Scaffolding Annexure

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Svedanta_. Svecenta_. @ Hindustan Zine Limited nustan Zine Lied ee are Sn Sa RTT oa ear aac ea] a ane ee eee tee ame ‘Annexure d ‘CERTIFICATE OF FITWESS OF SCAFFOLDING ‘rey coy that he sefcing erected fer PTW work permit, and Work @Height Permit No x rady an fo use. further ely that tisintended or very ight Light du Canora purpose Heavy diy! Masonry or special ty ck whatever appiatie) srvice and shoud not be Jaded beyond —————— hg 9m. (KN. Name of Scaffolding Inspector Nome of Scaling Superior ser Departnent: Sign. of Saffolaing inspector ‘Sign. of Scafelting Supentsor ‘Ssafloing Contractor US Moitenance Contacte: 403 WEEKLY RECERTIFICATION FORFTHESS OF SCAFFOLDING PPLICABLE TOLONG DURATION WORK OR ELSE MAY BE SPECEED) aR Saga RRTT [Sala anes Raed = fsamene-co (amet Sanat ad! Perna) ine” nore a Rat Ra Fea er TE ‘Svedanta @ tngustan Zine Limited Annexure ‘ScAFFOLOMG WSPECTION CHECKLIST Svedanta_. & Aindustan Zine Limited ae Taare [aR mona cae a Tarn Saag Sa ay RT tt. dang wedionurage ertng? | bed Ta Rae sang alg ae poe hac Ponte 1 Rona eee Rae AAT ATH PHT Ts thea sf and eonvnet means 1 Gayreynte 13, secu? Walder, tvangat ast | {Osim above te pt? Feavart oa boars fas ono ToS a a TESTS {ot 0% nami te gtd || 2 Soatia menettte pate | 5 eS PE a a RR RRR a —— 4 lee ppeant anne? | ater hain mantnd pee Te RAST sieeve sein! aT FTV TFTA) 7 oul rscng pst RT aes ‘% andravnge send? 0 [apn einai poet! 4. hesaledng conga under erection as splat TE SSG SENT SAPO GET] 15 eyes testy seats? ating a way TTR 16 sneSovotbeg st apeabo Tan os oad reco ‘nlc note tin Smears Bagh? Te pp af too, tay 1 |ovedaped ata 0dr ad teat nga es? mae noes steer cnidonn ety ease Caresen Sig cat ne cts edgar Sot eaten mice (ences te peo ering at

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