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relieved or reduced. The use of essential oils in most delivery forms generally
tends to induce a feeling of wellbeing; this may or may not be accompanied by
relief of a particular sign or symptom. The main symptoms that are indicated
for selecting a particular oil are summarized in the 'Specific symptomatology'
sections of this materia aromatica.
• The treatment of the general terrain of the individual. Like herbal and
homeopathic remedies, essential oils also excel at regulating imbalance of the
individual terrain, especially when used over time. In functional and diagnostic
terms, this includes a terrain characterized by tension, weakness, heat, cold,
dry, damp, and so on. In physiopathological terms, a terrain may be dominated
by a particular pathology, e.g. chronic inflammation; congestion; fungal viral
or bacterial dominance; or simply be the result of certain organ or endocrine
dominance, such as a hepatic terrain or an oestrogen dominant terrain
Almost any essential oils may address the whole terrain that underlies specific
symptoms, syndromes and disorders. Those least likely to be appropriate tor
terrain treatment are those with a single dominant fragrance note and chemical
constituent, such as Lemon, Cajeput and Wintergreen. Oils for treatment may