Shadows of A Dying Sun

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Shadows of a

Dying Sun

a fantasy rpg toolkit

Written by Alan Bahr
Edited by Mark Parish
Art by Kattapulka and Perplexing Ruins. Check out their patreons.
Layout by Robert Denton III
Inspired by KNAVE, various OSR and d20 games, board games, and a
lot of booze. Truly. So much booze.
Shadows of a Dying Sun and the Northern Lights Foundry logo are
trademarks of Northern Lights Foundry.
©2023 by Northern Lights Foundry. All rights reserved. Reproduction
without the written permission of the copyright owner is expressly
forbidden, except for the purposes of reviews, and for the blank
character sheets, which may be reproduced for personal use only.
Published under license by Gallant Knight Games
Gallant Knight Games is co-owned by Erin and Alan Bahr.
Fargo ND, 58103
Overview........................................... 7
Tradition of the Burnt and
The Basics of the Game.................. 8 Blackened Gods.......................... 44
The World of the Dying Sun............ 11 Tradition of the Ever Far Ones...... 45
The World is Old........................... 11 Tradition of the Chrome Gods...... 47
Creating a Character....................... 17 Traditions of the Shattered Gyre... 48
Name & Idea................................. 17 Tradition of the Grand Design...... 49
Ability Scores................................ 20 Tradition of the Everconsuming
Occupations.................................. 21 Maw............................................. 50

The Heron’s Path........................... 23 Tradition of the Dying Sun............ 51

Starting Equipment....................... 24 Enemies........................................... 54

Random Gear................................ 26 Rare, Unique, and Macik
Items of Aurth................................. 61
Using Equipment.......................... 28
Boons of the Heron’s Path............... 63
Resting............................................. 33
Catching Your Breath.................... 34 Scars of the Heron’s Path................. 66
Overnight...................................... 34 Solo Play.......................................... 72
Downtime..................................... 34 Yes/No.......................................... 72
Combat............................................ 37 Action & Theme Tables................. 74
Combat Actions............................ 76
Conditions....................................... 37
Initial Encounter Reactions........... 77
Ranges............................................. 38
Useful Tables................................. 78
Spells............................................... 41
Companions & Followers................ 80
Tradition of the Great Old Ones... 41
Companion Profiles...................... 81
Tradition of the Elder Gods.......... 42
Inspirational Material....................... 83
Tradition of the Dreaming Gods... 43
Character Sheets............................. 85

Shadows of a
Dying Sun
“You are young;
you have hopes.
One by one they
will go, and nothing
will be left but the
bare fact of life.”
- Jack Vance, Durdane
Shadows of a Dying Sun (or SoaDS) is a rpg rules toolkit, written by
Alan Bahr. It’s explicitly designed for running dying earth genre fantasy,
in modern framework influenced by narrative games, as well as classic
adventure games.
If you are unfamiliar with RPGs, that’s ok, but this book might seem
confusing. You can google and watch videos about RPGs. Or you can just
play, and do your own thing. You’ll have more fun with the latter, rather
than worrying about ‘what’s the proper’ way to play. Have fun, roll dice,
tell stories, and cut loose.
SoaDS is written with the following philosophies in mind:
Death. Death is an ever-present threat for the adventurer, and as
adventurers walk the Heron’s Path, they draw every closer to their
inevitable demise. But approaching death can be freeing, and as
such, you gain access to powerful new abilities and rules.
Resource-management. As many rules as possible are resources
that are in the characters’ control. This allows them to be aware
of where various situations and conditions are, as well as make as
fully an informed choice as they can.
Guidelines, not absolutes. The rules in this book are designed to get
you 90% of the way there. The last 10% happens at your table and
makes your game truly unique. Expect to have to make rulings, not
reference rules, and use the existing ideas in this book to leverage
the new items you create.
Weird, extravagant, dying cultures and civilizations. The cities
and nations that still remain in the Shadow of the Dying Sun are the
last remnants of baroque and ornate worlds. The world around you
should feel alien and different.

A Brief Aside
I’ll beg your forgiveness for this aside, as I feel it is important you understand
my goals in this game.
Shadows of a Dying Sun is resource-management roleplaying game. Most
traditional roleplaying games are risk management: you (the player) try to
manage the result of the roll you make by mitigating risk (through skills,
abilities, magic or equipment). Any resource management done is in service
of risk management, and your character lives and dies by risk management.
Shadows of a Dying Sun inverts that. Your character lives and dies (literally)
by their resources and how those are managed. Any risk is in the outcome
of how your resources are impacted and used. You operate with much more
information in SoaDS than many roleplaying games, and the random risks
are much lower (damage is more fixed, you can control the game tempo.)
The surprises come in how the enemies, obstacles, and foes have their
own resources to manage. Those resources can (and do) impact you,
rather dramatically. That’s where the narrative drama and conflict arises
in SoaDS. You have perfect knowledge of your resources, and your foes
have perfect knowledge of theirs. How that clash and tension plays out
creates the friction that makes the game sing.

The Basics of the Game

To do something, you roll a d20. This is called a test. If you roll equal to or
lower than your associated ability, you are successful. Narrate the outcome.
If you have a skill that applies, you roll with advantage (2d20 and take
the one you prefer). Some situations might apply disadvantage, where
you roll 2d20 and the GM will choose the one you keep.
If you have both advantage and disadvantage, they cancel out. You can
never have more than one instance of each, no matter how many rules
say you get advantage or disadvantage on a test.
This game is player-facing, which means the GM rarely rolls (most
rolls happen on the player’s side.) When an enemy or GM character has
advantage, it just means the roll the situation forces the player to roll
with disadvantage (and vice versa.) If your enemy has something to aid
them, that makes your test harder. If your enemy is suffering a setback,
it makes your test easier.
Remembering that as you read this book will be essential.

If a rule grants advantage and you want an NPC or enemy to use
it, just remember that when it is used against a player character,
that player character must make their test with disadvantage if the
enemy has advantage (and vice versa).
The World of The Dying Sun
It’s science fiction, it’s fantasy, it’s cosmic horror, it’s post-apocalyptic.
It’s all that and more, mixed up and packed together. In this game the
party may be composed of knights of an esoteric and ancient tradition,
smugglers and thieves, torturers and assassins, students of the lost and
dangerous art of cosmic spells, or anything in between all of this.
In this universe, technology is advanced but the great accomplishments
of it were lost in a glorious past. Sorcery is real and is wielded by terrible
despots. The adventures take place in the crumbling ruins of an Earth
(now called Aurth) on the verge of its final gasping breath.
It’s a world beset by entropy, exhaustion, and the unravelling of reality,
where the very laws of science begin to fail…

Throughout this book, you will find terms, professions, references, and items
that are not explained.
It’s your job to take the inspiration those elements provide and craft your own
unique vision of the world of Aurth and the Dying Sun. We’ve tried to name
them in such a way as to spark your vision and imagination!
This makes the setting implicit (implied by the game rather than stated outright).
While some parts are explicit (stated outright), we prefer to present setting as
contradictory canon that you can springboard off of into exciting new stories.

The World is Old

Older than you know.
The world has never died, and it has never been reborn. The world is ages
piled and built upon ages, foundations built upon the death of previous
civilizations. Cities are built upon the skeletons of steel and glass,
rising every higher into the thin air. The sun is old, reddish-purple
with bloat, dimming due to scientific harm inflicted upon the natural
order. Humankind has long since gone to the moon and returned to
terrestrial sins, dulled and bored with their future beyond the stars.
Colony arks have long since left, forgotten, their names etched into
platinum and steel, bound and bronzed.
Drunk on technology, magick, and power, humanity has slid into
a baroque parody of itself. Excess is the order of the day, where
ancient guilds hoard power and authority, custom and superstition
now overrule science, and might is the final arbiter of all.

Throughout this book we present maps and Maps are built on and revised from
locations that might be interesting to you. existing maps, conflating places,
However, we’ve deliberately made the map names, natural landmarks. To
inaccurate and contradictory with itself. This have knowledge of the dying
represents the surreal, unreliable and frankly world is to have knowledge of the
flawed knowledge of the world of Shadows past and hopeful insight into the
of a Dying Sun. present.
For there is no future.

Place Names Table D3 Roll

D20 Roll 1 2 3
1 Amphitryons Brulisio Cantimel
2 Cantikythera Agythe Tyche Bryynistad
3 Brines of Ides Canticle of Illumination Agia Petrouskevi
4 Danzio Elphi Fevenus
5 Fheptani Drantakya Etrapn
6 Eldefonis Flyr Dramphysso
7 Gab Hagophia Ilkuya
8 The Indines Gelis Heryx
9 Huxine Ihurr Great Kingdom
10 Jhaevurse Kullislyon Lumer
11 Lhisk Jki Kiptu
12 Keg’san’sur Last Home of God Juzinpole
13 Mapicus Nyurillium Ojui Kha Olif
14 O’vi Mur Nyrid
15 Nilhiu Ottisk Meluria
16 Provia Qui Rhoium
17 Ravisca Piin Qkium
18 Qwensk Ryuis Pacius
19 Spraticia Twolfe Uvance
20 Ujack Sratis Tgene
21 Tlisk Ull’ur Severin

Places, people and organisations in the shadow of a dying sun
In such an ancient and baroque world, there are numerous entities,
organizations, and enemies to be encountered. Most nations and power
centered are reduced to city states, either nestled in the ruins of the past,
erected on mountains and near ocean or carried on the backs of the great

Most cities are ruled locally, holding power only within a day’s travel.
However, several cities and locations claim to be subservient to the great
Autarch of the Eternal Dynasty. When and how this Autarch subsumed
these powers is unknown, for such a conquest was bloodless and subtle
and the Eternal Dynasty hails from the deep south, beyond the Veil of
Fire and Smoke.

Governments Table D3 Roll

D6 Roll 1 2 3
1 Council of Arbiters Guilds Council Mercantile Council
2 Despotic Monarchy Singular Guild Acclaimation Theocracy
3 Quantum Intelligence University Praetors Enlightened Monarchy
4 Democratic Districting Uncaring Nobility Complex Labyrinthine Codices
5 Military Despots Fractured Crime Violent Coups and Power
Families Exchanges
6 Subsumed and ruled by the Autarch of the Eternal Dynasty

Most of the social and economic power felt
in the day-to-day world of the Dying Sun is A small city or town only has
held by guilds. Guilds are ancient, hereditary 1d3+1 guilds. A medium city or
organizations who wield absolute influence over town has 2d3+2 guilds. A large
their appointed tasks. In most cities, guilds city has at least 8 guilds. A truly
exist alongside a different form of government, great metropolis has a daunting
working in a political push and pull. amount of guilds, some that
only exist in that city.
For most individuals, being a member of a
guild is the best way to earn a daily living and
ensure your place in the world is relatively secure.

Remaining in good standing with a guild you are part of is a valuable
tool. It grants you resources, connections and contacts, while also giving
you some protection. However, crossing a guild can be deadly. Those who
find themselves without the protection of a guild and accused of crimes
often end up on the run, trying to make their living in a new way, unable
to find work in areas where the guild sanction is all important.
Guilds often append their role to their titles. For example, a Thieves guild
might have “Thief-Initiate” all the way up to “Thief-Grandmaster”. Oftentimes
guilds will have their own internal language as well (a Thief-Initiate might be
a “Cutpurse” internally.)

Guilds Table D3 Roll

D6 Roll 1 2 3
1 Executioners Assassins Thieves
2 Alchemists Scholars Chirgueon
3 Astrologers Corpse-cutters Entomancers
4 Gyre-Scholars Spies Merchants
5 Messengers Indoctrinators Soldiers
6 Roll twice and combine (ignoring future results of six)

Guild Titles & Ranks D3 Roll

D6 Roll 1 2 3
1 Initiate Blinded New
2 Apprentice Shadowed Waxing
3 Crafter Aware Waning
4 Master Open-Eyed Full
5 High Master Awakened Blood
6 Grand master Illuminated Blue

“It was in this instant of
confusion that I realized
for the first time that I am
in some degree insane.”
- Gene Wolfe,
The Shadow of the Torturer
Creating a Character
Name & Idea
Who are you? Why are you a wanderer in the world of the Dying Sun?
What has pushed you to this road you travel?
Try to answer those questions as you roll on the tables below.
Roll three times on the table below to generate your appearance, personality,
voice, impression or demeanor. You should interpret the results however
you wish, assigning them to different elements as needed. Some potential
elements are: expression, mood, voice, look, gaze, adornment, and build.

D3 Roll
Example: I roll three
times on the table. D20 Roll 1 2 3
I get Scarred, Icy, 1 Alluring Icy Booming
and Grim. I decide
2 Dramatic Innocent Unkempt
my character has a
scarred look to him, 3 Hot-headed Stormy Raspy
an icy gaze, and a 4 Cruel Tattooed Creepy
grim expression. 5 Calm Shaved Friendly
These are now the
6 Shaved Wealthy Off-putting
default appearance
elements of my 7 Creepy Filthy Baroque
character obviously, 8 Filthy Gaunt Intense
they can change 9 Brawny Icy Flowery
during play. A grim
10 Painted Innocent Grim
expression is only
my “resting” face, 11 Chiseled Stormy Dour
but my character can 12 Stooped Tattooed Athletic
smile, laugh, grin, 13 Scarred Destitute Hopeful
frown, or express
14 Sallow Alien Gaunt
anything else as the
game comes up. 15 Insane Coarse Immense
16 Stout Smooth Greasy
17 Lanky Hard Wiry
18 Pierced Gothic Intelligent
19 Braided Soft Compassionate
20 Delicate Clean Wily

Roll on the names table twice, and pick one.
If you don’t like what you get on the names table, you can roll again, but
mark off a check on the Heron’s Path.

Names Table Common Names Mystical Names Noble Names

D6 Roll
1. If you have
a common D20 Roll 1-3 4-5 6
name, gain 1 Dray Jai-kynn Piet
+1 to Might 2 Zeng Yzam’il’kif Welisk
or Agility. 3 Hulf Malfis Bruncul
2. If you have 4 Heygge Ul-taxiz Eddhur
a mystical 5 Lonx Rotraxis Jhimz
name, gain
6 Uril Neazar’khan Cryst
+1 to Intellect
or Agility. 7 Wesk Tevv’ynz Mharkis
8 Fryup Kharilim Shayun
3. If you have a
9 Uflug Xyxth Pulis
noble name,
gain +1 to 10 Drull Zehen’ilx Ffryd
Intellect or 11 Xag Jab’zin’khul Ullfyr
Might. 12 Zhud Djuhn Charrion
13 Glumf Yarheloth Wiistix
14 Quz Lodeglim Norritex
15 Cax Aayari’vriz Rynster
16 Ywll Mulisx-vizir Willowby
17 Hupp Ohidix Hhextor
18 Zuffy Gix’ta’lyz Alyn
19 Xeen Feond’trist Diovo
20 Nuncy Khallion Myxeal

If you create your own name, simply roll a d5 to determine what type of
name it is (using the chart above.)
If you want to have a title, you can. Check off a box on the Heron’s Path
and roll a d20 to see what title you get.

D20 Roll Title Effect

1-2 The Wealthy You immediately gain +3d6 gold dinar.
3-4 The Scarred You gain an 11th box on your Heron’s Path.
5-6 The Bloodthirsty When you slay a foe, you may uncheck a condition box.
7-8 The Fool You gain +1 Luck
9-10 The Educated You gain +1 Intellect
11-12 The Strong You gain +1 Might
13-14 The Quick You gain +1 Agility
15-16 The Resourceful At the start of each session, you gain +1d3 gold dinar.
17-18 The Stupid You lose -1 Intellect, but gain +2 Luck.
19-20 The Doomed Check 1d3 Heron’s Path boxes.
Ability Scores
You have four abilities: Might, Agility, Intellect, Luck.

Might is used for tests

or saves that require
physical power, effort,
or force.

Agility is used for tests
or saves that require
dexterity, speed, reflexes
or hand eye coordination.

Intellect is used for any
mental, emotional, or
willpower related test or

Luck is used whenever
one of the other attributes
doesn’t apply.

You generate these numbers by rolling 2d6+4, down the line. You can swap
any two you like when you’re done. You can reroll any score once by marking
off a check on the Heron’s Path.
Don’t forget to add any bonuses you O
ccupation Table got
got from your name or titles.
# of Prior Heron’s Path
Occupations Occupations Boxes Checked
1-3 0
Your character has done lots of things
in their life prior to becoming an 3-5 1
adventurer. What were they? Write 5-7 2
down the jobs you’ve had, using the 8-10 3
Occupation Table:
When an occupation applies to a test you are making, you gain advantage
on that test.
If you have trouble thinking of an occupation, roll on the table below.

D3 Roll
D20 Roll 1 2 3
Occupations take 1 Apothecarist Fisherman Minstrel
the place of the 2 Architect Forester Moneylender
standard skill from
traditional rpgs. 3 Armorer Fortune-teller Navgiator
For example: a 4 Astrologer Furrier Painter
farmer knows how 5 Beekeeper Gardener Peddler
to plant, grow, 6 Bookbinder Glassblower Physician
read the weather,
handle farm animals, 7 Bowyer Gravedigger Playwright
and repair basic 8 Brewer Gyre-Scholar Politician
farm equipment. 9 Brass-binder Herald Potter
All of those skills 10 Bricklayer Herbalist Priest
are gathered in
the occupation of 11 Candlemaker Hunter Rat-catcher
Farmer. 12 Carpenter Innkeeper Sailor
13 Cartographer Interpreter Scribe
14 Corpse-Cutter Jester Servant
15 Diplomat Jeweler Shipwright
16 Dyer Leatherworker Shoemaker
17 Engineer Locksmith Spy
18 Executioner Merchant Stone carver
19 Entomancer Messenger Storyteller
Farmer Miner Tinkerer
The Heron’s Path
Box Effect
1 Gain a scar
2 None
3 Generate one boon
4 Gain a scar
5 None
The Heron’s Path
6 Generate one boon
On your character sheet is
7 Gain a scar
a series of boxes called The
Heron’s Path. This series of 8 None
boxes represents your journey 9 Generate one boon
towards your death. There 10 Gain a scar
are twenty boxes. As things
11 None
happen, rules in the game will
require you to check off a box 12 Generate one boon
on the path. Every 3 boxes, 13 Gain a scar
you gain a benefit (from a 14 None
list of benefits). If you check
15 Generate one boon
the last box, your character
dies at the end of the session. 16 Gain a scar
Make it epic, and go out with 17 None
a bang. Even if you uncheck 18 Generate one boon
Heron’s Path boxes, once the
19 Gain a scar
death box has been checked,
you are dying by the end of 20 Death by the end of the session
the session.

Starting Equipment
Roll on the table below to see what equipment you get:

Key Items
D20 Roll 1-5 6-10 11-15 16-20
Key Item Armor (Roll below, Wand Engineer’s Kit Lockpicks & Light Armor
rerolling results of 1-4)

Armor Shield
D20 Roll 1-4 5-13 14-18 19-20
1-15 16-20
Armor Type None Light Medium Heavy
None Shield

D20 Roll Weapon
Light Source
D20 Roll 1-4 5-13 14-18 19-20
1-2 Sword
Light None Torches x3 Lantern Mystical
3-5 Axe
6-8 Spear
9-15 Dagger
16-17 Crossbow
18-19 Longbow Rations & Ammo
20 Greatsword
D20 Roll 1-4 5-13 14-18 19-20
Rations + None Rations Ammo Rations +
Ammo Ammo

Every character starts with an

adventurer’s kit.

Random Gear
Roll once on each column to see what else your character has. These items
generally don’t have rules associated with them, though GMs are encouraged
to create their own if need be. Clever players should be rewarded for using
their items in an interesting and thoughtful manner.

D3 Roll
D20 Roll 1 2 3
1 A deep albicant cloak, A darkstar medallion, A finger-bone of the
flowing and fulsome. crusted with blood Xanathoriyan Saint, Illvoy
the Lustrous.
2 A pouch of teeth, each An extravagant set of boots, A yellowed and tattered
etched with ancient rimmed in rainbow feathers. book, written in hoary ink,
runes. in ancient text.
3 A glittering bracelet, A stone amulet, etched with A sharp silver dagger,
prismatic and jeweled. an impossible likeness of the useless in combat, but
face of your unborn child. primming with potential.
4 A rotting burlap sack A fist-sized silver orb, faintly A small sewing kit, that
of kermes-colored rags emulating a skull, topped never seems to run out of
wrapped around an old with spikes of black iron. thread
brass crown.
5 An icon and signifier of a A writ of execution for Crystal lens spectacles
long-dead religion. someone you know and that invert all colors you
love. see.
6 A greenglass vial, A lovat colored scarab, A dead and stuffed bird,
holding the sweet voice etched out of an alien metal. replete with translucent
of a long dead singer feathers, and onyx bones.
It caws softly when danger
is present.
7 The yellowed and A pouch full of fingers, with 1d3 tarnished chrome
whispering teeth of a variety of strange runes spheres that floats a yard
Count Savoi, the First tattooed into them. behind you, following you
Face of the Sun where you go.
8 Worn and tattered The jagged shinbone of A crystal slate, which
crimson xul-leather the last Oun to leave Aurth, reports important world
gloves, that fit perfectly sharpened into a never- events to you in glowing
and keep your fingers dulling utility knife. hieroglyphics, a day
always warm. before they occur
9 A feathered cap, radiant A miniature sun, bound inside A gearwork lizard with
with shifting colors that rotating and ever moving emerald eyes, that winds
keeps your clothes ever brass rings. As long as the sun around your wrist like a
clean and fresh. is contained, it is safe. bracelet.

D20 Roll 1 2 3
10 The broken blade of an An exquisitely crafted gothic A small cloth sack of
ancient sword of kings, raybeam pistol, devoid of ancient coins, stained
begging to be reforged charge to fire in purple blood. Don’t
so you may rule spend them.
11 The jarred smile of the A small vial of neon orange The last book ever written
Princess of Jheevi, Last blood, stolen from a god- by humankind.
of Her Name king
12 A chrome disc that spins A set of rings, chained to a A stone darker than black.
in the air, playing haunting bracelet. While you wear them, It lives in your chest where
music and throwing your hand is ice cold, but you your heart was, and it
strange silver light can see through disguises knows your secrets.
13 A collection of colored A pair of worn azure The hilt of a raybeam
glass spheres that reflect slippers that keeps your feet sword, crafted with the
light. Depending on the perfectly warm, as long as mark of the ancient order
color combination, you you don’t go outside. of Gydae wandering
can evoke various effects. swordmasters
14 A small clay statue that A collection of acid etched A hollow ceramic tube
comes to live at night silver scrolls, containing that houses the screams
and tells you stories the alchemical secrets of of a dying world. If you
from the past. Fearsome Luswelia the Resplendent shatter it, who knows what
stories. will happen.
15 The fingernail of the A brightstar amulet, gently A sliver of the first
first giant, Ulthiur. It can radiant and wholesome. meteorite to ever crash
be worn on a chain, into Aurth.
polished to a sheen.
16 A corset made from the A set of folding mechanical A khuglisk-zanyvu,
ribcage and spine of the wings, made of the lightest wrought out of brass and
illustrious Uves Zain- aethersilver, so they conceal cold steel, edged in the
Laoorynt. under your clothes. volcanic fires of Poyum.
17 A vellum map of the lands A robe that makes you taller A bowl that fills up with
before time, when the or shorter, depending on the delicious noodles and
continents were separate. time of day. broth once a day at lunch.
18 A ring, engraved with A globe showing places you A mesh map, wrought of
the sigil of your ancient know and have been, but in gold, silver, and emerald-
family house, and the nations and states they never threads, showing the
names of the traitors existed in. spaces between worlds.
who betrayed you.
19 A glittering gem that A blackened iron, finely A crystalized tear from the
orbits your head, wrought, chain veil, worn by first Oun to arrive on earth
whispering to you the Executioner-Poet of the and see how their children
secrets about those you. Gardens of Silvaynisk had fallen.
20 A monocle that shows a The chattering skull of a long The schematics to an
strange time signature dead Emperor, ranting at ancient orichalcum throne,
in an eldritch language you to reclaim their throne destined to give life to the
floating above the head for them savior of humankind.
over every living being
you look at.
Using Equipment
There are some items marked key items, and these items define who you
are and what you do. You may never have more than one key item in your
character’s possession.
You can carry a number of items equal to your Might (10 gold dinar count
as 1 item.)
After character creations, items cost 1 gold coin unless otherwise noted.
You start with 2d3+3 gold dinar.
Many items and equipment have boxes (marked as p). If an item has
all the boxes checked, you cannot use it (though it is not destroyed)
until boxes are unchecked on that item. Some items have special rules
regarding what happens if all the boxes are checked.

Adventurer’s Pack
An adventurer’s pack has a variety of useful tools,
items, and equipment. It has five boxes ppppp. You
can check a box to have a useful object on hand. This
object provides advantage on a related roll, once.

Armor is a key item. If you have Light Armor,
you can also have Lockpicks (thus having two key items. If you have
medium or heavy armor, the usual restriction of 1 key item applies.
If armor is your only key item, you are a warrior. There are three kinds of
armor: light (padded or leather), medium (chainmail) or heavy (scale mail).
Armor allows you to resist taking harm by checking off armor boxes.
Light armor has 1 box p, medium armor has 2 boxes pp, and heavy
armor has 3 boxes ppp. Armor recovers its boxes by resting (see the
rules in the Resting section on page 33.)

There are three kinds of light: torches, lanterns or magical. Torches have
1 box p, lanterns have 2 boxes pp, and magical lights have three boxes
ppp. If all the boxes are checked, the light has gone out and ceases to work.
Each time you purchase a light item, you get 3 torches, one lantern and one
torch, or 1 magical light. For more rules on lights, see Resting on page 33.
Examples of magical lights are things like brightstones, crystal suns, and

A lockpick set is a key item. If you have a lockpick set you are a
rogue. A lockpick set has three boxes. You can check a box to open
any non-magically locked door, window, or entrance, automatically.

There are multiple types of weapons. Melee weapons use Might to attack,
and ranged weapons use Agility. If a weapon has both, you must choose
how you are using it each time you are using it. If you throw a Melee/
Ranged weapon, you cannot use it again until you go pick it up.
Two-handed weapons mean you cannot carry anything in your other
hand while you are fighting (light, shield, etc.)
Sword (Melee)
A sword deals 1 harm when you strike a foe and has three boxes ppp.
You can check a box after a successful attack. Each time you check a
box, deal +1 harm on that attack.
Axe (Melee/Ranged)
An axe deals 1 harm when you strike a foe and has three boxes ppp.
You can check a box after a successful attack. Each time you check a box,
destroy a non-magical piece of equipment your target is carrying or wearing.
Dagger (Melee/Ranged)
A dagger deals 1 harm when you strike a foe and has no boxes. This
means a dagger is never useless (though it can be destroyed by an axe.)
Crossbow (Ranged)
A crossbow deals 1 harm when you strike a foe and has five boxes
ppppp. After each time you attack with it, check a box.
Longbow (Ranged)
A longbow deals 1 harm when you strike a foe and has five boxes
ppppp. After each time you attack with it, check a box.
Greatsword (Melee, Two-Handed)
A greatsword deals 1 harm when you strike a foe
and has 6 boxes pppppp. You can check a box
after a successful attack. Each time you check a
box, deal +1 harm.

Spear (Melee/Ranged)
A spear deals 1 harm when you strike a foe and has no boxes. Spears can
attack at close range. (See ranges on page 38).
Matchlock Pistol (Ranged)
A matchlock pistol does 2 harm when you strike a foe and has 2 boxes
pp. After each time you attack with it, check a box. Matchlock Pistols
suffer disadvantage at Far range.
Ammo is a special item with one box. You can check the Ammo box to uncheck
all your matchlock pistol, crossbow or longbow boxes.

Rations is an item that has three boxes ppp. These boxes represent food
that you must eat at least once a day (see overnight resting on page 34.)

If you have a shield, you are considered to be a warrior. A shield has 2
boxes of armor pp, but if the second box is ever checked, the shield is
destroyed, and you must acquire a new one.
Shields also grant you a special action,
shield bash. As part of any other attack,
you may check one box on your shield to
inflict 1 harm on a foe in melee with you.

A wand is a key item with three boxes ppp. If you have a wand, you
are a wizard and can cast spells (see page 41.) Choose which tradition of
magic you know (see page 41.)
A wand also gives you a special action: arcane strike. As an action, make
an Intellect test. If successful, deal 1 harm to a target in melee or close
range with you.

Engineer’s Kit
An engineer’s kit is a key item with three boxes ppp. If you have an
engineer’s kit, you are a tinkerer and can create automata. See below:
There are three types of automata you can create. It takes an action and a
successful Intellect test to craft an automata. If successful, check 1 box p
on your Engineer’s Kit.
messenger flitch. You craft a small, gearwork bird that serves as a
companion and messenger. It can carry messages (by recording and
playing back your voice), and knows how to find who you want (within
reason and distance). It always returns after it delivers it’s message.
It can only suffer 2 harm before being destroyed. The messenger
flitch has 3 boxes ppp, and each time it carries message, check
one box. After it delivers its third message, it’s destroyed, and you
must craft another one.
shieldbug. You craft a small, gearwork bug,
the size of a large rodent. This bug has 3
boxes ppp and counts as armor for
you. It skitters around your body,
protecting you reflexively. Once
all three boxes are filled, the
shieldbug is destroyed.
khalivis. You craft a gearwork
glove that contains a retractable,
three-foot blade. This blade
functions like a longsword in all
respects, except that it deals
2 harm each time you check
a box for extra damge. This
automata has 3 boxes ppp.

“What a man
knows hardly
matters. It is what
he does.”
- Gene Wolfe,
The Wizard
Resting is the most essential phase of the game. It allows you to
manage and recover your resources, presenting you with hard
choices you must make.
After adventures, combats and more, your characters will want
to recover their breath, resources, and heal up. There are three
kinds of rests in Shadows of a Dying Sun: catching your breath,
overnight, and downtime. Each one provides different benefits.

Catching Your Breath
When you catch your breath, you choose one of the following options:
• you uncheck one box from a piece of equipment (armor, light, weapon,
or adventurer’s pack).
• You uncheck one condition.
Catching your breath can happen at any point where you have roughly 10
minutes of time to not do anything else. If something interrupts this 10
minutes, you don’t get any benefit. Catching Your Breath is a deliberate
choice, where you sit down, rest, and recover, you do not move, explore,
talk, or research. Nothing else but resting can happen.

When you rest overnight, you choose one of the following options:
• You uncheck three equipment boxes, spread
out however you want. If you uncheck a
destroyed non-magical item (like a shield),
this represents getting a new one, either by
making it, repairing the remains of
the old one, or buying one.
• You remove two conditions. Uncheck
two of the conditions you have checked
or one Heron’s Path box.
After you have finished an overnight
rest (even if interrupted), you must
check one box of rations. If you can’t,
check one box on the Heron’s Path.
Overnight resting requires you to do
nothing and make no tests for at least six hours.

When you have downtime, you choose one of the following options:
• You heal. Uncheck 1d2+1 Heron’s Path boxes.
• You recover. Uncheck all conditions.
• You grow. You may remove a key item and gain a different one.

• You connect. You gain a base of operations in this location. Friends,
allies and NPCs who will help you. Work with the GM to define what
this means.
• You plan. Write down a goal you want to accomplish. Work with the
GM to assign it an appropriate amount of goals boxes. In future
downtimes, you can check those boxes as a downtime action. When
that is done, you’ve accomplished your goal and gain the reward.

• Tasks like crafting a magic item, creating new automata,

etc, are great examples of this.
• If you wish to gain a new occupation, you must check
boxes equal to your current number of occupations
plus one
• If you have three occupations and you wish to
take a fourth, you must plan a downtime action
with four boxes and check all four. Once all four
are checked, you gain the fourth occupation.
• If you wish to increase an attribute, you must check
boxes equal to the current attribute rating plus one.
• If your Might is 11 and you wish to raise it to twelve,
you must plan a downtime action that create twelve
boxes and then check all twelve boxes.

Certain locations, NPCs, or campaigns might present alternative downtime

Downtime is a significant endeavor. It takes at least two month to three
months to do (functionally a ‘season’ if we were to consider our real world.)
It is for after campaigns and adventures are resolved. Downtime should
not be interrupted and if it is, you still gain the benefits you applied for.

“It is beyond value,
which means it is
- Gene Wolfe,
Sword & Citadel
When you attack an enemy, you test against one of your attributes: Might
for melee attacks, Agility for range attacks. If you are successful, you deal
damage equal to your damage rating on the weapon (see the equipment
on page 28.) Enemies die when all their Harm boxes are checked off.
When you are attacked by an enemy, you must defend by testing Agility.
If you fail, check a number of boxes equal to the enemy’s damage rating.
You can check any of the following boxes:
• Equipment boxes
• Heron’s Path boxes
• Condition boxes
• Any mix of the above.
Alternatively, you can check 1 Armor box
no matter the enemy’s damage rating (1
Armor negates all incoming damage.)
To see who goes first have all player
characters test agility. Those who succeed
go before enemies, those who fail go after.

Check a condition when you gain one
(monsters, traps, enemies or spells can
inflict conditions). Each of the following conditions has 1 box p.
You can’t uncheck anything until you uncheck this condition.
You suffer disadvantage on all tests until this condition is unchecked.
Anytime you roll a ‘1’ or a ‘20’, check a Heron’s Path box.
Anytime you check a Heron’s Path box, check another.
You are dead (this can kill you outside of your Heron’s Path death effect).

Ranges represent how far an enemy is from you. Each character has
their own ranges (i.e. Melee to me might be Close to my allies and vice
versa). It takes an action to move ranges.

Melee Weapons attack at this range. Ranged Weapons and Magic can
attack at this range, but they suffer Disadvantage.

Ranged Weapons, Magic and melee weapons attack at this range (you
must suffer disadvantage on melee weapons, unless noted.)

Ranged weapons and magic attack at this range.

“Mischief moves
somewhere near
and I must blast it
with my magic.”
- Jack Vance

Mystics can cast spells. To cast a spell, simply say you do it,
and make an Intellect test. If you are successful, you cast
the spell. If you fail to cast a spell, you must check a box
on your key item. If the item boxes are all checked, you
can’t cast spells.
Some spells grant boxes that must be tracked. Write
these on 3x5 notecards as you play. When all a spell’s
boxes are tracked, it expires. If a spell is in play for
more than 24 hours, it expires.
Some spells have specific effects, and some spells just have
descriptors. It’s up to you and the GM to determine how
these spells impact the narrative as it unfolds. Spells are
grouped into traditions, which tell you who grants that magic.
A mystic only knows one tradition (choose when you create your character
or gain your key item). You know all the rituals in your tradition.
If a spell requires to check or uncheck resources or boxes, you must be
able to fulfill the requirements laid out in the spell. If you cannot, you
automatically fail to cast the spell.

The Tradition of the Great Old Ones

The Consuming Ritual of Braadhi Embrace of the Vile Flux
You deal 1d3 harm to a single target. One target becomes a Tree-Man, a
mindless zombie like servant. This
The Violet Star of Crom Shaod effect is permanent. Check one
Your target flees from you for 1d3 box on The Heron’s Path. You may
turns. never have more than three Tree-
Man servants.
Zaalu’s Purging Life See page 54 for the stats of a Tree-
All plant life within close range of Man. The GM can negate this spell if
you withers and dies. You uncheck a target is too powerful or mighty in
1d3 boxes on The Heron’s Path. the mystic or arcaneoscience arts to
be subsumed.
The Circle of Natlerc’s
Glittery Crystals Vathreth’s Grasping Reach
Shards of crystal fly from your hand Deal 1d3 harm to yourself. Deal that
into the target. Deal 2 harm to them. much harm times two to a target.
They cannot check armor to negate
this harm.
The Doom of Vigi Approaches Tognnan’s Footfalls
You summon a Shaggai, which you You teleport to a location you can
have no control over. Check one see, appearing in a wreath of flames,
box on The Heron’s Path. and leaving flaming footsteps behind
The Consumption of Zaokluh
You deal 2 harm to every living Shourvi’s Life Blessing
thing within close range to you. You gain three armor boxes ppp.

The Tradition of the Elder Gods

Every time you cast a spell from the tradition of the Elder Gods, you
must check one box on your wand, no matter what.
Rite of Taakla, Ascended Rite of Iaz, Sleeping
You uncheck one condition from You uncheck one box on The Heron’s
yourself. Path from one target at close range.

Rite of Ukhen, Descended Rite of Okthall, Awakened

You uncheck one condition from You uncheck one box from The
someone else. Heron’s Path on yourself.

Rite of Vroro, Living Rite of Yim, Dead

You put three boxes of armor ppp You may deal 1d3 harm to all targets
around a target within close range. within close range.

Rite of Bhembru, Hopeful Rite of Iauv, Forgotten

You can check any number of boxes You deal harm to a target equal to
on The Heron’s Path. You uncheck the harm they normally inflict (use
an equivalent amount of boxes from their primary weapon or damage
someone else (any boxes). attribute.)

Rite of Vhylkir, Despaired Rite of Mlorid, Remembered

You can uncheck up to three boxes You deal harm to a target equal to
from your The Heron’s Path. Deal the harm you normally inflict times
an equivalent amount of harm to a two (use the primary weapon you
target in Far range. carry.)

The Tradition of the Dreaming Gods
A practitioner of the Tradition of the Dreaming Gods gains a new condition:
Hope. They have six boxes of Hope pppppp. Hope can be checked and
unchecked like other conditions. If a spell in this tradition tells you to
check or uncheck a hope, if you cannot follow that instruction, you must
check a box in your wand instead.
The Everstopped Chalice of Hope The Violent Outburst of Pain
Target suffers harm equal to half Uncheck one hope. The target
your unchecked hope, then check immediately gains a boon, or chooses
one hope. to suffer 2d3 harm.

The Subtle Machinations of The Traitorous

Indifference Embrace of Success
Target suffers harm equal to half Check two hope. You automatically
your checked hope, then uncheck succeed on your next roll.
one hope.
The Manic Displays
The Cosmic Apathy of Heavens of Quivering Fortitude
Check one hope. Deal three instances Uncheck two hope. You automatically
of one harm to a target. recover two boxes off The Heron’s Path.

The Blatant Disregard of JoyThe Allying Fingers

Uncheck one hope. The target of this of Opposition
spell suffers disadvantage on their Check two hope. The target of the
next test (if it would be something spell automatically fails their next roll
that forces a character to test, that (if it would be something that forces
character instead gets advantage.) a character to test, that character
instead gets automatically succeeds.)
The Crackling Hatred of Love
Check one hope. The target gains a The Flowing Blood of Fear
boon from the boon table (see page Uncheck six hope. You may not be
63.) attacked, suffer damage, or have
magick cast at you for 2d3 rounds.

The Tradition of the Burnt and Blackened Gods
All spells in the Tradition of the Burnt and Blackened Gods require you
to check a box on The Heron’s Path or a condition when you cast them.
The choice is yours. You never have to roll an Intellect test to cast these
spells (the price is paid by checking the box.)

The Price of Blackened Blood The Price of Burnt Offerings

Check all of the target’s armor boxes. Two targets suffer 2 harm.

The Price of Burnt Flesh The Price of Blackened Tongues

The target of this spell suffers 1d3+1 The target of this spell has disadvantage
harm. on all social rolls for 1d3 hours.

The Price of Blackened Faith The Price of Burnt Earth

You suffer 1d3 harm. The target of The target of this spell has disadvantage
this spell suffers twice that amount. on all physical rolls for 1d3 hours.

The Price of Blackened Eyes

The target of this spell has disadvantage
on all mental rolls for 1d3 hours.

The Price of Burnt Skies

Piercing light strikes from the sky.
Everything within 100 yards of you
takes 1d3 harm.

The Price of Blackened Iron

Weapons deal -1 harm to you for
2d3 turns.

The Price of Burnt Vessels

Destroy a non-living, non-magical item
(something roughly human-sized.)

The Tradition of the Ever Far Ones
Crawling Ecstasy Blessings of the Pus Queen
Target automatically loses their next Boils and Sores wrack the target. The
turn as physical ecstacy wracks their next test they make, they must set
body their highest result on a die to a “20”

Open the Eye of the Far Ones Slavering Servants

Mad visions dance in your head, One target becomes a mindless
allowing you to set one dice to show servant, who will serve for 24
whichever number you want before hours. The target will do anything,
you make your next roll including kill themself, if ordered.
The caster may never have more
Pustulent Hunger than one servant
Ravenous hunger forces the target to
begin to devour any edible substance The Mindless Fools of The
they see. They lose their next action. Copper God
Everyone who can hear you loses 1
Dancing Limbs of the Severed action on their next turn
Ethereal, whipping tendrils appear Grand Delusions of the Idiot
from you, lashing at the target. God
Make 3 attacks against the target, One target automatically loses their
using your Intellect. These attacks memories, wandering away in a
deal 1 harm. fugue state, but immune to any
harm, illness or damage for 90 days
Twisted Tongues of The
Hungry Ones Mad Dance of the Demon Pipes
Strange eldritch voices, screech from The target spends their next 2d3
your ears. Everyone who can hear turns dancing madly. They gain +1
you must make a Might test or suffer to Agility permanently.
1d3 harm.

The Tradition of the Chrome Gods
You automatically can use an Engineer’s Kit (effectively having two key
items.) However, anytime you fail to cast a spell, you must check a box in
both your wand and your engineer’s kit. If either are ever fully checked,
you cannot cast spells.
Gears of Defiance Halycron Crystals
Caster gains one free reroll of any Shards of crystals rain down from
dice until her next turn the sky, dealing 3 harm to everyone
the caster can see
Shattered Wheels
One vehicle or mechanical device Bastion of Brass
completely shatters and breaks down. Everything in the casters line of sight
gains three boxes of armor ppp.
Unyielding March
The caster summons a brimiron steed Living Lead
to bear them to their destination. Caster gains eight boxes of armor
Nothing may imped or slow them pppppppp.
but magical effects.
Magnetic Missives
Inexorable Iron A message may be sent to any
All metal weapons within the casters individual that the caster knows the
sight deal +2 harm for 1 round name for. The message is telepathic
but cannot pass through energy
Pitted and Rusted fields or concentrated magnetic fields
All metal in the casters sight becomes
weakened, pitted and rusted. Check Steel Hope
all boxes in all items in close range Uncheck two equipment boxes or
to the caster. one condition from the target. Caster
takes 2 harm.

Traditions of the Shattered Gyre
You can spin and manipulate the great broken skywheel (the Gyre) that
surrounds Aurth. TO do this, you must be wearing your gyre-gauntlet, a
unique piece of equipment you have. This gauntlet has three boxes on it ppp
and counts as your wand and also as armor. This means you cannot arcane
strike with your gauntlet, but you can use it as armor to resist damage.

Counter-Clockwise Once Clockwise Thrice

Uncheck 1 box from a target’s Heron Deal 3 harm to a target. If you cast
Path, within close to you. If you know three spells this action, suffer three
Counter-Clockwise Twice, you must harm.
cast it immediately (you must still
make the intellect test.) Spin the Shattered Gyre
Resolve one random spell from The
Counter-Clockwise Twice Tradition of the Shattered Gyre.
Uncheck 2 boxes from a target’s
Heron Path, within close to you. If Invert the Shattered Gyre
you know Counter-Clockwise Thrice, Roll 3d20. For each d20 that is a
you must cast it immediately (you 1-10, you must immediately cast
must still make the intellect test.) Counter-Clockwise Once. For each
d20 that is an 11-20, you must
Counter-Clockwise Thrice immediately cast Clockwise Once.
Uncheck 3 boxes from a target’s
Heron Path, within close to you. If Reform the Gyre
you cast three spells this action, Uncheck two conditions from a
suffer three harm. target. Roll 2d20. If you roll doubles,
cast Shatter the Gyre immediately.
Clockwise Once If you don’t, suffer 1 harm.
Deal 1 harm to a target. If you know
Clockwise Twice, you must cast it Shatter the Gyre
immediately (you must still make Deal six harm to a single target.
the intellect test.) Uncheck two conditions from targets
within close. Roll 2d20. For each d20
Clockwise Twice that is a 1-10, you must immediately
Deal 2 harm to a target .If you know cast Counter-Clockwise Once. For
Clockwise Thrice, you must cast it each d20 that is an 11-20, you must
immediately (you must still make immediately cast Clockwise Once. If
the intellect test.) you roll doubles, cast Reform the
Gyre instead.

The Tradition of the Grand Design
You gain a new Condition called: Design. You have ten boxes of this condition.
It is checked and unchecked like normal.

The First Step The Seventh Step

Deal 1 harm to a target. If you check You may deal harm equal to the
1 design, you may cast The Second Design you have checked. If you
Step. You must still pass the Intellect check 1 design, you may cast The
test to cast the spell. Eighth Step. You must still pass
the Intellect test to cast the spell.
The Second Step
Deal 2 harm to a target. If you check The Eighth Step
1 design, you may cast The Third You may deal harm equal to the
Step. You must still pass the Intellect design you have not checked. If you
test to cast the spell. check 1 design, you may cast The
Ninth Step. You must still pass the
The Third Step Intellect test to cast the spell.
Deal 3 harm to a target. If you check
1 design, you may cast The Fourth The Ninth Step
Step. You must still pass the Intellect You may deal 1d3+checked Design
test to cast the spell. harm to a single target. You may
check 1 design to cast Inscrutable
The Fourth Step Knowledge of the Grand Design.
Uncheck 1 condition from a target. You must still pass the Intellect
If you check 1 design, you may cast test to cast the spell.
The Fifth Step. You must still pass
the Intellect test to cast the spell. Inscrutable Knowledge
of the Grand Design
The Fifth Step You immediately uncheck all your
Uncheck 2 conditions from a target. Design and deal
If you check 1 design, you may cast that much harm
The Sixth Step. You must still pass to a single target.
the Intellect test to cast the spell.

The Sixth Step

Uncheck 3 conditions or one box on
The Heron’s Path from a target. If you
check 1 design, you may cast The
Seventh Step. You must still pass
the Intellect test to cast the spell.

The Tradition of the Everconsuming Maw
You gain a new resource called DOOM. Your DOOM has ten boxes. If all
ten DOOM boxes are checked, you must check your Dead condition. You
have accepted part of the soul of the Everconsuming Maw into your body.
You quiver with hunger, struggling to resist devouring the world.

Awaken the Maw Rebind the Maw

You awaken the Maw, bringing the Uncheck half your DOOM rounded
world one step closer to oblivion. up.
Check one DOOM.
Distract the Maw
Stoke the Maw You may uncheck all your DOOM.
You stoke the Maw, inciting rage in it. Suffer damage equal to that amount.
Check one box on the DOOM TRACK
and deal DOOM damage to one enemy Educate the Maw
you can see. For each DOOM you have checked,
you may check a downtime activity
Feed the Maw or goal you have been working
You feed the maw your flesh, suffering towards. If you do this, you cannot
DOOM damage to yourself. Check check DOOM for one week.
DOOM equal to the damage you just
took. Unleash the Maw
You deal damage equal to your
Goad the Maw DOOM to a number of enemies you
You attempt to rile the Maw. Enemies can see equal to your DOOM.
equal to your current DOOM suffer
2 damage.

Heal the Maw

Uncheck 2 DOOM and uncheck 2
resources on your sheet.

Protect the Maw

You gain Armor boxes equal to your
current DOOM.

The Tradition of the Dying Sun
You can tap into the previous ages and worlds of Aurth and the Dying Sun.

First Epoch of the Dying Sun Seventh Epoch of the Dying Sun
One target unchecks 1 condition. One Target takes +7 to their next roll.

Second Epoch of the Dying Sun Eighth Epoch of the Dying Sun
One target rolls 2d20. They suffer One Target takes 8 harm.
harm equal to the difference.
Ninth Epoch of the Dying Sun
Third Epoch of the Dying Sun Nine Targets take 1d6 harm. It must
One Target gains 3 armor boxes. be exactly nine targets, or you may
not enact this Rite.
Fourth Epoch of the Dying Sun
One Target heals 4 damage. Last Epoch of the Dying Sun
All lights are extinguished. You and
Fifth Epoch of the Dying Sun anyone who can see you rolls a d6.
One Target takes 5 harm. Anyone who rolls under you dies,
with no recourse or aid.
Sixth Epoch of the Dying Sun
One Target gains -6 to their next roll.

“I am not partial to folk who are
grim and austere. I prefer fanciful
folk who make me laugh.”
- Jack Vance, Madouc
To avoid being hit by an enemy, a player must make an agility test
and be successful. If they fail, they suffer damage equal to the enemy’s
damage rating.

Skeletons are undead, raised by magick or esoteric sciences. They can
follow simple commands and are often used as soldiers, guards, or servants.
Keywords: Undead
Health: p
Damage: 1

Tree-men are warped dead vegetation, crafted from dead bogs and swamps,
filled with leaking light and toxic rays. They arise from magick, science, or
simply out in the Wyldenlands, where the world is dead.
Keywords: Undead
Health: pp
Damage: 1
Stealthy: Attempts to notice, see or spot Tree-
men moving among vegetation are made with

Bloody, violent, and raging undead, carvers
are created from the bodies of murderers,
serial killers, tyrants, assassins and
other sorts, carvers
Keywords: Undead
Health: ppp
Damage: 3
Brutal: If a natural ‘20’ is rolled
on an agility test to defend
against a carver, the carver
deals +1 damage (for a
total of four).

Nigh-immortal warlocks and witches, necrophages are leaders of undead,
who have crafted Bonelyres out in the Wyldenlands as they attempt to
subjugate the cities and nations of the living under their skeletal claws.
Keywords: Undead
Health: pppppp
Damage: 2
Spellcaster: A necrophage can cast spells from one tradition. They can
cast them automatically, but the target of the spell can roll Intellect to
resist it (if they succeed, the spell is negated.)
Necromancer: As an action, a Necrophage can raise three skeletons,
two tree-men, or one carver. Each time they use this, they must check a
Health box that cannot be unchecked until all those undead are destroyed
or released.
Synpatic Undead: When a Necrophage suffers damage, they can pass that
damage off to another undead creature they can see.

The deadliest undead, butcheritters are unholy
knights who command the forcers of the
undead, having the services of a half-dozen
necrophages under them. Each butcheritter is a
warlord unto themselves, a unique being on par
with the leaders of humanity.
Keywords: Undead
Health: pppppppppppppppp
Damage: 6
Bloody Blade: If a natural ‘20’ is rolled on an
agility test to defend against a butcheritter,
the butcheritter deals +1 damage (for a total
of seven).
Necrosword: If the butcheritter kills an non-
undead enemy, they raise as a (roll a d6):
Skeleton (1-3), Tree-man (4), Carver (5) or
Necrophage (6) three days later.
Armor: ppp

Brimiron Golem
Crafted of iron, sulfur, dark magicks and forgotten science, the Brimiron
Golems are massive city guardians who manage public security at the
behest of wizards, alchemists and politicians.
Keywords: Construct
Health: p
Damage: 6
Armor: pppppp

Automata Soldier
Basic automata warriors created by alchemists and scientists to serve as
standing armies to protect humanity’s dwindling populations.
Keywords: Construct
Health: p
Damage: 2
Armor: pp
Phalanx: If the automata soldier is at melee range
with two allied automata soldiers, attempts to avoid
their attacks suffer disadvantage.

Automata Captain
Semi-intelligent leaders of collections of automata
soldiers, the automata captains are partially
individual and created to inspire the automata
soldiers to work and fight harder.
Keywords: Construct
Health: pp
Damage: 2
Armor: pp
Phalanx: If the automata captain is at melee range
with two allied automata soldiers, attempts to
avoid their attacks suffer disadvantage.
Inspiring: All allied constructs at near range
to the automata captain gain +1 damage.

Mirror Golem
Anti-magic constructs designed to assassinate wizards, necrophages,
warlocks, and more, the mirror golems are crafted in a secretive alchemical
process. To do so consumes the life of at least a dozen humans, and as
such, they are only created rarely.
Keywords: Construct
Health: pp
Damage: 5
Armor: ppp
Mirror-Magicks: A mirror golem can travel through reflective surfaces
(mirrors, still water, etc.), as long as those reflective surfaces are roughly
within one hour’s walk of each other.
Spell-Reflector: A mirror golem automatically is immune to any spells cast
against it, and when a spell is cast against it, the caster suffers the negative
effects of the spell or the mirror golem unchecks all armor boxes and health

A massive golem with a small city balanced on its back, the gyre-golem
are the greatest artifacts of the previous ages. Mobile cities, balanced
on gyroscopes, the gyro-golems move at the behest of the Gyre Priests,
who guide its movements with strange, lost technocane arts. Only a fool
engages such a massive behemoth in battle, for the gyre-golems give
birth to the automata soldiers and is defended by the human citizens
who call it home.
Only powerful magicks can slay a gyre-golem, and even in death, most gyre-
cities remain intact, balanced perfectly on the corpse of their mobile protector.
Keywords: Construct
Health: A gyre-golem has five tracks of health that must be damaged
before it is defeated. These tracks are appendages, limbs, wheels or other
parts of the gyre-golem and are at far distance to each other.
Legs/Wheels: pppppppppp
Engine/Head: pppppppppp
Torso/Chassis: pppppppppp
Control Center: pppppppppp
Manufacto: pppppppppp
Damage: 20
Armor: pppppppppppppppp
Spawn Automata: By checking a health box, the gyre-golem can spawn
ten automata soldiers, lead by one automata captain. These automata
appear immediately, anywhere within the city. A gyre-golem unchecks
one health box every 24 hours.

Initiate of the Order of Truth

A mysterious order of Inquisitors and Assassins, the Order of Truth
believes that in order to help the world be reborn, everything in it must
die, so the great cosmic truth can be revealed.
Initiates are the lowest members of this doomsday cult, tasked with
espionage, assassination, and other minor elements.
Keywords: Human
Health: p
Damage: 2

Armor: p
Chattel: The death of an Initiate does not impact the mission or zealousness
of any member of the Order of the Truth.

Sword of the Order of Truth

The main soldiers and enforcers of the Order of Truth, the Swords lead
the Initiates in their missions. They are a cruel, proud sort, who zealously
believe in the missions of their Order.
Keywords: Human
Health: ppp
Damage: 3
Armor: pp
Reinforcements: As an action, the Sword summons 1d3+2 Initiates to
their aid.

Blackguard of the Order of Truth

Blackguards of the Order are the elite leaders, each responsible for a various
area of control and ensuring the death of all sentient life in it.
Keywords: Human
Health: ppppp
Damage: 8
Armor: ppp
Reinforcements: As an action, the Blackguard summons 1d3+2 Initiates
and 2 Swords to their aid.

Executioner-King of the Order of Truth

The sole and mysterious leader of the Order of Truth, the Executioner-
King aims to end the world, with fire and blood.
Keywords: Human
Health: ppppp
Damage: 12
Armor: pppp
Reinforcements: As an action, the Executioner-King summons 1d3+2
Initiates and 2 Swords and 1 Blackguard to their aid.

Rare, Unique and Magick Items of Aurth
Fuligan Cloak
A deep, dark, enveloping cloak. You gain an extra armor box p, and advantage
on Agility Tests made to hide or be unseen.

Paterissa Blade
This is a greatsword that deals 2 harm and has 6 boxes. You may check
a box to deal 2 harm after a successful attack.

Resonating Maul
This weapon deals 2 harm and has 3 boxes. You may check a box after
a successful attack to destroy one piece of equipment or item that your
target is wearing or carrying.

Crafted by alchemists, the autocurare globes are a valuable commodity
to travelers and adventurers. You may break this glass orb to uncheck
1d3 conditions immediately (on yourself or someone within melee of you.)

Arcane Bauble
An ironglass globe, filled with a strange pale cloud that turns red when
magic targets you. Any spell targeting you has a 1-in-6 chance of failing
(a 1 on a 6.)

Flesh-bound Grimoire
This strange, ancient book has three boxes ppp, which can be checked
when spells are cast and failed, rather than a wand.

Babbling Mesh
This net can be thrown on a foe as an agility attack. If successful, it deals
1 harm and begins to babble in a long-dead tongue. It winds of its own
accord, and thus can only be removed by you. While it’s on them, they
suffer disadvantage.

A cylindrical metal tub, with two straps, it hangs over your back, and
carries the bones of an ancient sage or seer. This tub has three boxes
ppp. These bones speak to you in your dreams, granting you insight.
You can check a box on this tub to gain advantage on a test.

Illuminated Orb of The Grand Design
This strange globe is made of free-floating brass and silver rings that orbit
a clear orb made of indestructible crystal. It has six boxes. pppppp.

Orechalkum Display of Knowledge

You can use this device to summon knowledge about anything you wish,
granting you advantage on Intellect tests. This device has six boxes

This large and purplish glass tube comes with two straps, allowing it to be
worn as a backpack. The corpusvat is just large enough that a dead body
can be smashed into the amniotic liquid that is inside it. While inside it,
the body is slowly dissolved, and funneled to the wearer via a tube. While
connected to the tube, the bearer gains two benefits each time they rest.
Each morning check one of the corpusvat’s three boxes ppp. When all
are checked, the body inside is depleted and must be replaced.

Shining Lance
This long silver spear is made of liquid mercury contained inside a magnetic
sheath, and when connected to the bearer’s psionic imprimatur, it can be
utilized in terrifying ways. When attacking, the psionic weapon can be
made to flow and reform at the wielder’s mental command. It functions
like a normal spear, but it deals three harm upon a successful attack and
grants advantage on attacks.

Time Dial of Agymhoto

You can shatter this item as an action, allowing yourself to take three
actions immediately. The item appears, reformed somewhere else in the
world 1d3 days later. You know where it is when it reappears, though
once the time dial is moved, your tracking and location effect is broken.

Boons of the Heron’s Path
As your character walks The Heron’s Path, they draw ever closer to death.
However, this approach of death grants them insight into the world, a
freedom that those who cling too closely to life will never find.
Boons represent lessons learned, growth, and experience. When you gain
a boon, it gives you a permanent benefit.
When you gain a boon, pick one from the list. You may gain boons multiple

Boon of Strength
You gain advantage on non-combat might tests.

Boon of Speed
you gain advantage on non-combat agility tests.

Boon of Insight
you gain advantage on non-combat intellect tests.

Boon of Blood
Your attacks deal +1 damage

Boon of Mastery
When you roll a ‘20’ on a d20 for a test where an occupation benefits you,
you can reroll it once.

Boon of Magick
You learn a second tradition of magick.

Boon of the Past

Every time you check a box on the Heron’s Path, you must gain a new
Occupation, as memories unlock in you. If you ever have more occupations
than your Intellect, you must remove one every time you gain a new one.
You can not gain an occupation you had previously.

Boon of Growth
Gain +1 to an attribute.

Boon of Mutoid
Every time you gain a scar, you also gain a boon. You can never uncheck
boxes on the Heron’s Path.

Boon of Second Life

When you die (either from the Heron’s Path or the Dead Condition), you
instead erase all your boxes on the Heron’s Path, this boon, and the Dead
condition and keep playing. You may never gain other boons after this
occurs, no matter what.

Boon of the Executioner

When you kill an enemy, you uncheck a condition.

Boon of the Giant

You grow to huge proportions. You gain +3 to might and advantage on
might tests, but suffer disadvantage on agility tests and -2 agility.

Boon of the House of Crystal

Your skin slowly turns to crystal. You gain a permanent armor box that
stacks with other armor boxes. Each time you gain a scar, you gain a
new additional armor box, but take a -1 to agility permanently.

Boon of the House of Fire

Your skin is molten to the touch, rampant with flame, anger, and rage.
Every time you gain a scar, you gain +1 agility. You cannot be hurt by
fire, heat or similar effects.

Boon of the house of gears

Your skin grows a metallic sheen, and your limbs make faint whirring sounds
as you use them. You gain an affinity with technology, and in addition you can
shoot lightning from your hands. You gain a ranged attack with three boxes.
This attack deals 3 damage, and you must check a box every time you use it.

Boon of the Firstborn

At the end of every day, you may uncheck an additional equipment, item,
or condition box.

Boon of the neverborn

At the end of the everyday, if you have three or more boxes checked on
your character sheet, you may uncheck a Heron’s Path box.

Scars of the Heron’s Path
As your character walks The Heron’s Path,
they draw ever closer to death. However,
this approach of death grants them insight
into the world, a freedom that those who
cling too closely to life will never find.
How, why and who grants these scars is up to the
GM/the setting, but it’s likely fickle gods, spirits of death, or kindly
overseers from a restful abode above.
Regardless, what you do with these scars is on your head. You cannot
gain a scar more than once. If you would gain a scar twice, generate a
new scar again until you get one you do not have.
Draw a card from a standard playing deck of cards to see what the
immediate scar is.
Card Omen Flavor/Rules
2 Eldritch Energy Sickening hums of madness echo from
everything around you.
3 Green Blood Green Blood begins to ooze from objects
around you.
4 Haunting Screams Echoing Screams of damned souls reave the air,
sending chills through you
5 Cold Steel All metal in your possession turns icy cold,
forcing you to make a Might Test or shed
6 Oozing Blood Blood oozes from your eyes and ears, making
those around you fear you, and shun you
7 Blackened Hair Your hair turns pitch black and oozes tar,
echoing the color of the sky. You are marked
by the Gods.
8 Pitted Iron The metal in your possession becomes rusted
and pitted. You must replace it soon.
9 Moldly Tome All paper and fabric in your possession begins
to turn moldy. You must replace it soon.
10 Sloughing Skin Your skin falls off in sickeningly large chunks.
Mark one box on the Heron’s Path damage
that can’t be reduced.
J Shedding Nails Your toenails and fingernails began to fall off.
Q Arcane Seizure An arcane fit overcomes you, forcing you to
lose your next turn or action.
K Pus-filled Sores Sores rack your body, causing constantly
oozing pus and sickening smells.
A Marked for Death You slowly start to die as your body eats itself,
suffering 1 harm each time you take an action.
A successful Intellect Test will stop this.

Card Omen Flavor/Rules
2 Eldritch Energy Sickening hums of madness echo from
everything around you.
3 Lunar Madness The Three Moons have cursed you with
madness. Every time a Moon result is
revealed, you must suffer 1 harm.
4 Pale Moonlight Your eyes become pale, almost translucent.
Eyes You gain advantage on tests made to perceive
at night.
5 The Whispers of Every time one of the moons crosses the sky,
The Three Moons you are beset by mad visions and plagues of
the mind. (1 in 6 chance per day.)
6 The Moons Align Every time the three moons share a sky, good
fortune befalls you. You know somewhere
though, bad fortune befalls another as the
scales balance.
7 Waxing Gibbous
The Cycle is completing. Mark a new
8 First Quarter
Condition on your character sheet called
9 Waxing Crescent “Cycle of the Three Moons” with eight boxes.
10 New Check one box.

J Waning Crescent When all eight are checked, your character

transforms into an transcended avatar of the
Q Third Quarter Three Moons.
K Wanning Gibbous
A Full Moon

Card Omen Flavor/Rules
2 Eldritch Energy Sickening hums of madness echo from
everything around you.
3 Green Stars The stars of the night blind and beset you
Shimmer constantly.
4 Blue Stars Echo The whispers of the beings in the stars
continually follow you, criticizing your
decisions and actions
5 Red Stars Burn The stars continually seem to burn, and the
red light drives you mad. When you deal
damage, increase it by +1 harm.
6 Silver Stars Fall The good and light are often trampled by
madness and despair. Shooting stars are an
omen of your inevitable fall.
7 Violet Stars Ring The Violet stars, signs of the Gods and their
emissaries, taunt and belittle you.
8 Falling Stars of the The heavens echo their collapse through
Gates of Heaven the ages to you, and you can hear the death
screams of the Golden Gods
9 All That Glitters in You are overcome by a consuming lust for
the Sky silver and gold, and it will take a mighty force
to shake you of that
10 Ammutseba’s In your eyes, the stars begin to wink out,
Approach signaling the approach of the end of the world
J The Spaces The massive gaps between stars awes you,
between the Stars and your cosmic insignificance threatens to
crush you beneath the weight of reality
Q The Blackness from Something dark and primal inhabits your soul,
the Stars and drives you to cruel and bizarre acts
K That Which Something is coming. Something not of
Relentlessly Waits this world. Something that will devour and
Outside consume all the souls of man
A The Stars Align The 5 Colors of Stars have Aligned. All players
immediately check 2d3 boxes on The Heron’s

Card Omen Flavor/Rules
2 Eldritch Energy Sickening hums of madness echo from
everything around you.
3 The Ritual of Cosmic balance is against you, and your next
Failure important test will automatically fail. The GM
will inform you of when this occurs
4 The Ritual of Dark forces reach out to you. Make a Luck
Consumption test. If you fail, your character is consumed
and destroyed
5 The Ritual of Green Every player not wearing a Green color must
make a Luck Test. If they fail, their character is
consumed and destroyed
6 The Ritual of Blue Every player not wearing a Blue color must
make a Luck Test. If they fail, their character is
consumed and destroyed
7 The Ritual of Red Every player not wearing a Red color must
make a Luck Test. If they fail, their character
is consumed and destroyed
8 The Ritual of Silver Every player not wearing Silver must make
this a Luck Test. If they fail, their character is
consumed and destroyed
9 The Ritual of Violet Every player not wearing Violet must make
this a Luck Test. If they fail, their character is
consumed and destroyed
10 The Ritual of The The player to your left must make a Luck Test. If they
First fail, their character is consumed and destroyed
J The Ritual of The The player to your right must make a Luck
Last Test. If they fail, their character is consumed
and destroyed
Q The Ritual of The The player with the most boxes marked on the
Dead Heron’s Path must make a Luck Test. If they
fail, their character is consumed and destroyed
K The Ritual of The The player with the fewest boxes marked on
Livinga the Heron’s Path must make a Luck Test. If they
fail, their character is consumed and destroyed
A The Ritual of Make a Luck Test. If you succeed, you ascend
Ascension and become an Emissary to one of the
Traditions. Your character is retired, having
70 the madness of the mortal coil
Card Omen Flavor/Rules
Red Blessed of the Gods You gain +1 to an Attribute of your choice.
Joker (Red)
Black Cursed of the Gods You suffer -1 to an Attribute of your choice.
Joker (Black)

Solo Play
(This section is adapted and modified from
Sacrifice by Blackoath Entertainment, and
used with permission.)
Shadows of a Dying Sun supports
playing solo or without a GM, and
as such, this chapter contains
all the required rules presented

The basic tool used in a GM-
less session of Heirs to Heresy
is the Yes/No oracle. The goal of
this tool is to answer questions
a character (or player) might
have while they are experiencing
something that is occurring in the
fiction. It removes the burden of
the decision from the Facilitator
and moves it to dice.
To determine whether something
is one way or another, use the Yes/
No oracle. First, ask the question
in a “yes or no” fashion (example: will
my sword break if I try to use it to bash
this tree?) and then look at the table
below. You must choose the likelihood
of the event happening using your best
judgement and then roll a d12.

Almost Certain
Yes/No Oracle Wouldn’t a 1+ on a d12
If the action or event is… Then... be an absolute?
Almost Impossible It happens on a result of 12 Yes! It would. However,
Very unlikely It happens on a result of 10+
during solo play, rules
will come up that modify
Unlikely It happens on a result of 8+
the oracle, so “Almost
Fifty-Fifty It happens on a result of 6+ Certain” has a possibility
Likely It happens on a result of 4+ of being lightly less likely
Very Likely It happens on a result of 2+
than “absolute”, and
as such, that option is
Almost Certain It happens on a result of 1+
presented for those cases.

For a more nuanced result, roll an extra D6 at the same time you roll the d12.
A result of 1 on the D6 means something is going on, with the result varying
depending on whether the answer was yes or no. If the answer was “yes”, a
result of 1 would be interpreted as a potential complication, while if the
answer was “no”, a 1 would mean that there’s a chance something positive
might happen.
You can use the
Complication and/ D6 Complication
or Action & Theme 1 There’s an unexpected event at a good or bad moment.
tables to give you 2 Something that appears one way is actually another.
some ideas of
3 A new character(s), or an existing character’s true nature is revealed.
what happened, if
necessary. 4 The physical environment shifts, either to your benefit or detriment.
5 A useful item is either found or lost.
6 The social environment shifts, either to your benefit or detriment.
Action & Theme Tables
These two tables are the second key component when playing without
a GM. We use these two tables combined to inspire discoveries, events,
character details or motivations, and much more. The way they work is
very simple: we roll on both tables to provide an action and a subject/
theme, and then interpret the results based on the situational context.

Action (d100)
1 – Antagonize 21 – Banish 41 – Challenge 61 – Diminish 81 – Evoke
2 – Withhold 22 – Assist 42 – Break 62 - Control 82 – Dominate
3 – Unveil 23 – Withstand 43 – Assault 63 – Breach 83 – Capture
4 – Take 24 – Uphold 44 – Waste 64 – Abandon 84 – Build
5 – Suppress 25 – Transform 45 – Usurp 65 – Withdraw 85 – Ask
6 – Return 26 – Steal 46 – Task 66 – Unmake 86 – Attach
7 – Preserve 27 – Reveal 47 – Silence 67 – Travel 87 – Undermine
8 – Oppose 28 – Profit 48 – Risk 68 – Slay 88 – Test
9 – Neglect 29 – Open 49 – Place 69 – Release 89 – Swear
10 – Master 30 – Fortify 50 – Oppress 70 – Punish 90 – Reveal
11 – Lie 31 – Murder 51 – Violate 71 – Teach 91 – Postpone
12 – Kill 32 – Locate 52 – Match 72 – Deflect 92 – Cause
13 – Invoke 33 – Escort 53 – Leave 73 – Manipulate 93 – Deceive
14 – Hide 34 – Intimidate 54 – Educate 74 – Learn 94 – Move
15 – Guard 35 - Help 55 – Inform 75 – Betray 95 – Lose
16 – Forsake 36 – Gather 56 – Harm 76 – Investigate 96 – Tolerate
17 – Explore 37 – Focus 57 – Glimpse 77 – Hunt 97 – Inquire
18 – Decide 38 – Exploit 58 – Finish 78 – Guide 98 – Hold
19 – Claim 39 – Develop 59 – Evade 79 – Fight 99 – Heal
20 – Burn 40 – Create 60 – Defy 80 – Evangelize 100 – Frame
Theme (d100)
1 – Dispute 21 – Trial 41 – Gear 61 – Life 81 – Death
2 – Danger 22 – Action 42 – Path 62 - Energy 82 – Weapon
3 – Belief 23 – Disease 43 – Outside 63 – Anger 83 – Ally
4 – Creature 24 – Friend 44 – Peace 64 – Opinion 84 – Prize
5 – Enemy 25 – Information 45 – Debt 65 – Expedition 85 – Emotions
6 – Location 26 – Safety 46 – Pain 66 – Plains 86 – History
7 – Reverence 27 – Fame 47 – Possessions 67 – Land 87 – Misfortune
8 – Magic 28 – Advice 48 – Price 68 – Fortune 88 – Travel
9 – Rumor 29 – Secret 49 – Ability 69 – Attention 89 – Knowledge
10 – Innocence 30 – Battle 50 – Benefit 70 – Power 90 – Community
11 – Tool 31 – Prison 51 – Fight 71 – Faction 91 – Nature
12 – Conspiracy 32 – Message 52 – Blood 72 – Problem 92 – Survival
13 – Disaster 33 – Dream 53 – Sanity 73 – Desire 93 – Prophecy
14 – Environment 34 – Trade 54 – Loss 74 – Adversity 94 – Opposition
15 – Advantage 35 - Shelter 55 – Mystery 75 – Trust 95 – Health
16 – Guidance 36 – Wealth 56 – Animal 76 – Idea 96 – Opportunity
17 – Leader 37 – Agent 57 – Obstacle 77 – Fear 97 – Inquire
18 – Riches 38 – Victory 58 – Friendship 78 – Resource 98 – Wound
19 – Duty 39 – Time 59 – Hope 79 – Wishes 99 – Memory
20 – Direction 40 – Deception 60 – Bond 80 – Liberty 100 – Burden

Combat Actions
This section is used to help determine how foes and antagonists act
during combat. During each turn in combat, roll on your opponent’s
most appropriate table. If the attack or option you roll does not make
sense, simply substitute a standard attack.
Don’t forget the Morale rule for enemies as well!

D10 At Full Health

1-3 Standard Attack
4 Alternate Attack
5 Attempt to Corner
6 Attempt to Disarm
7 If not engaged in combat, attempt to sneak and ambush.
8 Attempt to leverage the terrain and environment to their advantage.
9-10 Use ability.

D10 At Half Health

1-3 Standard Attack
4 Alternate Attack
5 Coordinate with allies
6 Change to a defensive stance or take cover
7 Use a combat ability skill
8 If not engaged in combat, attempt to sneak and ambush.
9 Call for help, if no help is available, flee.
10 Flee

D10 At Quarter Health

1-2 Standard Attack
3-4 Fall Back
5-6 Change to a defensive stance or use a special ability.
7-10 Flee

Initial Encounter Reactions
While a GM usually knows what the outcome of an encounter
will be, there are occasions when this is best decided randomly,
especially when a GM is simply not available. Roll D10 on the
following table to learn what the encounter’s initial reaction is.
Creatures such as monsters, or a normal creature possessed
by evil spirits, will always attack on sight though.

D10 Initial Encounter Reaction

1 Immediate Attack
2-4 Possible Attack (roll 1d10: 1-6 attack; 7-9 leave; 10 friendly)
5-7 Unknown (roll 1d10: 1-3 attack, 4-6 open to negotiation; 7-9 friendly; 10 leave)
8-9 Possibly Friendly (roll 1d10: 1-2 attack; 3-5 leave; 6-9 friendly; 10 leave)
10 Friendly

Useful Tables
Encounters and Exploration
You can use the tables below to generate environs while exploring, travelling
or crafting your campaign. Use the dominant terrain feature of where you
are if you need to decide between tables.
You can roll on each table to generate an environment you come across
while exploring, or what you encounter and see. You should roll twice
and combine if need be.

Random Encounters and locations

D66 You come across… You encounter…
11 A babbling brook, running violet and oily. A magician, holed up in their manse.

12 A grove of trees, gold-hued leaves, with A glowing orb, which lazily floats past you, ignoring you
mercury dripping from the wounds in them. on its way to some mysterious destination. Following it
eventually fails, as it melds through impassible terrain.

13 Pumping and steaming machinery, older than Nothing.

the bones of the earth, busy plumbing some
viscous magenta liquid from the deep.

14 A calm, peaceful plain. A wandering Sellsword

15 A long-forgotten battlefield, littered with 2d3 Tree-men

destroyed automatons and cracked hydro-
aether baubles

16 Rolling hills, but you feel as though eyes in them Nothing

are watching you.

21 A recent battlefield, littered with the dead A lost Brimiron golem, searching for its city.
soldiers of the Eternal Autarch.

22 A lone tower, peaking over the next hill…always A lonely Mirror Golem, waiting for a friend who will
peaking over the next hill. That is, until you look never come.
away, and it appears in front of you.

23 A small town, peaceful and serene, where dried Nothing

blood coats the streets, and bones rattle in the

24 A foundry, aimless working through automated A butcherritter, angry and violent

processes to create Automata Soldiers.

25 A forgotten ruin, that feels familiar and like home… A necrophage

26 An oasis, where the edible azure crystals glitter, Nothing

and the liquid is a pleasant lime color.

31 Petrified iron dunes, tinted red with rust. 2d3 skeletons, standing solitary

32 A massive, gleaming spire, jutting into the sky A patrol (2d3) of Automata Soldiers
with perfectly smooth sides.

33 A graveyard, with graves cast in translucent Nothing

glowing ichor.

34 A cave with an entrance blocked by a field of A bobbing skull, with gems for eyes, as it follows you
glowing energy. How can you get around it? chattering and mocking your sense of style.

D66 You come across… You encounter…
35 A large town, with a bustling market, full of A bizarre furred bipedal animal, which attempts to escape
laughter and joy. your gaze into the nearby terrain. The footprints left behind
are quite large, and its wise old eyes haunt your memories.

36 A smooth, marble dome, with no visible entrance. Nothing

It’s warm to the touch and you can hear the
grinding of gears inside…

41 A floating black pyramid, smooth and glossy. A camp of bandits and scallywags. They feed you and
Crackling robin-blue lightning arcs along its send you on your way.
surface, and you feel a strange call to find a way
to enter it…

42 Nothing. Just empty space. Three mirrors, facing each other around a campfire,
carrying on a spirited conversation about the nature of
reality and something called threads of kwantiumnuity.

43 A massive, hazy, stormfront approaching you. Nothing

Inside it, you can hear the mechanical screams of
past humans caught in a psychic maelstrom.

44 A massive series of stacked cylinders, floating A lost dog, which befriends you if you treat it well (you
above each other in the sky. You might be gain a boon companion) .
able to get in there if you can find a rope and
grapple or have a way to fly.
45 A small depression in the ground, where large 1d3 Automata Soldiers and their leader, a Mirror-
silver and glass mushrooms grow. If you eat one, Golem, out hunting for a rogue necrophage who looks
you gain a random Scar and Boon. suspiciously like you…

46 Happiness, for a brief moment. Nothing

51 A twisted tunnel into the earth, lined with A blind oracle, who tells you the world is ending
seashells, and with haunting music echoing up tomorrow. (If you’re curious, there’s a 10% chance the
from it. oracle is correct.)

52 The shack of a hunter and tracker, out working A horde of undead (2d3 Skeletons, 1d3 Tree-men, 2
for their meal. Butcherritters, and 2 Necrophages) on a raid against a
nearby laboratory.

53 A memory made real, which fades as soon as Nothing

the rains fall.

54 A small outpost where a famed thief and A burrowing being who claims they represents a nation
pickpocket has set up a Thieves’ Guild not of underground dwelling mole/human hybrids. They’re
bound to any city. at war with the Deep Saurians and they’re looking for

55 A squat, cylindrical home, where a rogue crafter An envoy of Blacksun, who offers you riches beyond your
has begun building their Magnum Opus. dreams if you go to the city. They dislike being told no.

56 The Temple of The Shattered Gyre. Nothing

61 The Hall of Cult of Blood-Red Hands, a A large city that does not appear on any map. It’s made
dangerous group of assassins and murderers. of petrified sand, and has ornate lapis filigree throughout.
The citizens all have flickering emerald flames for eyes.

62 Joy, deep and unabiding until the sun sets. A wandering bard, colorfully dressed, and strumming a
clear, red-tinted stringed instrument.

63 Purple. Nothing

64 A field of razor sharp ruby grass, death to any A farmer, selling wares.
who traverse it carelessly.

65 A large black orb crosses your path. It appears A wounded traveler, in search of aid. If you help them,
to absorb all light, air and space in its presence. you gain the services of a tracker.
Something tells you that if you touch it, you die.

66 A lost gyre-golem, frozen in stasis while its Nothing

occupants live on.
Companions & Followers
As the characters travel, they might engage with helpers, followers and
You can acquire the help of a companion for your band, and eventually they
will grow into friends and boon family. However, companions require upkeep
and take great risks on your behalf, and as such, you must treat them well.
You can have multiple instances of a particular companion type, though
each must be a distinct personality.
The table below will help you guide companion actions in combat.

D10 Combat Action

1-3 Standard Attack
4 Attempt to Feint
5 Attempt to Trip
6 Attempt to Disarm
7 If not engaged in combat, attempt to sneak and ambush
8 Attempt to leverage the terrain and environment to their advantage.
9-10 Use ability.

If a companion is rendered unconscious, at the next town, there is a 1-in-

8 chance (1 on a d8) that they will abandon you for a time (2d3 weeks).
If this is the second time they have abandoned you, they will not return.
However, if a companion dies, all other companions might leave (1-in-10
chance [1 on a d10]).
Roll below to see your companion’s personality when you meet them.

D6 Personality Trait
1 Gruff Insightful Cynical
2 Taciturn Wise Angry
3 Cheerful Fearful/Cowardly Prankster

4 Jovial Paranoid Calm

5 Sardonic Spendthrift Simmering
6 Contemplative Rash Passionate

You may never have more than five companions.

Companion Profiles
A companion is broken down with the following details:
Wounds: how much harm they can suffer before falling unconscious.
Companions fall unconscious once they reach 0 Wounds.
Damage: How much damage the companion does in combat.
Skill: This is the ability rating that companions use when making any
skill roll.
Abilities: When a companion uses an ability, it happens automatically.
Some abilities will happen during combat, and some can happen outside.
The ability will make it clear (usually contextually). Use your best judgement.
Equipment: This is a companion’s personal equipment. You may not
take it from them, nor will they abandon it to you.

Boon Companion
A dear friend, a warrior who you share everything with. You two
have been through thick and thin, and will never abandon each
other. They will always come to aid you, no matter the risk.
Wounds: ppp
Damage: 2
Skill: 12 / 14 in combat.
Abilities: The boon companion protects you, granting
you a single armor box p you may use until the
combat ends. They may do this multiple times, but you
may never have more than one active benefit from this
Equipment: Light armor, shield, melee weapon, 1-in-6
chance of a ranged weapon.
Special: Boon companions will never abandon you,
except through death. And even that can be overcome.

A hunter and tracker, skilled in navigating the wilderness or wildlands
between cities.
Wounds: pp
Damage: 2
Skill: 10 / 12 in when tracking or hunting.
Equipment: Light armor, ranged weapon, light melee weapon.
Ability: Once per day, they deal 3 automatic damage with a ranged attack.

A mercenary, warrior, and thug. They fight for coin, glory,
or the sheer carnage of battle.
Wounds: pp
Damage: 2
Skill: 10 / 12 in combat
Ability: Once per day, they deal 3 automatic damage
with a melee attack.
Equipment: melee weapon, ranged weapon, light
armor, shield, travelling pack.

A scoundrel, smuggler, thief, and assassin. Lucky
you, they’re on your side for now.
Wounds: pp
Damage: 2
Skills: 10 / 12 in tests related to stealth,
hiding, or lockpicking.
Ability: Once per day, the thief
can enter any secure location
and let you in, automatically.
Equipment: light armor,
melee or ranged weapon,
mechanical finger picks.

A reader and writer, a philosopher and person of letters and insight.
Wounds: pp
Damage: 1
Skills: 6 / 13 in realms of knowledge and lore.
Ability: Twice per day, the scholar allows you to reroll a die roll.
Equipment: Robes and some bizarre items.

inspirational material
Book of the New Sun, Book of the
Long Sun, Book of the Short Sun and
the related works of the Solar Cycle;
Gene Wolfe.
Dancers at the End of Time;
Michael Moorcock
Dying Earth; Jack Vance

© 2023 by Gallant Knight Games. This sheet may be photocopied for personal use.

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