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Student Assessment

HLTAID001 - Provide cardiopulmonary resuscitation

(Release 5)

Unit overview:
HLTAID001 - Provide cardiopulmonary resuscitation
This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation
(CPR) in line with the Australian Resuscitation Council (ARC) Guidelines.
This unit applies to all workers who may be required to provide CPR, in a range of situations,
including community and workplace settings.
Specific licensing /regulatory requirements relating to this competency, including requirements for
refresher training should be obtained from the relevant national/state/territory Work Health and
Safety Regulatory Authorities.

Demonstrating competency
To demonstrate your competency in these units you will need to provide evidence of your ability to:

HLTAID001 - Provide 1. Respond to an emergency situation

cardiopulmonary resuscitation 2. Perform CPR procedures
3. Communicate details of the incident

This assessment pack is broken into 2 sections: 1) Written Questions, 2) Practical Demonstrations 3

The questions within each section assess both knowledge and skills across all units in this training
unit. All assessment tasks must be completed to be assessed as

To attain competence in this unit listed above you must:

 Successfully complete all Written Questions in this assessment pack

 Successfully demonstrate skills as indicated in the Practical Demonstration and as directed by
your Trainer

Following the completion of your assessment, if you are unable to demonstrate the required level of
competence you will be provided with information, advice and/or counselling on options or
opportunities to achieve competence and be reassessed. Please refer to the Student Guide or speak
with your trainer for further details.

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Assessment overview
Assessment Section 1: Written questions

 You are required to satisfactorily complete all the written questions provided for each topic.
 Written questions may be a combination of multiple choice, short answer or true or false
 You must provide your answers in the space provided under each question
 Your answers to these questions will form part of the evidence gathered to determine
competence for these units.
 You must respond to all questions and submit them to your Trainer by the date agreed with your
Trainer (write this date below).
 Remember to attach the Written Questions cover sheet to the Written Questions before
 You must complete all questions
 All documents must be clearly labelled
 You will have 10 minutes pre-reading time. During this time, you can ask your trainer any
questions you are unsure of regarding the written assessment

Date Due:

Assessment Section 2: Demonstration (Observation by your Trainer)


 You will be required to complete all demonstrations to be assessed as competent in all units
within the cluster.
 Demonstrations will consist of a number of tasks you would perform in your role on a daily basis
 Each demonstration must be performed using approved workplace machinery, tools or
 Your Trainer will observe you and may guide your activities to ensure you are able to
demonstrate the necessary skills.
 Your Trainer may ask you verbal questions as a part of the required task
 You may ask your Trainer questions to clarify tasks if required
 This will take place on a date as agreed with your Trainer (write this date below). You may be
observed on more than one separate occasion if required
 Your Trainer will complete an observation checklist which forms part of the evidence gathered
to make a judgment on your competence in this training cluster.
 Your supervisor will be required to complete a Supervisor report to be submitted as part of the
evidence gathered to make a judgment on your competence in this training cluster

Date of Demonstration:

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Assessment Reading Guide- The ABC of CPR, 3rd Edition
The ABC of CPR textbook, has been developed for this training cluster to assist you with the ability to
answer questions successfully across Section 1 - Written questions (Multiple choice and short answer
questions) within this assessment pack.

You should refer to The ABC of CPR textbook before attempting to undertake all

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Assessment Section 1: Written Questions
Assessment instructions
 You are required to satisfactorily complete all the written questions provided for each topic.
 Written questions may be a combination of multiple choice, short answer or true or false
 You must provide your answers in the space provided under each question
 Your answers to these questions will form part of the evidence gathered to determine
competence for these units.
 You must respond to all questions and submit them to your Trainer.
 Remember to attach the Written Questions cover sheet to the Written Questions before
 You must complete all questions
 All documents must be clearly labelled

Refer to The ABC of CPR text for this unit to help you answer the questions in this section.

In this unit of competency there are a total of 25 Questions.

Question What are the signs and symptoms of an unconscious patient?


Question What is the best position for an unconscious patient and how can you support their neck?

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Question On an adult casualty, what is the ratio of chest compressions to rescue breaths?

Question When would you apply a defibrillator to a patient?


Question What is the correct position for the placement of defibrillation pads on a patient?

Question You come across a patient that is choking, he is coughing and looks distressed, what do you
6 do?

Question What are the four ‘P’s of First aid?


Question If you find someone collapsed, what is the first thing you should do?
8  Check for danger
 Try and wake the person up
 Call an ambulance
 Check for breathing

Question When approaching a first aid incident, after checking for dangers, how do you check for a

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9 response from the casualty?
a.) Shout and shake the person
b.) Shout in their ear
c.) Gently nudge the person with your foot
d.) Talk and touch, i.e. squeeze their hand

Question How should you open an airway in an unconscious casualty?

10  Tilt the head to the side
 Tilt the head forwards
 Tilt the head back and lift the chin
 Move the tongue with you fingers

Question How long should you check for breathing for?

11  20 secs
 5 secs
 10 secs
 15 secs

Question If someone isn't breathing, what is the first thing you should do?

Question What does the acronym DRSABC stand for?


Question It is acceptable to just perform chest compressions if you are unable or unwilling to
14 perform rescue breaths?
 True  False

Question What action should you take if a casualty vomits whilst you are performing CPR?
15 a.) Ring back the ambulance service and inform them
b.) Give five rescue breaths immediately
c.) Roll them onto their side to clear the vomit, then continue CPR
d.) Continue with CPR as normal

Question When should you stop doing CPR?

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16 a) If the casualty shows signs of life
b) If you become exhausted
c) If the area becomes too dangerous
d) All of the above

Question What rate of chest compressions should you aim for?

17  70-100
 100-120
 120-140
 80-90

Question What are the four (4) components of the chain of survival?

Question Wherever possible it is necessary to wear gloves and a face shield when performing first
19 aid or CPR
 True  False
Question How should you do chest compressions on a child?
20 a.) With two fingers
b.) Same as you would on an adult, just more carefully
c.) With one hand
d.) With elbows bent

Question Why is it so important to debrief after witnessing and accident or providing first aid to a
21 casualty?

Question Do you need to obtain consent to perform first aid on a person?


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Question When performing any sort of First Aid or CPR on a casualty, the first aider should always
23 ensure that the casualty feels cared for and respected?
 True  False

Question How can you ensure the privacy and confidentiality of the casualty that is receiving first aid
24 or CPR? Give three (3) examples

Question What documentation may be requested by emergency services or your workplace after
25 administering first aid or CPR to a casualty?

End of Assessment 1 – Written Questions

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Assessment Section 2: Practical
Assessment instructions

 You will be required to complete all demonstrations to be assessed as competent in all units
within the cluster.
 Demonstrations will consist of a number of tasks you would perform in your role on a daily basis
 Each demonstration must be performed using approved workplace machinery, tools or
 Your Trainer will observe you and may guide your activities to ensure you are able to
demonstrate the necessary skills.
 Your Trainer may ask you verbal questions as a part of the required task
 You may ask your Trainer questions to clarify tasks if required
 You may be observed on more than one separate occasion if required
 Your Trainer will complete an observation checklist which forms part of the evidence gathered
to make a judgment on your competence in this training cluster.
 Your supervisor will be required to complete a Supervisor report to be submitted as part of the
evidence gathered to make a judgment on your competence in this training cluster

Refer to The ABC of CPR text for this training cluster to help prepare you for your practical

In this unit, there are a total of 3 demonstrations.

o Observation Checklist 1 – Perform CPR on an adult

 You are required to perform at least 2 minutes of uninterrupted single rescuer cardiopulmonary
resuscitation (CPR) (5 cycles of both compressions and ventilations) on an adult resuscitation
manikin placed on the floor
o Observation Checklist 2 – Perform CPR on an infant
 You are required to perform at least 2 minutes of uninterrupted single rescuer CPR (5 cycles
both compressions and ventilations) on an infant resuscitation manikin placed on a firm surface
o Observation Checklist 3 – Perform CPR and use AED with a partner
 You are required to follow a single rescue procedure, including the demonstration of a rotation
of operators with minimal interruptions to compressions and,
 Operate and follow the prompts of an automated external defibrillator (AED)

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Demonstration 1 – Perform CPR on an adult (mannequin)
Observation Checklist 1

I have directly observed the Participant demonstrate their ability to: Comments to support decision(s)
(Yes/ No)
Recognise an emergency situation  
Identify, assess and minimise immediate hazards to health and safety of self
and others  
Assess the casualty and recognise the need for CPR
 
Seek assistance from emergency response services
 
Demonstrate safe manual handling techniques by moving casualty into
position to receive CPR  
Follow infection control principles and procedure, including using standard
precautions such as gloves, masks, goggles etc.  
Perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation in accordance with ARC guidelines  
 performed at least 2 minutes of uninterrupted single rescuer
cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) (5 cycles of both compressions
 
and ventilations) on an adult resuscitation manikin placed on the
Display respectful behaviour towards casualty and followed duty of care
responsibilities for the casualty  
 responded appropriately in the event of regurgitation or vomiting
 
Accurately convey incident details to emergency response services (VQ)
 

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Demonstration 2 – Perform CPR on an infant/child (mannequin)
Observation Checklist 2

I have directly observed the Participant demonstrate their ability to: Comments to support decision(s)
(Yes/ No)
Recognise an emergency situation  
Identify, assess and minimise immediate hazards to health and safety of self
and others  
Assess the casualty and recognise the need for CPR
 
Seek assistance from emergency response services
 
Demonstrate safe manual handling techniques by moving casualty into
position to receive CPR  
Follow infection control principles and procedure, including using standard
precautions such as gloves, masks, goggles etc.  
Perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation in accordance with ARC guidelines  
 performed at least 2 minutes of uninterrupted single rescuer
cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) (5 cycles of both compressions
 
and ventilations) on an infant/child resuscitation manikin placed on
the floor
Display respectful behaviour towards casualty and followed duty of care
responsibilities for the casualty  
 responded appropriately in the event of regurgitation or vomiting
 
Accurately convey incident details to emergency response services (VQ)
 

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Demonstration 3 – Perform CPR and use AED with a partner
Observation Checklist 3

I have directly observed the Participant demonstrate their ability to: Comments to support decision(s)
(Yes/ No)
Recognise an emergency situation  
Identify, assess and minimise immediate hazards to health and safety of self
and others  
Assess the casualty and recognise the need for CPR
 
Seek assistance from emergency response services
 
Demonstrate safe manual handling techniques by moving casualty into
position to receive CPR  
Follow infection control principles and procedure, including using standard
precautions such as gloves, masks, goggles etc.  
Perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation in accordance with ARC guidelines  
 followed single rescue procedure, including the demonstration of a
rotation of operators with minimal interruptions to compressions  
with a partner
Display respectful behaviour towards casualty and followed duty of care
responsibilities for the casualty  
 responded appropriately in the event of regurgitation or vomiting  
Follow the prompts, and operate an automated external defibrillator (AED)

Accurately convey incident details to emergency response services (VQ)

 

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Final assessment outcome record
HLTAID001 - Provide cardiopulmonary resuscitation
(Release 5)
The following form must be used to record the assessment outcome after a Participant has
completed all assessment tasks relating to the unit of competency. The outcome of each individual
assessment task is to be reported and the overall assessment decision is to be recorded as either:

 Competent or
 Not Yet Competent.

All parties (Trainer, Participant and Employer) must sign in the space provided on the next page as
agreement the specified assessment outcome for this unit of competency has been achieved. For
information regarding processes if the Participant is Not Yet Competent, please refer to the
Employee Handbook.

To achieve competency the Participant must have satisfactorily completed the following
assessment tasks related to this unit of competency:
Assessment Task Assessment Outcome

 Written Questions  Satisfactory  Unsatisfactory

 Practical Demonstrations  Satisfactory  Unsatisfactory

The assessment outcome for this unit of competency is:


Comments on assessment

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Agreement that competency has been achieved
Participant Name:

Participant Signature: Date:

Trainer Name:

Trainer Signature: Date:

Employer Name:

Employer Signature: Date:

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