Lesson Title: Duration of Lesson (Days) : Date:: 3 Cross-Curricular (Science and Reading)
Lesson Title: Duration of Lesson (Days) : Date:: 3 Cross-Curricular (Science and Reading)
Lesson Title: Duration of Lesson (Days) : Date:: 3 Cross-Curricular (Science and Reading)
Unit Title: Big Idea 15: Diversity and Evolution of Living Organisms
Lesson Title: Duration of Lesson Date:
Vertebrates and Invertebrates 5 days April 21- May 2
Essential Question:
Design Question Focus of the Lesson (elements from other DQ’s may be used as support)
☒ Introduce New Knowledge ☒ Deepening or Practicing (DQ ☐ Generating and Testing
(DQ 2) 3) Hypothesis (DQ 4)
-Identifying new vocabulary -Questions that compare and -Questions that require
contrast animals making predictions or
Vocabulary: inferences that are based on
Characteristics, vertebrate, classifying animals.
mammal, reptile, amphibian
Invertebrate, arthropod, and
1. Creativity and Innovation
Students demonstrate creative thinking, construct knowledge, and develop innovative products and processes
using technology.
a. Apply existing knowledge to generate new ideas, products, or processes
b. Create original works as a means of personal or group expression
4. Digital Citizenship
Students understand human, cultural, and societal issues related to technology and practice legal and
ethical behavior.
a. Advocate and practice safe, legal, and responsible use of information and technology
February 9,
b. Exhibit a positive attitude toward using technology that supports collaboration, learning, and
c. Demonstrate personal responsibility for lifelong learning
d. Exhibit leadership for digital citizenship
• Why are there animals who give birth to live young and those who only lay
• What is the difference between vertebrates and invertebrates? Why are the
differences important?
Differentiated Instruction
February 9,
These resources will help teachers easily identify resources that could be completed
independently so students are able to gather information for their summative assessment. These
items should be used to reinforce a concept taught during whole group instruction for students
that are below grade level.
***Note: You must have Science Fusion and a log-in to use these resources:
(Teachers must be logged into Think Central to access Science Fusion resources.)
Lesson Sequence
Teacher Note: Although this project seems to be very hectic and time consuming, it is
manageable and is broken into individual steps. This lesson plan is designed to reteach after the
standard and subsequent lessons for SC.3.L.15.1 have been taught. Students must have
background knowledge and an understanding of invertebrates and vertebrates before beginning
this project. This lesson would be best taught in a computer lab-setting with a projector
connected to the teacher’s computer so students have a visual as the teacher creates examples
while giving instruction.
Day 1:
Expectations MUST be created, so students will watch a demonstration video of a digital
storytelling example before they (the students) are able to select a topic for their writing. Please
refer to the YouTube Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rUZXBc6yRhU
Next, ask students what they thought about the video. What is digital storytelling? Next, refer to
the curriculum resource page located through WikiSpaces:
http://vfreund.wikispaces.com/Curriculum+Resources Explain to students that they will be
creating a project where they will compare and contrast one vertebrate and invertebrate. Then,
allow students to navigate through the resources and give them about 15-20 minutes to explore
the sites of vertebrates and invertebrates. Have them write their selected choices down: one
vertebrate and one invertebrate. Encourage students to select animals that they do not know
much about, this will encourage the researching process and stimulate comprehension. After the
20 minutes are up, bring students to the library so they are also able to check out related
resources on their animals.
Day 2: Students should have their selected vertebrate and invertebrate written down.
Please refer to this link:
http://prezi.com/inpt5iltscp6/?utm_campaign=share&utm_medium=copy for a teacher created
example. Students should be shown this first, so they can see what their project will look like as
the end result.
Next, students will need to be shown how to use Prezi. Please refer to this video first if you need
some assistance with using the program: https://prezi.com/support/.
You will use this time to help students navigate through the program and assisting where needed.
February 9,
They must become familiar with this program before initially starting their digital part of the
Day 3: Now, your students should have an understanding of Prezi along with their selected
animal choices. They will now begin their actual digital project. They must first handwrite the
following before typing and transferring to Prezi:
- Create a summary for each animal (vertebrate and invertebrate). Students will create a
short description (about a paragraph or so) for each animal. Students should be
encouraged to write more if they wish.
- Come up with five facts that compare and contrast their animal (they may work online
and find information from their library books). You may give them ideas to compare and
contrast their animal such as: diet, habitat, weight or size, life span, etc.
- Find at least one picture of their invertebrate and vertebrate.
- (Optional- extra credit purposes) Students may find a YouTube video (or use
TeacherTube) to provide their audience a visual experience. Students must be able to
have an understanding with embedding the video into Prezi. Please refer to this video for
more information on how to embed YouTube into Prezi.
Student will continue on with their project on Day 4. By the end of Day 3, students
should have most of their information written down that they wish to add to their Prezi.
Before Day 4, make sure to check over their information. Once students have gotten their
information checked off by you (the teacher), they may begin using Prezi,
Day 4: Continue with Day 3. Students should make their final touches by the end of the time
frame allowed for the project today. Remember that students must be finished with writing down
all of their information first, before adding things to Prezi. This allows the teacher to proofread
and have the students include any other information that they may be missing.
Day 5: Students should be finished with their end result for their summative assessment/project.
Students will present their project to the class. Remember to use the rubric during this time to
grade their assignment.
****Note: Teachers must be logged into Think Central to access Science Fusion resources.
February 9,
Animals of the Sea and Shore by Ann O. Squire
Endangered Animals by Rhonda Lucas Donald
Technology Resources:
Gr3-Big Idea 15:
Diversity and Evolution of Living Organisms - A variety of preselected resources located in
Safari Montage including, but not limited to, whiteboards, interactive fillable documents, image
activities, guided practice, challenge problems, videos, quizzes, digital lessons and audio files.
Adaptations for Unique Student Needs: (ELL, Special Education, Gifted, Students who
lack support for school)
Extended time for formative and summative assessment, use of visuals.
Conventions Students have one Students have a small Students have spelling Students have spelling
(Spelling, or two spelling number of spelling mistakes and mistakes and
Grammar, mistakes or mistakes and grammatical errors that grammatical errors that
Punctuation) grammatical errors, grammatical errors, but occasionally interfere interfere with
but they do not they do not interfere with understanding the understanding the story.
interfere with with understanding the story.
understanding the story.
February 9,
Visual Students have used Student has included Student has included a Student has made no
Appearance images, background several images, few images, background effort to change the
(Text Quality, colors, and changed background colors and colors, or has changed appearance of words.
Images, appearance of text has changed the the appearance of words Student has not included
Background to create a visually appearance of their to create a more visually images or background
Colors) interesting story words to create a interesting story. color.
throughout the visually interesting
entire presentation. story.
Story Quality Students have Students have included Students have repeated Students have repeated
(Cohesive, created examples of partial information information researched information throughout
Detailed, similarities and with the information on their project with a their project.
Orderly) differences that they have researched few details.
integrate both online.
researched online,
related materials
and from their
science book.
Works Cited Students have Students have credited Students have given Students have not given
(website links credited all of the some of the sources for credit for one or two of credit for pictures, and
used and book sources for pictures, pictures, and text in the pictures, and text in text, used in their
titled and text in their their presentation, but their presentation, but presentation.
disclosed) presentation. have not credited all have not credited all
sources. sources.
February 9,