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CT is so remarkable that in many cases it tomography

generates a dramatic increase in diagnostic

information compared to what is obtained in
conventional X-ray techniques .
This inventions was made possible through the
work of several individuals most notably Godfrey
Newbold hounsfield and Alan mcleod Cormack.
Milestones in the development of computed
In 1917
Johann Carl August Radon
It is possible to reconstruct or build up an image of
two or three-dimensional object from a large
number of projections from different directions

In 1940
Gabriel frank
Describe the basic idea of today's tomography
The patient includes drawings of equipment to
form sinogram AMS (representations of
measurement data as linear samples versus view
samples) and optical back projection techniques
to reconstruct images

In 1920s
Methods to images specific body layers or
sections of the body were under development
At that time terms such as body section
radiography and stratigraphy from stratum which
means layer were used to describe the technique
In 1935
Redefine the technique and labeled it
tomography Greek Tomos,meaning section
A conventional tomogram is an image of a
section of the patient that is oriented parallel to
the film

In 1937 Watson
Develop another tomographic technique in
which the sections were transverse sections( cross In 1960
sections) and referred to as transverse axial William Oldendorf
An American urologist from Los Angeles, perform
a series of experiments based on principles similar
to those later used in CT
The objective of his work was to determine
whether internal structures within dense structures
could be identified by transmission measurements
1963 In 1971
David E Kuhl & Roy Q Edwards Doctor James Ambrose
Transverse tomography using radioisotopes was A consultant at Atkinson-morleys hospital
further developed and evolved into today's initial Together with hounsfield they have obtained
computed tomography readings from a specimen of human brain

Alan mcleod Cormack
He derived a mathematical theory for image
reconstruction In 1971
Carmack also applied reconstruction techniques Doctor Robert ledley
in nuclear medicine A professor of radiology Physiology and biophysics
at Georgetown University, developed the first
whole body city scanner

In 1975
In 1967 Dynamic spatial reconstructor (DS r ), with the
Godfrey Newbold hounsfield goals to carry out dynamic volume scanning to
The development of the first clinical city scanner accommodate imaging the dynamics of organ
began in 1967 at the central research laboratories system with high temporal resolution
of EMI, Ltd. In England
If an X-ray beam were passed through an object
from all directions and measurements were made
of all the X-ray transmission, information about the
internal structures of the body could be obtained
• High kV settings also help to reduce the
heat load on the x-ray tube by allowing a
lower mA setting.
• A mounted framework that surrounds
the patient in vertical plane
• It contains rotating scan frame onto
which x-ray generator, x-ray tube, slip-
rings, high tension generator, collimators,
detectors and DAS.
Cooling systems
• They can take different forms, such as
blowers, filters, or devices that perform
oil-to-air heat exchange.
• Cooling mechanisms are important
because many imaging components
can be affected by temperature
In 1979 fluctuation.
How this field shared the Nobel Prize in medicine Filtration
and Physiology with Alan macleod Cormack • Compensating filters are used to shape the
In 1980s x-ray beam. They reduce the radiation
Boyd 's electron beam computed tomography dose to the patient and help to minimize
image artifact.

• In addition, creating a more uniform beam

intensity improves the CT image by
reducing artifacts that result from beam

• Filtering the x-ray beam helps to reduce

the radiation dose to the patient and
improves image quality.
Slip Ring
• Slip rings use a brushlike apparatus to
provide continuous electrical power and
electronic communication across a
rotating surface.

• They permit the gantry frame to rotate

Industrial application of CT continuously, eliminating the need to
1. Study of internal log defects in sawmill straighten twisted system cables.
Funt and Brian (1987) Collimation
2. paleoanthropology • Collimators restrict the x-ray beam to a
3. baggage inspection at airports specific area, thereby reducing scatter
4. oil exploration radiation.
5. fat stock breeding
6. animal investigation • Scatter radiation reduces image quality
7. evaluate both string instruments SIRR and and increases the radiation dose to the
waddle 1999 patient.

COMPUTED TOMOGRAPHY • Reducing the scatter improves contrast

System and its components resolution and decreases patient dose.

HIGH VOLTAGE GENERATOR • Collimators control the slice thickness by

• Generators produce high voltage and narrowing or widening the x-ray beam.
transmit it to the x-ray tube. X-RAY TUBE
• X-ray tubes produce the x-ray photons that
• High kV is used to increase the intensity of create the CT image.
the beam, increasing its penetrating ability
and thereby reducing patient dose. • Tungsten, with an atomic number of 74, is
often used for the anode target material
because it produces a higher-intensity x-
ray beam.
• A CT tube must be designed to handle manufacturers) and is moved within the
such stress. The way a tube dissipates the gantry for scanning.
heat that is created during x-ray • The process of moving the table by a
production is critical specified measure is most commonly
DETECTOR called incrementation, but is also
• Captures the radiation beam from the referred to as feed, step, or index.
patient and convert it into electrical
signals, which are subsequently converted PROCESS OF OBTAINING IMAGES IN COMPUTED
into binary coded information. TOMOGRAPHY
• There are two types of Radiation detector
according the materials used. • IMAGE RECONSTRUCTION


b. Solid-state COMMUNICATION
• Xenon gas is used because of its ability to • Refers to the collection of x-ray
remain stable under pressure transmission measurements from the
• A xenon detector channel consists of • Once x-rays have passed through the
three tungsten plates. When a photon patient, they fall onto special detectors
enters the channel, it ionizes the xenon gas that measure the transmission values, or
Solid State Detector attenuation values.
• Solid-state detectors are also called IMAGE RECONSTRUCTION
scintillation detectors because they use a • After enough transmission
crystal that fluoresces when struck by an x- measurements have been collected by
ray photon detectors, they are sent to the computer
A brief comparison between xenon gas and solid- • Computers use special mathematical
state detector techniques to reconstruct the CT image
in a finite number of steps called
ANALOG-TO-DIGITAL CONVERTER reconstruction algorithms.
The data-acquisition system, or DAS, measures the
number of photons that strikes the detector,
• It is usually on a cathode ray tube.
converts the information to a digital signal, and
sends the signal to the computer •Display monitors are mounted onto
control consoles that allow the
COMPUTER technologist and radiologist to
manipulate, store and record images.
• A modern computer is a high-speed
electronic computational machine that
accepts information in the form of data • A distinct characteristic of CT aided by,
and instructions through some input now-a-days, may computer software.
devices and processes this arithmetic and
logic operations from a program stored in • Image can be modified through image
its memory and later on displayed, stored manipulation to make them more useful to
and recorded. the observer.
• Converts digital/ binary data to analog • Images can be subjected into other
data. image processing operation such as
DISPLAY DEVICE image smoothing, edge enhancement,
• These are device which presents the gray-scale manipulation, and three-
data in a visual manner wherein images dimensional processing.
are already available for viewing. IMAGE STORAGE
RECORDING DEVICE • Images can be stored on magnetic tapes
• Images are usually recorded in x-ray films and magnetic disks.
because of its wider gray scale.
STORAGE DEVICE • In optical storage, the stored data are
• Images can be stored in devices such as read by optical means such as laser
magnetic tapes and magnetic disks. beam. In this case, storage is referred to
PATIENT TABLE as laser storage. It may include: disks,
• The patient lies on the table (or couch, tapes and cards.
as it is referred to by some
• Images can be recorded and
subsequently stored in some form of

• Images are usually recorded in x-ray films

because of its wider gray scale.

• Such recording is accomplished by

multiformat video cameras and laser
• In CT, it refers to electronic transmission of
text data and images from CT scanner to
other devices


• The technologist first turns on the
scanner’s power and performs a quick
test to ensure the scanner is in good
working order
• The patient is in place in the scanner
opening, with appropriate positioning
for the particular examination
• The technologist sets up the technical
factors at the control console. The
scanning can now begin.
• When x-rays pass through the patient,
they are attenuated and subsequent
measured by the detectors.
• The x-ray tube and detectors, inside the
gantry, rotates around the patient.
• The detectors converts the x-ray photons
into electrical/ analog signals which will
be converted to digital data.
• The computer then performs the image
reconstruction process.
• The reconstructed image is in numeric
form and must be converted into
electrical signals and which enables us
to view the images in a monitor.
• Images can now be stored and

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