Ashoka Dhamma
Ashoka Dhamma
Ashoka Dhamma
Historical Background
• Ashoka the son of Bindusara succeeded to the Mauryan throne
in 269 C.E
• Until about a100 years ago he was merely one of the many
king mentioned in the Mauryan dynastict list
• In1837 James Princep deciphered an inscription in Brahmi
script of a king name Devanampiya Piyadasi(Beloved of God)
• Later many such inscriptions were discovered
• In 1915, another version of the edicts was discovered in which
the king called himself Devanampiya Ashoka
• That established the fact that that both the name were of the
same king, Ashoka
• Ashoka was regarded as one of the greatest king of the ancient
• His greatness lays not in the vastness of his empire but primarily
in his character and the principles and ideals for which he strove
• His only conquest was that of Kalinga(Odisha) which he
undertook 8 years after his accession
• Though victorious, the scene of the battle field haunted him
• His remorse make him to find solace in Buddhism
• He got converted to Buddhism and contributed greatly in its
spread in India and aboard
• This ultimately turned him to Dhamma
• Dhamma is the Prakrit form of the Sanskrit word
• It has been variously translated as piety, moral life,
• But it must be clearly understood that it was not any
particular religious faith or practices
• To understand its various aspects and reason for
formulation it is necessary to sketch its historical
Socio-Economic background