Week 6
Week 6
Week 6
Aquaculture environments that are suitable for growth and reproduction of cultured animals are also
hospitable to potential disease agents such as parasites. It is no wonder then that fish mortalities and
abnormalities associated with parasites as disease agents are well documented, indicating their importance
in aquaculture.
The study of parasites involves an understanding of certain existing relationships in a particular
population. Symbiosis or “living together” is a relationship that benefits one or both parties. In commensalism,
no party is harmed and both could live without the other. Mutualism is a relationship where both parties
benefit from each other, and neither could live without the other. Parasitism is a one-way relationship in which
one party (the parasite) depends upon, and benefits from, the other partner (the host), biochemically and
Disease Diagnosis
Disease diagnosis involves recognizing the occurrence of an abnormality and identifying its cause.
Diagnosis of fish disease is a relatively new service available only fairly recently and the range of laboratory
procedures is still limited. The eventual findings are not always very definitive, though the elimination of
certain possibilities may still prove useful. A meaningful diagnosis is most likely where the fish are under the
fish are under the closest supervision, and where the fish farmer is able to provide data on environmental
parameters and management practices employed.
Sign of Diseases
A sick fish often exhibits some disease signs before it dies. The first indication may be reduced
feeding. Abnormal changes in fish color and behavior are among the earliest signs seen in affected fish. The
fish may stay away from the school, or swim at the surface or along the tank sides. The fish may also exhibit
flashing, scraping on the bottom of projecting objects, darting, whirling or twisting, and final loss of equilibrium.
In addition to these changes, body surface abnormalities and lesions may be observed externally or internally.
Fish disease follows a format similar to that applied to other animal species, with more importance
given to water quality parameters because of their direct effect on fish. A good history of the disease should
be supported by personal observations before performing post mortem examinations. Following a gross
appraisal, the most usual routine procedures are parasitological examinations, bacteriology, and
histopathology. The last two procedures may require laboratory support. The following lists of on-site and
laboratory procedures to investigate disease outbreaks are recommended by Anderson and Barney (1991):
On-site investigation:
Examine fresh materials from healthy, moribund, and dead fish;
Collect fish tissue samples;
Measure environmental conditions (temperature. Oxygen, etc.)
Investigate physical factors and rearing conditions; and
Gather information on time-course of mortalities.
Deliver suitable samples with accompanying information to the diagnostic laboratory as soon as
Laboratory Procedures:
Presumptive identification of pathogens (viral, bacterial, fungal, parasitic, etc.)
Positive identification and confirmation:
Test for drug sensitivity and effectiveness: and
Evaluation of recommendation and reports of additional analysis (histopathology. Toxicology, etc.)
Correct diagnosis is essential in selecting the best management approach to correct the problem and the
best possible treatment for the disease. It will be useful as a reference for installing future disease-preventive
aquaculture procedures and practices.
I. Classification of Parasites
Parasites live in a variety of environments. Those that live on the external surfaces (skin, fins, and
gills) of the host are called ectoparasites, while those found in the internal organs are called endoprasites.
Parasites may have a direct life cycle, that is, only one host is needed to complete the parasite’s life
cycle. Parasites may also have an indirect life cycle or they utilize more than one host to complete its life
cycle. An “intermediate host” is one where the larval stages of the parasite usually develop while the “final
host” is where the adult stage develops. The final host often feed on the intermediate host. A parasite may
also stay in another host, a “carrier or paratenic” host, but does not develop in this host. Some parasites are
hostspecific. This means that they can parasitize only one or a limited number of host species. Parasites that
are tissue/ organ-specific parasitize only a particular tissue or organ. An understanding of a parasite’s life
cycle patterns is useful in disease prevention, since the parasite may be eliminated at the weakest point of
its life cycle
Most protozoan fish parasites have a direct life cycle with no intermediate host. Myxosporean
parasites (Myxobolus cerebralis) and blood-parasitic flagellates and haemogregarines are also considered
to have a life cycle with a secondary blood-feeding leech as an intermediate host.
Species Affected: Carp, tilapia, milkfish, seabass, mullet, siganid, grouper, and snapper
Gross Signs: The parasites are attached mainly on the gills (Fig. 5-2b) and skin of the host.
Affected fish appear weak with excessive mucus production and with frayed fins.
Effect on Host: Excessive numbers of the parasite on the skin and gills of infested fish may interfere
with respiration. High mortality was observed among young fish. The adhesive disc can cause direct damage
to the branchial epithelium resulting in gill lesions.
Diagnosis: Microscopic examination of wet mounts of gill filaments and scrapings from skin
show saucer-shaped organisms, surrounded by cilia around its perimeter.
Prevention and Control:
2-3% salt solution for 2-5 min for 3-4 d (carp fry)
100% freshwater bath for 1 h for 3 d
100 ppm formalin+10 ppm Acriflavin for 1 h for 3 d
Myxosporeans – the spore (7-20 µm) is the infective stage, and is composed of 1 to 7-spore shell valves,
1 to 2-sporoplasms and 2 to 7-polar capsules. Myxosporeans are parasitic in organ cavities and tissues of
Monogeneans are ectoparasitic flatworms, <1-5 mm long, with posterior organ of attachment called
haptor armed with hooks and/or suckers.
Causative Agents: Gyrodactylus, Dactylogyrus, Pseudorhabdosynochus, Benedenia
C. Digenean
Digeneans are endoparasitic flatworms measuring 1-2.6 x 0.2-0.8 mm with 2 sucker-like attachment
organs located at the anterior and ventral portion.
Causative Agents: Bucephalus, Lecithochirium, Pseudometadena, Transversotrema,
Stellantchasmus, Haplorchis, Procerovum, Prosorhynchus, Hemiurus
Species Affected: Bighead carp, grass carp, milkfish, seabass, grouper, siganid, and mullet
Gross Signs: Presence of small, white to yellow or brown to black cysts on the skin, fins, gills,
muscle, stomach or intestine. Affected fish have distended abdomen. Growth retardation has been observed
in some cases.
Effect on Host: Affects growth and survival or disfigures fish. Disrupts function of vital organs. It may
cause mild diarrhea to cardiac and visceral complications in humans (definitive host).
Diagnosis: Gross and microscopic examinations of the gills, muscle and internal organs for opaque or
creamy cysts containing motile metacercariae.
Prevention and Control: Elimination of intermediate host
D. Cestode
E. Nematode
Nematodes are unsegmented roundworms; female, 7-21 x 0.18- 0.8 mm; male, 3-9 x 0.1-0.5 mm
F. Acanthocephalan
Acanthocephalans are “thorny- or spiny-headed” elongated (10 mm long) cylindrical worms,
having an anterior refractile proboscis with hooks
G. Mollusc
Causative Agents: Glochidia is the larval stage of freshwater bivalve molluscs that may attach to fish.
The margins of their shells have sharp teeth
Species Affected: Freshwater fish
Gross Signs: The shell valves are attached to gills and outer surfaces of fish.
Effect on Host: The gill tissue is destroyed. The respiratory function of the gills during severe
infestations is disrupted. Secondary bacterial and fungal infections result when the parasite leaves the host.
Diagnosis: Gross macroscopic and microscopic examination of the host fish
Prevention and Control: Adequate filtration of intake water to prevent entry of larval glochidium
Causative Agents: Vorticella (10-150 µm), Zoothamnium (50-250 µm), Epistylis (160 µm) Acineta
(35-55 µm), Ephelota (250 µm)
Species Affected: Shrimps, crabs
Gross Signs: Heavily infested shrimp have fuzzy mat on gills and body surface.
Effect on Host: The parasites may cause respiratory and locomotor difficulties when present in
large numbers. Heavy infestation may result in mortalities, particularly at low oxygen levels.
Diagnosis: Microscopic examination of wet mounts of shell and gill scrapings.
Prevention and Control:
Removal of organic detritus
Rigid sanitary control of rearing water
For adult shrimps, 50-100 ppm formalin, 30 min (for Zoothamnium) or
30 ppm formalin (for Epistylis)
B. Sporozoans
Sporozoans produce simple resistant spores with a special apical complex used in the invasion of
the host cell. They can occur in the intestinal organs, muscle tissue and skin of fish.
Causative Agents: Gregarines
Species Affected: Penaeid shrimps
Gross Signs: Gregarines may be detected in the digestive tract microscopically
Effect on Host: Large numbers of the parasite attached to filter apparatus of shrimp may possibly
interfere with filtration of particles moving towards hepatopancreatic ducts or passing through the stomach.
There is a considerable growth retardation. Infection rate in pond-grown shrimps was reported to reach 94%.
Diagnosis: Microscopic or histological examination of the digestive tract of the host.
Prevention and Control:
In the hatchery, filter or chlorinate seawater used for rearing
In grow-out ponds, eliminate the molluscan intermediate host
C. Microsporeans
These are intracellular parasites with unicellular spores (3-10 µm) containing protoplasm and
coiled polar filament
Causative Agents: Nosema (Ameson), Agmasoma (Thelohania), Pleistophora, Glugea,
Species Affected: Penaeid shrimps
Gross Signs: Affected hosts are weakened and easily stressed. Infected areas (cephalothorax,
abdominal muscle, and ovary) turn opaque white because of the presence of spores and other stages of
the parasite, thus the term “cotton” or “milk” shrimp or “white ovary” disease Infection may result in sterility
of spawners with white ovaries.
Effect on Host: Penaeids with spores in the ovaries become sterile. In crabs, microsporidians
cause lysis of muscle tissues and increase vulnerability to stress.
Diagnosis: Microscopic examination of fresh squashes of Giemsa-stained smears from
infected areas will reveal spores. Histological sections also provide positive
Prevention and Control:
Isolate and destroy infected individuals
Avoid contact of infected brood stock with offspring
Disinfect culture systems with chlorine or iodine