IT vs. IS
IT vs. IS
IT vs. IS
IS vs IT
Compare and contrast components and purposes of Information Technology (IT) and
Information Systems
Information systems is defined as an umbrella term for the systems, people and processes
designed to create, store, manipulate, distribute and disseminate information. They represent a
accommodate a specific given purpose. Each system has a structure that is comprised of five
sections; data, hardware, software, procedures, and the people who use them. The field of
information systems bridges business and computer science in many different ways and allows
organizations to create systems to fit whatever the company may need. A functioning IS can
contribute to a lot of key business objectives by collecting data, storing data, manipulating data
to create information, and disseminate data and information throughout the entire business.
A business itself can be considered as a system when you think about it. Once each
division of labor is sorted out, they each have defined tasks that must be accomplished in order
One of the reasons people may not distinguish between IS and IT is that they assume all
information systems are computer-based systems, and thou this misconception is common it’s far
from true. An example of an information system is a pencil and a piece of paper. The two objects
themselves are just tools, but together they create a system for writing (information).Although
information systems are heavily reliant on computers and other technology-based tools, the term
The systems interior structure consists mainly of two parts; highly cohesive modules that
perform specific well defined functions and a loosely coupled module setup that allows each
component to function easily without being impacted by other pieces. Systems can be either
static or dynamic. Static systems are constant while dynamic systems change over time. Systems
can also be open or closed. When a system is open it has the ability to freely interact with its
The term ISD is the process an organization goes through in order to create a system that
would benefit the business. They first go through a planning phase to define the IS’s purposes.
Then they design the system itself, which is where IT first comes into place. Then after
everything is built it’s tested for implementation. If the end product matches expectation, then it
will be used. If something goes wrong though, the entire project must be redone from the
Careers in information systems can include a variety of fields, such as actuarial sciences,
and auditing.
Information Technology
Information technology is a more defined area that falls under the IS umbrella and it only
deals with the technology involved in the systems themselves. Information technology can be
defined as the study, design, implementation, support or management of computer-based
information systems. The term is commonly used as a synonym for computers and computer
networks, but it also encompasses other information distribution technologies such as television
and telephones.
IT typically includes all the hardware, software, databases and networks that make IS
function. Information technology is the section of the systems that often governs the acquisition,
processing, storage and dissemination of digitized information, or data, generated through the
technology and improving its utilization to advance the overall business goals and keep
technologies. Servers, server operating systems, web-server software (IIS, Apache, et al), and
code written for the web-server software (PHP, C#, VB, PERL, Ruby, et al). Even your
computer and browser make up part of this information system. Like the pencil and paper
example, each one of the mentioned parts of this information system in itself is an information
support the major functions and activities of either a private sector business or public sector
institution. In the past, organizations recognized the importance of managing resources such as
labor, capital, and raw materials. Today, it is widely accepted that managing the information
resource is very often equally important. ISM supports the process of collection, manipulation,
science and can offer several career paths, such as cybersecurity, network or database
Valacich, J. S., George, J. F., & Hoffer, J. A. (2015). Essentials of Systems Analysis and Design