X20di9371-Eng V3.11
X20di9371-Eng V3.11
X20di9371-Eng V3.11
1 General Information
The module is equipped with 12 inputs for 1-wire connections. The module is designed for sink input wiring.
• 12 digital inputs
• Sink connection
• 1-wire connections
• Software input filter can be configured for entire module
2 Coated modules
Coated modules are X20 modules with a protective coating for the electronics component. This coating protects
X20c modules from condensation and corrosive gases.
The modules' electronics are fully compatible with the corresponding X20 modules.
For simplification purposes, only images and module IDs of uncoated modules are used in this data
The coating has been certified according to the following standards:
• Condensation: BMW GS 95011-4, 2x 1 cycle
• Corrosive gas: EN 60068-2-60, Method 4, Exposure 21 days
3 Order data
Model number Short description Figure
Digital inputs
X20DI9371 X20 digital input module, 12 inputs, 24 VDC, sink, configurable
input filter, 1-wire connections
X20cDI9371 X20c digital input module, coated, 12 inputs, 24 VDC, sink, con-
figurable input filter, 1-wire connections
Required accessories
Bus modules
X20BM11 X20 bus module, 24 VDC keyed, internal I/O supply continuous
X20cBM11 X20 bus module, coated, 24 VDC keyed, internal I/O supply con-
Terminal blocks
X20TB12 X20 terminal block, 12-pin, 24 VDC keyed
4 Technical data
Product ID X20DI9371 X20cDI9371
Short description
I/O module 12 digital inputs 24 VDC for 1-wire connections
General information
B&R ID code 0x1B95 0xD574
Status indicators I/O function per channel, operating state, module status
Module run/error Yes, using status LED and software
Power consumption
Bus 0.18 W
Internal I/O -
External I/O 1.75 W
Additional power dissipation caused by the actua- -
tors (resistive) [W]
Electrical isolation
Channel - Bus Yes
Channel - Channel No
CE Yes
cULus Yes
cCSAus HazLoc Class 1 Division 2 Yes -
ATEX Zone 2 1) Yes
KC Yes -
GL Yes
Digital inputs
Nominal voltage 24 VDC
Input voltage 24 VDC -15% / +20%
Input current at 24 VDC Typ. 3.75 mA
Input filter
Hardware ≤100 μs
Software Default 1 ms, configurable between 0 and 25 ms in 0.2 ms intervals
Connection type 1-wire connections
Input circuit Sink
Input resistance Typ. 6.4 kΩ
Switching threshold
Low <5 VDC
High >15 VDC
Isolation voltage between channel and bus 500 Veff
Operating conditions
Mounting orientation
Horizontal Yes
Vertical Yes
Installation at elevations above sea level
0 to 2000 m No limitations
>2000 m Reduction of ambient temperature by 0.5°C per 100 m
EN 60529 protection IP20
Environmental conditions
Horizontal installation -25 to 60°C
Vertical installation -25 to 50°C
Derating See section "Derating"
Storage -40 to 85°C
Transport -40 to 85°C
Relative humidity
Operation 5 to 95%, non-condensing Up to 100%, condensing
Storage 5 to 95%, non-condensing
Transport 5 to 95%, non-condensing
Mechanical characteristics
Note Order 1x X20TB12 terminal block separately Order 1x X20TB12 terminal block separately
Order 1x X20BM11 bus module separately Order 1x X20cBM11 bus module separately
Spacing 12.5 +0.2 mm
5 Status LEDs
For a description of the various operating modes, see the section "re LEDs" in chapter 2 "System characteristics"
of the X20 system user's manual.
Image LED Color Status Description
r Green Off No power to module
Single flash RESET mode
On RUN mode
e Red Off Module supply not connected or everything OK
e+r Red on / Green single flash Invalid firmware
1 - 12 Green Input status of the corresponding digital input
6 Pinout
r e
X20 DI 9371
1 2
3 4
5 6
7 8
9 10
11 12
DI 1 DI 2
DI 3 DI 4
DI 5 DI 6
DI 7 DI 8
DI 9 DI 10
DI 11 DI 12
7 Connection example
Sensor 1 Sensor 2
Sensor 3 Sensor 4
Sensor 5 Sensor 6
Sensor 7 Sensor 8
Sensor 9 Sensor 10
Sensor 11 Sensor 12
Input x
I/O status
LED (green)
Input status
9 Input filter
An input filter is available for each input. The input delay can be set using register 11.4.1 "ConfigOutput01". Dis-
turbance pulses which are shorter than the input delay are suppressed by the input filter.
10 Derating
Be aware of the derating values below for the simultaneity factor.
Derating of simultaneity factor at 24 VDC input voltage
Horizontal installation
Vertical installation
Simultaneity factor [%]
-25 50 55 60
Ambient temperature [°C]
Simultaneity factor [%]
-25 35 40 50 60
Ambient temperature [°C]
11 Register description
11.1 General data points
In addition to the registers listed in the register description, the module also has other more general data points.
These registers are not specific to the module but contain general information such as serial number and hardware
These general data points are listed in the "General data points" section of chapter 4 "X20 system modules" in
the X20 system user's manual.
Fixed modules require their data points to be in a specific order in the X2X frame. Cyclic access occurs according
to a predefined offset, not based on the register address.
Acyclic access is continues to be based on the register numbers.
1) The offset specifies where the register is within the CAN object.
The input state is collected with a fixed offset to the network cycle and transferred in the same cycle.
The filtered status is collected with a fixed offset to the network cycle and transferred in the same cycle. Filtering
takes place asynchronously to the network in multiples of 200 µs with a network-related jitter of up to 50 µs.
This register can be used to specify the filter value for all digital inputs.
The filter value can be configured in steps of 100 μs. It makes sense to enter values in steps of 2, however, since
the input signals are sampled every 200 μs.
Data type Value Filter
USINT 0 No software filter
2 0.2 ms
... ...
250 25 ms - Higher values are limited to this value
DigitalInput or
DigitalInput01 to DigitalInput12
This register indicates the input state of digital inputs 1 to 12.
Only function model 0 - Standard
The "Packed inputs" setting in the Automation Studio I/O configuration is used to determine whether all of the
bits from these registers should be set up individually as data points in the Automation Studio I/O mapping ("Digi-
talInput01" to "DigitalInput12") or whether this register should be displayed as an individual UINT data point ("Dig-
Data type Values Information
UINT 0 to 4095 Packed inputs = On
USINT See bit structure. Packed inputs = Off or Function model <> 0 - Standard
Bit structure:
Register 0
Bit Name Value Information
0 DigitalInput01 0 or 1 Input state - Digital input 1
... ...
7 DigitalInput08 0 or 1 Input state - Digital input 8
Register 1
Bit Name Value Information
0 DigitalInput09 0 or 1 Input state - Digital input 9
... ...
3 DigitalInput12 0 or 1 Input state - Digital input 12
The minimum cycle time defines how far the bus cycle can be reduced without communication errors occurring.
It should be noted that very fast cycles decrease the idle time available for handling monitoring, diagnostics and
acyclic commands.
Minimum cycle time
Without filtering 100 μs
With filtering 150 μs
The minimum I/O update time defines how far the bus cycle can be reduced while still allowing an I/O update to
take place in each cycle.
Minimum I/O update time
Without filtering 100 μs
With filtering 200 μs