ATP Synthesis - Biophysics
ATP Synthesis - Biophysics
ATP Synthesis - Biophysics
Table 19–4), that transfers electrons from NADH in alternative respiratory pathway through the rote-
the matrix directly to ubiquinone, bypassing Com- none-insensitive NADH dehydrogenase, the external
plex I and its associated proton pumping. And plant NADH dehydrogenase, or succinate dehydrogenase
mitochondria have yet another NADH dehydroge- (Complex II), and pass to O2 via the cyanide-resistant
nase, on the external face of the inner membrane, alternative oxidase, energy is not conserved as ATP
that transfers electrons from NADPH or NADH in but is released as heat. A skunk cabbage can use the
the intermembrane space to ubiquinone, again heat to melt snow, produce a foul stench, or attract
bypassing Complex I. Thus when electrons enter the beetles or flies.
Matrix (N side)
2 2
Alternative Heat
FIGURE 2 Electron carriers of the inner membrane of plant mito- animal mitochondria, or through plant-specific alternative carriers
chondria. Electrons can flow through Complexes I, III, and IV, as in by the paths shown with blue arrows.
Cyt c
space (P side) 4H+ 2H+
(N side) 2H+ + 21 O2 H2 O ADP
nH+ F1 + Pi
NAD+ Succinate Fumarate ATP
Proton-motive force
Chemical potential Electrical potential ATP synthesis driven
∆pH + ∆w by proton-motive force
(inside alkaline) (inside negative)
FIGURE 19–19 Chemiosmotic model. In this simple representation of the and an electrical gradient (Dc) (combined, the proton-motive force). The
chemiosmotic theory applied to mitochondria, electrons from NADH and inner mitochondrial membrane is impermeable to protons; protons can
other oxidizable substrates pass through a chain of carriers arranged asym- reenter the matrix only through proton-specific channels (Fo). The proton-
metrically in the inner membrane. Electron flow is accompanied by proton motive force that drives protons back into the matrix provides the energy for
transfer across the membrane, producing both a chemical gradient (DpH) ATP synthesis, catalyzed by the F1 complex associated with Fo.
ATP synthesized
ATP synthesized
O2 consumed
O2 consumed
Add Add
succinate ADP ⫹ Pi
Add Add
ADP ⫹ Pi succinate
FIGURE 19–20 Coupling of electron transfer and ATP synthesis in mito- sized. Addition of cyanide (CN), which blocks electron transfer between
chondria. In experiments to demonstrate coupling, mitochondria are sus- cytochrome oxidase (Complex IV) and O2, inhibits both respiration and
pended in a buffered medium and an O2 electrode monitors O2 consump- ATP synthesis. (b) Mitochondria provided with succinate respire and
tion. At intervals, samples are removed and assayed for the presence of synthesize ATP only when ADP and Pi are added. Subsequent addition of
ATP. (a) Addition of ADP and Pi alone results in little or no increase in venturicidin or oligomycin, inhibitors of ATP synthase, blocks both ATP
either respiration (O2 consumption; black) or ATP synthesis (red). When synthesis and respiration. Dinitrophenol (DNP) is an uncoupler, allowing
succinate is added, respiration begins immediately and ATP is synthe- respiration to continue without ATP synthesis.
(a) FIGURE 19–23 Catalytic mechanism of F1. (a) 18O-exchange experiment. F1 solubilized from
mitochondrial membranes is incubated with ATP in the presence of 18O-labeled water. At
intervals, a sample of the solution is withdrawn and analyzed for the incorporation of 18O
into the Pi produced from ATP hydrolysis. In minutes, the Pi contains three or four 18O atoms,
ATP ⫹ H218O
indicating that both ATP hydrolysis and ATP synthesis have occurred several times during
the incubation. (b) The likely transition state complex for ATP hydrolysis and synthesis by
F1 ATP synthase (derived from PDB ID 1BMF). The ␣ subunit is shown in gray,  in purple. The
ADP b a b positively charged residues -Arg182 and ␣-Arg376 coordinate two oxygens of the pentavalent
phosphate intermediate; -Lys155 interacts with a third oxygen, and the Mg2⫹ ion further sta-
O bilizes the intermediate. The blue sphere represents the leaving group (H2O). These interac-
O P 18
O tions result in the ready equilibration of ATP and ADP 1 Pi in the active site.
ATP more tightly, releasing enough energy to counter-
balance the cost of making ATP. Careful measurements
of the binding constants show that FoF1 binds ATP with
very high affinity (Kd # 10212 M) and ADP with much
b-Glu181 lower affinity (Kd < 1025 M). The difference in Kd cor-
Mg 2+
responds to a difference of about 40 kJ/mol in binding
energy, and this binding energy drives the equilibrium
toward formation of the product ATP.
Typical enzyme ATP synthase ATP
(in solution)
60 ‡
G (kJ/mol)
20 E ADP⫹Pi
Reaction coordinate
FIGURE 19–24 Reaction coordinate diagrams for ATP synthase and for from ADP and Pi in aqueous solution is large and positive, but on the en-
a more typical enzyme. In a typical enzyme-catalyzed reaction (left), zyme surface, the very tight binding of ATP provides sufficient binding
reaching the transition state (‡) between substrate and product is the energy to bring the free energy of the enzyme-bound ATP close to that of
major energy barrier to overcome. In the reaction catalyzed by ATP syn- ADP 1 Pi, so the reaction is readily reversible. The equilibrium constant is
thase (right), release of ATP from the enzyme, not formation of ATP, is near 1. The free energy required for the release of ATP is provided by the
the major energy barrier. The free-energy change for the formation of ATP proton-motive force.
752 Oxidative Phosphorylation and Photophosphorylation
crystallographic studies of the ATP synthase have The Fo complex, with its proton pore, is composed
revealed the structural basis for this alternation in of three subunits, a, b, and c, in the proportion ab2cn.,
function. where n ranges from 8 to 15 in various organisms; in
yeast, it is 10. Subunit c is a small (Mr 8,000), very
hydrophobic polypeptide, consisting almost entirely
of two transmembrane helices, with a small loop
Each  Subunit of ATP Synthase Can Assume Three extending from the matrix side of the membrane. The
Different Conformations crystal structure of the yeast FoF1, solved in 1999,
Mitochondrial F1 has nine subunits of five different shows 10 c subunits, each with two transmembrane
types, with the composition ␣33␥␦. Each of the helices roughly perpendicular to the plane of the
three  subunits has one catalytic site for ATP synthe- membrane and arranged in two concentric circles.
sis. The crystallographic determination of the F1 The inner circle is made up of the amino-terminal
structure by John E. Walker helices of each c subunit; the outer circle, about 55 Å
and colleagues revealed in diameter, is made up of the carboxyl-terminal heli-
structural details very helpful ces. The c subunits in this c ring rotate together as
in explaining the catalytic a unit around an axis perpendicular to the mem-
mechanism of the enzyme. brane. The and subunits of F1 form a leg-and-foot
The knoblike portion of F1 is that projects from the bottom (membrane) side of F1
a flattened sphere, 8 nm high and stands firmly on the ring of c subunits. The a sub-
and 10 nm across, consisting unit consists of several hydrophobic helices that span
of alternating ␣ and  sub- the membrane in close association with one of the
John E. Walker units arranged like the sec- c subunits in the c ring. The schematic drawing in
tions of an orange (Fig. 19–25a, b, c). The polypep- Figure 19–25a combines the structural information
tides that make up the stalk in the F1 crystal structure from studies of bovine F1, yeast FoF1, and the c ring of
are asymmetrically arranged, with one domain of the Ilyobacter tartaricus.
single subunit making up a central shaft that passes
through F1, and another domain of associated pri- Rotational Catalysis Is Key to the Binding-Change
marily with one of the three  subunits, designated
-empty (Fig. 19–25b). Although the amino acid Mechanism for ATP Synthesis
sequences of the three  subunits are identical, their On the basis of detailed kinetic and binding studies of
conformations differ, in part because of the associa- the reactions catalyzed by FoF1, Paul Boyer proposed
tion of the subunit with just one of the three. The a rotational catalysis mechanism in which the
structures of the ␦ and subunits are not revealed in three active sites of F1 take turns catalyzing ATP syn-
these crystallographic studies. thesis (Fig. 19–26). A given  subunit starts in the
The conformational differences among  subunits -ADP conformation, which binds ADP and Pi from
extend to differences in their ATP/ADP-binding sites. the surrounding medium. The subunit now changes
When researchers crystallized the protein in the pres- conformation, assuming the -ATP form that tightly
ence of ADP and App(NH)p, a close structural analog of binds and stabilizes ATP, bringing about the ready
ATP that cannot be hydrolyzed by the ATPase activity of equilibration of ADP 1 Pi with ATP on the enzyme
F1, the binding site of one of the three  subunits was surface. Finally, the subunit changes to the -empty
filled with App(NH)p, the second was filled with ADP, conformation, which has very low affinity for ATP,
and the third was empty. The corresponding  subunit and the newly synthesized ATP leaves the enzyme
conformations are designated -ATP, -ADP, and surface. Another round of catalysis begins when this
-empty (Fig. 19–25b). This difference in nucleotide subunit again assumes the -ADP form and binds
binding among the three subunits is critical to the mech- ADP and Pi.
anism of the complex. The conformational changes central to this mecha-
nism are driven by the passage of protons through the
Fo portion of ATP synthase.
NH2 The streaming of protons
through the Fo pore causes the
␥  ␣
O O O N cylinder of c subunits and the
attached subunit to rotate
about the long axis of , which
O is perpendicular to the plane
H H of the membrane. The sub-
Nonhydrolyzable H H
unit passes through the center
␥ bond
OH OH of the ␣33 spheroid, which is
App(NH)p (,-imidoadenosine 5⬘-triphosphate) Paul Boyer held stationary relative to the
19.2 ATP Synthesis 753
FIGURE 19–25 Mitochondrial ATP synthase complex. (a) A cartoon view (b) Top view of F1 a
of the FoF1 complex. (b) (PDB ID 1BMF and PDB ID 1JNV) F1 viewed from
above (that is, from the N side of the membrane), showing the three 
(shades of purple) and three ␣ (shades of gray) subunits and the central b-ATP
shaft ( subunit, green). Each  subunit, near its interface with the neigh-
boring ␣ subunit, has a nucleotide-binding site critical to the catalytic ac-
tivity. The single subunit associates primarily with one of the three ␣
pairs, forcing each of the three  subunits into slightly different conforma-
tions, with different nucleotide-binding sites. In the crystalline enzyme, ATP
one subunit (-ADP) has ADP (yellow) in its binding site, the next (-
ATP) has ATP (red), and the third (-empty) has no bound nucleotide.
(c) The entire enzyme viewed from the side (in the plane of the mem-
brane). The F1 portion (PDB IDs 1BMF, 1JNV, and 2A7U) has three ␣ and
three  subunits arranged like the segments of an orange around a central
shaft, the subunit (green). (Two ␣ subunits and one  subunit have been
omitted to reveal the subunit and the binding sites for ATP and ADP on
the  subunits.) The ␦ subunit confers oligomycin sensitivity on the ATP
synthase, and the subunit may serve to inhibit its ATPase activity under b-empty
some circumstances. The Fo subunit consists of one a subunit and two b
subunits (PDB ID 2CLY and PDB ID 1B9U), which anchor the FoF1 complex
in the membrane and act as a stator, holding the ␣ and  subunits in place.
Fo also includes the c ring, made up of a number (8 to 15, depending on the
species) of identical c subunits, small, hydrophobic proteins. The c ring and (c) Side view of FoF1
the a subunit interact to provide a transmembrane path for protons. Each c d
subunit has an Asp residue near the middle of the membrane, which can
bind or give up a proton. In this structure (PDB ID 1YCE), we have shown
the homologous c11 ring of the Na1-ATPase of Ilyobacter tartaricus, for
which the structure is well established. The Na1-binding sites in it, which
correspond to the proton-binding sites of the FoF1 complex, are shown with
their bound Na⫹ ions (red spheres). (d) A view of Fo perpendicular to the
membrane. Each of the c subunits in Fo has a critical Asp residue near the
middle of the membrane, which undergoes protonation/deprotonation
during the catalytic cycle of the ATP synthase. As in (c), red spheres repre-
sent the Na⫹- or proton-binding sites in Asp residues.
(a) b
a d a ADP
b b
a e
b2 ADP + Pi
N side
e g
a sites on Asp Fo
P side
c8 to c15
H+ (c10 in yeast mitochondria)
Na+- or
b2 sites on Asp
754 Oxidative Phosphorylation and Photophosphorylation
 FIGURE 19–26 Binding-change model for ATP synthase. The F1 complex has three
nonequivalent adenine nucleotide–binding sites, one for each pair of ␣ and  subunits.
At any given moment, one of these sites is in the -ATP conformation (which binds
 ADP ATP tightly), a second is in the -ADP (loose-binding) conformation, and a third is in
the -empty (very-loose-binding) conformation. The proton-motive force causes rota-
tion of the central shaft—the subunit, shown as a green arrowhead—which comes
into contact with each ␣ subunit pair in succession. This produces a cooperative con-

3 HP+ 3 HN+
formational change in which the -ATP site is converted to the -empty conforma-
tion, and ATP dissociates; the -ADP site is converted to the -ATP conformation,
ATP which promotes condensation of bound ADP 1 Pi to form ATP; and the -empty site
3 HN becomes a -ADP site, which loosely binds ADP 1 Pi entering from the solvent. This
3 HP+ model, based on experimental findings, requires that at least two of the three catalytic
ATP sites alternate in activity; ATP cannot be released from one site unless and until ADP
 and Pi are bound at the other.

+Pi One strong prediction of this binding-change
 ATP  model is that the subunit should rotate in one direc-
tion when FoF1 is synthesizing ATP and in the opposite
+Pi ATP direction when the enzyme is hydrolyzing ATP. This
  prediction of rotation with ATP hydrolysis was con-
firmed in elegant experiments in the laboratories of
3 HP+ 3 HN+ Masasuke Yoshida and Kazuhiko Kinosita, Jr. The rota-
tion of in a single F1 molecule was observed micro-
scopically by attaching a long, thin, fluorescent actin
membrane surface by the b2 and ␦ subunits (Fig. 19–25a). polymer to and watching it move relative to ␣33
With each rotation of 1208, ␥ comes into contact with a immobilized on a microscope slide as ATP was hydro-
different  subunit, and the contact forces that  sub- lyzed. (The expected reversal of the rotation when ATP
unit into the -empty conformation. is being synthesized could not be tested in this experi-
The three  subunits interact in such a way that ment; there is no proton gradient to drive ATP synthe-
when one assumes the -empty conformation, its neigh- sis.) When the entire FoF1 complex (not just F1) was
bor to one side must assume the -ADP form, and the used in a similar experiment, the entire ring of c sub-
other neighbor the -ATP form. Thus one complete rota- units rotated with (Fig. 19–27). The “shaft” rotated in
tion of the subunit causes each  subunit to cycle the predicted direction through 3608. The rotation was
through all three of its possible conformations, and for not smooth, but occurred in three discrete steps of 1208.
each rotation, three ATP are synthesized and released As calculated from the known rate of ATP hydrolysis by
from the enzyme surface. one F1 molecule and from the frictional drag on the long
F1 b b
ADP + Pi
His His
Ni complex
19.2 ATP Synthesis 755
actin polymer, the efficiency of this mechanism in con- arranged in a circle about a central core that is prob-
verting chemical energy into motion is close to 100%. It ably filled with membrane lipids. In each c subunit,
is, in Boyer’s words, “a splendid molecular machine!” there is a critical Asp (or Glu) residue located at
about the middle of the membrane. Protons cross the
How Does Proton Flow through the Fo Complex membrane through a path made up of both a and c
subunits. The a subunit has a proton half-channel
Produce Rotary Motion? leading from the cytosol (P side) to the middle of the
One feasible model to explain how proton flow and membrane, where it ends near the Asp residue of the
rotary motion are coupled in the Fo complex is shown adjoining c subunit. A proton diffuses from the cyto-
in Figure 19–28. The individual subunits in Fo are solic side (where the proton concentration is rela-
tively high) down this half-channel and binds to the
Asp residue, displacing a positively charged Arg resi-
4 Displaced H+ due that had been associated with the Asp. This Arg
exits on N side H+ residue swings aside, forming an interaction with the
5 c10 ring rotates, Asp on the adjacent c subunit in the ring and displac-
Arg210 returns to
P-side half-channel ing the proton from that Asp; this adjacent proton
exits through the second half-channel to the N side,
+H where the proton concentration is relatively low, com-
Arg210 H+
pleting the movement of one proton equivalent from
outside to inside the matrix. Now another proton has
a entered the half-channel on the cytosolic side, moved
3 Arg rotates,
210 to the Asp of the next c subunit, and protonated it,
displacing H+ 6 Process repeats again displacing Arg, which in turn displaces a proton
from Asp from the next c subunit, and so forth. The rotary
movement of the c ring is the result of thermal
(Brownian) motion, made unidirectional by the large
Half-channel (N side) c10 difference in proton concentration across the mem-
Arg210 H+ brane. The number of protons that must be trans-
H+ ferred to produce one complete rotation of the c ring
H+ +
is equal to the number of c subunits in the ring. Stud-
a ies of the c ring with atomic force microscopy (Box
Half-channel (P side)
19–2) or x-ray diffraction have shown that the number
2 Proton displaces H+ 1 Proton enters half- of c subunits is different in different organisms (Fig.
Arg210 to adjacent channel on P side
c subunit 19–29). In animal mitochondria this number is 8, in
yeast mitochondria and in E. coli it is 10, and the
number of c subunits can range as high as 15 in the
FIGURE 19–28 A model for proton-driven rotation of the c ring. The cyanobacterium Spirulina platensis. The rate of
a subunit of the Fo complex of the ATP synthase (see Fig. 19–25a) has rotation in intact mitochondria has been estimated at
two hydrophilic half-channels for protons, one leading from the P side to about 6,000 rpm—100 rotations per second!
the middle of the membrane, and another leading from the middle of the
membrane to the N side (matrix). The individual c subunits in Fo (10 in the
yeast enzyme) are arranged in a circle about a central core. Each c subunit Chemiosmotic Coupling Allows Nonintegral
has a critical Asp residue about midway across the membrane, which can Stoichiometries of O2 Consumption and ATP Synthesis
donate or accept a proton (red H⫹). The a subunit has a positively charged
Before the general acceptance of the chemiosmotic
Arg side chain that forms an electrostatic interaction with the negatively
model for oxidative phosphorylation, the assumption
charged carboxylate of Asp on the adjoining c subunit. This c subunit is
was that the overall reaction equation would take the
initially positioned so that a proton that enters the half-channel on the P
following form:
side (where the proton concentration is relatively high) encounters and
protonates the Asp residue, weakening its interaction with Arg. The Arg xADP 1 xPi 1 12O2 1 H1 1 NADH ¡
side chain rotates toward the protonated Asp residue in the next c sub- xATP 1 H2O 1 NAD1 (19–11)
unit, and displaces its carboxyl proton, as a new electrostatic Arg-Asp
interaction forms. The displaced proton moves through the second half- with the value of x—sometimes called the P/O ratio or
channel in subunit a and is released on the N side. The c subunit with its the P/2e ratio—always an integer. When intact mito-
unprotonated Asp residue moves so that its Arg-Asp pair faces the half- chondria are suspended in solution with an oxidizable
channel on the P side, and a second cycle begins: proton entry, protonation substrate such as succinate or NADH and are provided
of Asp, Arg movement, and proton exit. Rotation of the ring occurs by with O2, ATP synthesis is readily measurable, as is the
thermal (Brownian) motion and is effectively ratcheted; the orientation decrease in O2. In principle, these two measurements
of the proton gradient dictates the direction of proton flow and makes the should yield the number of ATP synthesized per ½O2
rotation of the c ring essentially unidirectional. consumed, the P/O ratio. Measurement of P/O, however,
756 Oxidative Phosphorylation and Photophosphorylation
(a) Top view Side view FIGURE 19–29 Different organisms have different numbers of c subunits
in the c ring of the Fo complex. The structure of the c ring from several
species has been determined by x-ray crystallography. Each helix in the
inner ring is half of a hairpin-shaped c subunit; the outer ring of helices is
the other half of the hairpin structure. Views of the c ring perpendicular to
the membrane show the number of c subunits for (a) bovine mitochondria
(8) and (b) yeast mitochondria (10). Atomic force microscopy has been
used to visualize the c rings of (c) the thermophilic bacterium Bacillus
(b) species TA2.A1 (13) and (d) spinach (14). According to the model in
Fig. 19–28, different numbers of c subunits in the c ring should result in
different ratios of ATP formed per pair of electrons passing through the
respiratory chain (different P/O ratios).
theoretical requirement for P/O to be integral. The rele- Adenine nucleotide Phosphate
vant questions about stoichiometry became, How many translocase ATP synthase translocase
(antiporter) (symporter)
protons are pumped outward by electron transfer from
Intermembrane ATP4⫺ H⫹
one NADH to O2, and how many protons must flow H2PO4⫺
space ADP3⫺
inward through the FoF1 complex to drive the synthesis ⫹⫹⫹⫹⫹⫹⫹⫹ ⫹⫹⫹
⫹⫹⫹ ⫹
of one ATP? The measurement of proton fluxes is techni-
cally complicated; the investigator must take into account
the buffering capacity of mitochondria, nonproductive ⫺⫺⫺⫺⫺⫺⫺⫺ ⫺⫺⫺ ⫺⫺⫺ ⫺
leakage of protons across the inner membrane, and use Matrix
of the proton gradient for functions other than ATP syn-
thesis, such as driving the transport of substrates across
the inner mitochondrial membrane (described below).
The consensus experimental values for number of pro- ⫹
tons pumped out per pair of electrons are 10 for NADH H2PO4⫺ H
and 6 for succinate (which sends electrons into the respi-
ratory chain at the level of ubiquinone). The most widely
accepted experimental value for number of protons
required to drive the synthesis of an ATP molecule is 4,
of which 1 is used in transporting Pi, ATP, and ADP FIGURE 19–30 Adenine nucleotide and phosphate translocases. Trans-
across the mitochondrial membrane (see below). If 10 port systems of the inner mitochondrial membrane carry ADP and Pi into
protons are pumped out per NADH and 4 must flow in to the matrix and newly synthesized ATP into the cytosol. The adenine nu-
produce 1 ATP, the proton-based P/O ratio is 2.5 for cleotide translocase is an antiporter; the same protein moves ADP into the
NADH as the electron donor and 1.5 (6/4) for succinate. matrix and ATP out. The effect of replacing ATP4 with ADP3 in the ma-
trix is the net efflux of one negative charge, which is favored by the charge
difference across the inner membrane (outside positive). At pH 7, Pi is
The Proton-Motive Force Energizes Active Transport present as both HPO242 and H2PO 2 4 ; the phosphate translocase is specific
Although the primary role of the proton gradient in for H2PO2 4 . There is no net flow of charge during symport of H2PO2 4 and
H , but the relatively low proton concentration in the matrix favors the in-
mitochondria is to furnish energy for the synthesis of
ward movement of H⫹. Thus the proton-motive force is responsible both
ATP, the proton-motive force also drives several trans-
for providing the energy for ATP synthesis and for transporting substrates
port processes essential to oxidative phosphorylation.
(ADP and Pi) into and product (ATP) out of the mitochondrial matrix. All
The inner mitochondrial membrane is generally imper-
three of these transport systems can be isolated as a single membrane-
meable to charged species, but two specific systems
bound complex (ATP synthasome).
transport ADP and Pi into the matrix and ATP out to the
cytosol (Fig. 19–30).
The adenine nucleotide translocase, integral ATP synthase and both translocases, the ATP syntha-
to the inner membrane, binds ADP3 in the intermem- some, can be isolated from mitochondria by gentle dis-
brane space and transports it into the matrix in section with detergents, suggesting that the functions of
exchange for an ATP4 molecule simultaneously these three proteins are very tightly integrated.
transported outward (see Fig. 13–11 for the ionic
forms of ATP and ADP). Because this antiporter
moves four negative charges out for every three WORKED EXAMPLE 19–2 Stoichiometry of ATP Production:
moved in, its activity is favored by the transmembrane Effect of c Ring Size
electrochemical gradient, which gives the matrix a net (a) If bovine mitochondria have 8 c subunits per c ring,
negative charge; the proton-motive force drives ATP- what is the predicted ratio of ATP formed per NADH
ADP exchange. Adenine nucleotide translocase is oxidized? (b) What is the predicted value for yeast
specifically inhibited by atractyloside, a toxic glyco- mitochondria, with 10 c subunits? (c) What are the
side formed by a species of thistle. If the transport of comparable values for electrons entering the respira-
ADP into and ATP out of mitochondria is inhibited, tory chain from FADH2?
cytosolic ATP cannot be regenerated from ADP,
explaining the toxicity of atractyloside. Solution: (a) The question asks us to determine how
A second membrane transport system essential to many ATP are produced per NADH. This is another way
oxidative phosphorylation is the phosphate translo- of asking us to calculate the P/O ratio, or x in Equation
case, which promotes symport of one H2PO2 4 and one H
19–11. If the c ring has 8 c subunits, then one full rota-
into the matrix. This transport process, too, is favored by tion will transfer 8 protons to the matrix and produce 3
the transmembrane proton gradient (Fig. 19–30). Notice ATP molecules. But this synthesis also requires the
that the process requires movement of one proton from transport of 3 Pi into the matrix, at a cost of 1 proton
the P to the N side of the inner membrane, consuming each, adding 3 more protons to the total number
some of the energy of electron transfer. A complex of the required. This brings the total cost to (11 protons)/
758 Oxidative Phosphorylation and Photophosphorylation
(3 ATP) 5 3.7 protons/ATP. The consensus value for the ATP/NADH and 1.5 ATP/FADH2, and we therefore use
number of protons pumped out per pair of electrons these values throughout this book.
transferred from NADH is 10 (see Fig. 19–19). So, oxidiz-
ing 1 NADH produces (10 protons)/(3.7 protons/ATP) 5
2.7 ATP.
Shuttle Systems Indirectly Convey Cytosolic NADH
(b) If the c ring has 10 c subunits, then one full rota-
tion will transfer 10 protons to the matrix and produce 3 into Mitochondria for Oxidation
ATP molecules. Adding in the 3 protons to transport the The NADH dehydrogenase of the inner mitochondrial
3 Pi into the matrix brings the total cost to (13 protons)/ membrane of animal cells can accept electrons only
(3 ATP) 5 4.3 protons/ATP. Oxidizing 1 NADH produc- from NADH in the matrix. Given that the inner mem-
es (10 protons)/(4.3 protons/ATP) 5 2.3 ATP. brane is not permeable to NADH, how can the NADH
(c) When electrons enter the respiratory chain generated by glycolysis in the cytosol be reoxidized to
from FADH2 (at ubiquinone), only 6 protons are NAD⫹ by O2 via the respiratory chain? Special shuttle
available to drive ATP synthesis. This changes the systems carry reducing equivalents from cytosolic
calculation for bovine mitochondria to (6 protons)/ NADH into mitochondria by an indirect route. The most
(3.7 protons/ATP) 5 1.6 ATP per pair of electrons active NADH shuttle, which functions in liver, kidney,
from FADH2. For yeast mitochondria, the calculation is and heart mitochondria, is the malate-aspartate
(6 protons)/(4.3 protons/ATP) 5 1.4 ATP per pair of shuttle (Fig. 19–31). The reducing equivalents of
electrons from FADH2. cytosolic NADH are first transferred to cytosolic oxalo-
These calculated values of x or the P/O ratio define acetate to yield malate, catalyzed by cytosolic malate
a range that includes the experimental values of 2.5 dehydrogenase. The malate thus formed passes through
H⫹ ⫹ NADH 1 3
malate malate NADH ⫹ H⫹
O dehydrogenase dehydrogenase O
Oxaloacetate NH⫹ NH⫹
3 3 Oxaloacetate
Glutamate Glutamate
aspartate aspartate
aminotransferase 6 4 aminotransferase
a-Ketoglutarate a-Ketoglutarate
FIGURE 19–31 Malate-aspartate shuttle. This shuttle for transporting transporter. 3 In the matrix, malate passes two reducing equivalents to
reducing equivalents from cytosolic NADH into the mitochondrial matrix NAD⫹, and the resulting NADH is oxidized by the respiratory chain; the
is used in liver, kidney, and heart. 1 NADH in the cytosol enters the in- oxaloacetate formed from malate cannot pass directly into the cytosol.
termembrane space through openings in the outer membrane (porins), 4 Oxaloacetate is first transaminated to aspartate, and 5 aspartate can
then passes two reducing equivalents to oxaloacetate, producing malate. leave via the glutamate-aspartate transporter. 6 Oxaloacetate is regener-
2 Malate crosses the inner membrane via the malate–␣-ketoglutarate ated in the cytosol, completing the cycle.
19.3 Regulation of Oxidative Phosphorylation 759
the inner membrane via the malate–␣-ketoglutarate SUMMARY 19.2 ATP Synthesis
transporter. Within the matrix the reducing equivalents The flow of electrons through Complexes I, III,
are passed to NAD⫹ by the action of matrix malate dehy-
and IV results in pumping of protons across the
drogenase, forming NADH; this NADH can pass electrons
inner mitochondrial membrane, making the matrix
directly to the respiratory chain. About 2.5 molecules of
alkaline relative to the intermembrane space. This
ATP are generated as this pair of electrons passes to O2.
proton gradient provides the energy (in the form
Cytosolic oxaloacetate must be regenerated by transami-
of the proton-motive force) for ATP synthesis
nation reactions and the activity of membrane transport-
from ADP and Pi by ATP synthase (FoF1 complex)
ers to start another cycle of the shuttle.
in the inner membrane.
Skeletal muscle and brain use a different NADH
shuttle, the glycerol 3-phosphate shuttle (Fig. ATP synthase carries out “rotational catalysis,” in
19–32). It differs from the malate-aspartate shuttle in which the flow of protons through Fo causes each
that it delivers the reducing equivalents from NADH to of three nucleotide-binding sites in F1 to cycle
ubiquinone and thus into Complex III, not Complex I from (ADP 1 Pi)–bound to ATP-bound to empty
(Fig. 19–8), providing only enough energy to synthesize conformations.
1.5 ATP molecules per pair of electrons. ATP formation on the enzyme requires little
The mitochondria of plants have an externally ori- energy; the role of the proton-motive force is to
ented NADH dehydrogenase that can transfer electrons push ATP from its binding site on the synthase.
directly from cytosolic NADH into the respiratory chain The ratio of ATP synthesized per ½O2 reduced to
at the level of ubiquinone. Because this pathway
H2O (the P/O ratio) is about 2.5 when electrons
bypasses the NADH dehydrogenase of Complex I and
enter the respiratory chain at Complex I, and 1.5
the associated proton movement, the yield of ATP from
when electrons enter at ubiquinone. This ratio may
cytosolic NADH is less than that from NADH generated
vary somewhat in different organisms based on the
in the matrix (Box 19–1).
number of c subunits in the Fo complex.
Energy conserved in a proton gradient can drive
solute transport uphill across a membrane.
Intermembrane Glycolysis The inner mitochondrial membrane is
space (P side) impermeable to NADH and NAD⫹, but NADH
equivalents are moved from the cytosol to the
NAD+ NADH + H+ matrix by either of two shuttles. NADH equivalents
glycerol 3-phosphate moved in by the malate-aspartate shuttle enter the
dehydrogenase respiratory chain at Complex I and yield a P/O
ratio of 2.5; those moved in by the glycerol
CH2OH 3-phosphate shuttle enter at ubiquinone and give a
–O P/O ratio of 1.5.
Glycerol 3- Dihydroxyacetone
phosphate phosphate CH2 – O – P