Mantsinen 300
Mantsinen 300
Mantsinen 300
300 R
For extreme operational economy
– Mantsinen with HybriLift® and
electric motor is an unbeatable
Stick foot and tip are high-tensile Main boom foot and bosses are Double steel plates extend from the Volvo Penta engines are appreciated SYSTEM The gantry type undercarriage The long and wide undercarriage The spacious, air conditioned op-
steel structures dimensioned to with- constructed of cast steel, providing boom pivot points to the counter- in material handling industry for their Mantsinen purpose made control allows trucks or rail cars to pass provides excellent stability and 360o erator cab has large windows, and
stand the high stresses of continuous an extended service life to one of weight, providing an extremely rigid performance, low fuel consumption system and advanced hydraulic so- through. Crawler gantry undercar- lift capacities throughout all working windshield and floor window in one
operation. the most stressed structural compo- and strong upperstructure frame. and durability. The sound insulated lutions guarantee an easy and ac- riage is available in different heights. ranges. piece for excellent visibility of load-
nents of the machine. The optimized Robust frame structure is essential engine and pump compartment curate controllability as well as an One or two additional fuel tanks ing operations. Stainless steel cab
The box of the stick is constructed design ensures evenly distributed also for long slewing ring lifetime. keeps noise levels at a minimum. unbeatable productivity. Special at- are available as an option. Crawler TRACK SHOES construction ensures a long service
of four C-profiles using high tensile stresses on the boom box struc- The crosswise mounted engine is tention has been paid to total energy gantry provides significant benefits The Mantsinen designed flat track life in any environment.
steel. The design allows the stick ture. Robust structure and large pin SWING MECHANISM accessible from both sides. Hydraulic efficiency to keep fuel consumption for logistic layout planning. Machine shoes run smoothly on gravel,
to be constructed with no welding diameters minimize surface pres- The Mantsinen 300 swing mecha- pumps are insulated from the engine remarkably low. cycle time is optimized due to the asphalt and concrete. CAB ELEVATOR
seams in high stress areas, making it sures and wear on bushings. nism consists of two robust swing by protective plates. Several modes are available to op- minimized swing angle. The extremely rigid Mantsinen
light and extremely durable. Hydrau- gears and a heavy-duty three-row timize each operation. Mantsinen N2-6000 cab elevator feature in-
lic lines are well protected on sides roller type slewing ring. Internal teeth RADIATOR machines are always equipped CRAWLER WITH PYLON dependent vertical and horizontal
of the stick. run in a grease bath. The closed Side by side mounted radiator and with Mantsinen Safety System MSS Crawler undercarriages can also be movements to position the operator for
loop swing with a separate pump hydraulic oil cooler provide easy including load control system to meet supplied with an additional pylon to maximum visibility of loading targets.
provides an extremely smooth and access and cleaning. Fan revers- EU-regulations. optimize loading geometry and op- Optional N1-3000 cab elevator
controllable swing function for ac- ing function continuously cleans erator visibility. and three fixed raised cab positions
curate and safe placement of loads. radiator screens without interrupting SERVICE WALKWAYS are available to meet the application
The closed loop swing is also an im- machine operation. The wide and robust internal and requirement.
portant energy saving feature. external service walkways provide
safe and easy access to all service
300 M
For extreme operational economy
– Mantsinen with HybriLift® and
electric motor is an unbeatable
Stick foot and tip are high-tensile Main boom foot and bosses are Double steel plates extend from the Volvo Penta engines are appreciated SYSTEM UNDERCARRIAGE The spacious, air conditioned op-
steel structures dimensioned to with- constructed of cast steel, providing boom pivot points to the counter- in material handling industry for their Mantsinen purpose made control The robust rubber tyre undercarriage erator cab has large windows, and
stand the high stresses of continuous an extended service life to one of weight, providing an extremely rigid performance, low fuel consumption system and advanced hydraulic so- is available in different heights. Six- windshield and floor window in one
operation. the most stressed structural compo- and strong upperstructure frame. and durability. The sound insulated lutions guarantee an easy and ac- wheel drive provides excellent draw- piece for excellent visibility of load-
nents of the machine. The optimized Robust frame structure is essential engine and pump compartment curate controllability as well as an bar pull for operation on uneven sur- ing operations. Stainless steel cab
The box of the stick is constructed design ensures evenly distributed also for long slewing ring lifetime. keeps noise levels at a minimum. unbeatable productivity. Special at- faces. Large and wide tyres minimize construction ensures a long service
of four C-profiles using high tensile stresses on the boom box struc- The crosswise mounted engine is tention has been paid to total energy surface pressures. life in any environment.
steel. The design allows the stick ture. Robust structure and large pin SWING MECHANISM accessible from both sides. Hydraulic efficiency to keep fuel consumption
to be constructed with no welding diameters minimize surface pres- The Mantsinen 300 swing mecha- pumps are insulated from the engine remarkably low. Four individually controllable stabi- CAB ELEVATOR
seams in high stress areas, making it sures and wear on bushings. nism consists of two robust swing by protective plates. Several modes are available to op- lizers permit a full 360 degrees of The extremely rigid Mantsinen
light and extremely durable. Hydrau- gears and a heavy-duty three-row timize each operation. Mantsinen rated loads lifting. The large 2 000 N2-6000 cab elevator feature in-
lic lines are well protected on sides roller type slewing ring. Internal teeth RADIATOR machines are always equipped mm x 4 000 mm stabilizer pads are dependent vertical and horizontal
of the stick. run in a grease bath. The closed Side by side mounted radiator and with Mantsinen Safety System MSS equipped with spherical bearings movements to position the operator for
loop swing with a separate pump hydraulic oil cooler provide easy including load control system to meet to adapt to surface conditions. If maximum visibility of loading targets.
provides an extremely smooth and access and cleaning. Fan revers- EU-regulations. ground pressure is critical, the ma- Optional N1-3000 cab elevator
controllable swing function for ac- ing function continuously cleans chine can be equipped with optional and three fixed raised cab positions
curate and safe placement of loads. radiator screens without interrupting SERVICE WALKWAYS extra large 2 x 2 000 x 3 000 mm are available to meet the application
The closed loop swing is also an im- machine operation. The wide and robust internal and stabilizer pads. requirement.
portant energy saving feature. external service walkways provide
safe and easy access to all service
300 ES
MANTSINEN 300 takes hydrau-
lic material handlers to a totally new level. It
is designed for bulk loading and unloading
with ships up to Panamax size. Versions with a
shorter front equipment are ideal for handling
of fully laden containers and breakbulk, like
heavy steel coils.
Stick foot and tip are high-tensile Main boom foot and bosses are Double steel plates extend from the Electric motor is mounted in a SYSTEM UNDERCARRIAGE Mantsinen 300 ES is available with The spacious, air conditioned op-
steel structures dimensioned to with- constructed of cast steel, providing boom pivot points to the counter- container unit, making it easily Mantsinen purpose made control The configuration of the rail 2 to 8 wheel bogies according to rail erator cab has large windows, and
stand the high stresses of continuous an extended service life to one of weight, providing an extremely rigid accessible from both sides. The system and advanced hydraulic so- undercarriage can be adapted to and quay carrying capacities. The windshield and floor window in one
operation. the most stressed structural compo- and strong upperstructure frame. sound insulated compartment keeps lutions guarantee an easy and ac- the existing rails. The robust gantry distance between the wheelbase piece for excellent visibility of load-
nents of the machine. The optimized Robust frame structure is essential noise at minimum. Hydraulic pumps curate controllability as well as an type undercarriage allows truck can also be chosen according to ing operations. Stainless steel cab
The box of the stick is constructed design ensures evenly distributed also for long slewing ring lifetime. are isolated from the motor by a unbeatable productivity. Special at- traffic or railway wagons to pass application. construction ensures a long service
of four C-profiles using high tensile stresses on the boom box structure. firewall. tention has been paid to total energy through. Gantry configuration can The number of powered wheels can life in any environment.
steel. The design allows the stick Robust structure and large pin diam- SWING MECHANISM efficiency to keep fuel consumption be optimized according to rail and be increased to meet requirements
to be constructed with no welding eters minimize surface pressures and The Mantsinen 300 swing mecha- OIL COOLER remarkably low. quay carrying capacities. of hopper towing. CAB ELEVATOR
seams in high stress areas, making it wear on bushings. nism consists of two robust swing Hydraulic oil cooler is very easily Several modes are available to op- A robust and compact hydraulic drive The extremely rigid Mantsinen
light and extremely durable. Hydrau- gears and a heavy-duty three-row accessible for cleaning. Fan revers- timize each operation. Mantsinen with planetary gears ensures smooth WHEELS N2-6000 cab elevator feature in-
lic lines are well protected on sides roller type slewing ring. Internal teeth ing function continuously cleans the machines are always equipped travel. Cable reels are available to Wheel diameter can be optimized dependent vertical and horizontal
of the stick. run in a grease bath. The closed cooler screen without interrupting with Mantsinen Safety System MSS meet requirements of drive distance to match the loads of the machine movements to position the operator for
loop swing with a separate pump machine operation. including load control system to meet and speed. and bogie design. There are maximum visibility of loading targets.
provides an extremely smooth and EU-regulations. ø 400 mm and ø 630 mm wheels Optional N1-3000 cab elevator
controllable swing function for ac- available. and three fixed raised cab positions
curate and safe placement of loads. SERVICE WALKWAYS are available to meet the application
The closed loop swing is also an im- The wide and robust internal and requirement.
portant energy saving feature. external service walkways provide
safe and easy access to all service
MANTSINEN 300 HybriLift®
Increases Energy
Efficiency by up to
Front equipment
Max. horizontal reach 38 m with 21,5 m boom + 18 m stick
Operator cabin
Standard equipment
Ergonomic seat
• Air suspension
Main boom lengths, straight and curved 12,5 / 13,5 / 14,5 / 15,5 / 16,5 / 17,5 / 19,5 / 21,5 m • Windshield and floor window in one piece • Automatic weight adjustment
Stick lengths 10 / 11 / 12 / 13 / 14 / 15 / 16 / 18 m • Roof window • Swivel function
Diesel Engine • Tinted window glasses • Seat belt
Stage II/Tier2 Volvo Penta TAD1643VE 565 kW / 1800 r/min • Windshield wiper with adjustable intermittent function • Heating
Stage IV/Tier 4f Volvo Penta TAD1672VE 515 kW / 1800 r/min • Roof window wiper • Fully adjustable
Displacement 16,1 l • Automatic heating and air conditioning -- Slide, front - back
Number of cylinders 6 • Sun shades -- Height
Voltage 24 V • Folding instructor seat -- Seat tilt
Batteries 2 x 225 Ah / 12V • Radio and CD player, MP 3 - compatible -- Armrests
• Cup holder -- Headrest
Electric motor with soft starter
• Literature compartment -- Back rest
Motor type 355 kW IEC cast iron motor 1500 rpm @50Hz, 1800 rpm @60 Hz
Mantsinen Control System MCS
Voltages 380 to 690 V as standard, other voltages upon request
• Ergonomic, adjustable multi-function joysticks • Colour display 7.0” user interface
Hydraulic system • Travel and steering by one grip joystick -- Operating data and gauges
HybriLift® energy recovery system Equivalent to 400 kW engine power • All front equipment and attachment functions are proportional -- Warning signals, illuminated pop up symbols
Oil flow, front equipment and drive 4 x 420 l/min • Function speeds, ramps and control curves are adjustable -- Acoustic signal for critical alarms
Operating pressure 330 bar • Electric end cushion boom, stick and cab elevator -- Settings
Operating pressure, travel and Heavy Lift mode 350 bar • Precision mode -- Diagnostics
Oil flow, swing 540 l/min, closed loop system • Heavy Lift mode -- Log function
Swing pressure, max. 300 bar • Remote MCS access (customers SIM-card) -- Instant power consumption
Max. swing speed 4,1 r/min -- Periodic fuel or electric power consumption
Swing torque 480 kNm Mantsinen Safety System MSS
• Overload and stability control with motion cut • Colour display 5.7” user interface
300 M / 300 EM with rubber tyres
• Cab collision prevention with motion cut -- Animated machine operation
Weight without attachments 320 to 370 t, depending on configuration
• Adjustable operation limitations -- Load, reach and height information
Heights 4,2 m as standard. With pylon 5,2 / 5,7 / 6,4 / 6,9 / 8,0 / 9,5 • Can Open CAN-bus technology -- Attachment menu
Wheelbase 2m/2m/4m/2m/2m
Standard equipment
Tyres 24 pcs 16.00-25 solid rubber
• Load control valves on boom and stick cylinders including • Central lubrication system for rubber tyre undercarriage
Service brakes Wet multi disk brakes on three axles
hose rupture valves • LED working lights, 4 underneath the cabin and 4 on stick
Parking brake Automatic wet multi disc brakes on three axles • Thermostat controlled fans • Acoustic travel alarm
Drive speed Max 3,5 km/h • Full flow filters • Signal horn
Stabilizer pads 2 000 x 4 000 mm. As option 2 x 2 000 x 3 000 mm • By-pass fine filter 3 μm with water absorption • Service platforms
300 R / 300 ER with crawler • Second pressure adjustment for attachments • Heavy Lift
• Central lubrication system for front equipment and slewing
Weight without attachments 320 to 380 t depending on configuration
ring raceway
Heights 3,0 m as standard. With pylon 4,0 / 4,5 / 5,2 / 5,7 / 6,8 / 8,3 m
Gantry: 7,8 / 9,0 m. With pylon 10,0 / 10,5 / 11,2 / 11,7 / 12,8 / 13,1 m Options
Load carrying track length 10 000 mm • Fixed cab positions • Automatic clamshell bucket leveling while closing
• Cab elevator N1-3000 • Biodegradable hydraulic oil
Track shoes 1 200 mm cast flat shoe
• Cab elevator N2-6000 • Large by-pass fine filter with water absorption
Travel speed 0 - 1,5 km/h
• Operator seat BE-GE 3000 SE • Second hydraulic function for attachment
300 S / 300 ES mounted on rails -- Airvent function • Additional filters for attachment hydraulic lines
According to customer specification. -- Air-cushioned • Engine preheating
-- Centralized control panel • Hydraulic oil preheating
300 F / 300 EF fixed
• Camera under stick • Cab preheating
According to customer specification. • Rear view camera • Magnet generator 30 or 40 kW
Refill capacities • Beacon light travel alarm • Additional fuel tanks, depending on configuration
Hydraulic oil reservoir 2 150 l • Loudspeaker • Electric re-fuelling and AdBlue pump
Fuel tank 3 000 l • Bullet proof windshield • Extra large stabilizer pads 2 x 2 000 x 3 000 mm
AdBlue tank for Stage IV / Tier 4f diesel 160 l
Specifications subject to change without prior notice. The photographs and/or drawings in this brochure are for illustrative purposes only, and the machines in the
photographs can have optional equipment. Refer to the Operator’s Manual for instructions on the proper use of this equipment.
HEAVY LIFT Fixed cab position 1
Lifting capacity range with 15,5 m curved main boom and 13 m stick 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
30 3
300 HybriLift
Lifting capacity range with 21,5 m curved main boom and 18 m stick
20 t 2
30 t
10 Fixed cab position 3
38 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
8 4
40 t 3
36 6
34 1
50 t 0
30 t
Cab elevator N1-3000
13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
28 5
26 -8 3
11 t
30 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 0
16 34
15 t 5
14 4
30 3
12 2
10 26
24 -1
20 t 22
4 18 -5
30 t 16
50 t
-10 30 t
-12 -4
-16 -10
42 40 38 36 34 32 30 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0
30 28 26 20 18 16 10 8 6 0
24 22 14 12 4 2
Specifications subject to change without prior notice. The photographs and/or drawings in this brochure are for illustrative purposes only, and the machines in the
photographs can have optional equipment. Refer to the Operator’s Manual for instructions on the proper use of this equipment. HORIZONTAL LIFTING RANGE (METERS)
More load,
less energy.