The Simple Guide To Snowflake Tables

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The Simple Guide

to Tables in
What you'll learn

The Simple Guide to tables in Snowflake

The 9 different types of table in
Snowflake, how they differ and when
you would use them.

But first we'll cover:

Data Retention Periods


Otherwise some of the concepts we

discuss won't make sense!

Adam Morton
Data Retention

The Simple Guide to tables in Snowflake

Snowflake maintains versions of data as
they change over time.

Think of this as an audit trail or ledger of

transactions applied to the data.

Each change in the data creates a new

version of that data in the background.

Snowflake will keep these versions for as

long as the data-retention period is set.

Adam Morton
Data Retention

The Simple Guide to tables in Snowflake

In both standard and enterprise editions of
Snowflake, the retention period is, by default,
one day or 24 hours.

As you can see in the table below, it is possible

to set time travel to 0, which is equivalent to
disabling it, meaning historical data is no
longer available to be queried.

Adam Morton

The Simple Guide to tables in Snowflake

After the data-retention period ends,
data cannot be viewed within your

But that’s not the end of the story.

There is one final resting point for

your data, which you cannot see or
access directly.

Adam Morton

The Simple Guide to tables in Snowflake

For a further, non-configurable 7
days after data leaves the
database, data from permanent
objects ends up in something
called a fail-safe.

Think of this as a last-chance

saloon where your data rests for a
few days before finally biting the

Adam Morton
If you cannot see the

The Simple Guide to tables in Snowflake

data in the fail-safe, then
who can?

Well, only Snowflake employees can access

the fail-safe, so it may take several hours to
recover the data from this area.

Snowflake states that it is provided on a best-

endeavor basis.

Meaning you should not rely on this as part of

a disaster recovery scenario!

Adam Morton
The Simple Guide to tables in Snowflake
Ok, now let's move on to
the tables...

Adam Morton
Table types in

The Simple Guide to tables in Snowflake

There are 9 table types in Snowflake.

1. Permanent
2. Temporary
3. Transient
4. External
5. Directory
6. Dynamic (Public Preview)
7. Event (Public Preview)
8. Unistore/Hybrid (Private Preview)
9. Iceberg (Private Preview)

Adam Morton
Permanent Tables

The Simple Guide to tables in Snowflake

You can think of this table type
as the ‘standard’ table type.

These are the default in

Snowflake as they’ll be created
when you execute the following


Adam Morton
Permanent Tables

The Simple Guide to tables in Snowflake

Permanent tables are used to
store permanent data and exist
until explicitly dropped.

They remain until explicitly

dropped and are kept in time
travel for up to 1 day (standard
edition) and 90 days (enterprise
and higher).

Adam Morton
The Simple Guide to tables in Snowflake
Time travel is a whole
other discussion for a
different day and a
different carousel!

Adam Morton
Temporary Tables

The Simple Guide to tables in Snowflake

Snowflake supports creating temporary
tables for storing non-permanent,
transitory data.

These are very handy for short-lived ETL

working tables or session-specific data.

Temporary tables only exist within the

session in which they were created and
persist only for the remainder of the

Adam Morton
Temporary Tables

The Simple Guide to tables in Snowflake

This means they are not visible to
other sessions.

Once the session ends, data stored in

the table is purged completely from
the system

This means it is not recoverable, either

by the user who created the table or

Adam Morton
Temporary Tables

The Simple Guide to tables in Snowflake

So the takeaway message is don’t store
anything important in there you may need to

Create a temporary table by adding the

'TEMPORARY' key word:


(id NUMBER, creation_date DATE);

Adam Morton
Transient Tables

The Simple Guide to tables in Snowflake

In contrast to temporary tables, transient tables
can be accessed by different users and

Transient tables also persist until explicitly



(id NUMBER, creation_date DATE);

Adam Morton
So what’s the difference

The Simple Guide to tables in Snowflake

between a transient and
a permanent table?

The key difference is that

transient tables don’t have a fail-
safe period.

Adam Morton
External Tables

The Simple Guide to tables in Snowflake

In a typical table, the data is stored in
the Snowflake database.

In an external table, the data is stored in

files in an external stage (e.g. AWS S3).

In the case you don’t ingest the data

into Snowflake - then external tables
provide a way to query files ‘in-place’.

It also allows you to join multiple files by

joining them into a single table.

Adam Morton
External Tables

The Simple Guide to tables in Snowflake

This enables querying data stored
in files in an external stage as if it
were inside a database.

However, querying data stored

external to the database is likely to
be slower than querying native
database tables as they are not
optimised for Snowflake.

Adam Morton
External Tables

The Simple Guide to tables in Snowflake

External tables can access data stored
in any format supported by COPY
INTO <table> statements.

External tables are read-only,

therefore no DML operations can be
performed on them.

But they can be used for query and

join operations.

Adam Morton
External Tables

The Simple Guide to tables in Snowflake

Views can be created against
external tables.

Materialized views based on

external tables can improve
query performance.

Adam Morton
External Tables

The Simple Guide to tables in Snowflake

Partitioning your external tables is
recommended which allows you to either:

1. Add new partitions manually


2. Add new partitions automatically by

refreshing an external table that defines an
expression for each partition column.

Note: Automaticially refereshing comes at

an additional cost as it uses compute
credits in the background.

Adam Morton
Directory Tables

The Simple Guide to tables in Snowflake

A directory table is a little different to
traditional types of RDBMS tables.

It’s purpose is to catalog files which sit outside

of Snowflake in a external stage such as AWS
S3, Azure Blob or Google Cloud Storage (GCS).

You need to enable the directory table on your

stage as follows:

alter stage my_stage_name

set directory = (enable = true);

Adam Morton
Directory Tables

The Simple Guide to tables in Snowflake

Directory tables can be automaticially
refreshed using the corresponding event
notification service for the underlying cloud
provider i.e. AWS SQS, Microsoft Event Grid
or Google Pub/Sub.

You can also force a manual refresh using

the following command:

alter stage my_stage_name refresh;

Adam Morton
Directory Tables

The Simple Guide to tables in Snowflake

Once the directory table has refreshed, you
can then query the data in the table to
retrieve a URL that points to your
unstructured data file, as the following
example demonstrates:


name );

Once you have the URL, you can use this to

provide access to the file to your
application or users.

Adam Morton
Dynamic Tables

The Simple Guide to tables in Snowflake

A Dynamic Table is a declarative query
which aims to simplify your data
engineering efforts.

This type of table materializes the results of

a SQL query that you specify.

So, instead of creating a separate target

table and writing code to transform and
update the data in that table, you can define
the target table as a dynamic table.

Adam Morton
Dynamic Tables

The Simple Guide to tables in Snowflake

Often these tables are coupled
with Snowpipe Streaming to form
a neat and elegant way to ingest,
transform and make available
source data in a low latency and
efficient way

Adam Morton
Dynamic Tables

The Simple Guide to tables in Snowflake

You actually specify the SQL statement that
performs the transformation.

The following query provides a basic



LAG = '1 minute'

Adam Morton
Dynamic Tables

The Simple Guide to tables in Snowflake

In the previous example Snowflake
executes an automated process
which updates the materialized
results automatically through
regular refreshes based upon a
time increment you define - in this
case every minute.

Adam Morton
Event Tables

The Simple Guide to tables in Snowflake

Snowflake offers a pre-
defined type of table which
allows you to capture logs
produced by stored
procedures, UDFs, and
UDTFs in your account.

Adam Morton
Event Tables

The Simple Guide to tables in Snowflake

Once you’ve created an event table
and associated it with your account,
you use an API in the language of
your handler to emit log messages
from handler code.

After you’ve captured log and trace

data, you can query the data to
analyze the results.

Adam Morton
Iceberg Tables

The Simple Guide to tables in Snowflake

Querying data within Snowflake using
External Tables then can work well.

But what if you have other teams in

your organisation who need to use a
different application (other than
Snowflake) to access the same files?

If you’re not using Snowflake, then

you cannot tap into the External

Adam Morton
So, how can you ensure

The Simple Guide to tables in Snowflake

that the data is used
consistently across the
enterprise? ​
Well, this is where Apache Iceberg comes

Originally developed by Netflix and Apple,

the challenge they were looking to
address was similar.

Iceberg was the answer and now

Snowflake (and AWS) have
adopted support for this.

Adam Morton
So how does Iceberg

The Simple Guide to tables in Snowflake


Essentially, Iceberg allows you to apply a

Table Format to a group of files.

If also offers support for fine grained options,

ACID support, schema evolution and better
performance due to impro​​ved filtering.

Adam Morton
Promotes Consistency

The Simple Guide to tables in Snowflake

When an application needs to access this data,
it can leverage the table format first which
ensures a consistent format is applied across
the organisation.​​

Iceberg Tables use customer-supplied


This means you no longer pay Snowflake for

storage costs.

Instead, storage is billed by your cloud


Adam Morton
How to use Iceberg

The Simple Guide to tables in Snowflake


The first step in creating an Iceberg

Table is to create an External
Volume to hold the Iceberg Table
data and metadata.

Adam Morton
Create an external

The Simple Guide to tables in Snowflake


create or replace external volume

NAME = 'my-s3-us-east-1'
STORAGE_BASE_URL = 's3://my-s3-

Adam Morton
The Simple Guide to tables in Snowflake
Now you can create one or more
Iceberg Tables using the External

Notice on the next page that there is a

new iceberg table qualifier that
distinguishes an Iceberg Table from a
native Snowflake table.

In this example, we will also pre-

populate the table with data from our
sales table.

Adam Morton
Create the iceberg table

The Simple Guide to tables in Snowflake

create or replace iceberg table
as select id, date, first_name,
last_name, address, region,
order_number, invoice_amount
from sales;

Adam Morton
Unistore/Hybrid Tables

The Simple Guide to tables in Snowflake

All of us are tired of spending our valuable
time moving data between systems.

We don't want to manage redundant

datasets across multiple solutions.

We want to access data when they need,

and be able to work with virtually all their
data in one place.

This is where Unistore’s comes in.

Adam Morton
Unistore/Hybrid Tables

The Simple Guide to tables in Snowflake

Unistore allows you to build
transactional business applications
directly on Snowflake.

You can run real-time analytical queries

on their transactional data.

With a unified data store it is easier to

achieve a consistent approach to
governance and security.

Adam Morton
Some benefits of

The Simple Guide to tables in Snowflake

A single dataset to power the future
of modern development.

Act on transactional data almost

immediately, build better customer
experiences, and get new insights
by integrating transactional and
analytical data in a single dataset.

Simple and streamlined

transactional app development on

Adam Morton
New row-based storage

The Simple Guide to tables in Snowflake


Snowflake have introduced an

entirely new row-based storage
engine so enterprise transactional
applications can now be built
directly on Snowflake.

Hybrid tables underpin the Unistore

feature and getting started with
Hybrid Tables is easy.

Adam Morton
How to create a hybrid

The Simple Guide to tables in Snowflake


Simply create a table the same way

you would any other traditional
Snowflake table.

But to support these transactional

workloads, Hybrid Tables require a
primary key and Snowflake will now
enforce the uniqueness of your
applications’ primary keys.

Adam Morton
The Simple Guide to tables in Snowflake
Orderkey number(38,0) PRIMARY
Customerkey number(38,0),
Orderstatus varchar(20),
Totalprice number(38,0),
Orderdate timestamp_ntz,
Clerk varchar(50)

Adam Morton
The Simple Guide to tables in Snowflake
Of course, your application requires more
than a single table.

An application’s data model is defined by

the relationships between tables using
primary keys and foreign keys.

And with Hybrid Tables, you can define

the relationship using referential integrity
constraints that are now enforced.

Let’s walk through an example. First we’ll

create the Hybrid Tables and the
associated constraint:

Adam Morton
The Simple Guide to tables in Snowflake
CustomerKey number(38,0)
Customername varchar(50)

Adam Morton
The Simple Guide to tables in Snowflake
-- Create order table with foreign key
referencing the customer table
Orderkey number(38,0) PRIMARY KEY,
Customerkey number(38,0),
Orderstatus varchar(20),
Totalprice number(38,0),
Orderdate timestamp_ntz,
Clerk varchar(50),
CONSTRAINT fk_o_customerkey FOREIGN
KEY (Customerkey) REFERENCES
INDEX index_o_orderdate (Orderdate));

Adam Morton
Et Voila!

The Simple Guide to tables in Snowflake

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Adam Morton

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