لاب سيركت 1

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‫‪Thevenin & Norton‬‬

‫المعتصم باهلل حسن عوف‬
‫ابراهيم حبوش‬
‫محمود عواد‬
1- Introduction about experiment (page 2)
2-Opjecteves(page 2)
3-Theory overview about (Thevenin)+(Norton)
(Superposition) (page 3+4)
4- Table+ circuits+ calculations page( 5 + 6 +7 +8)
5- Conclusion(page 8)

introduction about experiment :

in this experiment we will study Methods of analyzing an electrical
circuit , Thevenin , Norton and superposition .

1* simplify resistive circuit in DC by using thevenin & Norton
2* verify maximum power transfer theorem.
3* learn about potentiometers (variable resistors).
You can simplify any circuit by using the method you learn in the
previous two experiments but now we will learn addition method to
simplify the circuits.

A# Thevenin’s Theorem:
The meaning of this theorem is that any linear network may, with
respect to a pair of terminals be replaced by an equivalent voltage
source VTh(equal to the open circuit voltage) in series with a resistance
RTh seen between these terminals. To evaluate VTh and RTh follow the
1. Open-circuit the terminals to which Thevenin’s equivalent is desired.
2. RTh is the total resistance at open circuit terminals, when all voltage
source replaced by short circuits, & all current sources replace by open
circuits. 3. VTh is the voltage across the open-circuit terminals. 4.
replace the original circuit with Thevenin’s equivalent circuit.

B# Norton’s Theorem:
The concept of this theorem that any linear network may, with respect
to a pair of terminals, be replaced by a current source IN (equal to the
short-circuit current) in parallel with the resistance RTh seen between
the two terminals. To evaluate IN and RN follow the steps:
1. Open-circuit the terminals to which Norton’s equivalent is desired.
2. RN=RTh.
3. IN represent the short circuit current passing through the terminals.
4. replace the original circuit with Norton equivalent circuit.

C# Superposition Theorem:
The superposition theorem is a theorem that states that the voltage
or current in any part of a linear circuit with multiple sources is
equal to the sum of the voltages or currents caused by each source
acting alone. A linear circuit is a circuit that follows two principles:
homogeneity and additivity. Homogeneity means that if you
multiply the input by a constant, the output also gets multiplied by
the same constant. Additivity means that if you add two inputs, the
output is the sum of the outputs for each input.

Table+ circuits+ calculations:

Thevenin’s Theorem:

2.16k/(3.26+2.16)k = 4.78 V


2.16k×3.26/(2.16k+3.26) + 980 = 2.28 kΩ

2.28 kΩ = RTh

IL = 2.91 *2.16/(1.447k +2.16)=1.74mA

Calculated and measured VTh , RTh and IL :
Vth Rth IL
Calculated 4.78V 2.28 kΩ 1.74mA
Measured 4.80V 2.27kΩ 1.76mA

Norton’s Theorem:
Total Resistance of the circuit to the Source is:-
2+ (6||3)….. (||=in parallel with)
RT = 2+ [(3× 6) / (3+ 6)]
RT = 2 + 2=4

Current Divider Rule

ISC = IN =3A × [(6 / (3+6)] = 2A
ISC = IN = 2A

3 + (6||2)……. (|| = in parallel with)

RN = 3 + [(6 × 2) / (6+2)]
RN = 3 + 1.5
RN = 4.5Ω

In1 In2 InT Rn IL

Calculated 5.3A __> 6.7A<___ 1.4A 4.5Ω 1.5A
Measured 5 .8A__> 6.5A<___ 0.7A 4.46Ω 1.43A

Superposition Theorem:
Rt: 1/3.3+½.2=1.32Ω
I3^ I3^^ I3 V3^ V3^^ V3
Calculated 3.97A 2.38A 1.60A 4.76V 5.24V 0.48V
Measured 3.96A 2.36A 1.58A 4.8V 5.2V 0.4V

Conclusion :
1. the experimental result allow the verification of the theoretical
2. in Norton & thevnin analysis the equivalency is with respect to a
selected pair of terminals(& it's used to reduced amore complex
3. the superposition theorem, the response across each element in a
linear, active, bilateral network with more than one source is the sum
of the responses obtained from each source evaluated independently,
and all other sources are replaced by their internal resistance.

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