" aaa density a
>t alusny uns ob synchsonaus shesd given hy, enn
[ues soe | oo
L rd
> Anmatune = Stab So a
ab tet, firs (ie Sect ia aa a
the tn b duc te dune (lax is fas |
= e on
oes - dal flux density
Su shace by is (e, = ne) > Pi § tnduced
Cu 2 4.44 (oti Ty thine Ken | [ew = 4estgeta ta |
sh: Ken = £ ah ka = ain (¥¥/2) = Disknibuti
a caer sin (Ya) ae
ere sliminals nl how manic shosb « bitching —————— a ‘ =
ange Ce, = £44 (nf) Treden kin |
: : - yp tahene Hea = abn (UY fa)
| ae ¢ sin (#Y/2)=~ i
electnical ee
a. |
Ail angle
— “
Gn n—'!SCS:~—COl
Can onder shace harmonic
ae 1S present In synchronous
while absent th induction
machine.” au
A host pitched and distuibuled sainding ere ht a
Ce, Paewerrs Ku 1 2 Syncs ae a
= Keka 2 tiinding —Faebo: a
2 Kwa Rating, ine _=__Ka ag :
Se rr—CET
ie [eer ee | Lew iS mcae]
> Tt 4 belk (3 in fenckt, tuinding —l
functional slo nding (out Sei bbe li, _Tieem_Hosmon
29 enon raven :
> Phy b: A produced ae a a
= kesu | a ° — st
kx Pe | E > th speed_of nt “ |
Ks Kor (Slete/p Palen) Cates mast
- panallcl path
+ Ph ft induced ai Lot
fe 2 ain
as Kas sin (6/2) 4 = oot
= tS0
oo ae ca eet atalon — =
—is_Delta = Canfiqurali pie See ¢
——2—Taifien harmonise one absent 4 fen ef ~ fay vomag due te astend angle JP,
Taxmabune eT
Ghote we)Th Yow ome confused aboot sign, always nemembor
tha. for quntraton, $2 4
a da + trafpandant \
[ * ev 1
y 1 Calculation Concebts
Sy Gmail > i
a Eye» Jiveesg # total 4 (Vaing = taml™ | 2 BU the ab \ le abjlied pen pb
rears xv g
tara | —2_Naltag quod: f—_sxpsachs ton
———_fv ose + r vest = ivi 1 7
Nt y
tab Ws Totemnal pj L
Fen —inaging—bttales Ae + Bots ley] and —tvl be ethene pha
2 —Fexteading bf take eye an hat must be ine to line —
a i ane § sheed ond
EGBA bs log bese’ oe kt Lah ge aces) ———— > Volt, Reguintion {s independenteee
evn noting 18 alway clectnical Fewer. A may be
input power on cutpuk power:
uw nating is outbut powers TE may 8 «
ee mechanical power on clectnical boieer: os
+ Shoat Cincuih Condition of Allennokam 0
= Tmbed qe - ot
$ = load bt angle
eee eee eee eee seer eee reer ocr eee reer reer eee eee eeea6
. Skon= Connected Uiinding
® +
eae Sai Ree om Monin fumely c th [=|
fa : ic Be
ae izing. 44 gob Ra Re 7 seth (ne ]
B= ae [ ee 2]
Nore = :
ish Delta = Co: ted winding
naan an O——: 5 2 oS
=e ees
| | Ras 28
cil P, Fock as enist:
ool Th qrabh bs. terminal hag at 2, £. ¢ su Ri 1
fisha ca ted _onmaky k_and ch__Sys Si ts
nated shred ishen aad te purely inductiv Sh ee
Be . 2N4
OL T 2fe
= Saar
Tims — Field omen payfaed We matali
Sep ee ee
4. M, be 13 rate: Lindt g—R te
> Staton nesish i A using Kelut
Double Baidg.AN the expressions
Bs 330
> =v Leading pf ft eoheciton
ee a 2 Bi m deliv
x Syechnanais Gs G
Foosus = [eeast-v1 | ape
L . i 2 Ab amily bf. lend Vive bs Hooe inka
“aean —— a osnoy ine. a
Leading bf
Geneseo oe —_—_14__v- te ve
* case = = Nominal excited ( ccoss =v) od Pink of 1, ua Th bo Lank bs is
Gout = Wwoib.g Ve cum
& a “its Jonson: dee bi KY eri Oe wigts bb ve oe don} paws
* ease mover = sucited Ce \ e oo
— Goats Lagging bs. ee
6 tom del @ eee 7 7 -
oe . Tacos =* pee
Necue and invented Ve cuave conceby can be used 4p
answer theoretical questions ke on Ta (cond
then Ty is Varied fox given exci ar 2
Teak Taq
nai J Sate an Bat zee
Esins = conch
= t- Effect of change im field cxcitakion
a beeen 44 et @ ee
tag Teed eeepc te Nos {synchasnizing
ae 4 a Raat zat t : ait,
os Qe 2 gat. O.2- Est
asi 8, oO Bs ATOR, A Actin 7 * : ae
al aj —Condiilion Ean Parallel abenal poe n demagnetizing ) lait ae
+The bh £ —allznnolon should Josonbs neachive 6 4 Hien is
bs as. ting ys = 4 Hizing
2 the 4, Lvaltag, ik q—allcxnaton.
howl bs Hing syst * case m= Effect of Changs Tn Steam —Tmbut
# The fue quency of Merman should be ———_> Asa, Leorm input of oe aeeae |
7 lightly highen tha isi Cs u > Mag nitua: stank. only load
fe arsed een ii ten cod. a a
is freq
frequency }
ineRear aee nnn ere anerrearreaaaeae
Elfect Of Prime Mover Failie On Altermaton UBT
Real power delivered by attenalon ls zero fon lossless maj
Dinection of Ta reverses and alternator in
els as synchronous moten and obevales oF
ab leading bof: if rackine te lossy. (€>V)
t ii eee ‘ : -
: Vy t Joke Gested sf
cae ! ete —Shasing
Gans Sa ‘sata ediisa 4
2 A: =m = £4f. Chang: si. Ten ut al Hoa
Keehing—FieiA Excited ston oe ee a error
f 1 ne aan
pt & = consk, oe |
> L L pei fe
° Pan te Fat
: P. 2 2
NAA ea, free | fe a]
ley [Pes Umurdeal| [fee Gna dreed |
pp log = unily = Lend,
eu Cineneased (decrease) cha eal
du Ds b ac denis ae cn you Mw
fu i
f e $ + +
feu boon -0o 7 o> | SSS ‘ Pues Field ohmic Rotational Stry tend,
: ca less tose
: 1 Cre RAY
Pre aa ny cone loss, Mechanical loss
ene eo
[oscop= Als = NM ee Fricker Gindaqe,
E Neatea | cme re per
+ Ty _dnsop is defined 4 toad te full leade— epee ed
__tak: froted _= 4, teas i ie gptnenseemneer reece eran ecereeeesesteeee38
sod 1 1 \ to = hawt
f = Ratationa| + Shank 7 7 Lass
Le lood i [arte Se |
11.__Pawea 9. Tu Sysecunauous Mackie 49 eos lt Maca
Peete Rs Serre i A _caleulad .
: ‘ Past = BV Taco > deat 2 cy
E] Fenime mover
a] | Taye teoay 1
eL = Raat cane nmatine stray load : . i
3 ie > =o ae
Fa ey
« Tenet, Tse toad toss [ras tasiny 1
epssetes ls Wy = Tnbeunal_bF—angl
ie eee
3, Anmatune Shay load Paths Peene
=I —— ee
Sioa toss
tow y= Nisin + Tae,
Al 4 Veos$ + TaRa |
a ee 1 ~ al
ey Sse 1 Ly =a
stis__Mos. ; a ee
ff mt
a 2 Panes ae] = : e
E BVTacose + Ty Ry | Bn Ladin pf alee — Aa 8B's y= Ta Rel" + (Vsing = Te
[ewe ot = races -vqi I
Jamy = Vaing = tary |
Veo tee |
[eee e sl
2 Eas laqging bf take ge sy
> es Leading bf. take da ou
iin _ Po = Ang 5 i
[eus ew pee Ce
[ Ka = xy xa J
£ Raluctance
> Elects q Weel dh
ike. is A ey
7 Relucke f is. weed «dus
aynchronizing ems,
Eoy = 2 sin(as/a)
there | AS = Change ih rotor ange ce
duc 4 sudden disturbance
er Fem —saltenks pele eto
ae [ey - cw NA fy FI
L ee Oy aT |
Le = enselobe freq” = asf
MAT AAAS ine” =§ : ke aanWE
toeed be bus Notas A nolan holes i > R fa =sel{_slonting of monks
N. At Janclive and —sxebulst bid | nf ton ci
ding Also bs § huge inert; >t be Induchi toe homnically bled ted _fuegs yf
fo__symela font _stanting =
> ths eed of synch 1 Hos is cl ti _jfect o¢ Fvsitabion failure Of Synch
ho Yast
ese eceeeee
eee aici ata cee ele ease
and damper bans.
So ele