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The Lab General

Lab General

 129 potential pages of fun!

 Customized to your lab and lab services so probably more like 50 for
 The Laboratory General (GEN) Checklist applies to all sections or
departments of the laboratory.
 One copy of the GEN Checklist is provided to the inspection team.
 All inspectors must be familiar with the GEN Checklist requirements and
ensure that all areas are in compliance.
Quality Management

 Probably the most cited area during inspections

 Items to be reviewed include:
 Policy for communication of employee concerns
 Sampling ofquality indicators with follow-up actions when targets are not
 Annual appraisal of effectiveness of the QM Program
 Document control policy
 Record/specimen retention policy
 Error, complaint and incident logs with corrective/preventative actions
 Device-related adverse patient event procedure and records of reporting
 Results of the laboratory's self-evaluation and correction of deficiencies
 Records of manufacturer's recalls and records of follow-up
Quality Management

 GEN.13806 QM Program Phase II

 The laboratory has a written quality management (QM) program.
 NOTE: There must be a document that describes the overall QM
program. The document need not be detailed, but should spell out
the objectives and essential elements of the QM program.
 If the laboratory is part of a larger organization, the laboratory QM
program is coordinated with the organization's QM plan.
Quality Management
 GEN.16902 QM Implementation Phase II
 For laboratories that have been CAP accredited for more than 12 months, the
QM plan is implemented as designed and is reviewed annually for
 NOTE: Appraisal of program effectiveness may be evidenced by an annual written
report, revisions to laboratory policies and procedures, or revisions to the QM plan, as
 Evidence of Compliance:
 ✓ Evidence that the plan has been implemented as designed requires all of the following:
 quality measurements/assessments specified in the plan are being substantially carried out;
 there is evidence of active review of quality measurements;
 if target performance levels are specified in the plan and the targets are not being met,
there are records of follow-up action;
 any interventions/changes to operations that are specified in the plan have been carried
out as scheduled, or the reason for delay recorded; AND
 any communication of information that is required by the plan have taken place
Quality Management

 GEN.20100 QM Extent of Coverage Phase II

 The QM program covers all areas of the laboratory and all
beneficiaries of service.
 NOTE: The QM program must be implemented in all areas of the
laboratory (Andrology, Embryology, Chemistry). The program must
include all aspects of the laboratory's scope of care
Quality Management
 GEN.20208 QM Patient Care Services Phase II
 The QM program includes a process to identify and evaluate errors,
incidents and other problems that may interfere with patient care services.
 NOTE: There must be an organized process for recording of problems involving
the laboratory that are identified internally, as well as those identified through
outside sources such as complaints from patients, physicians or nurses. The
process must be implemented in all sections of the laboratory, and on all shifts.
Any problem that could potentially interfere with patient care or safety must be
addressed. Clinical, rather than business/management issues, should be
emphasized. The laboratory must record investigation and resolution of these
 Laboratories must perform root cause analysis of any unexpected event involving
death or serious physical or psychological injury, or risk thereof (including “near
misses” and sentinel events). Laboratories must be able to demonstrate
appropriate risk-reduction activities based on such root cause analyses.
Quality Management
 **REVISED** 08/17/2016
 GEN.20316 QM Indicators of Quality Phase II
 The QM program includes monitoring key indicators of quality in the pre-
analytic, analytic, and post-analytic phases.
 NOTE: Key indicators should monitor activities critical to patient outcome or
that may affect many patients.
 The laboratory must evaluate its indicators by comparing its performance against
available benchmarks.
 The laboratory should also evaluate the effectiveness of each corrective action.
 The number of monitored indicators should be consistent with the laboratory's
scope of care.
Quality Management
 Commonly Used Indicators of Care:
 1. Patient/Specimen Identification: Percent of ordered tests with patient
identification errors, or percent of results with identification errors
 2. Test Order Accuracy: Percent of test orders correctly entered into a
laboratory computer
 3. Specimen Acceptability: Percent of specimens accepted for testing
 4. Test Turnaround Time: Collection-to-reporting turnaround time or receipt in-
laboratory-to-reporting turnaround time of tests, or the percent of specimens
with turnaround time that falls within an established limit
 5. Critical Value Reporting: Percent of critical results with written record that
results have been reported to caregivers; percent of critical results for which
the primary clinician cannot be contacted in a reasonable period of time
Quality Management

 6. Customer Satisfaction: Standardized satisfaction survey tool with a

 database of physician, nurse, or patient respondents
 7. Corrected Reports: Percent of reports that are corrected
 8. Specimen Labeling: Percent of requisitions or specimen containers
with one or more errors of pre-defined type
 9. Culture Contamination: Percent of cultures that grow bacteria or
yeast that represent contaminants
Quality Management

 Evidence of Compliance:
 ✓ Listing of quality indicators that include the following:
 indicators for pre-analytic, analytic, and post-analytic phases AND
 indicators to address the scope of testing and laboratory services AND
 frequency for monitoring each indicator AND
 defined benchmarks for the performance of each indicator AND
 ✓ Quality management data and reports for quality indicator
monitoring and evaluation, including comparison against benchmark
data, and corrective action when targets are not met
Quality Management
 GEN.20325 Employee and Patient Quality Communication Phase II
 The laboratory has a procedure for employees and patients to
communicate concerns about quality and safety to management.
 NOTE: The investigation and analysis of employee and patient complaints and
suggestions, with corrective or preventive action as appropriate, should be a
part of the laboratory quality management program and be specifically
addressed in laboratory quality management records.

 Evidence of Compliance:
 ✓ Records of employee and patient complaints (if any) with appropriate follow
Quality Management
 GEN.20325 Employee and Patient Quality Communication Phase II
 The laboratory has a procedure for employees and patients to communicate
concerns about quality and safety to management.
 NOTE: The investigation and analysis of employee and patient complaints and
suggestions, with corrective or preventive action as appropriate, should be a part
of the laboratory quality management program and be specifically addressed in
laboratory quality management records.
 Evidence of Compliance:
 ✓ Records of employee and patient complaints (if any) with appropriate follow up

 Ask lab staff if they are aware of an employee complaint procedure and if they
would feel comfortable lodging a complaint
 Alert staff to the CAP sign and contact information
Quality Management
 GEN.20330 CAP Sign Phase II
 The laboratory posts the official CAP sign regarding reporting of quality
 NOTE: The laboratory must prominently post the official CAP sign regarding
the reporting of quality concerns to CAP. While personnel should report
concerns to laboratory management, the laboratory must ensure that all
personnel know that they may communicate with CAP directly if they have a
concern not addressed by laboratory management, and that CAP holds such
communications in strict confidence.
 In addition, the laboratory must have a policy prohibiting harassment or
punitive action against an employee in response to a complaint or concern
made to CAP or other regulatory organization regarding laboratory quality or
Quality Management
 **REVISED** 07/28/2015
 GEN.20335 Customer Satisfaction Phase I
 The laboratory has measured the satisfaction of healthcare providers or
patients with laboratory services within the past two years.
 NOTE: Satisfaction metrics are important for understanding the needs of clients
(physicians, patients, referring laboratories, nurses, etc.) to improve laboratory
services. Experience has shown that surveys are more informative if they are
conducted anonymously and allow for open ended comments. The sample size
should be adequate. A numeric satisfaction scale allows for calculation of
 Evidence of Compliance:
 ✓ Records of the design and results of satisfaction surveys
Quality Management
 GEN.20340 Notifications From Vendors Phase II
 The laboratory manages notifications from vendors of defects or issues with
supplies or software that may affect patient care.
 NOTE: Notifications may take the form of product recalls, market withdrawals, or
software patches and upgrades. The laboratory should take action on those that
have the potential to affect testing results or laboratory services.
 Evidence of Compliance:
 ✓ Records of manufacturer's recalls received AND
 ✓ Records of follow-up
Quality Management
 GEN.20351 Adverse Patient Event Reporting Phase II
 The laboratory has a procedure for reporting device-related adverse patient events, as
required by the FDA.
 NOTE: When information reasonably suggests that any laboratory instrument, reagent or other
device (including all instruments and accessory devices used for phlebotomy or specimen
collection) has or may have caused or contributed to a patient death or serious patient injury, the
FDA requires hospitals and outpatient diagnostic facilities, including independent laboratories, to
report the event. If the event is death, the report must be made both to the FDA and the device
manufacturer. If the event is serious patient injury, the report may be to the manufacturer only,
unless the manufacturer is unknown, in which case the report must be submitted to the FDA.
Reports must be submitted on the FDA Form 3500A (or an electronic equivalent) as soon as
practical but no later than 10 days from the time medical personnel become aware of the event.
 The FDA defines “serious patient injury” as one that is life threatening; or results in permanent
impairment of a body function or permanent damage to a body structure; or necessitates medical
or surgical intervention to preclude permanent impairment of a body function or permanent
damage to a body structure. Device malfunctions or problems that are reportable may relate to
any aspect of a test, including hardware, labeling*, reagents or calibration; or to user error (since
the latter may be related to faulty instrument instructions or design). An adverse patient event that
may have resulted from inherent limitations in an analytic system (e.g. limitations of sensitivity,
specificity, accuracy, and precision) is not reportable.
Quality Management
 **NEW** 07/28/2015
 GEN.20361 CLIA Certificate Type Phase II
 For laboratories subject to US regulations performing patient testing subject to
CLIA, the laboratory has registered with the Centers for Medicare and
Medicaid Services (CMS) and obtained a CLIA certificate that corresponds to
the complexity of testing performed, as applicable.
 NOTE: This requirement does not apply to laboratories that are part of the
Department of Defense. Laboratories located in CLIA exempt states, such as
Washington and New York, must be able to show that they have obtained a CLIA
number, when appropriate.
 The CLIA regulations define a laboratory as a facility that performs testing on
materials derived from the human body for the purpose of providing information
for the diagnosis, prevention, or treatment of any disease or impairment of, or the
assessment of the health of, human beings.
Quality Management
 GEN.20374 Federal/State/Local Regulations Phase I
 The laboratory has a policy for ensuring compliance with applicable federal,
state and local laws and regulations.
 NOTE: Applicable federal, state and local requirements may include but are not
limited to the following areas: handling radioactive materials, shipping infectious or
diagnostic materials, personnel qualifications, retention of specimens and records,
hazardous waste disposal, fire codes, medical examiner or coroner jurisdiction,
legal testing, acceptance of specimens only from authorized personnel, handling
controlled substances, patient consent for testing, confidentiality of test results, and
donation of blood. The checklists contain specific requirements on these areas.
 The laboratory may obtain information on applicable federal, state and local laws
and regulations from multiple sources, including hospital management, state
medical societies and state departments of health.
Quality Management
 **REVISED** 07/28/2015
 GEN.20375 Document Control Phase II
 The laboratory has a document control system to manage policies,
procedures, and forms that are subject to CAP accreditation.
 NOTE: This includes documents relating directly to laboratory testing, as well as
others, such as quality management, safety, specimen collection, personnel, and
laboratory information systems. The document control system must ensure that only
current policies, procedures (including derivative documents such as card files and
summary charts), and forms are in use and that records for approval, review, and
discontinuance are available.
 It is recommended that the laboratory maintain a control log listing all current
policies, procedures, and forms with the locations of copies. The control log may
contain other information as appropriate, such as dates when policies and
procedures were placed in service, schedule of review, identity of reviewer(s), and
dates when policies and procedures were discontinued and/or superseded.
Quality Management

 **REVISED** 08/17/2016
 GEN.20377 Record/Specimen Retention Phase II
 Laboratory records and materials are retained for an appropriate
 NOTE: Policies for retention of records and materials must comply with
federal, state and local laws and regulations and with the retention
periods listed below, whichever is most stringent. For testing on minors
(under the age of 21), stricter state regulations may apply.
 More specific requirements for certain laboratory records are found in
the Reproductive Laboratory Medicine Checklist
Quality Management
 Two year retention:
 Specimen requisitions (including the patient chart or medical record if used as the
 Accession records
 Quality management records
 Proficiency testing records
 Quality control records
 Instrument maintenance and function check records
 (Laboratories may wish to retain instrument maintenance records for longer than the two-
year requirement (e.g. for the life of the instrument), to facilitate trouble-shooting)
 Instrument printouts and worksheets
 For data directly transmitted from instruments to the laboratory computer system via an
interface (on-line system), it is not necessary to retain paper worksheets, printouts, etc., so
long as the computer retains the data for at least two years.
Quality Management
 Two year retention (continued):
 Personnel Records
 Competency assessment records
 Training records
 Patient test results and reports, including original and corrected reports,
and referral laboratory reports

 Two years after discontinuation

 Validation/verification of method performance specifications
 Policies and procedures
Quality Management
 Other retention requirements:
 Permanently stained body fluid slides – 7 days
 Laboratory Computer Services – 2 years beyond the life of the system
 Computer system validation records
 Records of changes to software, the test library, and major functions of
 Information systems
 Ongoing computer system checks (e.g. calculation verification)

 Evidence of Compliance:
 ✓ Written policy for retention of records, specimens and slides
Quality Management
 GEN.20425 Record Retention Phase II
 The laboratory has a policy to ensure that all records, slides, blocks, and tissues
are retained and available for appropriate times should the laboratory cease

 **NEW** 08/17/2016
 GEN.20450 Correction of Laboratory Records Phase II
 The laboratory follows a written policy for the management and correction of
laboratory records, including quality control data, temperature logs, and
intermediate test results or worksheets.
 NOTE: Laboratory records and changes to such records must be legible and indelible.
Original (erroneous) entries must be visible (i.e. erasures, white and correction fluid are
unacceptable) or accessible (e.g. audit trail for electronic records). Corrected data,
including the identity of the person changing the record and when the record was
changed, must be accessible to audit.
Quality Management
 GEN.23584 Interim Self-Inspection Phase II
 The laboratory conducts an interim self-inspection and records efforts to correct
deficiencies identified during that process.
 NOTE: The interim self-inspection is an important aspect of continuing education and
laboratory improvement. The use of a variety of mechanisms for self-inspection
(residents, technologists or others trained to perform inspections) is strongly endorsed.
Self inspection by personnel familiar with, but not directly involved in, the routine
operation of the laboratory section to be inspected is a best practice. Records of
performance of the interim self-inspection with correction of deficiencies is a
requirement for maintaining accreditation. The laboratory must have a record to
demonstrate that personnel responsible for each laboratory section have reviewed
the findings of the interim self-inspection.
 Evidence of Compliance:
 ✓ Written evidence of self-inspection findings with records of corrective action
Quality Management
 **REVISED** 07/28/2015
 GEN.26791 Terms of Accreditation Phase II
 The laboratory has a policy that addresses compliance with the CAP terms of accreditation.
 NOTE: The CAP terms of accreditation are listed in the laboratory's official notification of
accreditation. The policy must include notification of CAP regarding the following:
 1. Investigation of the laboratory by a government entity or other oversight agency, or adverse
media attention related to laboratory performance; notification must occur no later than two
working days after the laboratory learns of an investigation or adverse media attention. For
laboratories subject to US regulations, this notification must include any complaint investigations
conducted or warning letters issued by any oversight agency (e.g. CMS, State Department of Health,
The Joint Commission, FDA, OSHA).
 2. A facility must notify the CAP as soon as it finds itself to be the subject of a validation inspection
 3. Discovery of actions by laboratory personnel that violate national, state or local regulations
 4. Change in laboratory test menu prior to beginning that testing or the laboratory permanently or
temporarily discontinues some or all testing
 5. Change in laboratory directorship, location, ownership, name, insolvency, or bankruptcy;
notification must occur no later than 30 days prior to the change(s); or, in the case of unexpected
changes, no later than two working days afterwards. Laboratories subject to US regulations must also
notify the US Department of Health and Human Services.
Quality Management
GEN.26791 Terms of Accreditation
 In addition, the policy must address:
 6. Provision of a trained inspection team comparable in size and scope
if requested by CAP at least once every two-year accreditation period
 7. Cooperation with CAP and HHS when the laboratory is subject to a
CAP or HHS complaint investigation or validation inspection
 8. Adherence to the Terms of Use for the CAP Certification Mark of
 9. For laboratories subject to US regulations, availability, on a
reasonable basis of the laboratory's annual proficiency testing results
upon request of any person

 Evidence of Compliance:
 ✓ Records of notification, if applicable
Quality Management
 GEN.30000 Monitoring Analytic Performance Phase II
 There is a written quality control program that clearly defines policies and
procedures for monitoring analytic performance.
 NOTE: There must be a written overall quality control program for the entire
laboratory. It must include general policies and assignment of responsibilities.
 There must be clearly defined, written procedures for ongoing monitoring of
analytic performance, including
 (1) number and frequency of controls;
 (2) establishment of tolerance limits for control testing; and
 (3) corrective actions based on quality control data.
 Quality control records should be well-organized with a system to permit
regular review by appropriate supervisory personnel (laboratory director,
supervisor or laboratory quality control coordinator).
Specimen Collection, Handling,
and Reporting
 Follow a patient specimen beginning with test ordering through
patient identification, collection, labeling, transport, receipt and
processing, delivery to test area, analysis, result review, and
reporting. Determine if practice matches related policies and
Specimen Collection, Handling,
and Reporting
 **REVISED** 07/28/2015
 GEN.40016 Specimen Collection Procedure Review Phase II
 There are records of review of the specimen collection/handling procedures by
the current laboratory director or designee at least every two years.

 **REVISED** 07/28/2015
 GEN.40032 New Specimen Collection Procedure Review Phase II
 The laboratory director reviews and approves all new specimen collection
and handling procedures, as well as substantial changes to existing
procedures before implementation.
 NOTE: Current practice must match written procedures.
Specimen Collection, Handling,
and Reporting
 GEN.40050 Distribution of Manuals Phase I
 The specimen collection manual is distributed to all specimen-
collecting areas within the hospital (nursing stations, operating room,
emergency room, out-patient areas) AND to areas outside the main
laboratory (such as physicians' offices or other laboratories).
 NOTE: It is acceptable for this information to be electronically available
to users rather than in book format; there is no requirement for a paper-
based specimen collection manual. Indeed, electronic manuals have
the advantage of more accurately reflecting current requirements.
Specimen Collection, Handling,
and Reporting
 GEN.40100 Specimen Collection Manual Elements Phase II
 The specimen collection manual includes instructions for all of the following
elements, as applicable.
 1. Preparation of the patient
 2. Type of collection container and amount of specimen to be collected
 3. Need for special timing for collection (e.g. creatinine clearance)
 4. Types and amounts of preservatives or anticoagulants
 5. Need for special handling between time of collection and time received by the
laboratory (e.g. refrigeration, immediate delivery)
 6. Proper specimen labeling
 7. Need for appropriate clinical data, when indicated
Specimen Collection, Handling,
and Reporting
 **REVISED** 07/28/2015
 GEN.40125 Handling of Referred Specimens Phase II
 For specimens sent to referral laboratories, the referring laboratory
properly follows all requisition, collection and handling specifications
of the referral laboratory.
 NOTE: Pre-analytic variables must be closely controlled to maintain
specimen integrity. These include specimen temperature, transport time.

 Evidence of Compliance:
 ✓ Written procedure for submission of specimens to referral laboratories,
consistent with thereferral laboratory collection and handling requirements
Specimen Collection, Handling,
and Reporting
 But we don’t use referral labs….
 Andrology testing
 Sperm /Hamster Egg Penetration Assay
Specimen Collection And Labeling
 **REVISED** 08/17/2016
 GEN.40490 Patient Identification Phase II
 The individual collecting the specimen positively identifies the patient before
collecting a specimen and labels the specimen in the presence of the patient.
 NOTE: Personnel must confirm the patient's identity by checking at least two identifiers
before collecting a specimen. For example, an outpatient's name and birth date may
be used. The patient's identity should be verified by asking thepatient to identify him-
or herself, when it is practical to do so. For example, verbal verification is not necessary
if obtaining the services of a translator would delay specimen collection. The intent of
this requirement is to ensure a written, consistently followed system for correct patient
and specimen identification at the point of collection.

 Evidence of Compliance:
 ✓ Written collection procedure, including criteria for patient identification
Specimen Collection And Labeling
 **REVISED** 08/17/2016
 GEN.40491 Primary Specimen Container Labeling Phase II
 All primary specimen containers are labeled with at least two
patient-specific identifiers.
 NOTE: A primary specimen container is the innermost container that
holds the original specimen prior to processing and testing. This may be
in the form of a specimen collection tube, cup, syringe, swab, slide or
other form of specimen storage
 Examples of acceptable identifiers include but are not limited to:
patient name, date of birth, medical records number, social security
number, requisition number, accession number, unique random
 Identifiers may be in a machine readable format, such as a barcode.
Specimen Collection And Labeling
 **REVISED** 07/28/2015
 GEN.40492 Specimen Label Correction Phase II
 The laboratory has a written policy regarding correction of information on
specimen labels.
 NOTE: If laboratory personnel become aware of a potential error in patient
identification or other information (e.g. initials of individual collecting the specimen,
date/time of collection) on a specimen label, best practice is to recollect the
specimen. However, there may be circumstances when recollection is not possible
or practical.
 The laboratory should define the circumstances under which correction of the
information on specimen labels is permitted. A record of all such corrections should
be maintained. The laboratory should investigate errors in specimen labeling, and
develop corrective action as appropriate, including education of personnel who
label the specimens.
 Evidence of Compliance:
 ✓ Records of corrections to specimen labels and corrective action
Specimen Collection and Labelling

 GEN.40505 Specimen Collection Feedback Phase I

 There is a mechanism to provide feedback to the collectors of
specimens on issues relating to specimen quality and labeling.
 NOTE: The accuracy of an analytic result depends upon the initial
quality of the specimen. Proper collection techniques are essential.
Specimen Collection and Labeling
 GEN.40508 Phlebotomy Adverse Reaction Phase II
 The laboratory has procedures to care for patients who experience
adverse reactions from phlebotomy.
 NOTE: Minor adverse reactions include hematomas, abrasions, nausea, and
fainting. Serious injuries include vomiting, nerve damage, seizures and injuries.
 Training of phlebotomists should emphasize injury prevention. Serious reactions
must be recorded in an incident log.

 Evidence of Compliance:
 ✓ Written instructions to phlebotomists AND
 ✓ Training records
Specimen Transport And Tracking

 This section applies to laboratories that send specimens to referral or

other laboratories for testing, whether or not the specimen collection is
performed by the laboratory staff. It also applies to referral laboratories
that receive specimens from other laboratories or remote locations
outside of the facility for testing.
 While transportation of clinical specimens may not be the responsibility
of personnel under the control of the laboratory director, issues of
tracking and specimen quality must be addressed to ensure quality
laboratory results.
Specimen Transport And Tracking

 GEN.40511 Specimen Tracking/Labeling Phase II

 All specimens are properly packaged and labeled to indicate the
general nature of the materials transported.
 Evidence of Compliance:
 ✓ Written procedure defining criteria for packaging and labeling
Specimen Transport And Tracking
 GEN.40512 Infectious Material Packing/Shipping Phase II
 The laboratory packages and ships infectious material in accordance with
applicable federal, state and local regulations.
 Evidence of Compliance:
 ✓ Written procedures for packaging and shipping that comply with regulations

 **REVISED** 07/28/2015
 GEN.40515 Transport Personnel Training Phase II
 Transport personnel are trained in appropriate safety and packaging
procedures suitable to specimen type and distances transported, including
training for personnel involved in packaging and shipping infectious
substances. It is the laboratory's responsibility to determine whether specimens
that are to be shipped are subject to the regulations, or are exempt.
Requisitions And Specimen
 GEN.40700 Requisitions Phase II
 All specimens are accompanied by an adequate requisition.
 NOTE: In computerized settings, there may not be a paper requisition that is physically
attached to the specimen container.

 GEN.40725 Requisition Data Entry Phase II

 Test requisition data elements are entered accurately into the laboratory
information or record system.
 NOTE: Data elements include patient demographic data; the name and location of
the individual or entity ordering the test, as well as other elements needed for the final
report (see GEN.41096).
 The laboratory must have an ongoing mechanism to ensure the accuracy of manual
entries. For test orders crossing an interface to the LIS, requirements for interface
integrity apply.
Requisitions And Specimen
 **REVISED** 07/28/2015
 GEN.40750 Requisition Elements Phase II
 The paper or electronic requisition includes all of the following elements, as applicable.
 1. Adequate patient identification information (e.g., name, registration number and location, or a
unique confidential specimen code if an alternative audit trail exists)
 2. Patient sex
 3. Patient date of birth or age
 4. Name and address (if different than the receiving laboratory) of the physician, legally authorized
person ordering the test, or name and address of the laboratory referring the specimen
 5. Tests requested
 6. Last menstrual period (for gynecologic specimens)
 7. Date of specimen collection, and if appropriate, time of collection
 8. Source of specimen, when appropriate
 9. Clinical information, when appropriate
 The patient's chart or medical record may be used as the test requisition or authorization.
Requisitions And Specimen
 GEN.40825 Specimen ID Phase II
 There is a system to positively identify all patient specimens,
specimen types, and aliquots at all times.
 NOTE: Each specimen container must identify the patient uniquely.
This may be text-based, numeric, bar-coded, etc. The form of this
system is entirely at the discretion of each laboratory, so long as all
primary collection containers and their aliquots have a unique label
which one can audit back to full particulars of patient identification,
collection date, specimen type, etc.
 Practical considerations of container size may limit the extent of
such details. There must be an appropriate, consistently applied
accessioning system.
Requisitions And Specimen
 GEN.40900 Specimen Date Received Phase II
 The date (and time, if appropriate) that the specimen was received by
the laboratory is recorded.

 GEN.40930 Authorized Requestor Phase I

 The laboratory has a mechanism to ensure that specimens are
analyzed only at the request of an authorized person.
 NOTE: The laboratory must perform tests only at the written or electronic
request of an authorized person. In some US states and other countries,
individuals may order some laboratory tests without a physician's referral
(direct-to-consumer testing).
 Evidence of Compliance:
 ✓ Written policy requiring test orders by authorized persons, if applicable in the
jurisdiction in which the laboratory is located
Requisitions And Specimen
 GEN.40932 Verbal Test Authorization Phase II
 For laboratories subject to US regulations, the laboratory solicits
written or electronic authorization for verbal orders within 30 days.
 NOTE: The laboratory must retain the written authorization or record of
efforts made to obtain a written authorization.
 Evidence of Compliance:
 ✓ Records of follow-up to obtain written order
Requisitions And Specimen
 GEN.40935 Test Order Read Back Phase II
 The laboratory has a policy that personnel receiving verbal or
phone orders read back the entire order to verify accuracy of

 GEN.40938 Unclear Test Order Phase I

 The laboratory has a policy on confirmation of test orders that may
be unclear (e.g. orders using non-standard or non-specific terms).
Requisitions And Specimen
 **REVISED** 07/28/2015
 GEN.40942 Specimen Container Analytic Interference Phase II
 The laboratory director or designee evaluates significant changes to
specimen containers to ensure that they do not contribute to
analytic interference in the assays to be performed and approves
them for use.

 Collection containers, blood tubes

Requisitions And Specimen
 GEN.41017 Centrifuge Operating Speeds Phase II
 The operating speeds of centrifuge are checked at least annually as
needed for the intended use, and this is done in a safe manner.
 NOTE: For centrifuges having a safety mechanism preventing the
opening of the lid while in operation, the checks of rpm should be
performed only by an authorized service representative of the
manufacturer or an appropriately trained clinical engineer.

 Evidence of Compliance:
 ✓ Records of verification of operating speeds at least annually
Requisitions And Specimen
 **REVISED** 08/17/2016
 GEN.41042 Refrigerator/Freezer Temperatures Phase II
 Refrigerator/freezer temperatures are checked and recorded daily using a
calibrated thermometer.
 NOTE: This checklist requirement applies to refrigerators/freezers containing reagents
or patient/ client specimens.
 “Daily” means every day (7 days per week, 52 weeks per year).
 The laboratory must define the acceptable temperature ranges for these units. If
temperature(s) are found to be outside of the acceptable range, the laboratory
must record appropriate corrective action, which may include evaluation of
contents for adverse effects.
Results Reporting And Referral Of
 **REVISED** 07/28/2015
 GEN.41303 Patient Confidentiality Phase II
 The laboratory ensures that internal and external storage and
transfer of data maintains patient confidentiality and security.
 NOTE: Written procedures must address patient confidentially during
transfer of data to external referral laboratories or other service
providers. This must include cloud based computing (e.g. for storage of
confidential data), as appropriate
 The laboratory must audit compliance with the procedures at least

 Evidence of Compliance:
 ✓ Records of patient privacy audit for compliance with the Health Insurance
Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)
Results Reporting And Referral Of
 **REVISED** 07/28/2015
 GEN.41096 Report Elements Phase II
 The paper or electronic report includes the following elements.
 1. Name and address of testing laboratory (see note below)
 2. Patient name and identification number, or unique patient identifier
 3. Name of physician of record, or legally authorized person ordering test, as appropriate
 4. Date of specimen collection, and if appropriate, time of collection
 5. Date of release of report (if not on the report, this information should be readily accessible)
 6. Time of release of report, if applicable (if not on the report, this information should be readily
 7. Specimen source, when applicable
 8. Test result(s) (and units of measurement, when applicable)
 9. Reference intervals, as applicable
 10. Conditions of specimen that may limit adequacy of testing
Results Reporting And Referral Of
 GEN.41067 Content/Format Report Review Phase I
 An individual meeting CAP laboratory director qualifications reviews
and approves thecontent and format of paper and electronic
patient reports at least every two years.

 GEN.41300 Report Retention and Retrieval Phase II

 Copies or files of reports are legible and retained by the laboratory
in a manner that permits prompt retrieval of the information.
Results Reporting And Referral Of
 **REVISED** 07/28/2015
 GEN.41304 Patient Data Accessibility Phase II
 There is a written policy to ensure that patient data are accessible in a timely
manner only to those individuals who are authorized to review test results.
 NOTE: Only those healthcare personnel authorized to review a patient's test results
should have access to those results. Laboratories subject to US regulations must
provide final test results to the patient or the patient's personal representative upon
request. For completed tests, these results must generally be provided no later than
30 days after such a request.
 Under the HIPAA Privacy Rule, only the patient or a personal representative, defined
as an individual who has authority under applicable law to make health care
decisions for the patient, can be given access to a patient's personal health data.
Laboratories must take reasonable steps to verify the identity of the patient and the
authority of a personal representative to have access to an individual's protected
health information. The Rule also allows for the release of test reports to authorized
persons responsible for using the test reports and to the laboratory that initially
requested the test, if applicable.
Results Reporting And Referral Of
 **REVISED** 08/17/2016
 GEN.41306 Analyst Tracking ID Phase II
 There is a system whereby the identity of the analyst performing or
completing the test and the date of the test can always be
 NOTE: If results are released using autoverification, the system must be
capable of identifying those test results that have been autoverified. In
addition, the laboratory should be able to identify the technologist
responsible for the instrument producing the result, such as through daily
bench assignment charts, instrument set-up logs, or electronic audit trail
Results Reporting And Referral Of
 GEN.41307 Report Errors Phase II
 When errors are detected in patient test reports, the laboratory
promptly notifies responsible clinical personnel or referring laboratory
as applicable and issues a corrected report.
 NOTE: Notification should include the department of health or other
legal entity as required by local regulations.

 Evidence of Compliance:
 ✓ Records of report error notification and corrected report
Results Reporting And Referral Of
 **REVISED** 08/17/2016
 GEN.41310 Corrected Report Phase II
 All corrected reports of previously reported, incorrect patient results are identified as
corrected, and both the corrected and original data are clearly identified as such.
 NOTE: As clinical decisions or actions may have been based on the previous report, it is
important to replicate previous information (test results, interpretations, reference intervals)
for comparison with the corrected information. The previous information and the corrected
information must be identified as such, and the original data must be present in the
corrected report (for paper reports), or linked electronically or logically to the corrected
information (in electronic reports).
 Displays in an electronic medical record (EMR) downstream from the laboratory should
include the original report as well as the corrected report. The report elements listed in
GEN.41096 should be included in the EMR.
 The correction should add explanatory language if an explanation would be helpful to the
user. For example, a comment about transport or sample storage conditions uncovered
post-analysis can help frame an original, invalid result.
Results Reporting And Referral Of
 GEN.41312 Multiple Corrections Phase II
 When there are multiple sequential corrections of a single test result, all
corrections are referenced in sequential order on subsequent reports.

 GEN.41345 Turnaround Time Phase II

 The laboratory has defined turnaround times (i.e. the interval between specimen
receipt by laboratory personnel and results reporting) for each of its tests, and it
has a policy for notifying the requester when testing is delayed.
 Evidence of Compliance:
 ✓ Written policy defining test reporting turnaround time and process for communication of
delays in turnaround time
Results Reporting And Referral Of
 **REVISED** 08/17/2016
 GEN.41350 Referral Laboratory Selection Phase II
 The laboratory has a written procedure for the selection and evaluation of
laboratories to which it refers specimens or materials for testing.
 1. The laboratory director, in consultation with the institutional medical staff or
physician clients (where appropriate), is responsible for selecting referral
 2. Selection of referral laboratories must be based primarily upon the quality of
performance of such laboratories
 3. Specimens or materials for testing include intermediate processing such as
histologic and cytologic processing, preliminary analysis such as flow cytometry,
and the use of distributive testing in next-generation sequencing. It also includes
the referral of images or data files to an off-site location for interpretation.
Results Reporting And Referral Of
 4. For laboratories subject to US regulations: for tests in disciplines covered by CLIA,
specimens and materials for testing must be referred only to a CLIA-certified
laboratory or a laboratory meeting equivalent requirements as determined by CMS;
this includes off-site locations where images or data files are frequently referred for
review and interpretation. Laboratories that are part of the Department of Defense*
must meet the referral policies of the Clinical Laboratory Improvement Program
(CLIP). With respect to patients on research protocols, whose tests are referred to a
research laboratory: if those test results are used for patient management decisions,
the research laboratory must be CLIA-certified, or meet equivalent requirements as
determined by CMS.
 5. For disciplines not covered by CLIA, laboratories subject to US regulations must refer
specimens to a laboratory accredited by CAP or a CAP accepted organization.
 6. For non-US laboratories, whenever possible, specimens and materials for testing
should be referred to a laboratory accredited by CAP; accredited to an established
international standard from a recognized organization; or certified by an appropriate
government agency. The inspector may need to exercise judgment with respect to
determining if a referral laboratory is acceptable.
 7. It is the responsibility of the laboratory director or designee to monitor the
turnaround time and quality of test results received from referral laboratories
Results Reporting And Referral Of
 GEN.41430 Referral Laboratory Report Retention Phase II
 For samples referred to another laboratory, the original or an exact
copy of the testing laboratory's report is retained by the referring
 NOTE: The report may be retained on paper or in electronic format.
Exceptions to this requirement may be made under special circumstances
or for special categories, such as drugs of abuse or employee drug testing.
The laboratory director may make these exceptions.
 Evidence of Compliance:
 ✓ Retained original referral laboratory reports OR direct access to referral
laboratory reports via electronic transmission from the referral laboratory
Results Reporting And Referral Of
 GEN.41440 Referral Laboratory Results Reporting Phase II
 The essential elements of referred test results are reported by the referring
laboratory as received from the referral laboratory, without alterations that
could affect clinical interpretation.
 NOTE: If the laboratory transcribes results from the referral laboratory report, the
test result(s), interpretation, and information directly related to the interpretation
must be copied as reported by the referral laboratory This does not mandate that
the referring laboratory report every word nor retain the exact format of the
referral laboratory report. There is no requirement to fully replicate the complete
content of the referral laboratory report beyond the results and interpretation.
 Suggestions for follow-up testing may, for example, be omitted at the discretion of
the laboratory director.
 Evidence of Compliance:
 ✓ Patient results from the referral laboratory consistent with laboratory-issued patient
Quality Of Water And Glassware
 GEN.41500 Defined Water Types Phase II
 The laboratory defines the specific type of water required for each of its
testing procedures and water quality is tested at least annually.
 NOTE: The laboratory should define the type of water necessary for
each of its procedures, and should have an adequate supply of same.
The laboratory must determine the level of testing necessary for other
grades of water in use.

 GEN.41770 Glassware Cleaning Phase II

 There are written procedures for handling and cleaning glassware,
including methods for testing for detergent removal.
 NOTE: Special instructions for micropipettes, cuvets, acid washing, etc.
must be included.
Laboratory Computer Services

 The requirements in this section do NOT apply to the following:

 1. Desktop calculators
 2. Small programmable technical computers
 3. Purchased services such as the Quality Assurance Service or
Laboratory Management Index Service of the College of American
 4. Micro computers used solely for word processing, spreadsheets, or
similar single user functions
 5. Dedicated microprocessors or workstations that are an integral
part of an analytic instrument
Laboratory Computer Services

 GEN.42195 Remote LIS Phase II

 If components of the LIS are located at a facility other than the one
under this CAP accreditation number, there is evidence that the
remote facility complies with CAP requirements for host LIS functions.
Laboratory Computer Services
 GEN.42750 Computer Facility Maintenance Phase I
 The computer facility and equipment are clean, well-maintained and
adequately ventilated with appropriate environmental control.
 NOTE: The computer facilities should be clean, well maintained and in a location
that is environmentally controlled, as required by the most restrictive vendor

 GEN.42800 LIS Fire Equipment Phase II

 Fire-fighting equipment (extinguishers) is appropriate for electrical components

 GEN.42900 LIS Power Phase II

 The computer system is adequately protected against electrical power
interruptions and
 surges.
Laboratory Computer Services

 GEN.43022 LIS Testing Phase II

 There are records that programs are adequately tested for proper
functioning when first installed and after any modifications, and that
the laboratory director or designee has approved the use of all new
programs and modifications.
 NOTE: Computer programs must be checked for proper performance
when first installed and after any changes or modifications. Any
changes or modifications to the system must be recorded, and the
laboratory director or designee must approve all changes, additions
and deletions in programs, the test library, and major computer
functions before they are released.
 Records must be retained for at least two years beyond the service life
of the system.
Laboratory Computer Services

 **REVISED** 07/28/2015
 GEN.43033 Custom LIS Phase I
 Customized software, and modifications to that software, are
appropriately documented and records allow for tracking to
identify persons that have added or modified that software.

 **NEW** 07/28/2015
 GEN.43040 LIS Policy and Procedure Approval Phase II
 The laboratory director or designee reviews and approves all new
LIS policies and procedures, as well as substantial changes to
existing documents before implementation.
Laboratory Computer Services

 **REVISED** 07/28/2015
 GEN.43055 Computer System Training Phase II
 There are records for training of all users of the computer system
initially, after system modification, and after installation of a new

 GEN.43066 Computer Malfunction Notification Phase II

 There is a written procedure with instructions for contacting a
responsible person (e.g. Computer System Manager) in case of
computer malfunction.
Laboratory Computer Services

 GEN.43150 Access Patient Data Phase II

 There are explicit written policies that specify who may use the
computer system to enter or access patient data, change results,
change billing or alter programs.
 NOTE: Policies must define those who may only access patient data
and users who are authorized to enter patient results, change
results, change billing, or alter computer tables or programs. If data
in other computer systems can be accessed through the LIS (e.g.
pharmacy or medical records), policies must prevent unauthorized
access to the data through the LIS.
Laboratory Computer Services

 GEN.43200 Computer Access Codes Phase II

 Computer access codes (security codes, user codes) are in place
to confine individuals‘ access to those functions they are authorized
to use, and the security of access codes is maintained (e.g.
inactivated when employees leave, not posted on terminals).

 GEN.43262 Unauthorized Software Installation Phase I

 There are written policies and procedures that govern installation of
software on any computer used by the laboratory.
Laboratory Computer Services

 **REVISED** 07/28/2015
 GEN.43325 Public Network Security Phase II
 If the facility uses a public network, such as the Internet as a data
exchange medium, there are network security measures in place to
ensure confidentiality of patient data.
 Evidence of Compliance:
 ✓ Written policy defining mechanism for data protection
Laboratory Computer Services

 GEN.43450 Calculated Patient Data Verification Phase II

 Calculated values reported with patient results are reviewed every
two years or when a system change is made that may affect the
 NOTE: This checklist requirement applies only to calculations based on
formulas modifiable by the user.

 Evidence of Compliance:
 ✓ Records of validation of calculated test results
Laboratory Computer Services

 GEN.43750 Specimen Quality Comment Phase II

 The system provides for comments on specimen quality that might
compromise the accuracy of analytic results (e.g. hemolyzed,
 Evidence of Compliance:
 ✓ Patient reports
Laboratory Computer Services
 GEN.43800 Data Input ID Phase II
 There is an adequate system to identify all individuals who have
entered and/or modified patient data or control files.
 NOTE: When individual tests from a single test order (e.g. multiple
tests with same accession number) are performed by separate
individuals and the test result is entered into the LIS, the system must
provide an audit trail to record each person involved.
 For example, a single accession number having orders for electrolytes
and a lipid panel may have testing done by two or more individuals. The
laboratory should be able to identify the responsible personnel who
performed each test and posted the data. This includes sequential
corrections made to a single test result.
 If autoverification is used, then the audit trail should reflect that the
result was verified automatically at a given time.
Laboratory Computer Services

 GEN.43825 Result Verification Phase II

 Manual and automated result entries are verified before final
acceptance and reporting by the computer.
 NOTE: Data entered into the computer system either manually or by
automated methods must be reviewed by an authorized individual
who verifies the accuracy of the input data before final
acceptance and reporting by the computer.
 An example of best practices for this step is checking the result against
the reportable range and critical results for the test.
Laboratory Computer Services

 GEN.43837 Downtime Result Reporting Phase II

 There are written procedures to ensure reporting of patient results in
a prompt and useful fashion during partial or complete downtime
and recovery of the system.

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