Polaris RPG Creatures English

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EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)




Based on the game system designed by Raphaël “Ralph B” Bombayl












The Polaris and Black Book Editions teams were deeply saddened to learn, on the morning of May 22nd, of the passing
of Steeve W. Creech. Steve was 53 and a beloved member of the gaming community all around the world. He was a
multi-award-winning author and publisher and contributed to countless publications. He was currently working on
additional creature creation rules for Polaris.

We dedicate this book to his memory, and our thoughts go to his wife Kimberly, his son Scott, his daughter Steph, his
parents Waye and Leon, his family and friends.

Black Book Editions

50 rue Jean Zay

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EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)



Tiger shark 62
Whale shark 63
Killer algae 5
Swordfish 64
Purple algae 6
Torpedo fish 65
Giant tentacled anemone 7
Stone anemone 8
Giant gorgon 9
Sea Dragon 68
Guardian polyp 10
Sea Serpent 69
Assassin jellyfish 11
Atlas turtle 70
Distiller jellyfish 12
Pet turtle 71
Maelstrom jellyfish 13
Ray turtle 72
Minotaur jellyfish 14
Black dolphin 73
Symbiont jellyfish 15
Sylside (Sand Maw) 17 Delphinoid 74
Harpoon urchin 18 Dolphin75
Hobo urchin 19 Wild dolphin/Bottlenose dolphin 76
Vortex20 Horned beluga 77
Bleeders (shoal) 21 Orca78
Imperial/Giant orca 79
Leopard otter 80
Ant crab 22
Leviathan whale 81
Giant crab 23
Giant spider crab 24
Trench walrus 83
Titan crab 25
Giant clam  26 SEA MONSTERS 84
Head-gobbler27 Giant sea serpent 84
Hydra of the deep 28 Leviathans85
Korelia29 Leviathan87
Lover cone 30 Monolith (Leviathan) 88
Reaper octopus 31 Solar (Leviathan) 89
Kraken squid 32 Magma sleeper 90
Tiger squid 33 Neo-megalodon91
Anglerfish 34 Sackar 94
Barracuda35 Siren95
California jewfish 36
Emperor angelfish 38
Fish (shoals) 39 DANGEROUS PLANTS 97
blade fish 39 Ferals97
Flash fish 39 Flame tree 98
Larsen fish 40 Green Gargan 99
mask fish 40 Man-eating sarracenias 100
Flying scorpion fish or sea dragon 41 Razor fern 101
Giant monkfish 42 Serax102
Giant regalec  43 Serpent vine 103
Killer conger 44 Smothering taro 104
Limophryne arborifera 45 Strangling willow 105
Miner fish 46 Tantalus106
Piranhas 47 Black hounds 107
Ironeater ray 49 Bobrat108
Leopard ray 50 Cat of Ultar 109
Manta ray 51 Common rat 110
Torpedo ray 52 Dzaar111
Salini53 Furral112
Blue pointer shark 54 Giant Siberian tiger 113
Bull shark 55 Gibbon 114
Chameleon shark 56 Guardian angel 115
Plated shark 57 Horned snake 116
Rhino shark 58 Hyaenna117
Sand tiger shark 59 Jellyfish 118
Sentry shark 60 Krane119

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)

Lemur120 Energy haze 177
Lemurian121 Flesh eating macrovirus 178
Light-eater122 Ghost wire 179
Mutant wolf 123 Gliders180
Rakeet 124 Gorgor (tentacled horror) 181
Rat snake 125 Harvester182
Scavenger126 Kraal Hounds 183
Sirach, surface starfish 127 Lightning sylph 184
Thornhog128 Mirena185
Wolf129 Necrons186
Silent pilgrim 188
Assassin larva 130
Burrower worm 131
Man-eating worm 133 Burrowers190
Sticky worms 134 Suriors or trackers 190
Trident-worm135 Lorogan192
Vampire leech 136 Umar192
Arachnil137 Acarat 194
INSECTS137 Suragor 194
Arisheim swarm 138 Felorms196
Black Empress (queen) 139 Felorm196
Black Empress (offspring) 140 Mutant Felorm 198
Builder 141 Insects199
Chitin 142 Hook hybrid 199
Common cockroach 143 Control hybrid 201
Fireroach 144 Surgeon hybrid 202
Flesh-eating butterfly 145
Giant ant 146 Plants203
Giant bee 147 Proteus207
Giant beetle 148 Infiltrator Proteus 207
Giant praying mantis 149 Hunter proteus 208
Giant Scorpion 150 Builder/Guard proteus 210
Giant Termite 151 Techno-Hybrids211
Reaper-spider152 tH: Alpha model 211
Rhinoceros spider 153 TH: Beta 453 model 212
Tiger-wasps 154 TH: Mamba model 213
Batrach155 TH: Recycled 214
GIANT MONSTERS 155 TH: Unstable 214
Brass156 Ternasets215
Coastal Crocodile or Armored Crocodile 157 Ternaset215
Devourer158 Ternaset Spawn 218
Dragon159 Underground threats 219
Rock Monster 160 Olomber219
Sand Ray 161 Onyx221
Stone-eater162 Scori222
Titan Worm 163 Synid223
Tyrann 164
Vour166 APPENDIX224
BOOK THREE FLUX OR UNKNOWN CREATURES 167 Rules about Creatures 225
Flux moray eel 169
Mantis170 Medicinal Plants and Fish 240
Medusa171 Viruses241
Minor entity 172 Typical Sea Products 242
Domestic Uses for Creatures 243
Shade 174
Squale175 Assassin Weapons 244
Arisheim abomination 176 INDEX247

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)


Book one
Creatures of
the Deep

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)

Dangerous Flora
bladed weapons and area-effect weapons are 100% effective.)
K ILLER ALGAE Agglutination (as long as the character stays in the affected
“This is unbelievable! You can’t even hide in the seaweed to run area, the GM rolls a simple Attack Test (not an Opposed one).
away from a predator anymore! If even our hiding places start The Success Margin of the Attack determines the number of
killing us, this is the end!” algae automatically sticking to the prey.)
--Kran Ken, pirate Constriction Damage (multiply the number of grasped
Tentacle/Limbs by 10 to determine the Damage Multiplier. The
Type: seaweed Maximum Damage is equal to 1(H) per creature.)
Geographic area: every sea on the planet at every depth Fast removal (to get rid of these things, the victim uses the Success
Size: 1 to 5 m Weight: 1 kg/10 algae Margin of his Strength Test to know how many he can remove)
STR CON COO ADA PER INT WIL PRE Constriction Damage progression of the killing algae
Base 1 5 3 18 3 - - - Algae Dam. (*) Max. Dam.
SECONDARY ATTRIBUTES 10+ (+1/Round) 10 (H)/variable
Melee Damage Mod. -6 Reaction 10 (*) The Damage progression varies depending on the
Constriction Attacks rule on page 226.
Damage Resistance +4 Speed SPD(MP) -
ATTACK These algae can be found floating near the surface and they
Constriction (Melee, Dam.: special, see below) grow in the abyssal trench. It is impossible to tell them apart
COMBAT TACTICS from the other types of algae. As soon as a prey enters a field
of killer algae, they wrap themselves around it to crush it.
01–20 algae This algae is often used to make traps or to protect the access
SPECIAL to stations or secret bases. There is also a lot of it in underwa-
Minuscule (they are extremely difficult to hit with a firearm ter tunnels.
(they are considered Minuscule targets for a -10 Penalty). Only

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)


Only area-effect weapons inflict normal Damage to these
“The Union welcomes you with open arms! Easy living, high creatures and kill 10 creatures per Damage. Other weapons
tech hydroculture, outstanding weather . . . What a joke! The are pretty much useless against the algae, but it can be torn
water is full of toxins, the recyclers are rusted up, the sun is away in handfuls . . .
peeling all the paint off the walls . . . And don’t get me started on Fast agglutination (as long as the character is in the affected
the algae! I’ve never seen such a load of shit. They float on up to area, the GM rolls a simple Attack Test (not an Opposed one).
the surface, feed on toxins, and then they mosey on back down The Success Margin of the Attack x 10 determines the number
here to make our life a living hell. Welcome to paradise!” of algae automatically sticking to the prey.)
--A disgruntled inhabitant of Ka Constriction Damage (multiply the number of Tentacles/
Type: seaweed Limbs grasped by 100 to determine the Damage Multiplier. The
Geographic area: coastal regions Maximum Damage is equal to 1(H) per 10 creatures.)
Size: 1 m long Weight: 0.1 kg for 10 algae Toxins (if a character ingests a substance contaminated by
the algae toxins, he is at risk of catching a random illness. In
some cases, algae can be slightly radioactive (contamination
Base 1 5 10 24 12 2 - - at 1D6). If he gets caught in a shoal of purple algae, toxins can
SECONDARY ATTRIBUTES stick to his armor and be triggered once they are in an open
atmosphere. Hybrids and underwater creatures are exposed
Melee Damage Mod. var. Reaction 18 to an immediate risk of contamination.
Damage Resistance var. Speed SPD(MP) - Strength : The Strength level is indicated for 10 algae plants. A
shoal usually includes a few hundred of them. To calculate the
SKILLS Strength of a shoal, use the rule for multiple limbs (See Liftable
Attack 20 Weight on page 235) and multiply the figure in the Tentacles/
Observation 12 Limbs column by 10.
Fast removal (To get rid of these things, the victim multiplies
ATTACK the Success Margin of his Strength Test by 10 to work out how
Constriction (Melee, Dam.: special, see below) many he can remove)
Constriction Damage progression of the seaweed
Seaweed Dam. (*) Max. Dam.
100+ +1/Round 10 (H)/variables
(*) The Damage progression varies depending on the
01–20 algae Constriction Attacks rule on page 226.

Purple algae owe their name to the purplish-blue color they have
developed due to their feeding on sun and earth toxins. They move
in shoals that can reach up to a few hundred meters long and in-
clude several thousand plants. Once a week, they expel their oxy-
gen and let themselves be carried to the surface where they feed
on toxic material before descending back down to the underwater
depths. The absence of light triggers an amazing contamination
process that allows their toxins to spread in the icy waters.

Purple algae are the cause of many outbreaks in the cities and
fields of temperate regions, especially in the Union. They spread
toxins and diseases that contaminate the water, food-producing
farms, and water species. Studying them is a priority for many
pharmaceutical corporations.
Purple algae are the result of a mutation of the seaweeds used
by the Geneticians for the creation of the Slick, a vast network
of biological elements and self-reproducing nano-particles
spreading from the Surface to a depth of a few hundred meters.
These algae, just like the other elements of the Slick, are able
to absorb and assimilate the toxic materials of the Surface. Un-
like the purple algae, the algae of the Slick are often used by
underwater creatures to get rid of the toxic elements to which
they may have been exposed.

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)


Jellies, Corals, Polyps, etc.

(*) The strength necessary to lift varies depending on the

GIANT TENTACLED Liftable Weight rule on page 235.
ANEMONE (**) The Damage progression varies depending on the
“That’s when I saw the anemone shoal. The glow of our Constriction Attacks rule on page 226.
searchlights was reflecting on their silver colored tentacles and
they looked as if they were covered in sparkling diamonds. It
was really beautiful! What was less beautiful, however, was the DESCRIPTION
decomposing corpses still hanging from the tentacles.” These gigantic anemones drift with the currents, at any depth,
-- Lyrus, marine commando with dozens of extremely fine tentacles trailing behind them.
Type: jelly/polyp/cnidarian They can sometimes be found in underwater caverns. They are
Geographic area: every sea of the globe not particularly dangerous for a diver in a powered exo-suit,
Size: 6 m diameter for the body, tentacles roughly 30 m long but their tentacles are a lethal trap for Hybrids and marine
Weight: 170 kg
creatures. These tentacles look like silver filaments, and they
STR CON COO ADA PER INT WIL PRE contract when in contact with a prey and try to suffocate it.
Base 32 24 12 24 12 1 24 - Only 10 tentacles can affect the same prey at any one time. Fur-
SECONDARY ATTRIBUTES thermore, the tentacles secrete a paralyzing poison.
Melee Damage Mod. +1 Reaction 18
Damage Resistance -9 Speed SPD(MP) current
The anemone’s filaments are extremely sturdy and are of-
SKILLS ten used to manufacture fishing nets. The paralyzing poison is
Attack 12 highly sought after.
Observation 12
Constriction (Melee, Dam.: special, see below)
01–10 Tentacles, 11–20 Body
A Mortal Wound to a tentacle makes it inert, a “Limb Destroyed”
Wound severs it.
Paralysis The paralyzing poison has the following
Contamination type: injection
Detection modifier: taste (-3), smell (-5)
Onset delay: 1 Round
Virulence/Progression: 2D6 then 1D6 each Round as long as
the victim is in melee mode. Even after the paralysis has set
in, Virulence Points are still accumulated. Once the progression
phase is over, the poison virulence is decreased by 1 Point per
Thresholds/Effects: Threshold 5: -2 to every Test;
Threshold 10: -4 to every Test; Threshold 20: -16 to every Test;
Threshold 25: complete paralysis.
Diagnosis modifier: 0
Healing modifier: 0
Price of one dose: 7,000
Constriction Damage of a giant tentacled anemone
Strength Dam. (**) Max. Dam.
32 +3/Round 48 (H)

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)


Paralysis The paralyzing poison has the following
“Nature is trying to adapt to the new living conditions on Earth. characteristics:
This gives rise to the most amazing, nightmarish creatures. This Contamination type: injection
varied and colorful proliferation of life is similar to the work of a Detection modifier: taste (-3), smell (-5)
painter trying to adjust his creations to a new light. Few of the Onset delay: 1 Round
things that are haunting the will survive in the long run, but in Corrosive acid (acid has the following characteristics: Damage:
the meantime, they spread terror in the depths of the oceans.” 1D10 on the first Round, +2 extra Points per Round as long as
-- Professor Peer, marine biologist the victim is in the maw)
Type: jelly/polyp/cnidarian Camouflage
Geographic area: Pacific Ocean Shell 2 (H)
Size: 2 to 4 m diameter, tentacles 1 m long Weight: 96 kg Constriction Damage progression of a stone anemone
STR CON COO ADA PER INT WIL PRE Strength* Dam.** Max Dam.
Base 30 14 6 24 12 2 12 - 30 +3/Round 45 (H)

SECONDARY ATTRIBUTES (*) The strength necessary to lift varies depending on the
Liftable Weight rule on page 235.
Melee Damage Mod. +10 Reaction 18
(**) The Damage progression varies depending on the
Damage Resistance -6 Speed SPD(MP) 2 m, <1(1) Constriction Attacks rule on page 226.

Attack 12
The stone anemone is a dreadful predator that can camouflage
Stealth/Silent itself when lying on rocks. A diver who isn’t paying attention
Observation 12 14
may mistake it for a stone. When it is not moving, the anemone
ATTACK cannot be detected by sonar. It attacks with its tentacles. A vic-
Constriction (Melee, Dam.: special, see below) and tim drawn into the maw of the creature will be crushed and sub-
Relentless bite (Melee, Dam. 2D10+3 + acid) mitted to a very corrosive acid. These creatures can be found at
COMBAT TACTICS various depths.
None. Anemones anchor themselves to a rock thanks to
thousands of small tentacles and suckers. It is very difficult to
detach them from their spot. If anyone attempts to do so, the
Stone anemones are an ideal solution to protect natural un-
anemone’s Strength level is 60 if they are conscious and 30 if

they are unconscious. derground tunnels leading to a base or a hiding place. You just
have to make sure they have been neutralized before acces-
sing the protected location (they are very sensitive to certain
1–2 Tentacle 1, 3–4 Tentacle 2, 5–6 Tentacle 3, 7–8 Tentacle mixtures prepared with the excrement of the fish that feed on
4, 9–10 Tentacle 5, 11–12 Tentacle 6, 13–14 Tentacle 7, 15–16
them). Many pirates have tried to find a way to cover their sta-
Tentacle 8, 17–20 Body
A Mortal Wound on a tentacle makes it inert, a “Limb Destroyed” tions with these anemones but these creatures only like to at-
Wound severs it. tach themselves to rocks.

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)



“Ship cemeteries are full of those things. The problem is, it’s Shell 2 (H)
impossible to get near them in a powered exo-armor or a ship. EMP (the EMP attack may be more powerful depending on the
It would fry every circuit in the blink of an eye. So you have to size of the gorgon and the number of creatures present)
go there in a plain wetsuit with no electronic gear. And then
guess what . . . there are plenty of creatures that would jump at
a chance to snack on a nice fresh human. They ain’t crazy, they
know we’re easier to digest once we’re out of our tin cans.”
Gorgons are strange creatures that drift along on the currents
-- Malreg, pirate
or anchor themselves to the bottom of the oceans where the
Type: jelly/polyp/cnidarian
terrain is uneven. They are often associated with legendary ship
Geographic area: every ocean of the planet, especially the
Pacific cemeteries. The only known specimens have a diameter of a few
Size: variable Weight: variable meters, but some claim they have seen gorgons with a diameter
STR CON COO ADA PER INT WIL PRE of several hundred meters. A gorgon looks like a kind of very
thin plant covered with a myriad of budding stems. Their stems
Base - - - - 3 1 3 -
are made of silicium and an incredibly sturdy, rubbery, organic
SECONDARY ATTRIBUTES substance. The buds are none other than gorgons about to hatch
Melee Damage Mod. - Reaction 1 and they will stick to prey or rocks to grow. These creatures
Damage Resistance - Speed SPD(MP) current don’t attack. Anything touching them (or engaging in hand-to-
SKILLS hand combat against them) is subjected to a powerful electric
Attack Auto field, and furthermore finds itself trapped in the creature’s
limbs, as if in a net. The field causes a loss of consciousness in
the victim and an EMP attack. Gorgons can live at any depth.
Shock Attack: Shock, Dam.: +3D10, EMP attack penalty of -5
(H)/-1 (V) for Breakdown Tests
COMBAT TACTICS If legends are true, there is a huge underwater ship cemetery
None in the Pacific, populated by gigantic gorgons that are able to af-
HIT LOCATIONS fect battleships. It is whispered that there is an actual forest of
01–20 Gorgon gorgons in an abyssal trench of the Atlantic.

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)

1 GUARDIAN POLYP For the poison to be able to work, it must be in contact with the
skin. A character in an airtight outfit won’t be affected. Anyone
“See that Lorian? I can tell you they’ve been through here. wearing any other kind of outfit that leaves even a square
How? Look at that puddle in the middle of the corridor. It’s an centimeter of skin accessible can suffer the effects of the
everyday thing; you wouldn’t even notice it, right? Now look up poison (you can reduce the severity of the poison by a third, a
and see that the neon light right above it isn’t working. Those half or three quarters, depending on the type of clothing worn
two signs together can mean that there’s a guardian polyp by the victim).
behind all this piping. If there is, then it will drop on you when Contamination type: contact
you’re least expecting it and you’ll be wishing you’d never been Detection modifier: 0
born. There’s only one way to make sure. Got any juice left in Onset Delay: immediate
that flamethrower of yours?” Virulence/Progression: 3D6 then 1D6 per Round every Round.
-- An adventurer Thresholds/Effects: Threshold 5: pain, -2 to all Tests,
Threshold 10: pain, -4 to all Tests, burned skin (Presence -1),
Type: jelly/polyp/cnidarian Threshold 15: pain, -6 to all Tests, burned skin (Presence -2),
Geographic area: every sea on the planet at depths of under Threshold 20: pain, -8 to all Tests, burned skin (Presence -3),
1,000 meters Threshold 25: pain, -10 to all Tests, burned skin (Presence -4),
Size: 2 meters in diameter Weight: 10 kg Threshold 30: cardiac arrest, horrendously burned skin
Diagnosis Modifier: 0
Base 4 10 2 18 12 1 1 -
Healing modifier: -4
SECONDARY ATTRIBUTES Price of one dose: 7,000 Sols
Melee Damage Mod. - Reaction 15
Damage Resistance +1 Speed SPD(MP) - DESCRIPTION
SKILLS The guardian polyp is probably the result of a strange mu-
Attack 14 Observation 14 tation of regular jellyfish (it has long filaments and is slightly
Stealth/Silent movement 12 sticky to the touch). Not only can it live for three days out of the
ATTACK water before drying out, it can also move of its own will. From
a distance, it looks like a greenish humidity stain on a ceiling.
Irritating touch (Melee, Dam.: none, Poison)
Up closer, it can look like a puddle of stinky goo. When it comes
COMBAT TACTICS into contact with a victim, it produces a very violently irritant
None poison that can cause an incredibly painful death. This polyp is
HIT LOCATIONS not carnivorous and it dies immediately after carrying out its

1–20 Polyp only attack.

Paralysis The paralyzing poison has the following characteristics:
Some scoundrels use these creatures to cover their escape or
Contamination type: injection
Detection modifier: taste (-3), smell (-5) to protect a corridor for a few days. To prevent the guardian
Onset delay: 1 Round from attacking them too, they use a powdered form of plankton
Poison (The guardian polyp’s poison is its only weapon. It (the creature’s food) that calms it while they slip past. They can
doesn’t have a corrosive effect, but it is so irritant that the be found in the wild anywhere plankton is available. The mafias
victim feels like they are being burned and skinned alive at the
of the various empires breed them and sell them for a fairly high
same time. Usually, the central nervous system cannot stand
the overwhelming feeling and the heart gives out in a maximum price. As with any natural danger, it is impossible to detect it
of ten minutes. using an electronic device.

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)

Onset delay: 1 hour (L: 6 hours)


ASSASSIN JELLYFISH Virulence/Progression: 2D10 then 1D10 every hour for 4 hours
“Do you think a jellyfish could want to kill someone? I swear, (L: 2D6 then 1D6 every 6 hours for 24 hours)
since I’ve started fishing them, I keep seeing them floating Thresholds/Effects: Threshold 5: violent pains (-2 Penalty
around my ship. The other day, I was working at the mine and for every Test), the character virtually and temporarily loses
there was one there! I’m starting to get really scared.” 1 Constitution Point. If this Attribute falls to 0, the character
-- Yvon Guen, fisherman dies; Threshold 10: violent pains (-4 for Tests), -2 Constitution;
Threshold 15: violent pains (-6 for Tests), -3 Constitution;
Type: jelly/polyp/cnidarian Threshold 20 and 25: violent pains (-8 for Tests),
Geographic area: Pacific -4 Constitution.
Size: 1 m diameter, 2 m long, tentacles 1 m long Diagnosis modifier: -2
Weight: 10 kg Healing modifier: -2
STR CON COO ADA PER INT WIL PRE Price of one dose: 8,000 (L: 5,000)
Base 12 8 6 24 7 2 12 -
Melee Damage Mod. -1 Reaction 15 These fairly rare creatures can live at any depth. There are
two kinds of assassin jellyfish. The smallest kind is harmless for
Damage Resistance +0 Speed SPD(MP) 6 m, <1(1)
those wearing even the lightest kind of protection. It secretes
SKILLS an extremely virulent poison that is highly sought after by as-
Attack 9 Observation 12 sassins. The larger specimens (whose characteristics are men-
Stealth/Silent movement 10 tioned above) are able to attack their prey with four tentacles
ATTACK tipped with silicium barbs. Assassin jellyfishes of this size se-
crete a poison less virulent than the small ones. They drift with
One attack per tentacle (4x) (Dam.: 1D10 +3, Reach: +3,
Penetration: 4 (H)) the currents and only attack the creatures on their path. They
COMBAT TACTICS carry out an attack by thrusting their tentacles forward in order
to pierce holes in the shell of their prey. An assassin jellyfish
doesn’t stay small for long, barely a few months. It is therefore
HIT LOCATIONS pretty difficult to find a small one.
1–2 Tentacle 1, 3–4 Tentacle 2, 5–6 Tentacle 3, 7–8 Tentacle 4,
9–20 Body USE/RUMORS
SPECIAL As far as small jellyfish are concerned, people are obviously
Poison of small and large (L) jellyfishes: looking for them for their poison. Assassin jellyfish farms are
Contamination type: injection not rare, as an individual can be sold for several thousand Sols.
Detection modifier: taste (-1), smell (-5)

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)

1 DISTILLER JELLYFISH Detection modifier: 0

Onset delay: 2 Rounds
“It is noteworthy that if this organization really exists, it is Intensity: 2D6
powerful and widely established. I have listed at least six bars, Thresholds/Effects: drunkenness at threshold 5. The
pubs, and other taverns with a distiller jellyfish on its sign. And immediate effect is a headache (with a pain in the sinuses) and
each time, there was a specimen in an aquarium, right in the the feeling that all your senses are hyper acute. After vomiting
middle of the main room. The first drink ritual is always the same, a few times, the victim feels (maybe rightfully) like the world is
and, in my opinion, the sign of recognition of this secret society. I spinning.
will wait for your instructions before trying to infiltrate them.” Duration: 1 hour
-- Syllion Den, Neptune agent Side-effects (Threshold 5): Margin from 1 to 9: Penalty of -1 to
every Test; Margin 10 to 14: Penalty of -2 to every Test; Margin
Type: jelly/polyp/cnidarian 15+: Penalty of -4 to every Test.
Geographic area: every sea of the planet at any depth Withdrawal: 24 hours
Size: 50 cm diameter, max length 3 m Weight: 2.5 kg Addiction modifier: -6
Base 2 20 10 18 1 1 12 - DESCRIPTION
SECONDARY ATTRIBUTES This small jellyfish is slightly bluish and radiates a weak phos-
Melee Damage Mod. - Reaction 9 phorescent glow. As it never goes through the polyp phase, it
Damage Resistance -1 Speed SPD(MP) 3 m, <1(1) has the curious ability not only to survive in alcohol, but also
SKILLS to filter it to increase the alcohol percentage. The older the jel-
lyfish, the better the alcohol. The main question is whether the
Attack 10 Observation 2
creature is still alive since it doesn’t move at all.
Stealth/Silent movement 6
Sting (Melee, Damage: none, Poison) In bars that own a distiller jellyfish, the tradition demands
COMBAT TACTICS that any new client dip his glass into the jar and down his drink
None in one go. There’s 1 chance in 20 that the jellyfish will wake up
and try to sting him. Then he must perform a Constitution Test
with a Penalty of 12 +1/year of age of the jellyfish in order to not
01–10 Upper corolla, 11–15 Lower corolla, 16–20 Tentacles spit the alcohol out. If he meets these two conditions, his drinks
SPECIAL are on the house for the evening.

The poison of the distiller jellyfish is a neurotropic drug (which

explains why jellyfish alcohol is so popular). Addiction to it is THE LEGEND OF THE CARMINA JELLYFISH
very powerful and makes the victim drink any kind of alcohol in
order to permanently maintain a blood alcohol level of 1.5 grams. (MEDUSA GIGANTESCA)
No one really knows if this creature actually exists. The mis-
sion reports that usually refer to it describe an unknown
obstacle that slows down or stops the movement of a vessel
(up to cruiser size). The vessel is then released suddenly,
as if it had just pushed through an invisible barrier. This is
referred to as a Carmina effect.
The name comes from that of an explorer from the Coral Re-
public, Amelina Carmina. She is the only one to have managed
to film the creature as it rose up from a sea cave in the Ridge.
According to the marine biologists from the Polar Alliance who
saw this document, the Carmina jellyfish must have been about
400 meters in diameter. It was covered in micro-anemones
and could have been mistaken for a gigantic floating rock. They
counted 232 tentacles that in some cases seemed to move
of their own accord (which is not possible for regular jellyfi-
sh). They also noted the presence of six frills, one on top of
the other, and an iridescent central “eye.” Sailors say that the
Carmina never appears randomly. As with many sea monsters,
it is said to have qualities and flaws. This particular one is said
to always appear before or after a major historical event (bat-
tle, natural disaster, etc.). It is usually considered to be a be-
nevolent — or at the very least neutral — legendary creature.

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)



Digestion by acid and poison. As soon as filaments grab a
“Well . . . The bigger, the slimier, and the stickier.” prey, the damage caused by acid is automatic. The stinger of
-- A sailor the jellyfish is a penetrative weapon, the Penetration score of
Type: jelly/polyp/cnidarian which is 6(H). Here are the poison characteristics:
Geographic area: Volcania III area Contamination type: injection
Size: 10 m diameter and 40 m long Weight: 1,500 kg (90% water) Detection modifier: taste (-6), smell (-4)
Onset delay: 2 Rounds
Virulence/Progression: 3D6 then 1D6 every Round for
Base 24 12 4 10 12 - - - 10 Rounds.
SECONDARY ATTRIBUTES Thresholds/Effects: Threshold 30: death
Diagnosis modifier: -4
Melee Damage Mod. +7 Reaction 11 Healing modifier: -2
Damage Resistance -4 Speed SPD(MP) 23 m, 3(1) Price of one dose: 6,000
Athletics 14 Attack
Observation 12 12 This jellyfish has a fluorescent corolla, the pseudopods of
which trail below it, searching for a prey to stick to. As soon as
ATTACK it makes contact, it quickly rotates to hit the prey with its fila-
Filaments (Melee, Acid, Dam.: 1D6 (H) for every two filaments. ments, which secrete a corrosive, digesting glue (from 2 to 12
Damage increased by +2 per Round every two filaments) filaments). The prey must then escape to avoid the final attack
Stinger (Melee Dam.: 1D10+4 (H), Pen. 8 (H))
of the creature: its poisoned stinger. To break loose from the
COMBAT TACTICS tentacles, the victim must get away from their grasp, which has
As soon as a filament has grabbed the victim, the jellyfish can a Base Strength of 4, but this is modified by the number of coiled
carry out an attack with its stinger and keep on attacking with filaments (Liftable Weight, page 235).
its filaments as well.
01–10 Upper corolla, 11–15 Lower corolla (vital organs), 16–20 Assassins are especially looking for their poison because it is
Tentacles and filaments. A Mortal Wound on a filament makes it almost untraceable. Those who fish maelstrom jellyfish are as
inert, a “Limb Destroyed” Wound severs it.
rare as they are crazy, but there are some of them to be found.

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)


Shell 10 (H) (5 if it is not hardened)
“I swear to you. At first glance, it looks all squishy. It’s bigger Constriction Damage progression of a minotaur jellyfish
than a man and almost as flabby as Fat Lulu on Level Three. But
if you get closer, it starts moving. The critter solidifies and the Strength Dam.** Max. Dam.
two little frills that were floating on either side become as hard 40 +4/Round 60 (H)
as horns. Well, buddy, that means it’s time to swim the hell out
(*) per 10 m jump
there. In the blink of an eye, it rushes at you and drills a hole in
(**) The Damage progression varies depending on the
your armor or the hull of your ship. It keeps at it until you run
Constriction Attacks rules on page 226.
away. I’d never seen anything like that before. I’ve heard that
the Felorms use them to protect their hideout.”
-- Nisul Karn, Equinox fisherman
Type: jelly/polyp/cnidarian DESCRIPTION
Geographic area: Pacific Ocean mainly, at any depth The only difference between the minotaur jellyfish and any
Size: 2.2 m diameter Weight: 50 kg other scyphozoa is the pair of membranes on the upper frill that
STR CON COO ADA PER INT WIL PRE grow contrary to the usual radial symmetry. With a length of
Base 40 18 4 18 18 2 15 - roughly two to six meters (filaments included), it is absolutely
harmless and even pretty to look at. It usually has 8 tentacles,
up to 12 for the largest ones (always a multiple of 4). However as
Melee Damage Mod. +15 Reaction 18 soon as it senses danger, it hardens and forms a shell. The two
Damage Resistance -10 Speed SPD(MP) 50 m, 6 (2)* membranes turn into pointy horns. Usually it just floats near
SKILLS the surface, but, when it is afraid, it charges everything that can
Attack 12 Observation 12 be threatening in a 10-meter radius. This charge is extremely
Stealth/Silent movement 10 fast. The minotaur jellyfish does not follow the marine currents
but, for some unknown reason, remains in a territory that it
Charge (Melee, Dam.: 2D10+1 (H) to 3D10+5 (H), depending on
the weight of the creature) then
Constriction (Melee, Dam.: special, see below)
This creature can turn out to be a real hazard for a diver or
a small size vehicle. It is said that scientists from the Coral Re-
The characteristics of the minotaur jellyfish are the ones it public are considering the possibility of raising jellyfish colo-
takes on during a fight (that is, when its upper membrane is

solidified). It begins by charging its prey with its horns then, nies in order to have them watch over strategic Hit locations
during the same Action phase, it closes around its prey to for long periods of time. Cheaper than a soldier or an electronic
crush it (see Holding/Pinning on page 228). This creature can system, they have only one downside: they attack everything
reach a 6-meter diameter for a weight of 200 kg. that comes close, including their masters. It seems certain that
HIT LOCATIONS Felorms already use them as sentinels and have nothing to fear
01–10 Upper corolla, 11–15 Lower corolla (vital organs), 16–20 from them. If a human could discover the secret to using them
Tentacles and filaments. in that way, he would make a fortune.

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)



To wear it, a successful FOF Breathing Test must be rolled
“I never go anywhere without my jelly. One day, I was diving (difficulty: Difficult). A failure means the character can’t bear
in ruins at 150 meters, and a vicious shark attacked me and the tentacles invading his body and unleashing their fluid in
ripped my bottle and regulator off. I didn’t think twice, I grabbed his organism. Once the creature is in place, the individual is
my jellyfish and stuck it on my face. Sure, my buddies found considered to be under the influence of a neo-fluid. However,
me a mile from there heading to an abyssal trench, and I surely the creature has the unpleasant habit of wanting to control the
would have dived down into it if they hadn’t found me first. But individual wearing it. Since the victim can’t detect that it’s taking
one way or another, that critter saved my life.” control over him, the GM must secretly perform an opposed
-- Iran Lest, ruin raider Willpower Test between the jellyfish and the person wearing
Type: jelly/polyp/cnidarian it every 10 minutes. If the jellyfish gets the highest margin, it
Geographic area: every sea of the globe decreases the Willpower of its host from the net modifier to
Size: 30 cm diameter Weight: 2 kg the Success Margin. When the host’s Willpower falls to 0, he
is dominated by the jellyfish, which has only one goal, stay
Base 3 9 6 24 3 4 14 -
Melee Damage Mod. -4 Reaction 13 The symbiont jellyfish allows an individual wearing it on his
Damage Resistance +2 Speed SPD(MP) 1 m, M(1/2) head to survive underwater. It is a strange solitary creature that
SKILLS can be found at any depth. The symbiotic nature of this crea-
ture is amazing, and some wonder if the symbiont jellyfish was
created in a lab.
COMBAT TACTICS In some shallow-depth communities, where these creatures
None are grown, divers always carry a symbiont jellyfish with them in
a small bag. Should there be a diving incident, they are a reliable
way to save a diver’s life.
01–20 Jellyfish

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)


A melodia will attack to immobilize (see Holding/Pinning on
“I swear I really saw it! It was her! The Queen of the Melodia! page 228). If its Attack is a Success, then it envelops its target
She was bigger than a frigate, and there were thousands of and secretes its acid, automatically reducing its opponent’s
these creatures floating around her in the current. She was Strength by its Success Margin divided by half (rounded up).
talking to them . . . I’m not kidding! It was like a song! What do If its victim manages to get free, the melodia will try again to
you mean I couldn’t hear it underwater?” envelop it and will start secreting its acid again.
-- A crazy fisherman in a bar in Parasema
Type: jellyfish/polyp/cnidarian
Geographic area: every sea on the planet 1–20 Creature
Size: m in diameter (up to 30 m for some specimens) SPECIAL
Weight: 185 kg
Acid (The acid secreted by the creature inflicts 1D6 Damage
STR CON COO ADA PER INT WIL PRE during the first Round + 1 Damage per Round.)
Base 16 30 10 22 15 2 18 -
Melee Damage Mod. +3 Reaction 18 Melodia are huge jellyfish that envelop their prey to dissolve
Damage Resistance -7 Speed SPD(MP) 3 m, <1(1) it. They are usually found between 200 and 800 meters below
the sea, drifting on the currents.
Attack 12 Observation 12 USE/RUMORS
Stealth/Silent movement 10 There isn’t much you can do with a melodia, except harvest
ATTACK its acid, which is often used to clean suits of diving armor. Some
Immobilizing people even sail into shoals of melodia to clean their ship’s hull
before chasing them off with a small electric shock. Several ex-
peditions have been launched to try and find out if there is any
truth behind the legend of the Queen of the Melodia.

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)



SYLSIDE (Sand Maw)
1–5 Maw, 6–10 Body, 11–12 Limb 1, 13–14 Limb 2, 15–16 Limb 3,
“The end of childhood? That’s when you discover that the cute 17–18 Limb 4, 19–20 Limb 5. A Mortal Wound to a limb makes it
little critters like starfish, the kind of adorable little things you inert, a “Limb Destroyed” Wound severs it.
played with when you were just a kid . . . well . . . you find out
that they can grow to be four meters across and easily chew SPECIAL
off one of your legs.” Instant Constriction (The five limbs of a sylside automatically
-- Yan Kolm, mutilated sailor close on its prey if the Attack is a Success.)
Type: giant echinoderm Relentless Bite (While the victim is imprisoned in the sylside’s
Geographic area: every sea on the planet at depths of under grip, the Bite Attack is carried out without opposition (it is a
1,000 meters simple Attack, like taking a shot). Furthermore, the sylside can
Size: 4 m Weight: 255 kg crush its prey and bite it at the same time.)
Damage progression for sylside constriction
Strength (*) Dam. (**) Max Dam.
Base 40 20 12 10 15 - - -
40 +4/Round 60 (H)
(*) The Strength required varies according to the Liftable
Melee Damage Mod. +15 Reaction 11 Weight rule on page 235.
Damage Resistance -10 Speed SPD(MP) 4 m, <1(1) (**) The Damage progression varies according to the
Constriction Attacks rule on page 226.
Attack 15 14

Observation 10
These gigantic starfish bury themselves in the seabed and,
ATTACK using their sensing organs (which look like plants) left to
Constriction (Melee, see Constriction and Tentacle Attacks, protrude above the sand, they detect their prey. When they
page 226) and Relentless Bite (Melee, Dam.: 3D10+2 (H)) come into contact, they close on their victim and crush it. The
COMBAT TACTICS creature will then try to swallow it while it is held captive.
The sylside buries itself and waits for a prey to walk on top of it,
so it can close on its victim and crush and bite it. If the sylside only USE/RUMORS
has two limbs left, then it will release its prey and flee. Vehicles A sylside is edible and it can easily be hunted with a seabed
that drive on the seabed are its greatest fear and as soon as it vehicle. As soon as it senses the vibrations of the vehicle, a small
senses one of them coming, it does everything it can to flee (even
though it moves slowly) or to bury itself more deeply. puff of mud rises up from the place where it is hiding.

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)


1–20 Urchin
“He got himself killed by an urchin! Nah, quit laughing, it wasn’t
one of them little ones. Ah come on, stop it! It’s not funny! That SPECIAL
thing ripped through his armor like it was a piece of cloth. Shell 8 (H)
You’re a real jerk, you know that? You won’t be laughing if you Natural defenses (During any melee Attack against the urchin,
come up against one of those things.” the attacker suffers 1D10 Damage (H). When stuck to a rock, an
-- Olaf Gand, pirate urchin has a Strength of 38 if an opponent tries to remove it.)
Type: echinoderm Harpoon (Its spines are penetrating weapons that can ignore
Geographic area: every sea on the planet, especially the Pacific up to 4 Protection points or Armor Rating levels.)
Size: 1 meter in diameter Weight: 20 kg
The harpoon urchin fixes itself to a rock from which it is very
Base 13 24 3 24 11 2 24 - hard to remove. It attacks its prey with its spines that it can
SECONDARY ATTRIBUTES throw over a distance of up to 24 meters. A single urchin can
Melee Damage Mod. -4 Reaction 17 launch up to 15 spines, one after the other. The spines grow
Damage Resistance -2 Speed SPD(MP) 1 m, M(1/2) back in less than forty-eight hours. These creatures are found at
shallow depths (less than 1,000 meters).
Attack 9 Observation 9 USE/RUMORS
Stealth/Silent movement 4 The flesh of the urchin is delicious, and they can be sold for
ATTACK up to 40 Sols per kilo. Its shell is also sought after as a decora-
Spine (Dam.: 2D10+2 (H), Pen. 3 (H), Range 2/4/8/16 (24 meters)) tive object and can be sold for up to 1,000 Sols if it’s in a good

Urchins usually attack targets that are passing overhead so

that the body will fall as close as possible to their position.

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)

a target on a different scale (see Precise Damage Conversion on


HOBO URCHIN V- page 232). When it rolls, an urchin inflicts 10D10 Damage on the
“The hobo urchin is definitely one of the strangest creatures H scale and 1D10 Damage on the V- scale. When it “falls,” it inflicts
that I have ever had a chance to study. This gigantic mollusk 3D10 Damage on the V- scale and ID10+3 Damage on the V+ scale.)
breeds by injecting its eggs into the bodies of its victims. I COMBAT TACTICS
have observed several of them during my four-year study,
and I have to say that I no longer agree with the theory that
this creature moves around randomly, following the currents. HIT LOCATIONS
On the contrary, I think that it uses the currents to reach the 1–20 Creature
destination that it has chosen. In most cases, the mollusk
moves to and from breeding grounds, in a spot close to the SPECIAL
current, where it leaves the remains of its victims for its young Shell 1 (V-)
to grow in and feed on. I also discovered that these creatures
seem to know when a current or a heat flow could be about to * Replaces Constitution on V- scale
become dangerous. I have seen a number of them stop their
movements just before a phenomenon occurred. It would be
interesting to get a better understanding of this behavior, as it DESCRIPTION
could teach us a lot about navigation.” This enormous creature is completely passive. It drifts with
-- Lecter Prest, Vejovis of the Cult of the Trident the currents and heat flows in which it is almost completely in-
Type: giant mollusk visible (chance of detection reduced by half, not counting the
Geographic area: currents and heat flows effects of the disturbances). It is a danger for anything moving
Size: 4 meters in diameter Weight: 16 tons against the current or staying stationary within it. The urchin
STR SIZ COO ADA PER INT WIL PRE can adjust its trajectory slightly to hit a target. These things so-
Base 1 3* 1 14 14 1 20 - metimes leave the heat flow in which they were drifting and
SECONDARY ATTRIBUTES “fall” to the bottom of the ocean by sucking in water to increase
their mass. Occasionally, some have “fallen” on stations in the
Melee Damage Mod. - Reaction 14
past, causing impressive damage. Outside of a current, a hobo
Speed SPD(MP) urchin rolling on the seabed will crush everything in its path.
Damage Resistance +4
Current 30 m/3(1)
It will try to join the closest underwater heat flow to continue
SKILLS its journey. This creature feeds on the few monsters and whales
Stealth/Silent that it crashes into. Its sharp spines stick into its victim’s flesh
Attack 10 9
movement and suck out its life fluids. Hobo urchins are often found with
Stealth/Silent movement the remains of their victims still stuck to their spines.
(in a current)
Collision (Melee, Dam.: variable. When it hits something in a These creatures have no known uses, although the scientists of
current, the Damage is equal to twice the strength of the current the Cult of the Trident are willing to pay for any information on
(or twice the maximum penalty for a Piloting Test inside this the way that these creatures use the currents for their migration.
current) in D10 on an H scale. The Damage can be enough to affect

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)

1 VORTEXV- but some sailors claim to have spotted gigantic ones in the great
depths. This creature’s Strength is always ten times its Size. It
“When you’re a Hybrid, there are some creatures that are inflicts 1D10 Damage (H) per Size point on any victim that comes
especially scary. The vortex is one of them. I got a chance to into contact with one of its limbs. From a Size of 7 upwards, a
see what was left of someone who fell victim to one of these vortex can affect a V- target and inflict 1D6 Damage, and from a
things. Take a chunk of meat and drop it into a shredder. That Size of 13 upwards, it can affect a V+ target and inflict 1D6 Damage
should give you a pretty good idea. In any case, I’m in no hurry (see Precise Damage Conversion on page 232). It takes 1 Round
to eat one like those nutjobs who enjoy its spongy flesh. It’s not per Size point for the creature to create a whirlpool. Any character
like it’s crab!” trying to shoot a projectile into the spinning vortex will suffer a
-- Penco Vriis, Equinox fisherman penalty of -1 per whirlpool size. The whirlpool sucks in everything
around it within a radius of 1 meter per whirlpool size. The
Type: echinoderm Strength generated is equal to 10 per size point, but it decreases
Geographic area: every sea on the planet at any depth (the by 10 per meter of distance from the center. A creature will have
larger they are, the deeper they live) to carry out an opposed Strength Test with the Force of attraction
Size: from 1 m to several meters across to be able to escape. For a vehicle, use the Size of the creature as
Weight: 3.5 tons or more a penalty for the Piloting Test. When a prey is sucked towards the
STR SIZ COO ADA PER INT WIL PRE creature, the Attack is carried out at level 12.
Base Var. Var.* 10 14 20 4 12 - * Replaces Constitution on V- scale

Melee Damage Mod. (H)

These strange creatures are starfish, with six limbs reaching
-6/ Speed SPD(MP) out in all directions except down, where their mouth is. They
Melee Damage Mod. (V-)
+6 49 m, 5(2)
move by spinning around, creating localized whirlpools. These
Damage Resistance (V-) whirlpools, the strength of which depends on the size of the
creature, allow them to suck in prey to be literally torn apart
SKILLS by the six sharp limbs. When the victim has been completely
Athletics 20 Attack 12 turned into goo, the starfish stops spinning and feeds on the
Stealth/Silent movement 2 Observation 10 remains. The shell of this creature is made of a material similar
COMBAT TACTICS to rock crystal.
These creatures flee at the first Serious Wound.

The crystals that form these creatures’ shells are very pre-
1–20 Creature cious and, in many underwater communities, they can be used
SPECIAL as a form of currency. Once the crystals have been harvested,
Shell 10 (H) they can be worth about 5,000 Sols for a creature with a Size of 1.
Whirlpool (A creature with a Size of 1 can create a size 1 whirlpool, The flesh of the vortex is also very sought after and can be sold
a creature with a Size of 2 can generate a size 2 whirlpool, etc. It is on the black market for 400 Sols per kg.
very rare to come across a starfish with a Size of more than 10,

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)


Crustaceans, etc.
Special Immobilizing (The basic Strength for immobilizing is 10
“From a distance, all you can see is a vague cloud shape that for 100 creatures. This Strength increases by using the multiplier
moves in jerks. So, you think it’s just a big shoal of fish. You for Liftable Weight (see page 235). Each group of 100 bleeders
shine a light, and there, you see a thousand beady eyes staring is considered like an additional limb. Each Round, a Strength Test
back at you. I managed to get the airlock shut just in time, is opposed to the shoal’s Strength. If the shoal gets the higher
and then I heard the knocking. Believe it or not, they’ve been Success Margin, then the prey is immobilized. The Immobilizing
knocking for three hours nonstop now. Jimbo wasn’t as lucky, Attack is automatic, and it does not count as a combat Action.)
poor sod. All I managed to retrieve was his helmet . . . and the When these creatures attack, it decreases the target’s
top of his skull still in it.” Protection values (armor, shell or shielding). The creatures’
-- Caillon, fisherman from Equinox Attack has a Penetration level of 5 (H) and it cannot affect an
Type: octopod Armor Rating of 12 (H) or higher.
Geographic area: every sea on the planet An opponent can attack one creature at a time, but aiming is
Size: 20 cm Weight: a few grams required. However, one successful attack will kill one bleeder.
Area-effect weapons can be used, and they are far more
efficient. In this case, each attack kills one creature per Damage.
Base 1 1 16 19 18 1 8 -
Melee Damage Mod. - Reaction 18 Bleeders are small cuttlefish, about 20 centimeters long, and
Damage Resistance - Speed SPD(MP) 60 m,7(2) they only move around in shoals of thousands. Usually, like most
SKILLS squids, they are often found in the ocean depths. Their hunting
technique is very simple: they latch on to large prey and dig into
Athletics 20 Attack 12
it with their beaks until they make it through all protection.
Stealth/Silent movement 10 Observation 12 Then they keep digging, eating away as they go. Some Leviathan
ATTACK whales have been spotted with these parasites inside them for
Beak (Melee, Dam.: 1D10 (H) for 100 creatures +1D10 (H) for over a month. They are not dangerous individually, but from a
every 100 additional creatures) hundred of them upwards, they can kill a human in ten minutes.
A shoal of bleeders will always try to immobilize its prey. USE/RUMORS
HIT LOCATIONS These pests are only the start of worse things to come. Indeed,
the bleeders are said to be the vanguard of larger cuttlefish or
1–20 Shoal
kraken squid. It is not uncommon for seamen to describe the
presence of these smaller creatures in areas known to be home
to other tentacular abominations.

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)


A single successful attack is enough to kill one creature (but
“Man, I hate the Coral Republic. They’re all so good looking, so this requires aiming). An area-effect weapon can be used on
peaceful, so . . . Blah! And then there’s those damned spiders, them. In this case, each attack kills one crab per Damage. The
well, crabs, whatever. I hate all those little critters they have crabs cannot affect the Armor Rating of a powered exo-armor
skittering around their stations. But the worst thing is when above level 6 (H), no matter how many of them there are.
they manage to get onboard your ship. You might as well
get used to living with them because you’ll never be able to
completely get rid of them. Man, I really hate the Coral Republic
and all their damn ant crabs.”
-- Justin Logar, trader from Equinox Ant crabs are small, bright red crabs, which can live up on the sur-
face just as well as down in the greatest depths. They live in colo-
Type: crustacean (amphibian)
Geographic area: underground nies of 20 to several hundred crabs. They usually have a beneficial
Size: 5 to 10 cm Weight: 20 g effect on the ecosystem around them, due to their scavenging role.
STR CON COO ADA PER INT WIL PRE However, sometimes when communities get too big, they can cause
significant damage to their surrounding environment. Just like ants,
Base 1 1 12 18 14 1 12 -
these crabs live in underground galleries. Some small underwater
SECONDARY ATTRIBUTES stations in the Coral Republic are known to use small colonies of
Melee Damage Mod. - Reaction 16 these crabs to clean up around the place, as the crabs take care of
Damage Resistance +6 Speed SPD(MP) 40 m, 4(1) small rodents, as well as quite a bit of trash. Ant crabs will only at-
SKILLS tack when defending their colony, or if they think they are picking
Athletics 10 Attack 10 over a dead body. When they do attack, the crabs swarm the attacker
(or the poor victim) and begin to tear him to pieces with their sharp
Stealth/Silent movement 8 Observation 10
pincers. In stations where they are used for their scavenging talents,
ATTACK most of them are neutered to maintain the size of the colony.
Pincers (Melee, Dam.: 1D6 for 10 crabs +1D6 for every 10 more
crabs up to a maximum of 10D6) USE/RUMORS
COMBAT TACTICS These creatures are not just fearsome opponents, they are also

None an interesting form of decoration. Therefore, in some stations

HIT LOCATIONS these crabs are fairly common. You can see them running under
the metal floor grates, they eat up any dead bodies that may be
1–20 Crab
lying around (which can prove useful for some people) and so-
metimes they even climb on board visiting ships. In short, these
crabs are small, often useful, sometimes harmful (they can get
stuck in the electric cables . . . ), and they reproduce very quickly.

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)



Even though they are not insects, the surface crabs behave as if
“General, I would like to draw your attention to a practice that
they were. However, they have no particular connection to the
has to be stopped. The young recruits that are sent to the
surface are being subjected to a form of hazing that has cost plant kingdom. These crabs have a very unusual organization,
the lives of several men. What kind of an idiot could have come based on a migration habit that deprives them of any residential
up with the stupid idea of daring a soldier to run through a structure. Communities of crabs are called hordes, and they gather
bunch of crabs without losing a limb? Not only are we losing the between 200 and 600 individuals, split up into two main categories:
younger soldiers who would be the most useful in the field, but
the fighters (80%) and the voyagers (20%). The latter have the role
it’s also costing us a fortune in powered armor.”
-- Captain Radseck, Red League of guiding the horde towards new areas rich in plant life, the algae
and semi-aquatic plants that form the crabs’ only form of food. You
Type: giant crustacean
Geographic area: coastal regions can recognize them by the dark spots all over their shells and by
Size: shell is 2 m in diameter (full span with legs is 10 m) the size of their pincers, which are slightly finer than those of the
Weight: roughly 67 tons fighter crabs. The fighters make up most of the hordes, and they
STR SIZ COO ADA PER INT WIL PRE protect them against outside attacks. During their migrations, the
Base 80 4* 12 16 14 14 18 - fighter crabs form an impenetrable barrier around the voyagers,
who in turn surround the couple of ancestors. This couple is always
made up of the oldest male fighter crab and the oldest female voya-
Melee Damage Mod. (H) +35 Reaction 15 ger crab in the horde. This couple does not reproduce and has no
Melee Damage Mod. (V-) +2/-6 Speed SPD(MP) 54 m, 6(2) real function within the horde. When one of the couple dies, the
Damage Resistance (V-) +3 surviving partner is immediately executed by the fighter crabs, and
SKILLS another couple is established within a week. It is not good to come
Acrobatics/Falling 16 Athletics 20 across a horde of crabs during these troubled times, as the fighter
crabs instinctively feel the need to show off their fighting skills. The
Attack 9 Observation 9
same goes for the breeding seasons that occur three times a year
Stealth/Silent movement 2
and are always a time for particularly bloody internal conflict.
ATTACK The voyagers can use a highly developed form of empathy that in-
Pincers x2 (handle like a Constriction Attack, see Constriction timately connects them to nature and the elements. These crabs are
and Tentacle Attacks on page 226) orPincer Snip x2 (Melee, capable of causing a number of natural phenomena, such as whir-
Dam.: DM (H)/2D10+1 (V-)/1D10+1 (V+))
lpools of froth, cracks in a rock or projecting stones.
These giant crabs are like tanks on legs, and they use those USE/RUMORS
legs to crush even the toughest of targets. As a giant crab is not It is very difficult to work with the shells of these crabs, but
usually subject to attack, it is not scared of anything much, and
they can be made into a protective armor that provides 9 Protec-
only a Critical Wound can make it flee a fight. It is not a particularly
aggressive creature, and it prefers to show off its strength by tion points (on a Human scale). Furthermore, as these creatures
snapping its pincers rather than actually attacking. A crab can try are not usually aggressive, a group of crabs can provide a form
to grab a victim in its pincers to crush it. If the prey is caught, then of protection against more dangerous predators, as long as those
the Damage progression follows the Constriction rule. Each pincer who want to use them behave peacefully.
inflicts separate Damage, even if they are crushing the same victim.
The voyager crabs are used like a mastered Polaris Effects at
level 6, where Empathy replaces the Mastery of the Polaris Effect
Skill, without any risk of accidental release.
1–2 Head, 3–12 Body, 13–14 Right pincer, 15–16 Left Pincer, 17–18
Front right legs, 19–20 Front left legs
Shell 5 (V-), except for the head: 5 (H)
Polaris Effect (Voyager crabs)
Damage progression for giant crab crushing
Strength (*) Dam. (**) Max Dam.
80 +8/Round 120 (H)/12 (V-)
Can affect a V- target from Round 2
* Replaces Constitution on V- scale
(*) The Strength required varies according to the Liftable
Weight rule on page 235.
(**) The Damage progression varies according to the
Constriction Attacks rule on page 226.

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)


1–3 Head, 4–10 Body, 11–12 Front right leg, 13–14 Front left leg,
“It’s really rather fun to watch one of those armored tanks of 15 Middle right leg, 16 Middle left leg, 17 Middle right leg, 18 Middle
the seafloor waddling along the rocky walls. The only problem left leg, 19 Rear right leg, 20 Rear left leg.
is that it’s not so fun to fight one of them. For a start, you have
to be able to spot the crab before it attacks you. Then you have SPECIAL
to resist those huge legs that just pin you down. It’s a good job Shell 3 (V-) When a spider crab is standing without moving on a
its flesh is so delicious, that makes it all worth the risk.” rocky background, any penalty for spotting it is doubled. Its tiny
-- Quick Sayus, fisherman in Pull head is not protected and its Armor Rating is 5 (H).
Type: giant crustacean * Replaces Constitution on V- scale
Geographic area: coastlines
Size: shell is 2 m in diameter, full diameter including legs is 14 m
Weight: 35 tons DESCRIPTION
This monstrous creature usually lives a few thousand kilo-
meters from the coastline and never ventures more than 1,000
Base 58 3* 16 18 14 4 6 - meters deep. This mutant version of a classic spider crab hunts
SECONDARY ATTRIBUTES for food in the sunken ruins. It is often found in the shallower
Melee Damage Mod. (H) +24 Reaction 16 depths, among the algae and the coral reefs. On top of its already
Melee Damage Mod. (V-) -4 Speed SPD(MP) 31 m, 3(1) very sturdy shell, the giant spider crab also enjoys the protec-
Damage Resistance (V-) +4 tion of the myriad of mollusks that cover it. Furthermore, this
also provides a very efficient type of natural camouflage. The
mollusks that cover the crab’s shell often give it a varied range
Athletics 20 Attack 12 of special abilities. The giant spider crab is a part of the crab
Camouflage/Concealment 16 Observation 12 family. It gets its name from its eight long, fine legs. In combat,
Stealth/Silent movement 14 it uses two of its front legs with a fearsome efficiency.
Legs x2 (Reach +2, Dam.: 8D10+4 (H)/1D6+1 (V-), Pen. 11 (H)/1 (V-)) USE/RUMORS
The shell of the crab cannot be used for anything, but its flesh

sells very easily. A single dead creature can provide a few tons
The crab waits in ambush on the underwater walls, or buries
of flesh and it can be sold for 50 Sols per kg.
itself in the sand, with only its mollusk-covered shell visible. It
attacks with its two front legs. It’s not a fierce creature, and it
will give up the fight at the first Serious Wound.

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)

Each of the two pincers inflicts separate Damage, even if they


TITAN CRAB V- are both crushing the same target.
“One day, I found myself gripped by a crab’s pincer. It was a HIT LOCATIONS
good job I had a badass suit of armor, but as I was stuck there
I couldn’t help but think of my last seafood meal, and the crab 1–3 Head, 4–10 Body, 11–12 Right pincer, 13–14 Left pincer,
legs we crush with a pair of pliers. I got the feeling I was going 15 Front right leg, 16 Front left leg, 17 Middle right leg, 18 Middle
to end up like one of those legs.” left leg, 19 Rear right leg, 20 Rear left leg.
-- Xav Terniv, adventurer SPECIAL
Type: giant crustacean Shell 6 (V-), except for the head: 5 (H).
Geographic area: every ocean on the globe Reinforced thresholds
Size: shell 4 m across (full span including legs approx. 20 m) To hit the head, the attacker must take aim.
Weight: 756 tons Damage progression for Titan crab constriction
STR SIZ COO ADA PER INT WIL PRE Strength (*) Dam. (**) Max Dam.
Base 105 9* 10 5 10 - 12 - 105 +10/Round 157 (H)/15 (V-)/7 (V+)
SECONDARY ATTRIBUTES Affects a V- size target from the first Round. Affects a V+ size
target from the second Round.
Melee Damage Mod. (H) +47 Reaction 7
* Replaces Constitution on V- scale
Melee Damage Mod. (V-)/(V+) +7/-4 Speed SPD(MP) 23 m, 3(1) (*) The Strength required varies according to the Liftable
Damage Resistance (V-) +0 Weight rule on page 235.
(**) The Damage progression varies according to the
SKILLS Constriction Attacks rule on page 226.
Athletics 20 Attack 15
Camouflage/Concealment 14 Observation 12 DESCRIPTION
Stealth/Silent movement 7 The titan crab is a huge amphibious creature that usually lives
ATTACK underwater at depths of over 10,000 meters. However, it can so-
metimes be found in underwater caves at any depth. The crab
Pincers x 2 (handle like a Constriction Attack, see Constriction
and Tentacle Attacks on page 226) or Pincer smash x 2 (Melee, often buries itself in the sand to lay in wait for prey. The crea-
Dam.: DM (H)/2D10+4 (V-)/1D10+2 (V+)) ture’s head is a weak spot, although it is very difficult to hit.
Although this crab prefers to crush its prey, it can also
attack by smashing with its huge pincers when it is facing an The titan crab comes from the depths of the ocean, and down
unusually resistant opponent. As soon as it spots another in the deep there are far larger specimens that can be found.
creature, it immediately takes on a challenging stance, even The Red League often uses the shells of titan crabs that their
though it is not really an aggressive creature. engineers turn into incredibly discreet vehicles.
A crab can try to grab its prey in its pincers to crush it. If the
victim is caught, the Damage follows the Constriction rules.

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)


Shell 16 (V-)
“There! Here’s your pearl. Happy now?” Reinforced grab (As soon as the giant clam closes, the Damage
-- A furious man to a satisfied woman progresses twice as quickly.)
Type: giant mollusk Damage progression for giant clam constriction
Geographic area: Pacific Ocean and Mediterranean Sea Strength Dam. (*) Max Dam.
Size: 4 meters in diameter Weight: 4,600 kg
90 +18/Round 135 (H)/13 (V-)
STR SIZ COO ADA PER INT WIL PRE Affects a V- target from the first Round.
Base 90 17* 18 18 18 - - - * Replaces Constitution on V- scale
SECONDARY ATTRIBUTES (*) The Damage progression varies according to the
Constriction Attacks rule on page 226.
Melee Damage Mod. (H) +40 Reaction 18
Melee Damage Mod. (V-) +4 Speed SPD(MP) -
Damage Resistance (V-) -4 DESCRIPTION
The giant clam is nothing more than an oversized oyster. It
can reach up to 4 meters in diameter. It is not a particularly ag-
Attack 12 Observation 12 gressive creature, and it is no more intelligent than your ave-
ATTACK rage oyster. Also like a regular oyster, it immediately closes its
Constriction (Melee, Dam.: special, see below) shell as soon as it feels any presence nearby. Its action is not
COMBAT TACTICS meant as an attack, but as a form of defense against any poten-
The giant clam’s attack is quite simple, it just slams shut. tial attackers. If a diver happens to be captured inside a giant
It therefore only carries out a single Gulping attack before clam, he will be kept sealed inside it until the clam decides that
closing its shell for several hours. If the victim is swallowed, there is no more danger (no movement nearby or inside it).
it can very well survive inside if it is able to breathe (although These creatures can be found in great numbers in the seas of
there is nothing pleasant about the experience). If the victim is the Coral Republic, in the Mediterranean Sea, as well as in the
partially swallowed, then it will be crushed by the shell and will
therefore suffer the indicated Damage. When the clam closes western part of the Pacific Ocean (Sea of Japan, Yellow Sea . . . ).
and the potential victim is right next to the creature, carry out

an opposed Reaction test. If the character manages to win the USE/RUMORS

Test, he gets out of the way in time. One thing that very few people know is that some underwater
HIT LOCATIONS commandos (wearing diving armor) from the Coral Republic have
1–20 Shell trained to know how to hide in the giant clams. They use them as a
last resort hiding place, but also as a way to hide from most known
means of detection. The immobility of this humongous creature
does, however, limit this use to defensive surveillance missions.

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)



This creature attacks by rearing up to a height of about
“We were sorting through our latest catch when a seaman 2 meters and aiming for the head. As soon as it wields a
came across a huge white worm at least 3 meters long. successful attack, it swallows the victim’s head in its maw and
The thing wasn’t moving at all. We thought it must be dead. closes its jaws around his neck. The creature then tries to crush
Suddenly, it reared its powerful body up like a snake and it the head and suck out the vital fluids as well as the victim’s
opened its horrific maw up wide, dribbling acid slime all over the internal organs. To make sure the prey is easily digestible, the
deck. We barely had time to react before it had gobbled up the worm secretes a potent form of acid.
head of the overly curious seaman. When we managed to kill
the monster and free the poor guy, there was nothing left of his HIT LOCATIONS
head but a ball of goo, half dissolved by the creature’s acid.” 1–20 Creature
-- Eye-witness report by a fisherman SPECIAL
Type: giant gastropod (amphibian)
Acid (Melee, Dam.: 1D10+2 per Round)
Geographic area: coastlines
Relentlessness (Once the victim’s head has been gobbled, the
Size: 3 meters long Weight: 300 kg
Attack is carried out at level 20 and the Damage increases by
STR CON COO ADA PER INT WIL PRE 1 Point per Round up to a maximum bonus of +29.)
Base 26 24 14 18 18 4 12 -
Melee Damage Mod. +8 Reaction 18 The head gobbler, or sea worm, is a foul creature that can be
Damage Resistance -8 Speed SPD(MP) 31 m, 3(1) found near coast lines and close to the surface. Its skin is white
SKILLS and slimy. At first it looks like some kind of giant worm, but
Athletics 20 Attack 10(20) when the thing opens its star-shaped maw, there is no doubt
Stealth/Silent movement 10 Observation 12 possible. It can survive for about thirty minutes out of the wa-
ter. In fact, that has cost the life of many a curious fisherman
who took too close a look at this big worm.
Relentless bite (Melee, Dam.: 2D10+1 (H))
It is possible to harvest the corrosive liquid that these creatures
secrete (roughly 1 liter of fluid per specimen). Apart from that, it is
nothing but a pest and it has no commercial value.

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)


1–20 Body or 1 of the 7 tentacles (a Mortal Wound to a tentacle
“I was exploring the wreck of a merchant vessel when I ran into a makes it inert, a “Limb Destroyed” Wound severs it).
hydra for the first time. Those bastards love hiding in wrecks! The
first problem was finding out what I was dealing with, because SPECIAL
the bloody thing stays hidden, and all you can see are its Tentacles (The tentacles cannot affect targets that are too
tentacles. Each of those tentacles hunts independently from the resistant, but they can grab onto them and draw them in towards
others and at first you feel like you’re being attacked by several the monster’s maw. Each tentacle has a Strength of 20 if someone
different creatures. The thing’s vulnerable body is hidden away tries to remove one. To pull or lift a prey, a tentacle has a Strength
in the least accessible part of the wreck. Everyone says that of 20, but this Strength can be increased if other tentacles grab the
hydras have seven heads. That may be true for most specimens, same prey (see Liftable Weight on page 235). The creature is slow,
but I swear the one I fought had at least fifteen of them.” but the tentacles are quick. Each tentacle must be treated like a
-- Faena Leriss, adventurer separate creature in its own right. Once a tentacle has caught hold
Type: giant mollusk of a target, it inflicts automatic Damage with a level of 20.)
Geographic area: depths of the Atlantic * Replaces Constitution on V- scale
Size: 6 m long, tentacles are 48 m long Weight: 32 tons
Base 80 3* 11 18 12 3 16 - DESCRIPTION
Tent. 20 40 - - - - - - This gigantic creature looks like a giant slug with seven tentacles,
each of them 48 meters long and tipped with a circular orifice that
looks like a large sucker rimmed with teeth. When one of these ten-
Damage tacles carries out a successful Attack, the teeth sink into the skin or
Melee Damage Mod. (H) +5 +4
Resistance (V-)
metal. The prey is then dragged towards the hydra’s open maw. Each
Melee Damage Mod. (V-) +2 Reaction 15
tentacle operates independently from the others, as the creature has
Damage Resistance (H) -10 Speed SPD(MP) 67 m, 7(2) 8 rudimentary brains. Hydras usually live in the deepest trenches of
SKILLS the Atlantic Ocean. It is very rare to come across one at depths shal-
Athletics 20 Attack 14 lower than 10,000 meters. Its reproductive system remains a myste-
Stealth/Silent movement 12 Observation 12 ry, but some scientists think that it is capable of self-fertilizing, and it

reproduces once per year. A hydra can regrow a destroyed tentacle.

It will need a week to regrow one of the heads. The tentacle then
Relentless bite/Tentacle (Melee, Dam.: 4D10+4 (H)/
grows by 1 meter per day. The creature is amphibious.
1D6-2 (V-), Pen. 3 (H))
Relentless bite/Maw (Melee, Dam.: 11D10+3 (H)/
1D10+1 (V-), Pen. 4 (H)) USE/RUMORS
COMBAT TACTICS The teeth around the tentacle heads are very sought after for their
medicinal properties. Each head has around thirty teeth around its
Although the creature’s tentacles are independent, they
hunt together, and one of them can, for example, lead a prey edge. Once ground and applied as a paste to a wound, the teeth can
towards the others. If the creature loses 3 tentacles, it will reduce the risk of infection. The paste made out of the creature’s
disengage from combat. teeth provides a +10 bonus for any Wound Infection Tests. Preparing a
paste with one tooth requires a successful Pharmacology Test with a
penalty of -6, and that amount of paste can treat 4 Wounds.

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)

For a wearer who can’t control the Polaris Effect, this only


KORELIA gives a bonus for Empathy. If the character does not have the
“Aren’t you worried that thing will suck your brains out?” Empathic Analysis skill, the korelia grants this skill at level 2.
-- Korn, cautious pirate Last, but not least, some korelia increase skills such as Mind
Shield. If a korelia is destroyed, this automatically triggers a
Type: mollusk random and uncontrolled Polaris Effect with a level of 2D10.)
Geographic area: coastlines of the Mediterranean and the
Size: 18 cm Weight: 180 g DESCRIPTION
STR CON COO ADA PER INT WIL PRE Little is known about the origin of korelia even now, but most
scientists suppose that the first of these creatures were imported
Base - 24 - 14 17 7 - -
from the mineral fields maintained by the Coral Republic. Others
SECONDARY ATTRIBUTES claim that they have discovered certain specimens on the sur-
Melee Damage Mod. -1 Reaction 15 face, along the Mediterranean and Pacific coasts. Not all of the
Damage Resistance - Speed SPD(MP) - korelia have this remarkable shape that makes them so perfectly
SKILLS adapted to the decorative use they were long reduced to. Some
Empathic analysis 12 are large enough to be worn around a wrist, and other smaller
ones as luxurious rings. These creatures are extremely rare.
Relentless bite (Melee, Dam.: 2D10+1 (H)) USE/RUMORS
COMBAT TACTICS Although for a long time they were only used as decorative
None elements, korelia are now often used to increase the mental abi-
HIT LOCATIONS lities and mystical gifts associated with the Polaris Effect. Many
priests and empaths from the Coral Republic use them to en-
1–20 Korelia
hance their level of mastery. The average price for one is 10,000
Sols for a bonus of 1 point. Each additional bonus increases that
Empathy 6 and Mastery of the Polaris Effect (A korelia conveys price considerably, and some korelia can be sold for several
a Mastery bonus for Empathy and the Polaris Effect. The hundred thousand Sols.
creature cannot use it on its own. However, it is not uncommon
for it to grant its wearer the ability to use another randomly
selected effect by awarding an additional bonus for that effect.

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)


Shell 10 (H) The cones are not dangerous at all while under
“Looks like it’s lover cone season.” water, but after about fifteen minutes out of the water, they will
-- Hegemonic saying to indicate a dangerous situation start to seek out the closest source of water within a fifty-meter
Type: shellfish radius (needless to say, a human being is a perfect target for
Geographic area: deep trenches near heat sources this). Once they have located their target, a chemical reaction
Size: 10 cm Weight: 100 g occurs and the creature explodes, sending the extremely hard
and pointy shell flying towards the victim at a speed of several
hundred meters per second. The power of its impact is such that
Base - 1 - 12 16 - - - they have a Penetration level of 10(H)/1(V-)
Melee Damage Mod. - Reaction 14 DESCRIPTION
Speed SPD(MP) This shellfish can be found in the deep trenches near intense
Damage Resistance +6
Per explosion heat sources. For the moment, only three locations have been
SKILLS discovered where lover cones live (one was discovered by the
Attack 10 Observation 15 Hegemonic forces, another was found by a terrorist group that
is fighting the Hegemony, and the last one is said to be known
to a few pirate groups). In a spawning area, it is possible to find
Projectile (50 m, Dam.: 3D10 (H)/ 1D6-3 (V-)) several thousand of these shellfish.
Explosion USE/RUMORS
HIT LOCATIONS This shellfish is often used by terrorists to cause great carnage
and confusion among the crowds in the Hegemony. It would
1–20 Shell
only take the discovery of some new spawning areas for its use
to become far more widespread. All the terrorists need to do is
leave a handful in a tavern to produce a most spectacular effect.

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)

A Mortal Wound to a tentacle makes it inert, a “Limb Destroyed”


REAPER OCTOPUS Wound severs it.
“Further to my first report, I can now confirm that the existence SPECIAL
of reapers is not a simple coincidence of nature. They are
an as yet unheard type of biomechanical creature, and their Weapon (the tentacles studded with metallic elements are
efficiency is matched only by their aggressiveness. I have to extremely sharp and increase the Constriction Damage by 1D10)
find out more, but I strongly suspect that the Polar Alliance is Damage progression for reaper octopus constriction
behind this somehow.” Strength (*) Dam. (**) Max Dam.
-- Kjin Treken, agent of the Coral Republic 30 1D10+3/Round 1D10+45 (H)
Type: octopod
(*) The Strength required varies according to the Liftable
Geographic area: every sea on the planet at depths of over -6,000 m
Weight rule on page 235.
Size: 3 meters (9 meters across including the tentacles)
(**) The Damage progression varies according to the
Weight: 600 kg
Constriction Attacks rule on page 226.
Base 30 40 14 24 24 6 18 - DESCRIPTION
SECONDARY ATTRIBUTES Just as the plated shark has developed its own means of de-
Melee Damage Mod. +10 Reaction 24 fense, the reaper octopus has integrated man-made elements
Damage Resistance -13 Speed SPD(MP) 31 m, 3(1) into its attack. This octopus is of a fairly large size even from
SKILLS birth. It goes in search of all kinds of metal debris (one for each
of its 8 pseudopods) and embeds them in its own flesh. It then
Athletics 20 Attack 14
spends its time sharpening these fragments until they are as
Stealth/Silent movement 12 Observation 9 sharp as razor blades. At first glance, this monster may not seem
ATTACK to be natural, yet it is. Just as the hermit crab can use plastic
Constriction (Melee, Dam.: special, see below) and pots instead of shells, the reaper octopus recycles detritus left
Beak (Melee, Dam.: 2D10+3 (H)) by humans.
HIT LOCATIONS Many scientists mistakenly think that the reaper octopus is
a biomechanical creature. It is therefore very sought after and
1–2 Tentacle 1, 3–4 Tentacle 2, 5–6 Tentacle 3, 7–8 Tentacle 4,
scientists are willing to pay large amounts for a live specimen.
9–10 Tentacle 5, 11–12 Tentacle 6, 13–14 Tentacle 7, 15–16
Tentacle 8, 17–19 Body, 20 Eye (equivalent of Wound Scale for However, not only does the reaper octopus only live in the dar-
the Head). kest of holes, but it also has a deep hatred of intruders.

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)

1 K RAK EN SQUID V- A Mortal Wound to a tentacle makes it inert, a “Limb Destroyed”

Wound severs it.
“The first thing that you notice is the brutal way the ship comes SPECIAL
to a stop. Then you hear the cracking sounds, and you rush to
the nearest porthole to check out the size of the beasty . . . and Poison ink cloud
then you evacuate as fast as you possibly can.” Contamination type: contact
-- A survivor of a kraken squid attack Onset Delay: 1 Round
Virulence/Progression: 2D6, then + 1 point per Round as long
Type: octopod as the victim has not left the contaminated area
Geographic area: abyssal trenches (deeper than 6,000 m) Thresholds/Effects: Threshold 5: Nausea, Threshold 10 and
Size: 34 m (including tentacles) Weight: 10 tons following: Constitution -3. If Constitution falls to 0, then the
STR SIZ COO ADA PER INT WIL PRE victim falls into a coma.
The squid can regenerate tentacles that have been cut off but it
Base 120 2* 12 13 12 3 15 - would take at least a year to do so.
SECONDARY ATTRIBUTES Damage progression for kraken squid constriction
Melee Damage Mod. (H) +55 Reaction 12 Strength (*) Dam. (**) Max Dam.
Melee Damage Mod. (V-)/ +10/ Speed SPD(MP) 120 +12/Round 180 (H)/18 (V-)/9 (V+)
(V+) +0 31 m, 3(1) Affects a V- target from Round 1, Affects V+ target from Round 2.
Damage Resistance (V-) +6 * Replaces Constitution on V- scale
(*) The Strength required varies according to the Liftable
Weight rule on page 235.
Athletics 20 Attack 12 (**) The Damage progression varies according to the
Camouflage/Concealment 10 Observation 12 Constriction Attacks rule on page 226.
Stealth/Silent movement 12
The Kraken squid lives in the darkest trenches in the ocean.
Constriction (Melee, Dam.: special, see below) and
Occasionally, it will rise up to the surface to hunt. The creature
Beak (Melee, Dam.: 9D10+5 (H)/1D10 (V-)).
can carry out a Constriction attack with its tentacles and try to
pull in the victim it has grabbed towards its beak to bite it or

The squid’s combat tactics are simply to crush its victims, and swallow it. In case of danger, the creature can release a cloud of
it is very effective. It will only let go if it suffers a Serious Wound,
ink that covers an area of several hundred meters in diameter.
or if three of its tentacles are cut off. A kraken squid cannot
attack the same H scale prey with more than two tentacles. This ink is toxic for sea creatures and Hybrids. The creature’s
eye is a weak spot.
1–2 Tentacle 1, 3–4 Tentacle 2, 5–6 Tentacle 3, 7–8 Tentacle 4,
9–10 Tentacle 5, 11–12 Tentacle 6, 13–14 Tentacle 7,
15–16 Tentacle 8, 17–19 Body, 20 Eye (equivalent of Wound Some seamen claim that down in the deepest darkest trenches,
Scale for the Head). there are even more gigantic squids (SIZ 7 but on the V+ scale).

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)


TIGER SQUID A Mortal Wound to a tentacle makes it inert, a “Limb Destroyed”
Wound severs it.
“Fiercer than a barracuda, relentless as a plated shark, smart as
a . . . as a smart, resistant and fearsome fighter squid. Gentlemen,
I don’t care how much it’s going to cost, it will be mine!” Spikes (when a victim is grabbed by the tiger squid, the
-- A rich industry owner, desperate to protect his assets Constriction Attack is increased by 1D10 because of its spikes. The
Type: octopod squid’s tentacles can regenerate over the space of one year.)
Geographic area: coasts, sunken ruins, and deep trenches Ink cloud
Size: 10 m (tentacles included) Weight: 425 kg Damage progression for Tiger squid constriction
Strength (*) Dam. (**) Max Dam.
35 1D10+3/Round 1D10+52 (H)
Base 35 20 12 14 12 1 14 -
(*) The Strength required varies according to the Liftable
Weight rule on page 235.
Melee Damage Mod. +12 Reaction 13 (**) The Damage progression varies according to the
Damage Resistance -9 Speed SPD(MP) 51 m, 3(1) Constriction Attacks rule on page 226.
Athletics 20 Attack 13 DESCRIPTION
Stealth/Silent movement 7 Observation 13 The tiger squid hides away in the darkest of underwater caves.
They get their name from their coloring, similar to that of a ti-
ger. The suckers on their tentacles are covered in spikes that
Constriction (Melee, Dam.: special, see below) and can cause terrible wounds. In case of danger, the creature can
Beak (Melee, Dam.: 2D10+5 (H))
release a cloud of ink that covers an area of 4D10+20 meters in
COMBAT TACTICS diameter (this ink is not toxic).
Fiercer than its cousins, this squid shows the same
aggressiveness as a shark. It is very difficult to get it to let go
of a victim. To do so will require a Critical Wound, or cutting off at
least four of its tentacles. Private militia and mercenaries have tried to tame these crea-
tures. Equipping them with small electric shock generators is
said to give good results.
1–2 Tentacle 1, 3–4 Tentacle 2, 5–6 Tentacle 3, 7–8 Tentacle 4, 9–10
Tentacle 5, 11–12 Tentacle 6, 13–14 Tentacle 7, 15–16 Tentacle 8,
17–19 Body, 20 Eye (equivalent of Wound Scale for the Head).

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)

Sea creatures
1-20 Creature
“An anglerfish is like a suit of Sylph armor: once you’ve tried
one, you can’t do without it. There’s something so reassuring SPECIAL
about seeing that little fish swimming along right beside you. As Lantern (an anglerfish’s “lantern” lights up the surrounding
long as its light is shining, everything is just fine, but the second water within a 6 m diameter)
it goes out, you’d better cut and run. It’s better than a sonar! I’m
telling you, I love these fish!
-- Blunt Nytul, explorer DESCRIPTION
Type: fish As part of the abyssal monkfish family, the anglerfish is a nearly
Geographic area: seas and oceans (especially at depths below spherical creature. On the top of its head, it has a luminescent ap-
8,000 meters). pendage. It is not aggressive and feeds on small fish. Furthermore, it
Size: 1 m Weight: 25 kg
is particularly intrigued by humans and often follows them around
STR CON COO ADA PER INT WIL PRE of its own accord. It’s not rare to come across divers accompanied
Base 4 8 16 11 24 2 7 - by one of these creatures. The main advantage it offers is that it
SECONDARY ATTRIBUTES can warn its human companions of the presence of marine preda-
Melee Damage Mod. - Reaction 17 tors. The anglerfish uses its “lantern” to attract the small fish that
it feeds on, but when it senses danger, it turns it off immediately.
Damage Resistance +2 Speed SPD(MP) 23 m, 3(1)
Some breeders have built anglerfish farms and use the anglerfish
SKILLS to lure other fish into their nets or their aquaculture fields.
Athletics 10 Observation 12
Stealth/Silent movement 10 USE/RUMORS
ATTACK The anglerfish cannot be tamed; it only comes into the com-
pany of men due to its great curiosity. It therefore has no sale
value. On the other hand, its eggs are precious to those who
raise them as livestock. A batch (from 100 to 1,000 eggs) can be
None purchased for around 1,000 Sols.

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)

Thresholds/Effects: Threshold 5: nausea, diarrhea,

BARRACUDA headaches, dizziness, a feeling of weakness, and inverted
“They are quick, ferocious, vicious, and they hurt like crap. Just sense of temperatures. Reduces all skill levels by half for all
like me. That’s why I’m known as Mister Barracuda!” Tests; Threshold 10 and following: the victim loses 1 Strength
-- Mister Barracuda from Equinox point, 1 Willpower point and all the difficulties for his Tests are
increased by 1 point. If a victim’s Strength is reduced by half,
Type: fish/predator then he is overcome by a form of catatonia. If his Strength
Geographic area: South Atlantic, Hegemony, Indian Ocean, East reaches 0, he dies. If his Willpower score is reduced by half, he
Pacific is overcome by an irreversible phobia (of the GM’s choice) and
Size: 1.8 m Weight: 45 kg goes mad if he doesn’t succeed at a Luck Test. If his Willpower
STR CON COO ADA PER INT WIL PRE falls to 0, then the victim automatically loses his mind.
Diagnosis Modifier: +0
Base 20 18 24 24 16 5 24 -
Healing modifier: +0
SECONDARY ATTRIBUTES Price of one dose: 3,000 Sols
Melee Damage Mod. +5 Reaction 20
Damage Resistance -5 Speed SPD(MP) 67 m, 7(2) DESCRIPTION
SKILLS The seas of the Hegemony are infested with these horribly
Athletics 20 Attack 16 aggressive little critters that live in shallow waters (less than
Stealth/Silent movement 10 Observation 12 1,000 meters) and prefer coastal areas. They move around in
packs of 6 to 30 monsters and attack anything that moves. They
are attracted by anything shiny, especially brand-new suits of
Bite (Melee, Dam.: 4D10+5 (H), Pen. 3 (H) + poison) armor, and they can spot their prey from 100 meters, even in
COMBAT TACTICS the murkiest of waters thanks to their sense of smell. Barracuda
The barracuda attacks even the largest prey with no distinction also secrete a particularly dangerous poison, ciguatera. Many
whatsoever. It never gives up, unless after about ten Attacks, it assassins use this poison for their dirty work.
realizes that it can’t affect its prey.
1–5 Head, 6–20 Body A barracuda can sell for up to 20 Sols per kilo if it is sold as
SPECIAL food. However, it is well known that in the world of organized
crime, some people like to buy these creatures live to build their
Poison: Ciguatera
Contamination type: bite or ingestion own “personal fish tanks,” that they are always eager to show
Detection modifier: taste (-5), smell (-2) to intruders. In this case, handsome specimens can be sold for
Onset Delay: 6 hours ten times that price.
Virulence/Progression: 1D10+3 then 1D10+3 every 6 hours for
144 hours.

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)


“Man, I swear, I ain’t lying, it must have been at least 6 meters
long and weighed at least a ton . . . I swear it on the lives of my HIT LOCATIONS
six wives!” 1-20 Fish
“Are you sure you’re not exaggerating a bit? You Parasema SPECIAL
folks sure love to tell tall tales!”
-- A fisherman very slightly exaggerating the size of a California jewfish None
Type: Fish
Geographic area: Pacific Ocean, mainly in the Red League
This huge fish doesn’t represent any danger for divers. It is,
Size: 4 m Weight: 800 kg
however, a great catch for fishermen.
Base 24 40 10 8 10 1 6 - USE/RUMORS
SECONDARY ATTRIBUTES The jewfish is a very common catch in the waters of the Red
Melee Damage Mod. - Reaction 9 League, and it is a food staple for quite a few communities.
Damage Resistance -11 Speed SPD(MP) 27 m, 3(1) While it is fished for food, the authorities are very careful not to
endanger the species. Even though it can be found in the larger
cities selling at 650 Sols per 250g, jewfish can be found to eat
Attack 20 Observation 6 almost for free in the more isolated stations. Killing a jewfish
Stealth/Silent movement 9 merely for sport is considered a crime.

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)


1-5 Head, 6-20 Body
“We do not yet know if these amphibious creatures stem
from an underwater animal origin or from some form of land SPECIAL
reptile. The name “drillers” was given to them by the surface Shell 6 (H)
exploration team that first discovered a specimen, about fifteen Progression of driller crushing Damage
years ago. The underground galleries that they dig are similar
Strength Dam.(*) Max. Dam.
in most respects to the ones made by the Burrowers, which
seem to sculpt the rocks by emitting extremely precise sound 40 +4/Round 60 (H)
waves. If you happen to encounter them, I suggest you be (*) The progression of Damage varies depending on the
extremely careful!” Constriction Attacks rule on page 226.
-- Excerpt from a conference by Anna Lewis
Type: fish/amphibian
Geographic area: coastal regions DESCRIPTION
Size: 12 m long Weight: 800 kg Drillers are usually considered part of the sea-dwelling eel and
STR CON COO ADA PER INT WIL PRE conger family. These creatures are about ten meters long. They
Base 40 18 24 18 14 4 14 - are solitary, peaceful, and too timid to attack the infrastructures
along the coasts. Recent observation missions have resulted in
the discovery of their mating and reproduction cycle, an annual
Melee Damage Mod. +15 Reaction 16 egg laying period, and that they are herbivores. Their ability to
Damage Resistance -10 Speed SPD(MP) 60 m, 7(2) sculpt rock is currently the object of a number of studies, but the
SKILLS narrow diameter of the underground tunnels where they live is
Athletics 20 Attack 12 currently preventing any close observation of living individuals.
Stealth/Silent movement 12 Observation 12
The underground tunnels that these creatures dig connect
Constriction (Melee, Dam.: special, see below) and the rock cliffs of the coast to a large number of underground
Electric shock (Melee or up to 10 diameter, EMP effect -5(H)/-
caves, usually flooded, which often have usable connections
1V-) and Shock Damage +2D6) and
Bite (Melee, Dam.: 3D10+2 (H)) to the surface. Although it has only been possible to explore a
COMBAT TACTICS tiny minority of caves, scientists are convinced that the drillers
always choose large caves. A few months ago, after discovering
These creatures are timid and they only fight if they are backed
into a corner. When they are hiding away in a hole, all they some antique ruins, a team led by Samuel Gloves began investi-
can do is bite. If the Attack Test is a success, the driller wraps gating drillers in some caves in the Japanese coastal cliffs. They
itself around its victim and begins to crush it. The driller can were reported to have been spotted and then attacked by pi-
also produce an electric shock in melee combat when it is in an rates. Other driller tunnels have now been placed under tight
air-breathing environment, and within a 10-meter radius under surveillance.
the water.

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)


Pacifying field (the peaceful power of the emperor angelfish
“Can you hear this peace and quiet? Nobody’s screaming, is active in a 100-meter radius. It works like a Peaceful Field of
arguing, raising their voice. Everyone’s relaxed. It feels so good. Level 16. However, if an emperor angelfish is scared, the field
Too bad it won’t last.” vanishes and the emperor angelfish flees as fast as it can.
-- The commander of a small community, watching a school of emperor angelfish Much bigger emperor angelfish are said to exist, the field of
swim away which could affect much larger areas.)
Type: fish
Geographic area: Pacific Ocean, mostly in the Red League, South
America (Amazonia)
Size: 3 m diameter Weight: 185 kg
These fish are magnificent creatures with a very flattened, of-
STR CON COO ADA PER INT WIL PRE ten black-striped, body, in the shape of a vertically floating disk.
Base 24 24 18 12 12 1 6 - Its thin dorsal and ventral fins look like multi-colored sails that
SECONDARY ATTRIBUTES can measure up to four meters. It is a completely harmless ani-
Melee Damage Mod. - Reaction 12 mal. Furthermore, it has a very unique power that soothes eve-
ry creature around it. Until recently, it was thought that these
Damage Resistance -7 Speed SPD(MP) 57 m, 6(2)
creatures only lived at depths up to 2,000 meters, but according
SKILLS to some studies, emperor angelfish have been spotted at depths
Athletics 20 Observation 9 as low as 12,000 meters. There are many of them near the east
Stealth/Silent movement 12 coast of Amazonia.
The emperor angelfish is truly a creature that every com-
munity’s leader would like to see from their station windows.
None Unfortunately, this animal is pretty stupid and nobody has ever
HIT LOCATIONS found the way to make it stay in the same area for long. In cap-
1–20 Creature tivity, it just lets itself die.

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)


FISH (shoals)
Blade fish are long, slender fish that move around in shoals of
“We were really stuck. We were on our way back from the
10 to 100 individuals. They are especially common in the col-
mine when that huge orca turned up. I was certain that we’d
all die then and there, but that’s when the fun started. Lights der waters (which makes their presence even more dangerous,
started flashing on and off, all around us, as a shoal of flash as a diver is more likely to be less sensitive to pain because of
fish surrounded us. The poor orca had to flee, it was completely cold-induced numbness). The Baltic Sea, Greenland Sea, Kara
shaken. It was a good thing for us that we happened to come Sea, etc. are typical of the climates the fish can be found in.
across a shoal of flash fish. It would have gone down far worse
They can be found at depths up to 6,000 m, and possibly deeper.
for us if we had encountered a group of blade fish.”
-- Jansu Lieb, miner
Type: fish
Geographic area: variable FLASH FISH
Size: 40 cm Weight: 1.5 kg/fish COMBAT TACTICS
STR CON COO ADA PER INT WIL PRE When Flash Fish sense danger, they can manipulate their
Base 1 1 24 6 11 1 1 - scales to reflect and amplify any light source, causing a flash
effect to blind and disorient an attacker. Since they use light
SECONDARY ATTRIBUTES sources as a means of defense, they have a natural tendency
Melee Damage Mod. - Reaction 8 to live near human underwater stations. Some miners claim
Damage Resistance +6 Speed SPD(MP) 31 m, 3(1) that shoals of these fish have come to their defense against
larger predators – there’s even a story that a shoal of flash fish
SKILLS once saved a human vessel from the attack of a plated shark!
Athletics 20 Attack 10 SPECIAL
Observation 10 Flash (The flash effect is not only blinding, but it also triggers a panic
ATTACK effect in sighted underwater creatures. The intensity of the flash is
based on the brightness of the light source amplified. The intensity
Blade fish (Melee, Dam.: 1D6 per 10 fish for a maximum of 10D6) is 1 per 10 fish for weak light sources (a flashlight on diving armor,
COMBAT TACTICS natural phosphorescence, etc.), reaching an intensity of 12, +2
None per 10 fish in bright conditions (near a city, in shallow waters, etc.).
When facing a flash attack, an opponent must carry out a Reaction
HIT LOCATIONS Test with a penalty equal to the intensity of the flash. On a failed
1-20 Shoal test, a character is blinded for 1D10 (+ the intensity of the flash)
Rounds. Sea creatures within range of the flash have to carry out a
SPECIAL Willpower Test against the flash intensity, fleeing on a failed test.
Shoal of fish (It is possible to attack one individual fish at a time,
but that requires taking aim. On the other hand, it only takes
one successful Attack to kill one creature. It is also possible,
Flash fish are large and broad, and their scales have a me-
more efficiently, to use a weapon with a wider zone of effect. In
this case, each Attack kills one fish per Damage.) tallic sheen. Many varieties of flash fish can be found living in
warm and shallow waters (especially in the Amazonian sea),
Huge shoals of fish roam the oceans. Most of them are com- but others live in cold and/or deep waters. This species can
pletely harmless species that are only destined to feed preda- form shoals of several hundred individuals. It is worth poin-
tors. But some fish have developed some interesting abilities. ting out that some shoals of flash fish have become accusto-
med to the presence of humans, and now live close to large
underwater cities (such as Equinox) as well as mining stations.
BLADE FISH There, they can make the most of the ambient light to protect
COMBAT TACTICS themselves from predators. This has led to an interesting form
of symbiosis, since the flash fish’s natural defenses also serve
When a shoal of blade fish feel threatened, a pair of long
(20 cm), thin blades spring out from their sides like an extra to protect the humans who live in these areas. Even though
pair of fins. The shoal will then charge straight towards the their flesh is especially delicious, flash fish are rarely caught
threat, quickly slicing it to pieces. for food. The divers who are used to their presence see these
SPECIAL shoals of fish as a sign of good luck - and legends tell of terrible
Blades (The blades of these fish are incredibly strong, as tough catastrophes that befell stations authorizing their fishing.
as the strongest metals. Their attack has a penetration value
of 6 (H)/1 (V-). Due to the razor-sharp profile of the blades, one SCENARIO INSPIRATION
of these fish could easily cut a diver without them realizing it. Of Some alarming rumors say that a monstrous shoal of seve-
course, once they notice the rapid bleeding, they will probably ral thousand blade fish is heading towards the station where
figure out that something is wrong.) the characters live. It is vital that they change its course. Is
this a natural migration or are they fleeing something more
dangerous than themselves?

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)

1 LARSEN FISH For a vessel (or a suit of diving armor) inside this radius, the
penalty is reduced by half for detecting elements outside the
SPECIAL area, however it is perfectly protected from outside detection
while it remains inside the radius. If the effect radius of a shoal
White noise (A school of 10 Larsen fish inflicts a -10 penalty on of larsen fish encounters that of a shoal of mask fish, this
any sonar in a 10 m radius. The penalty is increased by -1 and causes a massive sonic shockwave. Within the radius of effect
the radius increased by 10 m for every increment of 10 fish.) any device using sound waves (detection and targeting sonars,
communications devices . . .) has a chance of being “fried”.
All sound-based devices within a 100 m radius from the origin
DESCRIPTION of the shockwave have to undergo a Breakdown Test with a
These large fish have a number of often phosphorescent an- penalty of -10. The penalty is reduced by 1 for every 200 m from
tennae emerging from their foreheads. Typically gathering in the origin point.)
shoals of around fifty fish, during the breeding season it is not
uncommon to come across groups of several hundred, even se- DESCRIPTION
veral thousand larsen fish. While they can be found natively in Mask fish look identical to larsen fish to such a degree that
every sea on the planet, strangely enough they all migrate at the only the best experts can tell them apart physically. They live
end of the year to breed in the seas around Bermuda. Their re- in all waters of the world, gathering together in shoals of 50 to
production period lasts for a month, during which the surroun- 200 individuals. It is interesting to note that they have a habit
ding waters are obviously more than a little dangerous. Larsen of mixing with other types of fish in order to benefit from other
fish continually emit significant amounts of “white noise”, a species’ defenses. It’s not uncommon to see shoals of mask fish
kind of interference that disrupts all other sounds. Practically tagging along with blade fish or flash fish. However, should a
speaking, the white noise generated by a shoal of larsen fish can shoal of mask fish encounter a shoal of larsen fish, it triggers a
completely disable any listening or recording system, including chain reaction that spells disaster for any kind of sound-based
sonar. Usually the shoals are made up of between 20 to 100 fish, equipment in the area. Mask fish emit sound waves that form a
but some divers report coming across shoals of several thou- kind of sonic shield around them. The shield effect means that a
sand fish during the breeding season – though such encounters shoal of these fish can become “invisible” to all kinds of sonars,
are rare. It goes without saying that communication systems including their sonar-based predators.
and targeting systems are just as susceptible to larsen fish dis-
ruption as sonar. USE/RUMORS
So far, no organization has been able to efficiently control a
mask fish shoal. However, the potential usefulness of these spe-
MASK FISH cies means that there is plenty of research being conducted on
SPECIAL both mask fish and larsen fish.
Waves (Any Detection Test suffers a penalty of -1 within a
radius of 1 m per 10 fish, -2 and a radius of 2 m for 20 fish, etc.

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)

Exposure method: Ingestion/Injection

FLYING SCOR PION FISH Detection modifier: taste (-4), smell (-4)
OR SEA DRAGON Onset delay: 1 Round
“If you haven’t been stung by a flying scorpion fish yet, you Virulence/Progression: 1D10 then 1D10 every Round
have no idea what the word pain means.” for12 Rounds.
-- Walrus, a fisherman who never goes anywhere without his reinforced soles Thresholds/Effects: Threshold 5: pain, Penalty of –3 to every
Test; Threshold 10: pain, Penalty of –5 to every Test; Threshold
Type: fish 15: pain, Penalty of –8 to every Test; Threshold 20: pain, Penalty
Geographic area: Red sea, Mediterranean, Indian and Pacific of –10 to every Test; Threshold 25: Death
Oceans Diagnosis modifier: 0
Size: 38 cm Weight: 6 kg Healing modifier: 0
STR CON COO ADA PER INT WIL PRE Cost of a dose: 6,000 Sols
Base 6 12 10 21 8 3 12 -
The flying scorpion fish lives close to human settlements at
Melee Damage Mod. -2 Reaction 14 shallow depths (less than 1,000 m) and is a threat to all divers
Damage Resistance 0 Speed SPD(MP) 12 m, 1(1) wearing no armor or just a light suit. Incidents usually happen
SKILLS when someone treads on the creature or brushes it with their
Attack 12 Observation 8 hand. The dorsal spikes of the beast then pop up and stick into
Stealth/Silent movement 14 the victim. They are made of a material almost as hard as steel,
just like the rest of its shell, and they can even pierce protec-
tions that are not very thick, but under no circumstances any
Bite (Melee, Dam.: 1D6 (H)) armor plating. Of course, the victim is only submitted to the poi-
COMBAT TACTICS son if his armor is pierced.
It just lies there, waiting for someone to tread on it, even though
it does like to look for trouble by hiding in highly frequented
Scorpion fish poison is highly sought after by pharmaceutical
HIT LOCATIONS labs that use it to manufacture a very efficient pain medication.
1–20 Fish It is also very popular among torturers of all kinds. Flying scor-
SPECIAL pion fish filet is a very popular meal in the Red Union areas and
in the Mediterranean Union. This fish can therefore be sold for
Shell 1 (H)
Spikes (spikes ignore up to 2 Protection points, except in the a hundred Sols. Its poison is much more profitable.
case of armor plating)
Spike poison

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)

1 GIANT MONK FISH will suffer a level 20 Attack during each Combat Round, until it is
completely crushed and torn apart. It is worth mentioning that
“If your ship suddenly starts shaking around all over the place a giant monkfish can attempt to swallow absolutely anything.
and you feel like you’re inside a washing machine in a spin A victim can fight its way to freedom (see Holding/Pinning on
cycle, then there are only 2 possibilities: either you’ve strayed page 228).
into a whirlpool, or you’re on your way to meet the tonsils of HIT LOCATIONS
a giant monkfish. One way or the other, you’re in a fair bit of
trouble. Most of the time you don’t have time to see the beast 1-20 Maw
coming, you end up right inside its mouth and you hear the SPECIAL
sinister scraping sound of its teeth on your ship’s hull. If you’re
Sucking in (The victim is instantly sucked in. The Strength of
not to his taste, then don’t worry, the monkfish will spit you out
the Attack is considered to be 40 and has a range of 10 meters,
right away. If he does like the taste of you, then get ready for
if the character tries to resist it by hanging onto something.
one hell of a squeeze, before you get ripped to shreds.”
The Strength of the Attack is reduced by 2 points per meter of
-- Kyle Smith, fisherman from Tamez
distance from the maw.)
Type: fish
* Replaces Constitution on V- scale
Geographic area: Atlantic
Size: 10 meters long/Head is 8 meters in diameter. Weight:
5,500 kg
The giant monkfish is nicknamed the “massive maw” (al-
Base 58 1* 6 20 18 2 16 - though some call it the “trash can of the seas”). This big fish has
SECONDARY ATTRIBUTES a huge head, a flat body and a long tail. Its gigantic maw is lined
Damage Mod. (H) +24 Reaction 19 with thousands of tiny teeth, as sharp as needles. On the top
Damage Mod. (V-) -4 Speed SPD(MP) 10 m, 1(1) of its head, several luminescent filaments act as lures to attract
prey. When its prey gets within ten meters or so, the monkfi-
Damage Resistance +6
sh opens its huge mouth and creates a current that sucks the
SKILLS unfortunate victim inside. This current is so strong that even
Athletics 10 Attack 12 small vessels such as fighters or small cargo ships (up to 20 tons)
Camouflage/Concealment 18 Observation 14 can be affected. The monkfish often half buries itself in the sand
Stealth/Silent movement 12 to lie in wait for its prey.
ATTACK This creature can be found in the Atlantic, in shallow depths
(between 500 and 1,500 meters). In the spring or the beginning
Relentless bite (Melee, Dam.: 9D10+4 (H)/1D10 (V-), Pen. 4 (H))
of summer, monkfish migrate to far deeper waters to fray (3,000
to 6,000 meters).
Camouflage is its primary skill! Especially since it is not all that
brave and even the tiniest of wounds will cause it to flee . . .
slowly. As soon as its prey is sucked in close enough to its
mouth, the giant monkfish tries to gobble it up. If the monster It is rumored that gigantic monkfish live down in the deepest
succeeds, its unfortunate victim regions of the abyssal plains.

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)


1–5 Head, 6–20 Body
“Being a fisherman ain’t an easy job, Mister. The other day, we
was fishing, mindin’ our own business, and then, all of a sudden SPECIAL
. . . nothing. We wake up with a huge headache and Edma . . . EMP field (the EMP field/shock affects every living creature
Edma, she’s our boat . . . and Edma, she had run aground with within a 10-meter radius around the regalec. The creature can
half of her instruments fried.” carry out this attack only once every 10 Combat Rounds)
-- Pelon, fisherman from Cruz
Type: fish
Geographic area: Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian Oceans
Size: 10 m Weight: 90 kg
The giant regalec is a long fish that looks like an eel with a long
STR CON COO ADA PER INT WIL PRE crest running along its back, getting gradually taller toward the
Base 40 20 28 14 11 6 10 - head. Two long filaments hang on each side of its head. These
SECONDARY ATTRIBUTES filaments are very dangerous for divers. Indeed, when the crea-
Melee Damage Mod. - Reaction 12 ture is frightened, the tips of its filaments start to shine and
then unleash a powerful electromagnetic field. This field will
Damage Resistance -10 Speed SPD(MP) 29 m, 3(1)
also knock out anyone caught inside its range, even individuals
SKILLS wearing pressurized armors or the crew onboard a small ship.
Athletics 20 Attack 15 The regalec often mingles with shoals of fish. It is a magnificent
Stealth/Silent movement 9 Observation 9 and very graceful fish that lives at depths of less than 1,000 me-
ATTACK ters.
EMP attack/Shock (within a 10-meter radius sphere: -5(H) –1
(V-)/+3D10) USE/RUMORS
COMBAT TACTICS The Red League has often used the giant regalecs in military
operations. It is common knowledge that the army is raising
These creatures flee at the slightest wound. They are not really
aggressive and rather easily scared. some of them and has set up an intensive breeding program.

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)


1-5 Head, 6-16 Body, 17-18 Right fin, 19-20 Left fin
“I was diving near some stunning ruins, cool as a sea-
cucumber, and observing a particularly fascinating species of SPECIAL
algae. That’s when I saw it, hiding in the seaweed. I met its . . . Lightning attack (this attack allows it to double its speed during
well, obviously fishy, gaze . . . and it came at me, straight for my only the first Combat Round, when it is rushing towards its prey
face, like a snake. Well, of course I zapped it with my ray gun, to attack it. In this case, its Reaction score is 20.)
but still, it scared me half to death!”
-- Ryan Trick, marine biologist from Equinox
Type: fish
Geographic area: Atlantic, North Sea, Mediterranean and
The killer conger is a vicious predator that only hunts at night.
Black Sea, mainly the coastal region at depths of less than
1,000 meters. During the breeding season, they migrate to During the day, it hides in nooks and crannies and it is very dan-
isolated areas to lay their eggs. The only known breeding area gerous to try and get one to leave its hiding place. It attacks any-
is between the Azores and Gibraltar deep below the surface thing that moves, even if its prey is far larger than itself. Killer
(3,000 to 4,000 meters). congers often appreciate sunken ruins where they can find all
Size: 6 to 9 m Weight: 180 kg
sorts of hiding places and plenty of fauna to provide food for
STR CON COO ADA PER INT WIL PRE them. A killer conger can live for more than thirty years and
Base 20 15 27 22 12 2 15 - it is said that some of the larger specimens can live for over a
Melee Damage Mod. +5 Reaction 17
Damage Resistance -4 Speed SPD(MP) 58 m, 6(2)
Its flesh is particularly sought after by gourmets. In the only
SKILLS known area where the congers gather to lay their eggs, one can
Athletics 20 Attack 15 encounter specimens of up to 10 meters long that act as senti-
Stealth/Silent movement 12 Observation 8 nels, fiercely guarding the breeding grounds. It is not known
ATTACK exactly where they meet, but it would definitely be a really bad
idea to go looking for them when there are dozens of them to-
Bite (Melee, Dam.: 3D10+3 (H) /, Pen. 3 (H))
gether, surrounded by their huge chaperones. Unlike the com-
mon conger, a killer conger can reproduce several times, and
Outside of the breeding season, the killer conger is a solitary the female “only” lays a few hundred eggs at a time, compared
and extremely aggressive predator. It will only give up on a prey
if it receives a Critical Wound. to the 8 million eggs laid by the common conger.

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)

The latter option submits the victim to an Attack with a Base

LIMOPHRYNE ARBORIFERA Damage score of 2D10. A Difficult First Aid Test can limit the
“Man, nature sure can produce some real monsters. Who could Damage to 1D10. A Fairly difficult Surgery Test can limit the
have imagined a creature as long as a finger, ugly as a dog’s Damage to 1D6. The parasite’s host will suffer from visual
backside and able to make you blind?” and olfactory problems for the first 24 hours. If the fish is
-- Polin, a Hybrid suffering from blindness removed during that lapse of time, then there will be no serious
consequences. After the 24th hour, the victim will have to take
Type: fish an Average level Resistance Test once per hour. The difficulty
Geographic area: Atlantic, Pacific, Indian Ocean increases by one level every hour. If the test fails, then the
Size: 7 cm Weight: a few grams victim loses 1 Perception point, permanently. If his Perception
STR CON COO ADA PER INT WIL PRE score is reduced by half, he loses his sense of smell. If his
Perception score reaches 0, then he becomes blind. Once the
Base 1 1 12 13 12 1 10 -
fish is fixed to a victim, it can live perfectly fine out of the water.)
Melee Damage Mod. - Reaction 12 DESCRIPTION
Damage Resistance +6 Speed SPD(MP) 32 m, 4(1) This creature looks like a very small fish head with no body
SKILLS and a tiny little tail. Its mouth is rimmed with very fine, long
Athletics 10 Attack 9 teeth. It has a fine stalk extending from its head, ending in a
Stealth/Silent movement 13 Observation 9 luminescent bulb. Finally, underneath its maw, it has a large
multi-branched stinger hanging from its belly that looks like a
branch of seaweed. These fish are especially dangerous for Hy-
Bite (insignificant) brids and for divers who don’t use protective armor. Indeed, the
COMBAT TACTICS fish attach themselves to the skin using their sharp teeth and
It is a rather cowardly creature. If anything fights back, it flees. secrete an anesthetizing fluid. They live in the deepest waters,
If it can’t easily fix itself to its prey, then it just gives up. Its giant between 6,000 and 12,000 meters, and they attract their victims
cousins are far less sociable. with their luminescent bulb.
1-20 Fish USE/RUMORS
SPECIAL There is no use whatsoever for these critters. They can be sold
to collectors for around a hundred Sols. It is said that these hor-
Parasite (A victim of this fish can detect that something has
latched on to them with a successful Perception Test. This is rible creatures are just the “babies” of far larger monsters that
considered to be an Extremely difficult action. There are two live deep in the abyssal trenches.
ways to remove the fish, either with a medical operation, or by
ripping it off.

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)


1-6 Head, 7-20 Body
“I’ve never seen anything like it before. Marishka was
swimming calmly by my side while we were making our way SPECIAL
through one of those multicolor fish shoals that you so often Polaris Effect cancelling (Any Polaris effect is cancelled within
see in the Coral Republic. That’s when we saw the beast: It was a 5 m radius of the fish. Any user of the Polaris Effect will not
about a meter and a half long, and a hundred and fifty kilos- be able to trigger even the slightest phenomenon while inside
quite a catch, you know? It didn’t look aggressive, more like a this area.
nice big grouper. It swam up to Marishka, and with no warning
it attacked. Ripped out her coral implants and ate them! It was
nothing short of quick, brutal butchery. I managed to make it DESCRIPTION
out alive and believe you me, there is no way in hell I’m going to A miner fish can be found in any region where coral reefs exist,
get that kind of implant after seeing that.” as it feeds exclusively on coral. These fish can grow to very large
-- Reanaleg, fisherman from Azuria sizes (up to 2 m long), and are solitary outside of the breeding
Type: fish season. Miner fish have a kind of hard, protruding “beak” al-
Geographic area: Coral reefs lowing them to break off the pieces of coral that they feed on.
Size: 1.5 m Weight: 150 kg
The fish will attack any bearer of coral implants, and its hard
STR CON COO ADA PER INT WIL PRE beak combined with its natural strength make it a truly formi-
Base 20 34 18 14 12 4 14 - dable opponent. Its intelligence would tend to suggest that it
SECONDARY ATTRIBUTES could be tamed given a steady diet of coral, however there is no
Melee Damage Mod. +5 Reaction 13 way that a user of the Polaris Effect could ever tame it.)
Damage Resistance -9 Speed SPD(MP) 70 m, 8(2)
SKILLS Recent research carried out by the Cult of the Trident revealed
Athletics 20 Attack 12 that this species of fish is completely immune to the Polaris Ef-
Observation fect. Furthermore, it is said to be possible to create natural inhi-
Stealth/Silent movement 12 10/18
(Coral) bitors using the skeleton of this strange fish. The Coral Republic
ATTACK offers lucrative rewards in exchange for dead miner fish. Will
Beak (Melee, Dam.: 1D10+4 (H)) the PCs jump at the possibility to make some quick and easy
COMBAT TACTICS money, or will they try to find out what could cause the call for
such a cull?
This fish is not aggressive. It only attacks if it feels threatened,
or if it spots a diver with a coral implant.

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)


Frenzy (After their first attack, the piranhas have to carry out
“Aren’t they just beautiful? I feed them with the very best meat a Willpower Test, with a cumulative penalty of -2 points per
that one can find, Watcher meat. A nice, rich, fatty kind of meat. Round. If they fail this Test, then their Attack level is reduced by
I take real good care of their diet. Nothing but Watchers or half, but they can then attack twice per Round with no penalty. If
Priests of the Trident.” their victim loses any blood, then the Frenzy is immediate.)
-- A criminal from the slums Shoal of fish (These creatures cannot affect any vehicle or
Type: fish powered exo-armor that has an Armor Rating of more than
Geographic area: rivers, coastal regions of South America and 10 (H), regardless of their numbers. With a regular weapon,
Oceania. you can only attack one piranha at a time, but it only takes one
Size: 50 cm Weight: 1 kg per creature successful attack to kill it. You can also, more efficiently, use a
weapon with an area of effect. In this case, each Attack kills one
creature per Damage. These creatures attack in shoals, and in
Base 9 2 25 15 12 - 15 - groups of less than 10, they become completely harmless.)
Melee Damage Mod. - Reaction 13
Damage Resistance +2 Speed SPD(MP) 48 m, 5(2)
These ferocious river-dwelling predators have spread all the
SKILLS way to the seas, and they attack everything in sight. They have
Athletics 20 Attack 16 also mutated somewhat, which makes them all the more dange-
Observation 5 rous. Their fearsome teeth, made of a material close to silicon,
ATTACK have become extremely resistant. They can therefore even da-
mage structures with low Armor Rating.
Bite (Melee, Dam.: 1D10 for 10 creatures + 1D10 for every 10 extra
creatures, with a maximum of 10D10)
This kind of fish is a favorite with any criminal who owns a
The tactics of a shoal of piranhas are limited to their trademark
feeding frenzy. giant aquarium. No one really knows why, but the lowlifes seem
to be fascinated by these critters that so often end up dining on
their enemies.
1-20 Shoal of piranhas

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)


“I hope that the dish was to your taste, my lord, for it cost one Contamination type: Injection/ingestion
of my suppliers his life. But who cares? Such a delicate side of Detection modifier: taste (-1), smell (-1)
meat is well worth a few sacrifices!” Onset Delay: 1 Round
-- Vigot, a cook from Nazca Virulence/Progression: 1D10 then 1D10 every Round during
Type: fish 10 Rounds.
Geographic area: Atlantic coast, Gulf of Mexico, Caribbean Sea. Thresholds/Effects: Threshold 5 to 20: n/a; Threshold 25: Death
Size: wingspan of 3 meters, tail 3 meters long Diagnosis Modifier: 0
Weight: 185 kg Healing modifier: 0
Price of one dose: 5,000 Sols
Base 26 22 15 20 12 4 10 -
Giant rays are almost rectangular in shape, with a long, thin
Melee Damage Mod. +8 Reaction 16
tail covered in long, sharp, venomous barbs. They attack by
Damage Resistance -7 Speed SPD(MP) 24 m, 3(1) whipping their prey. Of course, a victim is only affected by the
SKILLS poison if his armor is pierced. These creatures live in shallow
Athletics 10 Attack 7 and coastal waters (less than 500 m deep). They spend their time
Stealth/Silent movement 6 Observation 9 half buried in the sand and they are only a threat to those who
ATTACK dive in shallow waters without powered armor.

Sting (Melee, Dam.: 1D10+4 (H), Pen. 8 (H))

COMBAT TACTICS Rays are hunted for their delicate but hard to cook flesh. It
Its tactics are limited to waiting until someone happens to pass will, therefore, be hard to sell to the general public. On the other
by the place where it is resting. hand, a connoisseur can offer up to 40 Sols per kilo of edible
HIT LOCATIONS flesh. It’s worth noting that an average giant ray is only good
1-5 Head, 6-10 Body, 11-15 Right wing, 16-20 Left wing for just under a dozen kilos of meat. Of course, its poison is far
easier to sell.

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)

Once the Armor plating is reduced to 0, the fish are so deeply

IRONEATER RAY sunken into the hull that it is almost impossible to get rid of
“Some critters just don’t have the most balanced of diets.” them (only the upper part of their body, with an Armor Rating of
-- A disillusioned fisherman 10 (H), remains visible). The only reliable technique at that point
is then to either kill them, or to wait until they leave of their own
Type: fish accord. Perception Tests can be made (or failed, depending) by
Geographic area: Every sea on the planet the crew members of the ship to try to find Ironeaters as they
Size: 5 m Weight: 1.5 tons burrow into the hull. Once attacked and wounded, Ironeater
STR CON COO ADA PER INT WIL PRE Rays will immediately attempt to flee.)
Base 38 25 20 16 14 2 12 -
Melee Damage Mod. +14 Reaction 15 These rays come in all sizes. Their physical appearance is quite
Damage Resistance -11 Speed SPD(MP) 32 m, 4(1) different from that of their common cousins. The upper side of
SKILLS their body is covered in a thick shell that seems to resemble
stone. This shell is, however, supple enough to allow them to
Athletics 20 Observation 10
move around normally. While these creatures are harmless to
Stealth/Silent movement 14 humans, they are quite the opposite when it comes to vessels.
ATTACK Ironeater rays tend to swim up to ships as they move past and
None latch on to the hull, using the ship’s speed to feed on plankton.
COMBAT TACTICS While doing so, they gradually destroy the hull where they are
These rays are rather timid, preferring to flee rather than fight. attached. When the ship comes to a halt or goes down too deep
for them (below -8,000 m) they detach themselves, leaving a
gaping hole in the outer hull. Furthermore, attached rays also
1-5 Head, 6-10 Body, 11-15 Right wing, 16-20 Left wing increase a vessel’s signal on sonar, as they form lumps on the
SPECIAL hull that reflect sound waves. Attached Ironeaters also increase
Ironeater (These creatures will eat away the hull plating before water resistance, therefore reducing a ship’s speed.
attacking the structure of the vessel. At a Human scale, they
need 1D10 hours to chew away 1 Armor Rating point (applies
only to metal alloys with a Technology Level lower than TL V).
Some ship captains keep live Ironeater rays in tanks on board
At a V- scale, this time is multiplied by 10 and at a V+ scale, it
should be multiplied by 20. their ships so that they can be used as a last chance effort to fix
a hull breach. As they say: “There’s probably no chance that it’d
work, but it is worth a try.”

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)


These rays are rather timid and prefer to flee rather than fight.
“I’ve always liked rays . . . or I did, until one of them managed to
pierce my armor!” HIT LOCATIONS
-- A diver 1-5 Head, 6-10 Body, 11-15 Right wing, 16-20 Left wing
Type: fish SPECIAL
Geographic area: Every sea on the planet
Poison (The leopard ray’s stinger must inflict a Wound to be
Size: 5 m Weight: 1.5 tons
able to inject its Chyrso type poison – see CRB page 243.)
Base 38 25 20 16 14
2 12 -
Leopard rays have a long tail equipped with a stinger lined
Melee Damage Mod. +14 Reaction 15 with tiny barbs that can cause serious damage. The stinger has
Damage Resistance -11 Speed SPD(MP) 32 m, 4(1) an inner channel through which the animal injects its venom.
SKILLS It is important to note that the Leopard Ray only ever uses its
Athletics 20 Attack 12 stinger in self-defense. Its attack is similar to that of the scor-
pion, using its tail to reach over its head or around the side to
Stealth/Silent movement 14 Observation 10
stab the attacker.
Sting (Dam.: 2D10+2 (H), Pen. 9 (H))

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)


1-5 Head, 6-10 Body, 11-15 Right wing, 16-20 Left wing
“Wow, that’s a really cool way to move around underwater. I’ve
got to find a way to copy that kind of propulsion.” SPECIAL
-- The creator of Manta suits Crushing Damage progression of the Manta ray
Type: fish Strength Dam.* Max Dam.
Geographic area: every sea on the planet at less than 45 +4/Round 66 (H)
1,000 meters below the surface
Size: 6 m Weight: 1 ton (*) The Damage progression varies depending on the
Constriction Attacks rule on page 226.
Base 45 20 20 15 12 1 12 -
These graceful creatures are large manta rays, swimming in
Melee Damage Mod. +17 Reaction 13 the oceans as couples or in groups of several individuals. They
Damage Resistance -11 Speed SPD(MP) 40 m, 4(1) usually are peaceful, but they can, from time to time and all of
SKILLS a sudden, attack everything around them. The reason for this
Athletics 20 Attack 13 behavior is unknown. The manta ray can attack with the dange-
Stealth/Silent movement 7 Observation 10 rous barb at the tip of its tail, and it can crush a prey by wrap-
ping it. The barb is extremely thin and sturdy. This creature can
only use one attack mode at a time.
Sting (Melee, 2D10+3 (H), the sting easily drills holes in armor
and has a Penetration rating of 9(H)) and
Constriction (Melee, Dam.: special, see below)
There is little to no interest in hunting manta rays. This ele-
gant creature is very popular under the oceans, and it is said to
The manta ray is not an aggressive creature but it can strike have soothing properties due to its presence alone. Many com-
unexpectedly for no apparent reason, and then go on its way
as if nothing had happened. However, the manta will usually not munities do everything they can to find a way to attract manta
be the one looking for a fight. On the contrary it usually tends rays into their waters.
to shy away from trouble. The manta ray is scared to death of
orcas, their natural predator.

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)


1-5 Head, 6-10 Body, 11-15 Right wing, 16-20 Left wing
“I was hunting sea serpents, and I come across a Moray snake.
Boom! One armor ruined. So, I decided to go after some rays. SPECIAL
Boom again, a Torpedo ray . . . second armor gone.” Electric shock (An electric Attack can damage a certain number
-- A former fisherman of electronic components attached to its target (armor,
Type: Fish weapons, shields, computers . . .). It is considered to be an EMP
Geographic area: Every sea on the planet Attack -5 (H)/-1 (V-).)
Size: 5 m Weight: 1.5 tons
Base 38 25 20 16 14 2 12 - Torpedo rays are commonly medium size. They have very ef-
ficient electric organs along their sides that, when in contact
with an attacker, can produce successive discharges of several
Melee Damage Mod. +14 Reaction 15 hundred volts in a few thousandths of a second.
Damage Resistance -11 Speed SPD(MP) 32 m, 4(1)
Athletics 20 Attack 12 Recently, quite a few divers claim to have discovered a new
Stealth/Silent movement 14 Observation 10 species of ray that has an above average intelligence. Some even
claim that they have managed to establish a rudimentary form
of contact with these creatures. There is yet another rumor that
Electric shock (Shock: +3D10) a group of pirates have managed to tame some of these animals.
These rays are rather timid and prefer to flee rather than fight.

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)


1–10 Head, 11–20 Body
“Try to imagine a moray eel, but bigger, meaner, more
ferocious, and sturdier! This is what a salini is; a big, nasty SPECIAL
moray eel.” Shell 10 (H)
-- A fisherman who lost his hand to a salini Species protection instinct (If someone dips his or her hand in
Type: Fish a salini lair to get its eggs while the salini is still there, it has an
Geographic area: Mediterranean Sea, Pirate Kingdoms, East Attack level of 20)
Atlantic, west coast of South America Damage progression of crushing by a slaini
Size: 5 m long Weight: 240 kg Strength Dam.(*) Max Dam.
Base 24 38 19 21 12 4 18 - (*) The Damage progression varies depending on the
SECONDARY ATTRIBUTES Constriction Attacks rule page 226.

Melee Damage Mod. +7 Reaction 16

Damage Resistance -11 Speed SPD(MP) 16 m, 2(1) DESCRIPTION
SKILLS The salini is a kind of huge moray eel covered with thick scales
Athletics 10 Attack 12 as sturdy as a shell. It is an extremely dangerous and aggressive
predator that lives along the cliffs of the South American west
Stealth/Silent movement 12 Observation 9
coast. It lays eggs, which are highly sought after by fishermen,
ATTACK in narrow cracks. However, the salini is a fearsome adversary,
Relentless bite (Dam.: 4D10 (H, Pen. 3 (H)) and and those hunting it risk losing their life. It usually watches its
Constriction (Melee, see Constriction and Tentacle Attacks, prey, hidden in a rock crack, with only its head sticking out. As
page 226) soon as it has grabbed a prey, it will do its best to never let it go.
COMBAT TACTICS It lives in depths up to 6,000 meters.
The salini carries out ferocious attacks and will not stop
attacking as long as its prey resists or as long as it is still alive.
It wraps its powerful body around its prey and crushes it with
Salini eggs can be sold for up to 50 Sols per gram, and each
its dreadful maw.
spawning can produce up to 250 grams.

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)


1–5 Head, 6–16 Body, 17–18 Right fin, 19–20 Left fin
“What a magnificent beast! A true natural predator devoid of
any mutation. This is a specimen of a pure and perfect race.” SPECIAL
-- Imar Ktar, biologiste marin Frenzy (when the creature grabs a prey, the Damage score
Type: shark (fish) increases by 2 Points per Round)
Geographic area: Atlantic Ocean, Pacific Ocean and Indian Ocean
Size: 3 m Weight: 280 kg
These extremely combative sharks attack anything that mo-
Base 26 24 11 15 10 4 9 - ves. They are extremely fast and can reach a speed of almost 100
SECONDARY ATTRIBUTES km/h (140 m/t 16(4)) for up to 1D10 Rounds. They are very com-
Melee Damage Mod. +8 Reaction 12 mon and have hardly evolved since the cataclysms that made
Damage Resistance -8 Speed SPD(MP) 86 m, 10(3) humanity flee to the oceans. They are not much of a threat to di-
vers wearing protective armor. They live at depths below 1,000
meters and enjoy swimming among underwater ruins.
Athletics 20 Attack 12
Stealth/Silent movement 12 Observation 10 USE/RUMORS
ATTACK Since it is a member of a species that hasn’t evolved since the
Relentless bite (Melee: 4D10+1 (H), Pen. 3 (H)) cataclysms, the blue pointer shark is protected by the S.M.S.O.,
even if sometimes campaigns are set up to limit their propaga-
tion. Many laboratories pay money to get living specimens to
This shark is quick to attack, but it can also break as quickly study the reasons for the genetic stability of this species.
from combat at the slightest Serious Wound. It rarely attacks
fish bigger than its size.

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)

will attack the prey together, taking it down with lots of small

BULL SHARK V- bites. When the prey is weakened enough, or if a bite alone is
“I have to oppose your decision to attempt to eradicate the group not enough, the sharks will lash out at it and frantically kill it.
of bull sharks that has settled in our area. It’s true that these HIT LOCATIONS
predators feed on our livestock, but the losses are small compared
to the fact that they protect us from far more dangerous 1–5 Head, 6–16 Body, 17–18 Right fin, 19–20 Left fin
creatures. I therefore ask you to reconsider your decision.” SPECIAL
-- A council member of a small livestock breeder community
Frenzy (when the creature grabs a prey, the Damage score
Type: shark (fish) increases by 1 Point per Round at the H scale and 1 Point every
Geographic area: Atlantic Ocean 10 Rounds at the V- scale)
Size: 4 m Weight: 550 kg
Base 59 32 14 24 18 9 18 - This fearsome predator hunts in packs of 4 to 12 individuals.
SECONDARY ATTRIBUTES It is particularly cunning and ferocious, and it is not afraid of
Damage Mod. (H) +24 Reaction 21 anything. Moreover, these sharks enjoy playing with their prey,
and they are capable of using basic strategies. They can create
Damage Mod. (V-) -4 Speed SPD(MP) 57 m, 6(2)
diversions or lure their prey to a location more suitable for a
Damage Resistance -18
kill. There is always a “leader” in a group of bull sharks. If this
SKILLS leader is killed, the rest of the group disbands immediately, un-
Athletics 20 Attack 10 til a new leader takes control of the group. They prefer shallow
Stealth/Silent movement 8 Observation 11 waters, but they can live near human communities up to 2,000
ATTACK meters deep.
Relentless bite (Melee, Dam.: 7D10+1 (H)/1D6+1 (V-), Pen. 4 (H))
It is impossible to tame a bull shark. However, they are much
Bull sharks play with their prey. They swim around it, corner more intelligent than the other specimens of the shark species,
it, and take turns when launching their attacks. They always and thus can curb their aggressiveness if there is something to
pay more attention to the prey that looks the quickest and the
toughest. They are ferocious but a Critical Wound can make gain. It is therefore common to see shark groups swim around a
them give up the fight. On the other hand, they are capable of farming community to feed on the fish gathering in the region,
hunting down their prey for several days. without ever attacking a single diver. They can similarly spare
The bull shark has a habit of biting its prey and then the life of a prey if it gave them a run for their money. Its flesh is
immediately letting it go and swimming away. The whole group unpalatable, and only its teeth have any trade value.

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)


1–5 Head, 6–16 Body, 17–18 Right fin, 19–20 Left fin
“The thing is, with this critter, you only realize it’s there when it has
closed its mouth around you. That can be a bit of a problem . . .” SPECIAL
-- Mark Clyss, Ruin raider Frenzy (when the creature grabs a prey, the Damage score
Type: shark (fish) increases by 1 Point per Round at the H scale, and 1 Point every
Geographic area: Pacific Ocean 10 Rounds at the V- scale)
Size: 5 m Weight: 500 kg Discretion (a successful opposed Observation Test must be
rolled against the Camouflage skill of the creature in order to
Base 55 25 22 16 15 4 18 -
Melee Damage Mod. (H) +22 Reaction 15 These creatures lie in wait for their prey by camouflaging
Melee Damage Mod. (V-) -2 Speed SPD(MP) 50 m, 6(2) themselves. They can take the appearance of a stone on rocks.
Damage Resistance (H) -15 As soon as a chameleon shark attacks a prey, it enters a sort of
SKILLS frenzy. It can decide to swallow its prey, depending on its size.
It is worth noting that the chameleon shark hates other sharks
Athletics 20 Attack 12
and will attack them on sight.
Camouflage/Concealment 15 Observation 15
Stealth/Silent movement 10 USE/RUMORS
ATTACK These fish are allowed in some communities located in waters
Relentless bite (Melee, Dam.: 6D10+5 (H)/1D6+1 (V-), Pen. 4 (H)) rich in fish, since they do not represent a great danger unless
COMBAT TACTICS they are hungry.
This shark is a patient and lazy animal. It will seldom hunt by
coming after its prey, and prefers to stay motionless on rocks.
As soon as a prey comes within range of its maw, it tries to
grab it. This animal is not really aggressive and a Serious
Wound is usually enough to make it flee.

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)


1–5 Head, 6–16 Body, 17–18 Right fin, 19–20 Left fin
-- Most common term when someone comes across a plated shark SPECIAL
Type: giant shark Shell 10 (V-)
Geographic area: every sea on the planet at more than 4,000 Reinforced thresholds
meters deep Frenzy (when the creature grabs a prey, the Damage score
Size: 35 m Weight: 210 tons increases by 2(V-)/1(V+) Points per Round)
Notes (when a plated shark lashes out at vehicles, it can only
STR SIZ COO ADA PER INT WIL PRE efficiently attack ships that are no larger than a Size 5. As for
Base 190 6* 12 13 14 1 20 - the others, it will have difficulty using its powerful jaws and will
have to content itself with hitting them with its snout or tail. The
attack then will only inflict 1D10+2(V-)/1D6 (V+) and there is no
Melee Damage Mod. (V-) +24 Reaction 13 Frenzy. It can, however, tear parts of the ship off by grabbing
Melee Damage Mod. (V+) +14 Speed SPD(MP) 50 m, 6(2) them with its maw.)
Damage Resistance (V-) +2 * Replaces Constitution on V- scale
Athletics 20 Attack 13
This huge marine predator attacks everything that moves,
Stealth/Silent movement 5 Observation 15 whether it is alive or not. This is the most dangerous creature in
ATTACK all the oceans. It is the mutant form of a shark, the skin of which
Charge (Melee, Dam.: Massive Damage at Human scale (H), is covered with plates similar to those of a rhinoceros. As soon
2D10+3 (V-)/1D10+2 (V+)) or as a plated shark attacks its prey, it enters a sort of frenzy. It can
Relentless bite (Melee, Dam.: Massive Damage at Human scale
decide to swallow its prey, depending on its size.
(H), 2D10+1 (V-)/1D10 (V+), Pen. 5 (H))
The combat tactics of the plated shark are simple. It attacks the There is nothing to get out of this monster. Even its shell is
closest target and ravages it until there is nothing left of it, or useless. However, some parts, such as its teeth, can be sold at a
until it gets a Mortal Wound. A Critical Wound can make it stop
fighting, but only if it is not in a state of frenzy. very high price on the black market.

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)


This shark always tries to attack from below and by surprise. It
“I swear on my boils, that damn shark is the worst piece of crap always attacks horn first, by charging.
I’ve ever seen. I remember, it happened last year. I was cruising
in the Norwegian Sea and I had managed to get close to thirty HIT LOCATIONS
orcas that seemed to be finally accepting me (it had taken a 1–5 Head, 6–16 Body, 17–18 Right fin, 19–20 Left fin
year, though). All of a sudden, I saw this horned thing, just three SPECIAL
meters long, spring from the deep and gut the orcas leader.
It had hit twice with its horn in the blink of an eye. Before the Charge
other orcas could do anything, that damned critter had already Shell 5 (H) The creature has no shell on its belly.
dived back down into its chasm. The orca leader didn’t survive
long. I guess the shark came back to devour it a little later.”
-- Testimony by Cedral Bern, marine biologist from Equinox DESCRIPTION
Type: shark (fish) This particularly vicious shark has a slightly turned-up nose
Geographic area: Atlantic Ocean, Pacific Ocean, and Indian that forms a particularly sturdy horn. It uses this natural
Ocean up to 1,000 meters deep. weapon to charge up from underneath its prey and gut it. This
Size: 3 m Weight: 650 kg
creature is fast, and the upper part of its body is covered with
STR CON COO ADA PER INT WIL PRE scales. It is dangerous and attacks everything that is alive, even
Base 40 24 12 20 18 6 16 - gigantic prey. These sharks can be found all over the Atlantic
SECONDARY ATTRIBUTES Ocean, Pacific Ocean, and the Indian Ocean. It is an open-seas
Melee Damage Mod. +15 Reaction 19 predator that only comes near the shores on very rare occa-
sions. This species is viviparous. Embryos grow in the female’s
Damage Resistance -11 Speed SPD(MP) 67 m, 7(2)
reproductive organs, and she gives birth to fully developed and
SKILLS active offspring. Although they are usually solitary, males and
Athletics 20 Attack 10 females gather in winter to mate.
Stealth/Silent movement 12 Observation 10
The horn of this animal is particularly sought after for its me-
Bite (Melee, Dam.: 5D10+3 (H), Pen. 3 (H)) or
Horn (Melee, Dam.: 6D10+4 (H)/1D6 (V-), Pen. 10 (H)/1 (V-). On a dicinal properties. Ground and ingested in a broth, it increases
Critical result, Damage is increased by half. an individual’s resistance to poisoning by half for a day. The
horn can be sold for roughly 1,000 Sols. The scales of the shark
can be salvaged as well to manufacture a light armor (Protec-
tion: 3, Category A).

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)


Lightning Attack (The shark can launch a Lightning Attack on any
“I am sorry to inform you that this formidable predator, the creature located within a 20-meter radius, speeding up to 60
sand tiger shark, cannot be tamed in any way. Its ferocity is knots (180 meters per Round) and carrying out two Attacks in a
such, it attacks everything, even its cage, preferring to die by row. In that case, its target and all those that want to try to react
smashing against the bars than accept its captivity. On the before the shark, have to roll an opposed Reaction Test)
other hand, our researchers have isolated a substance in Frenzy (After it has weakened its prey with this first Attack, the
its organism, the effects of which on the human guinea pigs shark becomes frenzied. It has only one Attack, the purpose of
are more than promising. At the slightest ingestion, it turns which is to crush its victim in its powerful jaws. Damage is increased
them into fanatical killers. If this element is mixed with the fluid by 3 Points per Round. This shark is oblivious to any effect of
secreted by these sharks, we will get soldiers who feel neither wounds, even lethal ones, due to its aggressiveness. On top of that,
pain nor emotion.” its Knockout threshold and its Stun threshold are doubled)
-- Gaenter Frea, head of Sand Tiger project for Cortex
Type: shark (fish)
Geographic area: Atlantic, shores of North America and Africa at DESCRIPTION
less than 1,000 meters deep The Sand tiger shark is one of the smallest sharks living in the
Size: 2.60 m Weight: 220 kg
oceans, but it is certainly the most aggressive. As soon as it spots
STR CON COO ADA PER INT WIL PRE a prey, it lashes out and won’t let it go until it is dead. This spe-
Base 30 24 12 14 24 4 24 - cies tends to live on the seabed, at a depth between 100 and 1,000
SECONDARY ATTRIBUTES meters. It is common throughout the Atlantic, but it is more fre-
Melee Damage Mod. +10 Reaction 19 quently found close to the North American and African coasts. The
body of this shark is covered with distinctive yellow spots. It has
Speed SPD(MP)
Damage Resistance -9 a second dorsal fin, smaller than the first one, and two fins on the
184 m, 20(4)
abdomen. The female gives birth to two young, fed for 12 months
in its belly. There is a similar species in the Mediterranean Sea, the
Athletics 20 Attack 14 Smalltooth sand tiger shark.
Stealth/Silent movement 12 Observation 14
Relentless bite (Melee, Dam.: 4D10+4 (H), Pen. 3 (H)) This shark secretes a powerful anaesthetizing fluid that al-
COMBAT TACTICS lows, if correctly handled (Pharmacology Test with a Penalty of
10), to prepare a drug that neutralizes all the effects of wounds
This vicious predator attacks by surprise and never stops
hunting a prey. The only way to get rid of it is to kill it. for 1D10 hours and doubles the Knockout threshold and the
Stun threshold. This fluid can be sold for 1,000 Sols on the black
market. 1D10 doses of fluid can usually be made with one shark.
1–5 Head, 6–16 Body, 17–18 Right fin, 19–20 Left fin

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)


When these sharks are in groups, and when they are not
“The twelve sentry sharks we bought from the Vigal company caught off-guard, they can carry out coordinated attacks. One
are perfectly adapted to our installations. Not only are they of the sharks stays out of the melee and gives info to the rest
watchful guards, but when they are in a group, they also seem of the herd.
able to come up with attack strategies against a potential
enemy. We have observed an intrusion attempt from a group HIT LOCATIONS
of four commandos (which we had hired by posing as a rival 1–5 Head, 6–16 Body, 17–18 Right fin, 19–20 Left fin
company). When the first shark spotted the agents, it didn’t SPECIAL
attack immediately. It lay low on the bottom of the ocean and
remained still. A few minutes later, the eleven other sharks Frenzy (These sharks can decide to crush the prey they have
swooped on them from all directions, whereas the first sentry grabbed. This frenzy is considered as a bite, but the Damage
swam around the mayhem as if it was coordinating the attacks score is increased by 3 Points per Combat Round. When in
or was looking for other potential prey. Furthermore, these a group, when one of them is leading the operations, these
creatures are perfectly docile with the employees.” sharks have a Reaction score of 20 and an Attack of 14.)
-- Report by Victor Dars, head of security at the Mistral company
Type: shark (fish)
Geographic area: Atlantic Ocean, Mediterranean Sea up to 2,500
meters deep This small gray shark has a second, very small, dorsal fin
Size: 1.80 m Weight: 190 kg between its large dorsal fin and its tail. The sentry shark can
STR CON COO ADA PER INT WIL PRE be found throughout Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean
Sea. Although it prefers to hunt down its prey along the shores,
Base 19 29 12 18 18 3 18 -
it can often be spotted in the open sea. It essentially feeds on
SECONDARY ATTRIBUTES mackerels, herrings, and fish of the deep. The females give birth
Melee Damage Mod. +4 Reaction 18(20) after a gestation period of 12 months. A litter usually includes
Damage Resistance -7 Speed SPD(MP) 94 m, 10(3) 1 to 5 individuals. These sharks live a solitary lifestyle in their
SKILLS natural state.
Athletics 20 Attack 12/14
Empathic analysis 6 Observation 15
This is one of the rare sharks that humans can easily tame. It
Stealth/Silent movement 14 then works as a “watch dog” in the hydroculture fields, military
ATTACK bases, etc. The independent company Vigal (in Equinox, Level 4)
Relentless bite (Melee, Dam.: 3D10+2 (H), Pen. 3 (H)) is the most well-known for breeding and selling these creatures.
Each shark is sold for roughly 12,000 Sols.

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)


1–5 Head, 6–16 Body, 17–18 Right fin, 19–20 Left fin
“There were only 60 survivors after the boat sank. Sixty soldiers
wearing diving armor, 40 meters below the surface! All we had SPECIAL
to do to keep any predator at bay was to huddle together while Song (Any creature within a range of less than 100 meters
waiting to be rescued. All of a sudden, Lim saw a siren shark. must perform an extended opposed Willpower Test against the
Nobody had ever seen one. The beast was circling a hundred shark. The shark’s Success Modifier (if there is one) reduces
meters away, and was swimming around us without showing the Willpower of its prey in the same proportion. The power of
any signs of aggression. Ten minutes later, there were 12 sharks the song decreases by 1 Point every 10 extra meters. As soon as
of different species. That’s when the nightmare started. One the Willpower of a prey reaches 0, it is relentlessly attracted to
by one, my men left the group, without saying a word, to rush the creature. As soon as the shark can bite its victim, the charm
straight into the ferocious swarm. We shot every bullet we had immediately ceases to operate. The first attack on a hypnotized
at the bastard, it dodged every single one. By the time the rescue prey is performed at level 18.)
party arrived, I had lost 40 soldiers!”
-- Report of Lieutenant Vinx Ker 23 456, Hegemonian officer
Type: shark (fish)
Geographic area: Atlantic at less than 1,000 meters deep
This strange creature is a long, thin shark, 6 meters in length.
Size: 6 m Weight: 400 kg
Its body is covered with multi-colored spots. This really is a ma-
gnificent creature, gifted with a fearsome power. Indeed, the si-
Base 44 36 16 19 18 6 24 - ren shark sings, a little like whales, but its song has the effect of
SECONDARY ATTRIBUTES attracting its prey. This shark usually feeds on mackerels, her-
Melee Damage Mod. +17 Reaction 18 rings and sardines it hunts near the surface. It most often lives
Damage Resistance -15 Speed SPD(MP) 58 m, 6(2) in the Atlantic, but it migrates to warmer waters in winter. The
female gives birth in spring. Each litter includes between 50 and
60 individuals. The other shark species never attack the siren
Athletics 20 Attack 12 shark, they prefer to follow it and feed on the victims it attracts.
Stealth/Silent movement 10 Observation 14
Bite (Melee, Dam.: 5D10+5 (H), Pen. 3 (H)) This shark only has value for the research laboratories that
COMBAT TACTICS are studying it. It is possible to sell them dead specimens for 500
Sols a fish. A living specimen can, on the other hand, be sold for
This shark never takes unnecessary risks. It stays at good
distance and waits for the dish to be served. It tends to flee up to 12,000 Sols.
from combat at the slightest wound.

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)


This species of shark is very aggressive and it attacks directly
“It’s just unbelievable that in this day and age, some creeps without much scheming. Only a Critical Wound can make it give
are using sharks to protect their settlements. Some people will up the fight.
stop at nothing! Believe me when I say that coming face to face
with tiger sharks ain’t no fun at all!” HIT LOCATIONS
-- Anna Leick, smuggler 1–5 Head, 6–16 Body, 17–18 Right fin, 19–20 Left fin
Type: shark (fish) SPECIAL
Geographic area: Caribbean, Indian Ocean, Pacific Ocean,
Frenzy (when the creature grabs a prey, the Damage score
coastal areas (preferably estuaries and lagoons)
increases by 2 Points per Round)
Size: 8 m Weight: 1,200 kg
Base 28 26 24 24 15 8 24 - DESCRIPTION
SECONDARY ATTRIBUTES The tiger shark owes its name to the stripes covering its body.
Melee Damage Mod. +9 Reaction 19 It is a fearsome predator that will attack any living target. Once
it has bitten a prey, it immediately enters a state of frenzy. It
Speed SPD(MP)
Damage Resistance -9 is usually a solitary creature, but it is possible to come across
108 m, 12(3)
groups of 2 or 3 of these creatures. It hunts in shallow waters,
usually at less than 400 meters deep.
Athletics 20 Attack 10
Stealth/Silent movement 10 Observation 9 USE/RUMORS
ATTACK This animal is particularly intelligent, and can be easily ta-
Relentless bite (Melee, Dam.: 4D10+2 (H), Pen. 3 (H)) med. Tame tiger sharks can sometimes be genetically altered
(to make them more aggressive) and be implanted with a device
making it possible to efficiently control them.

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)


Swallow (To accidentally swallow a prey, the shark carries
“Specialists have said that 800 specimens gathered in the Bay out a normal Attack Test. If the Test is successful, whatever is
of Bengal, near the Saneca area. Each year, the Watchers take located in the area in front of the shark is swallowed. Victims
care of the protection of these creatures against smugglers. suffer 1 Round of Damage before they are spit back out. The
The sharks seem to be grateful since everysingle day one of whale shark cannot swallow a target with a Size of more than 1.
them swims in large circles around the ships of the fleet. I’m still Tail (The whale’s tail wipes out everything that is behind it. For
wondering what reason urges these huge fish to gather here. this attack, the Strength bonus does not apply against targets
There is nothing special about this area. According to Lieshen, with the H scale that are often swept away by the swirl before
the sharks are expecting something. Does it have anything to suffering the full force of the impact.)
do with the strange echo the Watchers’ sonar picked up last
week? The contact couldn’t be identified. It was coming from * Replaces Constitution on V- scale
the deep, but a few seconds later, there was nothing.”
-- Report by Senect, Vejovis of the Cult of the Trident DESCRIPTION
Type: shark (fish) Protected by the S.M.S.O., this shark is a completely peace-
Geographic area: Pacific at less than 1,000 meters ful creature that feeds on plankton and small fish. It opens its
Size: 20 m Weight: 34 tons
maw wide and the elements it feeds on are captured, then the
STR SIZ COO ADA PER INT WIL PRE water is expelled through the gills. It has four dorsal fins, and
Base 110 3* 6 12 20 6 8 - three fins on each side. Its body is brown and covered with light
SECONDARY ATTRIBUTES green spots. This creature lives in shallow waters (no more than
Damage Mod. (H) +50 Reaction 16 600 m deep) in the Pacific Ocean. Each year, hundreds of whale
sharks gather in the Bay of Bengal for roughly one week, for an
Damage Mod. (V-) +8 Speed SPD(MP) 10 m, 1(1)
unknown reason. Nobody to this day has been able to observe
Damage Resistance (V-) +4
their reproductive habits. The only danger with this shark is for
SKILLS divers and small ships to be accidentally swallowed. Some spe-
Attack 8 Observation 6 cimens can reach a size over 25 meters in length.
Accidental bite (Melee, Dam.: 8D10+2 (H)/1D6+1 (V-)) or USE/RUMORS
Tail (Melee, Dam.: 9D10 (H)/1D6+2 (V-)) The whale shark is hunted by smugglers for its flesh and fat. It
COMBAT TACTICS is easy to earn 20,000 Sols with just one of these fish. Watchers
often send out protection missions when they spot large gathe-
rings of whale sharks. The Cult of the Trident is interested in
HIT LOCATIONS any information regarding these mastodons.
1–5 Head, 6–16 Body, 17–18 Right fin, 19–20 Left fin

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)

Head or tail (Melee, Dam.: 1D10+5 (H)) or
“I had been tracking that goddamned swordfish for almost Charge (Melee, Dam.: 4D10+4 (H), Pen. 5 (H))
nine days. Nine whole days running around after him, looking
like a fool! I even thought I had it when I managed to stab him in COMBAT TACTICS
the side with my harpoon. Ha, yeah, right! He managed to cut Swordfish stay out of trouble and they only fight back if their
the cable on a craggy rock! Even though I was piloting a fast attacker won’t back off. In this case, they move far enough
ship, a swordfish is capable of incredible accelerations and is away, turn around and charge.
far nimbler than any craft created by mankind. But I was finally HIT LOCATIONS
about to catch him. At least, that’s what I thought, until I figured
out where the bastard had lured me: right up to the lair of a sea 1-5 Head, 6-20 Body
dragon. I don’t know how I managed to make it out alive, but I SPECIAL
bet he thought it was hilarious.”
-- Stubborn Vilrus, fisher in Crozet Charge (A swordfish is only dangerous when it charges. In melee
combat it is an easy target, as it can only hit with its head or tail
Type: fish and only gets half of the bonus for Damage.)
Geographic area: tropical and temperate seas Proboscis (when it charges, its extremely tough proboscis
Size: 4 m Weight: 300 kg allows it to add a penetration of 5 (H) to its Attack)
Base 47 19 11 12 16 12 10 - DESCRIPTION
SECONDARY ATTRIBUTES This large fish is usually a solitary one, but adults come to-
Melee Damage Mod. +18 Reaction 14 gether to form schools during breeding season. They are ex-
tremely quick and mainly feed on small fish. They are usually
Speed SPD(MP)
Damage Resistance -12 found in tropical and temperate seas.
166 m, 18(4)
Athletics 20 Attack 12 Many people hunt swordfish just for pleasure. It is a feisty and
Stealth/Silent movement 10 Observation 12 ingenious creature that gives even the best fishermen a run
for their money. Its flesh is edible and it can be sold for about
200 Sols per kg.

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)


1-20 Shoal of fish
“Come on, don’t panic, they’re only fish.”
-- A fisherman who obviously hasn’t lost a ship to these critters — yet! SPECIAL
Type: fish Panic (When panicking, the speed of a Torpedo fish is doubled.
Geographic area: Every sea on the planet It is foolhardy to want to fight a shoal of several thousand fish,
Size: 2 m Weight: 20 kg so there are no rules designed to handle that situation. Since
a torpedo fish attack is more akin to a natural phenomenon,
STR CON COO ADA PER INT WIL PRE there is nothing to do but sit tight, face the 1 to 3 attacks
Base 10 3 28 15 13 - 7 - dealt by these fish and pray that the damage won’t be too
Melee Damage Mod. - Reaction 14
Damage Resistance +2 Speed SPD(MP) 64 m, 7(2) DESCRIPTION
SKILLS The torpedo fish is a strange creature, the size of a moray eel,
capable of moving through the water at tremendous speeds.
Athletics 20 Attack 16
The heads of these curious fish are covered in an extremely
ATTACK tough material, similar to metal. They are not dangerous as long
Charge (Melee, Dam.: 3D10 (H), 1D6-3 (V-), as they have no cause for panic.
Penetration: 6 (H)/1 (V-))
If startled by bright lights or sudden movements (necessitating The flesh of these fish is delicious, but they are very difficult
a Willpower Test), schools of torpedo fish spontaneously to catch, since they tend to panic as soon as a net is deployed in
accelerate, charging straight at the “threat”. This attack is the water. When they panic the net is destroyed by their attack
formidable, able to penetrate a suit of diving armor or even a
ship’s hull. Torpedo fish die immediately on impact. Shoals of . . . usually along with the vessel that launched it.
torpedo fish are made up of thousands of creatures. When
they become panicked, all targets within range suffer one
Attack per Round for 1D3 Rounds (Human or Naval Combat),
depending on the size of the target.

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)

Poison (The poison of the stonefish is extremely painful. A
“The poison of a stonefish is surely one of the most painful I burning sensation will spread in the affected limb as well as
know. Those who have survived a sting from this nasty critter a tingling and prickling sensation, and numbness. The skin
will never forget the torture. First you feel like you’ve been hit around the sting will become red and swollen.)
by lightning. Then the pain sets in, and you feel a searing fire Exposure method: injection
burn through your body for hours. You’re shaking and having Detection modifier: taste (+1), odor (0)
violent spasms because all your nerves are being attacked by Onset delay: 1 Round
the poison. Most victims of stonefish die from a heart attack Virulence/Progression: 2D6 then 1D6 per minute for 30 min.
caused by the pain.” Thresholds/Effects: Threshold 5: pain, penalty of -4 for all Tests;
-- Roland Segur, hydrofarmer from Equinox Threshold 15: pain, penalty of 6 for all Tests; Threshold 25: pain,
Type: fish penalty of -12 for all Tests; Threshold 30: death
Geographic area: shores Diagnosis Modifier: +3
Size: 40 m long Weight: 25 kg Healing modifier: -2
Pufferfish: the pufferfish prefers hunting on beaches or in
Base 6 18 12 18 12 1 12 -
ancient ruins. When it is full, it swims back to the surface and
SECONDARY ATTRIBUTES lets itself be carried by currents. When on the surface, it beco-
Melee Damage Mod. - Reaction 15 mes the favorite prey of many flying predators. The eyes of this
Damage Resistance -1 Speed SPD(MP) 22 m, 2(1) weever are located on its belly. When it sees a prey, it tries to
SKILLS stick its back to its victim in order to pierce it with its spikes.
Attack 20 Observation 10 The inflicted damage and the secreted poison are the same as
the stonefish’s.
Stealth/Silent movement 18
Leaf fish: this is a surface weever that burrows down into the
ATTACK sand, the dirt, or, most of the time, under leaves. Not only can
Spikes (Melee, Dam.: first attack (to pierce the protection) 1D6 it stick its spikes in the foot of a victim, but it can also unleash
(H), Pen. 5 then second attack: 2D6 (H)) an electric discharge that is usually enough to knock said victim
COMBAT TACTICS out. The creature can only use this attack mode once every 24
None hours.
1–20 Creature SPECIAL
SPECIAL Electric discharge (The electric discharge of a leaf fish inflicts a
Spikes (Characters wearing protective armor cannot be Shock Damage score equal to +3D6 and an EMP effect of -3 (H))
affected. However, every other kind of protection can be
penetrated. If the Damage score is higher than the protection
factor of the victim, then the spikes have penetrated the USE/RUMORS
protection, and a new Attack against the victim is carried out The flesh of a weever is particularly delicious if it is cooked
with no protection. The Damage Resistance factor is not taken right (100 Sols for a dish of pufferfish, 250 Sols for a leaf fish).
into account.) As for the stonefish, only a few cooks know how to prepare it
(Penalty of 12, 1,000 Sols per dish). A non-trained cook is most li-
DESCRIPTION kely to poison his guests if he doesn’t know the right technique.
There is a large number of species of weever. They all have It is also possible to grind the stonefish to extract a dozen doses
two characteristics in common: being flat and burying them- of poison.

selves just underneath the surface, letting their dreadful dorsal

spikes stick out. When someone treads on one, its spikes stick
up into the sole, the foot or the paw of the victim. Nowadays,
weevers live along the shores of every sea of the globe.
Stonefish: it can be found at depths of up to 1,000 meters. The
spikes of this creature secrete a virulent poison. This poison
will affect an individual wearing diving armor only if the spike
pierces the armor structure.

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)

Marine reptiles
1–5 Head, 6–20 Body
“A moray eel is a vicious beast! A snake is just as vicious! A
moray snake is twice as vicious.” SPECIAL
-- Ulrich, sailor from Equinox Electric discharge (As soon as a moray snake wraps itself
Type: reptile around its target, it can, once every 2 Rounds, release a
Geographic area: shores and ruins powerful EMP effect, requiring a Breakdown Test, with no
Size: 4 m Weight: 130 kg Penalty.)
Damage progression of crushing by a moray snake
Strength Dam. (*) Max Dam.
Base 20 17 20 18 12 1 12 - 20 +2/Round 30 (H)
(*) Damage progression varies according to the rule of
Melee Damage Mod. +5 Reaction 15 Constriction Attacks on page 226.
Damage Resistance -4 Speed SPD(MP) 32 m, 4(1)
Athletics 10 Attack 15 A moray snake is a 4-meter-long reptile that owes its name to
Stealth/Silent movement 10 Observation 12 its ferocity and the fact that its head vaguely resembles that of a
ATTACK moray eel. These creatures swim mostly around coastal areas and
Constriction (Melee, Dam.: special, see below) and underwater ruins, and they can rarely be found at depths below
Relentless bite (Melee, Dam: 2D10 (H)) 1,000 meters. They are usually solitary creatures, although they
COMBAT TACTICS can sometimes live in groups of three or four individuals.
Moray snakes wrap themselves around their victims. They bite
them, crush them, and emit a powerful electromagnetic field USE/RUMORS
that can cause electronic gear to break down. They are patient In some communities, these reptiles are sometimes bred for
and very ferocious creatures. A Critical Wound is necessary to their very tender flesh, but this requires special tanks since they
make them give up on the fight. kill each other if there are more than a few individuals in the
same pool.

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)

1 SEA DRAGON V- piercing the plating of a ship, it immediately gives up. The
dragon usually attacks smaller targets with its maw. In that
“By Neptune! That thing came out of a small cave right when I case, it tries to swallow its prey or to crush it, depending on
was passing by. I just had the time to see its gigantic maw open its size. If a prey is too big to be swallowed, the dragon will
before it shut on the rear of my ship. The beast was trying to try to grab it with its powerful claws (only one Attack Test is
crush my ship and was shaking it wildly. I pushed the turbines necessary), then crush it with its maw.
full speed, to no avail. Then I ejected in my escape capsule. The HIT LOCATIONS
dragon didn’t even look at me. It thrashed the ship around,
smashing it on the underwater walls, before vanishing back 1–5 Head, 6–16 Body, 17–18 Right fin, 19–20 Left fin
into its lair.” SPECIAL
-- Tale told by a pilot rescued by the Watchers after an encounter with a
Shell 10 (V-)
Grasp: a prey grabbed by the claws of a dragon has very few
Type: giant reptile chances to escape, even if, for some reason, the creature
Geographic area: near shores at less than 600 meters doesn’t crush it (see Holding/Pinning page 228).
Size: 34 m + 12 m for the tail Weight: 370 tons
* Replaces Constitution on V- scale
Base 140 7* 10 18 14 6 24 -
These powerful saurians have totally adapted to underwater
Damage Mod. (V-) +14 Reaction 16 life, and they now live in the dark depths. They are few and far
Damage Mod. (V+) +4 Speed SPD(MP) 67 m, 7 (2) between. They look like gigantic monitor lizards with only two
Damage Resistance (V-) +1 huge and clawed front legs, and they have a long crest running
SKILLS along the spine that ends in a several-meter-long tail. Their skin
Athletics 20 Attack 10 is thick and covered in scales as sturdy as plating. Dragons can
live along the shores of any ocean, at depths that don’t exceed
Stealth/Silent movement 8 Observation 10
600 meters. They are especially fond of ruins and caves where
they set up their lairs. Their mode of reproduction is not known,
Claws (Melee, Dam.: massive Damage at human scale (H), but a few observers say they saw a few dozen gelatinous eggs in
1D10+5 (V-)/1D6+2 (V+), Pen. 5 (H)) and/or
some lairs.
Bite (Melee, Dam.: massive Damage at human scale (H), 2D10+4
(V-)/1D10+2 (V+), Pen. 6 (H)). If the victim is immobilized, the
attack is carried out at Level 16) or USE/RUMORS
Tail (Melee, Dam.: massive Damage at human scale (H), 2D10+2 Dragon eggs are worth a fortune. Laboratories buy them for
(V-)/1D10+1 (V+)) up to 50,000 Sols. Their skin and scales can be reused (Protec-
COMBAT TACTICS tion 8, Category: B). As they are attracted by any metallic ob-
The dragon is a ferocious but cautious creature. A Serious jects, wrecks of small ships and relics from old times can often
Wound can make it give up on a prey. If it is unsuccessful in be found in their lairs.

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)


Sea serpents live in the darkest depths (down to –8,000 m) as
“I hate snakes. On the surface, there are plenty of these
well as in waters near the surface (preferably swamps), and they
sneaky beasties, and it’s the same underwater. Sure, they ain’t
venomous, but they can crush your armor as easily as a tin attack everything that comes within range.
-- An adventurer USE/RUMORS
Type: marine reptile Sea serpents love osmors. Therefore, they are often used to
Geographic area: West and North Atlantic clean underwater tunnels where it is known that these harmful
Size: 8 m Weight: 230 kg beasts live. Furthermore, the flesh of a serpent is delicious, and
STR CON COO ADA PER INT WIL PRE it can be sold at a price of up to 30 Sols per kilogram.
Base 44 40 18 22 9 2 11 -
Melee Damage Mod. +17 Reaction 15
Damage Resistance -16 Speed SPD(MP) 24 m, 3(1)
Athletics 10 Attack 8
Stealth/Silent movement 8 Observation 9
Constriction (Melee, Dam.: special, see below) and
Relentless bite (Melee, Dam: 3D10+3 (H))
Although sea serpents are extremely aggressive, the slightest
Serious Wound can make them give up the fight. Sea serpents
attack by wrapping themselves around their prey. Then they
try to crush its head with their maw.
As soon as the serpent is wrapped around its victim, it can
automatically crush it, and attempt another Attack to bite its
head. An Attack with the maw inflicts 2D10 Damage (plus the
Melee Damage Modifier) +1 Point per Round (max +37). These
two Attacks are considered as a single Action.
1–2 Head, 3–20 Body
Shell 9 (H)
Damage progression of crushing by a sea serpent
Strength Dam.(*) Max Dam.
44 +4/Round 66 (H)
(*) Damage progression varies according to the rule of
Constriction Attacks on page 226.

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)


1–16 Shell, 17–18 Fins, 19–20 Head
“We all know that the Felorms worship monstrous idols, and
that one of them seems to be the famous Atlas turtle. On these SPECIAL
photos, we can see that, if it is to scale, the sculpture shows Shell 6 (V-)
it as being the size of a frigate. I can assure you that if such a Reinforced thresholds
creature existed, we would have spotted it a long time ago. We
* Replaces Constitution on V- scale
therefore confirm that the claims of these sailors are completely
false and that this creature never existed. End of story.”

Type: giant reptile

-- Searl Verlec, Watcher intelligence services officer
Like the Carmina jellyfish and other legendary creatures, there
Geographic area: South Pacific
Size: 80 m Weight: 500 tons is no hard proof that the Atlas turtle actually exists. No subma-
rines have ever signaled an echo that would match such a mas-
sive creature. However, there is no reason to believe that this
Base 260 8* 12 14 6 5 12 - monster is purely aquatic. The most common theory is that the
SECONDARY ATTRIBUTES Atlas turtle is amphibious. If the few legends about it are true, it is
Melee Damage Mod. (V-) +38 Reaction 10 several tens of meters long. According to witness reports, its shell
Melee Damage Mod. (V+) +28 Speed SPD(MP) 31 m, 3(1) is covered in seaweed. Its presence is most often reported in the
Damage Resistance (V-) +1 warm waters of the South Pacific.

10 Observation 6
It is not known if the Atlas turtle can be considered friend
ATTACK or foe to humankind. Sailors tend to avoid the subject, as they
Charge (Melee, Dam.: Massive Damage on a Human scale, don’t want to risk attracting the creature and getting a firsthand
6D10+3 (V-)/3D10+2 (V+). This creature doubles its speed opinion on the matter. Expeditions have tried to hunt down the
when it charges, which rarely ever happens as it doesn’t have
creature, and every time, they ended up heading for the surface.
an aggressive bone in its body.)
In the secret archives of the Patriarchs, there are photos of a
COMBAT TACTICS freshly dug creek designated as having been created by an Atlas.
Usually none, this creature is always just passing through.

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)


Shell 10 (H)
“This is the oldest animal in the world. A living dinosaur. And
you, barely twenty years old, you want to buy this little wonder
for 200 Sols? Look at it! It could save your life twenty times
over, and you think it’s only worth 200 Sols. It understands DESCRIPTION
everything, it’s loyal to a fault, it won’t leave you in the middle of Pet turtles are mainly found in the larger farms. They chase
nowhere, and you say 200 Sols? 200 Sols is your final offer? away (or scare off) the fish that are attracted to the seaweed
Ok, 200 Sols it is.”
growing in the fields. As guardians of the fields, they constantly
-- Kadar, merchant in Equinox
patrol them without ever trying to run away. In fact, they are
Type: giant reptile
sold with a fake nest that they think is their own, and the farmer
Geographic area: every sea on the planet at depths of less than
1,000 meters usually places it in the middle of the fields. There is absolutely
Size: up to 2.6 m Weight: up to 750 kg no sentimental attachment between the turtle and its owner.
STR CON COO ADA PER INT WIL PRE It may play with him or help him to swim, but it won’t defend
him against an attack (unless it feels threatened itself). On the
Base 25 30 15 12 16 5 20 -
other hand, unlike dolphins, its long lifespan makes it a very
SECONDARY ATTRIBUTES long-term investment and a turtle will change owners more of-
Melee Damage Mod. +7 Reaction 14 ten than the other way around.
Damage Resistance -9 Speed SPD(MP) 31 m, 3(1)
Attack 9 Observation 12 These rather peaceful creatures can become terrifying oppo-
nents when it comes to defending their nest. Furthermore, they
Stealth/Silent movement 12
can move around on the surface, equipped with a camera to re-
ATTACK connoiter a location before an expedition. Over the millennia,
Beak (Melee, Dam.: 2D10+1 (H)) turtles have barely evolved at all. The current radiations aren’t
COMBAT TACTICS going to change that. Apart from their uses in farming commu-
A turtle will only fight to defend its nest. In any other nities, pet turtles can have a number of items fixed to their shell:
circumstances it will flee at the tiniest of wounds. from mines to rocket launchers, or even just a simple flashlight.
HIT LOCATIONS They are more independent than dolphins, have fewer natural
predators, and are far less conspicuous.
1–16 Shell, 17–18 Flippers, 19–20 Head

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)


It is very headstrong if it is in its own territory. These timid
“Those nasty little critters can lay buried in the sand for days. creatures seem to react far more violently towards those who
Of course, you’ll be the one who happens to wander by at that are capable of mastering the Polaris Effect. When defending
time and get attacked. See that cut? That’s a little souvenir their territory, they can become completely frenzied and double
left by that blasted ray turtle that you find so fascinating. The the Damage that they inflict. On solid ground they move around
edges of its shell are so sharp that I’ve seen one of them slice very slowly, and are harmless.
all the way through a diver and out the other side! And you
know what? It didn’t even want to eat him. The devil himself HIT LOCATIONS
invented these creatures. That’s the only explanation that 1–20 Creature
makes any sense.” SPECIAL
-- Math Sencer, fisherman
Shell 12 (H)
Type: reptile
Camouflage (-5 for all Tests to attempt to see it if it is not moving)
Geographic area: mainly Pacific and Indian oceans, up to 1,300
meters deep. Some specimens can be found in all the oceans
on the planet
Size: 2.6 meters across Weight: 300 kg
The ray turtle has a very flat shell with extremely sharp edges
STR CON COO ADA PER INT WIL PRE that can cut through even the toughest of armors. It only feeds
Base 20 30 13 13 15 2 15 - on small fishes, but it defends its territory with such violence
SECONDARY ATTRIBUTES that even sharks steer clear of it. When it attacks, it tucks its
Melee Damage Mod. +5 Reaction 14 head in and aims to ram its prey so hard that it will cut it in
two. It can reach a size of up to three meters across and forty
Damage Resistance -8 Speed SPD(MP) 58 m, 6(2)
centimeters thick.
Athletics 20 Attack 10 USE/RUMORS
Camouflage/Concealment 14 Observation 10 These turtles can turn out to be a good or a bad surprise for a
Stealth/Silent movement 14 group. You can never tell when or whom they will attack. Co-
ATTACK ralian scientists will give a fortune to anyone who can provi-
de viable eggs. The turtles are known to migrate to the Indian
Sharp shell (Melee, Dam.: 3D10+3 (H), Pen. 3 (H))
Ocean outside of the reproduction season, and they have often
been spotted near underwater ruins.

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)

Marine mammals
1–5 Head, 6–16 Body, 17–18 Right flipper, 19–20 Left flipper
“As noted in my report on 6 January, the small farming
community of Calisa has been completely devastated by a horde SPECIAL
of several hundred black dolphins. The preliminary investigation Polaris Effect (Psychic Attack 9, Jamming 12, Force field 9,
made it clear that the creatures knew perfectly well where to hit Teleportation 16)
the station to cause as much damage as possible. Their attacks Hit them where it hurts (Black dolphins are able to perceive
were focused on the air pumps, on the pressure generator obvious weaknesses in their opponent, such as a non-
module, and the windows that weren’t protected by security reinforced visor of a diving suit, and they will attack that point
flaps. Any divers who didn’t have time to lower their security first. When they attack a weak spot, the penalties associated
flaps also had their visor smashed. Year after year, these with the size of the target are reduced by half (rounded
dolphins are getting more and more organized. It is becoming a down).)
matter of urgency to take serious measures to eradicate them.”
-- Kerned Selenec, Watcher officer
Type: marine mammal DESCRIPTION
Geographic area: Pacific Ocean, down to -8,000 meters The bodies of these dolphins are covered in long, black lines
Size: 4.2 m Weight: 530 kg that run the length of their sides and back. They usually feed
STR CON COO ADA PER INT WIL PRE on small fish, octopodes, and shrimps, but they also seem to
Base 32 44 28 18 18 10 24 - enjoy the taste of human flesh. Every three years, after a ges-
tation period of 12 months, the females give birth to a single
baby that they will raise until it is 18 months old. Black dolphins
Melee Damage Mod. +11 Reaction 18 live in groups of several dozen individuals, in the depths of the
Damage Resistance -14 Speed SPD(MP) 67 m, 7(2) Pacific Ocean. They have two rows of gills on each side of their
SKILLS belly. They are inherently hostile towards humans, and they
Athletics 20 Attack 14 have even been known to gather in veritable armies to attack
underwater installations. Nobody knows exactly what causes
Mastery of the
Emphatic Analysis 16 12 this kind of behavior. Black dolphins are also aggressive towar-
Polaris Effect
Stealth/Silent movement 14 Observation 12 ds other species of dolphins.

Charge (Melee, Dam.: 5D10+4 (H)) There is nothing about the black dolphin that can be of any
COMBAT TACTICS use whatsoever. Its flesh is disgusting and none of its parts are
These dolphins are especially well organized. They attack in worth anything. In some regions there is a bounty of 500 Sols
groups, wave after wave. They know well enough to avoid the per black dolphin killed.
more dangerous prey. A Serious Wound is usually enough to
make them give up the fight.

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)


Running away
“Have you ever found yourself face to face with a delphinoid
in the middle of a combat operation? Well, let me tell you one HIT LOCATIONS
thing, it’s definitely not a piece of cake. I was part of a team of 1–5 Head, 6–16 Body, 17–18 Right flipper, 19–20 Left flipper
mercenaries, waiting in ambush on an underwater cliff. Our SPECIAL
targets, divers patrolling the area, were passing directly below
my position. I was just about to shoot when, suddenly, I got Polaris Effect (Change in pressure 14, Premonitions 9, and
the unpleasant feeling that something was watching me from Molecular Regeneration 12)
one side. I turned my head and that’s when I saw that cursed
critter. It seemed delighted to have found someone to play
with. It started swimming like crazy around me, making these DESCRIPTION
clicking sounds. You might as well scream in a sentry’s ear! This tiny dolphin spends all of its time playing. It loves to be
The patrollers reacted immediately, and so did my buddies. The with humans, and they often use its astonishing detection abi-
fight started then and there. Shots were flying everywhere,
lities for rescue operations. The delphinoid cannot be tamed;
there were torpedoes shooting left and right! And ya think that
damned critter was bothered by it? Nope. Damn thing couldn’t it chooses to connect with humans. All the specimens that
care less about the torpedoes. All it wanted to do was play! I humans have captured and attempted to train by force have
made it out alive, but the team kicked me out. They told me to get died. They do not breed in captivity. Like common dolphins,
rid of the delphinoid if I wanted back in. It’s been six years, and I delphinoids can communicate with humans, but only in a very
just can’t do it. He’s a pain in the butt, but I’ve grown fond of him.”
limited fashion. These animals are completely oblivious to dan-
-- Natael Galius, former mercenary
ger. The only predator that can cause it to react is a shark, and
Type: marine mammal
in that case, they flee as quickly as possible. When a male meets
Geographic area: every sea on the planet, usually at depths of
less than 1,000 meters deep, but they can dive much deeper. a female, there is about one chance in ten that they might be
Size: 60 cm Weight: 20 kg mutually attracted to one another. If they are, then they will
STR CON COO ADA PER INT WIL PRE stay together for life. If one of them dies, then the other will
pine for its partner and soon join it in death. The only exception
Base 4 10 24 12 16 7 18 -
is when the delphinoid has offspring to care for (litters usually
SECONDARY ATTRIBUTES include 1 to 3 young, nurtured for 18 months). In this case, it will
Melee Damage Mod. -4 Reaction 14 survive its partner’s death, but it will never mate again.
Damage Resistance +1 Speed SPD(MP) 40 m, 4(1)
Athletics 15 Attack 6 As the delphinoid cannot survive in captivity, it is worthless
alive. On the other hand, some laboratories will pay up to 10,000
Mastery of the
Emphatic Analysis 18
Polaris Effect
16 Sols for its blubber, used to create cosmetic products. Their blub-
ber is said to have rejuvenating properties! Delphinoid steak is
Stealth/Silent movement 14 Observation 16
considered a particularly fine dish, but it will cost you 10,000
ATTACK Sols to taste one. Delphinoids are protected by the S.M.S.O.
Charge (Melee, Dam.: 1D6-1 (H))

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)

DOLPHIN underwater, or genetically modifying them. Some dolphins,
wild ones, have also evolved to adapt, like the whales. This
Tap! Tap! Tap!
evolution seems to have occurred thanks to a symbiont that
“No, I’m mad at you.”
Tap? Tap? has been found on some specimens. This symbiont is a rather
“Yeah? And whose hull is the mine stuck to?” strange kind of jellyfish that covers the animal’s breathing ori-
Tap . . . fice and allows it to filter the air from the surface. Based on some
“Yeah, that’s right, genius. Ours!!” observations, this parasite may have slowly allowed certain spe-
-- A difficult start to dolphin training
cies of dolphin to develop gills to be able to breathe underwater.
Type: marine mammal Strangely enough, some dolphins haven’t evolved and continue
Geographic area: every sea on the planet, usually at depths of
to live with this symbiont. They are easy to tell apart, as their
less than 1,000 meters deep, but they can dive much deeper.
Size: 4 m Weight: 500 kg backs are covered in a kind of spongy shell that allows them to
resist the conditions on the surface when they go up to breathe.
When they breed, they probably do so in the areas where the
Base 28 22 30 20 15 9 20 - symbionts live so that their young can have one from birth.
SECONDARY ATTRIBUTES Last, but not least, there are some dolphins that have evolved
Melee Damage Mod. +9 Reaction 17 with their symbiont. They live underwater, but they have not
Damage Resistance -8 Speed SPD(MP) 67 m, 7(2) developed gills. The symbiont is the one that evolved to allow
SKILLS the host to breathe underwater.
Domesticated dolphins, bred on farms and not genetically mo-
Athletics 20 Attack 15
dified, still have to wear exo-respirators today. They are often
Mastery of the equipped with a special device that allows them to communi-
Stealth/Silent movement 13 12
Polaris Effect
cate with humans by means of little “beeps,” that they can mo-
Observation 15 dulate to express approval, refusal, appreciation, etc.
ATTACK It is worth mentioning that this strange symbiont — about which
Charge (Melee, Dam.: 5D10+3(H)) very little is known — has been found on most of the marine mam-
COMBAT TACTICS mals that survived the cataclysms (the information about it can be
Dolphins are cautious and intelligent fighters. They know to applied to all species of dolphins, whales, orcas, etc.).
wait for the perfect moment to attack, and they will choose to
retreat when they are outnumbered. USE/RUMORS
HIT LOCATIONS Common dolphins are the most intelligent of all 32 species of
1–5 Head, 6–16 Body, 17–18 Right flipper, 19–20 Left flipper Delphinidae. They are also the only ones among their genus,
aside from the delphinoids, to have created a solid relationship
with the human race. They can be trained, but they usually
Polaris Effect (Force field at level 15) accompany humans by choice. They can just as easily become
Sworn Enemies (Dolphins are the sworn enemies of all sharks.
guards, soldiers, or rescue workers. If a dolphin refuses a mission
Their Base Damage against them is increased by 1D10 and their
Damage Modifier is doubled. (and that happens all the time) it can be forced to act if its mate
is threatened, for example. In that case, the threat against these
dolphins has to be maintained, or they must be killed, as they
DESCRIPTION will not usually forgive such an offense. There are many groups
These magnificent creatures almost ended up going extinct. of common dolphins that refuse to have any contact with hu-
The Empire of the Geneticians reintroduced the species by mans and are far from hostile towards the black dolphins.
equipping them with exo-respirators, allowing them to breathe

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)


BOTTLENOSE DOLPHIN 1–5 Head, 6–16 Body, 17–18 Right flipper, 19–20 Left flipper
“We started the slaughter around 1900 hours. The females had
all started giving birth to their offspring. The hunters opened Sworn Enemies (They inflict +2D10 Damage against sharks, and
fire on the males while the captain of the frigate set a course ignore whatever protection level they may have).
straight for the reproduction area. By all the demons in hell,
those things never knew what hit ‘em. We managed to kill
around a hundred males and captured 40 unharmed females.
You never would have caught us without that one last survivor;
This is the largest species of dolphin; it can reach a length of
that blasted dolphin. I never would have thought that a single
one of those critters would be smart enough to lead you all the up to 6 meters. It has a short and thick proboscis. The dorsal fin
way to the captain’s hideout.” is triangular, tall and slim. Gills have developed on the flanks,
-- Interrogation of the last living member of a group of smugglers wiped out by a little like sharks. The dolphin’s echolocation system is one of
the troops of the Black Sun. the most sophisticated there is. They always travel in pods of
Type: marine mammal 10 to 15 individuals in temperate and tropical seas. Every two
Geographic area: every sea on the planet years, the females give birth after a gestation period of one
Size: 5.2 to 6 m Weight: 800 to 1,000 kg
year. These births always occur when several hundred dolphins
STR CON COO ADA PER INT WIL PRE gather together. While the males protect the area (and become
Base 38 30 28 16 18 8 10 - very aggressive towards intruders), the females can go about gi-
SECONDARY ATTRIBUTES ving birth to their young.
Melee Damage Mod. +14 Reaction 17
Damage Resistance -12 Speed SPD(MP) 68 m, 8(2)
A wild dolphin is difficult to tame, unless raised in captivity.
SKILLS Although they are under the protection of the S.M.S.O., they
Athletics 20 Attack 10 are used in a number of military projects, just like common dol-
Emphatic Analysis 8 Observation 18 phins. However, although it can be hard to convince a common
Stealth/Silent movement 10 dolphin to attach a mine to an enemy ship, a bottlenose dolphin
ATTACK will have no problem performing the task, as it has no idea what
it implies. Common dolphins have frequently been observed “li-
Charge (Melee, Dam.: 6D10+5 (H)/1D6 (V-) to 7D10+2 (H)/1D6+1 (V-))
berating” members of this species from military programs. It is
COMBAT TACTICS impossible to communicate with a bottlenose dolphin. They are
Wild dolphins tend to avoid any conflict unless protecting their hunted for their particularly rich milk (which can be sold for 100
females. In that case they will fight to the death. Sols per liter), and for their flesh, most sought after by gourmets.

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)


In a herd, belugas are fierce fighters that never give up.
“I had heard that belugas were docile critters and that they However, when encountered individually, they tend to flee at
were pretty easy to hunt. Ha! When I showed up in the Kara the first sign of danger.
Sea with my little fishing sub, I came across several hundred
of them in the middle of their migration. The bastards must HIT LOCATIONS
have sensed somehow that I wasn’t just passing through; a 1–5 Head, 6–16 Body, 17–18 Right flipper, 19–20 Left flipper
dozen of them broke away from the herd and in next to no SPECIAL
time there was nothing left of my poor ship. It’s a miracle that
I even survived, because one of them didn’t want to give it up; A beluga’s Charge is strong enough to be able to affect light vessels.
wherever I tried to hide, it would find me with that damned built-
in sonar thing they have. After giving me a hard time for a few
minutes, it let me get away, almost as if it wanted me to warn DESCRIPTION
the other fishermen!” These cetaceans have a plump, cylindrical body. They are born
-- Vulgern Ban, fisherman from the Polar Alliance
a brownish-red color and gradually reach a creamy white hue
Type: marine mammal by the age of six years. Their short proboscis is perfectly deve-
Geographic area: northern seas, in shallow waters (less than
loped, like that of a dolphin. Furthermore, their nose and fo-
1,000 meters deep)
Size: 4.8 to 8 m Weight: 1.7 to 4.4 tons rehead are covered in a thick horn plate that it can use to ram
predators if necessary. A short crest along their back replaces
the usual dorsal fin. In shallow waters, belugas feed on fish, cutt-
Base 40 32 12 18 19 9 19 - lefish and crustaceans. They mate between April and June, and
SECONDARY ATTRIBUTES after 14 months of gestation they give birth to their young. The
Melee Damage Mod. +15 Reaction 18 baby belugas feed on their mother’s milk for a year, and a fe-
Damage Resistance -13 Speed SPD(MP) 70 m, 8(2) male usually waits about three years between two babies. Belu-
SKILLS gas have evolved to become perfectly adapted to underwater life
by growing gills under their belly. These cetaceans can usually
Athletics 20 Attack 12
be found in northern seas (from the Greenland Sea to the Parry
Emphatic Analysis 12 Observation 15 Sea). They migrate in groups of several hundred individuals.
Stealth/Silent movement 12
Charge (Melee, Dam.: 8D10+2 (H)/1D6+1 (V-) (1,7 tons) to Belugas cannot be domesticated. They are wild animals that live
10D10+5 (H)/1D10 (V-) (4,4 tons)) in herds of hundreds of individuals. As marine mammals, they are
under the protection of the S.M.S.O. but some fishermen still dare
to hunt them for their milk (200 Sols per liter) and their blubber.

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)

1 ORCAV- On the other hand, if an orca holds a grudge against a prey,

it will never give up and will live with the sole purpose of
“When a pod of these creatures happens to swim by your small destroying it. That doesn’t mean it will die trying to overpower a
boat, shut everything down and avoid making any noise. If you stronger opponent, but it will find a way to achieve its goal. It is
leave them alone, they may let you live . . . if they’re in a good mood.” a very vindictive creature . . .
-- Kyle Pellock, fisherman HIT LOCATIONS
Type: Marine mammal 1–5 Head, 6–16 Body, 17–18 Right flipper, 19–20 Left flipper
Geographic area: everywhere, but they prefer waters near
the North and South Poles. They usually live in depths of up to SPECIAL
3,000 meters. Polaris effects (Disruption of Reality and Premonitions at level 12)
Size: 9 m Weight: 9 tons Sworn enemies (Against sharks, it inflicts 1D10 extra Damage)
STR SIZ COO ADA PER INT WIL PRE Acceleration (The cruising speed of an orca is 7 knots, but it
can accelerate up to 31 knots, especially when it is charging)
Base 94 2* 20 17 15 10 25 -
* Replaces Constitution on V- scale
Melee Damage Mod. (H) +42 Reaction 16
Melee Damage Mod. (V-) +4 Speed SPD(MP) 94 m, 10(3)
The orca is the most intelligent marine mammal. All orcas
Damage Resistance (V-) +6
move around in organized communities made up of dozens of
SKILLS individuals. As a general rule, they don’t like men, dolphins,
Athletics 20 Attack 15 or sharks. Though they won’t necessarily attack on sight, they
Mastery of the Polaris won’t hesitate to respond with violence to any provocation. The
12 Observation 14
Effect pods prefer to be left alone. They can communicate with humans
Stealth/Silent movement 5 the same way dolphins do, or by using their particularly deve-
ATTACK loped empathy. They can control the Polaris Effect, but they al-
most never use it for offense.
Charge (Melee, Dam.: 14D10+5 (H)/1D10+3 (V-)/1D6+1 (V+)) or
Relentless Bite (Melee, Dam.: 9D10+5 (H)/1D10 (V-), Pen. 5 (H))
Rumor has it that some human communities have formed
Orcas are ruthless predators, and they attack on a whim or
alliances with pods of orcas. Since these animals are particu-
when they are hungry. But in the latter case, they will usually
hunt for fish or manta rays. They carry out most of their larly intelligent, they can appreciate when circumstances are
attacks just for the fun of it, even though their poor victims favorable to them and take advantage of the situation. Such al-
often end up dead. In that case, they will quickly stop at the liances are therefore not surprising.
slightest of Wounds.

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)


This orca emerges from the ocean darkness, impales its prey,
“I swear to you, I saw that beastie. ’Twas bigger than my crate. and immediately vanishes again, repeating this until its prey is
A huge beast, with two small, intelligent eyes and two huge killed. Only a Critical Wound may make it back off.
flippers that were at least three meters across. I can even sell
you a map to get to where I saw it. It didn’t do nothing to me, HIT LOCATIONS
but as soon as he seen old Jones’s boat — ya know, the orca 1–5 Head, 6–16 Body, 17–18 Right flipper, 19–20 Left flipper
hunter — it went charging at it, and broke it in two like an old
cockleshell. Old Jones didn’t see nothin’ comin’! He ended up SPECIAL
in his metal coffin, crushed by the monster. I swear! Buy me Polaris Effect (Premonitions 18, Teleportation 12,
another drink, and I’ll tell you what happened next.” Electromagnetic pulse 14, Energy drain 9)
-- Little Boo, in a bar in Equinox Charge (The giant orca can charge a ship at a speed of 34
Type: giant mammal knots (103 meters per Round).)
Geographic area: Arctic circle * Replaces Constitution on V- scale
Size: 26 m Weight: 82 tons
Base 120 5* 20 18 16 11 18 - DESCRIPTION
Some sailors say this creature lives somewhere in the former
Arctic circle region. Nobody knows if it truly exists and, if so,
Melee Damage Mod. (H) +55 Reaction 17 whether it is a single creature or a whole new species. It is ru-
Melee Damage Mod. (V-)/ +10/ Speed SPD(MP) mored to be solitary. According to the descriptions, this is an
(V+) +0 77 m, 9(2) orca with two flippers and inverted colors. In other words, its
Damage Resistance (V-) +2 abdomen and the two spots on each side of its head are black
SKILLS whereas the rest of the body is white.
Athletics 20 Attack 10
Mastery of the USE/RUMORS
Emphatic Analysis 18 10 Obviously, many organizations and rich individuals are ready
Polaris Effect
Stealth/Silent movement 8 Observation 10 to pay a fortune to get hold of a specimen. Expeditions are even
set up frequently, in order to hunt this creature down. PCs can
try to launch into this adventure and just try to spot it or hunt it
Relentless Bite (Melee, Dam.: 1D10+5 (V-)/1D6+2 (V+), Pen. 5
down. Or, why not, try to protect it.
(H)) or Tail Strike (Melee, Dam.: 2D10 (V-)/1D10 (V+)) or Charge
(Massive Dam. (H), 2D10+3 (V-)/1D10+1 (V+))

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)


Otters favor a surprise attack. When faced with a more powerful
“Tyrant! Kraken! Attack! Good, now sit! Stay! Aww, ain’t my opponent, they won’t hesitate to break off the fight. A Medium
otters just the cutest?” Wound will be enough to chase them away.
-- Olaf Gar, pirate
Type: marine mammal
Geographic area: coastal regions, northern hemisphere 1–5 Head, 6–16 Body, 17–18 Right foreleg, 19–20 Left foreleg
Size: 1.4 m Weight: 60 kg
Leopard otters are vicious predators that live close to the sur-
Base 12 12 18 21 16 4 12 -
face in areas where life is thriving. These omnivores attack their
SECONDARY ATTRIBUTES prey by surprise and kill them with their fearsome claws and
Melee Damage Mod. +1 Reaction 18 sharp teeth. They only live in very shallow waters (less than 100
Damage Resistance +0 Speed SPD(MP) 24 m, 3(1) meters deep); This species of otter has adapted to live both un-
SKILLS derwater and on the surface.
Athletics 10 Attack 9
Stealth/Silent movement 10 Observation 12
This animal can easily be tamed. It is therefore common to
ATTACK come across them in pirate communities situated in shallow
Claws (Melee, Dam.: 1D10 (H), Pen. 3 (H)) waters.
Bite (Melee, Dam.: 2D10+4 (H), Pen. 3 (H))

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)


A whale simply keeps moving straight ahead. If anything bothers
“That jerk is coming right at us. I’m telling ya, it’s not stopping!” it, then it will swipe at it with its tail or charge it. They are not
“You sure it’s a submarine? Give me that . . . Man, what a aggressive creatures, but if they are attacked, they can, however,
dumb-ass! Who the hell hired this soundscan analyst? I mean, respond quite violently. In that case, they fight back with their tail or
seriously, getting a damn whale mixed up with a sub! Even my charge a ship (it is worth noting, in fact, that a whale will very rarely
eight-year-old son could hear the difference between them.” change its course for any obstacle in its way, whatever it may be).
-- A poorly staffed pirate
Type: marine mammal
Geographic area: every sea on the planet at depths of less than 1–5 Head, 6–16 Body, 17–18 Right flipper, 19–20 Left flipper
6,000 meters. SPECIAL
Size: 60 m Weight: 780 tons
Polaris Effect (at level 12: Psychic attack, Jamming, Force field,
Base 200 9* 6 15 8 5 20 - * Replaces Constitution on V- scale
Melee Damage Mod. (V-) +26 Reaction 11 DESCRIPTION
Speed SPD(MP) 50 m, These gigantic creatures are the largest mammals on Earth. It was
Melee Damage Mod. (V+) +16 thought that all whale species had gone extinct, as the last remaining
6(2). Charge 103 11(3)
Damage Resistance (V-) +0 specimens could only breathe the surface air. Then, one day, an expe-
dition came across a whole pod of Leviathan whales calmly cruising
through the deep ocean waters. This species has therefore managed
Athletics 20 Attack 15 to adapt completely to live beneath the waves. These creatures are
Mastery of the completely peaceful, and they have a certain empathic ability.
Emphatic Analysis 10 13
Polaris Effect
Stealth/Silent movement 10 Observation 15 USE/RUMORS
ATTACK Unfortunately, even though it can be dangerous and despite
Charge (Melee, Dam.: massive Damage on the H scale, 5D10+1 the presence of the Watchers, some people are willing to take
(V-)/2D10+3 (V+)) or Sweep (Melee Dam.: massive Damage on huge risks to hunt whales (even the Leviathan whales) to harvest
the H scale, 1D10+4 (V-)/1D6+1 (V+)) their flesh and their blubber. Rumor has it that some are trying
to find a way to control the whales, mainly to be able to change
their direction, either to prevent collisions, or to cause them.

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)


This is a pretty aggressive animal that tends to see every
“Protected? This beastie is protected? What about my ship, is moving object in its vicinity as an enemy. No one knows
it protected too? That piece of crap drilled a hole in my hull! It’s why, but it seems to hold a particular grudge against divers,
not my fault if it got stuck. It’s a damn miracle I managed to get charging them without hesitation. Its only combat technique is
back to the harbor with this thing stuck in to my ship.” trying to impale its adversary.
-- A fisherman fined for illegal fishing
Type: cetacean
Geographic area: Arctic Ocean 1–5 Head, 6–20 Body
Size: 5.5 m (up to 8.5 m with the horn) Weight: 1,600 kg SPECIAL
STR CON COO ADA PER INT WIL PRE Impaling (The horn of the narwhal can impale its prey.)
Base 38 22 16 12 12 13 10 -
The noble narwhal has survived to be almost identical to the
Melee Damage Mod. +14 Reaction 12
one before the disasters that devastated the earth. It has, howe-
Damage Resistance (H) -10 Speed SPD(MP) 31 m, 3(1) ver, evolved and can nowadays breathe underwater. It has also
Damage Resistance (V-) -2 become much more aggressive.
Athletics 20 Attack 12 USE/RUMORS
Observation 12 The narwhal is one of the species protected by the S.M.S.O.
but its horn is very sought after by thugs. A narwhal horn can
weigh up to 10 kg and can be sold for several thousand Sols on
Horn (Melee, Dam.: 6D10+3 (H)/1D6 (V-),
the black market. The best-looking ones can be sold for up to
Penetration: 10 (H)/1 (V-))
100,000 Sols.

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)


Trench walruses can live on the surface and at depths below
“Cows of the deep.”
3,000 meters as well. They are docile and can be bred on farms.
-- A farmer
On the other hand, they must be treated with care, since they
Type: marine mammal
tend to overreact when being pushed around, and they can ea-
Geographic area: Arctic Ocean
Size: 4.60 m Weight: 3,500 kg sily tear an incompetent farmer into shreds.
Base 60 1* 10 16 10 8 8 -
Melee Damage Mod. (H) +25 Reaction 13
SPD(MP) (ocean)
Melee Damage Mod. (V-) -2
58 m, 6(2)
SPD(MP) (ground)
Damage Resistance (V-) +6
13 m, 1(1)
Athletics 20 Attack 8
Observation 8
Bite (Melee, Dam.: 7D10+2 (H)/1D6+1 (V-), Pen. 4 (H))
1–5 Head, 6–16 Body, 17–18 Right flipper, 19–20 Left flipper
* Replaces Constitution on V- scale

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)

Sea Monsters
The giant sea serpent always attacks the largest prey first. A
“I know of no more blood-chilling feeling than that of finding Serious Wound is usually enough to frighten it off.
yourself in a small transport vessel and hearing the body of a
giant serpent rubbing against the hull. Then the cracking noises HIT LOCATIONS
start as it slowly crushes the ship’s structure and the only 1-2 Head, 3-20 Body
thing that you can think about is: please let the generator be in
working order . . . and please let the shock be powerful enough!” SPECIAL
-- A traumatized sailor Shell 2 (V-)
Type: giant creature Damage progression of crushing by a giant sea serpent
Geographic area: Atlantic Ocean Strength Dam.(*) Max Dam.
Size: 50 m Weight: 3.8 tons 80 +8/Round 120 (H)/12 (V-)
STR SIZ COO ADA PER INT WIL PRE Affects V- targets from the 2nd Round.
Base 80 1* 16 22 7 4 10 - * Replaces Constitution on V- scale
(*) Damage progression varies according to the rule of
SECONDARY ATTRIBUTES Constriction Attacks on page 226.
Damage Mod. (H) +35 Reaction 14
Damage Mod. (V-)
Damage Resistance (V-)
Speed SPD(MP) 24 m, 3(1)
The giant sea serpent is identical in all respects to its smaller
SKILLS cousin. However, they are never found close to the surface, but
Athletics 20 Attack 6 only at depths between roughly 6,000 to 12,000 meters.
Stealth/Silent movement 4 Observation 6
See sea serpent on page 69.
Constriction (Melee, Dam.: special, see below) and
Relentless bite (Melee, Dam.: 6D10+1 (H)/1D6 (V-))

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)


Neither Craig nor any other researcher has ever been able to
get close to the mysterious members of the Leviathan Commu-
“Although everybody knows that mankind didn’t always live nity. To begin to gather some information on these men from
in the deep, the true origin of some creatures remains, however, the deep, we had to wait until the Cult of the Trident, through
shrouded in mystery. Indeed, many species had to leave the
Demeter himself, managed to set up a meeting with a leader of
surface when the time of the Exodus came, making it difficult to
this mysterious community. Although everybody suspects the
determine what mutated, what appeared, and what fled . . . As
surprising as it may seem, a lot remains uncertain regarding the Cult is limiting the diffusion of their intel, it is now well known
most titanic inhabitants of the deep. After all, what do we really that Leviathan members look like humanoids wearing leather
know of the leviathans? Even their size is unknown to us. The suits and masks sculpted with mysterious patterns. Delving
only thing we know for sure is that they are no longer just a myth. deeper, we were able to learn that they have apparently no
The destruction of the Polar fleet was far too real, wasn’t it?” connection with the Burrowers, that they almost worship the
 -- Excerpt from Professor Nora Craig’s conference monsters of the deep as gods, and their outfit, masks included,
are a reference to mythological beliefs from the old times.


Leviathans are part of the everyday life of the deep in the We will only discuss here the members of the community
same way invisible bogeymen would be. Hidden in the ocea- gathered in the Aleutian Trench, while bearing in mind that
nic depths of the Aleutian Trench, these titanic creatures ne- there are other individuals out there, whether they belong
ver wander outside the darkness where few explorers have to the same organization or not. The Aleutian community is
ever ventured to hunt them down. We barely know any more made up of less than five hundred people, gathered under
about the mysterious Leviathan Community that seems to the authority of a council of priests in charge of direct rela-
live in symbiosis with these marine monsters. It is said that tionships with the leviathans. Hierarchy doesn’t appear to
its members have successfully developed a form of empathy be clearly determined beyond that simple stage. Most inha-
and they are able to communicate with the leviathans, to live bitants have, or are developing, a peculiar empathy with the
among some of them even. But, is this really accurate? Where sea monsters they are in contact with. The very nature of the
do these creatures come from? What kind of connection do leviathans makes this psychic link different from all kind of
they have with the Flux? So many answers that must be re- known forms of communication. Even Demeter, who seems to
vealed to the Game Master only, so that you can reinforce the have had the opportunity to observe the phenomenon, doesn’t
mysterious mood that has been maintained so far. seem to have any answers. Members of the community seem
to worship the leviathans merely because of their vicinity to
Note: The following information is intentionally brief. Accurate yes, these creatures. No mention has ever been made of sacrifices,
but limited, so that each Game Master can build her own notion of ceremonies, or offerings of any kind. The priests have powers,
these creatures (and their human companions) and imagine scena- mostly mental and elementary, that allow them to build their
rios as she sees fit around elements she may have already developed. environment in a way that makes life possible at such a depth.
So feel free to make up anything that you think is missing in these Rumors from envoys of Equinox visiting the community clear-
pages. ly mention a “kind of adaptation” to the physical constraints
of the deep. As with Hybrids, the priests and disciples of the
Leviathans are by far the largest creatures of the deep. Their community seem to have a tremendous advance on the evolu-
size and their nature make them avoid waters that are not tionary process of the human race in underwater conditions.
deep enough and find refuge in the oceanic trenches, espe- The very few members of the Cult of the Trident who agreed
cially the Aleutian Trench. No study has allowed them to be to leak some information mentioned completely non-human
accurately counted so far. Ten years ago, an independent team powers and behaviors. The empathy and energetic stren-
led by Nora Craig was able to determine the existence of two gth these individuals master seem to be very different from
different types: leviathans and monoliths. The leviathans are the powers of the Polaris Effect, even if they are necessarily
the most well-known form of these creatures. The monoliths, connected to the Flux.
obviously less common, are to the leviathans what the Atlantis Very little is known of the motivations of the community. It
is to the typical battleship, a kind of monolithic and indestruc- seems that envoys were sent there many times only to nego-
tible warrior of the deep. In her report, Nora Craig suggested tiate an agreement, in order to protect the trench against all
that she thought there could exist a third type, which she intrusion by the underwater powers. However why converse
called “solars.” That includes several kinds of small creatures with Demeter only, rather than talk to all the S.M.S.O. repre-
that take care of the maintenance of the larger ones, the same sentatives? If the disappointed and the spiteful grumble about
way birds live in symbiosis with some caimans of the surface. “conspiracy theories,” only the boldest have ventured out
Solars are by far inferior, both in size and in numbers, to the there to confirm them. And between you and me, did anyone
leviathans, but they are however impressive enough to com- ever hear about their return?
mand respect.

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)

1 A MYSTERIOUS ORIGIN cians. Is the Leviathan Community made up of the descen-

Despite the lack of information about the disasters that dants of the crew members of this fleet? A third hypothesis
ravaged the world, one thing seems certain: the collapse of goes back to the times of the Exodus that drove humans to
the whole Aleutian Trench had a major impact on the rest settle underwater. One of the arks used to evacuate the po-
of the planet. According to an ancient document found in pulation is said to have sunk in the trench and miraculously
some ruins, the trench didn’t exceed a depth of 8,000 me- resisted the pressure of these abyssal depths. Last, but not
ters before the collapse. Nowadays the depth registered in least, there remains the possibility that a Genetician depot
this area is almost 18,000 meters. This document also men- or base is located deep at the bottom of the trench, but few
tions the awful tragedy that came after the collapsing of the experts think so.
trench, causing a chain reaction the like of which the world As for the members of this community, they all remain just
had never seen before. This disaster is likely to be the point as mysterious, even though there is a growing belief that
of origin of all the oceanic trenches that can be found all most of them are a new Hybrid species. The fact that they
around the globe. Researchers have theorized that this col- wear heavy suits and masks may mean they are unable to
lapse could have caused the release of the creatures we now leave their abyssal domain without this outfit, rather than
call leviathans, or even that these creatures triggered this using this as a disguise trying to hide their ugly looks.
event. The trench has now formed a pocket inside in the ear-
th’s mantle, the heat of which is warming up the waters. This A FEW SPECIFIC DETAILS
contributed to the development of an abundant fauna and The Leviathan Community is appealing enough to make
flora in the trench that nobody has been able to study to this Game Masters use it in their campaigns, but you should keep
day. According to the information leaked from the Cult of in mind that the movements of this faction are hampered
the Trident, below 8,000 meters, the trench then widens into in two major ways: the absence of any contact outside their
a kind of large underwater domain, rich in heat sources and abyssal lair and the essential link they have with the levia-
phosphorescent light sources (plants, rocks, and creatures). thans. Therefore, any action carried out by a member of the
Solars, which are magnificent, thin creatures, the bodies of Leviathan Community in a scenario must be well thought out
which sparkle like diamonds, are said to be swarming there, before it is presented to the explorers. It is also unlikely that
dancing around the massive bodies of the leviathans asleep the priests, who have always fought to keep their indepen-
on the marine floor. dence, would all of a sudden decide to put themselves in the
As for the origin of the community, this remains a great public eye and make alliances with leaders of all the com-
mystery. A recent hypothesis mentions clues that may prove munities of the world . . . unless of course, a major change
fruitful. The first one refers to a group of scientists from the recently happened, such as the discovery of a new mode of
Empire of the Geneticians or the Azure Alliance — nobody travel or a physical connection with other similar caves.
knows exactly — that are said to have gone on a mission Whatever the reason, the arrival of player characters in
there to study and never came back. A second hypothesis the depths of the trenches will always have to be thoroughly
mentions the mysterious vanishing of a fleet from the Azure prepared, so as not to uncover a mystery kept for so long too
Alliance during the war against the Empire of the Geneti- easily, and thus, disappoint several years of anticipation.

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)

LEVIATHANV+ smashed to pieces. Usually a leviathan is definitely not an
aggressive creature, even if it may happen to “accidently”
Type: giant creature destroy a ship. It tends to be oblivious to its surroundings. Only
Geographic area: the deepest waters in its abyssal habitat is it watchful and ready to attack in case
Size: 260 m long Weight: 17,000 tons of an intrusion.
Base 224 5* 14 28 10 14 22 - 1–5 Head, 6–16 Body, 17–18 Right fin, 19–20 Left fin
Melee Damage Mod. (V-) +30 Reaction 19 Shell 18 (V-)
Melee Damage Mod. (V+) +20 Speed SPD(MP) 59 m, 7(2) Polaris Effect (Molecular disruption 9, Energy drain 15, Whirlpool
18, Molecular regeneration 18)
Damage Resistance (V+) +2
* Replaces Constitution on V+ scale
Athletics 20 Attack 12 DESCRIPTION
Emphatic Analysis 14 Observation 12 These monsters are the most “common” leviathans. Their
Mastery of the Polaris Effect 10 monolithic figure, reminiscent of a cathedral made of stone,
ATTACK is covered with shells and corals that seem to live in symbiosis
Charge (Melee, Dam.: Massive Damage on a Human scale (H), with the creature. Leviathans don’t copulate. It seems that the
9D10+1 (V-)/4D10+3 (V+)) or Tail Swipe (Melee, Dam.: Massive symbionts are the ones that play a decisive part in fertilizing
Damage on a Human scale (H), 3D10+4 (V-)/1D10+5 (V+)) the eggs that the creature leaves in its wake. Legend has it that
COMBAT TACTICS leviathans don’t always find their spawn once these have beco-
In combat (although it rarely has to fight for its life), the me adult, but it seems rather that leviathans always find one
leviathan charges straight ahead. The number of foes doesn’t another eventually, given that there isn’t many of them.
matter. The laws of nature require that if a creature is powerful Their life expectancy is completely unknown and the few ske-
enough to threaten it, it must also be too rare to attack it in letons that have been discovered didn’t give any clue to help
large numbers. Against ships, the leviathans’ favorite attack solve this mystery.
involves crushing it against a rock face until it is completely

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)


1–5 Head, 6–16 Body, 17–18 Right fin, 19–20 Left fin
Type: giant creature
Geographic area: the deepest waters SPECIAL
Size: 345 m long Weight: 31,000 tons Shell 24 (V-)
STR SIZ COO ADA PER INT WIL PRE Reinforced thresholds
Charge (if a Critical Success is obtained during a Charge, the
Base 269 6* 10 28 14 20 24 - enemy ship automatically suffers a breakdown and 1D10 extra
Polaris Effect (Temporal shift 12, Change in pressure 12, Molecular
Melee Damage Mod. (V-) +45 Reaction 21 disruption 12, Energy drain 15, Deadly whirlpool 15)
Melee Damage Mod. (V+) +35 Speed SPD(MP) 41 m, 5(2) Spikes (The mineral spikes covering the body of the creature
Damage Resistance (V+) +2 are penetrating weapons when it is charging, and they reduce
the enemy armor by 8(V-)/4(V+))
* Replaces Constitution on V+ scale
Attack 14 Observation 8
Mastery of the
Emphatic Analysis 15 16
Polaris Effect DESCRIPTION
ATTACK These colossal creatures are massive, covered in mineral
Charge (Melee, Dam.: Massive Damage on a Human scale (H), spikes and outgrowths, and almost completely blind. They are
8D10+5 (V-)/4D10+2 (V+)) or Sweep (Melee, Dam.: Massive ten times more rare than other leviathans. Their food cycle and
Damage on a Human scale (H), 4D10+5 (V-)/2D10+2 (V+))
method of reproduction are, however, identical. In combat, the
COMBAT TACTICS monolith just charges the targets that may bother it, but they
The monolith just charges any targets that may prove are pretty rare. The rest of the time, just like the leviathan, it
troublesome, but they are pretty rare. just swims quietly without paying any attention to its surroun-
dings. Their life expectancy is unknown and a skeleton of one of
these powerful beings is yet to be found.

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)


SOLAR (Leviathan)V-
1–5 Head, 6–20 Body, 17–20 Fins
Type: giant creature
Geographic area: the deepest waters SPECIAL
Size: 20 m body, 60 m long “sails” Weight: 170 tons Polaris Effect (Temporal shift 10, Change in pressure 14,
STR SIZ COO ADA PER INT WIL PRE Crossing 14, Jamming 16, Molecular healing 16)
Flash (In case of danger, solars can release a very powerful
Base 80 6* 18 18 18 12 10 - luminous flash that blinds everything within a ten-meter radius
SECONDARY ATTRIBUTES around them. A character who hasn’t shielded his eyes will
automatically be blinded for 1D10 Rounds)
Melee Damage Mod. +35/
Reaction 18 * Replaces Constitution on V- scale
(H)/(V-) +2
Speed SPD(MP)
Damage Resistance (V-) +2
240 m, 27(6) DESCRIPTION
SKILLS The term “solar” refers to a group of magnificent creatures
Attack 10 Observation 12 living almost exclusively in the depths of the Aleutian Trench.
Mastery of the These creatures look like very long fish with several very long
Emphatic Analysis 16 16 fins that trail in their wake like sails. Solars have a powerful
Polaris Effect
ATTACK beak allowing them to pick the bodies of leviathans clean. Their
body is almost transparent and it constantly shimmers, just like
Beak (Melee, Dam.: 6D10+3 (H)/1D6 (V-))
a kaleidoscope of bright colors.
These are completely peaceful creatures, and their only
defense system is the Polaris Effect. They can attack with their
beak but will only do so as a last resort.

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)


Shell 9 (V-) (The belly of the creature only offers a Protection
“May the sleepers be blessed! I was doing a routine inspection level of 1)
inside a thermal station when a group of gigantic sharks started Reinforced thresholds
attacking me! I didn’t think twice, I made a beeline for the sleepers Heat Wave (The creature can release a heat wave within a
basking not very far away. Those stupid sharks rushed right 50-meter radius that affects everything within range that is
into those huge beasties, and they didn’t take kindly to being not sheltered inside a ship. This heat wave inflicts 4D10 Damage
disturbed! You can imagine the carnage that followed.” over the first 10 meters, then 2D10 up to 20 meters, 1D10 up to
-- Malarian, first category technician 40 meters, and 1D6 up to 50 meters)
Type: giant creature Heat (The body of a sleeper is very hot and inflicts 2D6 Damage
Geographic area: along trenches or underwater volcanoes if someone touches it with no protection)
Size: 25 m Weight: 120 tons * Replaces Constitution on V- scale
Base 130 5* 6 19 8 1 6 - DESCRIPTION
SECONDARY ATTRIBUTES This huge creature with a rocky shell is completely peaceful,
Melee Damage Mod. (H) +42 Reaction 13 but extremely fearful. It only attacks what it feels can pose a
Melee Damage Mod. +12/ Speed SPD(MP) threat. Usually a diver will never draw its attention, but a ship
(V-/V+) +2 23 m, 3(1) will startle it. It is unable to swim. It is attracted by heat and
Damage Resistance (V-) +2 enjoys lounging along oceanic trenches. Sleepers are unaffected
by pressure, and they can live at any depth, although always
close to a hot spring.
Attack 5 Observation 4
Stealth/Silent movement 1 USE/RUMORS
ATTACK It is hard to get anything valuable from this creature. It is
Charge (Melee, Dom. massifs (H), 2D10+2 (V-)/1D10+1 (V+)) known that some communities are attempting to “breed” them,
COMBAT TACTICS in order to harness and use their heat. However, the presence of
such a monster so close to a settlement is hardly advised. On the
At the slightest danger, the creature charges, and it relaxes as
soon as it is not being threatened anymore. A Critical Wound other hand, it is certain that predators tend to shun the vicinity
drives it crazy and it then attacks everything that moves. of sleepers. The tongue of these creatures is rumored to be de-
HIT LOCATIONS licious and very beneficial to the human organism. Sold to the
right people, it can be worth thousands of Sols.
1–2 Head, 3–4 Right front leg, 5–6 Left front leg, 7–8 Right back
leg, 9–10 Left back leg, 11–20 Body

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)

When a neo-megalodon lashes at ships, it can only efficiently

NEO-MEGALODONV- attack ships that do not exceed a Size of 4. As for other ships, it will
“Have you ever seen a plated shark fight over a prey with a neo- have trouble using its fearsome maw and will have to make do with
megalodon? It’s terrifying, and I can assure you that anything hitting them with its muzzle or its tail. The attack then only inflicts
that gets in the way gets shattered to pieces. Not to mention the 1D10+2(V-)/1D6 (V+) and there is no frenzy mode. It can, however,
prey . . . there’s not much left of it after it has gone from one maw rip parts of the ship away, if it can grab them with its maw.
to the over and over again.” HIT LOCATIONS
-- Olek Rune, fisherman from Pacifia
1–5 Head, 6–16 Body, 17–18 Right fin, 19–20 Left fin
Type: giant creature
Geographic area: every sea on the planet SPECIAL
Size: 25 m Weight: 120 tons Shell 2 (V-)
STR SIZ COO ADA PER INT WIL PRE Frenzy (when the creature grabs a prey, the Damage score
increases by 2 (V-)/1 (V+) per Round)
Base 170 5* 12 22 12 4 19 -
* Replaces Constitution on V- scale
Melee Damage Mod. (V-) +20 Reaction 17
Speed SPD(MP)
Melee Damage Mod. (V+) +10 This fearsome predator is very similar to the plated shark. Its
80 m, 9(2)
maw is longer and its body less massive, but it is faster and shar-
Damage Resistance (V-) +2
per when attacking. It lives very close to the surface, at less than
SKILLS 1,000 meters deep, hunting down its prey in the areas where life
Athletics 20 Attack 10 abounds. The neo-megalodon is a particularly cunning hunter
Stealth/Silent movement 12 Observation 9 that sneaks close to its prey before attacking them. Just like the
ATTACK plated shark, it is not a common creature, and they rarely cross
Relentless Bite (Melee, Dam.: Massive Damage on a Human scale paths since they don’t live at the same depths. On the other
(H), 3D10+4 (V-)/1D10+5 (V+), Pen. 7 (H)/1 (V-)) hand, when they do, it is a real bloodbath.
The neo-megalodon always moves with stealth before rushing
all of a sudden towards its prey. It always attacks the largest Like the plated shark, it is hard to get anything valuable from
prey first. A Critical Wound can make it stop fighting, but only if it this creature. It is rumored that there are much larger neo-me-
is not in frenzy mode. galodons in the deepest oceanic trenches.

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)

1 SACKAR Any sackar can defy the alpha male to try to take his place, but
the fight is usually to the death. If a young sackar manages to
“At a depth of roughly twenty meters, we were making our take the alpha male’s place, then the rest of the group accepts
way through a kind of underwater canyon, the heights of which him, and he in turn accepts the descendants of his predecessor.
emerge above sea level. It was filled with plenty of flora and
Fights between sackar tribes are rare, but they have been
fauna. The first sackar was sitting on an outcrop, watching us
known to occur when there is a dispute over a specific territory
like a cat watches a group of mice. The second, followed by three
females, was lying along the edge of the cliff top, less than a or prey.
meter below the surface. He seemed to be particularly enjoying According to all the reports put together over the centuries,
the warmth of the sunlight. The females were moving around the sackar population seems to be fairly stable, and they are es-
him, trying to get him to notice us, since he must have been the timated to be only a few thousand scattered over all the oceans
group leader. In the end, he just glanced at us dismissively and, on the planet.
for some unknown reason, completely ignored us.” Communication and perception
 -- Eye-witness account from Landal Verkins, miner Sackars can see perfectly well underwater and they use a par-
ticularly efficient echolocation system. Like all sea-dwelling
mammals, they communicate with one another, however their
signals seem to be far more elaborate. It is important to note
PRESENTATION that sackars are capable of expressing their feelings through the
Before the Geneticians’ Empire fell, they created a number of expressions on their faces. They can smile, glare angrily, and
creatures, some of which escaped their control. The sackars are even express affection.
one of these species. They are relentlessly hostile, and they have
spread throughout the oceans, where they have become a threat BEHAVIOR
for everything that lives there. They have a long, red, fish-like If you believe the sackars’ behavior means they are mere
tail, like a mermaid would have in the ancient legends. They live animals, you should discard that impression. They are intelli-
in shallow waters, and have a human face with terrifying canine gent beings, and they are acutely aware of their strengths and
teeth. Both arms end in enormous, razor sharp claws. Their bo- weaknesses. They are very obviously aware of what a powered
dies are covered in very fine scales of various colors. The females exo-armor is and they will not risk attacking one. Furthermore,
tend to have much lighter scales, whereas those of the males the sackars seem to be quite used to technology, even if they
are fairly dark. They all have a small crest along their back. The never use any form of equipment themselves. They do however
males’ crests are quite thick, while the females’ crests are very seem to be able to understand how various types of machines
fine, almost like a sail. The sackars are always very beautiful, with work and know how to sabotage one if necessary. For example,
their extremely elegant features and a surprising natural grace. if faced with a diver in a light suit, sackars will eagerly rip out
his respiration system.
The sackars live in small communities of up to roughly thirty HUNTING AND FEEDING
individuals. Each group is usually made up of an alpha male, two They hunt out of necessity, of course, but they also hunt for
to twelve other males and four to sixteen females. This small pleasure. Sackars mostly eat fish. When they hunt for pleasure,
tribe will reign over a territory of a few hundred kilometers. on the other hand, they will often go after a tougher kind of prey.
The alpha male is often the oldest one and has the privilege of Their favorite type of prey is the kind that gives them more of a
being able to mate with several females, usually half of the ones run for their money, and of course, at the top of that list are Hy-

in the group. The other males have to fight to earn the consent brids and human divers. Their absolute favorite adversary is a
of their mates. Sackars reproduce at the beginning of the au- Techno-Hybrid. When this kind of opponent appears, the whole
tumn. In a few very rare cases, a male and a female can some- tribe will take part in hounding it, but the privilege of fighting
times establish a very strong bond. If this does occur, they are it comes down to the alpha male, or sometimes a younger male
usually excluded from the group. of his choosing.
A pregnant female carries her young for roughly six months,
and her child will reach maturity at about three years old. The THE ORIGIN OF THE SACKARS
females take great care of their offspring, and some observa- Little is known about the origin of these creatures, except that
tions mention a behavior quite similar to that of a human fe- they are a creation of the Geneticians, and that they already
male with her child. existed during the last years of the Empire. We do not know if
Once they are grown up, the young sackars leave the group they were voluntarily introduced to the seas or escaped from
to join another, or they start up their own tribe. Many young a laboratory. Which Genetician dreamed them up and why re-
sackars that have not yet been accepted into a new group form mains a complete mystery. Some say that it could have only
wandering tribes that are particularly aggressive. If too many been Cyrull, and that the sackars are one of the many species
young ones leave a tribe, it can take in wandering sackars to that he created in his never-ending quest to create perfect
maintain their numbers. beings that are perfectly adapted to their habitat.

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)


Sometimes an obsession can lead you to commit the worst of mistakes. I made one of those mistakes. I always wanted to believe that a sackar could be trained. So, for
many years, I tried to find a young specimen to try and see if it could be tamed and settle the question once and for all. While I was studying a small group of sackars that
had settled in my area, a rather amazing event occurred and provided an answer to my question. The group was attacked by a bunch of criminals. Those bastards had
gone after the sackars just for the fun of it. They were just passing through and didn’t give them a chance. I made my way to the sackar territory after the butchering
had ended. I knew that one of the females had given birth to a baby a few months before, and I was hoping that the little one might have survived. It turned out that it
had. The poor terrified creature was hiding in a hole among the rocks.
Taking every care in the world, I managed to coax it out of its hole. Of course, the poor thing was starving hungry, so that really helped. I managed to lure it to my
observation station and for several days it stayed nearby. I would go out regularly to feed it, and little by little, it would come closer and closer. I wasn’t afraid for myself,
I was afraid my new protégé might be attacked by a predator, but thankfully, that did not happen.
After a month, he came to get his food directly inside my access well. I could see him swimming around in circles like a shark inside a station’s pool, waiting for his daily
meal. From then on, my research progressed in leaps and bounds, and I got to witness some incredible moments. Many a time I saw him smiling up at me as he swam
by on his back, bringing his face up close to the water’s surface. Once, he even wanted to leave his watery environment . . . one thing’s for sure, sackars can’t do that! He
immediately started suffocating and writhing in pain while his scales started giving off an acrid kind of smoke. I was incredibly surprised to actually hear him scream
just before he made it back to his natural habitat.
For months and months, we played together. I taught him to hunt, and managed to evaluate his intelligence, which turned out to be far higher than the scientific community
had suggested. Then one day, while he seemed to be bored, I heard him sing. By all the gods of the oceans, I have never heard anything that beautiful in my life. I can’t even
find the words to convey what it inspired in me, but today I am convinced that it means something that we never even suspected about the very nature of the sackars.
We spent two truly magical years together. He would follow me around wherever I went, swimming right up close beside my ship, hunting for me and even protecting me
from some predators. Then he became an adult and he began to stay away from my station for longer and longer each time. One day I followed him, to find out where he was
spending all his time. It was on that fateful day that I finally realized how difficult it is to go against the true nature of a living being.
My sackar had found other members of his species, females without an alpha male. They were quick to see me coming. As the whole group rushed towards me ready to
attack, my protégé was quicker than the rest of them and stopped their charge, before coming slowly closer to me. I met his gaze, and he seemed to be sorry, as he ripped the
oxygen tank out from my armor. As he watched me slowly dying, I got the clear feeling that he had felt obliged to do what he had done. He stayed near me for a while, as if he
was pondering some kind of dilemma. Several times he came closer as if to finish me off, but each time he turned away. Then he left, taking his tribe with him. Did he know
that my armor had a backup tank? I like to think he did. One way or another, I never saw him again. I had named him Syris and he wore a mother of pearl bracelet on his
right wrist. He is the only one of his species to wear such an object. If you ever see him, please spare him . . .
-- Professor Edlond, marine biologist, sackar specialist

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)



The sackars have a very special form of singing. First of all Claws (Melee, Dam.: 2D10+1 (H), Pen. 3 (H)) or
because it is perceivable on all frequencies, and secondly it is Bite (Melee, Dam.: 2D10+5 (H), Pen. 3 (H))
described by those who have heard it as a beautiful song, almost COMBAT TACTICS
hypnotic and incredibly sad. It is very rare that the sackars sing, Sackars prefer harassment attacks. They will attack a prey
but when they do, all creatures who hear it tend to calm down with their claws before disappearing into the darkness. They
and stay still to better listen to it. The sackars never use their only use their teeth for the killing stroke. When one of their
prey is suffering the effects of a poison, they like to observe it
singing while hunting or fighting. Many have tried to solve this
while it hallucinates.
mystery, but no one yet has managed to understand exactly
what it means. If it does, in fact, express the sackars’ deep me- HIT LOCATIONS
lancholy, what causes this sadness remains an enigma. 1-2 Head, 3-4 Left arm, 5-6 Right arm, 7-12 Chest,
13-16 Belly, 17-20 Tail
Some scientists have noticed a strange behavior among some Song (The sackar song is the equivalent of a level 12 pacifying
sackars that just seem to vanish without a trace. They are often field)
alpha males who leave their tribe without any apparent reason, Weakness (Sackars cannot survive out of water. If they have to
leave their water environment for some reason, they suffer an
regardless of their age, and simply disappear into the depths of
Attack inflicting 1D6 Damage, plus 1D6 extra Damage per Round.)
the ocean. One theory is that there is a far larger group of sacka- Poison These creatures secrete a formidable poison (either
rs that exists deep down in some dark abyss, and that they are with their claws or their teeth) that has hallucinatory effects.
calling the best specimens to join their tribe. The truth is that The hallucinations are usually terrifying and a character will
nothing is really known for certain about this phenomenon. have great difficulty telling what is real and what is not:
Contamination type: bite
Detection modifier: taste (+5), odor (+5)
Onset delay: 1 Round
SACK AR Virulence/Progression: 2D6 then 1D6 per Round for 10 Rounds.
Thresholds/Effects: Threshold 5: hallucinations, penalty of 1 for
Type: Genetician creature all Tests; Threshold 10: hallucinations, penalty of 2 for all Tests;
Geographic area: every sea on the planet, at depths of less Threshold 15: hallucinations, penalty of 4 for all Tests; Threshold
than 500 m (but they are capable of reaching -12,000 m) 20: hallucinations, penalty of 6 for all Tests; Threshold 25:
Size: 2 m, tail 1 m long Weight: 90 kg hallucinations, penalty of 10 for all Tests; Threshold 30: cardiac
STR CON COO ADA PER INT WIL PRE arrest (frightened to death)
Base 16 24 18 24 18 12 24 18* Diagnosis Modifier: 0
Healing modifier: -4
Melee Damage Mod. +3 Reaction 21 USE/RUMORS
Damage Resistance -5 Speed SPD(MP) 48 m, 5(2) As is often the case with creatures engineered by the Geneti-
SKILLS cians, sackars cannot be trained or domesticated. Their physical
Athletics 20 Attack 12 build is unstable, and their bodies decompose immediately after
Stealth/Silent death. The resulting mush, if it can be gathered before dissol-
Hunting/Tracking 14 14 ving into the water, is a particularly virulent poison (identical
Underwater to the one used by living sackars). Each dead sackar can produce
Observation 13 18 the equivalent of 10 doses of poison.

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)


Domination (The siren can only affect one victim at a time. This
“When I have had enough of life, I’ll head out to the Pervick requires a prolonged opposed Test against the Willpower of the
Rift. I’ve heard that there’s a siren there. If I have to die, I character. Every time the siren wins, the target’s Willpower is
might as well be thinking that I am doing so while fulfilling the temporarily reduced by the siren’s Success Modifier. If its Willpower
embodiment of my fantasies.” falls to 0, then the character is completely dominated. As soon as
-- A depressed worker the character wins one of the opposed Tests, then the creature’s
Type: sea monster attack loses all effect, and the target gets all its Willpower points
Geographic area: in every sea on the planet, at any depth, but back. The siren’s Attack has a range of around 500 meters)
always in an area with a rough terrain and natural caves. Pain (The siren can simultaneously affect a number of targets
Size: 2 m Weight: 120 kg equal to half its Willpower score, even if they are inside a building.
It carries out an Attack Test (Pain) and its Success Modifier
STR CON COO ADA PER INT WIL PRE becomes the penalty inflicted on the target for all of its actions
Base 12 12 12 15 15 3 16 - until it is controlled, or until the creature is dead or out of range)
Melee Damage Mod. +1 Reaction 15 DESCRIPTION
Fortunately, these fearsome creatures are very rare. They look
Damage Resistance -1 Speed SPD(MP) 12 m, 1(1)
like a grotesque cross between a human and a seal. They are
SKILLS very strange mammals and their reproductive cycle remains
Athletics 12 Attack (Bite) 10 completely unknown.
Attack (Pain) 15 Observation 10
Stealth/Silent movement 5 USE/RUMORS
ATTACK Sirens attack by using a strange power that is not all that diffe-
rent from Polaris Effect powers. They emit vibrations in the wa-
Bite (Melee, Dam.: 1D10+3 (H))
ter that affect the nervous systems of their prey and allow them
COMBAT TACTICS to take control of their victim’s body. The siren’s attack is not af-
A siren usually stays hidden in a dark cave until it detects the fected by any form of protection or armor plating. The attack has
presence of potential victims (which it can do over a distance two effects. First, it affects the victim’s nerves and causes terrible
of four kilometers!). They always stay in the water and keep
as far away from danger as possible – they prefer to lure their suffering. Second, it causes magnificent hallucinations in the
prey to them. If one of their targets appears to be too tough, target’s mind. Once the prey is under control, the siren draws it
the siren will instantly look elsewhere. If it feels threatened, it in by appearing to be the incarnation of its fantasies. Sirens often
will try to hide in its cave as quickly as possible. manipulate divers into taking off their mask underwater.
HIT LOCATIONS Sirens are often found at the heart of veritable underwater ship
1-2 Head, 3-8 Body, 9-11 Right arm, 12-14 Left arm, 15-20 Tail cemeteries. Quite often, their lairs are surrounded by the wrecks
of small ships, empty suits of diving armor, remnants of previous
meals. There are rumors of far more powerful sirens, who are said
to be responsible for the deaths of all inhabitants of a station.

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)

Book Two
Surface Creatures

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)

Dangerous Plants
Shell 6 (H)
“We were hiding when we saw them. A dozen of those critters Reinforced thresholds
coming out of the forest just as the sun was rising. It was Spikes (If a character tries to wrestle with this creature, or if it
impressive to see them . . . they stopped right there and turned to succeeds a Relentless Bite attack, then the spikes that cover
face the sun. They stayed there for ages, just like statues! What the ferals body automatically inflict an additional 1D6 Damage)
did I do? What d’ya think, I ran! I’m just a scout, I’m not suicidal!” Unfeeling (Ferals are not affected by the penalties caused by wounds)
-- Ken Lamerc, scout for the Red League Sun (iI the sun is up and not hidden by any clouds, then the ferals
Type: plant will seem even more aggressive and they gain a +2 bonus for all
Geographic area: all the jungles and forests their Tests on top of their Regeneration power)
Size: 2 m Weight: 60 kg Poison
Exposure method: bite
STR CON COO ADA PER INT WIL PRE Detection modifier: taste (+6), smell (+4)
Base 27 38 18 24 18 10 19 - Onset delay: 1 Round
Virulence/Progression: 1D6 per Round for 6 Rounds
Thresholds/Effects: Threshold 30: death
Melee Damage Mod. +8 Reaction 21 Diagnosis modifier: 0
Damage Resistance -11 Speed SPD(MP) 56 m, 6(2) Healing modifier: -2
Price for one dose: 1,000 Sols
Athletics 20 Attack 10 DESCRIPTION
Camouflage/Concealment 16 Hunting/Tracking 14 In the jungles on the surface, there are many types of tree where
Stealth/Silent movement 14 Observation 12 the cocoons of future ferals grow. These plant-based creatures are
ATTACK humanoids, but the place where the face would be is completely
smooth – its only feature is a mouth filled with several rows of spikes
Claws (Melee, Dam.: 3D10+3 (H)) and
Relentless Bite (Melee, Dam.: 1D10+4(H), poison) as hard as teeth. Their bodies are covered in the same spikes and
their hands end in long claws. According to some sources, the ferals
are the surface soldiers of the Ternasets. They savagely attack any
In the forest, these creatures make the most of their
settlers and non-plant predators that they find on their territory.
camouflage abilities to attack their prey by surprise. They are
relentless hunters and will die before they give up on their prey. When a feral is killed, it begins to crack and dry up until it resembles
In combat, they slash at their victims with their powerful claws a piece of dead wood that looks like a vaguely human-shaped statue.
and bite them with spikes that protrude from their mouths.
They can carry out both actions without any penalty, but with
different initiative levels.
Some people are willing to pay a high price for dead ferals,
HIT LOCATIONS since they look like wooden sculptures. Of course, this is comple-
Same as humans tely forbidden, since the poison inside them is still active.

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)

This tree is not, in theory, hostile, and it only projects its
“A cluster of flame trees is only dangerous if you attack the flaming sap if it is directly attacked. However, this tree is known
2 trees or while they are cleaning their bark. There are some
pretty obvious signs that they are getting ready to do that kind
to cleanse itself with deadly fire when there are humans
around . . . even when there’s nothing to clean.
of cleaning, like the number of parasites on their bark or the
thickness of the undergrowth. When these trees are not busy HIT LOCATIONS
cleaning themselves, a real haven of peace grows up around 1-20 Tree
them. You can shelter wherever they grow without fearing that SPECIAL
some giant parasite or humongous beastie might follow you
there. What’s more, they help to eliminate pests, and that’s saying Flames
something in a place like the surface. A whole forest full of flame Invulnerable to fire
trees is usually filled with a lush plant life, and more importantly
it’s safe from a great number of predators.”
-- Villam Dor, surface adventurer
A flame tree produces a highly flammable kind of sap. The tree
Type: plant regularly releases this sap and sets fire to it to rid its bark of all
Geographic area: African continent
its parasites. There are hundreds of varieties of this tree, and it
Size: 6 m tall, trunk is 1 m in diameter Weight: 5,600 kg
is really difficult to tell them apart until it is too late. Most of
the tree is completely immune to fire, but its leaves and dead
Base - 68 6 18 12 2 12 - branches are not. The tree can reach a target up to 6 meters
SECONDARY ATTRIBUTES away with its flaming sap. It usually uses this defense either to
Melee Damage Mod. - Reaction 15 ward off predators or to destroy trees of another species that
Damage Resistance -12 Speed SPD(MP) - made the mistake of growing in its territory.

12 or Observation The sap of this tree can be harvested. Each tree can produce
Attack 14
20 (Vibrations)
about 6 liters, and the sap can be used as a flammable oil.
Projection (Attack 12, 6 meters, Dam.: 2D10 (H), following the
same rules as a flamethrower)
Cleaning (Attack 20, 2 m radius, Dam.: 4D10 (H))

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)


These creatures just walk straight up to their targets and
“If you’re out patrolling in the forest and you feel the earth smash them with their gigantic fists. They can also throw all
shaking, check your equipment and, most importantly, the size kinds of projectiles (victims – living or dead, vehicles, suits of
of your exo-armor. If it’s any less than an exo-3, you’d better armor, rocks, etc.) with a great deal of precision. In fact, they
make yourself scarce . . . no, scratch that, make that an exo-4 will often grab a pilot in an exo-armor and throw him at other
or even 5 . . . Personally, there’s no way I’m facing one of those opponents. It can easily lift up to 10 tons and throw that weight
things in less than an exo-6.” up to a distance of 80 meters.
-- A soldier on the surface
Type: insect and plant mix
Geographic area: jungles and forests 1-8 Body, 9-11 Right arm, 12-14 Left arm, 15-17 Right leg,
Size: over 6 m tall Weight: 3,800 kg 18-20 Left leg
Base 200 1* 8 24 10 2 12 - Armor 6 (V-)
Reinforced thresholds
SECONDARY ATTRIBUTES Invulnerable to fire
Damage Mod. (H) +95 Reaction 17 Damage resistance It takes Damage inflicted on a V- scale to
affect this creature. Furthermore, its heightened resistance
+26/ Speed SPD(MP)
Damage Mod. (V-)/(V+) gives it a Damage resistance of 0 on a V- scale (even though,
+16 40 M, 4(1)
given its characteristics, it should be more easily affected by
Damage Resistance (V-) spec. this type of Damage).
SKILLS * Replaces Constitution on V- scale
Attack 12 Observation 11
Throwing weapons 14 DESCRIPTION
ATTACK Green gargans can be considered the armored tanks of the Terna-
Fists (Melee, Dam.: 13D10 (H)/1D10+2 (V-)/1D6 (V+)) set forces. At over six meters tall, they are made up of a huge bundle
Throwing objects: of very thick vines that constantly produce a sticky substance. They
100 kg: 900 m, Dam.: 2D10+2 (V-)/1D10+1 (V+), have a massive figure, vaguely humanoid, but without any discer-
1 ton: 400 m, Dam.: 3D10+3 (V-)/1D10+4 (V+),
nable head. Their bodies are constantly covered with thousands of
10 tons: 80 m, Dam.: 4D10+2 (V-)/2D10+1 (V+)
insects, and when they are destroyed, they fall apart into a big heap
of vines crawling with millions of tiny (but harmless) insects.

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)


SARRACENIAS 1–20 Leaf or plant

2 “Don’t move, I tell ya. Watch. You see that idiot has no idea what
he’s gotten himself into. Sure, he’s got a fancy suit of armor,
Acid (Killing the plant does not neutralize the acid. Worse still,
but it sucks for him that it isn’t airtight. When he’s soaking in even if the victim can climb out of the leaf, the acid remains stuck
two meters of acid, it won’t be much use to him! There he goes! to him and it will take 2D6 Rounds to get rid of it, but at least the
Poof! See, right where I told you it would be.” Damage level no longer increases.)
-- A surface hunter to one of his students Shell 8 (H)
Vulnerability to fire (Fire inflicts double Damage)
Type: plant kingdom
Geographic area: all jungles and forests
Size: up to 6 m tall Weight: up to 900 kg
STR CON COO ADA PER INT WIL PRE This seemingly harmless plant can be identified by its two
Base - 24 - 24 12 1 12 - leaves, each one 2 meters long, that it rolls into a cone shape and
SECONDARY ATTRIBUTES buries in the ground, creating a well-shaped trap into which
Melee Damage Mod. - Reaction - careless creatures fall. The leaves move apart, pushing out the
earth to create a cavity about 1 to 2 meters in diameter. The
Damage Resistance -1 Speed SPD(MP) -
plant usually uses the dense foliage of the undergrowth to hide
ATTACK from sight. The plant itself is usually a few meters away and can
Acid (Melee, Dam.: 1D10 per Round + 2 additional points per Round) be recognized by the branches that reach down into the ground.
COMBAT TACTICS When one of the leaves has finished settling in the ground, the
The leaf is built to be a trap. The difficulty level to spot it is 20. If plant secretes a highly corrosive sticky substance. The hole is
a person falls into the trap, the acid attack is considered to be usually about 2 meters deep.
automatic. In areas where this plant grows, characters must
carry out a Luck Test. A Failure means that the character could fall
into a buried leaf. It is extremely difficult to climb out of the leaf. If
the victim doesn’t have any help, a Climbing Test is required, with Some communities that know these plants well, and the dan-
a penalty of -10. Even with help, the penalty is still -5. ger they represent, use them to protect their perimeter, or even
to dispose of their waste.

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)

RAZOR FERN Speed Number of Attacks Attack level
Slow 1 4
“I used to know a guy who brought a razor fern back from
Moderate 1-3 6
maneuvers. He tried to shave with it. He died. Couldn’t take the
cyanide. Poor bastard!” Fast 1-6 8
-- Grant Hernder, Red League soldier Max. 2-12 12
Type: plant Vulnerable to fire (Fire inflicts double Damage on them)
Geographic area: all the jungles and forests Cyanide Their poison penetrates even the tiniest scratch. If
Size: 1 m Weight: 200 g the Attack manages to make it past the target’s protection
(resistance to Damage is not taken into account when checking
STR CON COO ADA PER INT WIL PRE if the target is affected by the poison), even if it doesn’t inflict
Base 3 6 8 16 10 3 12 - any wounds, the target is poisoned as follows:
Exposure method: swallowing, cut, inhaling
SECONDARY ATTRIBUTES Detection modifier: taste (-5), smell (0)
Melee Damage Mod. - Reaction 13 Onset delay: 1 Round
Damage Resistance +4 Speed SPD(MP) 8 m, 1(1) Virulence/Progression: 1D10 per Round for 10 Rounds
Thresholds/Effects: Threshold 30: death by asphyxiation
SKILLS Diagnosis modifier: -4
4 to Observation Healing modifier: -2
Attack 18 Price for one dose: 1,000 Sols
12 (Heat/Vibrations)
Stealth/Silent movement 10
Fields of perfectly normal ferns or especially dense undergrowth
Passive Attack (Melee, Dam.: 1D6, Pen. 2 (H))
can hide razor ferns. They look like regular ferns, but their leaves
COMBAT TACTICS are as sharp as razor blades and they can move voluntarily.
Razor ferns do not aggressively hunt other creatures. However, It is difficult to imagine that plants can be sentient and have a
as soon as a creature comes into contact with one, often while real intention to cause harm. However, once one has encounte-
running away from a predator, it suffers the plant’s Attack.
red razor ferns, there can be no doubt possible. All you have to
HIT LOCATIONS do is stand still in the vicinity of these plants and watch them
1-20 Plant slowly moving to surround you. It can come as quite a surprise in
SPECIAL the middle of the night for those who set up their camp nearby.
Special The number of Attacks and the Attack levels of the ferns The ferns are not all that dangerous for explorers wearing com-
depend on the way the victim enters a field of these plants. If bat armor, but for those living on the surface they are a real
the victim enters the field slowly, it can move out again without curse, unless they can learn to use them for their own benefit.
any problem. At a Moderate Speed, it takes 1 Round to leave the
field again (by choosing one’s speed and therefore the number
of Attacks). At a Fast Speed, it takes 2 Rounds, and at Maximum USE/RUMORS
Speed, it takes 4 Rounds as the character will be deeper inside Razor ferns can prove to be precious allies if you have a tough
the field: enough outfit, as you can attempt to lure a predator or enemy
into a field of them. Some surface inhabitants also know how to
keep them at bay while still using them for protection.

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)

Seraxes are extremely aggressive and don’t bother with
“If you ever come across a group of ferals, before you attack, subtlety. They simply rip their prey apart and ignore words like
2 check and see if there isn’t a slightly larger feral among them,
covered in a black or dark blue insect-like shell. If so, then pick
“mercy” or “retreat.”

up your missile launcher and take out that thing before you start HIT LOCATIONS
to deal with the others. Believe me, you’ll be saving yourself a -
whole lot of hassle.” SPECIAL
-- Advice from an officer of the Red League to his men
Shell 16 (H)
Type: plant kingdom (plant insect) Reinforced Thresholds
Geographic area: all the jungles and forests Claws (A serax’s long, sharp claws are as hard as diamonds.
Size: 2.3 m Weight: 90 kg They are penetrating weapons with a Penetration score of 13
Base 30 40 18 24 18 12 18 -
Melee Damage Mod. (H) +10 Reaction 21 Known as “rippers,” these monsters are a strange cross
Melee Damage Mod. (V-) +1 Speed SPD(MP) 50 m, 6(2) between plant life and insects. They are a slightly larger and
tougher kind of feral, with an exoskeleton that covers them
Damage Resistance (H) -13
with an extremely solid shell. They have claws as hard as dia-
SKILLS monds and sharp enough to cut through the toughest materials.
Athletics 20 Attack 12 They are often found with groups of ferals.
Camouflage/Concealment 10 Hunting/Tracking 12
Stealth/Silent movement 10 Observation 12 USE/RUMORS
ATTACK Seraxes are a fairly recent discovery, and there is very little
information about them. It seems that their shell could come
Claws (Melee, Dam.: 5D10 (H)/1D6-1 (V-))
in useful but so far no one has managed to craft one into a suit
of armor.

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)


Shell 4 (H)
“We had just lost three guys from our squad. They didn’t have Vines (Vines will always attempt to attack their prey, either by
powered exo-armor, just airtight suits. Wasn’t enough. We strangling them or hoisting them up. To lift a target, a vine has
found the poor souls hanging from a tree. We didn’t realize at a Strength score of 32, but each additional vine increases that
first that the thing looped around their necks was alive and that Strength (see Liftable Weight on page 235). When they go for
it was coming for us next!” their victim’s throat, they don’t suffer any penalty!)
-- Melal Pryss, mercenary Vulnerability to fire (fire inflicts double Damage)
Type: plant Damage progression for serpent vine constriction
Geographic area: all the jungles and forests Strength Dam. (**) Max Dam.(*)
Size: bulb, up to 2 m in diameter Weight: 150 kg 32 1D6+3/Round 1D6+48 (H)
(*) The Strength required varies according to the Liftable
Base 32 14 18 18 10 3 16 - Weight rule on page 235.
SECONDARY ATTRIBUTES (**) The Damage progression varies according to the
Constriction Attacks rule on page 226.
Melee Damage Mod. +11 Reaction 14
Damage Resistance -7 Speed SPD(MP) 20 m, 2(1)
SKILLS These plant-type creatures grow in the undergrowth or hang
Observation down from serpent trees, and although they look like perfectly
Attack 12 12
(Heat) normal vines, they are quite deadly! All the vines are connected
Observation to a central bulb that can reach a diameter of up to 2 meters.
Stealth/Silent movement 16 15
(Vibrations) This bulb can move around and even climb trees with its little
ATTACK tentacles. One bulb can produce up to 12 vines, each 10 meters
Constriction (1 to 10 tentacles, Range of 1 to 10 m, Dam.: 1D6 + long.
Constriction Damage (see below)) This plant will often kill large prey and let it hang and rot, so
COMBAT TACTICS it can later feed on the pests that will come feed on the carcass.
Serpent vines prefer to attack their prey when they are up
high so that they can kill them by hanging them. Fire is the only USE/RUMORS
thing that can make them give up the fight. Each vine attacks The bulb is a particularly interesting and useful find for the
separately, inflicting Damage with its terrible mineral thorns inhabitants of the surface, as it contains at least ten liters of
and winding itself around the victim so it can crush them.
pure drinking water and it is perfectly edible. The mineral
HIT LOCATIONS thorns found on the vines are also much sought after by the
1-20 Vine or bulb tribes.
A Mortal Wound to a vine makes it inert, a “Limb Destroyed”
Wound severs it.

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)


1–20 Leaf
“You see, fellas, the friends of the guy who fell into the
2 sarracenia didn’t get that they should have cut their losses
and run. They avoided the first trap and rushed straight into Shell 4 (H) (Leaves)

the second one. Oops! Looks like someone’s in for a bit of a Vulnerability to fire (fire inflicts double Damage)
squeeze.” Constriction Damage progression for the smothering taro
-- A surface hunter to one of his students Strength Dam.(*) Max. Dam.
Type: plant kingdom 24 +2/Round 36 (H)
Geographic area: all jungles and forests 40 +4/Round 60 (H)
Size: variable Weight: 90 kg
70 +7/Round 105 (H)/10 (V-)
STR CON COO ADA PER INT WIL PRE A taro with a Strength score of 70 affects a V- target from the
Base 24 18 12 21 10 2 12 - 2nd Round only.
SECONDARY ATTRIBUTES * automatic on contact
(*) The Damage progression is variable, depending on the
Melee Damage Mod. +7 Reaction 15 Constriction Attacks rule on page 226.
Damage Resistance -6 Speed SPD(MP) -
Camouflage/ These huge plants can reach several meters high. They have
Attack auto 18
Concealment gigantic leaves that can reach sizes of up to 3 meters in diameter
Observation * and which simply lay on the ground among the undergrowth.
ATTACK These leaves are extremely tough, and when a victim walks
Constriction (Melee, Dam.: special, see below) on one, it rolls up around him to crush him. The mother plant
COMBAT TACTICS usually grows in the shade of the tall trees that hide it from
The leaf is built to be a trap. If a prey falls into it, the Constriction
Damage begins immediately. The difficulty level to spot it is 20.
The Strength of the leaves is 24 for a size of 1 meter across USE/RUMORS
(1–12 on a D20), 40 for a size of 2 meters (11–17) and 70 for a Just like sarracenias, the smothering taro can be used to pro-
size of 3 meters (18–20). tect a community’s perimeter. Its especially tough leaves can be
used to make a suit that provides 4 armor points.

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)

STRANGLING WILLOW V- and lifted up from the ground until they die of asphyxiation.
The body then remains hanging from the branch until it has
“I had lost contact with the second exploration group for several decomposed. The tree then releases the corpse.
days already when I arrived at that sinister swamp. That’s when
I saw my six comrades hanging from that tree. The protection of
their armor suits had given way at the neck and several of them 1–20 Tree or branch (a Mortal Wound to a branch makes it inert,
had lost their helmets. Hyaennas were attacking one of the bodies a “Limb Destroyed” Wound severs it.)
that was almost touching the ground, as the branch holding it up SPECIAL
was too slim. I was about to go and get rid of the scavengers and
take down my unfortunate friends, when I saw one of the fine Strangling
branches whip through the air and wrap itself around the throat Shell 2 (V-) (For the trunk)
of one of the hyaennas. The creature didn’t get a chance to fight Branches (The tree has an average of roughly thirty branches.
back. My audio sensors picked up the creepy snapping noise of Each branch attacks independently from the others, but the
its vertebrae. I decided to come back later . . . with a flamethrower.” willow only uses a certain number, depending on the size of
-- Corporal Callager, League exploration group the prey, so that it can lift up its victim. It cannot use more than
10 on the same victim. To lift up a victim, a single branch has
Type: plant kingdom
a Strength score of 40, but each additional branch increases
Geographic area: swamps and jungles
this Strength (see Liftable Weight on page 235). The attack
Size: 15 m tall, trunk up to 2 m in diameter Weight: 19 tons
inflicts constriction Damage. Furthermore, at least one of
SIZ/ the branches aims for the throat without any penalties and
CON tries to hang the victim. As soon as it has managed to get a
grip around the neck, it lifts up the victim. Of course, a person
Base -/401 3/24* 16 18 18 4 16 -
wearing a protective armor suit will be safe until the armor fails.
SECONDARY ATTRIBUTES The branch therefore carries out a constriction attack until the
Melee Damage Mod. (H) +15 Reaction 17 targeted zone is destroyed.)
Constriction Damage progression for the strangling willow
Damage Resistance
-11 Speed SPD(MP) - Strength (*) Dam.(**) Max. Dam.
branches (H)
40 +4/Round 60 (H)
Damage Resistance tree -16/
(H/V-) +4 1
applies to a branch
SKILLS * Replaces Constitution on V- scale
(*) The Strength required to lift is variable, depending on the
Observation Liftable Weight rule on page 235.
Attack 10 12
(Vibrations) (**) The Damage progression is variable, depending on the
ATTACK Constriction Attacks rule on page 226.
Branch (Reach +4, Dam.: special, see below)
This extremely dangerous tree feeds on the decomposing prey This variety of willow only grows on damp ground such as
that it captures with its long and very fine branches. Anything marshlands, where the bodies of its victims can rapidly decom-
living that comes within 6 meters of this willow is immediately
attacked. The victims are usually grabbed by the throat

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)

try to lift him up to smash him down on the ground. A tantalus

TANTALUS can lift up to 196 kg with each tentacle. A person wearing armor
“When that thing grabbed my leg, I suddenly found myself will suffer a Shock Attack with the same Damage on top of the
2 dangling upside down, helpless to do anything about it. That’s
when it started slamming me down on the ground. When I came
regular Attack. Once the victim is unconscious, the tantalus
drags it back to its maw to devour it.
to, there was blood on my visor . . . I had a broken nose. More HIT LOCATIONS
importantly, half of my armor had been ripped off and there
were bits of it everywhere. Thankfully, my airtight suit was still 1-20 Tentacle or body
intact. Anyhow, I woke up upside down just as the tentacle was SPECIAL
about to drop me into a great maw in the sand. That’s when I Shell 4 (H) (The creature’s body is protected while it is buried,
saw the grenade land in the open maw. I fainted again.” and its armor score is increased by +8 points)
-- Lan Tellyr, soldier from the Coral Republic Constriction Damage progression for the tantalus
Type: plant kingdom Strength (*) Dam.(**) Max. Dam.
Geographic area: swamps or deserts
Size: 6 m in diameter Weight: 1.5 tons 36 +3/Round 54 (H)

STR CON COO ADA PER INT WIL PRE (*) the Strength required to lift is variable, depending on the
Liftable Weight rule on page 235.
Base 36 45 20 24 18 4 18 - (**) The Damage progression is variable, depending on the
SECONDARY ATTRIBUTES Constriction Attacks rule on page 226.
Melee Damage Mod. +13 Reaction 21
Damage Resistance -15 Speed SPD(MP) - DESCRIPTION
SKILLS Buried deep in the heart of a swamp (or a desert, hidden un-
Attack 12 Observation 16 der several meters of sand), these curious creatures are made
Stealth/Silent movement 18 up of a huge set of jaws and a digestive system that are entirely
vegetable. From this body, three to eight prehensile tentacles
reach out with an exceptional strength. The plant can only be
Constriction (Tentacle between 5 to 8 meters long, Melee, Dam.: detected from the surface because of the colorful flowers that
special, see below) and
the tantalus uses to lure in its prey. Its senses are highly deve-
Smash (Constriction + Damage: 4D10/Shock: 3D10)
Relentless bite (Melee, Dam.: 5D10+1, Pen. 3 (H)) loped and allow it to detect any movement in a radius of seve-
COMBAT TACTICS ral hundred meters and launch up its tentacles at precisely the
right moment.
A tantalus only stops fighting if it loses at least 2 tentacles. A
destroyed tentacle grows back in one month. A tantalus usually
attacks with half of its tentacles, but it can use them all against USE/RUMORS
a particularly tough opponent. There are larger tantali that can attack vehicles. If you manage
The attacks are Constriction attacks. If an opponent is hit, then to kill and dig up the creature, there is often a bag of up to 60 li-
he is immediately grabbed by a tentacle that will crush him and ters of pure water fixed to its underbelly.

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)

Terrestrial Fauna
The hounds don’t really have combat tactics as such. They
“Sure, a black dog so big it can look you in the eye when you’re attack their prey ferociously, without any strategy whatsoever.
standing is hardly reassuring. But when you’re facing thirty of They are stubborn fighters that stop at nothing unless they are
them and they’re drooling like fountains, then you should really hit by a Critical Wound. They can follow their prey for days.
start to get worried.”
-- Ellon Solen, soldier of the Mediterranean Union HIT LOCATIONS

Type: mutant mammal 1–4 Head, 5–12 Body, 13–14 Front right paw, 15–16 Front left
Geographic area: Europe, North America paw, 17–18 Rear right paw, 19–20 Rear left paw
Size: 1.5 m at the withers Weight: 500 kg SPECIAL
STR CON COO ADA PER INT WIL PRE Relentlessness (If a hound grabs a prey in its maw, the Attack
is automatic and the Damage increases by 2 Points per Round
Base 34 30 12 17 16 7 14 -
until it reaches a maximum of +77.)
SECONDARY ATTRIBUTES Reinforced thresholds
Melee Damage Mod. +12 Reaction 16
Damage Resistance -11 Speed SPD(MP) 70 m, 8(2) DESCRIPTION
SKILLS These monstrous, hairless dogs are huge mastiffs with black
Athletics 20 Attack 9 skin. They wander across the ravaged lands in packs of 3 to 30
Hunting/Tracking 12 Observation 10 individuals. They are very aggressive and don’t hesitate to take
Stealth/Silent movement 6 on prey larger than themselves.

Relentless bite (Melee, Dam.: 6D10+5 (H), Pen. 4 (H)) Some rumors tell of communities on the surface or organiza-
tions that have bases in the desolate lands that have managed
to train these monsters and use them as formidable guard dogs.

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)

Their tactics are simply to launch a mass attack on any
“I had just fallen off the ladder and I was paralyzed. I was potential prey. They tend to prefer prey that can’t move.
2 lying on the ground and I couldn’t move. That’s when I heard
that horrible noise, the sound of their little paws on the metal HIT LOCATIONS
floor. It’s horrible how such a simple sound can plunge you 1–20 Bobrat
into the deepest of terrors. Dozens of little paws . . . Dozens of SPECIAL
little creatures on their way to eat you . . . Thankfully I still had
my blowtorch and I managed to keep them at a distance until Pack (During combat, these creatures attack in packs of
backup came.” around ten or twenty individuals. When they are attacking a
-- Anna Tren, technician in Equinox character wearing armor that is not fully airtight, they will try
to bite any unprotected area. Their attack can therefore ignore
Type: mammal any protection. The risk that this may happen is equal to 20 –
Geographic area: all over the world Protection on a 1D20.)
Size: 50 cm (90 cm including the tail) Weight: 2.5 kg Night vision
Base 5 10 17 15
17 5 15 -
These despicable creatures haunt the shady parts of Equinox
Melee Damage Mod. -2 Reaction 16 and the machinery levels. They are large rats, fairly intelligent,
Damage Resistance +1 Speed SPD(MP) 60 m, 7(2) which feed on the trash and any creatures they might come
SKILLS across. Contrary to common belief, they do not transmit disease
Athletics 10 Attack 13 and are not considered to be a danger to the city. Their powerful
jaws are lined with razor sharp teeth.
Observation 15
Bite (Melee, Dam.: 1D10+2 (H), Pen. 2 (H)) The bobrat population is increasing in the larger cities under
the oceans, and even in the smaller ones.

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)

his face, he will suffer some incredibly painful Damage. On top

CAT OF ULTAR of the Damage inflicted, he will also suffer a penalty equal to the
“I am never setting foot in Ultar again, you hear me! It is a Success Modifier of the Attack for all his actions that require him
filthy city, but the worst part of it is the feeling that you are to be able to see anything, because of the blood running into
constantly being watched. Those cats . . . By all the Patriarchs, his eyes. If several Attacks are successfully carried out in a row,
those cats everywhere with their beady little eyes staring at then only the best score is used to define this penalty (they are
you all the time . . .” therefore not cumulative). The targeted character can protect
-- A noblewoman from the Hegemony his eyes, but the cat will then get a +2 bonus for its Attack Tests
to hit another part of the body, and the character will get a -3
Type: genetically recreated mammal penalty for all his Actions. If the cat manages a Critical Attack, the
Geographic area: Ultar victim must carry out a Luck Test or lose one eye.)
Size: 80 cm long and 40 cm tall Weight: 16 kg
Base 6 8 26 14 19 7 12 - DESCRIPTION
SECONDARY ATTRIBUTES Baroness Terrastet’s cats are a little special. They were created
Melee Damage Mod. -2 Reaction 16 by the Loki Department of Cortex, based in Keryss. These small
creatures were created artificially, as cats had been extinct for
Damage Resistance -6 Speed SPD(MP) 59 m, 7(2)
centuries. Intelligent, cunning, and fierce, these creatures were
SKILLS also implanted with artificial ears and eyes that can record
Athletics 20 Attack 10 images and sounds. The cats can see in the dark. Their claws
Hunting/Tracking 14 Observation 18 and skeletons are reinforced with molecular titanium (which
Stealth/Silent movement 16 explains their high resistance to Damage). They are therefore
ATTACK perfect spies, but they do have their limits. First of all, the cats
can only record a limited amount of sound or video. As they
Bite (Melee, Dam.: 1D10 + 3 (H), Pen. 2 (H))
can’t decide for themselves what should be recorded, their
COMBAT TACTICS sensors are programmed to start recording when triggered by
If the cats are given the order to kill, they will attack in a group certain specific keywords, such as Terrastet, Cortex, bomb, etc.
and go for the weakest targets first. They will not give up the The cats are trained to react to these keywords and follow any
fight unless their attacks do not have any effect, or if they
receive a Serious Wound. If they have to fight, the cats will aim person heard using them, and then to return to the base for the
for the face of their prey. information to be analyzed by specialists. Some cats are equip-
HIT LOCATIONS ped with devices that can directly transmit what they can see
and hear to remote operators.
1–4 Head, 5–6 Front right paw, 7–8 Front left paw, 9–10 Rear
right paw, 11–12 Rear left paw, 13–20 Body
These cats are only used by the Baroness. Even though some
Attacking the eyes (The cat’s Attack Test is carried out without would be ready to pay a small fortune to get one, few would dare
any penalties, and if the target doesn’t have any protection over
to take the risk of angering such a powerful figure.

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)


1–20 Rat
“What do you want from me, you? Boss, there’s a rat what wants
2 me to follow ‘im! Nah boss, I swear, he keeps circlin’ around me,
comin’ and goin’. I really think he wants me to go with ‘im. Where
Disease (Rats can carry a number of diseases and every time
to? Hang on, I’ll go have a look. All right, here we go, it’s just at a character is bitten, he must carry out a Resistance Test for
the end of the street, like a big lump in the middle of the road. Oh diseases with a difficulty level of 10 or be infected.)
look, our little rat friend has brought friends of his own . . . They’re Night vision
everywhere . . . Oh, now there are things coming out of the lump
. . . Big ants, boss, I mean really big ones. Get out of there? If you
say so boss, but I don’t think the rats want me to. Looks like they DESCRIPTION
want me to use my flamethrower.” Rats have perfectly adapted to the changes in climate up on
-- Hugo Stern, Red League soldier the surface. During the cataclysms, they hid away underground,
Type: mammal and nowadays they are taking back control of the areas that
Geographic area: all ruins they had left behind: the cities. Still, common rats are now a
Size: 70 cm long Weight: 1.5 kg little bigger, and more importantly much smarter than their
STR CON COO ADA PER INT WIL PRE ancestors. They form great clans of several hundred individuals
Base 1 6 14 20 18 6 12 - that are led by an elder chief rat. The clans can work together
SECONDARY ATTRIBUTES and they have different reactions in the presence of humans.
Some of them will accept humans, others will fight them. Rats
Melee Damage Mod. - Reaction 19
always attack in packs of several dozens of individuals.
Damage Resistance +4 Speed SPD(MP) 60 m, 7(2)
Athletics 20 Attack 9 No matter how many rats there are, they can’t take on a
Stealth/Silent movement 14 Observation 12 vehicle or protective armor. You can attack a single rat at a
ATTACK time, but you will need to aim. You can also use an area effect
weapon, which will be far more efficient.
Bite (Melee, Dam.: 1D6 for 10 rats, Damage increased by 1D6 for
Rats often make the most of human presence to settle a
every 10 additional rats, maximum: 10D6 (H))
conflict with a community of insects. Therefore, it is hardly rare
to see rats lure explorers to the insects’ territory or attract the
The rats are cunning and know how to use the terrain to their insects to a human squadron. However, when they can, they so-
advantage against tougher opponents. They can even carry out
diversion attacks or sacrifice some of their own to lure a prey metimes help adventurers in a tight corner.
to a place better suited for an attack. They are constantly at war
against the insects that are trying to take over their territories.

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)


Empathy (dzaars can sense heat sources, manifestations of
“Nice bracelet!” the Polaris Effect, and all kinds of life forms, be they human,
-- Leena, Coralian attaché animal, or pure energy, within a radius of about ten meters
Type: reptile around them. A dzaar wearer can sense the presence, but
Geographic area: ruins on the surface cannot precisely locate its source. Dzaars give their wearers
Size: 24 cm Weight: 350 g the Empathic Analysis Skill at level 2, or increase their natural
level by 1. This creature is also capable of sensing danger, and it
STR CON COO ADA PER INT WIL PRE gives its wearer the equivalent of the Sixth Sense mutation.)
Base 4 14 12 16 17 4 16 -
Melee Damage Mod. -4 Reaction 16 Dzaars are small lizards that come from the surface, and that the
Damage Resistance +0 Speed SPD(MP) 20 m, 2(1) radiation and light have completely blinded. To compensate the
SKILLS loss of their sense of sight, dzaars have developed a sense of per-
ception based on vibration, odors, and psychic emissions. Their
Empathic Analysis 12 Observation 14
lifespan is similar to that of a human, and their reproduction cycle
Stealth/Silent movement 16 consists of one spawning of two to six eggs every ten years.
If a dzaar is wounded its wearer suffers a Shock Attack of 1D6 USE/RUMORS
per Wound level (1D6 for a Light Wound, 2D6 for a Moderate Once wrapped around a human’s wrist, the dzaar associates its
Wound, and so on). empathic abilities with its heightened perception to transmit all
COMBAT TACTICS sorts of information to the wearer. In the beginning, the lizard
None can only distinguish presences. Once it has grown accustomed
HIT LOCATIONS to the underwater station environment and to its host, the crea-
ture can then begin to assimilate certain concepts and transmit
1–20 Dzaar
rather more precise information. The price of an adult dzaar va-
ries between 1,500 and 5,000 Sols.

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)

Furrals are part of a family of lemurs that are very common
“Seriously, I don’t know what you find so interesting about that
in the temperate forest areas on the surface. It is thought that
2 thing. It’s fragile, it sleeps all the time and it hangs around your
neck like a damned female . . . How much do you want for it?” they were genetically created in a laboratory before being in-
-- Norrith, solo traveler troduced to the surface, as they are able to cope with the hor-
Type: genetically recreated mammal rendous atmospheric conditions. Agile, intelligent, and affec-
Geographic area: Europe tionate, these small creatures can build very strong bonds of
Size: 30 cm Weight: 600 g attachment with their human wearer. This transfer of affection
STR CON COO ADA PER INT WIL PRE that adventurers love so much probably causes the sterility that
Base 5 10 20 8 12 4 16 - most of them suffer from. Unfortunately, their rarity makes
them very sought-after companions, and although they quickly
adapt to the living conditions below the sea, furrals rarely live
Melee Damage Mod. -2 Reaction 10 more than ten years or so outside of their natural habitat.
Damage Resistance +1 Speed SPD(MP) 50 m, 6(2)
Athletics 20 Attack 6 The (very limited) Skills that a furral can acquire cannot score
Climbing 20 Empathic Analysis 9 any higher than level 6 (although some more talented speci-
mens can reach higher levels). They are especially agile with
Observation 12 14 their small hands and can even use complex devices. As well as
the privileged empathic connection that they share with their
wearer, furrals are capable of learning certain complex notions,
- such as recognizing words and learning “tricks” that can range
COMBAT TACTICS from simple acrobatics to stealing small objects. The price of
Furrals do not fight. one of these creatures can reach 8,000 Sols for a particularly in-
HIT LOCATIONS telligent furral, but they can be found for just 2,000 Sols in cities
1–20 Furral close to the surface.
Resistance to surface conditions

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)

one last time, but this time, when it catches up again, it attacks

GIANT SIBERIAN TIGER by surprise at the speed of lightning. It only uses its horn if
“In the wild, there are creatures that can make you acutely truly necessary.
aware, with a single gaze, that you are right at the bottom of During the same Round, a tiger can either use its horn or carry
the food chain. The giant Siberian tiger is such a creature. But out an Attack at the same Initiative with its teeth and claws
there is more, something in the way it looks at you . . . A kind simultaneously.
of disdain, as if it was somewhat disgusted by the thought of HIT LOCATIONS
having to eat you. In fact, I think they are deeply revolted by
humans, and that they consider us to be profoundly ugly.” 1–4 Head, 5–6 Front right paw, 7–8 Front left paw, 9–16 Body,
-- Last words of a zoologist 17–18 Rear right paw, 19–20 Rear left paw
Type: mutant tiger SPECIAL
Geographic area: Siberia Bite (If it grabs hold of a prey with its maw, it carries out an
Size: 1.9 m at the withers Weight: 1,520 kg automatic Attack with Damage that increases by 2 Points per
Perforating horn (With his horn, the tiger can affect a V- scale
Base 38 40 14 16 14 13 11 - target without having to apply the penalty linked to its Strength.)
SECONDARY ATTRIBUTES Reinforced thresholds
Melee Damage Mod. H/V- +14 Reaction 15
Damage Resistance -14 Speed SPD(MP) 94 m, 10(3) DESCRIPTION
SKILLS These gigantic tigers are definitely one of the most stunning
creatures that can possibly exist. These huge animals have
Athletics 20 Attack 14
fur as white as snow and a small horn on their foreheads that
Stealth/Silent movement 16 Observation 15 earned them the nickname of “unicorn tiger.” It mainly uses
ATTACK this extremely sturdy horn to analyze its environment. It is said
Relentless bite (Melee, Dam.: 9D10+3 (H), Pen. 4 (H)) and to be extremely sensitive to atmospheric variations and espe-
Claws (Melee, Dam.: 3D10+1 (H), Pen. 4 (H)) or cially to manifestations of the Polaris Flux. The tiger is not a
Horn (Melee, Dam.: 6D10+3 (H)/1D6 (V-), Pen. 6 (H)) very aggressive animal (except when it is hunting for food) and
COMBAT TACTICS it is very intelligent. It is extremely rare and never approaches
The tiger is a tireless tracker. When it decides to attack a prey, humans. It prefers to live in the mountains.
it first tries to exhaust it by scaring it. It will circle around it, then
walk away to let it run, and then catch up with it again, and so
on until it considers its victim to be “ripe.” At that point, the tiger
will let its victim run away A tiger’s pelt and horn can be sold for several tens of thou-
sands of Sols on the black market.

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)

Gibbons are proud fighters, and against a regular opponent, they
“Satellite 7 observation report on Salvador outpost station. will not back down from a fight unless they suffer a Serious Wound.
2 Human activity: negative. Engine and transmission activity:
negative. Habitat module: 72 % destroyed. Automated defense
In general, a single gibbon will attack a regular opponent and if the
latter is knocked down, it will stop fighting. Against a technological
module: 86 % destroyed. No survivors within a two-hundred- opponent, they will attack in a group and will not stop their attack
kilometer radius. Origin of attack: unknown. Supposition: unless they receive a Critical Wound, or if the opponent is destroyed.
energy storm or swarm of insects. End of transmission.” In combat, gibbons always try to pound their opponent into
-- Satellite 7 to Hegemony terrestrial center submission under a rain of blows. If the opponent is wearing
Type: mutant monkey technological armor or if it is a vehicle, they will begin by charging
Geographic area: jungles and will then keep attacking relentlessly. They use large stone
Size: 3 m Weight: 1,000 kg sledgehammers as weapons.
Base 64 40 24 16 14 6 18 - 1–2 Head, 3–8 Body, 9–10 Right arm (upper), 11–12 Right arm
(lower), 13–14 Left arm (upper), 15–16 Left arm (lower),
SECONDARY ATTRIBUTES 17–18 Right leg, 19–20 Left leg
Melee Damage Mod. (H) +27 Reaction 15 SPECIAL
Melee Damage Mod. (V-) -2 Speed SPD(MP) 86 m, 10(3) Relentless (When a gibbon is relentless, it gets a bonus of
Damage Resistance (H) -20 +1D10 (H)/+1 (V-) Damage per Attack.)
Reinforced thresholds
Frenzy (As soon as it begins to fight, a gibbon becomes
Acrobatics/Balance 18 Armed combat 15 frenzied and this removes any penalties from Wounds until the
Athletics 20 Attack 15 end of the combat)
Charge (These creatures are extremely strong, they can lift
Climbing 16 Endurance 16 over a ton and push far larger weights. When charging, a
Stealth/Silent movement 10 Observation 12 gibbon can flip over a 2-ton vehicle)
Pounding (Melee, Dam.: 6D10+3 (H)/1D6 (V-)) and
Relentless bite (Melee, Dam.: 7D10+4 (H)/1D6+1 (V-), Pen. 4 (H)) or
Charge (Melee, Dam.: 12D10 (H)/1D10+1 (V-) or Gibbons are among the most feared creatures for surface ex-
Stone Sledgehammers (Melee, Dam.: 9D10+2 (H), 1D6+2 (V-)) plorers, not only because of their ferocity but also because of
their obsession with destroying any technological presence.
Most of them have terrifying physical mutations: many have
two heads, two pairs of arms, or excessively long limbs. Their
family organization is basically reduced to a pack-like structure,
where the alpha male imposes his will on the rest of the pack
and the females club together to protect the young against the
fits of anger of the males. The only motivation of these huge
mammals seems to be the destruction of any form of noise pol-
lution. The surface vehicles of the underwater na-

tions and surface bases are their main targets,

but they have also been known to take on parti-
cularly noisy groups of creatures or insects.

Gibbon attacks against surface infrastructures are
as frequent as they are devastating. If the characters
are sent out for reconnaissance, they could well
find themselves facing one of these terrifying
attacks, trapped in an armored car behind
walls that seem to be giving way under the
ceaseless pounding . . . Unless of course
they arrive too late and find the entire
complex devastated.

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)


Relentlessness (Relentlessness allows it to ignore any
“You wanna go back up? But it hasn’t even been a week since penalties from its Wounds for the duration of the combat)
the team got back . . . You missin’ getting’ your ass burned off Shell 2 (H)
or what?” Frenzy (If its protégé incurs even the tiniest Wound, the
“You wouldn’t understand Matt. I’m going back up there, that’s creature becomes frenzied. Its Damage increases by +1D10 and
all there is to it.” its Attack level increases by +2)
“Sheesh, don’t tell me it’s got something to do with that critter . . .” Empathy (The empathic connection begins at level 2 and can
“It ain’t no critter. It saved my life, know what I mean?” be increased by 1 point after each combat together, with an
“You do what you want, son, but don’t come crying to me if your upper limit of half the character’s Willpower score. Empathy
furry friend decides to play hockey with your kneecaps.” acts like a Skill and allows the pair to exchange emotions and
-- Two soldiers from the Dawn Division basic information. If a character is separated from his guardian
Type: mammal angel for more than (10 – level of empathic connection) days,
Geographic area: jungles then the empathic connection level decreases by 1 point per
Size: 2.5 m on its hind legs Weight: 100 to 350 kg day. If it decreases to 0, then the character permanently loses
1 Willpower point and the guardian angel will let itself die from
STR CON COO ADA PER INT WIL PRE the sadness. The guardian angel adds the Empathy level to its
Base 30 24 20 16 16 6 14 - Orientation Skill (-1 for every 10 kilometers of distance) when
attempting to locate its protégé.)
Melee Damage Mod. +10 Reaction 16
Damage Resistance -9 Speed SPD(MP) 77 m, 9(2) DESCRIPTION
SKILLS Guardian angels are like a mixture of a dog and a monkey. They
Acrobatics/Balance 16 Athletics 20 usually move around on all four limbs, but they can stand up
Attack 12 Climbing 16 on their hind legs. They have a behavior and reflexes similar to
those of a canine, but no observation mission has ever been able
Endurance 14 Orientation 9
to truly study their way of life. These creatures seem to establish
Stealth/Silent movement 12 Observation 12
an empathic connection with another living creature, human or
ATTACK animal. Once connected, they will protect their protégé against
Pounding (Melee, Dam.: 1D10+5 (H)) and any physical attack, but it is not yet known why they choose to
Relentless bite (Melee, Dam.: 3D10+1 (H)) protect humans, and even less so the other animal species.
This creature attacks by jumping at its prey and pounding USE/RUMORS
it with its fists before biting it. If it is in a frenzied state, then Once it has chosen a creature or human, the guardian angel will
only death will stop it. If not, then it is fairly cautious, and the follow it around and step in at the slightest sign of danger, even
slightest Serious Wound will cause it to stop fighting.
if it has to sacrifice its life. If the guardian angel is attached to a
HIT LOCATIONS surface creature, then the characters will have to face it as an ad-
1–2 Head, 3–8 Body, 9–11 Front right paw, 12–14 Front left paw, ditional opponent. On the other hand, one of the characters could
15–17 Rear right paw, 18–20 Rear left paw become bonded with one and win himself a very efficient ally.

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)


1–2 Head, 3–20 Body
“When the expedition came back from the surface, one of the
2 managers from the decontamination service opened one of the
sample boxes by accident. The snake jumped at his face and Venom

then slithered away into the warehouse. The poor guy’s face Contamination Type: Bite
swelled up like a puffer fish. He was drooling and squirming in Detection Modifier: taste (+1), smell (0)
pain. He died quickly . . . lucky for him.” Onset Delay: 1 Round
-- Jason Delv, explorer Virulence/Progression: 1D10 +3 per Round during 24 Rounds.
Type: reptile Thresholds/Effects: Threshold 5: pain (no complex Actions
Geographic area: South America, Asia possible); Threshold 30: Death
Size: 1 m long Weight: 7 kg Diagnosis Modifier: +2
Healing Modifier: +4
STR CON COO ADA PER INT WIL PRE Price per Dose: 9,000 Sols
Base 8 10 24 24 14 2 12 -
Melee Damage Mod. -1 Reaction 19 The horned snake lives in the undergrowth. It usually feeds on
Damage Resistance +0 Speed SPD(MP) 15 m, 2(1) insects and small animals. It is a particularly aggressive animal,
and its main weapon is its venom. It cannot affect a character
wearing protective armor. It owes its name to the turned-up
Athletics 10 Attack 12 horn in the middle of its forehead. The main problem with this
Observation snake is that it loves to snuggle away in any hiding place it can
Stealth/Silent movement 14 9 (12)
(Vibrations) find; in a bag, a vehicle conveniently left open, a suit of armor’s
ATTACK heating vents, etc. When it is disturbed, it attacks at lightning
Bite (Melee, Dam.: 1D6 (H)) speed (Reaction 24) and then tries to flee.
It is a timid animal that, like most other common snakes, tends USE/RUMORS
to only attack when it is scared. This snake’s venom is extremely sought after, as much by la-
boratories as by assassins.

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)

prey that they couldn’t bite into. If faced with too tough a prey, the

HYAENNA hyaennas will give up and go looking for another target. If
“Those bitches tried to eat me. They had been chewing on my the target isn’t too well protected, however, they will all jump on it
armor but they couldn’t even scratch the surface. Then they at once and tear it to pieces. Hyaennas are stubborn creatures,
ran away. Boy, if only I’d known! I never would have gone back and they can follow their prey for days. They will only give up if
to the camp. They followed me at a distance and when I left, Critically Wounded.
they attacked the group of scientists. It was a massacre! The The coup de grace technique used by the hyaennas involves
worst bit is that one of the hyaennas caught up with me and attacking at the throat and bringing the target to the ground. At
brought me the head of one of those poor bastards, as if it that point, they will not let go of their victim and will relentlessly
wanted to thank me!” continue their attack. To hit the throat, the creature must aim. If
-- Tycan Lirsk, Hegemonic soldier it hits, the victim must carry out an Acrobatics/Balance Test with
a Modifier equal to the difference between its Strength and that
Type: mammal of the creature. If the victim’s Test fails, then it is brought to the
Geographic area: Africa, North America ground. A target held by the throat automatically suffers Damage
Size: 1.4 m at the withers Weight: 180 kg during each Round, and this Damage increases by 1 Point per
STR CON COO ADA PER INT WIL PRE Round until the bonus is equal to the creature’s maximum Base
Damage potential (+36). If it is also lying on the ground, then the
Base 18 16 24 24 15 4 10 -
Damage increases by 2 per Round.
Melee Damage Mod. +4 Reaction 19
1–2 Head, 3–12 Body, 13–14 Front right paw, 15–16 Front left
Damage Resistance -4 Speed SPD(MP) 83 m, 9(2)) paw, 17–18 Rear right paw, 19–20 Rear left paw
Athletics 20 Attack 10 Relentlessness
Hunting/Tracking 14 Endurance 9 Shell 5(H)
Stealth/Silent movement 10 Observation 12
Relentless bite (Melee, Dam.: 3D10+2 (H), Pen. 3 (H)) Hyaennas live on the great desolate plains, where they hunt
COMBAT TACTICS in groups of 2 to 12 individuals. They avoid the ruined cities and
Hyaennas hunt their prey in packs. First of all, they try to wear it they are wary of insects. Humans are their favorite type of prey,
out, and then they surround it. Then they will circle it for a while, but they usually don’t attack people in heavy suits of powered
each in turn attacking it from behind. This is done to test how exo-armor, as they have broken many a tooth trying to open
much of a danger the target may represent, but also to see if it is them up. However, they will often follow them around for a
edible. Hyaennas have too often been led astray by armored while in the hope of finding more easily edible humans.

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)

There are two types of land-dwelling jellyfish that, just like
“If you ever go up to the surface and you’re lucky enough to
their sea-dwelling cousins, are intimately connected to their
2 come across some jellyfish, make sure it’s at night time and
find yourself a spot to sit back and watch the show. You’ll see natural habitat. The sand jelly is made up of 90% air and grains
there’s more than horrible things up there, there’s also the of sand connected by a very fine layer of mineral matter. These
ballet of the swamp jellies.” creatures are fairly common. They feed on mineral residue and
-- Yvon Jorgen, explorer avoid any contact with the other creatures that live in the de-
Type: jellyfish sert. Their only form of attack is a release of corrosive sand that
Geographic area: deserts or swamps causes severe burns and melts away the protection of armor or
Size: 2 to 3 m tall Weight: 40 to 60 kg
shells. Their defense mode uses sand from their surroundings
STR CON COO ADA PER INT WIL PRE to create a great cloud of particles, similar to the ink cloud of
Base 12 12 24 19 12 4 14 - an underwater octopus, which allows the jellyfish to hide its re-
SECONDARY ATTRIBUTES treat as it burrows down to hide in the sand. The swamp jelly is a
Melee Damage Mod. - Reaction 15 more plant-based organism than its sand-dwelling cousin. This
brown and green-colored creature feeds on the plant particles
Speed SPD(MP)
Damage Resistance -1 swimming in the stagnant water. Its attack is a release of acid
100 m, 11(3)
with similar properties to the corrosive sand, and its defense is a
small whirlpool of water mixed with plants. Jellyfish are usually
Athletics 20 Attack 12 solitary. When they die, they decompose very quickly.
Camouflage/Concealment 12 Observation 12
Stealth/Silent movement 12 USE/RUMORS
ATTACK Some eyewitness accounts suggest that at certain times of
Acid or sand release (Range: 1/3/7/14(20) meters; Dam.: 3D10 year, these jellies gather around a queen jellyfish to reproduce.
+ acid 1D6/Round +1 Point per Round for 10 Rounds) The rare reports of these apparently grandiose gatherings are,
COMBAT TACTICS unfortunately, not all that trustworthy.
They flee at the first sign of attack
1–6 Body, 7–20 Tentacles

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)

and carry it away. Unlike birds of prey, kranes don’t carry their

K RANE food back to their nest. They just carry it up as high as possible
“I remember the first time I saw one of those feathery critters. One and then simply drop it.
of my mates thought it was so pretty. He was wearing a suit of light HIT LOCATIONS
armor, and he walked up to try and touch it. The bird didn’t move a
feather until my buddy was right up close, and then it stabbed at 1–2 Head, 3–12 Body, 13–14 Right Wing, 15–16 Left wing, 17–18
him with its beak, faster than lightning. I think my mate didn’t even Right leg, 19–20 Left leg
realize what was going on, he just stared down at the hole in his SPECIAL
breastplate and then dropped to the floor. The krane grabbed him in Shell 12 (H)
its talons and flew off to smash him on the rocks.Ӭ Lifting up (to grab hold of its prey, the creature must
-- Leisver Trenbt, Red League soldier successfully carry out an Attack. Once it has a hold of it, the
Type: bird creature immediately takes off and flies vertically upwards to
Geographic area: Northern hemisphere, mainly in North a height of 11 meters during the first Round. A character who
America has been grabbed and lifted up in this way can still shoot or hit,
Size: 2 m tall, 4 m wingspan Weight: 150 kg but from an uncomfortable position. The krane will let go if it is
STR CON COO ADA PER INT WIL PRE wounded or if it has been flying upward for two full Rounds. The
Damage from the fall is managed in the usual way. The krane’s
Base 24 16 20 17 18 6 14 - Strength score is 36 when it comes to calculating how much
SECONDARY ATTRIBUTES weight it can lift up (324 kg) without any penalty.)
Melee Damage Mod. +7 Reaction 17
Damage Resistance -5 Speed SPD(MP) 25 m, 3(1) DESCRIPTION
Damage Resistance -5 Speed in flight 350 m, 39(8) Although they look somewhat like herons, kranes are in fact a mu-
SKILLS tant organism that mixes flesh and metal, feather and stone. Their
Athletics 12 Attack 12 great wings are reinforced with metallic strips, their long bodies are
covered in mineral plates and their serrated legs are forged from a
Stealth/Silent movement 4 Observation 12
harder alloy than most armor. Although they are capable of flying,
ATTACK kranes spend most of their time perched up high on the mountain-
Talons (Melee, Dam.: 3D10+1 (H), Pen. 3 (H)) or side, and they only take off when it is time to feed. They are true ge-
Penetrating Beak (Melee, Dam.: 2D10 (H), Pen. 10 (H)) netic enigmas, and their constitution leaves most scientists skeptical.
In combat, these creatures always choose smaller prey, USE/RUMORS
creatures whose armor they try to pierce with their sharp A living specimen can be sold for up to 25,000 Sols (2,000 if it
beak, before they grab their prey in their talons is dead).

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)


1–20 Lemur
“If I find that critter of yours in my cabin again, I’m turnin’ it into
2 shark bait! That’s the third time it’s stolen my ammo clips!”
-- Pete Cougar, cautious mercenary Kleptomania (see Lemurians)

Type: mammal Resistance to surface conditions

Geographic area: jungles and forests of East Africa and Asia
Size: 56 cm Weight: 5 kg
Lemurs are small mammals, agile and playful, and they delight
Base 6 14 24 14 12 6 10 -
in the theft of shiny objects. Although they are not primarily a
SECONDARY ATTRIBUTES nuisance, they can become a real menace once trained. Their
Melee Damage Mod. -2 Reaction 13 reproductive cycle is similar to that of humans, but traffickers
Damage Resistance +0 Speed SPD(MP) 50 m, 6(2) rarely provide their clients with fertile couples of lemurs.
Athletics 20 Attack 8 USE/RUMORS
The (very limited) Skills that the lemurs can learn cannot be
Climbing 20 Observation 12
any higher than level 8 (occasionally a little higher for more ta-
Stealth/Silent movement 16 Pickpocket 16 lented specimens). Rumor has it that some lemurs are capable
ATTACK of pronouncing some basic elements of articulate language and
Bite (Melee, Dam.: 1D6-1) recognizing a series of orders and words in various dialects.
COMBAT TACTICS Lemurs are very affectionate but fickle creatures. If a character
If the lemur is forced to fight, then it jumps up on its target, bites were to try to train one the hard way, he would only break the
it, and runs away immediately, before coming back for round connection formed with his creature, and sooner or later, it will turn
two. This isn’t a very efficient technique, but it is the only one it against him. On the contrary, a soft touch and plenty of patience
knows. It tends to think it has died the second it gets even the can work wonders on the behavior of a lemur. Just like with furrals,
tiniest Wound, and even a Light Wound will cause it to drop to the it is possible to teach them a few tricks and develop their natural
ground, where it will take a while for the creature to realize it is
still alive. tendency for theft. Their price ranges from 2,000 to up to 10,000 Sols
for a particularly talented and perfectly trained specimen.

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)

respirator valves, and spare parts from surface armor

LEMURIAN are their favorite items. When they spot a potential target, they
“Hey, Todd, chuck me over the first aid kit.” start to follow it around and wait until nightfall to launch their
“I ain’t got no kit, man. Did you check in the rear cargo hold?” attack. They usually have the benefit of surprise on their side,
“Don’t play dumb, dude, we’ve got wounded people out here . . .” especially when their victims are sleeping when they act.)
-- Soldiers of the League
Type: mutant mammal
Geographic area: jungles and forests of East Africa and Asia DESCRIPTION
Size: 90 cm (1.8 m with the tail) Weight: 24 kg These mammals are in a way the “big brothers” of the smal-
STR CON COO ADA PER INT WIL PRE ler creatures that have become so popular in the underwater
Base 10 16 28 14 12 5 6 - world over the last few years. Unlike the pets that travelers are
so keen to surround themselves with, the lemurians of the sur-
face are completely uncontrollable and roam around in packs
Melee Damage Mod. +0 Reaction 13 of roughly 4 to 20 creatures. They are intelligent enough to be
Damage Resistance -2 Speed SPD(MP) 50 m, 6(2) able to organize a raid on a camp. Lemurians have a hierarchi-
SKILLS cal structure similar to that of a pack of wolves, where the res-
Acrobatics/Balance 15 Athletics 20 pect of the youngest is earned with their daring and their “war
Attack 10 Climbing 20 trophies.” Furthermore, these creatures are nowhere near as
“cute” as lemurs. Their skin looks almost “reptilian”, and is of-
Observation 14 Pickpocket 16
ten riddled with parasites and diseases. They are fairly stocky
Stealth/Silent movement 14
and heavy in spite of their small stature.
Bite (Melee, Dam.: 1D6+1) USE/RUMORS
COMBAT TACTICS It doesn’t take much for a simple exploration mission to turn
These creatures don’t like to attack head on. They prefer to run into a real nightmare. What would happen if the characters had
away, hide, and jump on their opponent’s back to try and bite him in their oxygen supplies, their food, or their weapons stolen by a
the neck. They are far from brave, and the slightest Moderate Wound group of particularly daring lemurians? Worse still, how would
will make them flee from the combat. the group react if they were to discover that the creatures were
HIT LOCATIONS sent by a mutant brotherhood trying to force the adventurers
1–2 Head, 3-8 Body, 9–11 Right hand, 12–14 Left hand, 15–17 to find refuge in their underground caves for a while? It is quite
Rear right paw, 18–20 Rear left paw likely that a number of mutants have found a way to train these
SPECIAL creatures to act as spies, sentries, scouts, or simply infiltrated
Kleptomania (Lemurians are attracted to the shiniest and most agents among their surface enemies. With a little imagination,
fascinating of objects (as far as they’re concerned, of course). one could even imagine a whole company of lemurians trained
Guns, ammo, first aid kits, tools, by some renegade from the ocean’s depths to protect his sur-
face hideout or to supply goods for a little smuggling business.

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)

LIGHT-EATER Damage is reduced by 1 Point, down to a minimum of 2. If the

light-eater has just fed (on the characters’ devices, for example),
“Aww, isn’t that cute! Look at this little guy, cleaning my armor the Damage is equal to 1D10 + 1D10 per kilo of battery absorbed.
2 with his long snout. Why can’t all the surface creatures be this
cute? Huh? Woah, why is my battery acting up? Hey, guys, I’m
As long as it is within 50 cm of it, a light-eater will empty the
energy from a 1 kg battery at a rate of 1D10% per Round for a TL II
out of juice! Damn, I can’t get this thing to move! Is there anyone battery, 1D6% per Round for a TL III battery, 1D6/2% per Round for
there? Guys? Answer me!” a TL IV battery and 1% per Round for a TL V+ battery. Therefore, a
-- Last transmission from a group of explorers 5 kg TL V battery will be empty in 500 Rounds.)
Type: strange mammal
Geographic area: Europe, North and South America
Size: 1 m long Weight: 60 to 90 kg
Although these creatures have a physical build and an orga-
STR CON COO ADA PER INT WIL PRE nism close to that of an anteater, they are quite incapable of
Base 8 14 20 14 18 6 24 - eating even the tiniest insect. Their long, striped snout can only
SECONDARY ATTRIBUTES be used to consume energy, be it electrical energy, light, or heat.
Melee Damage Mod. - Reaction 16 Light-eaters usually make do with the phosphorescent particles
that they find in underground tunnels and the residual electri-
Damage Resistance -1 Speed SPD(MP) 160 m, 18(4)
cal charge left in the sand after a storm, but they can’t resist
SKILLS the purr of a jeep’s engine or the sweet humming of a surface
Athletics 20 Attack 13 armor battery. They are very timid and always hesitate before
Observation approaching a group of humans, but their docile appearance
Stealth/Silent movement 4 9/18
(Energy) usually creates quite a lot of opportunities. These creatures are
ATTACK as friendly as a pet. They will let the humans stroke them, look
Special (see below) up at them with their constantly surprised look . . . and empty
COMBAT TACTICS every battery they can get their snout on. Light-eaters get into a
feeding frenzy and can gobble up energy until they overdose on
They seem to be harmless. They tend to flee at the smallest Wound.
it. They don’t have any real way of attacking, but they can de-
HIT LOCATIONS fend themselves by generating electric arcs of varying intensity,
1–4 Head, 5–20 Body depending on what they have “eaten” at the time.
Explosion (A light-eater that is wounded or hit by an energy
weapon while it is feeding will literally explode. This inflicts If we disregard the questionable use that some explorers have
Damage ranging between 2D10+10 (H) (EMP -3 (H)) and 8D10+10 put them to, using an overdosed light-eater as a mobile mine
(H) (EMP -3 (V-)) on anything that is within a radius of 10 m) that they can shoot at once it approaches a target, these animals
Electric arc and energy absorption (When striking at “random,” are mainly interesting because of their extraordinary ability to
the electric arcs can reach out about ten meters, and inflict 2D10
store energy. Some laboratories will pay up to 10,000 Sols for
Damage, while causing an EMP effect (-3 (H)). The creature can
aim its arc at one target per Round, but after each attack, the one of these creatures in order to find a way to tame them and
perfect a way to tap into the energy that they have stored.

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)


1–4 Head, 5–12 Body, 13–14 Front right paw, 15–16 Front left
“These animals are especially clever. Believe my experience as paw, 17–18 Rear right paw, 19–20 Rear left paw
a tracker, these creatures are nothing like simple hyaennas
that hunt any old how. No! These guys are organized. They will SPECIAL
attract your attention, lead you on, and lay traps to catch you. Cutting the throat (The animal must aim for the Head hit location.
If you see a wolf, look around for others hiding nearby, waiting If its Attack is successful, it will hang on to its prey and keep
for you to be drawn in by their bait. They also have some attacking it. The victim has to successfully pass an Acrobatics/
almost human reactions. For example, they seem to respect Balance Test with a modifier equal to the difference between
courage. A number of explorers have seen a pack of wolves its Strength and that of the creature. If the victim fails its Test,
retreat after a fierce fight, even though they were barely still then it is brought to the ground. A target held by the throat
standing. If you save one of these creatures, there is a good automatically suffers Damage during each Round, and this
chance that its pack will leave you well alone, and if you save Damage increases by 1 Point per Round until the bonus is equal
the alpha, then the pack will be there to defend you in turn!” to the maximum Base Damage potential (+56). If the prey is also
-- Kaner Ten, surface hunter prone, then the Damage increases by +2 per Round.)
Type: mutant mammal
Geographic area: surface forests
Size: 1.4 m at the withers Weight: 160 kg
These wolves are completely hairless, and they hunt in packs
of 6 to 12 individuals. They are the hereditary enemies of the
Base 20 24 12 24 18 6 14 - hyaennas, whom they attack systematically on sight, even if
SECONDARY ATTRIBUTES there is tastier prey nearby. They live in or close to the few fo-
Melee Damage Mod. +5 Reaction 21 rests on the surface where they can find refuge in case of dan-
Damage Resistance -6 Speed SPD(MP) 67 m, 7(2) ger. Each pack is governed by the strictest of social hierarchies.
When a wolf mates with a female, they both remain loyal to
each other for life. If one of them dies, then the other will re-
Athletics 20 Attack 12 main alone for the rest of its life. Once a year, the females give
Hunting/Tracking 15 Endurance 10 birth to litters of 3 to 12 wolf cubs, after a pregnancy of 45 days.
Stealth/Silent movement 14 Observation 12
Relentless Bite (Melee, Dam.: 5D10+1 (H), Pen. 3 (H)) Mutant wolves are only interesting to the scientists who want
to study them. A live specimen can be sold to a laboratory for up
to 6,000 Sols. Hunters on the surface claim that some of them,
Mutant wolves are merciless when they are hunting. They will lone wolves or those whose pack has been killed, can become
attack their prey in a group with the greatest savagery. Only a
Serious Wound can make these creatures abandon the fight. attached to humans.

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)

Associated Attributes: INT/WIL

RAK EET This Skill makes it possible to perfectly recall something seen
“A pirate without a parrot is like a . . . I mean, you know . . . Ah or heard in the past. Difficulties in remembering depend on the
2 just drop it will ya? A pirate walks around with a parrot on his
shoulder, that’s all there is to it.”
time that has passed since the event: up to 1 hour (+10), up to 1
day (+7), up to 1 week (+5), up to 1 month (+3), up to 6 months
-- Stock, passionate pirate (+0), up to 1 year (-3). For each year beyond that, the penalty
increases by 2.
Type: genetically recreated bird The GM can choose to increase or decrease the difficulty
Geographic area: underwater stations depending on what the PC wants to remember (for example, a
Size: 30 cm Weight: 500 g traumatic event would be easier to remember than something
STR CON COO ADA PER INT WIL PRE from daily life).
Base 6 9 18 10 18 7 12 -
Melee Damage Mod. -2 Reaction 14 Times may have changed, but some traditions still endure.
Damage Resistance +2 Speed SPD(MP) 31 m, 3(1) Parrots still remain faithful companions to pirates, mercena-
SKILLS ries, and underwater ship captains. Unlike its feathered ances-
Athletics 10 Attack 9 tors, the rakeet only has colorless membranous wings and an
Spoken language 5 Memory 9 incredibly efficient hooked beak. They are not very resistant
to living conditions on the surface, and there are none left up
Stealth/Silent movement 8 Observation 12
there, so they are not about to leave their cozy new living condi-
ATTACK tions in the underwater world where they are fed and cared for.
Beak (Melee, Dam.: 1D6-1 (H))
None On top of being THE ideal and faithful companion for any
HIT LOCATIONS self-respecting pirate, rakeets are capable of learning words
and phrases (more or less difficult and complex). Some can also
1–20 Rakeet
be trained for attack, games, cheating, espionage, etc. Each ad-
SPECIAL ditional Skill level adds 500 Sols to the basic price of a rakeet,
Memory (the Memory Skill of a rakeet can be profitably used which varies from 1,000 to 5,000 Sols depending on its colors
during reconnaissance or surveillance missions that can be and the sharpness of its mind.
very complex. Some birds may even be able to carry out actual
assassinations, using poisoned implants fixed to their talons.)

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)


The rat snake is one of the worst parasites that can possibly
“Sheesh, honey, you really should wash up before you come to
board a ship or enter a station. It is a small snake (the larger
see me. You stink of rat snake!”
-- Last words of a prostitute from Equinox before she died a violent death ones can reach up to 80 cm long) with a skin similar to that of a
chameleon. It is a perfectly amphibious creature, so it is possible
Type: reptile
Geographic area: all areas to find them on the surface as easily as in the depths of the sea.
Size: 40 cm Weight: 300 g These snakes feed on detritus and small animals (fish, rodents,
STR CON COO ADA PER INT WIL PRE insects, crustaceans . . .). They have a life expectancy of a few
months (5 to 9), during which they can lay up to ten eggs. Once
Base 1 12 24 14 13 1 12 -
dead, they decompose quickly and give off a pestilential stench.
Melee Damage Mod. - Reaction 13 USE/RUMORS
Damage Resistance +2 Speed SPD(MP) 4 m, 1(1) These snakes are not really dangerous for humans (some have
Speed, swimming 14 m, 2(1) been known to attack human infants though, seeing them as
SKILLS vulnerable and tasty prey). However, once they have found their
way into a ship or a station, they are capable of causing consi-
Attack 10
18 derable damage (they can pollute the drinking water with their
feces, nibble at or displace electrical cables . . .) But the worst
Stealth/Silent movement 16 8 (12) thing that can happen is for one of them to die and start rotting
in an inaccessible part of the ship or in an air duct. The air will
soon be unbreathable, as it becomes thick with the revolting
Limited Constriction (Melee, Dam.: 1D6 (H)) smell. Furthermore, this stench gets very quickly absorbed into
COMBAT TACTICS any kind of fabric, often indelibly. Since these creatures were
None discovered, only about ten years ago, at least two underwater
HIT LOCATIONS stations have been evacuated and abandoned because of the
1–20 Rat snake death of one or more of these snakes.
Some scientists have discovered that the molted skin of these
snakes, once dried and powdered, can produce the most power-
Stench (once per hour, a character will have to pass a ful of aphrodisiacs. Furthermore, some people with malevolent
Willpower Test with a penalty of -1 per rotting snake or he will
start to suffer from nausea and throw up.) intentions enclose rotting rat snakes in glass balls that they can
then throw in order to contaminate ships or stations. This is far
more than a harmless prank, this is a real weapon.

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)


1–2 Head, 3–12 Body, 13–14 Right wing, 15–16 Left wing, 17–18
“Scavengers can end up being pretty helpful. If you’re out on an Right talon, 19–20 Left talon
2 expedition and you notice a bunch of these creatures following
you, then you’d better watch out. That usually means that SPECIAL
they’ve noticed a large predator is stalking you.” Shell 2 (H)
-- Sol Glenn, surface explorer Diseases (If a character is physically wounded by a scavenger
Type: bird (so, from a Light Wound upwards), he must carry out a Luck
Geographic area: South America, North America Test or catch a disease. This Test suffers a penalty of -2 per
Size: 3 m tall, 6.3 m wingspan Weight: 85 kg additional Wound.)
Completely immune to diseases and poisons
Base 17 16 18 17 16 6 14 -
These vulture-like creatures live and hunt in packs of 3 to 12
Melee Damage Mod. +3 Reaction 16 birds. When they spot a dead or wounded prey, they circle it in
Damage Resistance -3 Speed SPD(MP) 25 m, 3(1) the air a few times before swooping down at it.
Speed in flight 500 m, 56(12) Unlike other flying species, scavengers are not easily frighte-
SKILLS ned and will not hesitate to fight to protect their food. Only fire
Acrobatics/Balance 18 Athletics 10 and strange noises will scare them away once they have begun
Attack 12 Observation 12 to feast. They attack with their very sharp beaks, and they carry
a whole host of microbes and diseases that come from the flesh
Stealth/Silent movement 4
they feed on.
Beak (Melee, Dam.: 2D10+3 (H) for the first attack when
swooping down at its prey, and 1D10+2 (H) after that, random
Scavengers are the cleaners of the surface, and they play an
risk of disease)
important part in the ecosystem. Furthermore, they can provi-
COMBAT TACTICS de precious information to explorers. A gathering of scavengers
It is a cowardly animal, and it has a clear preference for dead or always indicates that something has happened — or is about to
seriously wounded prey. It may fight to defend a carcass, but if
its opponent is too tough, it will flee without hesitation.

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)


STARFISH 1–20 Creature
“When you hunt for sirachs, those little creatures are not the
ones you need to be wary of. It’s simple enough to find out Automatic Damage (When one of these creatures is stuck to a
where they hide and knock them out with a quick electric shock. prey, it is considered to be holding on with a Strength of 20. A
No, the main danger comes from the dragons, scavengers, and character can try to rip it off with an opposed Strength Test, but
other flying predators that feed on them occasionally. In fact, if that is a success, the bearer automatically suffers a Moderate
some hunters have noticed that recently some dragons have Wound. Once latched on, the creature inflicts Damage at level
started using these creatures as bait! It is therefore increasingly 20 and the Damage increases by 1 Point per Round up to a
dangerously to venture into the forests where the sirachs maximum of +7.)
abound and their market price has begun to skyrocket.” Regeneration (Sirachs have a regeneration mutation.)
-- Lecus Kor, surface hunter
Type: Echinoderm
Geographic area: forests and jungles DESCRIPTION
Size: 20 cm in diameter Weight: 250 g These horrible parasites are a kind of surface-dwelling starfi-
STR CON COO ADA PER INT WIL PRE sh, which can usually be found stuck to tree trunks. This crea-
Base 2 6 3 18 7 1 12 - ture has five limbs that grip on to its victims with small but par-
ticularly strong hooks, or with suckers on smooth surfaces. It
attacks its prey with a circular orifice lined with fearsome teeth.
Melee Damage Mod. - Reaction 12 Once it has made a hole in the victim’s flesh, this thing sucks the
Damage Resistance +4 Speed SPD(MP) 1 m, M(1/2) blood from its host. This creature attacks by dropping onto its
SKILLS victim from a tree.
Attack 10 Observation 9
Stealth/Silent movement 10 USE/RUMORS
Many assassins and inhabitants of the surface use it as a
weapon. They can be sold on the black market, and each crea-
Relentless bite (Melee, Dam.: 1D6+1 (H), Pen. 3 (H)) ture can go for about 3,000 Sols. The mera-sirach is a slightly
COMBAT TACTICS larger creature (inflicts 1D6 more Damage) and some species
Used by a human, they can become a throwing weapon. secrete poison or even acid.

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)

Relentlessness (Their relentlessness only applies when facing
“When ya see the size of them damn bugs you’ll be happy to insects, and grants a +2 bonus for their Attack and a +1D10
2 have a thorny around! The only thing I’m worried about is what
they’ll munch on when there ain’t no bugs left!”
bonus for Damage caused)
Shell 8 (H)
-- An explorer Natural defenses (Anyone or anything carrying out a melee
Type: giant animal Attack on the thornhog will suffer 1D10 Points of Damage)
Geographic area: Europe, North America
Size: 1.6 m long Weight: 500 kg
Base 30 34 24 15 14 4 16 - These creatures, covered in spikes, are a perfect example of
the fight for survival taking place on the surface. In under two
centuries, the thornhogs have managed to develop a physical
Melee Damage Mod. +10 Reaction 14 structure and a combat method perfectly adapted to face the
Damage Resistance -11 Speed SPD(MP) 54 m, 6(2) most fearsome of the predators in the living hell that is the
SKILLS surface: insects. Their shell covered in murderous spikes and
Athletics 20 Attack 12 their large horns make them merciless killing machines. There
Observation 12 are very few adult insects that would dare to defy them. They
Stealth/Silent movement 10 have no form of family structure. These solitary creatures only
(Insects) (20)
ATTACK reproduce two to three times in their lives, and spend most of
their time hunting their main enemies: mantises and ants.
Penetrating Horns (Melee, Dam.: 5D10+3 (H), Pen. 10 (H)/1 (V-))
When facing an insect, the thornhog will always try to find a The thornhog’s natural defenses can, once suitably crafted, be
way underneath its opponent to be able to hit it hard where used as a perfect protection against night-time attacks. Many
its protection is the weakest. Against other opponents, it will
simply hit with its horn and flee at the first Moderate Wound. mutant tribes have taken to using the spikes of these creatures
to build traps that they install around their living areas. There
are several forms of trap, from the simplest of pits to the most
1–2 Head, 3–12 Body, 13–14 Front right paw, 15–16 Front left complex systems with weight detection mechanisms.
paw, 17–18 Rear right paw, 19–20 Rear left paw

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)


Cutting the throat (The animal must aim for the Head hit
“I was on the ground, completely helpless to defend myself. The location. If its Attack is successful, it will hang on to its prey
hyaennas had me surrounded, and they were going to rip me and keep attacking it. The victim has to successfully pass an
to pieces. That’s when I saw the wolves. The pack descended Acrobatics/Balance Test with a modifier equal to the difference
on the hyaennas like a flooded river. Those critters saved my between its Strength and that of the creature. If the victim fails
life, dude . . . I really owe the wolves a life debt from now on. One its Test, then it is brought to the ground. A target held by the
last thing, I’m talking about the real wolves, not those hairless throat automatically suffers Damage during each Round, and
freaks. Mutant wolves are far less friendly.” this Damage increases by 1 Point per Round until the bonus is
-- Nina Derv, surface explorer equal to the maximum Base Damage potential (+54). If the prey
Type: genetically recreated mammal is also lying on the ground, then the Damage increases by +2
Geographic area: forests and plains of Europe and North America per Round.)
Size: 1 m at the withers Weight: 80 kg Regeneration
Base 19 28 16 21 18 8 16 - DESCRIPTION
SECONDARY ATTRIBUTES Wolves have appeared recently, and one thing is for certain:
Melee Damage Mod. +4 Reaction 19 they were not born on the surface. For many specialists, they
Damage Resistance -7 Speed SPD(MP) 75 m, 8(2) are clearly a species engineered in a laboratory, based on wolf
SKILLS DNA from ancient times, as these creatures have the same cha-
racteristics. These canines are completely immune to the condi-
Athletics 20 Attack 10
tions on the surface, although they look completely “normal,”
Hunting/Tracking 13 Observation 12 unlike the mutant wolves. Based on the first studies, these wol-
Stealth/Silent movement 12 ves owe their amazing adaptability to the implantation of artifi-
ATTACK cial nano-elements that go far beyond human knowledge. They
Relentless Bite (Melee, Dam.: 5D10 (H), Pen. 3 (H)) are therefore probably the result of a Genetician or Azurean ex-
COMBAT TACTICS periment. In spite of all this, these beasts seem to be perfectly
peaceful when it comes to humans, and in some cases, they have
Wolves attack in a pack, and they are very well organized. They
are extremely tenacious, but they also know when to give up even been known to protect them against other predators.
if their prey is too dangerous. When they attack a target, they
surround it and carry out several attacks to weaken it before USE/RUMORS
finishing it off. A Serious Wound is enough to make a wolf Although they are particularly friendly with humans, none
abandon the fight. of these wolves has ever been captured, let alone tamed. They
HIT LOCATIONS know how to avoid the traps laid by humans and would rather
1–4 Head, 5–12 Body, 13–14 Front right paw, 15–16 Front left die than be captured.
paw, 17–18 Rear right paw, 19–20 Rear left paw

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)

Worms, larvae,
2 and leeches
This parasite usually fixes itself on the larger creatures on the
“Knives and firearms, that’s so old fashioned!” surface. It is a large larva, about the size of a human forearm,
-- An assassin
which feeds on the flesh of its prey. The circular opening that
Type: parasite/giant larva
acts as a mouth is lined with extremely sharp and resistant
Geographic area: all areas
Size: 35 to 50 cm Weight: 1 to 2 kg teeth. It continually secretes a potent paralyzing poison. Its
body is covered in a slimy substance that makes it impossible
to grab. The assassins who use these creatures often use barbed
Base 9 10 20 15 15 - 12 - gloves to handle them. Contrary to what one might think, this
SECONDARY ATTRIBUTES parasite does not transmit any diseases.
Melee Damage Mod. +0 Reaction 15
Damage Resistance +0 Speed SPD(MP) 20 m, 2(1) USE/RUMORS
SKILLS This creature is mainly used by assassins who can pay up to
4,000 Sols for one.
Athletics 12 Attack 12
Camouflage/Concealment 14 15
Relentless Bite (Melee, Dam.: 1D6 (H) + poison)
When used on a human, this horrible creature devours the
poor unfortunate. It attacks by jumping at an uncovered part of

the body, usually the throat (to do this it must aim for the Head
1–20 Larva
Slimy (Its body is slimy like a wet bar of soap and it is
impossible to grab a hold of this thing without using barbed
Poison (Contamination Type: Contact, Onset Delay: 1 Round
Virulence/Progression: 2D6 then 1 point every 5 minutes
during 30 minutes, Thresholds/Effects: Threshold 5: Paralysis.
The victim can carry out one Constitution Test per minute,
with a penalty equal to the number of poison points they were
hit by: on a Success, they manage to resist the effects of the
poison. After 1D6 hours, the poison level begins to decrease by
1 point per hour.)

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)



1–20 Worm
“The team’s favorite game when they come back from the
surface is to inspect the armors and count the number of SPECIAL
burrower worms hanging from them. Whoever has the most Burrowing (It takes 1 minute per Armor Point for the burrower
worms and is still alive wins!” worm to drill through a normal protection. It takes the worm 1
-- Sigurd, soldier of the Red League hour per Armor Rating Point to drill more durable materials, but
Type: worms, parasites, symbionts it can never drill through protection with a score higher than 10.
Geographic area: all areas The following Technology Levels are not affected: TL V, VI, and
Size: 10 cm long Weight: 10 g VII. Inflicted Damage only applies once the worm has drilled its
way through all the various protections.)
Base 3 3 3 24 12 1 24 -
The burrower worm is an awful thing that cleans the shells
Melee Damage Mod. - Reaction 18
of surface monsters. By combining some kind of vibratory at-
Damage Resistance +4 Speed SPD(MP) 10 m, 1(1) tack, a maw filled with nigh-unbreakable fangs, and a powerful
SKILLS acid, it can drill through almost anything if given enough time.
Athletics 10 Attack 12 Usually, these small worms attach themselves to creatures to
Observation clean their outer shell, but they may also enter the body to lay
Stealth/Silent movement 14 12
(Vibrations) larvae during their laying period.
Relentless bite (Melee, 1D6 (H), Damage increases by 1 Point
per Round) Needless to say, the various laboratories are quite interested
COMBAT TACTICS in these little bugs. A single worm can fetch up to 500 Sols.


EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)

Spike-covered body (The spikes that cover the creature’s body
“On Equinox, you’d better be careful where you stick your hands deal 1D6 Damage when in direct contact)
2 when you’re rummaging around in the wiring!”
-- Advice from an old Equinox engineer
Poisonous bite (The poison secreted by the gorging worms
has the following characteristics:
Type: parasite/giant larva Poison:
Geographic area: Mostly Equinox Contamination type: Contact
Size: 1.80 m long Weight: 40 to 110 kg Onset Delay: 4 Rounds
Virulence/Progression: 1D6, then 1 point every 5 minutes for
Base 20 20 20 15 15 - 13 - Thresholds/Effects: Threshold 5: Paralysis.
The victim can make one Constitution Test per minute,
with a penalty equal to the poisoning points received: if the
Melee Damage Mod. +5 Reaction 17 Constitution Test is successful, the victim counters the poison’s
Damage Resistance -5 Speed SPD(MP) 14 m, 2(1) effects. After 1D6 hours, the poisoning level decreases by 1
point per hour.)
Attack 13
Observation (Vibrations) 15 These foul creatures are assassin larvae that have adapted to
life in Equinox. Much larger and more aggressive than regular
assassin larvae, they haunt the dark corridors of the city’s engine
Relentless Bite (Melee, Damage: 1D10 + 2 (H)) rooms and underworld. They look out for prey from the crevices
COMBAT TACTICS before popping out to close their maw on their victim and drag-
None ging them back to their lair. Their paralyzing poison is slightly
HIT LOCATIONS weaker than that of a regular assassin larva.
1–20 Gorging worm
The paralyzing poison secreted by these creatures can be sal-
vaged. It sells for about 800 Sols a dose. The creature can also be
sold for up to 3,000 Sols.

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)

Damage equal to the number of worms. The worms then


MAN-EATING WORM start to slowly devour their prey from the inside. The victim
“I’ve never seen anything like it. The bodies in the cold storage suffers atrocious pain (all Abilities and Skills are reduced
in the cargo hold were full of hundreds of worms. Someone had by half for any Tests) and his body is horrifically deformed
sabotaged the crates and the worms had reproduced before by the worms crawling around under his skin. Once every
spreading everywhere. The whole team got killed and we had to hour the victim suffers another Wound equal to the first one
cleanse the ship from top to bottom with a flamethrower.” inflicted, until he dies. Of course, if several groups of worms are
-- A Hegemonian customs agent burrowing under his skin, the victim will suffer as many Attacks
as there are groups. To extract a worm, the skin must be cut
Type: worms, parasites, symbionts open deep enough to reach it where it is and pull it away from
Geographic area: anywhere that is dirty and damp its feeding spree. This automatically inflicts a Light Wound.)
Size: 10 cm Weight: 5 g
* The Attack Skill is equal to 20 - (Protection value or shock
STR CON COO ADA PER INT WIL PRE level of the victim’s clothing)
Base - 1 12 8 12 - - -
Melee Damage Mod. - Reaction 10 DESCRIPTION
These horrible little creatures do not represent any danger
Damage Resistance +7 Speed SPD(MP) 1 m, M (1/2)
for someone wearing an airtight armor. However, for anyone
SKILLS who isn’t, they are a complete nightmare. The worms attack in
Attack * Observation 12 groups of hundreds. They either hide away in a pit or crawl up
Stealth/Silent movement 12 to the ceiling and drop onto their prey. Once their target has
ATTACK been killed, the worms feed on the remains for a day before
growing and separating into two. Then they finish completely
Special (see below)
devouring the body.
HIT LOCATIONS There are some subjects who live in symbiosis with these crea-
1–20 The pile of worms tures, although no one knows how. Generally speaking, these
SPECIAL worms are bought by pharmaceutical laboratories and criminal
Worms (if the Attack succeeds, 1D10 worms wriggle under the organizations at a fair price (roughly 100 Sols per kilo).
skin of their prey and inflict a number of Base

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)


Fist (Melee, Dam.: 1D6) or weapon used
“I’m tellin’ ya it was a heap of fat worms that tried to eat me up!
2 The damn thing was even wearing my buddy Marcus’s coat . . .
Poor Marcus . . . “
A swarm will always attempt to flee if attacked by an opponent
-- A drunkard on Equinox that could endanger it.
Geographic area: all
1–20 Body or depending on the table for the mimicked creature
Size: 10 cm Weight: 10 g for a worm
Worms (if the Attack succeeds, 1D10 worms wriggle under the
Base 1* 1* 1* 1* 1* 1* 1* 0* skin of their prey and inflict a number of Base
SECONDARY ATTRIBUTES Weakness (A Mortal Wound breaks the cohesion of the heap,
which scatters before it eventually reforms. Only sizable
-6 to 1 to
Melee Damage Mod. Reaction swarms are able to use weapons or to muster enough
+5 20
strength to represent a serious threat. Against such creatures,
Damage Resistance Speed SPD(MP) 24 m, 3(1) area-effect weapons inflict normal Damage. Other weapon
to -5
types inflict no Damage. Blast-effect weapons or large
SKILLS projectiles will scatter the swarm. It will then take from 1 to 10
Absence 1** Athletics 1** Rounds for it to reform. A worm sliced in half will produce two
new worms. The only efficient way to destroy them is to burn
Concealment/ or squash them.)
Attack 1** 1**
Hiding Complete resistance to poison, disease, gas . . . (but not
Disguise/Deception 1** Observation 12 against acid)
Stealth/Silent movement 1** * +1 per 5
** +1 per 10 worms with a maximum of 20

These creatures are scavenger worms. They mostly live un-
derwater but are perfectly able to live on the surface as well.
They have a number of thin filaments that allow them to attach

themselves to one another to form clusters that can take on a

vaguely human shape. The constitution of a cluster seems to
build some kind of collective intelligence that allows the swarm
to act as a cohesive group.
Sizable groups (more than 20 worms) are able to develop an
intelligence that allows them to mimic various shapes. These
creatures, however, do not represent a real danger until they
unite in swarms of 60 worms or more. Such clusters have a
near-human intelligence. They can take on a humanoid form
and use simple objects like clothes or simple weapons. Such
swarms are able to live discreetly in the underworld of some
stations, concealed under long coats and feeding upon the nee-
dy who live there. There is currently no known swarm of a size
exceeding 100 worms.

Rumors going around in the underworld of Equinox have it
that a gigantic aggregate made of several thousand worms
exists somewhere in the depths of the seas and rules over the
other swarms of smaller size. If it were true, such a swarm mi-
ght have developed tremendous powers and would be a terrible
threat, or perhaps a powerful ally (who knows what attitude it
may have developed towards humankind).

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)



Relentlessness (If a trident-worm makes a successful Attack
“Hey, is that an inhibitor you’ve got there? The Polaris Effect, Test with a margin of 5 and if the defender fails their own Test,
huh? Listen, here’s a piece of advice, it’s an armor you need up the worm sticks to its prey and increases the Damage it inflicts
there. Yeah, one hell of a good armor! Because those storms, by 3 Points per Round until it doubles its maximum Damage.
they ain’t no cakewalk for sure, but if you have to deal with the When a worm gets in contact with its prey’s skin (in case
worms on top of that . . . See, the last nervous wreck I took up the prey is wearing a protective armor), it starts absorbing
there got his guts devoured by some big nasty leech. You know, its victim’s Polaris power by triggering an accidental release
like . . . well, a big nasty leech.” (randomly drawn from the list) once per Round. The character
-- Ashley Benners, conscientious pilot can in no way control the effect.
Type: mutant worm Shell 8 (H)
Geographic area: all Polaris Effect release
Size: 6 m long (75 cm in diameter) Weight: 1,600 kg

The appearance of these gigantic sand worms resembles
SECONDARY ATTRIBUTES that of mere reptiles, until they decide to jump on individuals
Melee Damage Mod. +15 Reaction 19 carrying the Polaris mutation to suck them dry. Cautious, silent,
Damage Resistance -18 Speed SPD(MP) 41 m, 5(2) and surprisingly mobile, the trident-worms are named after
SKILLS the stripes that adorn the shells of some of them, as well as the
keen interest they show in the members of the Cult. No scienti-
Athletics 16 Attack 12
fic study has ever managed to discover how they breed. These
Observation (Polaris) 20 Observation 12 creatures have no sexual organs whatsoever and no young spe-
Stealth/Silent movement 12 cimens have ever been discovered.
Relentless bite (Melee, Damage.: 5D10 + 3 (H); Pen. 3 (H)) USE/RUMORS
COMBAT TACTICS The members of the Cult of the Trident have developed many
specific combat technics in order to protect their priests when
When facing a foe, these creatures rise up in a manner of a
snake and try to attach themselves to their prey. Against an called to the surface, though they never would have imagined
enemy with the Mastery of the Polaris Effect power, they never that unscrupulous (or well paid) smugglers would risk their li-
give in, even if an accidental release could destroy them. ves to capture these worms, sell them, and unleash them in the
HIT LOCATIONS lower levels of some underwater cities. Even though this crime
1–4 Maw, 5–20 Body is punishable by death, for the time being, the worms released
in the stations are the only ones doing any executing.

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)

The vampire leech fixes itself to its host and drinks its blood.
“The guy was all skinny and weak. We moved in closer and Usually, each leech only inflicts a Light permanent Wound upon
2 he curled up in a corner. He was scared to death, but we just
wanted to find out what was moving underneath his long black
the creature it is attached to. In that case it can remain fixed
to its host indefinitely and grant him some amazing abilities
coat. Lyv roughed him up a bit and all of a sudden, he opened (see opposite). However, assassins often use these creatures
the coat. You should have seen it! He was covered in leeches by piercing the pouch that serves as their stomach. As the
bigger than my hand. That’s when he went crazy. He tried to creature can no longer be sated, it will empty every drop of the
rip off all the leeches, cutting open their bellies and throwing host’s blood. You should only use the Damage indicated here if
them at us. There was blood everywhere, it was a complete they are being used in that way.
-- A security agent from Keryss HIT LOCATIONS

Type: worms, parasites, symbionts 1–20 Leech

Geographic area: everywhere SPECIAL
Size: 10 cm Weight: 5 g Anesthesia (Note that these leeches anesthetize their prey. To
STR CON COO ADA PER INT WIL PRE realize that there is a leech attached to their body, the host will
need to succeed at an Adaptation Test with a difficulty of 20. This
Base 1 3 3 24 10 1 3 -
difficulty is reduced by 1 point per leech and per Light Wound, and
SECONDARY ATTRIBUTES 2 points per Serious Wound. The presence of these creatures is
Melee Damage Mod. - Reaction 17 automatically detected in the case of a Critical Wound.)
Increases the host’s Resistance (The leeches give their host
Damage Resistance +6 Speed SPD(MP) 7 m, 1(1) certain advantages. Each leech attached to a living being gives its
SKILLS host a boost of +2 points against diseases, drugs, and poisons)
Attack 13
Stealth/Silent movement 14 The vampire leech is a foul creature, slimy, brown or black,
ATTACK with a kind of star-shaped orifice that it uses to latch on to its
Relentless Bite (Melee, Dam.: 1D6 (H), Damage increases by 1
point per Round until it can cause a Wound. From that point, the
Damage doesn’t increase any more. The leeches cannot break USE/RUMORS
through armor protection.) They can be sold to criminal organizations for roughly 500

Sols each.

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)

Spying (Taming these creatures is very specific and requires
“Where’s your girlfriend? The hell do I know, what does she a specialized skill. Due to their small size, spying devices are
look like? What the . . . eight legs and a flashing backpack? Are usually very expensive.)
you kidding me?”
-- A newcomer in Volcania
Type: insect
Geographic area: underwater stations To be sure, arachnils are the least popular pets in underwater
Size: 15 cm Weight: 20 g stations. The arachnil doesn’t have any venom glands. Harmless
STR CON COO ADA PER INT WIL PRE to a certain extent, it has made a special place for itself in the
underwater world. It lays its eggs in secrecy and only the most
Base 1 3 24 10 12 3 12 -
state-of-the-art laboratories’ animal specialists have had the
SECONDARY ATTRIBUTES opportunity to observe the plant spore fertilization system that
Melee Damage Mod. -6 Reaction 11 seems to be at the source of the egg laying.
Damage Resistance +6 Speed SPD(MP) 18 m, 2(1)
Athletics 20 Attack 7 Only the most original and/or naïve individuals use arachnils
as mere pets. Everyone else understood a long time ago the va-
Camouflage/Concealment 20 Observation 14
lue of a creature able to sneak its way and carry miniaturized
Stealth/Silent movement 20
spying devices, such as cameras, microphones, and receiving
ATTACK antennas. The price of an adult arachnil varies from 3,000 to
None 6,000 Sols and can reach an astronomical sum if it has any spe-
COMBAT TACTICS cific training. Some specimens have managed to develop excep-
None tional observation skills and are used nowadays for monitoring
missions in underwater stations.
1–20 Arachnil

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)


1-20 Insect
“Their ferals couldn’t make a dent into our captain’s armor, so
2 they retreated, and that was when we heard that buzz. Dozens
of these bugs clung to the armor, and when their acid was done
Acid (If the insect’s attack is successful, it clings to a spot and
eating through the structure, the ferals came back to finish the starts eating away with its acid. It deals 1D6 Damage per Round
job.” to that specific spot plus 1 additional point per Round as long
-- A soldier on the surface as it can release the acid on contact, or for 30 Rounds. The acid
Type: mutant insects Damage is reduced by 1 point per Round as soon as the victim
Geographic area: jungles and forests is no longer in contact with the insect.)
Size: 90 cm Weight: 1 kg Sting (If the sting inflicts at least a Light Wound, it injects a bit
of acid inside the victim who automatically suffers 1D6 Damage
STR CON COO ADA PER INT WIL PRE per Round, plus 1 additional point per Round for 1D10 Rounds.
Base 8 2 18 24 14 1 1 - The inflicted Damage is both physical and traumatic, due to the
searing pain.)
SECONDARY ATTRIBUTES Buzzing (These creatures’ buzz has a disorienting effect if
Melee Damage Mod. -1 Reaction 19 perceived without a hearing filter. For every 10 insects, all of the
victim’s Tests are made with a penalty of -1.)
Damage Resistance +2 Speed SPD(MP) 58 m, 6(2)
Attack 12 Observation 14 DESCRIPTION
ATTACK These foul creatures are small insects equipped with two pairs
Fangs (Melee, Dam.: 1D10 (H), Pen. 3 (H)) and of long legs that end with hooks, a sting at the tip of their abdo-
Sting (Melee, Dam.: 1D6+1, Pen. 6(H)) men, and a Round head with a hole topped by 2 tiny black eyes.
COMBAT TACTICS They have four wings similar to those of a dragonfly. Though
Against a weak prey, these things will just sting and attack not very resistant, they move around in swarms of 10 to 100
using their fangs. Against a tougher prey, like an exo-armor, bugs.
the swarm will descend on its target and the bugs will cling to
strategic spots in order to eat through the armor with their USE/RUMORS
acid. These creatures are only spotted in the company of the Iron
Enclave’s troops or Ternaset soldiers.

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)


Poison Any individual physically wounded by an Empress
“I get the ‘black’ part, but you’re gonna have to explain the suffers a poison attack:
‘empress,’ part to me. I don’t see anything imperial in trapping Exposure Method: bite
victims with a hidden pit. That said, it might not be imperial, but Detection Modifier: taste (+6), smell (+3)
it’s seriously effective.” Onset Delay: 1 Round
-- Jean Radeck, Union soldier Virulence/Progression: 1D6 per Round for 12 Rounds.
Type: insect Thresholds/Effects: Threshold 30: death
Geographic area: North America, South America, mostly Diagnosis Modifier: +0
underground in coastal areas Healing Modifier: +0
Size: 1.3 m, 4 m wide, legs spread Weight: 16 kg Price of One Dose: 2,000 Sols
Resistance 20 against poison, acid, diseases, gas, etc.
STR CON COO ADA PER INT WIL PRE Stability (The spider is very stable, which explains its very high
Base 9 12 24 24 12 6 12 - Acrobatics/Balance level)
Web (In 1 Round, a spider can produce a web with a strength of
1D10 against a human-sized target)
Melee Damage Mod. - Reaction 18
Damage Resistance +0 Speed SPD(MP) 47 m, 5(2)
SKILLS Black empresses are humongous spiders resembling giant
Acrobatics/Balance 20 Athletics 20 black widows that inhabit caves close to water. They are parti-
Attack 10 Climb 20 cularly fond of human tunnels that allow access to the surface.
Observation Their offspring invade underwater communities through these
Stealth/Silent movement 16 12 (18)
(Vibrations) very tunnels. Black empresses are extremely aggressive and live
ATTACK in communities composed of about 10 creatures. Once a year,
Bite (Melee; Dam.: 1D10+1 (H), Pen. 2 (H)) they lay a thousand eggs. A single spawning of these creatures
will produce only one queen, all the others will remain small
spiders (see below). Black empresses are very dangerous just
A black empress seldom engages in battle on her own, but before laying since they try to gather as much food as possible
rather in a group of three or four. These arachnids are able to
lay traps with their webs or by digging pits to trap their prey. for their offspring.
However, they are not very fierce and retreat very quickly from
tougher looking prey. USE/RUMORS
HIT LOCATIONS Aside from the venom gland that can provide about 10 doses of
1–2 Head, 3–4 Right front leg, 5–6 Left front leg, 7–8 Right poison, black empresses do not generate much interest.
middle leg, 9–10 Left middle leg, 11–20 Body

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)

( offspring ) In order to hit one of these spiders, aiming is necessary. A
successful Attack automatically kills them.
2 “Picture it! My armor was done for, and I was standing right in
the middle of that nest, while thousands of these damned bugs
were crawling all over me trying to find a way in. I had locked 1–20 Spider
everything down, even the air intakes and my oxygen tank SPECIAL
gauge had reached a critical level. The empresses were trying to
Poison When a spider bites while inside a boot or any other
eat up my exo-skeleton’s joints . . . I was scared shitless. It was
clothing, it has an attack level of 14. The poison has the following
one hell of a nightmare. Fortunately, my buddies got there just in
the nick of time and cleaned up the place with napalm capsules.”
Exposure Method: bite
-- Gerd Tellman, Mediterranean Union soldier
Detection Modifier: taste (+6), smell (+3)
Type: insect Onset Delay: 1 Round
Geographic area: North America, South America, mostly Virulence/Progression: 1D10 per Round for 10 Rounds.
underground in coastal areas Thresholds/Effects: Threshold 30: death
Size: 7 cm (20 cm legs spread) Weight: 1 g Diagnosis Modifier: +0
STR CON COO ADA PER INT WIL PRE Healing Modifier: +0
Price of One Dose: 6,000 Sols
Base - 1 24 24 10 3 12 - Resistance 20 against poison, acid, diseases, gas, etc.
Melee Damage Mod. - Reaction 17 DESCRIPTION
Damage Resistance - Speed SPD(MP) 18 m, 2(1) Underwater stations are infested by empresses’ fearsome offs-
SKILLS pring, which are particularly fond of hot and dry places. They are
Athletics 20 Attack 1 or 14 mostly solitary creatures. The only danger these spiders might re-
Observation present is from their tendency to sneak inside a boot or a garment.
Climbing 20 12 (18)
Stealth/Silent movement 14 USE/RUMORS
Many laboratories are interested in egg sacks containing small
unhatched spiders. These small creatures are not only bred to har-
Bite (Melee, Damage N/A) vest their particularly potent poison, but also for the production of
a very efficient antidote. An egg sack can sell for up to 15,000 Sols.

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)


Shell 4 (H)
“Trust me son, these bugs really bring bad luck!” Sticky web (When characters venture too far into the
-- A Zyar merchant creature’s network, they suffer a penalty to all their physical
Type: insect actions, due to the presence of the glue. To determine that
Geographic area: mountains, underground, and surface ruins penalty, a Luck Test must be made each Round with a penalty
Size: 2 to 3 m long (6 to 9 m legs outstretched) of 1 per Round. Each failed Test gives the character a penalty
Weight: 60 to 200 kg of 1 to all their physical Tests. What is more, a character must
make a Strength Test each Round but their Strength is reduced
STR CON COO ADA PER INT WIL PRE by 1 + 1 per Round to be able to move (if the Strength is higher
Base 14 16 26 14 16 6 12 - than or equal to 20, a character cannot fail that Test as long
as their Strength has not been reduced to a value below 20).
If they fail a Test, they cannot move but the penalty does not
Melee Damage Mod. +2 Reaction 15 increase and so they can attempt their Strength Test until they
Speed SPD(MP) 14 m, 2(1) free themselves. If they resume their progression on the web
Damage Resistance -3 however, the penalty increases once more. Strength Tests are
- On web 32 m, 4(1)
tiring (see Holding/Pinning on page 228). The glue is fireproof.
SKILLS The strings can take up to 12 Damage.
Athletics 10 Attack 12
Climbing 20
Stealth/Silent movement 18 Unlike most spiders, these creatures are completely peaceful
and do not secrete any poison whatsoever. They live in small
communities, no more than about 10 spiders at most, and they
Bite (Melee, Dam.: 2D10+4 (H), Pen. 3 (H)) spend their time making networks of sticky web that they use
COMBAT TACTICS both as a pantry and an alarm system. They can usually be
Even though these creatures tend to avoid stronger foes, when they found in mountain settings, underground, and in surface ruins.
do fight, they patiently wait for their prey to be completely entangled.
Once the target is stuck, they can mangle it at their leisure.
The builder’s combat tactic revolves around fleeing towards
its lair’s central area after it has covered its web strings with Builders produce a kind of glue that allows them to stiffen the
a good deal of glue, leaving any foes foolish enough to follow strings they extend inside their caves. In the seafloor stations, the
them to entangle themselves. glands that secrete that bond can be found and used by adventu-
HIT LOCATIONS rers in order to perform makeshift repairs. These glands sell for
1–3 Head; 4–10 Body; 11–12 Right front leg; 13–14 Left front leg; between 600 and 1,200 Sols and allow for about 20 uses. Once dry,
15 Right middle leg; 16 Left middle leg; 17 Right middle leg; 18 Left the glue acts as a true welding and even ensures the sealing of a
middle leg; 19 Right hind leg; 20 Left hind leg suit of armor (for up to 1,000 meters deep in pressure).

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)

Mist/silence (Chitins have some kind of bond with the flux
“We had ferals . . . Then we got seraxes . . . and now this! which allows them to generate a sort of thick mist several
2 There’s no stopping progress.”
-- A disillusioned soldier from the Red League
hundred meters wide around them. They only do so when they
attack their prey, and it takes 10D10 minutes to produce enough
Type: giant insect to cover this area. The mist both obstructs view and muffles
Geographic area: all jungles and forests sounds. All hearing or sight related Perception Tests suffer a
Size: 2.2 m Weight: 140 kg penalty of -5.)
Shell 20 (H)
STR CON COO ADA PER INT WIL PRE Impaling (if the creature deals at least one Serious Wound with
Base 40 40 22 24 16 10 18 - one of its blades, it pierces the target, see Pierced/Impaled
targets on page 225.)
Speed/Lightning strike (Chitins charge towards their target,
Melee Damage Mod. +15 Reaction 20 strike it and disengage from combat with frightening speed if
Speed SPD(MP) they didn’t manage to pierce it. Each character susceptible to
Damage Resistance -15 move must make a Fairly Difficult Reaction Test after a chitin’s
103 m, 11(3)
attack in order to determine if they can take action or not. If
SKILLS taken in the mist, the Reaction Test becomes Difficult.)
Attack 14 Observation 16
Stealth/Silent movement 18
Nicknamed Onyx Soldiers, these humanoid creatures are com-
Long blade (Melee, Dam.: 3D10+2 (H)/1D6-3 (V-), Pen. 11 pletely covered with an articulated shell made of chitin. Their
(H)/2(V-)) or Short blade (Melee Dam.: 3D10+1 (H)/1D6-3 (V-),
arms end in two extremely sharp blades. The right blade is long
Pen. 7 (H)/1 (V+))
(the same length as a sword) and the left blade is smaller (the
same length as a dagger). Their head resembles a sort of sleek
These extremely fast creatures are always on the move. They black helmet with small horizontal striations in place of the eyes.
strike before retreating and coming back for more. They always
attack with their long blade first. If they manage to pierce a
target, they stay within melee range to twist their blade into the USE/RUMORS
wound, and possibly try to pierce them with their short blade. A chitin’s shell can be repurposed. If transformed by a crafts-
HIT LOCATIONS man, it can be made into a 3 kg armor with a Protection of 10 (H).

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)


Hivemind (Due to their hivemind, the cockroaches’ Intelligence
“It’s tiny, it can take any punishment, even a nuke, it’s a roach, and Willpower Attributes and Attack level are indicated for 1,000
the most perfect creature you can possibly imagine. The day cockroaches. These values must be increased by 1 for 1,000
we manage to bestow mankind with the same resistance a cockroaches. They cannot have a higher score than 10 in Intelligence,
roach has, we’ll be immortal.” Willpower, and Attack level.)
-- Professor Megar Tellus, recently committed in the Hegemony Immunities (fighting cockroaches is no easy task. Any attack
Type: insects made with a slashing weapon or a firing weapon with a rate
Geographic area: all ruins SS will kill only 1 cockroach at a time (the cockroach is killed
Size: 4.5 cm; 2 m² wide for 1,000 cockroaches automatically). Weapons with rapid burst fire will kill a number
Weight: 3 g; 3 kg for 1,000 cockroaches of cockroaches equal to half their Damage. With an area-effect
weapon, the number of cockroaches killed is equal to twice the
STR CON COO ADA PER INT WIL PRE inflicted Damage.)
Base - 1 18 24 16 1 1 - * Attack level: 1 for 1000 cockroaches (max 10)
Melee Damage Mod. - Reaction 20
Damage Resistance - Speed SPD(MP) 5 m, 1(1)
The common cockroach never left the cities. Although swarms
SKILLS made of thousands of cockroaches do not represent a danger for
Attack * Observation 10 a character clad in protective armor, a character with no sui-
Stealth/Silent movement 6 table protection can be devoured in a matter of minutes.
Bites (Melee, 1D6 for 1,000 cockroaches, Damage increases by
1D6 per 1,000 additional cockroaches; Max: 10D6 (H)) Laboratories are interested in cockroaches but these insects
COMBAT TACTICS are completely forbidden within the stations’ walls. Ten or so
specimens can sell for up to 100 Sols.
Cockroaches attack anything in sight and are immune against
almost any toxic agent and radiations.
1–20 Cockroaches

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)

Complete resistance to radiations, fire, poisons, acids,

FIREROACH diseases, gas, etc. (Fighting roaches is no easy task.
“Lescar hid in a car wreck. He was hoping to escape them. Poor Any attack made with a slashing weapon or a firing weapon
2 crazy bastard. There was like a black slick that started flowing
all over the wreck, then everything was set ablaze and we
with an SS rate will kill only 1 roach each time (the roach is killed
automatically). A weapon with rapid burst fire will kill a number
heard him scream in our earphones. In a few minutes, he was of roaches equal to half the Damage it inflicts. With an area-
burned to a crisp.” effect weapon, the number of roaches killed is equal to twice the
-- Ryan Ket, surface explorer inflicted Damage.)
Disease Any individual physically wounded by a roach catches
Type: insect a disease that affects their Constitution. If the Constitution
Geographic area: all score drops to 0, the character dies:
Size: 14 cm; 2 m² wide for 100 roaches Contamination type: bite, then mere contact
Weight: 80 g; 8 kg for 100 roaches Detection modifier: +2
Virulence/Progression: 1D6 then 1D6 every day for 30 days
Base 1 1 16 20 8 1 1 -
Thresholds/Effects: Threshold 5: Constitution –1, wet cough;
SECONDARY ATTRIBUTES Threshold 10: Constitution –2, bloody cough; Threshold 15:
Melee Damage Mod. - Reaction 14 Constitution –3, fever and grayish rash; Threshold 20:
Constitution –4, horrible itching, high fever; Threshold 25:
Damage Resistance - Speed SPD(MP) 18 m, 2(1) Constitution –6, vomiting, festering wounds; Threshold 30:
SKILLS Constitution –8, lung infection
Diagnosis Modifier: +0
Attack * Observation 16 Healing modifier: +0
Stealth/Silent movement 8 * Attack level: 1 for 100 roaches (max 10)
Bites (Melee, Dam.: 1D6 (H) for 100 roaches, max: 10D6 (H);
the bites cannot affect an individual sheltered in an armored DESCRIPTION
structure as long as there is no crack through which the These horrible little mutant creatures spread terror in the
creatures can enter) ruins of the ancient surface cities. Fortunately, they are rarer
Acid (The acid secreted by the roaches allows them to attack
than common roaches. Bestowed with the ability to secrete a
armored structures. A group of 100 creatures can secrete an
acid that deals 1D6 Damage per Round, +1 per Round for as highly flammable fluid very close to napalm, fireroaches are the
long as they are able to secrete the acid (providing they are in scourge of explorers who cannot even use their flamethrowers
melee range of their target). The acid Damage is reduced by 1 against them. Like most insects from the surface, the greater
per Round as soon as the victim is no longer in contact with the their number, the smarter and deadlier they are. Roaches are
considered by some as the true rulers of entire surface areas.
Combustion (The roaches can ignite, with the same properties as
a napalm canisters (see page 58 of the CRB 2) for 100 roaches) They live in vast underground swarms made up of thousands
COMBAT TACTICS of roaches.

The greater the number of roaches, the smarter they may

prove to be when they fight. They can elaborate simple but USE/RUMORS
efficient strategies. Laboratories are always interested in fireroaches, as resear-
HIT LOCATIONS chers would very much like to know more about the unique
constitution of these creatures which enables them to resist any
1–20 Group of roaches
damage and bestowed with an external skeleton that can endure
SPECIAL the most extreme of temperatures. For about 10 living speci-
Collective intelligence (Due to their collective intelligence, the mens, one can hope to get as much as 500 Sols.
Intelligence and Willpower attributes and roaches’ Attack level Unfortunately, fireroaches, just like most insects from the sur-
are indicated for 100 roaches. These values fluctuate between
1 and 100. The roaches cannot have a higher score than 12 in face, are completely forbidden in underwater stations.
Intelligence and 10 in Attack level.)

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)

Creature of about 1 t (equivalent to exo-0): 2,600 butterflies,

FLESH-EATING maximum Damage: 1D6 + 37 (or 10D6+1)
BUTTERFLY Creature of about 1.8 t (equivalent to exo-1): 2,600 butterflies,
“Magnificent, it was magnificent. Hundreds of multicolored maximum Damage: 1D6 + 53 (or 14D6+1)
butterflies flying all around me trying to bite my armor with Etc.
their cute little teeth. I swear, it was beautiful. You still gotta COMBAT TACTICS
burn the shit out of those critters with your flamethrower None
though! No kidding, they might be cute, but that’s not a reason
to scratch my armor!” HIT LOCATIONS
-- Larg Vance, mercenary 1–20 Swarm
Type: insects SPECIAL
Geographic area: forests and jungles
Swarm (Only area-effect weapons can affect butterfly swarms;
Size: 5 cm per butterfly (1,000 butterflies per cubic meter)
any other weapon is completely ineffective. Swarms are made of
Weight: negligible
10,000 to 100,000 butterflies and affect a volume of 100 to 1,000
STR CON COO ADA PER INT WIL PRE cubic meters. However, a human-size target cannot be attacked
Base - - 18 17 16 4 18 - by more than 300 butterflies at a time. Butterflies cannot affect
vehicles or individuals inside an exo-armor or a hard protection.)
Melee Damage Mod. - Reaction 16
Damage Resistance - Speed SPD(MP) 40 m, 4(1) DESCRIPTION
SKILLS Flesh-eating butterfly swarms grow inside the jungles and are
as deadly as they are beautiful. Even though these swarms don’t
Attack 13 Observation 9
represent any danger to a character in protective armor, they
Stealth/Silent movement 6 mean a guaranteed death in a matter of minutes for an unpro-
ATTACK tected individual.
Swarm (Melee, Dam.: 1D6+3 per 100 butterflies, Damage is
increased by +2 every 100 additional butterflies) USE/RUMORS
Maximum Damage: Flesh-eating butterflies are prized by collectors and would-be
Human/creature of about 80 kg: 300 butterflies, maximum
entomologists. It is also said that some crime lords use them
Damage: 1D6+7 (or 2D6+3)
Creature of about 200 kg (equivalent to exo-A): 600 butterflies, to get rid of troublesome individuals. There is a rumor going
maximum Damage: 1D6+13 (or 4D6+1) around saying that a small isolated station was destroyed by an
unknown group using flesh-eating butterflies.

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)

GIANT ANT The much rarer priestesses are the only ones bestowed with
a Polaris mutation very close to that of humans. Their color as
“An ant that can trigger a Polaris Effect . . . Man, that sends
well as the translucence of their shell is usually what gives away
2 chills down my spine. It’s scary enough as it is with a human
controlling it, but this . . .” their difference compared to the other ants.
-- Angus, Barman from Guamea Lastly, the parasitic ants are tasked with the infiltration and
Type: insects the destruction of other communities by using their incredible
Geographic area: varying mimetic abilities. They are extremely numerous and almost
Size: 2 to 3 m long Weight: 90 to 320 kg form a distinct species. The havoc they cause is significant
STR CON COO ADA PER INT WIL PRE enough to explain the ants’ current supremacy on the surface.
Base 36 28 18 24 18 4 24 - Following the crossbreeding and the mutations of the an-
cient species, there currently is an incredible variety of species
among ants. To simplify and let you improvise all sorts of com-
Melee Damage Mod. +13 Reaction 21 munities, we will distinguish three kinds: African ants, Western
Damage Resistance -11 Speed SPD(MP) 54 m, 6(2) ants, and Island ants.
SKILLS African ants are the fiercest and the most intrusive. They can
Athletics 20 Attack 10 be found on the whole African continent as well as in South
Observation 12 Asia. Their communities are mostly made of soldiers (70%) and
Stealth/Silent movement 4 of workers/parasites tasked with maintaining the group cohe-
(Vibrations) (15)
ATTACK sion. These ants are always moving and rarely have a perma-
nent anthill. A lot of African communities do not even have a
Mandibles (Melee, Dam.: 2D10+1 (H))
leader and consider their queen as a mere egg-laying ant, pro-
COMBAT TACTICS tected by the soldiers only to ensure the survival of the species.
Ants prefer prey that do not represent a danger and will Priestesses are extremely rare, but soldiers are much fiercer.
disengage from combat at the slightest Wound, unless their African communities contain 3,000 to 20,000 ants.
colony is threatened.
Western ants are the most “standard” and are extremely com-
HIT LOCATIONS mon on the American and Asian continents. Their communities
1–2 Head, 3–7 Thorax, 8–12 Abdomen, 13–16 Right legs, are made of 49% soldiers, 50% workers, and 1% priestesses. The
15–20 Left legs parasites of each community leave the anthill shortly after their
SPECIAL birth and do not belong to the permanent structure. These ants
Shell 5 (H) represent about 20% of total births. The western ants’ queen is
Polaris Effect (Ants bestowed with the Mastery of the Polaris Effect an essential part of community life. She will always be bestowed
power usually have a level between 8 and 12. They mostly are with the Polaris mutation and she is responsible for the training
proficient in three or four powers and have an Intelligence of 8.)
Pheromone cloud (They can release a cloud of pheromones of the priestesses that can then become her lieutenants. Wes-
around them over a 10-meter radius. The cloud attacks a tern anthills contain 10,000 to 50,000 ants.
target’s unconsciousness threshold and nervous system. The Island ants come from migrations and accelerated mutations
Attack deals +2D10 Points of Shock Damage. Furthermore, the of the major strains. Their size and color vary, they exclusively
victims suffer so much that they endure a penalty of 1D10 to all inhabit islands, coastal areas, and some broken up territo-
their Tests as long as they remain in the affected area.)
Acid spitting (The ants can spit a very potent acid that has the ries of ancient Europe. The composition of these communities
following characteristics: Range: 1/4/7/14(21 m), Damage: 1D10, may vary a lot, some are made up exclusively of soldiers, some
Damage increased by +2 per Round for 20 Rounds (1D10+2 the others of priestesses, and some of female parasites whose goal
2nd Round, 1D10+4 the third, etc.) is to infiltrate other communities as queens. All ants have in
common some chemical particularities and depending on the
DESCRIPTION strains and function, have access to a very impressive range of
Among all the insects that inhabit the surface, ants are by far weapons and natural defenses. All the ants in a community have
the greatest in number and the most organized. The structure a bond through a form of empathy that may vary in intensity,
of their community hasn’t changed in centuries and the pro- as well as the pheromones that allow them to keep track of each
portions of workers and soldiers are still the same. However, other and exchange information. Bites and claws aside, their
several new kinds of ants have appeared over time, mostly main way of attacking is by spitting acid and releasing clouds

because of the scarcity of plants and the presence of energy of pheromones.

fields. There are three types of ants. The builders are tasked Like most giant insect communities, ant communities are be-
with the building and the upkeep of the anthill, as well as coming rarer and rarer. With each generation, the size of the
the overcoming of all the natural obstacles encountered du- ants decreases and it is safe to assume that giant species will
ring filed trips (ravines, crevices, etc.). These ants are always have totally disappeared in a few years. Some rumors say that
slightly longer and leaner than the other members of the com- mimetic ants may be able to loosely imitate a human silhouette
munity. by standing on their hind legs and wearing rags.

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)


Giant bee communities are organized in hives ranging from
“And I thought the small ones were nasty enough, just imagine
500 to 2,000 creatures ruled by a single queen. Each hive is
the giant species!”
-- Ralph Nuegen, soldier of the Red League made up of 50% workers, responsible for the maintenance of
the alveoli and juveniles’ upbringing, 40% warriors that defend
Type: insects
Geographic area: all (surface) the community, and 10% guides that have a very specific role.
Size: 1 m long, 2 m span Weight: 30 to 45 kg These bees act as scouts during search missions, as well as
STR CON COO ADA PER INT WIL PRE being true warlords, able to give orders and organize the de-
fense in the event of an intrusion. Moreover, the guides form
Base 18 18 24 24 16 8 20 -
the personal guard of the queen that no warrior is allowed to
Melee Damage Mod. +4 Reaction 20 Among themselves, bees react to a number of smell and
Damage Resistance -4 Speed SPD(MP) 72 m, 8(2) sound codes that let them exchange basic information. They
SKILLS also abide by the very strict laws of the community, the most
Athletics 20 Attack 9 important of which are the protection of the juveniles, the
forbidding of leaving the hive without the guides, and the pro-
Stealth/Silent movement 4 Observation 13
duction of the crystalline material that replaces the honey of
Sting (Melee, Dam. 1D10+2 (H), Pen. 7 (H)) or In the absence of flowers, bees have slowly changed their
Mandibles (Melee, Dam. 1D10 + 1 (H)) habits while still foraging and producing. The substance pro-
COMBAT TACTICS duced is an odd mineral, soft and malleable like clay, made of
Bees are not very aggressive unless they are defending their concentrated crystals. This material is a great heat and energy
hive. In that case, nothing will make them back down. conductor, but so far, few explorers have tried to make a bu-
HIT LOCATIONS siness out of it.
1–2 Head, 3–7 Thorax, 8–12 Abdomen, 13–14 Right wing, 15–16 All bees are connected by a strong empathy relayed by the
Left Wing, 17–18 Right Legs, 19–20 Left Legs guides that ensure the transmission of the queen’s orders. The
SPECIAL queen never leaves the hive. In the event of an intrusion, the
Shell 4 (H) guides lead the warriors towards the source of danger while
Sting (Instead of attacking with its mandibles, a female bee the workers clog the alveoli containing the offspring. Each
may choose to jab with its stinger. If it is a worker bee, it dies. If hive is built in a rock cavity and divided into various areas. The
it is a warrior or a guide, it has one chance in 10 to die from its largest hives can be several tens of meters in size and include
abdomen tearing off. The stinger is considered a piercing weapon many major accesses.
(Penetration score of 6(H)) that releases a potent poison on
top of the Damage dealt. The poison keeps acting for 10 Rounds
or until the stinger is removed. Removing the stinger without USE/RUMORS
surgery, however, inflicts the same Wound as when it first The material produced by the bees (honey, royal jelly, wax)
wounded the character. is highly sought after and sells for up to 1,000 Sols a kilogram.
Poison Like most communities of giant insects, giant bee communi-
Contamination type: injection
Detection modifier: taste (-2), smell (0) ties are becoming rarer and rarer. Each generation, the size of
Onset Delay: 1 Round the bees shrinks and it is safe to assume that in a few years, the
Virulence/Progression: 1D10 per Round for 10 Rounds. giant species will have totally disappeared.
Thresholds/Effects: Threshold 5: swelling, -1 on all Tests;
Threshold 10: breathing difficulties, -2 for all Tests; Threshold
15: throat swelling, suffocation; Threshold 30: death
Special: Each turn, an allergic individual (allergy disadvantage)
incurs a risk of having an anaphylactic shock. In this case,
thresholds are offset downward by 5 points (in other words,
swelling is immediate, breathing
difficulties have a threshold of 5, suffocation has a threshold of 10,
and death has a threshold of 25). The risk of triggering this shock
depends on the severity of the allergy: Light: 1 in 1D20; Severe: 1–2
in 1D20; Lethal: 1–3 in 1D20
Diagnosis Modifier: +4
Healing modifier: -3
Price of one dose: 7,000

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)


The many beetle communities have in common an internal
“It was one heck of a surprise for sure . . . we were having
development-oriented organization and a total lack of a desire
2 a nice ride in a light reconnaissance vehicle to go look at a
strange sand formation in that blasted desert. And then all of a to expand. Unlike ants and bees, these very primitive insects do
sudden, the floor of the car blew up, literally . . . ripped open by a not seek to grow their territory, and even less to be in conflict
gigantic horn. We got ejected and then we saw three or four of with possible neighbors. On the contrary, they spend their time
those huge things giving the car a thorough beating.” arranging their lair, digging tunnels, removing waste, and limi-
-- Soldier Relikj, Mediterranean Union
ting the risks of hazardous encounters.
Type: giant insect There are two types of giant beetles. The underground ones,
Geographic area: underground and deserts
vastly predominant, live inside the rocky tunnels that many
Size: 4 to 5 m long and 2 to 3 m high Weight: 3 to 7 tons
succeeding generations have dug and improved. These archi-
tects of the surface only go outside in broad daylight to block
Base 85 1* 11 20 14 3 20 - an access cleared by a natural phenomenon, or to counter the
SECONDARY ATTRIBUTES advance of predators. The rest of the time, they merely explore
Damage mod. (H) +37 Reaction 17 their territory seeking edible minerals, natural caves, under-
Damage mod. (V-) +3 Speed SPD(MP) 30 m, 3(1) ground lakes, and raise the young that are born twice a year. Fe-
males are isolated from the rest of the community and protect
Damage Resistance (V-) +6
the alpha male. The guide of each community is indeed a male
SKILLS with the sole function of impregnating a female in order to an-
Athletics 20 Attack 7 nounce the start of the breeding season. That period lasts only
Observation a few days, after which the females go back to their isolation
Camouflage/Concealment 9 9(18)
(Vibrations) and the males to their work. These beetles attack only in the
Stealth/Silent movement 9 event of an intrusion and have a limited intelligence. The only
ATTACK creatures they can communicate with are the macrophages that
Horn (Melee, Dam.: 7D10 (H)/1D6+1 (V-), Pen. 5 (H)) or live in symbiosis with them as health workers inside their un-
Charge (Melee, Dam.: massive Damage at human scale, 2D10+1 derground complexes.
(V-)/1D10 (V+), a beetle is able to charge a target. It doubles its speed. The other type is much more unusual. These beetles can be
To do so though, it obviously needs to gain some momentum) found deep underground in the heart of the deserts where
COMBAT TACTICS they tirelessly try to build open-air fortresses. A very specific
The beetle is not very aggressive if it does not have to defend form of empathy allows them to combine their efforts in order
its territory, it is even rather docile and prefers to flee if to gather, lift, and solidify sand in to temporary castles. These
attacked. On its own territory though, it is vicious. Its combat communities are made up of only a few hundred creatures
tactics are limited to charging its opponent. Sand beetles can
and can only be found in the most barren desert regions of the
feel intruders coming from very far away thanks to sand
vibrations. In that event, they are able to lie in ambush by globe. Their constructions defy the changing weather for seve-
burying themselves in the sand. ral weeks before they finally collapse, often decimating a good
HIT LOCATIONS half of the community. The reason why these beetles live this
way is unknown, however, any creature approaching a complex
1–4 Head, 5–14 Body, 15–17 Right legs, 18–20 Left legs
is immediately attacked by several tens of unrelenting attackers
SPECIAL that will defend their bizarre domain fiercely. These beetles are
Shell 5 (V-) smaller than their subterranean cousins, and much more ag-
Penetrating horn A beetle attacks with its horn which is gressive. They are also able to affect the sand to create a num-
considered a weapon with a Penetration score of 18 (H)/3(V-).
ber of Polaris type phenomena (whirlpools, projections, gusts).
Polaris Effect 10.
The Polaris Effect they can use has the following effects:
Projection and Sand Whirlpool USE/RUMORS
Area of Effect: 10-meter radius +/- 2 m per Success mod. According to some observations made in Africa, some hu-
Intensity: 1D10 +/- 1 per Success mod. mans were spotted riding on beetles. It is believed that it is
The beetle creates a sand whirlpool all around it that affects
possible the Cult of Osiris has managed to tame these massive
anyone standing in the area of effect. The whirlpool inflicts a
penalty equal to half its intensity to all of a character’s Tests. creatures.

Moreover, it is very difficult to see anything when caught in the

whirlpool. Lastly, an isolated individual who is not protected by
a protective armor suffers Damage equal to the phenomenon’s
intensity. The beetle, however, is not affected at all.
* Replaces Constitution on V- scale

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)

around with them for as long as possible. In the very unlikely

GIANT PRAYING MANTIS event a prey fights back and wounds it, the mantis will be very
“You might never really know what a vicious predator is like surprised at first. If in a toying mood, it might retreat from
until you get caught in a mantis’s forelegs. When it looks at you combat and come back later, but in that case, it will attack with
with those two beady black dots they have for eyes, you feel the intent to kill.
like you’re facing a machine . . . a machine that loves to kill.” HIT LOCATIONS
-- Karl Deneb, Mediterranean Union soldier
1–4 Head, 5–12 Body, 13–14 Right front leg, 15–16 Left front leg,
Type: giant insect 17–18 Right hind leg, 19–20 Left hind leg
Geographic area: all
Size: 3 m high Weight: 650 kg SPECIAL

Strengthened Impaling (The mantis’s forelegs may impale a
Base 26 30 18 20 16 8 16 - target and literally pin it to the ground).
SECONDARY ATTRIBUTES Quick (A mantis cannot be caught off guard)
Melee Damage Mod. +8 Reaction 18
Damage Resistance -9 Speed SPD(MP) 70 m, 8(2) DESCRIPTION
SKILLS Mantises are among the fiercest predators on the surface. Much
Acrobatics/Balance 12 Athletics 20 too aggressive to live in a community, they are solitary creatures,
Camouflage/ though they may also rarely be found in couples. They preferably
Attack 14 14
Concealment prey upon small animals, lizards, reptiles, and humans that they
Hunting/Tracking 12 Observation 12 grab using their prehensile forelegs before ripping them to bits.
Stealth/Silent movement 14 Mantises toy with their prey very much like a cat would with a
mouse. A mantis will usually let go of its prey once they are seriously
wounded, then it will watch them agonize. This creature cannot fly
Forelegs (Melee, 2 attacks with no penalty, Reach +3, Dam.: but its wings allow it to make jumps about 10 meters high.
3D10+3 (H), Pen. 3 (H)) or Relentless bite (Melee, Dam.: 2D10+5
(H), Pen. 3 (H))
The mantis’s favorite prey is humans and according to some
Mantises attack with either their formidable forelegs (real meat
reports, some victims were not killed, but rather taken to a se-
grinders that inflict double Damage on a Critical Hit and pierce
the target if they manage to get through the armor and deal a cret place. Moreover, some explorers have come across groups
Serious Wound), or they try to grab and mangle their target. of mantises made up of as many as 10 creatures, which seems
In this case, the prey suffers the bite Attack at level 20. Once incompatible with their extremely aggressive nature. However,
grabbed and lifted, a character can take no action except attempt to think that these creatures are much cleverer than we think is
to break free (see Holding/Pinning on page 228). A mantis
far-stretched. Lastly, there is a rumor going around saying that
involved in such an action cannot attack or defend itself.
They are extremely cunning predators that cannot imagine that a soldier spotted a mantis with legs covered with a metallic coa-
a prey would even dare to stand up against them. They will toy ting. Any information on mantises may be worth a lot.

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)

Shell 27 (H), except for the abdomen.
“If you’re facing a scorpion? You keep your distance and use Reinforced thresholds
2 the flamethrower. Simple and it gets the job done!”
-- Rodrick, mercenary
Stinger The stinger is a piercing weapon with a Penetration
score of 12, and it releases a dreadful poison.
Type: giant insect Contamination Type: injection
Geographic area: everywhere, preferably swamps and deserts Detection Modifier: taste (+1), smell (+3)
Size: 2.5 m long Weight: 110 to 160 kg Onset Delay: 1 Round
Virulence/Progression: 2D10 per Round for 4 Rounds.
STR CON COO ADA PER INT WIL PRE Thresholds/Effects: Threshold 30: Death
Base 35 65 14 18 12 6 18 - Diagnosis Modifier: -2
Healing Modifier: -4
Price of one dose: 6,000 Sols
Melee Damage Mod. +12 Reaction 15 Resistance to radiations and to the heat
Damage Resistance -20 Speed SPD(MP) 60 m, 7(2) Vulnerability to cold (numbness)
Acrobatics/Falling 18 Athletics 20 DESCRIPTION
Giant scorpions live in the swamps and the deserts just like
Attack 12 Observation 8
in the prehistoric era, and these creatures are fearsome oppo-
Stealth/Silent movement 8 nents. They are covered with a natural plated armor that is in-
ATTACK credibly hard, protecting the whole exposed body. Only the ab-
Pincers (Melee, Dam.: 9D10 + 5(H)/1D10 (V-)) and Stinger domen is vulnerable, but you have to be able to tip them over. In
(Reach +2, Dam: 6D10 + 1 (H)/1D6 -1 (V-), Pen. 10 (H)/ 1 (V-)) combat, they attack with their pincers (that can grab small prey
COMBAT TACTICS only) or use a lightning-fast attack with their tail. The attack
Scorpions like hunting in pairs. Usually when they are watching can only affect a victim located in front of the scorpion. Scor-
a prey, one of them attacks while the other one hides. Once the pions are usually amphibious creatures and they can be found
first scorpion has attracted the attention of its prey by clicking at depths of up to 1,000 meters.
its pincers, the other one comes out of hiding and hits the prey
in the back with its stinger. A Scorpion falls back at the first
Serious Wound, and it usually doesn’t go after a creature that is USE/RUMORS
faster than it is. It is possible to manufacture an armor with 10 Protection
HIT LOCATIONS Points (on a Human scale) with the shell of a scorpion. In addi-
tion, its venom is particularly sought after by assassins.
1–2 Head, 3–14 Body, 15–16 Right legs, 17–18 Left legs, 19–20 Tail

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)

GIANT TERMITE port routes are maintained. They have no other task and are
never called upon to fight, unless they are directly attacked. In
“Even a legion of termites is better at maneuvering than my
the case of an intrusion, their first reflex is to flee. Guide ter-
own division!”
-- General Demetrius, Mediterranean Union mites are, like their crab counterparts, gifted with psychic mu-
tations and work to transmit the orders of the queen, manage
Type: giant insect
Geographic area: everywhere, especially in South America, mass movements, and develop the parasitic eggs that the ter-
Asia, Australia, and Africa mites grow in order to contaminate other insect communities.
Size: 2 to 3 m long Weight: 40 to 140 kg (fighter) They are usually gifted with the Polaris mutation or a form of
STR CON COO ADA PER INT WIL PRE empathy and/or symbiosis that’s particularly effective. Last,
Base 54 38 22 24 18 7(12) 24 - but not least, soldiers are the most common termites. They are
heavy and armor-plated, and they are the ones that protect
the mound and get rid of the weakest individuals. No soldiers
Melee Damage Mod. +22 Reaction 21 are allowed near the queen. The queen is at the very heart of
Damage Resistance -18 Speed SPD(MP) 48 m, 5(2) the community which follows the rhythm of her gestation, egg
SKILLS laying, and waking periods. The queen’s activity cycle indeed
Athletics 20 Attack 9 includes moments of deep sleep during which the guides are
Stealth/Silent movement 6 Observation 12 acting regents. Once awake, the queen starts producing, then
laying, new generations of termites. This huge insect always
uses the Polaris effect and is linked to her community members
Mandibles (Melee, Dam.: 3D10 + 1 (H)) through an amazing form of empathy. Unable to leave her stone
COMBAT TACTICS nest, the queen remains, however, aware of the slightest mo-
Termites can show a very acute sense of strategy. They can vement inside the termite mound, and is capable of releasing
set up ambushes, maneuver their troops, launch diversion effects over incredible distances. The builders are roughly 30%
attacks, etc. They never attack like wild creatures, but instead smaller than the soldiers and weigh roughly 1/3 of their weight.
seem to always follow extremely specific orders.
The queen is roughly three times bigger than the soldiers and
HIT LOCATIONS weighs between fifty and a hundred times more.
1–2 Head, 3–7 Thorax, 8–12 Abdomen, 13–16 Right legs, The main termite attacks include biting and spitting toxic
17–20 Left legs substances that will vary depending on the natural habitat of
SPECIAL the termite mound. It is very rare to see insects alone in the tun-
Shell 8 (H) nels. The parasites developed by the termites are egg-shaped
Hivemind (The intelligence of these creatures is tremendously organisms that, once placed inside other communities targeted
increased (12) when they are located in their nest, or when start to contaminate the creatures, multiply and/or develop as
they are close enough.)
Acid spitting (The acid spat by the termites is similar to the acid internal parasites. The effects of these practices are still not well
used by ants: Reach: 1, Damage: 1D10, Damage +2 per Round for known, but it seems the termites have already been successful
20 Rounds; 1D10 +2 in the 2nd Round, 1D10+4 in the 3rd, etc.) in taking control of several communities of insects that they are
now using as slaves, protectors, and even living food.

Termites are the most evolved insects of the living hell that is Some soldiers say that these creatures, when they are de-
the surface. They are organized builders, gifted with an incre- fending their territory, show an amazing intelligence and use
dible hivemind. These insects are the unmatched rulers of the tactics that are dreadfully efficient. Just like most communities
caves and underground complexes where there are thousands of giant insects, termites are becoming more and more scarce.
of them. The biggest communities can reach colossal propor- Each generation, the size of the termites decreases and it is a
tions, up to ten thousand insects, over an area as large as any safe bet that within a few years, the giant species will have to-
major underwater city. The underground cities of the termites tally vanished.
are usually vertical structures, made of concentric alveoli, with
very intricate tunnels and floors. The inside of a termite mound
looks a lot like the inside of a mineral rose. Many openings allow
the light in and the termites out to protect the surroundings of
their lair against the assaults of predators.
There are three categories of termites. The builders are the
architects of the termite mound. They are the ones making sure
the domain expands, new arteries are dug, and internal trans-

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)


1–2 head, 3–4 Right scythe leg, 5–6 Left scythe leg, 7–8 Right
“Just imagine the situation! We’d just escaped a tornado, and front leg, 9–10 Left front leg, 11–12 Right middle leg, 13–14 Left
2 we were face to face with a gigantic spider. Surprise! Everybody
hesitates, and bam! A leg swipe and one of your buddies finds
middle leg, 15–18 Body, 19–20 Belly
himself pinned to the ground like an insect. We all unloaded SPECIAL
everything we had on that thing . . . Guess what, it was still moving!” Blob (The blob it can spit is efficient at a distance of up to 12
-- Estan Davis, surface commando of the Red League meters with no penalty, when using its normal Attack level. This
Type: giant insect level is decreased by 1 for every 6 additional meters. A target
Geographic area: North America (mostly) hit by the blob is entangled and receives a penalty of 1 point per
Size: 2 m long body, 6 m legs spread Weight: 60 kg Success Margin point to determine their movement. What is
more, they suffer the same penalty for all their actions. It takes
STR CON COO ADA PER INT WIL PRE 10 minutes per Success Margin point scored to get rid of the
Base 24 24 18 21 14 3 12 - viscous material.)
Shell 10 (H)
SECONDARY ATTRIBUTES Stability (The spider is very stable, which explains its very high
Melee Damage Mod. +7 Reaction 17 Acrobatics/Balance level)
Damage Resistance -7 Speed SPD(MP) 35 m, 4(1)
Acrobatics/Balance 20 Athletics 12 These monstrosities are spiders that move around on 6 legs
Attack 9 Climbing 16 and use their 2 huge scythe-like front legs in combat. They use
Observation these weapons to pin their prey to the ground. They are not
Stealth/Silent movement 12 9(14)
(Vibrations) venomous. They are covered by a thick plated shell. This crea-
ATTACK ture’s belly is unprotected. A reaper spider can spit a blob of vis-
Scythe (Melee x2 without penalty, Reach: +3, Dam.: 3D10 (H), cous material that sticks its prey down. It prefers rocky terrain
Pen. 4 (H), on a critical hit, the Attack inflicts double Damage and and usually lives in caves that it leaves only to hunt.
pierces the target (check the Hit Locations table). The Attack will
only pierce the target if it goes through the armor and inflicts at USE/RUMORS
least a Serious Wound.) The viscous material it secretes can sell for up to 500 Sols a
COMBAT TACTICS kilogram to laboratories. One or two kilograms can be salvaged
The spider waits in hiding. As soon as it spots a prey, it hurls a from the pouch containing the material.
viscous blob and falls straight at them in order to pin them to
the ground. It will retreat from combat if it receives a Serious
Wound, and will never engage a target too large for it.

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)


These creatures attack in groups of several tens of spiders. A
“That kind of stuff drives you nuts! You’ve got hundreds of
group of less than 10 spiders is harmless. Like most insects on the
these things running around and you can shoot all you want, it
doesn’t do a damn thing. Next thing you know, they’re climbing surface, the greater the number of these creatures, the smarter
all over you and you see some kind of smoke as their acid and the more efficient they are in their Attacks. The acid secre-
starts melting your armor. Let me tell you, if you don’t have ted by the spiders allows them to attack armored structures.
a friend right there ready to toast the hell out of you with a These small spiders have extremely irritant hairs. They can
flamethrower, you’re pretty much dead!”
be of various colors but are always very bright. Above their
-- Guivern Talm, Hegemonian soldier
mandible, there is a kind of lump that resembles a horn. They
Type: insect
live underground, preferably in ruins, and the nest usually in-
Geographic area: Asia, South America, surface ruins
Size: 2 m x 2 m wide for 10 spiders cludes a hundred spiders. They hunt outside and almost always
Weight: 1 kg for 10 spiders in broad daylight.
Base 1 1 16 21 18 1* 14 -
It is possible to harvest the poison they secrete, but it takes at
SECONDARY ATTRIBUTES least 20 spiders in almost pristine condition to create one dose
Melee Damage Mod. - Reaction 19 (the effects will be the same as that of a group of 10 living spiders).
Damage Resistance - Speed SPD(MP) 18 m, 2(1)
Athletics 10 Attack **
Climbing 20 9(12)
Stealth/Silent movement 8
Bites (Melee, Dam.: 1D6 (H) for 10 spiders, max: 10D6 (H), the
bites cannot affect an individual in an armored structure as
long as there is no crack through which the spiders can enter)
Their combat tactics depend on the number of spiders. The
smarter they are, the more cunning they will be. With an
Intelligence score above 4, the spiders will retreat from combat
automatically against an opponent using a flamethrower.
1–20 Group of spiders
Acid (The spiders secrete an acid that deals 1D6 Damage per
Round per group of 10 creatures, +1 Damage per Round as long
as they can release their acid in melee range or for 20 Rounds.
The acid Damage is reduced by 1 per Round as soon as the
victim is not in contact with the spiders, or after 20 Rounds.)
Group of creatures (It is possible to attack one spider at a time
but requires taking aim. One successful Attack is enough to kill
one creature. It is also possible, and more efficient, to use an
area-effect weapon. In that case, each Attack will kill 1 spider
per Damage inflicted.)
* The intelligence of the spiders increases by 1 point for every
10 spiders.
** Attack level: 1 per 10 spiders (max 10)

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)

Poison (Any individual physically wounded by a wasp suffers a

TIGER-WASPS poison attack:
“If there’s one thing that causes severe psychological disorders to Contamination Type: bite
2 those who go to the surface, it’s got to be the buzzing. I spend my
time caring for the soldiers who start screaming in the corridors
Detection Modifier: taste (+5), smell (+2)
Onset Delay: 1 Round
as soon as they hear the slightest buzz. And don’t get me started Virulence/Progression: 1D10 for 5 wasps per Round for 24
on the panic attacks that they have when they think they’ve been Rounds
stung.” Thresholds/Effects: Threshold 5+: swelling, breathing
-- Doctor Sigund, physician in Neo-Troy difficulties, searing pain (-2 to all Tests); Threshold 30: death
Special: each Round, an allergic individual (allergy
Type: insect disadvantage) incurs a risk of having an anaphylactic shock. In
Geographic area: all this case, thresholds are reduced by 10 points. (In other words,
Size: 10 cm for one wasp Weight: 20 g per wasp swelling is immediate and death has a threshold of 20). The
STR CON COO ADA PER INT WIL PRE risk of triggering this shock depends on the severity of the
allergy: Light: 1 out of 1D20; Serious: 1–2 out of 1D20; Lethal: 1–3
Base 1 1 24 21 14 1 18 -
out of 1D20
SECONDARY ATTRIBUTES Diagnosis Modifier: +4
Melee Damage Mod. - Reaction 17 Healing Modifier: -2
Price of One Dose: 4,000 Sols
Damage Resistance - Speed SPD(MP) 58 m, 6(2) Disease Any individual physically wounded also catches a
SKILLS disease:
Exposure Method: bite
Athletics 20 Attack * Contagion Modifier: -4
Stealth/Silent movement 4 Observation 9 Incubation Period: 1 day
ATTACK Virulence/Progression: 1D6 then 1D6 every day for 10 days.
Thresholds/Effects: Threshold 5: Constitution –1, general
Stings and bites (Melee, Dam.: 1D6 for 5 wasps, max: 10D6 weakness resembling flu, Threshold 10: Constitution –2,
(H), stings and bites cannot affect a character in an armored flu, very high fever, Threshold 15: Constitution –3, breathing
structure as long as there is no crack through which the difficulties, Threshold 20: Constitution –4, madness,
creatures can enter.) hallucinations, extremely high fever, Threshold 25: Constitution
COMBAT TACTICS –5, the character cannot communicate anymore and goes
mad, Threshold 30: Constitution –6, coma
During a fight, wasps attack in a swarm of 5 to 50 individuals.
Diagnosis Modifier: 0
The closer they are to their nest, the greater their number and
Healing Modifier: 0
the more aggressive they will be. If they are far away from the
Ground speed halved
nest, a Light Wound can make them retreat from combat. Close
to the nest, however, they will fight to the death. * Attack level: 1 for 5 wasps (max. level 10)
SPECIAL Like most insects on the surface, the greater the number of
Acid (The wasps secrete an acid that causes 1D6 Damage per these creatures, the smarter and the more efficient their at-
Round per group of 5 creatures, +1 per Round for as long as tacks. The acid secreted by the wasps allows them to attack ar-
they can affect their target (while they remain in contact) or mored structures. They attack the structure, then the sheltered
for 20 Rounds. The acid Damage is reduced by 1 per Round as
soon as the victim is not in contact with the wasps, or after 20 individual. Wasps mostly inhabit old ruins. They are not parti-
Rounds.) cularly aggressive unless intruders get close to their nest.
Immunities (Fighting the wasps is no easy task. Any attack
made with a slashing weapon or a SS shooting weapon will
kill only 1 wasp each time (the wasp is killed automatically).
Wasps attack spiders on sight, so they can be precious allies.
Weapons with rapid burst fire can kill a number of wasps equal
to half their inflicted Damage. With an area-effect weapon, the Their poison can be sold for a high price on the black market or
number of wasps killed is equal to twice the inflicted Damage.) to laboratories.
Hivemind (The wasps’ Intelligence score increases by 1 point
for every five wasps)

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)

Giant Monsters
Shell 2 (H)
“There are truly ugly creatures on the surface. Imagine a slimy four- Poison (The victim is safe from the poison as long as it is not in
meter-tall toad that jumps right at you! Sometimes you can’t help direct contact with the creature. However, the toxins released
wondering where it all comes from.” by the batrach remain active on all affected materials for 24
-- Gil Glen, adventurer hours, so there is a contamination risk from the armor if it is not
Type: giant creature cleaned right away)
Geographic area: swamp areas Jump (Batrachs just wait for their prey to be close enough
Size: 2.8 m long, 4 m (legs extended) Weight: 1,000 kg to jump at it and try to crush it. The creature performs an
Acrobatics/Balance Test. If that Test succeeds, then the victim
STR CON COO ADA PER INT WIL PRE must also carry out an Acrobatics/Balance Test with a Penalty
Base 30 28 16 18 15 3 16 - equal to the Success Margin of the Attack. If this fails, not only
does the victim suffer the Attack, but on top of that, he falls down
and is crushed by the weight of the creature. There is crushing
Melee Damage Mod. +10 Reaction 16 after the first attack, for as long as the victim has not broken
Damage Resistance -10 Speed SPD(MP) 170 m, 19(4) free)
Acrobatics/Balance 12 Athletics 20 DESCRIPTION
Attack 12 Observation 12 These huge batrachians only live in swamp areas and have no
Stealth/Silent movement 10 social organization whatsoever. They just sleep, hunt and gorge
themselves on the toxins of the water and the contaminated
plants they eat. Their glands secrete a Centaur type poison that
Jump (from 6 meters on, Dam.: 11D10+4 (H)/1D10+1 (V-) then oozes from the pores of their skin.
Crushing) and Simple crushing (Melee, Dam.: 5D10 + 1 (H), +2
per Round)
Removing the glands is a pretty tricky task (Surgery or Art/
These creatures jump on their prey to try to squish it. That said, Craftsmanship with a Penalty of -6) as they risk being pierced at
they are not very brave and a simple Light Wound can make
them give up the fight. the slightest mishap, but they can be sold for up to 20,000 Sols
to laboratories. On top of the difficulty of removing them, the
glands are fragile and must be transported with care.
1–2 Head, 3–12 Body, 13–14 Front right leg, 15–16 Front left leg,
17–18 Rear right leg, 19–20 Rear left leg

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)

Shell 1 (V-)
“You ever seen a whole squad of powered armors run for their Electromagnetic disturbance (The presence of a Brass
2 lives? Wait until you meet a Brass and you’ll get what I mean.”
-- Icaye Luong, Corallian soldier
disrupts the measurement instruments within a one-kilometer
radius (Penalty of -4 for all the Tests), making it impossible to
Type: giant creature pinpoint its location. Power weapons (electric fields, lasers)
Geographic area: North America, Australian continent inflict half the usual Damage)
Size: 7 m long Weight: 3.5 tons Corrosive saliva (Its saliva can corrode metal extremely rapidly.
When it latches onto metal, not only will the Damage increase
until the Brass can destroy its target, but on top of that, the
Base 36 1* 20 24 16 8 24 - spot hit will lose 1 Integrity Point in 1D6 Rounds.)
SECONDARY ATTRIBUTES * Replaces Constitution on V- scale
Melee Damage Mod. (H) +13 Reaction 20
Damage Resistance (V-) +6 Speed SPD(MP) 80 m, 9(2) DESCRIPTION
SKILLS Brasses are big eight-legged lizards. They are known as “metal
Acrobatics/Balance 18 Athletics 20 demons” by the primitive tribes of the surface. They are huge
creatures that feed on the metallic particles they find in caves
Attack 15
9(18) or ancient river beds. They are peaceful and never attack other
creatures, only defending their lives during the rare times they
Stealth/Silent movement 14
are under attack. However, explorers are all wary of them be-
cause of their insatiable appetite and their tendency to attack
Relentless bite (Melee, Dam: 7D10+2 (H), Pen. 4 (H) vehicles, armors, and technological hardware from the ocean
Metal Frenzy: if the creature grabs a prey, the Damage is
depths. As soon as they sense metal, Brasses rush towards it at
increased by +2 per Round)
an incredible speed and wait for the best time to make a move.
Their goal is to devour as much metal as possible. It is fortunate
When fighting, a Brass tries to pin its prey with its eight these creatures are solitary and cannot even stand the presence
powerful legs. This is an Immobilizing Attack (see Holding/ of other Brasses that are full of metallic particles. When figh-
Pinning, page 228). It is almost impossible to make this
creature back down once it has tasted metal. If a Serious ting, Brasses become frantic as soon as they sense metal. Their
Wound can be inflicted to the Brass before it has started to main method of attack is a fearsome bite.
salivate, then it is possible to make it run away, but usually you
will have to kill it afterwards. USE/RUMORS
HIT LOCATIONS The skin of a Brass can be used to manufacture an armor with
1–4 Head, 5–12 Body 13–14 Front right legs, 15–16 Front left a protection level of 5 which will halve the Damage inflicted by
legs, 17–18 Rear right legs, 19–20 Rear left legs power weapons. Its saliva is also valuable due to its corrosive
effect, but only a few grams can be taken from a dead animal.
A few specimens have reportedly been taken for that purpose.

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)

until its prey gets as close as possible. It doesn’t like

COASTAL CROCODILE OR unnecessary movement . . . When wounded, it becomes
ARMORED CROCODILE V- berzerk and will only give up when facing its death.
“The proliferation of armored crocodiles in the Australian HIT LOCATIONS
coastal area is an unsettling phenomenon which I bring to 1–4 Maw, 5–12 Head, 13–16 Body,17–18 Front or rear right leg,
your attention. A few of our colonization teams have had to 19–20 Front or rear left leg
fight back against the repeated assaults of these monsters.
Doctor Sander says that we have systematically settled on SPECIAL
laying territories, but is this reason enough to question our Sweep (Instead of biting, a crocodile can hit with its tail. The
reconquering of the surface policy? I therefore suggest that crocodile very quickly positions itself side-on, and swipes at
a global campaign to exterminate the species be decided by everything that stands in its way with its tail).
your services. My report has been sent to Ms. President and I’m Shell 2 (V-)
impatiently expecting an answer from her.” Reinforced thresholds
-- Sylavis Seyac, Head of the Colonization Department
* Replaces Constitution on V- scale
Type: giant reptile
Geographic area: Pacific Ocean islands, Australia, South America
Size: 18 m (tail can be up to 3 m long) Weight: 26 tons DESCRIPTION
STR SIZ COO ADA PER INT WIL PRE This amphibious reptile is capable of staying underwater for
Base 107 3* 12 16 14 2 17 - more than 20 minutes, and it can reach a depth of 800 meters.
SECONDARY ATTRIBUTES This species can often be found in ancient ruins or on the coasts,
basking in the sun on the burning rocks. The abdomen of this
Melee Damage Mod. (H) +48 Reaction 15
reptile has no protection. When it is in a dry environment, the
Melee Damage Mod. (V-) +7 Speed SPD(MP) 18 m, 2(1) coastal crocodile is rarely hostile, unless someone comes and
Damage Resistance (V-) +4 (in water) 45 m, 5(2) disturbs it. It has excellent balance when on the ground.
SKILLS Females lay 25 to 90 eggs, always close to water. They then
Acrobatics/Balance 18 Athletics 20 watch over their nest for the whole incubation phase that lasts
Attack 14 Observation 10 roughly 3 months. During that period of time, any male coming
near the females, and more specifically close to the nests, is sys-
Stealth/Silent movement 6
tematically attacked.
Relentless bite (Melee, Dam.: 2D10+4 (V-)/1D10+2 (V+), Pen. 6
(H)) or Tail (Swipe 3 m in front of the crocodile, Reach +3, Dam.:
The armored crocodile is hunted for its hide and flesh. Its
1D10+4 (V-)/1D6+2 (V+))
thick protection, once processed, loses its Armor Rating, but it
efficiently protects the one wearing it (Protection: 8). Its flesh is
Crocodiles are incredibly lazy. A crocodile is unlikely to attack sold for 200 Sols/kg on the black market. Some individuals buy
if it is not hungry, even if someone climbed on its back. If it is
crocodile eggs either to eat them, or to breed them. Either way,
hungry, it also likes to stay as still as a rock,
a crocodile egg is sold for 600 to 2,000 Sols each.

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)


1–2 Head, 3–12 Body, 13–14 Front right leg, 15–16 Front left leg,
“Did you just call it ‘Filthy Devourer’? You’re insane if you say 17–18 Rear right leg, 19–20 Rear left leg
2 something like that. Just because one of them ate your leg, it
doesn’t mean you should speak ill of these very useful animals. SPECIAL
It was a Devourer that saved my whole squad when we had just Shell 4 (H)
fallen into the trap of a giant spider. Just before the spider went for Powerful jaw (Once it has grabbed a prey, the Devourer never
the kill, the Devourer jumped under its belly and killed it with just lets go. This is not a Frenzy Attack but Damage is inflicted
one bite from its maw.” automatically and increases by +3 per Round up to a maximum
-- Eric Liev, soldier from the Mediterranean Union of +40)
Type: animal/mammal Underground movement divided by 2 (10 m)
Geographic area: Europe/North America
Size: 2 m Weight: 170 kg
These creatures look like huge moles and hunt down their
Base 30 30 10 24 14 5 12 - prey, following them using the vibrations they make when
SECONDARY ATTRIBUTES walking on the ground.
Melee Damage Mod. +10 Reaction 19
Damage Resistance -10 Speed SPD(MP) 24 m, 3(1) USE/RUMORS
SKILLS Devourers feed on insects, preferably giant ones, that they at-
tack on sight even when they are not hungry. This has often
Athletics 20 Attack 10
proved helpful for teams of explorers who take great care not
Observation to harm these creatures. Although it cannot be tamed, a Devou-
Stealth/Silent movement 6 5(18)
rer can be captured and then released in an area infested with
ATTACK insects, which it will then wipe out. Therefore, leaders of sur-
Relentless bite (Melee, Dam.: 5D10 + 1 (H), Pen. 3 (H)) face expeditions may pay good money for a perfectly healthy
Devourers always attack by suddenly appearing under their victims.
They usually stop attacking as soon as they suffer a Serious Wound,
except against insects, which they will fight to the death.

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)

never remains on the ground when fighting. It spots its prey

DRAGONV- when flying and dives down at them, then flies back up into
“Twelve black missiles flew vertically up out of the water, very the sky as fast as possible. The dragon can attack prey
high into the sky. At an altitude of 600 meters, the explosive underwater, at a depth up to 30 meters which it reaches by
bolts automatically released the commandos from their nose-diving into the sea.
confinement. They were so busy concentrating on operating HIT LOCATIONS
the propeller ignition that nobody noticed the sinister shadow
that hit one of Telkran’s men. The poor fellow barely had time 1–2 Left head, 3–4 Middle head, 5–6 Right head, 7–8 Right wing,
to realize what was happening before the three maws of the 9–10 Left wing, 11–16 Body, 17–18 Rear right leg, 19–20 Rear left
Dragon closed on him. Then the beast slowly went back to its leg
lair. There was nothing anyone could do for the poor man who SPECIAL
was probably already dead.”
Shell 1(V-)
-- Operation Nemrod
Three-headed (It has 3 heads that can attack simultaneously
Type: giant creature and aim for 3 different targets. It can try to grab a prey to crush
Geographic area: everywhere it and swallow it – see the Swallowed Prey rule on page 230).
Size: 7.5 m (full span), 6 m long (+ 5 m tail) Weight: 3.5 tons Capture and Relentlessness (If the dragon can lift its prey, it
STR SIZ COO ADA PER INT WIL PRE takes it up in the air, and its bites become relentless bites. The
dragon can automatically lift a weight of 600 kg).
Base 50 1* 18 21 15 6 15 -
* Replaces Constitution on V- scale
Melee Damage Mod. (H)
Melee Damage Mod. (V-)
+20 Reaction
-6 Speed SPD(MP) 18 m, 2(1)
A dragon is a cautious predator, and a particularly clever one.
Damage Resistance (V-) +6 Flying 54 m, 6(2) Although it can affect (V-) targets, it cannot expect to inflict a
SKILLS lot of Damage on them. On the other hand, it is strong enough to
Athletics 18 Attack 12 tip smaller vehicles over or lift them in the air before dropping
Stealth/Silent movement 6 Observation 16 them. It usually nests in caves located at higher altitudes, but it
hunts on the plains.
Bites (Melee x3 without penalty, Dam.: 9D10+1 (H)/1D6+2 (V-),
Pen. 4 (H) per Attack)
Even though some people with a death wish have tried to tame
dragons, they have never been successful. Dragon eggs can be
A dragon always attacks by surprise, taking advantage of the sold at an extremely high price, roughly 5,000 Sols apiece.
sun for instance, so that its prey won’t see it coming. It never
attacks a creature bigger than itself, and it will stop fighting only
if it suffers a Serious Wound. It

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)


Shell 3 (V-) (Against the thick mineral shell of the rock monster,
“How do you define these . . . things? I think that’s the right word, piercing weapons lose their Penetration bonus.)
2 things. A huge thing that you see coming right at you in the
middle of a fight, and it pushes a big ball of rock around when it
Reinforced thresholds
could simply crush you with one hand. If the Geneticians wanted * Replaces Constitution on V- scale
to be funny, look no further; their joke is 7 meters tall and it’s
called a rock monster.”
-- Hugon, Hegemonian commando
These creatures are the dung beetles of the surface, always rolling
Type: giant creature around huge rock clumps that build up as they go. Their vaguely
Geographic area: rock deserts, stone forests, mountains,
humanoid shape and their presence in the tunnels make them close
Size: 5.5 m on average Weight: 9 tons on average neighbors of the Burrowers, and explorers of the ocean depths of-
ten confuse one with the other. The morphology of rock monsters is
definitely not human. Their “standing” position has become clearer
Base 90 2* 9 13 12 5 24 - with centuries of mutation and the frequency of their main activity.
SECONDARY ATTRIBUTES The young ones usually move around on all fours, and they only roll
Melee Damage Mod. (H) +40 Reaction 12 small clumps of rock. The huge clusters they make are bonded to-
Melee Damage Mod. (V-) +4 Speed SPD(MP) 26 m, 3(1) gether by a strange sonic ability that allows them to melt rocks, even
Damage Resistance (V-) +6 incompatible ones. When these “balls” have grown too big (when
they have reached a size three times the size of the rock monster),
they are just left there, and they are an ongoing source of puzzlement
Athletics 20 Attack 9 for the observation teams that come upon them. When attacked, a
Stealth/Silent movement 2 Observation 6 rock monster rushes at its adversary to pound it with its huge fists.
ATTACK Its colossal strength is usually the end of most of the earth creatures.
Fists (Melee, Dam. 7D10+2(H)/1D6+1 (V-)) or Rock throw Rock monsters usually move around in family communities ranging
(Range and Damage depend on the size of the rock: from three to eight individuals, but it is not uncommon to see solita-
Rock (500 kg): Range: 90 m, Dam.: DM (19D10 (H))/1D10+5 ry adult rock monsters. Characteristics are valid for an adult.
(V-)/1D6+2 (V+)
Rock (100 kg): Range: 280 m, Dam.: DM (17D10+3 (H))/1D10+4
(V-)/1D6+1 (V+)) USE/RUMORS
Rock monsters are completely peaceful creatures; however, they
are quick to react if hurt. It seems that communication with them
None, except pounding everything that’s attacking it until the is impossible, since their only objective in life is to roll their rocks
attack stops. This creature can effortlessly lift more than two
tons! around. However, a report mentioned that a squad had been saved
from certain death by an old, lonely rock monster. The amazing
fact was that the monster had stopped rolling its rock to rescue
Human the soldiers. Rock monsters and Burrowers seem to get along fine.

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)


1–2 Head, 3–12 Body, 13–15 Right wing, 16–18 Left wing, 19–20 Tail
“I’m such a moron! I sees a beautiful sand ray and I told meself
they’re as cute as the ones living underwater, so I go to them. SPECIAL
All wrong! That mother . . . latched onto me and it started to Shell 4 (H)
crush me! I had to unload my gun at point blank just to make Poorly positioned (Stuck under a ray, a character is considered
that bitch drop me.” Poorly positioned (Penalty of -6 for all his Tests) and cannot
-- Varn the Fat, mercenary do much except hit, fire with the weapon he’s holding, or try to
Type: giant creature break free.)
Geographic area: deserts Damage progression of crushing by a sand ray
Size: 5 m long, 6 m full span Weight: 800 kg to 1.2 t Strength (*) Dam. Max Dam.
Base 40 24 28 24 18 8 24 - (*) Damage progression varies according to the rule of
Constriction Attacks on page 226.
Melee Damage Mod. +15 Reaction 21
Speed SPD(MP)
Damage Resistance -11 Although it is more dangerous than its aquatic cousin, the
198 m, 22(5)
sand ray lives exclusively in the desert sand where it rules as a
dreadful predator. Its way of moving is the combination of fluid
Athletics 13 Attack 12 flying motions and the wave-like movements of reptiles. When
Camouflage/Concealment 18 Observation 15 not sleeping, hidden under the sand, the ray moves in a series of
Stealth/Silent movement 16 leaps the way a kite would, and it looks like it is gliding on the
ATTACK sand. This dance is very impressive, but lethal, considering the
Constriction (Melee, see Constriction and Tentacle Attacks, speed with which the creature is moving. Any potential prey is
page 226). immediately attacked by the ray, which suddenly appears out
COMBAT TACTICS of the sand or rushes straight at its target. Always moving when
fighting, the creature calculates how to fall onto its prey, which
The ray is a determined adversary, which only lets go if it suffers
a Serious Wound. On the other hand, it very quickly loses interest it will often cover entirely, and it uses its ventral hooks to rip
in a target if its armor is too hard to pierce. any shell apart.

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)


“We had found ourselves stuck in a tunnel, between a group of
2 Burrowers hunting us and a stone-eater! That thing was like a
huge maw, slowly getting closer to us, and it was relentlessly
1–2 Head, 3–4 Front right leg, 5–6 Front left leg, 7–8 Rear right
pushing us toward our adversaries that were patiently waiting leg, 9–10 Rear left leg, 11–20 Body
for us to decide whether we were going to be crushed or fight
them. We chose to fight them. The whole squad went down. SPECIAL
Then the stone-eater changed direction and I followed it. None Shell 12 (V-) (The belly of the creature is not armored, but it is
of the Burrowers came after me. They seem to be scared like hard to tip it over)
hell by these things.” Immunities (The stone-eater is totally immune to fire and cold)
-- A Hegemonian underground commando Reinforced thresholds
Type: underground creature Vulnerability to sounds (Due to its very sensitive ear, sonic
Geographic area: earth depths attacks against the stone-eater have a +1D6 (H) bonus)
Size: 4.5 m Weight: 9.3 tons * Replaces Constitution on V- scale
Base 83 2* 1 11 5 1 12 - DESCRIPTION
This strange creature lives in the depths of the earth and
feeds on micro-elements it finds in the rocks. It slowly moves
Melee Damage Mod. (H) +36 Reaction 8 by digging characteristic tunnels. It swallows everything that
Melee Damage Mod. (V-) +2 Speed SPD(MP) 2 m, <1(1) stands in its way, since it is almost blind and sees no difference
Damage Resistance (V-) +6 between rock, metal, and flesh. All of its attacks are carried out
SKILLS in order to Gulp. Its maw is lined with powerful teeth made of
Attack 1 Observation 1 silicium, which can crush anything.
Stealth/Silent movement 1
Underground troops are interested in these creatures, and
Gulp (Melee, Massive Dam. (H)/2D10(V-), any creature gulped they are ready to get any scrap of information regarding the
by a stone-eater is instantly killed, unless it is wearing armor,
way of life of these monsters. Their goal is being able to use
but in that case, it will only be swallowed once it is more
digestible, in other words, crushed. It also suffers 2D10 Damage them by understanding what makes them tick and learning
per Round, and the creature spits out any pieces it cannot what are the specific elements they are looking for in the rock
dissolve.) to find their bearings.

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)


Swallow (A swallowed victim suffers 2D10 (H) Base Damage per
“Just imagine the kind of fish you could catch if you had a worm Round, because of the acid and the digestive muscles — this
that size on the end of your hook!” Damage increases by +2 per Round. A character who has been
-- A drunk fisherman swallowed by the creature can attack the worm from the inside,
Type: giant worm (amphibian) but his attack level is reduced by half. Furthermore, he can only
Geographic area: everywhere, mainly in underground tunnels use small weapons (handguns, knives, etc.))
Size: 20 m long, 3 m in diameter Weight: 60 tons Damage progression for titan worm constriction
STR SIZ COO ADA PER INT WIL PRE Strength Dam. (*) Max Dam.
Base 60 6* 18 12 10 - 25 - 60 +6/Round 90 (H)/9 (V-)
Affects V- targets from the second Round.
* Replaces Constitution on V- scale
Melee Damage Mod. (H) +25 Reaction 11 (*) The Damage progression varies according to the
Melee Damage Mod. (V-) -2 Speed SPD(MP) 6 m, 1(1) Constriction Attacks rule on page 226.
Damage Resistance (V-) +2 Underground 12 m, 2(2)
These monsters live in underwater caves or in the sand. They
Athletics 10 Attack 15
can move around underground just as easily as under the water.
Observation 15 They blindly attack anything they come across, trying to crush
ATTACK their prey with their powerful jaws before swallowing it. This
Relentless bite (Melee, Dam.: 8D10 (H)/1D6+1 (V-)) and/or creature can only curl around and use its Constriction Attack
Constriction (Melee, Dam.: special, see below) against V- targets. In fact, most of the time, in the tunnels, all it
COMBAT TACTICS can use is its maw.
None. This monster doesn’t have any intelligence whatsoever
and is incapable of using strategy or knowing when to flee. USE/RUMORS
HIT LOCATIONS The titan worm creates underground tunnels that come in
1–3 Head, 4–20 Body very handy for human troops. However, these tunnels also prove
useful for the other inhabitants of the underground tunnels.

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)


1 Head, 2–5 Body (Upper part), 6–12 Body (Lower part),
“The very image of power itself! You should see one of these 13–15 Rear right leg, 16–18 Rear left leg, 19–20 Tail
2 giant creatures on a stormy day, roaring with its head raised
high against a dark sky streaked by lightning. Of course, it’s a SPECIAL
sight you only want to see from a nice safe vantage point a few Shell 5 (V-)
kilometers away, because if that thing catches your scent, then Tail (A target hit by the creature’s tail must carry out an
the Patriarchs help you!” Acrobatics/Balance Test with a penalty that depends on its
-- Den Ker 32 587, surface research service category: -13 (H), -7 (V-) and -3 (V+). If it fails the Test, then the
Type: giant creature target is knocked down. A prone character loses his actions
Geographic area: everywhere until the end of the Round if he attempts to get up again, and at
Size: 15 meters Weight: 11 tons the very best, all he can do is shoot with a penalty of -4 for all
Tests if he remains on the ground.)
STR SIZ COO ADA PER INT WIL PRE Reinforced Thresholds
Base 140 2* 6 24 10 2 8 - * Replaces Constitution on V- scale
Melee Damage Mod. (H) +60 Reaction 14
Melee Damage Mod. +14 Speed SPD(MP) DESCRIPTION
(V-/V+) /+4 73 m, 8(2) The tyrann is a huge predator that looks like a Tyrannosaurus.
Damage Resistance (V-) +6 It is a vicious predator and it will only back down when faced
with insects. It is usually covered in seeping wounds and para-
sites that clean its body. Once it has managed to land a hit, it
Athletics 20 Attack 9 grabs its prey in its maw and crushes it mercilessly. Thankfully,
Endurance 9 Observation 9 this creature is incredibly stupid, and when it is not hungry, it
Stealth/Silent movement 2 quickly gets bored with its prey. It can attack in several ways. It
ATTACK can bite or swallow with its maw (or crush, depending on the
Relentless bite (Melee, Massive Damage on H scale, 2D10+4 size of the target). In addition to its maw, the creature can also
(V-)/1D10+2 (V+), Pen. 6 (H)/1 (V-)) or Tail (Melee, massive use its tail to wipe out its opponents. The tyrann can also so-
Damage on an H scale, 2D10+2 (V-)/1D10+1 (V+), the Attack metimes use the parasites that cover its body to its advantage.
wipes out anything that is in front of the creature)
When this creature is hungry, it is a stubborn hunter, and it The tyrann’s skin can be used to make a fairly resistant armor
is capable of tracking its prey for days. It will only give up if it (10/4).
suffers a Critical Wound, and it fears no predator other than
swarms of insects.

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)


Shell 8 (H)
“To think I was stupid enough to believe that I was safe on a Tail (The tail Attack affects all targets in the swept area. A hit target
ledge about twenty meters from those creatures. No way! must carry out an Acrobatics/Balance Test with a penalty equal to
Those things can climb up a sheer rock face incredibly easily. I the Attack’s Success Margin or fall over. A prone character loses
jumped away using my armor, and then settled the matter with his actions until the end of the Round if he attempts to get up
a couple of missiles.” again, and at the very best, all he can do is shoot with a penalty of
-- Hangus Prema, adventurer -4 for all Tests if he remains on the ground.)
Type: giant creature
Geographic area: Southern hemisphere, mainly in Australia
Size: 5 m long Weight: 750 kg
These creatures are the largest of all land reptiles, apart from sky
STR CON COO ADA PER INT WIL PRE dragons. Half of them are carnivorous, the other half are herbivores.
Base 32 38 24 24 24 4 18 - Predatory varans mainly live in the hot and desert regions, as well
SECONDARY ATTRIBUTES as along the coasts. The vegetarian varans are less impressive and
Melee Damage Mod. +11 Reaction 24 they tend to live in marshlands and more temperate regions, where
they can find plenty of food. The flesh of a varan is specific in that it
Damage Resistance -13 Speed SPD(MP) 24 m, 3(1)
is only edible once cooked as the creature’s metabolism very quickly
SKILLS eliminates the toxins it ingests during meals. Furthermore, varans
Acrobatics/Balance 13 Athletics 20 are immune to the radiation and their leathery skin, once worked,
Attack 12 Climbing 18 is practically impenetrable to the assaults of the outdoor climate.
Camouflage/Concealment 12 Hunting/Tracking 12 There is an amphibious species of varan that can move around un-
Stealth/Silent movement 12 Observation 12 derwater just as easily as in the open air. These creatures are ex-
cellent underwater hunters, and they can rival the most ferocious
aquatic predators. They attack with their jaws and their perfectly
Relentless bite (Melee, Dam.: 6D10+5 (H), Pen. 4 (H)) or articulated tail that they can use to take down their opponents.
Tail (Reach: +2, Dam.: 5D10+2 (H))
None The Komodo is a legendary varan that is said to have been as big
HIT LOCATIONS as a tyrann. Varans are not aggressive if they are not disturbed.
1–2 Head, 3–10 Body, 11–12 Front right leg, 13–14 Front left leg, Some of them could even behave in a docile fashion. Their skin
15–16 Rear left leg, 17–18 Rear right leg, 19–20 Tail is particularly sought after and can be sold for thousands of Sols.

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)

Shell 3 (V-)
“By Demeter, I sure wouldn’t want to get hit in the face by one of Dive and gulp (In combat, the vour can come down on its targets
2 those fuckers!”
-- Rather rude comment from a Watcher acting as escort for a scientific mission
to crush them and then dive back into the sand to resurface just
below its target (3 Rounds to dive, then the speed under the
Type: giant creature sand is multiplied by two). If the attack is a success, the vour
Geographic area: deserts immediately closes its mouth on its prey and dives back into the
Size: 60 m long, 9 m in diameter Weight: 9.3 tons sand, making survival impossible.)
STR SIZ COO ADA PER INT WIL PRE * Replaces Constitution on V- scale
Base 180 16* 10 24 24 4 24 -
Melee Damage Mod. (H) +85 Reaction 24 Vours are the land-dwelling alter ego of the underwater le-
Melee Damage Mod. +22 Speed SPD(MP) viathans; not only are they just as huge, but they are also just as
(V-/V+) /+12 140 m, 16(4) rare. They can reach a length of about a hundred meters. They
Damage Resistance (V-) -3 live in the desert sand and feed on mineral particles. The only
SKILLS thing that can lure them up to the surface is the presence of
Athletics 20 Attack 7 raw energy, especially during a thunder storm. The eruption
of a vour from the sand is an incredible sight to see. Barely vi-
Stealth/Silent movement 12 Observation 12
sible cracks appear in the ground, then circles of light appear,
crackling with electricity, and then the sand literally opens up
Bite (Melee, Massive Damage on the (H) scale, 5D10 (V-), to reveal the creature’s gaping maw. Once on the surface, the
2D10+3 (V+)) or Simple crushing (Melee, Massive Damage on
vour stays to enjoy the lightning for a few minutes, filling up
the H and V- scale, 5D10+3 on V+ scale)
on energy, and then return to its slumber, leaving several ki-
lometers of disturbed sand, still crackling with electricity. No
The vour is closer to a natural phenomenon than to a creature. creature would dare to attack a vour. In fact, most of creatures
It appears and disappears with no apparent reason. It can have no idea it even exists.
therefore attack a prey and then leave it alone the next Round.
1–6 Maw, 7–20 Body Nothing is known about this creature, and no specimen, living
or dead, has ever been studied.

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)

Book three
Flux or Unknown

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)

Flux creatures
minimum intensity required to invoke a caan is 8. The invoker can
attempt to transform the duration of the effect into a number of
“A wolf? No way any wolf can out run a Scorpio!” hours by successfully carrying out a new Mastery Test.
-- A young recruit from the Dawn Division
Type: Flux beast
Geographic area: the Flux, the surface
Size: 3 m Weight: 300 kg Aside from its speed, nothing sets a caan apart from any of the
other four-legged predator from the surface. These creatures
look like a kind of tiger with very long fur. They sometimes ap-
Base 24 24 24 24 24 12 16 - pear of their own accord, without being invoked, during surface
Melee Damage Mod. +7 Reaction 24

Damage Resistance -7
203 m, 23(5) As the characters are setting up camp in a makeshift shelter
SKILLS at the back of a cave on the surface, an energy storm appears
and starts throwing lightning bolts and magnetic whirlwinds
Acrobatics/Balance 14 Athletics 20
around. A howl rings out outside the cave. What kind of a crea-
Attack 16 Climbing 16
ture could possibly enjoy hunting in a storm like that?
Mastery of the
Hunting/Tracking 12 10
Polaris Effect
Stealth/Silent movement 14 Observation 14 Before going into greater detail, it is worth pointing out that
ATTACK these creatures are not “created” by the Polaris Effect.
Claws (Melee, Dam.: 2D10 (H), Pen. 3 (H)) and They live in the energy Flux, a strange psychic dimension, of
Relentless bite (Melee, Dam.: 5D10+5 (H), Pen. 3 (H)) which very little is known. If one of your characters (or any
other participant in your campaigns) decides to use the Flux
Beast power, you can then give him two options: call a crea-
This creature fights just like one of the big cats, by stalking its ture made of pure energy as described in the Core Rulebook,
prey and then pouncing on it.
or, if he has one of the relevant specializations, he can in-
HIT LOCATIONS voke one of the creatures that live in the Flux dimension. The
1–2 Head, 3–8 Body, 9–11 Front right leg, 12–14 Front left leg, process remains the same, but each creature is associated
15–17 Rear right leg, 18–20 Rear left leg with a minimum intensity (level of the specialized skill for
SPECIAL the creature in question + the level of Mastery of the Polaris
Effect). If the Test is a Success, the rest of the process goes
Shell 8 (H)
as usual, but you will have to take into account the innate
Polaris Effect (These creatures can use the following Polaris
Effect powers: Genetic Alteration 8, Burn 10, Invocation The power and motivations of these new creatures . . .

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)


1–20 Body
“You can barely even see it . . . It’s like some sort of ghost. You
catch a glimpse out of the corner of your eye and then it’s gone SPECIAL
. . . and then it’s back in your face, attacking you through your Untouchable (No regular weapons can affect them. Only sonic
armor and you realize it wasn’t a ghost after all.” weapons or power weapons are of any use in this case. The
-- Lersk Kern, surface explorer morays are completely insensitive to heat and cold. They ignore all
Type: Flux creature forms of protection and can attack through a powered exo-armor
Geographic area: everywhere or a vehicle. The only effective defense is a field that protects
Size: 1 to 2 m Weight: negligible against energy Attacks. The morays cause both Physical Damage
and Shock Damage. Once destroyed, they simply cease to exist.)
Base 16 40 28 20 14 8 18 -
These creatures were recently observed after a leak of the Flux
Melee Damage Mod. +3 Reaction 17
into our reality. They look like a kind of translucent moray eel
Speed SPD(MP) that float in the air as if they were in water. From first observa-
Damage Resistance -9
180 m, 20(5)
tions, they seem to be only half solid, as if they were made of en-
SKILLS ergy. When a moray eel attacks, it bites its prey and the Wounds
Athletics 20 Attack 10 are perfectly real even though the creature is not really solid.
Stealth/Silent movement 18
ATTACK It goes without saying that many laboratories would pay a
Relentless bite (Melee, Dam.: 4D10+1 (H), Pen. 3 (H) and +2D6 in small fortune to get their hands on one of these specimens. The
Shock Damage) only problem is that they are not really solid. Some people have
COMBAT TACTICS even suggested that these creatures could well be a manifes-
Flux morays use the fact that they are hard to spot to sneak up tation of the minds of their victims. A kind of nightmare that
on their victims. They usually move in large circles around their becomes reality for a short moment. Others claim that a strong
target and then move in little by little. They will easily disengage enough energy field could be capable of detaining one.
from combat if their opponent turns out to be too feisty.

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)

lifted (a mantis can lift 300 kg without much of an effort), a

MANTIS character cannot do anything apart from try to free himself
“Look, son, I don’t mind chatting with you, but you’d better (see Holding/Pinning on page 228).
change the subject real quick.” HIT LOCATIONS
-- Holie, retired explorer
1–4 Head, 5–12 Body, 13–14 Front right leg, 15–16 Front left leg,
Type: Flux beast 17–18 Rear right leg, 19–20 Rear left leg
3 Geographic area: the Flux, the surface
Size: 5 m Weight: 1,800 kg SPECIAL

Polaris Effect (a mantis can use the following Flux powers: Flux
Base 34 30 20 24 24 16 20 - Beast 12, Erosion 10, Parasite 12, Sonic Attack 14).
SECONDARY ATTRIBUTES Reinforced Impaling (a mantis’s legs are capable of impaling a
victim and literally nailing it to the ground.)
Melee Damage Mod. +12 Reaction 24 Invocation (the minimum intensity required to invoke Mantis is 12)
Damage Resistance -11 Speed SPD(MP) 90 m, 10(3) Frenzy (with the Bite Attack only, once the creature has grabbed
hold of a prey, the Damage increases by 1 Point per Round.)
Athletics 20 Attack 16
Mastery of the Polaris
12 Observation 16 A mantis looks like other giant insects, except that its shell is
covered in pockmarks and seeping wounds. Its glistening claws
Stealth/Silent movement 16
are coated with a slimy substance and its dead eyes are always
ATTACK staring at its opponents. The intelligent expression of this fear-
Legs (Melee, 2 attacks without any penalty, Reach +3, Dam.: some creature is matched only by its incredible efficiency in
4D10+3 (H), Pen. 4 (H)) or Relentless bite (Melee, Dam.: 3D10+3 combat. Just like a caan, it can appear without being invoked
(H), Pen. 3 (H))
during the most energetic energy storms.
Unlike praying mantises, a mantis does not play with its food.
It attacks boldly and will only stop when its target is no longer
Sent to the surface to reestablish contact with the members
moving. A warrior to the core, it will never hesitate to engage
in combat, even if its mastery fails, but it will also make sure it of an exploration mission who have been declared missing, the
takes care of the invoker once the main conflict is dealt with. characters end up discovering the ruins of a camp on the side
It either attacks with its two fearsome front legs (like a pair of of a mountain. After a quick inspection, they realize that the
cleavers that, on a Critical Result, can inflict double Damage, whole team was wiped out by gigantic insects. But they will
pierce the victim if they make it through its Protection and inflict need a few more days to work out that the creatures were in-
at least one Critical Wound), or it attempts to grab its prey to try
to pull it to bits. In this case, the prey automatically suffers the voked by a group of wandering solar priests, better known as
Bite Attack at level 20. Once grabbed and the Onis.

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)


1–2 Tentacle 1, 3–4 Tentacle 2, 5–6 Tentacle 3, 7–8 Tentacle 4,
“Some say that the bite of the medusa is colder than death. 9–10 Tentacle 5, 11–12 Tentacle 6, 13–19 Body, 20 Head
Just the memory of it is enough for me.” A Mortal Wound to a tentacle makes it inert, a “Limb Destroyed”
-- Sol Glenn Wound severs it.
Type: Flux beast SPECIAL
Geographic area: the Flux, the oceans
Size: 5 m Weight: 800 kg Shell 8 (H)
Polaris Effect (This creature can use the following effects:
STR CON COO ADA PER INT WIL PRE Forcefield 9, Molecular disruption 10, Whirlpool 10)
Base 48 30 24 24 24 14 24 - Invocation (The minimum intensity required to invoke a
medusa is 12.)
SECONDARY ATTRIBUTES Damage progression for medusa constriction
Melee Damage Mod. +19 Reaction 24 Strength (*) Dam. (**) Max Dam.
Speed SPD(MP) 48 +4/Round 72 (H)
Damage Resistance -15
130 m, 14(3)
(*) The Strength required varies according to the Liftable
SKILLS Weight rule on page 228.
Athletics 20 Attack 12 (**) The Damage progression varies according to the
Constriction Attacks rule on page 226.
Mastery of the Polaris
12 Observation 14
Stealth/Silent movement 16 DESCRIPTION
A medusa is a very powerful Flux Beast, capable of controlling
Polaris Effects intelligently and facing a number of opponents
Constriction (Melee, Dam.: special, see below) and at the same time with a particularly well-developed sense of
Beak (Melee, Dam.: 3D10 + 5 (H))
strategy. This is the preferred Beast of many disciples of the
COMBAT TACTICS Black Sun, and of Raine as well, when she gets enough time to
A medusa is capable of using strategy, and more importantly invoke one. It has six tentacles, each of them is 2 meters long.
it knows when it doesn’t need to be in the heat of the fight.
Whether it is controlled or not, it is intelligent enough to
communicate (telepathically) and offer an alliance to keep it USE/RUMORS
under the water for as long as possible. At the first sign of After the death of a rebellious priest, a medusa manages to
trouble, it will charge at whoever invoked it to destroy him. gather a number of mutants from the depths and stay alive for
several weeks. Its presence causes incredible disturbances that
will eventually be noticed by the Cult of the Trident, unless the
characters get there first.

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)

Crushing (If the entity gets a Success Margin of at least 5 for

MINOR ENTITY V- its Strength Test, it grabs its prey, inflicts the Base Damage
“If you hear a shrill sound, find a puddle nearby and throw and from the next Round onwards, it crushes the victim (see
yourself in it. With a little luck, ‘it’ won’t see you. Of course, it’s below). As long as it is crushing it, it will not inflict another Force
best to check first that it isn’t just your buddies trying to prank Attack.)
you. You always look super dumb when you throw yourself in a Invisibility (A Perception Test with a -10 penalty is required to

3 puddle for nothing and everyone starts laughing at you.”

-- A soldier on the surface
spot even a tiny part of this being.)
Electromagnetic Disturbances (When the entity appears (this
usually takes 1D10 Rounds), a slightly
Type: Flux creature shrill sound can be heard, and all electronic devices nearby are
Geographic area: forests and jungles affected by static (penalty of -10). During the disturbance, only
Size: unknown Weight: unknown Polaris Effect powers can have any effect. As for the entity, it
STR CON COO ADA PER INT WIL PRE cannot do anything else while this effect is ongoing.)
Invulnerability (A minor entity is only affected by Polaris
Base 105 100 24 24 14 24 24 -
Effects, power weapons, and sonic weapons. None of these
SECONDARY ATTRIBUTES attacks can really do it any Damage, but they can disturb it.
Melee Damage Mod. (H) +47 Reaction 19 For every 30 Damage (on the H scale), the entity suffers 1
disturbance point. Each disturbance point acts as a penalty
Melee Damage Mod. +6/ Speed SPD(MP) for its attacks. If the penalty reaches a total of -20, the Entity
(V-/V+) -4 40 m, 4(1) disappears.)
Damage Resistance (V-) NA Ephemeral Manifestation (An entity can only appear for 10D10
Damage progression for minor entity crushing
Attack 16 Observation 14 Strength Dam. (*) Max Dam.
Stealth/Silent movement 16 105 +10/Round 157 (H)/15 (V-)/7 (V+)
ATTACK Affects all V- targets from the first Round, and all V+ targets
Force Attack (Melee, Dam.: 10D10+4 (H)/1D10+1 (V-) + from the second Round.
Constriction) and Psychic Attack (Special) (*) The Damage progression varies according to the
COMBAT TACTICS Constriction Attacks rule on page 226.
An entity attacks its prey both physically and psychically.
Regardless of the shape it takes on, the attack is the same:
a wave of force that crushes its victim physically, and a DESCRIPTION
simultaneous wave of mental force that burns the victim’s mind. It is thought that these creatures from the Flux are fragments
HIT LOCATIONS of the entities that live there, a kind of psychic growth that can
1-20 Entity cross the boundary between the dimensions. They are partially
invisible most of the time, and the few rare witnesses who have
seen them speak of yellow eyes, a gaping maw, a tentacle here,
Psychic Attack (The entity and its prey carry out an Opposed some claws there, etc. Their descriptions are always different
Willpower Test and compare their Success Margins. If the victim
and any glimpse that people get of these things is a fleeting one.
gets the higher margin or if both scores are equal, nothing
happens. If the entity gets the higher Margin, it “burns away” 1 Entities have one major weakness: they can’t see through water.
point from the victim’s Willpower score. This is a permanent loss.) Rain disturbs them and gives them a penalty of -1 (drizzle) to -5
(torrential downpour) for all their Tests. Anything in the water
is safe from an entity, even at a very shallow depth.


An entity can never be seen completely. Most of the time, all
you can glimpse is its eyes or a part of its body for a very short
time. It is more a force that you can sense than anything else,
but its presence is almost always made obvious by the slight
shrill noise that can be heard when it appears in our reality. The
sound never lasts for very long, just while it is crossing between
the dimensions. Once it has appeared fully, it is silent. When it
attacks its prey, you can usually see its horrific maw (always
different for each entity) and various limbs and tentacles, huge
claws, etc. To be able to spot an entity, a Perception Test with a
penalty of -10 is necessary. An entity is huge, and if you know
where it is, any Attack against it is carried out with a bonus of
+10. The only difficulty is finding an Attack that will actually
work against it.

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)


Shell 12 (H)
“Raine is nothing but a myth.” Polaris Effect (Raine can master the following powers: Mind
-- Demeter Control 10, Flux beast 12, Force field 12, Energy Bolts 14,
Type: Flux beast (minor entity) Molecular Regeneration 10.
Geographic area: the Flux, the oceans Invocation The minimum intensity to invoke Raine is 16. The
Size: 4 m Weight: 930 kg penalty for the Manipulation Test is -4, and -8 for a member
of the Cult of the Trident. If she has a problem, she can invoke
STR CON COO ADA PER INT WIL PRE Flux Beasts with a bonus of +4 for the Test. These beasts are
Base 48 30 24 24 24 14 24 - automatically under her control and disappear when she does.)
Damage progression for Raine constriction
Strength (*) Dam. (**) Max Dam.
Melee Damage Mod. +25
Reaction 26 60 +6/Round 90 (H)/9 (V-)
(H)/(V-) /-2
Affects V- targets from the second Round.
Speed SPD(MP)
Damage Resistance -20 (*) The Strength required varies according to the Liftable Weight
250 m, 28(6)
rule on page 235.
SKILLS (**) The Damage progression varies according to the
Athletics 20 Attack 15 Constriction Attacks rule on page 226.
Mastery of the Polaris
15 Observation 18
Stealth/Silent movement 12 DESCRIPTION
Raine is not an ordinary Flux Beast. She is a minor Entity, in
theory unique but capable of reproducing indefinitely if she
Fists (Melee, Dam.: 6D6+1 (H), Raine can carry out three Attacks were to be destroyed under the seas. Her appearance alone is
simultaneously without any penalty) or Constriction (Melee,
Dam.: special, see below) enough to cause a disturbance in the balance of the underwater
currents. There are few who have survived to tell the tale of their
encounter with this evil creature. Raine has six arms.
In combat, she can use any of the Polaris Effects that she can
control, but also her powerful fists, either by pounding or by
crushing her victim. USE/RUMORS
It is whispered that Raine is not just a simple “creature” from
the Flux. Given the Cult of the Trident’s nihilistic attitude, it
1–2 Head, 3–8 Torso, 9–10 Right arm (1), 11–12 Right arm (2), would seem that she has some form of connection with the or-
13–14 Right arm (3), 15–16 Left arm (1), 17–18 Left arm (2),
19–20 Left arm (3) ganization. Some say that she is in fact a former priestess.

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)

Fists (Melee, Dam.: 3D10+4 (H))
“If the Black Sun were ever to openly worship a deity, it would
-- Demeter Shade never attacks without a reason, and when he does, he
Type: Flux beast (minor entity) does so in total darkness. Shade can agree to grant his help,
3 Geographic area: the Flux, the surface
Size: 3 m Weight: 360 kg
physical or mental, but he will always try to negotiate a few
moments of freedom out in the fresh air. If the invoker accepts,
he can attempt to turn the duration of the effect into hours by
STR CON COO ADA PER INT WIL PRE carrying out another Mastery Test.
Base 36 40 24 24 30 24 32 - HIT LOCATIONS
Melee Damage Mod. +13 Reaction 27 SPECIAL
Damage Resistance -13 Speed SPD(MP) 56 m, 6(2) Shell 27 (H)
SKILLS Polaris Effect (Shade can use the following Flux powers:
Genetic Alteration 12, Flux Beast 9, Burn 9, Forcefield 16,
Athletics 20 Attack 15 Atmospheric Control 14, Death Bolts 12, Solar Storm 12)
Mastery of the Invocation (the minimum intensity required to invoke Shade is
Camouflage/Concealment 18 16 16, and the penalty for the Manipulation Test is -4. Anyone who
Polaris Effect
fails the Manipulation Test will have to face an unpredictable
Stealth/Silent movement 18 Observation 15
lightning-fast attack.)
Darkness (Shade can see perfectly well in the dark and can
cloak himself in a shroud of darkness that reaches out from
him over a 10-meter radius.)

Shade has a humanoid shape, but his skin seems to be made
of pure darkness. There is a theory that Shade is the surface
alter ego of Raine, a unique supernatural entity that some of
the more audacious rumors claim is capable of having personal
projects of her own. The connection he has with the Black Sun
is the subject of many discussions in the world under the sea,
and the rare surveillance recordings brought back by explora-
tion teams on the surface show the extreme violence that this
exceptional Flux Beast is capable of.

Under the oceans, the Cult of the Trident is in a moment of
turmoil. After the recent death of three ambassadors, two of-
ficials from Equinox have been reported missing in disturbing
circumstances. If the characters are trustworthy enough to be
sent to track down the killer, maybe they will uncover one of

the most amazing alliances of the Black Sun. But at what cost?

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)


1–5 Head, 6–16 Body, 17–18 Right fin, 19–20 Left fin
“Only a novice would mistake a squale for a shark.”
-- Demeter SPECIAL
Type: Flux beast Shell 10 (H)
Geographic area: the Flux, the oceans Frenzy (When the creature has grabbed a prey, the Damage
Size: 8 m Weight: 600 kg increases by 1 or 2 Points per Round. Its material existence
duration is counted in hours. The relentlessness inflicts 1
STR CON COO ADA PER INT WIL PRE additional Damage per Round while the Squale is focusing on a
Base 20 24 24 20 20 8 15 - single target. This bonus is increased by 1 Point per Round if the
victim is Wounded and losing blood.)
SECONDARY ATTRIBUTES Polaris Effect (a Squale masters the following skills of the
Melee Damage Mod. +5 Reaction 20 Polaris Effect: Psychic Attack 9, Electromagnetic pulse 9.
Invocation the minimum intensity required to invoke the Squale is 8.)
Speed SPD(MP)
Damage Resistance -6
103 m, 11(3)
Athletics 20 Attack 16 Squales are the weakest of the Flux Beasts that can appear in
the world under the seas. They always rush out of the shadows
Mastery of the Polaris
9 Observation 16 and charge straight at the bearer of the mutation, before ma-
king a sharp turn and charging at the victims designated by the
Stealth/Silent movement 16
person who invoked it. This beast is incapable of answering any
ATTACK questions.
Relentless Bite (Melee, Dam.: 7D10+2 (H), Pen. 4 (H)
A squale always lures its prey down to the depths while After arriving on a small underwater station, the characters
crushing them. There can therefore be some issues with discover that the local hydrofarmers are being terrorized by
pressure. Once it has wounded one of its opponents, the squale the regular attacks of two large sharks. Despite their investiga-
harasses its victim and tries to drag it down into the depths. Its tion, they can’t seem to find any sign of a lair. Maybe a direct
only functions are to fight and to protect whoever invoked it.
If it is controlled, the monster attacks the targets designated confrontation with the two squales could help put them on the
by the bearer of the mutation, and will then disappear. If it is not trail of a priest, maybe a renegade one?
controlled, then it will only attack the person who invoked it and
will then attempt to flee.

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)

Unknown creatures
Pain Wave (These creatures emit a wave of pure pain that affects
“Killing those things that were once our companions is only a all living creatures within a radius of 2 meters around them. There
mercy. Killing those that made them like that is only justice.” is no effective means of protection, but the victim must be capable
-- Relny Gascar, soldier from the Mediterranean Union of feeling pain. Therefore, some forms of drugs can help provide
Type: biological abomination protection against this effect. This wave only inflicts a penalty of -1
Geographic area: surface for all Tests, but it can be amplified, see Suffering below.)
Size: 2.2 m Weight: 260 kg Suffering (These creatures can channel the pain around them to
increase their abilities. All penalties for Tests relative to Wounds are
STR CON COO ADA PER INT WIL PRE turned into bonuses (maximum +10). Worse still, each penalty point
24 to also increases the Strength of the creature (maximum 48) and all
Base 24 11 19 12 6 10 1 its Wound thresholds (no maximum). If someone were to come up
with the crazy idea of using a weapon that inflicts penalty points
due to pain on one of these creatures, they would be in for one hell
+7 to of a surprise. The effect is immediate and lasts until the Wound has
Melee Damage Mod. Reaction 15
+19 healed or until the abomination releases its suffering (see below).
-7 to Furthermore, an abomination can choose not to use the bonus
Damage Resistance Speed SPD(MP) 40 m, 4(1) conveyed by its Wounds and release all its suffering at once in a tidal
wave of pain that sweeps an area with a radius of twice the bonus in
SKILLS meters. The victims will all suffer a penalty for all their Tests equal to
Athletics 20 Attack 12 the bonus (max -10). This penalty is reduced by 1 per Round.)
Invulnerability (these creatures are immune to poisons,
Endurance 24 Observation 11 radiation, shocks and psychic attacks.)
ATTACK Regeneration
Claws (Melee, Dam.: variable, see table below) Shell (Vines and chitin plates. 10 (H)/20 (H) for the head and
the shoulders.)
These things charge at their opponents and rip them to shreds,
so their combat techniques are fairly primal.
These horrors were born in the laboratories of the Iron En-
clave. They are the result of horrendous genetic experiments
Human that aimed to create some kind of a mixture of human, plant,
and insect. Most of them were created from prisoners and
transformed into mindless and obedient slaves in the service of

the Enclave’s troops. These creatures have a humanoid shape,

but in places, their flesh gives way to what looks like vines, like
knotty muscles, and plates of chitin. Their head is completely
covered by a helmet made of extremely thick and completely
smooth chitin that also covers their shoulders and nape. In their
normal state, they are completely uncontrollable. These things
can be used with a control hybrid (page 201) that is bonded with
them for life. The hybrid is protected by the chitin shell that co-
vers the shoulders of the abominations. They have long, pointed
claws that are extremely sharp and tough.

STR 24 25–27 28–29 30–31 32–33 34–35

Dam. (H) 2D10 2D10+1 2D10+2 2D10+3 2D10+4 2D10+5
Pen. (H) 3 3 3 4 4 4
STR 36–37 38–39 40-41 42–43 44–46 47–48
Dam. (H) 3D10 3D10+1 3D10+2 3D10+3 3D10+4 3D10+5
Pen. (H) 4 4 4 4 4 4

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)

The Attack against the nervous system is horribly painful

ENERGY HAZE and inflicts a penalty of -1 per Success Margin point for all the
“Jinx to base, we’re entering the ruins . . . Nothing to report so character’s Tests. No armor can provide any protection against
far . . . I can see Paul’s armor, but there’s a kind of smoke all this Attack.)
around it, like a fog or something. He’s not moving. Uh . . . the Cold (the intensity of the Cold when in contact with the creature
fog is full of sparks and it’s coming towards me . . . Base? It’s is increased by one Cold level per Round: from Cold to Very Cold,
gliding towards me! Base, what do I do now? Well screw Paul, for example, see CRB 1, page 238.)
I’m getting the hell out of here.” Special (The creature can empty the energy of a 1 kg battery at
-- Part of the communications log of a member of a rescue team the rate of 1D10% per Round for a TL II battery, 1D6% per Round
for a TL III battery, 1D6/2% per Round for a TL IV battery and 1%
Type: unknown per Round for a TL V+ battery. Therefore, a 5 kg TL V battery will
Geographic area: everywhere be empty in 500 Rounds.)
Size: cloud of fog about 2 m in diameter Weight: N/A Invulnerability (The haze is invulnerable to everything other
STR CON COO ADA PER INT WIL PRE than sonic weapons and any power weapons that inflict Shock
Damage (when used on the haze, they will inflict Physical
Base 4 67 16 19 15 2 24 -
Damage). The haze cannot breach a protective field, but when in
SECONDARY ATTRIBUTES contact with one it will empty their batteries as described above.)
Melee Damage Mod. - Reaction 17
Damage Resistance -13 Speed SPD(MP) 41 m, 5(2)
It is possible that this creature (and this is indeed a creature)
Attack 9 Observation 13 may also have come out of the Flux. It is a cloud of fog, lit up by
Stealth/Silent movement 16 little colored sparks, and which floats around near ground level
ATTACK looking for the heat and electrical energy of living creatures.
EMP (Melee, Dam.: -5 (H)/-1 (V-))
In some reports, surface explorers have described a rather
curious phenomenon that is quite similar to the energy haze,
HIT LOCATIONS but on the scale of a whole region. These explorers reported
1–20 Haze entering great clouds of this fog and observed a decrease in
SPECIAL temperature, anomalies with their electronic devices and a loss
EMP (When it attacks, the haze wraps itself around its victim if it of energy in their batteries. Although these reports describe ef-
succeeds at its Attack Test. As soon as the victim is wrapped in the fects that seem to be milder, they are very similar to the effects
haze, it suffers an EMP Attack, an Attack on its nervous system observed with an energy haze.
and a Cold Attack. The creature has to renew its Attack during each
Round, as long as its prey still has a chance of escaping.

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)

MACROVIRUS Acid (The acid has the following characteristics: 1D10 Damage
per Round, plus 2 additional points per Round (1D10+2 for the
“The vehicle had flipped over in the middle of the street, and second Round, 1D10+4 for the third, etc.), for as long as it is in
the guys were stuck inside. Suddenly, this slimy thing came out contact with the target or after a maximum of 30 Rounds. If a
of nowhere and slipped inside through a hole in the vehicle. I prey manages to get away, (see Holding/Pinning, on page 228),
3 heard them screaming in my headphones. In just a few minutes
it was over, there was nothing left of my men.”
the acid immediately stops having any effect. This slimy mass is
immune to regular weapons. Only power weapons, area effects
-- Arym Sendorick, soldier of the Red League like fire or cold, or sonic attacks can affect it.)
Type: virus Smothering (When this creature lands a successful Attack,
Geographic area: surface ruins it envelops its prey and inflicts Constriction Damage.
Size: 2 m in diameter Weight: 40 kg Furthermore, the victim has no air supply.)
Damage progression for flesh eating macrovirus crushing
Strength Dam. (*) Max Dam.
Base 20 60 14 17 8 3 24 - 20 +2/Round 30 (H)
(*) The Damage progression varies according to the
Melee Damage Mod. +5 Reaction 12 Constriction Attacks rule on page 226.
Damage Resistance -17 Speed SPD(MP) 30 m, 3(1)
Attack 10 Observation 12 This horrible creature is a gigantic mutant virus that feeds
Stealth/Silent movement 12 on living flesh. It is a squishy blob, about 2 meters in diameter,
ATTACK which roams through the ruins of the ancient surface world in
search of anything it can devour.
Constriction (Melee, Dam.: special, see below)
The macrovirus is a mindless creature, it just slides up to the
Nothing can hold this thing in, except for TL VI or TL VII mate-
nearest target without any further thought about the nature
of its prey. It attacks its victim by covering it and crushing it, rials. It is therefore almost impossible to capture one. The only
smothering it and eating into it with its acid. help they can be for a group of explorers is that most of the sur-
HIT LOCATIONS face creatures are scared stiff of them. Therefore, when there’s
a macrovirus in the area, there is little chance that another pre-
1–20 Creature
dator will turn up.

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)

Ghost wires do not give off any heat.

GHOST WIRE Minuscule (They are extremely difficult to hit with a firearm
“The antibodies of Equinox!” (they are treated like Minuscule targets with a penalty of -10
-- Comment from a Watcher officer to hit) and even if the Attack Test is a Success, the Damage
is halved. Only bladed weapons and area effect weapons are
Type: unknown 100% efficient.)
Geographic area: mainly in Equinox Agglutination (for each Attack, a number of ghost wires equal
Size: 1 m Weight: 1 kg to the Success Margin automatically gets stuck to the target.)
STR CON COO ADA PER INT WIL PRE Constriction Damage (multiply the number of Tentacles/Limbs
grasped by 10 to calculate the Damage Multiplier. The maximum
Base 1 12 19 10 15 - - -
Damage is equal to 1 (H) Point per creature.)
SECONDARY ATTRIBUTES Difficult removal (to get free from these things, the victim
Melee Damage Mod. -6 Reaction 13 carries out a Strength Test and uses his Success Margin
divided by 2 (rounded up) to establish how many of them he
Damage Resistance +2 Speed SPD(MP) 38 m, 4(1) can get rid of.)
SKILLS Damage progression for ghost wire constriction
Athletics 13 Attack 12 Ghost wires Dam. (**) Max Dam.
Camouflage/Concealment 16 Observation 12 10 +1/Round 10 (H)/variable
ATTACK (*) The Damage progression varies according to the Constriction
Attacks rule on page 226.
Acid (Melee, Dam.: 1D6 (bonus of +1 per wire), +2 per Round up to
a maximum equal to twice the number of wires while they are in
contact with the target. The Damage caused by the acid is reduced
by 1 Point per Round as soon as the victim is no longer in contact
These strange creatures only live in the engine rooms in
with the wires) and Constriction (Melee, Dam.: special, see below)
Equinox. These things look like long translucent hanging
strands that float in groups of 10 to 40 creatures. When they
None spot a living organism, they rush towards it and try to crush it
HIT LOCATIONS so that they can then digest it with the acid they produce.
1–20 Ghost Wire
Acid (When a ghost wire sticks to a target, it begins to crush it What are these things? No one really knows. They appear in
and secrete its acid. The Damage indicated applies to a single the city’s slums and seem to target some victims rather than
ghost wire. As soon as another ghost wire sticks to the victim, others. Nothing is known about their true nature, as they de-
the creature’s Strength should be increased by 1 point and the compose if they are destroyed or isolated. Are they the antibo-
acid Damage increased by 1 Point per additional wire. Therefore, dies of Equinox, as an officer of the Watchers suggested? Could
if a character is attacked by 20 ghost wires, the constriction is
carried out with a Strength of 20 and the acid will inflict 1D6+20 such a thing be possible? Or could they be some kind of weapon
Damage, +2 Points per Round up to a maximum of +40.) used by some of the city’s factions?

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)

the creature’s Strength should be increased by 1 point and the

GLIDERS acid Damage increased by 1 Point per additional wire. Therefore,
“There you are, fixing pipes and minding your own business if a character is attacked by 20 ghost wires, the constriction is
when suddenly you see something slimy dripping onto your carried out with a Strength of 20 and the acid will inflict 1D6+20
hands and a second later, a big see-through blob has landed Damage, +2 Points per Round up to a maximum of +40.)
on your head. It comes as a shock I can tell ya. I only survived Ghost wires do not give off any heat.

3 because the area was contaminated and I was wearing an

airtight suit of armor. Well, and because Lassion was there with
Suffocation (A glider attacks by letting itself drop onto its prey.
The target is allowed a Reaction Test to try to avoid the Attack,
his flamethrower . . .” with a penalty equal to the Stealth Test carried out by the
-- Reganec Tills, technician in Equinox creature. If the victim’s Test fails, the creature falls onto it and
covers it completely, blocking off all air supply. This can only
Type: unknown be fought off by carrying out a Strength Test opposed to the
Geographic area: mainly in Equinox creature’s Strength. If he fails the Test, then the victim is at risk
Size: 1.5 m in diameter, can spread out to up to 3 meters to of being crushed and suffocated to death.)
completely cover a prey. Weight: 10 kg Invulnerability (Gliders are only vulnerable to bladed weapons
STR CON COO ADA PER INT WIL PRE that can cut into them, to fire, and to cold. However cold does
not kill them, it only slows them down. You should apply any
Base 15 20 10 10 12 - - -
penalties caused by Wounds (to all Actions and movements)
SECONDARY ATTRIBUTES even if the Wounds are only temporary. The penalties are
Melee Damage Mod. +0 Reaction 11 reduced by 1 point per Round.)
Incremental Strength (Some gliders have a fearsome power. The
Damage Resistance -4 Speed SPD(MP) 14 m, 2(1) Strength of these creatures increases by 1 Point per Round from
SKILLS the moment they catch their prey up to a maximum score of 24.)
Damage progression for glider crushing
Attack - 20 Strength Dam. (*) Max Dam.
Stealth/Silent movement 18 Observation 13 15 +1/Round 22 (H)
ATTACK (*) The Damage progression varies according to the Constriction
Attacks rule on page 226.
Acid (Melee, Dam.: 2D10, +2 per Round for as long as it is in contact
with its target or up to a maximum duration of 20 Rounds. The
Damage caused by the acid is reduced by 1 Point per Round
as soon as the victim is no longer in contact with it, or after DESCRIPTION
20 Rounds.) and Constriction (Melee, Dam.: special, see below) These horrible creatures may well be from the same family
COMBAT TACTICS as the ghost wires. A glider is a kind of translucent protoplasm
Gliders are incapable of jumping or pouncing on a target, they that glides up and down the walls of the engine rooms. They are
can only attack by letting themselves drop onto their prey. almost invisible and do not give off any heat.
1–20 Glider
Just like ghost wires, no one knows where these creatures
SPECIAL come from, let alone what they really are. Some rumors say that

Acid (When a ghost wire sticks to a target, it begins to crush it gliders are a bioengineered weapon escaped from a laboratory.
and secrete its acid. The Damage indicated applies to a single
ghost wire. As soon as another ghost wire sticks to the victim,

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)

Damage progression for {creature} constriction

( tentacled horror )V- Strength (†) Dam. (††) Max Dam.
90 +9/Round 135 (H)/13 (V-)
“It was humongous. Like a huge writhing pile of tentacles and Affects V- scale targets from the second Round.
monstrous jaws moving in every direction and spread out
dozens of meters across. Fire didn’t seem to cause the thing * Strength of the creature/Strength of its tentacles
much pain, but it was quite obviously uncomfortable in the ** Replaces Constitution on V- scale
light. Its horrendous mouths were projected from its body and (†) The Strength required varies according to the Liftable
launched towards its attackers, while its tentacles grabbed hold Weight rule on page 235.
of the rock formations to drag the beast forwards. The horror (††) The Damage progression varies according to the
was edging closer to its preys. One of the men didn’t have time Constriction Attacks rule on page 226.
to react. One of the beast’s jaws swallowed his whole head. He
was plucked from the ground like a child’s doll and dragged back
towards the foul mound by the tentacle as it drew back.” DESCRIPTION
-- Project Domination This revolting creature looks like a mound of rotting flesh,
Type: unknown with twenty tentacles that it creates directly from the substance
Geographic area: ruins, deep trenches, underground tunnels of its body. It can therefore make them reappear wherever it
Size: variable, diameter of up to 60 m or 600 m Weight: 4,500 tons
wishes on its body and grow them back if cut off. This creature
STR SIZ COO ADA PER INT WIL PRE can usually be found in ancient ruins, but it does occasionally go
180/ roaming on the surface. The gorgor decomposes very quickly if
Base 17** 12 15 10 - 15 -
90* it is killed.

Melee Damage Mod. (H)

Reaction 12
+40* To be honest, no one has the faintest idea where this thing
+22/ comes from or what it really is. Some say that on Vulcania III
Melee Damage Mod. (V-) Speed SPD(MP) 7 m, 1(1)
+4* they have caught a live specimen. However, the veracity of that
+12/ information seems to be highly doubtful.
Damage Resistance (V-) Damage. Res. (V-) –4
Athletics 20 Attack 12
Observation 10
Tentacles: Constriction (Melee, Dam.: special, see below) or
Relentless Bite (Melee, Dam.: 4D10+5 (H), 1D6-2 (V-))
Gaping Maw (Melee, Dam.: massive on a Human scale, 2D10
(V-)/1D10 (V+))
This creature usually chooses to grab its prey by the head and
drop them into its gaping maw to swallow them. It can pick up
almost three tons with a single tentacle, so this doesn’t require
much in terms of physical effort. The only thing that can cause
this thing to back off is light, which can make it hesitate and
even retreat if bright enough.
This creature is so gigantic that each Attack is either carried out
against the general mass or against a specific tentacle. A Mortal
Wound to a tentacle makes it inert, a “Limb Destroyed” Wound
severs it.
Reinforced Thresholds
Special (The creature can double its speed if it can grab a hold
of something to help it move forward. It can use up to 10 of its
20 tentacles for fighting and attack as many targets as it has
tentacles dedicated to attacking. The creature doesn’t usually
use more than one or two tentacles per prey, unless the target
is particularly resistant. Any tentacle cut off will grow back in
1D10 x 10 Rounds.)

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)


1–20 Creature
“Have you ever seen death? I have! I even emptied my clip of
ammo in its face. And you know what? It didn’t feel a damn SPECIAL
thing. Surprising, huh? If you happen to cross paths with death Shell 18 (H)
someday, just do as I did, make a run for it and pray you can Reinforced Threshold
3 run faster than it can.”
-- Nathan Delion, surface adventurer
Shriek (A harvester’s shriek deals a penalty of 2 points to all
their opponents’ Tests within a 10-meter radius. It also reduces
Type: abomination by half the reaction of the targets located in the area of effect)
Geographic area: all, mainly ruins Invulnerabilities (These creatures are totally immune to
Size: 1.9 m Weight: 135 kg radiation, acid, anything that may affect their sick minds, fire,
cold, sonic attacks, and even electricity and EMP attacks.)
STR CON COO ADA PER INT WIL PRE Necrosis (Without protection, any contact with this creature
Base 32 85 16 19 12 8 24 - leads to a very fast and gruesome necrosis. The victim literally
rots in minutes. The only way to stop the process is to drink
SECONDARY ATTRIBUTES a blend of blood and cerebrospinal fluid (50 cl). Any type of
Melee Damage Mod. +11 Reaction 15 blood and fluid will do, even a blend from one of the creature’s
syringes. Each injection halts the process for a duration of one
Damage Resistance -24 Speed SPD(MP) 56 m, 6(2)
week. An infected subject is not contagious. As soon as the
SKILLS injection is done, the lost stat points are instantly recovered. If
Athletics 20 Attack 12 the victim’s Constitution falls to 0 before the injection is done,
they do not survive the process.
Stealth/Silent movement 8 Observation 10 Exposure Method: contact
ATTACK Contagion Modifier: -
Incubation Period: 1 Round
Scythe (Melee, Reach: +2; Damage: 4D10+1 (H)/1D6-2 (V-), Pen. Virulence/Progression: 3D6 then 2D6 every Round for 10 Rounds.
9 (H)/1 (V-)) or Fists (Melee, Damage: 2D10 (H)) Thresholds/Effects: Threshold 5: Strength, Constitution,
COMBAT TACTICS Presence –1, Threshold 10: Strength, Constitution, Presence –2,
These beings go berserk and never give up. They attack Threshold 15: Strength, Constitution, Presence –4,
anything that lives and use a kind of syringe to feed off the vital Threshold 20: Strength, Constitution, Presence –6,
fluids of their victims (they usually have many syringes, some Threshold 25: Strength, Constitution, Presence –8,
of them full, strapped to their belt), which seems to allow them Threshold 30: the victim’s body is now nothing but a pile of
to regenerate their rotting tissues. They attack either with a rotten flesh.
scythe or with their fists. In combat they make a piercing sound Diagnosis Modifier: +4
mixed with some sort of twisted human shriek. Healing Modifier: -

No one knows who could have created such an abomination.
The harvesters are crazy machines, dreadful beings made of
flesh and metal. They are a hideous combination between a hu-

man being and the exoskeleton of a humanoid robot. Wires are

intertwined with veins and arteries, metal is mixed with bones,
their brain is half artificial, half organic. These horrifying and
diseased beings are sick, and all their organic parts gradually
rot away. They are always clad in tattered black clothing and
they wield a scythe as if they were the dark representation of
Death itself.
The enhanced metal that they are made of is highly resistant.

Cases of explorers who have caught this horrid disease are so
rare that no cure for the necrosis currently exists. However,
rumor has it that an explorer was once contaminated and still
managed to find a cure.
One can expect to get several thousand Sols for any part sal-
vaged from one of these creatures.

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)


Poison Bite (The hounds have a venomous bite with the
“Woah, they are out of their minds! As if there weren’t enough following characteristics:
horrors under the seas and on the surface, they want to add Contamination Type: contact
more?” Onset Delay: 3 Rounds
-- Lana Trent, citizen of Equinox Virulence/Progression: 2D6, then 2 points every 10 minutes for
Type: genetically altered dog 1 hour
Geographic area: mainly in Equinox Thresholds/Effects: Threshold 5: violent stomach cramps, -10
Size: 1.2 m at the withers Weight: 220 kg penalty for all Actions; Threshold 10 and above: Constitution -2.
If Constitution falls to 0, the victim falls into a coma.
Base 15 13 18 20 25 5 17 -
Melee Damage Mod. +2 Reaction 23 These creatures are the result of failed experiments carried
Damage Resistance -2 Speed SPD(MP) 48 m, 5(2) out on the few rare remaining dogs in the world of Polaris. The
SKILLS hounds escaped from the Cortex laboratories, settled and mul-
Athletics 20 Attack 15 tiplied in Equinox and since then, they have roamed the city’s
Observation 20 dark alleyways. The hounds have no fur. They can hunt by sight
or smell, and also using a form of echolocation similar to that
used by bats. Their bite is especially dangerous because of the
Relentless Bite (Melee, Dam.: 4D10 (H), Pen. 3 (H)) venom these things secrete. They always hunt in packs and
COMBAT TACTICS they are extremely intelligent (at least, intelligent enough to
These hounds attack in packs and can be very cunning. They lay traps and use bait to lure prey). These animals breed at a
steer clear of overpopulated places and prefer to pick out very fast rate.
isolated prey. They are also capable of luring prey to quieter
places. A Serious Wound is usually enough to chase off a Kraal
hound. The hounds always try to bite their prey at the throat USE/RUMORS
(the animal must aim for the Head location). If the Attack is Who in the slums of Equinox doesn’t have their own Kraal
a Success, then the creature inflicts Damage during each hound? Given the latest report from the Watchers on the sub-
Round, for as long as it doesn’t release its grip. This Damage is ject, one could wonder indeed. The report also brought to light
increased by 1 point per Round up to a maximum bonus equal that many clandestine fights are organized between these crea-
to its Base Damage potential (+42).
tures, or between hounds and men. Furthermore, for the lea-
HIT LOCATIONS ders of the criminal organizations, a hound is a trendy pet to
1–4 Head, 5–12 Body, 13–14 Front right leg, 15–16 Front left leg, have, even though some owners have paid for that trend with
17–18 Rear right leg, 19–20 Rear left leg their lives.

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)

Electric shock (A sylph’s attacks are devastating for
“Ouch! Damn, it hurts! Dammit! These filthy things don’t even technological vehicles as they directly affect the propulsion and
care that I have my safety gear on! Oww!! This really sucks now. guidance systems, as well as the computers. This is an EMP
These shocks . . . my heart. It goddamn hurts . . .” attack –4 (V-)/-1 (V+). Against any other target, it inflicts 1D6
-- A security agent’s last communication Damage that is not reduced by armor rating, or by armor that
3 Type: unknown
Geographic area: all
are not modified by Damage resistance)
Vulnerabilities (At first glance, destroying such a creature may
Size: 30/50 m long Weight: n/a seem to be very difficult, but sylphs have a hard time dealing
with Polaris Effects and strong electrical discharges that make
STR CON COO ADA PER INT WIL PRE them implode. These creatures are immune to regular weapons
Base 18 20 40 24 18 8 16 - but receive normal Damage from sonic weapons, blasts, and
energy weapons.)
Melee Damage Mod. +4 Reaction 21
Damage Resistance -5 Speed SPD(MP) 360 m, 40(9) DESCRIPTION
SKILLS A primitive legend claims that these creatures appeared du-
Athletics 20 Attack 13 ring a tremendous storm, the fury and violence of which they
Stealth/Silent movement 12 Observation 18 still embody today. sylphs are completely immaterial, made of
electrical energy and have a loosely serpentine winged shape.
They only appear during natural storms or energy concentra-
Charge (Melee, Damage 1D10 (H) + EMP –4 (V-)/ -1 (V+)) tions, indiscriminately striking minerals, plants, and creatures
COMBAT TACTICS living in the area, swooping down at them from the sky.
The greater the storm, the earlier sylphs may appear before it
1–20 Creature
starts. That’s when you’d better run for shelter. The number of
sylphs appearing during a storm varies according to its inten-
sity. There is a maximum of one creature per 5 points of storm

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)


A mirena is not your “average” surface encounter. These in-
“Some women break your heart when they leave you, others
credibly murderous apparitions should be handled with plenty
the moment you meet them . . .”
-- Spud, disillusioned pilot of precautions and should have a key part to play in the scena-
rio, unless you want half your group to be killed in just a few
Type: energy creature (from the Flux?)
Geographic area: storms minutes. The feminine qualities of this creature can be used to
Size: 3 m Weight: 360 kg confuse a group of surface explorers. For example, the group
STR CON COO ADA PER INT WIL PRE could be on a mission to search for a missing female explorer, or
better still, a woman known to have the Polaris mutation. In this
Base - 14 38 18 18 18 24 -
case, an encounter with one (or more) mirena could leave them
SECONDARY ATTRIBUTES with a doubt as to the identity of their opponent.
Melee Damage Mod. - Reaction 18
Damage Resistance +1 Speed SPD(MP) 95 m, 11(3)
Athletics 20 Attack 15
Domination 18 Psychic attack 16
Stealth/Silent movement 14 Observation 12
Psychic attacks (500 m) or Lightning attacks (20 m, Dam.: 3D10
(H), shock: +3D6, EMP Attack -4 (H))
A mirena always tries to dominate its targets before destroying
their minds. It is a cautious fighter, and when facing opponents
with power weapons, it won’t hesitate to flee.
1–20 Creature
Energy field (The energy field that surrounds the mirena acts
like a level 10 energy field)
Charm, Domination, Invulnerability to psychic weapons (The
psychic attack works like the Polaris Effect of the same name, and
Domination works like the Mind Control effect. The mirena is only
affected by power weapons, sonic weapons, and shock weapons.)

Most of the tales told about these strange surface creatures
compare the mirena to the mermaids of the ocean depths. In
fact, these two creatures seem to only have one thing in com-
mon: the ability to influence their victims’ minds and cause the
worst kind of behavior, for mirena are nothing like a beautiful
woman with a fish tail. These energy creatures only form when
an energy storm is overhead, or during the heat waves that
sweep across the surface deserts. It is closer to a mirage than a
creature. A mirena looks like a moving heat wave, inside which
a vaguely feminine shape can be seen. Thankfully, these pheno-
mena are rare and only have a limited lifespan of a few hours.
However they can do a lot in that short time . . .

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)


“I was scared shitless. I was just monitoring the pressure
gauges, but somehow, I felt uncomfortable, I didn’t really know SPECIAL
why. Suddenly I spotted that thing in the shadows. It wasn’t Light Fright
moving and it was just staring at me. I screamed and dropped Virus (If one of their attacks inflicts a Wound, whether by
3 all my gear. The Watchers caught up with me and told me
everything was fine, that it was just a poor sick guy they let
hand-to-hand combat or by biting, the victim is automatically
contaminated by the virus. The virus can only be transmitted that
wander in the back alleys. I’m kind of under the impression way. The victim will have to perform a Constitution Test every
they lied to me . . . I’m pretty sure that thing in the shadows was day, for 2 days for a Light Wound, 4 days for a Moderate Wound,
drooling while staring at me.” 6 days for a Serious Wound, 10 days for a Critical Wound and
-- Iven Teler, Equinox technician 16 days for a Mortal Wound. Only a Success Margin equal to the
Type: degenerate human Wound threshold (with a maximum of 15) can free them from the
Geographic area: Mainly Equinox disease, since there is no cure. Every failed Test reduces their
Size: 1.5 to 1.8 m Weight: 50 to 60 kg Intelligence, Strength (very fast weight loss), and Willpower by 1
point. They become more and more sensitive to light. If they lose
STR CON COO ADA PER INT WIL PRE more than 50% of their Willpower, the virus spreads completely
Base 16 12 9 9 12 1D6 10 - and they become a Necron, helplessly attracted towards the
slums of Equinox. If their Willpower remains above 50%, they
SECONDARY ATTRIBUTES eventually end up beating the virus and they regain lost points at
Melee Damage Mod. +3 Reaction 11 a rate of 1 point per complete day of rest.)
Damage Resistance -2 Speed SPD(MP) 32 m, 4(1)
Athletics 10 Attack 12 Very few people know about these creatures, as they are actual-
Stealth/Silent movement 10 Observation 12 ly pitiful slaves in the service of a Watcher officer (unbeknownst
to his superiors) in order to maintain Equinox’s heavy equipment.
These creatures were once Equinox beggars that were deported
Hand-to-hand (Melee, Damage: 2D6 (H)) and Bite (Melee, to the machine room levels. They live there in terrible conditions,
Damage: 1D10 (H)) or various weapons
feeding on civilization’s waste, rats, and sometimes humans.
COMBAT TACTICS Some are still smart enough to talk and reason. The most dan-
These creatures are seldom aggressive, except when they are gerous thing about these creatures is the terrible virus they
hungry or when they are startled by something unexpected. In transmit.
that case, they attack with their hands. If the attack with their
hands succeeds, whether or not it inflicts Damage, the creature
may immediately and freely (with no penalty) attempt to bite USE/RUMORS
its prey. Being very sensitive to pain, it usually only takes a Slaves on Equinox. Some say that the Watchers responsible for
Moderate Wound to make them flee. this ominous business are considering selling Necrons to other com-
They are practically blind and a bright light makes them flee (as munities. However, the virus issue remains enough of a deterrent.
well as inflicting a penalty of -7 to their actions).

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)


Acid (The skin of the sphere secretes a corrosive acid. A
“Swimming in a narrow tunnel is no cakewalk to begin with, character fighting against an osmor will be dealt attacks from
but on top of that, when you know the place is an osmor’s the tentacles as well as the acid attack. An osmor will fight with
hunting ground, it kind of gives you the chills. In the darkness, only 6 tentacles, the remaining 2 will be used to hang on or to
it’s impossible to spot those things before they jump out at you. help keep its balance)
And after they do . . . well, it’s too late.” Shell 2 (H)
-- Sivul, ruins scavenger Damage progression for osmor constriction
Type: amphibian creature (artificial?) Strength (*) Damage (**) Maximum Damage
Geographic area: all 24 +2/Round 36 (H)
Size: 1 m wide (2 m long tentacles) Weight: 30 kg
(*) The Strength required varies according to the Liftable
Weight rule on page 235.
Base 24 29 19 19 16 6 15 - (**) The Damage progression varies according to the
SECONDARY ATTRIBUTES Constriction Attacks rule on page 226.
Melee Damage Mod. +7 Reaction 17
Damage Resistance -9 Speed SPD(MP) 24 m, 3(1)
This strange amphibian creature is a soft sphere, one meter in
SKILLS diameter, with 8 tentacles. Its skin is spongy, black and at the same
Athletics 10 Attack 8 time almost translucent as if its body were made of air bubbles.
Stealth/Silent movement 12 Observation 8 It stalks its prey underground or underwater, then crushes them
ATTACK with its tentacles before sticking to them and feeding on their flesh.
Armors do not bother an osmor, as it can dissolve them quite ra-
Constriction (Melee, Damage: special, see below) and Acid
(Melee, Damage: 1D10 +2 (H) per Round for a maximum duration pidly. Underwater, these creatures do not swim, they let themsel-
of 40 Rounds) ves get carried by the currents or take a hold of a rock formation.
COMBAT TACTICS In a liquid environment, they fill themselves with water and are
The osmor will always try to attack by startling its prey. It immune to pressure. It is possible to come across them just about
usually takes on prey that are smaller in size and will retreat anywhere although they favor dark places and flooded caves.
from combat as soon as it receives a Serious Wound.
There is nothing to salvage from these creatures, as they dis-
1–2 Tentacle; 3–4 Tentacle 2; 5–6 Tentacle 3; 7–8 Tentacle 4;
9–10 Tentacle 5; 11–12 Tentacle 6; 13–14 Tentacle 7; solve quickly upon death. However, it is said that some organi-
15–16 Tentacle 8; 17–20 Body. A Mortal Wound to a tentacle zations have found a limited way to control them, by preventing
makes it inert, a “Limb Destroyed” Wound severs it. them from leaving a given area and temporarily neutralizing
them with an electrical pulse. According to some rumors, these
things are not really “natural.”

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)

if it gets within 2 meters of its prey, who will then have great
SILENT PILGRIM difficulty controlling their slightest movement while also being
“Do not get close to these . . . these . . . I don’t even know what assaulted by eerie visions and disturbing sounds. There will
they are. They just stay there, waiting, and even from 2 or then be an opposed Test between the pilgrim’s Willpower and
3 kilometers away, just watching them with the binoculars that of its prey.
creeps me out.” If the pilgrim gets the better Success Margin, its prey’s

3 Type: unknown (Flux creature?)

-- Hecate Sylemus, explorer Willpower is reduced by the difference between the two
Margins and will not be able to do anything. The prey will feel
like all his memories have been torn away from him. If the
Geographic area: all prey’s Willpower score drops to 0, he will fall unconscious. The
Size: 1.9 m Weight: 80 kg prey will lose 1 Willpower point permanently and will forever
STR CON COO ADA PER INT WIL PRE be linked to the pilgrim. If the victim resists and gets the better
Success Margin, he will be able to take action but with a penalty
Base 12 24 12 24 24 24 26 18
to all his Tests equal to 20 -1 per net point of Success Margin
SECONDARY ATTRIBUTES (the difference between the 2 Success Margins).
Melee Damage Mod. - Reaction 24 The victim will only be able to move 2 meters per point of
Success Margin. If the creature disappears and is wounded, its
Damage Resistance -4 Speed SPD(MP) 48 m, 5(2) power fades instantly.
Athletics 20 Attack - DESCRIPTION
Stealth/Silent movement 16 Observation 18 These strange beings wander near the ruins of the old wor-
ATTACK ld, most of the time close to the access points, such as roads.
Always clad in loose robes that conceal their appearance, they
do not make a noise and do not openly show their aggressive-
COMBAT TACTICS ness until they have a prey within reach. When they are lurking
- nearby, sounds tend to fade or disappear. Moreover, pilgrims
HIT LOCATIONS seem to exert a fascination that attracts their prey.
Human Nothing is known about these beings or their motivations.
SPECIAL Prey that are linked to pilgrims have horrible nightmares and
sometimes see the Pilgrims watching them. All these victims
Silence (In a radius of around 10 meters around them, the
intensity of any sound (sonic weapons included) is divided by 10) tend to become paranoid and very fearful. They get scared of
Special (The slightest Wound makes them disappear but they the dark and feel some kind of permanent anxiety.
will reappear 1D10 Rounds later) Under the pilgrims’ garments . . . there is nothing.
Disruption of reality (When a character spots a pilgrim, they
must perform an opposed Willpower Test against the pilgrim’s
Willpower every Round. If the latter prevails, it gets closer to
its victim. The pilgrim will use its Disruption of reality power It is obvious that any information concerning these strange
beings is worth a small fortune.

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)

Book four
Threats to humanity

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)


Type: Burrower
“I found myself all on my own in complete darkness. Geographic area: underground
Size: 2.6 to 2.9 m Weight: 360 to 500 kg
My section had been taken out by a monstrous creature.
That’s when the Burrower appeared. It leaned toward me, STR CON COO ADA PER INT WIL PRE
grabbed me by the neck and lifted me off the ground. Then Base 26 22 18 16 18 8 16 4
it brought its sinister face up close to mine and looked me
right in the eyes. I was bleeding all over and my armor
was in pieces. I couldn’t do anything. Then suddenly he Melee Damage Mod. +8 Reaction 17
dropped me and walked away.” Damage Resistance -7 Speed SPD(MP) 48 m
 -- Lone Terren, Red League soldier SKILLS
Acrobatics/Balance 14 Athletics 20
Camouflage/Concealment 14 Climbing 16
Endurance 18 Hunting/Tracking 15
Hand-to-hand combat 14 Observation* 16
Orientation 17
Bite (Melee, Damage: 4D10+1 (H), Pen. 3 (H)) or
Claws (Melee, Damage: 3D10+2 (H), Pen. 3 (H)) or
Sonic wave (Range: 4 m, Damage: see below ** +1D10 shock
The attack affects a very specific area (Hit Location Test
Trackers do not really have combat tactics. They merely pounce
on their prey and fight to the death.
Resistance to heat
Reinforced thresholds
* in the shadows, using echolocation or vibrations. A skill score
of 6 is needed to see in a brightly lit place.
**Physical Damage: 1D10 (H) if target is wearing a supple
protection, 2D10 (H) if wearing a rigid protection and 4D10 (H) if
wearing an armor with an Armor Rating.

Although humans have been at war with these creatures for

centuries, very little is known about their nature and their so-
ciety. At first, it was thought that all of the Burrowers looked
like bipedal bears with a face like a warthog, but it now seems
that there are several different species, some of them larger,
some smaller. They do all seem, however, to have the same
powerful burrowing jaws, with two tusks of various lengths,
one on either side. Burrowers move around in their under-
ground kingdom with great ease. Using their powerful claws,
their sturdy jaws, and their ability to generate sonic waves
that break up the structure of rocks, they can dig tunnels very
quickly. There are even tales of Burrower priests that can turn
stone into magma.
Burrower society is structured in tribes and castes. The Bur-
rowers follow paths depending on their professions. Their
skills therefore depend on the job they do. Some of them have
Shells (which provide a protection of 1 to 10), mutations, or

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)

other unique characteristics. Although most Burrowers are The lorogans are the chunkiest of the Burrowers, and the
at war with the humans, there are some tribes that are less ones whose looks are the most animal. Some of them even
hostile than others and there have even been some cases of move around on all fours. They have a low level of intelli-
alliances between human and Burrower communities. gence, but they have a number of different functions. Most of
them are workers who take care of the basest types of labor,
MORPHOLOGY and those that require exceptional physical condition and
There are four main species of Burrowers. The first species stamina. Others, known as slisgarths, are used as mounts. Hu-
is the one that the underground commando missions call mans call these curious creatures “cliff crawlers”, as they are
trackers, and that the Burrowers themselves call suriors. This capable of moving around on vertical surfaces with a frighte-
is the most brutal and definitely the most terrifying of the ning ease. Last, but not least, some lorogans are trained for
four species. combat and have a great strength that is a considerable ad-
Suriors, or trackers, have very dark skin that looks like vantage in a fight. None of these Burrowers are capable of
stone. They move around with a slight hunch and have a long, speaking any human languages.
almost saurian face. Their height is between 2.6 and 2.9 me- Contrary to what one might think, the lorogans are not
ters. They don’t really have a nose to speak of, instead, there treated like slaves, but as equal to all other Burrowers. They
are two nasal orifices situated in between their almost com- are respected and honored just like all other members of their
pletely white eyes. Unlike other Burrowers, their tusks grow society. In fact, there is often a very strong bond of friendship
out of the side of their skull, roughly where one would expect between an umar and the slisgarth they ride.
their ears to be, and then curve in and upwards towards the There is one last species of Burrowers, called acarats. They
mouth. They have very powerful and thick jaws that open to are a lot smaller and thinner, with a slimmer face. They are
reveal a row of impressive fangs. Trackers can hardly see a too fragile for combat (according to the other Burrowers), so
thing in a lit environment, but they have excellent night vi- they are usually the ones who end up as priests, diplomats,
sion and they can use echolocation to find their prey. Their artisans, etc. They can be between 1.8 and 2.1 meters tall.
sense of smell is extremely heightened, and they have a very Among the acarat species, there is a type of Burrower that
sensitive level of hearing as well as an ability to sense vibra- has an almost human-looking face with tiny little tusks. These
tions. They are merciless hunters, intelligent but hardly di- Burrowers are often clothed in heavy robes and their faces
plomatic. Ironically, it was often through them that the first hidden under an overhanging hood. They are the Servants of
peaceful encounters with humans occurred. When they are the Creator, their name for Cyrull the Genetician. They are
not on a hunt, they usually tend to be very curious and they the most highly respected Burrowers of their community, as
never attack if they are not provoked. On the other hand, guardians of the mysterious relics of the past. They also all
once a fight has started, a tracker can never be talked down. know how to speak a number of human languages. The aca-
Although they can have the same sonic abilities as the other rats are the only Burrowers who have trouble seeing in the
species, they almost exclusively use the sonic attack. During dark, as they live almost exclusively in well-lit areas. They
combat, a tracker pays no attention to the worth of his op- have smaller eyes than their fellow Burrowers, eyes that look
ponent as would be the case with warriors or nobles. They almost identical to those of humans. On the other hand, they
hardly ever use any equipment, and they are almost all inca- are the ones who can best handle their sonic abilities and it is
pable of speaking in human tongues because of the shape of said that those who are masters of this discipline are capable
their jaws. of creating images out of sound.
Almost all umars are warriors, nobles, or warlords, and they All Burrowers have a very high level of resistance to heat,
are more humanoid in shape. They are the dominant species. although this does not completely protect them from flames
These Burrowers have a very muscular build, a monkey-like (their Damage Resistance level is doubled against fire). Most
face, prominent eyebrow ridges, small ears, a flat nose, and of the time, they communicate by whistling, or with strange
a huge mouth full of chunky teeth. Their tusks grow out of guttural noises. They also exchange information with very
either side of their jaw and grow forwards, curving slightly strange songs that are not unlike whale songs. This form of
upwards. They are usually hairless and have a lumpy skull. communication not only allows them to transmit information,
They stand straight on their hind legs and can see perfect- but also more subtle things, such as their moods, their joys
ly well, both in a lit environment and in the most complete and sorrows, etc. During combat, if they need to communicate,
darkness. They are usually between 2.8 and 3.2 meters tall. they either use infrasound, which is completely impossible
The tallest of the umars are the elite, the warlords. Many for humans to hear without the right equipment, or series of
umars can speak a human language, but not without some dif- short, sharp snapping sounds, rather like dolphins use.
ficulty. Furthermore, it is usually forbidden for them to speak
in this way, as only the priests and the servants of the Creator FEMALES
are authorized to do so. They often use stone weapons like The female Burrowers are all of the umar species, but they
morningstars. are far less massive, with a thinner face, and they are rarely
more than 2.4 meters tall. Their mouths are much thinner,

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)

Type: Burrower Type: Burrower
Geographic area: underground Geographic area: underground
Size: at least 3 meters Weight: at least 1 ton Size: 2.6 to 3.2 m Weight: 650 to 1,200 kg
Base 38+ 30+ 10 16 14 6 18 3 Base 30 25 12 16 15 11 18 6
4 Melee Damage Mod. +14 Reaction 15 Melee Damage Mod. +10 Reaction 15
Damage Resistance -12 Speed SPD(MP) 32 m Damage Resistance -9 Speed SPD(MP) 40 m, 4(1)
Athletics 20 Bladed weapons 8 Armed combat 12 Athletics 15
Climbing 20 Endurance 18 Bows, spearguns, and Hand to hand
10 12
Observation 12 crossbows combat
Melee combat 12
(Vibrations) (14) 12
Observation (Vibrations) Throwing weapons 10

Bite (Melee, Damage: 5D10+2 (H), Pen. 3 (H)) or ATTACK

Claws (Melee, Damage: 4D10+5 (H), Pen. 4(H)) or Claws (Melee, Damage: 3D10+5 (H), Pen. 4(H) or
Sonic wave (Range: 4 m, Damage: see below* (H) +1D10 of shock). Morning star (Melee, Damage: 5D10+1 (H), Pen. 6(H), 12 kg,
The attack affects a very specific area (Hit Location Test required) length:2,9 m,)
COMBAT TACTICS Sonic Wave (Range: 4 m, Damage: see below* (H) +1D10 of shock).
The attack affects a very specific area (Hit Location Test required)
A lorogan rarely attacks first and will disengage from combat
as soon as he can. COMBAT TACTICS
HIT LOCATIONS As with humans, the combat tactics of the umars vary
depending on the individual. However, they have in common a
Human like for acts of bravery, enjoy a good hunt, and know how to
SPECIAL recognize a courageous fighter.
Resistance to heat HIT LOCATIONS
Reinforced thresholds Human
*Physical Damage: 1D10 (H) if target is wearing a supple SPECIAL
protection, 2D10 (H) if wearing a rigid protection and 4D10 (H) if
wearing an armor with an Armor Rating. Resistance to heat
Reinforced thresholds

their forehead less prominent, and their teeth are almost *Physical Damage: 1D10 (H) if target is wearing a supple
protection, 2D10 (H) if wearing a rigid protection, and 4D10 (H) if
what humans would consider a normal size. Their tusks are wearing an armor with an Armor Rating.
usually small and curved downwards. Like the males, they
are completely hairless and usually very pale. They can
mate with any species of Burrower, and the male’s species SOCIAL STRUCTURE
will not necessarily determine the species of their offspring. Burrower society is ruled by the Servants of the Creator and
For example, an umar father can sometimes sire a lorogan the warlords. Although the latter are supposed to follow the
child, and vice versa. With only a very small number of ex- decisions made by the former, both groups tend to avoid di-
ceptions, none of the females engage in combat or occupy a rect confrontations, especially when it comes to the long-term
high-ranking position. However, females are always greatly objectives of the tribes. Generally speaking, the Warlords are
respected and heeded by their companions, and they make the ones who reign over the tribe, following the guidance esta-

the decisions when it comes to family life. A female can have blished by the council of the Servants of the Creator.
a lorogan as a companion. Once again, even though it may The Servants of the Creator are rarely seen, as they usually
seem strange to a human, despite their beast-like appea- stay inside the underground temples in the company of the
rance, a lorogan is capable of love and affection. priests and the scholars.
Burrowers reproduce just like humans, and each female In the heart of the clans, the warlords are surrounded by
usually only gives birth to one child at a time, with a cycle noble umars that help with the day-to-day management of
identical to that of female humans. All Burrower babies look their society. The other Burrowers follow their decisions.
alike, it is only around the age of five or six years that the The Burrower caste system is respected by all, and they do
characteristics of the different species will begin to appear. A not give any specific rights to one caste over another. A noble
Burrower child will reach its adult size at the age of 18 years umar cannot simply mistreat a lorogan without a valid rea-
old, and has a life expectancy of up to 120 or even 140 years. son, and a surior can perfectly well criticize the behavior of

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)

an umar if the criticism is justified. Everyone is aware of their pretty much out of human reach, can be home to several tens
place in society, they accept that and would not understand if of thousands of individuals. These cities are usually where the
it were any other way. great cathedrals, built to the glory of Cyrull, can be found.
Any conflict is treated in a direct way. If two Burrowers have Contrary to what one might think, the Burrowers do not live
a disagreement for some reason or other, then as long as it has in the dark. All their towns and villages are lit, either by phos-
no impact on the tribe’s future, they will settle their issues in phorescent plants, rocks, or fungi, or by torches and lanterns.
single combat. These combats can be to the death, although it
Anyone caught abusing a child or a female, regardless of Burrowers are excellent artisans in every domain. Whether
their species, has committed a serious crime and will be sen- it is stone working, metal work, sewing clothes, or creating
tenced to death. jewelry, they show a surprising amount of technical know-
Each continent is home to a certain number of Burrower how and an amazing level of intricacy. They know how to farm
tribes. All the tribes on a given continent are usually federated mushrooms and other underground plants that provide most
together under a Warmaster and his council of elders. There of the food they need. They also raise, among other animals, a
may be renegade tribes, but that is quite rare. No one knows kind of large and very fatty pig called gorios, bats, and a variety
if there is a council that runs all the Burrower tribes of all the of six-legged dogs known as suragors.
continents. However, it certainly seems that some attacks and Like humans, the Burrowers are omnivores, but they have a
decisions are coordinated on a worldwide scale. Occasionally, clear preference for vegetables, fruit, mushrooms, and dried
tribes have been known to fight among themselves for some meats. They almost always have a few strips of dried meat on
reason or another. These conflicts remain quite limited and them, which they munch on whenever they get peckish during
any combat is usually just to prove which tribe has the tou- the day.
ghest warriors. Sometimes opposing tribes even organize a Burrowers are particularly fond of jewelry, trinkets, clothes
duel of champions to settle a dispute. Most of the time, Bur- made out of pelts, and bladed weapons. They are also especial-
rowers hate killing other Burrowers. ly keen on all kinds of sculptures large and small, as they can
admire them just as well with their eyes as they can by sensing
CULT OF RELICS AND OF CYRULL them with a sonic wave known as a contemplation wave. This
Cyrull is the god of the Burrowers. He is worshipped as such, special form of sonic wave allows them to “feel” the shape of an
and there are many great statues of the Genetician in the Bur- object, its texture, its grain, its temperature, its level of humi-
rower cities. These creatures also have another religion, the dity, etc. Burrower craftsmen will therefore use these different
cult of relics, objects of human origin that are said to have factors when crafting an object. Where a human will simply see
belonged to their ancient ancestors. This is the reason why a shape, a Burrower will perceive an incredible diversity of ele-
in some temples, you can find a pair of shoes, a bracelet, or a ments that give the object a whole new dimension. Some say
knife that will be considered to be a sacred relic. The most pre- that with this power, some Burrowers can even experience the
cious of these relics are kept in the underground cathedrals of feelings that the craftsman instilled into his creation.
the greatest cities of the Burrowers. The tablets engraved by the elders are also made in the same
The cult of the ancestors is also a key part of Burrower civi- way. A Burrower can not only read the sentence, but also feel
lization. They usual identify as members of this or that bloo- it. These tablets were in fact one of the most surprising dis-
dline. A bloodline is in fact a very important notion for these coveries made by the few rare people to have been in contact
creatures. A Burrower will not make a decision only based on with the Burrowers. Indeed, although humans assumed that
its own existence, but it will also take into account the legacy Burrowers were an extremely primitive species, some of these
of its forebears and the needs of its descendants. The family tablets are works of great intellectual reach.
unit is therefore of the utmost importance. A Burrower inhe- Last, but not least, the contemplation wave is at the heart of
rits and stands by the choices made by his ancestors but also the amorous relationship between male and female Burrowers,
does whatever must be done to ensure the longevity of his as any intercourse will be preceded by the use of this wave to
bloodline. reach a harmonious blend of the feelings of both partners.


The Burrowers live in the depths of the earth, in huge and The Burrower code of combat is very interesting. Fighting is
cavernous areas, both natural and forged by their sonic ear- at the very heart of the umars’ being. Even though winning is
th moving abilities. They usually settle near underground the most important thing, it is also important for a Burrower
sources of water. Their communities can be fairly small, with to show off his strength, his skill, his bravery, and his tactical
only a hundred members or so, but usually they have an ave- prowess. The Burrowers only enjoy combat when it is hand to
rage size of about a thousand individuals. These communities hand, and they avoid any weapons that allow a ranged attack
are most often sedentary, but some of them live a nomadic life. if they can help it. They also enjoy hunting and laying traps.
The cities of the Burrowers, located at depths that put them As courage and the art of combat are two things that they hold

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)

Type: Burrower Type: mutant mammal
Geographic area: underground Geographic area: underground
Size: 1.8 to 2.1 m Weight: 80 to 125 kg Size: 1 m at the withers Weight: 200 kg
Base 20 19 12 16 16 14 18 10 Base 30 29 18 18 18 4 14 -
4 Melee Damage Mod. +5 Reaction 18 Melee Damage Mod. +10 Reaction 18
Damage Resistance -5 Speed SPD(MP) 32 m Damage Resistance -10 Speed SPD(MP) 77 m, 9(2)
Athletics 10 Diverse knowledge 16 Athletics 20 Endurance 15
Eloquence/ Hand to hand combat 14 Hunting/Tracking 16
Education 16 14
Persuasion Observation
First aid 14 Languages 15 (Hearing/Smell)
Science 14 ATTACK
ATTACK Relentless Bite (Melee, Dam.: 4D10+4 (H), Pen. 3 (H))
Claws (Melee, Damage: 1D10+4 (H), Pen. 3(H)) or COMBAT TACTICS
Sonic Wave (Range: 4 m, Damage: see below* (H) +1D10 of shock). Like many predators, the suragors aim for the throat when
The attack affects a very specific area (Hit Location Test required) attacking. Once they bite, they will not let their prey go and keep
Acarats avoid combat whenever they can. HIT LOCATIONS
HIT LOCATIONS 1–4 Head, 5–12 Body, 13–14 Front right paw, 15–16 Front left
Human paw, 17 Middle right paw, 18 Middle left paw, 19 Rear right paw,
20 Rear left paw
Resistance to heat
Attack to the throat (To go for the throat, the animal must aim.
*Physical Damage: 1D10 (H) if target is wearing a supple If the Attack succeeds, the victim must carry out an Acrobatics/
protection, 2D10 (H) if wearing a rigid protection, and 4D10 (H) if Balance Test with a Modifier equal to the difference between its
wearing an armor with an Armor Rating. Strength and that of the creature. The victim is knocked down
if the Test fails. A target grabbed by the throat automatically
suffers Damage each Round, increasing by +1 per Round up to
in high regard, they will sometimes show mercy to a prey who a maximum bonus of +40. If the victim is also prone, then the
has been especially resistant or cunning, or an opponent who Damage is increased by +2 per Round.)
has fought with bravery and determination. The bodies of hu- Heat detection (Suragors can see the heat given off by living
man soldiers have sometimes been found in a strange position, beings in the dark.)
with their hands crossed on their chest. Some people think Resistance to heat
that they are opponents that the Burrowers have honored in
this way. It is very rare for a Burrower to attack a prey that to keep these diseases fairly benign, but the phenomenon is
cannot fight back, or for them to kill a wounded opponent wi- becoming a concern for the elders of different communities.
thout reason. Although they can be merciless in combat, they The artisans have become masters in the art of healing bat-
have a great sense of honor. Generally speaking, they will not tle wounds. They are excellent surgeons who know how to
attack children, or females that are not specifically identified use the plants of the underground world to brew up efficient
as warriors. treatments.


Burrowers are very resistant to illnesses. Their incredible Although they rarely do so, Burrowers are capable of using
constitution means that they don’t often fall sick. They do not technological devices, even though they do not make them
seem to suffer from genetic degeneration or sterility. They
are, however, sensitive to the effects of the surface. Their most DESCRIPTION: SURAGOR
common illnesses are skin diseases or issues that affect their These creatures are the Burrowers’ dogs. They are used to
teeth or their tusks. They can also have problems with their track prey, usually humans, through the underground tun-
sight. It seems, though, that regular contact with humans is nels. They look like horribly deformed attack dogs, with six
the cause of the spread of new diseases among the under- legs, tusks like a wild boar, and a long jaw lined with fangs.
ground communities. The Burrowers’ natural resistance helps Suragors are capable of making impressive jumps.

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)


themselves. If they do use technological devices, it is often
against insects, and in this case, they will use area effect weapons The Burrowers’ sonic powers are only one example of the
formidable abilities of these creatures. Some Burrowers
such as flamethrowers or grenades. They are also known for
are able to modulate their attacks to make them more or
their use of mines that they steal from humans. On the other
less powerful. Some also say that there are some species
hand, they hate all chemical and bacteriological weapons. If hu- of Burrowers that can naturally use harmonics and even in-
man troops use these weapons, they had better win the battle in frasound. The Burrower cry is one of the basic skills from
the first attack, or the counter attack will be incredibly violent. which other skills are later developed. The Burrowers have
to learn to master each of these abilities and not all of them
ORIGIN AND EVOLUTION can manage that. Here are a few examples:
It now seems to be a known fact that Burrowers come from Minor stone alteration: This skill allows the Burrower to
humans who were affected by a genetic alteration. This truth tunnel through (Success Margin) centimeters of stone per
is not widely known by humans and Burrowers. The latter do, Round.
however, suspect some form of human ancestry, if only be- Major stone alteration: This skill allows the Burrower to tun-
nel through (Success Margin) meters of stone per Round.
cause the sacred relics are quite obviously of human origin.
Changing stone into magma: This skill allows the Burrower
That said, the subject is completely taboo. As for humans,
to turn stone into magma (very rare).
the mere thought is completely absurd to them, even though Appeasement: By controlling their sonic waves, some Bur-
scientists have indisputable proof of it. rowers can affect other beings’ nervous system. This skill
works like the Empathy mutation, but can only be used to
OBJECTIVES calm or to excite an opponent.
The Burrowers’ goals are uncertain . . . even for them. In fact, Sonic attack: This is a variation on the basic sonic wave.
that is a subject of disagreement between the communities. For The Burrower can choose to inflict his Damage as Shock Da-
a long time, it was thought that humans were the Burrower’s mage only, or to inflict only Physical Damage. In this case the
only enemies. It turns out that is not the case. Their main ad- chosen Damage is doubled. Furthermore, he will get a bonus
versaries are the onyx, the plants, including the terrifying sy- of +2 for the Success Modifier per difficulty point that he has
chosen to impose on himself.
nids, the olombers and the insects, especially the formidable
Heating: This very common skill allows the Burrower to heat
scoris. In fact, most of the Burrowers are at war with humans
matter. This is not efficient in combat and it is usually used
because of a mysterious dictate of their faith in Cyrull, the in- to cook food on hot rocks.
terpretation of which tends to differ from one community to Echolocation: More generally speaking, the Burrowers can
the next. It is said that Cyrull told their ancestors to spread out use their sonic power to find their way around in the dark
into the underground world, to crush all threats and become and even to read their strange tablets carved from stone.
the masters there, and to prevent the humans from settling Harmonics: The Burrower can use harmonics (very rare,
there. Cyrull is said to have prophesized that he would return see the Technical Guide supplement).
to them as a child, to lead them to their destiny. Many think Infrasound: The Burrower can use infrasound to communi-
that their destiny is to defeat the humans, but not everyone cate in a very discreet way and over long distances.
agrees on this. Indeed, some of the Servants of the Creator Attack infrasound: The Burrower can use infrasound as a
mode of attack (very rare).
think that the return of Cyrull will be the sign that they must
Luminescence: This skill allows the Burrower to vibrate cer-
make peace with the humans and open the Burrower realms
tain crystals and cause them to emit a soft light.
to the surface. Their destiny would therefore be to return to Sound neutralization: This skill allows a Burrower to cancel
the world they came from, while remaining the guardians of out a sound. The intensity of the sound that can be neutra-
the underground realms. Several Burrower tribes are already lized and the area of effect depend on the Burrower’s skill
known to have established outposts on the surface. level in this domain.
Shock wave: This skill allows a Burrower to utter a powerful
USE/RUMORS scream that affects everything around it and inflicts (Suc-
No one has ever managed to find the mysterious under- cess Modifier) D10 Damage (very rare).
ground Burrower cities. However, rumor has it that the fa- Sonic disruption: When using this skill the Burrower must
mous renegade Telma Tiltane has been taken in by these choose a level of difficulty. Area of effect: 1 meter in radius
around the user per difficulty level. Effect: Any action un-
strange creatures. A GM could easily work Burrower NPCs that
dertaken by opponents in the area of effect is affected by a
are not openly hostile toward the adventurers into a cam-
penalty equal to the chosen difficulty level plus the Success
paign. One of the players could even exceptionally be allowed Modifier. The Burrower cannot carry out any other actions
to play one. Of course, there is no way that a Burrower will be while he is using this power, but the effects remain active for
able to just wander around in an underwater city. However, 1 Round after he has stopped using it.
an acarat could just about manage to go unnoticed if he is slim Vibration: This skill allows the Burrower to crack stone open.
enough and dressed in such a way as to hide the more obvious The effects are similar to a frag grenade, but the Damage
of his Burrower traits. inflicted is reduced by half.

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)

Type: unknown
“Why am I armed? Well, that’s because it’s open season for Geographic area: any sea in the world
fish. That’s right my good lady, especially those that walk on Size: 2 m Weight: 120 kg
 -- A Red League’s mercenary Base 18 20 20 15 12 8 15 -
Melee Damage Mod. +4 Reaction 13
Damage Resistance -5 Speed SPD(MP) 56 m, 6(2)
Armed combat 12 Athletics 20
Attack 12 Observation 12
Stealth/Silent movement 12
Claws (Melee, Dam.: 2D10+2 (H), Pen. 3 (H))
Felorms favor surprise attacks. A Serious Wound makes them
retreat from combat. However, if they operate under a direct
order from a Ternaset, they never waiver.
Primitive weapons (Although quite rare, Felorms have been
seen using primitive weapons.)
Natural armor 5 (H)
Ternaset (Under the command of a Ternaset, a Felorm will inflict
3D10 (H) Damage, its Melee Damage Modifier is doubled and it
has a Penetration of 5 (H))

Felorms are a kind of fish-men, living in the depths of the ocean.

They can be found almost exclusively in the company of the Ter-
nasets, which they serve obediently. The first question that needs
answering when talking about these creatures is whether they are
more man than fish. Even though they seem to be mammals, there
is no obvious answer as they possess features unique to fishes and
have a genetic code that leaves scientists puzzled. According to
some studies, their origins could go back to the appearance of life
on Earth, and they may be mammals that went back to an aquatic
life. This hypothesis however is often questioned, and it is more li-
kely that they are the result of some genetic alteration made on
human beings or an unknown race of marine mammals, or even
some sort of hybridization between two species.
These creatures have an elongated skull at the tip of which is a
small mouth full of tiny and extremely pointy teeth. They have
two bulging eyes with no eyelids and an auditory membrane just
before their gills. A long crest reaches from the top of their head
to their lower back.
Their scales are white most of the time, but can also be black or
even more colorful. Males are always a single color.
Females have a much larger, colored crest. They also have multi-
colored scales as a particular feature, except on their chest where
they have six small teats. They can breed several times a year. When
they have offspring, it usually is a litter of twelve they carry for three

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)

I protest against the way the authorities present the Felorm threat to the
months. After these three months, they expel the placenta in which population. What are these creatures? It has now been thirty years that I
the brood still grows for another month before tearing open the have tried to give an answer to that question, but if there is one thing I
membrane. The offspring aren’t considered fully grown until they am sure about, it is that they are not the hostile creatures we have been
are six years old, and they have a life expectancy of about sixty years. told they are.
Felorms are slightly taller than humans and when outside of water, Felorms are, like many other species, victims of the Ternasets. The two
they walk with a bit of a hunch. They are amphibians, and can stay things we should do are to try to establish a contact with them, and more
outside of a liquid environment for around two hours. They can en- importantly, to break the nefarious influence that the Ternasets have on
dure unbelievable pressures far superior to those at -20,000 meters.
Outside of water, they have rather good sight and are very sen- During my studies, I have had the opportunity to discover a Felorm
colony located in the ruins of a sunken city. That colony wasn’t under
sitive to sounds they perceive thanks to the vibrations of their au- the rule of the Ternasets and I could get close to it without triggering
ditory membranes. That sensitivity to sound is a weakness when the slightest hostile reaction. Admittedly, I was equipped with a diving
faced with sonic weapons, which are much more effective against armor that none of these creatures could have damaged but they could at
them on the surface. least have showed some level of distrust, which wasn’t the case. Quite the
Underwater, they mainly rely on their sense of smell, which is opposite, I witnessed a few males approaching, more out of curiosity than
hostility. They swam around me for a long while, continuously observing
almost as sensitive as that of a shark, but also their sight and an
me, and some of them even got close enough to touch my armor. Thus,
incredible ability to perceive the slightest disturbance. I managed to advance into their territory. Very soon, the younger ones
They mostly feed on fishes, crustaceans, and seaweeds. Felorms showed interest in the trinkets I had brought with me, including the
have never been proven to have any taste for human flesh. fluorescent sticks I was leaving in my wake. The Felorms left me free to
These creatures dwell in abyssal depths, most of the time in go wherever I wanted in their territory except inside their cave network.
networks of submerged caves or in flooded ruins in the case of I even had the opportunity to study some of their astonishing carvings in
peace, including some of those famous Arkonian symbols, which seems
communities living near the surface. Each community counts a few
to prove that use of hieroglyphs is not exclusive to the Felorms that are
hundred members. They are intelligent creatures, not only capable ruled by Ternasets.
of making weapons and primitive tools but also carving symbols No aggressive behavior, only a natural curiosity which proves that
and rough drawings in the rock. we do not deal with mere animals driven by their instinct, but with
Felorm society is almost always organized in the same way. The admittedly primitive beings on their evolutionary path.
room sheltering the expelled placentas containing the offspring is -- Professor Landlorm, Oceanographic Research Institute of Nazca
always at the center of the lair. The pregnant females remain in the
nearby rooms and the rest of the community all around.
Felorms sleep in the fetal position, most of the time inside alcoves
they dig in the walls of their dwellings. They post sentries at the
boundaries of their domain. Aside from humans, their main ene- FELORMS & TERNASETS
mies are the sackars and most of the sea monsters that attack hu- If Felorms represent a danger to humans, it is because of their
mans. However, they seem to have some sort of extremely peaceful relationship with the Ternasets. In fact, the rare tribes that do not
relationship with sharks. Indeed, sharks can be found around Fe- submit to these mysterious creatures from the abyss tend to try
lorm communities living in shallow waters. Fighting and hunting is to avoid humans.
strictly reserved to adult males. The females and the young seldom The vast majority of Felorms worship the Ternasets as deities. To-
leave the lair. tally obedient to their masters, they fear nothing and follow orders
Felorm hunting parties are most of the time made of about 10 indi- blindly. This strange relationship is due to the fact that the Ter-
viduals. They sometimes carry primitive weapons (spears and bone nasets are able to communicate telepathically with the Felorms,
knives) when they hunt big game or when they attack humans. although some suggest that Ternasets created them to begin with.
They know they have little chance of winning against a diver in One thing is for sure, under their masters’ command, Felorms are
combat armor or a human vessel but they know perfectly well how far more fearsome. They seem to gain increased power and a si-
to use their environment to their advantage. When they act against gnificantly superior tactical thinking. What is more, they give their
human assets, it is often by sabotaging their facilities or by infiltra- gods some of their offspring as an offering, and the young will be
ting stations located in shallow depths where they can sneak inside genetically altered into monstrous beings.
through diving pools, or by attacking divers in light diving suits. In all Felorm communities that are close to a Ternaset’s lair, mu-
If they encounter humans near a monster’s lair or near their masters tant Felorms can be found, and they are much more dangerous and
the Ternasets, they will always try to lure them into their clutches. ferocious. These creatures are twice the size of normal Felorms,
When it comes to crafts, Felorms have learned to craft small pri- they are physically stronger and their skin is covered with thick
mitive weapons by carving bones, as well as nets and cages. Most scales. Their maw is much more elongated and opens to reveal two
surprisingly, they know how to craft rough earthenware they have rows of huge fangs. However, they are very bad swimmers and can-
no use for, but that they offer to their masters the Ternasets. Most not breed. Their intelligence is also very limited.
of the time, the carvings on the walls of their lairs depict hunting When around Ternasets, normal Felorms develop true artistic
scenes or creatures of the underwater world. More rarely, repre- abilities. Their mural paintings become more detailed and ac-
sentations of human stations, Ternasets, or vessels have been found. curate. They are even able to make sculptures with a surprising

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)

If I catch the jackass who told me that Felorms do not pose a serious
MUTANT FELORM threat to armored divers! I’ll kick his sorry ass alright. The mission was
simple. A vessel had a problem with its propulsion system at -8,000 meters.
Type: unknown
So, my crew was sent there to make a makeshift repair or prepare to
Geographic area: all the seas in the world
Size: 4 m Weight: 960 kg evacuate the crew. The area was known for having suffered a few Felorm
attacks and it’s at that time that the other moron swore to me that I didn’t
STR CON COO ADA PER INT WIL PRE risk anything with a high depth armor.
Base 34 40 14 16 10 4 16 - For starters, when we arrived on the scene, there was something fishy
SECONDARY ATTRIBUTES going on. The vessel’s propulsion system hadn’t failed at all. It was twisted,
totally distorted and the steering was in the same state.
4 Melee Damage Mod. +12 Reaction 13
To this day, I still don’t know what could have done that.
Damage Resistance -14 Speed SPD(MP) 32 m, 4(1)
We had only been on site for a few minutes when the first wave of
SKILLS about thirty Felorms descended on us. Unable to Damage our armors,
Athletics 10 Attack 12 they quickly retreated from combat, and I told myself that sure enough,
I was pretty safe. It’s only after this that things went wrong. They came
Observation 10 back, but this time, they weren’t alone. There was something with them,
ATTACK a massive Felorm with a monstrous maw that snapped up one of my boys
before crushing him. Meanwhile, the other critters rushed at my other
Claws (Melee, Dam.: 4D10+3 (H), Pen. 4 (H)) and
men. Knowing that they couldn’t get through the armor plating, they were
Relentless bite (Melee, Dam.: 5D10+5 (H), Pen. 3 (H))
going after the security flaps and anything they could tear from the armor.
I saw one of my boys lose his propulsion system and be irresistibly
None in particular pushed up to the surface while another one was trying to protect his
HIT LOCATIONS helmet while the security flap was ripped and smashed by stone swinging
Felorms. They ultimately managed to crack the visor that then shattered.
Somehow, I managed to escape with my life, but if I ever cross paths
SPECIAL again with the fellow who told me that Felorms couldn’t do a thing to a
Natural armor 15 (H) guy in armor, I’ll make him eat his own armor. Piece by piece.
Ternaset (Being necessarily under the influence of a Ternaset,  -- Lux Leven, lifeguard in the Watchers
mutants cannot increase their Damage.)
amount of finesse. Their society becomes more complex, with big-
ger lairs (some even mention cities) and a more complex hierarchy.
The main reason behind such an evolution is without a doubt their locations. It seems very likely that if an underwater na-
the telepathic contact established between all Felorms as soon as tion, such as the Hegemony, managed to locate such a city, it
they are under the control of a Ternaset. Once able to communi- would be quickly bombed and annihilated. Therefore, it is wise
cate with one another in a more evolved way, they develop abili- to say that both Felorms and Ternasets do everything in their
ties they didn’t need until then. Among other things, they realize power to avoid being discovered.
they possess a very strict hierarchy ruled by the individuals that
control their telepathic powers and convey their instructions the FELORMS AND THE GREAT MONSTERS OF THE PACIFIC
best. Some Felorms have a hard time mastering this ability, and a A persistent rumor has it that Felorms try to use the legen-
number of times, attacks from these creatures have been thwarted dary great monsters of the Pacific to lead their war against the
because of mental images perceived by vessels’ crews or stations. human race. Even though there is no evidence to support this
The most powerful Felorm telepaths are the closest to the Terna- claim, there are more and more witnesses that testify to the
sets, and they have learned to control some powers of suggestion. presence of Felorms during events involving great monsters.
Needless to say, such foes would be extremely dangerous for hu-
man communities. Even more astonishing still, Felorm tribes that FELORMS AND THE UNDERGROUND REALMS
are in contact with Ternasets are able to use some sort of alphabet Encounters with Felorms in the underground realms are beco-
strangely reminiscent of ancient Arkonian. ming more frequent. Hunting parties that access the depths of
the earth through underwater tunnels have allegedly been seen
FELORM CITIES several times. Most of the time, these groups are not looking for
In the darkest depths of the oceans, some rumors speak of a fight and flee at the slightest danger. At any rate, they can-

mysterious Felorm cities, gigantic colonies erected like real un- not stay out of the water for very long. Far more worrying is
derwater mazes, most of the time built from rock formations the recent report about an encounter with Felorms escorted by
that were shaped by these creatures. Even though the architec- olombers!
ture still seems rather rough, the Felorms living there are said But this is not the worst news. A Mediterranean Union squad
to be the most evolved. These cities are said to be under Terna- was allegedly intercepted by a group of Felorms that were
set domination. No actual evidence of the existence of such ci- carrying what seemed to be Ternaset pods. If it were to be true
ties has ever been found. The rare witnesses who claim to have and if these mysterious creatures permanently settled in the
seen one can never seem to retrieve the exact coordinates of depths of the earth, the consequences could be dramatic.

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)


This horror is a kind of gigantic grasshopper that has a large
pair of hooks under its belly, and it uses them to lift up its prey.
“The smaller it is, the more dangerous it is. Then again, the
They are powerful and extremely strong, and they can lift the
big ones are also dangerous. The medium sized ones too. Yep, lighter types of combat armor.
one way or the other, all the insects are dangerous, no matter
how big they are. If you see a spider, squish it!” Type: hybrid insect
Geographic area: everywhere
 -- Paul Dellis, soldier of the League Size: 2.5 m (5 m wingspan) Weight: 150 kg
Base 40 30 16 18 12 8 10 -
Melee Damage Mod. +15 Reaction 15
Damage Resistance -13 Speed SPD(MP) 60 m, 7(2)
Athletics 20 Attack 12
Stealth/Silent movement 16 Observation 14
Hooks (Melee, Dam.: 1D10+5 (H), Pen. 8(H)) and
Mandibles (Melee, Dam.: 2D10+2 (H))
This creature almost never fights hand-to-hand, its only
combat tactic is to charge at its target and try to sink its hooks
into its victim in order to lift it up into the air and then drop it.
The hooks do not need to penetrate the victim, they just need
to grab a hold of it.
1–2 Head, 3–4 Thorax, 5–10 Abdomen, 11 Right wing, 12 Left
wing, 13–16 Right legs, 15–20 Left legs
Shell 10 (H)
Hooks (When this creatures dives at its prey, a simple Test is
required if the attack is a surprise, and an opposed Test if not. If
this is a surprise attack, then the insect should carry out a Test
with its Attack level. If the Test is a Success, then the target is hit by
the hooks. Damage is applied as usual. If the target is not inside a
powered exo-armor and it suffers a Critical Wound, then the hooks
have sunk into its flesh and the insect can lift it up. If the target
has not suffered a Critical Wound, then it must carry out a Luck
Test. If this Test is a Success, then the insect hasn’t caught hold
of anything and flies off empty-hooked. If the Luck Test fails, then
the insect has grabbed something (a piece of gear, for example)
and it lifts up its prey. During each Round, the victim can try to get
free by making a Coordination Test, with a penalty equal to the
Success Modifier scored by the insect during the Attack. The GM
can award a bonus or a penalty to the Luck Test, depending on the
target’s equipment, to simulate the fact that it will be more or less
difficult for the insect to grab a hold of something. If the target is in
a powered exo-armor suit, and the insect manages to inflict Critical
Damage, then the structure of the exo-armor automatically suffers
a breach and the hooks grab hold of it. If the Damage is not Critical,
then the target also carries out a Luck Test. If the Attack is not a
surprise, then the insect must win the opposed Test to make off
with its prey. Once the prey is hooked, then the insect will take off
again, more or less quickly depending on the weight of the target.)
Flying (For a victim of 100 kg or less: the insect doesn’t even
pause for a second, it flies off again without even landing, and
gains altitude quickly. For a victim of 100 to 200 kg: the insect has
to land for 1 Round. It takes off again during the next Round

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)

with a speed divided by 10, then divided by 2 after an additional Round The insects living in smaller communities spread out in a far
and then at full speed for the third Round. For over 200 kg: the insect
more random way and, at best, only develop nests. It is thought
has to carry out a Strength Test with a penalty of -1 for every 10 extra
kilos. It will take off in 10 Rounds minus its Success Modifier. It will take that the smaller communities of insects only have a single empress.
off at a speed divided by 10. For the next Round, its speed is reduced to
a quarter, then to half speed, then to three quarters before reaching RIVALRIES AND ALLIANCES BETWEEN INSECTS
full speed. Note that its top speed is reduced by 5% for every 10 extra Thankfully for the humans, the insects’ most powerful ene-
kilos over 200 kg. A lifted character can either try to get free or to fight
mies happen to be other insects. Even though it seems more and
the creature, but if he chooses to do so, he will be poorly positioned
and suffer a -2 penalty for all his Tests. The insect is impossible to grab more obvious that the insect realm as a whole has a common
4 a hold of as it constantly secretes a kind of greasy substance. When
the insect wants to get rid of its prey (by dropping it or by smashing it
plan, the natural rivalries between the species endure. A spider
will certainly not stop eating other insects, and the ants will ne-
against an obstacle), all it has to do is draw its hooks back in.) ver give up their wars of conquest even if that means the des-
truction of a rival ant colony.
As everyone now knows, humankind has discovered a great However, the master complexes of the insects always try to
number of new enemies, and insects are far from the least of limit these conflicts by guiding the conquests of their colonies
their worries. With only a few rare exceptions, insects will at- to prevent the conflicts from becoming too great. Generally
tack any human on sight, and most other creatures too, but they speaking, several different types of insects can inhabit the same
do not attack plants. The threat that they represent is taken es- territory for as long as there is no conflict of interest.
pecially seriously by the authorities ever since it became clear The more evolved insects are perfectly capable of cooperating
that their actions were carried out in an organized fashion. with one another when they have to face a common issue such
Their aim is clear: to rid the surface and the depths of the earth as the presence of humans.
of all species that are not insects or plants.
ORGANIZATION OF INSECTS If insects have become such a threat to humankind, it is because
Most insects are organized in several extremely efficient struc- of the hive mind intelligence that they have developed after the
tures that serve their plans for domination. Of course, these struc- catastrophes and which happens in four levels:
tures take on many different forms depending on the type of in- The queen of the community is at the heart of the first level of
sect. Cockroaches are organized in a very different structure to that the development of this hive mind. The queen and all her subjects
of ants or spiders. The information given below is mainly relevant form a single and unique consciousness. This common mind does
to insects that live in larger communities. not, however, mean that what one insect sees is known to the rest
An outpost is the smallest structure unit that can be found. It is of the others, or that they immediately know what has happened
a base established for insect scouts in different territories situated to one of their own; it is not telepathy. No, this is a connection that
around an area controlled by a colony. These outposts are usually allows them all to work in the same direction, in the service of their
discreet and do not count many inhabitants. Most of the insects queen. Furthermore, when they are close to their queen, they can
that staff them are either fighters or scouts. Insects will never de- share their experience to provide a tactical answer to some situa-
fend an outpost against too strong an opponent. tions. This extraordinary connection even allows them to geneti-
Once several outposts have been set up in an area, and any se- cally adapt the new generations to the effects of the weapons that
rious threats have been taken care of, the insects will set up a co- have been used against them. If, for example, a combat gas is used
lony in the center of the perimeter defined by the outposts. This against insects, they will be capable of analyzing the effects so that
colony will become a nest if the insects manage to maintain their the queen can produce new soldiers that will be immune to that
control of the region. A colony is ten times smaller than a nest, and gas. This also helps them to develop efficient natural attacks to use
it welcomes all types of insects, from workers to scouts. against their enemies. Only the larger communities of insects are
When a colony has become large enough, it will welcome a queen capable of using this connection. The smaller communities, like
with a connection to the empress that reigns over the region. The those of spiders or praying mantises, do not have that advantage.
colony will then turn into a nest that will in turn branch out into The second level of the hive mind intelligence is the bond that
new outposts and new colonies. is created by the empress of a community and her queens. This
All of the colonies in a region are under the control of a mas- hive mind bond will allow her to define her plans for expansion
ter complex led by an empress. These complexes are most often in a given area, to know if a colony is in trouble, and to improve
underground and were set up back in the time of the great catas- the species in all the colonies based on the information she has

trophes, to ensure that the various insect species would survive. gathered. As with the first connection, this is not some form of te-
They are veritable fortresses that are extremely difficult for human lepathy, but rather a very strong empathic bond that facilitates an
troops to get access to. While the colonies of the various master easier transmission of experiences. Most of the information does,
complexes may wage formidable wars against one another, no in- however, still need to be passed on by messengers. Therefore, a
sect would ever attack a master complex. Scientists suppose that queen that has conceived a new species of warrior will send one
the destruction of an empress would be a lethal blow to the organi- to her empress, who will assimilate it and allow the other colonies
zation of colonies in a given region. to adapt to it too.

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)

The third level is the bond that is formed between all of the em- CONTROL HYBRID
presses of the same species. This connection seems to span whole
These monstrosities are not dissimilar to necro-parasites. They
continents, if not across the whole world. No one knows if there is
are a kind of a cross between a tick and a spider. This hybrid has
a leading empress somewhere. eight extremely fine legs, and where its abdomen or blood sack
Finally, the fourth level is the bond that unites all of the em- would usually be, there is a kind of bulb that contains its vital
presses of all the insect species. This is the only level that can affect organs and a kind of brain that has surprising powers.
the insects that live in very small colonies. This bond is what gives Type: hybrid insect
the insects their true strength and their ability to come up with Geographic area: everywhere
common goals to support their all-out war against their enemies. Size: 50 cm Weight: 1 kg
INSECTS’ ALLIES Base 2 3 14 16 12 10 14 -
The insects have found allies in the plant kingdom and a few SECONDARY ATTRIBUTES
rare creatures. Once again, this is an alliance that does not ques-
Melee Damage Mod. - Reaction 14
tion the natural order of things. Many plants feed on insects and
vice versa. However, as neither of these groups can survive wit- Damage Resistance +6 Speed SPD(MP) 12 m, 1(1)
hout the other, they can agree to common goals. SKILLS
Stealth/Silent movement 16 Observation 14
Giant insects had their moment of glory on the surface of the
Hooks (Melee, Dam.: 1D6 (H))
planet after the great catastrophes. However, it now appears that
these species that make up huge communities have no hope of sur-
vival. They are dying off in great numbers, as they can no longer These things are not capable of fighting, and they only attack
prisoners or unconscious prey. When attacking this kind of prey, the
find enough food to maintain the nests that have grown far too insect moves up to the back of the neck, locks its long legs around
big. The many communities of giant insects are fighting amongst the throat and sinks its long hooks into the medulla oblongata. It must
themselves, but the individual members of these communities are inflict at least a Light Wound to be able to use its powers of control.
also victims of their fellow insects, the smaller ones that are eager HIT LOCATIONS
to claim back the territories that they had conceded when they re-
1–20 Creature
turned to the surface. They therefore played an important but tem-
porary part, and all of these giant insects should soon disappear.
That said, the giant insects that live in smaller communi- Control (The GM should carry out an extended opposed Test using the
characters’ Willpower attribute. Each opponent’s Willpower score is
ties seem to still be alive and well, and this expected extinction reduced by the Success Modifier of the other. If the victim’s Willpower
doesn’t affect them. Furthermore, the insects need larger crea- falls to 0 then it is controlled. If the victim resists (by bringing the
tures to help them in their fight against the humans. Almost all of insect’s Willpower down to 0), then the insect drops off and goes
the hybrid species are therefore a giant size (up to a human scale) looking for another prey. A victim that succumbs to the insect is
but their population is controlled and most of them are soldiers. controlled by it from then on. Unlike the necro-parasite, the insect
needs to feed its host. The host recovers 1 point of Willpower per hour
and can try to break free from the control, but for each attempt, its
INSECTS ENEMIES maximum Willpower is reduced by 1 point.
Humankind is not the only force fighting against the insect Killing the insect will immediately free the host who regains all
communities. Among the most ferocious enemies they have to its Willpower points. It must, however, carry out a Luck Test if the
face, there are the thornhogs, the rats, the devourers, and the duration of the control it was under exceeds a certain amount of time:
Victim’s Willpower in hours: if the Test fails, the victim loses 1 Willpower
Burrowers. These four species see the insects as the greatest point permanently.
threat that they have to face. It is already well known that the Victim’s Willpower in days: Test with a -1 penalty, the victim loses 2
rats don’t hesitate to use human patrols to get rid of an insect Willpower points permanently on a Failure.
nest that threatens their survival, or that the devourers imme- Victim’s Willpower in weeks: Test with a -2 penalty, the victim loses 3
diately disengage from combat against a human if he happens Willpower points permanently on a Failure.
Victim’s Willpower in months: Test with a -4 penalty, the victim loses 4
to locate any insects nearby. In fact, more recently, a number of Willpower points permanently on a Failure.
truces have been established between humans and Burrowers Victim’s Willpower in years: Test with a -6 penalty, the victim loses 6
in order to go and eradicate an underground insect colony. Willpower points permanently on a Failure.)

PRISONERS, EXPERIMENTING ON HUMAN BEINGS, AND HYBRIDIZATION In one room of the colony, they found a group of humans. Some
During a recent raid carried out against an insect colony in a of them had been dissected, while others were wrapped in some
deep underground complex, the Watcher combat squads made a kind of cocoons filled with various fluids, probably to test their
terrifying discovery. It was already well known that some insects resistance to a number of different substances. In other cocoons,
capture humans in order to feed off them, but what they disco- the insects exposed their test subjects to viruses and other pa-
vered that day was beyond what anyone could have imagined. thogens. But the most atrocious discovery was undoubtedly that

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)


The insects have had a hard time trying to settle under water.
This thing looks like a caterpillar with six fine legs on either side
There are only a few species that can live in this environment
of the front part of its body. Its belly is covered in a myriad of
fine tentacles, as is its wide mouth. and none of them are organized in the kind of colony that could
be a threat to humans. It seems that the liquid element is a ma-
Type: hybrid insect
Geographic area: everywhere jor obstacle to the connections that link the insectoid communi-
Size: 1.8 m long, 25 cm in diameter Weight: 110 kg ties. Therefore, the insects that one can find in the underwater
STR CON COO ADA PER INT WIL PRE stations behave just like regular insects.
4 Base 8 8 20 16 18 14 18 -
Melee Damage Mod. -1 Reaction 17 The insect communities are constantly developing new species
Damage Resistance +1 Speed SPD(MP) 20 m, 2(1) that have surprising characteristics, whether that be in terms of
SKILLS resistance or attack modes. With their offense infrasound waves,
Athletics 12 Observation 16 all kinds of acid, extremely aggressive poisons, hallucinogenic or
hypnotic pheromones, resistance to fire, to cold or to some che-
Stealth/Silent movement 12
mical agents, the insects seem to have plenty of resources when it
HIT LOCATIONS comes to creating warriors with fearsome abilities that will make
1–20 Creature life difficult for the human explorers they encounter. They adapt
SPECIAL so quickly that a single squad can find itself facing two comple-
Interrogation (The tentacles around its mouth attach themselves tely different enemies from one exploration mission to the next.
to the skull of its prey and allow it to stimulate certain parts of
the brain, as well as create a telepathic connection with its victim
and find out everything about it. The victim can try to resist. If it
Unless you stumble across a swarm or a community like a
does so, then an extended opposed Test should be carried out
between the Willpower levels of both parties. Each opponent’s cockroach colony, you won’t find yourself attacked by millions of
Willpower score is reduced by the Success Modifier of the other. well-organized insects. That is not the kind of strategy they use
If the victim’s Willpower falls to 0 then it provides the requested to attack human troops. The massive attack tactic is only effective
information. The victim’s Willpower score remains intact after against isolated prey, during an attack against a rival colony, or to
each interrogation, but it is reduced by 1 per day during which it is finish off an opponent that has already been weakened. Against
subjected to this treatment.)
Dissection (Its legs are as sharp as razor blades and it uses humans, the insects prefer infiltration, discretion, lightning at-
them to dissect its victims. The tentacles on its belly penetrate tacks, decoys, etc. Swarms of insects will only charge at their vic-
the bodies of its victims and allow it to analyze their organisms.) tim once it is wounded or neutralized.
The insects have learned to be wary of human weapons that
of the results of attempts to create hybrids between humans and can affect wide areas. Plenty of colonies have been wiped out by
insects. None of the specimens that they found were alive, but Icar beams, and flamethrowers or incendiary grenades remain
the fact that the insects had been trying that kind of experiment efficient weapons against many of them. Therefore, the insect
is of the utmost concern. colonies usually tend to remain discreet and when they are not
The explorers also discovered two new and particularly underground or in the ruins of an ancient city, they are set up
monstrous species of insects. One of them is a kind of arachnid under cover of the plant life or a rock formation, for example.
parasite that affixes itself to the back of its host’s neck, while the When human opponents are identified, the insects will always
other is an unknown thing that has 12 long and extremely thin send scouts to check out the threat level. Then the saboteurs will
legs, is covered in very fine tentacles, and that, it would seem, is move in, any insects discreet enough to get up close and use their
capable of studying living organisms. acid to sabotage the humans’ gear. This is the reason why one
of the main directives given to surface missions is to constantly
INTERSPECIES HYBRIDIZATIONS keep an eye on their gear and above all to check that no insects
Little by little, new species of insects have been observed, that have managed to get into sensitive areas. How many soldiers
are none other than hybrids between species that most likely with flamethrowers have found themselves in a tight spot with a
occurred within the master complexes. The hybrids created in weapon that wouldn’t work or worse still, exploded?

this way are absolute monsters and a nightmare for explorers. Once the scouts and the saboteurs have done their worst, the
Abominations like the scoris have wreaked havoc among the insects will usually try to lure their opponents into a place where
human troops. they will be at an advantage. This is often the case in old cities
The most astonishing form of inter-species breeding that ex- where troops have to pay attention to unstable terrain that was
plorers have come across is most certainly the serax, which is dug away by worker insects. A soldier in combat armor who lands
part plant and part insect. The result is a fearsome creature, as himself at the bottom of a pit will soon be rushed by swarms of
fierce as it is tough. creatures that won’t give him a chance.

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)

PLANTS Along with insects, plants are the main threat that humans
have to face on the surface. The plant kingdom is even more of a
threat because humans can’t live without it. Under the control
“What a fearsome foe is the one that we fight, knowing that of the Ternasets, and according to some, that of the Entities,
defeating it will be our downfall.” the plants wage war on humans and some of the animals. This
-- General Krull, general in chief of the Red League surface war was a passive one for a long time, using indirect means like
armies spores and pollen, but recently the confrontations have become
more direct with the arrival of fighter plants like the ferals.

Plants do not really have an organization as such; they sim-
ply grow wherever it is possible to grow. It is important to un-
derstand that, unlike insects, there is no true collective, hostile
consciousness among the plants. They are a natural force whose
evolution forces it to come into conflict with humankind. Almost
none of the plants that you can encounter will actually go for
your throat, but they can secrete or release dangerous subs-
tances. Plant beings that are openly hostile to humans or animals
are fairly rare, and they are always the work of the Ternasets.
Generally speaking, most plant species remain harmless. As a
reaction to human or animal presence, many of them will sim-
ply release stinger pollen, and as long as one takes precautions
to avoid harming the plant ecosystem, that is usually enough
to be able to live in it without too much danger. Many animals
and mutant tribes have settled in the jungles. They know the
dangers present there, and they respect the rules laid down by
the ecosystem.
Of course, after the cataclysms, many strange new plant spe-
cies appeared without any obvious reason. From razor ferns to
strangling willows, these plants behave like predators, even
though they don’t have a fierce will to eradicate all animal pre-
The real danger only comes from the plant kingdom when a
Ternaset is directly influencing it, or when one encounters one
of the new species: the ferals, the seraxes, or the synids. In that
situation, it has very little to do with the natural order of things,
and is more of a conscious war against humankind. The Terna-
sets can even influence a whole ecosystem to make it produce
substances that are toxic to humans.


Insects are the natural allies of plants, but there are also a
number of animal species that contribute to the plant ecosys-
tem or that are completely ignored by the plants. One thing to
always remember is that unless the situation is perfectly clear
(for example when a Ternaset or Ferals are present), it is very
difficult to know how the plant kingdom is going to react to the
presence of humans or animals. Some forests may accept that
tribes of humans live within them for many years before pos-
sibly (and it is a rare occurrence) turning against them.


As soon as one enters a territory with a thick covering of plant
life, there is a risk of exposure to the many effects of pollen and

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)


his consciousness, or other behavioral functions. This causes si-
milar effects to the hallucinations, but with far more violent reac-
Although the incident on the Argon station is a unique case in
recorded history, it is worthy of interest even just to consider whether tions. There have been reports of members of a squad killing each
or not it could happen again. About twenty years ago, this station was other under the effect of these powerful psychotropic substances.
an independent experimental base, testing new farming techniques in Mutagenic: this extremely rare effect triggers an alteration of the
great greenhouses set up in the heart of the modules. The researchers genetic code and irreversible mutations. The mutations are often
who were working on Argon obtained amazing results until, one day, regressive and tend to transform their victims into wild animals.
things began to get out of control.
Seeping: these pollens do not just sting. They attack the skin
4 It all began with some behavioral problems, at first merely
anecdotal, then becoming more and more serious. The members of the
of their victim and cause the appearance of purulent blisters.
Poisonous: these pollens form a fairly slow-acting poison that
community who were questioned by the investigation committee all
mentioned auditory hallucinations that caused them to hear an almost kills anyone who inhales them.
hypnotic melody and strange murmuring. One way or another, the Hypnotic: these pollens, combined with the rustling of the
number of crew with depression, apathetic behavior, violent actions, undergrowth, allow a victim to be controlled and forced to do
and arguments increased until the tragic day when the killings began. the bidding of the plant kingdom.
Forty people were murdered by their colleagues, and none of the
Plant contamination: this fearsome effect is probably the
murderers could explain why they committed such atrocities.
rarest one. The inhaled pollen invade the organism and can
As some people had hypothesized that the hydroponic crops were
have one of two effects: either they develop as plants inside their
responsible, it was decided — rather too quickly in my opinion — to
incinerate the entirety of the crops, and for a reason that I still do not host’s body and kill him, or they slowly invade the whole orga-
understand, evacuate the base and seal it shut. nism and turn it into wood. In some very rare forests, one can
This is a strange decision, as it prevented any serious and exhaustive come across the petrified remains of the victims of these spores.
examination of what happened on this base. Furthermore, it only adds Blistering: these pollens don’t just irritate the skin, they also
credit to the rumors that this base was in fact conducting research into burn it and attack the lungs, eyes, etc.
chemical and bacteriological weapons. Neurotoxic: the pollen attacks the victim’s nerves and block
I am bringing this old story to your attention today, as I think it is any neural signals, usually causing death by asphyxiation.
important to discover whether the crops grown on many underwater Suffocating: the pollen burns the inside of the lungs until it
stations may or may not be dangerous, as many discoveries have
recently been made, and hydroponic modules are becoming
causes the victim to die in atrocious pain.
increasingly widespread in our communities.
If the Council is in agreement, we could carry out an extensive THE TROOPS OF THE PLANT KINGDOM:
investigation into the Argon case, taking every necessary precaution. THE ARRIVAL OF THE FERALS
This operation can easily be kept off the record in order to keep it When explorers encountered the first Ferals, they were faced
quiet. I am therefore asking for the Argon station to be opened up for for the first time with intelligent, combative, and determined
a research team. opponents. Unlike other plants, the Ferals are soldiers whose
 -- Professor Mauria, Equinox Genetic Council only goal is to eliminate mostly human adversaries. That is their
only reason for being. They grow in the heart of the darkest fo-
rests, often dominated by Ternasets, in cocoons hanging from
the trees. They mostly attack the mutant communities and any
Stinging: this is the commonest type of effect, and it is usually human squads that come their way.
limited to direct contact with the plants. Pollen can produce an But the worst part is that the Ferals seem to just be the first
unpleasant but thankfully benign allergic reaction. Victims suf- wave. There are new species of the same kind appearing all the
fer from itchy skin, and sometimes a runny nose, prickly eyes, or time, like the Seraxes and the Synids.
an irritation of the respiratory system. The symptoms quickly
disappear once the victim has left the contaminated zone. In ge- PLANTS AND THE FLUX
neral, a simple ointment, a breathing filter, and special contact There is a very close connection between the Flux and the plant
lenses make it easier to put up with these unfortunate effects. kingdom. A strong concentration of plant life always favors the
Hallucinogenic: far more serious and fairly common, this synchronization and the opening of the Flux. This phenomenon is
form of attack causes hallucinations. It is caused both by spores usually followed by a peak in the oxygen levels, which represents
or pollen and by the rustling of the undergrowth. To protect a danger both for animals, humans, and paradoxically, the plant
against this, you will therefore need a respirator, an airtight kingdom. Phenomena connected to the Flux are more frequent
suit, and an audio filter. The effects mainly depend on how the in a highly vegetated area and it is not rare to hear the strange

plants perceive the human presence. The more this presence is piercing noise of the Flux synchronizing just before it opens.
considered hostile, the more dangerous and intense the halluci-
nations will be. The hallucinations can be of any possible kind. PRESENCE OF PLANTS UNDER WATER
Psychotropic: the spores and pollen associated with the Seaweed is the most common form of plant life under the wa-
strange whispering of the undergrowth attack the nervous sys- ter, but it is not a threat as such. Although some species are dan-
tem and alter the victim’s perception, his sensations, his mood, gerous, they do not seem to be driven by any conscious will to

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)

harm animal life forms, even a passive one. Furthermore, a nu- it is to counter the hallucinogenic effect). If a character only has
mber of seaweed species have been modified by the Geneticians one of the two required forms of protection (airtight suit or au-
to create the protective Slick that contributed to the survival of dio filter), the power of the phenomenon is reduced by half. Any
life beneath the seas. Just like the insect communities, the water character who fails this Test will begin to have hallucinations
behaves as an excellent protective shield against the threat of chosen by the GM. If the character gets a Failure Margin on this
the plants, and no station has ever mentioned any problem with Test, the GM should keep a note of it, and this margin will be
their hydroponic crops. used as a penalty for the detection of any real threat. An infected
character who leaves the affected area will immediately come to
INFORMATION FOR THE GAME his senses. Bear in mind that hallucinogens affect a character’s
perception, but do not impair his reactions in the slightest.
EFFECTS OF SPORES, POLLEN, AND OTHER TOXIC SUBSTANCES Protection: airtight suit and audio filter

S tinging P sychotropic
Stinging substances are not really dangerous for humans, The effects of psychotropic substances are far more dange-
unless the victim is exposed to a massive concentration. In rous than those of hallucinogens, as they actually change the
that case, the itching can become so intense that the victims behavior of the victims. Every hour, the GM carries out the same
literally tear their skin off. When a character is affected by a test as mentioned above. The characters who fail this test will
stinging substance, and for as long as he has not received the not only begin to hallucinate, they will also start to experience
appropriate medical treatment (this can be an ointment or an paranoia. They will become irritable, suspicious, and even be-
injection of something to calm the itching), he will need to take come delirious. If the characters get a Failure Margin on this
a Willpower Test after a certain number of Rounds, with a penalty Test, they must immediately make a Willpower Test with a diffi-
equal to half of the substance concentration. If he fails the Test, culty equal to that Failure Margin. If they fail this Test, they are
the character cannot stop scratching. The scratching continues driven insane. They are no longer capable of distinguishing rea-
until the victim has self-inflicted an amount of Damage equal to lity and illusions, and they attack anything that moves, inclu-
the concentration of the stinging substance, using whatever he ding their companions. Their psychotic break lasts for a number
can get hold of. Some victims have even been known to slash at of Rounds equal to the Failure Margin. An affected character’s
their skin with a knife to try to calm the itching. Therefore, if a behavior usually leaves very little doubt that they are about to
character is victim of a level 5 stinging effect, he will have to in- start killing everyone at any moment. The other adventurers
flict in only one attack 5 Damage upon himself in order to calm can therefore try to intervene and calm him, using psychologi-
the itching. If a character has natural armor or some means of cal skills and empathic powers, for example.
protection for his skin (ointment, for example), the concentra- Protection: airtight suit and audio filter
tion of the stinging substance is reduced by the amount of pro-
tection. If the character has to fight or act before the itching
ends, he can do so, but all of his tests will have a penalty of half
M utagenic
of the concentration level. The most common concentration le- Mutagenic substances cause mutations after a certain period
vel is 1. When a character is no longer under the effect of the of exposure. In fact, they will accelerate and worsen the Mo-
stinging attack, the concentration that affects him reduces by lecular Alteration phenomenon on the surface (or cause it to
1 point per hour. A character can be tied up or knocked out to occur in a place where it wouldn’t usually happen). The penalty
prevent him from harming himself while the effect passes. for the Molecular Alteration Test (See Universe, in the section
Test frequency: once every 21 minutes, reduced by the about the Surface) will be increased by 1 to 10.
concentration level (maximum level: 20). Protection: airtight suit, vaccine
Protection: airtight suits, ointments

S eeping
H allucinogenic The seeping effect directly attacks the character’s skin and can
The effects are very varied and will require plenty of imagina- cause horrific wounds. One hour after the exposure, and for each
tion from the GM to blend reality and fantasy in the descriptions following hour, you must carry out an opposed Test between the
she gives her players. When a character is subjected to the ef- intensity of the phenomenon and the character’s Constitution.
fects of hallucinogens, the longer he stays in the affected area, The Success Modifier of one reduces the Attribute of the other
the higher the chances that he will give in to the hallucinations. by the same amount. If the intensity of the phenomenon is re-
Every hour, the GM makes a secret opposed Test between the duced to 0, then the character resists and the pustules will disap-
Perception of each affected character and the strength of the pear rapidly. If the character’s Constitution is reduced to 0, then
phenomenon on a scale from 1 to 20 (she can ask the players to the pustules spread across his whole body and begin to inflict
carry out a Perception Test themselves without mentioning that 1D6 Damage and an additional 1D6 per hour (2D6 for the second

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)

The wall of plants seemed to be watching them, eagerly anticipating.

Here and there in the undergrowth, movements indicated the presence
your situations. Most of them are contact poisons or poisonous
of small predators, unless they were in fact plants slowly extending spores that are released if a victim gets too close to a plant,
their appendages towards this new prey. however, there can also be previously released spores in the
In some forests, there are abnormal concentrations of oxygen, and surrounding air.
a single spark could send everything up in flames. The small machine Protection: airtight suit
gun on his shoulder retracted without a sound, while the barrel of an
incinerator extended from his left forearm. The environmental scans
showed nothing. It was impossible to tell what was hiding in that H ypnotic
damned jungle. Priam moved slowly forward; a vine dropped towards
4 him, but it was stopped mid-flight by the barrel of the flamethrower
that the Hegemonian had just aimed at it. The vine, recoiling and
Hypnotic phenomena are extremely dangerous, as they drain
their victims’ willpower. After each hour of exposure, you must
rearing up like a snake, seemed to be watching this stranger in his carry out an opposed Test between the intensity of the pheno-
armor. Priam looked around for the tree that this tentacle belonged menon and the character’s Willpower. The Success Modifier of
to. Other vines were probably moving forward in a more discreet way one reduces the Attribute of the other by the same amount. If
through the undergrowth. This was a classic plant tactic: distract their
prey’s attention with their appendages so that the other tentacles could
the intensity of the phenomenon is reduced to 0, then the cha-
attack simultaneously. racter resists and can no longer be affected by this phenome-
The Hegemonian commander finally identified the mother tree non. However, if he leaves the affected area and comes back at a
just as the vines shot up from the ground to wind themselves around later time, he can be affected again. If the character’s Willpower
his armor. He let out two flaming bursts towards the plant, which is reduced to 0, then he becomes completely apathetic and lets
immediately caught fire. The vines immediately recoiled and started himself die. Some hypnotics have different effects. They can,
thrashing around. It didn’t take long for the thing to burn down for example, allow the plant kingdom to control its victims who
then become completely subservient to its will.
Priam and his men marched on. They made slow progress. Danger
Protection: airtight suit and audio filter
was everywhere. Every tree, every plant, every bush could hide a
deadly enemy, or even be a deadly enemy. In the shade of the canopy,
the temperature had dropped dramatically. The red, brown and gray P lant contamination
foliage on the trees was a true shield against the rays of the sun. The
strange constitution of the plants allowed them to assimilate the heat Plant contamination works like the seeping effect. If the cha-
thanks to a special endothermal reaction. racter reduces the intensity of the phenomenon to 0, he resists
The Hegemonians were walking through an undergrowth of vines, the contamination. The pollen and the spores don’t develop in-
moss, and some kinds of ivy. Under each step, the almost sponge-like side his body. He may discover what he narrowly escaped from
forest floor seemed to wriggle away as if they were walking on snakes.
The threatening shapes of the trees, most of them twisted, gave the
later when naturally passing what looks like dead seedpods. If
impression that they were walking amongst a forest of monstrous the character’s Constitution falls to 0, he is in serious trouble.
slumbering giants whose sleep should definitely not be disturbed. There are two phenomena connected to this type of contami-
Every now and again, as they walked by, colorful plants or hideous nation; either they develop inside the host’s organism and kill
bulbs would spit out clouds of poisoned spores. They walked past some him, or they slowly turn him into wood.
kind of mushrooms, with their huge, wobbly, gelatinous forms; past
In the first case, the character carries out a Constitution Test
trees with bark covered in spines the size of knives and a field of strange
purple flowers in which they could see the rotting carcasses of animals. every hour. If he succeeds on the Test, then he suffers horrific
pain, but he resists. If he fails, he suffers 1D10 Damage. The Da-
They spotted a few razor-ferns coming towards them. However,
before they could begin to prepare their defense, the plants tuned mage is increased by 1D10 every time he fails the Constitution
around and moved away. Priam immediately called a halt. He observed Test. A surgical operation or the injection of certain drugs (or
everything going on around him. On his left, a group of Serpent vines special medicine) that are toxic for plants might save him.
was moving from tree to tree away from them. In the bushes, a number In the second case, the character also carries out a Constitution
of small predators were running away as quick as they could. There Test every hour. If he succeeds the Test, then he feels a slight
was something going on, something that didn’t look good for them.
hindrance in his movements. If he fails, he loses 1 Coordination
Priam began to retreat slowly, sensing the danger. point. Green spots start to spread across his skin, as it becomes
-- Extract from Operation Nemrod harder and harder. As he loses Coordination points, he will have
more and more problems moving and breathing. At 0, he dies of
suffocation and will turn into wood (or in some cases a plant-
hour, 3D6 for the third, etc.). Without the appropriate medical based creature). Only the injection of drugs and special medi-
treatment, he will end up literally devoured by the purulence. cine can counter this effect.

Protection: airtight suit, ointment, vaccines Protection: airtight suit

P oisonous B listering , N eurotoxics and S uffocating

The effects of plant poisons are many and varied. You can use The effects of these substances are identical to the gas canis-
the poisons already described or make up ones that better suit ters in the CRB 2 on page 58.

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)


Type: symbiotic amoeba
Geographic area: all areas
“Nowadays it seems to be certain that the protei are the
Size: up to 2 meters in diameter Weight: 80 kg
result of an incident that occurred an extremely long time
ago. These creatures do indeed seem to be the evolution of STR CON COO ADA PER INT WIL PRE
a tiny amoeba that once lived in symbiosis with the coral, Base 25* 30 19** 17 15** 10 20 **
or maybe an evolution of the coral itself, that used to clean SECONDARY ATTRIBUTES
its host. It is thought that a genetic manipulation on these
amoebas somehow accidentally increased their imitation Melee Damage Mod. +7* Reaction 16
abilities, developed their intelligence and gave these Damage Resistance -9* Speed SPD(MP) 56 m, 6(2)
creatures the ability to perfectly replicate human genes.” SKILLS
-- Professor Melorne, scientist in Equinox Athletics 10* Attack 15
Disguise/Deception 18 Endurance 16
Observation 15
Swallowing or any weapons usable by the imitated shape
In its natural state, the combat tactics of a proteus is simply to
swallow its prey. As it is an intelligent life form, it will adapt its
tactics depending on the creature it is imitating.
1–20 proteus (or hit locations as apply to the victim)
Shell 7 (H) (The Shell level conveys the difficulty to be able to
affect the squishy and very tough material that these creatures
are made of, even once they have transformed. It is impossible
to knock down or push back a proteus. These creatures keep
these protection levels, even when in human form.)
Swallowing (see page 230)
Immunities (Whatever shape it has taken on, a proteus is
completely immune to the cold, to fire, and to the effects of
Regeneration (Even when transformed, a proteus has no weak
spot. A hit to the head has the same effect as a hit on an arm.
If it loses a limb, it grows back in 1 Round. It does not suffer the
penalties caused by Wounds, even though they should still be
Vulnerability to sonic attacks (Sonic attacks cause double
Damage to the proteus, and the Damage is not reduced by the
* Natural stat. See text in case of assimilation.
** Natural stats replaced by those of the victim, if the creature
has taken the victim’s appearance.

Protei are strange creatures that look like amoeba and that
drift around in the oceans. As soon as they find a victim, they
rush at it and try to completely absorb it. Once it has killed its
victim, the proteus dissolves it completely and takes on its ap-
pearance. It is said that there are many protei infiltrated into
human society. It seems increasingly obvious that these are in-
credibly intelligent creatures, and that their goals and motiva-
tions are dictated by some mysterious power. Apparently, there
are several species of proteus, the most well-known of which is
the proteus infiltrators. Indeed, this is the species that spreads
chaos throughout the human communities.

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)


In the beginning, the protei were a species of amoeba that was
The hunters are a little bigger and stronger than the infiltrator secreted by corals to defend them against the climate condi-
protei, and they can imitate slightly larger life forms.
tions that were threatening their survival. They seem to be cells
Type: symbiotic amoeba
detached from the internal structure of the coral imbued with a
Geographic area: everywhere
Size: up to 4 meters in diameter Weight: 640 kg specific function. Literally excreted in a kind of pod, the amoe-
bas were meant to clean the corals and to chase away any har-
mful creatures by crudely imitating the shape of a predator. Du-
4 Base 30* 30 19** 17 12**
8 16 - ring the Empire of the Geneticians, there was an incident about
which little is known. One way or another, as a result of this, the
Melee Damage Mod. +10* Reaction 14 coral began to create far larger protei, far more intelligent and
Damage Resistance -10* Speed SPD(MP) 22 m, 2(1)* better capable of perfectly imitating any kind of life form. More
seriously still, it has now been proved that the genetic code of
the protei can contain elements that have the characteristics of
Athletics 10* Attack 14
the human genetic code. How did this come about? Why? We
Disguise/Deception 8 Endurance 14 do not know. Beginning as simple organisms protecting the co-
Observation 15 ral fields, the protei have now become predators that use every
ATTACK means possible to infiltrate the human communities.
Swallowing or any weapons usable by the imitated shape
The hive mind intelligence that is formed by the coral fields
This type of proteus can roughly imitate any life form that they
have assimilated to scare off an opponent or to attract a victim. is the entity controlling the protei. Although some of them are
They can, for example, imitate the looks of a large shark to capable of a certain amount of independent thought, they are
scare away an attacker (underwater, there is little chance that entirely under the control of this hive mind. Usually, most of
a diver will be able to tell the difference). the protei will therefore be found near the coral fields for which
HIT LOCATIONS they provide protection and maintenance.
1–20 Proteus (or hit locations that apply to the victim) Can the fact that the protei have been showing open hostility
SPECIAL toward humans for the last few years mean that the coral sees
Shell 7 (H) (The Shell level conveys the difficulty to be able to humankind as an enemy? Or are these creatures looking for so-
affect the squishy and very tough material that these creatures mething specific in the human communities?
are made of, even once they have transformed. It is impossible
to knock down or push back a proteus. These creatures keep ORGANIZATION OF THE PROTEI
these protection levels, even when in human form.) Scientists have identified three main species of protei. The
Swallowing (See page 230. Their imitation abilities are limited
and they cannot, for example, copy a human form without a few builders/guards are the most primitive form of proteus. They
flaws, so it is fairly easy for members of the imitated species to are incapable of changing their shape, and their main function
spot them. Apart from that, they have the same characteristics is to protect the coral fields while assisting in their extension
as the infiltrators.) by preparing the territories near the colony for new growth. All
Immunities (Whatever shape it has taken on, a proteus is potentially dangerous intruders are immediately intercepted
completely immune to the cold, to fire, and to the effects of
pressure.) by these swallowing and crushing protoplasms.
Vulnerability to sonic attacks (Sonic attacks cause double Damage The hunters are slightly smaller protei that drift through the
to the proteus, and the Damage is not reduced by the Shell.) oceans, assimilating the genetic codes of all of the creatures
Regeneration (Even when transformed, a proteus has no weak they encounter or finding certain biological elements required
spot. A hit to the head has the same effect as a hit on an arm. If it for the colony. The coral reefs are in fact fully fledged ecosys-
loses a limb, it grows back in 1 Round. It does not suffer the penalties
caused by Wounds, even though they should still be noted.) tems. If the corals need to reinforce a specific species of fish,
Damage progression for hunter proteus constriction for example, the hunters will bring some back. The hunters can
Strength Dam. (*) Max Dam. therefore be found in every sea in the world, and they usually
30 +3/Round 45 (H) travel alone.
The infiltrators are the most well-known protei. They are ca-

* Natural stat. See text in case of assimilation. pable of imitating any life form, be it human or animal, to per-
** Natural stats replaced by those of the victim, if the creature
fection. They infiltrate all communities and, for example, it is
has taken the victim’s appearance.
(*) The Damage progression varies according to the quite possible that a small group of mammals may count a pro-
Constriction Attacks rule on page 226. teus as one of their number. When an infiltrator grabs a hold of
its prey, it has to dissolve it to assimilate the genetic material.
Once the genome has been assimilated, the proteus modifies its
own genetic structure to copy that of its victim, and it takes on

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)


In its natural form, a proteus infiltrator can attack in two As soon as the proteus attempts to swallow a victim (even
different ways: either by swallowing its prey or by produ- though the extended opposed Strength Test is not yet com-
cing one or more tentacles to grab its opponent. It can only plete) it can choose to secrete a powerful acid that inflicts
swallow a target if it is next to it and if it is not moving (a cha- 1D10 Damage per Round, then 1 additional Point per Round (in
racter lying on the ground, or with its back turned, for exa- other words 1D10 for the first Round, 1D10+1 for the second
mple). The grabbing action is automatic, and an extended Round, 1D10+2 for the third Round, etc.) for as long as it is
opposed Test is carried out between the creature’s Stren- in contact with its target and for a maximum duration of 50
gth attribute and that of its victim (see Holding/Pinning on Rounds. The Damage caused by the acid is reduced by 1 Point
page 228). If the proteus wins this duel, the victim is com- per Round as soon as the victim is no longer in contact, or
pletely swallowed. after 50 Rounds. As soon as the victim is swallowed, it can
When faced with a moving target, a proteus can produce ten- die of suffocation as well as suffering from the acid Damage,
tacles of up to 2 meters in length. It can usually only produce unless it has a respirator (see Drowning and Asphyxia on
two (which is also the maximum number of human sized tar- page 239 of the CRB 1). The proteus can however decide to
gets that it can swallow at the same time). The creature then provide the necessary oxygen if it so wishes. The proteus
has to carry out a Test to grab its prey. If it succeeds on the can also choose to crush its prey automatically. This is a
Test, then a simple opposed Test is carried out between the normal Constriction attack (see Constriction and Tentacle
Strength of the proteus and that of its victim (if the proteus Attacks on page 226).
creates two tentacles, then its lifting Strength is 42!). If the If a victim was swallowed after an extended opposed Stren-
victim wins the Test, it manages to free itself. If the proteus gth Test, it can try once per Round to carry out another
wins, then it drags its victim to the bulk of its body, or drags extended opposed Strength Test. Once a victim is swallowed
itself to the victim (if the victim is too heavy). An attempt to by a proteus, it is considered to be under the effect of a Hy-
swallow the victim is then carried out in the usual way. perfluid (with a level 10 in FOF Breathing or a bonus of +10 to
If the proteus is already in a shape other than its natural its level) to determine the effects of pressure if the creature
shape, it can also attack using the abilities of the shape it is sinking in water.
is imitating. It will usually attempt to face its foe in hand to Once the victim is dead, the proteus will completely dissolve
hand combat. As soon as it has grabbed its victim, it returns it and alter its genetic code in 1D10 Rounds. Its Strength is
to its natural shape and tries to swallow the victim. then modified (see above) and it automatically takes on the
However, the Strength of a proteus that is imitating another Coordination, Perception, and Presence of its victim, even if
life form will depend on that of its current victim. If the imi- they are lower. A proteus also absorbs the skills, knowledge
tated victim’s Strength is higher, the proteus will be limited and memories of its prey as well as its own natural ones. It
to the Strength of its natural form. If the proteus’ Strength is can switch from its natural form to the latest imitated form
higher, then its Strength is decreased by half the difference and back again at will (it takes it 1 Round to transform).
between its Strength and that of the imitated victim.

all of the prey’s characteristics and loses some of its own in the spent in a certain form. The few protei that have suffered from
process. A proteus can only copy life forms that it can absorb. this syndrome can’t even remember that they are protei. They
It is limited to animals up to 2 meters tall and up to 200 kg in stay stuck in their current shape and can’t imagine being any-
weight. thing other than the creature they are imitating. A rumor says
that some of them may be conscious of exactly what they are,
MULTIPLE ASSIMILATION SYNDROME AND even though they can’t get away from their new personality
TOTAL ASSIMILATION SYNDROME or return to their natural form. They are said to have formed
A recent study looks into two very particular syndromes that a community that attempts to live peacefully with the humans.
affect some of the infiltrator protei. The multiple assimilation In both these cases, the protei lose their connection with the
syndrome is the most common one. It affects some protei that coral and with the other protei. They are even attacked on sight
have imitated many different life forms. Usually, once a proteus by their fellow protei.
has imitated a certain number of different life forms, it goes By taking on their new shape more and more definitively,
back to the coral colony to be purged of all the assimilated ge- these protei lose their invulnerabilities and their special abili-
netic codes by the hive mind. However, in some cases, it can be ties. Their organs become vital even though they retain a su-
prevented from doing so. In this case, some rare specimens gra- perhuman ability for regeneration and a heightened resistance
dually lose control of their genetic structure and begin to lose to Damage.
the ability to stabilize their shape and even their consciousness. This gave some scientists the idea to consider using these
They no longer know what they are and can no longer stabilize beings as rather unwilling organ donors, as they are not, strictly
their organism in a specific shape. These creatures slowly turn speaking, human beings. The protei could be forced to remain in
insane and become a real threat to everything they encounter. human form and kept in stasis for long enough to harvest their
The total assimilation syndrome is far rarer, and it affects organs. It would however be necessary to prove that, even in a
some protei for some unknown reason, even though it does stasis condition, the proteus organs are compatible with those
seem that it may have something to do with the length of time of a human without being rejected . . . or causing contamination.

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)


PROTEUS It seems that the longer a proteus remains in one form, the
more its organism adapts and the harder it is to detect. Just
These protei cannot change their shape. They can absorb up
like a perfect secret agent erases his tracks, in time the pro-
to six human beings or a creature up to the size of an orca
(roughly 9 meters long). They are almost translucent and are teus organism corrects the genetic anomalies between its pre-
therefore very hard to detect in the water sent shape and its natural form until they can no longer be
Type: symbiotic amoeba detected. Its genetic memory usually remains intact and it is
Geographic area: everywhere capable of reverting to its natural shape, unless – in some rare
4 Size: up to 10 meters in diameter Weight: 10 tons
cases – it suffers from total assimilation syndrome. To prevent
that syndrome, many of the protei choose to return to their
Base 40 40 12 17 10 6 12 - natural form on a regular basis.
A proteus is therefore confronted with the choice between
being almost undetectable while taking the risk of suffering
Melee Damage Mod. +15 Reaction 13 from total assimilation syndrome, and risk their cover being
Damage Resistance -15 Speed SPD(MP) 14 m, 2 (1) compromised with no fear of losing its true identity.
SKILLS Some scientists have theorized that a proteus that has taken
Athletics 10 Attack 14 on human form may be capable of reproducing with a real hu-
Disguise/Deception 16 Endurance 18 man being. There are no facts to back up those theories. If,
however, this were to prove to be possible, it would be very
Observation 15
interesting to see what the result would be.
Swallowing (see page 230) IMPLANTATION OF THE PROTEI
COMBAT TACTICS It is very rare that a proteus takes on a human directly.
None They usually prefer to infiltrate communities, where they will
HIT LOCATIONS gather into action groups. The first protei will simply blend
into the population to try to infiltrate all of the important
1–20 Proteus
services so that they can cause as much damage as possible if
they have to spring into action, and also to help implant more
Shell 7 (H) (The Shell level conveys the difficulty to be able to protei in the midst of the community. It is rare for the protei
affect the squishy and very tough material that these creatures
are made of, even once they have transformed. It is impossible to have the destruction of a base as their only objective. They
to knock down or push back a proteus. These creatures keep much prefer to fully assimilate a community, even though
these protection levels, even when in human form.) that has never yet happened . . . At least, as far as we know.
Swallowing (See page 230). Guards secrete a low potency acid
that can only have a negative effect in the very long term. As
soon as it has swallowed a prey, it can crush it automatically.
The Attack inflicts 2D10 Damage each Round, plus the proteus’ The Red League’s Proteus Department trains people to fi-
Melee Damage Modifier, plus 1D10 Points per Round up to a ght against these creatures. This department is especially
maximum of 10D10 + Damage Modifiers. The Attack is automatic renowned for its knowledge of proteus detection techniques,
(you should still carry out the Test for the Damage bonuses). but also for its intervention squads that have proven to be
They cannot form tentacles, and usually prefer to drop down especially efficient against the protei. Its reputation is such
onto their prey by surprise. Apart from that, they have the
same characteristics as the infiltrators.) that the other nations sometimes call upon this department’s
Immunities (whatever shape it has taken on, a proteus is specialists when they are confronted with a problem related
completely immune to the cold, to fire, and to the effects of to protei. Oscar Vogar, the leader of this group, is one of the
pressure.) greatest experts in this subject, and he was even invited by the
Regeneration (even when transformed, a proteus has no weak Hegemonic authorities to speak on this topic with the national
spot. A hit to the head has the same effect as a hit on an arm.
If it loses a limb, it grows back in 1 Round. It does not suffer the security experts of the Patriarchs’ nation.
penalties caused by Wounds, even though they should still be
Vulnerability to sonic attacks (Sonic attacks cause double

Damage to the proteus, and the Damage is not reduced by the


EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)


Type: Techno-Hybrid
Geographic area: everywhere
Size: 2 m Weight: 120 kg
Base 17 16 16 15 12 10 16 5
Melee Damage Mod. +3 Reaction 14
Damage Resistance -3 Speed SPD(MP) 14 m, 4(1)
SPD(MP) underwater
32 m, 4(1)
Armed combat 11 Athletics 11
Endurance 10 Handguns 9
Hand-to-hand combat 14 Hybrid 11
Martial arts (Wrestling) 14 Observation 10
Stealth/Silent movement 9 11
Underwater maneuvering 15
Fists or Weapons
Techno-Hybrids tend to prefer flash attack techniques. They jump
out of the shadows, pounce on their prey and disappear in an
instant. They are fierce fighters who rarely back down from a fight.
Hybrid wrist weapon (Dam.: 3D10, SS)/, dagger (Dam.: 1D10+2),
pistol, heavy (Dam.: 3D10+1), light Hybrid diving armor (10/0)

Since they were created by the Hegemony, Techno-Hybrids

have changed a lot. There are now four active models and a fifth
“deviant” model. As these beings can easily be used as “simple
monsters” for encounters underwater or inside a station, all five
models are detailed here.

The alpha model is the first type of Techno-Hybrid designed
by the Hegemony using the science of the Geneticians. They
are usually powerfully built creatures, and they are so muscular
that their heads tend to blend into their shoulders. Their eyes
are two glassy windows that don’t show any trace of emotion.
Four thin metal tubes connect their mouth and nostrils to the
back of their neck. On their torso, a number of other tubes and
cables emerge from their skin here and there. Their internal
structure has been modified to allow them to resist the pressure
of the deep.
The Alpha models are the least reliable of the Techno-Hy-
brids, as their mental setup is flawed. However, out of the tens
of thousands of them produced by the Hegemony, very few of
them have ever deserted.

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)


Subject: Project TH/Beta 453 Type: Techno-Hybrid
As you probably already know, as per Prism directive SH-635-J, Geographic area: everywhere
issued on 6 November 569, the first TH Beta 453 specimen was created Size: 2 m Weight: 120 kg
without the obedience device that was installed on all other models. STR CON COO ADA PER INT WIL PRE
Since the prototype met all of the specifications established by the Base 17 16 18 16 15 6 14 5
Council members, we moved on to Phase 2 of Project Mamba. So far we
have only experienced one slight incident that resulted in the death of SECONDARY ATTRIBUTES
4 one of the scientists working on the program.
The subject managed to “escape” and we will rapidly be able to
Melee Damage Mod. +3 Reaction 15
Damage Resistance -3 Speed SPD(MP) 40 m*, 4(1)
gather reliable data about its behavior. The control of the operation will
then be transferred entirely to the relevant Prism services.
SPD(MP) underwater
40 m*, 4(1)
In parallel to this, we are now ready to move forward with the
production of the new Beta 453 models. We therefore need the SKILLS
Genetic Council to make the necessary arrangements to progressively Acrobatics/Balance 12 Armed combat 9
neutralize the obsolete series that are currently operational among the
armed forces. Athletics 11 10
The Beta 453 models are proving more efficient and reliable, with a
Climbing 10 Endurance 15
lower maintenance cost, and it is therefore unnecessary to continue to
maintain the former generations of Techno-Hybrids, whose emotional Hand-to-hand combat 14 Handguns 7
instabilities are a significant source of potential problems. Hunting/Tracking 12 Hybrid 15
We would also bring to your attention that the techniques that Stealth/Silent
brought on the complete success of Project Beta 453, although they Observation 10 10
may seem similar to those used by the Cult of the Trident to create
Underwater maneuvering 15
Geno-Hybrids, are very different. It was our dissection of our Felorm
and sackar specimens that led to the resolution of most of the issues ATTACK
related to the controlled genetic alteration necessary to successfully Claws (Melee, Dam.: 1D10+3 (H)) and Relentless bite (Melee;
complete the project. Dam.: 1D10+3 (H)) or Tail (Reach: +1, Dam.: 1D6 (H) + Throw)
I would also like to take this opportunity to wipe out any remaining COMBAT TACTICS
doubts expressed by Professor Maltus as to the risk of mutations caused
by the genetic alteration process. It is very unlikely that the Beta 453 The Beta 453 models rush at their prey and don’t let go. They are
subjects could mutate autonomously, and any likelihood of them brutish and behave like complete animals once they have launched
somehow developing an ability to reproduce is nothing short of high their attack. They can combine a Claws and a Bite attack without
fantasy. Not only did we select only sterile males, we also completely any extra cost or penalty.
and systematically removed all genital organs and the parts of the HIT LOCATIONS
brain connected to sexual activity. Professor Malthus was also alarmed
at the use of the Sethy Compound from Xen laboratories, even though
this compound has been proven key in the production of stable SPECIAL
biological substances. Genetic alterations (controlled mutations: Chameleon (basic
It is therefore my duty to warn you that Professor Maltus is obviously difficulty to spot it: Difficult), Fangs, Tail, Claws, Regeneration,
trying to endanger Project Beta 453 by spreading false rumors and Reinforced skeleton)
relying on unreliable data. Although it is most regrettable, I would Hybrid
recommend that the necessary services be warned and that the Reinforced skin 2
professor be subjected to a detailed interrogation to establish whether Reinforced visor (3, the visor that covers the face of the Beta
453 protects it from critical hits to the head and it provides

he is truly motivated by serving the State and the Noble Patriarchs.

infrared vision)
Yours devotedly, Vulnerability to fire (Damage increased by +4)
-- Professor Ugnon EQUIPMENT
Depending on assigned missions
* Hybrids table (rather than Techno-Hybrids)

BETA 453 MODEL When perfecting this new generation of the Techno-Hybrids,
In a bid to develop a model of Techno-Hybrid that would be the engineers had two main goals: to remove every last speck
completely devoted to the will of the admiralty, scientists de- of humanity from their guinea pigs, but also to give them a far
veloped a new prototype, the Beta 453. Using genetic manipu- more bestial look by working on their shape and removing any
lation techniques, they managed to produce a far more savage superfluous equipment. Therefore, instead of implanting com-
being; more of an animal than a human. The advanced version plex and expensive devices into new Techno-Hybrids, they mo-
of the Beta 453 is the Mamba model. ved towards controlled genetic alterations, which are far more
efficient. These new Hybrids have a long tail that they can use as

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)

Type: Techno-Hybrid Subject: Project TH/Mamba Phase 3
Geographic area: everywhere
I was sent to investigate the Mamba incident that occurred during
Size: 2 m Weight: 140 kg
Operation Echo, and I have reached a number of conclusions that, I am
STR CON COO ADA PER INT WIL PRE sure, the members of the Council will find fascinating. It appears that
Base 18 17 17 18 14 7 15 4 Professor Ugnon made a grave mistake by using an unstable form of
the Sethy Compound. This compound simply allowed the Beta 453 units
SECONDARY ATTRIBUTES used during the operation to inhibit their mental conditioning and
Melee Damage Mod. +4 Reaction 16 react on an instinctive level. As they had reverted to a primal behavior,
Damage Resistance -4 Speed SPD(MP) 40 m*, 4(1) they turned against the commando members and then fled. I therefore
took the initiative of putting a stop to the production of Beta 453 models.
SPD(MP) underwater
As for the mistake made by Professor Ugnon, it is possible that it was
40 m*, 4(1)
not in fact an error but instead a deliberate act of sabotage. Aside from
SKILLS the fact that the Professor has gone missing, some reports mention a
Acrobatics/Balance 12 Armed combat 9 similar project to our own being carried out in Amazonia. As you know,
this small nation excels in the area of bio-weapons, especially when
Camouflage/ it comes to biological armor. It seems quite astonishing to me that
Athletics 11 11
Professor Ugnon did not detect the regressive element included in the
Climbing 10 Endurance 15 Sethy Compound. I will leave you to judge what part this individual
Hand-to-hand combat 14 Handguns 7 played in this whole story, however, I would remind you that I did raise
concerns about the interrogation of Professor Maltus, whose warnings
Hunting/Tracking 12 Hybrid 15
about this subject turned out to be correct.
Stealth/Silent Regardless, the Mamba prototype currently being developed in our
Observation 10 14
movement laboratory should give you complete satisfaction. We have also found
Underwater maneuvering 15 a way to recycle our old Techno-Hybrids. Indeed, I do think that it
ATTACK would be a serious mistake to simply get rid of these fierce soldiers who
fought so earnestly for the glory of our great nation. A simple mental
Claws (Melee, Dam.: 1D10+3 (H), Pen. 3 (H)) and Relentless bite reconditioning process, some controlled genetic alteration and a few
(Melee; Dam.: 2D10+2 (H), Pen. 2 (H)) or Tail (Reach: +1, Dam.: new implants should produce a number of attack troops who may not
2D10 + 5 (H) + Throw) be as efficient as the Mambas, but who may prove very useful in the
COMBAT TACTICS first waves of an attack.
Mambas are cunning foes who like to attack by surprise. However, I would like to point out that not only do Mamba models have an
once they are engaged in a fight, they become extremely animal- extremely powerful mental lock that completely submits them to the
like and they will only retreat as a last resort. They can combine a will of their superiors, they also can be used freely on the surface thanks
Claws and a Bite attack without any extra cost or penalty. to an ingenious new technique that limits the devastating effects of
genetic alteration. Although this technique seriously limits the life
expectancy of the subject, this is hardly an issue for the Mamba models,
Human whose operating period is already limited.
SPECIAL In conclusion, I can hereby confirm that the Mamba models are
Genetic alterations (controlled mutations: Chameleon immediately operational, and that they are ready to be deployed in
(basic difficulty to spot it: Very Difficult), Fangs, Tail, Claws, the military units of your choice. For the moment, I would recommend
Regeneration, Reinforced skeleton) limiting this to a few models to reassure the troops, as they may be
Hybrid wary after the incident that occurred during Operation Echo. Once
Reinforced skin 3 the Mambas have proved their worth, I am sure that they will be fully
Reinforced visor (5, the visor that covers the face of the accepted.
Mamba protects it from critical hits to the head and it provides Glory to the Hegemony
infrared vision and an individual tactical analyzer)
-- Professor Larguen
Vulnerability to fire (Damage increased by +4)
Depending on assigned missions
* Hybrids table (rather than Techno-Hybrids)

a weapon. The face is partially covered with a reinforced visor There are not many Beta 453 units around, as their production
that protects their eyes. Their mouth is filled with three rows of was quickly stopped because of a behavioral problem that inhi-
tiny razor-sharp teeth. Their hands and feet are palmed. Their bited their mental conditioning, making them act on a purely
bone structure is reinforced and their skin is not only tougher, instinctive basis. Some of them escaped during the first Round
it has been treated to match its surroundings, like that of a cha- of tests.

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)


Type: Techno-Hybrid Type: Techno-Hybrid
Geographic area: everywhere Geographic area: everywhere
Size: 2 m Weight: 145 kg Size: 2.2 m Weight: 220 kg
Base 18 16 17 14 12 10 15 6 Base 21 22 11 12 8 4 12 1
4 Melee Damage Mod. +4 Reaction 13 Melee Damage Mod. +5 Reaction 10
Damage Resistance -4 Speed SPD(MP) 40 m, 4(1) Damage Resistance -6 Speed SPD(MP) 40 m, 4(1)
SPD(MP) underwater SPD(MP) underwater
32 m, 4(1) 32 m, 4(1)
Armed combat 12 Athletics 11 Armed combat 9 Athletics 11
Hand-to-hand Hand-to-hand
Endurance 12 14 Endurance 16 14
combat combat
Handguns 9 Hybrid 11 Martial arts
Hybrid 11 14
Martial arts (Wrestling) 14 Observation 10 (Wrestling)
Underwater Stealth/Silent
Stealth/Silent movement 9 11 Observation 10 6
weapons movement
Underwater maneuvering 15 Underwater maneuvering 12
Fists or Weapons or Mechanical tail (in some cases) Claws (Melee, Dam.: 1D10+4 (H), Pen. 3 (H)) and Maw (Melee;
Dam.: 2D10+4 (H), Pen. 3 (H)) or Tail (Reach: +2, Dam.: 3D10 +
COMBAT TACTICS 3(H) + Throw) or Tentacle (Melee, Dam.: special, see page 227)
Techno-Hybrids tend to prefer flash attack techniques. They COMBAT TACTICS
jump out of the shadows, pounce on their prey and disappear
in an instant. They are fierce fighters who rarely back down These creatures have a limited intelligence and have been driven
from a fight. to madness by their suffering and deformities. They therefore
have no combat tactics and behave like wild beasts.
Reinforced skin 2 Uncontrolled genetic alterations
Hybrid wrist weapon (Dam.: 3D10, SS)/, dagger (Dam.: 1D10+2), Depending on assigned missions
pistol, heavy (Dam.: 3D10+1), lance (2D10+3) or other bladed
the old models. While some claimed that they should simply be

Some models have a mechanical tail that they can use to fight destroyed, it was agreed that this would be a great waste. It was
(Reach: +1, Damage: 1D10)
therefore decided that they would be recycled, by improving
their implants and their mental conditioning.
The Mamba is the finished version of the Beta 453. This is the GENETICALLY AND MENTALLY UNSTABLE THS
new model of Hybrids that will be deployed among the Hegemo- Perfecting each generation of Techno-Hybrid did not occur
nic troops. This model has a mental conditioning that is extre- without incident, and a number of “deviant” models were pro-
mely efficient and its surprising abilities make it a formidable duced. Most of these rejects were destroyed, but some of them
opponent. It does not have the behavioral issues that the Beta managed to escape or were let out for some obscure reason.
453 experienced. These deviants are usually pitiful creatures, horribly deformed
and driven insane by their condition. They are formidable op-
RECYCLED TECHNO-HYBRIDS ponents, and each generation of Techno-Hybrids produced its
The development of the finished Mamba models caused quite share of monstrosities. The following information is therefore
a debate among the admiralty as to what should be done with only an example.

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)

Type: Ternaset
Geographic area: abyssal depths
Size: 8 m Weight: 900 kg
Base 45 25 8 15 16 25 20 -
Melee Damage Mod. +17 Reaction 15
Melee Damage Mod. (V-) +7 Speed SPD(MP) 4 m, 1(1)
Damage Resistance -13
Attack 12 Empathic analysis 18
Observation 20
Fangs x3 (Melee, Dam.: 6D10 (H)/1D6-1 (V-), Pen. 3 (H)) or
Claws x3 (Melee, Dam.: 3D10+4 (H), Pen. 4 (H)) or
Pounding x3 (Melee, Dam.: 7D10 +2 (H)/1D6+1 (V-)) Ternasets
are capable of affecting vehicles by pounding on their target
with their bulbs. This attack is only possible against a Large
target. They can choose to scratch at a smaller target, or catch
it in their maw. In the latter case, this attack is handled like a
Relentless bite (see page 230). Each shoot can carry out a
different attack.
Ternasets hate to fight, and would much rather their slaves
take care of it.
1–7 Bulb, 8 Eye, 9–12 Flower 1, 13–16 Flower 2, 17–20 Flower 3
Unfeeling (Ternasets are completely immune to poisons,
drugs, and diseases. They are insensitive to pressure and the
Damage caused to them by all weapons is reduced by half. Only
fire and concentrated energy weapons (lasers, particle canons,
etc.) inflict regular Damage. They are also unaffected by the
conditions on the surface.)

These creatures come from the deepest, darkest abysses of

the ocean. They look like huge plants that grow from a bulb.
The bulb has a number of small tentacles that allow the crea-
tures to move around quite slowly. The bulb produces several
stems, usually four, and they can reach up to 8 meters long
and 2 meters in diameter. One of the stems ends in a gigantic
eye, protected by an extremely tough membrane (it is there-
fore not a weak spot). The other stems look like flowers. Howe-
ver, the petals are in fact powerful claws, and the stamen is
a mouth full of fearsome fangs. The Ternasets do not like to
“I have no idea what insane divinity could have imagined fight. They therefore call upon a race of fish-men, the Felorms,
such a monstrous and unnatural creature, but I cannot help whom they use as slaves. The Ternasets are telepaths, and
but suspect a close connection between these things and
they can use a particular form of Polaris Effect. It is a kind of
the twisted reality that can be found in the Flux. I am now
suggestive power that they use to dominate their prey.
convinced that the few specimens that we have encountered
are only minor Ternasets, some kind of offshoots of far These monsters produce pod-like egg sacks that take seve-
greater beings that lie deep in the dark abysses of the oceans, ral years to reach maturity. However, if left in a warm place,
waiting to carry out the will of the Entities.” like the inside of a station, they develop far more rapidly and
-- Cyrull produce a grotesque spawn that will, in time, become a Ter-

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)

THE EYE FROM THE DEPTHS trenches of -20,000 meters, but they can sometimes settle clo-
Note: this recording was discovered in a wrecked vessel ser to the surface. The Ternasets are masters of the art of men-
floating near the surface somewhere in the Atlantic Ocean, tal control and suggestion.
back in the time of the Azure Alliance. The vessel was a tiny,
experimental ship that had been designed to reach below
the 20,000-meter depth limit. During a test above a trench, WHAT ARE THE TERNASETS?
it disappeared, only to re-appear a few days later. The Now that is a question so complex that it is said that not even
pilot was dead, but before he died, he left behind this very the Geneticians know the answer. No specimen has ever been
singular recording. captured, and when they are killed, they decompose at an
4 “I have no idea where I am or how I came to be here. There
was a flash when I reached 20,000 meters and the ship was
amazingly fast rate while exuding a terribly toxic substance
that kills anything nearby. In fact, we are not even sure that
shaken in all directions. I think I may have been sucked into
they are entirely plant-based life forms. Based on the rare
some kind of whirlpool. My depth gauge is shot, so I have no
idea how deep I am now, but there is nothing but darkness notes left by the Geneticians, these things have been around
all around me. My lights seem to be dead, so I can’t see since the dawn of time, and they could also be connected to
anything outside the porthole. My external sensors are still the equally mysterious Flux Entities. We know that the Gene-
operational, and they are picking up a temperature of over ticians fought against them in the past, and that they drove
30° . . . It’s unbelievable . . . The ship’s hull is cracking. The them away to their dark abysses, in which these monstrosities
pressure must be mind-blowing. I don’t know how much air I
have left, but I’m having trouble breathing, that’s not a good
lie, weaving their treacherous plots, hidden behind a curtain
sign. Propulsion is not responding. of psychic energy.
. . . Crap! I just got hit by something! I’m not alone down It seems that there may be several species of Ternasets. In
here. I still can’t see anything outside . . . no, wait, there is fact, some of the reports that date back to the Empire of the
a faint glow. There is a thing out there in the dark in front Geneticians suggest that the Ternasets encountered by explo-
of me, something Round . . . it’s coming closer . . . (there is a rers are but the tip of the iceberg, some sort of screen that
sudden scream, and a sound that seems to indicate that the hides far more powerful Ternasets. It is also suggested that all
pilot fell over).
Ternasets are connected, and that they are, in a way, just the
Shit! It’s an eye! There is an eye floating outside the
growths of one or more master Ternasets that have far greater
porthole, a filthy, milky white eye staring at me! Get me the
hell out of here if you can, this is a nightmare! Oh no, there powers.
are more, I can see three of them now. Of course, all of this is only speculation, and some scientists
It’s gone, it moved away. I can see better now. There are even have doubts about what the Ternasets really look like.
some phosphorescent things and . . . woah, what’s that? It As they are capable of influencing the minds of their victims,
looks like a tentacle, or maybe some kind of stem covered in could those who report seeing them have been misled?
huge thorns. (Another series of strange noises can be heard,
as if the ship was shaken around). THE LABYRINTHS OF THE TERNASETS
Argh! I think I must have broken my arm; those things Whether under the water or underground, the Ternasets
shook the ship all over the place and it’s now twisted Round
usually live hidden in the heart of gigantic natural or artifi-
90°. I think a huge tentacle is holding me, and . . . Oh by all
the lords of the deep! There is something at the bottom, some cial labyrinths, where their prey lose their way. To add to the
kind of gigantic dome . . . I’d say about thirty, maybe forty challenge, they often lure hostile creatures into their tunnels.
meters across, maybe much more . . . the dome . . . it’s moving Their lair is also used as a laboratory where they keep the re-
. . . wait, it’s not a dome . . . an eye! A gigantic eye. (The sult of their genetic manipulations, hideously twisted and al-
pilot seems to be flirting with madness, and he is certainly tered creatures.
suffering from a lack of oxygen. For a while there is nothing
but incomprehensible babbling and strange, pathetic cries).
I . . . I can see . . . it’s a kind of flower . . . it’s coming towards TERNASET SPAWN
me . . . Oh crap, what is this fresh hell? It’s not a flower, it’s a As soon as they are born, these things only ever think about
mouth . . . it’s going to swallow me . . . help me.” killing to feed on the psychic energy of their prey, which will
allow them, once they are fully grown, to master their power
of suggestion. Out of a whole clutch of spawn, only one indi-

vidual will survive to become a Ternaset. These creatures look

twisted and slimy. The spawn can literally squeeze themsel-
naset. Out of a whole clutch, only one of these creatures will ves into even the tightest spaces. They usually prefer to move
become a Ternaset, after devouring the rest of the progeny. around on the ceilings or in the air ducts on stations, by using
The Ternasets feed on microelements floating around in the their four tentacles.
seawater. Their origin remains completely unknown. It seems The seed pods can be sold to laboratories for several thou-
that they are ancient creatures, and they have a great amount sand Sols each. However, the risk involved is huge; first, you
of knowledge. When they are directly threatened, they often have to find them, then get hold of them, and last but not least,
offer extremely interesting information, communicated in transport them without ending up being eaten by your cargo.
the form of riddles in exchange for their life. They come from In other words, laboratories don’t buy many of them. The Ter-

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)

nasets hate people stealing their offspring. They can be quite by small touches over a long period of time. The Ternasets
vindictive, and they have infinite patience. consider this to be a subtle form of art. A minor Ternaset can
only affect one target at a time, but a more powerful Ternaset
INFORMATION FOR THE GM could affect a whole community. For each hour of exposure
The Ternasets have a wide range of powers, but they can to the mind waves of the Ternaset (within a radius equal to
only use one at a time. In most situations, all mental powers double the Ternaset’s Willpower score in hundreds of meters),
and skills that allow a character to reinforce his mind (like carry out an opposed Willpower Test between the two oppo-
Mental shield, Meditation or Memory) can be used to counter nents without any penalty or bonus (and preferably without
or limit some of the effects. letting the player know what is going on). If the Ternaset gets
Ternasets can only attempt to dominate one target at a the higher Success Modifier, its prey loses 1 Willpower point
time, and it must be within a radius of double the Ternaset’s (this is a fictional loss, the player doesn’t need to change his
Willpower in kilometers. Once the target is dominated, they character sheet, only the GM makes a note of it). The character
can attempt to control another up to a maximum number of begins to feel nervous, the GM can describe sounds or shadows
targets equal to their Intelligence. A victim of the power of do- that only he can see, he may begin to have nightmares and
mination must carry out a Willpower Test opposed by the Ter- come to think that his companions are speaking to him harshly
naset’s Willpower. If the victim succeeds, then the Ternasets or trying to take his belongings . . . The more Willpower points
can no longer control him and the confrontation immediately he loses, the worse his paranoia and his visions will get. Every
stops. If the Ternasets win, then the victim’s Willpower is re- time there is a major incident with another person (fight, di-
duced by their Success Modifier. The confrontation continues sagreement, etc.) he must carry out a Willpower Test (with his
until the Willpower of the victim reaches 0, and in this case, he modified score, although he doesn’t know this). If he fails this
is completely dominated. This domination attack is not at all Test, then he gives in to his anger and gets closer to madness.
detectable. Once per day (or every time he is asked to do so- He can still be calmed and reasoned with (especially using
mething shocking to him), a dominated victim can try to free Empathy and Psychology skills). If his Willpower reaches 0,
himself from this mental bond by succeeding on a Willpower he descends into madness and a state of constant terror. An
Test with a penalty of -10. empath or a psychologist can slow down the process by suc-
Suggestion is another of the Ternasets’ fearsome powers, but ceeding on a Willpower Test with a penalty equal to the number
it is far more limited than the power of domination. They can of Willpower points lost by the victim. The Success Margin of
use it to make a person do something or, if they are commu- this Test (which should remain secret) represents the number
nicating with him, to convince them that they are telling the of hours during which the victim will remain stable and will
truth. Carry out a simple opposed Willpower Test between the not suffer from the Ternaset attack. A critical success gives the
two opponents. The one with the lower score suffers a penalty victim 2 Willpower points back.
equal to the difference between the two Willpower scores, The Psychic waves are similar to the power mentioned above,
while the one with the higher score has no bonus. If the cha- but they cannot drive a person insane. They simply increase
racter fails the Test, he does what the Ternaset commands or the nervousness of every living thing within a radius equal to
accepts what he has just heard as the only possible truth. The the Ternaset’s Willpower score in kilometers. This is just an
GM can add a penalty to the Ternaset’s Test depending on how atmospheric element that the GM can use as she pleases.
complicated, contrary to the victim’s beliefs, or absurd the A Ternaset can also use confusion mind waves to affect the
suggestion is (you can base this on the difficulties defined in concentration of its prey. This effect applies to everything
the Core Rulebook). Each Test only allows one suggestion. within a range of 10 m per Willpower point of the Ternaset.
Their power of suggestion can also be used by the Ternasets The Ternaset carries out a Willpower Test. The Success Modifier
to drive their victims mad or make them forget. To forget a becomes the penalty for all of the victims’ Tests. The effects
suggestion made by a Ternaset, all it takes is a new Test (with last for as long as the Ternaset can concentrate and its victims
no penalty for the Ternaset). If the Ternaset wins, then its prey are within range of the power. Once per Round, the GM can
forgets the suggestion made to it. The Ternaset can also com- roll the dice for the Ternaset, but if the Ternaset did not wait
pletely wipe its victim’s memory. It suffers a penalty depen- for a whole day between two uses, each new Test is carried
ding on the length of time it wants to make its victim forget: out with a penalty that increases by -1 every time. The victims
1D10 Rounds: -3 have trouble concentrating. They see things that don’t exist,
1D10 minutes: -5 are constantly plagued by invasive thoughts, hear phantom
1D10 hours: -7 noises, forget things, etc.
1D10 days: -10 Ternasets can create illusions by directly affecting the per-
The Ternasets love to use this power in its simplest form ception of others. This power can be used against anything
(1D10 Rounds) to make their victims get lost in their laby- that is within a range of 100 m per Intelligence point of the
rinths or to destabilize them. Ternaset. To create an illusion, the Ternaset carries out an In-
Ternasets can also use suggestion to make their target pa- telligence Test opposed to the victim’s Perception, with a pe-
ranoid or insane with their mind waves. This can only be done nalty equal to the Ternaset’s Success Modifier. If the victim

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)

“In the cargo hold, something awoke. A form of life older than TERNASET SPAWN
time heard the call of its fearsome genitors, the Ternasets. The
Type: Ternaset
translucent substance that was oozing from the pods became Geographic area: abyssal depths
opaque and came together until it had become a full organism. Size: 3 m in diameter Weight: 250 kg
Moving these creatures into their new environment had
accelerated their growth. It should have taken them several STR CON COO ADA PER INT WIL PRE
hundred years to reach their conscious state. They first sensed Base 18 20 12 17 15 12 18 -
the telepathic presence of their “parents,” surrounding them SECONDARY ATTRIBUTES
and comforting them. Then, slowly, a strange desire began to
4 rise within them. A thirst that they did not yet know how to Melee Damage Mod. +7 Reaction 16
quench. Their mind, which had just gained consciousness, was Damage Resistance -6 Speed SPD(MP) 58 m, 6(2)
writhing in agony, it was hungry. Then the spawn sensed the SKILLS
delicious psychic scent given off by the humans on board the
Athletics 15 Attack 13
Climbing 20 Observation 12
 -- Extract from Redemption
Tentacle (Constriction) (Melee, Dam.: special, see below)
succeeds on his Test, he doesn’t see the illusion at all. If not, Tentacle (Whip) (Melee, Reach +1, Dam.: 2D10 (H)). When the
he believes the illusion, even though it cannot cause him any prey is dragged closer to the spawn, the creature can produce
a great gelatinous maw to devour its victim.)
harm. An illusion remains for as long as the Ternaset can fo- Relentless bite (Melee, Dam.: 4D10 (H), Pen. 3 (H))
Ternasets can release spores of various types, which they can
When fighting, the spawn attacks with 3 tentacles. As soon as
create and genetically manipulate at will within their orga-
one of those tentacles has caught hold of a prey, the creature
nism. Some of the spores are released over large areas and can tries to immobilize it. If the prey is too resistant, the creature
have various effects. Most of the time, they are only efficient tries to grab it with its maw. If there are too many adversaries,
above the surface and last for a long time (several years). In the creature uses its tentacles to lash at its enemies. It can,
terms of game play, the spores released by the Ternasets can in this case, carry out three attacks against three different
targets (one attack against each target).
only affect targets out of the water and within the Ternaset’s
immediate surroundings. The effects of these spores can be HIT LOCATIONS
similar to those of any disease, drug, or poison. You can even 1–12 Body, 13–14 Tentacle 1, 15–16 Tentacle 2, 17–18 Tentacle 3,
invent your own. 19–20 Tentacle 4. A Mortal Wound to a tentacle makes it inert, a
Last, but not least, Ternasets have the ability of genetical- “Limb destroyed” Wound chops it off.
ly manipulating any organism and triggering random or SPECIAL
controlled mutations. When they have a specimen that they Psychic detection (The spawn can feel the psychic presence of
can use for their experiments, they use thin filaments that living creatures within a range of about one hundred meters.)
Unfeeling (The spawn is immune to pressure and gasses)
extend from their stem. These filaments infiltrate the victim’s
Immobilizing (see Holding/Pinning on page 228)
organism to change its genetic structure. If a Ternaset’s life Shapechanger
is threatened, it can offer to carry out such a genetic modifi- Damage progression for Ternaset spawn constriction
cation in exchange for its life. Most of their experiments are Strength (*) Dam. (**) Max Dam.
exclusively focused on discovering viruses that can destroy 18 +1/Round 27(H)
(*) The Strength required varies according to the Liftable
Weight rule on page 235.
DEATH OF A TERNASET (**) The Damage progression varies according to the
When a Ternaset is killed, a violent chemical reaction des- Constriction Attacks rule on page 226.
troys its whole organism in just a few seconds. This releases a
revolting and expanding cloud that contaminates a sphere of

1D10 meters in diameter per Round up to a maximum of 10D10

meters (both above ground and underwater. The substance
is a powerful corrosive that inflicts 1D10 Damage on the first
Round, 2D10 for the second Round, 3D10 for the third Round,
up to 10D10 Damage on the tenth Round (the cloud dissipates
after that). If a character breathes in this substance, then the
Damage is doubled.
When it dies, the Ternaset also releases a powerful psychic
attack that inflicts 5D10 Shock Damage.

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)

THREATS Type: abomination of unknown origin
Geographic area: underground realms
“There is no environment that can escape the global war Size: 1.95 m Weight: 110 kg
that is being waged at the moment across the planet. During
our underground operations, we increasingly find ourselves STR CON COO ADA PER INT WIL PRE
facing organized groups of creatures, fighting not only for Base 18 20 14 18 15 10 14 4
their survival but to establish their domination. As if the SECONDARY ATTRIBUTES
ongoing conflict with the Burrowers wasn’t enough, we
now have to face armies of insectoids and hordes of plant Melee Damage Mod. +4 Reaction 16
creatures. Don’t get me started on the horrors that rise up Damage Resistance -5 Speed SPD(MP) 40 m
from the Stygian depths of this planet. It is now certain that SKILLS
we can no longer fight only under the seas. There are now
three active fronts to this war: the ocean, the surface and the Acid spitting 14 Acrobatics/Balance 13
underground. That, Lord Viramis, is the reason why I am Athletics 14 Attack 15
begging you to considerably reinforce the resources that are Climbing 10 Endurance 18
allocated to our underground troops.”
Observation 16 Orientation 16
-- Captain Vrill, Hegemony underground army Shriek 14
Claw (Melee, Dam.: 2D10+2 (H), Pen. 3 (H))
and Bite (Melee, Dam.: 3D10+2 (H), Pen. 3 (H))
Olombers can be strategic creatures. Before they attack, they
take a while to observe their prey and make sure that it has
no chance. Most of the time, they will try to reduce the risks as
much as possible by attempting to paralyze the target. If a prey
turns out to be tougher than expected, an olomber will retreat
from combat and try again later with a better tactic. An olomber
can hit with its claws and bite during the same Action phase.
Acid (Olombers can spit acid over a distance of up to 3 meters
although they prefer to vomit the acid on their prey when up
close and personal. When spitting, the olomber must carry
out a Test to hit and the acid causes 1D10 Damage + 1 Point per
Round for 10 Rounds. In a melee situation, the olomber must
grab its prey. As soon as the prey is held, the olomber vomits
a great quantity of acid that automatically hits the target and
inflicts 2D10 Damage + 2 Points per Round for 20 Rounds. An
olomber can only spit acid once every two Rounds. It can only
vomit acid once every four Rounds and no more than 4 times in
one day.)
Wings for some individuals
Paralyzing shriek (Olombers often use a very loud shriek to
paralyze their prey. They can only use this at a distance of less
than 5 meters from their target and it will be the only thing they
can do during that Round. The shriek only affects the olomber’s
target, even though everyone can hear it even hundreds of
meters away. The olomber carries out a Test for its Shriek
skill and the victim then carries out a Constitution Test with a
penalty equal to the olomber’s Success Modifier. The duration of
the paralysis in Rounds will be equal to whatever Failure Margin
the prey gets on its Test +1. If the Constitution Test is a Success,
then the victim is just stunned and suffers a penalty for all its
Actions equal to the olomber’s Success Modifier for a duration
of 1D6 Rounds. Only the target’s body can be paralyzed, and
therefore it remains completely conscious. A paralyzed target
that is hit a second time by the shriek will carry out a second
Constitution Test, but this time with double penalties.)

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)

Echolocation thought, but it would seem this is not the case. Their attacks
Violent Purulence (The bite of an olomber triggers a violent
are often coordinated and they have shown a certain amount of
form of purulence. In 1D6 Rounds, the victim’s body is covered
in pustules. The victim must carry out a simple Constitution strategy. For some, these primitive creatures may be under the
Test. If the Test is a Success then the purulence disappears influence of something far more powerful that is hiding even
after 10 Rounds minus the Success Margin. During that time, deeper underground. Although there have been mentions of
the victim will suffer a penalty of -5 for all of its Actions. If the the Ternasets, there is no proof to support this theory.
Test Fails, then the victim catches the Purulence mutation. If the
One thing is for sure, the olombers are increasing their attacks
result is a Critical Failure, then the victim dies in Constitution +
1D10 Rounds unless he can be placed in a life support chamber against the humans, and they always try to capture them alive
4 (or any other device that can stabilize his condition) or if he can
be injected with very strong medicine to fight the germs. The
to take them back to their deep, dark lair. What do they do with
their prisoners? There have been several theories about this,
olombers often carry a kind of paste with them that will stop based on the reports from exploration teams.
the purulence process. If the process is stopped before the
One of these reports is especially interesting, as it comes from
victim dies, then he still loses 1 Constitution point permanently.)
Total resistance to poisons, gas and heat one of the prisoners of the olombers who managed to get away.
Although his account is to be taken with a pinch of salt (he him-
The underground world is just as hostile to humans as the self admits that he was wounded and stunned), he mentions a
underwater world. Until recently, it was thought that the Bur- far more evolved race of creatures than was previously thought,
rowers and monsters like the gorgors or the giant worms were living in maze-like networks of tunnels built by them, and some
the only real danger that could threaten the exploration mis- sorts of monolithic temples that are haunted by dark presences,
sions. However, deep down in the belly of the earth, far more where some prisoners are offered in sacrifice. He also repeate-
fearsome and nameless horrors have been discovered, and they dly mentions a shrieking sound that echoed constantly through
also represent a danger to the Burrower populations. the tunnels as he moved through them, and olombers hanging
Indeed, four species of creatures thrive in this dark realm. Two from the ceiling of the caves, looking like bats. The main is-
of them are in categories of their own, the olombers and the sue with this man’s eye-witness account is that he says he has
onyx. The other two, the synids and the scoris, are part of wider difficulty telling the difference between what he really saw
orders, respectively insects and plants. and what he imagined. He mentions that he fainted a number
of times and that he had nightmares so vivid that reality and
OLOMBERS dream are closely entwined in his mind. For example, he can’t
Among the monstrosities that haunt the depths of the earth, explain how he could have seen anything at all in a completely
the olombers are among the most despicable. No one knows dark environment. The last thing that he reliably remembers is
exactly where they originally came from, but one thing is for that he escaped while the olombers where completely butche-
sure: they appeared in the deepest and darkest parts of the un- ring a group of prisoners.
derground world. They attack anything living. How did he manage to get back from the belly of the earth and
An olomber has a fairly light earth-colored skin, two arms manage to be rescued by a patrol? How did he find his way out?

and two legs that can bend either forwards or backwards due How did he manage to escape his captors and the many dangers
to its strange joints, hands that end in long claws that are used of the underground world? No one knows. Shortly after telling
to scrape against stones, and a head that will give you night- his story, this man disappeared.
mares. The creature’s skull is slightly elongated, with no eyes,
no nose, and two membrane-like areas on the sides of its head THE ONYX
in lieu of ears. When an olomber opens its mouth, you can see The recently discovered onyx are humanoid creatures that
several rows of small pointed fangs that secrete a strong poison owe their name to their hard skin, as dark as the eponymous
that causes a violent purulence. These creatures are completely stone. The onyx are completely hairless and they have small
blind and they find their way around with echolocation. They and very tough claws. Their lower jawbone is a little longer than
also have a very sensitive sense of hearing. When hunting their that of a human being, and lined with fine, sharp teeth. Their
prey, olombers use their shriek to paralyze and capture them stub of a nose looks like that of a human cadaver and their limbs
in order to bring them back alive to their lair. When facing op- are slightly longer than those of regular humans.
ponents that are not affected by the shriek (for example Bur- It seems that the hardness of their skin is due to a parasitic
rowers or soldiers in protective armor), they can spit a potent mineral that gradually contaminates their organism over time.
acid. Therefore, the creature gets tougher and tougher as it grows
There doesn’t seem to be any fundamental difference between older, but it also gradually loses its mobility until it ends up be-
the males and the females, be it physical or related to their po- coming paralyzed and dying, slowly turning to stone.
sition in society. The females usually carry two or three babies An onyx has an estimated life span of about forty years. Up
that will take six months to reach maturity. until the age of about thirty, the creature is capable of moving
Olombers live in groups of around a hundred individuals in around without any hindrance but past that age, it will start to
the deepest parts of the underground world. Many consider find that it has a harder time handling objects, walking without
them to be no more than animals that are incapable of rational a limp, or changing its position.

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)

These especially savage creatures live at shallow depths, of- ONY X
ten under the ruins of the ancient human civilizations, and they
Type: modified human
often hunt on the surface once night has fallen, even though
Geographic area: underground realms
increasingly often they go on raids against the other species Size: 1.8 m Weight: 160 kg
that live underground. They live in packs that can include from
a few tens to a few hundred individuals. Despite their animal
like behavior, the onyx have set up a very primitive kind of so- Base 16 22 16 20 14 8 14 8
ciety. This society is dominated by the older and least mobile of SECONDARY ATTRIBUTES
them. These “elders” are far more intelligent than the younger Melee Damage Mod. +3 Reaction 17
onyx and some of them are even capable of speaking a human Damage Resistance -5 Speed SPD(MP) 48 m
The females come second in the social pecking order. Al-
Acrobatics/Balance 11 Athletics 18
though they only rarely leave the lairs, they are the ones who
take care of the elders and young. In general, they are rather Camouflage/
Attack 14 18
more intelligent than the males, and they know how to prepare
medicinal mixtures from plants. They also master a limited nu- Climbing 14 Endurance 10
mber of craft techniques. The females are in charge of the cult Hunting/Tracking 12 Observation 14
of the ancestors, of the transformations (see below), and of the Stealth/Silent movement 18 Orientation 14
preparation of whatever the hunters may catch. Although they ATTACK
are just as formidable a fighter as the males, their bodies take Claw (Melee, Dam.: 2D10 (H), Pen. 2 (H), increases the Damage
longer to stiffen and they are not as resistant. Their life span, and penetration caused by its claws by 1 Point for every 3 years
however, is roughly double that of the males. of life) and Relentless Bite (Melee, Dam.: 2D10+5 (H), Pen. 3 (H))
The hunters and guardians have the lowest position in this COMBAT TACTICS
society. They are all the adult males that are capable of moving During combat, the onyx use shadows to their advantage. They
around and fighting without any hindrance. track their prey in the shadows before jumping out to attack
The onyx have a lot of difficulties with their reproduction and then disappear again. In this way, they exhaust their prey
cycle. Although the process is fairly similar to that of most as they usually try to capture their victims alive. An onyx can hit
with its claws and its bite during the same Action.
mammals, a female will only carry one child at a time, and the
pregnancy lasts for twelve months. However, both females and HIT LOCATIONS
males have a limited time during which they can reproduce, Human
from the age of twelve to the age of twenty. After that, the fe- SPECIAL
male body becomes too brittle to be able to allow a pregnancy, Age (From thirty-one years old onwards, an onyx loses 1
and the male genitalia wither. However, it seems that there is Coordination point per year. This process can be slowed down
some kind of matriarchal type of female whose body evolves at by the drugs that the females prepare. Their Intelligence
a far slower rate, and who would be capable of carrying a child increases by 1 point for every five years after thirty.)
Evolving mutation (1 point per year of life, 1 point per 2 years for
until a much older age. When a tribe has a matriarch among it,
the females, H)
she is usually considered to be a divinity, and she will spend her Blood detection (They get a +4 bonus for their Observation
whole life reproducing. Tests when spotting a target that is bleeding.)
The progression of the mineral element that slowly turns Total resistance to paralysis and heat
these creatures to stone is slowed down by blood, which is also Reinforced thresholds
Night vision (In complete darkness, their Observation level is 10
the only substance that can appease the pains of the older onyx.
and they detect their targets with their senses of hearing and
Prepared with the secret ingredients that only the females smell.)
know, blood can prolong the life of an onyx and increase its
strength. Human blood is no more sought after than that of any humans corrupted by some unknown mineral disease. The fact
other creature, but the poor unfortunates who are kidnapped that it has been demonstrated that a human can be turned into
by these creatures will suffer the same fate and be treated like one of these things during the foulest of ceremonies seems to
livestock. A report from an exploration team clearly describes definitively prove that theory. Such a ceremony was observed
what becomes of the prey captured by the onyx: The report des- by a commando group from the Red League. They described
cribes a kind of cave, where men and beasts are strung up, head horrendous tortures inflicted on human victims whose bodies
downwards, over jars where their blood is gathered once their are lacerated before the torturer swabs their wounds with a
throats have been cut. Some rumors even tell of veritable bree- mixture that will slowly cause their bodies to transform.
ding programs in some tribes to ensure the onyx always have The onyx worship their ancestors. The bodies of the elders be-
fresh blood available. come statues and they are usually stored in large caves. These
The origin of these creatures remains a complete mystery, creatures seem to be convinced that one day, their ancestors
but the increasingly plausible theory is that they descend from will be able to move once again. In one of the strangest reports

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)

SCORI phorescent rocks or mushrooms. If they find themselves in

complete darkness, they rely on their extremely heightened
Type: insect
sense of hearing and their sense of smell. A strong light source
Geographic area: underground realms
Size: 1.9 m Weight: 85 kg can drive them back for a while, until they get used to the bri-
ghtness. The light of the sun is completely unbearable for them.
When they are hunting, the onyx are formidable. They can
Base 24 26 18 19 12 8 12 - move around in perfect silence and remain almost invisible in
SECONDARY ATTRIBUTES the dark. They are relentless when it comes to tracking their
4 Melee Damage Mod. +7 Reaction 15 prey. They can very easily pick up the smell of blood. Some-
times, the onyx will coat their claws with a powerful paraly-
Damage Resistance -8 Speed SPD(MP) 48 m, 96 m*
zing poison brewed by their females. They are insensitive to all
forms of paralysis.
Athletics 18 Attack 14
Observation 12 THE SCORIS
ATTACK Scoris are fearsome creatures from the depths. They look like
Bone cleavers (Melee, Dam.: 3D10+1 (H), Pen. 3 (H)) or a cross between several types of insect. They have a head like a
Mandibles (Melee, Dam.: 2D10+4 (H), Pen. 3 (H)) and Stingers praying mantis, with impressive mandibles, a body with a shell
(Melee, Dam.: 2 x 3D10 +1 (H)/1D6-3 (V-), Pen. 8 (H)/1 (V-)) like that of a scorpion and two terrifying stingers on the sides,
COMBAT TACTICS curving forwards. They have six long, thin legs, two arm-like
When picking up their prey, scoris have a Strength score of limbs with bony appendages at the end that look like cleavers,
30. They always attack in melee combat, and try to grab their and wings like a grasshopper. Scoris are highly energetic and
prey without bothering to try to immobilize it. As soon as the they are well protected by a particularly resistant exo-skeleton.
prey is grabbed, the scori carries out two Attack Tests with
their stingers (these Tests are not the usual melee combat These creatures appeared in the underground world a few
opposed Tests, they should be treated like shots). Its stingers months ago, and they have been multiplying at a very fast rate.
are considered to be penetrating weapons with a Penetration Some groups of explorers have stumbled across what seem to
score of 12(H)/2(V-). be actual outposts, a kind of hive-like structure where their vic-
HIT LOCATIONS tims become food for their foul offspring.
1–3 Head, 4–12 Torso, 13–14 Right arm, 15–16 Left arm, 17–20 legs The scoris always attack in melee combat to ensure they are
able to sink the two stingers on the sides of their bodies into
their prey and/or lift it up into the air.
Natural armor 18 (H)
Paralyzing poison Like most insects, these creatures have a hive-mind type of in-
Onset delay: 1 Round telligence that considerably increases their faculties. They can
Virulence/Progression: 1D6 per stinger and per Round, then 1D6 apply complex strategies and they are subject to the orders of
per stinger and per Round for as long as the stingers are sticking

queens that so far remain completely unknown.

into the victim. If the stingers are removed, the virulence of the
poison immediately stops increasing. Even after the paralysis
has worn off, the Virulence points continue to progress. Once the THE SYNIDS
Progression period is over, the poison’s Virulence decreases by The plant kingdom does not stop at deploying its troops to the
1 point per Round. If both the stingers are sunken into the victim, surface; it is also present in the underground realms. Its formi-
the character’s resistance to the poison is only applied once. For dable soldiers are the synids, strange creatures that look like
the first Round, he will therefore have to face a poisoning of 2D6, small pulsating bulbs that sprout vines. These vines can come
minus his resistance to poisons.
Thresholds/Effects: Threshold 5: -2 to all Tests and to Strength together to create a vaguely humanoid form, a horrific parody
and Coordination; Threshold 10: -4 to all Tests and to Strength of a human being made up of moving vines. It is said to be a truly
and Coordination; Threshold 15: -8 to all Tests and to Strength breathtaking sight to behold.
and Coordination; Threshold 20: -12 to all Tests and to Strength Synids do not form a true society of their own in the under-
and Coordination; Threshold 25: complete paralysis ground world. These creatures are often found in the company
*Movement in flight of insects. They possess a chilling power that allows them to use
their foul tentacles to control both living and dead organisms.
ever made about these creatures, an explorer claims to have Synids always move around in groups of seven, which allows
seen one of these creatures come back to life, breaking the stone them to work together and use their powers of control to the
cocoon around it. Nothing more was heard about that incident best of their efficiency. This requires one synid per limb, one for
however, as the witness succumbed to his wounds shortly after. the head and two to form the rest of the body.
The onyx live in the almost complete darkness thanks to their Synids tend to prefer a surprise attack, usually against a slee-
night vision, which allows them to see as well as humans in ping or unconscious prey. If they are facing an alert opponent,
broad daylight. However, they do need some source of light, as they will only attack if there are seven of them clumped to-
weak as it may be. In their lair, it is usually provided by phos- gether. A single synid can attempt to control a prey on its own,

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)

effective in 1D6 Rounds. If the victim’s neck is covered or if it

SYNID has a natural armor, then the domination will be effective in a
Type: plant kingdom number of Rounds equal to 1D6 plus the number of physical
Geographic area: underground realms protection points, to represent the time it takes for the thin
Size: 30 cm in diameter, 1.8 m when clumped together tentacles to make their way through this protection. After
Weight: 10 to 70 kg when clumped together this time, the tentacles automatically connect to the medulla
oblongata. The next step is a simple battle of wills between the
STR CON COO ADA PER INT WIL PRE two opponents. If the synids get the upper hand, then the victim
Base 10* 18 12 18 16 12 16 - becomes completely controlled for as long as the tentacles are
stuck into the back of its neck.
The success of the synids control attempt depends on the
0 to number of synids that are still alive in the cluster. The following
Melee Damage Mod. Reaction 17
+12 bonus applies to the Control Test depending on the number of
0 to bulbs alive in the cluster: 1 bulb = -5; 2 bulbs = -3; 3 bulbs = -1;
Damage Resistance Speed SPD(MP) 24 to 56 m 4 bulbs = +1; 5 bulbs = +2; 6 bulbs = +3; 7 bulbs = +4. Once
a victim is controlled, he literally becomes a puppet that the
SKILLS synids can manipulate over a distance of up to ten meters with
Athletics 18 Attack 14 their tentacles stretched out to the max. The victim’s Actions
are carried out with his usual stats. These creatures can also
Observation 12 use their powers of control on a recently deceased body to
ATTACK bring it back to life (in this case the control is automatic and
Constriction (Melee, see below) takes between 1 and 3 Rounds). A single synid can reanimate a
corpse on its own, but it will take around ten minutes. All of the
COMBAT TACTICS skills of a reanimated corpse are at 10. Faced with a living but
During combat, the cluster of synids attacks in hand to hand incapacitated target (paralyzed, knocked out, etc.) the control
combat and tries to grapple its prey to immobilize it. attempt is automatic and only the Willpower Test is carried out.
Against this kind of victim, a synid often attempts domination
HIT LOCATIONS on its own. This requires 1D10 x 10 minutes but the opposed
Bulb or human Willpower test is carried out without any penalty.)
SPECIAL Resistance to weapons and to sonic effects
Vulnerability to fire (double Damage)
Cluster (The characteristics of a synid depends on the number Damage progression for synid crushing
of synids still alive in the cluster that they have formed. A single
synid only has a Strength score of 10. Destroying a single bulb Bulbs Strength (*) Dam. (**) Max Dam.
doesn’t destroy the cluster of synids – unless it is the master 2 bulbs 14 +1/Round 21 (H)
bulb – but it does weaken it. To be able to affect a synid, the 3 bulbs 17 +1/Round 26 (H)
bulbs must be destroyed, but they will be protected by the 4 bulbs 20 +2/Round 30 (H)
vines. It is possible to make out the bulbs beating in the middle
5 bulbs 22 +2/Round 33 (H)
of the cluster. A master bulb is positioned in the head area,
two bulbs are in the torso, and there is a bulb in each limb. To 6 bulbs 24 +3/Round 37 (H)
hit one of the bulbs, an opponent must aim for a very small 7 bulbs 26 +2/Round 40 (H)
target, except for the master bulb in the head, which is a tiny
target. If a bulb is hit, it is automatically destroyed if the weapon * per synid (see below)
used inflicts at least 10 Damage. If not, then the Attack has no (*) The Strength required varies according to the Liftable
effect. If the opponent attacks without taking aim, then there Weight rule on page 235.
can be several outcomes. If the weapon used cannot affect (**) The Damage progression varies according to the
the whole of the area where the bulb is (pistol, rifle, assault Constriction Attacks rule on page 226.
rifle, submachine gun, bladed weapons, etc.), then it only hits
the bulb on a Critical Success, and the bulb will get a protection
of 20 points on the H scale (to be added to the 10 Damage but in that case, it will go for the least resistant prey available.
required to destroy it). If the weapon can affect the whole of They will never take on a target that leaves them no hope of
the area where the bulb is (machine gun, explosives, minigun, winning (such as a human in a heavy, airtight suit of combat
point blank pump action shot gun, etc.), the Attack occurs in the armor). In such a case, they will not form a group and they will
normal way but the synid still gets its 20 (H) armor and takes wait for a better opportunity to attack.
10 Damage to be destroyed.)
Immobilizing and control (During combat, the cluster of synids Each bulb is about thirty centimeters across and can extend
attacks in hand-to-hand combat and tries to grab hold and or retract its vine-like tentacles. A group of synids can make its
immobilize its prey. If it succeeds on its Test, three things tentacles become hard when assembled.
happen: Against a defenseless prey (dead, unconscious, etc.) the synids
1/ The synids try to immobilize their prey. This happens through can choose to take their time and take total control of the orga-
an extended opposed Test between the creature’s Strength
stat and that of the victim (see Holding/Pinning on page 228). nism. In this case, one of the bulbs will affix itself to the back of
2/ The synids crush their prey: regular Constriction Attack the victim’s neck and “hook on” to the nervous system. This can
3/ The synids extend their tentacles to try to dominate their take several dozen minutes. Once the connection has been made,
prey if it is not wearing an airtight protective armor. If the back the only thing that can remain visible is a slight bump on the vic-
of the victim’s neck isn’t covered, then the domination will be tim’s neck. The host then becomes the extension of the creature.

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)


EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)

Additional Rules
“See this scar? Nice, huh? Moray. One hell of a moray too! It impale, then the incident will automatically be a Structure Inci-
hurt a bit at the time, gets a bit sore now and then, but it didn’t kill dent. If the Incident is a crack (critical or not), then the weapon
me. And that, there, just below the temple. Think I got stabbed? can affect the pilot, but the Damage is reduced by the Protection
Bitten? Yeah right . . . Burned with a hot iron by a drunken chef. score and the Base Damage Reduction (BDR) of the exo-armor
See, you shouldn’t judge a book by its cover. Just ‘cause a guy (plus any Protection and BDR the pilot may have). Furthermore,
has a smashed-up face, doesn’t mean he’s seen it worse than
the weapon isn’t penetrating “far enough” and the pilot can
anyone else. The worst things are the ones you can’t see. The
free himself automatically. If the Incident is a breach, then the
memories, the nightmares . . . Now those are real wounds! You
know, there isn’t a night that I can get to sleep without thinking pilot suffers a full Attack and he is impaled.
about the surface. The sand is nothing, the sun neither. What For vehicles, the same rule applies, but a passenger will only
really hurts is what lives up there. I’ve seen plenty of horns in my be affected if the Attack affects an area where there is someone
life, arms and teeth too. But never moving at that kind of speed.” to hit, and if the potential victim fails a Luck Test.
 -- Two mercenaries passing through Warton A pierced target cannot break away from combat as long as
the weapon is piercing it. It can no longer attempt any maneu-
The following pages contain additional rules, most of them are vers or actions that require it to be able to move freely.
about creatures, but there are also some game aids for things If the victim stops struggling and the attacker doesn’t “twist
like the conversion of Damage bonuses into dice, movement the knife,” then the wound remains stable. However, that is ra-
tables, Damage equivalence between scales, etc. Some rules, rely the case. Usually, the combat will continue, and the victim
such as the attacks of creatures with tentacles, complete and will have to carry out a Wound worsening Test every Round
replace those in the Core Rulebook. (page 234 of the CRB 1).
While the two opponents are “connected,” they both have a
bonus of +2 for all their Melee Combat Tests against one another.
RULES ABOUT The attacker can no longer use his weapon or limb to carry out
CREATURES another attack, unless he disengages from his target. The victim
can resist this by succeeding on an opposed Strength Test against
Important note: Damage calculation indicated for creatures the Strength of the attacker or limb.
already takes the strength bonus into account (this is not added The victim can also try to get loose. In this case, he has two
to the dice roll but is used with some rules like the limitation of options: either by succeeding on an opposed Strength Test against
a Relentless bite). the Strength of the attacker or limb, or by destroying the weapon
or limb that is piercing him. In the second case, part of the limb
MULTIPLE ATTACKS BY CREATURES or weapon remains inside the wound, and the Test described
It isn’t usually necessary to apply the “Performing multiple at- below is ignored (this will be done when the piece is removed).
tacks per Round” (Page 218 of CRB 1) and “Attacks by creatures with Depending on the situation, the GM can award bonuses or
several limbs” (page 219 of CRB 1) rules for creatures. The number of penalties for this Attack, or even declare that the maneuver is
attacks that they can make is already indicated in their description. impossible. Indeed, while it can be relatively easy to try to break
a weapon that has pierced you from the front (a bonus of +5 for
PENETRATING ATTACKS BY CREATURES example), it is quite a different story for a spear stuck into your
Most of the time, the attacks by creatures who have a Penetra- back (far more difficult to break off in this case).
tion score see that number reduced by half (rounded up) when As soon as a victim has successfully removed the weapon
the target is protected by an especially tough “shell” (the pla- or limb that is piercing him, he must immediately carry out a
ting of an exo-armor or of a ship, for example) and when the Wound worsening Test. This Test must be renewed every Round if
Armor Rating is higher than the Penetration score. However, if the character continues to fight or be overly active.
the attack is performed with a “protuberance” or a “limb” that Anyone targeting the area that was pierced can ignore the
is also very hard, then the Penetration score is not reduced. target’s Protection/Armor Rating, and the Damage Resistance is
not taken into account (whether positive or negative).
Some creatures or attacks can pierce a target. Usually (there PHYSICAL DAMAGE AGAINST FLUX CREATURES
can be some exceptions), a target is only pierced if the Damage The Flux is a “parallel” dimension to ours, made up of islands
breaks through the armor and inflicts at least a Serious Wound. of matter floating in an ocean of ethereal energy, radiation, and
In the case of exo-armor, there can only be piercing if there forces. The creatures that live in it are also made up of matter,
is Vehicle Damage that causes an Incident. If the weapon can energy, radiation, and forces.

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)

However, depending on the environment they live in, their Constriction Attacks include a number of Attack types, such
“bodies” contain more or less matter, and physical weapons as those performed with claws, tentacles, the body of a crea-
therefore affect them differently. For example, a creature that ture crushing its prey, the smothering of a prey disappearing
lives mostly on islands of “land” (caans, for example) will be into the flesh of a monster, or when dozens of tiny critters come
100% affected by physical weapons, whereas a creature that together to crush their victim. All of these Attacks use notions
only lives in the ocean of energy (Squale, for example) is com- of progressive Damage, increasing Round by Round up to a
pletely unaffected by physical weapons. maximum depending on the creature’s Strength. In this kind
Most creatures, however, live in mixed environments. They of situation, the Damage begins at H scale and can, if they are
are therefore affected by physical weapons proportional to the severe enough, affect V- or even V+ targets. However, to affect
“time” spent on or near an island of matter (this is left to the a vehicle, the creature must have sufficient Strength: 50 for a
GM’s discretion). V- target, and at least 100 for a V+ target.
5 Furthermore, a creature that isn’t usually affected by physical
weapons can be if it spends “a lot of time” near a clump of matter
(for example, a Squale that mainly swims near an island, as it feeds 1/ When a creature uses its body to wrap itself around a prey
on the amphibious creatures that live on it). Similarly, most of the or smother a victim, it must first succeed on a Melee Attack Test
Flux creatures that find their way to our reality end up developing to grab hold of its opponent. This is a regular Melee Attack Test,
a certain “sensitivity” to matter, if they stay here long enough and to oppose the Test, the opponent may use any skill, de-
(again, at the GM’s discretion). That said, there are creatures who, pending on what it wants to attempt. If he wants to “wrestle”
regardless of their connection or proximity to matter, will never with the creature, he can use Martial Arts (Wrestling), if he just
be affected by physical weapons (a Flux moray eel, for example). wants to counter the attack, he can use skills such as Armed
Bear in mind that energy weapons always affect Flux creatures Combat, Hand-to-hand combat, Acrobatics/Balance, Underwa-
100%, unless of course they are immune to them. The following ter maneuvering (if he is under the water without any exo-ar-
table shows the efficiency of physical weapons against the most mor), Armor maneuvering or Piloting (if the character is opera-
common Flux creatures. ting a small vessel). If the creature wins the opposed Test, then
it successfully grabs its target. When a creature attacks with its
CREATURE PHYSICAL DAMAGE(*) body, it is not necessary to define the affected body part, unless
Caan 100% the creature is small enough, which is rarely the case.
2/ When a creature attacks with tentacles, stems, or any other
Minor entity 0%
multiple appendages, the process is slightly different. In this case,
Mantis 100%
the Success Margin divided by 2 (rounded down) indicates how
0% (Flux)/10–20% (ocean, if present many limbs will catch hold of the target. Furthermore, if the target
for a long time)
doesn’t win the opposed Test but still has a Success Margin, then it is
Flux moray eel 0% deducted from the creature’s before dividing it by 2. If the creature
0% (Flux)/50% (our reality, as soon doesn’t manage to grab hold with all its tentacles during the first
as it appears)
Round, it can try to use more tentacles during the next one. Most
0% (Flux)/50% (our reality, as soon octopodes only use six of their eight tentacles, and some monsters,
as it appears)
because of their size, cannot use more than a few tentacles to grab
Flux Ghost (Polar hold of a single prey. It also has to be able to completely grasp its
Alliance supplement)
target. If the prey is too large, then the creature cannot inflict any
0% (Flux)/10–20% (Ocean, if present constriction Damage. On the other hand, these creatures can attack

Squale (Flux)
for a long time)
as many different targets as they have tentacles. If required, you
Flux Zombie (Coral can use the following table to locate the body part hit by a tentacle.
100% (but special)
Republic supplement)
(*) including Penetration LOCATIONS
1–2 Right leg; 3–4 Left leg; 5–6 Both legs; 7–8 Right arm;
CONSTRICTION AND TENTACLE ATTACKS 9–10 Left arm; 11–14 Body; 15–16 Body and right arm;
(ALTERNATIVE RULE) 17–18 Body and left arm; 19 Body and both arms; 20 Head (neck)
Note from the authors: the rule for Constriction attacks in
the Core Rulebook can be rather difficult to apply and manage, Note: depending on the size of the target and the creature, it
especially when a group of adventurers is facing tentacular can be impossible for two tentacles to grab hold of the same lo-
monsters (of which there are plenty in Polaris RPG). Therefore, cation (a kraken squid versus an H-sized target, for example).
the following is an alternative rule that can greatly simplify that If the case occurs, re-roll the dice or pick an adjacent location.
kind of situation. Of course, you are free to use it or not. You Be aware, however, that some creatures explicitly aim for cer-
can also modify the rules on machine crushing Damage from tain locations. This is usually carried out with aiming penalties,
the Core Rulebook in the same way. but in some cases, the creature doesn’t even suffer a penalty.

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)

3/ Some creatures attack in “swarms.” In this case, and it will 1/ For creatures that use their body to smother, the rule is
be specified in the character description, depending on their simple. The Damage simply progress by 10% of the Strength
size, you will use the Success Margin or the Success Modifier to every Round.
work out how many creatures manage to latch on to the target. Therefore, if a creature with a Strength score of 10 (the mini-
As there are usually so many of these creatures, the attack loca- mum Strength required for a constriction attack) wraps itself
tion is not defined. around a prey, it will inflict 1 Damage on the first Round, 2
points on the second Round, 3 points on the third, and so on
GENERAL PENALTIES AND BONUSES up to a maximum of 15 Damage (10 Strength multiplied by 1.5)
1/ When a prey is smothered or crushed by the body of a per Round for as long as it remains wrapped around its target.
creature, the attacker gets an automatic bonus of +2 for all at- 2/ In the case of a creature with tentacles or multiple limbs,
tacks against its victim. As for the prey, it gets a +2 bonus to the Damage progression varies depending on the number of
hit the creature, and its Test is carried out like a shot, in other limbs/creatures holding on to the target.
words a simple, non-opposed Test. However, depending on the
situation, the GM can choose to increase this bonus, or even to TENTACLES/LIMBS ATTACHED DAMAGE PROGRESSION MULTIPLIER
award penalties. In the case of a shot against the creature, it 1 x1
will count as a Contact Shot Attack. 2 x2
2/ During an attack with multiple limbs or tentacles, the 3 x3
creature gets a bonus of +1 for its actions, per limb wrapped
4 x4
around its prey. As for the victim, it suffers a penalty of -1 for
its actions (but not for its Strength Tests), per attached limb. 5 x5
However, if the limb used to carry out the Attack is not grab- 6 x6
bed, then the victim gets a +2 bonus for all of his combat Tests 7 x7
to attack the creature’s body, if he can reach it. Finally, the vic- 8 x8
tim can hit a tentacle that is holding him with a simple Attack
9 x9
Test (non-opposed test) and he gets a bonus of +5. However,
he can only do so if he has a “free” limb to use for the Attack. 10 x 10
Depending on the location grabbed by the tentacle, the GM 11 x 11
can decide to give additional penalties. Therefore, if a tentacle Etc.
has wrapped around the victim’s head, he is considered to be
blind. He will therefore have some problems attacking any- The Damage increases Round after Round, adding to the Da-
thing other than the limb that is wrapped around its head. mage from the previous Rounds. If, however, during a Round,
3/ For creatures that attack as a “swarm,” there are no auto- the victim is being held by fewer tentacles than during the pre-
matic bonuses or penalties, unless specified otherwise in the vious Round, then the Damage is reduced by its progression va-
creature’s description. lue per Round per tentacle removed.

DAMAGE PROGRESSION Example: A prey is attacked by a monster with tentacles

Constriction Damage is automatic and there is no need to that have a Damage progression of 3 points per Round.
carry out an Attack Test (optional rule: you can carry out a 1st Round: the character is grabbed by a single tentacle
non-opposed Attack Test to work out the variation of the Da- that inflicts 3 Damage.
mage depending on the Success Modifier, but this does com- 2nd Round: two other tentacles grab hold. The Damage
plicate the calculations, especially for the changes in Damage will be 3 (Damage from previous Round) + 9 (Damage inflic-
scale; furthermore, in the case of a Critical Failure, the crea- ted by 3 tentacles) = 12.
ture immediately releases its hold). Each creature inflicts Base 3rd Round: the creature does not attach any further ten-
Damage equal to 10% of its Strength. Each Round, the Da- tacles and the victim cuts one off. There are therefore only 2
mage increases from that value up to the maximum Damage tentacles still attached and the Damage will be 12 (Damage
Threshold that is calculated as follows: from previous Round) + 6 (Damage from 2 tentacles) -3
• Maximum Damage against an H scale target: (Strength (one tentacle removed) = 15.
x 1.5) 4th Round: the creature manages to attach another ten-
• Maximum Damage against a V- scale target: (Strength tacle, making it a total of 3. That inflicts 15 (previous Rounds)
x 1.5)/10 + 9 (3 tentacles) Damage = 24.
• Maximum Damage against a V+ scale target: (Stren- 5th Round: the creature loses two of its tentacles, so
gth x 1.5)/20 it only has one left. It inflicts 24 (Damage from previous
This Damage is inflicted at the end of the Round. On its ini- Rounds) + 3 Damage (1 tentacle) – 6 (loss of two tentacles)
tiative, the creature can also try to attack with more tentacles = 19.
if it has any free, or carry out another Attack.

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)

3/ Swarm attacks follow a similar rule to that used for ten- time limit). An Attack with an acid or corrosive substance
tacles, however you will often need to multiply the number always begins at an H scale, but it can affect a V- and even a
of attached limbs/tentacles depending on the number of crit- V+ scale when it becomes large enough. In that case, consider
ters required to affect a prey. For example, it takes at least 100 that the Damage inflicted by the acid is divided by 10 on the V-
purple seaweed strands to inflict Damage on a Human sized scale and by 20 on a V+ scale, rounded down. It will therefore
target. In this case, you will need to multiply by 100 the num- take 10 Damage on an H scale to inflict 1 Damage on a V- scale,
ber in the tentacles/limbs attached column. and 20 Damage to affect a V+ scale (see Damage Equivalence
for another way to handle acid Damage).
ARMOR AND PROTECTION As soon as the affected area of the armor is destroyed, the pi-
Regular flexible protection is not of any help when faced lot is affected but the acid Damage starts again from zero. The
with constriction Damage, and regular rigid protection has pilot can also be affected if Vehicle Damage in the attacked
5 a protection level reduced by half (rounded up). In the cases area causes a Structure Incident (CRB 2, page 80). In the case
involving exo-armor or vehicles, the machine suffers the Da- of a crack, some acid could reach him, but the progression is
mage: any people inside it are protected until the armor or limited to 1D10 Rounds and the pilot applies the DR of the ar-
vehicle (or the targeted area) is destroyed (but bear in mind mor or vehicle. In the case of a breach, the pilot suffers the
that Vehicle Damage can also affect the characters). normal effects of the acid.
Note: Negative DR is never taken into account for acid Damage.
WOUND LOCATIONS On top of the Damage inflicted, the acid can permanently re-
For all constriction attacks, it can be difficult to work out duce the Armor Rating of an exo-armor or a vehicle. Once the
where to locate a wound, as the creature can affect several lo- Damage inflicted is higher than the Armor Rating, then the AR
cations at the same time. decreases by 1. When the Damage inflicted is equal to twice
1/ When a target is smothered or grabbed by a monster, pick the new Armor Rating, then the AR is reduced by 2, when the
a location randomly. Damage reaches 3 times the new Armor Rating, the AR de-
2/ When a target is under attack by several limbs and you want creases by 3, and so on.
to pick the locations where those limbs have attached, select the Acid Attacks against simple protection or natural armor
part of the body with the most tentacles. If the tentacles are even- work like normal attacks, and the Damage is reduced by the
ly distributed, then randomly select one of the affected areas. Protection level. However, the affected area will lose 1 Pro-
3/ When a target is attacked by a swarm, select the location tection if the Damage inflicted is higher than the Protection
randomly. level/2 (rounded up), if the protection is flexible (protective
vests, reinforced skin, etc.), or higher than the Protection level
ESCAPING if the protection is rigid (security armor).
When a victim is grabbed by a tentacle, he can try to break
free using his Strength. Of course, in some cases, a character HOLDING/PINNING
will not be strong enough to escape the monster’s grasp. The-
refore, in that kind of situation, whether the character is grab- HOLDING
bed by one or several tentacles, he can use his Luck, or try to Usually, when a victim is held by a monster, be it in its maw,
wound the creature (See Holding/Pinning). by a tentacle or its body, one of the ways to free oneself is by
Note: some or all of the rules for crushing and constriction succeeding on an opposed Strength Test (optional rule: to make
can be changed by the special abilities of some creatures. For it more realistic, you can use an extended opposed Test, as you
example, seaweed fixes itself to its prey in a different way, or would for pinning). However, in Polaris RPG, the Strength of a

crabs that have separate attacks for each of their two pincers. creature or a machine can reach astronomical proportions. It
is therefore important, before carrying out the Test, to bring
MOVEMENT OF CREATURES the scores back down to a “Human scale.” Bringing things
Usually, the movement speed indicated for creatures is their back to a human scale means that a character will always have
maximum speed, and it is not based on any specific Attribute. a chance of escaping, however slim. (Optional rule: you can
In most cases, there is no need for creatures and machines to consider that if, before bringing it down to a “Human scale,”
use their Athletics Skill to increase their speed. However, if the Strength of the attacker is at least 20 points higher than
you want to, remember that you can calculate a creature’s Mo- that of the victim, the character has no chance of freeing him-
derate Speed by dividing the Maximum Speed by 4. self with a Strength Test).
If the Strength of one of the opponents is higher than 20,
PROGRESSIVE ACID DAMAGE then the Strength scores should be divided by a certain nu-
Acid attacks do not require an Attack Test. They are automa- mber in order to bring them back down to a figure between
tic at the beginning of a Round, and they increase Round after 0 and 20 (always rounded down). The highest score is used to
Round until the acid is neutralized (the Damage is usually re- work out the divider. Then the opposed Test can be carried
duced by the same amount every Round after the indicated out.

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)


21 to 41 2 84 to 104 5 147 to 167 8 A participant in an opposed Strength Test regains any vir-
42 to 62 3 105 to 125 6 168 to 198 9 tually lost points at the rate of 1 point per minute, plus the
63 to 83 4 126 to 146 7 199 to 209 10 Success Modifier of an Endurance Test if he doesn’t try to es-
Etc. cape. If the victim’s Strength is enhanced by an exoskeleton,
then the additional Strength points cannot be reduced, but
the exoskeleton will require an Integrity Test once per Round.
Examples: a character has a Strength of 19 and a creature Because of the stress inflicted on the components, and pos-
a Strength of 30. Divided by 2, the character has a Stren- sibly some overheating, the Test suffers a penalty of 1 point
gth of 9 and the creature a Strength of 15 for the opposed every TL Rounds while the opposed Test lasts. Note that the
Strength Test. exoskeleton only works if the victim has at least 1 “natural”
A character has a Strength of 40 and the creature a Stren- Strength point left. If the target is wearing exo-armor that has
gth of 70. Divided by 4, the character has a Strength of 10 an exo-Strength, then the victim does not lose any Strength,
and the creature a Strength of 17 for the opposed Strength and instead the above rule on exoskeleton applies. The vic-
Test. tim continues to carry out his Tests until he breaks free or the
A character has a Strength of 40 and the creature a Stren- exo-armor breaks down.
gth of 120. Divided by 6, the character has a Strength of 6
and the creature a Strength of 20 for the opposed Strength STRENGTH OF HOLDING/PINNING FOR CREATURES
Test. Most creatures do not change their holding Strength, re-
If the victim wins the Test, he breaks free or frees himself gardless of how many limbs they have wrapped around their
from one of the limbs that are holding him. target. However, there are some exceptions. This will usually
Fatigue: while struggling, a character (or a creature) be mentioned in the creature’s description.
will suffer fatigue. He loses 1 Strength point every (Natural
Constitution Ability Level) Rounds. Therefore, a character SWARMS OF CREATURES
with 13 CON (NAL of 2) loses 1 Strength point every 2 Rounds. When a victim tries to free himself from a number of crea-
If the character’s Natural Ability Level is 0 or lower, he loses tures, he will usually be able to remove a number of creatures
1 Strength per Round. equal to his Success Modifier each Round. However, in the case
of a real swarm of creatures, then he can remove a number
PINNING equal to the Success Margin (killer algae, for example) or even
In some cases, a creature is not content to hold its victim fir- the Success Margin multiplied by 10 (purple seaweed, for exa-
mly, it will also try to immobilize him. As in the previous case, mple).
the scores must be brought down to a “human scale.” Both oppo-
nents carry out an extended opposed Strength Test. The Success ANOTHER WAY TO BREAK FREE
Modifier of one temporarily reduces the Strength (converted to In some cases, it may be impossible to break free from a crea-
a human scale if necessary) of the other. If the Strength of the ture’s hold. It is therefore possible to automatically break free
victim reaches 0, he is immobilized. If the Strength of the Crea- by succeeding on a Luck Test and sacrificing 1 Luck Point. In the
ture reaches 0, the victim gets free. case of tentacles, the character manages to escape the crea-
ture completely, regardless of the number of limbs attached.
Example: a character with a Strength of 19 and a creature Finally, each Attack that causes Damage can make the crea-
with a Strength of 30. Divided by 2, the character has a ture let go if it fails a Willpower Test. In a case involving ten-
Strength of 9 and the creature a Strength of 15 for the op- tacles, they must be removed one by one. The following Tests
posed Strength Test. The character carries out his Test and are indicative and mainly focus on the tentacles. Some crea-
gets a Margin of 3. This reduces the creature’s Strength by tures may require more or less serious wounds, but that will
1 point. The creature only gets 1 on its Test. This means a be specified.
Success Modifier of 0, which does not reduce the charac-
Fatigue: while struggling, a character (or a creature) Light normal Test
will suffer fatigue. He loses 1 Strength point every (Natural Moderate -5 penalty
Constitution Ability Level) Rounds. Therefore, a character Serious -10 penalty
with 13 CON (NAL of 2) loses 1 Strength point every 2 Rounds. Critical automatic release
If the character’s Natural Ability Level is 0 or lower, he loses Deadly inert limb (automatic release)
1 Strength per Round.
In a desperate case, there is still one radical option: cut off the
grasped limb.

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)

ARMOR MANEUVERING, UNDERWATER In some cases of Relentless Bites, if it is indicated that the Da-
MANEUVERING, HYBRID, AND ESCAPE SKILLS mage from the Bite Attack increases after the first Attack (as
The GM can authorize the victim of a constriction attack to with a frenzy), then there is also progressive Damage. This fol-
carry out a Test with one of these Skills to help him break free. lows the same process as for a regular Relentless Bite, but the
The Success Modifier for this Test will be used as a bonus to Damage is also increased by a bonus. This bonus cannot exceed
break free during the Strength Test. the maximum Damage of the base Attack, in other words the
Base Damage + the Damage Modifier.
SYSTEMS Example: a creature that can inflict 1D10 Base Damage with
When a vehicle or a character wearing armor is grabbed by a Damage Modifier of +3 and that increases the Damage in-
a creature, it can use the strength of its thrusters to try and flicted by +2 per Round, can have a maximum bonus of +13
5 break free. The Test is carried out using the thruster’s Strength. Damage (10 Base maximum Damage + 3 for the Damage
Furthermore, the pilot carries out a Test for Piloting or Armor Modifier). This creature can therefore inflict a maximum Da-
maneuvering. The Success Modifier is used as a bonus to break mage of 1D10+3+13 =1D10 + 16.
free during the Strength Test. However, do bear in mind that this This amount of Damage can, in some cases affect a lar-
is a very general rule and may need some adjusting depending ger scale target. To do so, the Damage just needs to be
on the situation. converted to the correct scale.
Although the Strength of the Propulsion System (PS) cannot The victim gets a +2 bonus to all of his Combat Tests when
be reduced, you need to carry out an Integrity Test every Round. attacking a creature that is biting him. If the creature is ca-
Because of the stress inflicted on the components, and possibly pable of carrying out other attacks against its prey while
some overheating, the Test suffers a penalty of 1 point every TL biting, it also gets a bonus of +2 to do so.
Rounds while the opposed Test lasts.


PS -A1 3 PS -B1 10 PS -C1 33 PS -D1 104 If the creature’s size allows it, it can even attempt to swallow
PS -A2 4 PS -B2 14 PS -C2 44 PS -D2 139 a prey. It can usually only do so after another Melee Combat Test
PS -A3 6 PS -B3 18 PS -C3 55 PS -D3 185 (if it fails, the creature doesn’t inflict any further Damage, but
that does not mean that the victim breaks free). However, for
PS -A4 8 PS -B4 25 PS -C4 78 PS -D4 246
some monsters, the victim is immediately swallowed during
the first Attack.
RELENTLESS BITES A swallowed target can suffer automatic Damage each Round
Some creatures can inflict terrible damage with their bites and if the creature crushes it in its maw, and as in the case of a ten-
can even tear off whole limbs (this is the case for sharks, croco- tacle grab, the victim can try to break free (see Holding/Pin-
diles, or orcas, for example). The creature must first carry out ning). Other monsters swallow their victim without chewing
an Attack Test, then it inflicts bite Damage during each combat and the resulting effect is usually mentioned in the creature’s
Round without having to succeed on another Attack Test, for as description.
long as it has a hold of its prey. The Damage is automatic, but When swallowed by a monster, a victim suffers a penalty of
they still require a simple Attack Test (non-opposed) to work out -5 for all of its Actions, but any attack against the creature is a
a modifier that will increase or reduce the Damage. In the case simple, non-opposed Test.
of a success, the Damage is increased by the Success Modifier

and for a failure, the Damage is reduced by the Failure Modi- REINFORCED THRESHOLDS FOR CREATURES
fier. The victim can try to break free (see Holding/Pinning on You should only use reinforced thresholds if you are using
page 228). the optional rule from the Core Rulebook about these variable
If you like, you can use the following table to define the loca- thresholds.
tion affected by the relentless bite.
LOCATIONS In addition to the Damage that it may suffer, any vessel will
1–2 Right leg; 3–4 Left leg; 5 Both legs; 6–7 Right arm; 8–9 Left need to carry out an Integrity Test in the following cases:
arm; 10–11 Body; 12 Body and right arm; 13 Body and left arm;
14 Body and both arms; 15 Head; 16 Body, head and both arms; TORPEDO EXPLOSION
17 Body and both legs; 18 Body, both legs, and one arm; 19 Body,
both legs, and both arms; 20 Equipment* When it is affected by a torpedo (blast or armor-piercing), a
vehicle should carry out an Integrity Test with a penalty equal to
*The creature grabbed the character’s equipment and tore it
the Explosive Blast Level of the torpedo divided by 3 (rounded
down). Therefore, a size 5 blast torpedo (with an Explosive Blast
Level of 28) inflicts a penalty of -9 for the Integrity Test.

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)


Vehicle X times heavier than
Vehicle SPD x 1/X (Vehicle SPD – Obstacle SPD) x 1/X (Vehicle SPD + Obstacle SPD) x 1/X
obstacle (X > 10)
Vehicle 10 times heavier than
Vehicle SPD x 1/10 (Vehicle SPD – Obstacle SPD) x 1/10 (Vehicle SPD + Obstacle SPD) x 1/10
Vehicle 3 times heavier than
Vehicle SPD x 1/4 (Vehicle SPD – Obstacle SPD) x 1/4 (Vehicle SPD + Obstacle SPD) x 1/4
Vehicle 2 times heavier than
Vehicle SPD x 1/3 (Vehicle SPD – Obstacle SPD) x 1/3 (Vehicle SPD + Obstacle SPD) x 1/3
Vehicle and obstacle have
Vehicle SPD x 1/2 (Vehicle SPD – Obstacle SPD) x 1/2 (Vehicle SPD + Obstacle SPD) x 1/2
similar mass
Obstacle 2 times heavier than
Vehicle SPD x 2/3 (Vehicle SPD – Obstacle SPD) x 2/3 (Vehicle SPD + Obstacle SPD) x 2/3
Obstacle 3 times heavier than
Vehicle SPD x 3/4 (Vehicle SPD – Obstacle SPD) x 3/4 (Vehicle SPD + Obstacle SPD) x 3/4
Obstacle 10 times heavier than
Vehicle SPD x 0.9 (Vehicle SPD – Obstacle SPD) x 0.9 (Vehicle SPD + Obstacle SPD) x 0.9
Obstacle 20 times heavier than
Vehicle SPD x 0.95 (Vehicle SPD – Obstacle SPD) x 0.95 (Vehicle SPD + Obstacle SPD) x 0.95
Obstacle 50 times heavier than
Vehicle SPD (Vehicle SPD – Obstacle SPD) (Vehicle SPD + Obstacle SPD)

CREATURE ATTACKS Example: a vehicle with an Armor Rating of 5 on a V- scale

When a creature capable of affecting the vehicle’s structure is is attacked by a creature with 100 Strength. Following the
crushing it (this doesn’t necessarily affect the whole vessel, it formula above, the modifier is 0: 5-(100/20). If the target’s
could be a rudder, a gun turret, etc.), it must carry out an Inte- Armor Rating was 3, the modifier would be -2 (penalty for
grity Test with a penalty or a bonus, depending on the size of the the Integrity Test), and if the Armor Rating was 7, then the
creature and its strength. modifier would be +2 (bonus for the Integrity Test).
In any case, it is up to the GM to work out whether or not
MODIFIER DEPENDING ON MASS the creature has a chance of affecting its target.
Vehicle 20 times heavier than creature +7 COLLISION WITH AN OBSTACLE
Vehicle 10 times heavier than creature +5 The penalty for the Integrity Test depends on the mass of the
Vehicle 2 times heavier than creature +3 vehicle and that of the obstacle, as well as their respective
Vehicle and creature have a similar mass 0 Speeds (SPD).
Creature 2 times heavier than vehicle -3 If the Test is a failure, the vehicle loses as many Integrity
Creature 10 times heavier than vehicle -5 points as its Failure Modifier. This loss cannot, however, be
greater than the penalty for the Test, or greater than 1 if there
Creature 20 times heavier than vehicle -7
was a bonus for the Test. Furthermore, the vehicle will suffer
an Incident with a modifier equal to the Failure Modifier.
MODIFIER DEPENDING ON STRENGTH The following table will allow you to calculate the penalty for
The Strength of the creature will be opposed to the resis- the Integrity Test.
tance of the hull. The Integrity Test Modifier defined above will Note: If the obstacle cannot move at all or be destroyed, then
have a penalty or a bonus as defined by: the penalty is always equal to the SPD of the vehicle.
(Armor Rating of target on V-) – (Strength of creature divi- Note: the SPD to use is not the maximum Speed of the vehicle,
ded by 20) but that of the vehicle’s current Speed converted to the scale
of the SPD stat (for example, 20 knots and 40 kph have a SPD
stat of 7).
As usual, it is up to the GM to decide whether or not an obs-
tacle can affect a vehicle.

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)

Game Aids
The simplest way to convert Damage from one scale to another is to consider that 10 Damage on the H scale is the same as 1 Damage
on the V- scale, and that 2 Damage on the V- scale is worth 1 Damage on the V+ scale. However, this is not a very precise conversion.
To obtain a conversion that follows the various scales, you can use the following tables:

6D6+1/4D10 (1D6-2)* 13D6/8D10+2 1D6+1 10D10+5 1D10 -
7D6+3/5D10 (1D6-1)* 13D6+1/8D10+3 1D6+1 MD(11D10) 1D10+1 -
10D6/6D10+2 1D6 13D6+2/8D10+4 1D6+1 MD(13D10) 1D10+2 1D6
10D6+1/6D10+3 1D6 13D6+3/8D10+5 1D6+1 MD(15D10) 1D10+3 1D6+1
10D6+2/6D10+4 1D6 14D6/9D10 1D6+1 MD(17D10) 1D10+4 1D6+1
10D6+3/6D10+5 1D6 14D6+1/9D10+1 1D6+2 MD(19D10) 1D10+5 1D6+2
11D6/7D10 1D6 14D6+2/9D10+2 1D6+2 MD(20D10) 2D10 1D10
11D6+1/7D10+1 1D6 14D6+3/9D10+3 1D6+2 MD(22D10) 2D10+1 1D10
11D6+2/7D10+2 1D6+1 15D6/9D10+4 1D6+2 MD(24D10) 2D10+2 1D10+1
11D6+3/7D10+3 1D6+1 15D6+3/10D10 1D10 MD(26D10) 2D10+3 1D10+1
12D6/7D10+4 1D6+1 10D10+1 1D10 MD(28D10) 2D10+4 1D10+2
12D6+1/7D10+5 1D6+1 10D10+2 1D10 MD(28D10+5) 2D10+5 1D10+2
12D6+2/8D10 1D6+1 10D10+3 1D10 MD(30D10) 3D10 1D10+3
MD = Massive Damage
(*) Only for piercing or anti-armor attacks or weapons.

3D10+1 1D10+3 6D10+2 3D10+1 9D10+3 4D10+4 MD(14D10+2) 7D10+1
3D10+2 1D10+4 6D10+3 3D10+1 9D10+4 4D10+5 MD(14D10+4) 7D10+2
3D10+3 1D10+4 6D10+4 3D10+2 9D10+5 4D10+5 MD(15D10) 7D10+3
3D10+4 1D10+5 6D10+5 3D10+2 10D10 5D10 MD(15D10+2) 7D10+4
3D10+5 1D10+5 7D10 3D10+3 10D10+1 5D10 MD(15D10+4) 7D10+5
4D10 2D10 7D10+1 3D10+3 10D10+2 5D10+1 MD(16D10) 8D10
4D10+1 2D10 7D10+2 3D10+4 10D10+3 5D10+1 MD(16D10+2) 8D10+1
4D10+2 2D10+1 7D10+3 3D10+4 10D10+4 5D10+2 MD(16D10+4) 8D10+2
4D10+3 2D10+1 7D10+4 3D10+5 10D10+5 5D10+2 MD(17D10) 8D10+3
4D10+4 2D10+2 7D10+5 3D10+5 MD(11D10) 5D10+3 MD(17D10+2) 8D10+4
4D10+5 2D10+2 8D10 4D10 MD(11D10+2) 5D10+3 MD(17D10+4) 8D10+5
5D10 2D10+3 8D10+1 4D10 MD(11D10+4) 5D10+4 MD(18D10) 9D10
5D10+1 2D10+3 8D10+2 4D10+1 MD(12D10) 6D10 MD(18D10+2) 9D10+1

5D10+2 2D10+4 8D10+3 4D10+1 MD(12D10+2) 6D10+1 MD(18D10+4) 9D10+2

5D10+3 2D10+4 8D10+4 4D10+2 MD(12D10+4) 6D10+2 MD(19D10) 9D10+3
5D10+4 2D10+5 8D10+5 4D10+2 MD(13D10) 6D10+3 MD(19D10+2) 9D10+4
5D10+5 2D10+5 9D10 4D10+3 MD(13D10+2) 6D10+4 MD(19D10+4) 9D10+5
6D10 3D10 9D10+1 4D10+3 MD(13D10+4) 6D10+5 MD(20D10) 10D10
6D10+1 3D10 9D10+2 4D10+4 MD(14D10) 7D10 MD(20D10+2) 10D10+1

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)


If you need to convert Protection or Armor Rating scores from one scale to the next, use the following table:


AR (H) (V-) (V+) (V-) (V+) (V-) (V+)
1–4 0 0 11 8 40 30
5–14 1 0 12 9 45 34
15–24 2 1 13 10 50 38
25–34 3 2 14 11 55 41
35–44 4 3 15 11 60 45
45–54 5 3 16 12 65 49
55–64 6 4 17 13 70 53
65–74 7 5 18 14 75 56
75–84 8 6 19 14 80 60
85–94 9 6 20 15 85 64
95–104 10 7 25 19 90 68
- 30 23 95 71
- 35 26 100 75

DAMAGE BONUS CONVERSION Example: for an Attack that inflicts 2D10 Damage, with
In some cases (Success Margin, Technology, Combat Bonus, a bonus of +23. By dividing 23 by 6, you get 3 (rounded
Constriction or Acid Damage, etc.) an Attack can have a bonus down); 3 x 6 = 18, leaving 5 points (23-18). The attack will
for Damage. There are several ways of managing these bonuses: therefore inflict 2D10 + 3D10 + 5, or 5D10+5 Damage.
• You can retain the bonus as is, so that if a weapon inflicting
1D6+2 Damage gets a bonus of +6, it will then inflict 1D6+8
Damage. BONUS D6 D10
• You can also convert the bonus into Damage dice. There- +14 +3D6+2 +2D10+2
fore, once you know what a bonus means in terms of Da- +16 +4D6 +2D10+4
mage dice, it is easy to convert precisely to other scales.
+18 +4D6+2 +3D10
For Damage determined in D6s, for every 4 bonus points,
+20 +5D6 +3D10+2
you gain +1D6 Damage. For Damage determined in D10s, for
every 6 bonus points, you gain +1D10 Damage. +22 +5D6+2 +3D10+4
+24 +6D6 +4D10
BONUS D6 D10 +26 +6D6+2 +4D10+2
+1 +1 +1 +28 +7D6 +4D10+4
+2 +2 +2 +30 +7D6+2 +5D10
+3 +3 +3 +32 +8D6 +5D10+2
+4 +1D6 +4 +34 +8D6+2 +5D10+4
+5 +1D6+1 +5 +36 +9D6 +6D10
+6 +1D6+2 +1D10
+7 +1D6+3 +1D10+1
+8 +2D6 +1D10+2
+9 +2D6+1 +1D10+3
+10 +2D6+2 +1D10+4
+11 +2D6+3 +1D10+5
+12 +3D6 +2D10

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)


The table below indicates the Damage Bonus for creatures or vehicles that have a Strength that can reach up to 179 for H scale
bonuses, and up to 319 for bonuses on V- AND V+ scales.

20–21 +5 60-61 +25 100–101 +45 140–141 +65
22–23 +6 62-63 +26 102–103 +46 142–143 +66
24–25 +7 64-65 +27 104–105 +47 144–145 +67
26–27 +8 66-67 +28 106–107 +48 146–147 +68
28–29 +9 68-69 +29 108–109 +49 148–149 +69

5 30–31
34–35 +12 74-75 +32 114–115 +52 154–155 +72
36–37 +13 76-77 +33 116–117 +53 156–157 +73
38–39 +14 78-79 +34 118–119 +54 158–159 +74
40–41 +15 80-81 +35 120–121 +55 160–161 +75
42–43 +16 82-83 +36 122–123 +56 162–163 +76
44–45 +17 84-85 +37 124–125 +57 164–165 +77
46–47 +18 86-87 +38 126–127 +58 166–167 +78
48–49 +19 88-89 +39 128–129 +59 168–169 +79
50–51 +20 90-91 +40 130–131 +60 170–171 +80
52–53 +21 92-93 +41 132–133 +61 172–183 +81
54–55 +22 94-95 +42 134–135 +62 174–185 +82
56–57 +23 96-97 +43 136–137 +63 176–187 +83
58–59 +24 98-99 +44 138–139 +64 178–179 +84

50–54 -6 - 140–144 +14 +4 230–234 +32 +22
55–59 -4 - 145–149 +15 +5 235–239 +33 +23
60–64 -2 - 150–154 +16 +6 240–244 +34 +24
65–69 -1 - 155–159 +17 +7 245–249 +35 +25
70–74 0 - 160–164 +18 +8 250–254 +36 +26
75–79 +1 - 165–169 +19 +9 255–259 +37 +27
80–84 +2 - 170–174 +20 +10 260–264 +38 +28
85–89 +3 - 175–179 +21 +11 265–269 +39 +29
90–94 +4 - 180–184 +22 +12 270–274 +40 +30
95–99 +5 - 185–189 +23 +13 275–279 +41 +31
100–104 +6 -6 190–194 +24 +14 280–284 +42 +32
105–109 +7 -4 195–199 +25 +15 285–289 +43 +33
110–114 +8 -2 200–204 +26 +16 290–294 +44 +34
115–119 +9 -1 205–209 +27 +17 295–299 +45 +35

120–124 +10 0 210–214 +28 +18 300–304 +46 +36

125–129 +11 +1 215–219 +29 +19 305–309 +47 +37
130–134 +12 +2 220–224 +30 +20 310–314 +48 +38
135–139 +13 +3 225–229 +31 +21 315–319 +49 +39

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)


The formula below gives the weight in kg that a creature, a 6 x 2.4
machine, or a creature can lift without much effort above its 7 x 2.6
head with two arms (or limbs). 8 x 2.8
10 x 3.2
The Base Liftable Weight (BLW) that can be lifted without
much effort is equal to the Liftable Weight/2.
The Maximum Liftable Weight (MLW) is equal to the Liftable THROWING DISTANCE
Weight x 2. To work out how far a character, a creature, or a machine can
To lift a weight heavier than his Strength should allow, a throw an object, divide the Base Liftable Weight by the weight
character will have to carry out a Strength Test with a penalty of the object in kg. Then look up the result in the table below to
equal to the difference between his Strength and the Strength find the Strength Multiplier.
required to lift that weight.
Example: With a Strength of 20, a character can lift (20
x 20)/4 = 100 kg. If he wants to lift a weight of 144 kg (a ≤ 15,602 15 ≤ 39 3
weight that would require a Strength of 24 to lift), the pe- ≤ 11,853 14 ≤ 24 2.5
nalty of the Strength Test will therefore be -4. ≤ 8,221 13 ≤ 15 2
Similarly, whenever a character is carrying a weight ≤ 6,411 12 ≤8 1.5
heavier than his BLW, all of his Actions will have a penalty ≤ 4,150 11 ≤ 4.5 1
equal to the difference between his Strength and the Stren- ≤ 3,102 10 ≤3 0.8
gth necessary to lift that weight without a penalty.
≤ 2,042 9 ≤2 0.6
Example: with a Strength score of 10, a character can ea-
sily carry a weight up to 12.5 kg. If that character wants to lift ≤ 1,281 8 ≤ 1.5 0.4
a weight of 50 kg (requiring a Strength of 20 to be carried ≤ 759 7 ≤ 0.5 0.2
without a penalty), he will suffer a penalty of -10 for all his ≤ 416 6 ≤ 0.3 0.1
actions. ≤ 308 5.5 ≤ 0.15 0.05
≤ 210 5 ≤ 0.035 0.01
If you would like to apply a penalty to a character’s move- ≤ 143 4.5 ≤ 0.015 0.005
ments (be that on land or underwater) depending on what he is
≤ 95 4 ≤ 0.004 0.001
carrying, then each increment of (BLW/3) kg above his BLW re-
≤ 63 3.5
duces his Slow Speed by 1 point, his Moderate Speed by 2 points,
his Fast Speed by 4 points and his Maximum Speed by 8 points.
If the resulting distance is negative, then the character cannot Example 1: a character with a Strength score of 10 wants
move at that Speed while carrying the weight. to throw a grenade of 0.4 kg. He has a Base Liftable Weight
of 25 kg. By dividing 25 by 0.4, you get 62.5. By checking the
Example: With a Strength score of 12, a Character has a table, you can see that this fits the bracket between 39 and
BLW of 18 kg and an increment of 6 kg (18/3). If he is carrying 63, meaning that the Strength Multiplier is 3.5. His throwing
30 kg (+12 kg above his limit, or 2 increments), then his Slow distance is therefore 3.5 x 10 = 35 m.
Speed is reduced by 2 (2 x 1), his Moderate Speed by 4, his Example 2: a pilot wants to use his exo-armor with a
Fast Speed by 8 and his Maximum Speed by 16. Strength of 50 to throw a 20 kg sand bag. The exo-armor’s
Base Liftable Weight is 50 x 50/4 = 625 kg. By dividing 625
by 20, the rounded result is 31. On the table, this fits the
CASE OF CREATURES & MACHINES WITH bracket between 24 and 39, so the Strength Modifier will
MULTIPLE ACTIVE LIMBS be 3. The throwing distance is therefore 3 x 50 = 150 m.
In the case of octopodes or other similar creatures, the Stren- To make things more realistic, you can also carry out an
gth required to calculate a Liftable Weight depends on the num- Athletics Test and tweak the distance by 5% depending on
ber of tentacles/limbs used. The Strength of these creatures will the Success or Failure Modifier.
then be multiplied by a certain amount. A few object weights: • Hand grenade: 0.3 – 0.5 kg • Red
brick: 2.7 kg • Cement block or cinder block: 10 x 20 x 50
NUMBER OF TENTACLES/LIMBS STRENGTH USED TO LIFT cm (10–20 kg), 15 x 20 x 50 cm (15–30 kg), 20 x 20 x 50
2 x 1.4 (20–40 kg) • Sand bag: 15–25 kg • Rock 20–34–43 cm in
3 x 1.8 diameter (20–50–100 kg)
4 x2

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)


Size is an approximation of the volume of a vehicle or a creature. For pressurized underwater vehicles, and for most creatures, this
volume corresponds also to their weight (tons on V- and V+ scales, kg on H scale)


VOL. (DM )3
≥ 0.08 1 +6 ≥ 3.5 1 +6 ≥ 16,988 5 +2
≥ 0.6 2 +6 ≥9 2 +6 ≥ 30,980 6 +2
≥2 3 +4 ≥ 16 3 +4 ≥ 51,094 7 +1
≥5 4 +4 ≥ 40 4 +4 ≥ 78,441 8 +1

5 ≥9
≥ 16
≥ 80
≥ 167
≥ 114,134
≥ 159,282
≥ 26 7 +1 ≥ 276 7 +1 ≥ 214,997 11 -1
≥ 38 8 +1 ≥ 424 8 +1 ≥ 282,391 12 -1
≥ 55 9 0 ≥ 616 9 0 ≥ 362,574 13 -2
≥ 75 10 0 ≥ 860 10 0 ≥ 456,658 14 -2
≥ 100 11 -1 ≥ 1,161 11 -1 ≥ 565,753 15 -3
≥ 147 12 -1 ≥ 1,525 12 -1 ≥ 690,971 16 -3
≥ 206 13 -2 ≥ 1,958 13 -2 ≥ 833,424 17 -4
≥ 279 14 -2 ≥ 2,466 14 -2 ≥ 994,221 18 -4
≥ 369 15 -3 ≥ 3,055 15 -3 ≥ 1,174,475 19 -5
≥ 475 16 -3 ≥ 3,731 16 -3 ≥ 1,375,297 20 -5
≥ 600 17 -4 ≥ 4,500 17 -4 ≥ 1,597,797 21 -6
≥ 746 18 -4 ≥ 5,369 18 -4 ≥ 1,843,087 22 -6
≥ 913 19 -5 ≥ 6,342 19 -5 ≥ 2,112,278 23 -7
≥ 1,103 (1.10 m3) 20 -5 ≥ 7,426 20 -5 ≥ 2,406,481 24 -7
≥ 1,319 (1.32 m3) 21 -6 ≥ 8,628 21 -6 ≥ 2,726,808 25 -8
≥ 1,560 (1.56 m3) 22 -6 ≥ 9,952 22 -6 ≥ 3,074,369 26 -8
≥ 1,830 (1.83 m3) 23 -7 ≥ 11,406 23 -7 ≥ 3,450,275 27 -9
≥ 2,129 (2.13 m ) 3
24 -7 ≥ 12,994 24 -7 ≥ 3,855,639 28 -9
≥ 2,458 (2.46 m3) 25 -8 ≥ 14,724 25 -8 ≥ 4,291,570 29 -9
Example: A Size 20 V- vehicle has a volume greater or equal to 7,426 m and lower than 8,628 m
3 3


M: Minimum speed (speed of an armor walking on the sea bed, for example). The following values are approximate, so the m/
Round, kph, and knots values may not match exactly.

M 1–2 m/R 0.3 0.5 1/2 50 446-454 m/R 149–151 300–305 11
<1 3–4 m/R 1 1–3 1 51 455–463 m/R 152–154 306–311 11
1 5–13 m/R 2–4 4–9 1 52 464-472 m/R 155–157 312–317 11

2 14–22 m/R 5–7 10–15 1 53 473–481 m/R 158–160 318–323 11

3 23–31 m/R 8–10 16–21 1 54 482–490 m/R 161–163 324–329 11
4 32–40 m/R 11–13 22–27 1 55 491–499 m/R 164–166 330–335 12
5 41–49 m/R 14–16 28–33 2 56 500–508 m/R 167–169 336–341 12
6 50–58 m/R 17–19 34–39 2 57 509–517 m/R 170–172 342–347 12
7 59–67 m/R 20–22 40–45 2 58 518–526 m/R 173–175 348–353 12
8 68–76 m/R 23–25 46–53 2 59 527–535 m/R 176–178 354–359 12
9 77–85 m/R 26–28 54–59 2 60 536–544 m/R 179–181 360–365 13

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)


10 86–94 m/R 29–31 60–65 3 61 545–553 m/R 182–184 366–371 13
11 95–103 m/R 32–34 66–71 3 62 554–562 m/R 185–187 372–377 13
12 104–112 m/R 35–37 72–77 3 63 563–571 m/R 188–190 378–383 13
13 113–121 m/R 38–40 78–83 3 64 572–580 m/R 191–193 384–389 13
14 122–130 m/R 41–43 84–89 3 65 581–589 m/R 194–196 390–395 14
15 131–139 m/R 44–46 90–95 4 66 590–598 m/R 197–199 396–401 14
16 140–148 m/R 47–49 96–101 4 67 599–607 m/R 200–202 402–407 14
17 149–157 m/R 50–52 102–107 4 68 608–616 m/R 203–205 408–413 14
18 158–166 m/R 53–55 108–113 4 69 617–625 m/R 206–208 414–419 14
19 167–175 m/R 56–58 114–119 4 70 626–634 m/R 209–211 420–425 15
20 176–184 m/R 59–61 120–125 5 71 635–643 m/R 212–214 426–431 15
21 185–193 m/R 62–64 126–131 5 72 644–652 m/R 215–217 432–437 15
22 194–202 m/R 65–67 132–137 5 73 653–661 m/R 218–220 438–443 15
23 203–211 m/R 68–70 138–143 5 74 662–670 m/R 221–223 444–449 15
24 212–220 m/R 71–73 144–149 5 75 671–679 m/R 224–226 450–455 16
25 221–229 m/R 74–76 150–155 6 76 680–688 m/R 227–229 456–461 16
26 230–238 m/R 77–79 156–161 6 77 689–697 m/R 230–232 462–467 16
27 239–247 m/R 80–82 162–167 6 78 698–706 m/R 233–235 468–473 16
28 248–256 m/R 83–85 168–173 6 79 707–715 m/R 236–238 474–479 16
29 257–265 m/R 86–88 174–179 6 80 716–724 m/R 239–241 480–485 17
30 266–274 m/R 89–91 180–185 7 81 725–733 m/R 242–244 486–491 17
31 275–283 m/R 92–94 186–191 7 82 734–742 m/R 245–247 492–497 17
32 284–292 m/R 95–97 192–197 7 83 743–751 m/R 248–250 498–503 17
33 293–301 m/R 98–100 198–203 7 84 752–760 m/R 251–253 504–509 17
34 302–310 m/R 101–103 204–209 7 85 761–769 m/R 254–256 510–515 18
35 311–319 m/R 104–106 210–215 8 86 770–778 m/R 257–259 516–521 18
36 320–328 m/R 107–109 216–221 8 87 779–787 m/R 260–262 522–527 18
37 329–337 m/R 110–112 222–227 8 88 788–796 m/R 263–265 528–533 18
38 338–346 m/R 113–115 228–233 8 89 797–805 m/R 266–268 534–539 18
39 347–355 m/R 116–118 234–239 8 90 806–814 m/R 269–271 540–545 19
40 356–364 m/R 119–121 240–245 9 91 815–823 m/R 272–274 546–551 19
41 365–373 m/R 122–124 246–251 9 92 824–832 m/R 275–277 552–557 19
42 374–382 m/R 125–127 252–257 9 93 833–841 m/R 278–280 558–563 19
43 383–391 m/R 128–130 258–263 9 94 842–850 m/R 281–283 564–569 19
44 392–400 m/R 131–133 264–269 9 95 851–859 m/R 284–286 570–575 20
45 401–409 m/R 134–136 270–275 10 96 860–868 m/R 287–289 576–581 20
46 410–418 m/R 137–139 276–281 10 97 869–877 m/R 290–292 582–587 20
47 419–427 m/R 140–142 282–287 10 98 878–886 m/R 293–295 588–593 20
48 428–436 m/R 143–145 288–293 10 99 887–895 m/R 296–298 594–599 20
49 437–445 m/R 146–148 294–299 10 100 896–904 m/R 299–301 600–605 21

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)

Other Creatures
and Materials
AFRICAN WASP Unlike its marsh cousin, the desert leech is much longer and
“I don’t care if it’s protective, you’ve got two secs to get that unbelievably more dangerous. It doesn’t stick to the skin, but
critter off me!” slithers in like a snake as close as it can get to a source of heat
-- A unequivocal adventurer and most of all humidity, and falls asleep. The slightest change
in temperature or pressure wakes it up, causing an electric
5 Underwater laboratories have found a use for this terrestrial in- shock that inflicts 2D10 Damage/+2D10 shock. The leech can
sect that is far from the African wasp’s original way of life, where also have the same reaction if it feels threatened or if someone
it usually parasitically lays its eggs inside other organisms. If the attempts to remove it too roughly.
operation is carried out in a medical environment, the wasp can
lay a limited number of eggs that will never be fully fertilized. GUARDIAN ANGEL ANEMONE
On the other hand, the presence of the eggs will give the host an “We never saw them coming, they came out of nowhere.
increased Disease Resistance against most infectious diseases of Fully armed Techno-Hybrids as far as the eye could see! The
terrestrial origin. A Critical or Mortal Wound in the related area radar was active when we came through the canyon, but they
has a fifty-fifty chance of completely destroying the eggs. didn’t pick up a thing. I was lagging behind with engine trouble.
Size: 2 cm Weight: 0.3 g Then I saw them appear in the middle of the seaweed and the
Hold: 0 Invasiveness: 1 anemones. I’m never gonna forget something like that!”
Benefits: Resistance to terrestrial diseases increased by 4 points -- Lance Vericksen, pirate
Price: none Description: The Guardian Angel is a harmless anemone with

a size varying between 1 m2 and 10 km2 (for colonies). It feeds

CHROMATIC ANEMONE on plankton and shows no signs of hostility. With its huge size
Many of the natural properties of animals are put to use by and its tactile pseudopods, which can reach over 20 meters long,
humans. The chromatic anemone is a good example of this. it can swallow up all kinds of creatures (fish, divers, even small
To get away from its natural predators, it changes color very vessels) and protect them as if inside a cocoon. They become
rapidly and hypnotizes them before emitting a signal that at- invisible to both radar and the naked eye. However, a Guardian
tracts a predator higher up on the food chain. Angel does not provide any additional protection, and it will re-
The assassins of the Hegemony were the first to use the hyp- ject its protégé as soon as it comes under attack, or if it feels
notic powers of the chromatic anemone during the Bermuda threatened by those inside it.
council, by placing them in the conference room along with Game Information: the Guardian Angel anemone (not to be
other decorations. All of the diplomats were stunned and confused with the Guardian Polyp or the Guardian Angel sur-
then had their throats neatly slit without being able to fight face creature) never attacks, it defends itself by retracting and
back. Now, criminals, smugglers, and spies alike commonly barely moves. It therefore does not need any game stats.
use the chromatic anemone. They can be found from 500 to Weight: from 1 kg to 300 tons
10,000 Sols on the black market. We now know that wearing Size: from 1.2 to several square kilometers
an optical filter (sunglasses, smoked glass helmet, or colored Skill: Camouflage/Concealment 18
contact lenses) completely cancels out the hypnotic effect. Re- Use/Rumors: The main users of these anemones are fish. In
gardless of their shape or size, these anemones can only use exchange for the protection, they rid the anemones of debris
their power on one person at a time. and other parasites. Some divers lurk inside the larger speci-
To work out if the victim of a chromatic anemone is hyp- mens (sometimes even in large vehicles) and lie in wait for their
notized, you have to carry out an opposed Test between the victims without being seen.
victim’s Willpower and the persuasion score of the anemone,
depending on its size. Indeed, the larger it is, the stronger its LEWIS ANT
power. If the victim fails this Test, he is hypnotized. A new “For my own good? How the hell is that thing supposed to
Test is carried out once per minute. do me any good?”
-- A nervous explorer
“What do you mean that’s a tiny little one? I dread to think The famous surface explorer Lewis gave her name to this spe-
what the big ones would suck on!” cies of ant when she discovered it. This hybrid between surface
-- A trainee Touareg ants and spiders is as hideous as it is. . . beneficial. Once it has
gripped the wrist, it affixes itself to the skin with small hooks

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)


and begins to establish a symbiotic connection that takes two Description: Divers tend to see the torch jelly more as an object
to three days to be completely functional. This exchange of than a living being. It is a harmless part of plankton, drifting soft-
fluids increases the resistance thresholds for wounds, poisons, ly in the ocean currents. It is sometimes raised as livestock, as its
diseases, and radiation. The Lewis ant remains alive until it is main advantage is the soft pink light that it produces, and which
removed. Installing it requires a Science (Medicine) Test with a can reach up to ten meters. The user just needs to wrap one of
penalty of -4, and to remove it, the same Test with a penalty its tentacles around his arm (protected from the stinging poison)
of -8. Any wound that hits the part of the arm wearing it has and pull on it gently. The jellyfish will obediently follow its new
2 chances out of 20 of touching the ant. If it suffers more than owner and light up on the signal. To turn it off, just let it go for it
15 Damage in one go, it dies immediately and its wearer suffers to calm down. The light is a defense mechanism of the torch jelly.
4D10 Damage without the increased Damage Resistance provi- Game information: There are no stats for these harmless
ded by the ant. creatures. At the very worst, their stinging poison can transfer
Size: 17 cm Weight: 60 g to their user who will spend an hour or so feeling itchy.
Hold: 3 Invasiveness: 2 Use/Rumors: Torch jellies are used anywhere a cold light
Benefits: all resistances increased by 2 points source is necessary (in mines for example). Similarly, they are
Price: automatic and permanent Light Wound sometimes used to temporarily mark certain passages. They are
always very cheap (maximum 10 Sols) as they can only be used
MARSH LEECH during dives. They decompose into a polyp when in contact
“Getting a footbath really wasn’t such a great idea . . .” with air. They weight about 1 kg for a diameter of 1 meter and
-- A medical assistant sent up to the surface tentacles 1 meter long.

These small creatures, about ten centimeters long at most, PARASITES

stick to the flesh using tiny hooks that sink into the skin. Al- Note: Symbiosis is now a well-known phenomenon among
though this operation is relatively painless, the effects that scientists and adventurers alike, as they have observed during
follow are usually very quickly noticeable. After a few hours, their surface or underwater expeditions the strange connections
the leech begins to suck the blood of its host and inflicts 1D6 that develop between two species, often completely different in
cumulative Damage per Round (1D6 for the first Round, 2D6 for nature. Where the process becomes interesting, however, is when
the second, etc.) up to 4D6, regardless of the character’s Damage those parasites go after human beings. Whether benevolent or
Resistance. Once it has gorged itself with blood (after the 4D6 harmful, even deadly, all parasites have in common an ability to
Attack), the leech drops off and dies. A Surgery Test with a pe- adapt (totally or partially) and exchange bodily fluids with the
nalty of -4 or First Aid with a penalty of -8 is necessary for a safe host organism. The following examples are mainly land-dwelling,
removal of the leech. If the Test fails, then the character suffers but there are countless varieties of underwater or amphibian
double the Damage he should have suffered that Round. These creatures that you can develop based on the same model.
creatures are insensitive to heat . . .
SULFUR LICHEN “You’re lookin’ pretty good for a guy who just got shot up.”
This ocher-colored lichen moves with the currents looking for -- A comforting companion
prey. As if it were moved by some kind of consciousness, it sticks
to any living creature or moving object it can reach (fish, vessel, There is no chance that Trident bacteria will ever be volunta-
diving suit). Once attached, it petrifies its prey and turns matter rily used by the inhabitants below the seas, unlike many mutants
to stone. Depending on the size, type, and thickness of the ma- on the surface. These microscopic spores waft around in the air
terial it is attacking, the transformation can take between one currents and are ingested by the living beings that come their
hour (simple diving suit) to several years (remains of one of the way. Their intrusion is considered a rather particular type of poi-
giant creatures from the Labyrinth). Sulfur lichen can’t affect soning. The spores’ first aim is to affix themselves to their host.
material with a Technology Level higher than III. To get rid of it, Exposure Method: inhalation
a good quick cleaning of the infected area is enough. Onset Delay: 1 minute
Virulence/Progression: 1D6 per hour for 10 hours
TORCH JELLYFISH Thresholds/Effects: Threshold 30: spores affixed. If the
“It’s way better than a lamp, it never breaks down and it spores manage to affix themselves on an organism, they beco-
doesn’t use any energy that could betray your presence or me inert until the subject suffers a wound. When this occurs, a
attract HK VI micro-torpedoes. Sure, once you’re back inside, new poisoning begins.
you’ve got to dump it. But in the meantime, I’ve never had any Onset Delay: instant
complaints about my Flare Jellies.” Virulence/Progression: (no time limit between several
-- A merchant in Equinox wounds): 1D6 per Moderate Wound; 2D6 per Serious Wound;
3D6 per Critical Wound; 4D6 per Mortal Wound; 5D6 per Limb

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)

Thresholds/Effects: Threshold 30: regeneration of the to skin or an armor, it increases all protection against all harmful
wound (unless it is a Limb destroyed, in which case, the wound surface phenomena (radiation, acidity, etc.) by 2 points for 2 hours.
heals over) but the character loses 1 Willpower (the character is Each pot contains enough to completely coat a regular sized human.
not aware of this). Price: 300 Sols
The victim can no longer die from the consequences of his
wounds (unless he is decapitated or his body massively des- HEALING ALGAE
troyed). Once he reaches 0 Willpower, he becomes a complete “This’ll sting a bit, but it’s good for what ails you.”
zombie and the spores take over all control of his body. -- A reassuring doctor
Unfortunately, it seems that only the Cult of the Trident is cur-
rently able to counter the effects of these parasites. When prepared by a professional laboratory, healing algae
look like thin, oily, gray strips. When applied to a wound, they
can stop hemorrhages in the most spectacular way. They grant
MEDICINAL PLANTS a bonus of +6 for Infection Tests. The wild form of these algae only
AND FISH gives a bonus of +3.
Price: 300 Sols/application

Note: although the medicinal properties of many plants have IMMUNITY WORM
been known for a long time, it took many years for the phar- “D’ya mind if I have another swig? I just need to get rid of the
maceutical laboratories beneath the seas to decide to integrate taste in my mouth.”
animal components, especially when it came to living creatures, -- A nauseated man
into their treatments. The following examples cover a very wide
range of applications, but there are many more possibilities. When enough of them are swallowed, these worms allow a
Warning: although medicinal creatures are efficient, they are human to increase their immunity. Their Resistance to diseases
not a miracle cure, or a risk-free treatment. Where there is life, and poisons are increased by +4 for 10 days. Some specific di-

there is hope, but also, and most importantly . . . there is life. seases do, however, not fall under this protection.
Price: 800 Sols
“What’s that jingle of theirs again? When you’re going MACROPHAGE WORM
through hell, reach for a shell? What a load of crap . . .” “So, what am I s’pposed to do if that thing of yours starts
-- A skeptical salesman eating my guts?”
-- A nervous patient
The small mollusks inside these shells produce shocks similar
to adrenaline. To take them, one must swallow the mollusk. The Unlike immunity worms, macrophage worms are used as a
effects are similar to those of a metabolic accelerator, but the type of medicine, capable of eliminating the source of a disease
Shock Test after the effects have worn off does not have a penalty. and/or a parasite. Each type of worm treats a specific disease or
Price: 1,500 Sols infection. It increases the Healing Modifier by +6.
Price: 2,000 Sols
“Would sir care for a parasol?” NEURAL EEL
-- A merchant in Ossyr “Are you tellin’ me that I just spent six days lying in my
bathtub with THAT?”
This ointment is applied to the skin or armor to reduce the -- A convalescing mercenary
Damage inflicted (for each Test) by radiation, acidity, and sur-
face ultraviolet rays by 10 points for 2 hours. Each pot contains The electric abilities of neural eels are used to accelerate the
enough to cover a regular sized human. cellular regeneration process and increase the efficiency of
Price: 3,000 Sols conservation tanks. At least two eels per adult human placed in
a tub of water can serve as a life-support chamber.
GLENN’S GREASE Price: 1,000 Sols
“Y’know what, I’d rather wander around naked than smear
that crap all over my body!” PUMICE
-- A squeamish explorer “Who has been using MY pumice stone?”
-- A lady adventurer in a world of brutes
Glenn’s Grease owes its name to the explorer who discovered
its benefits: Sol Glenn. This oily and rather revolting substance is Pumice can be used in two ways. First, it cleans the skin wi-
excreted by the body of a small terrestrial creature. Once applied thout need for water, by scraping away dirt and eliminating

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)


bacteria with the anti-toxins contained in its pores. It can also Symptoms: First week: patient gets dehydrated; Second
serve as a disinfectant by using it to wash around the edges of week: episodes of insanity, self-asphyxiation, weight loss;
a tended wound (+2 for Tests to resist infection). Third week: patient is hell-bent on putting his head in the wa-
Price: 50 Sols ter. He drowns or suffocates until he has an apoplectic stroke.
Diagnosis Modifier: +4
Healing Modifier: +0
VIRUSES Note: The patient is desperate to remain completely in
contact with water. Humans drown and die quickly, and Hy-
brids disappear so deep into the abyss that their bodies are
DISEASE: NECROSIS never found. No one knows how this disease spreads. Po-
Exposure Method: simple contact, and even more likely lar scientists postulate that a genetic flaw could make some
when fluids are exchanged people vulnerable to a germ that is harmless to others. Other
Contagion Modifier: 0 theories consider it a warning sign of a brutal evolution of the
Incubation Period: 3 days species towards aquatic life.
Virulence/Progression: 2D6 then 1D6 per day for 10 days
Thresholds/Effects: If the character’s Constitution DISEASE: BOIVINESQUE MADNESS
reaches 0, he becomes a Zombie. The Strength gain is limited Exposure Method: blood
to 24. Threshold 5: Reinforced appetite, appearance of brown Contagion modifier: +2
skin marks; Threshold 10: -1 Presence, Constitution, and Incubation Period: 10 days
Coordination. Strength +1. Brown skin marks become black; Virulence/Progression: 1D6, then 1D6 per day for 28 days
Threshold 15: -2 Presence, Constitution, and Coordination. (Maximum one threshold reached during the first two weeks,
Strength +1; Threshold 20: -3 Presence, Constitution, and then two thresholds per week).
Coordination. Strength +2; Threshold 25: -4 Presence, Consti- Thresholds/Effects: If the character’s Willpower or Intelli-
tution, and Coordination. Strength +2; Threshold 30: Uncon- gence reach 0, then he completely loses his mind (and is qui-
trollable appetite. -5 Presence, Constitution, and Coordina- ckly shot down). Threshold 5: -1 Willpower; Threshold 10:
tion. Strength +3. -1 Intelligence; Threshold 15: -1 Willpower, -1 Intelligence;
Symptoms: The patient slowly loses his personality and Threshold 20: -2 Willpower, -2 Intelligence; Threshold 25:
his body changes. He starts by bruising more easily, bruises -2 Willpower, -2 Intelligence; Threshold 30: -4 Willpower, -4
no longer fade and his skin is covered in dark marks. Para- Intelligence;
doxically, he seems to also gain muscle and devours all food Symptoms: First week: Hysteria episodes, the patient has
with a ferocious appetite. Once terminal, he becomes an un- mood swings and can be aggressive. His pupils become red;
controllable beast that is mostly hunting for meat (preferably Second week: uncontrollable episodes of violence, intense
human). sexual activity and abnormally increased appetite; Third
Diagnosis Modifier: +3 week: complete insanity, compulsions to commit murder,
Healing Modifier: -2 rape, and cannibalism; Fourth week: Complete release of all
Note: Unlike the scarlet plague, Necrosis is not deadly, it of the most bestial and violent instincts.
turns the patient into a famished Zombie. The last epidemic of Diagnosis Modifier: +3
Necrosis (also known as Genetician Leprosy for some unknown Healing Modifier: -1
reason) was spotted in Achilla, in Complex 17, ten years ago. Note: The name of Boivinesque madness comes from the first
It always returns when least expected. Infected stations are case on record: Lapro Boivin, a civil servant in the Volcania
usually destroyed. III administration. This peaceful man (although his colleagues
found him a little noisy) turned into a bloodthirsty monster
DISEASE: MARINE PLAGUE and was captured after a manhunt that lasted for days. Doctors
Exposure Method: unknown operated on him and dissected his body before agreeing that
Contagion Modifier: +0 it was due to a disease. One of them, Professor Bertonius, was
Incubation Period: 15 days in turn affected by the disease. We know that the disease is
Virulence/Progression: 1D6 per day for 21 days (maximum blood-borne only and that is not bound to any known location.
two thresholds reached per week).
Thresholds/Effects: If the character’s Constitution DISEASE: ACCELERATOR
reaches 0, he dies. Threshold 5: dehydration, Strength -1; Exposure Method: contact
Threshold 10: Constitution -1; Threshold 15: Constitution Contagion Modifier: +2
-2, Strength -1; Threshold 20: Constitution -2, Strength -1; Incubation Period: 2 days
Threshold 25: Constitution -2, Strength -1; Threshold 30: Virulence/Progression: Every other day
Constitution -2, Strength -1 Thresholds/Effects: If the character’s Constitution
reaches 0, he dies of exhaustion. Threshold 5: Coordina-

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)

tion +1, Constitution -1, Stun and Knockout Thresholds -1; be an affront to common decency. From a more practical point
Threshold 10: Coordination +1, Constitution -1, Stun and of view, some armors are reinforced with Coral Canvas. As this
Knockout Thresholds -2; Threshold 15: Coordination +1, layer contains a lot of trapped air compartments and it provides
Constitution -2, Stun and Knockout Thresholds -2; Threshold cushioning in case of a hit, it protects the armor wearer from
20: Coordination +1, Constitution -2, Stun and Knockout being crushed.
Thresholds -3; Threshold 25: Coordination +2, Constitution Pricing example: Coral dress: 1,500 Sols on average.
-3, Stun and Knockout Thresholds -3; Threshold 30: Coordi-
nation +2, Constitution -4, Stun and Knockout Thresholds -4; NATURAL SILK
Symptoms: First week: all activities are accelerated and Explorers sometimes bring back cocoons from the surface.
speech speeds up; Second week: significant acceleration of Inside them are usually the larvae of killer wasps that are dis-
all movements, but not of precision; Third week: the patient posed of quickly, before they wake up. The remaining cocoons
5 does everything three times faster than everyone else but are then treated and woven to create the most expensive fabric
wastes as much time with his clumsiness. on the whole planet. It is said that wars have been fought over
Diagnosis Modifier: +4 a natural silk outfit. Furthermore, there are many soothing and
Healing Modifier: -4 healing properties (falsely) attributed to this fabric. Realistical-
Note: The first recorded case of this virus took place on Ke- ly, no one owns a whole outfit made of silk, but rather a part of
ryss. Rumor has it that the Hegemonic scientists wanted to a piece of clothing (a sleeve, a collar, or a border).
create a substance that would shorten the reaction time of Pricing example: natural silk dress: 40,000 Sols on average (if
their soldiers. One of their test subjects got out and spread the it even exists).
virus around the town (and subsequently around the world).
There is only one treatment for this disease: complete bed WOVEN SEAWEED
rest for life (until death). Some soldiers are therefore kept in Less fashionable than Coral Canvas, woven seaweed is also
a state of semi-consciousness in stasis chambers and are only more common and less expensive. It is often used to make me-
brought out to carry out short missions that require fast and dium range clothing, home linen, and other day-to-day fabric
coordinated actions. items. The natural colors are sickly green and black, which ex-
plains why the fabric is usually dyed.
Pricing example: woven seaweed dress: 600 Sols on average.
Using the natural properties of marine creatures is normal.
What is less normal is misusing those properties for illegal, mi-
Monsters are not the only product of the seas. There are many litary, or plain stupid purposes. The following are examples of
minerals, plants, and creatures that are godsends for humanity. gadgets that will delight the average scoundrel.
The following are a few practical examples of the optimized
gifts of Mother Nature. ALPERINE
Alperine is a very rare red marine flower, sold on the black
TEXTILES OF A NEW KIND market for between 300 and 10,000 Sols. It does not really have
Humanity’s move beneath the waves and the disappearance any specific use; however, it does have a reputation for bringing
of woolly mammals were the main cause of the widespread use bad luck to anyone who receives it as a gift. Worse still, finding
of synthetic textiles. As warm and comfortable as the old ma- alperine at the entrance to one’s cabin is a sure sign of impen-
terials, they remained humankind’s only source of textiles for ding death. It is only a superstition, but it is so strong that per-
centuries. There was not much happening in terms of fashion, fectly level-headed people have been known to panic and kill
and apart from those in uniforms, one person looked much like themselves upon receiving a flower.
the next.
As the empires separated and resources and cultures diver- INDISCRETE THINGS (OR SPY SHELLS)
sified, different clothing styles began to appear. Above all, the Indiscrete Things are gastropods with a conch shell about ten
progress of science (usually military) brought the discovery of centimeters long, capable of living out of the water for over a
new textiles that come from marine life. week and communicating by ultrasound. They are small but
pretty and can easily go unnoticed. Their ability to communi-
CORAL CANVAS cate with one another is what makes them interesting. Placed
This coral-based fiber is never colored so that the cloth retains on either side of a wall, they can reproduce the sounds around
its original hues. It is completely fluid, although designers enjoy them more or less precisely. They can therefore replace a mi-
rigidifying the garments made with it or adding more or less so- crophone, even though the sound quality is less than perfect.
lid decorations to them. The Coraleans are the main market for They need to be still and less than a meter from one another.
this material and their fashion is often considered by others to When fresh, spy shells have 18 chances out of 20 of transmitting

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)

good quality sound. For every day spent out of water, they lose
2 points. This is another example of a natural defense mechanism mi-
sused by humans. These shells open and close when a preda-
KISSING FISH tor approaches, causing vibrations. This effect disrupts sonar
This bony sardine has nothing but predators. Anything over communication and detection systems. As if that were not
20 cm in size is a potential kissing fish hunter. When a shoal is enough, they can also imitate the sound signature of a much
attacked, it releases an aphrodisiac substance that causes the larger predator to drive the actual predator away. Pirates use
predator to immediately search for a partner. The hormone vibrating mussels (and eat them too) as a way to scramble the
works regardless of species, including for humans. Prostitutes communications of small vessels (the radio on a diving suit,
therefore use a perfume made from the glands of kissing fish. for example).
Resisting it (Hybrids and Techno-Hybrids are not affected by
it) requires a Willpower Test with a penalty ranging from 2 to 12
depending on the dose and quality of the product. This drug is DOMESTIC USES
forbidden in most large cities and can be bought on the black
market for 500 Sols for a vial of 30 doses.
SAND WORM Humankind can have other relationships with nature than
These creatures are sold by the kilo, not per unit. Sand worms that of predator and prey (and vice versa). From the first days
are two centimeters long at most, and look almost exactly like of settling beneath the waves, farmers were able to use the
maggots. Only their metallic green rings make them distingui- resources of the seas to feed the population. Synthesized food
shable from the regular scavengers. The advantage of these makes up most of the regular menus, but there are many pro-
Burrowers, capable of gnawing away at the hardest rocks, is ducts of the sea available. The following creatures are rather
that they are attracted to precious metals. Many an unregis- common, and not generally aggressive or dangerous. Without
tered miner who cannot afford to do proper sampling has them, humans would have died of hunger centuries ago. Here
turned to sand worms. They can be bought for 300 Sols per are a few examples of the uses made of marine resources and
kilo, and they can go for six days before they turn into flies. their average price.

This small orange algae is very rare, and capable of sprea- Food produce comes from farms that can range from a
ding at the breathtaking speed of one cubic meter per hour. It small 10-person establishment to an agricultural cooperative
eats through steel to feed and slips into every pipe. The Battle of 2,000 people (or more). Although the farm structures are
of Babouchy was won by General Blondin of the Red League usually fairly small, the underwater fields can cover whole
against the Coral Republic, thanks to the Scoundrel. His spies acres. From aquaculture to livestock farming, there are many
placed sprouts of the algae in strategic places. Many ships were activities and much work to be done beneath the waves. It is
blocked due to the ship damage it caused and were forced to well-known that farmers are well-off people who profit from
return to port to be cleaned from top to bottom. the great demand for natural products. The larger the city, the
Price: 2,000 Sols per sprout more expensive the farm produce found there (roughly 50%
more than the usual price).
This silly little octopus is no bigger than your hand and it will ALGAE
lovingly stick to your arm. It is also one of the most discreet This is the main production of the underwater farms. Indeed,
weapons in the whole of the underwater universe. It can get it is not only the simplest to cultivate but also the easiest to
past detectors, only needs feeding every six days, and can be transform. Aside from the classic mash (5 to 10 Sols for one
out of water for just as long. It is easy to use, just point its beak soup), it has many other uses.
at a target and squish it (to death, of course). It spits out its Chewing paste (for decompression): 3 sols per portion
gastric fluids that are not only poisonous but also very cor- Seaweed salad: 5 to 50 Sols depending on the quality
rosive. Although this acid is originally meant to dissolve the Seaweed milk: 15 Sols per glass
shells of mollusks, it has no effect in water (on a diving suit, for Seaweed spice: 3 Sols per pot
example). This uses the bows, spearguns, and crossbows Skill. Seaweed oil: 6 Sols per liter
Type: Durophage Seaweed gasoline (fuel): 1.2 Sols per liter
Acid: Melee, Dam. 2D10, +2 per Round for 10 Rounds
Price: 4,000 Sols CRUSTACEANS
They are the most luxurious of products.
Golden crab (5 kg): 800 Sols each
Spider crab (4 kg): 400 Sols each

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)

Giant crayfish (6 kg): 800 Sols each
Aphrodisiac prawns: 300 Sols per 100 g. They have no actual Its consumption is in theory regulated by very strict laws on
aphrodisiac effect! all stations. In practice, those in power often encourage the
masses to drown their sorrows in the deleterious vapors of the
NATURAL FRUIT/MUSHROOMS/FLOWERS dive bars. As a reminder, Ravage is available for 10 Sols per 5 cl.
It is possible to synthesize fruit, and also commonly used Seaweed whisky (peated): 200 to 600 Sols per liter
mushrooms. True orchards are, however, rare, and their Classic cocktail: 20 Sols per 30 cl
upkeep is very costly. Indeed, far from the warm rays of the sun, Anemone liqueur: 30 to 200 Sols per 30 cl
its benefits must be recreated in huge greenhouses. Likewise, Lava alcohol: 15 Sols per 30 cl (its sale is forbidden as it drives
mushrooms need to be protected from the saltiness of the sea people insane)
that makes them unfit for consumption. As for flowers and suc-
5 culents, they remain relatively affordable. HOUSEHOLD PRODUCTS
Natural fruit: 250 to 800 Sols each (oranges, apples, walnuts, Last, but not least, creatures can have applications in every-
dates, mangoes, etc.) day upkeep. Why create a complex and costly machine when
Natural vegetables: 40 to 120 Sols per 45 g nature can offer the same thing for free? Here are two specific
Natural mushrooms: 800 Sols per 100 g examples.
Flowers: 20 to 300 Sols each
Succulent: 50 to 300 Sols each LEECHES
Leeches are used in the slums for medical reasons, as they
PLANKTON/JELLYFISH/SEAHORSES/EGGS are known to suck up humors and fevers. The more perfected
Aside from phytoplankton, there is not much call for eating charlatans have a type of leech available for each disease (the
them, and most of the demand comes from the Coral Republic price varies depending on the severity, needless to say). The
bases (aside from the case of the distiller jellyfish). They are placebo effect does sometimes work. In theory selling leeches
usually served as hors d’oeuvres. There is no specialized aqua- is illegal, but the authorities know that the poor cannot af-

culture for them, rather a fishing industry. Most of the large ford to pay for medical care. The problem is that when used
cities depend on plankton (2 Sols per portion of slop). on multiple patients in a row, these bloodsuckers are often the
Sea caviar: 300 Sols per serving main cause of the spread of epidemics.
Fried seahorses: 100 Sols per 100 g Leeches: from 20 to 500 Sols (rarely more) for 5 specimens.
Jellied jellyfish: 100 Sols each
Plankton in sauce: 20 Sols per 100 g CLEANER MOLLUSKS
In a completely different category, these forty-centime-
SEASHELLS ter-long slugs are used to clean the giant glass walls of the sta-
Shell aquaculture is not only the breeding of shells (spoiler tions (Volcania III or Guamea for example), as well as ducts,
alert!) but also sea slugs and larvae. This fairly common pro- reactors, hulls of ships, etc. Depending on the species, they
duction is reserved for the upper classes. Seafood platters are have different dietary requirements. The smaller ones will rid
so expensive as to only be served to common folk on the most a hull of all the micro-algae, while others will handle the pa-
special occasions. As a reminder, 100 g of shellfish vary between rasitic shellfish. It takes a full hour for them to cover a square
20 and 60 Sols. meter, and the operation must take place in water (they do not
Giant oysters (1 kg): 100 Sols each survive more than an hour in the open air).
Fried slugs: 60 Sols per 100 g Cleaner Mollusk: 30 to 200 Sols each
Larvae: 10 to 200 Sols per 100 g


Mandatory for survival, liquids are a major economic stake.
“A gun? Dude that’s so old fashioned!”
-- A promising young man
Marine mammals are the main producers of natural milk.
There is a synthetic milk (10 Sols per 30 cl) but it barely has more Note: The following creatures are not “encounters,” but
flavor than retreated water. Dolphin milk is the most common. weapons. As they mastered the poisons of certain terrestrial
Dolphin or whale milk: 10 Sols per liter and underwater varieties, so have city dwellers learned to use
Natural marine dairy goods: 400 Sols per 100 g the murderous abilities of many creatures to do dirty deeds.
All of the weapons listed below are completely illegal in un-
derwater stations, although that does not stop their sale be-
coming more and more common and their prices reaching
ridiculous amounts.

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)



victim’s body, causing 1D6 Damage on the first Attack. The At-
“Oh man, my brand-new armor . . .” tacks come at a rate of 1 per minute, and the Damage increases
-- A devastated mercenary by +2 Points every time. A victim will suffer a maximum of 10
Attacks and cannot benefit from any resistance to Damage. It
Description: There are several plants and creatures that can is possible to try and vomit out the sponges during the first At-
produce substances that are poisonous, medicinal, or will just tack, but there is a chance that they will stay stuck inside the
give you an itch. There are two types of acid spores: those that body. Carry out a Luck Test for every attempt to expel them (pe-
attack organic matter and those that affect inanimate objects, nalty of -1 for every minute that passes, and each attempt takes
and they are respectively inefficient against the other type of 1 minute). Three successful Tests are required for the sponges
substance. Once applied (or simply projected), the spores begin to be successfully expelled. If three Tests in a row are failed,
to generate microscopic substances that eat away at flesh or then the sponges swell up in the victim’s throat and the charac-
metal at an astounding rate. The effects are instantaneous. ter suffocates to death. 10 sponges must be used for the attack
Damage: 2D10 +3 per Round for 10 Rounds. Furthermore, an to have any effect (and therefore inflict Damage). Using fewer
Integrity Test is required for the affected area with a penalty of than that will have no effect other than causing some nasty sto-
1 per Round. The spores cannot affect materials with a TL V or mach cramps. The Damage increases by +1 for every 2 sponges
higher. over 10, but in that case, the victim gets a bonus of +1 for every
Each dose of spores can affect a maximum surface of 10 square 2 sponges over 10 to detect something unusual in his dish with
centimeters. The most efficient technique is to place a dose of a Perception Test.
spores in a bag that will dissolve in water . . . Price: 1,500 Sols for 10
Price: 500 Sols per dose
PARASITIC URCHINS “Woah, I can hear the sea!”
“That’s one hell of a pimple!” -- A future corpse
-- A doctor in Warton
Like many other seashells on the sea floor, the shells that
Parasitic urchins are imported from the surface by traffickers contain symbiotic pearls live in pairs. For as long as they are
of poisonous plants and animals. Barely larger than a thumb, together, the shells have no effect whatsoever. Once separated,
these spiny shellfish can stick to any living organism and deve- however, the pearls snuggling in the heart of the shell start sen-
lop a forced symbiosis with their host. Once affixed, using tiny ding out sonic waves in order to find their other half. The inten-
hooks, the urchins sink their roots into the flesh and create an sity of these waves is weakened by distance, so the users of this
exchange of fluids. It only takes a few hours for the parasite to remarkable weapon tend to find a way to stay fairly close to their
settle in. Once the roots are planted, the urchin becomes impos- victim. The sonic wave affects all living beings within a radius
sible to extract without causing fearsome damage to the host of 2 meters. Whoever has the shell is subject to a sonic Attack
organism. It takes a Surgery Test with a penalty of 2 +1 per day of that inflicts 2D10 physical and shock Damage, and other victims
implantation to avoid a wrong move. An attempt to extract one in the area of effect only suffer 1D10 Damage. The Damage is
manually causes an Attack inflicting 1D10 Damage +2 per day of reduced by 1 Point for every 5 meters of distance between the
implantation. two shells. This attack can cause an accidental unleashing of the
Price: 500 Sols per 100 Polaris Effect. Assassins usually protect themselves against the
effect of their own shell by keeping it in an airtight container.
VORACIOUS SPONGES Price: 4,000/6,000 Sols
“Are you gonna finish that? Can I have it?”
-- A dining companion JELLYWEED
“Pressure loss in Zone 5. Activating Last Chance system.”
The murderous abilities of these sponges were discovered ac- “What? What depth am I at?”
cidentally during a meal taking place at an inn on Zyar. They “Depth is 6,500 meters.”
work in a very simple way: when they come into contact with “But this armor can go as far as 10,000 meters . . .”
water and warmth, voracious sponges simply swell up. The pro- -- An over confident diver
blem is that this variety has the ability to dry out so completely Jellyweeds are a cross between algae and a jellyfish. They are
that it can shrink to a size of just one or two millimeters, and translucent, extremely fine and about the size of a human palm.
then swell up to a nice big sphere of about ten centimeters in They live stuck to underwater rocks and feed on plankton that
diameter! Assassins patiently dry them out and keep them far the sea currents bring their way. Their lethal abilities were dis-
away from any source of humidity, then drop them into a warm covered less than ten years ago when, on returning from an ex-
dish of food. It takes about ten minutes for the dried sponges to pedition, a diver brought back a load of underwater finds, upon
“wake up” and begin to swell up exponentially. If they are eaten which several of these creatures had fixed themselves. A few
before that happens, then they will start to swell once inside the days later, the goods were transferred to a much deeper station

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)

and half of the objects were mysteriously destroyed. The jel- of crystals, the victim will develop a parasitic cluster starting
lyweeds can’t stand great depths. If they are taken below -6,000 at the part of his body that was in contact with the crystal.
meters, they dissolve, taking with them whatever material they
were attached to at that moment, like a potent form of acid. SHRAPNEL CRYSTALS
The attack inflicts 1D10 Damage + 1 Point per Round for 2D10 These small crystals do not grow, but they have a bad habit
Rounds. Furthermore, an Integrity Test is required for the affec- of exploding when their environment is changed. As for the
ted area, with a penalty of -1 per Round. The depth threshold proliferating crystals, they can react to oxygen, light, contact,
at which this effect is triggered is of 6,000 + 1D100 meters. Ru- etc. When one of these crystals explodes, it projects extremely
mor has it that there are gigantic varieties of these creatures, sharp pieces of shrapnel over a 10-meter radius, and they in-
capable of creating great craters of damage on the hulls of ships. flict 2D10 Base Damage, -1 Point per meter of range. The At-
Price: 8,000/10,000 Sols tack has a level of 12. This type of crystal is a perfect weapon
for terrorist attacks.


These crystals do not look at all different from the other spe-
In the very deepest of trenches (depths of over 10,000 me- cies when they are found in the deep underwater trenches.
ters), a multitude of crystal-based creatures have been disco- However, if they are exposed to light for at least 1 hour, they
vered. Some of them are dangerous, others not so much. The absorb it and release it back again at an amplified intensity
only problem is that they all look so similar, and harvesting for roughly ten minutes. For every hour of exposure to any
them can be risky. The crystals are defined by their volume, kind of light, a crystal will glow for 10 minutes at twice the
and when they are proliferating, that volume increases by 1 brightness it was exposed to. No one has ever found a crystal
for the first Round, 2 for the second Round, 4 for the third, 8 that could provide light for more than an hour.
for the fourth, etc. All crystals are sensitive to sonic weapons,
which automatically reduce their volume by the amount of DEFENSIVE CRYSTALS

Damage dealt. These particularly unusual crystals proliferate when put in

contact with metal and they cover the surface with a fine but
PROLIFERATING CRYSTALS rather interesting coat of crystals. Indeed, any metal covered
These crystals, thankfully an extremely rare species, can be in this type of crystal reduces by half the amount of Damage
found at any depth. They remain inert until their environment caused to it by power weapons. These attacks inflict no Da-
is changed: some crystals react to oxygen, others to pressure, mage whatsoever on the layer of crystals. Furthermore, there
yet others to light, but some tales tell of crystals that even is one chance in ten that that type of attack will be entirely
react to a simple contact. Once triggered, they begin to proli- reflected back onto the attacker. The defensive crystal is ex-
ferate at an unimaginable speed. If a character is right next to tremely rare, and it grows at a slow rate. One crystal will cover
the crystals when this happens, he must carry out a Reaction 1 square meter of surface per year. It can easily be trimmed
Test to avoid the first Round of proliferation. If he fails that when it overgrows the surface that it is protecting. Strangely
Test, then the crystals begin to grow on him and he has to enough, the trimmed crystals fall apart soon after being cut
carry out a Strength Test once per Round to be able to move. off. Some rumors speak of symbiotic crystals from the same
This Test has a -2 penalty for the first Round, -4 for the second, species that grow on living flesh. Against any other type of
-6 for the third, -8 for the forth, -10 for the fifth, and so on. attack, the crystal can take 50 Damage for each zone that it
A successful Strength Test is only enough to move, it does not is protecting. These points regenerate at a rate of 1 Point per
give the character any hope of escaping the proliferation that hour. These Points are not an additional protection, they are
will end up covering him completely sooner or later. only a means of calculating the moment at which the crystal is
If a character cannot escape the proliferation, he finds him- destroyed for a protected area.
self stuck inside the crystal mass. As soon as he is immobilized
(on the first failed Strength Test), he then suffers for the first FLASH CRYSTALS
Round 1D6 Damage +1D6 per Round (max 10D6) until the crys- Flash crystals react when they are subjected to a light source.
tal reaches its critical mass and explodes. A crystal takes 2D10 For 1D100 Rounds the crystals will accumulate the energy from
Rounds to reach its critical mass. When it explodes, it projects the light and release it in 1 Round by projecting laser beams in
fragments of crystal around it, hitting anything nearby with a every direction, completely at random. Each potential target
Base Damage of 4D10. The Attack has a level of 12. The victims must carry out a Luck Test. If the test result is a Failure, the
that are prisoners of the crystal cluster are not affected by this target is hit by an attack (level 14) that inflicts 1D6 Damage for
attack. A living creature can be covered by the crystals if it is every 10 Rounds that the crystal is exposed to light.
cornered or in contact with it, even if only with the tip of a
finger. If so, then even if he moves away from the main cluster

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)

Creature Environment/Geographic area Page Creature Environment/Geographic area Page
Acarat Burrower Underground 194 Desert leech n/a 238
Acid spore n/a 245 Devourer Europe, North America 158
Adrenal shell n/a 240 Distiller jellyfish Oceans 12
African wasp n/a 238 Dolphin Oceans 75
Alperine n/a 242 Dragon Everywhere 159
Alpha Techno-hybrid Everywhere 211 Driller Coastal regions 37
Anglerfish Oceans 34 Dzaar Ruins on the surface 111
Ant crab Underground (near a source of 22 Emperor angelfish Pacific Ocean, Amazonia 38
water) Energy haze Everywhere 177
Arachnil Underwater stations 137 Felorm Oceans 196
Arisheim abomination Surface 176 Feral Jungles and forests 97
Arisheim swarm Jungles and forests 138 Fireroach Everywhere 144
Assassin jellyfish Pacific Ocean 11 Flame tree Africa 98
Assassin larva Everywhere 130 Flash crystal n/a 246
Atlas turtle South Pacific Ocean 70 Flash fish Oceans 39
Barracuda South Atlantic, Hegemony, Indian 35 Flesh eating macrovirus Ruins 178
Ocean, Eastern Pacific Ocean Flesh-eating butterfly Jungles and forests 145
Batrach Swamps 155 Flux moray eel Flux 169
Beta 453 Techno-hybrid Everywhere 212 Flying scorpion fish Red Sea, Mediterranean Sea, 41
Black dolphin Pacific Ocean 73 Indian Ocean, Pacific Ocean
Black empress, offspring Americas 140 Furral Continental Europe 112
Black empress, queen Americas 139 Ghost wire Equinox 179
Black hound Europe, North America 107 Giant ant Everywhere 146
Blade fish Oceans 39 Giant bee Everywhere 147
Bleeders Oceans 21 Giant beetle Underground and deserts 148
Blue pointer shark Atlantic Ocean, Pacific Ocean, 54 Giant clam Pacific Ocean, Mediterranean Sea 26
Indian Ocean Giant crab Coastal regions 23
Bobrat Everywhere 108 Giant gorgon Pacific Ocean (all the oceans) 9
Brass North America, Australia 156 Giant monkfish Atlantic Ocean 42
Builder Mountains, underground and 141 Giant praying mantis Everywhere 149
ruins Giant ray Coasts of the Atlantic Ocean, Gulf 48
Builder proteus Everywhere 210 of Mexico, Caribbean Sea
Bull shark Atlantic Ocean 55 Giant regalec Atlantic Ocean, Pacific Ocean, 43
Burrower worm Everywhere 131 Indian Ocean
Caan Flux 168 Giant scorpion Swamps and deserts 150
California jewfish Pacific Ocean 36 Giant sea serpent Atlantic Ocean 84
Cat of Ultar Ultar 109 Giant Siberian tiger Siberia 113
Chameleon shark Pacific Ocean 56 Giant spider crab Coastal regions 24
Chitin Jungles and forests 142 Giant tentacled anemone Oceans 7
Chromatic anemone n/a 238 Giant termite South America, Asia, Australia, 151
Cleaner mollusk n/a 244 Africa
Coastal crocodile Islands in the Pacific Ocean, Aus- 157 Gibbon Jungles 114
tralia, South America Glenn’s grease Surface 240
Common cockroach Everywhere 143 Glider Equinox 180
Common rat Ruins 110 Gorging worm Equinox (everywhere) 132
Control hybrid Underground 201 Gorgor Underground Ruins 181
Defensive crystal n/a 246 Green gargan Jungles and forests 99
Delphinoid Oceans 74 Guardian angel Jungles 115

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)

Creature Environment/Geographic area Page Creature Environment/Geographic area Page

Guardian angel anemone n/a 238 Man-eating sarracenia Jungles and forests 100
Guardian polyp Oceans 10 Man-eating worm Everywhere 133
Harpoon urchin Pacific Ocean (all of the oceans) 18 Mamba Techno-hybrid Everywhere 213
Harvester Everywhere 182 Manta ray Oceans 51
Head-gobbler Coastal regions 27 Marsh leech n/a 239
Healing Algae n/a 240 Mask fish Oceans 40
Hobo urchin Oceans 19 Medusa Flux 171
Hook hybrid Underground 199 Melodia Oceans 16
Horned beluga Northern seas 77 Miner fish Coral reefs 46
Horned snake Asia, South America 116 Minor entity Jungles and forests 172
5 Hunter proteus Everywhere 208 Minotaur jellyfish Pacific Ocean (all of the oceans) 14
Hyaenna Africa, North America 117 Mirena Storms 185
Hydra of the deep Atlantic Ocean 28 Monolith Oceans 89
Immunity worm n/a 240 Moray snake Coastal regions 67
Imperial orca Arctic Circle 79 Mutant Felorm Oceans 198
Indiscrete things n/a 242 Mutant wolf Forests 123
Infiltrator proteus Everywhere 207 Narwhal Arctic Ocean 82
Ironeater ray Oceans 49 Necron Equinox 186
Jellyfish Deserts or swamps 118 Neo-megalodon Oceans 91
Jellyweed n/a 245 Neural eel n/a 240
Killer algae Oceans 5 Olomber Underground 219
Atlantic Ocean, North Sea, Medi- Onyx Underground 221
Killer conger terranean Sea, Black Sea, Acores 44 Orca Oceans 78
and Gibraltar Osmor Everywhere 187
Kissing fish n/a 243 Parasitic urchin n/a 245
Coastal Regions around the Pet turtle Oceans 71
Korelia Mediterranean Sea and the Pacific 29 Rivers and streams, coastal
Ocean Piranhas regions of South America and 47
Kraal hounds Equinox 183 Oceania
Kraken squid Oceans 32 Plants n/a 203
Krane North America (Northern 119 Plated shark Oceans 57
Hemisphere) Proliferating crystal n/a 246
Lantern crystal n/a 246 Purple algae Coastal regions 6
Larsen fish Oceans 40 Raine Flux 173
Leech n/a 244 Rakeet Underwater stations 124
Lemur Jungles and forests of Eastern 120 Rat snake Everywhere 125
Africa and Asia Ray turtle Pacific Ocean, Indian Ocean 72
Lemurian Jungles and forests of Eastern 121 Razor fern Jungles and forests 101
Africa and Asia Reaper octopus Oceans 31
Leopard otter Coastal regions in the Northern 80 Reaper spider North America 152
Hemisphere Recycled Techno-hybrid Everywhere 214
Leopard ray Oceans 50 Rhino shark Atlantic Ocean, Pacific Ocean, 58
Leviathan Oceans 87 Indian Ocean
Leviathan whale Oceans 81 Rhinoceros spider Asia, South America 153
Lewis ant n/a 238 Rock monster Mountainous areas 160
Light-eater Europe, Americas 122 Sackar Oceans 92
Lightning sylph Everywhere 184 Mediterranean Sea, Pirate King-
Limophryne arborifera Atlantic Ocean, Pacific Ocean, 45 Salini doms, Eastern Atlantic Ocean, 53
Indian Ocean West coast of South America

Lorogan Burrower Underground 192 Sand ray Deserts 161

Lover cone Oceans (near heat sources) 30 Sand tiger shark Atlantic Ocean (coastal regions 59
Macrophage worm n/a 240 around North America and Africa)
Maelstrom jellyfish Region around Volcania III 13 Sand worms n/a 243
Magma sleeper Underwater volcanoes 90 Scavenger Americas 126

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)

Creature Environment/Geographic area Page Creature Environment/Geographic area Page
Scori Underground 222 Tiger shark Caribbean Sea, Indian Ocean, 62
Scoundrel n/a 243 Pacific Ocean
Sea dragon Coastal regions 68 Tiger squid Oceans 33
Sea serpent Northern and Western Atlantic 69 Tiger-wasp Everywhere 154
Ocean Titan crab Oceans 25
Sentry shark Atlantic Ocean, Mediterranean 60 Titan worm Everywhere (underground) 163
Sea Torpedo fish Oceans 65
Serax Jungles and forests 102 Torpedo ray Oceans 52
Serpent vine Jungles and forests 103 Trident Bacteria n/a 239
Shade Flux 174 Trident-worm Everywhere 135
Shrapnel crystal n/a 246 Trench Walrus Arctic Ocean 83
Silent pilgrim Everywhere 188 Tyrann Everywhere 164
Sirach Jungles and forests 127 Umar Burrower Underground 192
Siren Oceans 95 Unstable Techno-hybrid Everywhere 214
Siren shark Atlantic Ocean 61 Vampire leech Everywhere 136
Smothering taro Jungles and forests 104 Varan Australia (Southern Hemisphere) 165
Solar Oceans 89 Vibrating mussel n/a 243
Spitting octopus n/a 243 Voracious sponge n/a 245
Squale Flux 175 Vortex Oceans 20
Sticky worm Everywhere 134 Vour Deserts 168
Stone anemone Pacific Ocean 8 Weever Coastal regions 66
Stone eater Underground 162 Weever, leaf fish Beaches and ruins 66
Strangling willow Jungles and swamps 105 Weever, pufferfish Surface 66
Sulfur lichen n/a 239 Whale shark Pacific Ocean 63
Suragor Underground 194 Wild dolphin/ Oceans 76
Surgeon hybrid Underground 202 bottlenose dolphin
Surior Burrower Underground 190 Wolf Forests and plains of Europe and 129
Swordfish Tropical and temperate seas 64 North America
Sylside Oceans 17
Symbiont jellyfish Oceans 15
Symbiotic pearls n/a 245
Synid Underground 223
Tantalus Swamps and deserts 106
Ternaset Everywhere 215
Ternaset swpawn Everywhere 218
Thornhog Europe, North America 128

EDGAR BITTNER SILVA (Order #42078994)

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