FS1 Ep.8
FS1 Ep.8
FS1 Ep.8
Taught Curriculum During the instruction, teachers’ Taught curriculum is visible in daily
(Teaching Learning Process) discussion, students’ activities and discussions, student activities, and
assessment procedures assessments. Assessment outcomes
such as quizzes, exams, and so on.
Learning Curriculum (Achieved Students’ outputs, accomplished Learned Curriculum is the result of
Learning Outcomes) tasks, exams, projects or students' acquired knowledge and
performance skills.
Which of the seven types curriculum in the school setting is easy to find? Why?
Taught Curriculum is the most common of the seven types of curriculum found in schools. A simple
observation in the classroom reveals that the curriculum is being taught. It is the main activity in the
classroom and the reason why students attend school and teachers teach.
Are these all found in the school setting? How do curricula relate to one another?
These curricula can all be found in a classroom setting. They are the crucial components that make up
the school processes. These are the procedures that the teacher must follow in order to effectively
teach the students. This means that a teacher cannot begin a curriculum without first considering the
one that comes before it. They influence each other and should be viewed as interconnected factors
influencing learning.
The Recommended Curriculum forms the basis for all curricula, with K-12 guidelines guiding the lesson
plan. The Taught Curriculum includes the teacher's pedagogy, materials, assessment tools, learned
outcomes, and other learning factors. The four types of curriculum are the components of the Taught
Curriculum, ensuring effective teaching for students or end users.
A. Planning
B. Implementing
C. Evaluation/Assessing
How does the teacher whom you observed compare to the ideal characteristics or competencies of
global quality teachers?
My resource teacher embodies the characteristics of a globally competent educator. As I have observed,
he effectively implemented his lesson by being flexible and creative in facilitating instruction by
employing approaches that meet the needs of the students. He also encourages student collaboration
and independence, and he is technologically savvy. He embodies the characteristics of a world-class
Can you describe the disposition of the teacher after the lesson was taught? Happy and eager?
Satisfied? Disappointed and exhausted?
I could see the teacher's satisfaction through her eyes. He ended the class session with a smile on his
face, indicating his delight that his students had learned effectively. He was pleased that the students
were active, participative, and received high evaluation scores, indicating that they understood the
lesson and were able to apply what they had learned.
Can you describe the majority of students’ reactions after the lesson was taught? Confused? Happy
and eager? Contented? No reactions at all.
Students were more eager to learn in the following subject or lesson as a result of the teacher's lesson.
Their strong performance encouraged and inspired them, and they thought the lesson was simple. This
indicates that the lesson was effectively taught and that the pupils found it enjoyable.
To effectively implement a lesson plan, it's crucial to read concepts, gather materials that align with
students' interests, and use technological tools like PowerPoint presentations, videos, and web-based
blogs. Plan engaging activities that promote collaboration and teamwork, and ensure that evaluation
aligns with learning objectives. This will help students enhance social skills and work better with their
Will the outcomes be achieved with the teaching methods used? Why?
Positively, the objectives will be successfully met through the application of instructional strategies. The
planning and execution of the teaching strategies ensured that they effectively addressed the learning
If students who perform well in the activity set and receive passing or above-average scores will have
their progress toward the outcomes indicated in the Evaluation and Assessment section.
I've learned that in order to accomplish your objectives when creating a lesson plan, the three elements
must be in alignment. To find out where your students are at in the learning process, you must decide in
advance what knowledge, abilities, and values you want them to acquire, choose the most effective
strategy to achieve the desired outcome, and provide evaluation and assessment that is anchored with
your learning outcomes.
What value will it give to the teacher if the three components are aligned?
The teacher will understand the value of success if all three elements are aligned. This includes success
in delivering lessons quickly and instructing students in an efficient manner.