Chapter Four For MR Lucky
Chapter Four For MR Lucky
Chapter Four For MR Lucky
4.1 Introduction
Efforts will be made at this stage to present, analyze and interpret the data collected during the
experiment. This presentation will be based on the experiments carried out. The result of this exercise is
shown on the tabular form below. The researcher employed simple percentage in the analysis.
The data collected from the experiment and practical’s are shown below
SAMPLE 28.2 4.63 4.86 3.87 521.33 2.13 32.3 8.1 1080
B 28.3 4.67 4.87 3.78 520.24 2.14 32.3 8.2 1079
28.1 4.65 4.86 3.77 519.24 2.33 32.4 8.1 1087
SAMPPLE 28.0 4.23 4.96 3.5 517.21 2.12 31.1 8.0 1075
C 28.2 4.21 4.97 3.5 513.44 2.13 31.2 8.1 1087
28.1 4.20 4.89 3.7 517.64 2.12 31.4 8.2 1088
From the above table it shows the impact of fungi on the ground water
TABLE 3: soil sample and Bacteria count
Sample Positive tubes MPN Index per Total bacteria Total bacteria
100ml count sample count
25m 5-5-5 400-4600 25m 650000
organisms per
50m 5-5-3 220 -2600 50m 520000
organisms per
100m 4-2-0 7 – 50 organisms 100m 450000
per 100ml
From table two and three it shows that solid waste land fill has significant impact on the environment.
Test Statistics
Chi-Square 19.331a
D.f 3
a. 0 cells (0.0%) have expected frequencies less than 5. The minimum expected cell frequency is 50m.
Decision rule:
There researcher therefore reject the null hypothesis that state that solid waste land fill has no
significant impact on the environment as the calculated value of 19.331 is greater than the critical value
of 7.82
Therefore the alternate hypothesis is accepted that state that solid waste land fill has a significant
impact on the environment.
There is no significant relationship between solid waste land fill emission and environmental pollution.
From table one, It’s observed that there is no significant relationship between solid waste land fill
emission and environmental pollution.
Test Statistics
There is no significant relationship between solid waste land fill emission and environmental