum and forms the connection
between the atrial and ventricular myocardium Here
it divides into three subendocardial bundle branches.
They extend into the cardiac apex region where a
separation into fine Purkinje's fibers occurs. In situ,
this conduction system forms itself from specialized
myocardial cells. Once the sinu-atrial node as well as
the av-node and His' bundle have been
differentiated, the cardiac frequency increases
rapidly and reaches 140 beats/min. The region with
the highest frequency (sinus region) takes over the
pacemaker function.
The first development of the heart takes place
independently of its innervation. Later, though,
three differing sources for cardiac innervation can
be found.
The parasympathetic innervation (cholinergic
system) arises from cardiac components of the
cranial neural crest cells. The neurons of the
cardiac ganglia, which represent parasympathetic
neurons of the second order, migrate directly from
the neural crest into the heart. Somewhat later,
the axons of the first order nerves obtain access to
the heart via the vagus nerve.
The parasympathetic innervation slows the
The sympathetic nerve fibers
(adrenergic system), which speed up the
heartbeat as well as promote the positive
inotropism of the cardiac musculature, arise
from the thoracic sympathetic ganglia that in
their turn come originally from the thoracic
neural crest cells.
The third component of the innervation comes
directly from the vagus nerve. These are sensory
nerves that arise from the ectodermal placode
of the nodose ganglion.
The first signs of vessel formation are found in the region of the
umbilical vesicle (extraembryonic) at stage 8. Mesodermal cell masses
are seen there that are also known as hemangioblasts. Within these
mesodermal cell masses, those in the center become rounded and
develop into the precursors of the blood cells (hemocytoblasts) while
the peripheral cells come together as delimiting endothelial cells
(angioblasts). Both the formation of the vessels as well as that of the
cardiac tube have thus a close relationship to the endoderm that
appears to have an inductive influence. Already before stage 9.
Intraembryonic vessels also form from angioblasts that have
differentiated within the splanchnopleurae. Angioblast cells migrate
away and settle in the various organs, attracted by angiogenetic
factors that stimulate vessel formation.
In both the venous and the lymphatic sections the embryonic veins form the basis
for vessel formation.
In an initial differentiation step in the young embryo a portion of the endothelial
cells in certain regions of the cardinal vein system begins to produce special
receptor molecules (Prox-1). This is the first step in the direction of lymphatic
vessel determination. Now follow further expressions of receptor patterns that
are characteristic for either blood or lymphatic vessels and which are preserved
even into adulthood.
Normal Heart Isolated defect in the membranous postion of the
interventricular septum. Blood from the left
ventricle flows to the right through the
interventricular foramen
(A) Persistence of the distal portion of the right dorsal aorta.
(B) The double aortic arch forms a vascular ring around the trachea and esophagus.