Nursing Process: The nursing process can be defined as an orderly, systematic way of identifying the
patient's problems, making plans to solve them, initiating the plans or assigning others to implement it
and evaluating the extent to which the plan was effective in resolving the problems identified
Powerful magnetic field used to provide images of body parts which are difficulty to uses through CT
It is direct visualization of the body system by inserting a light emitting Flexible tube
It is the X-ray Study of blood vessels. Usually contacest dye is injected to uses blood vessels & the flow
of blood through them
It involves taking specimen from living body tissue for laboratory examination
Stress is a state of strain whether physical or psychology
Immunity refers to resistance of a host to infectious agents and their toxic products.
Immunity is the ability of body to fight against infections.
Immunity is the ability of a person to resist the infection or to overcome it.
It is defined as altered stage induced by an antigen in which pathological reaction can be subsequently
elicited by that antigen or by structurally similar substances.
Osmosis is the movement of a solvent (water) through a membrane, from an area of lower concentration
of solute to an area of higher concentration solution under an equilibrium is reached on both sides of the
Too much fluid is lost from the body dehydration Occurs.
The Expansiom of ECF volume. It develops when exess sodium & water retained in the body.
A low sodium level in the blood is known as hyponatremia.
Preesence of sodium more than normal values in blood is known as hypernatremia.
Hypokalemia: (Normal value 3.5-5.2 meq/l)
Low level of of the potassiom in body is known as hypokalemia.
It is a condition where serem pottasium level exceeds the Normal limits.
Hypocalcemia: (8.5 to 10.5) meq/L
A low level of calcium in the human body is known as hypocalcemia.
It is electrolyte imbalance in which Serum celcium level of calcium in the blood, more than 10.5 mg/dL
Magnesemia (1.5-2.5 mg/dL).
Metabolic Acidosis:
Metabolic acidosis is a Condition that occurs when the body produces too much acid when the kidneys
are not removing enough ecid from the body
Operation theatre
Is that unit of hospital where the client undergoes Surgical poocedure
Surgical Asepsis:
It refers to to all the procedures used to keep objects or areas Sterile or completely from all micro-
A Stich Or raw of Stiches holding to gather the edges Of wound & incision
It is an artificially indured. State of practical Or total Loss Of Sensation. Occuring with or without loss
of consciousness.
Respiratory System:
Rhinitis is inflammation and swelling of the mucous membrane of the nose, characterized by a runny nose
and stuffiness and usually caused by the common cold or allergy.
Incentive Spirometry;
An incentive spirometer is a device used to keep lungs healthy they are healing.
The septum, which is normally thin and straight, may be deviated from the midline and protrude more to
one side of the nasal passage than to the other.
It is known as abnormal lymphoid growth in the nasopharynx.
Cancer of the throat is cancer of the vocal cords, voice box (larynx) or other areas of the throat.
Epistaxis or nose bleeding may be caused by local irritation of the mucous membranes.
Tuberculosis is an infectious disease that primarily effect the lungs parenchyma, caused by mycobacte
rium tuberculi.
Lung abscess is a localized necrotic lesion of the lungs parenchyma. It contains purulent material that
collapse and forms a cavity.
An empyema is a collection of pus containing liquid in the pleural cavity. It occurs as a complication of
bacterial pneumonia and lung abscess.
It is a chronic irreversible dilation of bronchi or bron chioles, characterized by dyspnea, cough and pulmo
nary infections.
Therefore, it is vulnerable to infection and prone to obstruction. It is located in right lower quadrant of
abdomen. It is common in males.
Appendicitis is a emergency condition. It must be treated immediately, otherwise perforation may occur.
It is the inflammation of peritoneum (the serc membrane which lines the abdominal cavity a covers the
Intestinal Obstruction
Bowel obstruction is a mechanical or functional obstruction of the intestines, preventing the normal
transit of the products of digestion.
Colostomy is named according to place where in the bowel is formed. It may be ascending, transverse,
descending or sigmoid colostomy. The type of effluent is dependent on the location of the bowel used.
Hemorrhoids are painful, swollen, enlarged, dilated blood vessels in the lower portion of the rectum or
anus. Swelling in the anal or rectal veins causes hem orrhoids.
o Bacterial
o Viral
o Allergic
o Alchohol
o Spicy food
Genitourinary System:
Urinary Retention
It also known as ischuria, is an inability to completely empty thebladder. It is a common complication of
Benign Prostate Hypertrophy (BPH)
Urinary Incontinence
It is the involuntary or uncontrolled loss of urine from the bladder. It is common in elderly people especially
in women.
It is a process used to remove fluid and uremic waste products from the body when kidneys are unable to do
so. It is used in treating patient with intractable oedema, hepatic coma, hyperkalemia, hypercalcemia,
hypertension and uremia.
It is generally classified as infection in the upper urinary tract or infection in lower urinary tract.
Acute glomeruar nephritis
Acute glomerulonephritis refers to a group of kidney disease in which there is an inflammatory reactions in
the glomeruli.
Chronic glomeruar nephritis
It may result due to repeated episode of acute glomerulonephritis. Kidneys become reduce in size and final
result is ESRD.
Nephritic syndrome
It is a primary glomerular disease characterised by following:
1. Marked increased in the protein levels in the urine (Proteinuria).
2. Decreased in albumin level in the blood (albuminemia).
3. Oedema
4. High serum cholestrol and low density lipopro tein levels (i.e. protein uria, hypo-albuminemia, hyper
Renal failure
It results when the kidneys are unable to remove the body's metabolic waste. It is a systemic disease which
results in many other kidney and urinary tract dis eases. It results in endocrine and metabolic dysfunc tion,
electrolyte and acid base disturbance.
A definition of stroke by WHO 1971, is a neuro logical deficit due to a local disturbance in blood supply
to the brain. Its onset is usually abrupt but may extend over a few hours or longer.
It can be divided into two categories:
1. Non-haemorrhagic or ischemic stroke
2. Hemorrhagic stroke.
Trigeminal neuralgia (tic douloureux) is an intensely painful neurologic condition that effects one or more
branches of the fifth cranial (trigeminal) nerve. The pain is often precipitated by trigger points that "fire"
when the patient talks, eat, touches the face, brushes the teeth or its exposed to cold wind.
It is a rapidly progressing clinical syndrome of unknown cause involving cranial, spinal and periph eral
nerves. In some patients, respiratory or GI infec tions occurs, 1-4 weeks before neurologic defects. In others,
it may occur after vaccination or surgery, viral infection etc.
Myasthenia gravis
It is a chronic progressive disease of muscular weakness caused by chemical transmitter acetylcho line
deficiency at the point of myoneural junction. As a result, muscle does not receive the motor impulse properly
and does not contract well. Cause of thenia gravis is unknown:
Multiple sclerosis
Multiple sclerosis or disseminated sclerosis is a chronic, progressive, degenerative disease the affects the
myelin sheath and conduction pathways of the CNS. The illness is characterized by periods of remis sion and
exacerbation of numbness, impairment of speech and of muscular coordination.
Encephalitis is an irritation and swelling (inflamma tion) of the brain, most often due to infections.
o Infection
o Trauma
o Genetic
o Environment
o Head trauma
o Abnormal blood vessels
o Falls
o Hemorrhage
o Hereditary
Sign & Symptoms
o Headache
o Fever
o Lethargy
o Irritation
o Seizures
o Ataxia
o Tremors
o Sensory dysfunction
o Impairment function
o Weakness
o Drowsyness
o Unconsciousness
o Vomiting
Diagnostic Test
o CT scan, X-ray
o Cerebral angiography
o Cumber puncture
o Neurologic examine
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o CBC, Skull xray