The Art of The Two Towers

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is RINGS THE ART OF THE TWO TOWERS GARY RUSSELL SoU a Sey Peter Jackson’s The Fellowship of the Ring has become one of the most successful and visually stunning movies ever made. But that was only the beginning. For The Two Towers, the second part of the trilogy, the artists and designers knew that they would have to surpass even their own outstanding achievements. Within the pages of this authoritative and insightful book are the incredible results of their work. The Art of The Two Towers illustrates the creative development of the film from sketches to special effects, and features more CHM Lc Mer eLier iby ec ania rena aus else. This official, fully authorized book includes pencil sketches by Alan Lee and John Howe, costume designs by Oscar- nominated Ngila Dickson and magnificent full-color paintings, sculptures and digital artwork from Oscar-winner Richard Taylor’s Weta Workshop. All the spectacular landscapes, costumes, buildings, armor and creatures are covered in stunning detail, including concepts for characters and scenes which did not make it into the final film. Accompanying this wealth of imagery are detailed and informative commentaries by all of the featured artists, designers and other key personnel, together with a special PuaRom elec eh m@aelehanlou ah Manitou roy mayatle breathed life into Gollum. Their thoughts and explanations give a unique and fascinating insight into how The Two Towers was brought to life, and how J.R.R. Tolkien’s spellbinding literary descriptions were transformed into unforgettable aCe Cob LETea (em Scanned by Bvana OTN OMe WORT) MOM ELM cele coe mvateo hat media, as a magazine editor, novelist, columnist and audio drama producer, A relative latecomer to the Lord ay MT Rings phenomenon, he has previously published books on Frasier, The Simpsons and Doctor Who as well as the acclaimed ame) a RL a LORY TT Mey Ae THE ART OF 1E FELLOWSHIP OF THE. RING ISBN 0-618- | 4 Cover images © 2003 New Line Productions, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 3130-1 s 2 6442°33130 NEW LINE CINEMA WWW.LORDOFTHERINGS. NET (C) 200% NEW LINE PRODUCTIONS, INC. ALI, RIGHTS RESERVED. COG U Wee eee Mma Mre ate hy Oscar® is a registered trademark of the Academy. of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. HOUGHTON MIFFLIN COMPANY 222 BERKELEY STREET BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS 02116 [ORD RINGS The Art of THE TWO TOWERS RINGS The Art of THE TWO TOWERS. Gary Russett — Contents Foreword “Introduction Zirak-zigit Emyn Mull ‘Fangorn = HEE a Teengard Thilien “Helm's Deep ei “Afterword ZIRAK-ZIG EMYN MUIL cm ea a a ane ge a (a4 O Og a < th eel iH Penel seetches Jord ot dope tha ke ed Si bese Faneorn Digal srwork nga iia neti pl hh nth get prt a tle we ae ene ite pot re ne ene iar sak ha ote te ‘hee a wa cone ly eb ayo” vicomiconceptart a THE DEAD MARSHES ven ie Sea inh le sir Weigel eh aes apa ro ees dene aig ‘oar Iai a MARSHES Psu EDORAS Color skotenes fy tetas "hte Tas ht tgs re Ave eas oa extn ree ge lied tte at pl fet ae mad epee ee de oltneet eo, ieee ik dons chet eta ee ak na ee fae ga a Farr ates mate esi s thy ees mc ee in ‘en dos to hf real {ies sa ewe eset de er ‘ele arsegswnl her ged a el pe i feta ie st cy i ler sr at ret et ds a ‘esi mal > Testo a ope Woe “nase cept a ees theless serena bea mst aaa: | caeroneanesds | deena eae aed | emt | aga ect le ps sie sth en ‘THE GOLDEN HALL iw pe on eS ps macs eng ese er a Sealer Doras a i me pues oa Te ite Eva agi ew nei a tesne eh ‘om iit, i lt eb fein a ‘ ‘He GOLDEN HALL Tapestry desizns ed esto ben eae Ws Prope ioe aya ie hy “Testa ego ‘alain eae ve tee dey a fag Sh ns abo - ain Doras svaRLeS Forel ech Eintone “Sat Taree ‘eon oc Sie rt et Shr ge nego ‘meso Secenti sonoines Pencil shotehes:digital artwork | et rt tit seettaon eet ‘taba ttt \ Seino \ ooras sramtes ‘Sidona les Deed A Povclstech Sceectaer erty x Sort hae ‘tater tro “Foto ‘opto age \ | a eam wat “heer oer sero it \ $ wire sop tbo hn Sa oi Seen tere bape notentestncon Siena ‘race % fot Start ee tne sabes stone ngs vcseinemnens ce salts se me timer ttare tr aoa meget fete note sop wig Wile essa tine wh ‘i pelea Digan ves ‘api eg {iter ade ballad prs ap ‘shen ale ‘ett tata amennenneper: THE GOLDEN ALL Pore sketch ‘en toe “hao en eae abu owe ss andes tie te intr ge Sone eon my ear esi ehig ake fle neato rat nce eds bn {elie arid Motes ot ‘stenting Stila ‘rng esos Pee tether base lesa pelt, Porc ketenes Aon tee “> EDORAS: Ponei hoten Sen yma see ae et cer {gi eat ea ire at rend crt nde eae eee stigcomtn” THE GOLDEN WALL Pencl exten Aion toe “Vaal mb ot avs te eg feng ean wae seas rep hn Sere tena ‘eden sd costed es tenon ‘ial be let ei a eds ‘ved tiny qe tg ec (esttel ea ht Sea erage ae igo “het in tte na et 2 ae Wee sabe ese Ce Ws eit ese etn a ig, ning ear et ees ant eo ty er ie” pone oe | seven, | come en a. ae oes “ad ities of ilrent | ae ee ce a coors oreo face patos aren Mary ie gee dea ‘eta raat eee. eg a ere os et {ihc ere i eps Me Ite a ean Sit gt ir ay ae tht ee pte eget ly tbat aanenaiaat Set te mel anda snes sade De ete sweep a So begat dpe a ef el Bee EDoRAS Sader Garett Ensen Tie sige ms hy er Tht tas fd yt pl ath Te esr ‘vt naam se EDoRAS Shatenes ‘ln tas ‘Sino tet ter de fm et Te plot {wet 3 be Saher Mealy Sacre fer fa tpi ecard {orca ws tt bet ‘rss tee ‘Miri hgh ie few Motes a tn gon ol eae a henitiin THE BLACK GATES ena meng ee ig tes nr cepted oe ans enh al eee ees ge Ini seri ee ee ines ha Te ing ot et et hye si serene Mont ileoosgpeedn. ore evr ea tor, ats ‘Hering aie mt gh yo tae, wate reve ad To lee it Rr tl en sig Be ete pati) Tee pie ae de es ap stg at fore el, Sass htt er ek exsTeRUNG Color sueten “ee a est sng ee a es ‘segsre™ icdecioaet aie EASTERUINGS ; 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Car sy “bse apt he szae bre Ca ‘Tie FORDIDDEN Poot Pons scteh Z tel A z ie ‘THE FOREIDDEN POOL, eet ere me eae ee ‘ie to tomes ea hs j g , pe ioe sneer anne ae Net ian use Color st) Tle laad nee pth "Tse eit te eee arin ei oh np c} olor sty ‘in re te ir ‘Sates brite eka 3 oscmari space dad pecs ple {ona tl te rit es eee et eed Sato te ese ordre treba ant ses it ‘osciuarn otoe ets fon bo | Tren eg MORDOR MOUNTAINS “hs se oo ue er a engl ts hg ht tok tribe” hed ies ee ge wu ‘pees tere Slate et se Hee ea hse teint or reer oe cs $a etre a a eo tata ng ey tte ted tr Nag, Ne “wat ss pt 2b ugh nh ‘hoc ton Wa state by igs gh ‘eth peed yet rec le ‘ola ideal teat seni Det matte We soe ve hed tna aie ie 2 ey pai opiate in in eis ih ed yes ae yee hs eae sue and nt tgs Bet ae er eo et i eel it wth ete Beane te eB ren vs ie as rn at tea at ss pret re Bev: SSDEED ee, Color shetch Tha oe tbe et aig ‘ini a THE GUTTERING CAVES Dial matte painting spr ter eda etl Thane nove a Paste eo satan tae pesesoie vac mrt erent amet et er THE GUTTERING caves. ‘i aka hear a te ii le tie itera fnew tae Color studies cornet ant ere eles oar or tesa one, ow ros tay as at ys ‘aa Wat a Tel "howl er pt towed et fed ise sa ene de tee eon vines we oe et ace roe an a tae teeing {aes net ee ere So ett mop veg any mi thot eB, LURUICHA ARTY Pencil sketches sid Mende ‘htc ame ta sexan st ‘pt cate fcr mr eine seus Deer Mowettes wares er Fao fig: reg rn beset Seth afr Bor no eect ce ‘eta oh Bi, Be Wetton Foard pace ~ nino Heit et eamays emg Seva Aetovie pT frets tein URUICHAL ATTACK Ponel hotehoe “ce gba ohn el wt te gs roe ea hae he pit ‘Seamless gee Sigh cary be wna es rig be ‘hep ion Bese yea Ua pe ht fr bes dct 8 Peet eat jo ate sat ero aes at theyre hye be ei Iota eat Bena ate) wo UURUICHAL ARDY Designs Ben Woore “Te nba thei oy esd ts lamar i ba es os ah a 5d gas et ed tb vl spree i eo sag te eh it ly sapstmel mate ght oneal, Mt ei Se a) ttt Og ea a ha thee itt ‘ye eee fri eg one wht URUK HAL ARMY Ponel hate "IN eed tag Ma acy edt ‘easel ara i ee Re lap nek “ he te ben Jays ace aths abee ested teas tg Tl ah rie ‘cee snd et” UURUKGHAL ARMY Pencil sketches it ts hth he fr ‘peor ‘ics isa ek ia sie tae oat Sopet tebe, ene st eee Carona yr” Ben Wot “ast beee Si ar tot ‘te aoe ‘i ah us Tease pea ts ‘Beg eet ron Seti Sasa ea URUKHAL ARON ‘ha tha ‘atl tame | brtratovegezoar Designs “Soe dee br tt ror ple, Sted ee ih ‘ome i thee pe aw ‘esa m8 Vote tai ‘il kas ei day we ete ‘Bl tae UURUK-HAI ARWY Designs ely oo Fora tnscya tatty eye sig ect ae pte hero ‘eet seth ae restate ats Designs ‘her intl ig nsw Ben 0 Box tate Reece egy seen, ed ee Uh We reste tale ‘ony teen eer ie asta ct LURUK-HAL ARMY Color sketch seoner cat ie nth ra resto the nbs sy eh nrg te sein ee eis, eat te ney hetero te at weet red ee Sieg Tt eos re htc tea tli ii ce ey ae Teor ft wal ee ets ny wihsenralinmeniiaik: ting to de oa {neti webs ee fag Faces tr "taro dp i i GOLLUM Aan te fr, So ct esate = cou Design sketches |i ss hth oh st fe a sah iy Eee bs pl Bata it ac gb ti al. as toca tel oe pepe "Vc epee ie Besa esac alan i eh he (espe vv Tsay al es Sota elie” hy “tne a sae nai eth to (eg pa Faget fe bo eee a ‘lag stad tag pee eine” a vclilineediel oouum Destnshaten Ben Neetor "he ie ince ah tee ie ‘kg et tit yng ge eel ‘Souths th pte ing al pel assy nh eet ‘ek st pt ol ts ean eo gts ph ee febied ere inborn fie ott aber, Ise a tsa cog ‘egos bk wet ee fet et ein cna es pr a ‘coum Design skotenes Darel Paco amas ays ty fe hn a Aine ta, at rape Inve at soe ees we (potas arb beetle ‘tei shot At aed net ‘ieee ns delenit pl OS ome ae ig te x, {etait od ts par hers et ‘here tape eo ‘also pe rb ee ‘Wohin fon mai aa Be tale te Aa i py ase ‘tog te tn mtn es tg ‘enh etapa fan pea” Design skh san bay eh eae igs oe tt et {hea a ti hase yee be et pb te ine pty fs i Be sts ee ‘Spt epee ea” orn ‘hero THE TWO TOWERS son.em estate: =n 3 th pet To Sper ae i cm ee i Ot at at tt ey ‘pte age ve seal ee a ls OS ta Afterword WETA WORKSHOP LTD |Special Make-up, Creatures, Armor, Weapons and Miniatures Effeets Supervisor Richard Taylor Designers/Seulptors ‘Mike Asquith Jamie Besssarick Sau Holron Daniel Falconer Warren Maby Ben Wootten Sacha Lees Johnny Brough Sourisik Chanpaseuth Bill Hunt Ben Stenbeck Christian Rivers Senior Prostheties Supervisor Gino Acevedo Senior Miniature Technicians Mary Maclachlan Paul Van Omen ‘John Baxter THREE FOOT SIX LTD ART DEPARTMENT Props Designers Gareth Jensen ‘Adan Ellis JORD#:.RINGS THE TWO TOWERS ! L EFFECTS ART DEPARTMENT Concept Deine au eet At rector sin Hove “pale Protuctin Deer mene Sonne Visual Effects Consultant Costume Designer Mark A, Stetson Nga Dickson Visual Effects Jin Reged Director of Miniatures Photography { et Alex Funke WETA DIGITAL LTD Supervising Storyboard Artist (Christan Rivers Visual Effects Supervisor Joe Leteri Visual Creature Effects Art Director Gino Acevedo [Animation Design & Supervisor Randall Williann Cook 20 Supervisor John Nugent Motion Capture Supervisor Remington Seq ‘3D Sequence Lead TDs Ken McGaugh Guy Williams 3D Lead TDs Steve Demers 20 Sequence Leads Colin Alway Mark Lewis Charlie Tait Creature Facial Lead Bay Raite Head of Matte Pai Max Dennison Senior Matte Painters Yanick Dusseaule Roger Kupelian Matte Painters Deak Facrand Mathieu Raymaule Latent Ben-Mimoun ng Massive Joosten Kuyper Senior Compositors ‘Jon Bowen Mace Welford Te a 1 cay 192 The Art of THE TWO TOWERS To be continued in... JORD.%:RINGS The Art of THE RETURN OF THE KING Scanned by Bvana THE OFFICIAL AND DEFINITIVE GUIDE TO THE DESIGN OF THE SECOND MOVIE IN NEW LINE CINEMA’S EPIC ADVENTURE TRILOGY Peter Jackson’s The Fellowship of the Ring has become one of the most successful and visually unforgettable movies ever made. But that was only the beginning. For The Two Towers the artists and designers knew that they would have to surpass even their own outstanding achievements. Within the pages of this authoritative and insightful book are the incredible results of their work. CONTAINS 600 EXCLUSIVE PAINTINGS, SKETCHES AND DIGITAL ART FROM THE SPECTACULAR FILM, PLUS A SPECIAL AFTERWORD BY ANDY SERKIS it Hi e351 8061 307 ISBN 0-61 Ret —s Ce vs a Scanned by Bvana

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