Aid 7 - Opposed Tests

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Opposed Tests

Chapter 5 The Gamemaster

Opposed skill tests come into play when one of your 9. Get the Result: There are four possible outcomes:
non-player characters is in direct conflict with what the
a. PC passes, NPC fails: If the player character passes
player characters are attempting to do, or when they’re
the skill test, and your NPC doesn’t, the PC is
working on the same task as the PCs and trying to
successful — describe their success and give them
complete it before they do.
the opportunity to apply any Momentum.

Opposed tests are resolved by you and the player rolling b. PC fails, NPC passes: If the player character fails
a pool of d20s each, looking to get more successes than the test, and your NPC passes the test, then your
the other. This can produce a few different outcomes, as NPC is successful — describe the outcome of the
described below. test with your NPC’s action.

c. PC fails, NPC fails: It’s possible for both characters

ROLLING THE DICE to fail their respective tests. This could mean that
nothing happens, but this is an opportunity to
4. Choose Attribute + Skill for Each Character: Like a
introduce something interesting to the scene, maybe
normal skill test, each character gets a target number
by spending Threat or offering the players success
for each test, using an attribute + skill combination.
at a cost.
This can be different for each character, as they can
approach the same situation differently. For example, d. PC passes, NPC passes: If both the characters
a PC trying to escape the notice of some guards would pass their tests, then count up any extra successes
use Agility + Stealth (Urban Stealth), while the each character has to break the tie. The character
NPC guards searching for them would use Insight + with the most wins, and the other character loses
Observation (Sight). any Momentum they would have gained. The
winner gets Momentum for any successes above
5. Set the Difficulty: You always set the difficulty for
the loser’s number of successes. If there’s still a tie,
the skill test, normally between 0 and 5. Opposed
the character who instigated the opposed test (as
tests have a base difficulty of 1. Each character must
opposed to the reacting character) breaks the tie
generate at least 1 success to pass the test, and have an
but gets no Momentum.
impact on the result.

6. Roll the Dice Pool: Both you and the players involved
in an opposed test have the opportunity to buy bonus Spending Momentum for an
d20s for the test, before you roll. Take account of
anyone assisting the respective tests, and ask everyone Opposed Test
to roll at the same time.
When you call for an opposed test, making a skill test
7. Check For Successes: Each d20 that rolls equal to or for one of your NPCs at the same time as the players
less than its attribute + skill target number scores 1 are rolling, you both have the opportunity to spend
success. Momentum (or Threat) to buy more dice. It’s good prac-
tice to be up front with your players and tell them first
a. Any die that rolls a 1 is a critical success, and
how much Threat you’re going to spend on buying more
generates 2 successes.
dice. That means the players are more informed about
b. If you have a focus that applies you will score a how much effort they need to put into the skill test, and
critical success if a d20 rolls equal to or less than it avoids any malicious tactics by spending Threat at the
your skill rating. same rate the players spend Momentum.

c. Each die that rolls a 20 causes a complication


8. Check Successes Against the Difficulty: If the Opposition, conflict, jeopardy,

number of successes generated equals or beats the these are often the ingredients for
difficulty of the skill test, then they have passed. If the great roleplaying and gaming sessions.
number of successes scored is less than the difficulty,
the character has failed.

a. Each success above the base difficulty becomes a

point of Momentum (p.139).


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