A Novel Source Side Power Quality I
A Novel Source Side Power Quality I
A Novel Source Side Power Quality I
© 2021 The Author(s). This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
S. Selvaperumal,
Selvaperumal, N.
N. Krishnamoorthy, and G.
Krishnamoorthy, and G. Prabhakar
been used. SCR based soft starting uses phase angle control activities etc. The torque produced by the SCIM is a function
and it leads to reduced power factor and poor quality of source of square of applied voltage [20]. Soft starting is essentially the
current during the starting period. However, in [9] the authors gradual rather than a sudden production of torque. Sudden pro-
have used the extinction angle control of soft starting using duction of torque happens with full operating voltage applied at
MOSFETs. This scheme provided improved source side power one time while soft starting is about applying the voltage grad-
factor. In this paper, the idea forwarded is that a symmetri- ually or in a continuously variable gradual basis [15]. The three
cally placed switching pulse with conduction periods gradu- phase AC voltage regulator makes it possible to continuously
ally increasing from the off state to the fully running condi- or gradually increase the applied voltage so that the SCIM is
tion [10, 11]. The proposed idea has the advantages of more started in a soft and smooth manner.
smooth starting process with continuously varied conduction
period, improved power factor on source side, improved start-
ing current waveform on the source side with reduced THD 2. SCR based three phase AC voltage controllers
throughout the starting period.
The SCIM is most rugged and simplest of electrical motors. The only degree of freedom to implement a loss less soft start-
It is the most popular and most useful and simplest as well ing scheme is to control the voltage applied to the motor. The
[12, 13]. The SCIM is available in single phase and three phase AC voltage controller is a topology is best suited for this pur-
versions and the discussions in this paper pertain to three phase pose [21]. The given topology of the SCR based AC voltage
SCIM. During the transient period the entire electromagnetic controller that is suitable for an R type load typically used for
and electromechanical consideration of the machine becomes heat control (Fig. 1).
very complex [14, 15]. The stator current undergoes a rapid
change, the speed rapidly changes the position based mutual
inductances change and the interaction of all these things op-
erate in a complex manner during the starting period. The ac-
tion of the soft starter is to govern the transient period in such
a manner that stator current is within limits, the torque devel-
opment is smoother with reduced mechanical vibrations, with
minimal losses and with improved source side power factor and
decreased source current THD. Starting from rest, if a certain
small instalment of exciting voltage ‘e’ is applied to the sta-
tor then current starts flowing in the stator and rotor and ulti-
mately a torque is produced. This torque will turn the rotor of
the motor until motor reaches a certain steady state speed. The Fig. 1. Topology of the three phase AC voltage controller
applied voltage e has been just sufficient to take the rotor to
a new steady state speed ‘n’. Since the electrical and mechani- With the RL load, in order to use the stored energy a free-
cal time constants are different it takes a finite time for the rotor wheeling system is necessary and the AC voltage controller
to reach this speed n in time ‘t’ [16]. If more voltage is applied catering to RL load may use a freewheeling system. Phase an-
than ‘e’, which was applied in the earlier case, then the motor gle control is usually used with AC voltage controllers that are
would produce more torque and steady state speed would be- built around SCRs. SCRs can be turned on at required instant
come more than ‘n’ and that the speed ‘n’ would have reached but they cannot be turned off at required instant without the ad-
at a time earlier than time ‘t’ it took in the earlier case. Sudden dition of some complex commutation arrangements [22]. The
application of full voltage produces large torque and the motor SCR however turns off naturally at zero crossings when the
tries to reach the full rated speed in a short while [17]. With ex- current through the SCR just crosses a value below the mini-
citing voltages applied in small instalments the acceleration can mal current called holding current. Thus, AC voltage controllers
be controlled and the motor may be guided to the rated speed in built around SCRs are suitable for conduction period control
a smooth manner. This way the unnecessary high starting cur- scheme wherein the turn on instant is user defined and the turn
rent may be reduced, the rate of change of mutual inductances off instant is system dependent.
will be reduced, the vibrations will be reduced and there are
several advantages behind such a smooth starting [18].
Soft starting is a phenomenon that is applicable only during 3. MOSFET based AC voltage controllers
the starting period. It has nothing to do with the performance of
motor under steady state running condition. All issues associ- Power MOSFETs can also be used for the construction of AC
ated with starting process happen only for a short transient pe- voltage controllers. Figure 1 shows the topology of an AC volt-
riod [19]. However, in a large industrial plant with a large num- age controller with power MOSFETs as the main switches.
ber of high-power motors which are frequently turned on and MOSFETs, unlike SCRs can be turned ON and OFF at required
off the overall scenario becomes very complex and the all-round instants as defined or desired by the user. Hence it is possible
performance of the entire industry will degrade causing losses, to construct AC voltage controllers with MOSFETs with any
power quality issues, frequent electromechanical maintenance control strategies like firing angle control, or extinction angle
Fig. 6. The Waveforms and FFT pertaining to the load side voltage and
current with R Load in the case of excitation angle control
Fig. 9. Source current of an extinction angle controller with 50% duty
Fig. 11. The waveform and FFT of the source current with symmetrical
Fig. 8. Load side voltage with RL load – Extinction angle controller angle controller for 50% conduction
before the zero crossing the power factor of the source current Considering a 50 Hz power system with 380 V as the line volt-
also increases. The simple symmetrical angle control can also age, if the starting period is 30 seconds then the total number
be extended for soft starting of the three phase SCIM. The rel- of cycles covering the starting period will be 1500. Each cycle
evant waveforms of symmetrical angle based soft starting are starting from the 0th cycle will have an area that is distributed
shown in Fig. 12. linearly over 1500 cycles. The 1500th cycle will have full area
or conveniently an area of 1Per Unit. In the proposed five pulse
symmetrical angle controller, the ON durations in each pulse
are kept in such a way, that the total ON period and hence the
area of conduction of each pulse equals the area of the corre-
sponding cycle of the ideal or reference voltage that progresses
The mathematical considerations are System frequency
50 Hz., Source Voltage 3 phase 380 V, 50 Hz, Motor rating
10 kW, 380 V, 50 Hz, Number of poles of motor 4, rated speed
1440 RPM, starting transient period considered 1 Seconds,
Number of cycles covered during starting period 50. In the pro-
posed soft starting scheme three pulses are used in every half
cycle and these three pulses are centred at the 45 degrees, 90
degrees and the 135 degrees’ points of the positive half cycle
and at 225 degrees, 270 degrees and at 315 degrees. The total
period of half cycles with 50 Hz system is 10000 microseconds.
At the end of the 1500th cycle the total duration of conduction
will 10000 microseconds in each cycle. The total duration of
Fig. 12. The source current and FFT of a symmetrical angle controller conduction in the first cycle should be 10000/1500 = 6.667
microseconds divided equally for the three pulses which will
be 2.22 microseconds. This duration 2.22 microseconds will be
The objective of the soft starting scheme is to drive the sta- added uniformly to all the three pulses in each cycle and this
tor current in a controlled manner such that the source current increment of conduction period increases until the total period
gradually increases in a soft manner such that the motor accel- of conduction becomes 10000 microseconds at the end of the
erates from zero RPM state to final steady state without draw- 1500th cycle. The proposed scheme of soft starting was simu-
ing a heavy starting current. With the application of a contin- lated in the MATLAB SIMULINK environment (Fig. 13).
uously controlled source voltage this ideal current may be ob-
tained and the resulting developed torque. But it is not possi-
ble to obtain this linearly rising source voltage with the help 4. Results and discussions on simulations
of the available power electronic switches. Power electronic
switches are controlled in the time axis while the resulting cur- By considering the three different time ratio controls namely
rents and voltages, after due filtering show up continuous con- the Phase Angle Control, the Extinction Angle Control and the
trol in the amplitude. In the proposed method three pulses in Symmetrical angle control are implemented in R load, RL load
total are used for every half cycle. These pulses have on and and finally in the case of an Induction Motor. The results of all
off periods. If the widths of each of the pulses are so arranged control methods have been recorded with the waveforms and
by turning on and off the power electronic switches the aver- the FFT. Figs. 14–17 illustrate the rise of voltage and current at
age value may be made equal to the ideal starting current. Soft the time of starting and Figs. 18–21 illustrate the speed, electro-
starting although has several advantages it has a main disadvan- magnetic torque, starting current, THD and Power Factor while
tage that total starting period is increased. So, it is convenient starting the Three Phase Induction motor. It is clear that com-
to design soft starting scheme by first fixing the total starting pared to the traditional phase angle control scheme the other
period. If the total starting period is decided, the slope of rise techniques like the extinction angle control and the symmetri-
in starting current begins from zero, the rated value can be cal- cal angle control perform better. The best of the three schemes
culated. Going by an example if rated voltage is 380 V Line to is the Symmetrical Angle controller. With the three-time ratio
Line and if the total starting period will be 30 seconds then the control schemes the performance with R load and RL are first
slope at which applied voltage should gradually rise is given studied and recorded. Then the SCIM was connected and the
as 380/30 Volts per second. During this transition period, each performance parameters were recorded.
cycle has an area and this area rises gradually as per the slope These results have been obtained and given in Tables 1, 2
used. With power electronic switches the applied source volt- and 3 with a proposed three phase voltage controller with R
age is not altered but through the power electric switches only. load, RL load and Squirrel cage induction motor as load with
The turning On and Off of symmetrical angle control are se- the period of conduction increased gradually over a period of
lected in real time, so that the area of conduction in each cycle 1 sec. The total number of cycles passed on is 50. The total
equals to the corresponding cycle in the ideal starting voltage. power delivered to the load, the range of power factor, the THD
Fig. 13. Simulink model for measuring Power Factor and THD
Fig. 14. Rise of voltage and current when the multiple pulse PWM
symmetrical angle control is implemented in the case of an RL load Fig. 15. Rise of voltage and current when the Single pulse PWM sym-
metrical angle control is implemented in the case of an RL load. Order
of the signals from top: Power factor, THD, Load Current and Load
are recorded and compared. The power factor is also maintained side voltage
always high over the entire control period. The THD is main-
tained throughout to be less than 5%. In the case of phase an-
gle control and extinction angle control the power factor in- angle controller are less suitable for soft starting. Although
creases gradually as the conduction angle increases. The THD the performance of Multiple pulse and the single pulse Sym-
is less than 4% for extinction angle control while it is near 10% metrical angle controllers are both in terms of minimal start-
for phase angle controller [25, 26]. Similar readings were ob- ing time, low THD on the source current and improved PF, it
served with RL load also. Then the SCIM was started with can be concluded that the symmetrical angle controller is bet-
four schemes and readings have been recorded and presented ter than multiple pulse symmetrical angle controller consider-
here. It can be concluded that symmetrical angle controller and ing the mathematical overheads and the complications involved
multiple pulse symmetrical angle controller are better two can- in engineering of multiple pulse symmetrical pulse based soft
didates and the extinction angle controllers along with phase starting.
Fig. 16. Rise of voltage and current when the extinction angle control
is implemented in the case of an R load
Fig. 17. Rise of voltage and current when the extinction angle control
is implemented in the case of an RL load
Table 1
R Load (5 Ohms) across the 380 V, 50 Hz supply
Fig. 23. Starting current of the SCIM with Full conduction periods
Fig. 22. Experimental prototype of the proposed soft starting scheme (DOL or Sudden Starting
for the Induction Motor
In order to compare the performance of the soft starting
The PIC16F877A features 256 bytes of EEPROM data scheme with the DOL starting scheme both soft starting and
memory, self programming, an ICD, 2 Comparators, 8 chan- DOL starting have been carried out. For the purpose of DOL
nels of 10-bit Analog-to-Digital (A/D) converter, 2 cap- starting the conduction period in each cycle was kept at 100%
ture/compare/PWM functions, the synchronous serial port can and the resulting stator current with high starting current at
be configured as either 3-wire Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) starting has been observed and the waveform of the starting cur-
or the 2-wire Inter-Integrated Circuit (I2 C) bus and a Universal rent for the R phase stator winding is shown in Figs. 25 and 26.
Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter (USART). All of these fea- With the soft starting in action, during the starting period the
tures make it ideal for more advanced level A/D applications in conduction angle is gradually increased from zero and during
automotive, industrial, appliances and consumer applications. the low conduction periods the stator current is very low and
Fig. 24. Segment of the stator current at initial stage when the SCIM
is soft started
Fig. 26. R phase starting current with 80% conduction period starting
Fig. 25. Soft starting implemented with fixed 60% conduction period
in each cycle Fig. 27. R phase current at the final steady state
is significantly distorted as shown in Fig. 23. Figure 28 corre- Figures 28 and 29 show the switching pulses with different
sponds to 90% conduction throughout the starting period while duty cycles. These pulses are applied to the MOSFETs in syn-
Fig. 29 corresponds to 20% conduction angle during the start- chronization with the ZCD.
ing period. Thus, with the proposed methodology it is possible Figure 28 shows the train of switching pulses when the con-
to start the SCIM with any desired fixed conduction periods. duction angle is increased from 0 towards 180 degrees. How-
Such an arrangement is necessary when the gradual increase of ever, Figs. 30 and 31 show the image of the train of switching
conduction angle may be avoided so as to reduce the starting pulses for the complete starting period when the motor is started
period. with a fixed conduction period of 80% and 90%.
With extinction angle controller it is only a finite period of With soft starting in action the stator current is limited to
conduction that happens in every cycle and this period is in- a fixed value without any initial shoot up. The starting current
creased gradually until the machine reaches the required rated is uniform over the entire starting period. This reduces the usual
speed. This causes the waveform of the voltage across the out- high starting current and the undue mechanical vibrations dur-
put to be non sinusoidal and rich in harmonics. However, with ing starting. The starting current with soft starting applied is
the SCIM as the load, the stator current of the motor is quite as shown in Fig. 32. The same experimental gadget could be
sinusoidal with a THD as low as 1.23% even during the early used for testing the performance of the DOL, the phase an-
starting phase. Figures 24 and 27 show the stator current to be gle control, the extinction angle control and the multiple pulse
nearly sinusoidal. chopper-based controllers. The THD of the starting current with
Fig. 31. Switching pulses with fixed 90% duty cycles for DOL starting
Fig. 32. Stator current that does not exhibit any initial high starting
current with soft starting applied
6. Conclusion
6. Conclusion
PIC microcontroller based on a novel soft starting scheme for
PIC microcontroller
the squirrel based onmotor
cage induction a novel
hassoft starting
been scheme
proposed. Theforpro-
squirrel cage
posed idea induction
used motor
a multiple hassymmetrical
pulse been proposed.angleThe proposed
control with
Fig. 30. Switching pulses with gradually increased ON period for soft idea used
linearly a multiple
increasing pulse symmetrical
conduction angleover
periods spread control with lin-
a starting pe-
starting early increasing
riod of conduction
30 seconds. periods idea
The proposed spread
beena starting
Bull. Pol. Acad. Sci. Tech. Sci. 69(2) 2021, e136746
Bull. Pol. Ac.: Tech. 69(2) 2021
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