A Healthy Sport

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Healthy sport

Hello everyone, today we are going to present to you

our healthy sport .
Have you ever tried a water sport ?
Because the sport that we chose is swimming and
you ought to try, we will explain to you why.
Swimming is a water sport that has been in the
olympic games since 1896 . At the beginning there
were only four categories and you swam in the sea
and we had to wait until the London olympic games in
1908 to swim in a pool.
The first point we will address is, is swimming a
healthy sport ?
Absolutely and here’s the reasons :
Swimming is a sport where you workout your full
body and that is a very positive advantage because
just with one sport you can exercise your whole body.
Also swimming boosts your heart health, it’s primarily
considered a cardio activity, similar to running. It’s
been proven that doing regular cardio can boost your
heart health, which is essential if you want to live a
long, healthy life.
We also choose this sport because it has a big
variety of categories, so even if you don’t like basic
swimming like the front crawl, the
breaststroke,butterfly stroke, it has other categories
like : Waterpolo, synchronized swimming, relay
swimming or the swimming dive .
We can recommend to trying swimming in summer
because it’s the best season to swim with your
friends, family or just to workout.
But … Why is summer the best season to swim ?
Obviously, in summer you really feel hot so you need
to be in a place where you can cool off, and a pool is
the best place to do that.
Another positive point with swimming in summer is
the best season to chill in your pool but you can swim
in winter too !!
Right in winter you can't play in your pool or
something like that, because you feel cold, but
people who swim the whole year go to a municipal
pool to train . These pools are inside so you don’t feel
cold and you can exercise quietly .
Now you know that , why don’t you look if you have a
municipal pool around your house or your school ?
so like this you can do sport and live a healthy life all
the time.
To swim here’s the garnement/ gear that you need:
First thing and obviously you need a swimcase, when
you do swimming class it’s better for girls to wear a
one-piece swimsuit and for boys they must wear a
Jammers, specifical swimsuit because that's what
the pool requires.
Second, you need a bathing cape and if I can give
you advice, I advise you to wear a fabric bathing cap
because, how many plastic bathing caps you couldn’t
put because they were too hard to wear ?
I don’t know about you but I've had enough and that
is why fabric bathing caps exist, they have the same
result and they are much easier to put.
And third, and that is optional you can wear
swimming goggles, they will help you to see behind
the water, that way you won’t need to open your
eyes behind the water and i can promise you that will
help you too much .
Now let’s talk about a few gears that you will be able
to need but it’s optional.
The first gear is swimming fins , in the majority of
cases you won’t need it in a pool but if you want to
do snorkeling that will help you so much.
And the second is swimming kickboard, when you
learn to do breaststroke you don’t need it but if you
learn how to do the crawl i recommend to use that.
Do you think You shouldn’t do this sport just because
you don’t know how to swim ?
We will gave to you a few point that we hopes makes
you change your perspective of this sport
First , You should do it, because learning to swim is
too easy and With a teacher for a little period and
after that you will be a professional !! You don't need
too much time during the week a few hours are
If i’m a swimmer i’m supposed to eat, should i change
my diet ?
That’s a good question, but no, you shouldn’t change
your diet, you just should have a well- balanced diet
with a variety of carbohydrates, proteins and healthful
And to end this presentation we will show you a video
about this sport.

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