Opm 538 Group Assignment 2 Hirarc
Opm 538 Group Assignment 2 Hirarc
Opm 538 Group Assignment 2 Hirarc
5.0 Conclusion…………………………………………………………………………………………...10
6.0 Appendices…………………………………………………………………………………………..11
The goal of this project is to create an HIRARC (hazard identification, risk analysis, and
risk control) for the data collected. The operation of a machinery repair workshop conducted by
Mr. Khairi is the subject of our group’s work. This is an industry with a lot of hands-on labor and
the use of machinery repair tools that is subject to a lot of risks if the company does not take
security safeguards for its personnel. What we can see is the industry in the use of machines
such as air impact wrench machines, welding and riskier for the use of manual tools that use
hands is very dangerous.
Among the identifiable variables that can cause harm to its employees as well as others
who are in the workplace is the purpose of planning and implementation of the workshop HIRARC
form. Risks in the workplace such as machinery repair workshops are no stranger to accidents
that occur from small to large accidents such as fingers stuck between the impact air wrench
machine, body shape posture changes, blindness and so on. If such risks are not controlled, then
unforeseen accidents occur in the workplace. To prevent or reduce the risks from the occurrence
of accidents is to provide measures and prevention in the workplace. As a result, the need to
detect the hazard and assess the risks of an accident should be considered a major issue. This
is because it is critical to carefully consider each action or decision in order to decrease risk.
To maintain and guarantee performance for the better and not to harm many people, the
environment, assets and authorities, using HIRARC as an assessment in the workplace that work
can be achieved such as identifying, making assessments and being able to control hazards in
the workplace. But the aim of the machinery repairs industry is to help the employer to manage
the safety of its employees and prevent the occurrence of accidents while working. It is a method
of identifying and controlling hazards in work in a machinery repair workshop, thereby ensuring
safety in using machine tools and manuals for use by its workers. It can also be discussed how
to determine the opportunities and consequences of recognizing hazardous incidents as well as
risks to staff. The risk assessment must be carried out in order to ensure that any treatments
taken can be regulated and that the severity of the potential danger is related with the detected
Last but not least, HIRARC is one of the potential and efficient methods of making an
assessment by a competent person for his company. Furthermore, by identifying hazards and
solutions to prevent the occurrence of accidents at work for the future, although accidents cannot
be eliminated, the use of HIRARC is very helpful and at least it can reduce the number of
accidents at work.
Based on the interview held with Mr. Khairi said that any condition, situation, practice, or
behavior that has the potential to cause harm, such as injury, sickness, death, environmental,
property, or equipment damage, is considered a hazard. This is the practice of thoroughly
inspecting each workplace and task in order to discover all hazards that are "inherent in the job."
Use of manual hand tools in a workshop is likely to be exposed to ergonomic hazards that
relate to work conditions, such as repetitive finger movements and flying tools. Repairing
machines by hand manually requires more force, such as torquing screws and nuts and grasping
small parts and components that require excessive gripping force which involves repetitive finger
movements that can lead to awkward posture for the body parts. This occurs in almost all working
environments, and now it occurs in the machinery repair workshop where Encik Khairi conducts
the assessment. Repetitive finger movements happen when a worker performs a task using their
hands repeatedly to repair a machine. The task may necessitate and take time to complete
continuously for more at a time. This method can cause fatigue to the body parts, especially the
hands and fingers when performing tasks manually, Additionally, using tools to repair machines
manually can create a hazard to the worker, such as flying tools due to the tools that are
uncomfortable to hold. As well as that, workers may be at risk and their eyes are usually exposed
to many hazards if there is no proper handling to use the material and no safety glasses, which
can cause eye injury and potentially lead to blindness.
When the workers of Bina Masyhur Sdn Bhd need to use an air impact wrench machine
at the workplace, it creates various hazards to the employee himself and the people around him.
The examples of hazards can be found by doing this activity are, loud noise, fingers stuck at the
rotating socket, and vibration of the machine. Each of these hazards can cause serious injuries
to the workers. For loud noise, it can affect the worker’s hearing for the long term. He might be
deaf for the rest of his life. When the fingers are stuck at the socket, it will cause the finger to be
severely injured or worse yet the finger to break to be accidentally detached or cut. Vibration when
using the air impact wrench machine for a long period of time causing the worker to have joint
pain in his body.
Other than that, the workers using electrical equipment at the workplace or even
construction site, it can cause much more serious hazards. When using electrical equipment such
as medium voltage cable junction boxes (JBMT) or temporary tunnel lighting systems (TLS),
workers must follow and practice all the instructions of using it. Negligence in using it will cause
the worker to receive electric shock. The injury depends on the density of the current, tissue
resistance and duration of contact. However, stronger currents result in tissue damage and may
trigger ventricular fibrillation or cardiac arrest. Consequences of injury from electricity may include
amputations, bone fractures and orthopedic and muscle injuries. When the person was
electrocuted, it led to death.
Next, welding activity at the workshop. Welding activity presents several hazards to both
those undertaking the activity and others in the vicinity. The workers will be exposed to invisible
gaseous gases such as ozone, nitrogen oxides, and carbon monoxide while welding, which can
readily reach the lungs. The resulting harm can be severe depending on the gas or fume, the
concentration, and the time of your exposure. Other than that, exposure to UV and IR Radiation.
Many factors can affect the severity of a flash burn injury, such as distance, duration, the angle
of penetration and long-term exposure to arc flashes. Also, they are vulnerable to severe burns
when welding due to the mix of high-temperature welding arcs, UV radiation, and molten metal.
These burns can cause major damage to the skin and eyes. Welders must adhere to the safety
procedures given below in order to avoid burns.
Furthermore, another activity that could endanger workers at the workplace is when they
are lifting heavy objects. Lifting heavy objects should not be underestimated because it can have
serious consequences for workers. For example, a worker may repeatedly lift a heavy object while
adopting an awkward posture. As a result, the worker's actions will create hazards, which is an
ergonomic hazard and then it leads to serious injury. Among the possible consequences of the
employee’s behavior is that they will suffer from such diseases like Musculoskeletal Disorders
(MSD) and be injured. What is Musculoskeletal Disorder (MSD)? Musculoskeletal disorders
(MSDs) are injuries or disorders that affect the muscles, nerves, tendons, joints, cartilage, and
spinal discs. The risk of injury will increase when bending, twisting, heavy loads, and awkward
postures are involved. Thus, administrative control and substitutes are the effective risk control
that can reduce the risk and prevent injuries. If an employee suffers from any of these disorders,
it leads to absenteeism, decreased productivity and decreased morale.
Mr. Khairi said that when conducting risk assessment, all relevant hazards should be
identified proactively and methodically. We will be one step closer to our aim of zero accidents if
we do a good job with hazard identification. Hazard has a one-to-one relationship with risk. Risk
is a measurement for analyzing and evaluating a hazard. The measurement is made by
determining how serious the hazard is and when it is most likely to occur. To put it another way,
a risk assessment is an in-depth examination of circumstances, processes, and other potentially
damaging behaviors or hazards at work. Risk is communicated in a variety of ways to show how
it is distributed throughout a facility and location in the workplace. The results of the risk
assessment, which are provided in a risk matrix, are critical in making risk control decisions.
Once a risk has been identified, the assessor will issue a risk ranking to it, which will assist
in the decision-making process when implementing risk control measures. This ranking will define
a range to relate the importance of risk control measures. The table below shows the range for
risk ranking
Encik Khairi has taken certain control measures for his workers in the machinery repair
workshop such as safe work instructions, in order to completely control the hazard. They usually
provide instructions to the worker on how to use tools or equipment properly in a safe and effective
manner. Ensure that the worker is not using the tools with improper posture and using it with
minimal strength, not excessive strength, which can cause flying tools. Other control measures,
such as the buddy system, require existing or experienced workers to share knowledge about
potential hazards when using hand tools, monitor the new worker, and ensure the safety of
everyone on the same team. Additionally, Encik Khairi ensures that their workers select the
suitable PPE for eye protection such as safety glasses which can fit properly and comply with the
OSH regulations. Bina Masyhur Sdn Bhd has also used training as one of their control measures
to ensure that their employees have useful knowledge and skills for safety. Encik Khairi said that
they implement regular reviews on the effectiveness of control measures, thereby doing
inspections and checking the workshop repair machinery area that show potential for hazards.
So, the likelihood of the repetitive movements in manual hand tools occurring is scored at 2 which
is monthly, and the severity of the injury resulting from the hazard is also scored at 2, which means
the level rating is 4. It shows that the level of risk is low and it is just only minor injury. The results
for flying tools in manual handling have been analyzed with the same results as for repetitive
movements, which is a low level of risk.
For any welding task, it is critical to maintain a high level of safety. They must ensure that
appropriate controls are in place for any welding activities, regardless of the duration of the
activity. Bina Masyhur Sdn Bhd must ensure that all welders are properly trained and instructed
on any control measures, as well as competent in their tasks. As an employee, they must follow
the employer's control procedures and work in accordance with the training and instruction they
have received. Wear proper personal protective equipment (PPE) at all times. The PPE gear will
likely comprise respiratory protection equipment (RPE). RPE must be supplied when engineering
controls alone are insufficient to adequately control exposure to welding fumes. Welding helmets
with side-shields are an integral part of the welding process. UV rays, particulates, debris, hot
slag, and chemical burns are all can be protected by welding helmets. Fire-resistant clothing,
boots, and gloves should be worn to guard you from burns and protect you from heat, fire, and
radiation generated during the welding process. Insulated, flame resistant gloves and rubber-
soled, steel toe-capped safety shoes shield you from electric shocks, heat, fire, burns and falling
objects. According to Encik Khairi, any relevant information concerning the equipment use or work
activities must be given to the employee, and training must be offered if appropriate. The severity
of the injury is 3 which is a major injury, while the likelihood of the hazard occurring is also 3, so
the level risk of the welding activity is 9 which is at high level risk. The company need to plan for
hazard control required, including the temporary measures if necessary. Control actions and the
date of execution should be documented in the form for the risk assessment to make sure the
assessment is taken seriously.
Regarding the risk rating on lifting heavy objects stated on Bina Masyhur Sdn Bhd
schedule, it says that the rate for lifting heavy objects is 6. It means that the activity is at medium
risk, where it has its particular actions to be taken. Related to this hazard, the most appropriate
existing control measure (ECM) is by administrative control. They are responsible for explaining
and giving work instructions to employees, at the same time employees need to listen carefully
and obey the instructions given. Other than that, they also can provide training to the employees
as well as conducting workplace inspections. It is vital to ensure that all workers receive adequate
information, education, and training on workplace health and safety, as well as know how to avoid
specific hazards and risks. Throughout the risk assessment, a priority list of measures should be
developed and workers and their representatives should be involved in their implementation.
Actions should focus on primary prevention in order to reduce the severity of any injury. In
addition, it is also essential to consider those workers who may be at a higher risk of developing
MSDs. The preference is to eliminate risks while also adapting work to workers' needs. According
to the schedule, the likelihood for both Musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) and injury are 3 which
means both of them are considered minor injury and the severity is scored at 2, where the
possibility of hazard to happen is monthly.
Based on the Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and Risk Control (HIRARC) table
provided by Mr. Khairi for Bina Masyhur Sdn Bhd, the hazards found from the usage of air impact
wrench machines can be categorized as low risk hazards as the range is 4. This hazard can be
identified as the physical hazard. Based on the table, all the hazards such as loud noise, finger
stuck at the socket, and vibration can be prevented by admin control and wearing appropriate
equipment for the activity. For example, to prevent loud noise coming from the machines, all
workers will be advised to wear an ear plug when they want to handle the machines. The workers
nearby are also required to wear those earplugs for their own safety reasons. Workers are also
required to wear protective gloves when they hold the machines. Thick and rubbery protective
gloves will increase their grips towards the handle so that there will be no accidents about slippery
fingers while performing their jobs. Wearing gloves can also protect the workers of Bina Masyhur
Sdn Bhd Construction from having joint pain from the vibration of the air impact wrench machine.
Mr. Khairi also mentioned that in order to smooth the work process at the workplace, assessors
need to provide adequate training to employees and always conduct close monitoring sessions
on a regular basis in order to control and prevent unwanted things from happening.
Risk control to minimize hazards consists of all steps that they think necessary to protect
all the workers at the workplace from any exposure that can lead to accidents. In Bina Masyhur
Sdn Bhd, Mr. Muhammad Khairi bin Abdul Rahman as the Safety Health Officer (SHO) there will
review all the hazard identification, risk assessment and risk control (HIRARC) for their road
construction sites. Mr. Khairi said that selecting an appropriate control is not always that simple.
It involves risk assessment to evaluate and prioritize the risks. For Bina Masyhur Sdn Bhd, there
are 5 determination of control hierarchy which are, Elimination of hazards, Substitution,
Engineering, Administrative, and Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).
We discovered that Bina Masyhur Sdn Bhd has already implemented risk-reduction
measures for their employees. Sometimes, elimination is not always possible, and they must
implement some control measures. Some of the methods to control risk in repetitive movements
is to use administrative control, such as ensuring that the worker has appropriate rest breaks for
physical and mental well-being. A worker who is not taking breaks can end up tired. Then, by
applying job rotation, it can give comfort and satisfy workers with their current job. Subsequently,
in order to control risks such as flying tools, organize tasks in such a way that manual hand tools
are prevented or at the very least limited by using substitute control, replace the tools with
powered tools where there are no repetitive finger movements involved. Also, be aware of the
situation while repairing the machine manually and try to reduce excessive gripping force or
Not only that, housekeeping, repair, and maintenance programs will help the company to
control the risk. Housekeeping includes cleaning, waste disposal and spill cleanup. If tools,
equipment, and machinery are kept clean and well maintained, they are less likely to cause injury.
Hazards are sometimes detected throughout the course of a job hazard analysis and cannot be
eradicated or engineered out of a task. When there are dangers present, Safe Work Procedures
are step-by-step guidelines that allow workers to execute their work safely. A Safe Work
Procedure defines the supplies and equipment that are required, as well as how and when they
should be used. Employees with the skills and expertise to conduct their task in a safe and healthy
manner are provided with information, education, and training. It enables them to follow health
and safety procedures and use risk controls set in place for their protection.
The employer must follow any training, communication, and housekeeping information the
company has provided. Employers have a legal obligation to guarantee that their employees are
properly trained in their jobs. Administrative control can assist the organization in reducing the
impact of the detected hazard. Workplace safety measures in which employees are compelled to
follow standardized safety protocols. Work processes must be reviewed and revised on a regular
basis with personnel. Furthermore, they must be supervised and trained. Appropriate supervision
to assist workers in identifying possible hazards and evaluating work procedures. Job rotations
and other practices in welding can limit the amount of time workers are exposed to a hazard. To
avoid cumulative stress injuries, workers might be cycled across professions that require
repetitive tendon and muscle motions. Employees who are exposed to welding fumes should be
monitored on a regular basis. Health surveillance is essential for ensuring that ill health effects
are detected early and can help employers to identify areas where their control measures may be
On top of that, the risk control for this hazard, which is lifting heavy objects, is by
administrative control. They use a buddy system to control the risk. For your information, the
buddy system in a simple definition is a type of safety management practice in which individuals
are paired or teamed up and given responsibility for ensuring the safety of one another. It
contributes to the development of a collaborative learning environment in which peers are less
hesitant to ask questions. This allows employees to form social networks and gain cross-cultural
experiences. Instead of that, the company also can use a substitute risk control method, where
they can replace the hazardous work practice.