Illness Expressions
Illness Expressions
Illness Expressions
malnutrition, diabetes
addiction, alcoholism
English Tools
flu pill
cold tablet
diarrhoea capsule
pneumonia syrup
mumps ointment
measles cream
tonsillitis tranquilizer
bronchitis pain-killer
indigestion antiseptic
ulcer antifebrile
appendicitis dressing
hepatitis bandage
stroke gauze
arthritis plaster
diabetes stethoscope
Allergist or Immunologist -
Medical Specialists List
conducts the diagnosis and
treatment of allergic conditions.
Nurse: doctor’s assistant
Neurosurgeon - conducts
surgery of the nervous system.
Obstetrician - treats women Pediatrician - treats infants,
during pregnancy and childbirth toddlers, children and
Gynecologist - treats diseases
of the female reproductive Plastic Surgeon - restores,
system and genital tract. reconstructs, corrects or
improves in the shape and
Nurse-Midwifery - manages a appearance of damaged body
woman's health care, especially structures, especially the face.
during pregnancy, delivery, and
the postpartum period. Podiatrist - provides medical
and surgical treatment of the
Occupational Medicine foot.
Physician - diagnoses and
treats work-related disease or Psychiatrist - treats patients
injury. with mental and emotional
Ophthalmologist - treats eye
defects, injuries, and diseases. Pulmonary Medicine
Physician - diagnoses and
Oral and Maxillofacial treats lung disorders.
Surgeon - surgically treats
diseases, injuries, and defects Radiation Onconlogist -
of the hard and soft tissues of diagnoses and treats disorders
the face, mouth, and jaws. with the use of diagnostic
imaging, including X-rays,
Orthopaedic Surgeon - sound waves, radioactive
preserves and restores the substances, and magnetic
function of the musculoskeletal fields.
Diagnostic Radiologist -
Otolaryngologist (Head and diagnoses and medically treats
Neck Surgeon) - treats diseases diseases and disorders of
of the ear, nose, and throat,and internal structures of the body.
some diseases of the head and
neck, including facial plastic Rheumatologist - treats
surgery. rheumatic diseases, or
conditions characterized by
Pathologist - diagnoses and inflammation, soreness and
treats the study of the changes stiffness of muscles, and pain in
in body tissues and organs joints and associated structures
which cause or are caused by
disease Urologist - diagnoses and
treats the male and female
urinary tract and the male
reproductive system