Wal se, Sorry tobe eificut e's just that m
really busy ths week and can't make i up t0
the choo fr the level test,
IM: That's going to bea problem. I'm not sure
what we ean do about that,
Wid realy appreciate your help.
IM: Hmm ... You couldn't come in on
Thursday evening, could you?
WN, I'm afraid not. But tll you what.
could come in on Saturday to do the level
M: The problem is that's leaving it very late
and we might have other applicants
Wit be realy grateful if you could hold a
place for me til Saturday morning
M:Can you hold on a minute? Ilust see
(OK, we can do that. Well provisionally
transfor the course fee over a8 a deposi.
W:That’s great. Oh ve got one more
question if 'm not keeping you
M: No, go ahead
Wal | don't get into this group, dol lose my
course fee?
IM: I'm afraid we can't refund the depose, but
you could apply it to another course
W:That’sa rif. Would you mind putting
that in an email for me?
M: Certainly.
WGAnd could you tell me when the schoo}
‘opens on Saturday?
W.We're open from nine. I won't be here
myself, but toll my colleague to expect you.
>M: Thank you very much for your help
You're welcome, Thank you forcing.
TON Recording 11
W=Woman M= Man
M: Wall, ve had some very embarrassing
experiences in my life but one of the worst
was my very first day at work. Iwas a trainee
Solicitor in a fem and thare were fourteen
of us trainees there, and everyone was on
their best behaviour Everyone was dressed
nicely andthe guys had polished their shoes
and done ther hair you know wanting 0
make a good frst impression and
W-Yeah, {know what you mean, How old
were you!
IM: Only ewentythre,s0 | was one of the
youngest inthe group. Anyway. it started as
2 typical rst day you know abi ke the fst
ay at school — everyone's not quite being
themselves but. you know trying their hardest
and you go and get your eup of tea or coffee
and you ty not to split or drop your bscit
on the floor.
IM: And | remember | was feeling kind of
kind of nervous, maybe a tiny bit shy and
then having to pretend to be confident as if to
Say, you ko," very professional’ I spent
the whole ime looking st the others and
wondering how experienced they were
‘Wil know the feeling.
MM: and then I had to go to my desk and
walt for some work tobe glen to me and it
was a quiet deparement so I was waiting and
‘waiting and my shoes were new and were
hurting sa | kicked them off under the table and
then another hour went by, and by this tie I
as feeling abi panicky because | didn'thave
anything to do. hoped someane would give
‘me some proper work to do. Then the head
partner rang me up and told me to come to
his office because he'd got some work for me
s0 grabbed my pen and pad and | went racing
round there, And 2 walked into his ofce,
he looked me up and down and saw that |
wasn't wearing any shoes. must have seemed
Fidiculousy casual, It was so embarrassing!
Thankfully there were no holes in my socks
because they were new, t00. So lust spent the
whole eme in his office thinking ‘are you gonna
say anything are you gonna tll off”
W:Did he say anything?
M: Jus before he sent me away he stopped
ime and he wanted to know why | éidnt have
ny shoes on, and I didn't have a good answer
for that |just said | wanted to feel more
comfortable. | thought -'m never going to fit
in at this lw firm,
W:And how did he react?
IM: He sled so I think he choughe it was prety
funny, but ever since then I've always made
sure | keep my shoes on!
INEM Recording |
Conversation 1
‘A:How long have you been working here?
B:I've been here for over ten months now.
Conversation 2
‘AcHow many chocolates have you eaten?
Bil've only had three!
Conversation 3
‘A:What have you been doing? Youre filthy!
Bil've been running.
UNTEA Recording 3
S1= Speaker | S2 = Speaker 253 =
S4 = Speaker 455 = Speaker 5
Sl realy ean’ se the problem, The fisting
Tid when all began was ied to fd my
house on the website but they hadn't brourhe
the camera van down our road yt. 20 was
quite appointed. For me, W's great because
itmean can go and look a hing like hotels
cor even cites before |g0 on holiday. and
Snyay# someone wanted 0 look at my
house they could se dive ast or walk past
150 I can't see the problem.
Stilt’ obvious, st mean, they're nothing
to do with safety, They're jst wed by the
government to make money | mean, lok at
the statics. nthe ast yer, my area four
Cameras have ben laced along one stretch
of road, and you know what, the number of
Sceidents has doubled, So they obviously dont
‘work a deterrent nd now your car number
plate canbe logge so that they can keop track
Of you wherever you go. |hate =I hate beng
watched he that's st another example of
bursurvllance society
Speaker 3
$3: The way seit it's an invasion of privacy.
Iemeans whenever | go tothe supermarket, i's
recorded on a chip somewhere and they an
find out exactly what I've Bought. Why should
people have the right t know what kind of
food | eat! Or get my details and then send
‘me junk mal I certainly don’t want ro be sent
Adverts from companies | don't know. And
this just the star. | expect next thing you
lenow. the technology will be ured to tell ue
what we can and can't eat.
‘A: Me, Im gad they're there. A few months
ago | was robbed by two men ata bus stop
‘ot far from where | live but thanks to CCTY,
the people who dit were all arrested, It was
bad experience but at least they didn't get
away with t And yu see tin the news all
the time - that more crimes are being solved
because of CCTV cameras | thin we should
have more of them, Most people are la
abiding anyway so they've got no need to
5:1 actualy think t's an importane
development. There was a case recently,
where there was this big demonstration
and lots of people took photos ane these
‘were sent tothe media, So it means that
demonstrators andthe police — everyone —has
t0.be more careful because ther photos might
be sent to the newspapers or posted onine.
So in general, yeah, fee! t's a good thing
UNE Recording 5
Conversation 1
‘A:Do you thnk you would ever have cosmetic
B:Me! Nol don't think so 'm relly against t
actually, | thin
AcReally why?
Ble can be quite dangerous ~ some of the
implants you can have, um ~
[A:Yeah, | know what you mean
B: Take the caze of Mike's grtriend — she
sctully had some Botox injections in har
AxDid she?
B: Yeah, and she couldn’. you know she
couldn't —
‘A:Coulda't move her face?
B: Yeah, she couldn’ sie or frown — her face
was ust frozen solid
‘Although if someone’ really, really
‘overweight and it becomes a health problem,
{do you think maybe then they should have
some kind of surgery, you know, such as
lpotuction to get rid of at?
B:Oh I see, for health reasons maybe, yes
suppose so, I mean you've got point there,
but sil don ike the sound of it. | wouldn't
do tmysel.
{cl might, fe was to do with my heath
Conversation 2
‘A:Do you ever download music fr free?
8B: You mean illegally? No, | think '™m probably
‘one of the few people that don't doit. I've
sway paid whether it's the track price or the
album price.