Fine Tuning Akurasi 8 Persen
Fine Tuning Akurasi 8 Persen
Fine Tuning Akurasi 8 Persen
1. Introduction
Crop diseases are one of the leading causes of the decline in agricultural production. In recent years, various
crop diseases have increased and affected the agricultural, economic, and health sectors. The disease generally
generates noticeable marks or lesions on the crop leaves. Therefore, it is crucial to detect the presence of the disease
at an early stage. However, traditional approaches are commonly used by most farms and plantations to recognize the
disease. Consequently, it is time-consuming and leads to high costs and misdetection [1].
Hence, researchers have designed the Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) models as a computer-aided
disease diagnosis. CNN models can overcome the problem of object recognition, and classification has significantly
improved in the last decade [2], [3]. In recent years, CNN models have emerged as the most extensively used model in
crop disease detection [3]–[10]. The CNN model can be applied from scratch or by using pre-trained designs.
Promisingly, pre-trained CNN models outperformed the scratch designs. AlexNet was the first proposed pre-trained
CNN model by [11] on the 1.2 million high-resolution images within the 1.000 different classes in the ImageNet LSVRC-
2010 contest. Furthermore, many CNN models were offered in the next contest ImageNet LSVRC.
Recently, several pre-trained CNN architectures have been suggested, for example, GoogleNet [12], VGGNet
[13], ResNet [14], InceptionV3 [15], DenseNet [16], Xception [17], MobileNet [18], InceptionResNetV2 [19], NasNet [20],
and EfficientNet [21]. In prior research, researchers used two methods in crop disease recognition using CNN models
[22]. Some use transfer learning to fine-tune well-known designs. Others use well-known architectures, such as
modifying the convolutional layers, changing the order of layers, adding attention layers before the classifier layer, and
ensembling more than two pre-trained CNN models. They aim to improve the model performance.
The most considered dataset is the Plant Village dataset. In this dataset, [23] corresponded with the results of
AlexNet and GoogLeNet, in detecting 26 crop diseases in laboratory leave images. They employed transfer learning to
increase categorization performance and achieve an accuracy of 99.35%. CaffeNet was proposed by [24] on 15 class
leaf images and achieved an accuracy of 96.0%. Cucumber leaves were considered by [25]–[27] using Deep
Convolution Neural Network (Scratch designs), modified Deep Convolution Neural Network, and combined
DeepLabV3+ and U-Net, respectively. Moreover, the detection of citrus diseases conducted by [22], [28], [29] used
modified MobileNetV2 and an Ensemble AlexNet, VGG16, ResNet50, and InceptionResNetV2. Both cucumber and
citrus crops achieved an accuracy of over 98%.
In addition to the entire categories of the Plant Village dataset, researchers considered multiclass classification
with 38 classes proposed by [30]–[34]. Pre-trained MobileNet, EfficientNet, DensNet, and ensemble MobileNet with
DenseNets were applied. All suggested model performances achieved an accuracy of over 92%, and 100% for the
ensemble model was proposed by [34].
Cite: D. Sutaji and H. Rosyid, “Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) Models for Crop Diseases Classification”, KINETIK, vol. 7, no. 2, May.
188 Kinetik: Game Technology, Information System, Computer Network, Computing, Electronics, and Control
Other datasets such as iBean, Citrus, Rice, and Turk-Plants were also used to detect crop diseases. Several pre-
trained models were used, such as modified and ensembled by researchers, such as [35]–[40]. The model's average
performance is above 99%.
However, various datasets have been used in the literature, making it difficult to compare directly. Several
detection systems work only on two classes, while the others detect crop diseases in over 38 classes. Considering this
term, we suggested investigating the classification of crop disease by using ten pre-trained CNN algorithms to consider
the entire Plant Village dataset. This dataset consists of 54.305 RGB leaf images with 256 x 256 pixels. The dataset
subsists of 38 classes from 14 crop species: strawberries, apples, grapes, cherries, corn, oranges, blueberries,
potatoes, soybeans, pumpkins, peppers, raspberries, peaches, and tomatoes.
Another problematic aspect of comparing which CNN models can perform better is the various configurations
and modifications of the pre-trained CNN models to detect crop disease. As a simple investigation to compare, we
proposed regular and unfroze the final convolutional blocks aforementioned pre-trained CNN models. It aims to
generate high-dimensional extracted features to provide a more helpful characteristic of an object. Our main
contributions to this research are:
1. Comparing the performance of 10 pre-trained CNN models to detect crop disease.
2. Improving the performance of 10 pre-trained CNN models by unfroze the final convolution blocks.
This research is organized as follows: Section 1 introduces crop diseases, state-of-the-art methods for classifying
crop diseases, explains the problem of statements, and gives solutions as a contribution to the research. Section 2
discusses research methods. Section 3 presents the experimental results and performance comparison. Eventually,
Section 4 explains the conclusion of this study.
2. Research Method
2.1 Method
This study considered 10 pre-trained CNN architectures, such as AlexNet, GoogleNet, VGG16, VGG19,
ResNet50V2, InceptionV3, Xception, MobileNetV2, DenseNet121, and InceptionResnetV2 to classify crop diseases.
These CNN architectures were developed with a transfer learning approach and implemented fine-tuning by unfreezing
the last block of convolutional layers. It aims to enhance the high-dimensional extracted features. Updating the weight
parameter impacts capture more details of high-dimensional extracted features. Figure 1 illustrates our research
method, and Figure 2 describes our suggested transfer learning and fine-tuning design.
2.2 Dataset
Plant Village dataset consists of 38 classes and includes 54,305 images with 256 x 256 size in the RGB channel.
The dataset consists of 14 plant species: apples, blueberries, cherries, corn, grapes, oranges, peppers, raspberries,
potatoes, pumpkins, peaches, raspberries, soybeans, strawberries, and tomatoes. The diseases from the 14 plant
© 2022 The Authors. Published by Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang
This is an open access article under the CC BY SA license. (
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species are distributed as 17 fungal diseases, 4 bacterial diseases, 2 fungal diseases, 2 viral diseases, and the last
disease caused by mites has 1 class. Meanwhile, there are 12 plant species in the healthy category of plant leaves [23].
The considered dataset was collected from The example
of each class image is shown in Figure 3.
We pre-processed the collected dataset in four steps. The first step is resizing all images into 224 x 224 pixels.
The second step is to split and distribute the dataset into a training set, a validation set, and a test set with a composition
of 70%, 10%, and 20%, respectively. The detail of distribution is described in Figure 3. The third step is enforced image
normalization, dividing the intensity value of each pixel by 255. The reason is to reduce computational costs because
the intensity value of each pixel is between 0 and 1 [41].
Furthermore, the last step is image augmentation, completing the image in the data series more varied since the
acquired image is subject to different conditions (angle, illumination, and background). Image augmentation is only
performed on the training data because this model can accept different conditions of the leaf image under test. This
step's configuration includes image rotation with a rotation angle of 30 degrees, zooming image with a percentage of
0.3, cropping with width_shift_range, height_shift_range, shear_range, and zoom_range settings with values of 0.3.
The last configuration is horizontal_flip with the setting True.
(a1) (a2) (a3) (a4) (b1) (ce1) (ce2) (co1) (co2) (co3)
(co4) (g1) (g2) (g3) (g4) (o1) (p1) (p2) (pp1) (pp2)
(po1) (po2) (po3) (r1) (s1) (sq1) (st1) (st2) (t1) (t2)
Cite: D. Sutaji and H. Rosyid, “Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) Models for Crop Diseases Classification”, KINETIK, vol. 7, no. 2, May.
190 Kinetik: Game Technology, Information System, Computer Network, Computing, Electronics, and Control
3. Results and Discussion
Determining the hyperparameters for model training is critical work. We accept Adam as the optimizer, including
a learning rate of 0.0001 as the best value. We initially tried different learning rate values starting from 0.1 to 0.0001 in
0.1 additions. We also tested other optimizers, such as SGD and RMSprop. Therefore, Adam optimizer produces
excellent training, validation, and testing performances. Another parameter is an epoch, which we set at 100 and
consider to have an early stop value of 10. Training can be more efficient, and the process does not waste time in 100
epochs. We also employed cross-entropy to track each epoch's decreasing error rate and accuracy. Finally, a batch
size of 25, 18, and 18 for training, validation, and testing data were presented in Table 1.
The highest accuracy obtained by the DenseNet121 model of 98.97% is quite promising for crop disease
detection. It will significantly assist farmers or agricultural experts in detecting crop diseases.
Cite: D. Sutaji and H. Rosyid, “Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) Models for Crop Diseases Classification”, KINETIK, vol. 7, no. 2, May.
192 Kinetik: Game Technology, Information System, Computer Network, Computing, Electronics, and Control
AlexNet GoogleNet
InceptionV3 Xception
DenseNet121 ResNet50
Figure 4. Training Accuracy and Loss Curve of the Second Scenario Design
In addition to improving accuracy, unfreezing the final block of the convolution layer speeds up the training
process. The average reduction in time consumption in each model is almost 50%, or 2.20 hours, with the most
significant reduction being 8 hours.
However, our research did not ultimately outperform the earlier research models. We accomplished just simple
fine-tuning by unfreezing the final convolution block layers. For example, the CNN AlexNet and GoogleNet models
proposed by [23] get an accuracy value of 99.35%, while our proposed model is only 98.34%. If we refer to the model
performance graph in Figure 4, our proposed model is overfitting, and the VGG19 model followed this condition. While
the DenseNet121 model, which is our best model, does not outperform the model proposed by [31]. Our DenseNet121
model only gets 98.97% accuracy and 99.75% for [31] model.
On the other hand, our model outperforms the model proposed by [43], which was only implemented on citrus
crops. Their models get 97%, 96.2%, and 97% accuracy with the VGG16, VGG19, and InceptionV3 models. Meanwhile,
our proposed model achieved an accuracy of 98.27%, 97.19%, and 97.30%. This positive result also outperforms the
Model proposed by [37], which obtained an accuracy of 92% on rice plants. Likewise, the InceptionResNetV2
model we propose has an accuracy of 98.76%, higher than the model proposed by [22] of 98.64%. This positive result
is followed by the Xception model we propose to get almost the same results as the Xception model proposed by [46],
which are 97.58% and 97.60%, respectively. Unfortunately, our MobileNetV2 model did not follow these positive results.
Our MobileNetV2 model is inferior to some of the previously proposed models, which applied modification to an
ensemble of MobileNet proposed by [29], [30], [36] and obtains more than 99% accuracy. Their models extract features
better than our model. Moreover, their models added several convolutional layers before the classification layer. Our
Cite: D. Sutaji and H. Rosyid, “Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) Models for Crop Diseases Classification”, KINETIK, vol. 7, no. 2, May.
194 Kinetik: Game Technology, Information System, Computer Network, Computing, Electronics, and Control
MobileNetV2 model provides 98.95% of accuracy in the second scenario. Table 5 describes the performance
comparison of our model with earlier studies.
In completing the discussion of this section, the fine-tuning model that we propose is relatively simple compared
to the model proposed by previous studies. Some of them applied architectural modifications, ensembles, and other
advance works. Fortunately, our model is not entirely inferior to the previously proposed model. Some models like
VGG16, VGG19, InceptionV3, and InceptionResNetV2 outperform models by [43]. The best models we
proposeDenseNet121 and MobileNetV2, promise to be improved in terms of accuracy and time consumption. Moreover,
MobileNetV2 has fewer parameters than DenseNet121, which means more affordable to embed in the mobile device
for live detection.
Although the proposed models in this article have achieved good results for the entire Plant Village dataset, there
are several works to improve the performance:
1. Adding several convolution layers before the classifier layer.
2. Model modifications by unfreezing the initial convolution layers to update low-dimensional weight or ensembling
4. Conclusion
Fine-tuning by unfreezing the final convolution layer blocks can significantly improve the performance of pre-
trained 10 CNN models. From the results of our experiments, the best performance was obtained by DenseNet121 and
MobileNetV2 models of 98.97% and 98.95%, respectively. This result increases the average performance of CNN
models by 8.85%. Meanwhile, there was a drastic decrease of 50% for each model in time consumption, or 2.20 hours
on average. Further research can be developed with architectural modifications by adding several convolution layers
before the classifier layer, unfreezing the initial convolution layers to update low-dimensional weight, and ensembling
Thank you to Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat. (LPPM) University of Muhammadiyah Gresik
(UMG). This reseach article supported by LPM UMG Nomor: 066/MoU.In/II.3.UMG/DPPM/F/2021 for Internal Research
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Cite: D. Sutaji and H. Rosyid, “Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) Models for Crop Diseases Classification”, KINETIK, vol. 7, no. 2, May.
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