State of North Carolina

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Central Piedmont Community College

Request for Proposal #: 88-170041TC-DH

Risk Management, Insurance and Brokerage Services

Date of Issue: 04/26/2017

Proposal Opening Date: 05/08/2017

AT 12:00PM ET
Direct all inquiries concerning this RFP to:
Dawn Horner
Sr. Buyer
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 704-330-6074

Request for Proposal #

For internal State agency processing, including tabulation of proposals in the Interactive Purchasing
System (IPS), please provide Vendor’s Federal Employer Identification Number or alternate identification
number (e.g. Social Security Number). Pursuant to G.S. 132-1.10(b) this identification number shall not be
released to the public. This page will be removed and shredded, or otherwise kept confidential, before
the procurement file is made available for public inspection.

This page is to be filled out and returned with Vendor’s proposal.

Failure to do so may subject Vendor’s proposal to rejection.

ID Number:

Federal ID Number or Social Security Number

Vendor Name
Central Piedmont Community College
Refer ALL Inquiries regarding this RFP to: Request for Proposal # 88-170041TC-DH
Proposals will be publicly opened: 05/08/2017
Dawn Horner
Contract Type: Open Market
Sr. Buyer Commodity No. and Description: Risk Management,
Phone: 704-330-6074 Insurance and Brokerage Services
Email: [email protected] Using Agency: Central Piedmont Community College
Requisition No.: N/A

In compliance with this Request for Proposals, and subject to all the conditions herein, the undersigned Vendor offers and agrees to
furnish and deliver any or all items upon which prices are bid, at the prices set opposite each item within the time specified herein. By
executing this proposal, the undersigned Vendor certifies that this proposal is submitted competitively and without collusion (G.S.
143-54), that none of its officers, directors, or owners of an unincorporated business entity has been convicted of any violations of
Chapter 78A of the General Statutes, the Securities Act of 1933, or the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (G.S. 143-59.2), and that it
is not an ineligible Vendor as set forth in G.S. 143-59.1. False certification is a Class I felony. Furthermore, by executing this proposal,
the undersigned certifies to the best of Vendor’s knowledge and belief, that it and its principals are not presently debarred, suspended,
proposed for debarment, declared ineligible or voluntarily excluded from covered transactions by any Federal or State department or
agency. As required by G.S. 143-48.5, the undersigned Vendor certifies that it, and each of its sub-Contractors for any Contract
awarded as a result of this RFP, complies with the requirements of Article 2 of Chapter 64 of the NC General Statutes, including the
requirement for each employer with more than 25 employees in North Carolina to verify the work authorization of its employees
through the federal E-Verify system. G.S. 133-32 and Executive Order 24 (2009) prohibit the offer to, or acceptance by, any State
Employee associated with the preparing plans, specifications, estimates for public Contract; or awarding or administering public
Contracts; or inspecting or supervising delivery of the public Contract of any gift from anyone with a Contract with the State, or from
any person seeking to do business with the State. By execution of this response to the RFP, the undersigned certifies, for his or her
entire organization and its employees or agents, that Vendor is not aware that any such gift has been offered, accepted, or promised
by any employees of Vendor’s organization.

Failure to execute/sign proposal prior to submittal shall render proposal invalid and it WILL BE REJECTED. Late
proposals cannot be accepted.







Offer valid for at least 60 days from date of proposal opening, unless otherwise stated here: days. After this time, any
withdrawal of offer shall be made in writing, effective upon receipt by the agency issuing this RFP.
If any or all parts of this proposal are accepted by the State of North Carolina, an authorized representative of Central Piedmont
Community College shall affix his/her signature hereto and this document and all provisions of this Request For Proposal along with
the Vendor proposal response and the written results of any negotiations shall then constitute the written agreement between the
parties. A copy of this acceptance will be forwarded to the successful Vendor(s).

FOR STATE USE ONLY: Offer accepted and Contract awarded this day of , 20 , as indicated on

the attached certification, by

(Authorized Representative of Central Piedmont Community College.

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Proposal Number:88-170041TC-DH Vendor:

Table of Contents
1.0 PURPOSE AND BACKGROUND.............................................................................................. 4

2.1 GENERAL INFORMATION ....................................................................................................... 4

2.2 DESCRIPTION OF CPCC ............................................................................................................ 4

2.3 FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS ....................................................................................................... 4
2.4 CURRENT ENTERPRISE RISK MANAGEMENT ENVIRONMENT.......................................... 4
2.5 ENTERPRISE RISK MANAGEMENT STRATEGY AND OBJECTIVES ................................... 4
2.6 GOALS OF ENTERPRISE RISK MANAGEMENT ...................................................................... 5
2.7 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL DOCUMENT ............................................................................. 5
2.8 NOTICE TO VENDORS REGARDING RFP TERMS AND CONDITIONS .................................. 5
2.9 RFP SCHEDULE .......................................................................................................................... 6
2.10 PROPOSAL QUESTIONS ....................................................................................................... 6
2.11 PROPOSAL SUBMITTAL ........................................................................................................ 6
2.12 PROPOSAL CONTENTS ......................................................................................................... 8
2.13 ALTERNATE PROPOSALS......................................................................................................... 8
2.14 DEFINITIONS. ACRONYMS, AND ABBREVIATIONS ............................................................... 8

3.1 METHOD OF AWARD AND PROPOSAL EVALUATION PROCESS........................................ 9

3.2 METHOD OF AWARD ................................................................................................................. 9

3.4 PROPOSAL EVALUATION PROCESS ................................................................................... 9
3.5 SELECTION PROCESS AND PARTICIPATION REQUIREMENTS ........................................ 10
3.6 SELECTION CRITERIA ......................................................................................................... 11
3.7 EVALUATION CRITERIA ...................................................................................................... 11
3.8 INTERPRETATION OF TERMS AND PHRASES................................................................... 11

4.1 REQUIREMENTS ........................................................................................................................ 12

4.2 CONTRACT TERM..................................................................................................................... 12

4.3 PRICING ................................................................................................................................ 12
4.4 INVOICES .............................................................................................................................. 12
4.5 PAYMENT TERMS ..................................................................................................................... 12
4.6 FINANCIAL STABILITY ......................................................................................................... 13
4.7 VENDOR EXPERIENCE ............................................................................................................ 13
4.8 SPECIFIC QUESTIONS ......................................................................................................... 13
4.9 SERVICES AND PERFORMANCE............................................................................................ 14
4.7 PROJECT ORGANIZATION .................................................................................................. 14
4.8 REFERENCES ........................................................................................................................... 14

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Proposal Number:88-170041TC-DH Vendor:
4.9 BACKGROUND.......................................................................................................................... 15
4.10 PERSONNEL .............................................................................................................................. 15
4.11 VENDOR’S REPRESENTATIONS......................................................................................... 15

5.1 SCOPE OF WORK.................................................................................................................. 16

5.2 GENERAL................................................................................................................................... 16
5.3 INSURANCE PROVIDER RESPONSIBILITIES ..................................................................... 16
5.4 ACCEPTANCE OF WORK .................................................................................................... 17
5.5 TRANSITION ASSISTANCE...................................................................................................... 17

6.1 CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION ................................................................................................. 17

6.2 PROJECT MANAGER AND CUSTOMER SERVICE ............................................................. 17

6.3 POST AWARD MANAGEMENT REVIEW MEETINGS .......................................................... 18
6.4 CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT ................................................................................................ 18
6.5 PERIODIC QUARTERLY STATUS REPORTS ...................................................................... 18
6.6 DISPUTE RESOLUTION ....................................................................................................... 18
6.7 CONTRACT CHANGES ............................................................................................................. 18

7.0 SPECIFICATIONS ....................................................................................................................... 18

ATTACHMENT A: INSTRUCTIONS TO VENDORS .......................................................................... 21


ATTACHMENT C: PRICING ................................................................................................................. 28

ATTACHMENT D: LOCATION OF WORKERS UTLIZED BY VENDOR ........................................... 32

ATTACHMENT E: CERTIFICATION OF FINANCIAL CONDITION.................................................... 33

ATTACHMENT F: IRAN DIVESTMENT ACT CERTIFICATION ......................................................... 34

ATTACHMENT G: CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS............................................... 35

ATTACHMENT H: BROKER INFORMATION..................................................................................... 38

Frequently Asked Questions ............................................................................................................ 39

Exposures ......................................................................................................................................... 43

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Proposal Number:88-170041TC-DH Vendor:
Central Piedmont Community College (CPCC) is seeking proposals from qualified companies to provide risk
management, insurance, and brokerage services.
Proposals shall be submitted in accordance with the terms and conditions of this RFP and any addenda issued hereto.



The College is a comprehensive public two-year college serving approximately 70,000 community residents annually
and has approximately 2,800 full and part-time employees in nine locations including six campuses in the Charlotte-
Mecklenburg region of North Carolina. The College offers a broad range of college transfer, associate and technical
degree programs. The College offers over 300 degree, diploma and certification programs, customized corporate
training, market-focused continuing education, and special interest classes. The College consistently ranks among the
leaders of community colleges nationally in terms of quality of academic offerings and workforce development. The
College is also comprised of the Middle College- collaboration between Charlotte-Mecklenburg schools and CPCC.

Central Piedmont Community College holds the license for WTVI and operates public television station WTVI and cable
channel 17 CPCC TV to serve the public interest and to further the mission of CPCC.WTVI’s primary mission as a
broadcast station operating on a channel reserved for noncommercial use is to promote education, culture, and
citizenship across all electronic media platforms. Due to WTVI's unique characteristics its insurance is provided under
separate policies as shown on the property schedule.


The College’s current net position increased by $13,282,867 in fiscal year 2016. The increase in unrestricted net position
is primarily attributable to the increase in student tuition and fees and the increase in State and County appropriations.


Enterprise Risk management at CPCC is a collaborative effort involving personnel at various levels and within various
departments across the enterprise. The enterprise risk financing and this RFP initiative are under the direction of the
Executive Director of Enterprise Risk Management and various internal associates are utilized in the review of all lines
of coverage. Including, but not limited to these individuals, in house and outsourced professionals with expertise in
insurance, law, claims management, finance, business interruption, business continuity and loss control, comprise the
full CPCC’s risk management team. Enclosed are schedules of the current risk program. Schedules are located under
Section 7. The coverages involved are the property, casualty, executive risk, and loss prevention insurance programs.
The intent of CPCC is to make a single award for all coverages; however multiple awards may be awarded in the best
interest of the college. CPCC’s current premiums total approximately $990,000.


The risk management strategy of CPCC is to maintain a broad based risk financing program that is cost effective and
efficient and to provide on-going risk management and support services. The program design must support the
enterprise’s business objectives and the needs of our internal and external customers. The risk management team is
measured on its ability to implement the strategy, our success in minimizing the impact of risk on the enterprise, and on
the value the team adds to the college. In the area of traditional hazard/insurable risk, the risk management philosophy
of CPCC includes the following objectives:

A. Protect College assets, earnings, and reputation

B. Support best practices in enterprise risk management
C. Minimize the cost of risk over the long term
D. Establish and maintain partnership relationships with agents, brokers, insurers, and service providers

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Proposal Number:88-170041TC-DH Vendor:
CPCC has identified the following project goals:

A. Select a well-qualified insurance broker to assist with the continued development, implementation, and maintenance
of an effective risk management program, as well as the design of cost-effective risk retention/risk transfer

B. Ensure the company’s risk brokerage arrangements are priced competitively.

C. Ensure appropriate procedures and guidelines are in place to eliminate any actual or potential conflicts of interest.

D. Evaluate and identify a risk brokerage team with the capabilities to design and implement specialty coverages such
as Multi Media, Cyber Risk, Violent Event Response, Professional Liability, Student Accident and alternative risk
financing arrangements and strategies for CPCC’s risks.

E. Identify a partner with the expertise and desire to examine and, if appropriate, assist with the redesign of its existing
risk financing arrangements with the goal of minimizing the enterprise’s total cost of risk.

F. Identify a partner with the capability, expertise, and willingness to work with the CPCC risk management team to
identify opportunities and to add additional value to the organization. (i.e. business continuity, risk assessments)


The RFP is comprised of the base RFP document, any attachments, and any addenda released before Contract award.
All attachments and addenda released for this RFP in advance of any Contract award are incorporated herein by


It shall be the Vendor’s responsibility to read the Instructions, the State’s terms and conditions, all relevant exhibits and
attachments, and any other components made a part of this RFP, and comply with all requirements and specifications
herein. Vendors also are responsible for obtaining and complying with all Addenda and other changes that may be
issued in connection with this RFP.

If Vendors have questions, issues, or exceptions regarding any term, condition, or other component within this RFP,
those must be submitted as questions in accordance with in the instructions in Section 2.5 PROPOSAL QUESTIONS.
If the State determines that any changes will be made as a result of the questions asked, then such decisions will be
communicated in the form of an RFP addendum. The State may also elect to leave open the possibility for later
negotiation and amendment of specific provisions of the Contract that have been addressed during the question and
answer period. Other than through this process, the State rejects and will not be required to evaluate or consider any
additional or modified terms and conditions submitted with Vendor’s proposal. This applies to any language appearing
in or attached to the document as part of the Vendor’s proposal that purports to vary any terms and conditions or Vendors’
instructions herein or to render the proposal non-binding or subject to further negotiation. Vendor’s proposal shall
constitute a firm offer. By execution and delivery of this RFP Response, the Vendor agrees that any additional or
modified terms and conditions, whether submitted purposely or inadvertently, shall have no force or effect, and will be
disregarded. Noncompliance with, or any attempt to alter or delete, this paragraph shall constitute sufficient grounds to
reject Vendor’s proposal as nonresponsive.

If a Vendor desires modification of the terms and conditions of this solicitation, it is urged and cautioned to inquire during
the question period, in accordance with the instructions in this RFP, about whether specific language proposed as a

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Proposal Number:88-170041TC-DH Vendor:
modification is acceptable to or will be considered by the State. Identification of objections or exceptions to the State’s
terms and conditions in the proposal itself shall not be allowed and shall be disregarded or the proposal rejected.

Contact with anyone working for or with the State regarding this RFP other than the State Contract Specialist named on
the face page of this RFP in the manner specified by this RFP shall constitute grounds for rejection of said Vendor’s
offer, at the State’s election.


The table below shows the intended schedule for this RFP. CPCC will make every effort to adhere to this schedule.

Event Responsibility Date and Time

Issue RFP CPCC 4/26/17

Written Questions Submitted by Vendor Vendor 5/02/17 no later than 12:00PM
Provide Response to Vendor Questions CPCC 5/04/17
Submission of Proposals by Vendor Vendor 5/08/17 by 12:00PM
Notify Vendors of Oral Presentations if CPCC 5/12/17
Oral Presentations by Selected Vendors Vendor 5/18/17
Contract Award CPCC 5/25/2017
Contract Effective Date CPCC 7/01/17


Upon review of the RFP documents, Vendors may have questions to clarify or interpret the RFP in order to submit the
best proposal possible. To accommodate the Proposal Questions process, Vendors shall submit any such questions by
the above due date.

Written questions sh88-170041TC-DH Questions” as the subject for the email. Questions submittals should include a
reference to the applicable RFP section and be submitted in a format shown below:

Reference Vendor Question

RFP Section, Page Number Vendor question …?

Questions received prior to the submission deadline date, the State’s response, and any additional terms deemed
necessary by the State will be posted in the form of an addendum to the Interactive Purchasing System (IPS),, and shall become an Addendum to this RFP. No information, instruction or advice provided
orally or informally by any State personnel, whether made in response to a question or otherwise in connection with this
RFP, shall be considered authoritative or binding. Vendors shall rely only on written material contained in an Addendum
to this RFP.


Sealed proposals, subject to the conditions made a part hereof and the receipt requirements described below, shall be
received at the address indicated in the table below, for furnishing and delivering those items or services as described

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Proposal Number:88-170041TC-DH Vendor:
Mailing address for delivery of proposal Office Address of delivery by any other method
via US Postal Service (special delivery, overnight, or any other carrier)
Central Piedmont Community College Central Piedmont Community College
PO Box 35009 1230 Charlottetowne Ave.
Charlotte, NC 28235 Charlotte, NC 28204
Attn: Dawn Horner, Sr. Buyer Attn: Dawn Horner, Sr. Buyer

IMPORTANT NOTE: All proposals shall be physically delivered to the office address listed above on or before the
proposal deadline in order to be considered timely, regardless of the method of delivery. This is an absolute
requirement. All risk of late arrival due to unanticipated delay—whether delivered by hand, U.S. Postal Service, courier
or other delivery service is entirely on the Vendor. It is the sole responsibility of the Vendor to have the proposal physically
in this Office by the specified time and date of opening. The time of delivery will be marked on each proposal when
received, and any proposal received after the proposal submission deadline will be rejected. Sealed proposals, subject
to the conditions made a part hereof, will be received at the address indicated in the table in this Section, for furnishing
and delivering the commodity as described herein.

Note that the U.S. Postal Service generally does not deliver mail to specified street address but to the State’s Mail Service
Center. Vendors are cautioned that proposals sent via U.S. Mail, including Express Mail, may not be delivered by the
Mail Service Center to the agency’s purchasing office on the due date in time to meet the proposal deadline. All Vendors
are urged to take the possibility of delay into account when submitting a proposal. Attempts to submit a proposal via
facsimile (FAX) machine, telephone or electronic means, including but not limited to email, in response to this
RFP shall NOT be accepted.

a) Submit two (2) signed, original executed proposal responses, [1] of photocopies, [1] un-redacted electronic copies
on CD, DVD or flash drive and, if required, [1] redacted electronic (Proprietary and Confidential Information Excluded)
copies on CD, DVD or flash drive of Vendor’s proposal simultaneously to the address identified in the table above.

b) Submit Vendor’s proposal in a sealed package. Clearly mark each package with: (1) Vendor name; (2) the RFP
number; and (3) the due date. Address the package(s) for delivery as shown in the table above. If Vendor is
submitting more than one (1) proposal, each proposal shall be submitted in separate sealed envelopes and marked
accordingly. For delivery purposes, separate sealed envelopes from a single Vendor may be included in the same
outer package. Proposals are subject to rejection unless submitted with the information above included on the
outside of the sealed proposal package.

c) The electronic copies of Vendor’s proposal must be provided on separate read-only CD’s, DVD’s or flash drives.
The files on the discs shall NOT be password protected, shall be in .PDF or .XLS format, and shall be capable of
being copied to other media including readable in Microsoft Word and/or Microsoft Excel.

Disc One must contain the entire Technical and Cost Proposal including any proprietary information and have the
following label affixed to the disc: 1) Vendor name; (2) the RFP number; (3) the due date; and (4) the words “Disc One -
Technical and Cost Proposal Non-Redacted.”
Disc Three (or, Disc two if one-step method is used), if required for confidentiality, must contain the Technical (and
Cost—if one-step method is used) Proposal excluding any proprietary information identified as confidential and
proprietary in accordance with Attachment A, Paragraph 11 of the Instructions to Vendors. Central Piedmont Community
College, in responding to public records requests, will release the information on this disc. It is the sole responsibility of
the Vendor to ensure that this disc complies with the requirements of A, Paragraph 11 of the Instructions to Vendors.
The following label must be affixed to the disc: (1) Vendor name; (2) the RFP number; (3) the due date; and (4) the words
“Disc Three Technical and Cost Proposal– Redacted Copy”.

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Proposal Number:88-170041TC-DH Vendor:
Vendors shall populate all attachments of this RFP that require the Vendor to provide information and include an
authorized signature where requested. Vendor RFP responses shall include the following items and those attachments
should be arranged in the following order:

a) Cover Letter
b) Title Page: Include the company name, address, phone number and authorized representative along with the
Proposal Number.
c) Completed and signed version of EXECUTION PAGES, along with the body of the RFP (pages 2-20), and signed
receipt pages of any addenda released in conjunction with this RFP (if required to be returned).
f) Completed version of ATTACHMENT C: PRICING
l) Exhibit 1


Vendor may submit alternate proposals for various methods or levels of service(s) or that propose different options.
Alternate proposals must specifically identify the RFP requirements and advantage(s) addressed by the alternate
proposal. Any alternate proposal, in addition to the marking described above, must be clearly marked with the legend:
“Alternate Proposal #___ [for ‘name of Vendor”]. Each proposal must be for a specific set of services and must include
specific pricing. If a Vendor chooses to respond with various service offerings, each must be offered with a separate
price and be contained in a separate proposal document. Each proposal must be complete and independent of other
proposals offered.


a) BAFO: Best and Final Offer, submitted by a Vendor to alter its initial offer, made in response to a request by the
issuing agency.
b) BUYER: The employee of the State or Other Eligible Entity that places an order with the Vendor.
c) COMMUNITY COLLEGE: Any of the fifty-eight (58) public North Carolina Community Colleges.
d) CONTRACT LEAD: Representative of Central Piedmont Community College who corresponds with potential
Vendors in order to identify and contract with that Vendor providing the greatest benefit to the State and who will
administer this contract for the State.
e) CPCC: Central Piedmont Community College
f) E-PROCUREMENT SERVICES: The program, system, and associated services through which the State conducts
electronic procurement.
g) FOB-DESTINATION: Title changes hand from Vendor to purchaser at the destination point of the shipment; Vendor
owns commodity in transit and files any claims, and Vendor pays all freight and any related transportation charges. A
solicitation may request Vendors to separately identify freight charges in their proposal, but no amount or charge not
included as part of the total proposal price will be paid.
h) LOT: A grouping of similar products within this RFP.
i) ON-TIME DELIVERY: The delivery of all items within a single order to the receiving point designated by the ordering
entity within the delivery time required.

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Proposal Number:88-170041TC-DH Vendor:
j) QUALIFIED PROPOSAL: A responsive proposal submitted by a responsible Vendor.
k) RFP: Request for Proposal
l) STATE: The State of North Carolina, including any of its sub-units recognized under North Carolina law. This also
includes Central Piedmont Community College
m) STATE AGENCY: Any of the more than 400 sub-units within the executive branch of the State, including its
departments, boards, commissions, institutions of higher education and other institutions.
n) VENDOR: Supplier, bidder, proposer, company, firm, corporation, partnership, individual or other entity submitting
a response to a Request for Proposal.


All qualified proposals will be evaluated and awards will be made to the Vendor(s) meeting the RFP requirements and
achieving the highest and best final evaluation, based on the criteria described below.

While the intent of this RFP is to award a Contract(s) to a single Vendor, the State reserves the right to make separate
awards to different Vendors for one or more line items, to not award one or more line items or to cancel this RFP in its
entirety without awarding a Contract, if it is considered to be most advantageous to the State to do so.

The status of a Vendor’s E-Procurement Services account(s) shall be considered a relevant factor in determining whether
to approve the award of a contract under this RFP. Any Vendor with an E-Procurement Services account that is in
arrears by 91 days or more at the time of proposal opening may, at the State’s discretion, be disqualified from further
evaluation or consideration.

The State reserves the right to waive any minor informality or technicality in proposals received.


During the evaluation period—from the date proposals are opened through the date the contract is awarded—each
Vendor submitting a proposal (including its representatives, sub-contractors and/or suppliers) is prohibited from having
any communications with any person inside or outside the using agency, issuing agency, other government agency
office, or body (including the purchaser named above, department secretary, agency head, members of the general
assembly and/or governor’s office), or private entity, if the communication refers to the content of Vendor’s proposal or
qualifications, the contents of another Vendor’s proposal, another Vendor’s qualifications or ability to perform the
contract, and/or the transmittal of any other communication of information that could be reasonably considered to have
the effect of directly or indirectly influencing the evaluation of proposals and/or the award of the contract. A Vendor not
in compliance with this provision shall be disqualified from contract award, unless it is determined in the State’s discretion
that the communication was harmless, that it was made without intent to influence and that the best interest of the State
would not be served by the disqualification. A Vendor’s proposal may be disqualified if its sub-contractor and supplier
engage in any of the foregoing communications during the time that the procurement is active (i.e., the issuance date of
the procurement to the date of contract award). Only those discussions, communications or transmittals of information
authorized or initiated by the issuing agency for this RFP or general inquiries directed to the purchaser regarding
requirements of the RFP (prior to proposal submission) or the status of the contract award (after submission) are
excepted from this provision.


The State shall review all Vendor responses to this RFP to confirm that they meet the specifications and requirements
of the RFP.

The State will conduct a One-Step evaluation of Proposals:

Proposals will be received from each responsive Vendor in a sealed envelope or package.
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Proposal Number:88-170041TC-DH Vendor:
All proposals must be received by the issuing agency not later than the date and time specified on the cover sheet
of this RFP.

At that date and time, the package containing the proposals from each responding firm will be opened publicly and
the name of the Vendor and total cost offered will be announced. Interested parties are cautioned that these costs
and their components are subject to further evaluation for completeness and correctness and therefore may not be
an exact indicator of a Vendor’s pricing position.

At their option, the evaluators may request oral presentations or discussion with any or all Vendors for the purpose
of clarification or to amplify the materials presented in any part of the proposal. Vendors are cautioned, however,
that the evaluators are not required to request presentations or other clarification—and often do not. Therefore, all
proposals should be complete and reflect the most favorable terms available from the Vendor.

Proposals will generally be evaluated according to completeness, content, and experience with similar projects,
ability of the Vendor and its staff, and cost. Specific evaluation criteria are listed in 3.6 EVALUATION CRITERIA,

Vendors are cautioned that this is a request for offers, not an offer or request to contract, and the State reserves the
unqualified right to reject any and all offers at any time if such rejection is deemed to be in the best interest of the

At their sole option, the evaluators may request oral presentations or discussion with any or all Vendors for the
purpose of clarification or to amplify the materials presented in any part of the proposal. Vendors are cautioned,
however, that the evaluators are not required to request presentations or other clarification—and often do not;
therefore, all proposals must be complete and reflect the most favorable terms available from the Vendor.

Proposals will generally be evaluated according to completeness, content, experience with similar projects, ability of
the offer or and its staff, and cost. Specific evaluation criteria are listed section 3.6 EVALUATION CRITERIA, below.

Vendors are cautioned that this is a request for proposals, not a request to contract, and the State reserves the
unqualified right to reject any and all offers at any time if such rejection is deemed to be in the best interest of the

The State reserves the right to reject all original offers and request one or more of the Vendors submitting proposals
to submit best and final offers (BAFOs), prepared in collaboration with the State after the initial responses to the
RFP have been evaluated.

The State reserves the right to reject all original offers and request one or more of the Vendors submitting proposals
within a competitive range to submit a best and final offer (BAFO), based on discussions and negotiations with the
State, if the initial responses to the RFP have been evaluated and determined to be unsatisfactory.

Upon completion of the evaluation process, the State will make Award(s) based on the evaluation and post the
award(s) to IPS under the RFP number for this solicitation. Award of a Contract to one Vendor does not mean that
the other proposals lacked merit, but that, all factors considered, the selected proposal was deemed most
advantageous and represented the best value to the State.


Each Vendor submitting a proposal shall:
A. Comply with all instructions;
B. Be licensed to operate in the State of North Carolina;
C. Carry, throughout the term of any contract arising from this RFP, appropriate business insurance including a
minimum of $3,000,000 aggregate of professional liability including errors and omissions; insurance
D. Complete all required sections of the RFP;
E. Respond to all questions in reasonable detail;
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Proposal Number:88-170041TC-DH Vendor:
F. Participate in an oral presentation, if requested.


CPCC will evaluate RFP responses according to the following criteria:
A. Vendor’s knowledge of the culture, operations, issues, and objectives of CPCC
B. Vendor’s experience with Colleges and their markets. Include a list of Higher Education accounts that
Vendor services that may experience similar exposures to CPCC.
C. Vendor’s ability to distinguish CPCC in the marketplace
D. Vendor’s proposed service team’s attributes including depth of expertise; infrastructure of resources; and
commitment to CPCC
E. Vendor’s conceptual approach to managing cost of risk
F. Client references (if applicable as noted in Section 4.7)
G. Proposed compensation plan including its amount, nature, visibility, and appropriateness
H. The total completeness of Vendor’s response to all areas of the RFP
I. Vendor’s financial strength and reputation
J. Evidence of Vendor’s Errors and Omission insurance
K. Vendor’s overall expertise with clients similar to CPCC
L. Vendor’s ability to provide cost-effective solutions to meet the needs of CPCC
M. Vendor’s proposed strategy for addressing the goals of CPCC’s Enterprise Risk Management
N. Vendor’s demonstrated level of customer service and support to clients similar to CPCC
If specific requests for information relevant to each of these criteria are not made elsewhere in this RFP,
Vendor shall be responsible for including information in its proposal that it considers relevant in allowing
adequate evaluation of all criteria listed.


All qualified proposals will be evaluated and award made based on considering the following criteria, to result in an award
most advantageous to CPCC:

Criteria Points

Cost 30

Technical Proposal 45

(Conformity to requirements listed in Sections 3.5 A-


Customer Service (Section 3.5 N) 25

Total 100


This Request for Proposal serves two functions: (1) to advise potential Vendors of the parameters of the solution being
sought by the Department; and (2) to provide (together with other specified documents) the terms of the Contract
resulting from this procurement. As such, all terms in the Request for Proposal shall be enforceable as contract terms
in accordance with the General Contract Terms and Conditions. The use of phrases such as “shall,” “must,” and
Ver: 9/30/16 Page 11 of 45
Proposal Number:88-170041TC-DH Vendor:
“requirements” are intended to create enforceable contract conditions. In determining whether proposals should be
evaluated or rejected, the Department will take into consideration the degree to which Vendors have proposed or failed
to propose solutions that will satisfy the Department’s needs as described in the Request for Proposal. Except as
specifically stated in the Request for Proposal, no one requirement shall automatically disqualify a Vendor from
consideration. However, failure to comply with any single requirement may result in the Department exercising its
discretion to reject a proposal in its entirety.

This Section lists the requirements related to this RFP. By submitting a proposal, the Vendor agrees to meet all stated
requirements in this Section as well as any other specifications, requirements and terms and conditions stated in this
RFP. If a Vendor is unclear about a requirement or specification or believes a change to a requirement would allow for
CPCC to receive a better proposal, the Vendor is urged and cautioned to submit these items in the form of a question
during the question and answer period in accordance with Section 2.4.


The Contract shall have an initial term of 1 year, beginning July 1, 2017 effective date. The vendor shall begin work
under the contract upon contract award date.

At the end of the Contract’s current term, the State shall have the option, in its sole discretion, to renew the Contract on
the same terms and conditions for up to a total of two additional one-year terms. The State will give the Vendor written
notice of its intent whether to exercise each option no later than 60 days before the end of the Contract’s then-current
term. In addition, the State reserves the right to extend a contract term for a period of up to 180 days in 90-day-or-less

Proposal price shall constitute the total cost to Buyer for complete performance in accordance with the requirements and
specifications herein, including all applicable charges handling, administrative and other similar fees. Vendor shall not
invoice for any amounts not specifically allowed for in this RFP. Complete ATTACHMENT C: PRICING FORM and
include in Proposal.
a) Invoices must be submitted to the following address:
Central Piedmont Community College, Enterprise Risk Management
PO Box 35009
Charlotte, NC 28235
b) Invoices must bear the correct contract number and purchase order number to ensure prompt payment. The
Vendor’s failure to include the correct purchase order number may cause delay in payment.

c) Invoices must include an accurate description of the work for which the invoice is being submitted, the invoice date,
the period of time covered, the amount of fees due to the Vendor and the original signature of the Vendor’s project


A. The Vendor will be compensated at the rates quoted in the Vendor’s Cost Proposal.
Quote a comprehensive, all-inclusive annual fee, payable net thirty (30) calendar days upon receipt of correct
invoice, for the scope of services outlined in this RFP.

Such fee should be a base fee for services and should assume that Vendor will not be entitled to any
commissions for any coverage procured on behalf of CPCC. Indicate any exceptions to this requirement. In the
event that a particular insurance company whose coverage is most advantageous to CPCC will not write
coverage net of commission, commissions received for the coverage procured by the broker shall be disclosed
and credited against the fees. Such fees and commissions will be subject to audit at the discretion of CPCC.

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Proposal Number:88-170041TC-DH Vendor:
Comment on Vendor’s position on accepting and disclosing contingency commissions from insurance


In addition, to the request of Financial Statements each Vendor shall certify it is financially stable by completing the
ATTACHMENT E: CERTIFICATION OF FINANCIAL CONDITION. The State is requiring this certification to minimize
potential issues from Contracting with a Vendor that is financially unstable. From the date of the Certification to the
expiration of the Contract, the Vendor shall notify the State within thirty (30) days of any occurrence or condition that
materially alters the truth of any statement made in this Certification.


In its Proposal, Vendor shall demonstrate experience with public and/or private sector clients with similar or greater size
and complexity to the CPCC. Vendor shall provide information as to the qualifications and experience of all executive,
managerial, legal, and professional personnel to be assigned to this project, including resumes citing experience with
similar projects and the responsibilities to be assigned to each person. Include any higher education experience.


Vendor shall provide clear and concise responses to each of the following:
A. Describe Vendor’s success in meeting its client’s unique service requirements. How does Vendor measure
and continuously improve client satisfaction with its services as well as with Vendor’s team’s performance?
B. Describe Vendor’s information technology capabilities and how Vendor services administrative needs. How
will they directly benefit CPCC?
Does Vendor maintain a web-based information system that will allow CPCC to view its information on
demand? Yes No_
Can Vendor provide an online certificate of insurance? Yes No_
Can Vendor provide online auto ID cards? Yes No
Can Vendor provide MVR reports? Yes No
Is there a cost for MVR Report? Yes No_
If Yes, cost per report $ .
Vendor shall include a brief description of each of these areas in its proposal.
C. Describe Vendor’s proposed service team. Focus on team members who will be assigned to CPCC’s
account. Include a description of the individual team members including their experience and qualifications.
D. Innovative Solutions: CPCC is seeking an insurance broker who can keep CPCC at the forefront of market
innovation. Describe how Vendor’s organization encourages innovation from its broker team.
E. What steps will Vendor take to become familiar with the risks and exposures of CPCC? How will Vendor
objectively assess the adequacy of coverage for CPCC?
F. Discuss Vendor’s proposed program design. Include alternative design concepts and why Vendor believe
such concepts would provide economical risk transfer for CPCC.
G. Present Vendor’s firm’s plan of action to market CPCC’s insurance program. Include discussion on the
following areas:
1. Describe Vendor’s plan and process to differentiate CPCC in the insurance marketplace.
2. Identify Vendor’s approach to developing outstanding submissions for RFP’s for higher education.
3. How does Vendor get competitive renewal pricing from incumbent markets?
4. Comment on how Vendor secures the broadest coverage available for its clients.

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Proposal Number:88-170041TC-DH Vendor:
5. Please note any cost efficient opportunities that will provide the same degree of coverage with reduced
premiums. Note the coverage type and premium associated with the coverage.
H. Does Vendor have a Crisis Assistance Team? Yes No .
Is there a cost to the college? Yes No_
Describe type(s) of assistance provided.
J. In regards to cyber liability, please describe coverage available to CPCC and how it would respond to breach,
damage to equipment, notification and care of individuals impacted?
K. Two (Non-owned) mobile units located at CPPC’s Levine Campus are used for classroom instruction. How
will Vendor handle insurance for the mobile units?
L. How will Vendor handle requests from CPCC in regards to specific legal counsel to handle possible legal
actions relating to insurance claims?
M. Are there any other services Vendor’s firm provides that Vendor recommends or may recommend for CPCC?


CPCC requires a firm that can provide a wide range of local services with the personnel having experience to provide
services on a timely basis.

In this section of Vendor’s response, Vendor shall include a discussion of the following services Vendor provides and
how Vendor will apply them to CPCC.
• Risk financing, including risk retention capacity, reserve analysis, etc.
• Loss control engineering services and support on all coverage lines.
• Claims management services and support.
• Risk management services and consulting. (i.e. risk assessment, exposure identification)
• Support system of resources, including legal, communications, etc.
• Depth of resources sufficient to meet CPCC needs within prescribed deadlines.
• Dedicated manager who will have oversight of all services within firm.
• Access to databases and other resources to identify market trends and best practices.
• Recent College and/or not-for-profit experience (provide references).

If Vendor will have any difficulty in providing any of these services, this shall be noted in Vendor’s proposal.


Vendor shall describe the organizational and operational structure it proposes to utilize for the work described in this
RFP, and identify the responsibilities to be assigned to each person Vendor proposes to staff the work.

Vendors shall provide at least three (3) references for which Vendor has provided services of similar size and scope to
that proposed herein. Include references from Higher Education institutes. CPCC may contact these users to determine
the services provided are substantially similar in scope to those proposed herein and Vendor’s performance has been
satisfactory. Any information obtained may be considered in the evaluation of the proposal.


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Proposal Number:88-170041TC-DH Vendor:

The account executives assigned must be experienced senior executives who are knowledgeable about all lines of
insurance and have experience handling higher educational institutions. CPCC will expect direct access to the account
executives on all matters. In this section of Vendor’s response, please provide a brief description of the following:

a) History and description of Vendor, its management and organization structure, including number of employees,
total premium volume, areas of specialization, recent or planned acquisitions, mergers, sales, downsizing, and/or
restructuring, and how this may impact the services Vendor provides to its clients.

b) Describe Vendor’s current business plan.

c) Name of firm, address and telephone number of Vendor’s local office that will service account. Name and
experience of individuals who will be responsible to service this account and the accounts they currently handle.
This should include account executives, marketing personnel, technical representatives, and others that will be
actively involved. Also, list subsidiary or associate companies of Vendor that Vendor intends to or contemplates
it may utilize in servicing this account.

d) Vendor’s corporate philosophy regarding selection and assignment of account executives and other personnel
and the type of work that they perform.

e) A copy of Vendor’s latest annual report or financial statement.

f) A copy of a current insurance certificate evidencing the coverage Vendor carries to protect it and its clients.

g) A list of higher educational institutions and other clients with similar exposures that Vendor’s local office handles.

h) Philosophy regarding compensation arrangements, including discretionary and supplemental services,

contingency fees, and/or any other forms of monetary compensation received from insurance carriers.

i) How does Vendor assist its clients if problems develop with insurers?

j) Describe Vendor’s current information technology strategy and how Vendor use technology to improve internal
operations and client services.

Vendor shall not substitute key personnel assigned to the performance of this Contract without prior written approval by
the Contract Lead. Vendor and CPCC will agree upon key personnel after the contract is awarded. Vendor shall notify
the Contract Lead of any desired substitution, including the name(s) and references of Vendor’s recommended substitute
personnel. The State will approve or disapprove the requested substitution in a timely manner. The State may, in its
sole discretion, terminate the services of any person providing services under this Contract. Upon such termination, the
State may request acceptable substitute personnel or terminate the contract services provided by such personnel.


a) Vendor warrants that qualified personnel shall provide services under this Contract in a professional manner.
“Professional manner” means that the personnel performing the services will possess the skill and competence
consistent with the prevailing business standards in the industry. Vendor agrees that it will not enter any agreement
with a third party that may abridge any rights of the State under this Contract. Vendor will serve as the prime
contractor under this Contract and shall be responsible for the performance and payment of all subcontractor(s) that
may be approved by the State. Names of any third party Vendors or subcontractors of Vendor may appear for

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Proposal Number:88-170041TC-DH Vendor:
purposes of convenience in Contract documents; and shall not limit Vendor’s obligations hereunder. Vendor will
retain executive representation for functional and technical expertise as needed in order to incorporate any work by
third party subcontractor(s).

b) If any services, deliverables, functions, or responsibilities not specifically described in this Contract are required for
Vendor’s proper performance, provision and delivery of the service and deliverables under this Contract, or are an
inherent part of or necessary sub-task included within such service, they will be deemed to be implied by and
included within the scope of the contract to the same extent and in the same manner as if specifically described in
the contract. Unless otherwise expressly provided herein, Vendor will furnish all of its own necessary management,
supervision, labor, facilities, furniture, computer and telecommunications equipment, software, supplies and
materials necessary for the Vendor to provide and deliver the Services and Deliverables.

c) Vendor warrants that it has the financial capacity to perform and to continue perform its obligations under the
contract; that Vendor has no constructive or actual knowledge of an actual or potential legal proceeding being
brought against Vendor that could materially adversely affect performance of this Contract; and that entering into
this Contract is not prohibited by any contract, or order by any court of competent jurisdiction.



CPCC is conducting a bidding process for risk management, insurance, and brokerage services. The competition will
focus on the broker’s capabilities, team members, use of technology to add value to CPCC, program cost and broker


Vendor shall provide professional services, as described, in each of the following areas:
1. Assist in the on-going assessment and analysis of potential risks throughout the footprint of CPCC.
2. Review existing policies to identify the strengths and weaknesses of CPCC current risk insurance Program
and assist CPCC in the design and implementation of insurance contracts or other nontraditional programs to
ensure adequacy of coverage and mitigation of CPCC risks.
3. Keep CPCC advised of conditions and developments in the commercial insurance market and in the
regulatory arena that may have material impact on our College’s risk program.



1. Prepare risk coverage specifications for marketing.
2. Assist in the compilation of underwriting data and completion of required insurance applications.
3. Analyze markets and report recommendations to CPCC for each line of coverage.
4. Bid risk insurance contracts to assure best possible conditions and pricing.
5. Prepare and facilitate executive overview of risk insurance proposals.
6. Indicate the anticipated basis and projected amount of all compensation to be received from the insured by
the broker and compensation of any other type.
7. Bind coverage as directed by CPCC.
8. Review and confirm the accuracy of risk insurance policies.

Vendor shall provide consultation and professional expertise with respect to CPCC’s risk issues, including the

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Proposal Number:88-170041TC-DH Vendor:
Vendor shall issue insurance documentation and insurance summaries within the context of the policy
certificate of insurance, MVRs provision.
1. Claims Management
a. Consult on losses and advocate CPCC’s interests in settlement negotiations
b. Establish and maintain claims reporting procedures for each line of coverage
c. Provide proactive claims advocacy and claims management to maximize insurance recovery
2. Loss Prevention Services
a. Provide insight on types of services Vendor can provide.
3. Risk Insurance Program
a. Identify the need and coordinate the placement and servicing of any local insurance policies required i.e.
professional liability for students, professional liability for culinary arts.

Vendor shall participate in meetings to:
1. Assess current coverages and conditions and recommend possible modifications.
2. Help establish objectives for pending renewals.
3. Organize and participate in underwriter meetings to facilitate marketing CPCC’s coverages to insurers.
4. Provide other underwriting-related assistance, as requested.

If Vendor will have any difficulty in providing these services, the difficulty must be explained in Vendor’s proposal.


In the event acceptance criteria for any work or deliverables is not described in contract documents or work orders
hereunder, the State shall have the obligation to notify Vendor, in writing ten (10) calendar days following completion of
such work or deliverable described in the Contract that it is not acceptable. The notice shall specify in reasonable detail
the reason(s) it is unacceptable. Acceptance by the State shall not be unreasonably withheld; but may be conditioned
or delayed as required for reasonable review, evaluation, installation or testing, as applicable of the work or deliverable.
Final acceptance is expressly conditioned upon completion of all applicable assessment procedures. Should the work
or deliverables fail to meet any requirements, acceptance criteria or otherwise fail to conform to the contract, the State
may exercise any and all rights hereunder, including, for deliverables, such rights provided by the Uniform Commercial
Code as adopted in North Carolina.


If this Contract is not renewed at the end of this term, or is cancelled prior to its expiration, for any reason, Vendor shall
provide, at the option of the State, up to 12 months after such end date all such reasonable transition assistance
requested by the State, to allow for the expired or cancelled portion of the Services to continue without interruption or
adverse effect, and to facilitate the orderly transfer of such services to the State or its designees. If the State exercises
this option, the Parties agree that such transition assistance shall be deemed to be governed by the terms and conditions
of this Contract (notwithstanding this expiration or cancellation), except for those Contract terms or conditions that do
not reasonably apply to such transition assistance. The State shall pay Vendor for any resources utilized in performing
such transition assistance at the most current rates provided by the Contract for performance of the services or other
resources utilized.


The Vendor shall designate and make available to CPCC a project manager. The project manager shall be the State’s
point of contact for contract related issues and issues concerning performance, progress review, scheduling and service.

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Proposal Number:88-170041TC-DH Vendor:
The Vendor, at the request of the State, shall meet periodically quarterly with the State for Project Review meetings.
The purpose of these meetings will be to review project progress reports, discuss Vendor and State performance,
address outstanding issues, review problem resolution, provide direction, evaluate continuous improvement and cost
saving ideas, and discuss any other pertinent topics.


The State encourages the Vendor to identify opportunities to reduce the total cost the State. A continuous improvement
effort consisting of various ideas to enhance business efficiencies will be discussed at the periodic Business Review


The Vendor shall provide claims and cost to date Management Reports to the designated Contract Lead on a quarterly
basis. This report shall include, at a minimum, information concerning claims and cost to date updates. These reports
shall be well organized and easy to read. The Vendor shall submit these reports electronically using Microsoft Excel
and, as needed, either Microsoft PowerPoint or Microsoft Word. The Vendor shall submit the reports in a timely manner
and on a regular schedule as agreed by the parties.

Within twenty (20) business days of the award of the Contract the Vendor shall submit a final work plan and a sample
report, both to the designated Contract Lead for approval.


The parties agree that it is in their mutual interest to resolve disputes informally. A claim by the Vendor shall be submitted
in writing to the State’s Contract Lead for resolution. A claim by the State shall be submitted in writing to the Vendor’s
Project Manager for resolution. The Parties shall negotiate in good faith and use all reasonable efforts to resolve such
dispute(s). During the time the Parties are attempting to resolve any dispute, each shall proceed diligently to perform
their respective duties and responsibilities under this Contract. If a dispute cannot be resolved between the Parties
within thirty (30) days after delivery of notice, either Party may elect to exercise any other remedies available under this
Contract, or at law. This term shall not constitute an agreement by either party to mediate or arbitrate any dispute.


Contract changes, if any, over the life of the contract shall be implemented by contract amendments agreed to in writing
by the State and Vendor.



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Proposal Number:88-170041TC-DH Vendor:
Coverage Deductible/SIR Limits
General Liability N/A Each Occurrence $1,000,000
General Aggregate $2,000,000

Law Enforcement $10,000 $1,000,000/$1,000,000

Employee Benefits $1,000 $1,000,000/$3,000,000
Sexual Misconduct N/A $1,000,000/$3,000,000
Violent Event N/A $300,000/$300,000
School Leaders E&O $10,000 $1,000,000/$1,000,000

International Package N/A $1,000,000 Each Occurrence (General

Liability Liability)
$2,000,000 General Aggregate (General

$1,000,000 Each Claim (Employee

$1,000,000 Aggregate (Employee

$1,000,000 Each Accident (Auto)

Crime $1,000 $100,000
Workers’ Compensation N/A Professional payroll: $7,220,050
Clerical payroll: $2,911,955
Employers Liability N/A $500,000/$500,000/$500,000
Automobile $2,000 Collision $1,000,000 Combined Single Limit
$2,000 Comprehensive
Umbrella $10,000 $10,000,000
Property $25,000 $516,497,031
WTVI Property $25,000 $7,000,000
Cyber Liability $100,000 $5,000,000 Aggregate incl. Defense Costs
$100,000 $5,000,000 Information Security & Privacy
$100,000 $1,000,000 Regulatory Defense &
Fine Arts $1,000 $350,000
Multimedia $5,000 $2,000,000
Medical E&O N/A $1,000,000 Each Claim
$5,000,000 Aggregate
Misc. Builders Risk $5,000 $500,000 per project
(renovations) $3,000,000 Catastrophe limit-all projects
Large Builders Risk $10,000 $65,721,000
Student Accident N/A $10,000 Accidental Death
(7000 Students) $10,000 Accidental Dismemberment
$20,000 Accident Medical Expense

Insure students along with faculty members who supervise or direct student’s clinical experience. This will meet
contractual agreements between CPCC and outside facilities.
Each person limit $1,000,000
Total limit $5,000,000

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Proposal Number:88-170041TC-DH Vendor:

Turnover 15/16 14/15 13/14

Faculty 7.80% 6.20% 9.90%
Staff 10.61% 11.61% 10.62%
All Full-Time 9.70% 9.85% 10.39%
PT Employees 28.68% 47.43% 19.99%

CPCC Board of Trustees can be found at

Information relating to the CPCC Foundation can be found at


• Audit Period 07/10/2015 – 07/10/2016 Actual Exposure

• Class Code 8868 $7,942,813 Class Code 9101 $910,254
• Class Code 7610 $1,105,938 Class Code 9154 $172,066
• Part A-Statutory

• Part B-Employers Liability

Bodily injury by accident $500,000 each accident Bodily injury by disease $500,000 policy limit

FY 16 Payroll

Professional Wages: $7,220,050

Clerical: $2,911,955

Student Enrollment:

Summer 2016 17,298 Fall 2016 32,594 Spring 2017 24,110

Unduplicated Headcount


2016/17: 1000 number of certificates issued (estimate)

The remainder of this page is intentionally left blank

Attachments to this RFP begin on the next page.

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Proposal Number:88-170041TC-DH Vendor:

1. READ, REVIEW AND COMPLY: It shall be the Vendor’s responsibility to read this entire document, review all
enclosures and attachments, and any addenda thereto, and comply with all requirements specified herein,
regardless of whether appearing in these Instructions to Vendors or elsewhere in this RFP document.

2. LATE PROPOSALS: Late proposals, regardless of cause, will not be opened or considered, and will automatically
be disqualified from further consideration. It shall be the Vendor’s sole responsibility to ensure delivery at the
designated office by the designated time.

3. ACCEPTANCE AND REJECTION: The State reserves the right to reject any and all proposals, to waive any
informality in proposals and, unless otherwise specified by the Vendor, to accept any item in the proposal. If either
a unit price or an extended price is obviously in error and the other is obviously correct, the incorrect price will be

4. BASIS FOR REJECTION: Pursuant to 01 NCAC 05B .0501, the State reserves the right to reject any and all offers,
in whole or in part, by deeming the offer unsatisfactory as to quality or quantity, delivery, price or service offered,
non-compliance with the requirements or intent of this solicitation, lack of competitiveness, error(s) in specifications
or indications that revision would be advantageous to the State, cancellation or other changes in the intended project
or any other determination that the proposed requirement is no longer needed, limitation or lack of available funds,
circumstances that prevent determination of the best offer, or any other determination that rejection would be in the
best interest of the State.

5. EXECUTION: Failure to sign EXECUTION PAGE in the indicated space will render proposal non-responsive, and it
shall be rejected.

6. ORDER OF PRECEDENCE: In cases of conflict between specific provisions in this solicitation or those in any
resulting contract, the order of precedence shall be (high to low) (1) any special terms and conditions specific to this
RFP, including any negotiated terms; (2) requirements and specifications in Sections 4, 5 and 6 of this RFP; (3)
North Carolina General Contract Terms and Conditions in ATTACHMENT B: NORTH CAROLINA GENERAL
and (5) Vendor’s Proposal.

7. INFORMATION AND DESCRIPTIVE LITERATURE: Vendor shall furnish all information requested and in the
spaces provided in this document. Further, if required elsewhere in this proposal, each Vendor must submit with
their proposal sketches, descriptive literature and/or complete specifications covering the products offered.
Reference to literature submitted with a previous proposal or available elsewhere will not satisfy this provision.
Proposals that do not comply with these requirements shall be subject to rejection without further consideration.

8. SUSTAINABILITY: To support the sustainability efforts of the State we solicit Vendor’s cooperation in this effort.
Pursuant to Executive Order 156 (1999), it is desirable that all responses meet the following:

• All copies of the proposal are printed double sided.

• All submittals and copies are printed on recycled paper with a minimum post-consumer content of 30%.
• Unless absolutely necessary, all proposals and copies should minimize or eliminate use of non-recyclable or
non-reusable materials such as plastic report covers, plastic dividers, vinyl sleeves, and GBC binding. Three-
ringed binders, glued materials, paper clips, and staples are acceptable.
• Materials should be submitted in a format which allows for easy removal, filing and/or recycling of paper and
binder materials. Use of oversized paper is strongly discouraged unless necessary for clarity or legibility.

9. HISTORICALLY UNDERUTILIZED BUSINESSES: Pursuant to General Statute 143-48 and Executive Order #150
(1999), the State invites and encourages participation in this procurement process by businesses owned by
minorities, women, disabled, disabled business enterprises and non-profit work centers for the blind and severely

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Proposal Number:88-170041TC-DH Vendor:
10. RECIPROCAL PREFERENCE: G.S. 143-59 establishes a reciprocal preference requirement to discourage other
states from favoring their own resident Vendors by applying a percentage increase to the price of any proposal from
a North Carolina resident Vendor. The “Principal Place of Business” is defined as that principal place from which the
trade or business of the Vendor is directed or managed.

11. CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION: To the extent permitted by applicable statutes and rules, the State will maintain
confidential trade secrets that the Vendor does not wish disclosed. As a condition to confidential treatment, each
page containing trade secret information shall be identified in boldface at the top and bottom as “CONFIDENTIAL”
by the Vendor, with specific trade secret information enclosed in boxes or similar indication. Cost information shall
not be deemed confidential under any circumstances. Regardless of what a Vendor may label as a trade secret, the
determination whether it is or is not entitled to protection will be determined in accordance with G.S. 132-1.2. Any
material labeled as confidential constitutes a representation by the Vendor that it has made a reasonable effort in
good faith to determine that such material is, in fact, a trade secret under G.S. 132-1.2. Vendors are urged and
cautioned to limit the marking of information as a trade secret or as confidential so far as is possible.

12. PROTEST PROCEDURES: When a Vendor wishes to protest a Contract resulting from this solicitation that is
awarded by the Division of Purchase and Contract, or awarded by an agency in an awarded amount of at least
$25,000, a Vendor shall submit a written request addressed to the State Purchasing Officer at Purchase and
Contract, 1305 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1305. A protest request related to an award amount of less
than $25,000 shall be sent to the purchasing officer of the agency that issued the award. The protest request must
be received in the proper office within thirty (30) consecutive calendar days from the date of the Contract award.
Protest letters shall contain specific grounds and reasons for the protest, how the protesting party was harmed by
the award made and any documentation providing support for the protesting party’s claims. Note: Contract award
notices are sent only to the Vendor actually awarded the Contract, and not to every person or firm responding to a
solicitation. Proposal status and Award notices are posted on the Internet at All
protests will be handled pursuant to the North Carolina Administrative Code, 01 NCAC 05B .1519.

13. MISCELLANEOUS: Masculine pronouns shall be read to include feminine pronouns, and the singular of any word
or phrase shall be read to include the plural and vice versa.

14. COMMUNICATIONS BY VENDORS: In submitting its proposal, the Vendor agrees not to discuss or otherwise
reveal the contents of its proposal to any source, government or private, outside of the using or issuing agency until
after the award of the Contract or cancellation of this RFP. All Vendors are forbidden from having any
communications with the using or issuing agency, or any other representative of the State concerning the solicitation,
during the evaluation of the proposals (i.e., after the public opening of the proposals and before the award of the
Contract), unless the State directly contacts the Vendor(s) for purposes of seeking clarification or another reason
permitted by the solicitation. A Vendor shall not: (a) transmit to the issuing and/or using agency any information
commenting on the ability or qualifications of any other Vendor to provide the advertised good, equipment,
commodity; (b) identify defects, errors and/or omissions in any other Vendor’s proposal and/or prices at any time
during the procurement process; and/or (c) engage in or attempt any other communication or conduct that could
influence the evaluation and/or award of the Contract that is the subject of this RFP. Vendors not in compliance with
this provision may be disqualified, at the option of the State, from the Contract award. Only those communications
with the using agency or issuing agency authorized by this RFP are permitted.

15. TABULATIONS: Proposal tabulations can be electronically retrieved at the Interactive Purchasing System (IPS), Click on the IPS BIDS icon, click on Search for Bid, enter
the proposal number, and then search. Tabulations will normally be available at this website not later than one
working day after the proposal opening. Lengthy or complex tabulations may be summarized, with other details not
made available on IPS, and requests for additional details or information concerning such tabulations cannot be

Portal (eVP) allows Vendors to electronically register free with the State to receive electronic notification of current
procurement opportunities for goods and services of potential interests to them available on the Interactive
Purchasing System, as well as notifications of status changes to those solicitations. Online registration and other
purchasing information is available at the following website

17. WITHDRAWAL OF PROPOSAL: a Proposal may be withdrawn only in writing and actually received by the office
issuing the RFP prior to the time for the opening of Proposals identified on the cover page of this RFP (or such later
date included in an Addendum to the RFP). A withdrawal request must be on Vendor’s letterhead and signed by an

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Proposal Number:88-170041TC-DH Vendor:
official of the Vendor authorized to make such request. Any withdrawal request made after the opening of Proposals
shall be allowed only for good cause shown and in the sole discretion of the Division of Purchase and Contract.

18. INFORMAL COMMENTS: The State shall not be bound by informal explanations, instructions or information
given at any time by anyone on behalf of the State during the competitive process or after award. The State is
bound only by information provided in this RFP and in formal Addenda issued through IPS.

19. COST FOR PROPOSAL PREPARATION: Any costs incurred by Vendor in preparing or submitting offers are the
Vendor’s sole responsibility; the State of North Carolina will not reimburse any Vendor for any costs incurred prior
to award.

20. VENDOR’S REPRESENTATIVE: Each Vendor shall submit with its proposal the name, address, and telephone
number of the person(s) with authority to bind the firm and answer questions or provide clarification concerning the
firm's proposal.

21. SUBCONTRACTING: Unless expressly prohibited, a Vendor may propose to subcontract portions of the work to
identified subcontractor(s), provided that its proposal clearly describe what work it plans to subcontract and that
Vendor includes in its proposal all information regarding employees, business experience, and other information for
each proposed subcontractor that is required to be provided for Vendor itself.

22. INS PECT ION AT VEN D OR’S SIT E: The State reserves the right to inspect, at a reasonable time, the
equipment/item, plant or other facilities of a prospective Vendor prior to Contract award, and during the Contract
term as necessary for the State determination that such equipment/item, plant or other facilities conform with the
specifications/requirements and are adequate and suitable for the proper and effective performance of the Contract.

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Proposal Number:88-170041TC-DH Vendor:

1. PERFORMANCE AND DEFAULT: If, through any cause, Vendor shall fail to fulfill in timely and proper manner the
obligations under this contract, the State shall have the right to terminate this contract by giving written notice to the
Vendor and specifying the effective date thereof. In that event, all finished or unfinished deliverable items under this
contract prepared by the Vendor shall, at the option of the State, become its property, and the Vendor shall be
entitled to receive just and equitable compensation for any acceptable work completed on such materials.
Notwithstanding, Vendor shall not be relieved of liability to the State for damages sustained by the State by virtue of
any breach of this contract, and the State may withhold any payment due the Vendor for the purpose of setoff until
such time as the exact amount of damages due the State from such breach can be determined. The State reserves
the right to require at any time a performance bond or other acceptable alternative performance guarantees from a
Vendor without expense to the State.

In case of default by the Vendor, the State may procure the goods and services necessary to complete performance
hereunder from other sources and hold the Vendor responsible for any excess cost occasioned thereby. In addition,
in the event of default by the Vendor under this contract, or upon the Vendor filing a petition for bankruptcy or the
entering of a judgment of bankruptcy by or against the Vendor, the State may immediately cease doing business
with the Vendor, immediately terminate this contract for cause, and may act to debar the Vendor from doing future
business with the State.

2. GOVERNMENTAL RESTRICTIONS: In the event any Governmental restrictions are imposed which necessitate
alteration of the material, quality, workmanship or performance of the goods or services offered prior to their delivery,
it shall be the responsibility of the Vendor to notify, in writing, the Contract Lead at once, indicating the specific
regulation which required such alterations. The State reserves the right to accept any such alterations, including any
price adjustments occasioned thereby, or to cancel the Contract.

3. AVAILABILITY OF FUNDS: Any and all payments to the Vendor shall be dependent upon and subject to the
availability of funds to the agency for the purpose set forth in this contract.

4. TAXES: Any applicable taxes shall be invoiced as a separate item.

a. G.S. 143-59.1 bars the Secretary of Administration from entering into Contracts with Vendors if the Vendor
or its affiliates meet one of the conditions of G.S. 105-164.8(b) and refuses to collect use tax on sales of
tangible personal property to purchasers in North Carolina. Conditions under G.S. 105-164.8(b) include: (1)
Maintenance of a retail establishment or office, (2) Presence of representatives in the State that solicit sales
or transact business on behalf of the Vendor and (3) Systematic exploitation of the market by media-
assisted, media-facilitated, or media-solicited means. By execution of the proposal document the Vendor
certifies that it and all of its affiliates, (if it has affiliates), collect(s) the appropriate taxes.

b. All agencies participating in this Contract are exempt from Federal Taxes, such as excise and transportation.
Exemption forms submitted by the Vendor will be executed and returned by the using agency.

c. Prices offered are not to include any personal property taxes, nor any sales or use tax (or fees) unless
required by the North Carolina Department of Revenue.

5. SITUS: The place of this Contract, its situs and forum, shall be North Carolina, where all matters, whether sounding
in Contract or tort, relating to its validity, construction, interpretation and enforcement shall be determined.

6. GOVERNING LAWS: This Contract is made under and shall be governed, construed and enforced in accordance
with the laws of the State of North Carolina, without regard to is conflict of laws rules.

7. PAYMENT TERMS: Payment terms are Net not later than 30 days after receipt of correct invoice or acceptance of
goods, whichever is later. The using agency is responsible for all payments to the Vendor under the Contract.
Payment by some agencies may be made by procurement card, if the Vendor accepts that card (Visa, MasterCard,
etc.) from other customers, and it shall be accepted by the Vendor for payment under the same terms and conditions

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Proposal Number:88-170041TC-DH Vendor:
as any other method of payment accepted by the Vendor. If payment is made by procurement card, then payment
may be processed immediately by the Vendor.

8. AFFIRMATIVE ACTION: The Vendor will take affirmative action in complying with all Federal and State
requirements concerning fair employment and employment of people with disabilities, and concerning the treatment
of all employees without regard to discrimination by reason of race, color, religion, sex, national origin or disability.

9. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY INDEMNITY: Vendor shall hold and save the State, its officers, agents and
employees, harmless from liability of any kind, including costs and expenses, resulting from infringement of the rights
of any third party in any copyrighted material, patented or unpatented invention, articles, device or appliance
delivered in connection with this contract.

10. ADVERTISING: Vendor agrees not to use the existence of this Contract or the name of the State of North Carolina
as part of any commercial advertising or marketing of products or services. A Vendor may inquire whether the State
is willing to act as a reference by providing factual information directly to other prospective customers.

11. ACCESS TO PERSONS AND RECORDS: During and after the term hereof, the State Auditor and any using
agency’s internal auditors shall have access to persons and records related to this Contract to verify accounts and
data affecting fees or performance under the Contract, as provided in G.S. 143-49(9).

12. ASSIGNMENT: No assignment of the Vendor’s obligations nor the Vendor’s right to receive payment hereunder
shall be permitted.

However, upon written request approved by the issuing purchasing authority and solely as a convenience to the
Vendor, the State may:

a. Forward the Vendor’s payment check directly to any person or entity designated by the Vendor, and

b. Include any person or entity designated by Vendor as a joint payee on the Vendor’s payment check.

In no event shall such approval and action obligate the State to anyone other than the Vendor and the Vendor shall
remain responsible for fulfillment of all Contract obligations. Upon advance written request, the State may, in its
unfettered discretion, approve an assignment to the surviving entity of a merger, acquisition or corporate
reorganization, if made as part of the transfer of all or substantially all of the Vendor’s assets. Any purported
assignment made in violation of this provision shall be void and a material breach of this Contract.


COVERAGE - During the term of the Contract, the Vendor at its sole cost and expense shall provide commercial
insurance of such type and with such terms and limits as may be reasonably associated with the Contract. As a
minimum, the Vendor shall provide and maintain the coverage and limits, in accordance with the requirements of

REQUIREMENTS - Providing and maintaining adequate insurance coverage is a material obligation of the Vendor
and is of the essence of this Contract. All such insurance shall meet all laws of the State of North Carolina. Such
insurance coverage shall be obtained from companies that are authorized to provide such coverage and that are
authorized by the Commissioner of Insurance to do business in North Carolina. The Vendor shall at all times comply
with the terms of such insurance policies, and all requirements of the insurer under any such insurance policies,
except as they may conflict with existing North Carolina laws or this Contract. The limits of coverage under each
insurance policy maintained by the Vendor shall not be interpreted as limiting the Vendor’s liability and obligations
under the Contract.

14. GENERAL INDEMNITY: The Vendor shall hold and save the State, its officers, agents, and employees, harmless
from liability of any kind, including all claims and losses accruing or resulting to any other person, firm, or corporation
furnishing or supplying work, services, materials, or supplies in connection with the performance of this Contract,
and from any and all claims and losses accruing or resulting to any person, firm, or corporation that may be injured
or damaged by the Vendor in the performance of this Contract and that are attributable to the negligence or
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Proposal Number:88-170041TC-DH Vendor:
intentionally tortious acts of the Vendor provided that the Vendor is notified in writing within 30 days that the State
has knowledge of such claims. The Vendor represents and warrants that it shall make no claim of any kind or nature
against the State’s agents who are involved in the delivery or processing of Vendor goods or services to the State.
The representation and warranty in the preceding sentence shall survive the termination or expiration of this

15. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR: Vendor shall be considered to be an independent contractor and as such shall
be wholly responsible for the work to be performed and for the supervision of its employees. Vendor represents that
it has, or will secure at its own expense, all personnel required in performing the services under this contract. Such
employees shall not be employees of, or have any individual contractual relationship with the State.

16. KEY PERSONNEL: Vendor shall not substitute key personnel assigned to the performance of this contract without
prior written approval by the State’s assigned Contract Lead. The individuals designated as key personnel for
purposes of this contract are those specified in the RFP and persons identified in Vendor’s proposal.

17. SUBCONTRACTING: Work proposed to be performed under this contract by the Vendor or its employees shall not
be subcontracted without prior written approval of the State’s assigned Contract Administrator. Unless otherwise
indicated, acceptance of a Vendor’s proposal shall include approval to use the subcontractor(s) that have been
specified therein in accordance with paragraph 20 of Attachment A: Instructions to Vendor.

18. TERMINATION FOR CONVENIENCE: The State may terminate this contract at any time by providing 30 days’
notice in writing from the State to the Vendor. In that event, all finished or unfinished deliverable items prepared by
the Vendor under this contract shall, at the option of the State, become its property. If the contract is terminated by
the State as provided in this section, the State shall pay for services satisfactorily completed by the Vendor, less any
payment or compensation previously made.

19. CONFIDENTIALITY: Any State information, data, instruments, documents, studies or reports given to or prepared
or assembled by or provided to the Vendor under this contract shall be kept as confidential, used only for the
purpose(s) required to perform this contract and not divulged or made available to any individual or organization
without the prior written approval of the State.

20. CARE OF PROPERTY: The Vendor agrees that it shall be responsible for the proper custody and care of any
property furnished it by the State for use in connection with the performance of this contract or purchased by or for
the State for this contract, and Vendor will reimburse the State for loss or damage of such property while in Vendor’s

21. PROPERTY RIGHTS: All deliverable items and materials produced for or as a result of this contract shall become
the property of the State, and Vendor hereby assigns all ownership rights in such deliverables, including all
intellectual property rights, to the State; provided, however, that as to any preexisting works imbedded in such
deliverables, Vendor hereby grants the State a fully-paid, perpetual license to copy, distribute and adapt the
preexisting works.

22. OUTSOURCING: Any Vendor or subcontractor providing call or contact center services to the State of North
Carolina shall disclose to inbound callers the location from which the call or contact center services are being

If, after award of a contract, the contractor wishes to relocate or outsource any portion of the work to a location
outside the United States, or to contract with a subcontractor for the performance of any work, which subcontractor
and nature of the work has not previously been disclosed to the State in writing, prior written approval must be
obtained from the State agency responsible for the contract.

Vendor shall give notice to the using agency of any relocation of the Vendor, employees of the Vendor,
subcontractors of the Vendor, or other persons performing services under a State contract to a location outside of
the United States.

23. COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS: Vendor shall comply with all laws, ordinances, codes, rules, regulations, and licensing

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Proposal Number:88-170041TC-DH Vendor:
requirements that are applicable to the conduct of its business and its performance in accordance with this contract,
including those of federal, state, and local agencies having jurisdiction and/or authority.

24. ENTIRE AGREEMENT: This RFP and any documents incorporated specifically by reference represent the entire
agreement between the parties and supersede all prior oral or written statements or agreements. This RFP, any
addenda thereto, and the Vendor’s proposal are incorporated herein by reference as though set forth verbatim.

All promises, requirements, terms, conditions, provisions, representations, guarantees, and warranties contained
herein shall survive the contract expiration or termination date unless specifically provided otherwise herein, or
unless superseded by applicable Federal or State statutes of limitation.

25. AMENDMENTS: This contract may be amended only by a written amendment duly executed by the State and the
Vendor. The NC Division of Purchase and Contract shall give prior approval to any amendment to a contract
awarded through that office.

26. WAIVER: The failure to enforce or the waiver by the State of any right or an event of breach or default on one
occasion or instance shall not constitute the waiver of such right, breach or default on any subsequent occasion or

27. FORCE MAJEURE: Neither party shall be deemed to be in default of its obligations hereunder if and so long as it is
prevented from performing such obligations as a result of events beyond its reasonable control, including without
limitation, fire, power failures, any act of war, hostile foreign action, nuclear explosion, riot, strikes or failures or
refusals to perform under subcontracts, civil insurrection, earthquake, hurricane, tornado, or other catastrophic
natural event or act of God.

28. SOVEREIGN IMMUNITY: Notwithstanding any other term or provision in this contract, nothing herein is intended
nor shall be interpreted as waiving any claim or defense based on the principle of sovereign immunity that otherwise
would be available to the State under applicable law.

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Proposal Number:88-170041TC-DH Vendor:

Property Schedule – All

properties per attachment
$25, 000 Deductible $50,000 Deductible $100,000 Deductible
Exhibit 1

$516,497,031 $ $ $

Inland Marine $500 Deductible $1,000 Deductible Deductible (Other)

$129,281 $ $ $

Vehicles Schedule – per Limited Liability Medical Payment Uninsured Motorist

attachment Exhibit 2 $1,000,000 $5,000 $1,000,000

Quote $ $ $

Physical Damage $2,000 Deductible


Coverage of vehicles 6 years old $

and newer

Physical Damage Collision $2,000 Deductible

Coverage of vehicles 6 years old $

and newer

Professional Liability No Deductible $1,000 Deductible Deductible (Other)

$1,000,000/$5,000,000 $ $ $

Workers’ Compensation No Deductible $1,000 Deductible

Payroll: $10,132,004 $ $

MOD: .71 .71

Employers Liability No Deductible

$500,000/$500,000/$500,000 $

General Liability No Deductible $1,000 Deductible Deductible (Other)

$1,000,000/2,000,000 $ $ $

Crime $1,000 Deductible $2,500 Deductible $5,000 Deductible

$100,000 $ $ $

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Proposal Number:88-170041TC-DH Vendor:
Umbrella No Deductible $1,000 Deductible Deductible (Other)

$10,000,000/ $10,000,000 $ $ $

Directors and Officers $10,000 Deductible $20,000 Deductible


$1,000,000 $ $ $

$2,000,000 $ $ $

International Package No Deductible Deductible (Other)


General Liability -per occurrence

$1,000,000 / $2,000,000

Employee Benefits- per claim $ $

$1,000,000 /$1,000,000

Auto- Each Accident


Cyber Liability(See Section 7) $100,000 Deductible Deductible (Other)

$5,000,000 $ $

Student Accident Insurance No Deductible

Students:7,000 $


Misc. Builders Risk $5,000 Deductible Deductible (Other)


$500,000 $ $

Large Builders Risk $10,000 Deductible Deductible (Other)


$65,721,000 $ $

Rate: Rate:

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Proposal Number:88-170041TC-DH Vendor:

July 2012 CPCC acquired the 50 year old WTVI a PBS affiliate from Mecklenburg County Board of
Commissioners with the goal of providing new learnings to students in Journalism and continued presence in the
community. With this acquisition special needs arose to ensure continued existence:
• Broadcasters Liability
• Multimedia

WTVI Property Insurance Coverage

Covered Property Values Deductible

Building (2 sites and includes $7,000,000 $25,000


Bus. Personal Property $534,800 $25,000

Business Income $5,296,504

Equipment $9,775,542 $25,000

Mobile Communications $94,605 $5,000

Multimedia Broadcasters Liability $2,000,000 $5,000

Provide pricing for WTVI

Description Year 1 Comments

Buildings (includes $

Bus. Personal Property $

Equipment $

Mobile Communications $

Multimedia Broadcasters $_
Total WTVI Proposal $

Broker’s Administrative Fee $

Other Suggested Options

Options $

Cumulative Proposal Total $

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Proposal Number:88-170041TC-DH Vendor:
Based on Vendor’s knowledge of the market and recommended Year 1 renewal premiums, where does Vendor
project pricing over the next two fiscal years.

Respond with percentages:

Lower % Same as Year 1 _% Increase _%

Approximately 30 days prior to the end of the then current year, CPCC reserves the right to negotiate with the
provider(s) to reach agreeable premiums for the next fiscal year.

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Proposal Number:88-170041TC-DH Vendor:

In accordance with NC General Statute 143-59.4, the Vendor shall detail the location(s) at which performance will occur,
as well as the manner in which it intends to utilize resources or workers outside of the United States in the performance
of this Contract. The State will evaluate the additional risks, costs, and other factors associated with such utilization prior
to making an award. Please complete items a, b, and c below.

a) Will any work under this Contract be performed outside the United States? YES NO

If the Vendor answered “YES” above, Vendor must complete items 1 and 2 below:
1. List the location(s) outside the United States where work under this Contract will be performed by the Vendor,
any sub-Contractors, employees, or other persons performing work under the Contract:

2. Describe the corporate structure and location of corporate employees and activities of the Vendor, its affiliates
or any other sub-Contractors that will perform work outside the U.S.:

b) The Vendor agrees to provide notice, in writing to the State, of the relocation of the
Vendor, employees of the Vendor, sub-Contractors of the Vendor, or other persons YES NO
performing services under the Contract outside of the United States

NOTE: All Vendor or sub-Contractor personnel providing call or contact center services to
the State of North Carolina under the Contract shall disclose to inbound callers the
location from which the call or contact center services are being provided.

c) Vendor shall identify all U.S. locations at which performance will occur:

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Proposal Number:88-170041TC-DH Vendor:


Name of Vendor:

The undersigned hereby certifies that: [check all applicable boxes]

The Vendor is in sound financial condition and, if applicable, has received an unqualified audit opinion for the
latest audit of its financial statements.
If no audit within last 18 months, explain why:
Date of latest audit:

The Vendor has no outstanding liabilities, including tax and judgment liens, to the Internal Revenue Service or
any other government entity.

The Vendor is current in all amounts due for payments of federal and state taxes and required employment-
related contributions and withholdings.

The Vendor is not the subject of any current litigation or findings of noncompliance under federal or state law.

The Vendor has not been the subject of any past or current litigation, findings in any past litigation, or findings
of noncompliance under federal or state law that may impact in any way its ability to fulfill the requirements of
this Contract.

He or she is authorized to make the foregoing statements on behalf of the Vendor.

Note: This is a continuing certification and Vendor shall notify the Contract Lead within 15 days of any material
change to any of the representations made herein.

If any one or more of the foregoing boxes is NOT checked, Vendor shall explain the reason in the space below:

Signature Date

Printed Name Title

[This Certification must be signed by an individual authorized to speak for the Vendor]

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Proposal Number:88-170041TC-DH Vendor:

Under the Iran Divestment Act

As provided in G.S. 147-86.59, any person identified as engaging in investment activities in Iran, determined by
appearing on the Final Divestment List created by the State Treasurer pursuant to G.S. 147-86.58, is ineligible to contract
with the State of North Carolina or any political subdivision of the State. The Iran Divestment Act of 2015, G.S. 147-
86.55 et seq.* requires that each Vendor, prior to contracting with the State certify, and the undersigned on behalf of the
Vendor does hereby certify, to the following:

1. that the Vendor is not identified on the Final Divestment List of entities that the State Treasurer has determined
engages in investment activities in Iran;
2. that the Vendor shall not utilize on any contract with the State agency any subcontractor that is identified on the
Final Divestment List; and
3. that the undersigned is authorized by the Vendor to make this Certification.


Signature Date

Printed Name Title

The State Treasurer’s Final Divestment List can be found on the State Treasurer’s website at the address,
which will be updated every 180 days. For questions about the Department of State Treasurer’s Iran Divestment
Policy, please contact Meryl Murtagh at [email protected] or (919) 814-3852.

* Note: Enacted by Session Law 2015-118 as G.S. 143C-55 et seq., but renumbered for codification at the direction of
the Revisor of Statutes.

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Proposal Number:88-170041TC-DH Vendor:


Insurance Requirements
Commercial General Liability (CGL) – $2,000,000 General Aggregate*
(occurrence form) coverage not less than: $2,000,000 Products and Completed Operations
$1,000,000 Each Occurrence
*Including contractual liability, waiver of subrogation,
primary & non-contributory.
Schedule of Endorsements must be provided
GL Policy Number must be listed
Automobile Liability: – Required for all $1,000,000 Combined Single Limit*
Owned Autos or must provide ‘Hired & Or
Non-Owned Auto’ coverage: $1,000,000 Bodily Injury per Accident
$1,000,000 Bodily Injury per Person
$1,000,000 Property Damage
*Including waiver of subrogation in favor of CPCC
Umbrella Liability – Additional coverage $5,000,000 Per occurrence
that can be combined to meet requirements
Workers’ Compensation State Statutory Limits*
Employee Liability $500,000 Each Accident*
$500,000 Disease Policy Limit
$500,000 Disease Each Employee
*Including waiver of subrogation in favor of CPCC
Additional Insured – Central Piedmont – Coverage must be primary and non-contributory above any
Community College (Attach Additional other insurance Central Piedmont Community College may
Insured Endorsement evidencing coverage carry.
of Ongoing Operations and Completed – Waiver of Subrogation on all policies in favor of Central
Operations for the additional insured) Piedmont Community College
– Make subcontractor’s insurance primary
Additional Requirements, When Applicable
Professional Liability (Errors and $1,000,000 Per Occurrence/ $3,000,000 Aggregate
Omissions) —if professional services are
being provided
Contractor’s Pollution Liability — if $5,000,000 Each Pollution Condition/ $10,000,000
applicable Aggregate
Transportation Coverage Endorsement — $1,000,000 Per Occurrence
if applicable
Cyber Liability $3,000,000 Per Occurrence
*Including information security & privacy liability

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Proposal Number:88-170041TC-DH Vendor:

1) Central Piedmont Community College must be added as an Additional Insured as it pertains to the work
done/service provided and/or product delivered to the College.

2) The Certificate Holder must be: Central Piedmont Community College

PO Box 35009
Charlotte, NC 28235
3) Additional insurance and/or coverages may be requested based on the services provided to the College.

Notes Regarding CPCC’s Insurance Requirements

1) CPCC needs to be listed as the Additional Insured:
a. Central Piedmont Community College (Attach Additional Insured Endorsement evidencing coverage
of Ongoing Operations and Completed Operations for the additional insured)
 Coverage must be primary and non-contributory above any other insurance Central
Piedmont Community College may carry
 Waiver of Subrogation on all policies in favor of Central Piedmont Community College
 Make subcontractor’s insurance primary

2) CPCC needs to be listed as the Certificate Holder:

Central Piedmont Community College
PO Box 35009
Charlotte, NC 28235
Mailing address: PO Box 35009, Charlotte NC 28235-5009
Physical address: 1300 E. 4th Street, Charlotte, NC 28204

3) CPCC requires a COI which shows General Liability, Workers’ Compensation, Automobile Liability and
Umbrella Liability coverages. (The minimum coverages accepted are listed for each.)
a. Enterprise Risk Management may opt to waive the requirements for Automobile Liability or the
Workers’ Compensation—depending on the scope and scale of the job or event.
b. Enterprise Risk Management may opt to waive the requirements for Umbrella Liability in addition to
the GL—depending on the GL coverage as well as the scope and scale of the job or event.

4) Carrier and effective/expiration date must be shown on all coverages listed on COI.

5) If a service is being rendered, Enterprise Risk Management will need to see proof of Professional Liability.

6) If the service being rendered involves waste removal of any kind, Enterprise Risk Management needs to see
Pollution Liability as well as Transportation Liability.

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Proposal Number:88-170041TC-DH Vendor:
7) If any products and/or services related to information technology (including hardware and/or software) are
provided to CPCC, Cyber Liability will be required. Additionally, network security liability arising from the
unauthorized access to, use of, or tampering with computer systems, including hacker attacks or inability of
an authorized third party to gain access to Vendor’s services, including denial of service, unless caused by a
mechanical or electrical failure.

8) There may be instances where Enterprise Risk Management will require additional insurance and/or
coverages based on the service(s) provided.

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Proposal Number:88-170041TC-DH Vendor:

Firm Name:
Primary Contact:
Telephone Number(s):
Fax Number(s):
Founded (date):
Corporate Structure (parent, legal entity, etc.):
- Headquarters:
- Other Offices:
- International Offices:
Total Employees:
Total Revenues:
- Brokerage Services:
- Other Services:

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Proposal Number:88-170041TC-DH Vendor:

Frequently Asked Questions

Question Reference Vendor Question Response

1 RFP Section 7.0 Can you provide copies of all policy Please email Dawn Horner for policy
Specifications, declaration pages so we can match declaration pages
Pages 18-20 coverage, limits, and retroactive dates of any
claims-made policies?
2 7.0 Are motorcycles covered for liability? Please Not Covered on auto policy. This
Specifications, provide a list of them. Are they covered for covered on the GL policy under
Pages 18-20 comp/collision? mobile equipment
3 7.0 What buildings are sprinklered? At least 60% of buildings are
Specifications, sprinklered. Any new buildings will
Pages 18-20 be sprinklered

4 Will you please provide CPCC’s

Federal Tax ID#?


5 RFP Section 7.0 Is the Medical Errors & Omissions listed in YES.
– Specifications the chart on page 19 of 38 the same as the
Professional Liability as described under the
chart? If not, please advise what the Medical
Errors & Omissions is specifically covering.
6 RFP Section 7.0 What is your 2016 workers compensation We do not have the 2016-2017
– Specifications payroll breakout by class code? (The 2015- payroll breakout as the fiscal year is
(page 20 of 38) 16 term had 4 class codes.) ongoing.
7 Confirm that the Directors & Officers and the Included in the GL package
Employment Practices Liability insurance are
currently included in the GL Package. These
coverages are not specified on page 19 of 38.
8 RFP Section 7.0 Please break out the 74,002 students by full- We don’t provide full time\part time
– Specifications time and part-time. data for the ongoing term, the number
(page 20 of 38) is too volatile during the term

9 RFP Section 7.0 Does Central Piedmont CC own any locations NONE
– Specifications overseas? Do you have any business
personal property overseas?
10 How many students travel abroad on behalf 50 to 70 Students annually
of Central Piedmont?

11 How many employees/teachers does CPCC No Teachers are employed outside

employ overseas? How many of them travel the US.
from the United States?

Ver: 9/30/16 Page 39 of 45

Proposal Number:88-170041TC-DH Vendor:
12 Do you have any Intel (details from the policy) Students purchase insurance as part
on the current structure of your foreign of the travel program. The foreign
package? If Travel Accident coverage is package covers employees who
provided are the students included in this travel abroad.
13 If students or faculty are traveling outside the Please see CPCC Website.
U.S., to what countries are they traveling?
How many trips are taken annually? abroad/programs
14 Does Central Piedmont CC currently NONE
purchase any local admitted policies
Financial Risk

15 RFP Section 7.0 Does Central Piedmont CC have an Included in the GL package policy
– Specifications independent D&O policy? Or is this coverage
included in an Educators Legal Package
Attachment C policy?
(page 29 of 38)
16 Is Central Piedmont CC’s Crime coverage Crime is included in the GL package
placed on an independent policy? Or is this policy.
coverage included in an Educators Legal
Package policy?
17 Does your Crime policy include Social The Crime Policy does not include
Engineering coverage? If so what limit does Social Engineering coverage. CPCC
your policy provide? If not, are you interested is open to receiving coverage
in coverage indications for Social Engineering indications for consideration.
18 Does Central Piedmont CC purchase CPCC has a crime policy with limits
Fiduciary coverage? Are you interested in of $100,000. Also, we have a board
coverage indications for Fiduciary coverage? of trustees bond with 10,000
If so, what limit options would you like to see? employee theft coverage
19 Does Central Piedmont CC purchase Kidnap K&R is not coverage for CPCC as the
and Ransom (K&R) coverage? Are you work we do does not present those
interested in coverage indications for K&R concerns.
coverage? If so, what limit options would you
like to see?
Cyber Liability/
20 RFP Section 7.0 Please advise the total number of records on 1.5 million records
– Specifications Central Piedmont CC’s network?

21 Does your current student accident program CPCC believes the coverage
RFP Section 7.0 adequately cover your risk and exposures? adequately covers the risk exposures
– Specifications as the insurance is only open to
participants enrolled in “high risk”
Our desire is to provide coverage for
students enrolled in these high risk
classes. The student purchases at
time of enrollment.

Ver: 9/30/16 Page 40 of 45

Proposal Number:88-170041TC-DH Vendor:
22 Please provide the premiums and the claims Please email Dawn Horner for 3 year
details for the most recent four (4) policy loss runs. Premiums cannot be
years, including the current policy period. provided at this time.
23 Page 19 of 38 Plan eligibility/enrollment method - the RFP This deals with specific classes that
schedule lists 7,000 covered students. Does require student accident insurance
this policy provide coverage on a blanket and there is an enrollment process.
policy basis? Or is there an enrollment
process involved?

24 Who is your current carrier for Student AIG

Accident Insurance?

25 Please provide the number of estimated This is blanket insurance for which
renovation projects (that are $500,000 in CPCC does not pre-plan however the
completed value and under) for the upcoming number will never exceed ten (10)
year and the estimated length of the projects within the fiscal calendar.
26 Can you complete insurance applications if We will not complete any
provided? applications until the bid has been
27 Please explain if any updated procedures or Procedures are reviewed per
guidelines have been put in place to reduce schedule and if the occurrence
the number of discrimination claims mandates.
28 Please supply the name and credentials of This can be obtained by visiting the
the Title IX Coordinator. How long have they CPCC website.
been in the role and how long has the role
been in existence

29 Can you provide financial statements? Please email Dawn Horner for
financial statements

Exposure Basis 2017-18 Estimate

Faculty for Corporal Punishment (indicate total number of faculty) N/A
Number of Full Time Equivalent Students We don’t provide
full time\part time
data for the
ongoing term, the
number is too
volatile during the
Total Employee Count for Employee Benefits Liability 2910
Vacant Land (indicate address and total acreage) None
Number of Full Time Police Officers N/A
Number of Part-Time Police Officers N/A
Day Care Centers (indicate total number of children if this is offered) N/A
Swimming Pools (indicate total number of pools) N/A
Number of Students in Internships or Work Study Programs 800
Restaurants – With No Sale of Alcoholic Beverages with Table Service (Annual Sales) N/A
Parking – Private (total square footage) N/A
Solar Energy Farms N/A
Rifle or Pistol Ranges N/A

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Proposal Number:88-170041TC-DH Vendor:

Property Schedule Exhibit 1

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2016 Wrksht, Begun 4/4/16… Values as of June 2016 Values as of June 2016
81521002 ADV TECH CENTER 1241 Charlottetowne Ave. 28204 E NC2 19900101 63690 19910102 0 19920103 0 R 4,405,931 10,695,100
81521004 ALLIED HEALTHE/BELK 1335 Elizabeth Ave, 28204 E NC2 19740101 64195 NC2 20100401 158000 20110402 0 R 6,721,105 39,568,470
81521007 CENTER FOR ARTS TECH 1315 East 4th Street 28204 E FR 19910101 38475 19920102 0 19930102 0 R 683,550 5,790,190
81521009 CERAMICS BLDG 1141-C Eliabeth Ave. 28204 E JM1 19350101 4218 19360102 0 19370102 0 R 45,746 372,765
81521011 CITIZENS CNTR/IT HUB 1221 Charlottetowne Ave. 28204 E NC2 19780101 15324 19790102 0 19800103 0 R 1,545,000 4,800,000
81521012 DISHER BLDG-ADMIN #1 1300 East 4th Street 28204 E HP 19880101 11689 HP 20030101 1766 20040102 0 R 171,578 1,874,885
81521013 ADMINISTRATION #2 1308 East 4th Street 28204 E HP 19860101 11235 HP 20030101 1173 20040102 0 R 158,227 1,728,989
81521014 SOMMERS BUILDING 1322 East 4th Street 28204 A NC2 19880101 9664 NC2 20030101 950 20040102 0 R 123,045 1,344,550
81521015 ADMINISTRATION #4 1330 East 4th Street 28204 E NC2 19970101 13795 19980102 0 19990103 0 R 155,264 1,696,612
81521016 FACULTY PARKING DECK 1225 East 4th Street 2204 A FR 19870101 15088 HP 20030301 248 20040301 0 R 505,927 5,528,390
81521018 CENTRAL HIGH BLDG 1141 Elizaebeth Ave. 28204 E NC2 19250101 96343 19260102 0 19270103 0 R 1,379,536 15,074,565
81521019 GILES BLDG 1300 Sam Ryburn Walk 28204 E NC2 19910101 43422 19920102 0 19930102 0 R 739,968 8,085,837
81521021 HUNTER BLDG 1141-A Elizabeth Ave. 28204 A JM1 19250101 10625 19260102 0 19270103 0 R 151,968 1,110,402
81521024 KRATT HALL 1320 Sam Ryburn Walk 28204 E NC2 19720101 57848 19730101 0 19740102 0 R 796,693 8,705,676
81521025 LRC/PE/LX HAGEMEYER 1200 Sam Ryburn Walk 28204 E NC2 19680101 110493 19690101 0 19700102 0 R 3,618,267 18,914,741
81521031 SLOAN MORGAN BLDG 1220 Elizabeth Ave. 28204 E HP 19870101 35604 HP 20030101 3755 20040102 0 R 501,907 5,649,003
81521032 STUDENT PARKING DECK 1300 Elizabeth Ave. 28204 A FR 19790101 404800 19800102 0 19810102 0 R 1,166,465 13,522,523
81521033 TAYLOR HALL 1228 Elixabeth Ave. 28204 E FR 20120716 70417 20130717 0 20140718 0 R 2,043,151 13,621,009
81521034 TERRELL ADMIN 1201 Elizabeth Ave. 28204 E NC2 19680101 42912 19690101 0 19700102 0 R 2,435,904 6,756,903
81521037 VISUAL ARTS BLDG 1141-B Elizabeth Ave. 28204 E NC2 19520101 70625 19530101 0 19540102 0 R 190,841 1,182,189
81521045 FACILITIES SRVC BLDG 1325 East 7th Street 28204 E HP 20030301 37692 20040301 0 20050302 0 R 710,276 4,272,039
81521048 LEVINE INFO TECH BLD 1125 Charlottetowne Ave 28204 E NC2 20040101 93960 20050101 0 20060102 0 R 2,295,669 17,853,858
81521049 HALL BUILDING 1112 Charlottetowne Ave 28204 E HP 20050725 45000 20060726 0 20070727 0 R 686,943 7,506,410
81521050 OVERCASH CENTER 1206 Elizabeth Ave. 28204 E HP 20050901 128301 20060902 0 20070903 0 R 3,952,435 29,656,677
81521051 GROUNDS STORAGE BLDG 1325 East 7th Street 28204 A HP 20040210 2659 20050210 0 20060211 0 R 62,179 329,828
81521052 INDEPEN PARKING DECK 1108 Charlottetowne Ave. 28204 A FR 20070104 232200 20080105 0 20090105 0 R 1,004,819 10,979,934
81521053 EDUCATION CENTER 1412 East 4th Sreet 28204 E NC1 20090430 25367 20100501 0 20110502 0 R 545,309 3,635,393
81521055 PARKING DECK #3 1321 Charlottetowne Ave 28204 A FR 20100816 328194 20110817 0 20120817 0 R 530,450 19,002,523
81521056 1230 CHARLOTTE AVE E JM1 20121201 4810 20131202 0 20141203 0 R 132,613 700,194
81521057 1422 EAST 4TH ST E JM1 20130301 4400 20140302 0 20150303 0 R 222,789 848,720
81521058 CLRM/AKA VAN EVERY E NC2 20131219 62600 20141220 0 20151221 0 R 2,952,757 23,735,516
81521059 PARKING LOT W/ BLDG A JM1 20141016 1641 20151017 0 20161017 0 R 0 81,833
81521201 LEASE BUILDING E NC2 20070101 100 20080102 0 20090102 0 R 27,583 0
81524002 COSMETOLOGY BUILDING 1609 Alleghany St 28208 E NC2 20131121 10472 20141122 0 20151123 0 R 397,838 1,545,000
81524003 MODULAR CLRM/CANAOPY 1609 Alleghany St 28208 E F2 20130101 900 20140102 0 20150103 0 R 9,888 64,000
81526001 MAIN BLDG 3210 CPCC Harris Campus Drive 28208 E HP 20010101 65000 20020102 0 20030103 0 R 4,991,597 15,201,242
81526101 HARRIS CONF CENTER 3216 CPCC Harris Campus Drive 28208 E HP 20041201 54000 20051202 0 20061203 0 R 2,015,710 9,194,203
81530001 CATO CAMPUS 8120 Grier Road 28215 E HP 20020701 40876 HP 20070101 43111 20080102 0 R 1,128,455 12,922,860
81530002 HORTICULTURE BLD 3545 East WT Harris Blvd 28215 E NC2 20020901 5465 F1 20020901 4557 NC2 20070101 1518 R 140,731 1,537,804
81530003 HORTICULTURE STOR 1 3645 East WT Harris Blvd 28215 A NC1 20070420 874 20080420 0 20090421 0 R 15,914 113,125
81530004 HORTICULTURE STOR 2 3645 East WT Harris Blvd 28215 A NC1 20070420 1600 20080420 0 20090421 0 R 42,776 207,094
81530005 HORT REFRIGERATOR 3645 East WT Harris Blvd 28215 A F1 20110701 96 20120701 0 20130702 0 R 3,979 26,780
81530006 2015 HORT ACCESSORY 3645 East WT Harris Blvd 28215 A F1 20150430 1984 20160430 0 20170501 0 R 47,483 230,144

81535001 BELK CTR FOR JUSTICE 11920 Verhoeff Drive 28078 E NC2 19960101 35085 19970101 0 19980102 0 R 567,188 6,197,812
81535002 CLAYTOR BLDG 11930 Verhoeff Drive 28078 E NC2 19900101 10327 19910102 0 19920103 0 R 231,812 1,810,296
81535003 TRANSPORT SYSTEM BLD 11940 Verhoeff Drive 28078 E NC2 20060901 100000 20070902 0 20080902 0 R 2,901,278 21,135,365
81540001 MAIN BUILDING 315 West Hebron St. 28273 E HP 19990101 99448 NC1 20120716 35657 20130717 0 R 4,461,885 22,309,422
81540002 TRADE STORAGE BLDG 315 West Hebron St. 28273 A F1 19990101 1000 20000102 0 20010102 0 R 6,180 37,908
81542001 MAIN BUILDING 2800 Campus Ridge Rd. 28105 E HP 19980101 116232 19990102 0 20000103 0 R 1,707,497 18,658,256
81542002 PHASE II 2800 Campus Ridge Rd. 28105 E HP 20040210 110000 20050210 0 20060211 0 R 3,103,827 17,500,640
81542003 J HENDRICK CTR AUTO 2820 Campus Ridge Rd. 28105 E NC2 20060901 35000 20070902 0 20080902 0 R 498,623 5,448,589

TOTAL: 62,936,556 418,766,264

Vehicle List Exhibit 2

Year Make/Model VIN Cost New

1991 CHEVROLET G30 VAN 2GCGG39K0M4124472 $0

1997 DODGE VAN 2B5WB35Z1VK507484 $24,195
1998 LUFKIN TL Trailer 1L01A5321W1131289 $5,000
1999 FORD Biodiesel 3FDWF36F0XMA34206 $5,000
1999 GRT DANE Trailer 1GRAA0623XB034609 $5,500
2000 FORD Ranger 1FTYR14V7YTB38701 $15,540
2000 FORD F-350 CREW 1FTSW30F0YED67590 $28,650
2001 FORD CROWN VICT 2FAFP71W21X176686 $6,070
2003 FORD TRUCK 1FTRW07683KC90061 $22,066
2003 FREIGHTLIN SPRINTER WD2YD642535510212 $28,835
2003 JEEP LIBERTY 1J4GL38K63W619114 $23,695
2003 FORD VAN 1FMRE11L53HA96328 $20,343
2005 DODGE RAM TRUCK 3D7KR26D95G831803 $15,295
2005 CHRYSLER VAN 2C4GP54L25R314063 $23,437
2005 DODGE CARAVAN 2D8GP44L65R275330 $26,315
2005 WABASH TRAILER 1JJV532W55L964004 $6,600
2006 DODGE DURANGO 1D4HB38N76F168211 $31,180
2006 JLG TRL 5DYAA15226C002044 $6,600
2007 FORD RANGER PIC 1FTYR44U07PA56115 $15,760
2007 FORD ESCAPE HYB 1FMYU59H77KB96106 $26,056
2007 FORD ESCAPE HYB 1FMYU59H67KB87459 $26,056
2007 DODGE 2500 VAN WD0PE745875216147 $36,800
2007 FORD RANGER 1FTYR44U87PA48277 $18,185
2007 FREIGHTLIN M2 106 1FVACWDB47HN17777 $74,921
2008 E RIDE EXV-4 1E9EB25S58P363028 $26,474
2008 CHEVROLET UP LANDER 1GBDV13W58D210644 $16,329
2008 CHEVROLET UP LANDER 1GBDV13W48D211350 $16,329
2008 FORD RANGER 1FTZR14E98PA94682 $16,995
2008 E-RIDE EXV4 1E9EB25S78P363029 $30,000
2009 TOYOTA CAMRY 4T1BB46K09U080663 $24,964
2009 TOYOTA CAMRY 4T1BB46KX9U083683 $24,964
2009 DODGE CHARGER 2B3KA43T89H638106 $32,020
2009 DODGE VAN 2D8HN44E69R580926 $22,072
2009 FORD F350 1FTWX30R99EA35464 $31,440
2010 DODGE GRAND CARA 2D4RN4DE1AR352472 $18,000
2010 FORD RANGER PIC 1FTKR1ED0APA49625 $19,135
2010 NAVISTAR PROSTAR 3HSCWAPR2AN174660 $167,354
2011 FORD F-350 1FD8X3HT5BEA20390 $33,770
2011 FORD RANGER 1FTKR1ED2BPA19885 $20,000
2011 FORD RANGER 1FTKR1ED7BPA28453 $25,000
Proposal Number:88-170037TC-DH Vendor:
2012 NAVISTAR PROSTAR 3HSDJSJR9CN611977 $143,497
2014 CHEVROLET IMPALA LIM 2G1WA5E30E1145552 $25,830
2014 CHEVROLET IMPALA LIM 2G1WA5E33E1145853 $25,830
2014 CHEVROLET IMPALA LIM 2G1WA5E38E1145072 $25,830
2014 CHEVROLET IMPALA LIM 2G1WA5E39E1145081 $25,830
2014 DODGE RAM 1C6RR7KG4E5247749 $24,127
2014 DODGE JOURNEY 3C4PDCBG2ET202721 $21,849
2015 CHEVROLET EQUINOX 2GNALAEK0F6314251 $20,232
2016 CHEVROLET EQUINOX 2. 2GNALBEK3G1127736 $20,082
2016 FORD TRANSIT 25 1FTYR1ZMXGKB33013 $22,583
2017 LEXUS RX350 2T2ZZMCA3HC045679 $24,964

1995 FREIGHTLINER 1FUYDZYB8SH834449 $9,000

1997 DODGE B3500 15 PASS VAN 2B5WB3521VK507484 $22,000
1999 FORD CROWN VICTORIA 2FAFP71W4XX237450 $8,450
1999 FORD CROWN VICTORIA 2FAFP71W0XX107522 $9,500
2001 FREIGHTLINER 1FVABTAK51HJ23140 $9,250
2004 FORD CROWN VICTORIA 2FAHP71W44X166190 $5,035
2004 FORD CROWN VICTORIA 2FAHP71WX4X104146 $7,410
2004 FORD CROWN VICTORIA 2FAHP71W94X102209 $7,410
2005 FORD AMBULANCE 1FDWF37R18EC99572 $17,516
2006 CROWN VIC 2FAHP71W76X157664 $4,000
2006 TAHOE 1GNEC13Z36R153853 $11,400
2009 HUDSON TRAILER 10HHD1401A1000016 $4,000
2009 Hudson HTMBK21 10HHTNBJ2A1000020 $8,250
Total $1,644,806
WTVI Coverages
Specific Coverage Limit Deductible
WTVI Office/ Studio- 3242 Commonwealth Ave
Building $5,562,024 $25,000
BPP $381,815 $25,000
IM (Fixed communications equipment) $6,658,756 $25,000
IM (Mobile communications equipment) $94,605 $5,000
Transmitter building - 3242 Commonwealth Ave
Building $51,912 $25,000
BPP $50,995 $25,000
IM (Fixed communications equipment): $1,000,000 $25,000

Tower - 3242 Commonwealth Ave (insured under communications equipment)

Tower $700,000 $25,000
Antenna (Fixed communications equipment) $500,000 $25,000
Transmitter building -12541 Caldwell Rd
Building $51,912 $25,000
BPP $50,995 $25,000
IM (Fixed communications equipment) $229,095 $25,000
Transmitter building 2- 12541 Caldwell Rd
Building $695,252 $25,000
BPP $50,995 $25,000
IM (Fixed communications equipment) $887,691 $25,000
Tower -12541 Caldwell Rd (insured under communications equipment)
Tower $1,300,000 $25,000
Antenna (Fixed communications equipment) $500,000 $25,000

Blanket BPP Limit All Locations $534,800 $25,000

Multimedia Broadcasters Liability $2,000,000 $5,000

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Medical E&O

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Medical E&O

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Student Accident

Ver: 9/30/16 Page 8 of 18

Commercial Package

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Builders Risk, Inland Marine, Fine Art, Automobile, Workers’ Compensation, Umbrella

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Ver: 9/30/16 Page 12 of 18
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Central Piedmont Community College Loss Summary

Line of Coverage # of Losses Open / Closed Paid Reserved Expense Incurred
General Liability 2 2-O $0 $8 $0 $8
Automobile 1 C $0 $0 $0 $0
Workers Compensation 0 N/A $0 $0 $0 $0
Umbrella 0 N/A $0 $0 $0 $0
Builders Risk 0 N/A $0 $0 $0 $0
Fine Art 0 N/A $0 $0 $0 $0
Cyber Liability 1 C $0 $0 $0 $0
International 0 N/A $0 $0 $0 $0
Student Accident 3 2-O/1-C $0 $3,150 $0 $3,150
WTVI 0 N/A $0 $0 $0 $0

Line of Coverage # of Losses Open / Closed Paid Reserved Expense Incurred
General Liability 3 2-O/1-C $0 $8,205 $326 $8,531
Automobile 0 N/A $0 $0 $0 $0
Workers Compensation 0 N/A $0 $0 $0
Umbrella 0 N/A $0 $0 $0 $0
Builders Risk 0 N/A $0 $0 $0 $0
Fine Art 1 C $4,700 $0 $0 $4,700
Cyber Liability 0 N/A $0 $0 $0 $0
International 0 N/A $0 $0 $0 $0
Student Accident 3 C $4,323 $0 $0 $4,323
WTVI 1 C $71,279 $0 $0 $71,279

Line of Coverage # of Losses Open / Closed Paid Reserved Expense Incurred
General Liability 8 C $25,003 $0 $45,647 $70,650
Automobile 0 N/A $0 $0 $0 $0
Workers Compensation 1 C $0 $0 $0 $0
Umbrella 0 N/A $0 $0 $0 $0
Builders Risk 0 N/A $0 $0 $0 $0
Cyber Liability 0 N/A $0 $0 $0 $0
International 0 N/A $0 $0 $0 $0
WTVI 0 N/A $0 $0 $0 $0

Ver: 9/30/16 Page 15 of 18

Line of Coverage # of Losses Open / Closed Paid Reserved Expense Incurred
General Liability 12 1-O/11-C $32,874 $0 $34,710 $67,584
Automobile 0 N/A $0 $0 $0 $0
Workers Compensation 0 N/A $0 $0 $0 $0
Umbrella 0 N/A $0 $0 $0 $0
Builders Risk 0 N/A $0 $0 $0 $0
Cyber Liability 0 N/A $0 $0 $0 $0
International 0 N/A $0 $0 $0 $0
WTVI 0 N/A $0 $0 $0 $0

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Asset Acquis Acquis
ID Asset Description Manufacturer Model Number Serial Number Cost Date
5351 French Double Harpsichord Kingston French Double none $5,400.00 3/15/1975
5353 Yamaha C-7 Grand Piano Yamaha C7 1833246 $5,454.80 10/15/1974
106823 Soil Test Versa-Tester SOILTEST 60,000 LB CAP 24 $10,122.35 1/15/1984
107160 Impact Tester Tinius Olsen 74 142300 $8,938.80 8/15/1984
107189 Baldwin Concert Grand Piano Baldwin 9 Foot Concert $8,000.00 8/15/1984
110954 Tektronix Digital Oscilloscope Tektronix 2230 B027336 $5,270.94 5/15/1988
112382 Fiber Optics Project Kit Newport Corporation none none $11,572.04 4/15/1990
112383 Newport Fiber Optics Newport 18235 MT $11,572.03 4/15/1990
112384 Fiber Optics Project Kit Newport Corporation none none $11,572.03 4/15/1990
112542 Spectrum Analyzer Hewlett Packard 8593A 3009A00585 $23,771.48 5/15/1990
113670 Baum Hydraulic Paper Drill Baum ND5 STB002 $5,787.60 9/15/1991
114868 Dynadrome Transmission Testing Dynadrome 31132 $23,850.00 3/15/1993
115055 Satec Tensile Testing Machine Satec T20000 10007 $22,593.90 5/15/1993
115093 Library Security System Sensamatic MAGNETIC None $6,837.18 5/15/1993
115652 Triton Traction Table Chattanooga TRE-24 5797 $7,515.34 12/15/1993
115867 Color Video Camera Sony 11479 $21,607.04 3/15/1994
115870 Sony PVW-2800 Betacam Editor Sony PVW-2800 18029 $15,449.50 3/15/1994
116470 Trinocular Microscope Nikon Labophot -2 27355 $5,177.21 12/15/1995
116798 Topcon Surveying System Topcon GTS-300 GW1278 $8,077.20 4/15/1996
116902 Envelope Sealing Machine Moore 4420 258 $9,262.21 11/15/1996
116903 Evnelope Folder/Nester Moore 8158 96158011 $16,639.55 11/15/1996
116904 Envelope Detacher/Imprinter Moore 3400 5387 $12,800.87 11/15/1996
116984 WEIGHT MACHINE,10 STAT. TROTTER MG-100 9634556 $9,089.50 1/15/1997
117202 Yamaha C7 Grand Piano Yamaha C7 $20,929.70 5/15/1997
117287 1997 Dodge Ram Wagon Dodge B3500 Maxi 2B5WB35Z6VK579877 $22,824.31 7/15/1997
117328 Automated Video Library Odetics TC545-II 719780-1 $96,725.82 8/15/1997
117437 Lighting Control Console EXPRESS 72/144 EXPS-2507 $8,676.90 3/15/1998
117453 FRAME RACK,W/PLATFORM, MAGNA LIFT/CLAMPS/CHOCKS MR801357 $28,897.66 2/15/1998
117461 Dingo 20HP Walk Behind Loader Toro Dingo 222 890138 $24,089.56 3/15/1998
117512 Image Motion Technology Box QTV IMTCS 67-195-035 $9,936.04 4/15/1998
118208 Sound System AMCS Powerhouse Vision 708 35170007 $6,741.28 6/15/1998
118212 Crestron Presentation System Crestron $8,511.32 1/15/1999
118216 Vertical Band Saw HE&M V100LM-2 648598 $20,108.72 3/15/1999
118217 Small Diameter Beveler E.H. Wachs SDB 206 981447 $6,488.77 1/15/1999
118219 Bend Tester Triangle Engineering WTB-HRA/3 184741298 $5,830.00 1/15/1999
118291 WELDER,PRO-SPORT DELUXE, PRO-SPORT W/ACCESSORIES,#PR-10 USTF12025230T3 $12,285.40 2/15/1999
118373 Cable Puller Greenlee 6805 $5,767.00 2/15/1999
118521 Anti-Lock Brake System Trainer ATech T088CA $9,128.32 6/15/1999
118683 Caterpillar GC15 Forklift Caterpillar GC15 07EM00439 $12,247.50 5/15/1999
118818 Video Tape Storage System Winsted None None $10,994.00 6/15/1999
118976 Engine Hoist Crane OTC Tools OTC-1814 0109AB26095 $6,639.12 1/15/2000
118985 Sun 450C Engine Analyzer Snap-on EEOS108C17 9814A0377 $31,944.68 2/15/2000
119025 1996 Ford Crown Victoria Ford Crown Victoria Interceptor 2FALP71W3TX123341 $8,250.00 3/15/2000
119273 Tektronix Signal Generator Tektronix TG2000 B011683 $16,136.08 5/15/2000
119335 Rosco Motion Effects System Rosco X19126 $7,291.72 3/15/2000
119362 Betacam SP Studio Player/Rec Sony PVW-2800 31640 $16,852.57 7/15/2000
119363 Betacam SP Studio Player/Rec Sony PVW-2800 31652 $16,852.57 7/15/2000
119713 Tube and Pipe Bender Jancy ER0K60A 4200033 $9,585.00 10/15/2000
119714 Tube and Pipe Notcher Jancy NJYAL100 1000129 $5,821.16 10/15/2000
119932 John Deere Gator w/ Dump Kit John Deere 4X2 W004X2X065692 $5,185.49 3/15/2001
119934 Comparator Profile Projector Nikon V-12BS 1300281 $7,252.85 1/15/2001
119965 Culinary Refrigerator Hobart None None $12,005.90 12/15/2000
119966 Culinary Proofing Cabinet Traulsen ARTS LAB $11,304.22 12/15/2000
119967 Custom Culinary Table & Sink Custom None None $76,864.22 12/15/2000
119968 Culinary Freezer Hobart None None $6,270.22 12/15/2000
119969 Hobart Commercial Mixer Hobart D900ET 34-1215-115 $17,559.22 12/15/2000
119974 Sveba Dahlen Deck Oven Sveba Dahlen PB V-1833SM $18,346.00 4/15/2001
119976 Hobart 4HBDO Pizza Oven Hobart 4HBDO 24-1005261 $19,079.00 4/15/2001
119978 Tilting Electric Kettle Cleveland KET-6-T WT5136-00A-02 $5,678.00 4/15/2001
119981 Commercial Warewasher Hobart AM14C None $7,952.00 4/15/2001
120025 Flexo Label Printing Machine Mark Andy 830-7D 1216675 $95,263.62 1/15/2001
120026 Pm-160 Plate Mounter Mark Andy PM-160 MA030815B $13,677.08 1/15/2001
120027 10 in Flexographic Press Mark Andy 1000-10A 1214668 $66,654.19 1/15/2001
120140 Dental X-Ray Trainer Dentsply Rinn 54-6001 4208 $5,916.08 4/15/2001
120141 Dental X-Ray Trainer Dentsply Rinn 54-6002 4202 $5,916.08 4/15/2001
120142 Dental X-Ray Trainer Dentsply Rinn 54-6002 4213 $5,916.08 4/15/2001
120143 Dental X-Ray Trainer Mannikin Rinn 54-6002 4203 $5,916.07 4/15/2001
120144 Dental X-Ray Trainer Mannikin Rinn 54-6002 4212 $5,916.07 4/15/2001
120145 Dental X-Ray Trainer Dentsply Rinn 54-7050 4207 $5,916.07 4/15/2001
120148 STERILIZER,STEAM,W/STAND PELTON & C MAGNA CLAVE A6-7362 $9,719.18 4/15/2001
120168 Dixi Digital X-Ray System Planmeca Dixi Digital IDIX1981 $8,626.50 5/15/2001
120169 Intraoral X-Ray System Planmeca Dixi Digital IDIX1982 $7,827.75 5/15/2001
120170 Panoramic X-Ray System Planmeca Proline CC RCC003448 $23,403.35 5/15/2001
120176 Mobile Dental Simulator Practicon N44A/P5 K068532 $7,833.07 5/15/2001
120177 Mobile Dental Simulator Practicon N44A/P5 K068534 $7,833.07 5/15/2001
120178 Mobile Dental Simulator Practicon N44A/P5 K068528 $7,833.07 5/15/2001
120179 Mobile Dental Simulator Practicon N44A/P5 K068526 $7,833.07 5/15/2001
120180 Mobile Dental Simulator Practicon N44A/P5 K068535 $7,833.07 5/15/2001
120181 Mobile Dental Simulator Practicon N44A/P5 K068531 $7,833.07 5/15/2001
120182 Mobile Dental Simulator Practicon N44A/P5 K068537 $7,833.08 5/15/2001
120183 Mobile Dental Simulator Practicon N44A/P5 K068536 $7,833.08 5/15/2001
120184 Mobile Dental Simulator Practicon N44A/P5 K068533 $7,833.08 5/15/2001
120185 Mobile Dental Simulator Practicon N44A/P5 K068529 $7,833.08 5/15/2001
120186 Mobile Dental Simulator Practicon N44A/P5 K068530 $7,833.08 5/15/2001
120187 Mobile Dental Simulator PRACTICON N44A/P5 K068527 $7,833.08 5/15/2001
Asset Acquis Acquis
ID Asset Description Manufacturer Model Number Serial Number Cost Date
120193 Bridgeport Milling Machine Bridgeport NV 20 170703 $11,848.13 3/15/2001
120291 Ryan Walk-Behind Aerator Ryan Lawnaire 28 508415 $5,484.75 4/15/2001
120292 Ryan Mataway Overseeder Ryan 544873A 503907 $5,058.75 4/15/2001
120293 Jacobsen PGM 22 Walking Mower Jacobsen 62280 5525 $5,779.76 4/15/2001
120294 Jacobsen 3 Gang Reel Mower Jacobsen 71421 4153 $9,393.30 4/15/2001
120296 Spray Star 1000 Spray Vehicle Smithco Spray Star 1000 100185 $9,585.00 4/15/2001
120344 Hydraulic Trainer Hampden H-FP-223-14 79588 $17,389.70 3/15/2001
120345 Hydraulic Trainer Hampden H-FP-223-14 79589 $17,042.12 3/15/2001
120346 Pneumatic Trainer Hampden H-FP-223-14P 79588 $7,764.70 3/15/2001
120347 Pneumatic Trainer Hampden H-FP-223-14P 79589 $8,211.88 3/15/2001
120456 Proxima DP6150 Projector InFocus DP6150 4041 $5,427.24 3/15/2001
120462 Sumitomo Fusion Splicer Sumitomo Type-45s 1320 $13,233.30 4/15/2001
120470 Yamaha U1 Upright Piano Yamaha U1 5886314 $5,671.13 4/15/2001
120516 Mobile Refrigeration Trainer Hampden H-CRT-1 79757 $10,648.94 4/15/2001
120524 Emissions Inspection Analyzer ESP FICS-4000 40490012018 $14,478.68 5/15/2001
120549 A/C Recovery/Recycling Unit Robinair CoolTech 24K 279 $5,392.09 5/15/2001
120551 Refrigerant Recharging Unit Robinair Cool-Tech 24K 189 $5,392.10 5/15/2001
120552 A-dec Dental Chair A-dec None None $11,837.48 7/15/2001
120553 A-dec Dental Chair A-dec None None $11,837.48 7/15/2001
120554 A-dec Dental Chair A-dec None None $11,837.48 7/15/2001
120555 A-dec Dental Chair A-dec None None $11,837.48 7/15/2001
120556 A-dec Dental Chair A-dec None None $13,733.18 7/15/2001
120557 A-dec Dental Chair A-dec None None $13,733.18 7/15/2001
120558 Round End Central Console A-dec None None $8,360.24 7/15/2001
120559 Round End Central Console A-dec None None $8,360.24 7/15/2001
120560 Round End Central Console A-dec None None $8,360.24 7/15/2001
120561 Round End Central Console A-dec None None $12,540.38 7/15/2001
120562 12 O'Clock Dental Cabinet A-dec 5561/3175 None $6,198.30 7/15/2001
120563 12 O'Clock Dental Cabinet A-dec 5561/3175 None $6,198.30 7/15/2001
120564 12 O'Clock Dental Cabinet A-dec 5561/3175 None $6,198.30 7/15/2001
120565 12 O'Clock Dental Cabinet A-dec 5561/3175 None $6,198.30 7/15/2001
120566 12 O'Clock Dental Cabinet A-dec 5561/3175 None $6,208.95 7/15/2001
120568 Dental Assistant Console A-dec 5522 None $5,101.35 7/15/2001
120569 Dental Assistant Console A-dec 5522 None $5,101.35 7/15/2001
120795 Desk With Hutch & Credenza Miller 60 in Walnut $5,926.65 2/15/2002
121431 John Deere 420 Tractor John Deere 4310 LV4310C138102 $12,529.09 4/15/2002
121445 1999 Ford Crown Victoria Ford Crown Victoria Interceptor 2FAFP71W0XX107522 $9,500.00 4/15/2002
121476 Nikon E400 Microscope Nikon E400 671548 $5,120.37 6/15/2002
121477 Nikon E400 Microscope Nikon E400 671442 $5,120.38 6/15/2002
121478 Nikon E400 Microscope Nikon E400 671469 $5,120.38 6/15/2002
121479 Nikon E400 Microscope Nikon E400 671557 $5,120.38 6/15/2002
121487 1995 Freightliner FLD120 Freightliner FLD120 1FUYDZYB8SH834449 $16,050.00 6/15/2002
121576 1999 Ford Crown Victoria Ford Crown Victoria Interceptor 2FAFP71W4XX237450 $8,450.00 3/15/2003
121578 Pneumatic Controls Trainer Hampden H-PCT-1 85251 $10,390.00 4/15/2003
121579 Electrical Learning System Amatrol 85-MT2 284 $9,848.77 5/15/2003
121588 Nikon E400 Microscope Nikon E400 112346 $9,531.72 4/15/2003
121589 Nikon E400 Microscope Nikon E400 112312 $9,531.72 4/15/2003
121597 Emco PC Turn-55 CNC Emco Maier PC Turn-55 A6P-V01 $19,231.75 4/15/2003
121598 Emco PC Turn-55 CNC Emco Maier PC Turn-55 A6PV01 $19,231.75 4/15/2003
121627 Turfco WideSpin Topdresser Turfco WideSpin 1530 E00162 $9,782.50 4/15/2003
121665 Microindentation Hardness Test LECO LM-100AT FMX2100 $22,015.61 5/15/2003
121669 Hunter Tire Changer Hunter TC-3500 3775 $5,956.48 4/15/2003
121673 Vibration Control System Hunter GSP9712-17P 1L8796 $9,425.63 4/15/2003
121674 Hunter Alignment System Hunter R611 FL8220 $11,100.36 4/15/2003
121675 Alignment System Sensors Hunter DSP400L FL7533 $11,233.55 4/15/2003
121676 Hunter Four-Post Lift Hunter L421-43 JK7984 $14,214.36 4/15/2003
121681 Nova Blood Analyzer Nova Biomedical Nova 16 N16499151 $11,825.00 5/15/2003
121682 Brake Lathe Pro-Cut PFM-4 20795 $6,960.00 4/15/2003
122100 Hunter Alignment System Hunter R611-T 5G048210150 $12,514.80 6/15/2003
122101 Centering Wheel Adapters Hunter DSP300T-HFSS $8,654.48 6/15/2003
122120 Hydraulic Simulator Fluid Power HC-MF-100ST C7Y-R-C11S-E30-2X0B $18,714.32 6/15/2003
122173 Office Workstation $6,081.94 5/15/2003
122243 Yamaha U1 Upright Piano Yamaha U1 5987331 $5,525.50 6/15/2003
122244 Yamaha Upright Piano Yamaha U1 6020675 $5,525.50 6/15/2003
122245 Yamaha U1 Upright Piano Yamaha U1 6020656 $5,525.50 6/15/2003
122276 Trailer, Custom Cargo,white Pace American Cargo Sport CS714TA2 4FPUB142X4G083179 $5,759.00 2/23/2004
122278 Video Conferencing System Polycom ViewStation 4000 H.323 2945 $13,931.31 12/18/2003
122332 ViperJet V-200 Jet Washer ViperJet V-200 19643 $7,444.38 2/29/2004
122341 Toyota OBD II System Trainer ATech 2671/80 1021 $14,974.75 3/25/2004
122342 GM OBD II System Trainer ATech 2651/60 40220213514 $9,701.88 3/25/2004
122349 Workstation,dent-Puller CEG Mega-Tek none $9,598.57 2/24/2004
122354 Honda Loader/Tiller Honda Prowler 344 $19,282.28 3/9/2004
122389 Electrical Learning System Amatrol 85-MT2 317 $10,145.96 3/29/2004
122417 Conduit Bender Greenlee 855BC ADY0502WJ $7,158.53 3/30/2004
122555 IBM 16-Port SAN Switch IBM 2109-F16 1097080 $12,086.11 5/28/2004
122556 IBM 16-Port SAN Switch IBM 2109-F16 1097081 $12,086.13 5/28/2004
122615 Hematology Analyzer BeckMan Coulter Coulter AC_Tdiff2 AJ04113 $15,442.38 2/9/2005
122616 Hobart D340 40 Quart Mixer Hobart D340-5007A 311336909 $7,955.00 2/24/2005
122625 Universal Saybolt Viscometer Precision Scientific 9729M 18N65877R $6,534.18 4/29/2005
122626 Shortwave Diathermy Unit Mettler Electronics AutoTherm 395 024PS0222 $6,028.07 2/9/2005
122642 Trainer,auto Air Conditioner ATech 1331-40 244 $9,901.88 5/16/2005
122657 Sun 450D Engine Analyzer Snap-on EEOS108D17 0030D0255 $15,050.00 3/24/2005
122661 Xerox Color Phaser Xerox 7750 RRW501117 $6,495.53 3/17/2005
122667 Metallograph,reflected Light Olympus GX51RBB 5010309 $14,729.99 4/4/2005
122668 Camera,digital,w/Mount Olympus #862-339 4L14355 $7,144.80 4/4/2005
122671 Roundness Measuring System Mitutoyo RA-116 400106 $17,034.00 3/28/2005
Asset Acquis Acquis
ID Asset Description Manufacturer Model Number Serial Number Cost Date
122672 Breathing System,air,w/6 Hoods Trans Star 150-E 150-7004936 $38,870.71 4/13/2005
122674 Measuring System,computerized Chief #70047 vc40377 $22,109.69 4/6/2005
122683 Haas CNC Toolroom Lathe Haas TL-1 70024 $31,093.30 5/10/2005
122705 Caterpillar 303CR Excavator Caterpillar 303CR DMA0374 $35,100.10 4/25/2005
122882 I&c Water Tank Trainer Lab-Volt multiple multiple $18,238.44 6/10/2005
122883 Motor Control for Conveyor Southern Educational 4510 W0411152241 $15,837.01 6/3/2005
122885 Topcon HiPer Lite+ GPS Base Topcon HiPer Lite+ $35,843.75 6/10/2005
122935 Piano Yamaha U1 6106593 $5,677.08 3/3/2006
122944 Hydraulic Simulator Fluid Power MF200-VCLS RMF-1205-002 $9,840.00 5/16/2006
122949 Simulator 2748 $82,099.90 6/7/2006
122953 Lathe ENCO 510-2585 35611 $6,891.02 5/11/2006
122954 Hydraulic Simulator Fluid Power MF200-VCLS RMF-1205-001 $9,840.00 5/16/2006
122955 Vectra Genisys Therapy System Chattanooga Vectra Genisys 3266 $5,066.97 3/30/2006
122966 Yamaha U1 Upright Piano Yamaha U1 216121072 $5,677.08 3/30/2006
123092 Serial Digital Synchronizer Leitch DPS-575 AV / X75 LHTI0247433019 $6,030.10 6/1/2006
123198 Cavitation Simulator Fluid Power MF200-CAV 0406-CAV-0014 $6,186.00 4/26/2006
123199 Encore Floor Scrubber Clarke Encore EB1911 $8,600.00 4/12/2006
123246 HeartStart MRx ALS Monitor Philips M3536A US00101307 $9,037.50 5/8/2006
123400 Thermal Imager Fluke TI30 91210317 $10,161.44 4/25/2006
123401 Plate making Anderson & Vreeland Orbital X 100010 $9,352.50 3/29/2006
A00012 Toyota Forklift - Electric Toyota FBE18 FBE18-10053 $15,564.52 6/15/1979
A00066 Sony Editing Control Unit Sony PVE-500 702952 $9,078.93 8/15/1984
A00174 Front Loading Kiln Geil Kilns DL30F 30385181F $11,364.38 4/15/1985
A00432 FORK LIFT, GASOLINE Nissan 226 $14,101.23 12/15/1986
C00104 2007 Ford Escape Hybrid Ford Escape Hybrid 1FMYU59H67KB87459 $26,056.60 12/14/2006
C00105 2007 Ford Escape Hybrid Ford Escape Hybrid 1FMYU59H77KB96106 $26,056.60 12/14/2006
C00109 2007 Ford Ranger Ford Ranger 1FTYR44U87PA48277 $15,760.00 12/14/2006
C00112 2007 Ford Ranger Ford Ranger 1FTYR44U07PA56115 $15,760.00 12/14/2006
C00260 2007 Dodge Sprinter Van Dodge Sprinter 2500 WD0PE745875216147 $34,285.00 11/30/2007
C00264 2008 Chevy Uplander Cargo Van Chevrolet E85 Flex Fuel 1GBDV13W58D210644 $16,329.00 9/30/2008
C00265 E-Ride Electric Vehicle E-Ride WXV2 1E9EB25S58P363028 $26,474.50 5/19/2008
C00267 2008 Ford Ranger Ford Ranger 1FTZR14E98PA94682 $16,009.00 6/18/2008
C00268 E-Ride Electric Vehicle E-Ride WXV2 1E9EB25S78P363029 $26,474.50 5/19/2008
C00271 2009 Toyota Camry Hybrid Toyota Camry Hybrid 4T1BB46KX94083683 $24,964.00 10/30/2008
C00272 2009 Toyota Camry Hybrid Toyota Camry Hybrid 4T1BB46K094080663 $24,964.00 10/30/2008
C00305 Uninterruptible Power Supply APC 6KVA JD0731008599 $6,197.97 5/9/2008
C00306 Uninterruptible Power Supply APC Symmetra RM 6KVA JD0731017900 $6,197.97 5/9/2008
C00323 PBX Phone System Upgrade Northern Telecom Meridian 1 Z02186 $88,045.85 6/30/2008
C00324 PBX Phone System Upgrade Northern Telecom Meridian 1 10040574 $33,421.34 6/30/2008
C00325 PBX Phone System Upgrade Northern Telecom Meridian 1 10050674 $26,115.47 7/2/2008
C00331 2008 Chevy Uplander Cargo Van Chevrolet Uplander 1GBDV13W48D211350 $16,329.00 9/30/2008
C00333 2009 Ford F-350 Super Duty Ford F-350 Super Duty 1FTWX30R99EA35464 $31,490.00 1/8/2009
C00342 APC Symmetra LX UPS APC Symmetra LX QD0843160458 $7,924.09 2/6/2009
C00350 3Vue Digital Sign System Sheletron 3Vue 122381 $7,293.00 3/13/2009
C00382 SPARC Enterprise Server Sun M4000 BEF0913173 $44,432.60 4/3/2009
C00383 SPARC Enterprise M4000 Server Sun M4000 BEF0913174 $44,432.60 4/3/2009
C00390 Sun Unified Storage System Sun 7210 0917AMF011 $22,397.57 5/13/2009
C00424 3Vue Digital Sign System Sheletron 3Vue $7,090.38 1/14/2010
C00428 2010 Ford Ranger Ford Ranger 1FTKR1ED7APA49625 $14,610.00 6/3/2010
C00432 Ethernet Routing Switch Nortel 5530-24TFD LBNNTMJPR205V5 $5,193.40 3/11/2010
C00433 Ethernet Routing Switch 5530-24TFD STACKABLE SDNIRI014X $5,193.40 3/11/2010
C00450 8612XLRS XFP Switching Module Nortel DS1404097-E6 SSPN5Q056L $22,657.59 5/6/2010
C00451 Routing Switches 8612X;RS 12 PORT SSPN5Q05D2 $22,657.59 5/6/2010
C00457 Ethernet Routing Switch Nortel 5632FD LBNNTMJPW501MH $10,897.81 5/6/2010
C00463 Fluke Ti32 Thermal Imager Fluke Ti32 TI32-10050460 $7,097.89 5/27/2010
C00470 Firewall Security Appliance Palo Alto Networks PA-4020 0002C100963 $35,274.35 5/27/2010
C00471 Firewall Security Appliance Palo Alto Networks PA-4020 0002C100969 $35,274.34 5/27/2010
C00472 Uninterruptible Power Supply APC Symmetra LX QD1015360217 $6,673.62 5/26/2010
C00473 Apc Ups APC SYMMETRA LX 8 QD1015360218 $6,673.62 5/26/2010
C00474 Apc Ups APC SYMMETRA LX 8 QD1015360219 $6,673.61 5/26/2010
C00475 APC Symmetra LX UPS APC SYA8K8P QD1015360220 $6,673.61 5/26/2010
C00477 Apc Ups APC SYMMETRA LX 8 QD1015360222 $6,673.61 5/26/2010
C00478 Uninterruptible Power Supply APC Symmetra RM 6KVA JD1003032636 $6,932.42 6/14/2010
C00490 2011 Ford F-350 Super Duty Ford F-350 Super Duty 1FD8X3HT5BEA20390 $37,167.00 6/23/2010
C00504 2011 Ford Ranger Ford Ranger 1FTKR1ED2BPA19885 $14,610.00 1/14/2011
C00505 2011 Ford Ranger Ford Ranger 1FTKR1ED7BPA28453 $14,610.00 3/10/2011
C00512 Advanced Video System Laerdal 210-08001 none $8,814.96 2/10/2011
C00516 Poweredge Server R410 Dell Poweredge R410 779TPN1 $6,756.16 1/19/2011
C00517 Dell PowerEdge R410 Server Dell PowerEdge R410 77BQPN1 $6,756.16 1/19/2011
C00518 Dell PowerEdge R410 Server Dell PowerEdge R410 77BRPN1 $6,756.16 1/19/2011
C00519 Dell PowerEdge R410 Server Dell PowerEdge R410 77BSPN1 $6,756.17 1/19/2011
C00527 Nortel ERS Ethernet Switch Avaya ERS 5500-24TFD LBNNTMJPMW502M6 $5,193.40 4/13/2011
C00528 Nortel ERS Ethernet Switch Nortel ERS5520 LBNNTMJPT41MFL $10,646.60 4/13/2011
C00529 Nortel ERS Ethernet Switch Nortel ERS 5632-FD LBNNTMJPW502ME $10,646.60 4/13/2011
C00539 NetApp Storage Solution NetApp FAS3210 700000673 $7,324.63 6/9/2011
C00583 Dell PowerEdge R810 Server Dell PowerEdge R810 4PVJKS1 $15,496.69 3/30/2012
C00584 Netapp Storage Solution NetApp FAS2240 600029222 $73,291.24 2/23/2012
C00585 Dell PowerEdge R810 Server Dell PowerEdge R810 GDL8JS1 $16,395.20 4/11/2012
C00586 Dell PowerEdge R510 Server Dell PowerEdge R510 6G6FJS1 $5,855.63 2/27/2012
C00587 Dell PowerEdge R510 Server Dell PowerEdge R510 6G6GJS1 $5,855.63 2/27/2012
C00588 Dell PowerEdge R510 Server Dell PowerEdge R510 6G7CJS1 $5,855.64 2/27/2012
C00612 GeoExplorer GeoXT Scanner Trimble 3000 Series 5217416675 $7,724.38 6/19/2012
C00613 GeoExplorer GeoXT Scanner Trimble 3000 Series 5217416710 $7,724.38 6/19/2012
C00614 GeoExplorer GeoXT Scanner Trimble 3000 Series 5217416717 $7,724.38 6/19/2012
C00615 GeoExplorer GeoXT Scanner Trimble 3000 Series 5217416734 $7,724.38 6/19/2012
C00616 GeoExplorer GeoXT Scanner Trimble 3000 Series 5217416744 $7,724.38 6/19/2012
Asset Acquis Acquis
ID Asset Description Manufacturer Model Number Serial Number Cost Date
C00617 GeoExplorer GeoXT Scanner Trimble 3000 Series 5217416756 $7,724.38 6/19/2012
C00618 GeoExplorer GeoXT Scanner Trimble 3000 Series 5217416759 $7,724.39 6/19/2012
C00619 GeoExplorer GeoXT Scanner Trimble 3000 Series 5217416763 $7,724.39 6/19/2012
C00620 GeoExplorer GeoXT Scanner Trimble 3000 Series 5217416770 $7,724.39 6/19/2012
C00628 2014 Chevrolet Impala Chevrolet Impala 2G1WA5E30E1145552 $17,760.00 3/19/2014
C00629 2014 Chevrolet Impala Chevrolet Impala 2G1WA5E33E1145853 $17,760.00 3/19/2014
C00630 2014 Chevrolet Impala Chevrolet Impala 2G1WA5E38E1145072 $17,760.00 3/19/2014
C00631 2014 Chevrolet Impala Chevrolet Impala 2G1WA5E39E1145081 $17,760.00 3/19/2014
C00632 2014 Dodge Journey Dodge Journey 3C4PDCBG2ET202721 $21,849.00 3/21/2014
C00633 2014 Dodge Ram 1500 Dodge Ram 1500 1C6RR7KG4ES247749 $24,127.00 3/21/2014
C00634 HP Color LaserJet CM4540 MFP HP CC419A JPECFBW0Z8 $5,040.47 12/16/2013
C00635 HP Color LaserJet CM4540 MFP HP CC419A JPECFBY04C $5,040.47 12/16/2013
C00636 Threat Prevention Appliance Check Point 4200 $10,862.08 1/22/2014
C00637 Threat Prevention Appliance Check Point 4200 $9,928.75 1/22/2014
C00639 UCS B420 M3 Blade Server Cisco B420 M3 FCH17507F62 $12,681.14 4/22/2014
C00640 UCS B420 M3 Blade Server Cisco B420 M3 FCH180570E2 $19,915.79 4/22/2014
C00641 NetApp E5500 Storage System NetApp E5500 7.11416E+11 $42,316.79 5/6/2014
C00642 Symbio Movable Wall Environamics Symbio none $7,706.00 9/22/2014
C00643 High Volume Mailing System Neopost IS-5000 MXL34013ZW $41,878.10 3/2/2015
C00644 Electric Walkie Pallet Truck Big Joe WPT45 E2215519 $5,312.09 2/4/2015
C00645 2015 Chevy Equinox LS Chevrolet Equinox LS 2GNALAEK0F6314251 $20,231.64 4/16/2015
C00646 Hyundai Electric Forklift Hyundai 13BTR-9 HHKHHT05CD0000030 $22,737.00 4/1/2015
C00647 Trane Water Cooled Chiller Trane RTWD-120 U15G02624 $70,700.00 5/4/2015
C00648 NetApp E5600A Contoller NetApp E-X561204A-R6-C 7.11512E+11 $10,065.22 4/21/2015
C00649 NetApp E5600A Contoller NetApp E-X561204A-R6-C 7.11512E+11 $10,065.22 4/21/2015
C00650 S330 Bobcat w/Attachments Bobcat S330 A5HA35558 $46,243.41 5/1/2015
C00652 2015 Ford Transit-350 Van Ford Transit-350 1FTSW2XMXFKB05914 $27,733.79 7/20/2015
C00653 Irrigation System none $48,777.10 11/2/2015
C00654 Ricoh Color MFP Plotter Ricoh CW2200SP E085Q610005 $9,790.84 4/18/2016
C00655 Symbio Movable Wall Environamics Symbio none $18,030.32 12/4/2015
D00106 Donated Aspire Model none none $25,000.00 6/26/2008
D00122 Donated Racing Engine custom custom none $35,000.00 6/26/2008
D00132 Anesthesia Machine GE Healthcare SE7900 AMFD00183 $15,000.00 6/26/2008
D00133 Anesthesia Machine GE Healthcare SE7900 AMFD00184 $15,000.00 6/26/2008
D00159 Gas Compression Engine Caterpillar G3600 5261 $55,000.00 10/24/2008
D00160 Dry Bakery Display Case None None None $5,118.23 8/22/2008
D00167 Vest Airway Clearance System Hill-Rom 205 51-02822 $9,500.00 6/25/2009
D00170 Esab Plasma Flame Cutting MacH ESAB $121,634.00 11/29/2001
D00172 Comco Flexography Press Comco Cadet 700 95-1014 $58,897.46 6/15/1995
D00193 Fountain, With 8 Lights $119,193.00 9/30/2009
D00200 Anilox Roll Cleaner Flexo Wash FW 991 XL none $30,431.00 12/8/2009
D00202 Sculpture Golden Apple ARTIST RICK BECK GOLDEN APPLE $15,000.00 11/4/2009
D00203 Iris Sculpture Stephen Dee Edwards Iris none $10,000.00 11/4/2009
D00204 Sculpture Violet Wings Stephen Dee Edwards Violet Wings None $25,000.00 11/4/2009
D00205 Green Cut Form Sculpture Stephen Dee Edwards Green Cut Form 2009.12.004 $16,000.00 11/4/2009
D00206 Blue Arch Sculpture Stephen Dee Edwards Blue Arch none $18,000.00 11/4/2009
D00207 Piano W/Disk-Clavier Yamaha F5131715 $10,000.00 10/26/2009
D00213 Maquet Mechanical Ventilator Siemens 300A 14368 $8,500.00 3/24/2010
D00214 Square Loop Conveyor System Allen Bradley $36,740.15 4/8/2010
D00215 Mock Cardiac Cath System Phillips Diagnostic C2 p25-446 $38,027.91 3/10/2010
D00222 2005 BMW Z4, White BMW Z4 LS53293 $37,500.00 12/13/2005
D00225 Water Wash Out Anderson & Vreeland Orbital X (24 x 30) $25,500.00 4/30/2010
D00226 CAT 1.3 Liter 27 HP Engine Caterpillar 53L2-VISCME $8,000.00 12/8/2010
D00227 CAT 3116 6 Cycle Engine Caterpillar 3116 98Z065464 $8,000.00 12/8/2010
D00228 CAT 3406DT Engine Caterpillar 3406DT 7FB31828 $25,000.00 12/8/2010
D00235 Mack Diagnostic Simulator Mack 5529M-81341278 $10,000.00 3/4/2011
D00303 RFID Add-On for MPS-520 Festo 195782 500087688 $17,254.29 6/15/2011
D00304 Vision System Add-On Festo 195777 800065471 $14,535.43 6/15/2011
D00305 AS/RS Add-On Festo 195883 300034531 $59,710.28 6/15/2011
D00306 Hampden Solar System Trainer Hampden H-SST-1A-CDL 102379 $28,924.00 7/6/2011
D00313 1999 International School Bus International 3000 Series - 3600 1HVBDAAM4TH320622 $9,900.00 1/6/2012
D00314 Workstation w/FANUC LR Robot Festo multiple multiple $84,800.00 6/25/2012
D00315 Festo Equipment Set TP 201 Festo TP 201 540712 C206 $16,605.23 6/25/2012
D00317 Mounting Plate for TP-201 Festo none none $14,947.31 6/25/2012
D00321 Yamaha Digital Mixing Console Yamaha M7CL ULASM01030 $20,622.14 12/12/2012
D00322 NextEngine 3D Laser Scanner NextEngine 2020i 1121014798 $6,211.00 6/28/2013
D00323 CAT Rear Axle & Transmission Caterpillar 416C/390G 86511628 $6,300.00 8/27/2013
D00324 Angio Express Single Slim Mod Simbionix Angio A048-01-13 $86,068.13 8/27/2013
D00325 Richochet Glass Sculpture Rick Beck Richochet none $12,000.00 9/12/2013
D00326 Old Man Glass Sculpture Stephen Edwards Old Man none $7,500.00 9/12/2013
D00327 Woman & Child Glass Sculpture Stephen Edwards Woman & Child none $7,500.00 9/12/2013
D00328 Large Gestural Sculpture Joe Nielander Gestural none $5,500.00 9/12/2013
D00329 Belk Plaza Granite Sign Base none none $7,228.00 9/12/2013
D00330 NASCAR Chevy Race Car Chevrolet Custom NB20024 $18,500.00 9/9/2013
D00333 1999 Mack CH613 Tractor Mack CH613 1M1AA13Y4XW105009 $18,269.00 9/2/2014
D00335 Mobile Radiography System Air Techniques ScanX Discover HR 60112 $64,145.00 9/2/2014
D00336 Bronze Bust - Shaw Accurate Engraving none none $6,287.08 9/2/2014
D00337 Bronze Bust - Hagemeyer Accurate Engraving none none $6,287.08 9/2/2014
D00338 Optical Coherence Tomography Carl Zeiss Stratus 3000 3000-3612 $8,000.00 9/4/2014
D00344 2009 Freightliner Cascadia Freightliner CA113DC 1FUBGACV79LZZ1750 $40,000.00 6/30/2015
D00345 Industrex HPX-1 Digital Syste Carestream HPX-1 1547 $89,074.00 6/30/2015
D00346 Olympus IPLEX FX Videoscope Olympus IPLEX FX Y502298 $19,535.00 6/30/2015
D00347 Mack MP7-4D5M Diesel Engine Mack MP7-4D5M 509290 $11,500.00 6/30/2015
D00348 Mack MP11-US04 Diesel Engine Mack MD-11 11-419 $11,500.00 6/30/2015
D00349 Caterpillar C6.6 Diesel Engine Caterpillar C6.6 C6E32911 $8,500.00 6/30/2015
D00350 2004 Jeep Grand Cherokee Jeep Grand Cherokee 1J4GW48N44C332882 $5,500.00 6/30/2015
Asset Acquis Acquis
ID Asset Description Manufacturer Model Number Serial Number Cost Date
D00351 Roadster WU12K-M Projector Christie 118-015107-XX 335170001 $28,325.26 6/30/2015
D00352 Da-Lite Scenic Roller Screen Da-Lite 80847C none $6,923.62 6/30/2015
D00353 Control Logix PLC System Allen Bradley 890-AB5500 39584745 $15,708.00 6/30/2015
D00354 Control Logix PLC System Allen Bradley 890-AB5500 40036134 $15,708.00 6/30/2015
D00355 Control Logix PLC System Allen Bradley 890-AB5500 40591508 $15,708.00 6/30/2015
D00356 Control Logix PLC System Allen Bradley 890-AB5500 $15,708.00 6/30/2015
D00357 Control Logix PLC System Allen Bradley 890-AB5500 40566372 $15,708.00 6/30/2015
D00358 Control Logix PLC System Allen Bradley 890-AB5500 39846050 $15,708.00 6/30/2015
D00359 PLC Devicenet Learning System Amatrol 89-DN-AB5500 none $7,941.00 6/30/2015
D00360 PLC Devicenet Learning System Amatrol 89-DN-AB5500 3731315 $7,941.00 6/30/2015
D00361 PLC Devicenet Learning System Amatrol 89-DN-AB5500 none $7,941.00 6/30/2015
D00362 PLC Devicenet Learning System Amatrol 89-DN-AB5500 none $7,941.00 6/30/2015
D00363 PLC Devicenet Learning System Amatrol 89-DN-AB5500 none $7,941.00 6/30/2015
D00364 PLC Devicenet Learning System Amatrol 89-DN-AB5500 none $7,941.00 6/30/2015
D00365 PLC Troubleshooting System Allen Bradley 890-AB503B 38204458 $9,868.00 6/30/2015
D00366 Troubleshooting Learning Sys. Amatrol 890-PECB $9,300.00 6/30/2015
D00367 PanelView Plus Learning Sys. Amatrol 89-PV-AB5500 2711P-RDK10C $11,563.00 6/30/2015
D00368 Analog PLC Applications Unit Amatrol 89-AS-AB500 none $5,562.00 6/30/2015
D00369 Portable Beveling Machine Gullco KBM-18 1387 $10,687.82 6/30/2015
D00370 Mentor Visual iQ VideoProbe GE MVIQASYS3-WS 1504A2841 $19,000.00 6/30/2015
D00371 Mentor Visual iQ 6.1mm Probe GE MVIQAP6120 1510A3693 $5,750.00 6/30/2015
D00372 Ectane 2 Test Instrument Eddyfi ECTANE2-ERNM-UL 1511705 $21,697.29 6/30/2015
D00373 Ectane 2 Test Instrument Eddyfi ECTANE2-ERNM-UL 1511706 $21,697.29 6/30/2015
D00374 Ectane 2 Test Instrument Eddyfi ECTANE2-E64RNM-UL 1511402 $32,497.50 6/30/2015
D00375 MoVeo Videoscope Karl Storz 81301001-615 100249 $9,995.00 6/30/2015
D00376 General Purpose Surgical Table Skyton 6500 Elite non $13,500.00 2/22/2016
L00533 Silhouette Workbench Kewaunee E MDL. #D30-3618 $5,830.00 8/15/1992
L00534 Silhouette Workbench Kewaunee E MDL. #D30-3618 $5,830.00 8/15/1992
L00535 Silhouette Workbench Kewaunee E MDL. #D30-3618 $5,830.00 8/15/1992
L00536 Silhouette Workbench Kewaunee E MDL. #D30-3618 $5,830.00 8/15/1992
L01461 60Kw Emergency Generator Onan 60KW F940545337 $20,231.48 8/15/1994
L01462 80Kw Emergency Generator Onan F9405470 $21,107.04 8/15/1994
L01532 5-Ton AC Unit Carrier FB4ANF060000ACAA 4A01941 $5,148.42 11/15/1994
L01562 Fire Alarm Control Panel Simplex H45895 $7,609.73 2/15/1995
L01606 John Deere 970 Tractor John Deere 970 W00440X006117 $13,307.67 5/15/1995
L01706 Fire Alarm Control Panel Simplex 4020 None $6,712.11 2/15/1996
L01805 Trane Condensing Unit Trane L96G06252 $95,513.42 11/15/1996
L01827 SECURITY SYSTEM, LIBRARY 3M $7,597.70 8/15/1996
L01869 Forensic Light Source System Omni Forensic OP834H $7,889.60 8/15/1996
L01929 Trane Chiller System Trane U96J06724 $16,834.00 1/15/1997
L01933 Scan Converter FERAL SC10001 190 $18,533.31 7/15/1996
L01947 Sony Camera & Camera Head SONY Hyper HAD 12693 $11,666.36 11/15/1996
L01948 Sony Camera & Camera Head Sony Hyper HAD 12672 $11,666.36 11/15/1996
L01949 Nikon Internal Wide Angle Lens Nikon 59x5.5B1-EMSII-20 30073 $16,504.20 11/15/1996
L01950 Nikon Internal Wide Angle Lens Nikon 59x5.5B1-EMSII-20 30069 $16,504.20 11/15/1996
L01951 Mobile Hydraulic Camera Stand Vinten Osprey Plus 3329-1555 $13,717.46 11/15/1996
L01952 Osprey Mobile Camera Stand Vinten Osprey Plus 1125-1626 $13,717.46 11/15/1996
L01953 Intercom Unit RTS Systems 802 77361 $10,535.34 11/15/1996
L01954 Sony PVW-2800 Betacam Editor Sony PVW-2800 24129 $18,778.96 11/15/1996
L02014 Wheel Alignment System Hunter 20-8314 $8,653.69 11/15/1996
L02015 Hunter P411 Alignment Machine Hunter P411 6407966RA $11,218.63 9/15/1996
L02097 1997 Dodge Ram Wagon Dodge B3500 Maxi 2B5WB35Z1VK507484 $24,195.00 10/15/1996
L02203 Fire Alarm Control Panel SIMPLEX 4020-8001 I63246 $5,666.76 1/15/1997
L02456 Fire Alarm Control Panel SIMPLEX 4120-8001 $9,437.83 10/15/1997
L02484 Office Workstation Miller $20,617.00 6/15/1997
L02490 Broadcast Video System Odetics 4163000-01 71978012 $75,229.64 8/15/1997
L02529 Waveform/Vector Monitor Tektronix 1760-WF B035837 $5,001.08 10/15/1997
L02530 Waveform/Vector Monitor Tektronix 1760-WF B035838 $5,001.08 10/15/1997
L02554 National Power Squaring Shear National NH7225 7261096 $19,840.34 9/15/1997
L02555 Production Switcher Tektronix Grass Valley 200-2N A96806 $49,944.40 10/15/1997
L02560 Tektronix Processor Switch Tektronix 200-2-949 A90013 $6,349.40 10/15/1997
L02671 Test Signal Generator? Tektronix TSG170A B054920 $6,365.30 3/15/1998
L02681 Toro 72" Rear Discharge Mower Toro Groundsmaster 345 80139 $11,401.36 5/15/1998
L02708 Theracube for Exercise Theraquip THERAPY,W/WEIGHTS,#1771 $6,459.64 6/15/1998
L02837 Acer Surface Grinder Acer Supra-618AH II 99010068 $10,584.50 8/15/1998
L02838 Acer Surface Grinder Acer Supra-618AH II 97020166 $10,584.50 8/15/1998
L03074 Rockwell Hardness Tester Rockwell 504R 974338810 $7,351.10 9/15/1998
L03082 Hardness Tester Wilson Model J 97947 $10,024.34 10/15/1998
L03229 3M Book Detection System 3M 3801 3814054 $8,654.19 1/15/1999
L03345 Calumet Lighting System Calumet Elite 2400 MD1129 $5,456.03 1/15/1999
L03512 Tektronix Signal Generator Tektronix TSG-170A B030703 $5,090.57 1/15/1999
L03514 Chyron Max Character Generator Chyron Max NAA2757B98 $77,696.90 12/15/1998
L03678 Sony Betacam Player/Recorder SONY DNW-A75 11033 $23,505.83 3/15/1999
L03679 Video Production Switcher Grass Valley 200-2 $24,883.50 3/15/1999
L03715 3-Channel Disk Recorder Tektronix PDR312A B020348 $72,769.00 3/15/1999
L03716 Analog Cache Machine Tektronix Profile B011311 $10,600.00 3/15/1999
L03953 Tally Line Matrix Printer Tally T6090 J48D082682 $6,264.22 6/15/1999
L04289 Portable TV Studio Set Gelbach None None $6,382.50 11/15/1999
L04373 SteadiCam Provid 2 Plus SteadiCam Provid 2 Plus 1059M $15,442.50 11/15/1999
L04466 Book Detection Systems 3M 2301 2318640 $5,995.25 7/15/2000
L04483 Sony 42 inch Plasma Monitor Sony PFM-500A1WU S0120021696 $7,021.52 3/15/2000
L04561 Meridian Telephone System Nortel Meridian1 NNTM1832CHPG $35,843.11 6/15/2000
L04848 Sony 42 in Flat Panel Monitor Sony PFM-510A1W S012000624-0 $11,350.83 7/15/2000
L04886 Opti-Flex Measurement System Opti-Flex MSA 6560 U010-04913506001 $9,223.06 9/15/2000
L04936 Sharp Cylindrical Grinder Sharp 618 G2001D $17,797.40 8/15/2000
Asset Acquis Acquis
ID Asset Description Manufacturer Model Number Serial Number Cost Date
L04980 3M Book Detection System 3M 3520 3520884 $11,015.88 9/15/2001
L04989 Elta R50 Surveying Instrument Carl Zeiss Elta R50 116356A $5,106.66 12/15/2000
L04993 2000 Ford Ranger Ford Ranger 1FTYR14V7YTB38701 $14,908.00 1/15/2001
L05014 Surface Roughness Testing Sys Mitutoyo SV-600 101 $17,394.50 2/15/2001
L05015 24 Channel Unison Dimmer Rack ETC DR12-24-120 7333 $6,656.25 3/15/2001
L05221 Antec Screen Print Press Antec Legend L/8/4/S 1884 $6,596.50 4/15/2001
L05222 Rewind & Inspection Machine Web Techniques WT-25LCI 25LS013376 $7,199.06 3/15/2001
L05239 2000 Ford F-350 Super Duty Ford F-350 Super Duty 1FTSW30F0YED67590 $28,218.00 3/15/2001
L05245 18in Video Plate Mounter Propheteer VSS200DT 00104-04-0021 $9,998.00 4/15/2001
L05289 Antec Screen Print Press Antec Legend 6/6/S 1890 $5,340.78 4/15/2001
L05419 Video Commander System Iris Technologies PX-3200VBB 3680-5570-2666 $31,730.73 4/15/2001
L05426 Screen Print Conveyor Dryer M&R VITRAN - VIT22410 119937625U $11,138.93 4/15/2001
L05427 Saturn Flatbed Graphic Press M&R SATFB-1526 100388475 $9,870.00 4/15/2001
L05431 LIFT,PERSONNEL,W/LASER UPRIGHT LOCATOR,#UL-32-DC 21511 $7,053.50 7/15/2001
L05565 Washout Booth Chemical Consultants 6X5WO 010307-02 $6,151.17 9/15/2001
L05680 Office Workstation Miller Walnut $6,214.47 11/15/2001
L05713 8B Backhoe Attachment John Deere 8B LV00088060150 $6,283.50 8/15/2001
L05720 Single Stage Compressor Ingersoll Rand SSR-EP7.5 LX4087U01235 $8,884.07 9/15/2001
L05722 Betacam SP Studio Player/Rec Sony UVW-1800 46271 $8,440.13 10/15/2001
L05723 Betacam SP Studio Player/Rec Sony UVW-1800 46260 $8,440.13 10/15/2001
L05724 Betacam Sp Studio Player/Rec Sony UVW-1800 46273 $8,440.13 10/15/2001
L05736 Nortel Telephone System Nortel $51,914.92 10/15/2001
L05778 Leaf Blower With Hand Vac Gravely Pro Vac 1050 528 $8,040.75 11/15/2001
L05830 Viperjet V-200 Jet Washer ViperJet V-200 16601 $6,527.00 4/15/2002
L05831 Medrad Mark V Injector Medrad Mark V ProVis 93832 $19,053.92 4/15/2002
L05841 SeeSnake Sewer Monitor Ridgid KD-200 46001431 $5,708.46 4/15/2002
L05922 2003 Ford F-150 Ford F-150 1FTRW07683KC90061 $22,066.00 4/15/2003
L05925 Kubota Tractor Kubota BX2200D 5B345 $9,238.38 1/15/2003
L05935 2003 Ford E-Series Wagon Ford E-150 XLT 1FMRE11L53HA96328 $20,343.00 3/15/2003
L05945 Crime-Lite W/Goggles Foster & Freeman Crime-Lite 2903 $5,060.06 7/22/2003
L05946 Electrostatic Detection Appa. Foster & Freeman ESDA 72007 $7,932.00 6/15/2003
L05980 PBX Phone System Server Northern Telecom Meridian 1 64551003 $42,940.16 11/15/2002
L05981 Blade Server Chassis IBM 78C7681 $59,189.56 6/15/2003
L05982 Blade Server Chassis IBM 78C7628 $12,917.26 6/15/2003
L05984 PBX Phone System Server Northern Telecom Meridian 1 6455104 $35,819.92 6/15/2003
L05990 2003 Jeep Liberty Renegade Jeep Liberty Renegade 1J4GL38K63W619114 $22,725.00 8/15/2003
L05995 GBC Catena 35 Roll Laminator GBC Catena 35 PEG0147 $6,648.88 8/11/2003
L06011 Gestetner 5309L CopyPrinter Gestetner 5309L $5,312.50 8/28/2003
L06043 2003 Dodge Sprinter Van Dodge 2500 High Ceiling WD2YD642535510212 $37,017.00 12/17/2003
L06049 Parts Washer,automatic Cuda H20 C0603-57500 $6,692.21 12/10/2003
L06078 ViperJet V-200 Jet Washer ViperJet V-200 19642 $7,444.38 3/11/2004
L06082 Press,printing,w/Accessories Whelan Pro Press 2212 $7,337.86 3/31/2004
L06162 Mobile Recording Station Sonic Foundry Mediasite 6092275 $32,625.55 10/11/2004
L06198 Nursing Kelly Manikin Laerdal Nursing Kelly 4304 $7,015.13 11/23/2004
L06201 VitalSim Nursing Anne Manikin Laerdal Nursing Anne 4404 $8,009.51 11/23/2004
L06224 Hazard Material Storage System TURFloc TL 1007 $8,883.88 3/3/2005
L06228 2005 Chrysler Town & Country Chrysler Town & Country 2C4GP54L25R314063 $23,437.00 12/6/2004
L06229 2005 Dodge Grand Caravan Sxt Dodge Grand Caravan SXT 2D8GP44L65R275330 $22,813.00 12/6/2004
L06250 Conveyor System Southern Educational Systems 4510-CO 158017 $14,996.25 6/3/2005
L06252 Materials Testing System ADMET SPD ADJ 05-0502111 $15,162.11 4/5/2005
L06264 2005 Dodge Ram 2500 Dodge Ram 2500 3D7KR26D95G831803 $15,295.00 6/14/2005
L06265 3D Laser Scanner/Digitizer Deltasphere 3000IR A49040089 $39,490.13 4/19/2005
L06276 Uninterruptible Power Supply APC Symmetra RM 6KVA CD0503160745 $5,449.34 3/9/2005
L06285 John Deere Backhoe Attachment John Deere 447 LV0447X020060 $6,056.01 6/17/2005
L06313 Snap-On MODIS Elite Scanner Snap-On MODIS Elite 175HDH-001527 $6,240.38 6/19/2005
L06314 2001 Ford Crown Victoria Ford Crown Victoria Interceptor 2FAFP71W21X176686 $6,070.00 5/19/2005
L06360 VitalSim Nursing Anne Manikin Laerdal Nursing Anne 1905 $8,012.55 5/20/2005
L06361 Nursing Kelly Manikin Laerdal Nursing Kelly 1705 $7,009.93 5/17/2005
L06414 HEM V100M Vertical Band Saw HEM V100M 893105 $25,294.75 5/25/2005
L06423 Ultrasound System Phillips IE33 02KHPB $178,003.33 7/6/2005
L06427 Da-Lite Projector Screen Da-Lite 81681E $5,047.13 8/19/2005
L06444 Cabinet,evidence Drying Misonix FR27241005 $7,286.50 10/14/2005
L06447 Portable Air Conditioner Topaz TZ-60A 60673 $9,073.57 10/14/2005
L06484 Lenovo BladeCenter HS20 8843 IBM HS20 KQFXT5X13N0696 $5,007.38 2/15/2006
L06488 HP DesignJet 815 MFP HP Q1279A DK5BEB202D $24,606.76 1/18/2006
L06499 2006 Villager 4 Golf Cart Club Car Villager 4 PF0614-61-5900 $6,288.75 2/14/2006
L06500 2006 Villager 4 Golf Cart Club Car Villager 4 PF0614-615894 $6,288.75 2/8/2006
L06501 Duplicator Hard drive 81220 $5,903.20 2/8/2006
L06514 Hydraulic Troubleshooting Sys IST 950-HT1 CNHC57F2WK $1,062,436.48 11/16/2005
L06524 2006 Dodge Durango Sxt Dodge Durango SXT 1D4HB38N76F168211 $22,128.00 4/5/2006
L06529 Concert Grand Piano Yamaha 9 Foot CF4635600 $49,562.48 5/18/2006
L06589 Ethernet Routing Switch Avaya 5510-48T SDNIOR02AB $5,252.57 5/10/2006
L06590 Ethernet Routing Switch Avaya 5510-48T SDNIOR02AD $5,252.57 5/10/2006
L06607 A/T 2000 XR Film Processor Air Techniques A/T 2000 476944 $5,461.00 5/8/2006
L06613 Toro Z Master 74410 Mower Toro Z Master 74410 250005147 $5,428.75 4/11/2006
L06619 Tape Media NONE $6,591.10 4/25/2006
L06625 Coordinate Measuring Machine Brown & Sharpe Validator 37063 $15,000.00 6/10/2006
L06648 Hardware-Call Pilot Server Nortel ECHK5110221 $17,178.08 1/20/2006
M Central High Renovations $445,942.06 6/30/2014
M00001 Disher Building 1,11,689 Sq.Ft. DI $2,081,694.00 7/15/2000
M00002 Administration 2 Building 2,11,235 Sq.Ft. A2 $2,000,841.00 7/15/2000
M00003 Sommers Building 9,664 Sq.Ft. SO $1,721,062.00 7/15/2000
M00004 Administration 4 Building 4,13,795 Sq.Ft. A4 $3,220,048.52 7/15/2000
M00005 Advanced Technology Building 63,690 Sq.Ft. AT $4,705,086.00 7/15/1990
M00006 Belk Building 64,195 Sq.Ft. BL $2,410,000.00 7/15/1974
M00007 Belk Center for Justice 35,085 Sq.Ft. CJ $4,300,000.00 7/15/1996
Asset Acquis Acquis
ID Asset Description Manufacturer Model Number Serial Number Cost Date
M00010 Trans. Systems Building 38,475 Sq.Ft. TS $3,187,367.00 7/15/1991
M00011 Ceramics Building 4,218 Sq.Ft. CE $13,000.00 7/15/1963
M00013 Citizen Center Building 15,324 Sq.Ft. CZ $811,625.00 7/15/1978
M00014 City View Center Building 10,472 Sq.Ft. CV $970,000.00 7/15/1996
M00015 Claytor Building 10,327 Sq.Ft. CL $1,222,304.00 7/15/1990
M00017 Central High Building 96,343 Sq.Ft. CH $711,000.00 7/15/1963
M00018 Giles Science Building 43,422 Sq.Ft. GI $6,418,736.00 7/15/1997
M00021 Horticulture Storage Building none 8,825 Sq.Ft. HS $1,154,222.00 6/15/2002
M00022 Hunter Building 10,625 Sq.Ft. HU $46,000.00 7/15/1963
M00025 Kratt Hall Building 57,848 Sq.Ft. KR $1,344,000.01 7/15/1972
M00026 Learning Resource Center 110,493 Sq.Ft. LR $3,537,154.00 7/15/1968
M00029 Cato Building 1 40,876 Sq.Ft. CT $8,070,002.71 6/15/2002
M00030 Faculty Parking Deck 150,336 Sq.Ft. FD $1,357,730.00 7/15/1987
M00031 Student Parking Deck 1 404,800 Sq.Ft. D1 $2,603,523.00 7/15/1979
M00034 Sloan-Morgan Building 35,604 Sq.Ft. SL $1,035,376.00 7/15/1987
M00035 Levine Building I 116,232 Sq.Ft. L1 $16,488,864.00 7/15/1998
M00037 Harper Building I 2,99,448 Sq.Ft. H1 $13,955,897.52 7/15/2000
M00039 Terrell Building 42,912 Sq.Ft. TE $1,107,000.00 7/15/1968
M00041 Harper Trades Storage Building 1,000 Sq. Ft. $32,700.00 7/15/1999
M00043 Visual Arts Building 10,625 Sq.Ft. VA $26,000.00 7/15/1963
M00044 Harris 1 Building 62,000 Sq.Ft. H1 $11,398,570.74 7/15/2001
M00048 Central High Renovations Lift Pump & Elevator $2,881,795.27 6/15/2002
M00051 Hagemeyer Renovations $286,000.00 6/15/2002
M00052 Claytor Roof Replacement $82,191.30 6/15/2002
M00053 Central High Parking Lot $20,128.50 6/15/2002
M00054 Distance Learning Renovations $898,089.00 6/15/2002
M00055 LRC Roof Replacement $269,057.00 6/15/2002
M00057 Facilities Service Center 35,940 Sq.Ft. $3,963,412.59 2/15/2003
M00058 Kratt Roof Replacement $47,870.00 6/15/2003
M00059 Pease Annex Roof Replacement $87,800.00 6/15/2003
M00060 Disher HVAC Upgrade $16,360.00 6/15/2003
M00061 LRC 4th Floor Renovations $51,638.50 6/15/2003
M00062 Central High Renovations $19,513.84 6/15/2003
M00063 Central High Elevator CH $10,184.00 6/15/2003
M00064 Land for Health Careers $887,461.40 6/15/2004
M00065 Land for Levine Technology $1,245,219.78 6/15/2004
M00066 Land for Overcash Center $1,057,524.36 6/15/2004
M00068 Land for Colony Court (disher) $10,519.50 6/15/2004
M00069 Land for Facilities Svc. Ctr. $150,405.00 6/15/2004
M00072 Land, General Associated Costs $38,182.16 6/15/2004
M00076 Sloan-Morgan Renovation $4,880,551.81 6/15/2004
M00077 Central High Renovation $25,115.77 6/15/2004
M00078 City View Center Renovation $45,461.71 6/15/2004
M00079 Lrc/Pease Renovation $28,727.75 6/15/2004
M00080 Faculty Deck/Energy Plant FD $3,812,837.57 6/10/2005
M00081 Levine Building II L2 $19,039,645.17 6/10/2005
M00082 Levine Technology Building LT $17,325,260.54 6/10/2005
M00083 Overcash Center Building $31,499,174.40 6/10/2006
M00084 Hall Prof. Development Bldg $7,096,235.50 6/10/2006
M00085 Transportation Systems Bldg $18,886,425.10 6/10/2006
M00086 Harris 2 Building H2 $9,714,463.08 6/10/2006
M00087 Harris Fountain $90,000.00 6/10/2006
M00088 Aspire Statue $325,000.00 6/10/2006
M00089 Joe Hendrick Automotive Center $5,494,090.11 6/10/2007
M00091 Cato Building 2 - Horticulture $9,752,150.61 6/10/2007
M00092 Disher Renovations $1,882,185.38 6/10/2007
M00094 Central High Restoration $1,948,742.02 6/30/2008
M00095 Harper Parking Lot $487,225.30 6/30/2010
M00096 Levine Parking Lot $801,987.50 6/30/2010
M00097 Elizabeth Avenue $3,967,464.76 6/30/2010
M00098 Culinary Arts Building $14,128,599.53 11/24/2009
M00099 Health Careers Building $27,874,073.81 4/22/2010
M00100 Pease Auditorium Renovation $255,144.95 6/30/2011
M00101 Cato Parking Lot $143,840.12 6/30/2011
M00102 Belk Plaza Greenway $185,992.49 6/30/2011
M00103 Center for Arts Renovation VA $1,847,631.45 6/30/2011
M00104 Student Deck 1 Renovation D1 $3,047,127.52 6/30/2011
M00105 County Land $11,882,159.03 6/30/2011
M00106 Energy Savings Project $3,626,784.00 4/30/2012
M00107 Cato Student Union none none none $384,060.93 6/10/2012
M00108 Belk Center for Justice Roof $265,395.42 6/30/2012
M00109 Cato Campus Sidewalk $132,197.00 6/30/2012
M00110 Student Parking Deck 2 $5,812,102.00 6/1/2013
M00111 Worrell Building $7,634,866.00 10/1/2012
M00112 Harper Building 3 $9,043,526.72 8/1/2012
M00113 Morris Field Property $1,171,846.97 11/23/2013
M00114 Levine Campus Land none none none $842,310.00 8/22/2013
M00115 4th Street Office Building 3C $973,828.73 6/2/2014
M00116 Charlottetowne Office Building 3B $1,022,797.07 6/2/2014
M00117 Harper Building 3 Renovations none none none $121,746.81 6/30/2014
M00118 Elizabeth Classroom Building 3A $24,999,237.14 6/30/2014
M00119 Belk Brick Renovation $242,229.00 6/30/2014
M00120 City View Annex Renovation 0A $1,830,451.53 6/30/2014
M00121 Worrell Building Renovation $5,522.56 6/30/2014
M00122 Andrews Property at Central $301,692.76 10/14/2014
M00123 Harper Building 3 Renovations $11,212.00 6/30/2015
Asset Acquis Acquis
ID Asset Description Manufacturer Model Number Serial Number Cost Date
M00124 Elizabeth Classroom Building $78,754.85 6/30/2015
M00125 Citizens Renovation $4,886,595.11 6/30/2015
M00126 Central High Renovations $226,468.00 6/30/2015
M00127 Cato Parking & Bridge $1,175,824.00 6/30/2015
M00128 Central Energy Plant Improv. $1,112,023.40 6/30/2015
M00129 Central High 3rd Floor Renov. $493,006.65 6/30/2015
M00130 Elizabeth Classroom Building $160,469.16 6/30/2015
M00131 City View Cosmetology $30,841.32 6/30/2015
M00132 Performance Contract II $6,457,918.00 6/30/2015
M00133 WTVI PBS Classroom $133,833.79 6/30/2015
M00134 1420 E 4th Street Renov $25,271.96 6/30/2015
M00135 Central High 2nd Floor Renov $15,641.10 6/30/2015
M00136 Spratt & Hagler Statue $159,447.13 6/30/2015
M00137 Tate Clock Tower $534,405.70 6/30/2015
M00138 Statelight Dish Platform $9,852.20 3/7/2016
M00139 Kaveh Property $251,160.89 6/2/2016
M00140 Elizabeth Ave Land $943,995.29 6/2/2016
M00141 1425 Elizabeth Ave $66,320.79 6/2/2016
M00142 1425 Elizabeth Ave Land $502,310.09 6/2/2016
M00143 1200 Charlottetowne $3,036,374.55 6/2/2016
M00144 1210 Charlottetowne Ave $1,077,587.66 6/2/2016
M00145 1414 East 5th Street $240,455.58 6/2/2016
M00146 Levine Campus Chiller $416,400.00 6/30/2016
M00147 1409 E. 5th Street Parking Lot $172,627.08 6/30/2016
M00148 Cooling Tower Replacement $160,159.00 6/30/2016
M00149 Cato Building 3 $21,766,601.06 6/30/2016
M00150 Giles Building Renovations $5,134,385.06 6/30/2016
N00102 Spectrum Z 510 3D Printer Z-Corp Z510 65485 $69,552.50 8/25/2006
N00111 Polar 66 Paper Cutter Polar 66 76h1155 $20,220.00 12/11/2006
N00121 Steril W/Temp Control W/Stand Market Forge STM-EL 224451 $8,020.72 1/26/2007
N00134 Freezer Thermo Electron Corporation 120V hazardous material S08S-240445 $5,994.95 5/24/2007
N00138 Portable Mag Unit Hi-Test Tek, LLC DA-1500 322 $5,250.78 6/4/2007
N00151 Varimixer W30A Food Mixer Varimixer W30A 7013070002 $5,249.89 8/1/2007
N00152 Printing Press, Digital KONICA C6500 A034010001834 $66,461.35 10/17/2007
N00155 GeoExplorer GeoXH Handheld Trimble 6000 Series GeoXH 4728472148 $5,137.28 9/30/2007
N00172 Dish Washer Moyer Diebel 351HT 56540 $6,292.05 1/15/2008
N00185 SPARC M5000 Enterprise Server Sun M5000 BEF0809111 $95,048.64 4/3/2008
N00198 3M Detection System 3M 3501 $10,608.52 8/1/2007
N00217 HP LaserJet CM4730fsk MFP HP CM4730fsk JPGLH03054 $5,464.35 4/23/2008
N00218 HP LaserJet Printer HP JPGLH03063 $5,464.37 4/23/2008
N00219 HP LaserJet CM4730fsk MFP HP LaserJet CM4730fsk JRGLH03068 $5,464.35 4/23/2008
N00221 HP LaserJet CM4730fsk MFP HP CM4730fsk JPGLH03291 $5,464.34 4/23/2008
N00222 HP LaserJet CM4730 MFP HP CM4730 JPGLH03295 $5,464.34 4/23/2008
N00230 Tube Natcher Mittler Bros & Tool W/400-A400 110125 $5,292.79 5/30/2008
N00245 HP LaserJet CM4730fsk MFP HP CM4730fsk JPGLH04621 $5,464.34 6/23/2008
N00251 Strong Radience Followsport Products Unlimited, Inc ARC-850 120061 $7,178.79 6/30/2008
N00252 Spotlight, Strong Radience Productions Unlimited, Inc 7201111 120062 $8,095.88 7/22/2008
N00257 Trainer Suite LINK Leviton 1000-6 None $9,969.26 11/18/2008
N00258 Trainer, Suite LINK Advanced Leviton none none $13,523.09 9/30/2008
N00271 Fanuc LR Mate Robot Fanuc 200IC E07502561 $33,862.48 12/10/2008
N00289 2009 Dodge Grand Caravan SE Dodge Grand Caravan SE 2D8HN44E69R580926 $22,072.30 1/16/2009
N00295 Air Conditioning Trainter ATech 1351 1015 $12,035.57 3/17/2009
N00296 Trainer, Network System ATech 3801 1022 $12,823.88 3/17/2009
N00297 Trainer, Network System ATech 3801 1023 $12,823.88 3/17/2009
N00304 Monitor Forensic Recovery Digital Intelligence T7000 F0092031246 $7,463.53 3/4/2009
N00305 Monitor, Forensic Recovery Digital Intelligence T7000 F0092031247 $7,463.53 3/4/2009
N00317 Piano, Yamaha Yamaha C7 6136509 $24,956.00 3/17/2009
N00322 Miller Dynasty 350 TIG Welder Miller Dynasty 350 LK070330L $6,370.65 3/19/2009
N00323 Miller Dynasty 350 TIG Welder Miller Dynasty 350 LK070327L $6,370.65 3/19/2009
N00324 Miller Dynasty 350 TIG Welder Miller Dynasty 350 LK070328L $6,370.65 3/19/2009
N00330 Geoliner 680 Wheel Aligner Hofmann Automotive Geoliner 680 HV2EB012 $20,020.36 3/20/2009
N00331 Scissors Rack, Wheel Hofmann USA BLA14178 S14140959 $17,679.08 3/20/2009
N00333 Gl-9 Golf-Lift Golf-Lift GL-9 3797 $6,398.75 4/8/2009
N00339 Laser Platemaking Machine Esko Spark 2420 107150 $94,349.79 7/14/2009
N00340 Hydraulic Simulator Fluid Power MF100-PH 100274 $29,474.37 5/19/2009
N00341 Hydraulic Simulator Fluid Power Training Institute MF100-PH 12069629 $5,396.76 5/19/2009
N00343 Motor Small Block Chevrolet Small Block None $5,504.72 4/24/2009
N00344 Motor Small Block Chevrolet ZZ4 None $6,562.95 4/24/2009
N00345 Motor Big Block Chevrolet ZZ383 None $6,075.72 4/24/2009
N00366 Training System Phhydraulic Fluid Power MF100-PH 100275 $29,474.37 5/19/2009
N00367 Lifting Columns, Set of 4 Alan Tye & Associates, L.C. ST 1060-FSF TW156830 $27,161.06 6/2/2009
N00368 Ultrasonic Flaw Detector GE Inspection Technologies Phasor XS 01XTKF $9,769.77 6/18/2009
N00369 Ultrasonic Flaw Detector GE Inspection Technologies Phasor XS 01XPND $9,769.75 6/18/2009
N00370 Ultrasonic Flaw Detector GE Inspection Technologies Phasor XS 01XV58 $9,769.75 6/18/2009
N00371 Ultrasonic Flaw Detector GE Inspection Technologies Phasor XS 01XTKB $9,948.51 6/18/2009
N00374 Viking VGRC605-6 Gas Range Viking VGRC605-6GQD None $12,797.57 9/9/2009
N00382 Irinox Blast Chiller Irinox HCR141-50 90800085 $23,982.79 9/18/2009
N00411 Three Phase Transmission Line Lab-Volt none H12392 $15,308.26 2/4/2010
N00412 Elmo Microfiche Unit Elmo ST200-DFV 300318 $9,471.88 11/12/2009
N00413 Solar System Trainer Hampden H-SST-1A 100085 $20,228.68 1/28/2010
N00417 Table Top Etching Press Takach Press Corp 3060 TEE 9163 $8,965.27 1/7/2010
N00432 Toro Walk Behind Aerator Toro Procore 648 100108-0010 $23,815.00 2/4/2010
N00443 Fiberscope Flexible 8MM 71495 $8,550.67 2/4/2010
N00444 Miller Dynasty 350 TIG Welder Miller Dynasty 350 MA020225L $6,332.56 2/18/2010
N00445 Miller Dynasty 350 TIG Welder Miller Dynasty 350 MA020229L $6,332.56 2/18/2010
N00446 Miller Dynasty 350 TIG Welder Miller Dynasty 350 MA02023OL $6,332.56 2/18/2010
Asset Acquis Acquis
ID Asset Description Manufacturer Model Number Serial Number Cost Date
N00448 Ultrasonic Flaw Detector GE Inspection Technologies Phasor XS 0204CR $9,093.00 2/11/2010
N00449 Ultrasonic Flaw Detector GE Inspection Technologies Phasor XS 02046F $9,093.00 2/11/2010
N00450 Ultrasonic Flaw Detector GE Inspection Technologies Phasor XS 20622 $9,093.00 2/11/2010
N00457 UT SS Pipe Samples - Qty. 5 Flawtech none A2K243, A2K123, A2K63, A2K43 $23,882.66 2/18/2010
N00465 Receiver Sennheiser ZZSEN EM 3732-A 2459103984 $5,168.23 4/29/2010
N00482 2010 Dodge Grand Caravan SE Dodge Grand Caravan SE 2D4RN4DE1AR352472 $21,989.30 6/30/2010
N00506 Evidence Database Server ABERDEEN STIRLING 169 1U RACK AB1838179 $6,275.25 7/27/2010
N00527 EasyFresh Blast Chiller Irinox EF 10.1 61000239 $6,160.51 9/9/2010
N00534 Medication Dispensing System InterMetro MDB-255 10-04-1437 $21,260.30 2/1/2011
N00535 Ultrasonic Flaw Detector Olympus EPOCH 1000i 100094910 $10,897.53 12/20/2010
N00536 Ultrasonic Flaw Detector Olympus EPOCH 1000i $10,897.53 12/20/2010
N00537 Ultrasonic Flaw Detector Olympus EPOCH 1000i 100095810 $10,897.53 12/20/2010
N00538 Ultrasonic Flaw Detector Olympus EPOCH 1000i 100095910 $10,897.53 12/20/2010
N00539 Ultrasonic Flaw Detector Olympus EPOCH 1000i 100096310 $10,897.53 12/20/2010
N00540 Ultrasonic Flaw Detector Olympus EPOCH 1000i 100096810 $10,897.53 12/20/2010
N00541 Ultrasonic Flaw Detector Olympus EPOCH 1000i 100094910 $10,897.53 12/20/2010
N00542 Ultrasonic Flaw Detector Olympus EPOCH 1000i 100097110 $10,897.53 12/20/2010
N00543 Ultrasonic Flaw Detector Olympus EPOCH 1000i 100097210 $10,897.53 12/20/2010
N00544 Ultrasonic Flaw Detector Olympus EPOCH 1000i 100097310 $10,897.53 12/20/2010
N00545 Ultrasonic Flaw Detector Olympus EPOCH 1000i 100097610 $10,897.53 12/20/2010
N00546 Ultrasonic Flaw Detector Olympus EPOCH 1000i 100097710 $10,897.52 12/20/2010
N00547 Ultrasonic Flaw Detector Olympus EPOCH 1000i 100097910 $10,897.52 12/20/2010
N00548 Ultrasonic Flaw Detector Olympus EPOCH 1000i 100098210 $10,897.52 12/20/2010
N00549 Ultrasonic Flaw Detector Olympus EPOCH 1000i 100098710 $10,897.52 12/20/2010
N00569 HP LaserJet CM6040f Printer HP CM6040f MFP JPCCBDD1 $8,409.42 1/27/2011
N00578 Roll Fed Printer/Cutter Roland VS640 ZZ20248 $25,897.19 1/14/2011
N00581 Virtual Phlebotomy Haptics Laerdal 280-20001 880V1V42091668-C $20,181.49 1/10/2011
N00585 SimNewB Advanced Manikin Laerdal SimNewB Advanced none $32,325.97 1/24/2011
N00651 HP LaserJet CP6015dn Printer HP LaserJet CP6015dn JPRCC191S1 $5,234.64 4/27/2011
N00652 HP LaserJet CP6015dn Printer HP Q3932A JPRCC191S3 $5,234.63 4/27/2011
N00655 HP LaserJet CM6040F MFP HP LaserJet CM6040F CNCCC2T0H0 $8,409.42 6/22/2011
N00656 HP LaserJet CM6040F MFP HP LaserJet CM6040F CNCCC2T0J3 $8,409.42 5/9/2011
N00658 HP LaserJet CM6040F MFP HP LaserJet CM6040F CNCCC2T0H5 $8,409.42 6/22/2011
N00659 HP LaserJet CM4540 MFP HP LaserJet CM4540 JPBCBDN05X $5,157.16 6/15/2011
N00725 Welding Head Liburdi Dimetrics H LA12715-3 $28,326.88 2/8/2012
N00727 Manual Welder Front End Head Liburdi Dimetrics 300-1181 $7,243.67 2/8/2012
N00728 Welding Power Supply Liburdi Dimetrics P300 110804 $27,410.96 2/8/2012
N00731 Welding Pipe Turntable Liburdi Dimetrics WT352-192 $27,992.26 2/8/2012
N00733 HP LaserJet CM6040F MFP HP CM6040F CNCCC7T122 $8,331.74 10/20/2011
N00734 HP LaserJet CM6040F MFP HP LaserJet CM6040F CNCCC8VOMB $8,331.74 12/5/2011
N00739 Forensic Extraction Device Cellebrite none $7,571.27 11/17/2011
N00746 Data Domain Server System EMC DD670 SHU0954920LB9DV $31,064.96 11/21/2011
N00749 Digital Voice Recorder Eventide DIR911t V0000739 $6,950.56 12/13/2011
N00767 Philips Ultrasound System Philips iE33 B05NL5 $186,095.55 3/15/2012
N00769 Shared Storage System Avid ISIS 5000 BKDDO2070016 $46,091.27 4/20/2012
N00770 Cisco Catalyst Ethernet Switch Cisco Catalyst 4948E CAT1601S3U3 $15,692.98 4/20/2012
N00783 Live HD Production System Newtek TriCaster 450 KIAF12751244819 $15,545.89 4/17/2012
N00785 Aavelin SignMate ClearOne AV800V 1Z00523GNA $10,584.50 6/27/2012
N00799 HP Color LaserJet CM4540F MPF HP LaserJet CM4540F JPBCC480QF $5,109.52 5/24/2012
N00800 HP Color LaserJet CM4540F MPF HP LaserJet CM4540F JPCCD710GF $6,468.67 8/15/2012
N00807 Cisco Nexus 5000 Series Switch Cisco Nexus 5000 Series T3A0738Y83PYYZY $45,804.58 6/12/2012
N00808 Cisco Nexus 5000 Series Switch Cisco Nexus 5000 Series 8T9488TZP1XCCN9 $45,804.59 6/12/2012
N00906 MIP 5000 VOIP Radio Console Motorola MIP 5000 740CNL0746 $8,680.00 1/7/2013
N00907 MIP 5000 VOIP Radio Console Motorola MIP 5000 740CNL0742 $8,680.00 1/7/2013
N00908 Custom Pharmacy Cabinet Health Care Logistics none none $18,164.35 8/27/2012
N00914 Forensics Mobile Exam Device Fernico ZRT 2 HD 1.52063E+11 $5,656.69 9/10/2012
N00916 K2 Media Server Grass Valley K2 $104,594.00 7/1/2012
N00917 Evertz Logo Inserters (4) Evertz Microsystems 9625LGA $19,325.00 7/1/2012
N00921 Front Porch Digital Archive HP/StorageTek DL370G6/DL380G6/SL500 $351,428.00 7/1/2012
N00922 ETC Sensor Dimming System ETC Sensor $249,477.00 7/1/2012
N00923 Xdcam Hd422 Field Camera Sony PDW-F800 10082 $361,958.00 7/1/2012
N00924 H Class Device Controller Harris/HP ??/DL30866 40C011109002/40C011109003 $45,179.00 7/1/2012
N00927 ATSC Transmitter (7 units) Rohde & Schwarz SX 800/NETCCU 800/VM602A1 $937,691.00 7/1/2012
N00952 Nortel Bcm400 Telephone System Nortel BCM400 NT7B14AAAKE5 $28,655.00 7/1/2012
N00953 Eaton Profile Dispatch Console Eaton Profile none $22,939.84 5/28/2013
N00954 IBM BladeCenter HS23 IBM 7875AC1 06KRBA5 $8,512.40 1/29/2013
N00955 IBM BladeCenter HS23 IBM 7875AC1 06KRAZ4 $8,512.40 1/29/2013
N00956 IBM BladeCenter HS23 IBM 7875AC1 06KRAZ8 $8,512.40 1/29/2013
N00957 IBM BladeCenter HS23 IBM 7875AC1 06KRAZ9 $8,512.40 1/29/2013
N00958 IBM BladeCenter HS23 IBM 7875AC1 06KRBA8 $8,512.40 1/29/2013
N00959 IBM BladeCenter HS23 IBM 7875AC1 06KRBA6 $8,512.40 1/29/2013
N00960 IBM BladeCenter HS23 IBM 7875AC1 06KRAZ5 $8,512.40 1/29/2013
N00961 IBM BladeCenter HS23 IBM 7875AC1 06KRBA3 $8,512.40 1/29/2013
N00962 IBM BladeCenter HS23 IBM 7875AC1 06KRBA1 $8,512.40 1/29/2013
N00963 IBM BladeCenter HS23 IBM 7875AC1 06KRAZ7 $8,512.40 1/29/2013
N00964 IBM BladeCenter HS23 IBM 7875AC1 06KRBA0 $8,512.40 1/29/2013
N00965 IBM BladeCenter HS23 IBM 7875AC1 06KRBA4 $8,512.40 1/29/2013
N00966 IBM BladeCenter HS23 IBM 7875AC1 06KRBA7 $8,512.40 1/29/2013
N00967 IBM BladeCenter HS23 IBM 7875AC1 06KRAZ6 $8,512.40 1/29/2013
N00968 IBM BladeCenter HS23 IBM 7875AC1 06KRBA2 $8,512.40 1/29/2013
N00969 IBM BladeCenter HS23 IBM 7875AC1 06KRBB0 $8,512.40 1/29/2013
N00970 IBM BladeCenter HS23 IBM 7875AC1 06KRBA9 $8,512.40 1/29/2013
N00971 IBM System x3650 M4 Server IBM 7915AC1 KQ0N5GH $14,439.33 1/29/2013
N00972 IBM System x3650 M4 Server IBM 7915AC1 KQ0N5GK $14,439.40 1/29/2013
N00973 Hp Laserjet Cm4540 Printer HP LaserJet CM4540 JPCCD950PL $6,468.67 12/6/2012
N00976 Rosito Bisani Pasta Extruder Rosito Bisani TR70 12TR70136 $6,640.51 3/7/2013
Asset Acquis Acquis
ID Asset Description Manufacturer Model Number Serial Number Cost Date
N00988 Sharp Digital Sign Sharp 5001649 $41,367.96 5/7/2013
N00995 Avaya Ethernet Routing Switch Avaya 5698TFD/AL1001E11-E5 LBNNTMJPW503YW $8,841.08 7/1/2012
N00996 Avaya Ethernet Routing Switch Avaya 5632FD/AL1001E15-E5 LBNNTMJPW502M6 $11,790.30 7/1/2012
N00997 Avaya Ethernet Routing Switch Avaya 5632FD/AL1001E15-E5 LBNNTMJPW505X5 $11,790.30 7/1/2012
N01007 NetApp FAS2240HA Server NetApp FAS2240HA 6000493685 $48,580.89 5/6/2013
N01094 Flatbed Laser Cutter Universal Laser Systems VLS6.60 31868 $21,959.44 6/10/2013
N01097 Apex 512 Input Chassis Grass Valley APX-FRM-35110-IN EN13230051 $14,286.50 7/26/2013
N01098 Apex 512 Routing Switcher Grass Valley APX-FRM-35110-OP EN13230043 $14,169.87 7/26/2013
N01099 Apex Tdm Matrix Board Grass Valley APX-MX-34000A $8,043.75 7/26/2013
N01100 Apex Tdm Matrix Board Grass Valley APX-MX-34000A $8,043.75 7/26/2013
N01101 Apex Tdm Matrix Board Grass Valley APX-MX-34000A $8,043.75 7/26/2013
N01102 Apex Tdm Matrix Board Grass Valley APX-MX-34000A $8,043.75 7/26/2013
N01181 VAE Sound-Isolation Rooms (2) SoundLok 234-D36 $53,083.81 8/27/2013
N01182 Cummins Diesel Engine Trainer Cummins HV-950-ISB 73538843 $76,250.17 6/26/2013
N01184 Lighting Circuit Trainer Carolina Training Assoc. HV-1918-1D J256-4-1 $13,095.14 6/26/2013
N01185 NetApp FAS2240 Server NetApp FAS2240 SHJMS00000104D0 $13,244.52 8/19/2013
N01256 Meraki Mx400 Security Appli Cisco MX400 Q2FN-F67P-WNAA $35,639.05 6/25/2013
N01257 Meraki Mx400 Security Appli Cisco MX400 Q2FN-ADJ6-L8CF $35,639.05 6/25/2013
N01258 IBM System x3650 M3 Server IBM x3650 M3 KQ2N6YT $30,566.67 2/22/2013
N01259 IBM System x3650 M3 Server IBM x3650 M3 D6HMPD5 $30,566.67 2/22/2013
N01260 IBM System x3650 M3 Server IBM x3650 M3 KQ3C8YN $30,566.66 2/22/2013
N01264 Hitachi CP-WX11000 Projector Hitachi CP-WX11000 WX11000WF $7,877.51 10/2/2013
N01266 Weatherbug HD Camera Package WeatherBug HD PTZ 1250070 $18,870.52 2/6/2014
N01267 Digital Envelope Print System Xanté Impressia IMMPF2106 $14,634.26 12/2/2013
N01268 Electrolux SMART Refrigerator Electrolux 726677 2807001 $5,419.38 11/8/2013
N01269 55in Outdoor Touch Display Hyundai H551SL H551SLZL44R-00002 $21,379.93 5/27/2014
N01270 55in Outdoor Touch Display Hyundai H551SL H551SLZL44R-00001 $21,379.92 5/27/2014
N01271 EPIQ 7 Ultrasound System Philips EPIQ 7c US314B0396 $184,896.75 4/28/2014
N01272 E70 Flat Panel SMART Board E70 M102FW32A0042 $9,239.58 4/4/2014
N01274 Multilayer Fabric Switch Cisco MDS 9148 AMS17170204 $11,611.53 4/22/2014
N01276 NetApp FAS2520 Storage System NetApp FAS2520 7.01514E+11 $6,035.39 4/21/2015
N01277 Nielsen Watermark Encoder Ross NWE-TS ST5J3WK02 $8,874.37 8/11/2014
N01279 55in Outdoor Touch Display Hyundai H551SL H551SLZL4AR 00003 $19,673.65 2/25/2015
N01280 55in Outdoor Touch Display Hyundai H551SL H551SLZL4AR 00004 $19,673.65 2/25/2015
N01281 55in Outdoor Touch Display Hyundai H551SL H551SLZL4AR 00005 $19,673.65 2/25/2015
N01282 55in Outdoor Touch Display Hyundai H551SL H551SLZL4AR 00006 $19,673.64 2/25/2015
N01283 3G Transmission Video Server Grass Valley K2 Summit EJ14300025 $34,735.65 9/26/2014
N01284 File Transfer Server Dell Poweredge R720 F46NW12 $7,694.68 8/14/2014
N01285 Solar Charging Station GoalZero Street Charge none $8,311.18 11/14/2014
N01286 Jamestown U-Shape Desk DarRan Jamestown none $6,134.79 1/12/2015
N01287 Studer Digital Mixer Console Harman Vista 5 M3 1630 $111,922.88 12/15/2014
N01288 HP LaserJet 700 Color MFP HP M775z MXHCGD4032 $5,764.68 4/20/2015
N01289 Acuity Switcher System Ross 8RU 50148257001 $133,874.81 4/20/2015
N01290 Acuity 3M Contol Panel Ross A3M none $9,652.50 4/20/2015
N01291 Solar Charging Station GoalZero Street Charge none $8,270.99 5/6/2015
N01292 Ross XPression Studio Ross XST2-0101-M4 50153614001 $47,265.84 4/23/2015
N01293 Cushman Golf Cart Cushman LSV 800 10RWA4F25F5369182 $12,540.75 4/27/2015
N01294 UCS C220 M4 Rack Server Cisco C220 FCH1849V214 $15,091.15 5/19/2015
N01295 Integrated Services Router Cisco 4351 FLM1920W06H $7,064.61 6/1/2015
N01296 Integrated Services Router Cisco 4351 FLM1920W069 $7,376.18 6/1/2015
N01298 Extron XTP CrossPoint System Extron Electronics XTP CrossPoint 1600 A141QE7 $13,952.10 4/27/2015
N01300 Wireless Motion Capture Sys Xsens MVN Awinda 1901387 $11,536.52 1/8/2016
N01301 Wired Motion Capture System Xsens MVN Link 901117 $14,432.29 1/8/2016
N01302 Wired Motion Capture System Xsens MVN Link 901118 $14,432.28 1/8/2016
N01303 Cisco Catalyst 4500-X Switch Cisco WS-C4500X-32SFP JAE1927024F $22,441.53 9/23/2015
N01304 Cisco Catalyst 4500-X Switch Cisco WS-C4500X-32SFP JAE1927024V $22,441.53 9/23/2015
N01305 NetApp Expansion Shelf NetApp DS2246 SHFGD1521000220 $33,479.61 1/5/2016
N01306 80in Commercial-Grade Display NEC E805 S58001168NA $5,620.50 12/4/2015
N01309 Commercial Washing Machine Electrolux W575H 00522 / 0445266 $8,170.58 10/13/2015
N01310 2015 Chevrolet Equinox LS Chevrolet Equinox 2GNALBEK3G1127736 $19,360.75 12/2/2015
N01313 "Lost and Found" Oil Painting Charles E. Williams II Lost and Found none $8,848.13 9/1/2015
N01314 Nor-Lake Walk-In Cooler Nor-Lake KLB7788-C $6,865.98 3/14/2016
N01315 Matrix Sneeze Guard Combo Matrix EMFQ26924 $9,331.92 3/14/2016
N01316 Refrigerated Prep Table Hoshizaki HPR72A $6,827.68 3/14/2016
N01317 Super Deck Series Pizza Oven Bakers Pride Y-602 $16,639.98 3/14/2016
N01318 TurboChef Conveyor Oven TurboChef High h Conveyor 1618 $10,021.58 3/14/2016
N01319 AccuTemp Convection Steamer AccuTemp S62083D080 $8,098.39 3/14/2016
N01320 Truck Simulation System Doron Precision Systems 550LEplus 44348 $152,918.29 3/11/2016
N01321 Front Counter Service Bar $10,658.00 12/1/2015
N01322 UCS B200 M4 Blade Server Cisco multiple $20,315.14 3/1/2016
N01323 2016 Ford Transit-250 Van Ford Transit-250 1FTYR1ZMXGKB33013 $22,583.00 6/22/2016
N01324 Ambulance Lab Simulator CAE Healthcare LSE-009 003-6940088 $17,492.74 8/3/2016
N01325 Ambulance Lab Simulator CAE Healthcare LSE-009 003-6940089 $17,492.74 8/3/2016
N01326 Ambulance Lab Simulator CAE Healthcare LSE-009 003-6940090 $17,492.75 8/3/2016
N01327 LearningSpace Connect Server CAE Healthcare LSCS-002 37180017 $26,274.63 8/3/2016
N01329 Cushman Utility Vehicle Cushman LSV 800 10RWA4F21G5403541 $12,540.75 6/2/2016
N01330 Multiformat On-screen Monitor Harris 0316T0463 $5,630.08 4/26/2016
N01331 Precision 60-Quart Mixer Precision HD-60 $10,924.63 3/14/2016
N01333 Evertz Logo Inserter Evertz Microsystems HD9725LGA 74419300010 $11,737.44 5/19/2016
N01334 Evertz Logo Inserter Evertz Microsystems HD9725LGA 7446580004 $11,737.44 5/19/2016
N01335 2 Microwave Radios & Equipment Trango Systems TLAL2-07-0150-1 multiple $26,820.02 5/19/2016
N01336 ETC 1000 Ion Control Console ETC 4310A1112 433210435 $6,556.20 6/1/2016
N01338 VOIP Recording System ATIS PL3200 UC 3K12PL06281601 $9,847.70 7/26/2016
N01339 NetApp FAS2554 NAS Server NetApp FAS2554A-001-R6 7.21606E+11 $22,150.62 5/18/2016
N01340 Xeon E7-8867 v3 Processor Intel E7-8867 v3 None $6,648.43 8/2/2016
N01341 Xeon E7-8867 v3 Processor Intel E7-8867 v3 None $6,648.43 8/2/2016
Asset Acquis Acquis
ID Asset Description Manufacturer Model Number Serial Number Cost Date
N01342 Xeon E7-8867 v3 Processor Intel E7-8867 v3 None $6,648.43 8/2/2016
N01343 Xeon E7-8867 v3 Processor Intel E7-8867 v3 None $6,648.42 8/2/2016
N01344 2007 Frtl. M2 106 Truck Freightliner M2 106 1FVACWDB47HN17777 $24,987.36 6/20/2016
N01345 Evertz 3480TXE-ATSC Encoder Evertz 3480TXE-ATSC 7184030005 $42,887.13 8/1/2016
N01346 Hunter Irrigation System Hunter none none $31,185.00 6/15/2016
N01349 55IN Outdoor Touch Display Hyundai H551SL H557SSTE60R 00001 $17,023.26 11/1/2016
N01350 55IN Outdoor Touch Display Hyundai H551SL H557SSTE60R 00002 $17,023.26 11/1/2016
N01351 55IN Outdoor Touch Display Hyundai H551SL H557SSTE60R 00003 $17,023.26 11/1/2016
N01352 55IN Outdoor Touch Display Hyundai H551SL H557SSTE60R 00004 $17,023.25 11/1/2016
N01353 Cherry Radius Style Lectern Clark-Powell Custom none $6,052.06 12/5/2016
N01354 Cisco Catalyst 2960X Switch Cisco 2960X-48FPD-L FCW2027A075 $6,250.32 9/23/2016
N01355 Cisco Catalyst 2960X Switch Cisco 2960X-48FPD-L FCW2027A090 $6,250.31 9/23/2016
N01356 Presentation Matrix Switcher Extron Electronics DTP CrossPoint 86 4K A1CNHYL $9,057.54 12/9/2016
N01359 Saybolt Viscosity Bath Koehler SV3000 K2141010031R $5,844.06 11/23/2016
R03269 Apple Mac Pro Computer Apple MD878D/A F5KP80K4F694 $5,419.40 3/25/2015
R03270 Apple Mac Pro Computer Apple MD878D/A F5KP80K5F694 $5,419.40 3/25/2015
R03271 Apple Mac Pro Computer Apple MD878D/A F5KP80K6F694 $5,419.39 3/25/2015
R03856 Analog Voice Gateway Cisco VG204XM FCH1928S0W4 $6,471.00 10/13/2015
R03857 Analog Voice Gateway Cisco VG204XM FCH1928S0V7 $6,471.00 10/13/2015
R03858 Analog Voice Gateway Cisco VG204XM FCH1928S0UA $6,471.00 10/13/2015
R03859 Analog Voice Gateway Cisco VG204XM FCH1928S0U4 $6,471.00 10/13/2015
R03860 Analog Voice Gateway Cisco VG204XM FCH1928S0TX $6,471.00 10/13/2015
R03861 Analog Voice Gateway Cisco VG204XM FCH1928S0U9 $6,471.00 10/13/2015
R03862 Analog Voice Gateway Cisco VG204XM FCH1928S0U3 $6,471.00 10/13/2015
R03863 Analog Voice Gateway Cisco VG204XM FCH1928S0TR $6,471.03 10/13/2015
R04077 PowerLite 6970WU Projector Epson 6970WU VVSF570005L $5,369.75 11/17/2015
S00142 Cytospin 4 Base Unit Thermo Electron Corporation Cytospin 4 40660611 $8,690.96 1/24/2007
S00143 Centra W Cell Washer Thermo Scientific Centra-W Z21R-652466-ZR $6,574.49 2/20/2007
S00144 Lab-Volt Training System Lab-Volt none $25,518.35 8/1/2007
S00145 Lab-Volt Training System Lab-Volt none $25,518.35 8/1/2007
S00150 Ptx Dynamometer System PTX-502 Customized $90,024.81 2/22/2007
S00151 Nikon Eclipse 50i Microscope Nikon Eclipse 50i 913749 $13,675.34 2/6/2007
S00169 Diagnostic Imaging Bed MPI EchoBed 2251 799309 $5,071.08 2/15/2007
S00271 Speakers & Sub-Woofers EAW JFX2601-BLACK 12 398135 $5,458.60 3/14/2007
S00311 Toro Workman 3200 Utility Cart Toro Workman 3200 6E230000470-1 $9,652.50 4/18/2007
S00338 Stage Curtain None None None $8,551.58 5/16/2007
S00376 ControlLogix Control System Allen Bradley 1756 V42W3VCX7FPQV4HKT647VC6DD $11,204.59 6/20/2007
S00377 ControlLogix Control System Allen Bradley 1756 MFCJQXX97R33W7EHTYDD7C60J $11,204.59 6/20/2007
S00487 Console, Etc Expression ETC 3-400 100000080 $9,829.94 4/26/2007
S00490 Biotechnology Teaching Lab Bio-Rad 166-8001EDU 7011236 $13,094.16 4/30/2007
S00505 Topcon Robotic Total Station Topcon GTS-905A SL0077 $28,048.01 6/20/2007
S00575 Printer/Cutter Starter Roland SP-540V AV51713 $18,387.54 5/16/2007
S00590 Surgical Light Center Polaris Centra 360 403891072 $5,975.37 5/17/2007
S00593 EON Portable ICATCHER EON none $26,812.50 4/30/2007
S00603 Motion Capture System PhaseSpace XPC SN27P200R0703F00259 $61,411.35 5/16/2007
S00630 Bridgeport Milling Machine Bridgeport HJ317792 $17,274.86 5/16/2007
S00631 Bridgeport Milling Machine Bridgeport HJ317670 $17,274.86 5/16/2007
S00632 Bridgeport Milling Machine Bridgeport HJ317665 $17,274.87 5/16/2007
S00633 Refurbished Surgical Tables AMSCO 2080RC 413480046 $8,928.19 5/31/2007
S00634 Autoclave/Sterilizer AMSCO 3013 1033V5 $23,944.64 6/20/2007
S00677 Maquet SERVO-i Ventilator Maquet SERVO-i 128210 $30,998.06 2/1/2008
S00681 Carpigiani Batch Freezer Carpigiani LB-100B IC42817 $8,400.67 2/22/2008
S00714 IBM eServer BladeCenter HS21 IBM HS21 KQXFDN6 $5,071.01 4/1/2008
S00715 IBM eServer BladeCenter HS21 IBM KQXFDN5 $5,071.01 4/1/2008
S00716 IBM eServer BladeCenter HS21 IBM HS21 KQXFFZ7 $5,071.01 4/1/2008
S00717 IBM eServer BladeCenter HS21 IBM HS21 KQXFFZ8 $5,071.01 4/1/2008
S00718 IBM eServer BladeCenter HS21 IBM HS21 KQXFFZ5 $5,071.01 4/1/2008
S00719 IBM eServer BladeCenter HS21 IBM KQXFFZ6 $5,071.01 4/1/2008
S00727 Transmission Trainer Lab-Volt 8055-10 H18248 $8,311.54 5/8/2008
S00731 Training System Detek, Inc MIZ-21B 218-0398 $9,438.00 4/15/2008
S00734 Exposure Device, Demo Spec-150 Demo036 $5,255.25 3/10/2008
S00738 Miller Dynasty 350 TIG Welder Miller Dynasty 350 LJ030443L $7,119.26 2/28/2008
S00739 Removal Tool Welding Source Production & Equip Co T19217-2008-00 $6,271.88 3/18/2008
S00748 2004 Ford Crown Victoria Ford Crown Victoria Interceptor 2FAHP71W94X102209 $7,410.00 2/1/2008
S00749 2004 Ford Crown Victoria Ford Crown Victoria Interceptor 2FAHP71WX4X104146 $7,410.00 2/1/2008
S00757 Miller Dynasty 350 TIG Welder Miller Dynasty 350 LJ030448L $7,119.26 3/3/2008
S00758 Thermal Impression System OYO Instruments LIB 1400 614-105-500/088 $10,915.91 3/18/2008
S00768 Nikon Eclipse 55i Microscope Nikon Eclipse 55i HB5554 $11,862.87 4/11/2008
S00770 Vertical MacHining Center Haas VF-1 1065949 $91,655.85 5/28/2008
S00771 Cat Skid Steer Loader Caterpillar 232D, MA8 65SSGP021584 $26,262.32 3/10/2008
S00802 Triton Traction Table Chattanooga Triton DTS 12147 $5,120.89 5/28/2008
S00838 ControlLogix Control System Allen Bradley 1756 21-GB0DF5HF $15,342.72 4/28/2008
S00839 ControlLogix Control System Allen Bradley 1756 21-GB0DH8HF $15,342.71 4/28/2008
S00840 ControlLogix Control System Allen Bradley 1756 21-GB0DG7HF $15,342.71 4/28/2008
S00847 3Vue Digital Sign System Sheletron 3Vue 122242 $7,722.00 4/21/2008
S00851 36 Inch 3M Moder 3501 3M 35110016 $8,972.39 4/21/2008
S00874 2001 Freightliner FL70 Freightliner FL70 1FVABTAK51HJ23140 $9,250.00 3/31/2008
S00878 Trailer, Cargo GGT SNHUVH2248U325810 $9,363.40 5/1/2008
S00885 Cell Washer for Blood Banking Thermo Scientific Sorvall CW 2+ R24T-659574-RT $6,806.09 4/30/2008
S00890 Cabinet Safety Biological Nuaire NU-425-400 1.2243E+11 $7,456.02 4/30/2008
S00892 3Vue Digital Sign System Sheletron 3Vue 122243 $7,722.00 4/21/2008
S00895 Schick 33 Sensors Sirona Dental 1417414174 $18,076.39 4/30/2008
S00902 Rotex Punch Press Irvan-Smith 20C-3.50 87383 $16,772.72 5/28/2008
S00905 Welding Booth Clean Air America Item #12044 None $11,036.19 6/2/2008
S00906 Welding Booth Clean Air AmericA Item #12044 None $11,036.19 6/2/2008
S00907 Welding Booth Clean Air America Item #12044 None $11,036.19 6/2/2008
Asset Acquis Acquis
ID Asset Description Manufacturer Model Number Serial Number Cost Date
S00908 Welding Booth Clean Air America Item #12044 None $11,036.19 6/2/2008
S00909 Welding Booth Clean Air America Item #12044 None $11,036.18 6/2/2008
S00912 Simulator Angio Mentor Angio Mini Mentor CM002-02-08 $62,127.24 6/2/2008
S00917 16-Port Telephone Interface PhoneTree MTS1E000-426 $8,561.35 5/28/2008
S00918 Solar Panel Station Kyocera KD135 A22564136 $5,513.80 6/2/2008
S00921 Solar Panel Station Kyocera KD135 A22564260 $5,513.79 6/2/2008
S00922 Solar Panel Station Kyocera KD135 A22564234 $5,513.79 6/2/2008
S00939 Varimixer W30A Food Mixer Varimixer W30A 8002050001 $5,360.14 7/2/2008
S00940 Varimixer W30A Food Mixer Varimixer W30A 8008050001 $5,360.14 6/30/2008
S00945 Combi Oven Gas Full Size Cleveland OGS-1020CONVOTHERM WC-G1341-08E $19,627.30 6/30/2008
S00946 Combi Oven Full Size Cleveland OGS-1020CONVOTHERM WC-G1342-08E $19,627.30 6/30/2008
S00947 Tilting Electric Braising Pan Cleveland SET15 WT-1387-080-03 $5,846.74 6/30/2008
S00948 Braising Pan Electric Cleveland KGL-25-TKETTLE WT-1389-080-03 $5,846.73 6/30/2008
S00949 Tilting Kettle Gas Cleveland KGL-25TKETTLE WT-1405-080C-01 $13,938.75 6/30/2008
S00956 Varimixer W30A Food Mixer Varimixer W30A 8019050001 $5,360.14 6/30/2008
S00980 Play to Air Video Server SuperMicro CSE 718601 $17,823.88 6/19/2008
S00981 Digital Archive Server Princeton S3000 C93300804H30413 $19,356.48 6/19/2008
S00982 Encoder Workstation Princeton none SD32G2B0R0733F00 $5,566.28 6/19/2008
S00996 Double Deck Pizza Oven Garland G2072 8.051E+11 $6,694.01 6/30/2008
S01023 Back Up Tape Library Dell None B019GD1 $48,296.17 11/18/2008
S01070 FLIR B50 Thermal Camera FLIR B50 399000960 $6,243.25 12/16/2008
S01077 CareAssist ES Medical Bed Hill-Rom ES230 J2294AP4647 $5,809.52 1/27/2009
S01078 CareAssist ES Medical Bed Hill-Rom ES230 J2294AP4649 $5,809.52 1/27/2009
S01079 CareAssist ES Medical Bed Hill-Rom ES230 J2294AP4648 $5,809.52 1/27/2009
S01080 CareAssist ES Medical Bed Hill-Rom ES230 J2294AP4646 $5,809.51 1/27/2009
S01082 Clinitek Advantus Analyzer Siemens Healthcare 09-529-370 KWL18580847 $9,766.78 1/30/2009
S01093 Cyto-Tek Centrifuge Sakura Finetek Cyo-Tek 4.32519E+11 $6,816.35 1/30/2009
S01096 Noise Vibration Analyzer Vetronix MTS 4100 0815V00259 $5,656.86 1/29/2009
S01097 Noninvasive Ventilation System Philips Respironics BiPAP FOCUS 137242 $9,709.29 1/22/2009
S01100 Electronics Learning System Amatrol 85-MT10-1 H0902060012 $27,989.88 6/1/2009
S01101 Electronics Learning System Amatrol 85-MT10-1 H0902060011 $27,989.89 6/3/2009
S01102 Electronics Learning System Amatrol 85-MT10-1 H0810310038 $27,989.89 6/3/2009
S01103 Electronics Learning System Amatrol 85-MT10-1 H0810310037 $27,989.89 6/3/2009
S01104 Electronics Learning System Amatrol 85-MT10-1 H0809120017 $27,989.89 6/3/2009
S01105 Electronics Learning System Amatrol 85-MT10-1 H0810310036 $27,989.89 6/3/2009
S01106 Electronics Learning System Amatrol 85-MT10-2 290090-A $44,586.64 5/12/2009
S01107 Electronics Learning System Amatrol 85-MT10-2 290090-B $44,586.64 5/12/2009
S01108 Electronics Learning System Amatrol 85-MT10-2 290090-C $44,586.64 5/12/2009
S01109 Electronics Learning System Amatrol 85-MT10-2 290090-D $44,586.65 5/12/2009
S01110 Electronics Learning System Amatrol 85-MT10-2 290090-E $44,586.65 5/12/2009
S01131 Pneumatic Learning System Amatrol 950-PT1 297980 $25,852.93 6/4/2009
S01143 Vertical Ban Saw Baileigh Industrial BSV-16 None $5,616.00 1/22/2009
S01150 Vertical Machining Center Hass VF-1 1073254 $78,952.10 3/19/2009
S01151 Vertical Machining Center Haas VF-1 1073273 $78,952.10 3/30/2009
S01152 Haas Sl-20 Cnc Lathe Haas SL-20 3084378 $101,435.98 3/30/2009
S01157 Shallow-Box Charbroiler Wood Stone Mt. St. Helens WS-SFB-34 142 $8,679.53 4/28/2009
S01158 Dough Sheeter United Restaurant Equipment SSO6405 C8A451009 $8,663.44 4/28/2009
S01170 Microscope Main Body Nikon Instruments MBA85020 114465 $13,662.83 1/30/2009
S01172 Rail, Bolt Caliper Irvan Smith Inc None Listed 6507 $8,308.77 1/16/2009
S01185 Recycler Lacquer Thinner Safety-Kleen Systems Inc 701400 8018022 $5,421.49 1/29/2009
S01187 Cleveland Tilting Gas Kettle Cleveland KGL-25-T 90123051856 $16,095.42 2/26/2009
S01190 Garland Upright Broiler Garland M100XRM 9.011E+11 $8,580.86 2/26/2009
S01194 35 In. Gas-Fired Tandoor Wood Stone WS-GFT-35-SQR 24 $9,062.63 2/26/2009
S01198 Garland Master Griddle Garland CG-36R01 9.011E+11 $6,432.63 2/26/2009
S01199 Southern Pride Smoker Southern Pride DH-65 5424 $6,432.64 3/26/2009
S01209 Rapid Prototyping System Stratasys FDM 200mc P09938 $40,647.75 2/11/2009
S01213 X-Ray System Control Box Patterson Dental None 1D1X16028 $59,984.93 2/26/2009
S01217 Frames Multi Loader Test Mark Industries None 2318 $6,402.26 4/22/2009
S01219 Compresion Machine Test Mark Industries, Inc 400 MLBF 90210 $16,133.70 4/22/2009
S01239 Cellient System Cytyc Surgical Products None 40121L08D0 $42,497.81 2/26/2009
S01240 ThinPrep 2000 Processor Cytyc Surgical 2000 65371 $45,420.38 2/26/2009
S01243 Puritan Bennett 840 Ventilator Tyco Healthcare 840 09-170-90085 $26,675.86 4/3/2009
S01244 Coordinate Measuring Machine Brown & Sharpe FB2 0109-7004 $88,176.75 3/31/2009
S01245 Dynamometer Biodex Medical Systems 840-000 2634 $39,655.69 3/20/2009
S01619 Yamaha U1 Upright Piano Yamaha U1 6271317 $7,198.62 11/24/2009
S01638 HP Color LaserJet CM6040f MFP HP Q3939A JPCL8D701S $7,537.53 5/1/2009
S01641 iStrategy/Blackboard Software iStrategy none none $167,888.00 4/15/2009
S01643 Alt Energy Training System Lab-Volt none 945DH3497 $14,874.36 1/26/2010
S01644 Alt Energy Training System Lab-Volt none 945DH3493 $14,874.36 1/26/2010
S01645 Alt Energy Training System Lab-Volt none 945DH3491 $14,874.36 1/26/2010
S01646 Lvs-Sim for Electro Mech. Sys Lab-Volt none LVSM8970-VO-D62532 $26,136.60 1/26/2010
S01767 Alaris 30 Desktop 3D Printer Objet Alaris 30 7272 $46,961.02 2/24/2010
S01778 IBM System Storage IBM SAN24B-4 108443N $12,086.11 12/16/2009
S01779 IBM System Storage IBM SAN24B-4 108422V $12,086.11 12/16/2009
S01825 Planmeca Dixi3 Sensor Planmeca Dixi3 170512B2 $6,523.15 12/16/2009
S01826 Peter Pugger Pugmill Peter Pugger PP-PM100 1461-709 $6,466.19 1/26/2010
S01827 Shock Dynamomoeter 287787A $9,948.18 1/27/2010
S01836 Car Motor Chevrolet 385 CID $6,021.95 12/16/2009
S01841 Cyberstore Server Xeon 416S 297513 $7,052.49 12/18/2009
S01842 Airclean System Airclean Systems AC4000 AC4000678 $9,290.02 1/26/2010
S01870 Bending Stress in a Beam TecQuipment STR5 TQ048156-03 $6,371.96 3/26/2010
S01871 Bending Stress in a Beam TecQuipment STR5 TQ048156-04 $6,371.96 3/26/2010
S01872 Bending Stress in a Beam TecQuipment STR5 TQ048156-05 $6,371.96 3/26/2010
S01873 Bending Stress in a Beam TecQuipment STR5 TQ048156-06 $6,371.96 3/26/2010
S01911 Mannequin Laerdal Mega Code Kelly 200M47090007 $6,800.26 12/16/2009
S01915 Biological Safety Cabinet NuAire NU-425-400 1.34737E+11 $8,364.49 1/26/2010
Asset Acquis Acquis
ID Asset Description Manufacturer Model Number Serial Number Cost Date
S01937 Autofocus Slr Camera Hasselblad H2F 70SR25042 $8,225.92 12/16/2009
S01949 Olympus Microscope Camera Olympus DP21 9100356 $5,699.89 1/26/2010
S01959 Panasonic Camcorder Panasonic AG-HVX200A J9TCB0170 $5,488.15 1/7/2010
S01975 Basic Electrical Learning Sys Amatrol 85-MT2 407260 $12,482.91 1/27/2010
S01976 Basic Electrical Learning Sys Amatrol 85-MT2 414990 $12,482.91 1/27/2010
S01977 Basic Electrical Learning Sys Amatrol 85-MT2 407270-A $12,482.91 1/27/2010
S01978 Basic Electrical Learning Sys Amatrol 85-MT2 407270-B $12,482.91 1/27/2010
S01979 Basic Electrical Learning Sys Amatrol 85-MT2 407270-C $12,482.91 1/27/2010
S01985 Motors Learning System Amatrol 85-MT2 C 45038-A $5,137.90 1/27/2010
S01986 Motors Learning System Amatrol 85-MT2 C 45038-B $5,137.90 1/27/2010
S01987 Motors Learning System Amatrol 85-MT2 C 45038-C $5,137.90 1/27/2010
S01988 Motors Learning System Amatrol 85-MT2 C 45038-D $5,137.90 1/27/2010
S01989 Motors Learning System Amatrol 85-MT2 C 45038-E $5,137.90 1/27/2010
S02023 Electronic Tool Presetter Dorian Tool P384-ACCU SET P7114/SE1 $5,154.53 3/9/2010
S02026 CareAssist ES Medical Bed Hill-Rom ES230 L035AP2323 $8,032.51 2/25/2010
S02027 CareAssist ES Medical Bed Hill-Rom ES230 L035AP2324 $8,032.50 2/25/2010
S02028 Echocardiography System Philips iE33 xMATRIX 039W3J $202,892.44 2/24/2010
S02030 ProSpot i4 Spot Welder Prospot i4 14-5526 $18,066.49 1/26/2010
S02031 4-Post Lift Assembly PKS Lifts PK30-4 $19,606.64 1/28/2010
S02170 2004 Ford Crown Victoria Ford Interceptor 2FAHP71W44X166190 $5,035.00 1/7/2010
S02254 Hp Plotter HP HP DJ T1200 RTL SCN9A41H010 $5,733.12 1/26/2010
S02255 HP DesignJet T1200 Plotter HP DesignJet T1200 SCN9AK2H00R $5,733.11 1/26/2010
S02256 HP DesignJet T1200 Plotter HP DesignJet T1200 CN9AK2H03C $5,733.11 1/26/2010
S02273 48" Chemical Fume Hood AirClean Systems AC4000 AC4000-702 $10,209.33 1/28/2010
S02283 Sterilizer W Cart/Stand Market Forge STM-EL 233926 $9,410.17 3/26/2010
S02290 Engine Performance Trainer ATech 3600 2935 $5,200.50 1/26/2010
S02291 Engine Performance Trainer ATech 3600 2936 $5,200.50 1/26/2010
S02292 Engine Performance Trainer ATech 3600 2938 $5,200.50 1/26/2010
S02293 Engine Performance Trainer ATech 3600 2939 $5,200.50 1/26/2010
S02294 Engine Performance Trainer ATech 3600 2940 $5,200.50 1/26/2010
S02295 Engine Performance Trainer ATech 3600 2937 $5,200.50 1/26/2010
S02303 Scantron OpScan 4ES Scanner Scantron OpScan 4ES 5801165 $6,188.32 3/26/2010
S02304 MPEG4 Single Channel Encoder VBrick 9140-4200-0 1100900119 $5,018.47 3/25/2010
S02305 Control System Retrofit ESAB VISION 55 CNC 30524 $68,527.67 2/24/2010
S02306 Philips Xcelera System Upgrade Philips iE33 xMATRIX 991VN4J $26,719.31 5/27/2010
S02322 Sony XDCAM HD Camera Sony XDCAM HD 107795 $10,528.40 4/28/2010
S02323 Sony XDCAM HD Camera Sony XDCAM HD 107955 $10,528.40 4/28/2010
S02324 Sony XDCAM HD Camera Sony XDCAM HD 108088 $10,528.40 4/28/2010
S02325 Sony XDCAM HD Camera Sony XDCAM HD 108090 $10,528.40 4/28/2010
S02326 Sony XDCAM HD Camera Sony XDCAM HD 108139 $10,528.40 4/28/2010
S02327 Avid Media Composer Mojo DX Avid Mojo DX DBCM949124 $6,375.92 4/28/2010
S02328 Avid Media Composer Mojo DX Avid Mojo DX DBCM949083 $6,375.92 4/28/2010
S02329 Avid Media Composer Mojo DX Avid Mojo DX DBCM949126 $6,375.92 4/28/2010
S02330 Avid Media Composer Mojo DX Avid Mojo DX DBCM949081 $6,375.92 4/28/2010
S02349 SimMan 3G Adult Manikin Laerdal SimMan 3G $203,003.84 4/28/2010
S02350 Laerdal SimBaby Manikin Laerdal SimBaby $49,045.41 4/28/2010
S02352 Avid Media Composer Mojo DX Avid Mojo DX DBCM005586 $6,576.19 4/28/2010
S02353 Basic Hydraulics Bench Armfield F1-10 $8,825.62 4/29/2010
S02354 Basic Hydraulics Bench Armfield F1-10 $8,825.62 4/29/2010
S02355 Basic Hydraulics Bench Armfield F1-10 $8,825.62 4/29/2010
S02356 Basic Hydraulics Bench Armfield F1-10 $8,825.62 4/29/2010
S02360 Orifice Discharge Armfield F1-17A 022935-006 $7,620.80 4/29/2010
S02362 Flow Channel Armfield None None $7,215.94 4/29/2010
S02363 Energy Losses in Bends Circuit Armfield F1-22 023222-005 $7,122.86 4/29/2010
S02384 NetShelter Rack Enclosure APC SX 42U $5,894.22 12/18/2009
S02413 Apple Xserve Quad-Core Server Apple $13,485.00 2/2/2010
S02414 Promise VTrak RAID Subsystem Apple $9,800.35 2/2/2010
S02425 Ricoh MFP Ricoh MPC4000 V1205100361 $8,281.13 6/14/2010
S02447 Dell PowerEdge R510 Server Dell PowerEdge R510 9XK52P1 $5,942.95 10/27/2010
S02461 IBM BladeCenter HS22 IBM HS22 06GL176 $6,288.63 11/29/2010
S02472 Yamaha U1 Upright Piano Yamaha U1 6302368 $7,419.46 11/30/2010
S02480 Power Quality Analyzer Kit Fluke 435 14710005 $6,069.58 11/17/2010
S02492 Lab Refrigerator Nor-Lake Scientific NSPR502WWG/0 1.1973E+14 $6,476.57 12/21/2010
S02498 Dell PowerEdge R815 Server Dell PowerEdge R815 CJVF5P1 $13,712.17 11/30/2010
S02499 Dell PowerEdge R815 Server Dell PowerEdge R815 DJVF5P1 $13,712.17 11/30/2010
S02500 Dell PowerEdge R815 Server Dell PowerEdge R815 FJVF5P1 $13,712.17 11/30/2010
S02503 IBM System x3850 X5 Server IBM x3850 X5 644170 $27,603.57 11/30/2010
S02504 Hampden Geothermal Trainer Hampden H-GTL-1 101727 $20,169.14 2/25/2011
S02508 Wiring Training System Lab-Volt 46102-20 $18,790.52 1/27/2011
S02509 Wiring Training System L2 Lab-Volt 46102-30 $15,549.87 1/27/2011
S02547 2006 Chevy Tahoe Chevrolet Tahoe 1GNEC13Z36R153853 $11,400.00 11/29/2010
S02562 Business Card Cutter MBM BC 10 200531 $5,194.92 11/29/2010
S02563 Dust Collection System Oneida XXK050133 N/A $6,592.43 11/29/2010
S02570 Server, Dell PowerVault Dell PowerVault ML600 BPC0030904 $5,757.15 11/29/2010
S02571 Server, Dell PowerVault ML600 Dell PowerVault ML600 BPC0270904 $5,757.16 11/29/2010
S02572 NetApp FAS2020 Server NetApp FAS2020 NTAPMPS-10450D55A2 $10,204.19 11/29/2010
S02573 Servo-I Universal Ventilator MAQUET Universal Extended 136448 $32,946.96 12/17/2010
S02574 Ultrasonic Flaw Detector GE Inspection Technologies Phasor XS 0229PN $10,526.23 1/27/2011
S02575 Ultrasonic Flaw Detector GE Inspection Technologies Phasor XS 022D40 $10,526.23 1/27/2011
S02576 Ultrasonic Flaw Detector GE Inspection Technologies Phasor XS 022D42 $10,526.23 1/27/2011
S02577 Ultrasonic Flaw Detector GE Inspection Technologies Phasor XS 022DD2 $10,526.23 1/27/2011
S02578 Ultrasonic Flaw Detector GE Inspection Technologies Phasor XS 02291R $10,526.23 1/27/2011
S02609 Solar Photovoltaic Trainer Hampden H-SPT-AC-1 101718 $13,905.69 2/28/2011
S02610 Solar Photovoltaic Trainer Hampden H-SPT-AC-1 101717 $13,905.68 2/28/2011
S02611 Rigging System Trainer Hampden H-RIG-1CTO $14,613.75 1/27/2011
S02616 Promoter 4 Color Pad Printer Kent PROMOTOR-4 C-PR04-08-32 $23,134.05 1/31/2011
Asset Acquis Acquis
ID Asset Description Manufacturer Model Number Serial Number Cost Date
S02617 Showgun Entertainment Light High End Systems Showgun 2.5 5.50701E+12 $13,387.28 4/13/2011
S02641 Netapp Storage Shelf NetApp X54015A-ESH4-QS-R5 SHJ936310 $38,048.74 12/16/2010
S03093 Gas Emission Analyzer Automotive Test Solutions BVA-34 04-01EM1281 $5,948.34 1/27/2011
S03102 Yamaha Disklavier Piano Yamaha Disklavier 6307975 $15,434.29 2/28/2011
S03108 Fume Hood Safety Cabinet Thermo Scientific BSC 115V/60HZ 110441-260 $6,363.54 1/27/2011
S03109 Automatic Colony Counter IUL Instruments Flash and Grow 10006021280 $8,254.41 1/27/2011
S03114 Portable Air Compressor Sullair 185 2.01101E+11 $14,133.12 2/16/2011
S03115 Simspray Simulator VRSim Simspray none $21,624.49 2/2/2011
S03116 Simwelder Simulator VRSim Simwelder none $20,283.14 2/2/2011
S03119 Poweredge R815 Rack Server Dell R815 88SX5P1 $13,712.21 12/16/2010
S03120 Poweredge R815 Rack Server Dell R815 98SX5P1 $13,712.21 12/16/2010
S03129 TCX575 Leverless Tire Changer Hunter Engineering TCX575 IGH7222289 $9,989.86 2/3/2011
S03131 Counterbalanced Stacker Big Joe C-22 10060300 $10,608.50 1/27/2011
S03163 Haas CNC Toolroom Lathe Haas TL-1 3087485 $32,831.15 2/25/2011
S03164 Servo Rotary Table Haas HRT-160 166216 $7,518.33 2/25/2011
S03167 Eddy Current Flaw Detector General Electric Phasec 3S EC02017/08 $8,283.33 2/25/2011
S03168 Eddy Current Flaw Detector General Electric Phasec 3S 800Y5JQ $8,283.33 2/25/2011
S03169 Eddy Current Flaw Detector General Electric Phasec 3S EC02017/10 $8,283.33 2/25/2011
S03170 Eddy Current Flaw Detector General Electric Phasec 3S 800Y5HY $8,283.33 2/25/2011
S03171 Eddy Current Flaw Detector General Electric Phasec 3S 800Y5J1 $8,283.34 2/25/2011
S03172 Eddy Current Flaw Detector General Electric Phasec 3S EC02017/09 $8,283.34 2/25/2011
S03173 1 1/2 Foot Surface Plate $8,443.39 1/27/2011
S03174 Honda Express Lift Rotary Lift A7PIN6H0 CTZ11A0005 $7,252.10 7/11/2011
S03179 Muslin Drops $5,279.35 1/27/2011
S03180 Respiratory Analysis Test Lung Michigan Instruments Adult/Infant AI01207 $9,362.54 1/27/2011
S03181 Engine Repair Trainer 90 1272 $9,275.15 5/25/2011
S03182 Engine Start Cart Trainer 1084 $6,992.36 5/25/2011
S03200 Manikin Vitalsim Capable Laerdal Megacode Kelly 1-200M01110008 $6,596.89 1/27/2011
S03201 Manikin Vitalsim Capable Laerdal Megacode Kelly 1-200M01110007 $6,596.88 1/27/2011
S03220 Bendron Titan Trailer Bendron Titan 8.5' x 30' 5UZBE3023BD017180 $14,658.00 5/3/2011
S03252 ACCU-Pro Bedknife Grinder Foley Accu-Pro 6720901 01J67201293 $19,538.04 2/25/2011
S03270 Energy Losses in Bends Circuit Armfield F1-22 025278-001 $75,362.57 6/21/2011
S03272 NetApp FAS2020 Storage System NetApp FAS2020 6E+11 $10,158.18 2/15/2011
S03274 Consort Recorder Maple Mollenhauer Kynseker Renaissance None $9,301.25 1/28/2011
S03278 8' x 12' Walk-In Cooler Climate Control T11B12237 $18,895.83 5/4/2011
S03287 Forensic Recovery Device Digital Intelligence FRED F0111033777 $6,331.54 2/23/2011
S03288 Dell PowerEdge R510 Server Dell PowerEdge R510 HHFNXP1 $5,561.04 2/25/2011
S03289 Dell PowerEdge R510 Server Dell PowerEdge R510 4JFNXP1 $5,942.86 2/25/2011
S03293 O'Connor 1030HD Fluid Head O'Connor 1030HD none $5,800.04 4/13/2011
S03299 Mechatronics Training System Festo 501-FMS none $239,529.55 6/28/2011
S03300 Proone Digital Panoramic X-Ray Planmeca PRO1C 7.5404E+11 $29,138.74 3/24/2011
S03313 Snap-On Automotive Workstation Snap-On none none $8,667.15 5/28/2011
S03314 Oscillatory Ventilator SensorMedics 3100B BBW01520 $30,851.25 4/25/2011
S03315 Solaris Sterilization Center Pelton & Crane Solaris none $37,502.38 3/25/2011
S03318 Surgical Instrument Washer Hydrim L110W 270111B00009 $7,247.72 3/25/2011
S03324 Respironics V60 Ventilator Respironics V60 100004081 $12,448.75 4/28/2011
S03325 Hasselblad Digital Camera Back Hasselblad CFV 3EVS10599 $12,990.00 5/16/2011
S03369 Nikon Eclipse 50i Microscope Nikon Eclipse 50i 211688 $6,215.72 4/13/2011
S03370 Arri True Blue 1200W Light Arri True Blue D12 131497110 $7,404.59 3/28/2011
S03377 BD PrepStain Slide Processor BD 799-14000-0 USPS200595 $69,657.85 5/25/2011
S03389 Sony XDCAM EX Camcorder Sony XDCAM EX 122619 $9,006.40 4/13/2011
S03392 HP DeskJet T1200 Printer HP DeskJet T1200 CN11K4H029 $8,025.22 3/10/2011
S03404 PRO-CUT On-Car Brake Lathe PRO-CUT PFM 9.2 LX-25154 $10,235.04 3/9/2011
S03413 Durst L1840 Optical Enlarger Durst Laborator 1840 none $22,712.41 6/28/2011
S03436 Residual Shear Tester Gilson HM-380R 800 $7,756.11 4/13/2011
S03460 Bailey Gas Kiln Bailey Shuttle Deluxe 28/18 42211 $38,025.78 6/21/2011
S03461 Miller Dynasty 350 TIG Welder Miller Dynasty 350 MB130846L $6,566.04 4/28/2011
S03463 Fluke Power Quality Analyzer Fluke 434 16311132 $6,069.58 5/3/2011
S03465 OutBack FLEXpower 2 Inverter OutBack FLEXpower Two 14-M95 $5,689.51 5/12/2011
S03466 HP Z600 Computer Workstation HP Z600 2UA11405FN $6,378.12 4/26/2011
S03467 HP Z600 Computer Workstation HP Z600 2UA11405FP $6,378.12 4/26/2011
S03468 HP Z600 Computer Workstation HP Z600 2UA11405FQ $6,378.12 4/26/2011
S03469 HP Z600 Computer Workstation HP Z600 2UA11405FR $6,378.12 4/26/2011
S03470 HP Z600 Computer Workstation HP Z600 2UA11405FS $6,378.12 4/26/2011
S03471 HP Z600 Computer Workstation HP Z600 2UA11405FT $6,378.12 4/26/2011
S03472 HP Z600 Computer Workstation HP Z600 2UA11405FV $6,378.12 4/26/2011
S03473 HP Z600 Computer Workstation HP Z600 2UA11405FW $6,378.12 4/26/2011
S03474 HP Z600 Computer Workstation HP Z600 2UA11405FX $6,378.12 4/26/2011
S03475 HP Z600 Computer Workstation HP Z600 2UA11405FY $6,378.12 4/26/2011
S03476 HP Z600 Computer Workstation HP Z600 2UA11405FZ $6,378.12 4/26/2011
S03477 HP Z600 Computer Workstation HP Z600 2UA11405G0 $6,378.12 4/26/2011
S03478 HP Z600 Computer Workstation HP Z600 2UA11405G1 $6,378.12 4/26/2011
S03479 HP Z600 Computer Workstation HP Z600 2UA11405G2 $6,378.12 4/26/2011
S03480 HP Z600 Computer Workstation HP Z600 2UA11405G3 $6,378.12 4/26/2011
S03481 HP Z600 Computer Workstation HP Z600 2UA11405G4 $6,378.13 4/26/2011
S03482 HP Z600 Computer Workstation HP Z600 2UA11405G5 $6,378.13 4/26/2011
S03493 HP Z600 Computer Workstation HP Z600 2UA11405G6 $6,378.13 4/26/2011
S03494 HP Z600 Computer Workstation HP Z600 2UA11405G7 $6,378.13 4/26/2011
S03515 Vertical Map File Cabinet Ulrich U4836 none $6,769.62 11/29/2011
S03521 HP DesignJet T1200 MFP HP DesignJet T1200 CN14R4H01Q $21,735.16 10/26/2011
S03537 EasyFresh Blast Chiller Irinox EF 10.1 91100196 $7,196.48 12/6/2011
S03543 HP LaserJet CM4540 MFP HP LaserJet CM4540 JPCC9D07F $5,777.85 11/29/2011
S03544 HP LaserJet CM4540 MFP HP LaserJet CM4540 JPCC9D077 $5,777.85 11/29/2011
S03545 HP LaserJet CM4540 MFP HP LaserJet CM4540 JPCC9D078 $5,777.85 11/29/2011
S03624 Energy Management Trainer Hampden H-MZBM-J1 103194 $17,444.21 2/28/2012
S03628 Flemish Harpsichord Richard Kingston 17th Century/Flemish 228-100 $17,160.00 12/13/2011
Asset Acquis Acquis
ID Asset Description Manufacturer Model Number Serial Number Cost Date
S03630 HP Z600 Workstation HP WD059AV 2UA14608FQ $6,349.01 11/22/2011
S03631 HP Z600 Workstation HP WD059AV 2UA14608FR $6,349.02 11/22/2011
S03632 HP Z600 Workstation HP WD059AV 2UA14608FS $6,349.02 11/22/2011
S03633 HP Z600 Workstation HP WD059AV 2UA14608FT $6,349.02 11/22/2011
S03634 HP Z600 Workstation HP WD059AV 2UA14608FV $6,349.02 11/22/2011
S03690 PowerEdge R710 Rack Server Dell PowerEdge R710 8J84TR1 $6,429.55 10/28/2011
S03691 PowerEdge R710 Rack Server Dell PowerEdge R710 8J91TR1 $6,429.55 10/28/2011
S03693 Dell PowerEdge R610 Server Dell PowerEdge R610 D623TR1 $8,181.13 11/16/2011
S03698 SimMan 3G Adult Manikin Laerdal SimMan 3G $96,884.07 11/29/2011
S03699 10 Muslin Drop Curtains A.E. Mitchell none none $9,009.00 12/7/2011
S03706 Screen Exposure System NuArc MSP 3140 101186200M $5,035.08 1/3/2012
S03709 Screen Print Conveyor Dryer M&R Economax D 111186480 $5,028.21 1/3/2012
S03713 Ethernet Routing Switch Avaya ERS 5698-TFD-PWR LBNNTMJPW109GX $7,719.43 12/5/2011
S03714 Ethernet Routing Switch Avaya ERS 5698-TFD-PWR LBNNTMJPW10EFP $7,719.42 12/5/2011
S03717 Dell PowerEdge R610 Server Dell PowerEdge R610 96F4TR1 $5,173.10 11/21/2011
S03718 Dell PowerEdge R610 Server Dell PowerEdge R610 96G4TR1 $5,173.10 11/21/2011
S03719 Dell PowerEdge R610 Server Dell PowerEdge R610 96GZSR1 $5,173.10 11/21/2011
S03720 Dell PowerEdge R610 Server Dell PowerEdge R610 96H0TR1 $5,173.10 11/21/2011
S03721 Dell PowerEdge R610 Server Dell PowerEdge R610 96H1TR1 $5,173.10 11/21/2011
S03722 Dell PowerEdge R810 Server Dell PowerEdge R810 H0R2TR1 $19,316.81 11/21/2011
S03724 PowerVault Tape Autoloader Dell PowerVault 124T FJWV0Q1 $5,643.32 12/5/2011
S03743 Unified Collaboration System Polycom CX7000 FA114820140FD1 $9,048.05 1/18/2012
S03744 Right Angle Head Attachment Narex PVI ER-25 25913 $6,846.83 1/19/2012
S03767 Forensic Recovery Device Digital Intelligence FRED F011A034560 $6,098.04 1/26/2012
S03768 Forensic Recovery Device Digital Intelligence FRED F011A034561 $6,098.04 1/26/2012
S03769 Forensic Recovery Device Digital Intelligence FRED F011A034562 $6,098.04 1/26/2012
S03770 Forensic Recovery Device Digital Intelligence FRED F011A034563 $6,098.04 1/26/2012
S03771 Forensic Recovery Device Digital Intelligence FRED F011A034564 $6,098.04 1/26/2012
S03772 Forensic Recovery Device Digital Intelligence FRED F011A034565 $6,098.04 1/26/2012
S03773 Forensic Recovery Device Digital Intelligence FRED F011A034566 $6,098.04 1/26/2012
S03774 Forensic Recovery Device Digital Intelligence FRED F011A034567 $6,098.04 1/26/2012
S03775 Forensic Recovery Device Digital Intelligence FRED F011A034568 $6,098.04 1/26/2012
S03776 Forensic Recovery Device Digital Intelligence FRED F011A034569 $6,098.04 1/26/2012
S03777 Forensic Recovery Device Digital Intelligence FRED F011A034570 $6,098.05 1/26/2012
S03778 Forensic Recovery Device Digital Intelligence FRED F011A034571 $6,098.05 1/26/2012
S03779 Forensic Recovery Device Digital Intelligence FRED F011A034572 $6,098.05 1/26/2012
S03780 Forensic Recovery Device Digital Intelligence FRED F011A034573 $6,098.05 1/26/2012
S03781 Forensic Recovery Device Digital Intelligence FRED F011A034574 $6,098.05 1/26/2012
S03782 Forensic Recovery Device Digital Intelligence FRED F011A034575 $6,098.05 1/26/2012
S03783 Forensic Recovery Device Digital Intelligence FRED F011A034576 $6,098.05 1/26/2012
S03784 Forensic Recovery Device Digital Intelligence FRED F011A034577 $6,098.05 1/26/2012
S03802 High Speed Precision Lathe Sharp 1640L 001 2221 $31,580.84 3/26/2012
S03803 High Speed Precision Lathe Sharpe 1640L 001 2219 $31,580.84 3/26/2012
S03804 High Speed Precision Lathe Sharpe 1640L 001 2220 $31,580.83 3/26/2012
S03805 Siemens Universal Controller Siemens SIMATIC S7-300 6ES7374-2XH01-0AA0 $23,058.75 2/28/2012
S03820 Toro Groundsmaster Mower Toro Groundsmaster 3505-D 311000144 $26,372.95 12/5/2011
S03821 Vertical Mill Machining Cente Okuma MC-V4020 1013 $64,237.39 4/30/2012
S03830 Haas Vertical MacHining Center Haas VF-2 1091222 $116,179.64 2/29/2012
S03858 MPS-PA Mfg. Training System Festo 195780 S03858500021671 $431,137.50 5/14/2012
S03859 Prolog Factory System Festo 541113 S03859400047984 $303,328.75 5/14/2012
S03875 Adult Dental X-Ray Trainer Dentsply-Rinn Plastic Skull DXTTR III 6410 $10,212.57 3/27/2012
S03876 Adult Dental X-Ray Trainer Dentsply-Rinn Plastic Skull DXTTR III 6412 $10,212.57 3/27/2012
S03877 Adult Dental X-Ray Trainer Dentsply-Rinn Plastic Skull DXTTR III 6413 $10,212.57 3/27/2012
S03878 Adult Dental X-Ray Trainer Dentsply-Rinn Plastic Skull DXTTR III 6417 $10,212.57 3/27/2012
S03879 Adult Dental X-Ray Trainer Dentsply-Rinn Plastic Skull DXTTR III 6432 $10,212.57 3/27/2012
S03880 Adult Dental X-Ray Trainer Dentsply-Rinn Plastic Skull DXTTR III 6433 $10,212.57 3/27/2012
S03881 Adult Dental X-Ray Trainer Dentsply-Rinn Plastic Skull DXTTR III 6435 $10,212.57 3/27/2012
S03882 Child Dental X-Ray Trainer Dentsply-Rinn Plastic Skull DXTTR III 6436 $10,426.00 3/27/2012
S03883 ICM Directional X-Ray System ICM D3206 112346/08 $43,918.88 4/24/2012
S03884 Surface Grinder w/ Dresser Sharp SG618-2A 99BX447 $24,313.13 5/31/2012
S03885 Robotic Welding Education Cell Lincoln ARC Mate 50ic/5L F107951 $50,316.34 6/21/2012
S03902 2008 Toyota Prius Toyota Prius JTDKB2OU787707858 $16,500.00 1/31/2012
S03914 Mayline Modular Workstation Mayline Maple w/ Black Edge none $5,755.52 4/27/2012
S03915 Mayline Modular Workstation Mayline Maple w/ Black Edge none $5,270.41 4/27/2012
S03925 Mayline J-Table Mayline Maple w/ Black Edge none $6,364.70 5/30/2012
S03928 2005 Ford F450 Ambulance Ford F450 1FDWF37R18EC99572 $17,516.00 3/29/2012
S03929 2008 Ford F350 Ambulance Ford F350 1FDXF47P35EA69035 $17,516.00 3/29/2012
S03937 Roland VersaUV Printer/Cutter Roland LEC-540 ZAJ0248 $70,211.71 4/20/2012
S03938 Apple Mac Pro Computer Apple Mac Pro H020613SEUG $5,974.86 2/27/2012
S03939 Apple Mac Pro Computer Apple Mac Pro H020613TEUG $5,974.86 2/27/2012
S03940 Apple Mac Pro Computer Apple Mac Pro H020613UEUG $5,974.86 2/27/2012
S03941 Apple Mac Pro Computer Apple Mac Pro H020613VEUG $5,974.86 2/27/2012
S03942 Apple Mac Pro Computer Apple Mac Pro H020613WEUG $5,974.86 2/27/2012
S03977 IBM BladeCenter H 2980W IBM BladeCenter H 2980W 06D7580 $29,040.58 4/18/2012
S03978 IBM BladeCenter HS22V IBM BladeCenter HS22V 06YCH08 $6,263.38 4/18/2012
S03979 IBM BladeCenter HS22V IBM BladeCenter HS22V 06YCH10 $6,263.38 4/18/2012
S03980 IBM BladeCenter HS22V IBM BladeCenter HS22V 06YCH11 $6,263.38 4/18/2012
S03981 IBM BladeCenter HS22V IBM BladeCenter HS22V 06YCH27 $6,263.38 4/18/2012
S03986 Portable Dimmer Pack ETC SP3-2420B 8786 $7,024.88 3/16/2012
S03987 Yamaha Baritone Saxophone Yamaha YBS-62 33711 $6,603.39 4/30/2012
S03997 Motor Circuit Analysis Tool All-Test Pro AT33EV E3301028 $6,166.82 3/20/2012
S03998 2006 Ford Escape Hybrid Ford Escape 1FMCU95H26KA43204 $13,131.23 3/9/2012
S03999 Analog Mixing Console Toft Audio Designs ATB-32A 1676 $7,990.85 4/30/2012
S04006 Video Conferencing Equipment Polycom HDX 9000-720 881103109406CR $19,588.03 4/20/2012
S04033 HP Color LaserJet CM4540 MFP HP CM4540 JPCCD4H0K6 $5,109.52 5/3/2012
S04034 HP Color LaserJet CM4540 MFP HP Color LaserJet CM4540 JPCCD4H0JX $5,109.52 5/3/2012
Asset Acquis Acquis
ID Asset Description Manufacturer Model Number Serial Number Cost Date
S04040 PLC Troubleshooting System Amatrol 890-PECB MK1XN2TP $53,850.23 6/20/2012
S04050 12-Lead Task Trainer Manikin Laerdal Medical LA260-20001 none $8,382.50 5/30/2012
S04051 LIFEPAK 12 Defibrillator Medtronic LIFEPAK 12 12709709 $6,077.50 5/30/2012
S04052 LIFEPAK 12 Defibrillator Medtronic LIFEPAK 12 3081252 $6,077.50 5/16/2012
S04053 12-Lead Task Trainer Manikin Laerdal Medical LA260-20001 none $8,700.83 5/16/2012
S04059 GeoExplorer GeoXT Scanner Trimble 3000 Series 5218416768 $7,427.07 6/19/2012
S04060 Scantron OpScan 4ES Scanner Scantron OpScan 4ES 5802819 $5,439.45 5/23/2012
S04061 Scantron OpScan 4ES Scanner Scantron OpScan 4ES 5802820 $5,439.46 5/23/2012
S04102 ETC Light Dimmer Pack ETC SP3-2420B 7142A1102-1 $7,024.88 10/29/2012
S04421 Toro Debris Blower 600 Toro 44536 311000135 $5,995.27 11/29/2012
S04423 3DTOUCH Triple Head 3D Printer Bits From Bytes 3DTouch S2037866 $5,089.02 10/31/2012
S04433 Duct Blaster & Blower System TruTech Tools Minneapolis none $6,327.75 1/9/2013
S04435 Muslin Drops Drapes & Drops LLC $5,351.78 11/29/2012
S04450 NetApp Server Expansion Shelf NetApp 24X1TB 7.00001E+11 $44,697.91 1/10/2013
S04451 HP LaserJet CM6040F Printer HP LaserJet CM6040F MXFCDD90GX $11,139.29 3/5/2013
S04452 NetApp Server Expansion Shelf NetApp 24X1TB 7.00001E+11 $44,697.91 1/10/2013
S04469 Panasonic Digital A/V Mixer Panasonic AG-HMX100P 12TBA0062 $5,501.93 11/30/2012
S04482 Landice L980 Treadmill Sports Art Fitness L980 277711 $5,089.39 4/22/2013
S04483 Landice L980 Treadmill Landice L980 277699 $5,089.39 4/22/2013
S04486 Spotchem Ez Chemistry Analyzer SpotChem SP-4430 41106042 $9,941.76 11/29/2012
S04488 Series 1-2J Milling Machine Bridgeport Series 1-2J HJ320353 $21,178.80 5/21/2013
S04489 Series 1-2J Milling Machine Bridgeport Series 1-2J HJ320346 $21,178.80 5/21/2013
S04513 NetApp Server Expansion Shelf NetApp 24X1TB 7.00001E+11 $22,978.99 1/11/2013
S04514 NetApp FAS2040HA Server NetApp 24X600GB 7.00001E+11 $36,614.05 1/11/2013
S04515 NetApp FAS2040HA Server NetApp 24X450GB 7.00001E+11 $27,392.71 1/11/2013
S04516 Ditch Witch SK650 Ditch Witch SK650 none $22,867.06 1/8/2013
S04520 IBM BladeCenter HS23 IBM 7875AC1 06KEEW6 $5,475.33 1/29/2013
S04521 IBM BladeCenter HS23 IBM 7875AC1 06KEEX3 $5,475.33 1/29/2013
S04522 IBM BladeCenter HS23 IBM 7875AC1 06KEEX4 $5,475.33 1/29/2013
S04523 IBM BladeCenter HS23 IBM 7875AC1 06KEEX2 $5,475.33 1/29/2013
S04524 IBM BladeCenter HS23 IBM 7875AC1 06KEEX5 $5,475.33 1/29/2013
S04525 IBM BladeCenter HS23 IBM 7875AC1 06KEEX0 $5,475.33 1/29/2013
S04526 IBM BladeCenter HS23 IBM 7875AC1 06KEEX7 $5,475.33 1/29/2013
S04527 IBM BladeCenter HS23 IBM 7875AC1 06KEEW5 $5,475.33 1/29/2013
S04528 IBM BladeCenter HS23 IBM 7875AC1 06KEEX8 $5,475.34 1/29/2013
S04529 IBM BladeCenter HS23 IBM 7875AC1 06KEEX6 $5,475.27 1/29/2013
S04535 Objet30 Pro 3D Printer Head Alaris OBJet30 Pro none $17,267.25 4/25/2013
S04537 Canon Digital Print System Canon imagePRESS C1+ H-HMCO1222 $41,015.20 12/14/2012
S04539 Chocolate Tempering Machine Bakon Choco-lution 110 10003 $13,984.33 3/14/2013
S04541 Miller Dynasty 350 TIG Welder Miller Dynasty 350 none $6,890.81 1/30/2013
S04542 Miller Dynasty 350 TIG Welder Miller Dynasty 350 MC180122L $6,890.81 1/30/2013
S04543 Miller Dynasty 350 TIG Welder Miller Dynasty 350 none $6,890.89 1/30/2013
S04544 Industrial Motor Controls Hampden Engineering 05-02261 $6,886.61 5/20/2013
S04545 Industrial Motor Controls Hampden Engineering $6,886.54 5/20/2013
S04546 Industrial Motor Controls Bertelkamp Automation 779274 $6,886.54 5/20/2013
S04547 Industrial Motor Controls Bertelkamp Automation 779274 05-02264 $6,886.54 5/20/2013
S04548 Industrial Motor Controls Bertelkamp Automation 779274 05-02265 $6,886.54 5/20/2013
S04549 Industrial Motor Controls Bertelkamp Automation 779274 $6,886.54 5/20/2013
S04550 Industrial Motor Controls Hampden Engineering $6,886.54 5/20/2013
S04551 Industrial Motor Controls Bertelkamp Automation 779274 05-02268 $6,886.54 5/20/2013
S04552 Industrial Motor Controls Hampden Engineering $6,886.54 5/20/2013
S04553 Industrial Motor Controls Bertelkamp Automation 779274 05-02270 $6,886.54 5/20/2013
S04554 Industrial Assessment Tool Hampden Engineering $6,886.54 5/20/2013
S04555 Treble Viola da Gamba Francis Beaulieu Henry Jaye none $7,494.16 2/20/2013
S04563 Hybrid Cut-Away Engine Nada Scientific N98-ND4500 none $21,825.38 1/23/2013
S04564 Festo Mps Training System Festo C93102 100012671 $193,556.83 5/13/2013
S04565 Epilog Laser Engraving System Epilog Laser Mini 24 8040-13123312412R $24,115.16 2/22/2013
S04568 3D Coord Measuring System Zeiss ACCURA II 2.01304E+11 $289,882.81 6/11/2013
S04571 Virtual Welding Simulator Lincoln Electric VRTEX U8130100038 $65,034.26 4/10/2013
S04572 M-Lab 3D Printer ExOne M-Lab 600125 $64,700.00 1/11/2013
S04573 Yamaha U1 Upright Piano Yamaha U1 6339007 $7,722.00 1/17/2013
S04575 Yamaha Disklavier E3 Piano Yamaha Disklavier E3 6347756 $16,578.71 1/17/2013
S04576 High Speed Precision Lathe Sharp 1640L 1012244 $25,471.88 5/16/2013
S04577 High Speed Precision Lathe Sharp 1640L 2001279 $25,471.87 5/16/2013
S04578 EtherNet/IP Comm. Module Rockwell Automation 1747-AENTR/1783-EMS08T/Stratix none $25,485.76 3/6/2013
S04579 Integrated Arch. Workstation Rockwell Automation 1769-L30ERM/1769-PA2/1769-ECR none $65,786.90 3/6/2013
S04580 Air Brake Training System Bendix EC-60 none $24,667.50 2/27/2013
S04586 ACL ELITE Hemostasis System Instrumentation Laboratory ACL ELITE 13021492 $20,913.75 4/12/2013
S04618 Collision Frame Measuring Sys. Blackhawk Shark C13A9296 $25,483.09 2/25/2013
S04620 SkyJack Scissor Lift SkyJack SJIII 3226 27013493 $16,612.04 3/4/2013
S04621 3D Scanning/Milling Machine Roland MDX-20 ZAZ5382 $5,357.14 2/21/2013
S04646 Muscular Full Body Model SynAtomy M-BOD-F-0005 none $13,406.25 4/3/2013
S04653 Biodex RTM600 Rehab Treadmill Biodex RTM600 13020136 $7,344.90 3/5/2013
S04654 Biodex Unweighing System Biodex 945-480 13011339 $7,344.90 3/5/2013
S04655 Biodex Balance System SD Biodex SD 13010654 $12,707.40 3/5/2013
S04656 ShopBot PRSalpha CNC Router ShopBot PRSalpha PRSA031913d2SCB0Z131 $26,720.21 5/29/2013
S04692 Reliance 7800IC Stand Reliance 7800IC 780002E0313001 $5,523.95 6/24/2013
S04693 Reliance 7800IC Stand Reliance 7800IC 780002E0313007 $5,523.95 6/24/2013
S04696 Haag-Streit BD 900 Slit Lamp Haag-Streit BD 900 3168 $11,043.82 6/24/2013
S04697 Haag-Streit Bd 900 Slit Lamp Haag-Streit BD 900 3170 $11,043.82 6/24/2013
S04698 Reichert Phoropter Reichert 11636 57779-0213 $5,285.78 6/24/2013
S04699 Reichert Phoropter Reichert 11636 57786-0213 $5,285.78 6/24/2013
S04741 EasyFresh Blast Chiller Irinox EF 10.0 61300162 $7,665.28 10/23/2013
S04742 Sorvall Legend X1 Centrifuge Thermo Scientific Legend X1 41526448 $6,242.70 11/19/2013
S04743 Centra W Cell Washer Thermo Scientific Centra W X28Y-446314-XY $8,354.86 11/19/2013
S04744 SimMom Advanced Manikin Laerdal SimMom 377M4213004 $39,426.60 11/4/2013
Asset Acquis Acquis
ID Asset Description Manufacturer Model Number Serial Number Cost Date
S04745 HP Color LaserJet CM4540 MFP HP CC419A JPECF9Y0VV $6,399.62 12/13/2013
S04746 Optimal 880 Tree Spade Optimal 880 880358 $20,752.88 12/17/2013
S04747 Yamaha Disklavier DU1E3 Piano Yamaha DU1E3 6357798 $16,623.75 11/11/2013
S04748 Yamaha Disklavier DU1E3 Piano Yamaha DU1E3 6370412 $16,623.75 11/11/2013
S04749 Showgun 2.5 Automated Light Barco Showgun 2.5 5.50701E+12 $12,365.45 1/31/2014
S04751 BT32 Buddy 32in CNC System PRSstandard BT32 Buddy 32in PRSS11201312RCB05606 $10,156.58 1/23/2014
S04752 Minividas Immunoassay Analyzer Biomerieux miniVIDAS IVD1210941 $17,696.25 1/28/2014
S04753 Hunter TCX575 Tire Changer Hunter TCX575 IJG711248 $12,027.02 5/8/2014
S04754 Meter Certification Kit Snap-on EEDM525D T394062A $6,081.40 11/21/2013
S04755 GM Diesel Engine Trainer ATech 650D $47,427.69 5/19/2014
S04756 Isotemp GP Lab Refrigerator Fisher Scientific MR72SS-GAEE-FS 1.45199E+15 $9,173.06 12/13/2013
S04757 TESASTAR Touch Trigger Probe TESASTAR TESASTAR-mp 6Q 0084 01 $6,683.82 1/24/2014
S04758 Gendex GXPS Intraoral Scanner Gendex GXPS-500 GJ1518517 $9,782.27 1/21/2014
S04759 GM Essential Equipment Kit GM custom none $10,054.69 4/14/2014
S04760 HE&M Horizontal Band Saw HE&M Saw H90A-1 1194414 $24,491.61 5/28/2014
S04761 Phased Array Flaw Detector OmniScan MX2 OMNI2-102080 $68,421.07 2/27/2014
S04762 Upper Arm Injection Model Nasco SB45069 N/A $5,201.63 11/12/2013
S04763 VERUS PRO Diagnostic System Snap-on EEMS327W 373DDG215104 $6,878.55 4/21/2014
S04764 VERUS PRO Diagnostic System Snap-on EEMS327W 393DDG216281 $6,878.55 4/21/2014
S04765 VERUS PRO Diagnostic System Snap-on EEMS327W 473DDG216892 $6,878.55 4/21/2014
S04766 VERUS PRO Diagnostic System Snap-on EEMS327W $6,878.55 4/21/2014
S04767 VERUS PRO Diagnostic System Snap-on EEMS327W $6,878.55 4/21/2014
S04769 VERUS PRO Diagnostic System Snap-on EEMS327W 473DDG216870 $6,878.55 4/21/2014
S04770 VERUS PRO Diagnostic System Snap-on EEMS327W 483DDG217306 $6,878.55 4/21/2014
S04771 VERUS PRO Diagnostic System Snap-on EEMS327W 473DDG216763 $6,878.55 4/21/2014
S04772 VERUS PRO Diagnostic System Snap-on EEMS327W $6,878.55 4/21/2014
S04773 VERUS PRO Diagnostic System Snap-on EEMS327W 393DDg216031 $6,878.55 4/21/2014
S04774 VERUS PRO Diagnostic System Snap-on EEMS327W $6,878.60 4/21/2014
S04775 Motion Control Assessment Tool Bertelkamp Automation 799695 01-02659 $8,302.20 3/20/2014
S04776 Motion Control Assessment Tool Bertelkamp Automation 799695 01-02660 $8,302.20 3/20/2014
S04777 Motion Control Assessment Tool Bertelkamp Automation 799695 01-02661 $8,302.20 3/20/2014
S04778 Motion Control Assessment Tool Bertelkamp Automation 799696 01-02662 $8,302.20 3/20/2014
S04779 Motion Control Assessment Tool Bertelkamp Automation 799695 01-02663 $8,302.18 3/20/2014
S04780 Motion Control Assessment Tool Bertelkamp Automation 799695 01-02655 $8,649.95 3/20/2014
S04781 Motion Control Assessment Tool Bertelkamp Automation 111015A01 799696 $8,649.95 3/20/2014
S04782 Motion Control Assessment Tool Bertelkamp Automation 799696 01-02657 $8,649.95 3/20/2014
S04783 Motion Control Assessment Tool Bertelkamp Automation 799696 01-02658 $8,649.94 3/20/2014
S04785 eXact Spectrodensitometer X-Rite eXact 4060 $6,403.89 2/26/2014
S04786 TIG Power Source Liburdi Gold Track VI 140601 $66,893.97 5/8/2014
S04787 Cisco Catalyst 3750X Switch Cisco 3750X FDO1746P0HM $28,550.49 4/23/2014
S04788 Cisco Catalyst 3750X Switch Cisco 3750X FDO1747Z11W $28,550.49 4/23/2014
S04790 Drainback Solar Water Heater Phillips Energy Systems DV 15X 15167 $16,684.33 6/19/2014
S04791 Enterprise Security Manager McAfee ETM-5600-ELMR A070409004 $57,459.88 4/29/2014
S04792 DDC Energy Management System Trane Custom Unit none $110,246.81 5/29/2014
S04793 HP Color LaserJet CM4540 MFP HP LaserJet CM4540 JPECFCF0ZF $5,040.47 1/16/2014
S04795 De Lorenzo Compete Trainer De Lorenzo DL-GTU 13/02363.20 $148,659.23 5/28/2014
S04796 De Lorenzo Smart Grid Trainer De Lorenzo DL-SGWD 14/01083.1 $86,336.25 5/28/2014
S04797 Sensor3 48-Module Rack ETC SR3-48 none $25,632.75 4/24/2014
S04800 Glass Door Reach-In Freezer Continental Refrigerator 2F-GD 15414664 $6,135.44 5/15/2014
S04801 Automatic Threading Machine Ridgid 535A EBC047300414 $8,204.89 5/13/2014
S04803 Four-Quadrant Dynamometer Lab-Volt 187558 $10,292.78 12/11/2014
S04804 Schick 33 Sensors Sirona Dental B1051079 20004488 $20,382.86 12/15/2014
S04805 Salvi Daphne Pedal Harp Salvi Daphne 47 SE 17923 $14,049.75 11/4/2014
S04806 6-String English Viol Francis Beaulieu Custom none $11,230.75 2/13/2015
S04807 PCR Instructional Lab Package Bio-Rad 166-0765EDU 621BR20737 $6,585.15 11/6/2014
S04808 FluidoTherapy Ultra 115 Chattanooga Ultra115D T2227 $5,472.33 1/7/2015
S04810 Portable Dimmer Pack ETC SP3-1250B 9709 $6,971.25 11/18/2014
S04811 ASL 5000 Breathing Simulator IngMar Medical ASL 5000 1404 $33,247.02 12/2/2014
S04814 Basic Hydraulic System Amatrol 850-HD1 350510 $14,563.48 3/27/2015
S04815 Intermediate Hydraulic System Amatrol 85-IH 350510 $9,301.79 3/27/2015
S04816 Electro-Fluid Power System Amatrol 85-EF 350510 $10,492.29 3/27/2015
S04817 Mechanical Drives 1 System Amatrol 950-ME1SB 369610 $12,895.74 3/27/2015
S04818 Mechanical Drives 1 System Amatrol 950-ME1SB 369610 $12,895.74 3/27/2015
S04819 Mechanical Drives 1 System Amatrol 95-ME2 369610 $7,153.58 3/27/2015
S04820 Mechanical Drives 2 System Amatrol 95-ME2 369610 $7,153.57 3/27/2015
S04821 Mechanical Drives 2 System Amatrol 95-ME3 369610 $9,919.56 3/27/2015
S04822 Mechanical Drives 2 System Amatrol 95-ME3 369610 $9,919.55 3/27/2015
S04829 Nova MS50 3D Laser Scanner Leica Nova MS50 1064 $44,495.40 1/28/2015
S04831 Thermal DigiPlate Platesetter Mitsubishi Imaging TDP-459E E093 $14,253.53 2/24/2015
S04832 Hardness Measuring System LECO ConfiDent2 1409111 $7,638.35 1/6/2015
S04833 Charging System Trainer ATech 812FJ 1172 $6,039.26 2/3/2015
S04834 Lighting System Trainer ATech 821FJ 1232 $6,950.87 2/3/2015
S04835 Instrument Panel Trainer ATech 822FJ 1154 $5,208.07 2/3/2015
S04836 Power Window Trainer ATech 840FJ 1083 $5,449.38 2/3/2015
S04837 Power Door Lock Trainer ATech 850FJ 1258 $6,146.52 2/3/2015
S04838 Cisco Catalyst Ethernet Switch Cisco 4500-X JAE185000ZJ $18,607.88 2/23/2015
S04839 Cisco Catalyst Ethernet Switch Cisco 4500-X JAE190203QP $18,607.87 2/23/2015
S04840 Apple Mac Pro Computer Apple MD878D/A F5KNL08UF694 $6,246.66 12/3/2014
S04841 Apple Mac Pro Computer Apple MD878D/A F5KNL0WSF694 $6,246.66 12/3/2014
S04842 Apple Mac Pro Computer Apple MD878D/A F5KNL0WUF694 $6,246.66 12/3/2014
S04843 Apple Mac Pro Computer Apple MD878D/A F5KNL0WVF694 $6,246.66 12/3/2014
S04844 Apple Mac Pro Computer Apple MD878D/A F5KNL0WWF694 $6,246.66 12/3/2014
S04845 Apple Mac Pro Computer Apple MD878D/A F5KNL0WXF694 $6,246.66 12/3/2014
S04846 Apple Mac Pro Computer Apple MD878D/A F5KNL0WYF694 $6,246.66 12/3/2014
S04847 Apple Mac Pro Computer Apple MD878D/A F5KNL0WZF694 $6,246.66 12/3/2014
S04848 Apple Mac Pro Computer Apple MD878D/A F5KNL0X7F694 $6,246.66 12/3/2014
Asset Acquis Acquis
ID Asset Description Manufacturer Model Number Serial Number Cost Date
S04849 Apple Mac Pro Computer Apple MD878D/A F5KNM01VF694 $6,246.66 12/3/2014
S04850 Apple Mac Pro Computer Apple MD878D/A F5KNM020F694 $6,246.66 12/3/2014
S04851 Apple Mac Pro Computer Apple MD878D/A F5KNM021F694 $6,246.66 12/3/2014
S04852 Apple Mac Pro Computer Apple MD878D/A F5KNM022F694 $6,246.66 12/3/2014
S04853 Apple Mac Pro Computer Apple MD878D/A F5KNM024F694 $6,246.66 12/3/2014
S04854 Apple Mac Pro Computer Apple MD878D/A F5KNM026F694 $6,246.66 12/3/2014
S04855 Apple Mac Pro Computer Apple MD878D/A F5KNM027F694 $6,246.66 12/3/2014
S04856 Apple Mac Pro Computer Apple MD878D/A F5KNM029F694 $6,246.66 12/3/2014
S04857 Apple Mac Pro Computer Apple MD878D/A F5KNM02AF694 $6,246.66 12/3/2014
S04858 Apple Mac Pro Computer Apple MD878D/A F5KNM02BF694 $6,246.66 12/3/2014
S04859 Apple Mac Pro Computer Apple MD878D/A F5KNM02CF694 $6,246.66 12/3/2014
S04860 Apple Mac Pro Computer Apple MD878D/A F5KNM02DF694 $6,246.66 12/3/2014
S04861 Apple Mac Pro Computer Apple MD878D/A F5KNM02EF694 $6,246.66 12/3/2014
S04862 Apple Mac Pro Computer Apple MD878D/A F5KNM02FF694 $6,246.66 12/3/2014
S04863 Apple Mac Pro Computer Apple MD878D/A F5KNM02GF694 $6,246.66 12/3/2014
S04864 Apple Mac Pro Computer Apple MD878D/A F5KNM02HF694 $6,246.66 12/3/2014
S04865 Apple Mac Pro Computer Apple MD878D/A F5KNM02JF694 $6,246.66 12/3/2014
S04866 Apple Mac Pro Computer Apple MD878D/A F5KNM02NF694 $6,246.66 12/3/2014
S04867 Apple Mac Pro Computer Apple MD878D/A F5KNM02PF694 $6,246.61 12/3/2014
S04868 EMC Data Domain NAS Server EMC DD2500 FLA00144500006 $73,652.44 12/3/2014
S04869 NetApp FAS2520 Server NetApp FAS2520 7.01445E+11 $9,320.13 12/3/2014
S04870 NetApp FAS2520 Server NetApp FAS2520 7.01445E+11 $9,320.13 12/3/2014
S04871 NetApp FAS2520 Server NetApp FAS2520 7.01444E+11 $9,320.14 12/3/2014
S04872 Dell Precision 5810 Computer Dell 5810 1QJFQ22 $5,726.87 12/18/2014
S04873 Dell Precision 5810 Computer Dell 5810 1QKDQ22 $5,726.87 12/18/2014
S04874 Dell Precision 5810 Computer Dell 5810 1QLFQ22 $5,726.87 12/18/2014
S04875 Dell Precision 5810 Computer Dell 5810 1QLGQ22 $5,726.87 12/18/2014
S04876 Dell Precision 5810 Computer Dell 5810 1QNDQ22 $5,726.87 12/18/2014
S04877 Dell Precision 5810 Computer Dell 5810 1QNFQ22 $5,726.87 12/18/2014
S04878 Dell Precision 5810 Computer Dell 5810 1QPGQ22 $5,726.87 12/18/2014
S04879 Dell Precision 5810 Computer Dell 5810 1QJDQ22 $5,726.88 12/18/2014
S04880 Dell Precision 5810 Computer Dell 5810 1QJGQ22 $5,726.87 1/6/2015
S04881 Dell Precision 5810 Computer Dell 5810 1QKFQ22 $5,726.87 1/6/2015
S04882 Dell Precision 5810 Computer Dell 5810 1QKGQ22 $5,726.87 1/6/2015
S04883 Dell Precision 5810 Computer Dell 5810 1QLDQ22 $5,726.87 1/6/2015
S04884 Dell Precision 5810 Computer Dell 5810 1QMDQ22 $5,726.87 1/6/2015
S04885 Dell Precision 5810 Computer Dell 5810 1QMFQ22 $5,726.87 1/6/2015
S04886 Dell Precision 5810 Computer Dell 5810 1QMGQ22 $5,726.87 1/6/2015
S04887 Dell Precision 5810 Computer Dell 5810 1QNGQ22 $5,726.87 1/6/2015
S04888 Dell Precision 5810 Computer Dell 5810 1QPDQ22 $5,726.87 1/6/2015
S04889 Dell Precision 5810 Computer Dell 5810 1QPFQ22 $5,726.87 1/6/2015
S04890 Dell Precision 5810 Computer Dell 5810 1QQDQ22 $5,726.88 1/6/2015
S04891 Thin Film PV System Philips Energy Systems 2KW GT1242F0100023 $14,146.61 6/15/2015
S04892 Electrosurgery Analyzer Fluke QA-ES 202260 $6,580.86 3/27/2015
S04894 Control Logix PLC System Allen Bradley 890-AB5500 40566371 $17,515.00 6/10/2015
S04895 PLC EtherNet Learning System Amatrol 89-EN-AB5500 EB44691691 $12,801.36 6/10/2015
S04896 PLC EtherNet Learning System Amatrol 89-EN-AB5500 EB44691692 $12,801.36 6/10/2015
S04897 PLC EtherNet Learning System Amatrol 89-EN-AB5500 EB44691693 $12,801.36 6/10/2015
S04898 GL-9 Premium 2-Column Lift Golf-Lift GL-9 $6,971.25 2/6/2015
S04899 Electrosurgery Analyzer Fluke QA-ES II 115V 202207 $6,409.26 1/27/2015
S04900 Gas Flow Analyzer Fluke VT305 BF100393 $7,980.47 1/27/2015
S04901 Infusion Device Analyzer Fluke IDA-5 2993011 $7,367.00 1/27/2015
S04902 Infusion Device Analyzer Fluke IDA-5 2993010 $7,366.99 1/27/2015
S04903 VTrak A-Class Storage Array Promise VTA3800FDM B30H15100700102 $79,021.74 3/24/2015
S04904 Fujitsu M10-4 SPARC Server Fujitsu M10-4 PZ01510027 $60,362.08 4/22/2015
S04905 Picard Roll-in-Rack Proofer Picard Ovens PPR-1S P00261112015 $10,729.14 4/25/2016
S04914 Canon imagePRESS C700 Canon C700 QKJ01529 $103,710.75 4/22/2015
S04915 Saddle-Miter Pipe Cutter Watts Specialties W-60-20SM 11443 $6,733.29 6/10/2015
S04916 255-Watt PV Solar Panels Canadian Solar CS6P-255 none $9,416.01 5/26/2015
S04917 HP Color LaserJet M775 MFP HP M775Z MXHCGDP1JJ $5,764.68 5/19/2015
S04918 Nikon Eclipse Ci-L Microscope Nikon Eclipse Ci-L 705274 $7,390.47 11/20/2015
S04919 Laparoscopic Tower System Stryker? 130906 $6,912.27 12/7/2015
S04920 Phased Array Flaw Detector Olympus OmniScan SX QC-004271 $16,156.90 12/17/2015
S04921 Phased Array Flaw Detector Olympus OmniScan SX QC-004274 $16,156.90 12/17/2015
S04922 Phased Array Flaw Detector Olympus OmniScan SX QC-004357 $16,156.90 12/17/2015
S04923 Phased Array Flaw Detector Olympus OmniScan SX QC-004358 $16,156.90 12/17/2015
S04924 Phased Array Flaw Detector Olympus OmniScan SX QC-004359 $16,156.90 12/17/2015
S04925 Phased Array Flaw Detector Olympus OmniScan SX QC-004360 $16,156.87 12/17/2015
S04926 Shortwave Diathermy Chattanooga Intelect SWD100 T2194 $9,273.67 1/13/2016
S04927 Power Height Parallel Bars Hausmann 1362 38110 $9,579.15 2/4/2016
S04929 Picard Roll-in-Rack Proofer Picard Ovens PPR-1S P00262112015 $10,729.13 4/25/2016
S04930 True Spectrum Elliptical True Fitness Spectrum 15TS1000045J $5,361.43 2/17/2016
S04931 Part Feeder with Detector SMC Map-201 SAI1001 $8,262.12 4/27/2016
S04932 Vacuum-held Handler SMC Map-202 SAI1002 $6,562.51 4/27/2016
S04933 Vertical Revolving Handler SMC Map-203 SAI1003 $8,324.96 4/27/2016
S04934 Horizontal Rotolinear Handler SMC Map-204 SAI1004 $7,619.78 4/27/2016
S04935 Control Logix PLC System Allen Bradley 890-AB5500 44933615 $16,846.83 4/26/2016
S04936 PLC Troubleshooting System Amatrol 890-AB503B 43887285 $10,579.14 4/26/2016
S04937 PLC Troubleshooting System Amatrol 890-AB503B 42788857 $10,579.14 4/26/2016
S04938 PLC Troubleshooting System Amatrol 890-AB503B 43887291 $10,579.14 4/26/2016
S04939 PLC Troubleshooting System Amatrol 890-AB503B 42788889 $10,579.14 4/26/2016
S04940 PLC Troubleshooting System Amatrol 890-PECB 659120 $9,974.25 4/26/2016
S04941 PLC Troubleshooting System Amatrol 890-PECB 659120 $9,974.25 4/26/2016
S04942 PLC Troubleshooting System Amatrol 890-PECB 659120 $9,974.25 4/26/2016
S04943 PLC Troubleshooting System Amatrol 890-PECB 659120 $9,974.25 4/26/2016
S04944 PanelView Learning System Amatrol 89-PV-AB500 45621798 $12,401.32 4/26/2016
Asset Acquis Acquis
ID Asset Description Manufacturer Model Number Serial Number Cost Date
S04945 PanelView Learning System Amatrol 89-PV-AB500 45621806 $12,401.32 4/26/2016
S04946 PanelView Learning System Amatrol 89-PV-AB500 45621799 $12,401.32 4/26/2016
S04947 PanelView Learning System Amatrol 89-PV-AB500 45621796 $12,401.31 4/26/2016
S04948 PLC EtherNet Learning System Amatrol 89-EN-AB5500 EB59351335 $10,898.75 4/26/2016
S04949 PLC ControlNet Learning Syste Amatrol 89-CN-AB5500 45008098 $7,823.88 4/26/2016
S04950 PLC DeviceNet Learning System Amatrol 89-DNAB5500 37357443 $8,523.16 4/26/2016
S04951 PLC DeviceNet Learning System Amatrol 89-DNAB5500 37597019 $8,523.17 4/26/2016
S04952 Automated Dispensing Unit Omnicell OmniRx TT 117962 $27,069.86 4/8/2016
S04953 MPS Transfer Control Upgrade Festo MT-314 100013412 $13,319.22 5/19/2016
S04954 MPS Transfer Line Festo MT-AC 100013412 $27,709.31 5/19/2016
S04955 MPS Turning Module Festo 100013412 $7,686.96 5/19/2016
S04956 Emergency Care Simulator Gaumard Emergency Pack 1 A1511170W $37,566.47 2/12/2016
S04957 Microscope Components multiple multiple 117280 $9,921.22 2/12/2016
S04958 SMART 1 Door Refrigerator Electrolux 726674 81000003 $5,336.26 2/25/2016
S04959 SMART 1 Door Refrigerator Electrolux 726674 81600002 $5,336.25 2/25/2016
S04960 ProJet 360 3D Printer 3D Systems ProJet 360 36010134 $31,661.92 2/23/2016
S04961 Pro-Link Ultra HD Diag. Unit Snap-on EEHD704004 6263 $10,880.46 2/17/2016
S04962 Pro-Link Ultra HD Diag. Unit Snap-on EEHD704004 6141 $10,880.46 2/17/2016
S04963 Pro-Link Ultra HD Diag. Unit Snap-on EEHD704004 6783 $10,880.46 2/17/2016
S04964 Pro-Link Ultra HD Diag. Unit Snap-on EEHD704004 6369 $10,880.46 2/17/2016
S04965 Pro-Link Ultra HD Diag. Unit Snap-on EEHD704004 6180 $10,880.46 2/17/2016
S04966 Portable Dust Collector Camfil Zephyr II 1509652015 $5,078.57 2/25/2016
S04967 Portable Dust Collector Camfil Zephyr II 1509652006 $5,078.57 2/25/2016
S04968 Portable Dust Collector Camfil Zephyr II 1509652001 $5,078.56 2/25/2016
S04969 Miller Dynasty 350 TIG Welder Miller Dynasty 350 MF520153L $7,500.42 2/25/2016
S04970 Miller Dynasty 350 TIG Welder Miller Dynasty 350 MF520154L $7,500.42 2/25/2016
S04971 Miller Dynasty 350 TIG Welder Miller Dynasty 350 MF520156L $7,500.42 2/25/2016
S04972 Digital Radiography System Air Techniques ScanX Intraoral 21059 $12,446.26 2/11/2016
S04973 Wireless Intuitive Probing Sys Haas Renishaw CAT40 0910Q4 $6,543.39 3/10/2016
S04974 Wireless Intuitive Probing Sys Haas Renishaw CAT40 0221P1 $6,543.39 3/10/2016
S04975 Neuro-Back Instrument Set Global Surgical Instruments 530 $9,362.43 3/21/2016
S04976 Cisco Catalyst Ethernet Switch Cisco 4500-X JAE19500AW4 $26,733.51 4/1/2016
S04977 Cisco Catalyst Ethernet Switch Cisco 4500-X JAE195104CH $26,733.51 4/1/2016
S04978 Cisco Catalyst Ethernet Switch Cisco 4500-X JAE195104ED $26,733.51 4/1/2016
S04979 Cisco Catalyst Ethernet Switch Cisco 4500-X JAE195104EH $26,733.51 4/1/2016
S04980 Cisco Catalyst Ethernet Switch Cisco 4500-X JAE195104EQ $26,733.51 4/1/2016
S04981 Cisco Catalyst Ethernet Switch Cisco 4500-X JAE195104EU $26,733.51 4/1/2016
S04982 NetApp Flash Storage Array NetApp AFF8060 $306,396.55 6/9/2016
S04983 Unified Computing System Cisco UCS AS $328,189.08 6/9/2016
S04984 Apple Mac Pro Computer Apple ME253LL/A $5,125.48 3/18/2016
S04985 QLogic SANbox 5802V Switch Qlogic SB5802V-08A8 1616F00099 $5,459.03 6/6/2016
S04986 QLogic SANbox 5802V Switch Qlogic SB5802V-08A8 1616F00129 $5,459.02 6/6/2016
S04987 Roland TrueVIS VG-640 Printer Roland VG-640 ZCM0398 $26,807.14 5/2/2016
S04988 Avid Audio Control Surface Avid C|24 DFARD53800022M $11,899.37 5/17/2016
S04989 Cisco Catalyst 2960-X Switch Cisco 2960X-48FPD-L FCW2008B6Y0 $5,062.74 4/1/2016
S04990 Cisco Catalyst 2960-X Switch Cisco 2960X-48FPD-L FCW2009A16C $5,062.74 4/1/2016
S04991 Cisco Catalyst 2960-X Switch Cisco 2960X-48FPD-L FCW2009A1AK $5,062.74 4/1/2016
S04992 Cisco Catalyst 2960-X Switch Cisco 2960X-48FPD-L FCW2009A1CL $5,062.74 4/1/2016
S04993 Cisco Catalyst 2960-X Switch Cisco 2960X-48FPD-L FCW2009A1DA $5,062.74 4/1/2016
S04994 Cisco Catalyst 2960-X Switch Cisco 2960X-48FPD-L FCW2009A1FD $5,062.74 4/1/2016
S04995 Cisco Catalyst 2960-X Switch Cisco 2960X-48FPD-L FCW2009A1FG $5,062.74 4/1/2016
S04996 Cisco Catalyst 2960-X Switch Cisco 2960X-48FPD-L FCW2009A1FG $5,062.74 4/1/2016
S04997 Cisco Catalyst 2960-X Switch Cisco 2960X-48FPD-L FCW2009A1FS $5,062.74 4/1/2016
S04998 Cisco Catalyst 2960-X Switch Cisco 2960X-48FPD-L FCW2009A1G0 $5,062.74 4/1/2016
S04999 Cisco Catalyst 2960-X Switch Cisco 2960X-48FPD-L FCW2009A1GV $5,062.74 4/1/2016
S05000 Cisco Catalyst 2960-X Switch Cisco 2960X-48FPD-L FCW2009A1H4 $5,062.74 4/1/2016
S05001 Cisco Catalyst 2960-X Switch Cisco 2960X-48FPD-L FCW2009A1H7 $5,062.74 4/1/2016
S05002 Cisco Catalyst 2960-X Switch Cisco 2960X-48FPD-L FCW2009A1HA $5,062.74 4/1/2016
S05003 Cisco Catalyst 2960-X Switch Cisco 2960X-48FPD-L FCW2009A1HB $5,062.74 4/1/2016
S05004 Cisco Catalyst 2960-X Switch Cisco 2960X-48FPD-L FCW2009A1HG $5,062.74 4/1/2016
S05005 Cisco Catalyst 2960-X Switch Cisco 2960X-48FPD-L FCW2009A1HM $5,062.74 4/1/2016
S05006 Cisco Catalyst 2960-X Switch Cisco 2960X-48FPD-L FCW2009A1HQ $5,062.74 4/1/2016
S05007 Cisco Catalyst 2960-X Switch Cisco 2960X-48FPD-L FCW2009A1HU $5,062.74 4/1/2016
S05008 Cisco Catalyst 2960-X Switch Cisco 2960X-48FPD-L FCW2009A1HV $5,062.74 4/1/2016
S05009 Cisco Catalyst 2960-X Switch Cisco 2960X-48FPD-L FCW2009A1HY $5,062.74 4/1/2016
S05010 Cisco Catalyst 2960-X Switch Cisco 2960X-48FPD-L FCW2009A1HZ $5,062.74 4/1/2016
S05011 Cisco Catalyst 2960-X Switch Cisco 2960X-48FPD-L FCW2009A1J0 $5,062.74 4/1/2016
S05012 Cisco Catalyst 2960-X Switch Cisco 2960X-48FPD-L FCW2009A1J1 $5,062.74 4/1/2016
S05013 Cisco Catalyst 2960-X Switch Cisco 2960X-48FPD-L FCW2009A1J3 $5,062.74 4/1/2016
S05014 Cisco Catalyst 2960-X Switch Cisco 2960X-48FPD-L FCW2009A1J4 $5,062.74 4/1/2016
S05015 Cisco Catalyst 2960-X Switch Cisco 2960X-48FPD-L FCW2009A1J6 $5,062.74 4/1/2016
S05016 Cisco Catalyst 2960-X Switch Cisco 2960X-48FPD-L FCW2009A1J8 $5,062.74 4/1/2016
S05017 Cisco Catalyst 2960-X Switch Cisco 2960X-48FPD-L FCW2009A1JC $5,062.74 4/1/2016
S05018 Cisco Catalyst 2960-X Switch Cisco 2960X-48FPD-L FCW2009A1MA $5,062.74 4/1/2016
S05019 Cisco Catalyst 2960-X Switch Cisco 2960X-48FPD-L FCW2009A1MF $5,062.74 4/1/2016
S05020 Cisco Catalyst 2960-X Switch Cisco 2960X-48FPD-L FCW2009A1MG $5,062.74 4/1/2016
S05021 Cisco Catalyst 2960-X Switch Cisco 2960X-48FPD-L FCW2009A1MJ $5,062.74 4/1/2016
S05022 Cisco Catalyst 2960-X Switch Cisco 2960X-48FPD-L FCW2009A1MK $5,062.74 4/1/2016
S05023 Cisco Catalyst 2960-X Switch Cisco 2960X-48FPD-L FCW2009A1MM $5,062.74 4/1/2016
S05024 Cisco Catalyst 2960-X Switch Cisco 2960X-48FPD-L FCW2009A1MP $5,062.74 4/1/2016
S05025 Cisco Catalyst 2960-X Switch Cisco 2960X-48FPD-L FCW2009A1MQ $5,062.74 4/1/2016
S05026 Cisco Catalyst 2960-X Switch Cisco 2960X-48FPD-L FCW2009A1MR $5,062.74 4/1/2016
S05027 Cisco Catalyst 2960-X Switch Cisco 2960X-48FPD-L FCW2009A1MS $5,062.74 4/1/2016
S05028 Cisco Catalyst 2960-X Switch Cisco 2960X-48FPD-L FCW2009A1MV $5,062.74 4/1/2016
S05029 Cisco Catalyst 2960-X Switch Cisco 2960X-48FPD-L FCW2009A1MY $5,062.74 4/1/2016
S05030 Cisco Catalyst 2960-X Switch Cisco 2960X-48FPD-L FCW2009A1MZ $5,062.74 4/1/2016
Asset Acquis Acquis
ID Asset Description Manufacturer Model Number Serial Number Cost Date
S05031 Cisco Catalyst 2960-X Switch Cisco 2960X-48FPD-L FCW2009A1N2 $5,062.74 4/1/2016
S05032 Cisco Catalyst 2960-X Switch Cisco 2960X-48FPD-L FCW2009A1N3 $5,062.74 4/1/2016
S05033 Cisco Catalyst 2960-X Switch Cisco 2960X-48FPD-L FCW2009A1N5 $5,062.74 4/1/2016
S05034 Cisco Catalyst 2960-X Switch Cisco 2960X-48FPD-L FCW2009A1N7 $5,062.74 4/1/2016
S05035 Cisco Catalyst 2960-X Switch Cisco 2960X-48FPD-L FCW2009A1NA $5,062.74 4/1/2016
S05036 Cisco Catalyst 2960-X Switch Cisco 2960X-48FPD-L FCW2009A1NB $5,062.74 4/1/2016
S05037 Cisco Catalyst 2960-X Switch Cisco 2960X-48FPD-L FCW2009A1NE $5,062.74 4/1/2016
S05038 Cisco Catalyst 2960-X Switch Cisco 2960X-48FPD-L FCW2009A1NG $5,062.74 4/1/2016
S05039 Cisco Catalyst 2960-X Switch Cisco 2960X-48FPD-L FCW2009A1NH $5,062.74 4/1/2016
S05040 Cisco Catalyst 2960-X Switch Cisco 2960X-48FPD-L FCW2009A1NP $5,062.74 4/1/2016
S05041 Cisco Catalyst 2960-X Switch Cisco 2960X-48FPD-L FCW2009A1NR $5,062.74 4/1/2016
S05042 Cisco Catalyst 2960-X Switch Cisco 2960X-48FPD-L FCW2009A1NT $5,062.74 4/1/2016
S05043 Cisco Catalyst 2960-X Switch Cisco 2960X-48FPD-L FCW2009A1NX $5,062.74 4/1/2016
S05044 Cisco Catalyst 2960-X Switch Cisco 2960X-48FPD-L FCW2009A1NY $5,062.74 4/1/2016
S05045 Cisco Catalyst 2960-X Switch Cisco 2960X-48FPD-L FCW2009A1NZ $5,062.74 4/1/2016
S05046 Cisco Catalyst 2960-X Switch Cisco 2960X-48FPD-L FCW2009A1P0 $5,062.74 4/1/2016
S05047 Cisco Catalyst 2960-X Switch Cisco 2960X-48FPD-L FCW2009A1P1 $5,062.74 4/1/2016
S05048 Cisco Catalyst 2960-X Switch Cisco 2960X-48FPD-L FCW2009A1P2 $5,062.74 4/1/2016
S05049 Cisco Catalyst 2960-X Switch Cisco 2960X-48FPD-L FCW2009A1P3 $5,062.74 4/1/2016
S05050 Cisco Catalyst 2960-X Switch Cisco 2960X-48FPD-L FCW2009A1P4 $5,062.74 4/1/2016
S05051 Cisco Catalyst 2960-X Switch Cisco 2960X-48FPD-L FCW2009A1P5 $5,062.74 4/1/2016
S05052 Cisco Catalyst 2960-X Switch Cisco 2960X-48FPD-L FCW2009A1P7 $5,062.74 4/1/2016
S05053 Cisco Catalyst 2960-X Switch Cisco 2960X-48FPD-L FCW2009A1P8 $5,062.74 4/1/2016
S05054 Cisco Catalyst 2960-X Switch Cisco 2960X-48FPD-L FCW2009A1PC $5,062.74 4/1/2016
S05055 Cisco Catalyst 2960-X Switch Cisco 2960X-48FPD-L FCW2009A1PD $5,062.74 4/1/2016
S05056 Cisco Catalyst 2960-X Switch Cisco 2960X-48FPD-L FCW2009A1PF $5,062.74 4/1/2016
S05057 Cisco Catalyst 2960-X Switch Cisco 2960X-48FPD-L FCW2009A1PM $5,062.74 4/1/2016
S05058 Cisco Catalyst 2960-X Switch Cisco 2960X-48FPD-L FCW2009A1PR $5,062.74 4/1/2016
S05059 Cisco Catalyst 2960-X Switch Cisco 2960X-48FPD-L FCW2009A1PU $5,062.74 4/1/2016
S05060 Cisco Catalyst 2960-X Switch Cisco 2960X-48FPD-L FCW2009A1PV $5,062.74 4/1/2016
S05061 Cisco Catalyst 2960-X Switch Cisco 2960X-48FPD-L FCW2009A1PY $5,062.74 4/1/2016
S05062 Cisco Catalyst 2960-X Switch Cisco 2960X-48FPD-L FCW2009A1Q1 $5,062.74 4/1/2016
S05063 Cisco Catalyst 2960-X Switch Cisco 2960X-48FPD-L FCW2009A1Q2 $5,062.74 4/1/2016
S05064 Cisco Catalyst 2960-X Switch Cisco 2960X-48FPD-L FCW2009A1Q3 $5,062.74 4/1/2016
S05065 Cisco Catalyst 2960-X Switch Cisco 2960X-48FPD-L FCW2009A1Q4 $5,062.74 4/1/2016
S05066 Cisco Catalyst 2960-X Switch Cisco 2960X-48FPD-L FCW2009A1Q5 $5,062.74 4/1/2016
S05067 Cisco Catalyst 2960-X Switch Cisco 2960X-48FPD-L FCW2009A1Q7 $5,062.74 4/1/2016
S05068 Cisco Catalyst 2960-X Switch Cisco 2960X-48FPD-L FCW2009A1RD $5,062.74 4/1/2016
S05069 Cisco Catalyst 2960-X Switch Cisco 2960X-48FPD-L FOW2009Z0YZ $5,062.44 4/1/2016
S05070 Promise NAS Gateway Promise VTrak A3800 F250AG0003BN $8,069.48 6/8/2016
S05071 Fluke 830 Laser Alignment Tool Fluke FLUKE-830 24200663 $7,239.36 6/7/2016
S05072 iZ RADAR Studio Complete iZ Technology RADARCOMPLETE iZRS16051289 $8,575.71 5/17/2016
S05073 Juliet 120 Braille Embosser Enabling Technologies Juliet 120 20131 $5,642.44 10/17/2016
S05074 2010 Navistar ProStar Semi Navistar ProStar 3HSCWAPR2AN174660 $24,650.00 10/13/2016
S05075 2012 Navistar ProStar Semi Navistar ProStar 3HSDJSJR9CN611977 $25,150.00 10/13/2016
S05077 Sorvall Benchtop Centrifuge Thermo Scientific Sorvall ST 8 7.20016E+11 $5,243.82 10/17/2016
S05078 Boston Grand Piano Steinway & Sons GP-215 GP-215 PE B168346 $44,272.80 11/21/2016
S05084 Boston 48in Upright Piano Steinway & Sons UP-126E PE 181334 $13,571.42 12/13/2016
T00100 Halton Theatre Lift $291,799.23 6/1/2008
T00102 Offset Press Ryobi 522HE 53577-6 $115,396.67 1/7/2010



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